#the oath of the landwalker
theshadowwalkers · 1 year
Chapter 2 preview
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I thought I’d share a little sneakpeek of what you’ll be doing in chapter 2! The demo is still on track to release during the winter months, I’ll get more precise as I work on chapter 3!
As you walk through the capital city of Ahn-Seriel, you’ll get to meet one of the ahns, the little fae creatures who give their name and their power to the Ahn’né people.
Your exhaustion is drawing in a cloud of ahns, flying around you at a small distance. You see people giving you quick glances when they notice, your upper body almost glowing with the many little lights, dancing as they follow you. One of the ahns comes closer and closer, until they land lightly on your shoulder. Completely weightless, you only notice them because of the light they emit hitting right into the corner of your eye. [[You accept the help of the ahn.|2.2.1]] [[You politely decline the help of the ahn.|2.2.2]]
You’ll cross paths with the barge docks, where the Ondines man the barge system that runs through the Dreaming Woods.
The capital city is split in two by the river, barges passing through multiple times a day and offering the fastest way of travel through the Continent that doesn't rely on irha. You've never personally interacted with an Ondine before, despite a few of them living on the docks of Ahn-Seriel, and many more in the waters flowing directly inside the city. [[That's one of the reasons you're so excited to ship out soon.|2.5.1]] [[You're a bit apprehensive at the idea of leaving the city.|2.5.2]] [[You've never cared much about meeting the other races.|2.5.3]]
And as you finally get home, to the mother-tree where House Haravel resides, you’ll get to interact with a member of House Haravel, your kin.
House Haravel is the largest Dreamer kingroup in Weavers Grove. An entire mother-tree serves as home for your kinsmen, whereas most Houses and other citizens of Ahn-Seriel share the space of the giant dreaming elms throughout the city. [...]
[[At last, you enter.|2.8]]
Every last one of your senses is assaulted as soon as you cross through the veil. A loud clamor is accompanied by a flash of blue light, and something heavy barrels into you with all its might. [[It's Enor, your twin.|2.8.1]] [[It's Dülla, your neqe.|2.8.2]] [[It's Sÿlen, your best friend.|2.8.3]]
I hope you’ll enjoy playing through the Shadowwalkers at least half as much as I enjoy writing it! All questions about the world and the story are more than welcome as we wait together for the release.
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interact-if · 2 years
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[ID: a banner-style graphic featuring a rectangular box for text centered in the graphic, surrounded by lines radiating out like light behind the box. Two rings of four-pointed stars are within these radiating lines; a large four-pointed star can barely be seen behind the box, and the edges of two more large stars are visible on the left and right sides of the box, cut off by the edges of the graphic. Text in the box reads: “Interact-IF presents: Religious Diversity Month. Call for Author.” All lines in the banner are green and set against a white background. /end ID]
Welcome to our Religious Diversity Month event!
This month we want to keep highlighting authors in the interactive fiction community, this time those who belong to a diverse amount of religions, many of which have been historically discriminated against, and even so now.
Today we celebrate and lift your voices and stories, highlighting your works and sharing your own thoughts with our interviews!
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Ramona, author of Crown of Exile
When your village is razed to the ground, you're left fleeing with an exiled prince. You can trust no one but each other. Your father's dying wish was to protect the prince, but can you really trust a man who was exiled from his kingdom?
Journey across the borders in search of allies. But in this deadly game of treachery and deceit, there is more than just the prince's life at stake. Will you flee from the past that haunts you or will you embrace the fate that awaits you?
The decision is yours.
• Read more about Crown of Exile here.
• Play the demo here.
• Ramona’s Ko-fi.
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Dani, author of The Rising Night
Gahliarch is not kind to those with magick. Breaking from treaty, they have returned to their dark roots and have begun purging their lands of magai once more. Where the nations of Syrel'Court and Heimshall believe that magick was given as a holy connection to their god creator Eddath, Gahliarch believes it a curse meant to be snuffed out; and themselves the divine judge, jury and executioner to do so.
You know of these executors first hand, born with magick and taken into captivity by the Gahliarchen nobility's personal bloodhounds, the Lumniscen Order. Like cloying shadows they came after you and others of your kind as you had tried to cross the sea into the magai harboring lands of Heimshall and left you a vengeful husk upon your escape from them.
Now you hunt them in return for the pain they inflict. A vendetta through years of hardship and dedication to your craft, you have become the same nightmare they invoked on your kind in turn for their grotesque genocide. An assassin taking down the inner workings of Gahliarch’s most corrupt factions.
But there is news of war on the horizon. The nations of Eddathil all meant to be governed by mutual interest by the  The Seven Circle Court is being broken apart from the inside by quickly silenced rumors and faceless ploys, but this political turmoil might just be what you need to finally infiltrate and be done with the Lumniscen Order once and for all; to burn them from their rotting inside out.
It is time to decide who you want on your side, or risk going alone into the underbelly of Gahliarch’s hungry underground political society. Bring their secrets to burn in the light, dig into your history, fall into the depths of revenge and madness, discover hidden treaties and balance the lives of others in your hands. God or no god on your side.
• Read more about The Rising Night here. (Rated +18)
• Dani’s Ko-fi.
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Mako, author of The Shadowwalkers
The Shadowwalkers takes places in the Oath of the Landwalker universe, on the fringe of the action set in the main book series. Enschka is a large continent, surrounded on all sides by seas, oceans and mountain ranges that keep it away from the rest of the world. Home to six very distinct races, Enschka has been the theatre to a thousand-year war between the traditional and ritual-heavy Ahn’né people of the Dreaming Woods, and the Islander warrior culture of the J’kaï. Each of the remaining four races had to take sides in this sprawling conflict that affects the entire continent.
The people of Enschka wield a power that has many names, but is commonly referred to as The Particles. Each race is able to use and master it in their own ways, and they’ve built their strengths around the Particles. The Ahn’né call it irha, ‘the centre’, and those who become skilled in its use, irhamek, or masters of irha. Fighting in such a long-lasting war has made most of Enschka’s people into warriors and soldiers, and the  Ahn’né   youth is no exception.
