#the server has 100+ roles
priestess-of-yuri · 10 months
i have something precious i want to share with the world: kindness, hope and unconditional love.
there's so much hatred and apathy in the world right now. so much disgust and repulsion between everyone. if you, like me, are tired of looking at the state of this world -- maybe you can stand up for what's right.
maybe you can empower yourself, heal yourself to be a leader of your own life. maybe you can turn to those who pose challenges in your circles and argue back, fight back, change the world one person at a time.
i believe to heal Nature, to reform society so we treat everyone with respect and kindness, and to progress past capitalism, we need to each change the way we behave and think. on a deep level. we need to nurture a sacrality for not just Nature, but people. everyone. even that bigot you hate. even that radfem that sucks. even that ableist who hurt you.
but to do that, we need to feel safe, comfortable and sacred within ourselves first. we need a community of leftists that are like-minded, and willing to use the arts to promote change and transform the world.
maybe this all sounds too good to be true. maybe you're doubting yourself, or me, and don't want to take any chances. but i'll say one more thing: you are never obligated to do anything.
i'll leave a link a here, just in case this resonated.
harlequinventi's coven
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hope to see you soon!
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hardswae · 1 month
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Happy 3rd anniversary to my wonderful world of creativity, HARDSWAE✿!! I am grateful for another year of your unwavering support for me and my creations. Your support has been a source of strength for me through both the good and bad days, including my creative block periods. I deeply appreciate your understanding and encouragement during those times.
I also want to express my gratitude to those who provide constructive criticism, as it has played a crucial role in shaping my skills and growth as a 3D artist. To the amazing creators I collaborate with behind the scenes, thank you for your inspiration and guidance. Your input has been invaluable to me.
Special thanks to K's Kustomz for the beautiful custom blend scene that will be featured in upcoming ads it’s so pretty you guys ✿✿✿✿!!!
I am excited to share my new Discord server with you all, where we can connect on a more personal level and where you can request specific creations from me. This new era is all about better communication and skill improvement, and I look forward to sharing my work process through streaming and engaging with you all.
Thank you once again for your continued support. The 3 Years of SWAE Collection is out now, and REMINDER to join my Discord server for more updates and interactions. Let's continue to create and grow together ❀❀❀❀.
 *Credits to the Louis Vuitton & Lefleur Brand for the inspiration behind the beautiful pieces apart of this collection *
- SWAE'S T.O.U.  -
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elisacaleisa · 2 months
I wrote this in my discord server and then posted on twitter. Time to annoy here as well, HEEHOO!
Jax's Personality Swap AU!
DAMN PIPELINE: Kody > Huxley > Gavin > Damien > Lasko > Kody
NOTE: Since this is a personality swap, these characters are gonna be out of character, but Huxley will still remained as a supporting character, while Kody is still not (only personality change, not roles)! Typing this just to avoid confusion!
Damien > Lasko:
Tired Air Elemental:
- he is tired
- looks older than he actually is, its the wrinkles and white hair
- bro doesnt sleep
- not really mean, he just sounds really monotone and had the same expression
- "you all are idiots, why do i hang out with you"
- "you have 99/100. you can do it next time"
- he has trust issues and has hard time opening up
- he means well when you get to know him
- "i try to push you to your limits, because i believe you can surpass them... i'm sorry, i didnt mean to break your boundaries"
- still a dnd nerd but more of a dungeon master with ton of research for his homebrew campaign
Gavin > Damien:
Daring Fire Elemental:
- more of a risk taker in a rebellious bad boy way? Outside of the academy
- night walks
- "are you lost, precious?"
- smiles all the time in a warm way
- "well, look at you, what a snack. are you cold? i can warm you up."
- very smart but doubts himself
- awkward with physical contact
- tries to be seen as overly attractive and an attention seeker to hide his emotional vulnerability
- he and his mom kinda argue so he left,,, whoops
- "arent you a doll, freelancer. heh... alright, we will hug. maybe even kiss?"
Kody > Huxley:
Distant Earth Elemental:
- is not very friendly in the beginning
- trust issues! My favorite /j
- he can be a meanie :(
- "why do we keep bumping into each other?"
- freelancer does not give up
- "i can take care of myself, i am not that stupid" he sounded hurt...
- he misses his moms,,,
- he wants to fit in, but since people think he is stupid because he is an earth elemental, he decided to do the opposite and be alone by himself
- the only friend he had was Lasko but they fought they last time they saw each other
- "you actually like me, didnt you? what am i doing, why do i wanna hurt you so bad? im supposed to be your friend" - spinel from steven universe the movie
Huxley > Gavin:
Oblivious Incubus:
- he is so lonely
- his only friend was Caelum, who is kinda a spoiled brat but nice only to Gav (slowly to FL)
- FL comes up
- "youre so pretty..."
- shit he said that out loud
- very friendly
- poor orientation skills. he has to walk with freelancer to get them to the academy
- loves physical touch
- gives fl a keychain for free!
- the keychain says big gulp. FL giggles
- "huh? Whats so funny?" ... "oh... Ohhh haha! Haha, i didnt even realize! Youre so smart"
Lasko > Kody
Bashful Water Elemental:
- he is so innocent!
- he is trying to be helpful
- "a-are you okay?"
- freelancer says its okay
- "i struggle with my powers, i-im so sorry"
- kody is following them.... ok?
- kody, personal space pls
- he is trying to also help freelancer, since he knows the struggle of being useless
- kody is being very pushy...
- "well, in this book, it says that we should bridge if we want to maximize our potential in our elemental. w-what do you say?"
- kody is a creep again GOD DAMMIT!
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demodraws0606 · 5 months
The fucking email things from for the QSMP teasers still haunt me because like...why is Bad clearly linked to them ? Like yeah special guest theory whatever but like we know 100 pourcent the muffin email HAS to be about him, he literally is represented two times with muffins for the QSMP teasers (image/posters).
But the thing that fucks me up is like, he is the only one that gets this, no one is even hinted at being related to the emails. Even more so with Bad's image teaser on twitter being fucking weird with the milk emoji and the fact that it's on a completely seperate account.
Why is he the only one that got this, because meaning this is like pre QSMP server that means that they somehow had something planned for him before the server even begun.
And this even more fucking ominous when you realise the fact that Quackity and Bad are huge besties and both of them have interracted heavily through lore on the DSMP.
What I'm implying is that it would be very believable if Quackity handed Bad a huge narrative role to him that would get later revealed for the server.
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this-is-fox-speaking · 10 months
FANTOCCIO FACTS POST (from screenshots i found in my own interests server)
- His name is italian for puppet, but he pronounces it incorrectly and insists it’s the correct way to say his name if anyone else points it out and says he’s wrong.
- He’s not from Italy, obviously. Goes to show. But Ash imagines he knows a bit of italian. (“Not enough Italian to say his name right.” - Katie.)
- Fantoccio has a pet shark named Sharkspeare! Mentioned in the song at the line “‘Cause Sharkspeare’s looking mean!”
- Fantoccio has to make all his own props, set pieces, clothes, etc in the theatre.
- Would never smoke, and would hate being around it/people who’re doing it actively.
- Fantoccio was made by Ash as a fan OC for the game, and this (as far as I’m aware) is what got them hired onto the game, cause Katie loved their ideas so much.
