#the last ronin 2 spoilers
The Last Ronin 2: Re-Evolution Issue #1 LIVEBLOG
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Okay so Casey Marie's muscles are something I'm never going to get over. SHE LOOKS GOOD!!!!! Her getup is feeling a little too reminiscent of a cape-wielding superhero for my tastes to be honest - I really loved the more practical outfits she wore in TLR Lost Years, especially in issue 4 when she was running the training mission for the kids. But ah well, I'm sure this will grow on me. It may not be practical (edna's law of no capes is coming to mind, also PLEASE TIE YOUR HAIR UP WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING GIRL!!!) but it's very cunty anyway which I appreciate
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Straight up thought she killed this guy - what was that sound effect if he's still able to walk??? I fr thought she snapped his neck
IDK if we needed a whole 8 pages of punching and kicking to exposition dump what we kinda already knew from what's been shown in the lost years (esp the lost day special) but IT'S FINE IG... NOW ONTO THE BABIES
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GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET. We're ALREADY getting the leo-v-raph adjacent dynamic with these two and I'm living for it. if one of them drops a stone cold 'fearless leader' jab i will lose my shit
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HI? HELLO, EXCUSE ME, MIND-TALKING? PICTURES IN HEAD? ARE WE A FAMILY THAT LUCID DREAMS OR SOMETHING?!?? I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING SOMETHING THEY COULD DO?? every new speech bubble here is like a punch to the gut, wdym telepathy wdym secret lair wdym honouring everything master splinter taught you???? (although i'm proud that when this panel dropped on news sites i was immediately like THAT ISN'T THE KITCHEN FROM LOST YEARS. turns out it was a Secret Lair TM)
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Seance -- TURTLES COUNT IT OFF!!
not gonna screenshot the whole backstory but they're basically doing a telepathic puppet show explaining the backstory and it's pretty much the mirage origins with a bit of extra tlr flair. as always it HURTS ME seeing the turtles dying so thanks for that tlr2 :'')) icb these kids watch a mind movie of their uncles dying every fucking night. yall are messy
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SOBBING AND CRYING,, I WISH YOU'D ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO KNOW HIM TOO!!!!!! I WISH YOU'D GOTTEN TO KNOW ALL OF THEM!!!!! (tlr splinter doesnt count tho because hes a dick)
there was a cool sequence of them rooftop hopping n stuff but i wont cover it bc we already saw it in a bunch of news articles weeks ago
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i just did the SHARPEST INHALE. casey marie you and your beautiful muscular arms have aged like the finest wine
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YI NO!!!!!
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lmaooo moja is JUDGING your taste in women u two
lots of text... blah blah blah jobs, crimerates, blah blah... jiro in pig uniform jumpscare.. casey marie i thought u were going to fix him :(((
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dude that first issue was wordy but the kids were ON POINT. they were so fun!! their dialogue is fun and they kick ass.
i loved yi announcing the punishment for casey while the others were like NOO SHE DIDNT MEAN THAT DONT LISTEN TO HER. we're getting more of their personalities and it's great!! it was a nice throwback to issue 2 of lost years when they were cleaning - yi refused to help because of how strictly she was following instructions. im picking up that she might be neurodivergent but i did get that from the lost years too - only doing things within strict instructions, getting frustrated at teaching odyn chess, not because of him playing horseys with the knights but that it was Against The Rules Of Chess - and now not picking up on some social cues. It's nice to see!! I love her very much, but it feels like besides rehashing the origin story she took a bit of a backseat to the other three.
i want to know more about why uno said being a rebel was moja's 'thing', since she didn't seem to be any more rebellious than the other three in this issue. we didn't get any unique interactions between her and casey marie which is what i felt was lacking from lost years but i wonder if this is hinting towards a more turbulent mother-daughter dynamic with them... I REALLY HOPE SO!! her and uno butting heads in a leo-raph way is very fun - i don't mind one or two prior group dynamics leaking into the new turtle siblings because they're all so different from the original 4.
uno seems to be taking on slightly more of a leader role than moja so i think he won the title of fearless leader. which is fine, i think it'll be fun to see and he's definitely less of an asshole now than when he was growing up in lost years. still picking on odyn a bit but seems to snipe at moja just as much. even when he was commenting on yi's storytelling he didn't make fun of her, though - i think she may have inherited the 2k3 don ability of being Completely Unbullyable.
i was really pleased that odyn felt more involved!! i feel like he took the backseat a few times in lost years - it was fun seeing more of his personality shine through! he and yi seem to get on the best, and i giggled at them rolling their eyes at moja and uno's raph-leo schtick. i didn't expect him to TURN TO FUCKING STONE THOUGH, so i'm nervous about that. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHO DID THIS TO MY BOY? IS HE GOING TO TURN BACK NEXT CHAPTER OR IS HE OUT OF COMMISSION UNTIL THE END OF THE RUN??? (if it's the latter i'll be a bit annoyed - don't take odyn away from the equation please!!)
I do wonder if by introducing casually that they can PSYCHICALLY CONNECT, the turtles will use that as a technique to reach odyn's mind to make sure he's still in there and piece together what's happened to him. i mean, their casual telepathy has gotta be some sort of chekhov's gun right?
and shit.... april was so fucking mad casey took the babies out so she's going to EXPLODE when she finds out what happened to her baby boy, her beloved favourite, her baby odyn :''(( im giggling rubbing my hands together waiting for the fallout but also if she cries i might cry too. speaking of april, she seems to be working on a new project and i saw nano particles mentioned - are we going to have a roninverse version of nano in this run???? I NEED MY ROBOT SON
as always, casey marie... u have aged like fine wine. u are stunning. disappointed that ur still believing that jiro can do good as a cop when their entire police force and government is corrupt as fuck. just feels very naive of her. i'm excited to see her break down at the concept of losing odyn - in fact i need everyone to mourn this beautiful kid. they tell us so much that shes a super clingy helicopter mom and i am picking up on the strict part, but it would be nice to see more of her just... hugging her kids. holding them. i get why she didnt in this issue but id love more mama casey squishing their cheeks and kissing their foreheads.
i have zero fucking clue what's going on with odyn. im wondering if it's somehow related to nano, or to whatever project April is working on - she says it's to do with clearing the tunnels, but I''m not convinced. who knows, there might be some ulterior motive happening.
Anyway, that's the end of my liveblog!! thanks for reading all the way to the end... go read it wherever you read ur comics!!!
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you'd think i'd know my way by now, (but i'm lost, and) now i can't be found
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Can you write about the Last Ronin where we were his girlfriend before everything went to shit and we meet him again but he also get to meet his child as well? Btw I frickin' love your fanfiction, I hope you keep expanding you work.🥹
16 Years: part 1 (Angst)
TLR!Michelangelo x reader
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Part 2 (18+) Part 3 (18+)
A/N: Thank you so much🖤 I feel like writing for TLR has opened whole new world of writing for me, and I will love to do more, even if I cry every time😭🖤 I had “Tout L'univers” by Gjon’s Tears playing on repeat as I was writing this, so when I tell you I was bawling my eyes out, I was BAWLING. For some reason I just had to make everything worse for poor Mikey😭
Warnings: Spelling, The Last Ronin and The Lost Years spoilers, loss of loved ones, loss of child, mentioning of suicide, trauma, self hatred, crying (not just in writing, omg), and probably a lot more.