You are an Ahn’né soldier, on your graduation day in the Military Academy of Ahn-Seriel, the capital city of the Dreaming Woods. Born in one of three ethnic groups, you belong to House Haravel, and during your time at the Academy, you showed such incredible skill that you gained the Queen’s Notice, a rare and incredibly high praise. That recognition won you something else, however: a space in the secret Ashto’ïreq Guild, the Guild of the Shadowwalkers.
Now a graduate of the Military Academy of Ahn-Seriel, and a secret member of the Ashto’ïreq, you are sent to the front on the Coast to fight against the J’kaï for the very first time in your life. You will survive, whatever the cost, and help your unit with the unique abilities of your Guild.
Meet your unit, build your squad, train and improve your skills, but remember to take some time to get to know the people you’re fighting alongside of. And if you happen to uncover a conspiracy that seems to span the entire continent of Enschka and run deeper than the secrets of your own Guild, well...
You’re the one in control here. Let’s see what choices you make.
• Read more about The Shadowwalkers here.
• Mako’s Ko-fi and Patreon.
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Denna, author of Vessel of the Goddess.
I look at Sophie as she’s dying in my arms.
“Please, I can’t lose you yet!” I scream. “Its you. It’s gonna be you.” she breathes out weakly. “What are you talking about?” I say, while letting my tears fall freely.
“You’re gonna be the next vessel.”
In this game you will play as the mortal vessel of a goddess, chosen to guide your realm. But when one of the goddesses goes rougue, how will you make sure your realm survives?
• Read more about Vessel of the Goddess here.
• Denna’s Ko-fi and Patreon.
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mothdogs · 6 months
🔵🟣⚫️🔮 for lathander?
🔵 Blue - How would your OC spend a single day of interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
As a triton, Lathander grew up on an island called Atlas. Most of his life was spent moving between the water and the land—swordfighting and guard duty on the shore, while leisure and general living took place beneath the waves of the Azure Sea. Since starting his journey he left Atlas permanently and, besides a few brief dips in the river over the following months, he’s been landlocked.
A single day of uninterrupted peace for him would be swimming through the coral reefs of his home, talking to the gulls to find the best fishing spots, eating fresh seaweed salads, and collecting pearls and shells. If possible, he’d want to show his traveling companions the wonders of life underwater, but since two of them are landwalkers, it would be difficult 😭
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
He wouldn’t do well without his pseudodragon familiar Althea. She acts as a barometer for his emotions and comforts him during dark times. She’s also the constant reminder both to himself and to everyone they meet that he’s a paladin of the Dragonlord Order, which carries its own sort of mysticism and moral connotations. He loves that little purple gem lizard. 😭
⚫️ Black- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most in control and secure? Was it gained through negative or positive means?
The moment that Lathander defeated the Minotaur in the tomb of his order’s founder and received the sacred weapon of his order was the moment he started to believe that maybe his life could be different. Just before that, he had finally revealed his ~tragic backstory~ to his traveling companions and called them “friends” for the first time. He received a blessing from his order’s founder and officially declared his paladin oath on their holy grounds. Even though the fight with the Minotaur was fraught and dangerous, and he wouldn’t have made it without his friends, at the end of that encounter he gained complete clarity of purpose.
🔮 Crystal Ball- What kind of future does your OC want to have? What would they do to make it real?
Lathander dreams of founding a reborn Dragonlord order that will avoid the pitfalls and sins of the previous order, one that truly stands for justice and is dedicated to protecting *all* of the citizens of Thylea from the evil Titans. It’s also important to him that his friends Phoebe and Azriel find fulfillment too—Azriel needs to find his missing family and reunite with his island, while Phoebe is carrying a demigod child that she wants to protect at all costs.
Lathander would do anything to make his dream a reality, up to and including self sacrifice as long as the Reborn Dragonlords, Azriel, Phoebe, and the citizens of Thylea would all prosper for it.
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edh-spice · 5 years
Card #7 : Living Wish
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What the card does :
Choose a creature or land from outside the game and put it into your hand. Usually, the “outside the game” refer to the sideboard of a deck. In commander, people doesn’t use sideboard cause there’s no 2 out of 3 games. But there’s still one of 10 cards (same rules as the deck building) that is used for this exact kind of ability.
Why you want to play that card :
I’ve discovered this rule (and card) while I was looking for a game ender in a creatureless deck. With this card, I can have no creatures in the deck, but still get one when needed (like a Laboratory Maniac).
In any green deck, you might want to use this card. You can make a toolbox out of your sideboard, so when you get Living Wish (or any other “outside the game” ability) you can grab one of those 10 answers to a threat on the board.
Interesting addition, you can grab a land as well. I don’t know how this is relevant, but in a 5 color deck, you can but dual lands or even basic lands in your sideboard, to have fixing if needed.
In green, there’s a lot of options to find a creature in a deck, but they usually tend to be expensive (money wise). So this is an affordable option to find something that is not always core to the strategy, but that might help you in varied situations.
The sideboard can be used to hide your win condition against exile effect from the library (like Sadistic Sacrament). It’s a meta call for this one.
What colors bring to the card :
White : There’s a lot of hatebear in white and green that you might want to get to slow someone’s strategy. Some win con could be placed in the sideboard as well, like Felidar Sovereign.
Blue : Access to Laboratory Maniac in a creatureless deck. You also get card draw, bounce effect, landwalk creatures. Also, copying this spell must be great.
Black : There’s many black creatures that when they enter the battlefield, they destroy another creature. Mixed with another color (like green) for other kind of removal, it might get a nice range of options. Also, graveyard recursion is an option.
Red : Beside artifact removal from a creature, red is mostly aggressive and doesn’t make the best tool box in a control situation. However, you might get the best offensive creature for that specific situation.
Green : Enchantment or artifact removal on a creature, big creatures, graveyard recursion, ramp, flying defenses. Green has a lot of different options to play with. Combine with other colors, you’ll have an answer to most things happening. Yeva, Nature’s Herald is also great here, to be able to play the card you searched for when you want.
Final thought :
This card (and other “Wish” cards) is very interesting in a deck building, making you spaces to add other cards cause this one has a lot of options. It’s a mechanic that i haven’t seen in commander and that should be more known. It’s like creating a 110 card deck instead of 100. 
