#the niflheim jean
memoria-99 · 3 months
Finding brothers #2
Zeus (Wizardess Heart)
Jean (The Niflheim)
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Loud? ✅️
Leader? ✅️
Childish? ✅️
Energetic? ✅️
Free spirited? ✅️
Dark skinned? ✅️
Simple minded? ✅️
Dislikes nagging? ✅️
Speaks before thinking? ✅️
Is wearing a fur on the neck? ✅️
Flustered MC at first appearance? ✅️
Makes me laugh for whatever reason? ✅️
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eye-burning · 1 year
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Drew the baby girls while visiting Erie <<<33
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moes-artposting · 1 year
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I wasn't going to draw Jean instead I was gonna draw Orlando but here he is the beloved dumbass
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kalim but not kalim
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I KNOW WHAT I SAID... Look at the hair, the eyes???? His personality is similar too, they're both cheery and carefree types from powerful lines!! It's not a perfect match (this character is a lot ashier because he's king of the dead + he's a lot more girl crazy since he comes from an otome game), but close enough for me to shout in surprise dlhasbidsasvdfqeuofippnasn (Besides, is bro NOT taking you out on a magic carpet ride in that last image 🤡 DON'T GASLIGHT ME LIKE THIS/j)
Jamil nyooming in to tell "Kalim" to please cover up, he'll catch a cold www
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Will never uninstall my TheNifleheim+ app -- it's too precious 😩🥺❤️ deserved better -- best Otome Game ever
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niflheim-posting · 1 year
J.J as a dad
Not even in a million years did J.J imagine he would become a father, yet now it's a reality and he's more excited than he's ever been in his whole life.
Now he has a tendency of over thinking everything and anything so during the course of the entire pregnancy he made sure to baby proof the entire lab.
At night he would brings various science and math books to read to his unborn baby just so they grow up to be smart.
J.J also makes sure that his S/O is always comfortable and goes above and beyond taking care of them.
Also imagine a frantic J.J running up and down Niflheim at 3 am just because his S/O is craving strawberries and every single store is closed.
When the baby is born, J.J will be very smug about the fact that he's a dad and constantly claims that his child is as smart as him.
He'll also show them his inventions and experiments. J.J will also let them join him in the lab if they want once they're older and will let them tinker and do their own inventions as well.
This man made his very own camcorder just so he could have every single one pf his kid's milestones and achievements recorded. So far he has 900 videos and 48 picture albums.
Whenever he has to go to the castle he brings his kid along since all the maids and noble women in the castle love it when they come to visit. In fact he's so adored by them all that even King Jean's concubines ignore him completely just to go and spoil that baby rotten. Not even Sunny isn't immune to the baby's cute charm and she'll often be the one watching over the baby while J.J is having an audience with Jean.
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sparklecryptid · 9 months
Please consider, Mamma Mia au for Jean verse :)
Ardyn had a fun month running around Lucis plotting, spying, impersonating people and generally causing chaos wherever he went. And if he seduced a person or three, well, gotta relax sometime.
Only ups, now there is a baby on the way. And none of the potential other-dads are people who could ever be seen within Niflheim borders.
(One of them might or might not be the king)
Jean does not care about how his father got pregnant. He doesn't. Jean has no desire to dig into his fathers meddling in Lucian politics that happened almost thirty years ago to figure out who his other father - or his mother - is.
He does not care.
The three men across from him care very much about who Jean's other parent is. Jean does not recall how he wound up in the Citadel - he thinks Ardyn caused an incident that Jean is not privy to the details - but now that he is here he would rather be anywhere else.
Jean casts a glance at his father who is lounging next to him with a barely there grin on his face.
Jean considers punching him. He does not, but only because it would likely lead to a dislocated wrist and his father giving him his best impersonation of a betrayed cat.
"So," Jean starts because they all sitting in awkward silence and Ardyn is revelling in it, "I'll be frank, I do not personally care if one of you happen to be my father. It makes little difference in my life and I'm fairly certain that you'd try to kill me at some point. So might I suggest we forget the fact my father had affairs with all of you and you all leave me be?"
