#the mod talks
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Hey peeps!! Just popping in to say that this blog is going to be on pause for a while! I've been a little busy lately, and I think it would be best to take a tiny break. (Not dead, just paused :])
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gryphonanon · 5 months
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I was in a drawing mood earlier today, and I ended up doodling your versions of Kaufmo, Gangle and S-Gangle!
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ask-october-fox · 2 years
For what it's worth, I do think a lot of people here still love your story! I know I've been looking forward to getting my first notification of the year. Definitely take care of yourself though, that's the most important thing.
If it were a vote, I say the graphic novel style idea sounds extremely cool ♡♡
((Thank you so much for this reply and insight on my post, it really has helped me a lot to gauge my feelings on everything. When I wrote that message I wasnt in the greatest of thoughts, but now having come back and seeing the replies and comments has me feeling a lot better. The graphic novel style is something im considering a lot- fewer pictures, but more quality put into them- I think would still work. Would you believe im not really that great of a comic artist?? Hence why I dont make actual comic pages, haha! Either way, I do want to make sure the story is told one way or another, however that ends up being. I wont leave you all left hanging! ))
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sulli1361 · 1 year
To those that I RP with- I haven’t forgotten about you at all! I was on vacation and finally feel back to normal. Responses should be coming shortly. Thanks for your patience, and I’ll apologize ahead of time for any peculiar Disney or Harry Potter reference.
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trudystreasuretrove · 1 month
[I remembered shiftythrifting while I was in the process of making Trudy, and now I can't stop scrolling through their archive and laughing at some of the cursed things people find in thrift stores.
I kinda want to do a silly gimmick thing where whenever someone asks for something from Trudy, I'll find a weird/cursed image that fits the criteria and post it. For example, if someone wants to buy a piece of furniture, I might end up posting a denim armchair or a coffee table that is encrusted in seashells.
Or alternatively if someone asks for a surprise, or wants to browse, I could post something completely random that they find.
Dunno if I'll end up doing it, but I think it'll be a funny, silly thing to do.]
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autistickaitovocaloid · 3 months
Today in vc we discussed the concept of a gmod funeral so I drew my interpretation.
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creation-help · 7 months
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sawkinator · 2 months
My Stardew Valley hot take is that I simply do not think the fishing minigame is as bad as people make it out to be
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androdragynous · 11 months
as my own direct immediate list of game grievances i hate that stardew valley expects you to side against a wheelchair user who is upset that he was moved without his consent. i hate that the mass effect trilogy gives you visible scarring as a direct result of choosing mean dialogue and heals it if you're nice. i hate that the vampire the masquerade ttrpg has a monstrous player class that can appear as horrible vampiric monsters or as visibly disabled people and both of these appearances are mechanically the same. i hate that dark souls games have a difficulty level implemented in a way that cannot be adjusted for disability. i hate that i can play as a mermaid or a werewolf or a horse in the sims games but can't use a wheelchair. i hate that the ace attorney games have so much flashing and not all of the games can disable it. i hate that disability is constantly something that happens to teach a lesson, i hate that disability is something that happens as a punishment, i hate that disability is either compensated perfectly with no drawbacks or something that is endlessly sought to be cured. i hate that no character customization will ever include the mobility aids i use, that the player avatars that represent me will never look like me. i am so goddamn annoyed and so goddamn tired.
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glitchedmagic · 4 months
once season 9 wrapped up, i'd been thinking about the way the hermits made the server have such a distinct sound
all of the goat horns, from "SHADDUP" to "hi im cleo" and the john cena one. all of the music disks, like pearl's cleaning lady ad and all the amazing songs. not to mention the tcg song, all of the do audio design, the voice of the museum, and more.
and i was wondering what hc s10 was going to sound like
i did not predict wet fish slapping
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Made blackout poetry with a follow up terf ask that got sent <3
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Hello peeps!! The inbox has been cleaned out (for mental health reasons!), so if everyone could please send some new ones in that would be great! :]
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gryphonanon · 27 days
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So... um... does anyone want a little extra angst to go along with all the other angst that's happening?
@silhouette-anon @master-dealmaker
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ask-october-fox · 2 years
Are my posts showing up?
I have a few things in queue for today, and for some reason, they seem to be disappearing from my queue list but not showing up on my feed or page. Is anyone else having this problem or have noticed this? I had a very nice message from a user who’s name I cannot remember (my apologies) that was set to go up an hour ago. It was a long message with a long reply and now it seems to have been eaten. :/ EDIT: ok I got one of the posts back, but it def did not post at the time I had set it to. So.. IDK. Guess I just need to keep an eye on it 
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sulli1361 · 1 year
Introducing...The Mod!
So lately, I've been noticing that I have been interacting as myself on here rather than one of my numerous OCs. As a result, I decided to make a brief introduction so then you all know who you're talking to!