For 16 years, Mikey had tried to live with the spirits of those he had lost. Trying to find peace with them, and let them be. But he just couldn’t. Mikey just couldn’t rest with all these faces he used to love surrounding him, knowing that he could not help them. Raphael, Leonardo, Casey, April, the Fugetoid, Master Splinter, Donatello, Gerel, Shaka. All of them haunted him, speaking to him, telling him what to do. His brothers even went so far as to belittle him for his actions and failures. Every. Single. Day.
But if there was one face that Mikey couldn’t handle around him, it was yours. He dared not to look at you, nor the child you carried on your hip. The pain from seeing the two of you, in complete silence, not speaking a single word, being the only ones that actually did as he asked - staying quiet and letting him think. He looked at you once, the pain of seeing you and the young child in your arms, was almost enough for him to end it all before he even made it to Korea.
But though Mikey never looked at you, he felt your presence with him everywhere he went. You always followed closely behind, carrying your little bundle of love, just like you did the day he lost you…
Mikey hated how clearly he remembered it. It had been absolute chaos. They never had a chance. Leo had told him to bring April and the Fugetoid, all making sure nothing happened to you. You, Mikey’s girlfriend, who had been in the second stage of your first pregnancy. You, the only woman that Mikey had ever loved. You, the only person who was willing to let him think of something, other than his horrible war of a family feud, and his so-called destiny. You, the love of his life, and the only reason Mikey has seen a reason to fight in the first place…
Mikey had lingered for too long. That’s at least what he told himself. He should just have done as Leo had said, and gotten you out of the building. He should never had hesitated. If he hadn’t, then maybe you wouldn’t have been caught in the explosion. Then maybe you, April… and the kid would still have been alive.
Mikey still remembered how strangely numb he had been when he woke up from the explosion. His body ached all over, but it was as if he felt nothing. You were all gone. There was no way any of you could have survived that explosion. Leo, the Fugetoid, Casey, April, you… and them. That was what Mikey referred to the long lost life as - them. Giving them a name would just slowly kill him over time, making everything harder than it needed to be. Almost as hard as it was so leave the ruins of your grave, without trying to look for your body. But as much as Mikey wanted to stay and look for you, he had to leave for the last family he had left, before they too were gone.
But like always, he was too late for that too. Donnie and Master Splinter was already far gone when he made it to Japan. That was Mikey’s breaking point, and the first time he wished to end his suffering. Everyone was gone. His friends, his brothers, his father, the love of his life and his unborn child. Mikey was angry. Not just at the world around him, but himself. He could just have stayed with the two of you. He could have found you and laid you to rest. Giving you, his brother, his friends and his child a proper burial. But he didn’t, and he hated himself for it.
Mikey hated himself everyday. He hated himself for not being able to protect you, and he hated himself for not taking care of you. And taking care of his own damn child. As he forced himself through the snow of the Japanese mountains, as he trained under Master Yip, when he momentarily went blind in Mongolia, and when he had to fight for his life in Ukraine, before finally defeating Death Worm in Italy, all Mikey could do was think about you and how hate himself. But soon he learned that there was only one way to make up for his mistakes. Revenge. Revenge for all that had been done to his family. Oroku Hiroto would have to feel the pain that Mikey had been feeling for the past 16 years. And that was what Mikey came to New York for. Revenging all of his family, especially the one that didn’t even have a name.
But as it has happened so many times, Mikey’s plans did not go as he intended. His first assault on Oroku Hiroto was a failure to put it frankly, leaving him wounded as he had to retreat to the sewers he once called his home. Here he intended to do what any honorable ninja would do - take his own life before the enemy could get him. But then, for the first time in 16 years, life had better plans for him, the universe deciding to keep him alive once more. Mikey’s wounds were so great, that he passed out of blood loss before any harm could be done to him. That was when Casey Marie found him, calling out for her mother, telling her to help.
Mikey woke up in a warm bed a few hours later. Confused, he scanned his surroundings, wondering if he was dead. It looked like the lair - his old home. But then he saw April, and for the first time the world shone a light upon him. April, his dearest friend, was alive. In all these years, she had been alive. He learned that she was not alone. Her daughter was there too.
“Is it just you and your daughter down here?”, Mikey asked as he slowly swung his legs over the edge of the bed.
“No”, April answered calmly, a smile spreading over her face. “We do live with two others. I really think you should meet them, Michelangelo. Right now they’re out in the sewers, looking for stuff to bargain with on the Black Market, but I think they could be home any time soon”.
And as if April’s words were magical, distant clatter of metal could be heard, alerting them to people entering the lair.
“Aunt April!”, the voice of a young man yelled, the volume of his voice getting stronger as he approached the room. Then he barged in, proudly holding up something in his hand. It looked like a little metal lump with wires sticking out all over the place. “See what I found! Can you believe it?! Someone just dropped this into the sewer! Don’t they know how much this is worth?! Idiots! Imagine the comic books I can get out of Tinker with this! I can finish father’s old collection!”
Mikey froze at the sight of the boy. It was not his impressive height he had for a teenager, nor the muscles on his arms that shocked Michelangelo, but it was the color of the boy's skin. It was green. Light green to be specific. Mikey’s eyes wandered over him, taking him in, ignoring the growing smile on April’s lips, or how the boy suddenly seemed to notice the large turtle’s presence in the room. Mikey’s mouth was dry as he saw the three slender fingers on his hands, his lack of hair, the outline of what looked like a plastron on his front, and the unmistakable shell-like shape on his back. And his eyes, strangely recognizable.
The boy’s hand fell to his side, the metallic object suddenly not seeming interesting anymore. His eyes wide as he took the stranger sitting on the bed. Mikey in turn just stared. The two of them looking with their mouths agasp.
“Yoshi”, a voice sounded out in the hallway, breaking the silence. Mikey’s heart almost stopped. He knew that voice. It was the voice he had longed for so long. The voice he had blamed himself for silencing. Yet there it was. Just outside the door. “Be nice to your aunt. She might be working…”
You froze in the doorway. Mikey almost broke down. It was the face he had forced himself to look away from for 16 years. The face of the silent woman that used to carry a baby around wherever he traveled. You looked older, but still as beautiful as the day he first met you. Your eyes sparkling with the same light he fell in love with, all those years ago.
“Mikey?” you whispered, holding back a sop as your eyes began to water. The mentioning of his name caused the boy’s eyes to flicker.
Mikey could only nod, feeling his heart pump his blood so fast that he was starting to get dizzy. You ran to him, hugging him tighter than you ever had before. His hands tightened around you, his throat knotting up, making him fight for air. He buried his face against the crock of your neck, feeling all of your muscles move as you sobbed against him. You cradled his head against you, holding him against you, tracing his head, shell, shoulders and arms.
“I’ve missed you so much, Mikey”, you sobbed, bringing his head up to look at you, before placing a quick kiss on his lips. That was what broke him. He returned your quick kiss with urgency before he broke down in tears, hiding his face against you once more. 16 years of fear and pain finally boiled over, Mikey could finally let it go. At least for a short while. He almost clawed at your clothes in order to get you closer to him. It was as if no physical connection was enough.