"We can't," Cor says, blunt as ever and Jean loves him for it, "You're a security risk."
Jean raises an eyebrow.
"You can't possibly be the only ones my father fucked during that short stay in Lucis."
"They weren't." Ardyn is lounging now and Jean makes a note to wear clashing patterns in some neon combination later. "But they were the only ones I allowed to-"
"Okay!" Jean says and is grateful for the fact his skin is dark enough that the heat on his cheeks isn't noticeable. "I get it! You don't need to go any further-"
"-Finish inside."
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wanderer-moonchild · 2 years
So, here's a crazy theory about the abyss twin, Khaenri'ah and the Alberich Clan...
// 3.2 spoilers
Nahida said in the 3.2 quest that someone is obscuring the fate of the abyss twin, right? I wonder if the one who did that was Irmin, the former king of Khaenri’ah. 
At the beginning of the 3.0 archon quest, we see the Irminsul tree under a red sky, which the traveler associates with Khaenri’ah, an underground nation (although probably not entirely undeground?).
AND the description of the Silver Twig, the item we get after the 3.2 archon quest, says this:
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Irmin is another name for Odin, and this is basically Odin’s story, so when I read the item’s description I was like OMGGGG. Odin hanged himself in Yggdrasil to gain knowledge of other worlds and to be able to understand runes. He did this before he exchanged his eye for knowledge too with Mímir, a being that lives beneath Yggdrasil.
Both the Abyss Mages and the Abyss Lectors draw their powers from sacred words, which leads me to believe that Irmin has passed on much of the knowledge he acquired, possibly causing what Nahida called “pollution of forbidden knowledge”.
Since the Irminsul tree is located somewhere underground, this ‘kingdom established along the tree’s roots’ is probably Khaenri’ah. One of the inspirations hyv used for Khaenri’ah could be Niflheim, a land of mist inhabited by the Nibelungs, a race of dwarves or elves, which seems to be another source of inspiration for the people of Khaenri'ah.
So, could Irmin have added information about the abyss twin in the Irminsul tree before he died or whatever happened to him? Could this be the reason they’re so determined to help Khaenri’ah?
Could the Alberich Clan know this?
The title of the abyss sibling is 'princess' or 'prince’, indicating that they aren't at the top of the hierarchy and Nahida’s words sort of confirm this. 
So, maybe they work under the Alberich Clan, but without knowing their true plan. Perhaps they're doing the ‘heavy work’, learning more about Celestia and looking for ways to break the curse, while the Alberich Clan waits for the ‘right time’ to act.
I also think that the situation could be the complete opposite: the Alberich Clan knows of the Abyss Order, but they’re doing their own thing and sometimes they might use them to gain intel. I mean, Kaeya seems to do that. 
In this case, I think Dainsleif might be on their side or, at least, know of them. He literally knows every character in the game. Wouldn’t he be aware of Khaenri’ah’s regent clan? 
Still, I think there’s a connection between the abyss twin and the Alberich Clan because Kaeya says this when the traveler talks to him in Jean’s office during the Stormterror’s quest:
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Did he mean the abyss twin? Does he have memories of the abyss twin from his early childhood or something? Does this mean the abyss twin and the Alberich Clan know each other? Why would Kaeya say that to a person he just met? This dialogue happens before the traveler received his gliding license from Amber.
It’s very odd.
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radnewspaperroom · 1 month
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firefallvaruna · 8 months
Scream by Firefallvaruna
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Available on AO3
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Eight years into the Long Night, Prompto struggles to save a child MT clone from Niflheim agents and daemons alike. --- Through his night-vision scope, Prompto could clearly see the hostage. A little girl, maybe eight to ten years old. Scared, her freckled face wet with tears. And a barcode on one of her wrists peeking out from under a stained and filthy jean jacket. He knew his own face, and it was like looking in a mirror. She looked so much like him when he was that age, right down to the blotchy mess he became when he was upset. He was pretty sure she, at least, was the real deal.
Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Otome Characters I Loved Long Ago...
A/N: I actually had a few days in December where I tried to find characters from older Otome games that I was so in love with when I was in my late teens. It's kinda funny how my love for otome boys seemed to extend well into my 20s. And while some games/love interest paths are no longer available (I'm actually sad by that), some are.
Warning: Major Spoilers?
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Mad (Hatter) - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Like Satan from Obey Me is now, Mad was my absolute favorite character back then. I think where he was so kooky and sweet, I was just so head over heels. And I just loved how he and the MC interacted together (not to mention that there were these two little boys named Humpty & Dumpty who Mad & MC took care of like a family). This man learned to love as the story progressed (and depending on your choice, it got you the good or bad ending). I absolutely adore him.
To be fair, all of the love interests in the game was amazing.
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Leo - Shall We Date : Niflheim
Firstly, I'm so happy that his story route is on Story Jar (Damn, it was like 8 years ago when they released his story). But I can tell you that I love him dearly. I mean, he just kinda literally sweeps you off your feet in his story. King Leo claimed MC as his wife after all (despite her being engaged to King Jean). Not to mention he is so handsome. (I will mention that I feel like Mammon is a mix between him and the King Jean). And he has a Red Wolf named Surt that is his closest companion. Anyways, he deserves all the kisses, I love him.
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Cheshire Cat / Noir - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Speaking of amazing love interests, I LOVE Noir! You actually didn't get to see what he really looked like until you actually played his route. And I'll admit, Cheshire Cat randomly appearing for chaos only mad me angry. But after playing his story, I just fell so in love with this mysterious yet sweet chaotic fella.
And as much as I'd love to play his story again, after most of the Shall We Date games were deleted forever and/or moved to one main app, his story was completely removed (along with Ash's & Bill's). So I'm kinda pissed about that.
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Pale Ghost / Nick - Shall We Date : Niflheim
So he's a sad boy, but I loved him. Honestly since the story has you betrothed to Jean from the very prologue, I was glad that there was an option "not" to romance Jean (while I played his story eventually, I did not like him at first), meeting Nick in story was like fate. It was mysterious how you were the only one who could see him. And just he and the Niflheim MC just clicked instantly. I absolutely loved their romance and even cried when I thought they were doomed. Seriously this character and his story sent me through through emotional turmoil.
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Joker - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
While I was playing Mad's story, my best friend was playing Joker's. So once I got around to it, I definately saw why she would giggle about him. He was this loveable tsundere boy who had a sad backstory. And he was certainly charming and good intentioned. Naturally, I'd fall in love with him as well.
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Diavel (Demon) & Ruvel (Reaper) - Shall We Date : Angel or Demon
This was one of the Otome Games that walked so others could run. I remember that I took a liking to these two way more than I did the angel Latis. I don't know, they were just so cool and mysterious. Not to mention, Diavel was very seductive in general (0f course). However I regret that I don't remember too much about them. I just remember that the MC had 7 days to live before their soul would be taken by one of those guys. And the story had a sad ending from what I can remember (like ofc, a human couldn't be with these beings ig).
Unfortunately as this game was one that was permanently deleted, I'll never get to play it again.
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Yamato Kougami - My Forged Wedding
I'm 100 sure that this was my first ever otome love. Looking back, I can't believe I was really into the tsundere boys that were kinda really mean. However, as the story progressed, he turned out to be alright. I'm not sure I would chose him today if I could replay it. But I would at least give him a second chance.
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Takao Maruyama - My Forged Wedding
So after playing Yamato's story, I played Takao's story. And honestly I just adored him from the get go, but slowly my heart would break as he would distance himself from MC at times. I'm sure if I played it now, I wouldn't be so bothered but since I was like 17 or 18 when I played this, my tiny heart just shattered as I was so emotionally invested. I do remember the story resolving into something nice though. And now looking back, I think the story was written pretty well for what it was.
