#the wind that blew my heart away
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One Tree Hill Meme (13/24) Favorite Episodes Favorite Episode Per Episode Number
Season 1 Episode 13: Hanging By A Moment
Season 2 Episode 13: The Hero Dies In This One
Season 3 Episode 13: The Wind That Blew My Heart Away
Season 4 Episode 13: Pictures Of You
Season 5 Episode 13: Echoes, Silence, Patience And Grace
Season 6 Episode 13: Things A Mama Don't Know
Season 7 Episode 13: Weeks Go By Like Days
Season 8 Episode 13: The Other Half Of Me
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somedayistodayoth · 1 year
iMessage || Mr. P. Sawyer
Lily: Are you coming to Tric? Can you bring snacks? And a blanket? OH, and a charger? I accidentally left mine at home.
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allfearstofallto · 4 months
You are Made to Greet them When they Return Home
Yandere! Forced marriage x fem! Reader head canons
Ft: Childe and Scaramouche
Synopsis: Your yanderes require the domestic pleasure of being greeted by their wife when they return home.
Word Cound: 1k
TW: yandere, obsessive themes, forced marriage, NSFW themes, mentions of previous abuse/punishment
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“Master Childe has arrived home,” a maid said after knocking gently on your bedroom door. A notice to anyone else, but a warning for you. A warning telling you to be your most joyful and happy self, to be ready for your husband that had a temper that could change like the flick of a light switch.
Your nicest dress hugged your body, a satin slip in his favorite shade of blue. It barely went past your plush thighs, something too cold for the typical Snezhnaya air, but perfect for the inside of the estate, which he kept warm for you.
Scurrying down the stairs, your heels clicked against the floor. No matter how many times you'd done this, your heart wouldn't cease beating like a drum. The fear and the worry all sat deep inside your chest and made you tremble, but you tried to not show it on your face.
Arriving at the door to the home, you stood there obediently, as you'd been told to do time and time before. You and a few of the house maids. And almost right on cue, it opened.
For the briefest moment while the door was open, you could hear the sound of the wind howling outside, like screams of the night. A little snow blew through the door, and tickled your toes, but it melted as quickly as it showed up. All that stood there now was him.
Snow covered his coat and frosted the tips of his orange hair, but he still had a beaming smile on his face, overjoyed to see you. “My angel,” he said sweetly at the sight of you.
You were pulled into an embrace, his gloved hands still wet from the elements. He kissed your cheek, his cold red nose tickling you, and you tried not to notice the blood splatter near his neck that he didn't clean off. No matter how domestic he tried to make your life together seem, he could never truly hide what he did for work.
When he pulled away from the hug, you began to take off his cape. No maid was allowed to do this, as he said that undressing him was a job for his wife and his wife alone. It was a heavy, white piece of clothing, with black fur on the nape. He'd always smile at you as you undid the clasp, his height dwarfing over you to the point where you had to reach up to touch his neck.
“Was work okay today…” you gulped down saliva nervously as the cape fell into your hands, the weight of it making your arms sag just a bit. He had a questioning look on his face, raising his eyebrows while his smile began to falter ever so slightly. He wanted you to say the rest. “Was work okay today, m-my love?” you barely managed to force yourself to say those words. You could already feel the bile rising up from your stomach, but the content look on his face told you that he was happy regardless of how strained you sounded.
His large cape was handed to a maid to be cleaned and she ran off without word of orders. You weren't the only one scared of Childe in this house, you were just the one who had his attention.
You didn't even get the chance to completely turn and face him again before he was wrapping his arms around you and resting his body against you in a dramatic display of his fatigue.
“Work was tiresome!” He groaned while placing many unwanted kisses on your cheek and neck, “But my beautiful wife will make it all better, won't you?”
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Such a beautiful, vibrantly colored kimono was nice for special occasions, but it only weighed you down in these instances. The multiple layers piled on top of each other were a pure sight for eyes, but absolute hell to wear. Especially for someone who wasn't native to Inazuma.
You struggled to drop to your knees in front of the door. It felt like all of these layers were swallowing you whole, and with one wrong move, you wouldn’t be able to get up. Not without assistance at least.
The lighting outside illuminated his silhouette through the translucent white, paper of the sliding door and you hurried to make sure you were in position.
The second you heard it click and slide open, you bowed your head down before him. Your palms against the floor, thumbs in the shape of a triangle, and your forehead pressed against the ground. You'd practiced this position a million times before, with him studying your figure to make sure you got it right each and every time.
“We welcome you home, my lord, Scaramouche,” you said with your head still angled towards the floor. He merely hummed at your greeting. A hum was good, it meant that you hadn't displeased him yet.
You were to stay in this position until he told you to rise. Some days he did it immediately, so that he could begin to kiss and undress you like an animal in heat. Other days, he would leave you there to see how long he could keep you on your knees before him. Those days were hell, the weight of the kimono made it feel as if you were suffocating, drenching yourself in sweat. But you knew better than to move an inch. Being crushed by heavy fabric was better than any punishment he'd given you before.
You could hear the sound of him shuffling, taking off his shoes and putting away his jacket, then finally, you heard the familiar jingles of him lifting his ornate hat off of his head, and handing it off to a maid who also stood beside you.
“You may look upon me,” he ordered.
You rose up, but still stayed on your knees in front of him, finally meeting his gaze for the first time today, “Greetings, my lord. Did the day treat you alright?”
“My day was the same as usual,” he muttered while stepping past you and up the stairs, “Meet me in the bedroom, and bring tea as well.”
When you heard the familiar click of the bedroom door closing, you breathed a sigh of relief. You'd made it through another moment with him, but still rose to your feet with hesitance. Making it through the greeting was the first part, now you'd have to manage in the bedroom.
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j4ygyu · 1 month
confessing to his mute crush | pjs
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pairing: jay x deaf!reader
genre: complete fluff
summary: jay and deaf reader both seem to like each other, just when he thinks that his confession was a pure failer the reader does something surprising.
“i. hope. i. am. not. late”  jay signed and chuckled as he fixed his cross body bag standing nervously infront of you which got out of place while he was running to the stop you had asked him to be at.
you smile at him, knowing he recently had learned sign language just to be able to communicate with you and so he was, a little slow and not so clear. 
you loved cycling alot, and bought this brand new bicycle and you had asked him if he wanted to spend a day out riding it and then go off to the beach and sit there. 
jay and you met through the same animal care shelter you guys volunteered to work at, his charming smile immediately caught your attention. however it was hard to communicate with your muteness, you only knowing sign language and him knowing none of it.
however within a span of few months, jay started learning it to be able to communicate with you. 
it made your heart flutter, i mean it’s the effort and dedication. still you asked yourself ‘does he even like me back?’
“is. this. the. new. cycle. that. you. bought?”he asked as you nodded and got off it, you touched the cute basket decorated with a small miffy teddy and a pink bow, it also had the dirty wrapper of chocolate you ate earlier. 
embarrassed, you took it out and threw it somewhere on the ground.
“i decorated it” you signed as he looked at you and smiled, making you blush as you looked away, anywhere but his eyes. 
“예쁘다” he said, even though you obviously didn’t hear him you read his lips quickly anyways. signing a quick thank you you sit back on your cycle and signal him to sit. 
he sits behind you hands on your shoulder as you begin to hit the pedal and ride around the city. 
some moments later you feel jay’s hand shifting from your shoulder to your waist now that you’re cycling in a well pace. 
the wind blows on your face blowing your hair back at his face too, you hit the break for a moment and turn around and give him an apologetic look. 
he smiles at you taking your hair and putting them to one side of your shoulder and keeping his chin on the other, staring at you the entire time he does so.
you squirm and try to get used to the feeling of his charp chin on your shoulder as it’s digging through. 
you shove the feeling off as you start riding again, this moment was really perfect for you, everything was so good. a nice cloudy, windy weather with your favorite person  friend hugging you by the waist and face on your shoulder, what a dream really.
you guys rode the cycle around the city, stopping by a store to get ice cream, as you parked your cycle near the store you guys stood on the footpath and he bought some ice cream.
you looked at him to see if he finished his and you caught him staring at you, he pretended to look around and controlled his cheeky smile but then something else caught your attention wired headphones connected to his phone in his pocket.
you grab them and gain his attention as he looks back at you “you like music?” he nodded and took his phone put of the pocket searching for something. 
curiously, you stared as you got closer to see his screen “this. is. my. favorite. song” he signed enthusiastically as you widen your eyes giving him a cheering gesture.
you stopped as you looked at him “i wish i could listen to it.. it must be nice” silence filled the space between both of you as you stared deep into you while smiling “it is.”both of you finished the ice cream before it melted.
after cycling and strolling around the pretty city here you were sitting on the rocks of the beach as the wind blew every once in a while.
jay had this thing forever in his mind, he loved you he loved you so damn much. everything you did got him screaming internally to wife him up.
“it’s fun being with you, you know?” you signed as jay felt his heart racing a million times in a second what could she mean by that? she probably meant as a friend right? or am i letting my stupid thoughts take over. 
“thank. you.” he says as you close your eyes and give him the widest smile. 
being with him made you feel full, it made you feel like finally you had a friend. but you quickly fell in love with him because of his mannerisms.
even though at school no one really bullied you, but there wasn’t something big for someone to  findi you interesting. emptiness fill inside of you, as for others you were just there, not enough things to be interesting for someone. or atleast for the people around you. jay knew these very well that’s why he hated the fact he fell in love with you so fast and was worried that you might reject him because of how fast everything would happen.
but little did he know that your feelings were pretty.. mutual you can say.
there was a wooden stick in your hand with which you were doodling on the beach sand with, jay was observing each and every move.
with that lavender sundress you were wearing it made everything 10 times cuter in his eyes. the way the wind slightly blew back your hair but you kept on fixing it.
you started moving the stick and you wrote your name’s inital with did adding a unfilled heart after it and looked at jay “want to try?” you ask bringing the stick closer to him as he accepts it. 
he looks at you for a second passing you a lovestruck look. 
J +
he writes before your names inital as you shoot him a confusing look with a nervous smile. 
he looks at you as his smile drops, emotions very visible in his eyes. 
he adds an equals to sign between your inital and the unfilled heart, following with filling the unfill heart that you drew. 
your smile drops as you stare back at him, completely in shock and he stares back with a regretful look in his eyes. 
you watch him take a big breath after looking at your reaction, not quite promising is it.
“i. like. you.” you sit there, puzzled. you don’t know whether to do something or cry, the moment feels unreal. 
it all felt so quick that you didn’t realise you haven’t responded to him yet for about past five minutes atleast. 
his hopeful looks now dies as he apologizes and stands up, “i am sorry, i am sorry, sorry i should leave i should probably leave.” he says as you try to read his lips “sorry…. should leave” you could pick up some of the words not many because of how rapid and low his mouth worked. 
you watch him stand up quickly wearing his bag not even sparing another glance at you as he starts walking away.
you felt your cheeks getting warm as everythinf starts getting blurry due to the upcoming tears.
you shake and get up dropping your own bag on the floor. 
did i say it right? you swore you heard the vibrations in your body of your own voice. not fully hearing what you said or if you said it right or no. 
breathing heavily, jay stops in his tracks as he turns around and stares at you in disbelief as you break down. right on that spot you were standing at. 
the word wasn’t clear and mix of broken and light cracks of course, a very weak one because of the vocal chords.
you felt bad for making him wait for so long or making his excitement go away for taking your no response as rejection.
you were just shocked, he actually liked you back? your entire life you felt so neglected and behind just because you were deaf, but now some thing good is finally.. happening?
now standing in a distance both of you staring at each other as he watches uncontrollable tears flow down your face as you sign a ‘i like you too.” while lowering your head and start sobbing. 
jay runs back to you and closes the distance, both of you hug like losers. 
because of the closeness you can feel his body vibrations and shivering, as you realise that he is crying you push him back to see his eyes now your eyes widened “why are you crying silly i should be the one crying..”
he just shrugs while trying to give you a smile and crying.
you bring your hands to wipe his tears off as you hold his face. his hands naturally rest on your waist. 
for a short moment you guys look deep into each other’s eyes as you lean in signaling for a kiss.
you felt him giggling like a teenage boy as he leaned in and pressed his soft lips to yours. 
he could taste the strawberry ice cream you ate earlier on your lips, your scent filling his nostrils and working as a hypnosis.
you pull away taking a long breath, “wasn’t it too long for a first kiss?” you sign while wiping away your own tears now and laughing.
once again complete silence fills the beach as the only thing playing if only you could hear, was the sound of the waves. both of you completely lost in each other’s eyes, it was like your eyes are speaking it all for you. 
but you noticed it, you noticed he was holding back a reply so you hit his chest “say it. say what you want to say.”
he broke the eye contact looking away at the sea, the waves coming and hitting the shore as his stupid smile came back on his face. 
he looked back at you and fixed your hair, brought his hands back to himself and signed at you. 
