syazrock · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Asmo!!
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I feel sorry I didn't participate in AsmosWeek.. but at least I want to make something very special for our boy, Asmo!
I feel like didn't upload any fanart for too long.. So this is it! I forgot to draw his tattoo so I'm done editing.
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hi, I have an headcanon request for Asmo week, if you accept to write abt it : Asmo buys a kind of anti-aging cream / elixir of youth except that when he wakes up the next morning it turns out that he looks like a young child. Solomon promises to look for a solution, but it may take a few days. In the meantime, Asmo certainly does not want his brothers to learn or he will for sure hear about it forever and so he goes seek the help of MC... What are they doing during these few days?
So this had been in the work for three days because I had a terrible migraine that literally prevented me from focusing on my computer for too long for two days and sadly got busy yesterday but since I am doing a little bit better today and I have free time (ameno) it’s now time to go back to this request !
( @milas-imaginarium )
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You woke up hearing an ear-wrenching scream that day.
Immediately recognizing Asmo voice you rushed to his room where all the brothers were already gathered.
“Asmo open the door” Lucifer commanded.
But no response came. So Lucifer asked again and again and again but still no answers came out of the room.
“Asmo this is the last time, open the door before I break it”
As Lucifer changed into his demon form you heard a weak voice coming from the room.
“NO” Asmo screamed more clearly.
Something was wrong with his voice. It was really high-pitched even more than it usually was. It almost seemed... Juvenile?
Catching on that something weird was happening you placed a hand in front of Lucifer stopping him in his tracks (bad move really)
“Asmo can I come in?” You asked “Just me nobody else” you could hear Lucifer disapproving behind you but you paid it no mind.
Hearing nothing but a mumble you decided to take that as a “yes” and put your hand on the handle on the door to open it.
Door that was actually open btw
Closing the door behind you, and locking it to make sure the brother wouldn’t peep, you immediately spotted Asmo curled into a ball under the sheets of his bed.
You sat next to his form on the bed and softly called out to him. Hearing nothing but a whimper you decided to lift up the sheets of the bed to take a look at him and...well...your jaw dropped.
What you thought was only Asmo curling up in his bed was actually a eight years old version of the demon you knew.
“Asmo-” You started to talk not really believing what you were seeing.
“Don’t say anything to my brothers!” Child-Asmo exclaimed tearfully.
You had seen so many weird shit stuff since you entered the Devildom but this one...this one was weird.
Somehow nodding unconsciously you walked towards the door cracked it open and talked to the brothers that were still standing behind it.
“It’s nothing just a bad skin day” You said avoiding to lie as much as possible “He’s just blowing it out of proportion it’s Asmo after all” you added seeing that Lucifer wasn’t convinced.
The eldest brother let out a big sigh and passed his hand on his face tiredly. 
“Everyone let’s go” He said “MC I’m leaving this to you”
Lucifer left immediately followed by Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathan and Satan who couldn’t care less about Asmodeus’s skin problems.
Mammon however tried to pry his way into the room his phone in hand muttering something about making a lot of profit.
“MAMMON” Lucifer said menacingly from the end of hallway, whimpering at the silent threat Mammon finally joined his brothers as you closed the door once again.
Asmo was now out his sheets looking at you with teary eyes, which was telling the situation was bad. Asmodeus would do everything to avoid his face looking puffy.
“MC !” He cried out jumping in your arms.
‘Lord Diavolo, he is so light weighted’ you thought silently holding the child.
“How did this happen?” You asked as Asmo nuzzled his head in your neck.
“I don’t know last night I just put this new cream I bought and I woke up like this” He exclaimed his voice muffled by your collarbone.
Looking at the direction Asmo was pointing you saw a little container still open - ‘probably checked it this morning’ you thought - and immediately noticed the small inscription on the back of it. 
Still with Asmo in your arms you walked closer to his vanity and checked the inscription, making sure not to touch it.
‘For a skin as smooth as a baby’s’ It reads and for a second there you thanked the stars that Asmo didn’t turn into an actual baby, only a child...
Yes this was still not so good.
“I think we should call Solomon” you said to Asmo who still weeping in your arms “He may know what to do”
You felt Asmo’s grip on your clothes grow tighter, telling you that he didn’t want Solomon to saw him in this state either but he didn’t oppose to it.
After a small phone call to the sorcerer he agreed to come to let him into the room so he can assess the situation and get the container of cream to see if that can help him whip up something to have Asmo go back to his normal appearance. 