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eye-cri · 8 months
OH! I forgot I wanted to say this but I think I know what Leo's story lacked. I think the first half of the story was sorta fine, maybe could have built on Isabella's indifference towards Jean more but I think the second half of the story should have taken place in Muspelheim.
I think that other than a reversed Jean vs Leo, there just wasn't enough to work with considering that Leo was the King of Muspelheim. But there could have been fairly good opportunities had the swd? Niflheim team been open to shift the setting towards Muspelheim. We could have seen a believable conflict from someone of Muspelheim towards King Leo's choices. Possibly even someone that could have been close to Leo.
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meowtheninjas · 8 months
Oh my god. Hi. Get ready for a random ass rant that you absolutely didn't ask for, but trust it'll end with my question.
Okay so I had a sudden derailing during one of my thoughts and this time around it started with Zeus, Mammon and Jean forming a sort of RnB group, bc I also decided I hc Jean being able to sing and thus being able to make a crazy RnB album. As in Usher level,,, phew!
Anyway, that lead me to thinking abt Leo and if he's a poc or not bc I was wondering how the human body regulates tanning, bc let's be real a white person doesn't tan that dark without artificial means.
And then I remembered Surt, the fact you said in one of your stories The Niflheim and WH are *both* canon, annd the fact that Surt is likely the inspiration if not an indirect reference to Vulcanox, the wolf that Zeus has a tendency to summon (and that I hc to become Aidma's familiar so they raise it together, but I digress).
SO I was WONDERING, how would you have interpreted that link from Surt to Vulcanox?
Ok so I was going answer this yesterday but u made my thoughts derail too so uhhh here’s ur answer:
Honestly I think it would be funnier to imagine that one day surt just got summoned by a blue gumball son of a bitch and was suddenly called vulcanox.
Obviously this would probs distraught Leo and surt is left up there thinking:
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So when surt continues to get summoned, Leo’s like, “u know what when u get up there, FUCK SHIT UP IDGAF—”
I also think it would be even FUNNIER if suddenly one day surt gets treated as a puppy instead of a god of war by Aidma the next time he gets summoned and surt comes back to Leo like, “hey check out this sweet souvenir—” and obviously Leo respects that cuz who wouldn’t.
In conclusion, congrats Leo is now aidma’s brother in law or something—
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vanadeyeira · 2 years
♤ I would have to re-read a bit to write on it, so requests may take longer to complete
♡ The easiest for me to write, I could whip out 5 pages rn
◇ Not all that interested in anymore, but still love the characters
♧ I'm probably not interested enough to write this, but feel free to rekindle my love lol
□ Downloaded, but haven't played yet
'Otome' games I've played/are playing
Obey me! ♧
Wizardess Heart+ ◇
Ikémen Sengoku ♡
Ikémen Revolution ♧
Ikémen Vampire ♡
Ikémen Prince ♤
Twisted Wonderland ♡
Bu$tafellows ◇
Blood in Roses+ ♤
Nightmare Harem ♧
The Arcana ♡
Guard me, Sherlock! ♤
Romantic Holic □
Destined to Love □
Nu Carnival ♤
Darling Pet □
Nekopara □
Lost Alice ♤
Ninja Shadow ♤
Eden of Ikemen ♧
Several Shades of S ♧
Triangle/Cross □
Mystic Messanger ♧
Bride of the Twilight □
A3! ♧
Amnesia ♧
Angel or Devil+ ◇
Another Prince ♧
Feral Boyfreind ♧
Love Tangle in Niflheim ♧
Midnight Cinderella ♧
Mononoke Kiss+ ♧
Only Girl in Highschool?! □
Vampire Boyfriend Plus ◇
One that I can't find but mc has amnesia and there is this famous guy you are secretly dating but it's a murder mystery (please send help 😩)
And probably a ton more that I've forgotten
Routes Started
Ikémen Seires
Masamune Date ~ Sengoku
Nobunaga Oda ~ Sengoku
Hideyoshi Toyotomi ~ Sengoku (May finish this route sooner rather than later)