If you plan to build a creatureless deck (or something else than creature using another wish) this might be useful to get this one creature you need but still having your deck building clean of creatures. For the curious of the deck I was building, it was based on Oath of Druids, so without any creature in the deck, I just mill my entire library. With Living Wish, I still have access to Laboratory Maniac to win the game. 
What do you think about it? Already using it? Post your comments, I'll love to read them. If you have any card suggestion, I'm always up to discuss about it.
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kae-and-boi · 7 years
day II: rain/divided
It was raining the day the princes came for her.  
Amaryllis was curled up on one of the couches in the main room, watching the rain come down from cloudy gray skies.   Rain was something that Oceania didn’t have the luxury of having.  Of course, watching the ripples caused by the raindrops from underwater was always something younger guppies loved to do.  
She found that rainy season was her favorite land season.  With it came cool weather and being warm inside the house, cuddled up to Cal in a blanket fort and comforting mugs of hot chocolate.  It was nothing like the drinks she’d had back in the castle, but its alien taste was still pleasant and comforting.
“Amy?” Cal called out.  “I’m back.”  
“Welcome home,” Amaryllis answered, picking up her cup and taking a sip.  “Have you seen the rain?”
“Yes.  If you head into town, it’s much lighter.  For some reason, it’s heavier here.  Perhaps it has something to do with you.”  He said, taking his shoes off and coming into the living room.  Cal gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “Nevertheless, we could use the rain.”
He took a seat on the couch with Amy, content to watch the rain with her.  They stayed like that for a while, until Amy eventually scooted closer to Cal and leaned against him.  He stole her cup and set it on the table, laughing when she put her cold feet on his lap.
“How cute,” someone said.  Their voice raised the hairs on the back of Amaryllis’s neck, sounding oddly familiar.  “I didn’t expect our beloved princess to cuddle up to a human this easily.”
“Who are you?” Cal demanded, looking over the couch.  “If you broke in here, I’ll make sure that you regret it.”
“I’m not here for you, human boy.  I only want my precious flower returned.”
“Vaughn.” Amy hissed, not bothering to face her old friend.
The last time she was in the same room as him, Vaughn was a power-hungry lunatic that wanted nothing more than to wage war on the landwalkers for crimes their ancestors committed.  She wanted nothing to do with a future stained in blood and the tears of her people.  If that meant never returning to the sea, then so be it.
“Come home.  Oceania needs you, Amy.  It cannot survive another lost royal.”  Vaughn begged, taking a step forward.  When neither of them reacted, he continued moving until he was within arms’ reach.
Swiftly, Cal pulled the mermaid closer to himself, using his shoulder as a shield between the two.
“...I can’t.  Going back means being chained to you, and the kingdom.”  She said, words muffled by the fabric of Cal’s shirt.  “I won’t.”
“Would that be so bad?  Remaining by my side and protecting Oceania?  Or is staying on land with a filthy human somehow better.”
“We both know that’s not what it is, Vaughn.  And…Cal and Everett have been kind.  Life here isn’t the nightmare I thought.”
Disgusted, Vaughn took a step back.  Amaryllis looked up at the prince, wondering when he became as twisted and driven as he was.  When they were younger, Vaughn was a much more happy child.  He didn’t crave power or Amaryllis’s affections, and the princess found herself missing the old days.
“Are you choosing him over me?  Over your kingdom?”  He asked in disbelief.  “Your brothers did the same thing.  Self before country, and they let everyone die.”
“Don’t compare me to them.” Amaryllis snarled, her claws ripping through the fabric of the couch.  “I am nothing like Cedric and Granger.”
“They both chose the world above the sea over the people they swore to protect.  I don’t see the difference.”
“Vaughn,” Dmitri warned.  
“I’m not choosing between anyone!  I can’t go back to Oceania with you - that is a cage I am not going to imprison myself in.  And I’m not favoring the humans over my own, Vaughn.  I just can’t return to the sea with you.”  She forcefully said, holding onto Cal a little tighter, minding her claws.
The younger prince drew his arm back, intending to scratch Cal’s face before someone abruptly pulled him back.  Vaughn spluttered as Dmitri kept a hand fisted in the back of his shirt, preventing him from nearing the two on the couch.
“That’s enough, Vaughn.  You said that we would ask, and leave if she said no.”  He rumbled, looking at Amaryllis as he spoke.  “And she clearly said no.”
“You don’t understand, Dmitri!  That human has tricked her into thinking that she’s safe on land.  Can’t you see?  Amy, no one can live in a world that doesn’t accept them.  What do you think will happen when someone sees your tail?  Or the way your eyes glow at night?  What then?”
“Leave, Vaughn,” the girl ground out, tears filling her eyes.  “None of that matters.  While you remain heir to the throne, I can’t come back.  This I swear on...this I swear on Darii-Nix’s scales.”  It pained her to say the oath, forever binding her to the promise.  Dmitri’s eyes widened at her words, knowing the full extent of the vow.  
Vaughn, on the other hand, his expression turned from pleading to furious.  Swearing on a god’s scales was the most important, unbreakable oath any merfolk could make.  If anyone tried to bring Amy back to Vaughn, she would lose her own scales, forever.  No matter how much he loved her in his own twisted ways, there was no way that Vaughn would violate an oath of that degree.
“Leave,” she repeated, softer this time.  Cal glared at the brothers.  “You heard her.  Get out of my house.”
Reluctantly, Dmitri muttered the words to a transportation cast, and both mermen vanished.
Outside, the rain kept pouring down from gray skies, hitting the surface of the sea.  The only difference was that now, the noise was horrible reminder that as long as she loved Cal, she could never return to her ancestral home.
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remoteincandescence · 7 years
@sofias-experiments replied to your post “// i wanna think about AUs...
Guardians of the Sands raka
// okay first of all i’m gonna clarify that i will be differentiating ascended, sand guardian, risen and sandstorm into four entire different shurima AUs for raka. cuz glory to shurima.
// that said, sand guardian raka is likely a construct instead of a living being, similar to the statue of the serpent that cursed cassiopeia. she was stationed at the oasis of the dawn, waters known for its healing properties as well as its ability to enchant objects, particularly metalwork.