“i. could. kiss. you. for. an. eternity.”
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explorevenus · 5 months
addicted ♡ re2r!leon kennedy x reader
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nsfw (18+) - minors dni or i will call the cops
word count - 2.9k
description - by the end of the summer, you're bound for college and your boyfriend leon is bound for his shiny new police officer job in raccoon city. knowing your relationship could be threatened by the distance, your need for each other has become insatiable.
tags/warnings - porn with plot, soft dom leon, car sex, cunnilingus (f receiving), fingering, p in v, creampie, breeding kink, mildly angsty, no use of (Y/N)
a/n - this was a request by my beautiful goth puppy wife chaos baby @nexysworld <333 special thanks to @dollfacefantasy for beta reading and believing in me and also being my momager <3
recommended listening - addicted by saving abel
my masterlist ♡
my ao3 ♡
thanks so much for reading and i hope u enjoy ;w; <3
-venus ♡
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Young adulthood felt so scary and new and weird.
You and Leon had been dating since high school and now you were fully legal adults, figuring out what to do with your lives and pretending you would both fit together seamlessly in each other’s plans. Just weeks ago he had graduated from the police academy and you had until the end of the summer to spend as much time together as possible before he would move into the city to become an officer, and you would be moving states away to attend college.
You told each other you would visit as often as possible, that you would call every day, that as soon as you finished school you would move back to Raccoon City to be with him, or he would find a hiring police station near you to settle into, and you would live happily ever after.
But there was a silent, knowing melancholy that hung over you all the while, and it intensified every day. Neither of you wanted to address it, for fear of spoiling what little time you had left, so it just hung there unspoken as you clung to each other for dear life.
Leon knocked quietly on your door, hoping not to wake your roommates. It was a crisp, clear summer evening and the forecast indicated a meteor shower would be visible, so as soon as he finished up at work, he took the top off of his Jeep, loaded the back with blankets and made his way to you.
His heart softened at the image of you wrapped in a blanket, ducking out of your apartment to follow him out to the car. It was nearing midnight and you were already in pajamas, but it felt right that way. Comfortable. 
Soon enough you were sipping slushies from the gas station, your sneakers kicked up on the dashboard and the wind rushing through your hair as Leon drove the two of you up the base of the Arklay Mountains. There was a little lookout tucked away less than five miles up, one you frequented together practically since you met. This lookout had seen numerous makeouts and unquantifiable hours of conversation, silly and stupid and serious and solemn.
The car slowed to a stop and Leon threw it in park, moving his seat back so he could get comfortable. His lips were stained pink with cherry slush as he looked over to you with a gentle smile.
“Pretty, huh?” He asked, watching as you stared up at the sky, awe-filled eyes searching every gap in the void for a shooting star. His warm, broad hand still rested on your thigh, thumb skimming over the soft fabric of your sweatpants in a gentle caress. 
Relaxing into his touch, you nodded, looking over at him now. Your own lips and tongue were tinted blue and what remained of your slushie was cold in the palm of your hand. It was funny, you thought, that you’d driven all the way out here to watch the meteor shower but still, you couldn’t help but watch each other. The breeze blew warm and the radio played lowly.
“You’re pretty,” You replied quietly, playing with his fingers. Even having been together for years, he still managed to make you shy.
Leon let out a soft laugh and shook his head, his other hand coming forward to tip your chin up. “You’re pretty too,” He began, and you were just beginning to blush when he added, “Pretty corny.”
You threw your head back and groaned dramatically, swatting at his chest. “You’re pretty annoying,” You griped, but before you could continue your playful rant, he guided you back toward him and pressed his lips against your own, and just like always, you melted almost instantaneously. 
At the start the kiss was quite tender, communicating a sense of longing and connection that you had only ever felt with him. His thumb traced your jaw while his grip tightened on your thigh in an affectionate little squeeze and you felt as though you could sit here with him forever, craning your neck over the center console of his Jeep just to kiss him beneath the stars, just to breathe him in, to be with him. Leon was your safe place and even the thought of being away from him sent you into withdrawals.
Your shaking hand came up to cradle the back of his neck, fingers curling into his golden hair as you took it upon yourself to deepen the kiss, wanting to get as much of him as you could. You wanted to horde him all to yourself, you wanted to sink into him and have him sink into you, to pause time and keep him there until you were sick of each other, though you knew no length of time together would ever feel like enough. Tongue swiping against his lower lip, you flattened your palm over the crotch of his jeans and massaged gently.
“F-Fuck, baby,” Leon grunted into your mouth, feeling all the blood rush to his cock in response to your touch and your languid kisses. “I’m gonna miss this…”
“Don’t,” You whispered, “I don’t wanna talk about it… Just wanna feel you…”
With a short nod of understanding he reconnected your lips, sliding his hand beneath the waistband of your sweatpants to dip a finger into your folds, delighted at the realization that you had gone without panties for the evening. He grinned into the kiss and slipped his tongue past you, the pads of his fingers quickly finding your clit with practiced ease.
Your lashes fluttered and your thighs shifted together, a quiet mewl of pleasure tumbling from you as you bucked up into his hand. With each passing second your heart was beating faster and you could feel the wetness collecting beneath his touch.
“Mm, my pretty baby,” He sighed out, the pad of his thumb flicking at your clit while his middle and index fingers petted at your hole. “Put your seat back. Let me taste you.”
There wasn’t a beat of hesitation as you reached down to recline your seat and push it back, and as you did so, Leon was making quick work of climbing over the center console to join you in the passenger seat. He gripped your thighs and pushed your legs up to rest on the dashboard as he yanked your sweatpants down in one swift motion, wasting no time smothering your plush inner thighs with kisses.
His pupils dilated by the scent of your cunt alone, and while he initially planned on taking his time with you, he just couldn’t help himself. Cramped down on the floor of his own passenger seat, Leon’s fingertips printed into your thighs as he dove forward to kiss and lap at your wetness, drinking you up with a deep, wanton need. 
You tensed at the feeling, glittery heat washing over you before you relaxed into his mouth and brought one hand down to tug at his hair, encouraging him further. Your hazy eyes blinked open to look straight up at the sky, the cool night air foreign on your most intimate parts, but not unwelcome. It was quiet out, serene, private, as though you and Leon were the last two people on Earth. A shooting star cast across the sky in a blur, and you quickly realized that your wish was for you and Leon to be the last two people on Earth. Maybe that would be nice. At least your time together wouldn’t be so limited.
Losing Leon felt like losing a limb, even if he was only moving a few hours away to the other side of the mountain. Another shooting star streaked across the night sky, and you barely even noticed you had said something until you already finished speaking, “I wish you could stay… I feel like I can’t breathe without you…”
He hummed into your slick pussy, tongue swirling over your bud before pulling back just far enough to respond, “Not talking about it, baby, remember?”
Your face scrunched up a little bit as you realized your mistake and nodded, returning your focus to the glittering stars above you while your boyfriend sucked and licked at your cunt like he was starving. Soon enough his middle and index fingers were prodding at your hole, tracing the shape of you before sinking deep into your sticky, wet heat, your needy walls sucking him in.
What you didn’t know was that Leon had been focusing so much pleasure on you over the summer because it felt like making up for what he wouldn’t be able to do from thousands of miles away in the fall. You were the only thing he could bring himself to think about since roughly halfway to graduation at the police academy, when he was beginning to pester Raccoon City Police Department with his exemplary test scores and ever-growing resume– by the end of the year you would have both gone so far in separate directions, and long distance wasn’t something you ever excelled at. He knew that the day he left for Raccoon City, he would be effectively nailing the coffin shut.
So he bided his time by fucking you senseless almost daily, eating you out, pinning you down and driving you to tears with your toys, feeling every inch of you beneath his hands just so he wouldn’t forget. Every moan, every mewl, every whimper and sob and plea from you was like music to his ears, like pure heroin directly to the vein. Just like a drug, the better it felt in the moment, the more he knew it would hurt you both later on.
He felt you bucking into his nose and whining quietly, and every twitch of your muscles made his cock throb in his jeans. Leon couldn’t take it anymore, he needed you now.
Pulling back from your core, Leon moved quickly to undo his belt and shove his jeans down his thighs, desperate for some relief from the pressure and intoxicating desire. He was already dribbling precum just from the taste of you, a distinct wet patch growing at the front of his soft blue boxers that soon joined his pants down his legs, and shortly thereafter he was clumsily crawling over you in the passenger seat of his Jeep.
Almost like muscle memory, your arm fell behind you in a blind search for your purse in the back seat. You quickly retrieved it, digging through its contents as Leon’s hands shoved their way up your shirt to paw at your breasts, devouring your throat with kisses, making it a little difficult to maintain your focus. Finally you found what you were looking for, fingers coming into contact with that trusty little box… only to find it empty.
“L-Leon… mm, babe, hey,” You panted in an attempt to gather his attention. He hummed a barely noticeable sound of acknowledgment, but otherwise didn’t budge. You let him continue for a lingering second before breaking the news in a near whisper, “Leon, we’re out of condoms…”
He paused, breaths short and hips rutting into your own with need, his woefully hard cock grinding against your slit. While his body acted on its own in search of any friction he could get, his mind was spinning. He knew you weren’t on birth control and he knew a risk like this could ruin everything you’d both worked so hard for… but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
In fact, it sort of spurred him on.
He buried his face into your neck again and sucked a harsh, dark mark into your skin, a feeling of possessiveness taking root in him. “Then we’re gonna risk it,” He said definitively, his voice low and almost growling in your ear. “Just think about it, sweetheart… Maybe if you let me knock you up, you can forget all about college… I could just whisk you away to the city with me and take care of you for the rest of our lives…”
A rush of heat struck you like a moving car and knocked the air out of your lungs. You knew it would be stupid to throw away your scholarships and every dream you’d had for yourself on a whim, but it was admittedly a nice fantasy at the very least. Arching into the palm of his hand, you relented.
“F-Fuck, fuck… Fuck me, Leon, please, just fuck me…”
And just as you anticipated, he took you up on that. A cool breeze rushed through the open vehicle as he lined himself up at your hole and drove into you, his vision going white for a second just at the intensity of the pleasure he felt, being engulfed by you again. Your body was heaven on Earth to him, you were heaven on Earth to him. 
He sheathed into you down to the hilt with a low groan, one hand clutching your hip and the other tangled in your hair. Leon tugged your head aside by your hair so he could speak directly into your ear, “You’re mine, you hear me? All mine. My girl, my wife, my pretty little baby mama…”
Each declaration was punctuated by a thrust of the hips, his swollen, leaking cock stuffed so deeply inside you that it was almost like you could feel him in your throat. Any and all concerns about your future, individually and as a couple, burned to ash in the far back of your mind as he fucked into with fervor. In this moment, Leon was all that mattered.
You quivered and writhed beneath him, your gummy insides pulsing and clenching around his length, and even with the top off the Jeep, the windows were beginning to accumulate a subtle fog on them. The two of you were hot and slick with sweat, drowning in the heat of each other and the late summer air.
“Leon,” You moaned, nails biting into his shoulders as you clung to him for dear life, for any shred of stability. “Make me yours…”
At this point, you couldn’t even tell if you were serious, and similarly to Leon, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You were drunk on him and everything about him, the warmth of his skin, the pheromones that clung to his sweat, the strong grip of his hands and the sound of his breaths and the feeling of him railing into you like you were made for each other. 
“Plannin’ on it, baby,” He said in response, words breathy and a smug grin tugging at his lips. He let go of your hair to plant his hand against the window as he increased his pace, plunging into you with ardor, his balls heavy and aching for release. “Gonna keep you all to myself, give you everything you ever wanted.”
The hand of his that was holding your hip just a moment ago was now wedging itself down between you to rub steady circles into your clit. You jolted at the contact, an incoherent cry tumbling from you, molten heat pooling up in your stomach. His earlier ministrations left both him and you especially sensitive and nearing your climaxes.
He could feel your peak approaching through the way you were convulsing around him, your wet cunt tightening and pulling him deeper with each stroke until he couldn’t even think anymore. Every last one of his senses was clouded– no, drenched with you. His pace stuttered just a little bit as he decided he couldn’t possibly hold back any longer.
With a loud, pleasured groan of your name, Leon stilled inside you as a torrent of cum flooded your waiting womb, warming you from the inside. What finally pushed you over the edge into your own release was Leon’s sly fingers tugging and pinching at your bud with expertise.
“G-God, fuck,” You sobbed, breaking skin as your nails raked down his strong back and gripped him as close to you as you could manage. Tears were pricking at your eyes as you coated his cock with your release, leaving behind a creamy white ring of arousal at the base of his softening sex.