- Fantoccio is not very good with kids.
- Fantoccio’s favorite food is churros. This came from the fact Ash once had a dream about him infodumping about them cause he loved them so much, so they made it canon.
- Don’t worry, he can indeed taste things normally. No traditional taste buds, but some, nonetheless. Same goes for touch!
- Fantoccio is canonically autistic, having many traits of himself heavily projected from Ash, themself.
- When asked what his meltdown triggers could be, Ash thought that some might be: too much touching, being without his hat, or one of his props breaking.
- Fantoccio likes wearing dresses! Wears them if he feels like it or if the role calls for it, during a play.
- Ash thinks he’d ADORE snow.
- Fantoccio would 100% love spicy italian from subway.
- Fantoccio plays violin!
- Fantoccio would chant “I’m sleeping” when struggling to fall asleep, like his own version of counting sheep.
- He would NEVER say the Earth is flat.
- He’d be the “How do you do that” of that one keysmash meme, if paired with Barnaby.
- Ash once said that Fantoccio is like Duck from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared.
- When doing a personality type test (and actually answering truthfully instead of in character) for Fantoccio, he ended up with ENTJ-T, Commander. Fanto would answer untruthfully on some questions, like if he ever gets insecure (“PFFFT NO THE ANSWERS NO”).
- He can go uwu in the bbu lore, but he’ll hate it. (“THIS IS STUPID!!!”)
- Fantoccio would apparently be a “mac and cheese FIEND.”
- He’d hate pranks (specifically a hand zapper in this case), because they’re unexpected. (“NEVER DO THAT AGAIN”)
- This also means he’d never troll anyone, cause he feels above that.
- Fanto would HATE hearing people crack their knuckles, like Ash does.
- Fantoccio loves to carve wood. Specifically only by hand, that’s how much he loves it! He carved the two giant wooden hands used in his battle, but his favorite thing to carve is ducks.
- Fantoccio is very intent on ONLY eating the few foods he knows he likes.
- If he were an ice cream, he’d be coffee flavor! Which is ironic, because Ash has also said that it’d probably be terrible to give Fantoccio caffeine.
- Fantoccio would LOVE chicken nuggets.
- Hates pizza, though. Too greasy and messy.
- Would enjoy having an ipad “a little too much. He would be super confused at first but once he learns how to use it DO NOT TAKE IT AWAY”. (kinda like Peridot from Steven Universe)
- He would like spruce wood in Minecraft, but also acacia “just to look at.”
- Ash adores pirates, so so does Fantoccio!
- He has no nose, so no sneezes!
- Appreciates detail as much as Barnaby does.
- Fanto would love birds!
- Fanto is not capable of curse words. Sad.
- Fantoccio would COLLAPSE trying to lift someone without his powers.
- He stims by patting his face and spinning around. Fidgets with his hands in concepts for his standing idle animations, because he’s uncomfortable with standing and prefers floating.
- He’d favor Murder Mystery!
- His wood is alive and can grow like a real boy! (if you’ve seen my post being reblogged around, lol)
- He lives in the lost city of magic, which is abandoned and overrun my magical zombies who used to be magic users, now with a terrible curse. So he lives mainly in his theatre. He’s not trapped, anymore, like his old story!
- Fantoccio’s powers are based around telekinesis and teleportation. It’s how he moves his body around!
- He used to have a plush toy rabbit he carried around, when he was younger, seemingly. It’s unclear where that went, when he got older.
- Fantoccio’s been locked up in this city for 15 years, since he was 8. Completely isolated (save for those zombies, I suppose)! When Billie comes along, though, he’s so excited to have something new to play with!
- Fanto’s song is inspired by Weird Al. Like 90% of this game is, of course /lh. He was also inspired by the pied piper!
- He’d dislike the idea of seafood. (“He’d be like “Why would anyone want to eat a fish?!” And cover Sharkspeare’s nonexistent ears like “Don’t listen to them!””)
- The red feather in his hat is also used as a pen!
- Fantoccio is a being of pure magic, having an entire magic gem be his whole life source. This means he can use magic endlessly without getting tired (I believe)!
- Fantoccio is 23, he/him, and pansexual.
- His face is made using magic. It disappears when/if he’s magic-less.
- Fantoccio can absolutely feel pain.
- When it comes to nature, Ash said he’d kinda be like Rarity from MLP:FiM, but certain kinds of nature he’d still really love. He’d really dislike walking through the wild or camping in general, but loves things like snow or flower fields. Just depends!
- Fantoccio would main Bowser in Mario Kart.
-In terms of favorite Halloween treats, Fantoccio would like anything chewy and fruity (no chocolate)!
- Canonically wears eyeliner.
- Magic sparks from his fingertips when he’s very excited!
- If Fantoccio was an animal, Ash says he’d be a cat.
- No traditional gross human stuff inside him like others, just wood and sap. “Whatever trees do.”
- His original concept by Ash was him having a purple phantom head, being a ghost in a puppet’s body. This was changed by Katie, I believe.
(feel free to add on if I missed anything! i’ll edit this post if i randomly remember something)
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eff-plays · 8 months
every time i remember that astarion has 4 extra hours of dialogue compared to wyll, i get so sad... before i got to the end of the game, i was like "ah. wyll must not be in any fandom posts i saw because of predictable reasons, but surely he still has cool scenes and an equivalent level of care in the canon writing!" RIP. he does not. it's like a self-sustaining vortex of the fandom and the writing team both being way more excited about the pale elf than any other character.
it's a shame because astarion is otherwise a well written and acted character, but it makes me dislike him on principle if i feel he's the authors' Favourite Little Boy, hah.
God YEAH. It's so fucking frustrating!
Like he's my favorite little boy! He fully is! But I would give up HOURS of his content if it meant the effort was equal across the board! Because that's good game design, that's good writing! That's what they should have done!
And it's so so fucking frustrating to see how Larian are basically leaving the other companions in the shitter just to cater to a small and annoying minority of rabid fangirs who shit themselves silly at the mere mention of him.
Y'all know that pretty post with all the companions' eyes? Well someone added some shit about how Astarion's eyes have micromovements that are faster than anyone else's because he's always looking for threats.
And I'm just sitting here like. This is the Dragon Age fandom again. Y'all are here overanalyzing insignificant shit just because it pertains to your favorite crusty white man. It's giving "let's pretend that BioWare's shitty canned animations are worth of deep frame-by-frame analysis". I think in general it's fine to analyze animations in the case of BG3, because there's mo-cap and actual acting involved, but c'mon, y'all. Derailing a beautiful gifset of EVERYONE'S eyes with some sappy addon about only Astarion?
I honestly HATE the fact that I like Astarion as much as I do, because it means sharing a fandom with the type of people who think Cullen is a gift to all women. Which, yeah, a lot of parallels there, in that he also got a hugely inflated role because of a minority of extremely horny idiots who saw a pretty white boy (though the pretty part is debatable in Cullen's case) and all other thoughts flew out the window. I literally initially didn't like Astarion because based on what I'd seen from the fandom, he'd be another unrepentant asshole that people woobiefied like they did Cullen, and to some extent, Solas. And I was right! I just ended up liking him in the actual canon enough to make my own judgment in the end.