Ieyasu Takugawa ~ Sengoku
Kenshin Uesugi ~ Sengoku
Kennyo ~ Sengoku
Motonari Mouri ~ Sengoku
Sirius Oswald ~ Revolution
Jonah Clemence ~ Revolution
Comté de Saint-Germain ~ Vampire
Leonardo Da Vinci ~ Vampire
Napoleon Bonaparte ~ Vampire
Jean d'Arc ~ Vampire (but mad about it 😅)
Vincent van Gogh ~ Vampire
Arthur Conan Doyle ~ Vampire
Mozart ~ Vampire
Isaac Newton ~ Vampire
The Arcana
Jullian 🤤
Ninja Shadow
Lost Alice
Blood in Roses
Wizardess Heart
Yukiya 🥰
Routes Completed (look.. my adhd, Polyamorous ass can't stay focused that long! I've got too much love to give for 1 character at a time)
Mitsuhide Akechi ~ Ikémen Sengoku
Mitsunari Ishida ~ Ikémen Sengoku
Levy ~ Nightmare Harem
Feel free to roast me on my romances lol please recommend routes and games 😁😁
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Otome Game Chain?
Rules: feature your 1st Otome game/route, your favorite Otome game/route, and your current Otome game/route.
You can add details if you wish! (If you've been tagged and have never played an Otome game, that's ok. And there's no pressure in reposting either way 😊)
1st Otome Game/Route: My Forged Wedding -- Yamato Kougami
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Geez he's hot... Maybe I should take another crack at this game again!!
I first played this in 5th grade 🙊 can you believe it? 🤣 Oops. My class in school had gotten iPads for us to use -- no, I didn't get it on my school iPad. But having an iPad at school made me want one at home, so I got one for Christmas. I guess I found this on the app store... And you know... Hot anime men and a title with "wedding" in it... Of course 5th grade me would get it... And yeah!
If you're wondering, the game is about how you were engaged and were going to have your parents meet your fiance for the first time... But then your fiance breaks off the engagement right before you are supposed to meet with your parents -- but you're too sad and embarrassed and ashamed to tell your parents the truth. You meet at a bar with an old family friend, and his friends all overhear your situation. Depending on whose route you choose -- that guy will step in and pretend to be your fiance... But for a price 🙊 AND you eventually falls in love and get married for real!!
Yamato is a sharp tongued teacher at an all girls highschool. He's not allowed to teach there anymore unless he gets married -- so that's why he jumps at the situation. That's all that I remember.
My Favorite Otome Game/Route: TheNifleheim+(so hard to choose a favorite route... They're all so good..... I guess I'll go with....) Philippe
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Okay soooooooo, you're a beautiful princess who died never knowing true love. You're awakened from your death by three GORGEOUS gentlemen in eccentric but gorgeous clothing. They tell you about you being woken up from death, and are now in the realm of the dead -- Niflheim. They also inform you that you've been chosen to be the bride of the King of Niflheim, and that it is a true honor. Along the way, we meet even more eligible bachelors. Then, we finally meet the king... He's kinda... Too much to handle.. kinda gives you a fright I guess... And he also has a group of girls fawning over him. You are sent back to your new room in his palace... And you think about everyone you've met that day, and whom you'd like to get to know better -- that's where you choose your route. (You can also choose the King of you wish -- don't judge a book by its cover -- King Jean is actually a real sweetie pie).
Philippe -- he's a famous/popular author in Niflheim. You go to visit him at the Library often. Philippe is hiding a big secret though 🙊🧐😉 he's very suave and gentlemanly. Him being an author gives him a charming and poetic nature. He says many romantic things to you 🥰
My Current Otome/Route: Amnesia Memories -- Shin (Heart World)
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I've watched all of the anime, and am now playing the Otome.