“I’ve missed you too, (Y/N)”, he choked out, letting the tears fall as your comforting hands made shapes on his skin.
Still holding on to Mikey, you turned to look at the boy. The poor guy looked so confused, but Mikey had a feeling. The boy most likely also had. Both of them just waiting for her to confirm what they had already guessed.
“Yoshi, sweetheart”, you said, wiping a tear away, before reaching out a hand to him. “Come and say hello to your father”.
Neither Yoshi or Mikey said a word, staring at each other as he made his way over to you. April wiped one of her own tears away, before she left the room with a smile, closing the door behind her. It was time for the three of you to catch up.
You slowly moved out of the way, letting Yoshi stand in front of Mikey. None of them knew what to say. All they could do was look at each other, trying to calm their erratic breathing. Then suddenly, Yoshi launched forward, wrapping his arms around his father in a tight embrace, the tears rolling down his face. Mikey hugged back immediately, finally getting a chance to hug the kid he thought he had lost.
“I’m sorry, Yoshi”, Mikey choked out, trying his best to keep calm. “I’m sorry I couldn't take care of you and your mother”.
“It’s okay, dad”, Yoshi said, smiling even though his eyes were overflowing and his body was shaking. “I took care of her while you were gone”.
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blue-star-doodles · 1 year
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Edit: Hiyah, the top half of information is now outdated, now instead an au of an au. What is below alternatively is cannon. It's only a sentence of explanation but I don't want to give spoilers, just the super basic idea.
Okay, so I may or may not have made a Last Ronin inspired rottmnt AU.
What if the ending of the rottmnt movie horrifically wrong? What if during the last stand against Kraang Prime, only one of the brothers made it out alive? What if Mikey had been helpless to stop it as he watched from the ground and lost everything? What if he had to step up and find some way to fix all of this before the world collapsed? Almost entirely alone?
What if Splinter had sacrificed himself to give Casey and April a chance to escape from the Kraang sister?
What if Casey was now stuck in a new world, having failed his family twice and now forced to pick up the pieces? What if Casey had nothing left to do but form a new resistance alongside April in the shadow of his sensei?
What would be left to do?
What if the fight against shredder in the season 2 finale went horrifically wrong?
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prospectivehero · 7 months
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BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS - Written by Frank Miller, Illustrated by Klaus Janson
If I have an associate's degree in Batmanology, my dad has a master's degree. In his own words, he has a detailed understanding of characters and their classic stories but doesn't have the expertise of lore or newer stories. He's the guy you'd want to have a deep conversation about Batman, or any classic DC hero, without being gatekept. Because of this, I'm always willing to hear his comic recommendations, especially when he is as excited to talk about this comic as he was.
The story starts with a retired Bruce Wayne. He may have aged well, but Gotham City has not. The many familiar rouges have aged past usefulness or passed away. They are replaced by more colorful thugs and dangerous characters. Gotham seems in worse shape than it has been, but its people don't want to change. Batman no longer stalks the streets in a city doomed to repeat itself. But not even apathy can keep Bruce Wayne away from his calling forever. His conviction calls him back when threats from the past and a new protege reinspire him to change Gotham before it's too late.
Even with my dad's recommendation, I was apprehensive about this comic. Much like The Last Ronin, this is a story of a character I love being written in the context of a darker future. On top of that, this is a story about Bruce Wayne, a character whose darkness and tragedy are often misrepresented. This is a topic for a future episode, but Bruce Wayne is misunderstood as a doomed character in a doomed city. Maybe that's an interpretation of this character that's valid, but I always thought that Batman stories were about hope. Bruce is trying to find light in a dark city. This is best represented in this comic through Carey Kelly, his new Robin. He could die any day, but she has a future that Batman must protect.
The writing and illustration of this comic is masterful. The span of this story is depicted through different media. Bruce's story is interrupted and overlapped by interviews, press conferences, and other relevant narratives. What could easily be a distracting means of storytelling flows smoothly. All of it serves the purpose of questioning Batman and his choices. The reader is challenged as anchors, psychologists, politicians, and citizens argue whether or not Batman is doing the right thing. While the comic comes to its own conclusion, it's realistic about the kind of people who live in Gotham and what those people have to say about a man in a bat costume who takes the law into his own hands.
I am now in my dad's big shoes, recommending this comic. I tend to think that a theme that superhero stories should include is "hope." That's not to say that every good hero needs to be in a universe of sunshine and rainbows, but it is to say that superhero stories are about the future and finding a foothold in it. To borrow from a different universe, superhero stories aren't about falling. They are about getting back up. The Dark Knight Returns is about choosing to get up from a very long fall.
TRIGGER WARNINGS (with potential spoilers) -
1) Implicit Violence - While I wouldn't categorize the violence as gratuitous, it's intense. Gotham's darkness is reflected in how easy it is for a random citizen to find trouble. It gives a distinct picture of how commonplace death and violence are in this version of Gotham.
2) Disturbing Character Designs - The art style represents a dirty and doomed city, and the character designs of a Tom, Dick, or Harry aren't appealing to look at. Even so, some character designs cross the line into gratuity with warts, scars, and other deformities that are hard to stomach.
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zenbivia · 8 months
[Ahsoka Finale SPOILERS]
I thoroughly enjoyed that, weak-ass training sabers aside.
The fight between Morgan and Ahsoka was *chef's kiss
Thrawn literally called her a Ronin, Generation Tech called it.
But oooh those last 10 minutes! Mortis is one of my favorite arcs. I love the mystical side of the force. The statues of the Father & Son with the Daughters head miss!! So much to interpret there. Baylan is likely tied to the Father as he stood on his hand and seems to genuinely sit in between light and dark. Ahsoka is quite clearly the Daughter, very light oriented plus it was the daughter that saved Ahsoka on Mortis & her owl follows Ahsoka around even to other galaxies. Shin is likely going to be connected in some way to the Son. Always seeking power, there's great turmoil behind her eyes. Plus, I feel like her saber appears more crimson than Baylan's.
Very excited for season 2
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deadpool1763492 · 1 year
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin: The Lost Years #1 spoilers below the cut. Read at your own risk.
Edit: Just bought my physical copy yay me
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Okay, I may or may not have ended up reading that issue in 10 minutes because I was so goddamn excited, so here are some of my initial notes from it following my first read through. I will be keeping images out of this post just because the issue was released less than half an hour after I'm writing this. Buy yourself a copy because this story is amazing!
1. "Get up, foolish child!"
So, this line came up a few times in this issue, namely from Splinter, who is saying it to Michelangelo in the midst of battle. It's interesting to see that he's calling Mikey foolish for not wanting to fight anymore.
I can't tell what I think about Master Splinter in this series. Yes, he reminds Mikey that he's not alone in this war and that he will always have his family by his side, but he also says things like, "This is what I have trained you for all your life" and "I will not leave you here to meet a coward's death". It's bittersweet, in a way. Mikey just wants to stop fighting; it was a theme throughout the initial Last Ronin storyline, as well. There's a reason why it ends with "know peace".
And then we cut to Casey, April and Casey's daughter, training the four new turtles we were teased at the end of Last Ronin #5, also yelling "get up" at them during training. I guess this line is going to be a sort of motif throughout the series, this idea of getting up no matter how many times you're knocked down. It's a good lesson, of course, but, as shown through Splinter and the entirety of the first series, it's clear that it has its consequences.