It's also why I am filled with glee whenever another Astarion-centric blog blocks me, because the more of those guys I keep away from me, the less I want to shoot Astarion point-blank just by association.
So yeah. He's my little guy but I also fully 100% understand disliking him because of the hype. It's 100% justified and I fault nobody for doing so. His being so well-written as a result of poor management, crunch, and fandom pressure isn't something to celebrate. The ends do not justify the means here. Either extend dev time to give everyone the same amount of love, or don't fucking bother with extra content at all. It's that fucking simple.
Also the optics of admitting all of that in a Discord server just to satisfy a bunch of dipshits looking for a pat on the head for making the Canon Choices. Just ... bleh.
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pinkroseblooms · 5 months
Hippity-Hop into Your Heart
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Summary: Usahara is all too happy to play the role of boyfriend so you can shake off a creep, but of course, the night ends with him developing an all too real crush. 4.1 k A/N: Art from Gaku Kaze! Usahara Tobikichi/F!Reader. I have a soft spot for this dumb bunny and I think he needs more love. Enjoy! TW: Stalking, cursing (mostly for reader getting called a b*tch by said stalker).
Usahara’s drunk. Again. 
The night has hardly begun and he keeps slumping over the table, cheeks flushed and eyes bleary while he struggles to sit upright. “I wish I was funny.”
“I wish you were sober.” Uramichi slides another glass of water, moving aside the collection of empty shot glasses. “I thought we were only doing beer.”
“We should order motsu nikomi for him.” Kumatani suggests; he’s only on his third beer. 
They did start a bit later than expected for a weeknight. There’s hardly anyone else at the tables around them; hopefully Usahara doesn’t end up getting them kicked out for disturbing the peace. A server comes around with their next round of beers and Kumatani speaks up to request more water while they look over their options for food.
“I want gyoza!” Usahara slurs. “And a girlfriend. Ugh. I really want a girlfriend.” 
“You can have one of those things.” Kumatani glances at the paper menu. “Seeing as how gyoza’s on the menu and you’re a degenerate, let’s keep this based in reality.”
“I’m not a general!”
“Let’s leave him here.” Uramichi whispers, leaning over to Kumatani on his left. “He’ll pass out soon enough.”
“I’m drunk, not deaf.” Usahara grumbles; he sighs and sheds his jacket. “It’s hot. Can we get ice cream?”
“Why do you drink so much when you know you can’t handle booze?” Kumatani rests his chin on his hand. “If you think I’m paying your tab, you’ve got another thing-”
“Honey! There you are, sorry I’m late, I was stuck at the office.”
Usahara raises his head up; there’s a girl sliding into the booth seat next to him. For a split second, he thinks he might be having a hallucination, but you scoot closer and touch his arm with a strained smile. Not to mention Uramichi and Kumatani are also staring at him and you, visibly taken aback at this stranger joining their table, so Usahara is 100% positive the alcohol isn’t making him see things.
“I’m sorry.” You’re leaning in to whisper in his ear, still smiling but now your voice is considerably less cheerful. “A man’s been following me since I left my job.”
“What?” Usahara straightens up and stares at you, bewildered, trying to keep his tone low. “Did he come in?”
“He followed every time I changed directions.” You pretend to look at Uramichi and Kumatani but you’re actually sneaking a peek at the entrance. “He’s outside in the smoking area. I think he’s waiting.”
Usahara glances at the door; there is a man outside. It’s not easy to make his features out, but he can see him turn his head to look into the bar. 
“I’m sorry to intrude.” You drop your fake smile. “This place is the closest building with people and I thought he would keep following me if I sat down by myself. Could I wait here until he leaves? I’ll pay for your next round.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Uramichi frowns. “Do you want to call the police?”
“No, I mean, what could they do?” You release your grip on Usahara’s arm and give him some space. “He could just say he’s going the same way as me. I just didn’t want him to know where I live.”
“I’m going out there.” Kumatani stands up. 
“Oh please don’t!” You say hurriedly. “You really don’t have to get involved.”
“Scum like that need to have their asses kicked before they get the message. He looks weak.” Kumatani glares over at the door. “I’m not gonna be intimidated by some gross stalker.”
“But he could have a knife.” You say worriedly. “Even if he doesn’t, you’ll get in trouble for making things physical. Please, um…”
“Kumatani.” Usahara supplies. “He’s Kumatani, I’m Usahara, and that sad sack over there is Uramichi-”
“Kumantani, let’s use this drunk as a human shield.” Uramichi addresses the still standing Kumatani but his cold eyes are directly on Usahara’s. “If the creep has a knife, you’ll do your part as a concerned citizen, right?”
You glance around at the three of them. “Look, I already feel bad to bother you guys. I can get a ride; I doubt he’ll chase after a car, you know? I just,” you swallow hard; the last thing you want to do is start crying, not now in front of these strangers you had basically forced to be involved in this. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt, okay?”
“Alright.” Kumatani finally takes his seat. “You’ve got a good point.”
“You must have been scared.” Uramichi looks at you with some sympathy. “I’m not eager to do any heroics myself and I don’t blame you for not wanting to stir the pot. How far away is your work?”
“About ten minutes. I work for a family, well, a few different families in the area.” You explain; your teeth have stopped chattering and your heart has stopped pounding. “I actually do babysitting and cleaning jobs. Today the parents went out for a date: they offered to drive me home, but they had a few drinks at dinner and I didn’t want to spend money on a ride share app when my place is so close. I actually come here every now and then to wind down after work…I didn’t think I’d be coming in tonight to escape that asshole.”
“Uh, so,"  Usahara clears his throat. “Why did you sit next to me? If you don’t mind my asking.”
“Are you serious?”
“What?” Usahara holds up his hands as if to block himself from the death glares being shot his way. “Just curious!”
“The seat next to you was empty.” You answer honestly. “Why else would I?”
“Because I’m…cute?” Usahara grins but it fades as you raise an eyebrow at him. “Sorry. Okay, no more joking: are you hungry? You might as well eat something, my treat.”
“I thought you were broke?” Kumatani snips. “I told you, I’m not covering your tab.” he turns to you. “Order what you want.”
“Ice cold.” Usahara crosses his arms. “I just so happen to have some extra funds. I helped my folks in their store earlier, so they floated me a few bucks.” he winks at you. “Since I’m playing your boyfriend, I should treat my girl to something nice.”
“You made your poor parents pay you for helping them?” Uramichi shakes his head somberly. “I didn’t think you could sink lower.”
“They insisted! I’m not gonna turn down money in this economy.”
“Don’t blame the economy for your piss poor spending habits.”
“They’re so mean.” Usahara pouts to you. “Aren’t you going to stand up for your boyfriend?”
You look at him for a moment before your face breaks out into a smile, a real one. Before you can stop, a laugh escapes you and you keep laughing until you start wheezing slightly. 
“Wow, I think you broke her psyche.” Uramichi comments lightly. 
“I’m so-sorry, really, I don’t mean to laugh at you!” Your voice cracks as you press your hands to your mouth. “Usahara? I’m sorry, you’ve all been so great to help me out.”
“I’m glad.” Usahara smiles bashfully, rubbing the back of his head; he realizes he must seem hilariously pathetic, but hey, it’s not like this is a real date. “If you’re laughing, it means you’re feeling better, yeah?”