This is a story/game where -- you guessed it -- wake up with Amnesia. All of your memories are gone. And we see a fairy who introduces himself as "Orion", and explains that on his way to the human realm -- he bumped into you -- therefore making you lose all of your memories, and now he is connected to you? And can't leave until you have regained your memories? So he tries to help you regain your memories, and lets you choose a world to go and try to regain them in? Any world you choose, you end up with a guy who claims to be your boyfriend, and you try to remember and build your romance with them, while also trying to regain memories AND solve mysteries... It's... A LOT.
Shin is a blunt/sharp-tongued boy who is a childhood friend and who has always loved you. He realizes quickly that you have Amnesia, but does all he can to help you regain your memories. You also have to solve a mystery about you waking up injured in that world, and try to prove his innocence... OMG... It's crazy 😅😅😅
Tagging: @angrypaperearthquake @onedivinemisfit @kawaii-ash @algernonpetals @sabraeal @sakurafairymage @kazumasamaanime and anyone else who'd like to join! No pressure!! 💕💕
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 1.12
Amenzu n Yennayer (a.k.a. Aseggwas Amaziɣ, ⴰⵙⴳⴳⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ or Amazigh New Year; Algeria)
Batman Day
Bikini Appreciation Day
Eat Crackers and Try to Whistle Day
Feast of Fabulous Wild Men
HAL Day (Activation of HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey)
Hen Galan (Welsh New Year)
International Shape Tape Day
Iron Day (French Republic)
Kiss a Ginger Day
Lift Every Voice and Sing Day
Little League Girls Baseball Day
Memorial Day (Turkmenistan)
National Breakdown Day
National Handwriting Day
National Kettlebell Day
National Pharmacist Day
National Youth Day (India)
Night of the Balloons (Austria)
Organize Your Home Day
Ovank’a (Elder Scrolls)
Political Prisoners Day (Ukraine)
Prosecutor General’s Day (Russia)
Public Museum Day
Public Prosecutor Office Professionals Day (Russia)
Remembrance Day (Haiti)
Roller Skating Day
Rubber Band Veteran Day
Stick To Your New Years' Resolutions Day
Stroke Prevention Day (UK)
Work Harder Day
Working Woman's Appreciation Day
Yennayer (Berber New Year; Algeria)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Curried Chicken Day
French Onion Soup Day
National Glazed Doughnut Day
National Hot Tea Day
National Marzipan Day
2nd Friday in January
International Skeptics Day [1st Friday the 13th of the Year]
Lee-Jackson Day (Virginia) [Friday before MLK Day]
National Hockey Mom Day [2nd Friday]
Quitters Day [2nd Friday]
Independence & Related Days
New Canada (a.k.a. New States of Canada; Confederated; 2012) [unrecognized]
Zanzibar Revolution Day (Tanzania)
Festivals Beginning January 12, 2024
Chili Quest & Beerfest (Galveston, Texas) [thru 1.13]
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo (Fort Worth, Texas) [thru 2.3]
International Sacred Music Festival “Silver Bells” (Latvia) [thru 1.14]
Napa Truffle Festival (Napa, California) [thru 1.15]
Niagara Icewine Festival (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada) [thru 1.28]
Punta Gorda Seafood & Music Festival (Punta Gorda, Florida) [thru 1.14]
Santa Cruz Fungus Fair (Santa Cruz, California) [thru 1.14]
Feast Days
Aelred of Rievaulx (Christian; Saint)
Allied (Christian; Saint)
Anthesteria (Festival to Dionysus, Greek God of Intoxication)
Arcadius (Christian; Saint)
Benedict Biscop (Christian; Saint)
Bernard of Corleone (Christian; Saint)
Ciwarartri (a.k.a. Siwarratriis; Night of the gof Shiva; Bali)
Compitalia (Slave festival to household gods Lares and Manes; Ancient Rome)
Feast of the Martyrs of Iona (Christian)
Festival of Sarasyati (Hindu Goddess of Wisdom)
Jean Béraud (Artology)
John Singer Sargent Day (Artology)
Jusepe de Ribera (Artology)
Marguerite Bourgeoys (Christian; Saint)
Niflheim Day (Pagan)