Silence fell over the car as you clung to each other, broken only by your gasping breaths for oxygen. Leon buried his face into your shoulder and kissed the sizable hickie he’d left you earlier, still fresh and stinging.
“Did so good for me,” He huffed into your ear, nibbling at your lobe. “I can’t get enough of you.”
Eventually he pulled out, a sticky mixture of your juices dribbling out of your spent hole and down to the leather seat below you. As Leon climbed less than gracefully out of the passenger seat with his pants around his knees, you were both startled by the unexpected sight of headlights traveling up the very same mountain road that led you here, and the vehicle was pulling into the lookout.
“Shit,” Leon grumbled, rushing to fix his pants and toss you a blanket from the back seat to cover up with, given your sweatpants were lost somewhere on the floor of the car.
The intruding vehicle pulled up right behind Leon’s Jeep, headlights shining into the cabin as a person got out of the driver’s side… with a flashlight. Of course it had to be a cop.
Leon took a deep breath before rolling his window down with a polite smile. “Evening, officer… Nice night, isn’t it?”
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bloodlust-1 · 4 months
Hi. So I loved the story you made about Tav revealing she's a virgin to Astarion. You said we could send prompts so when you're back I would love a story about Tav's first time with Astarion under the stars 🌟🥰.
Love your stories
Thank you 🙏🏾
Okay - Fine! I'll totally give ya a part 2 ;* ! A few people actually requested this so it's about time ;p Since this is a virgin Tav, I wanted to be extremely delicate and detailed with Astarion's actions, while also still being sexy. This is some slowburned passionate smut!!
Lets get into iitttt. Hope you enjoy reading anon!
˚ ° A purity like yours ° ˚ part 2
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Lovely photo by @astarionposting
Astarion x fem Tav — Explicit 18+
T/W: Smut!, virginity
Summary: Astarion fulfills his promise to make Tav's first time a beautiful and memorable experience, something he believes she deserves. When he surprises her, things get heated and her first time becomes a memory that'll forever burn into her head.
Notes: This is a part 2 to this story. You don't have to read part 1 to enjoy or understand the storyline, but it just hits different for the ones who did :* <3
The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the sound of crickets chirping. Astarion had been planning this surprise for weeks and now it was finally time to show Tav. He took her hand and led her through the dark forest, carefully avoiding any fallen branches or rocks.
Tav held onto his hand tightly, and the anticipation was welling up inside her. What was it? She had no idea where Astarion was taking her, but she trusted him completely.
Finally, they reached a clearing in the forest and Astarion stopped, turning to face Tav with a soft smile on his face. "Close your eyes," he whispered, "I have a surprise for you."
Tav did as she was told, her heart racing with excitement. She felt Astarion take her hand once again and lead her a few steps forward before coming to a stop.
Tav felt the warmth of his palms on her shoulders. Then, the pressure of his lips pressing against her neck, "Okay, open your eyes."
Tav slowly opened her eyes and gasped in awe at the sight before her. They were standing in a beautiful pasture, surrounded by tall grass and wildflowers. But what took her breath away was the night sky above them. It was filled with countless stars, twinkling in the darkness.
"Astarion..." Tav spoke under her breath, her eyes wide with wonder. "I had no idea..."
And somehow, the moonlight captured Astarion so perfectly under its shine. A small wind blew softly threw his white curls.
Astarion chuckled at her reaction and helped her lie down on the soft grass. "I knew you would love it," he said, lying down beside her.
Tav couldn't take her eyes off the stars, they seemed to go on forever. "I never knew the night sky could be so beautiful," she whispered.
Astarion turned to look at her, his eyes shining with adoration. "Just like you," he said, a hint of awe in his voice. "Your beauty is just as infinite as the stars above us." He shyly averted his eyes back onto the sky.
Tav's eyes welled up with tears and she turned to look at Astarion with a scrunched smile. "Thank you for showing me this,"
Astarion wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I am just glad you like it, my dear," he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Tav couldn't contain herself, wrapping her arms tightly around Astarion and bombarding his face with kisses. "You're the best," she said between giggles.
"And beautiful!" He exclaimed at her sarcastically, or did he really mean it?
Tav rolled her eyes and shook her head with a light heart.
They lay there for what felt like hours, just enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence. Tav could feel Astarion's steady breath against her cheek, and it calmed her nerves.
Without warning, Astarion's hand slipped down to rest on Tav's hip. She stiffened slightly, not expecting the sudden touch. But before she could react, Astarion's hand moved lower, cupping her ass.
Tav's eyes widened in surprise, and before she could speak, Astarion let out a nervous apology under his breath. Tav could see the panic in his eyes, afraid he had crossed a line.
"No -" She felt herself get flustered, but Tav mustered up the courage to reach for Astarion's face, cupping his cheekbone.
"I-I actually...like it," Tav stammered, her eyelashes battered at him shyly.
Astarion's eyebrows raised in shock before a cocky smirk spread across his lips. "Oh, is that so?" he teased, his voice low and playful.
Tav nodded.
Astarion's fingers trailed up the back of her thighs, tickling her skin. Tav squirmed under his touch, feeling a sudden heat between her thighs.
Her breath hitched as Astarion groped her ass, his touch was surprisingly gentle and soft. Tav felt his breath become heavy and he leaned closer to her, his lips hovering just inches from hers.
"You're such a tease," she playfully scolded him, her voice laced with desire.
Astarion just chuckled, his fingers still teasingly caressing her skin. "But you like it," he whispered, his lips now grazing her ear.
Damn, he's right.
Tav liked the way he made her feel, and the way he touched her. With a sudden burst of confidence, she pulled him in for a passionate kiss, gently climbing on top of his body fully.
Astarion's hands gripped Tav's hips, softly tugging them against his groin. He huffed into the kiss, grinding her hips against him with each needy thrust.
Tav's hands slid up Astarion's chest, feeling the defined muscles beneath his shirt. She moaned softly while he continued to grind against her, the lace of his shirt now completely undone and hanging loosely around his neck.
Astarion growled low in his throat, his lips moving from hers to trail kisses down her neck. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. "If this is what you really want, my love - I can't wait to feel you."
Tav shivered at his words, her body aching with desire. "I want you," she replied, her hands running through his hair as she tugged him closer.
Astarion's hands traveled down her body, his fingers tracing the curves of her waist before sliding under her shirt. He lifted it over her head, revealing her bare skin to him. He helped her kick off her pants as well.
Astarion lifted her by the waist, pushing her to sit straight up on his lap as he laid, "I want to see you from this angle."
Tav looked down on him in her undergarments. This was the most naked she had ever been in front of him, and it made her shudder with anxiousness.
His eyes sparkled, trailing down from her collarbones, breasts, stomach, full thighs, and then the soft cloth of her panties. She was a work of art, a muse.
His hand snaked up her side, with a swift motion he unclipped her bra with one hand; allowing it to sink off her shoulders.
Tav turned her head timidly, hiding her face in as much of her hair as possible.
As her bra fell, her breasts were exposed to the cool air of the night, and Astarion was practically drooling.
"Pretty." Astarion hummed in approval. He reached out for her breast, cupping the soft skin into his palm.
Tav's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had never been touched like this before and she didn't know how to react. Astarion's hand continued to roam over her chest, his touch gentle and curious.
"Relax, my dear," he whispered, he took her nipple between his fingers. "I will be gentle."
He sat up, one breast in his palm, and his other hand wrapped around her waist.
Astarion's lips trailed down Tav's neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses. He gave her breast a gentle squeeze. Tav gasped at the sensation, her body responding to his touch despite her nerves.
He pulled her closer, his lips now on hers, and Tav melted into his embrace. Astarion's other hand joined in, caressing her other breast, and Tav couldn't hold back a loud moan.
"There it is. how does it feel?" His breath tickled her lips.
"More - please.." Tav shamelessly lowered her head, allowing her whimpers to flow out softly.
Astarion kissed her deeply, and her worries and doubts faded away. Tav gave in to the pleasure, letting Astarion take the lead and guide her through this new experience.
she was grateful to have him as her first. He was gentle and nurturing to her needs and wants.
Astarion continued to explore Tav’s body, hands hungrily stroking every curve, scar, and stretch mark he could dip his fingers on.
Studying her every move, expression, and whimper, Astarion pinned every spot that made her jaw drop and face burn red. He specifically loved the way her lower lip fell when she moaned.
He felt one thing that he had never felt before: In control. And all he wanted to do with it was please Tav.
He continued to kiss her, lacing his tongue with hers. The excitement started to whelm deep into his stomach and as a result, poking Tav’s inner thighs with a full erection.
Astarion became desperate, sloppily kissing her while their tongues twirled together. Their hold got tighten around each other and Astarion pulled away with a sharp breath for air.
“I wonder how you taste." His lips pulled into a smug look and it burned Tav's heart. He was so shameless and knew exactly what he wanted. Why wouldn't be honest with his love?
He pushed Tav's back onto the grass, hovering over her naked body.
Tav's heart raced, and Astarion looked down at her with dominating eyes. She couldn't believe she was here, at this moment, ready to give her virginity.
As he pulled his shirt off, Tav blatantly stared at his abs. But when he removed his pants, his erection building right up, Tav had a wave of nerves wash over her.
Astarion noticed the panic in her eyes and immediately stopped. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, his hand caressing her cheek.
"It's okay, my dear," he whispered, "I'll take care of you."
Tav's heart swelled at his words. She nodded, giving him a small smile. He would take care of her, surely.
His lips trailed down Tav's collarbones, making their way to her breasts. Tav's breath hitched, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it and sending shivers down her spine.
He then moved down her stomach, his lips leaving a trail of kisses and his hands caressing every inch of her skin. When he reached her thighs, Astarion couldn't resist the temptation any longer.
With a devilish glint in his eye, he spread her legs wide and took a deep breath, "Delicious," he murmured, before teasing her inner thighs with his kisses.
Tav squirmed under his touch, her skin tingling from the grazing of his fangs against her thighs. A soft moan escaped her lips, and a trail of hickeys littered her skin.
But it was nothing compared to the sensation when Astarion finally placed a single kiss on her core. Tav's back arched for more, her fingers gripping the blades of grass. A soft gasp left her lips.
"I think we should take this slow, my dear," Astarion whispered against her sex, "After all, it's your first time."
Again, his lips were on her folds, kissing them until his tongue dragged across her wetness. The slick of her core had a sweet tinge that only made him desperate for more.
The tip of his tongue fell onto Tav's clit. It burned in heat compared to his tongue and he slowly traced in all kinds of shapes. His red eyes glared up at Tav, studying which designs made her moan more, whimper, arch her back, and push her hips closer against his mouth.
And when he did find her spot, Tav's became a breathy mess. Cries and whimpers flowed out her mouth like lyrics to her favorite song. Her ankles quivered to each long stroke of Astarion's tongue.
Her stomach knotted deep within her and Tav hastily grabbed a handful of his curls.
"A-aahhh, Don't..S-Stop." She gritted her teeth and her face scrunched in an intense plea to his tongue.
His name cried off her lips.
With a devilish glint in his eyes, Astarion flicked his tongue and teased her most sensitive spot. Tav's moans grew louder and heavier.
It was like he became almost feral. He pushed his face closer to her core, his tongue working even more intensely against her clit. Tav felt a knot forming in her stomach. Tav's body tensed up as she neared her climax.
With one final flick of his tongue, Astarion brought Tav to her peak, her body released itself, and Tav let out a breathy cry. Astarion looked up at her, nodding in approval as he took in her flushed cheeks and ragged breaths.
Tav was left breathless and Astarion quickly covered her mouth with his, their tongues tangled needingly like a drug. Their tongues and teeth clashed together roughly. Their bodies practically hummed with a desire for more.
Finally, they pulled away, their chests rising and falling, both trying to catch their breath. "Wow..I...never felt that - before," Tav huffed, her eyes fell hazy.
Astarion gazed at Tav with a mischievous smirk on his face. "I could say the same, my love," he replied, before pulling her in for another heated kiss.
Tav moaned between the kiss, "I want to make you feel good too."
"Open your mouth," Astarion commanded as he fit himself perfectly between her legs.
Tav obeyed, and his slender fingers slipped into her mouth. She sucked on them eagerly, wetting them with her tongue. His eyes coldly pushed them deeper into her throat until she gagged.
"You're such a good pup," Astarion praised, his voice husky with desire. He used her saliva to lubricate his cock before placing it at the entrance of her core.
"Are you ready?" His red eyes pierced Tav's, and with teary eyes, she nodded yes.