Your giggles die off and you wipe your eyes. “I am.” with a deep sigh, you’re able to calm down and breathe normally. “I was really scared. Thank you. I feel better mostly.”
“You need a good laugh, I’m your guy.” Usahara hands you his untouched glass of water. “Here, it’s just plain water. Do you want a beer or something?”
“You know what? I could use a drink.” You confess tiredly. “So, what brings you guys here?”
Nearly two hours pass in the blink of an eye; Usahara plays his role well. He pours you drinks, stays close, but not too close to you, and even hand fed you a couple of snacks. To the casual observer, the four of you would never know you were all strangers.
Despite the cordial mood, Usahara kept up the charade, just in case the man outside was still lurking around, though they haven’t seen his profile in the window for some time now. It’s an unfortunate truth that some men will only back off if they know a girl already has a boyfriend who can potentially beat them up. Usahara, although not quite as intimidating looking in comparison to his friends, is the tallest and he does spend a good amount of time training on his own. He’s confident that if nothing else, all three of them are more than enough to take down one shady weirdo. 
It’s too bad though. Usahara can't smother the twinge of bit guilt he feels at how much fun he’s having; there’s no need for him to put up a front or try to play it cool since this is very much not a date. There’s no pressure to look good in front of you, so Usahara can relax and not think about what he says too much or how he holds himself. 
“I’ve never heard of that.”
“It’s awesome!” You tell him excitedly, hands grabbing onto his arm as if to shake sense into him. “An absolute classic, how the heck have you never heard of Killer Clowns from Another Dimension? Do you even watch movies?”
“Sometimes” Usahara sips a new glass of water you made him order. “I can’t believe you’re judging me.”
“I saw it.” Kumatani raises his hand. “The effects are next level.”
“A man of culture.” You give him a thumbs up. “This guy knows. Uramichi, make Usahara apologize.”
“Don’t drag me into this.” Uramichi drones. “I don’t get what any of you are saying.”
“Now who needs to watch more movies.” 
“I saw one recently.” Uramichi cocks his head to the side. “It was a comedy; some idiot didn’t know when to stop running his mouth so his co worker buries him alive.”
“That’s a horror movie! If I go missing, you’re gonna be the first one the cops talk to.” Usahara clings to your arm. “Babe, tell him to leave me alone.”
“If you coddle him, he’ll never learn to shut his trap.”
“There, there, honey bunny.” You pat Usahara’s head lightly. “I promise to light a candle for you until they find the body.”
“You won’t even look for me?!”
“I think it’s more likely you’ll be disposed of by some loan sharks.” Kumatani deadpans but even he has a hint of a smirk on his lips. “Keep up the gambling and you’ll be found in a river instead of a shallow grave.”
“You guys are terrible and when I hit the jackpot none of you are seeing a cent.” Usahara tells them before leaning his head on your shoulder, sticking his tongue out at the both of them. “She’s been way nice to me and we only just met.”
“Because she doesn’t know how insufferable you are yet.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” You glance down at Usahara as he gives you puppy eyes. “He’s doing a pretty good job of letting me know.”
“Babe, not cool.” 
“Sorry, honey.” You giggle and poke his flushed cheek; it’s funny how comfortable you feel right now and you don’t think it’s because of the beers. Maybe it’s because Usahara has no filter; you were so tense before, yet now you’re joking and chatting like this was the plan, to show up and hang out with these odd characters. “So, what would you do if you won the lottery?”
“You should pay your rent on time.” Uramichi remarks; he’s eating his own plate of mackerel, sashimi style. “It would be nice to never have to get up for work again.”
“I want to take time off and buy a boat.” Kumatani closes his eyes. “Just floating out to sea, nice and quiet, fresh saltwater air.”
“Usahara.” You smack his shoulder lightly. “Knock it off.”
“Hey why are you defending that jerk?” 
“This jerk is going to leave you to pay for all our food and drinks if you keep running your mouth.”
“I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” You shake your head somberly in disapproval as Usahara sulks. “Apologize or you’re sleeping on the couch, mister.”
“You sound more like a naggy wife than a cute girlfriend…”
“What’s that?”
“Sorry.” Usahara bows his head. “Sorry, Kumatani.”
“Good one.” Kumantani reaches over to refill your glass with a fresh pour of beer. “I’ll lend you the Man-Eating Salmon boxset if you can keep him quiet for the rest of the night.”
Usahara sips his water as you grin at Kumatani; oh well. He gets it. On paper, Kumatani makes sense: even he admits, it was pretty cool how Kumatani was going to go out there and take on that creep head on. It’s not Usahara’s style; he’s scared to get beat up and can barely throw a punch. Sue him. Still, it stings that even on this pretend date, Kumatani is still showing him up. 
“Hey guys?” It’s Uramichi that breaks the silence. “I think that creep got tired of waiting.”
They all look to the door; it’s not clear at first, but from your shaken expression, it’s apparent the man who’s made his way inside the bar is the same one who was stalking you. The smile is gone from your face; he’s approaching the table with an almost apologetic smile. He looks like a fairly normal person, to Usahara’s slight surprise, not like a thug or anything. Hell, he looks more intimidating. 
“Sorry to bother you, but I was hoping to get your number?” 
“What?” You sink into your seat. “That’s why you followed me?”
“Followed? I didn’t do anything like that.” The man looks surprised. “I go here all the time. I just saw you, thought I’d shoot my shot, you know? Besides, I don’t need anyone’s permission to come inside and have a drink-”
“Excuse me, but we’re trying to have dinner.” Usahara stares at the man blankly. “We saw you out there. If you just came to eat here coincidentally, why were you lurking outside?”
“I wasn’t-”
“Cut the bullshit.” Kumatani glares at the man, grip tightening on his mug like he wants to smash it against the offending stranger’s head. “Get the hint already, asshole.”
“You’re making everyone uncomfortable.” A dark look crosses Uramichi’s face; he’s poised as though he’s about to rise from his chair. “I think you ought to leave. She’s not interested.”
“Let her tell me herself-”
“She shouldn’t have to talk to some freak hounding her in the dark.” Usahara takes his jacket and drapes it over your shaking shoulders; he puts his arm around you. “You’re bothering my girlfriend; who do you think you are? She doesn’t owe you shit.” he forces himself to temper his anger and speaks to you gently. “Don’t feel like you have to say anything, okay babe? You haven’t done anything; it’s not your fault this loser is bugging you.”
“Fuck you.” The man snaps, posture rigid; he’s shaking, but he doesn’t move any closer. “I didn’t do anything, this bitch-”
“Don’t call her that!” Usahara stands up, but doesn’t try to attack the man; he stands in front of you, arms out slightly to obscure you from the stranger’s eyes. “You can either get your ass handed to you by my buddies-”
“Really? What are we, you bodyguards?”
Usahara ignores Kumantani’s dry stare. “-or leave in handcuffs.” he makes sure you’re blocked from view. “Your choice.”
“Go to hell.” 
But the confrontation ends there. With a sneer, the man storms out of the bar, rather quickly in fact; one of the staff members comes out from behind the counter with a concerned frown and asks if she needs to call the cops. Kumatani explains the situation and Uramichi actually goes himself to check if the man is just hiding around the corner of the bar. Usahara stays with you; despite how relieved you are, tears come to your eyes, dripping down your face.