Night of Hekate Suppers (Pagan)
Noble Fraggle (Muppetism)
Penne for Your Thoughts Day (Pastafarian)
Peter Sellers Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Swami Vivekananda Jayati (West Bengal, India)
Tatiana (Christian; Saint)
Traditional Day of Offering (Bhutan)
Tyrrius (Christian; Saint)
Ullr Festival (Mythical God of Winter)
Victorian (Roman Catholic)
Zoroaster (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [6 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [7 of 30]
All in the Family (TV Series; 1971)
All Shook Up, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1930)
Baby One More Time, by Britney Spears (Album; 1999)
Batman (TV Series; 1966)
Batman: Soul of the Dragon (Animated Film; 2021)
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Broadway Musical; 2014)
China (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
The Clockwork Girl (Animated Film; 2014)
Despacito, by Daddy Yankee (Song; 2017)
A Dog in a Mansion (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Dragnet (TV Series; 1967)
Dynasty (TV Series; 1981)
The Ed Sullivan Show (Radio Series; 1932)
The Exorcist, by William Peter Blatty (Novel; 1971)
The Flying Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1952)
Fox in Socks, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1965)
Holland Days featuring Farmer Al Alfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Hullabaloo! (Musical Variety TV Show; 1965)
King of the Hill (Animated TV Series; 1997)
Led Zeppelin, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1968)
Lifeboat (Film; 1944)
Mighty Mouse and the Pirates (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
One Quack Mind (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1951)
Ottone, by George Frederic Handel (Opera; 1723)
Paddington 2 (Film; 2018)
Pearl, by Janis Joplin (Album; 1971)
Portnoy’s Complaint, by Philp Roth (Novel; 1969)
Save the Last Dance (Film; 2001)
Shadow of a Doubt (Film; 1943)
The Shop Around the Corner (Film; 1940)
Tao: The Watercourse Way, by Alan W. Watts and Al Chung-liang Huang (Spiritual Book; 1975)
This Perfect Day, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1970)
True Detective (TV Mini-Series; 2014)
Tweet Zoo (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, by Dorothy Gilman (Novel; 1966)
Velma (Animated TV Series; 2023)
The Wallflower, by Etta James (Song; 1955)
Today’s Name Days
Ernst, Tatjana, Xenia (Austria)
Tanya, Tatyana (Bulgaria)
Bernard, Ernest, Tanja, Tatjana (Croatia)
Pravoslav (Czech Republic)
Reinhold (Denmark)
Ande, Antonia, Tooni (Estonia)
Toini (Finland)
Tatiana (France)
Ernst, Tatjana, Xenia (Germany)
Tatiane, Tatiani (Greece)
Ernő (Hungary)
Modesto, Probo, Tatiana (Italy)
Reinholds, Reinis, Ringolds (Latvia)
Cezarija, Cezarijus, Ernestas, Lingailė, Vaigedas (Lithuania)
Reinert, Reinhard (Norway)
Antoni, Arkadiusz, Arkady, Benedykt, Czech, Czechasz, Czechoń, Czesław, Czesława, Ernest, Ernestyn, Greta, Reinhold, Tycjan (Poland)
Tatiana (Romania)
Ernest (Slovakia)
Arcadio, Nazario, Tania, Tatiana (Spain)
Frideborg, Fridolf (Sweden)
Tetiana, Tania (Ukraine)
Alain, Alaina, Alan, Alana, Alanna, Alayna, Allan, Allen, Allena, Lana, Lanna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 12 of 2024; 354 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 2 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 2 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 1 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 12 White; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 30 December 2023
Moon: 3%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 12 Moses (1st Month) [Zoroaster]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 23 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 22 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Rajab [رَجَب] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 7 of 12]
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