With a slow and steady pace, Astarion pushed his hips forward, sliding himself into her. Tav clutched onto his arms and winced at the sharp pain, but Astarion's face faded somber at the sound of her cries.
"Shhh...There, there. Try to relax," he comforted her, giving her a moment to adjust to his length. Tav pulled him closer into a hug, tightly shutting her eyes into his nape.
Astarion gently rubbed the back of her head with his hand, his thumb tracing comforting circles on her skin. Tears welled up in Tav's eyes, but she spoke to Astarion through the pain.
"I can feel you," Tav hummed in a soft voice, admiration.
His heart skipped a beat at her words. They were finally one, and it made him fall in love with her all over again.
Astarion rarely became nervous, but Tav's words shook him, "A-Alright, I'm going to go slow, my love..."
With each thrust of his hips, Astarion could feel Tav's grip tighten around him, and he let out a low grunt of pleasure against her neck. Tav's body responded eagerly to his, and soon they were moving in perfect rhythm together.
Tav's nails dug into Astarion's shoulder blades, dragging lines down his back until it rested on his hips. Tav forced his hips down with her palms closer to her groin.
Their bodies were slick with sweat as they moved against each other, and Tav's moans mingled with Astarion's grunts. At that moment, nothing else mattered except the two of them, lost in their lust.
Astarion grabbed Tav's thigh, forcibly pulling her leg up tighter into his cock. He pumped skillfully into her sex, closing his eyes as his body greedily melted to the sensation.
Fuck, Astarion's mind went blank. Sex was never for pleasure. Not in his world, but in this moment; there was something special about the way his spine shivered and his skin crawled.
Without a word, Astarion took hold of Tav's wrists and pinned them above her head, glaring down at her with carnal lust. Only a gasp left her lips.
"I'm going to take everything I want from you, my love, greedily and passionately."
Wasting no time, his hips rocked against Tav's, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces.
Tav mewled a loud moan, the roughness of Astarion's thrusts almost bordering on pain. But it was a good kind of pain, one that sent shivers down her spine and made her toes curl.
"Astarion!" she cried out, her voice filled with a mixture of pleasure and desperation. "Fuck...n-nghh!"
Astarion's own moans mixed with hers, his breath hot against her skin as he continued to drive into her with each thrust. Tav's walls clenched around him, pulling him deeper and deeper inside her.
Their bodies moved in perfect rhythm, each moan and gasp pushed them closer and closer to the edge. Tav's mind clouded with nothing but the feeling of Astarion's cock inside her.
"Harder, Astarion," she begged, her voice rasped raw with need.
And he obliged, his movements becoming rougher and more urgent and they both approached their climax. Tav's moans turned into cries of ecstasy while her body trembled beneath Astarion's hold.
With one final thrust, Astarion let out a loud moan. His length twitched three times, filling Tav before collapsed on top of her. Their bodies were still entwined.
When he pulled out, a small sheen of blood covered his tip.
Astarion captured Tav's lips, and his eyes fluttered hazily. He then pulled Tav into a hug and they lay in each other's arms, panting and catching their breath. They may have started as strangers, but in that moment, they were truly one and it was a feeling that he never wanted to let go of.
"You're amazing," Astarion kissed Tav's forehead, "How do you feel?"
"I feel ruined - but in the best way possible." Her mouth hung open, still catching her breath.
Astarion clicked his tongue against his teeth, "Darling, you will be feeling deliciously sore in all the right places tomorrow."
"You really think so?" Tav's glossy eyes widened with a flush of red burning her cheeks.
Astarion was so right. The lingering ache would serve as a sweet memory of their passionate and unforgettable night together.
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Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
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955 notes · View notes
lazyjellyfish300 · 1 month
Gentleman 🌼💌
Geneticist!Miguel O'Hara x Fem Intern!Reader
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Synopsis: You're a struggling college student who's managed to land a coveted internship at Alchemax in the Genetics department under Dr. Miguel O'Hara. It's no secret that everyone wants him but you managed to catch his eye. Word count 3.4k
A/N: from a suggestion by @miguelzslvtz 🖤 here ya go! My take on a sugar daddy fic with Miguel. If y'all like this enough I'll continue it 🥰 I'm also trying to cook the other ideas that were left on my feedback post I made a little bit ago including a Nerd!Miguel fic and a CEO enemies to lovers eventually ✊🏽 This art by @/blahhberry on Instagram is Dr. O'Hara btw 😏
TW: MINORS DNI, a little angst, food insecurity, financial struggles, a little bit of bullying, jealousy, relationship between manager and subordinate, I don't recommend this IRL , half ass science stuff, I'm no expert 💀
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
The sharp wind chill in the morning that only lead to a sweltering afternoon began to signal that summer was edging towards the pre autumn season. Miguel took a deep breath in through his nose as he walked down the steps of his grand estate, black Americano in a fancy tumbler in one hand and his phone in the other, listening to his favorite science podcast with wireless earbuds as he smiled and blew one more kiss to Gabi who was waving goodbye on the doorstep next to Conchata.
You're running down the florescent halls of the large maze like interior of Alchemax, sweat forming on your forehead and upper lip, flaps of your lab coat floating away from your body like a mad scientist. You're a whooping 40 minutes late for your first day of your genetics internship. Not how you wanted this morning to go at all, simply because you decided to "rest your eyes" five minutes after your alarm went off.
Your outfit you had planned all week didn't look how you envisioned, you had no time to do your hair and makeup, now you were trying not to cry as you prepare yourself mentally to kiss your career goodbye before it even got started. 
Miguel is looking over the shoulder of some of the other interns in the lab, quiet tinkling noises of the lab samples placed under glass microscope lenses and hushed voices with quick scribbles of lead pens on lined notebooks. Soft giggles coming from a neighboring group of a few girls from your sorority that were shamelessly gawking at the older, handsome, tall, brawny geneticist with brown eyes, sneaking photos of him when he wasn't looking to fawn over in their respective group chats. 
All eyes are on you as you enter the quiet lab, and shamefully shuffle to the only unoccupied table which happens to be in the dead front. A pin drops and your heart sinks to your stomach as you're met with an annoyed stare from your intern supervisor. 
Miguel addresses the group he was in the middle of assisting, nodding with a low, "Continue," 
He walks up to your table. Your face burns furiously as you fight back tears, hastily pulling out your notebook, pencils and supplies to get set up. Miguel stops in front of you and you swallow slowly and sniffle as you look your superior in the eye for the first time. 
His broad shoulders and tall height give him an aura of seriousness and slight intimidation. His eyes are deep brown and seemingly bottomless, mesmerizing, a hint of softness in them despite everything else about him that portrayed sternness underneath his narrow frame glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose. A shadow of stubble peppers his strong jaw and runs down his thick neck, a very faint streak of grey runs along the corners of his brunette locks. He rolls up the sleeves of his lab coat on his thick forearms, eyes flickering to his clipboard and then back to you. 
"Name?" He asks. 
Your mouth dries momentarily at the pleasant low timbre of his voice, but you quickly answer, hoping your first impression isn't completely unsalvageable at this point. 
He nods and shifts a microscope towards you, along with your lab sample testing kits. "Since everyone else is already partnered up, I will be your partner for this first project." He clicks his pen, stowing it gracefully in his lab coat breast pocket, swiftly unloading the samples from the kit onto the table, prepping them. 
"Firstly, I am Dr. O'Hara. I'm the head intern supervisor for the Genetics department at Alchemax. Today, we are identifying and labeling these samples in various stages of cell division for my research groups that I oversee." He explains. "You should be fairly familiar with these, correct?" 
You feel the heat but you nod enthusiastically, determined to turn this day around and prove him wrong and show him that you're just as deserving to be here as anyone else; you just had a stroke of bad luck. You eagerly take over and adjust the microscope lense for the first sample and bring your eye to it, squinting and then quickly writing down the label in your notebook for the first sample: "That's...anaphase." You state confidently. 
Miguel looks at you while you write, leaning towards you a little bit and shifting the microscope closer to him, a faint whiff of his scent rolling off his arms for a brief moment, catching you off guard. He looks into the microscope without a word then nods, the corners of his eyes softening, removing the annoyed glare they held earlier when he first looked at you. "That's right." He affirms. 
Another hour passes, and you both manage to complete all of the samples you were assigned in the nick of time, wrapping up the final sample two minutes after the internship was due to end, just a tad late due to the delayed start you got compared to your fellow lab mates.
As you worked, Miguel took note of how you seemed to work slower than the others, yet you were more cautious. You were meticulous and a bit of a perfectionist, taking lots of time to ponder and even verify anything you weren't sure of by asking Miguel and following up with any additional questions you had that were spawned as a result. He liked that you were thoughtful and inquisitive. You were humble and demonstrated you could work hard to get things done. 
As you hastily packed your bag, closing it with a loud zip, Miguel cleared his throat. "Well done today... I'm impressed you could manage to complete the same work load as your colleagues, despite having less time to do it." 
"Oh-thank you, sir." You nod, giving him a modest smile. "I try to work hard at what I do." 
"It shows." He nods, removing his thin glasses and hanging them on the front of his shirt, the weight of the glasses barely tugging his shirt down, revealing a little more of his neck, accentuating his broad chest. "Just, do not be late again.....ever, okay?" He looks at you sternly, his expression as he waits for your confirmation almost as though he was begging you to keep this promise. 
"I won't, Dr..." 
"Dr. O'Hara." You say confidently, standing up a little taller. "You can count on me." You state firmly. 
He nods, the corner of his mouth ever so subtly revealing the ghost of a smile. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow." 
"See you tomorrow." 
You set nearly 10 consecutive alarms for the next day, waking bright and early to get dressed and do your hair and makeup just how you wanted it.
 You let out a deep breath, a comforting smile on your face as you paced yourself down the street, enjoying the morning and much more confident and at peace with yourself knowing you looked good and you weren't going to let Dr. O'Hara down by being late. 
Your stroll is interrupted by a loud growl of your stomach. You groan and check your phone. You had plenty of time to grab a small item for breakfast from the bodega on the way. You beeline in the other direction, backtracking momentarily to go satisfy your hunger. 
You feel a pit in your stomach when you realize what day it is and rip out your phone, your heart sinking to your chest when you see that $800 withdrawal of your student tuition posted to your checking account. You scroll with a shaky hand, pulling up your calculator and doing the math after two of your other pending transactions went through. You were left with a whooping $7 to your name, and you weren't going to get paid for another week.
Normally, you had a handle on your finances, but a couple of emergencies came up where you had to visit the doctor, buy your medicine, and also buy another textbook that one of your professors neglected to mention was required for the class. That, along with your tuition, and maybe a couple more iced coffee runs than you should have left you with barely nothing to survive on until your next payday. 
But with the way your stomach is utterly growling right now, you'll just have to find a way to deal with it later. You order your usual breakfast sandwich from the bodega and sprint down the sidewalk, making haste for Alchemax. 
Miguel is about to enter the lab, shrugging into his lab coat when he hears chattery whispers coming from behind the door. He stops for a moment when he thought he heard his name, inching closer so as not to reveal his presence, leaning against the door. 
You're being interrogated by some of your fellow interns, the group of girls that were oogling Dr. O'Hara the day before and also your fellow sorority members: Heather, Vivian, and Isla. They're pelting you with a million questions a minute, expecting a full report on what it was like working with him yesterday and trying to dig up any information about his personal life. 
"Ugh, I wish he would've spent time with our group yesterday instead. No offense, of course," Heather says. 
You shrug, going back to writing little notes in your notebook, reviewing your work from yesterday. 
"How come you're so quiet?" Vivian prods. "Seriously, you haven't like hung out with us at all and barely talk to us." 
"She thinks she's better than us," Heather answers. The group snickers at that. 
"No..." You protest, looking down in embarrassment, doing your best to try and shrug off their pestering comments. 
"Girl there's no need to deny it, O'Hara had his eyes on you yesterday. He was obsessed."  Vivian teases. 
Your cheeks get hot as you look back at your notepad. Yes, Dr. O'Hara was easy on the eyes, no denying that. But he would have never thought of you that way in a million years. You were there for an internship, end of story. You had only barely managed to save this opportunity from burning and crashing to the ground a day before.
 You knew you'd have to put in double the amount of work as everyone else did to prove yourself. There was simply no time nor room to dwell on how handsome the man was. A dangerous road you knew you needed to stay clear of, no matter how the other girl's comments were starting to get to you, a tiny whisper nudging your ego at the fact that it did seem like he had something of an interest in you. 
"Sharing is caring, girl." The group's leader, Isla, pops her gum with a little smirk on her glossy lips. "Next time you get a chance, ask him if he's married and report back to us on what you find out." 
Your face heats up. "Are you kidding, you ask him, Isla! The man barely tolerates me. I'm not gonna wind up on his bad side just because you guys want me to be nosy..."