With Solomon come and gone you were now left alone in the room with Asmo who was not crying anymore but who was still hiccuping.
“It’s okay Asmo! Solomon is going to find what to do!” You cheered which seemed to lift his spirit up a bit “But I must ask where did you buy that cream, any store who would sell this sort of thing would have faced Lucifer’s wrath by now wouldn’t it?”
“It was a lesser-demon who sold it in the street ! They were so cute flirting with me, I had to buy it” The small boy explained to you and you felt a bit weird.
“And they say Mammon was stupid” You whispered under your breath.
"MC !” Asmodeus was looking absolutely offended at the idea you could, even for a second, think he was stupider than Mammon.
The child version of the demon was now sitting cross-legged on his bed pouting at you.
‘He looks rather cute’ you thought, you just wanted to squeeze his cheeks and tell him what a sweet little boy he was.
Quickly catching on what you were thinking, Asmo gave you another offended look.
“I’m stopping you right now MC! I may look like a child but I’m not! Think about the sexy fabulous me!” He exclaimed his voice cracking.
But you couldn’t all you saw now was a small boy that you just wanted to adopt as your little brother.
Grinning you just jumped on the bed and grab onto his cheeks and asked him who was the cutest little boy in the world.
Protecting his sides from your tickles, Asmo was giggling while breathlessly telling you to stop and to remember who he was.
Through all the ruckus you barely heard your phone go off as Solomon told you he had found something. Well it was short in time but at least you saw what Asmo looked as a child. You still were glad that you were going to find your Asmo again.
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asmodeusbby · 4 years
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Asmodeus icons!
Like/reblog if you use~
Thanks @milas-imaginarium for coming up with the Asmo week idea, our boy deserves more attention 💕
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Asmo? With long hair? Hell yes.
Obviously, if he had long hair, it’d be absolutely fabulous.
So when I heard of Asmo’s Week proposed by @milas-imaginarium, I had to finish this piece.
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fallencrowkarma · 4 years
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Day 1: Asmo in the celestial realm
❤️Heavens jewel ❤️
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akuzon-prime · 4 years
“Playing Hookey” ~AsmoxReader
Word Count: 1,890
Please tell me what you think afterwards! I havent posted my writing online in 14 years!
How odd. You pause by the exit to the dining room as it dawns on you that you haven’t seen Asmodeus all morning. Usually, by the time you made your way down to the breakfast table, he is already there and loading a small plate of fruits for you both to munch on.  How had nobody else found it unusual? True, breakfast was staggered this morning and the brothers were coming and going at their own paces...but even Belphie is managing to stumble dazedly out the door to go nap in his first class. So where is Asmo?  Mammon, realizing that you aren't tagging along at his side, turns back and looks at you. "What ya waiting on, human? Thinkin' of cuttin'?" 
His statement pulls you out of your contemplation and you shake your head with a small laugh. "No, I don't have a death wish. I'm going to go check on Asmo and see why he's taking so long today."
"He's prob'ly just paintin' his nails or somethin'." Mammon rolls his eyes to the ceiling and drops his hands from where they had been resting in his pockets. "But if yer worried, the Great Mammon would go with ya if ya asked reeeeal nicely." 
"Pass." You say the single word, holding up one hand. Seeing him pout, you laugh and turn him around. "Go to CLASS and cover for me being late if you want to help so much! Lucifer would take it out of your hide if you were late. Me, he might spare." 
"Tch. What's in it for me, then?" His blue eyes peek at you from over his shoulder as you push the obstinant jerk out of the room and into the hallway. He can be so damn stubborn at times! You paste a sickly sweet smile on your face and lean close to him to whisper, "If you help me, I won't tell Satan that you found and sold his one of a kind, engraved and gold embossed volume of 'Human and Devildom Sorcerers'." 
You watch him blanch as his eyes frantically dart about for the presence of his younger brother. Determining he isn’t in earshot, Mammon stops fighting you and straightens his jacket with a tug and a cough. His voice is low but you can hear a hint of pride in it before he walks away. "Ya play dirty, don't ya. Learned from the best. Yer welcome." 
He isn't wrong. You grin and turn to leave through the opposite dining room exit. The halls and stairs of the House of Lamentation are all as deeply ingrained into your memory as your own name; you hardly notice how little time it takes to get to the Avatar of Lust's bedroom. You lightly tap on the wood and call his name in a soft voice. "As...are you awake?" 