“It’s okay.” Usahara hands you some napkins. “Do you need these?”
“Thank you.” You sniff and blow your nose into the offered napkins, but the tears aren’t stopping. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t even tell that asshole off, it was like I couldn’t even speak. I feel so dumb for being scared.”
“Not gonna lie, I was kinda scared too; Uramichi still has him beat in the dead eyed stare competition though.” Usahara chuckles; he tentatively holds one of your hands; your palm is clammy and your fingers are cold. “Sorry you had to go through that. I really thought he had left; I think the owner’s gonna call the cops anyway, dude seemed unhinged.”
“Oh, your jacket,”
“You can hold onto it. Your hand’s freezing.” Usahara ignores the slight chill he feels as you squeeze his hand. “You want me to get you a hot tea or something? Sorry, I have no clue what to do for these kinds of situations.”
“You’ve done more than enough.” You smile at him; your cheeks and eyes are red and puffy. “Thank you; the only reason I was able to feel okay at all is because of you guys being so kind. I’m so sorry for all this.”
Usahara feels bad for your gratitude; he’s also angry. He’s half tempted to go outside himself and chase after that creep, but more than that, he could cry himself from how sad you look, how you actually felt like you had to apologize for someone else's horrible actions.
“Don’t apologize. Hell, I didn’t do anything.” Usahara has to stop himself from trapping you in a big bear (bunny?) hug. “Look, do you want one of us to take you home? It’s past midnight and sometimes you get creepy drivers on that app if you request a ride this late at night.” Usahara averts his eyes to the table, trying to sound assuring despite the pit forming in his stomach. “Kumatani seems grumpy, but you won’t find anyone more reliable and Uramichi is a decent guy, even if he mopes a lot. They’ll keep you safe on your way home.”
“What about you?”
You look nervous. “I trust you…of course, you’ve already helped me so much. I can walk home alone, I’ll pretend to be on the phone.”
“No, not at all!” Usahara scrambles to talk. “I’d be totally okay walking you home! Just leave it to Tobikichi Usahara, you won’t have anything to worry about!”
“Are you trying a stand up routine?” Uramichi reenters the booth, unmoved by Usahara’s objections. “Anyway, I think he’s really gone this time, but the owner’s still going to call the police and have them take a look around. I guess this isn’t the first time they’ve had a problem, she’s pretty sure it’s the same guy too. With any luck, he won’t be bothering anyone again.”
“I hope so.” You wipe your eyes. “Thank you, Uramichi; where’s Kumatani?”
“Settling your tab.”
“What?!” You gap at him, almost expecting this to be a joke. “That’s way too much, I was going to pay for you guys-”
“Give it a rest.”
“Uramichi!” Usahara is scandalized. “This is why girls don’t talk to you.Would it kill you to show a little tact? She's upset.”
“Are you seriously telling me that? Who asked you anyway? Look, I’m just saying, it’s no trouble.” Uramichi’s eyes soften a smidge as he looks at you. “Don’t get me wrong, I really hope this never happens again, but tonight was almost fun.”
Kumatani approaches the table, tucking away what you assume is a receipt in his wallet. “Let’s finish up and call it a night: Usahara, you owe me half the tab.”
“Saw that coming.” Usahara shrugs and manages a weak smile. “Fair enough; but I’m only paying for her and my stuff.”
“Okay.” Kumatani chuckles. “I expected you to put up a fuss like usual. We should invite your girlfriend out every time we get drinks.”
“Dude!” Usahara’s already flushed face turns bright red. “Jokes on you, I’m never inviting you guys out with us.” he sends you a lopsided grin. “If I win the jackpot, it’ll be dinner for two, wherever you want to eat.”
“Actually,” You fiddle with the sleeve of his jacket. “I was hoping we could all do this again sometime; you know, without the looming threat of being stalked. Is that weird?”
“You want to put up with us again?” Kumatani asks, but you can tell he’s mostly teasing. 
“I guess.” Uramichi concedes. “It’s nice to have a buffer.”
“Buffer? What, so you can ignore me and get drunk in peace?” Usahara sighs dramatically. “Well, that’s fine with me; having another person around makes your mood swings less stressful-ow, ow, ow! I’m sorry, I give up, you’re not moody!”
Uramichi stops grinding his fists on either side of Usahara’s temples. “Just take her home already and try not to fall over in the street.”
“So, that’s us.” Usahara laughs somewhat embarrassed. “Did you really have fun tonight?”
“Yeah.” You say honestly; you’re leading the way to your apartment, walking slow. “You’re looking pale; do you always drink that much?”
“....yeah…” Usahara admits reluctantly. “I know, I know, I’m a mess.”
“Without a doubt.” 
“So mean…”
“But you’re very nice.” You offer him with a half smile. “And brave.”
“Uh huh.”
Usahara stares at you from the corner of his eye; the street lights overhead shine a dim glow on your hair and face. You’re still wearing his smelly old jacket, a grease stain on the front from dropping fried chicken on himself the other day. It looks better on you.
“Uh oh.” Usahara could slap himself. “Dude, not cool. She’s been through enough tonight. You were pretending so she could feel safe. It’s not like she actually wants to date you. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the moment. She’s a nice girl who needed your help and as it stands, she doesn’t think you’re a complete loser. Let’s keep it that way and call this a win.”
“This is me.” You come to a stop in front of a complex Usahara has gone past quite a few times before. “I’d invite you in for tea, but I should be going to bed. Can I give you my number? If you want to hang out again sometime.”
“Sure thing.” Usahara switches phones with you. “Call, text, whatever; let me know when you’re free.”
“I’ll do that.” You nod and hand him back his cellphone. “Wait, don’t go yet.”
Usahara was about to leave. “Is everything alright? I can wait until you get inside to-”
“You’re sweet.” You take off his jacket, putting it around his shoulders; you peck his jaw, not quite able to reach his cheek. “Next time, maybe we can go on a real date?”
“Am I passed out at the bar?” Usahara touches the spot where you had pressed your soft lips against his skin. “Sorry, let me get this straight: you want to see me again? Me, Usahara, specifically? For a date? Like a ‘date-date’?” he frowns, examines your face carefully. “Are you drunk? I don’t want to take advantage, I mean, you might have second thoughts later, which is totally okay, I-I don’t mind just being friends-!”
“I am a bit tipsy, but I don’t think that’s affecting anything.” You smile a little. “Maybe you should text me first thing in the morning? Just to make sure.”
“I’ll probably be super hungover.” Usahara looks at you like you’re too good to be real. “I usually go to this breakfast place, if you’re interested. It’s a cheap spot but the food’s good. Sorry, I-”
“Are you treating?”
“Yes! And I’ll pick you up?” Usahara is on pins and needles, utterly failing to reign in his excitement. “I have a spare helmet, if you don’t mind riding on a motorcycle. I’ll make sure you’re safe.”
“It’s a date.” You start to walk away. “Tell the guys I said thank you, again. Do you think they’ll want to get breakfast too?”