// her job is to watch and see if whoever wants to use the waters are pure of heart and intention. if they are, she is unresponsive and leaves them be. if they’re aren’t, however, what once looked to be an inanimate statue will come alive, pearled teeth bared and garnet eyes glazed, crescent staff raise to smite the ground. the sands around the oasis will start to sink, trapping landwalkers in the vicinity and sucking them into their deaths.
// she is made of electrum and not pure gold. her even ratio of yellow and white represents both the eternal nature of the waters as well as the value of purity her judgment is based off. it is also symbolic of the power in her hands to decide who walks away from the oasis alive and well. the red of her eyes are reserved for how she comes to life and is hostile if angered.
// she was there when the sacred weapon Infinity Edge was dipped into the waters by an ancient blacksmith, who paid for the enchantment by dedicating the use of the blade to shurima and only shurima. if anybody wields it for purposes that does not serve shurima well and happens to meet her, she will remember the oath and move to strike them down.
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enchanted-motley · 7 years
Harper Halliwell
Raised near the sea, Harper inherited her seal skin from her grandmother after her passing. Having loved the beach and the ocean since her childhood, discovering her selkie heritage and her past lives was much like a long-awaited homecoming. She rejoices in her freedom, in her gifts, and is a nearly impossible optimist. Easy to befriend, she glides from circle to circle, ingratiating herself before the tides change and she moves on to the next group.
In times of old, she was an emissary and messenger to the merfolk & other aquatic fae on behalf of House Daireann. To this day, she remains a talented linguist with the ability to get out of tight situations. Yet, were it not for the oath extracted by the Marquess, Harper likely wouldn't remain with the motley. Among the warriors and loyalists - all landwalkers - she feels misplaced and stifled.
Beneath the waves, she has a cave where she keeps a collection of treasures. People's misplaced jewelry and valuable gifts all invariably find their way to her trove and she is fiercely possessive of it. Once Harper has decided an item (or person) belongs to her, she becomes irascible at the slightest hint it may be taken away; ironic, given her own tendency to abandon people at the slightest shift in the winds.
The modern age finds her working most often in seasonal positions: usually a lifeguard, but sometimes a beachcomber for other people's lost items. As you can guess, not all of these rediscovered valuables find their way home. Outside of the water, she truly enjoys spending time with people, especially particularly creative dreamers eager to share their work. Recently, she's been spending most of her time with an artist who specializes in making custom, beautifully designed surfboards and a busker who comes down to the beach and sings for tips every day, rain or shine.
Powers behind the cut
Seal's Beauty - +1 appearance, +1 charisma.
Ocean's Grace - Reduce the difficulty for all dexterity rolls in water by 2, regardless of form. May never botch (epic fail) a swimming roll and can hold their breath for hours, in or out of water.
Seal Coat - If their sealskin is destroyed, their fae self is destroyed forever. Fortunately, it isn't easy to destroy their coats.
Chicanery * Trick of the Light - Subtle illusions. A $1 bill can look like $100. A stranger's voice can sound like your mother's. Suddenly, you just lose track of them. Does not withstand prolonged scrutiny and cannot be terribly complex.
** Veiled Eyes - Makes the target instantly forgettable / un-noteworthy, no matter how they look or what they're doing. Ex: Wearing courtly robes in a mundane crowd or on someone crossing a street to get them hit by a car.
Oneiromancy * Dream Walk - May forge a bridge between the Dreaming and the target's mind, enabling the changeling to enter. This dream will absolutely be remembered in the morning.
** Dream Craft - May shape the dreams the caster enters and may construct triggers for when the subject awakens. Could be inspiring or terrifying, adding bonuses or penalties as needed. Lasts 1 day per success.
Skycraft * Howling Gale - May call forth a powerful wind to speed or slow the movement of the target, or to just blow around and generally appear impressive.
** Electric Gremlins - May summon electrical gremlins to muck with electrical equipment.
*** Hurricane speed - Imbue a person or object with the essence of the wind and grant it extreme swiftness in speed and reaction time. Objects thrown with this power get thrown FAR.
**** Storm Shroud - Surrounds the target in a crackling aura of lightning, dealing damage to anyone who comes into contact with it / them.
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theshadowwalkers · 1 year
could you answer
🌼, 🍄, and 🍁 for any character(s) you like?
Oooh, a good mix of questions!!! Thank you for being curious about my game, and I've very excited to share more with you!
Ask me about the ROs in my game
🍄 what’s their favourite outfit?
I'll answer for Hé'noür! Hé'noür has, by far, the best fashion sense out of all the ROs. They do have it a little easier, being an irhashal, as it gives them a little bit of leeway in what they need to wear. The Ahn'né are very practical people, so you won't see much of a fashion culture from them.
Hé'noür is a Sept, meaning they lean towards blue, purple, grey and silver, colours that are light and cold. Not much leather, but a lot of fur, and very large, ample clothing.
Their favourite outfit is a short-sleeved, long dark blue robe that wraps around the torso like a qipao, with a high neckline and a looser, open bottom half. They pair it with large, high-waisted light grey pants that wrap around the waist with strips of fabric. Then fur-lined ankle-high boots in supple leather. Then, a sort of short cape made of fur resting over the shoulders.
Here's what it'd look like:
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🌼 what is their goal/dream?
I'll answer for Mehetÿl!
Mehetÿl is a very insecure person, hidden under a very convincing mask of confidence. She’s incredibly competent, and absolutely deserves the recognition she got, as well as her current post in the military. But she doesn’t lack for people doubting her, and that has been the case her entire career. It got to her. Enough that she has a bad case of impostor syndrome, and an unhealthy dose of self-doubt.
For all these reasons, Mehetÿl dreams of being recognised for the highly competent soldier she is, and the strong person she wants to show the world. She wants recognition, she’s desperate for the praise she rightly deserves. After that, her ultimate dream would be to become part of the Queen’s Guard, the highest honour for a soldier in the Ahn’né military.
🍁 do they have a disability/neurodivergence?
I'll answer for Olaÿ!