Nothing. You try again but after the same non-response, you puff up your chest and open the door. Is he sick? Too sick to get out of bed or talk? You squint in the dimness of the room. You'd been in there umpteen times before now so you know the layout fairly well. Still, it is a benefit for your human eyes that he has two or three candles lit in their sconces in the room. The curtains on his bed are closed and you have a sudden recollection of all the movies you have watched in your life that hid a corpse behind similar curtains. Someone sneaks in to plan an assassination and-
Cursing under your breath, you dart forward, and don't hesitate to throw open the nearest sheet obscuring the mattress. You blink. No blood. No mutilated blankets or pillows that show signs of a struggle.  Just Asmo...curled like a cat on his side, face snuggled deep into a soft down pillow. OF ALL THE... Momentarily, you are enraged. You were so worried! Since when does he sleep with his curtains closed?! What happened to 'early to bed, early to rise' to keep his skin 'beautiful and perfect!'?! This man-! 
Before you open your mouth to say something, you pause, taking in a deep breath to calm your irritation. Maybe he really is sick. Nobody should yell at him for that. You lean forward to rest your hand on his bare shoulder and shake him slightly. "As? Asmo. Its past time for class...you missed breakfast. Are you ok?"  All you get in return is a slight mumble before he nuzzles his nose deeper into his pillow. This time, you brace a hand on his mattress as you shake him a little harder. "Asmo. Honey? Wake up..." 
You don't know what is happening at first but a hand grips your wrist and you are tugged onto the bed in a whirlwind of sheets. Startled, you blink up at your friend who is smiling down at you like a cat before a trapped mouse. His lips are curled in a sensual smirk, his eyes are full of heat and mischievousness, and his hair curls around his face like a wave - perfectly edging him in dim gold. You try to ignore his obvious nudity...with great difficulty. "Don't worry, honey...I'm awake." 
Yeah, he is. Not a single thing in his pose or expression seems sleepy! Did he know you would come and wake him?!  Or maybe he had been waiting for anyone to wake him...like a trapdoor spider, anticipating the unassuming passing of its prey. You feel like prey. With him smiling down at you, a sensation of warmth fills your chest. And face. And neck. And stomach. The Avatar of Lust certainly knows what he's doing. You try to form some sort of indignant response but it comes out of you in a puff of breath with little fight. "You...You were pretending. I was worried, you know?" 
"For me?" His voice is honey dripping over you as he leans down to brush a soft kiss over your cheekbone. Asmodeus's grip loosens from your wrists and his fingers slide down the fabric of your uniform till they are not-so-innocently plucking the buttons open on your blazer. His lips ghost from your cheek to your ear - the warmth of his breath tickles the small hairs by your temple and warms your skin. His voice? His voice. You try desperately not to shiver as it takes on a husky note when he whispers, "how very sweet of you, Mc." 
Words. Thoughts. Um. Shit. Asmo stop teasing meeee...
"Wait, As," you put a hand on his chest to try and push him back a little and instantly regret it because, hah! wouldn't you know it, his bare skin feels so wonderful under your fingers. Against your will, your eyes dart down to look at the place where your skin meets his and then wander from there to perfectly formed muscles, dusky pink and perky nipples, and down...down...down...  When your eyes snap back up to meet his, he was giving you a grin so wide you could see his pearly whites. What had you been about to say? Another button of your blazer gives way under his frisky fingers and you remember with a sharp intake of breath. "CLASS. We. We're late - really late - for class. You...you should get dressed. I can wait in the hall." 
Yet, despite your words, which were obviously meant to be backed up with action, you stay pliant underneath him, completely bound to the spell that was Asmodeus. You know he has the ability to glamor less powerful beings. To pull them to him and lull them for the taking...but this isn't that. Even if you COULD be glamoured by him, you are just - pure and simply - awestruck. This isn’t the first time, either. The difference is, all the other times are in public and not his bed, his brothers are always a step behind, and sweet Devildom, he is usually clothed! You groan inside your own head at your inability to move away from his touches. 
"You don't seem to want to go to class," Asmo sits up, knees on either side of your hips, and brings your hands to rest on his thighs. Your eyes dart everywhere around the room and your heart picks its pace right back up to where it had been previously.  Damn, but his thighs are warm and your traitorous body begins shifting your thumbs in lazy horizontal lines across the expanse of skin. He certainly looks like a fallen angel, sitting above you like a sinful painting of the physical manifestation of lust. You bite the inside of your cheek but the momentary pain does nothing to stop the ache spreading through your core.  A short gasp leaves your mouth as Asmodeus runs one hand through his silky hair and another over his pert left nipple. You can see the glint of a small, rose gold barbell and your gasp turns to a groan. When did he get that? The sound you make causes him to close his eyes and tilt his head back as if the groan itself had been a touch on his body. 