“NO!” Usahara hates how his voice pitches so high in panic; he looks down at the ground, a little ashamed of himself, but not enough to be unselfish. He really is shameless. “At least for this time, I want it to be just us. You can see for yourself if I’m worth your time; I swear, you won’t be disappointed.”
“I’m holding you to that.” You smile playfully. “Honey bunny.”
Usahara blushes so much he thinks his face might be on fire, waving in a daze as you disappear into your apartment. 
“Oh crap." It almost hurts how hard Usahara's smiling as he thinks about seeing you again. "I'm so screwed.”
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tragedynoir · 11 months
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We recently hit over 100 members in our server, and I'm so thankful for all your support in helping me reach this number so quickly! Every like, reblog and purchase has warmed my heart, and I read every lovely note you leave in your tags. Doc making has been a way for me to unwind and have fun, so I'm very grateful that so many of you love what comes out of it! I hope that you will continue to enjoy the releases I have in store.
As a token of my appreciation for helping me come this far, I wanted to give a little something in return!
One lucky winner will be chosen at random for a free 4-page google doc template commission. I will be working closely with them to create a template tailored to their tastes for their personal use! This template will not be sold after, so it is exclusively theirs to use & keep.
To earn entries for this raffle giveaway, you may do any of the following before July 31st 2023, 2359H, UTC-4 (EDT):
+ 1 entry for joining our discord with the member role
+ 1 entry for each reblog (must be following @tragedynoir)
you may reblog as many times as you want, but please do not spam reblog all at once. ensure that you space out your reblogs!
+ 2 entries for each unique post in the discord server of you using any one of my templates
If you've already done any of them before this giveaway, you automatically get entries for those! ;-)
I will be choosing the winner randomly via a randomizer and contacting them by Aug 15th 2023 either via a private ticket on the discord server or tumblr IMs. They will have 24 hours to respond, so please keep those communication channels open! If you have any questions at all about this giveaway, please reach out to me. Thank you once again for the support, and good luck ♡
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ukagakadreamteam · 1 year
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The Ukagaka Dream Team Wiki is now here!
After much blood sweat and tears, it is at long last released for public viewing!  This wiki documents English ukagaka, ukagaka in any language by members of our community, and information about ukagaka in English! We’ve got more than 100 pages on ghosts, many pages on balloons and shells, links to guides, external tools, and more!
And anyone is welcome to edit!
Found some incorrect info? A page we’re missing? Know about a cool feature on your favorite ghost that hasn’t been documented? You can sign up and make our wiki better! And if you’re in our Discord server, you can earn a special Wiki Editor role for contributing, too!
So what are you waiting for? Check it out, and have fun browsing around! If you happened to see this wiki before now (because keeping it private while working on it has been difficult!), then please do check it out again; there have been a lot of updates in the last few months!
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stardust-falling · 3 months
stardust_falling 2023-24 Gift and Giveaway Fics Masterpost!
While SVLPO has been on hiatus, I've participated in several gift exchanges and also written three fics for a follower milestone giveaway, so I decided I would go ahead and list them all in one big post!
SV Summer Solstice Exchange:
Mirror's Reflection
Pairing: Shen Jiu/&PIDW!Native Shen Yuan Rating: M (read warnings!) Length: 63k
After killing his cruel shifu at the Immortal Alliance Conference, Shen Jiu rejects Yue Qingyuan’s attempts to bring him to safety and flees the conference. By chance, while fleeing the cultivation world’s pursuit of Wu Yanzi’s accomplice, he happens to run into a boy who shares his face and surname. This boy, Shen Yuan, is nothing like Shen Jiu— he’s the third young master of a wealthy family, who has lived his life without a single moment of hardship, and spends his days reading novels and daydreaming about traveling the world. Shen Jiu, jealous of his double’s easy life, is surprised and a bit baffled to find that Shen Yuan is discontent with living his life safely inside the walls of his family’s manor, and even a bit jealous of Shen Jiu’s ability to go where he pleases and do what he wishes without worrying about his family’s reputation or concerns. After Shen Jiu is mistaken for the lookalike by members of Shen Yuan’s own household, he proposes an solution: that the two switch places, letting Shen Jiu live Shen Yuan’s comfortable, idle life while the other boy travels the world.
SV Winter Solstice Exchange:
Basic Instincts
Pairing: Gen Luo Binghe & Sha Hualing & Mobei-jun, background Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu Rating: T Length: 5k
Keeping the demon world from collapsing into shambles isn't an easy task. Sometimes, Sha Hualing needs to let out a bit of pent-up tension with a nice friendly brawl against her fellow rulers.
QiJiu Secret Santa Exchange:
The Weight of a Promise
Pairing: Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu (pre-slash) Rating: M (read warnings!) Length: 27k
Yue Qi made a promise, and he will do whatever it takes to keep it-- even if he nearly destroys himself in the process.
At Cang Qiong Mountain's sword trials, Yue Qi rashly draws the ancient, powerful Xuan Su sword from Wan Jian Peak. He hopes that such a powerful weapon will give him the strength he needs to rescue and protect the friend he left behind, but when the backlash of a failed sword bond nearly costs him his life, he learns that impulsive decisions can have far-reaching consequences.
SV System Server CNY Exchange:
Counterfeit Jade
Pairing: Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu, referenced Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu Rating: M (non-explicit sex) Length: 11k
Shen Qingqiu would have been perfectly content to live the rest of his life as Shen Qingqiu, thank you very much. Unfortunately, the system had other ideas. It seemed that Shen Qingqiu— no matter which soul had donned this persona— was doomed to have the secrets of his past dragged out into the open and laid bare for everyone to see.
100-Follower Milestone Giveaway:
Twists of Fate
Pairing: Shang Qinghua/Shen Jiu (pre-slash) Rating: T Length: 8k
Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky's one goal as Shang Qinghua is to live as long and comfortably as possible in this world-- and to that end, he has resolved to stay as far away from the scum villain, Shen Qingqiu, as he possibly can, since nothing good could come from that association. Now, if only the two of them could stop being sent out on missions together!
Unfortunately, when someone makes a mistake, it's usually left to the two of them to clean it up-- and sometimes, Shang Qinghua can't help but be reminded of some of his own mistakes that can't be untangled so easily.
Two Birds
Pairing: Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu (pre-slash) Rating: T Length: 5k
Newly-ascended peak lords Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu are still adjusting to their new roles. When they attend a meeting for the upcoming Immortal Alliance Conference, Yue Qingyuan notices that his shidi is very tense, and he resolves to do what he can to ease his mind.
An Unlikely Mediator
Pairing: Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu Rating: T Length: 5k
Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan find a stray kitten while out on a mission and decide to bring it back to Cang Qiong Mountain. This makes all the difference.
The unstoppable force of Qijiu's Communication Issues meets the immovable object of Cat-Induced Inertia.
Thank you to everyone who reads, comments, & gives kudos, and I look forward to another year of writing!
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thepuff09 · 3 months
So ive been thinking about something.
A couple days ago, I heard someone talkin shit about Mumen Rider, and at first I thought nothing of it. But this little feeling kept eating away at me, so I sat down and watched some clips of him.
Can I just say that Mumen is probably the greatest hero in One Punch? Sure, he may not be even close to the strongest, but he’s the greatest hero.