Although the word doesn’t exist, and it doesn’t work the same way as it does in real life, Olaÿ is definitely coded as autistic. His personality is deeply influenced by it, as well as his decision-making and expectations of life and social interactions. It doesn’t help that he’s a massive guy, with a truly frightening amount of power compared to pretty much anyone around him.
Like I explain in the TOTL Universe section, I started writing the book series in part to cope with my own chronic illness and disability, and it’s a central theme to the books, especially for the three main characters who are all disabled in some form or another. For that reason, a lot of characters both in the books and in the Shadowwalkers game are explicitely disabled or at least coded as such.
Thank you again for your questions!
Anyone else, don’t hesitate to participate in this little game ♥
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
The Line of Seriel - House of Naradrilen
The Ahn’né people came to Enschka on the dawn of the first age. In what are now called the Lost Tribes lived Seriel. Little is known about her outside of the House of Naradrilen. It is said that Seriel was a leader in her community, although what her accurate title or responsibilities were has been lost to time. The reasons that pushed her to leave the Lost Tribes behind are mostly unknown, and what little is taught about it often conflicts with itself.
Some believe her community was persecuted, others say that a great evil was rising amongst the Tribes and Seriel protected her people by fleeing the growing threat. Others still say that what Seriel fled was an illness, a disease so swift and so deadly that her people were the only left to survive it, only because they left in time.
Whatever the truth may be, Seriel gathered her people, her family, and together the few hundreds of them began the Exodus. After crossing the Farewell Pass, the exiled people founded the Dreaming Woods in the Septentrion-most part of the continent of Enschka.
Seriel's family and closest friends she brought with her were instituted as the House of Naradrilen (ahnol for Children of the Trees) and Seriel was crowned first Queen of the Ahn’né on the 1st of Pyredays of 98 1AA.
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Seriel was a brave and just queen. Her prowess in the use of irha made her integral to the early survival of the Ahn’né when they settled in the Dreaming Woods. She's remembered for her quick tongue and biting sense of humor. Seriel is often represented laughing and this is how her people still see her to this day; a fair ruler who always had laughter on her lips.
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On the 23rd of Rainsbloom 201, Queen Seriel of House Naradrilen, First Queen of the Ahn’né, was assassinated. Even now, it is still unclear who was behind the murder, or what their motives were. Some people over the years have begun to believe that Queen Seriel was assassinated by the J'kaï and that it is the reason behind the Tribute War. Proponents of this theory say that it would echo the name given to the war, as well as conveniently explain the long-forgotten origin of the thousand-year war that has caused such tragedy for the Ahn’né.
Whatever the reason, after a brief period during which Consort Eikane of House Orane became Regent to help stabilise the Queendom, Seriel's heir and firstborn child, Maÿ, came to the throne. On the 18th of Firstsnow 202, Maÿ was crowned second Queen of the Ahn’né.
Queen Maÿ the Kind remains to this day the most beloved queen after Seriel. Maÿ was just good, purely and completely good. Under her rein, the Dreaming Woods flourished, growing rapidly in size and population while its culture and customs began spreading far and wide throughout Enschka. She nurtured most of the diplomatic relations with the Fées and the Ondines and brokered the longest period of peace during the entire Tribute War.
But above all, Maÿ the Kind's greatest gift to her people came after she met who would become Consort Itril Silnalui. Their love was the matter of legends, and it is legend that says that the ahns, upon seeing this love, moulded the irha of the Dreaming Woods and gave to Maÿ a secret knowledge. A knowledge with which the Queen created the Bonding, and made Itril and her the first ever Companions.
From their Bond came Merathÿ, Maÿ's heir, on the 4th of Awakening 910. And on the 4th of Awakening 910, Queen Maÿ the Kind passed away in childbirth.
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Because Merathÿ was just born when she needed to take the throne, she was replaced by Relei, Seriel's second child, who acted as Regent starting on the 3rd of Harvest 1 1AF, and for the decades before Merathÿ was of age to inherit her duties.
On the 41st of Firstsnow 87, Merathÿ was crowned third Queen of the Ahn’né.
We do not talk about Traitor Merathÿ.
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On the 6th of Slowdays 106, Nanse, Queen Seriel's third child, was crowned fourth Queen of the Ahn’né.
Queen Nanse the Great was a genius tactician, and in any other life, she would have been one of the greatest ahn’né warrior-queen. But barely fifty turns after Nanse's coronation, Enschka crumbled under the disastrous consequences of the Great Cataclysm. Nanse's entire rein after that was solely focused on rebuilding the queendom from the sheer destruction caused by the cataclysmic event.
Those who knew her said that Queen Nanse was always calm and gracious, that she would always take the time to listen no matter who talked to her, from commoners to her personal advisers. That she rarely smiled, but not for lack of wanting; because Queen Nanse the Great had lived through the death of her sister-queen, the betrayal of her niece, a war that had ran through generations, and without question the single most devastating and catastrophic event Enschka had ever known.
It is said that Nanse had a beautiful smile that pulled you in, and a laugh that invited you to join. It is also said that Nanse rarely had a reason to smile, and never had a reason to laugh. There was a melancholy that dragged her down like a dark miasma, a despair that dogged her every step no matter how much effort she put into dragging her country out of the rubble and ruins.
Already weary when she took the throne, a hundred times more weary the more she reigned, Queen Nanse the Great passed away peacefully in her sleep on the 39th of Warmer 567, having lived a long and heavy life.
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Right after, Nanse's heir and second child, Erethil, was crowned fifth Queen of the Ahn’né.
Erethil was one of the youngest queens to come into power and it was immediately obvious to her Court and her people that she did not want to be there. Nanse, to date, remains the queen who lived the oldest and reigned the longest, and many believe of Erethil that she had taken her mother's long reign and even longer life for immortality.
In a way, she might not be completely wrong. Scholars in the study of irha believe that if Nanse didn't have to spend so much of her power during her reign to compensate for the Great Cataclysm, and if she didn't decide to have both of her children very late in life, she most likely would have lived eternally. But a child is a costly thing ever since Maÿ's death in childbirth outlawed the Old Way, and Nanse exhausting herself to create two lives in such close proximity expanded so much of her irha at once that her following death was to be expected.