At that very moment, Miguel abruptly enters the lab, taking his place upfront like he normally does, leaving behind a swift cloud of his scent hanging in the air as he brushed past your table, with everyone unaware that he heard every word that was said about him prior to his entrance. 
"Good morning." He says in a pleasant tone, addressing the entire group. "We will be doing more sample identifying work today. Why don't we break into the same groups as last time. Since we have an odd number of folks, I'll have you work with me again." He looks directly at you. 
You can feel envious pairs of eyes burying themselves into the back of your head as you sit side by side next to Dr. O'Hara again, clicking your pen every once in a while, coloring a black dot into the corner of your paper out of passive boredom while Miguel worked alongside you. 
Miguel was slightly turned off by the comments he heard about him from your colleagues, finding the whole exchange unprofessional. He needed focused, dedicated interns who prioritized the work in front of them they needed to get done, not fantasize about him. 
Frankly, it put him in an awkward position and he really didn't want to deal with it altogether. He looked at you as you silently labeled and notated one sample after another, barely speaking to him and your eyes locked on your own paper. 
"So, what caused you to apply to this internship in the first place?" He asks. 
You look at him, caught off guard by the sudden question. "Oh, well I'm going to school for Biology. I'm wanting to apply to med school." 
"Really?" Miguel responds. "That's commendable." He goes back to his task, longer moments of silence passing between you two. 
You turn around and you notice Isla and the others mouthing something to you. You try to mouth "What?" back to them then Miguel interrupts you, causing you to jump in alarm. 
"Hmm, what?" 
"I asked, are you here on a scholarship?" Miguel responds nonchalantly, his eyes locked on a sample under the microscope. 
"Oh, no I'm not, unfortunately." You fiddle with a button on your lab coat. "I have student loans that I'm trying to pay back." 
Miguel hums quietly in response, taking in your answer. "That must be a heavy burden with such an expensive field you're going into." 
"Yeah..." You sigh. "It is. Sometimes I have to pick between paying my bills or eating lunch," you joke half-heartedly. 
Your stomach growls loudly and you grab your stomach in alarm, hoping he didn't hear it. 
Miguel looks at you in his peripheral vision, a slight hint of amusement on his face at the sound, finding it kind of funny that you seemed so embarrassed of a natural bodily process. "Speaking of lunch, sounds like it's getting close to that time... " Miguel remarks casually. 
You nervously try to laugh it off, your face still a higher temperature. "Yeah, haha...for sure." 
Miguel nods towards the brown paper sack sitting on the table. "Why don't you step out for a moment, have a bite to eat?" 
"Oh..um." You try to play it off like you don't want it but Miguel remains unconvinced. 
"Go on, I'll take these next few since you did the last three." 
Your stomach growls loudly again and you stand up swiftly, not needing anymore convincing to take care of your raging hunger, taking the paper bag with you. 
When you step into the hallway, your face utterly falls in disappointment when you realize the bodega gave you the wrong sandwich. It's a Reuben with sauerkraut. Your stomach groans in misery and you go to unwrap the sandwich regardless, hoping your desperation will make it easier to get over your dislike. A wave of nausea hits you at the smell. 
You simply can't bring yourself to eat it, and it's time to head back anyway. You try to walk with watery eyes back towards your table with the brown paper bag still in hand, heart in the gutter because your last $7 is gone and you have nothing to eat but disappointment and desperate wishes for better circumstances. 
Miguel's eyebrows raise as he watches you swiftly grab your things and leave the room without saying goodbye. Miguel walks back to his desk and notices your brown paper sack sitting there with a little sticky note on it.
"Dr. O'Hara- thank you for your help today." 
Miguel frowns and opens the bag, his eyes widening at the sight. Reubens are his favorite. He takes a deep whiff, relishing the smell of the corned beef and melted Swiss with the Russian dressing and sauerkraut. This must have been a sandwich from a bodega because the bread smells and feels like it was baked only a few hours ago. Miguel looks at your handwriting on the note and then back at the door you just walked out of. 
He feels a pang of guilt. While he greatly appreciated and relished the unexpected treat, you just gave up your lunch, and based on that comment you made earlier about your loans being so much that you had to choose between your debt and eating, he was starting to get worried about your well-being. 
"Lyla? I need y/n's student loan records from the financial department. Have them on my desk in an hour." 
"You got it, Migs." 
You entered your dorm, trying to hide your tears and dodge interrogation from Heather, Vivian, and Isla. 
"Hey, you." 
You pause, with a sigh, turning to meet Isla's burning stare.  "Yeah?" 
"Girl, so...is he married?" 
"I didn't ask." You rub your temples. 
"Oh my god...you had one job!" 
"Look, y'all, I don't mean to be rude. But I just had thee shittiest day of my life and I have no food until next week. Wondering about whether our SUPERVISOR is married or not is not at the top of my list of concerns right now." 
The groups looks at one another, taken aback. "Dude...calm down, we were just curious, it's not that deep. So dramatic..." Heather grumbles.
"It's okay y'all, I'm gonna make him fall in love with me, just watch." Vivian jokes. 
"No me!" Isla shouts. 
The three of them banter back and forth and you turn, huffing towards your room. 
"But really wtf does he even see in her? Like why pay attention to the most boring person in the room when we're right there..." Isla mutters once you're out of earshot. 
You lay down in bed, too distraught to study and cry yourself to sleep.
Two hours later, your eyes ease open, your pillow slightly wet with drool after a good post-cry nap. 
A missed call from your college shows up on your phone. 
Confused, you return the call. 
"Student Services how can I help you?" 
"Hi, I'm a student...I have a missed call from you guys." 
"Student ID?" 
"Yes...we were calling you back about a credit to your account. It looks like that was fully settled this afternoon, and a refund has been issued back to your checking account that you have linked to your student account." 
You blink. "Um, okay...but there was a balance of $10,130.70 this morning, and you guys took out the 850, so...what, there's probably a little over 9k remaining?" 
"That was paid in full, along with an additional $1000.00 so actually that extra credit should be refunded to you and posted in 1-2 business days depending on your institution." 
Your brow furrows. You look back at your bed then at the ceiling, trying to figure out if you were still sleepy. "Is this some kind of practical joke?" 
"Excuse me?" 
"I mean, that's ten thousand dollars we're talking about. And you're telling me that all of it was just magically erased this afternoon?"
"I can send you the statement if you would like, ma'am." 
"Yes, please. Because something doesn't sound right about all of this." 
"Very well...and your email is still valid?" 
"Yes. Thank you." 
You hang up and pace in your room until the email notification comes through. You blink in disbelief, sitting down on your bed with shaky knees when you see that sure enough, a whooping payment of $11,130.70 was applied. 
Balance: $10,130.70 
Debit card payment ending in xxxxx2099 $11,130.70
Ending balance = $-1,000.00
Credit issued for: $1,000.00 to checking account ending in xxxxxx4890
You scoff in sheer disbelief, a feeling of elation rising in your body. At that moment, your doorbell rings. 
An annoyed Heather calls you downstairs. 
You run to the door, your footsteps shaky under the shock of your debt being erased and becoming one thousand dollars richer in one day, mind still buzzing with the news. 
A confused man is waiting at the door with a large bouquet of a gorgeous assortment of roses and daisies and a large bag of takeout from your favorite upscale restaurant, asking for you. 
You nod slowly with a raised eyebrow and he hands your goodies over to you. Your mouth falls open at the small card attached to the bouquet, your name etched in silver cursive letters and a small message typed in black lettering. 
Thank you for the sandwich and for your diligent work for my department. Enjoy. 
- Dr. O'Hara
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yawnderu · 6 months
Cat and Mouse — König x Reader
CW: porn with barely any plot, primal play, hunter and prey, rough sex, previous consent, established relationships, anal fingering, König is too in love to fuck you hard, love-making.
A/N: I'm taking a very short break after this one, trying to work on my writer's block and to come up with better ideas. My inbox and dms are always open, I love getting random asks and talking to all of you!♡
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The wind blew on your hair as you ran through the woods, barely managing to narrowly miss the trees when you turn back, the giant man chasing after you standing out easily— his imposing figure looking even more intimidating under the moonlight.
His cocky laugh encourages you to run faster, your heart beating in your ears when you hear him start chasing after you again, legs already exhausted from running nonstop for the past ten minutes, never once losing sight of the masked man matter how fast you ran. He was simply faster, with a better stamina that came from being a soldier most of his life. You gasp for air, lungs greedily taking in the oxygen as the world starts to blur out, the muffled sounds of nature around you doing nothing to help as you manage to find the strength to run.
"Get over here!" His loud voice overpowered your surroundings, burly arms wrapping around your waist before manhandling you onto the ground, holding you still no matter how much you tried to kick and scream.
In a pathetic attempt to escape him you throw a punch to his face that connects square on his jaw, the man's grip on you loosening slightly out of shock. You take the chance to try to run away again, barely managing to get on your knees before he's pushing your face down onto the cold, moist soil, the strong smell nulling your senses so bad you don't feel him pulling down your pants until the cold wind hits your bare cunt.
"Caught you, kleine maus." He taunts in a whisper, running one of his gloved fingers up and down your cunt, spreading the wetness all over it before he wets his thumb, pressing onto your puckered hole.
"Wait—" His hand comes down to deliver a hard slap to your ass, the whine of protest you let out doing nothing but make the blood rush faster to his cock. He manages to get his thumb in, fucking it in and out of your ass. You bite your hand in an attempt to muffle your tiny moans, the stimulation of all the nerves being touched by his thick thumb already getting to you, feeling your wet cunt clench around nothing, making the tall man behind you let out an amused, taunting laugh.
"Little mouse likes getting chased around like an animal, ja?" He's clearly trying to get into your head and it's working, not even protesting when you hear his zipper being pulled down, his heavy cock laid out on your ass. König is huge— you've seen it way too many times, felt it way too many times, yet it never fails to surprise you.
"Well, spatzi, you act like an animal—" His words are interrupted by a muffled groan, his cock sinking into you slowly, yet it's so painfully tight he never got used to it. He groaned as he finally bottomed out, a sharp hiss mixing in with your moaning.
"You get treated like one." He finished his sentence, his free hand holding onto the curve of your waist, fingers bruising the skin as he began to thrust into you, movements fast and desperate, your warm insides feeling way too good.
"Fuck— slow down, König." You plead pathetically even when that's the opposite of what you truly want, feeling the tip of his cock slam into the spongy spot of your cunt over and over, whiny moans mixing in with his loud groans and growls.
"No can do, Schatz." You can hear the shit-eating smirk he has under the sniper hood, almost making you smile before he starts to slam his hips into you faster, pulling his cock out all the way before slamming himself back in. You're reduced to a pathetic moaning mess as König drills into your cunt, hitting every single sensitive bundle of nerves along the way to hit your cervix.
He pulls out suddenly, making you feel empty for a second before he manhandles you onto your back, taking a second to admire your pretty, fucked-out face and body. One of his warm hands comes down to cup your cheek, thumb caressing the skin softly before he slowly pushes into you, this time much more gentle. Truth is, König wanted to fuck you. He wanted to fuck you good and hard, yet how can he resist the urge to make love to you when you look up at him with nothing but trust and adoration in your eyes?
"Pretty girl." He muses, holding his weight above you as his hips roll against yours, pushing himself deep inside with every single thrust. He's nothing like before— all the adrenaline from chasing you down fully gone as he simply focuses on making love to you, light blue eyes looking down at you with nothing short of raw devotion. Your legs wrap around his defined waist and he fucks into you harder, one of his gloved hands coming down between your bodies to rub on your hard clit.
"Fuck—" Your back arches, hips moving weakly to meet his thrusts, the double stimulation driving you closer and closer to the edge.
"That's it, my pretty girl." His masked lips are planted on your forehead for a soft kiss, his fingers rubbing faster and faster as he feels his cock twitch, wanting nothing else than to finish inside you.
"Can I come inside, liebling? Want me to fill you up...?" His masked face is buried into the crook of your neck, eyes closed tightly as he tried his best to get your consent before cumming.
"Need— need to cum inside. Fill you up with my babies, please." He was now getting whiny, images of your tummy stretched out carrying his baby with your tits full of milk raid his brain, numbing him out to everything around him other than the way your tight cunt suck him in.
"Yes— cum inside, baby." Your arms wrap around his neck while your thighs hold him on a leg lock, pushing him even deeper into your cunt, not allowing his stuttering hips to pull out much as he ruts into you, his fingers going back to rub your clit, your bodies uniting as one in a display of love and passion, orgasms hitting together like a tidal wave. Your cunt tightens up around him, his balls emptying all the way deep inside you, a low growl coming out of his lips.