2. The New Turtles
It seems that this series is taking a page from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in having these four new characters be different species of turtles, which is really interesting. Like I said before, I'll be keeping images out of this post for now just for the sake of having other people read the story themselves (and copyright, of course), but I'll list the names of these turtles and what I can gather of their personalities just from the few panels we have of them.
Odyn — He's the biggest of the four at the moment, and all we really know about him is that he's apparently always hungry and he's not a big fan of tai chi because it's "too hard". So, not a big fan of training in general and possibly even fighting altogether, which could prove interesting in the future.
Uno — He's the showoff out of the four of them. He seems physically gifted and enjoys training, whether that be with the others or on his own. He also seems to believe he's better than the others from what I can gather, and doesn't seem to get along well with Moja, who I will get to next.
Moja — She's looks like the short-tempered defender of the group, seeming really similar to Raphael in some ways. She is quick to defend Odyn when Uno makes fun of him, and picks a fight with Uno when he doesn't seize the teasing. Unlike Uno, however, she seems to show a lot of respect towards April and owns up to her mistakes quickly.
Yi — From what I can go off of (which isn't exactly much, considering how little we got of these four), she's the Donatello of the group. She seems pretty calm and collected for the most part, and apparently loves spending time with April in the garage "fixing" things. I just hope she isn't some carbon copy of Donnie and has her own personality, albeit similar to his.
Speaking of similarities, that brings me to my third and final thought when reading this issue.
3. Change is Constant
Did I steal that from the first IDW arc? Who's to say.
So, this theme has been in the franchise for as long as it has existed. I mean, the first episode of 2003 is literally titled "Things Change". It's the idea that life always comes with its twists and turns and that there's no predicting exactly what will happen next. We can't control the universe, we simply exist within it. Empires rise and they fall. That's just life. You can't hold on to something forever because that's how you let that thing consume you. "Know peace," as Michelangelo stated.
Then we get to these four new turtles. Casey never really knew the original four outside of stories told by her mother, which caused these ideas of heroic martyrs to be put into the kid's head all her life. Because of this, her goal with these new turtles is to probably forge them into their predecessors' images. The problem with that is, of course, that's not really how life works.
These kids have big shoes to fill. That much is obvious. I mean, look at the original turtles. They trained their entire life to fight in a war against the Foot Clan. As teenagers, they went to space, they traveled to different universes, they fought other mutants and the US government and so much more. I can bet you that this legacy will come into play in this story, and not exactly in a good way.
Odyn, Uno, Moja, and Yi are not Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. They know this. Casey and April know this. We as an audience know this. What that means, however, is that we should not be putting them into boxes to fit the former turtles. Casey is trying to mold them into her heroes, and April no doubt is probably unconsciously doing the same just because she misses them just as much, but that could be pretty awful for these new guys. Think of it as growing up with an amazing older sibling or family member in general. All your life, you end up just trying to be like that one person, so much so you end up neglecting who you might be. I'm guessing individuality is going to be a big focus of this story, as well.
Well, that's my initial thoughts on this issue. I've been waiting a while for this, and, as a long-time fan of this franchise, I'm so excited to see what comes next in the story. I love how we're finally branching off to new characters and possibly new storylines altogether, all inspired by the original story. Now to wait a month for the next issue. I'll see you all then!
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sea-of-dandelions · 8 months
Hiiii hello I saw your tags I'm climbing in here to ask about daisuke and okame ^^
i hold you. my most reliable mewtual. oblig spoilers for the entire series
Daisuke and Okame are two of the five main characters of the book trilogy Shadow of the Fox (written by Julie Kagawa, published 2019-2020)
Okay a little backstory on the plot itself. It's set in a fantasy version of Japan, Iwagoto, and heavily influenced by Japanese mythology. It follows a half-kitsune, Yumeko, and a demonslayer, Kage Tatsumi (and their group of friends that they pick up along the way. Mentioning Reika here. She's the head miko at this one really important shrine I can't remember the name of).
Essentially, there's this scroll that can summon a dragon and make a wish to alter reality every 1000 years or so. And after last time, it's been split up into three(?) pieces, to avoid. like. the possibility of someone being able to make said wish in 1000 years. Tatsumi has been sent by clan (the Kage/Shadow Clan, samurai iirc) to retrieve the pieces, and allies himself with Yumeko, who also wants to protect the pieces.
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this is literally the best photo I can find of the map online. i cannot find a good photo of the english map. have fun.
Now. Taiyo Daisuke is a noble of the Sun Clan. Related to the Emperor of Iwagoto. An excellent swordsman. Refined, courteous, cultivated, etc etc etc, but disagrees with nobility's prejudices and way of life. And like. Tartaglia levels of bloodthirst here. iirc he went around Iwagoto as Oni no Mikoto and challenging people to duels for shits and giggles. One of the reasons he joins the group is specifically to fight Tatsumi. Has kinda a "neither of us can die until I get to duel you" relationship w him.
Hino Okame is a ronin. Snarky, sarcastic, annoying, loyal to a fault. Archer, gambler, alcoholic. I think some of his backstory was revealed in book 3 but that was the first book i read and it's been about two years since i've read it. I remember he has an older brother he feels very guilty towards. VERY important though, mentioning he refers to himself as an 'honourless ronin dog' several times throughout the series.
Initially, there's a lot of tension going on between the two. I mean. Nobility and ronin. See the above two paragraphs, their personalities conflict in several ways. It's mentioned several times that Wow nobles are dicks to everyone else. so like. what do you expect. Initially, Okame calls Daisuke by his last name (Taiyo). Eventually we see that Daisuke is Not Like Other Girls Nobles, and treats commoners as equals, even Okame.
HOWEVER there's a scene (in book 2, iirc) where the group is travelling to the Steel Feather temple (somewhere in the mountain range). The Confession Scene. Middle of the night. Daisuke and Okame are talking underneath a tree.
It's pretty blatantly stated that they're star-crossed. With like. The whole social status difference and everything. Okame (and likely several other people) would get killed if someone were to find out the Taiyo nobleman was kissing a ronin. being considered less than human and all. yk how it goes.
But they still kiss. Under the moonlight. Tada.
Unfortunately, since this is third person limited with a POV swap between Yumeko and Tatsumi (and Suki in the third book, who is, for all intents and purposes of this post, irrelevant) and you're just Aware that this private scene is being watched by Yumeko (foxed, thank god, but still).
BUT from this point on, Okame calls Daisuke by his first name. And idk when exactly this starts, but Okame starts referring to Daisuke as a peacock, and to himself as a dog. I think it might've came up in the confession scene
As I mentioned earlier, Daisuke is, well, Daisuke. In addition to wanting to fight Tatsumi, his preferred manner of death is to "die a glorious death in battle". Noting here that while Okame being as brash as he is, gets scared shitless and is very vocal about it.
etc etc their relationship progresses over the course of the series, beta couple to Yumeko and Tatsumi.
Nearing towards the climax of the story, they're going up a mountain (pointing to the map. territorio clan de la luna. moon clan territory.) and they're trying to stop the bbeg from summoning the dragon. They get ambushed halfway, Okame is incapacitated, Daisuke stays behind to fight the oni while Yumeko and Tatsumi continue forward.