For context, in the world of One Punch Man, almost every hero has some sort of a gimmick or power. But Mumen Rider is just some guy who felt so strongly about justice that he grabbed his bike, and became rank 1 in C Class.
Now, for most heroes, that’s nothing. But realize that Mumen has nothing but his bike, some armor, and dignity. No powers, no fuckin… saw blade wheels, he just throws hands.
If we respect Saitama for becoming arguably the strongest character in anime through sheer work ethic, then we have to respect Mumen.
So next time you try to talk shit on Mumen Rider, remember that he actually servers as a great role model for any real world person. He set a goal, worked for it, and got results. What a king.
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Btw if yall wanna repost with Mumen Rider fanart, I will 100% steal that and spam my mates with it
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uftopia · 2 months
It’s me angsty c!dnf mpreg writer I guess I should probably make it into a proper fanfic then lol. Isn’t it funny that I’m more of a Dream mpreg truther but I’m getting super into this idea.
Some things that would also be interesting to include:
The idea of admin, operator etc roles. I’ve read some cool fanfics with those ideas and it would be interesting to include the way they connect to each other and the gods of the server. May explain why Dream could sense something off in prison.
Potions: another fear George could have is the use of fire res potions in the prison, bc we all know that Dream would’ve yapped his ear off about how it worked throughout the construction. Do they have an effect on pregnancies at all?
Kinoko: throughout the kingdom there are secret passages. Sapnap only knows George isn’t there because he’s looked in every nook and cranny for him, every winding passage but cannot find him, George just disappears without a trace (most likely when he starts to show to avoid people taking advantage of his pregnancy to use against Dream)
House: this house is thousands of blocks away, and can be accessed by the nether, but it’s a dangerous route so George walks these thousands of blocks while pregnant to get to the safe house, and when he finally arrives it’s run down and in desperate need of repairs so he has to also fix it pregnant.
XD: helps protect George throughout his pregnancy, because he’s connected to Dream (through the admin role) and knows if anything happens to George or their baby it could cause something to happen to both Dream and XD, so he protects. When Dream gets rare batches of REM sleep, he dreams of George, and watches through rare dreams as George progresses in his pregnancy, through XD’s eyes. So he’s somewhat present throughout.
anon . anon listen to me i’m frothing at the mouth at this idea the angst potential is so high and i love the addition of xd and admin powers
and people using it against dream in the prison ? oh yeah for sure 100%
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mrlarkstin · 2 months
Welcome One and All
My name is Era and I am your local dragon enjoyer. Before you scroll through my blog there are a couple things you should know!
Here be Dragons (Important Info)
This blog abides by a 2 month expansion spoiler embargo and a 2 week patch spoiler embargo, after that its free reign in here. So if you are a sprout I would recommend scrolling with care!
You can find my gposes under #eras poses and lore, lore based gposes under #eras lore. My general screaming and thoughts are #eras thoughts. Paladin rework is #eras paladin lore.
This is a Warrior of Light blog and this follows his journey as WOL in Eorzea!
I ship him with Vrtra and Estinien. All three of them are dragons (Eramus, Estinien and Vrtra), stick around to find out how Eramus and Estinien became dragons! Tee hee
I scream a lot about dragons. Like. A lot. I love dragons. More people need to kiss dragons.
I do Role Play! However, he has RP lore where he isn't the wol, he's just a single dad vibing in Ishgard! And he's open for RP! So feel free to slide into my DMs or anything!
Writing & Gpose
I write a lot and have been working on putting all my complete fics on a new AO3 account. Scroll with caution though as I write some pretty heavy topics (not all of them are like that, naturally, but mind the tags regardless). Everything is tagged and I am not responsible for your well being and safety. Please make sure you read before clicking on anything I post.
New AO3
I gpose a lot and have been asked multiple times if I take coms. The answer is- complicated. I don't take single shots as I prefer to work with couples. Coms are only SFW and are 1mil gil or 3$ CAD. You get as many shots as I can cram into your DMs. Though, I only take coms when I feel like I can. You can ask and I will put you on a list though! But I can't promise to take it, as my creativity goes from 0-100 SUPER fast.
On gpose. I gpose a ton. Mostly artsy lore heavy stuff for my wol. Some Examples!
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Side Blog
I have one side blog for writing (original work mostly) @era-writes
I have two discords! A gpose heavy one and a friend/content heavy one!
Thank you for stopping by! If you have any questions or want to shoot the shit feel free!
You can find me on Aether!
(Also every April I host 30 Days of Nick Cage movies in my one server, tee hee)
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thewertsearch · 1 year
EB: my house is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE! TT: Actually, building up your house has been one of the more trivial ways I've passed the time. TT: Great swaths of the structure may be copied and pasted with little architectural consideration.
Gravity took one look at the Medium, and threw in the towel.
It's clear that Sburb only pretends to be a house-building game. It was initially presented as a necessary step to reach the Gates, but it seems pretty easy to reach them with alchemy gear. Dave did it with zero grist.
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Back in Act 3, Nanna implied that the building mechanic had a hidden objective, seemingly unrelated to the Gates. Maybe that's Rose's goal here - but then again, maybe not. After all, she seems to have turned against the game, rejecting its objectives.
...or at least, I think she has. I'm still not 100% sure how to interpret her recent behavior, or how much of it can be attributed to the Noble Circle. Guess there's only one way to find out.
TT: We have a lot of grist. [...] TT: Last I checked, more than a million units of several different types.
That's a lot of Pogo Hammers. It might even be enough for the original Fear No Anvil, the most expensive item we've encountered.
I wonder - is it enough for a really tiny universe?
TT: Shared, through an application. [...] TT: I convinced your nanna to install it on your computer. EB: you got her to do that? [...] TT: My methods of persuasion have been improving.
Nanna is John's sprite - and, pranks aside, she's here to help. I don't think it's weird that Rose was able to persuade her - but I am taking note of her phrasing.
"My methods of persuasion have been improving"? This is awfully vague, especially for someone who used to explain Sburb's mechanics so precisely. I guess she abandoned clear communication alongside her GameFAQs guide.
What skill, exactly, has Rose been honing? What, exactly, is she 'improving' at?
EB: what's up with the alchemiter? [...] TT: Upgrades. EB: did you get nanna to do that too? TT: No, your consorts were utilized for that. [...] TT: [...] They seem eager to receive simple instruction. TT: I'm guessing they find their way back to your house to allow the client player to remain productive while the server player is away.
There's clearly more to the Server Player's role than just building their Client's house. Rose implied that she's been engaged in other, less 'trivial' activities - but like I said, I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not talking about game objectives.
EB: i'm surprised they even understand what to do. TT: Like I said. TT: Coercion hasn't been much of a problem.
Again with this. Consorts seem impressionable, and I think it would be easy to enlist their help - but the language Rose is using here is suspicious as fuck.
Surely she's aware that her use of 'coercion' demands follow-up questions?
EB: uh… EB: what exactly does that mean? EB: what have you been doing this whole time??? TT: Why don't you tell me what you've been up to first?
Which she's dodging! Well, that's just great.
At least John is picking up what she's putting down. That's right, Egbert - something's up here.
