#the washouts
thecountofs · 3 months
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More Toku City Hunter's drawings
(it's like Ferris Bueller's Day Off X Heat X Halo) but still within My Time In ONI webcomic
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whirlwindflux · 4 months
To Whirlwind i think your brother is more of a washout than a wonderbolt
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Flux: They’d be a bad influence on him, so let’s hope that never happens…
Earth pony Flux: 13/?
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temporalreverie · 1 year
lightning dust euthanasia coaster moments
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Nine albums. Thank 4 tag, @nico-di-angelfish
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1.) View Monster by Lemon Demon. It's not easy for me to pick a Lemon Demon album, so this is the one that statistically has the highest number of my favorite tracks on it. Honorable mentions to Damn Skippy, Hip to the Javabean, and Dinosaurchestra.
2.) Treats by Sleigh Bells. Yeah, Poach likes Treats. Who knew? Zero skips in this album but Rill Rill is actually probably my least favorite. It's a good song, but this album does not need that breather in the middle of it.
3.) I Was A Teenage Washout by The Washouts. The only album by The Washouts. This album consists of music recorded by Jeff "Rip" Carson from between the ages of 11 and 16. Most songs were written by him as well. Discovered this artist/album while researching covers of Last Caress. Near as I can tell, Last Caress is the only non-original track on the album, but I could be wrong. Either way, this one grinds the line between "highly underrated" and "acquired taste."
4.) Paul's Boutique by The Beastie Boys. This album serves cunt hard. Again, no skips here except maybe the intro and outtro. Nothing wrong with them, but if you listen to the album often enough they can become tedious.
5.) Astro Lounge by Smash Mouth. Yes, the album with All Star on it. Turns out every track on this album fucks super hard, and there's quite a bit of variety to their sound. Another rock solid zero-skips album.
6.) The Conet Project. This isn't really an album. In fact it isn't really music at all. It's a five-disc collection of shortwave radio oddity recordings. Basically there are certain mandatory rules when broadcasting on shortwave frequencies. Recordings in this collection showcase stations that break these rules consistently over a long period of time, leading many to believe they are government sanctioned in some capacity, although they have never been publicly acknowledged or explained by any governing body. I listen to them on the reg.
7.) Cross by Justice. No skips. You've probably heard a song or two from this album even if you don't realize it. I seem to recall the "the party don't start til I walk in" line from THE PARTY being a popular meme some years ago. There's just no weak links in here at all. Perfectly cohesive album.
8.) f# a# ∞ by Godspeed You! Black Emporer. Another fairly famous album in music circles. There's not much I feel a need to say about it. It's beautiful, it's very dear to my heart.
9.) Puberty 2 by Mitski. This list is bookended by albums that were difficult for me to pick out from the rest of their artist's catalogue. Bury Me at Makeout Creek and Be The Cowboy are close contenders, but in the interest of not repeating an artist on this list I chose Puberty 2. Fireworks and My Body's Made Of Crushed Little Stars are almost guaranteed to bring me to tears anytime I hear them.
I don't feel compelled to tag anybody. My mutuals know who they are. Anyone should feel welcome to make a similar post.
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asktheforgottenpony · 2 years
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W̸͚̦͎̮̦̯͇̒͜͜A̴̤̞̩͓̋Ǩ̷̖͚͇͔̩͕̺͔̂̓̈̀̄͠Ẹ̷̼͔̱͉̯͓͍̞͓̈́̚ ̴̗̟̀Ǘ̴͎͗̔̑͛͂̎͘͠P̴̢̨̛̙̹͓͈͍̑̍̒̏
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6-and-7 · 1 year
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Hues of June 1a: Vast!Washouts
A trio of daredevil stuntspeople and extreme sports enthusiasts, now empowered by the Vast to pull off the most high-flying, hair-raising stunts with ease -- and to provoke anyone and everyone around them into trying the same, generally with much less pleasant results.
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krickis · 7 months
Bitchette and Washouts mixtape!