He tries his best not to collapse on top of you, managing to pull out slowly and lay down next to you, pulling you closer to him. He takes deep breaths, his big hand gently massaging your scalp before looking down at you, meeting your gaze. You can't see it because of the mask, yet the way his eyes soften and turn into crescents is enough for you to know he's smiling.
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
and there's nothing daddy can do about it.
price tries to gather intel on your father, a well known arms dealer. price didn't expect for his daughter to be such a good lay. but price has further intentions with you.
xoxo, bunny
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price found you by accident. you were assisting your father and price thought you were the most precious thing ever. the plan to gather intel changed when he got a glimpse of your cotton panties where the wind on the tar mat blew up your skirt. fuck the old man, he was going to get everything he wanted through you.
it had been a while since price had really flirted with a woman. with missions and paperwork up to his neck, he didn't have time to bed a pretty birdie. but he didn't expect for it to be so easy.
oh, he realized. you liked older men, you liked when they gave you attention.
"you like that, baby girl?" he asked as he practically folded you in half to get access to your sweet pussy, "who would've thought that the big boss man would have such a lovely daughter." he rubbed his hard cock up against your slit. he groaned.
you were blushing and had your hands covering your face. your heart was racing with anticipation as he eventually sunk his thick cock into you. you arched your back and made such a sweet noise that price almost bottomed out into you that moment.
"such a good girl for me. lettin' the tip just press up against your sweet little cervix." price purred as he held your hips and started to thrust.
you could feel your heart in your throat and your stomach in your chest as he practically pushed your organs up with each heavy thrust. you whimpered like the sweetest little kitten. he loved when you made those sweet noises.
price had hair all over and a bit of chub at his waist. he was domineering over your smaller body. even if you had your own chub on your hips, he was still so much broader.
he just thought you were so tiny, yet you took his cock like a champ. he was bent over you as he gripped your hips, you knew there were going to be marks. his breathing became heavier and he pulled his hand away to wipe the sweat from his brow.
you felt hot all over as he bulled your pussy like a man on a mission. you laid under him so nicely, singing your sweet song of moans as he made sure that he was going to finish inside of you.
'please, john!" you whimpered as you clutched on your knees to keep yourself upright. you swore you felt his cock in your stomach, bruising it as he did your pussy.
you were often left a nice shade of purple when he was done. your hips, you ass, even your throat was something a sweet wine color. you moaned and arched your back as you felt the pleasure course through your veins. your heart hammered and you thought you were going to have a heart attack.
"pretty girl." he purred, "only i know how to make you feel this good. fuck, i'm goin' to knock you up, love." he chuckled as he continued to thrust in and out of you.
you kicked your legs out as you felt the heat of pleasure bloom in your stomach. you want to please price, you wanted him more than you needed air to breathe.
his thrusts were erratic and quick, too drunk off your pussy to care. he was a man on a mission and the details of it didn't matter, as long as he got results. and that meant a round belly and his little brat kicking in there.
he reached for you hair and pulled on it as he put his entire self into his movements. he was getting close, he could feel the tightness in him. he loomed over you and sloppily made out with you as he battered your sweet womb.
"my girl." he said, "my girl havin' a few brats and livin' away from this shit. now be a good girl and make sure you take every drop. i'd hate to find other ways to keep it all in." he chuckled, he could see the haze in your eyes from the pleasure. he pressed up against you and held your face and hair, he wanted to see you climax.
your eyes almost rolled out of your head when you came. now in a dazed state, he used your body like a toy. he purred, "yeah, girl. that's it. be good for me, put that feminine biology to use and make me a fuckin' kid." your pussy was so nice around his hard cock, he knew he ruined other men for you. but that didn't matter now, you were going to be his wife and mother to his children.
he yanked your hair once more and your eyes met, even if your vision wasn't the most focused. he chuckled darkly, "you will bear my kids, i’ll make you my pretty wife wife and your daddy won’t be able to do a damn thing about it." then gave one last hard thrust as he came inside of you.
you whimpered once more and arched your back. price let go and patted you on the face. you felt en emptiness in your brain. don't worry about ever having a thought again, just give price everything he needs to know and you'll have a happy little life as his bride. <3
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One Tree Hill Meme {58/187} Season 3 Episode 13: The Wind That Blew My Heart Away Top 2 Favorite Characters Per Episode (As voted by fans on TVTime.com)
Peyton Sawyer (71%)
Nathan Scott (15%)
(Percentages as of May 2024)
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somedayistodayoth · 1 year
iMessage || Rozzie
Steph: Are you here? Because I don't see you anywhere :(
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merakidoll · 3 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐰
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soundgasm! voice actor nanami had to find inspiration for his script somehow. and you just so happened to be the perfect princess- his neighbor.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🎀 ꒱ — warnings : black chubby reader! bimbo reader ( not really mentioned but it’s me sooo duh) infidelity?!! masterbastion ( m & f ). creaming, squirting, nanami has a curveeeeee, voice actor nanami! cum eating, i think nanami’s calls reader princess once! reader x another jjk man ?!? >_< pwp!! 17+ please respect that :)
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🎀 ꒱ — mirahnote! : i got carried away! it took me thirty minutes to write this, that’s how HEAVY it was on my mind. kisses to my bestie and jazz for reading over this for me <33
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“cold” nanami began. “the cold wind blew against the trees. pretty leaves falling yet the man could only focus on the one important attribute.” moving his eyes from the beautiful autumn ground they met yours. your window was open, the cashmere robe hanging off of your shoulders making him eager to see more. “the women was beautiful. one of a kind” he took a deep exhale as you slowly slid the fabric from your naked skin. “her skin looking so soft through the window, so smooth and yummy that my mouth watered- no! the man’s mouth watered, needing to taste it” he groaned at his mistake, but never once lost eye contact with you.
you smirked falling back onto your bed, your legs cascading in the air. a beautiful wet, slimy pussy coming into his view. he could see your hand slide up your legs teasing him. “it took nothing for her pussy to become wet with need. juices dripping from one hole to the next teasing the man in the window.” bringing your hand to yourself, nanami only could imagine the nasty moan that feel from you. “what a needy girl the man thought. he watched how her perfect hands, that had the perfect nails rubbed over her clit. one circle- then another, then her legs began to quiver.” bitting down onto his lips, nanami finally began to give himself the pleasure he had been craving.
slowly undoing his slacks he watched the puddle you began to make on your bed. his curved cock popped out hitting his stomach. he was red in need, pre cum all over himself. gripping his thick dick, he squeezed himself more of him oozing out creating a mess onto the khakis that would be a bitch to clean up. “s-she knew the mind games.” he paused, his hands pumping his length “she knew what he really wanted to see.” you spread your legs wider, using your fingers to spread yourself open. “and she finally-mmm. f-finally gave it to him”as you pushed one finger inside of you. one- but nanami and you both knew that wasn’t nearly enough.
he wished he could see your faces. how you shut your eyes and scrunched your face, but god the view of your fat cunt getting stuffed was making up for it. “there you go — t-the man said. he watched as the second finger b-broke through her walls. fuck princess!” nanami’s balls were so heavy, his cock bobbing in his hands, he was so close - so, so close. “the puddle beneath her g-grew. the man in the window’s cock so painfully hard that h-his vision blurred with each pump to himself.” as you quickened your pace, he matched. you fucked yourself so hard that juices began to squirt out of you.
so nanami squeezed down onto himself, strokes becoming faster and sloppy, “s-so close” he mumbled into the microphone. “soo- mmmfuck there y-you go princess” right as your began to cream all around your fingers. his cum shot out of him. ropes upon ropes falling onto his desk- his microphone. he chanted how much he loved you. how when he had the chance he would fuck your cunt full. his eyes closed, finally losing contact with you and just imagining the blissful dream. taking deep ragged breaths, he opened his eyes. the sight before him pulling at his heart, but shit did it make him hard.
toji stood above you - but looked directly at nanami. with his shit grin he scooped some of your cream off of your sensitive cunt stuffing those fingers in his mouth. “fuck!” nanami spoke into the still cum covered mic. “the man in the window forgot all about her husband.”
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k-atsukibakugou · 4 months
"Sex isn't a transaction." With Shindou or Bakugou would be incredible if you’re up for it, I hope you have a good day at work!💕
tysm jo!!! work was good teehee im now home for this weekend with my family!! i hope your week is good too <3<3 i wanted to go a bit of a darker content-y vibe but i could't get inspo that way so i made it cute and domestic instead lmao
w/c: 0.4k tw: no pronouns used, playful teasing teehee
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“you know those lights in there make it look sparklier than it is right?” bakugou scoffs, even as his carnelian eyes tracked exactly where you looked through the window, gushing about the earrings on display on velvet cushions, your breath nearly fogging the glass with how close you got to the jewellery, the valentine’s day promotions reflecting in your eyes like your own pupils had turned to red and pink hearts.
“you just hate joy.” you playfully shove him aside to look into the window behind him, ignoring his feigned hurt to admire the necklace that had caught your attention; your eyes shining like the jewellery, the pendant glinting under the light. you were already imagining the weight of it at the base of your throat, the warmth of it against your skin, the divots under your fingertips between each gem setting. grinning, bakugou didn’t miss his chance to pinch your hips, tugging you closer, forcing your attention back to him with his voice in your ear, “i’ll get it for you, but you owe me.”
his usual gruff voice was light with comfort and calm, soft at your ear as he invaded more of your space, his smile obvious when he spoke, you didn’t even have to spare a glance towards him to know his canines were on display in a smile, his body warming your back even as his icy nose was pressed to the sensitive skin of your neck, his gloved hands holding you close even as you teasingly smacked at his forearms.
“sex is not a transaction, katsuki!” your thick gloves did little damage to the hero cradling you in his arms, hardly detering him as he cackled, dragging you you down the snowy street away from the bright windows of the store, “what am i taking you on these nice dates for then?”
a quizzical blond eyebrow rose to his hair as he finally released you, keeping only his hold on your hand to tug you down one last street to his building, the glinting in his eyes telling you he was anything but serious, “you’re not funny, katsuki.”
laughing again, bakugou watched your face from the corner of his eye, studying how plump your lip looked as you bit it, trying to hold in a giggle at your boyfriends antics, admiring how your hair framed your face even as the cool wind blew it, especially paying attention to your faux upset when he spoke again, “call me katsuki instead of baby one more time and i’m not getting the necklace.”
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tddyhyck · 2 months
what’s your fantasy? [ z.cl ]
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pairings ⇢ chenle x afab!reader
word count ⇢ 2.9k
warnings ⇢ 18+, smut, pee/omorashi, established relationship, dom/sub dynamics, no foreplay, kink discussion, kink discovery, spanking, riding, unprotected sex/creampie, pet names (baby/puppy), foot fetish (mentioned), drinking
playlist ⇢ smoothie_nct dream / water_ten / water_tyla
a/n ⇢ i wrote this in less than 24 hrs pls be kind 😭😭 also i think i might do a bonus/part 2 lemme know if you’re interested
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you weren’t really sure when chenle started being more obsessed with your liquid intake, maybe a month ago or so? he’d always been the first to say you were dehydrated if you didn’t feel good. he would pour you a glass of water and pat your head waiting for you to down the glass. he’d call you a good puppy and have that smug little grin when you started to feel better.
but lately. lately he’s been almost trying to drown you. he’d bring you fancy juices to try or make cocktails for you after dinner. and you didn’t mind, you definitely didn’t mind being spoiled. maybe that’s all it was, a new way to spoil you.
chenle did know when it started. he could pinpoint the exact moment the switch flipped. it was almost 4 months ago since it happened and he felt crazy for being obsessed but he couldn’t help it.
it had been a long day of shopping for christmas gifts, spending way to much time on your feet carrying bags and boxes around. finally when you had both checked everything off your lists he decided to take you to a cocktail lounge somewhere you both could relax and unwind. he mainly went because you had been talking about trying this place out. he wasn’t planning on drinking and didn’t think you would get a drunk as you did but you were slurring and leaning on him as you walked to the car together that night.
it was windy and blowing your skirt up making you giggle as you leaned into him.
“hold m- hold my h-and,” you hiccuped holding your hand to him and he grabbed it while tightening his arm around your waist as you walked.
“i think you had a little too much, baby,” he sighed, opening the car door for you. you pouted up at him with hair in your eyes and something made his heart ache with how pretty you looked.
“nope i want you,” you slurred, poking his chest. “to make me a dirty martini.” you hiccuped but wagged your eyebrows as best you could.
“how about i make you an ice water,” he grinned as you got in the passenger seat. you pouted at him your legs were spread as the wind blew your skirt showing your panties. he raised an eyebrow as you groaned about wanting a martini before shutting the door and hurrying to the driver's seat.
when he got in you were still talking about the martini and doing a poor job of begging him to make one. he let you ramble as he started the car and pulled onto the street towards home.