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dnalt-d2 · 3 months
(Alright, it's long post time again, this time about the Admin Drama)
So we're hearing a lot about some behind-the-scenes drama, and unfortunately, it's making a lot of things make a lot more sense in retrospect
For example, the fact that French Creators have been consistently overlooked makes sense when you learn that there have apparently only been 2 French Admins on the team, with one of them being fired recently, and the other one being potentially removed from the whitelist for the server, for reasons that are likely not even true
Throughout big events, there's always been a sense that people weren't 100% sure what was going on, and if I'm being honest, I found that at least somewhat excusable at the time
This is a big project, bigger than any other Minecraft-Related project I know about, with over a dozen different content creators and at least 5 different languages. I can understand at least to a certain point, that trying to balance that many different storylines, and keep the overarching storyline intact, can be a challenge, that I doubt many people would have the sufficient experience to deal with properly, especially with all the other added hurdles of managing the language/culture barrier. I was willing to chalk it up to Growing Pains, that they were realizing the mistakes as they happened and would hopefully not repeat them in the future
(Basically, to me it felt like a DND Campaign, where each player does have the choice to make their own stories and character arcs in said Campaign. However, it's up to the DM's discretion on what they can use, since they still have to keep the overarching plot going. While they should try as hard as they can to include what makes each player happy, there might be a point that what the player wants to do isn't compatible with the current plan, and it's up to the DM whether or not they can actually do it)
However, to at least some extent, that is clearly not the case. It's been made very apparent that someone, likely multiple people on the Admin Team, is horribly mismanaging things that we aren't able to see fully. From manufacturing drama, to taking advantage of passionate people who simply love the project, to outright ignoring some of the Content Creators that are also keeping this project alive and therefore being actively detrimental to this communication-based project
As of now, I'm hearing that Quackity himself doesn't seem to have much to do with this directly. And once again, if that's true, I can understand it, at least a little. Running a project and participating in that project can be difficult, and be actively detrimental to their enjoyment. So to a certain point, I can understand not being SUPER heavily involved in every single thing behind-the-scenes and leaving some of it to other people. However, this is clearly not working. If he really didn't know much about what was going on, then he either needs to find someone he can actively trust to make sure this sort of thing doesn't continue, or take a much heavier role in the management to keep it from happening again
He's said before that he's been losing money because of QSMP but doesn't care because it's his passion project, and I would like to believe that. From what we've seen, he does actively love doing this, and seems to be really passionate about breaking down these communication barriers, and he has done a lot to that end. But it can't come at the expense of others, who are the backbone of these sorts of projects. I really hope he does something to take care of this, even it it means shutting down QSMP temporarily to do a complete overhaul of Admin Management
(I would also like to say that if Pomme's admin really gets permanently fired for all of this, I'll be actually seriously upset. She's put way too much time and effort into the server (FOR FREE, WE NOW KNOW) and has been playing alongside numerous CCs and boosting the enjoyment of them as well as the people watching them. Not to mention that she's now the ONLY French Admin at the moment that we know of, and not having ANY French Admins would be a serious problem)
I've loved QSMP almost since it started, and I would love to see it continue. But it can't be at the expense of peoples' health, mental health, and livelihoods. If people are doing work like this, they deserve to be compensated appropriately, and treated right. Otherwise, there isn't a point in this. Here's hoping that these problems can be properly addressed and resolved, and I hope everyone is alright during whatever happens next
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guapoduoshipper · 3 months
Our position on recent events
First of all we would like to start this message expressing our solidarity with all the administrators who worked or are still working on the whole project that QSMP represents. We wish you the best today and always.
QSMP has been a project that has given us a lot of joy so, as is normal, this situation makes us feel scared, confused but, above all, very sad. It is unfortunate that a project full of such good intentions should take the course we have witnessed and that with each passing moment it only seems to fade away more and more.
This blog came to life by loving the whole atmosphere that the QSMP created and thanks to which the characters of cc!Roier and cc!Cellbit (and the CC theirselves) found each other. That even with the differences in culture and language they were able to build both their individual lores and the wonderful duo that captivated us.
The excellent work that the CCs put into this romantic representation created in us a deep passion that has been our muse in creating art (written or illustrated), writing analyses, taking screenshots and, of course, associating music in Portuguese, Spanish and English that helped us to give a letter and a voice to the feelings that we could perceive the cubitos have for each other.
It has been a passion that has meant a dedication in time, effort, creativity and organization of the three of us who manage this blog, who in each publication, in addition to everything already mentioned, have left our hearts. For all this we thank QSMP but, above all, Roier and Cellbit.
With these feelings in our hearts in JustAGuapoduoShipper, as a team, have made the following decisions:
Our blog has always been 100% Guapoduo/Spiderbit so in that aspect there will be no changes. The difference will be mainly that the cubitos: c!Roier, c!Cellbit, as well as their children: Bobby, Richarlyson and Pepito will no longer be associated to the QSMP server but as OCs of the content creators.
We've decided to continue to create our content based on everything that during 9 months the CCs gave us and, probably, to create our own AUs with it.
Even though we still don't know the decision that Cellbit and Roier or Richas and Pepito's administrators will take, in this same statement of intentions we want to make clear that we respect and support it completely. So, with that in mind:
Potential future content will be used without mentioning QSMP, they will still be OCs in their own lore or universe.
If the Cellbit and Roier cubitos meet again on another Minecraft server (e.g. special events), we would like to use that material as AU. We will not take the interactions out of context. We will only take screenshots.
We would love for the content creators to grant us some closure worthy of their amazing characters and their role as a couple on an external server with the support of the admins of Richas and Pepito (and secretly pray that they do) but, if it doesn't happen, we invite you not to pressure either of them and respect their decisions.
Before we finish, we want to address all the artist fans of Guapoduo/Spiderbit and say that if you decide to take a similar way to ours: we will still continue to share your art on our blog. We understand that it is a difficult situation, even painful, but the great effort that Cellbit and Roier put into their individual and joint stories still deserve all the love and effort. On the other hand, those who decide to completely separate themselves from the community: we understand your position, we respect it without any question and we wish you the absolute best for your success as such talented people certainly deserve it.
We have made clear more than once, and will continue to reiterate as many times as necessary, our philosophy of creating and maintaining a safe space for the entire Guapoduo/Guapofamily/Spiderbit community. We want to continue to be that place where you can find a distraction, a material provided with all the love in order to forget for a moment of the problems that may be afflicting you, no matter how big or small they may be, everyone deserves a break. As a multicultural community we know perfectly well that among us there are minorities, lgbtq+ and neurodivergent people, it is for all of them that we have taken this decision with the greatest possible care and respect.
Last but not least, we reiterate our immense love, understanding and support for the QSMP administration, you deserve better and we hope you receive it. Our private messages remain open for anyone who needs clarification or a more individual message.
Truly yours:
Lyn, Feh and M
We do not wish under any circumstances that this statement be used to send hatred to Quackity, the QSMP or the CCs that decide to continue in the project.
We deeply love and respect Quackity and don't forget that he was also a victim of people who took advantage of his good faith and trust to embezzle funds and abuse people; but it is certainly urgent that the community, but especially the administrators and content creators, receive a strong statement from him.
We want wholeheartedly that the project gets up and manages to demonstrate integral structural changes and we do not rule out a reintegration of our content under its name but, meanwhile, our commitment to the community is to keep it free of toxic and non-transparent spaces.
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