Howdy, y'all. I made a Bitchette/Washouts mixtape (for those who don't know, those are fictional bands in my Who We Become series of MLP fanfic). I've decided to sell this to anyone interested, so check below for details and pics!
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So to be very very clear, this is not original music! I am not a musician, and this is just a mixtape I put together! Do not buy this and then complain that it's not actually got anything original on it!
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Additionally, I am selling this at barely above cost. I'm asking $6 plus shipping, which is $10 even to anywhere in the US. If you're not in the US, I'll gladly ship it to you but I'll need to figure out shipping rates to where you are. Please get in contact with me if you want one of these.
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What's included is what you see. This is a blank 90 min cassette that I've recorded the music onto. I print the J-cards on thin glossy paper (which is generally what major label cassettes use, though sometimes they use matte), and I've got sticker labels for them. Everything is in black and white as a stylistic choive, but the printer gave it a weird green tinge. Not sure what that's about but tbh I dig it.
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Note that I am making these as they come in, aside from labels which are easier to print in batches. Which means if you have a minor request, I can accommodate! For example, if you want Dolby noise reduction, I can do that! If you don't know what that is, safer to not get it, tbh. It only works on compatible players.
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Finally, some nerd stuff. These are recorded on Type II Chromium tapes, because that's what I buy. If you want it recorded on Type IV Metal tape (the highest sound quality) I can do that, but I will need to buy a tape for it, so it will be more expensive and take a few weeks extra just for me to order a tape and get it in the mail. I am not stocking up on metal tapes, these things are like $20 a pop on average. By default, I will not record with Dolby, but I can record with Dolby B or Dolby C on request. I cannot record Dolby S, I don't have that on my player. On that note, I record on a Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1, which has been serviced about a year ago and is in excellent shape. These things will sound good, if you mean to actually play them!
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If you have questions or want to order one (or more lmao stick them in your kids' Christmas stockings and make them go wow I did not want this!) please PM me. If it's an order, lemme know the address, I'll let you know the PayPal, and we'll be good to go. On that note, I am taking money through PayPal. I'm not putting the PayPal info here because I don't want anyone sending me money and me not getting an address to ship to, or not knowing who sent money and who didn't or something. Remember, this is barely above cost, I cannot afford to ship these things out if I don't get the money ^^'
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harleneap · 1 year
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ATG 2023 Day 11: Draw a pony making new friends.
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ashleyslorens · 5 days
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You had my heart inside of your hand And you played it to the beat
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perths · 2 months
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robotsandramblings · 7 months
soooooo i think the new S2 Bad Batch black series figures are out??? maybe?????
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i've seen a few reddit posts that people are finding them at Walmart. and i've seen the term "Walmart exclusives" pop up, so maybe they're only being sold in Walmart for now??? i keep forgetting to check my own local ones lmao 😑
and certain characters seem to be popping up for sale on the usual collectibles sites, but not all of them, or it's hit and miss on who they have in stock.
(idk if there's an official site/source that tells us when Black Series figures are being released, and where?? damned if i can find one lmao)
p.s. yes there is an Omega too!
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thecountofs · 4 months
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I really wanna do a 'flashback arc' so I wrote in flashbacks detailing Nate's past. His time with a Headhunter group consisting of Nate, Angie, Liam and Tiff (and secretly Grim B312).
The secondary purpose of the 'The Washouts' plotline in MTIO's 3rd arc. Is to be a deep dive and pseudo-epilogue for Spartan IIIs and their contributions to the mythos.
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whirlwindflux · 1 year
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Flux: Dangerous? How about fire and explosions!
Thanks to @tequilaazide for the comment!
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dethharmonic · 2 years
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here is the colored version of that silly, silly art. I still can’t take decent pictures of watercolors so u get multiple messes with versions lmao
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ohjeeztrains · 10 months
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Have a sopping wet beast
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serafimo · 2 years
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floating, falling, sweet intoxication! touch me, trust me, savor each sensation! let the dream begin, let your darker side give in, to the power of the music that i write! the power of the music of the night!
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