Briefly. before i recount this entire chapter. Okame gets fatally wounded, Daisuke ends up having to stab himself to defeat the oni. They bleed out in each other's arms. Fully 1000% cuddling soaked in (mostly) their own blood. And depart to Meido together. And later say their goodbyes to Yumeko together. Daisuke gets his wish to die a glorious death and Okame keeps his promise to stay loyal to Daisuke.
And most importantly, by the end of book 3, Okame's petname for Daisuke was 'peacock'.
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Fowo convinced me to Write Up My Thoughts on why I felt The Last Ronin ended up being less satisfying than I’d hoped (I did not take much convincing haha). Beware the cut, beyond thar be spoilers! And lots and lots of words. I got opinions!
To start with, let’s talk about the big mysteries that made TLR so compelling, at least to begin with. There were primarily three:
Who is the Last Ronin? - answered by the end of #1
What happened to the other turtles? More specifically, how did they die? - answered by the end of #4, with each of the 3 turtles getting roughly an issue each dedicated to their glorious (or not-so-glorious) end
What is going to happen in the present?
I’m happy enough with 1, and honestly loved how that played out. So let’s move onto 2, where it started so well and then dissipated into . . . dull clan politics.
2. What happened to the other turtles?
Narratively, TLR emphasised action over emotion. This is actually pretty typical of Eastman’s writing, and you can love it or hate it. Here, I think the comic would have benefited massively from just taking some occasional time to breathe. To stop and reflect on the losses. We get small glimpses of this in the ‘present’, through April more so than anyone else, and Mikey’s hallucinations of his brothers, but what about the past we seem to be fast forwarding through at breakneck speed from #2 onwards?
One moment we’re watching an intimate family dinner between the turtles and their adopted humans get utterly devastated by Splinter’s almost death, and then Raph’s actual death. #2 is where the series peaks for me. It gets absolutely everything right. By the end of #2 I was emotional, I was hurt, and I was desperate to find out the fallout of ‘the first to fall’.
But we don’t find out - not in any way that matters. In the next flashback, suddenly the Hamato clan is a huge, cold, impersonal military operation. Raph is never mentioned, his absence only hinted at by a little red on his brothers’ gear. They don’t talk about how they feel. They’re just planning a military operation.
That’s . . . hard to care about. It’s so far and distant from the tiny found family unit that forms the heart of TMNT. It’s where the series stopped exciting me.
But more than that, the biggest let-down for me was the progressive character deaths. Here’s how they compare:
Raph dies in the only way Raph should ever die - in a fit of self-destructive emotional rage, tearing through an army of enemies by himself, no thoughts head empty full berserker gusto. His death is in-character, it is epic, it suits him, and it carries so much emotional meaning! After all, in #3 we learn that Splinter actually survived. That retrospective irony is so painful, so cruel! If he had just tempered his patience for a little longer . . . but he didn’t, and he’s dead, and that must be terrible for his family to realise, and everything about it just works.
In #3. we move onto Leo, and Casey because it’s a 2-for-1 on main character deaths apparently. Now, I’ve already mentioned my dislike of the Hamato Clan suddenly being this big sprawling military operation, but it’s important to understand what a cold, contextual bed this makes for what happens to Leo and Casey. Now, I know they stand their ground together, defending, uh, a big cold military organisation that we don’t care about. But the together time is kinda nice. However, the simple fact is, in the end they get wiped out by a totally impersonal explosion. That’s it. Standing their ground didn’t even make any kind of difference to anybody. If they’d run like cowards, the outcome would have been the same. Personally I would have preferred a more strident self-sacrifice for Leo. It’s cliche for him at this point, I know, but it suits him. Getting cut down while his actual family members, not the Hamato military, make it away with the time he wins them would have been horrible and also everything I wanted. Imagine if he’d died last, and did it to protect his sole remaining brother. Imagine how poignant that could have been. As for Casey? He should have been fighting alongside his goddamn wife. He should have died biting off way more than his human ass could chew and fighting the odds with a grin on his face anyway. Tag-teaming with Leo was cute, but it also muted and depersonalised their individual deaths. Coupled with the quick, cold explosion method, it felt like a quick kill for page space. But at least it wasn’t completely out of character for them.
Donnie’s death in #4 is the absolute worst on my ranking scale. In fact, the more I dwell on it the more I hate it! Why? It’s incredibly out of character. He blindly and obediently follows his idiot father into an obvious trap, without coming up with any other inventive suggestions or ideas, without objecting strongly to how fucking stupid the plan is. And then he just becomes a sad casualty of his father’s arrogance when he refuses to retreat. Donnie doesn’t do anything to die. The death just happens to him. He doesn’t make any choice that Splinter didn’t make for him. He’s a Clan Hamato sheep! We’re supposed to be saddened by this scene, but honestly, this one just made me mad. I felt like it did poor Don such a huge disservice, and it did not improve my attitude towards TLR!Splinter in the slightest. It’s another impersonal death, another unnecessary casualty of Splinter’s escalating honour war with the Foot. Something that I thought we should be starting to interpret as a core theme, but I’ll come back to how that doesn’t really work out later. I had a thought last night, staring at the ceiling thinking about how I would have written #3-#5 differently for 2 hours. Picture this - during some macguffin Hamato operation, Donnie is given an absolutely critical, life-saving task to stealth into a Foot facility to do something with some tech that only he can do. En route, we see him get attacked, but the scene cuts back to the others and they only hear him talk on the radio about how he’s fine. Later, when the operation is nearing completion, his brothers contact him to find out where he is. Finally we cut visually back to Don, and see that he’s mortally wounded but struggling on with the tech to get his job done, and he has to tell his family he’s not gonna make it out . . . They could have had a conversation, no matter how brief. They could have talked about Raph’s death in parallel. Man, my gut is punching itself just thinking about what they would say to each other in a situation like that. Everything could have just been so much more personal and family-focused, you know?
3. What is going to happen in the present?
Let’s move on. The flashbacks to the past are interwoven with the goings-on of the present, which by #4 are also delivered in a wibbly wobbly timey wimey narrative that sometimes gets pretty chaotic.
Time slows down when we get to see April and Mikey interact in the lair, or April and Casey, and it’s these parts that I love the most. But in spite of that there are a few things that just didn’t work for me across the ‘present’ arc:
Mikey himself felt out of character to me at times. I'm not talking about him being jaded and embittered by his experiences, or even him being a bit grumpy, all of which are perfectly understandable. In particular, though, the way he belittles and mocks and torments Casey when he’s testing her skills is super unlike Mikey. He doesn't treat family like shit, no matter what he's been through. It felt way too mean.
Speaking of Casey, the whole ‘Casey is a mutant’ sideplot fell totally flat for me. What was the point? What did it add, to anything? Even in the final issue, she didn’t really do anything with those vague ‘powers’. Holding your breath underwater for a long time wasn’t really something that HAD to make the cut. The only purpose I can think of is this: during the final fight between Mikey and Hiroto, there is this little exchange that rubbed me up the wrong way: H: The mutant monstrosity playing at family honor, all for a pretend family with no true bloodline to speak of. M: You’re wrong. Our bloodline is the shared mutagen that runs through our veins. Were the writers trying to bridge the familial gap between Casey (who was too young to actually know the turtles) and Mikey by making her a mutant, giving them some biological commonality? If so, well . . . that stinks xP The fact is, found family is a core TMNT concept. The turtles are mutants who accidentally have a mutant rat for a father and love their adopted humans April and Casey and none of them are related biologically, and it doesn’t matter. So for Mikey to phrase it like this to begin with is pretty weird to me. Maybe I’m reaching, but the alternative is that ‘Casey is a mutant’ is just a dud sideplot with no real impact. It could have been removed with zero impact to the story.