He falls forward and boxes you between his arms again, pressing his lips to yours in a feverous frenzy. Your hands fly from his thighs to his shoulder blades in surprise but it’s all you can do to not shift desperately against him as you give in to the heat of his mouth on your own. Your eyes fall shut and you slide your tongue across the seam of his lips. With a hum of pleasure, his part instantly and he moans softly into your mouth as his tongue slides languidly along yours. You both have made out before in quick, stolen moments but this is...KISSING. You are breathing for one another, hearts pounding in sync. He drags his lips from your's in a sloppy trail down to your neck. Nipping your skin, he begs, "Forget class. Stay here with me and have some fun." 
Unlike Mammon's suggestion, your brain doesn't immediately shut this one down. You and Asmo have never had a moment to yourselves that weren’t chaperoned or in public. What did his brothers think he was going to do - corrupt you? I want him to corrupt me. That helpless thought makes you urge him on more. He's at the corner of your collar now and you want his lips to venture farther. Slipping your hands off of him, you begin to unbutton your dress shirt. He purrs in approval as you reveal more and more flesh to him. Your voice is a reedy whine. "J-just...one class. Maybe two. If we're both gone, they'll figure it out..." 
You open your eyes and find him peering up at you from your collar bone - amber eyes peeking through a sheet of golden waves. He licks his lips slowly and your eyes trace the movement. Finishing off the rest of the buttons for you, he sits back up and spreads your shirt and blazer apart to gaze down at you with undisguised ardor. "Oh, Mc." His smile turns feral and your body responds even more to it than his gentle teasing. "We've been dancing around this for too long. What makes you think this will be over as quickly as two classes?”
Written for @milas-imaginarium 's Asmo Appreciation week~
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seoulsides · 4 years
when i’m down on my knees, you’re how i pray
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⇒ asmodeus x fem!mc/reader
⇒ 2.2k
⇒ tags: slight angst, hurt/comfort, established relationship, crying, asmo finally getting the love he deserves
⇒ warnings: implied sexual content, spoiler for chapter 8
⇒ summary: you and asmodeus were happy together. at least that’s what you thought until you started waking up in the middle of the night alone, your lover nowhere to be seen. after waking up to an empty bed for the umpteenth time, you decide enough is enough and seek him out. what you find is not what you expect.
⇒ recommended soundtrack: religion - lana del rey
⇒ a/n: this is my contribution to Asmo’s Week. i’ve been working on this for days aka my brain is dead and i cannot do anything else and this is the result! thank you so much to @milas-imaginarium​ for creating this event. asmodeus is my favourite character in the entire game and i’m sick of how poorly he’s been treated. i hope that you guys like it !
When your bleary eyes blink open, you are met with the unwelcome sight of an empty bed. You reach out and pat the vacant space next to you, stomach sinking when the coolness of the silk sheets seeps into your palm; the warm body you sought had left long before you awoke. Swallowing the unsettling feeling in your throat, you take in a deep inhale, the faint aroma of roses that hung in the room engulfing your senses before you sit up. You see your D.D.D lying on the side-table and one tap by your finger illuminates the screen, the bright ‘2:57 am’ on display confirming your suspicion about how late it was. With a heavy heart, you sigh. This was the third time this week you had woken up alone in the middle of the night. 
Heaving another sigh in an attempt to alleviate the tightness that had formed in your chest, you look around the room, searching for any sign of the demon you were looking for. Immediately, your gaze falls onto the balcony door which was left slightly ajar, allowing the moonlight to pour into the room. Almost as if on cue, a chilly gust of wind pushes the door further open, the cool air bestowing a frosty kiss upon your warm skin. You shiver, skin breaking into gooseflesh as you stand to your feet, legs wobbling due to the activities that occurred earlier in the night. You lean down to scoop a discarded hoodie from the carpeted floor, tugging it on along with the pair of panties you had worn earlier, before you head for the gaping door which all but beckons you with the promise of finding the demon who had been plaguing your mind.  
One step out onto the cold tiles of the balcony causes you to shudder once more, momentarily distracting you from the million thoughts that were running through your head. The bite of the cold causes you to curse lightly under your breath, burrowing your chin deeper into the collar of the hoodie for warmth. You are instantly met with the strong scent of your lover’s cologne and you cannot help but sigh forlornly when you recall his distant behaviour over the past couple weeks. Just how did it come to this? For months you both were inseparable, practically attached to the hip, and now here you are, waking up alone in a cold bed, feeling more alone than ever. 