Mod's Name: Sulli
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Likes: Weather, Reading, Caring For Others, Writing, Dancing, NHL Hockey, Ice Skating, Paranormal Encounters, Divination, Animals- Especially Fluffy Ones
Dislikes: Jerks, Any Enemy of the Nashville Predators, Balloons, Lightning, Heights
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Pretty much, this is what I look like, except my eyes are ocean blue and I am a few inches over five feet! I'm often dubbed the Mom friend of any group, so I naturally care for people that need it the most! I don't fight, but it won't stop me from standing up for those that I care about!
Any post coming from me will be tagged with the mod speaks or mod talks. It's sometimes fun to be yourself! Even though all of my characters have a piece of me in them...it's not quite the same as being me!
Oh! Should I be forced to fight, I'll probably end up summoning a being and running away...after all...I'm not in the best fighting shape.
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The Mod's Spirits:
Karina- Gate of the Keel
Spirit's Lore:  A traveling spirit that likes to go on adventures. This spirit has seen a lot and enjoys being bonded with users that yearn for adventures.  This spirit will do anything in its power to ensure that its keyholder stays safe and sound, and has no problem telling the truth.  However, this spirit is rather sarcastic.
Spirit's Constellation:  Argo Navis
Spirit's Powers: Not only can the spirit travel fast on land or sea, it can manipulate water to do its bidding.  It does not need to be summoned from water.
Spirit's Appearance: A female that is about five and a half feet tall.  She wears glasses, along with a blue sailor dress.  She has on black boots, and her hair is just above the shoulder.
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Gate of the Firebird- Fawkes
Spirit's Constellation- Phoenix 
Spirit's Lore: WIP
Spirit's Power: Much like its constellation, this spirit has the power to burn opponents down- and heal those who hold its key.
Spirit's Appearance: WIP
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trudystreasuretrove · 1 month
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Hello! Come in! Come in! Do you have goodies for me? Oh, I hope you do! Wait, are you here to trade instead? We can do that too! Have a look around at my treasures! Let me know if you see anything you like!
[Boundaries and other info below cut!]
Boundaries and Other Things:
-Anyone coming into my askbox/messages with racism, LGBTQA+phobia, ableism, and any other hate speech will be blocked and reported. I have zero tolerance for such things.
-Any suggestive or romance-type asks will be deleted, unless they are from people who have my permission to send such asks. I get very uncomfortable when people I don't know well send me that sort of stuff, especially since I do not know if they are minors or not.
-I'm kinda slow with replies, so please be patient with me. I can also be a bit forgetful sometimes, especially if I’ve got a lot going on. So, if I haven’t responded to something after about a day, feel free to send a gentle reminder via my askbox or messages.
-If you want me to respond to something, please use @trudystreasuretrove, so I can easily find it. You don’t have to tag me when answering asks I have sent, I tag myself in most messages I send!
-For those of you using anon to talk to me, please say who you are in your asks, so I know who I am talking to. I can be fairly oblivious to things like writing patterns, and so I probably won’t know who you are unless you outright tell me.
-If I do anything wrong, or I’ve upset you in any way, please let me know. I'm still getting used to how RPing on Tumblr works and I struggle with social things, so sometimes I make mistakes, but I always strive to learn from my mistakes and get better!
-And most importantly, everyone have fun, be kind to yourselves, take breaks if you need them, and keep being awesome! <3
Trudy Info:
-Trudy is an AI, though nobody is sure where she came from. Trudy does know, but she's in no rush to reveal that information. She's much more content living in the circus, collecting junk from the residents, though.
-Trudy uses female pronouns and is aroace. She is 5ft9.
-Owns a junk thrift shop called Trudy's Treasure Trove. [Haven't decided where it is just yet, but it'll be close to where the majority of the WorldBuildingQuest shops are.] She eagerly accepts any donations to the shop. Everything in the shop is available for purchase, but it works on a barter system, you have to trade something to get what you want.
-Trudy's shop contains a wide range of junk, though rummage through it enough and you might find something actually useful or valuable. If you are looking for something in particular, there's a chance that Trudy will be able to find it or something similar (whether it's undamaged or working is not always guranteed).
-Some of the stuff in Trudy's shop has been donated or traded in by other circus residents, some is stuff Trudy has found around the circus that she took for herself, but most of it just randomly appears in boxes on her doorstop for seemingly no reason.
-You can read through all the RP posts in chronological order using https://trudystreasuretrove.tumblr.com/tagged/the%dragon%20talks/chrono ! Unfortunately, it doesn't work on the Tumblr app, but it does work on mobile browsers! [Need to edit this link once I've made some RP posts so that it actually works]
#The Dragon Talks - for IC things
#The Mod Talks - for OOC. I also use [square brackets] and/or label as -GryphonMod for OOC stuff.
#My Art - for art I have made
#Not My Art - for art other people have made
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