An ending where Mikey dies in mortal combat with Hiroto and April and Casey are left holding the baton felt both predictable and completely at odds with some of the themes of the narrative. The flashbacks of each turtle’s and Splinter’s deaths lead us on a road that shows the pointless violence and unnecessary loss involved in perpetuating the Hamato vs Foot feud across the generations. On top of this we have conversations like this really poignant one of Mikey’s with his (dead) brothers about Casey: M: I mean . . . yeah. Right. She’s just a child. L: Good call. She can’t be more than seventeen years old. M: Sixteen. And already tangling with the Foot clan. Sound familiar? D: Apples to oranges, Mikey. We trained our entire lives. R: And she ain’t a mutant, bro. She’s just a kid. Casey and April’s kid! M: And we were Splinter’s kids. And Karai was Shredder’s. And Hiroto’s hers. And here we all are . . . back to square one. Hrghhh I LOVE this exchange so much, because Mikey is making such a good point, but then it makes me mad at the ending because . . . what does this spell out? That the whole ‘going after my family’s enemies for revenge and honour’ cycle will keep on dragging in the next generations and will NEVER STOP until someone CHOOSES to not do it anymore! Mikey was so close to figuring this out, but rather than apply it to himself, he only seems concerned with keeping Casey out of the mix. He knows the lesson, because he writes it in Splinter’s stupid book, but then he takes off solo to fight Hiroto and predictably dies in the process. And what does he say about it? M: It was . . . my duty. M: My . . . destiny. For my family. C: But . . . I’m your family now. YES CASEY PLEASE TELL THIS IDIOT WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT HE IS. Let me speak plainly: Michelangelo did not need to die. A better ending that fit the theme and the narrative would have been this: Mikey beats Hiroto, and I don’t care how cut up he gets doing it (I enjoy the bloodshed >:3), but here’s the important part: He stays his goddamn hand. He chooses to end the cycle of Hamato vs Foot violence. He casts off the Hamato ‘duty and honour’ yoke. And then he throws a humiliated and broken Hiroto to the pissed off population of post-apocalyptic NYC to deal with however they please. And then he retires to the Lair with April and Casey and he becomes her sensei and they live HAPPILY EVER FUCKING AFTER.
But there’s still a lot to love!
The above essay makes me feel a bit bad because I know the team behind this series were so passionate about it, and I’ve even talked to some of them on twitter, and I promise that I wish them ALL THE LOVE. I don’t mean to denigrate any of their efforts, which I appreciate very much, but I, too, am passionate about turtles xD and sometimes it’s just so much more frustrating when something that came SO CLOSE to greatness just . . . clipped the edge.
However, there is still plenty I DO like about TLR, so I want to end on a positive :3
Stuff I really did love:
All the post apocalypse vibes, all of them! The main artist for the present scenes didn’t always float my boat but his work definitely suited the tone and style of the work and I dig it for that reason. Loved how April looked in particular. WRINKLY OLD POWER WOMAN WITH PROSHTETICS, YES.
Everything about #2. EVERYTHING! Raphael, my stupid stupid son . . .
Ben Bishop’s art. Delicious <3
Future April, queen of the resistance and of my heart
Casey Marie, the sassy spry Shadow Jones of my heart
All the positive time Mikey got to spend with Casey and April in the lair, reminiscing. He got hugs and I’m happy for him.
Just, all the sad moments and the emotions and angst. Hhhhh. Like I’ve said before, in many ways, this comic felt like a love letter to me specifically. I will treasure it always, even if I don’t fully jive with the end-to-end execution.
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the more i read through issue one, the more i think the stone situation isn't caused by some enemy - i'm more convinced the cause of it is odyn himself.
(i had about half of this typed up before hashing this concept out in a very cool conversation with @last-ronin earlier today... but i fell asleep before posting it last night, lmao.)
these kids are Developing Powers, guys. they can communicate telepathically, not just holding entire conversations but also projecting imagery into each other's minds. it's unclear at this point whether they can all project images psychically or if that is specifically yi's gift, but it does seem to be implied that this makes her retellings different from uno's and favoured by odyn. i'm on the fence about whether uno's colour-changing ability counts as a power or not since it's something other lizard species can do and he's been doing it since he was a baby. moja is also noted as having an 'overactive nose' literally smelling something 'wrong' which is like... either a very odd character quirk or another sign of enhanced abilities. if she has heightened senses in general, that might have been subtly foreshadowed by the times in lost years where she's seen wearing her headphones even when she's not listening to music.
much like casey growing to inherit enhanced strength and reflexes from interacting with mutagen, it seems like the turtles bodies are also starting to get all funky from ooze exposure. hence the title, re-evolution.
at the end of the chapter, when the babies finally get their chance to fight a real fight, odyn clearly doesn't want to. he's very much giving michelangelo in the lost years - it's making me nervous that at some point we're going to get a 'GET UP FOOLISH CHILD' moment with casey and odyn, because as much as she loves her kids, casey marie is a complete hard-ass on the battlefield. i HOPE that we get to see it play out differently if history repeats. that always felt painfully unresolved in lost years and it really made me resent roninverse splinter. if this happens i'd like casey to have to confront the fact that she DID make these kids to fight a war, that was incredibly FUCKED UP and they DON'T have to accept that.
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(this scene is so hard to read no matter how many times i come back to it. sincerely, FUCK YOU roninverse splinter.)
anyway. here are just a few moments in that final battle where he hangs back while the other three jump in with weapons swinging:
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free my boy. clearly odyn doesn't want to be here rn. he seems rooted to the spot...
...like a statue, wouldn't you say?
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so yeah. in a life where he's been raised to fight or fall, this feels very "third option" to me. this poor kid is in an impossible situation so his body gives him an out where he can keep himself safe like his family want without having to experience the horror of fighting lethal opponents. the problem is, if he's completely frozen solid like this, how does he know when the fighting is over? how does he know when or how to snap out of it?
my prediction is the turtles are going to use their telepathic abilities next issue to break through to him and coax him out of this stone state (possibly creating more hijinks if a new power is discovered in the process). i have NO CLUE if april and casey marie know the turtles have these powers, but they sure as shit are going to find out when they catch their babies performing a seance around their brother lmao.
there's also the possibility of this 'insidious foe preparing to spring a trap' from the issue 2 synopsis... i wonder if they have a way of messing with the turtles' new mutations?
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much to think about. anyway, VERY hyped for issue 2!
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Crystalised part 2 ep 22 spoilers
Last one for tonight bc I don’t wanna watch them too quickly
Aww yeah Pixal you made their cars cool!