Consequentially, Erethil lived in the belief that she would not access the throne for a very long time, if at all, and it showed during her reign. She was never cruel or unjust, but there was a distinct lack of care in her actions. She was clearly very unhappy, miserable in a role she despised. Erethil did the bare minimum and delegated everything she could to her Council and her elder brother.
Roughly 250 turns of the wheels into Erethil's reign (dates are fuzzy because of how private House of Naradrilen is and how little of this process was done publicly), Erethil's brother changed.
The specifics are, again, unclear, for this kind of procedure is normally undertaken so much younger in life. Some Scholars believed that surviving this was a miracle for Nanse's firstborn. Others say that the survival rate is always the same, but what mattered here was that Nanse's first child most likely believed it a course of action impossible specifically for her..
Roughly 250 turns of the wheels into Erethil's reign, the Queen got everything she wished for. Her older sibling was now a woman, and as firstborn of the line of Seriel, she was now entitled to the throne upon Erethil's death. Erethil did not see it that way. Her sister's transition was a gift from the White, in her own words, and she would not pass the opportunity this presented.
On the 13th of Blizzard 854, Queen Erethil abdicated the throne of Ahn-Seriel and stayed just long enough to see her sister to the throne in her stead. Right after, Erethil marched to the banks of the Maÿ that cut through Ahn-Seriel, embarked on one of the ondine barges that had apparently come only for her, and vanished into the night. No word has come from Queen Erethil ever since, no news recorded; although it is believed she is still alive.
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Despite now being eligible to the throne, Antahnaril had never been raised as a queen. She named a Regent in her stead while she was taught all that she needed. In the first of many controversial decisions Ant would take in her life, she named Lieutenant-General Sileo of House Haravel as Regent.
The controversy didn't came from Sileo's aptitudes, as he was arguably one of the most competent people in the whole queendom. But despite his many qualities, Sileo was not of House Naradrilen, making him the first person to take the throne of Ahn-Seriel who wasn't a direct descendant of the Line of Seriel.
Ant managed to placate most complaints by simply pointing that Sileo was an incredibly competent man and that, given her unique position as the only queen-to-be to be of age while a regency was in place, she had still authority to veto a decision made by Sileo even while she was in learning. Sileo's regency was more of a joined affair between him and Ant while she learned the ins and outs of the Naradrilen monarchy.
With Erethil's abdication, her education now complete, Antahnaril was crowned sixth Queen of the Ahn’né on the 9th of Pyredays 916.
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Warrior-Queen Ant was a brutal tactician, a deadly fighter and a prodigy Master of Arms. Her reign marked the most aggressive campaign of conquest and battle against the J'kaï army. Ant is seen as a savage warrior, a ruthless decision-maker, and a mostly absent queen. Her time was almost exclusively spent on the battlefield while she left the bulk of the government work to her Council and Consort. Oh, what a scandal her Consort was.
Ant met President Kela when he came to congratulate her. The Fée president had taken an entourage with him, and amongst them was his younger brother, Yosaël. Everyone present in the room, even those who grumble at the eventual conclusion, agrees that it was love at first sight. Less than a cycle later, the Warrior-Queen and Yosaël had begun the Bonding process, and the Ceremony happened not long after.
To date, Consort Yosaël is the only consort to a Naradrilen queen who isn't ahn’né. There might have been more pushback against his inclusion in the House of Naradrilen if Consort Yosaël wasn't as good as he is.
The Fée has managed, despite everything going against him, to garner from the people of Ahn-Seriel the same reputation as Maÿ the Kind. Yosaël is deeply beloved by the people he effectively rules over while his Companion fights the Tribute War personally (again, something the Warrior-Queen is the first to do). Yosaël also raised Ant's heir from birth and for most of her life while her mother was in campaign.
Despite her ruthlessness, it has always been evident how fiercely Queen Ant cares. Her people come before everything, even her own safety, her time with her family and at home in Ahn-Seriel. She hones in on any threat made against who she considers hers and, despite her many oddities, this has granted Queen Ant a high popularity amongst her people.
But after a lifetime of controversies and debatable decisions, Ant did the one thing that no one was able to let go of. During the customary visit to the Sanctuary made once every turn of the wheel, the Children of the Calling gave Ant and Yosaël a prediction. Although not frequent, the Sanctuary does, at times, contact the various leaders of the continent with any information they gleaned from the future and deem necessary to pass onto them.
The last queen to receive a prediction had been the Traitor, making it almost an Age since then and surprising everyone with it, Ant and Yosaël most of all. The predictions are kept secret between the Sanctuary and whatever leader received it, to ensure that, given the state of Enschka and its thousand-year war, nothing foreseen by the Seers amongst the Children of the Calling would fall into the hands of an opposing nation. Therefore, no one knows what words were gifted to the Warrior-Queen one that fateful encounter.
The sweet child of Ant, Heir Anathÿ, was believed to be blessed by the Gods because of her uncanny resemblance to Seriel, down to her frequent smiles and loud laughter. Much too young for the throne yet but the people were looking forward to her reign; it was public opinion that she would herald a prosperous time, perhaps even broker a continued peace with the J'kaï.
But when the royal family came back from the Sanctuary, sweet Heir Anathÿ had stopped smiling. There, on the Sanctuary island, hidden away from her own people, Anathÿ had her very last laugh. When the Ahn’né next saw Heir Anathÿ, they were shocked and horrified to see the small child with metallic wire sewing her mouth completely shut.
Aside from the obvious, something had irrevocably changed in the family. Yosaël was aggressively kind, as if to compensate for what he let others do to his child, no matter her blood. There was now a distance between Yosaël and the queen, despite their clear love for each other. Ant, on the other hand, became ever more absent.
Her campaigns went on for longer and longer, until Yosaël effectively became the ruler in her stead. A period of despair followed, as the people of the Dreaming Woods watched in horror their hope and dream of Heir Anathÿ becoming the next Seriel be destroyed by a prediction they knew nothing about.