“pleaseee - pretty extra please make me one,” you were grabbing his arm now.
“no can do, baby i’m making you a nice big crisp glass of water and you are going to drink it all for me,” he told you, coming to a stop light. suddenly this reminded you of the overwhelming need to pee.
“i need to pee,” you whined.
“can you hold it baby, we're almost home,” he said, eyeing you from his seat.
“gotta go so bad,” you whimpered, reaching your hand between your legs to cup yourself hoping to keep yourself from going. chenle had to pull his eyes away from you the desperation in your voice made him tingle for some reason. but he couldn’t focus on that, he needed to get you home. he heard you whispering to yourself that you could hold it, you could do it. your leg was bouncing and your left hand was gripping his arm, the nails digging in.
“it’s okay baby, we’re almost there,” he soothed, running his hand over your shaking leg. he hadn’t realized that he was practically speeding but he was already pulling into the parking deck finding the closest spot to the door. he got out quickly running to your side and helping you out before dragging you into the building. he hastily pressed the elevator button as if it would come faster. eventually it dinged and he rubbed your hand as the door closed.
“i can’t i can’t i can’t,” you moaned, bouncing beside him one hand between your legs. your knees were weak and you felt yourself squatting beside chenle while you pressed your legs tightly together.
“so close baby, just a little more,” he said, pulling you back up to stand just as the doors opened. you both ran down the hall and chenle typed in the passkey as fast as he could before pushing the door open. you barreled in kicking your heels off before running to the bathroom not even worrying to shut the door. but then just as relief washed over you, you realized your mistake.
“fuck no, fuck,” you whined, holding your skirt up as hot piss dripped out of your panties.
“you okay,” chenle said before stopping and staring. your wet eyes looked up at him tears of embarrassment slipped down your hot cheeks.
“shhh, it’s okay,” he walked over to you rubbing your back as you pressed your face against him. you were still peeing it felt hot pressed against you in your ruined panties.
“it’s so,” you sniffed. “embarrassing,” you cried into his stomach.
“it’s okay baby. it’s just you and me,” he said, petting your head before tilting your chin to him. “don’t cry.” he leaned down and kissed your forehead. you had finally stopped peeing and chenle helped you up and out of your soaked panties and with the rest of your clothes before getting you into the shower.
he let you shower before taking your soiled clothes to the laundry. he felt more embarrassed by the fact that he got hard while watching you pee and knowing you wet your panties made him even crazier. he didn’t let you know he had gotten off with the image of you holding your skirt up and filling your panties.
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that was when it started for him.
he wasn’t really doing it on purpose. well he kinda sorta was. he liked spoiling you but spoiling you with the chance of you pissing yourself was a bonus. and you weren’t complaining about it so it was probably fine right? he definitely wasn’t telling you that was what he wanted he wasn’t even sure if you remembered, but it was all he thought about he’s fucked you in those same panties 10 fold imagining you filling them before he presses into you getting his cock warm and wet with every thrust.
you had wondered why he had been fucking you in your panties he normally wanted you completely bare for him. you didn’t mind it though you liked how animalistic it seemed, he couldn’t even wait for you to be naked before he ravaged you.
today wasn’t any different, chenle had come home with a new fruity drink for you to try. and you didn’t hesitate to gulp it down because it was undeniably delicious. he smirked at you across the bar as he stirred food in a pan, the straw in your mouth as you casually slurped the purple liquid.
“do you like it?”
“mhmm, so sweet,” he smiled down at the cutting board.
“why are you getting me so many drinks lately?” you asked with the straw between your teeth.
“i just see stuff and it makes me think of you,” he said nonchalantly.
“you’re just the cutest,” you sigh, looking at him dreamily and he rolled his eyes playfully.
“gotta keep you hydrated, baby.”
“unhuh,” you eyed him curiously as the last of your drink bubbled through the straw making you pout. he watched you at the sound.
“what,” he said, putting his hands up in surrender.
“are you sure that’s why?”
“why else would i be buying you a drink?”
“i dunno, you just look guilty.” you raised an eyebrow feigning seriousness. but somehow what you said made him feel guilty.
you didn’t dig any deep or tease him anymore, just watched him cook before setting the table and eating with him. you did eye the large glass of water he poured you along with a glass of wine.
that night you and chenle talked, sharing the last of the wine while you snuggled on the couch.
“what’s something you want me to do but you’re too shy to ask?” you looked at him before downing the rest of your wine before setting the glass on the table.
“you do everything i like and want. but i,” you sigh looking down.
“hmm” he questions.
“i like when you use your feet on me. i’m not saying i’m a foot obsessed person. but i just like the way it makes me feel powerless with you,” you started off strong but finished shyly.
“baby just say you want me to step on you,” he laughed lightly. you whined into his neck shaking your head.
“maybe a little,” you whisper.
“you’re so naughty,” he groaned, leaning his head back as his hand slid up your ass.
“what’s your fantasy? what can i do for you?” you asked, peeking up at him while you fiddled with the hem of his shirt. chenle gulped.
“don’t take this the wrong way. but i want you.” he paused.
“tell me i wanna do it,” you said eagerly. he leaned closer lips grazing your ear.
“pee on me,” he whispered. you gawked, taken aback by what he said. you were sure it would be something less, messy. but it almost made sense for him.
“is this why you’ve been getting me drinks,” you laugh.
“maybe,” he looks away. “but i like spoiling you too.”
“what made you want me to, you know.”
“do you remember when you almost pissed yourself a few months ago?” you groaned covering your face. “nuhuh.” he pulled your hand away and stared at you. “it was so hot you were so desperate and needy, fuck. just thinking about it.” he grabbed your hand bringing it over his already hard cock. you gasped before biting your lip looking up at him innocently.
“please,” he whispered to you.
“it’s so embarrassing.”
“i like it when you’re shy and embarrassed. such a pretty puppy.” he knew what he was doing using puppy to get you to cave. and you wanted to and now talking about pee made you realize how badly you needed to. so you were shifting on him before he pulled you onto his lap. you whined feeling his cock press into you.
“you need to stop wearing these flimsy little skirts,” he said, flipping up the material peeking at your dampening panties.
“and these cute little panties.” his fingers grazed the material and you knew he could feel the wetness because now he was smirking at you.
“you know you make it seem like you don’t want to but you’re so wet, puppy.” you whimpered, bringing your hands to cover your face but he pulled them away. one hand holding your wrist and the other gripping you hips.
“feel how hard you make me,” he moaned as he grinded against you, his hard cock pressing against his zipper. you stayed quiet but moved your hands to release him from his jeans. he watched and you delicately unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans before tenderly gripping his cock letting the head poke out of the waistband of his boxers.
“need you,” you whimper, your hand still fisting at his cock as precum beaded at the tip.
“how bad,” he asked, looking up at you curiously. his fingers teased along the hem of your panties and you wanted him to shove his hand in and touch you.
“so bad.” he smirks at you, fingers dragging down to graze your clothed clit, making you quiver.
“i know you need to go. been filling you up all night for this.” you whined, looking away from him.
“hmm, gonna piss on my cock baby?” you whimpered. you did need to go but you really didn’t want to make a mess.
“lemme,” you mumbled, standing up on weak knees and pulling his jeans down his legs, leaving him in his boxers and tshirt. he looked like a god, leaning back, staring at you with this look of power on his face that made you feel so weak. he groaned when you straddled him and rubbed yourself against his cock.
“don’t make me,” you whined. “so embarrassing.”
“but you need to go so bad, baby,” he replied, pressing a hand against your tummy, making you pull your legs together around him.
“i need to but i can hold it,” you say mainly to yourself.
“just fuck me i can hold it,” you blubber tugging at his boxers ready to pull your panties aside and let him fill you up.
“you really think you can hold it while i fill up your pretty little cunt,” he teases, fingers tickling under your shirt and up your chest. you nodded harshly.
“i can i can do it.” you yelped when his fingers tweaked your nipple bending forward pressing your hands on his chest. he smirked up at you as his thumb brushed your hard nipple, his nails grazing the sensitive skin.
“so if i hold you like this,” he says, moving his hand down to press against your tummy while the other holds your hips in place. you’re squirming when he says, “ while i fuck you, you can hold it?”
“hnngh, wanna hold it. wanna be good and hold it,” you slipped deeper the need to go overwhelming you.
“let go puppy,” you whimpered. not realizing you were but when you felt the familiar warmth you sobbed grabbing at yourself to stop. and you did hold yourself back from letting it all go. you couldn’t see the large wet spot in your panties or feel the way it had started to drip out. but chenle did, he could feel the warm liquid slowly dribble onto his cock making precum pump out of his cock.
“no, no no,” you whined. chenle pressed your tummy again.
“you’re such a good puppy. let go for me.” he groaned.
“want your cock, i can - let me - i can hold it,” you whimper, pulling his waistband down letting his cock free beneath you. lifting your hips as you pulled your panties to the side before sinking down with a groan.
“fuck puppy,” he moaned, leaning his head back but keeping his eyes on you. you did your best to bounce on his cock but you were so full your legs were quivering.
“so full,” you mewled, he reached up pushing your hair out of your face before gripping your hips and fucking back into you harshly. you felt like you would burst any second you couldn’t tell if it was from the need to pee or the need to come. you held your hand over your clit rubbing circles as chenle watched you.
“so fucking good holding it for me, puppy.” he stared at you listening to the sounds of skin slapping filling the room along with your whimpers. watching your lashes flutter against your cheeks and one hand gripping his shirt the other circling your clit. you looked so fucked out so perfect for him.
“so pretty baby, all for me.” you whined down at him, your arms feeling weak from holding your body up.
“so much. can’t hold it.”
“let go, puppy,” he said, pounding into you hard and fast. you couldn’t do it anymore couldn’t hold it in so you let go. relaxing as you let the warmth pour out of you. chenle stared between you watching the hot piss gush from you onto his skin making him groan. your fingers still circled your clit making the liquid squirt onto his chest and stomach and he felt so close to the edge.
“such a good, puppy, so good. so fucking good.” he found himself gripping you tighter and fucking you harder your cunt pulsing around him.
“so close,” you whined, working your hand faster, your stomach full of pleasure instead of the pressure. the mix of release and the building orgasm was too much.
“cum for me, pup,” chenle moaned, thrusting into you faster. you groaned at his words letting your orgasm flood over you, pee still pouring from you as your legs shook and cunt tightened around chenle.
“fuck,” he cursed as he came a moment later filling you up with hot cum. your cunt still pulsing around him as he finished. he stared up at you seeing the last dribbles of pee drip onto him as you slowly continued to rubbed your clit. your hair was a complete mess and your eyes closed and he loved it and wanted it forever.
“you’re so fucking hot,” he groaned, rubbing his hands over your hips.
“it’s so messy,” you finally said, opening your eyes looking at the puddle on your couch.
“lemme see?” he asked, lifting you up off of his cock. he quickly spun you a hand on your back to bend over so he could see your messy cunt. your hands held yourself up as he leaned forward gripping your cheeks pulling them apart to see your puffy hole watching the cum drip out.
“so fucking sexy,” he smirked slapping his hand on your ass making you whine.
“it’s so messy,” you say, turning back to face him.
“but you liked it,” he grins, making you nod shyly.
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volensnolenss · 11 months
Who caught who?
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- ˏˋGENRE: Friends to lovers, first kiss, fluff.
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“How boring and soon we will have to return!” Satoru almost groaned and said the last sentence, looking martyred at the sunset. You overtook Shoko and Suguru and they were somewhere far behind you.
“Are you really bored?” You looked at him with an undisguised smile.
“I don't understand what you find interesting in trees, leaves, grass and so on?” He took off his black glasses, looking into your eyes.
You're thinking, but not about nature at all. Is your relationship with him quite interesting? Is that what it can be called? Something incomprehensible and invisible prevented both of you from moving up a step.
The way he looked at you, his touch, his attitude to you — it all became different.
“For example” you came forward to him. “Trees are needed to hide!” You quickly tore off his glasses and ran, not letting him come to his senses.
The cool wind blew pleasantly on your face, and the fabric of your dress was like a restless wave. Your ringing laughter filled the green garden, in which squat bushes and tall trees grow.
You knew perfectly well that you would not run away from him forever; your temples began to feel heavy, there was not enough air.
You turned around, but there was no one behind you. Has he lost you? Or are you too fast? Nonsense.
You hid behind a tall tree, trying to catch your breath. As soon as you lowered your gaze to look at his glasses, his tall figure suddenly appeared in front of you.
“Did you really think that my six eyes wouldn't find you?” His big hand rested on the tree. Satoru was looking at you with his trademark smile.