Also ronin being pro ninja again. Good for him tho
Jay calling Lloyd a party pooper is an important reminder to Lloyd’s s7 characterisation, I always love a good “Lloyd says we have food at home” moment
I feel like Wu committed one crime and now refuses to sit still. Like he wants in on all the action now
Garmadon why do you be spouting your weird plant son metaphors at Nya?
Oh wait Nya plant nerd?? It’s cute that her mum keeps plants :). Also jay tried to keep houseplants as well
Idk how to spell the scientific plant name but it’s also named after Ninjago. The people of this universe really said we’ll name everything Ninjago, even the plants
Ohno water sadness
At least Garmadon’s favourite son survived. I told you guys no one dies in this show not even the plants
I actually need wu and the overlord to duel bc they both have stupid brain rn. Ck really said it’ll be fineeee, and it wasnt
Also zane really said “and I can kill you again bitch!”
Garmadon: how can I choose between my beloved children Christofern and Harumi?
Lloyd, five feet away from him:
The old man has achieved flight!! Can’t believe Wu Garmadon and the overlord all decided the Sky’s the limit at the same time
Garmadon just poofed that dragon thing
Garmadon shaking his head and wu’s zero brain celled attempt to climb into the overlord’s walls:
The overlord, having an equal number of brain cells to wu:
Wu really chose chaotic gremlin energy
Nooo lava man
Man wu talking about the fsm let’s goo
This fight scene is so freaking cool man
Garmadon saying “brother?” 🥺
Oh god ofc the one thing that can defeat Jay’s final girl energy is simping. Bestie look at the rose Ik ur girl might turn into water again but still
The gang really got separated. Again.
Ahhhhhhh I wanna watch the next ep but also I wanna pace them so I don’t burn through them too quickly and cry when it’s over yknow (although if they disappear immediately before I get a look in I’ll cry)
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rise-tmnt-fan · 10 months
Obviously this is tmnt based and well no one really needs to read this. I just got so happy I wanted to write about it because why not!
I kind of splurged recently!
I got two amazing books… because the reviews are amazing and one went on a tiny sale, while the other isn’t WAY too expensive.
Then I binged read them both…
Now I regret it because they are so good I want to experience them like I was reading it for the first time. 😭
What are the books you make ask.
Well they were the Last Ronin, and the ROTTMNT Complete adventure.
(Before anyone comes at me about how amazing IDW TMNT is I’ve heard and I want desperately to read the IDW books! But sadly I can’t allow myself to buy those books since they are 50 dollars a pop in my area. And I can’t convince myself that it is a good spend if I could buy at least 2 books for the price of ONE tmnt book. Which again, I’ve only seen the best reviews for them too!!! But based on how I was raised, and how tight money is right now I just can’t splurge on them much to my dismay. T-T)
Slight spoilers ahead like emotions that it triggered not legit spoilers of any book because- No. I’m not heartless. I want people to enjoy these books like I have!
And I do have to say, those who told me I would enjoy the last Ronin were NOT WRONG! Dude I consumed it within 30 minutes!! (I read faster than most, can read 200 paged books within 5 hours- if uninterrupted, and thanks to my adhd if I am enthralled in a book I will read it even faster.- Apparently this isn’t a universal occurrence my ma and my sib say they can’t read books fast even if they are enthralled in it.)
Like good golly I was taking breaks just to gush on the quality (both plot and the literal quality of the book) and the art style(s). Like good golly jeepers!!!! It’s too amazing and gosh did it brutally attack my heart better than some real books have recently!!! (Some fanfics have attacked the heart well though recently!! Even after the rereads.)
And Oh man! Rise I had some sad moments because of certain parts but mainly I was just happy to feel like I was watching the show again!! And some of the villains that are shown are legit (and relatable you know which ones I am taking about!). And again loved the art style and plot! Like good golly!!!
Totally worth the purchase!! Best self late birthday gift I’ve gotten myself in a while!! (And yes I do this only because I save a certain amount and when things I’ve been watching for a month go on sale I use that certain stash. If I use that stash I have told myself I won’t spend another cent on fun objects/books (mainly books because I am a nerd with 100 books I’ve bought -and recieved- in the last three years not including the ones I have safely boxed away from my last move) Imma say if you have your eyes on either books you should get them!
Because you should TREAT YO SELF!!
(Please feel free to gush on any book, series or even a fan comic, fanfiction anything tmnt in the comments! I’m in need of a good story to dig into after these two amazing books!!!)
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
My morning dose of being sad about turtles, and afternoon dose of blogging about em.
Last Ronin spoilers, natch, and content warnings will be first thing under the cut
The pictures have blood, piercing wounds, and generally, violence. And metioned on top of that, death (familial), suicide and self harm, and drowning.
those are pretty telling aren't they....
Starting with flash back content.
[Image descriptions same as alt text]
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[ID: Raphael running into April and Casey's appartment, dripping blood and knocking over a chair. He yells "Make a hole! *Incoming!*". April who'se recoiled from his entrance says "Oh my god... *Raph?!*". Raph wears a leather vest/harness that covers the front and back of his shell, and has a thigh holster. END ID]
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[ID: Mikey and Donnie holding up a very injured and bleeding Splinter between them. Donnie says "April grab the *med kit!* Bring *everything!*, and Splinter groans in pain. Mikey is also yelling. END ID]
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[ID: Mikey and Apirl lifting Splinter onto a table, April at his head, and Mikey on one arm. The table is quickly covered in blood. Mikey says "Easy... easy..." END ID]
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[ID: Donnie holding Splinter's other hand in both oh his, looking crestfallen. April hold a part of scissors above Spinter's head and says "Donnie, help me *cut* the clothing way and clear all this blood." Donnie replies "I... I... I don't know *where* to start." Donnie wears a brown hat with ear flaps, his eye mask aroud his neck like a scarf, and light coat. END ID]
crestfallen... broken... completely shattered? maybe thats just me tho.
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[ID: Raph sitting at the table by Splinter's feet, arms crossed infront of him. He says "Foot bastards..." Mikey stands near him, looking sadly over Splinter. Mikey has a sleeveless hooded coat. END ID]
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[ID: Leo sheathing one sword, he wears a dark brown leather duster. He has a few splashes of blood on him. END ID]
And thus completes the turtle fashion, sadness edition. Fellas I know its like. The worst day of your life (worst day of their life *so far*), but, you look great.
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[ID: Donnie in profile looking solemn. Raph behind him has both hands to his head, face scrunched up in anguish. END ID]
I cannot bare these expression. I feel like im gonna explode. But it gets worse
The trifecta of mikey softness and utter devastation. [All are of Mikey sitting by Splinter's side, holding his hand]
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[ID: 1. Gazing sadly at Splinter, expression looking wobbly saying "Rear guard Sensei. Making sure we all got *Clear.*" 2. Splinter is pained as he says "Karai... trying to end it... once and for all." Mikey in profile, tears running from under his mask, says "Shhh... We *got* you, Sensei. It's okay." 3. Small drawing in the corner of a panel. The hand hold is a very gentle clasp now. Mikey's eyes are closed and he's leant very close to Splinter's snout, as if they could be whispering, bumping heads, or just listening to his breath. END ID]
fucking. I. YOU. ArGH. my boy.... my boy.
time to miss that side of him even more.