What was supposed to be a prosperous time for the ahn’né people turned into tragedy, and disappointment. During one of her seemingly ever-lasting campaigns, the Warrior-Queen was taken down by a squad of J'kaï assassins. She died on the 29th of Slowdays 356 2AF, not having come home to Ahn-Seriel, her Consort and her daughter for over a decade.
Anathÿ wasn't of age when Ant died, so Consort Yosaël became regent for a short period of time. Finally, on the 5th of Harvest 359, Anathÿ was crowned seventh Queen of the Ahn’né.
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(shown above, Anathÿ -right- and her son Eobel -left-)
Last in a long line with a heavy history, Anathÿ-Battlescar is a grave, serious ruler. Long gone are the smiles and laughter of her childhood, Anathÿ took the best of both worlds from her parents. Her queen-mother passed down to her a ruthlessness that shows in much of her decision-making, and terrifying skill in combat. From her father, blood relations or not, she got her unparalleled skill in the use of irha.
Anathÿ sees the world in black and white. There is only the war, and the continued survival of her people. Nothing else matters. These two sides of her rarely conflict, but the citizens of Ahn-Seriel, who most often interact with her, tell tales of a queen who spends half of every day in a public hall, where she meets anyone of her subjects who wants to speak with her, one by one and in private. No matter that she was back from the battlefield, injured and exhausted, you would always find her in the morning, in that great hall where her people gather.
The rest of her time, she mostly spends with her war council, planning the next attack, coordinating the next defence. Queen Anathÿ never Bonded, despite having two children. Heir Orril was born of General Alaric, while her son Eobel was created with Alinael-irhashal. Anathÿ has one of the longest reigns of the line of Seriel, with Heir Orril having come of age for a number of turns now. She's a popular queen, if not the closest to her people, a skilled ruler and deadly warrior.
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
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Sheoril Ashall'dil || Dreamer
Sheoril is a civilian hunter. She’s invaluable to a caravan of marching soldiers who has neither time nor skill to provide for their own meals. But Sheoril isn’t an ordinary hunter. Member of an underground Guild, she has her own goals during this mission, and her use of irha might just go against all the rules set in place by the scholar world.
Sheo- is a common first name starter, it means sea or ocean
(The Shadow Walkers moodboards - check out the collections in source)  
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
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Mehetÿl of Ashbloom Domain || Sylvain
a soldier in the Queen’s army, the youngest general in Ahnian history, a protector at heart. The hardest love interest to romance.
(The Shadow Walkers moodboards - check out the collections in source)
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
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Aubiel, child of the Stone || Fée
Aubiel is one of the soldiers sent to the Dreaming Woods alongside a battalion of Fées as part of the two people’s Alliance. Aubiel has been training all his life to be one of the soldiers sent to fight in the war. Hot-blooded and with an iron will, Aubiel is as impressively stubborn as he is frighteningly competent.
Aubiel is one of the two people potentially involved in a polyamorous triad with the main character.
Aubiel is the name of the capital city of the Fée Republic
(The Shadow Walkers moodboards - check out the collections in source)
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
You have opened the floodgate for ask spams fjjffdjdjd! I wanted to ask first about the language: what inspired you? Do you follow a set of rules or just go with what looks cool? Do they have an alphabet? Any chance of hearing how the most important stuff (especially names) is pronounced?👀
OMG you just asked about one of my favourite topics ever around this world lmao
So, the goal eventually would be to be two fully functional languages, Ahnol and So'Kaï, respectively the languages of the Ahn’né and the J'kaï, and have some common words and titles translated into the languages of the Fées, the Naïades, the Ëkos and the Changeformes. The Dracs' language is a bit different, because I'm basically using a regional language from my country and tweaking it a bit for them, so it's not like I'm coming up with it from scratch like I did with Ahnol. So'Kaï is currently at the point I'd like to get with the other languages, which means a bunch of important words used by people in the story.
I was, of course, inspired by Tolkien just as a concept, but the language in itself is a combination of a bunch of things. I've learned seven languages in my life, even if I'm not fluent in all of them, and I've always been interested in them. So, for Ahnol, I based the syntax structure on French, which is S+V+C, or Subject, Verb and Addition. Then, I just began making up words until I had enough that I begun noticing a pattern in sounds I had made unconsciously. When I noticed that pattern, I stuck to it to make a consistently-sounding language. So eventually, it began to sound like the regional languages from my country, mixed with Japanese and Chinese. I'm also using some of the additional letters we have in French, like é, è, à, ç, the little triangle symbol like this = î and the two-dots symbol like this= ï
It has very consistent rules for how it's pronounced and it's relatively easy to understand. Time works like in Chinese, where every sentence is present tense and you just add a time signifier. In English, that would look like this: I was hungry // Yesterday, I am hungry. So the latter is basically how it works.
Unlike French, which its heavily based on in other aspects, I refused to add gender markers and the formal and familiar "you" we have, because the first sucks and the second, although fun, was more complicated than I wanted to get at the time (that changed but at this point it'd be too much work to invent both "you"s)
There is an alphabet and I even made a custom font so I could type the words in documents or when I'm drawing something. The alphabet looks roughly like this (this is an earlier version but the only picture I currently have on my computer, but there's like one tiny difference in the current version so this will do)
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The alphabet is clearly based on Ogham, which I'm very familiar with because of my religion, culture and practice. Because the Ahn’né live exclusively in forests, it made sense to use something literlaly called the Alphabet of the Trees as an inspiration.
Right now, Ahnol is completely usable, but it looks vocabulary, which is what makes a language rich. Since I basically add new words whenever I need them in the story, I have a wild variety of words atm.
Excuse my voice, I went to a metal concert with my sister that went on for almost 5 hours and had four bands, including the legendary Gojira, so my throat is busted. But here's a list of words and short phrases, what they mean, and how they're pronounced, as well as some of the most important characters’ names
link to the sound file
(rough transcript of names)
Naradrilen’né Anathÿ O’sha
Olaÿ Erenalui
Mehetÿl of Ashbloom Domain
Hé’noûr of House Faon’den (Faon’den’né Hé’noür)
Sheoril Ashall’dil
Jora Dil’norr
Eobel (Naradrilen’né Eobel)
Orril (Naradrilen’né Orril)
and hey, if you want to use what I give you later in this post to make some sentences of your own, I’d love to see them lol I haven’t copied everything from my language file because I want to protect my work a little bit, but I use Ahnol pretty extensively in the game so I thought it’d be cool to share some with you and everyone else
Thank you so much for this question, I had so much fun writing all this. I might post a language breakdown in the lore tag of the blog for later, we’ll see. And if you have any other question, I would be DELIGHTED to gush more about the world of Enschka.