“Actually, I checked them for effectiveness!”
“Do you underestimate me?!” He immediately wanted to grab you, but you jerked so that you stumbled and, gasping in surprise, rested against his chest. Standing unsteadily, he fell, pulling you with him.
You both fell to the ground, the smell of fresh grass immediately hit your nose, making your head slightly dizzy, not having time to rest from running.
You noticed that for all the time only now Satoru's face and yours were very close.
Your soft curls tickled his cheeks and nose; He gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, lightly touching your skin with the tips of his long fingers.
Satoru looked at you as if you were an angel who descended from heaven to earth. After all, that's how it was: the sun, which was behind you, created the illusion of a glowing halo over your head.
Only now did you see the purity of his blue eyes, reminiscent of blooming cornflowers or a clear sky.
“You're so beautiful.” You, looking away, instantly blushed when you heard such words from him.
“Satoru..” You said his name softly
“Yes?” His hands were holding you by the waist.
“I feel good with you.”
”I feel with you so good, too.”
Your heart quickened, the veins began to drive away the blood inside you as quickly as possible.
It's now or never.
Your lips hesitantly closed in a short kiss. Having understood what was going on, you kissed again more confidently: a little deeper and much longer. His tongue slowly, but with special tenderness caressed your red swollen lips. Satoru's fingers pressed closer to your waist, as if he was afraid that you would run away from him, so not letting him taste and share this first kiss with you.
New sensations have been discovered for both of you, causing a thrill in your hearts and an infinite number of thoughts that run through your minds with great speed.
The rustle of leaves mixed with pleasant sighs smoothly turning into a cacophony.
You carefully left a kiss to him, but he quietly moaned in your mouth with displeasure when your lips reluctantly separated from each other.
“Why did you stop? Didn't you like it?” He looked at you worriedly.
“I liked it, but I would like to continue all this in a more comfortable environment. Moreover, Shoko and Suguru have lost us.”
Satoru looked at you with displeasure. He turned you over so that now you are under him.
“Let them wait!”
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pennylanefics · 5 months
To Be Loved - Laurie Laurence
a/n: my first laurie fic! :D i'm pretty happy with how this came out and glad that i was able to actually write it out. bear in mind i haven't written anything like this in months, i also am not super confident about the dialogue because of the time setting and everything, so it may not be the most accurate, but i hope you enjoy! :)
summary: you get insecure about things with laurie late one night
word count: 2,427
warnings: slightly negative self talk here and there
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Candlelight casts a warm glow over the silent and chilly room, the time well past midnight, but you and Laurie were wide awake. This has been a normal occurrence for the past few weeks, as you two got to know each other and started sneaking around.
Since the day you arrived at the March household to stay with your aunt and cousins, Laurie had taken a liking towards you. The moment he saw you taking a walk with Jo in the grassy area between their two houses, he couldn’t help but feel drawn towards you.
Maybe it was the way your hair blew in the wind, or the color of your dress, which happens to be his favorite color, violet, or the way the sun shone across your face, your eyes squinting just to be able to see Jo.
Whatever it was, Laurie couldn’t get you out of his head. So one day when he saw you reading underneath the tree, he approached you. Now, as it has been a couple months since your first meeting, you two are completely smitten.
And sneaking around behind your family and his grandfather’s backs.
That’s where you find yourself late at night, when all of your cousins and your aunt have fallen asleep, you sneak out and run off to Laurie’s to curl up in his bed and just talk, maybe kiss here and there, and mainly just be in each other’s presence.
The slight chill in the air is due to the falling temperature of autumn, cooler nights when the sun has gone far below the horizon, but Laurie was more than prepared. He laid a couple more quilts on top of the one he uses every night, knowing that as much as you love the weather, you hate being too cold.
“When are you heading off to Europe again, hm?” You ask, reaching up to stroke Laurie’s cheek. He hums softly in response, his eyes fluttering shut as he relishes in your tender touch and nuzzles into it.
“I don’t plan on going,” he states simply, sighing in response, hating that he has been reminded of it all during a time where he wants no other thoughts than you.
“And why is that?”
Your question seems to upset him as he quickly rises, your hand falling away from his cheek, and he walks over to sit on the window sill, staring out at the pitch black scene, aside from the single candlelight on the porch of the March household.
The room remains silent as he collects his thoughts, questioning if he should tell you his true thoughts or not. He turns back around with his hands in the pockets of his sleep pants, his eyes taking in the sight of you laying in his bed, a sight he would never grow tired of.
“I love you,” he whispers. Instantly, your blood runs cold and you’re sitting up, more alert and aware than you were five minutes ago.
“What?” All you can manage is the single word, your heart starting to pound in your chest. You could feel your hands getting clammy with your rising panic, despite the coolness of the room and it being well below sixty degrees. Laurie stands there, staring, tears becoming evident in his tired eyes.
“I love you, (Y/N). I do.”
“I told you not to fall in love with me,” you murmur in response, scooting to sit up in bed and bring your knees to your chest, “it wasn’t a joke.”
“How am I not supposed to when we spend countless nights tangled in each other’s limbs, faces so close that I can feel your breath against my lips, yearning to kiss you, to cherish you, to make you mine, to hold you like that forever.”
“Laurie, I’m no good for you. You deserve someone better.” Your eyes finally meet his and a defeated expression takes over his features, his small smile dropping into a frown and his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.
“There is no one better, (Y/N). You are so perfect and I don’t know why you don’t see that.”
“Because I’m not! I’m no one. I come from nothing. I have nothing to offer you, I came here to ask Jo for help in becoming a writer so that I could make somewhat of a living for myself, a-and, I can’t provide for you.”
“You wouldn’t have to provide for me, my love-”
“Don’t call me that,” you interrupt. Secretly, you loved it, the second it falls from his lips you are swooning, but you simply can’t admit that.
It terrifies you.
“You really have not thought the same? Nights like these mean nothing to you?” His voice holds so much emotion. His question silences you, and tears form in your own eyes as you watch Laurie break slowly from the inside.
He was trying his hardest not to reach out for you and pull you into his arms in a tight hug, it’s all he wanted to do. He wanted to hold you, to kiss you over and over and whisper how things would be okay and that they would work out. But he stands his ground.
“They do,” you sigh in defeat, casting your eyes to your hands just as a few drops spill over your eyelashes. “But…”
“But what? Why can’t we be together?”
Again, you have no clue what to say.
“Money means nothing to me, if that is the issue. If not, please tell me what is. I want you, (Y/N), please.”
“I can’t! I just can’t!” You finally cry out, and this time, Laurie does take action. 
He rushes back over to your side, wrapping his arm around your body and softly shushing you, wondering what was going on in your mind. He didn’t say anything, though, he just comforts you in this time, making sure you feel safe and cared for.
“I can’t provide a love you deserve,” you choke out, your voice broken and strained from crying. “I don’t know how to love someone, I would not know how to properly show you or give that to you.” Laurie is a little taken aback by your admission. Out of all the things that could have been wrong, he did not think this would be it.
“Isn’t that the beautiful thing about love, though, figuring that sort of thing out together? Learning about one another on a more deeper level, the way we like our tea or coffee prepared, what makes us tick, what helps us fall asleep. All of it. And I want that with you.”
By now, you moved your body to face Laurie, meeting his eyes as he speaks so quietly and eloquently. His hand raises up to your face to brush a stray piece of hair away from your eyes and tucks it behind your ear, though his hand lingers on your cheek.
“Please, (Y/N). I know you are scared, but it would be so wonderful to have the chance to show you how to love.”
The sincerity in his voice was very clear, and it was making your heart race in your chest. Slowly, he leans forward and gently presses his lips to your forehead, his eyes fluttering shut as he remains there for a moment before pulling back a little.
He then moves on to kiss the apple of your cheek, being as sweet as ever, making sure that not one inch of your face goes unkissed. Your breath catches in your throat and the feeling of bliss spreads over your body as the idea of what was happening finally settles in.
Laurie’s lips trail even further down your face to focus on your jaw, going from your chin to right below your ear, but he takes it a step further. After a small pause, he moves his attention to your neck, however, they are no longer soft and careful kisses.
He picks one spot that sends a slight shiver through your body, chuckling lowly against your skin. His warm breath and soft, pink lips felt so nice, you completely forgot what you were talking about just moments ago.
Laurie takes a chance and bares his teeth, nibbling the skin of your neck for just a few seconds. A gasp flies out of your mouth and your hand comes up to tug at his hair, like it was a natural thing for you to do. He lets out another laugh at your reaction and goes back to kissing all over, soothing the area with his tongue for a fleeting moment.
“Stay with me,” he mumbles through kisses, not wanting to stop just yet, but he needed to. His head rises to look at you, his beautiful green eyes shining in the candlelight, something you’ve grown so fond of seeing, so much that you prefer seeing him in this limited lighting rather than daylight; he appeared so angelic at this time of night and in such an intimate setting.
“Laurie…” you breathe out, sniffling a little even though your tears have subsided with his kisses, “I just want you to be happy.”
“You make me happy,” he replies with no hesitation at all. The sincere look in his eyes returns, but as does the watery glaze, the realization that you could be close to walking away from all of this. “You make me so unbelievably happy, (Y/N). I don’t think you understand. I don’t want anyone else, you are it for me.”
“But how do you know? There could be a wonderful woman waiting for you to sweep her off her feet in Europe, looking for someone who cares so deeply and will love her unconditionally, and I do not deserve that.”
“You do deserve it, mon chéri.” The new pet name sends a warm feeling throughout your chest. It felt so personal and heartfelt, and stuns you a little to the point where you freeze. “You have no idea how wonderful you are. You are the woman I want.”
His words finally sink in and it prevents you from pushing him further away, your tears once again making their way down your cheeks, but Laurie is quick to brush them away with his thumb and comfort you.
“Hey, hey, shhh,” he coos, bringing your head into his chest as he lays you back down with him, allowing you to cry again for as long as you need. “It’s alright, my darling.” He just lays there, his right hand gently stroking your back up and down as a way to soothe you, but then he starts to hum some tune quietly.
The smooth sound of his voice and almost shy touch to your back was lulling you to sleep, but you knew this conversation wasn’t quite over just yet.
“You still there?” He asks quietly, not wanting to wake you if you had happened to fall asleep. His hand raises and starts messing with the ends of your hair, combing his fingers through some of the knots, trying to be as careful as possible to not tug at any too hard and cause you any pain.
“Mhm,” you mumble into his neck, the scent of his cologne still lingering from earlier in the day, a scent that you’ve grown very fond of, one that you could smell a thousand times over and never get tired of.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” You hesitate to answer his question, but you know he needs an answer of how you’re feeling. Sitting up, you take a deep breath and look out the window, not moving from his side.
“I…care for you so deeply, Laurie,” the words begin to spill from your lips, and by the tone of your voice, Laurie is preparing for the worst. He sits up with you, though he scoots away just a little, ready to be rejected, like he has been before. “And I want you, I do. If you are okay to take me as I am. A young woman with no sense of direction in her life, no fortune to share, no insane wealth of knowledge or talent like my cousins or any other-”
Laurie is quick to cut you off with a kiss, silencing you to prevent you from speaking down on yourself anymore. His slender fingers cradle your cheek, a stream of tears still falling and melting into his warm hand.
The kiss lasts for a few seconds, Laurie not wanting to pull away just yet. But when he does, his forehead presses against yours, his breath fanning over your face, reminding you of all the nights spent with him, and how you have fallen for him just as much as he has fallen for you.
“You should not speak of yourself like that. You are incredibly smart, a very talented writer, and remarkably beautiful, might I add. Any man would be so fortunate to have you, I promise you that.”
“Then consider yourself very fortunate, Laurie,” you whisper, keeping your eyes on your hands for the moment, too scared to look up at him yet. However, he takes matters into his own hands and raises your chin up with his knuckle, sending butterflies flying throughout your stomach. 
A small grin stretches his lips, his green eyes shimmering with adoration as your feelings finally come to light.
“I will be by your side through everything. I love you and I am here to prove that, my darling. And I could not be more joyful that you are giving me the chance to guide you and show you what it means to love and to be loved. Everyone deserves it, especially you.”
“I love you,” your voice comes out slightly strained, fearing that it would be the wrong thing to say. “And I know I don’t know what it means just yet, but I have never felt this way with anyone before, and while it is a scary feeling, I can tell that it is so special and magical.”
Laurie chuckles quietly and kisses you once more before laying back down with you in his arms, closer than any other night you’ve spent with one another, but it felt natural.
It felt right.
“It is very magical, and I promise to show you all the beauty in it, and love you as you deserve to. Because if there is one thing that I know for sure in this life, it’s that you deserve the world, and I promise to give that to you, my darling.”
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