You had never heeded any attention to the barrage of warnings that bombarded you after your relationship with the aforementioned demon became public knowledge. Everyone knew that it had been a while since he had been in a committed relationship, so long in fact that it became the punchline of many jokes made in response to the rumours regarding your affair. You knew better than to listen to the words of others. However, it had just been over two weeks since you both had exchanged ‘I love you’s, and given his current behaviour you could not help but feel insecure about what this meant for your relationship. Completely consumed by your gloomy train of thought, you almost miss the figure tucked away in the corner of the balcony. 
“Ah, my sweet little petal”, a familiar deep voice cooes, the warmth behind the words washing over your frozen flesh, “what are you doing up at this hour?”
There he was in the flesh, the demon who had your heart in the palm of his delicate manicured hands. Bathed in the moonlight, he looked ethereal in just a pair of black silk boxers, lounging comfortably on a velvet chaise with a glass of what you were sure was one of the Devildom’s most expensive liquors nursed in his hand. His amber orbs bore into you, practically staring through your soul. There was an unidentifiable emotion clouding his eyes and combined with the small glum smile dancing on his lips, he looked sombre. He was a vision, and you could not help but think he was sculpted by the hands of Michelangelo himself; at that very moment, you were reminded of just how fitting his title as the ‘Jewel of the Heavens’ was.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you murmur softly as you take a couple of tentative steps towards him, “the Asmodeus staying up late and risking damage to his beautiful skin?” You tease him weakly, but the underlying concern is evident in the undertone of your voice, while your sleep-laced eyes worriedly scrutinise him. At your words, you swear you see a pained expression flicker across his face before he composes himself. He offers you no words in response and his uncharacteristic silence only serves to unsettle you further.
“Asmo,” the affectionate nickname rolls off your tongue, molasses sweet, gently but silently urging him to say anything at all.
Instead of replying to you, he looks off into the distance, avoiding your gaze entirely. He sits up, only to down the remnants of liquor as though it was a shot of Demonus, and then perches the empty crystal glass on the table beside the chaise. He grips the edge of the table tightly, knuckles white as you hear him take in a desperate intake of breath, and you can actually see how his form shakes with the intensity of it. 
“Asmodeus,” you plead, taking the remaining steps to the chaise, placing a hand on his bare shoulder, “baby, what’s wrong?” He shudders at your touch, almost flinching away from you. You call his name once more, desperately, and when he looks at you, you feel your heart shatter all over again. He looked so small and vulnerable, unshed tears flooding his watery eyes, shoulders hunched over. You let out a small gasp, “Oh, Asmo.” You sit beside him, wrapping an arm around his slightly trembling shoulders, a sorrowful cry ripping from his throat as he collapses into your embrace. 
“How could you love me?” he lets out a haggard sob into the crook of your neck, voice broken and raw as tears uncontrollably pour down his flushed cheeks.  
The abruptness of the question hits you like a blow to the face and temporarily renders you speechless. Your concerned expression morphs into one of uncertainty as you delicately question him, “What do you mean?” 
“I mean,” his voice hardens, hiccuping slightly, “All I have is my beauty and power.” Burrowing his nose in the crevice between your throat and clavicle, he takes in another shaky breath as more of his tears fall onto your flesh. 
“Everyone loves me,” he grounds out almost bitterly, scoffing against your skin, “but, they don’t. Not really.” His voice becomes unsteady and disturbingly despondent as you card your fingers through his mussed chocolate tresses in an effort to soothe him, “They only think they love me because of my power.” 
“I used to be magnificent, you know?” he murmurs quietly, sounding almost ashamed, “ ‘Jewel of the Heavens’, they used to call me.” Asmodeus pulls away to look you into your eyes mournfully, choking on another sob “I was revered,” his voice hitches before he whispers brokenly, a stray tear tumbling down his cheek, “I was loved.”
“And now?” he laughs sardonically, “Now, here I am.” He spits out disgustedly, sneering to himself,  “A disgrace.”
Asmodeus’ face crumples as more tears flood from his bloodshot eyes, “Someone so far beyond deserving of love that I need the power to forcibly elicit it from others.” He heaves through a sob, “So, just how could you, the one who sees me for just what I am,” he all but whimpers out, “How could you possibly harbour any love for the faded jewel no longer worthy of the heavens?” His voice cracks as he raises a trembling hand to cup your cheek and it is only then that you realise you are crying as well. 