[everything below the cut is copied straight from my language file on my computer, so it has annotations, French thrown in the middle of it and it has literal translations as well, marked as ‘lit.’, short for ‘literally’ (for ex, I love you is Je t’aime in French, but the literal translation would be Je aime toi. Or in reverse, Je m’appelle John translates to My name is John but the literal translation, so word-for-word, would be I am me called John)]
PRONOUNS & BASICS mün: to be ih: I, me noür: you wa'ih: you far away (like in japanese, sore/kore/are) ara: they (gender-neutral singular third person) araï: they (gender-neutral plural third person) ihnoü: us
ihn: mine noüh: yours arani: theirs (no distinction of singular/plural) ushihi: ours ushihnoü: together
aa: yes eo: no i: and, also
asharr'noür: thank you (lit. blessed be you) dil asharr: you're welcome (lit. bless the white -implied, bless the white instead of me)
aa: yes eo: no i: and, also
asharr'noür: thank you (lit. blessed be you) dil asharr: you're welcome (lit. bless the white -implied, bless the white instead [of me])
o'sha: gender-neutral word for a ruler a'sha: king specifically, since the ahn’né don't have those they invented the word for other cultures shalle: master ha'norr: healer (the magic of hands) irhashal: mage (master of life) ashto'ïreq: shadowwalker (lit. walk in the dark) vallemek: warrior oshallem: soldier (lit: warrior of the queen) irhamek: battlemage (lit: warrior of life) erenmek: councillor, specifically for war (lit. the one who sees war)
olaÿé: dreamers sila'né: sylvains héki'né: septs
héki: septentrion arheyü: after-sky oshaji: stone sheo: sea
dil: white dila: light ïreq: black ïreqa: dark nara: red eri: blue sato: green lunil: yellow faon: gold adoo: marron
eranga'a: sibling essa'a: older sibling (like Chinese. this is familiar way, like "big sis/big bro" but gender neutral) osso'a: younger sibling (same) irha'a: twin/beloved sibling/sibling of life because of irha ushana: companion, partner nooqa: parent who provided the stasis (familiar) anooq: idem (soutenu) neqe: parent who provided the constant stream of irha (familiar) aneq: idem (soutenu)
ih shalle'deo: I don't know -something implied- (literally meaning I don't master -something-) quera ihqari: come with me ihqari: with me (works with any pronoun or noun, subject or speaker first, then the thing being with the subject) asharr'uil: blessed be [...] shallon ihqari: i love you (lit. love with you)
for bonded people: peace for you: noür thyna'shi (lit. you peace is for) and prosper: i n'ahanni (lit. et t'prospère -même raccourci que dans je t'aime par ex)
formal greeting: asharr'uil noür dil'oshallonri: Be blessed on this day, you who is beloved by the White (lit. blessed be you, sun beloved) ushihnoü ashto dilero: may we walk together under the light of the White (lit. together walk the sun under)
oyami: precious (gender neutral) (ihn)ushana: (my) companion (gender neutral, with the possessive it becomes a full word) (ihn)venhael: (my) bonded (gender neutral, same) oshallonri: beloved
SWEARING (scale of #1 to #5 from less offensive to worse)
shkaï: putain (#1 used like putain, is a bastardized version of Kaï, the angel island) irha'o: connard/connasse (#3 gender neutral insult, lit. without irha/without a soul) mera: salaud/salope (#4 gender neutral, short version of Merathÿ, the traitor queen)
quera: come, follow quera'deo: stay put, don't follow shalle'rea: to know something, to have mastered something asharr: to bless asharr'ui: to be blessed shallon: to love, (lit. to master emotion) shallon'ui: to be in love ahanni: to prosper eren: to see eren'ui: to be seen ashto: to walk arahn'ui: to give birth
dil: the sun/the white, light norr: hand irha: life/centre (also the name of the particles that form their life-force and magic) ahnol: language of the ahn’né ahn: the small fairy-like creatures who inhabit the Dreaming Woods and are born from the irha in the trees. Also how the ahn’né talk about themselves in their language sooreth: cloud sooreth'irha: clouded heart, ahn’né slang for half-blood/mixed people thyna: peace sil: tree sileo: bois (du bois, pas les bois/forêt) (common first name) soori: a type of tea, very bitter, from the Ashtou Chain nalui: friend olanéi: the dreaming elm (lit. the ones who speak the dreams into existence) lemek: conflict, though used also in the context of war ol: langue (autant le muscle que le concept de language) olaÿ: dreams, songe ishell: the wrapped tunic worn by Dreamers over their undershirt and pants thÿrun : the facepaint worn by members of a specific House to denote their status yüe: the sky qeraÿo: a follower, someone who subscribes to a belief yano: wind shi: "-day" or celebration (Dreamer-day is olaÿ-shi for ex) jarré: snow oshaji: stone sheo: sea asharri: god/the divine, as in a general term for a god when not using their name (ex: the gods have spoken) arahn: birth mer: carer, caring person ant: star/celestial body
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
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Olaÿ Erenalui || Dreamer
a fellow graduate of the Military Academy, an irha prodigy, a gentle giant. It’s up to you to convince him he can count on you and put his fragile trust in your hands.
Olaÿ is canonly asexual. He’s also one of the two people potentially involved in a polyamorous triad with the main character.
In Ahnian, Olaÿ means dreams, dream-like, songe
(The Shadow Walkers moodboards - check out the collections in source)
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
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Hé'noür of House Faon'den || Sept
Hé'noür is an apprentice under First Healer Jora Dil'norr and a battlefield medic. Hé'noür’s decision to become a healer instead of an irha master was very poorly received by their House, and for the entire duration of their stay in Ahn-Seriel, they’ve been essentially taken off House Faon'den’s records.
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
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