[In all, present Mikey is devoid of gear, clothes or eye mask, but is his head and arms have many small square bandages]
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[ID: Mikey in the foreground, sitting at a table, at the other seats are visions of his brothers, desaturated and in cooler tones. They have their identifiable features now, masks slightly tinted, and gear visible. They also look significantly younger than Mikey. There are 3 cups, a dirty plate and screwdriver -near Donnie- on the table. Leo says "Yeah. Hard to believe *anyone* survived that." And Raph adds "Talk about *miracles*... Right, Mike?". Mikey says "Uh... Yeah. Yeah. Right." END ID]
really comparing the flashback turtles to him fucks me right up. but anyway. donnie's inexplicable screwdriver tho...
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[ID: Mikey standing up behind his seat at the table, now seeing the chairs and table top as completely empty. He finishes a previous sentence "... Honor." END ID]
Oh my friends, my friends don't ask me what your sacrifice was for.... much... jesus.
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[ID: Mikey standing in a kitchen, as seen from the far side of the table. He raises a cup of tea and says "I *will* finish what *we* started. What *Master Splinter* raised us to do. The last *Oroku*... [will die.]". The three phantom hands of his brothers raise their cups too. END ID]
now. now. hmm. I. That's concerning. That. that doesnt seem good.
but. questions of parenting or perhaps lessons long since twisted, for a quest of vengence aside. I have to ask. Do u think perspective is just hard (to draw and interpret) or maybe Raph just like. Really likes big cups of tea...
Well speaking of him. Wonder how he was holding up in the past.
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[ID: Raph, covered in blood, numerous arrows pierce his leather vest, his shell, and his skin. In a low stance he holds his sais up, teeth grit. Framed by a red moon is Oroku Karai, dressed in all red, two swords in backwards grips, and descending upon him. She says "Yes... *We will*!" END ID]
oh... okay then....
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[ID: Two panels, of Raph fighting, even more battle damaged. 1. Arm outstretched, hes taken a sword in the junction between his shoulder and his shell almost up to the hilt, bleeding heavily. 2. Blocking a strike aiming at his head with his sai, head partially retracted into his shell. Karai and him are both down a weapon, his other hand empty and both of hers on her remaining sword. END ID]
So again. The not pictured for sake of. Not posting the whole dang comic and. for. ough boy. of it. Him and Karai's fight is a tragic symmetrical erosion until they end up in the water. Grappling and with one free hand each they stab each other. Great visuals, fucking heartbreaking. Thematic mirroring for the cost of violence for violence... The revenge for the deaths of their father's. (That would be. Assumed death, on Raph's part tho. which, aint that the kicker...)
So like. The suicidal solo mission acts of revenge run in the family huh.... woof.
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prospectivehero · 8 months
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THE LAST RONIN - Written by Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, and Tom Waltz, Illustrated by Kevin Eastman, Esau & Isaak Escorza, Ben Bishop, and Luis Antonio Delgado
Holy guacamole on French toast, Batman. This comic had me feeling so many things. All of those things resulted in tears. I was crying through most of this comic, and I'm crying now as I type this analysis. This will be more spoilery than others, only because I talk about the identity of the Last Ronin. The story doesn't hide this information for too long, but it's only fair to warn you.
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This story begins following a no-longer-teenage, mutant ninja turtle in an attempt at revenge on the grandson of Oroku Saki. New York has been changed by the oppression of Oroku Hiroto, and this may be the old turle's last chance at revenge. He is followed by the voices of his brothers, offering advice and criticism, nothing unusual for their dynamic. The turtle failed his mission and, as a result, attempted seppuku. The reader learns the truth. Michelangelo has lost his brothers and father. He is saved by Casey Marie Jones and her mother, April O'Neil, who lost a father and a husband.
In the particular trope of the "post-apocalyptic future of a world full of characters we know and love," the tone is usually somber. This story could allow a writer to explore a character's darkest moments and who they are when there's no hope. Unfortunately, this trope is rarely used to its fullest potential. Instead, we get some grimdark tragedy intent on ruining childhoods through nostalgic manipulation. I feared this as I began reading this comic. As expected, I did have to experience these characters' deaths, but it wasn't gratuitous or needlessly dramatic. Each character death was meaningful and respectful. Better than that, none of their deaths were useless. They died in battle, defending each other and their convictions.
There is a future podcast episode exploring why April and Mikey were the survivors because it deserves more discussion. The most important takeaway for brevity is that they have the most hope and the least attachment to honor duty or vendetta. The voices that follow Mikey around are his guilt, personified as his brothers, who died failing to settle the score. And he lived.
If I were to offer any criticism, the relationship between Mikey and Casey Marie feels rushed. By the time Mikey goes after Hiroto on his own terms, we're meant to believe that the two have become close, and Mikey has become a father figure and Sensie for her. Either I missed it, or the comic is missing some information about the time spent together, so their closeness felt sudden. Casey Marie, as well as Oroku Hiroto, feel like weaker characters, but that can't be helped since many of the other characters are already well-known. This isn't their story anyway.
If we are to believe this is a definitive end to the turtle's story, then it's a grand ending. I won't spoil the climax or the denouement because both were too satisfying and vindicating to sum up so easily. It feels all the more meaningful that Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird had their hands on this project. The character designs were recognizable but unique, and every page was beautiful. What really made me giddyy was turning a page to see the style suddenly change into the original comic's art style when Mikey or April were talking about their past. It was thrilling to see that old style incorporated into this particular story in such a significant way.
TRIGGER WARNINGS (with potential spoilers) -
1) Blood and Violence - There is not over-the-top violence, but there is realistic blood and injury.
2) Death and Mourning - If it bears repeating, the reader is subjected to many familiar characters dying. Though the deaths aren't disgusting, they are well-depicted. It might be an emotional read for sensitive TMNT fans and people who don't handle death well.
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milfglupshitto · 1 year
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calpalsworld · 2 years
Okay so I attempted liveblogging Ninjago Crystallized Part 2 last night but as I've explained before I'm really really really really really pathetically unbelievably sensitive to weed so I took just a little too much and I freaked it 😦 sorey for spamming. Might do some cleanup later.
Anyway, NS15 spoilers, I thought what I saw of it was really really really really really really really really bad, but that was probbbbably just because I was high. Its probably actually good. But at the time I kept thinking the opposite "if im high and thinking its bad... imagine how bad this must actually be!!!!" and i imagined something bad beyond comprehension and I was appalled. Anyway I got mad whenever ll*rumi would happen so I would just watch numberblocks on my phone instead of looking at the ll*rumi on screen. I was getting mad about how everything was just a continuous up and down battle, because I like the seasons where they fail and fail and fail until they finally succeed (which is a lot of seasons). I'm not even sure why else I was mad. But when Ice Emporer showed up I felt so chilled.... genuinely scared.... and that truly was a catalyst for me freaking out. I got scared by him, yet simultaneously excited about Ronin being present so I started crying I think??????? Anyway Miles (AUTHOR OF THE AMAZING "PADDLING OUT" DISCO ELYSIUM FIC BTW.... go read it de fans) put on numberblocks for me after I begged him to turn Ninjago off. But then Numberblocks which is for TODDLERS started to freak me out... I got to 14s introduction episode and I couldn't understand why 14 was a skateboarder.... genuinely terrifying....
Hopefully I actually finish crystallized today and I can give good thoughts and critiques.
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