“Oh, Asmodeus,” you cradle his face with both your hands, tenderly, thumbs gently brushing away the tears tumbling down his cheeks. “How could I not love you?”, you shift from beside him, throwing your legs astride his thighs. You lean your forehead against his, gently shushing his cries as your own tears cling to your lashes. 
You litter his face with soft chaste kisses, each more tender than the last. A kiss to the forehead, “How could I not love the one who made me want to love myself?” A kiss on one cheek, “How could I not love the one who taught me what love is?” A kiss on the other, “How could I not love the one who makes my every single day in the world better?”
“My sweet Asmodeus,” you finally press a kiss to his supple lips, “you are the sun, shining brighter than any jewel ever could.” You gaze into his eyes ardently, “I love you. Not for any other reason than for who you are.”
At your words, it’s like something inside him completely shatters, “I don’t deserve you,” he bawls. “I don’t deserve to be loved by you,” hiccuping, his lithe frame shakes with each sob as he latches his arms tightly around you. 
“You deserve all the love in the world, Asmodeus,” you tut at him, kissing his brow, “And if you ever think you don’t, I’ll remind you.”
You feel him stiffen beneath you before he shoots up, cupping your face, pressing a harsh searing kiss against your lips. “I love you,” he gasps, pressing his lips insistently against yours, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” 
He pulls away to kiss your forehead, “I don’t know what I did to deserve your love,” he presses a kiss to your cold-bitten nose, “but I will spend every day of my life loving you to prove to you that I am worthy of it.”
You cannot help but cry more at his words, relief flooding through your veins. Unable to stop yourself, you throw your arms around his shoulders, slumping against him. “Is this why you’ve been away in the night?” you ask in a small voice. Surprised, he looks down at you with furrowed brows,“You noticed?”
You tuck your face into the crook of his neck and inhale deeply through your nose, working up the nerve to utter the words that had been sitting in your throat for weeks. “I...I’ve woken up a few nights and you weren’t there,” you admit, hesitantly. “I thought you had some regrets about all this,” you suck in a quivering sigh, “About us.” Unwilling to look at him, you keep your face firmly tucked away, “I’m sorry. I should have asked you earlier, but,” your voice grows quieter, “I was scared.” 
Asmodeus is deathly silent, and you feel your heart plummet to the floor. You open your mouth to say literally anything to change the subject, your insecurities practically suffocating you, but before you can, he growls out, “That won’t do.”
Before you can utter another word, he grips your chin and lifts your face up so his lips can devour yours in a hungry kiss, his free hand digging into the flesh of your hip. You let out a surprised gasp, allowing him to sneak his tongue in your parted mouth. It takes you a moment to gather your wits before you kiss him back with the same frevor, whimpering when his hands slide down to roughly grab the pert globes of your ass, giving them a harsh teasing squeeze. 
Asmodeus kisses you silly, not stopping for a second until your mind was numb from all the pleasure coursing through your veins, and you were only able to focus on his scalding touch against your skin. Parting with a pant for air, he lets out a deep throaty chuckle when you whine at the loss of contact. 
“Clearly, I need to be punished for making my master feel like I was anything but hers,” he coyly hums, a sultry smirk dancing on his lips, all traces of his earlier sorrow erased. There is a familiar lustful gleam in his eyes and you feel your face flush under his heated stare. His honeyed voice burns deep with the promise of more to come, “But, first I think I should just show her how much I belong to her. Just as she belongs to me.”
He barely gives you a second to register his words, arms snaking over your thighs for a firm grip, hoisting you up against his hips and standing to his feet. You yelp, clinging desperately to his bare torso, unable to stop the giggle that tears from your throat. At the melodic chime, he joins you with his own mellifluous laugh as he carefully carries you inside to the bed, where he fully intends on making good on his promise for the rest of the night. 
As Asmodeus plops you on the bed, playfully collapsing on top of you while you both giggle uncontrollably between tender kisses, you cannot help but think how lucky you were to have him in your life. Perhaps you didn’t have the best relationship, but you knew as long as you had each other, you both would be okay.
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milas-imaginarium · 4 years
Omg, what a perfect way to celebrate Asmo's Week and birthday! 💕✨
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Took me a hot minute, but I really wanted to do this. The lyrics are from Don't trust me by 3OH!3 and I think the song suits Asmo really well.
Edit: sorry for the first people who saw this :)) I corrected the mistake
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rozyduskion · 4 years
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“The Asmodeus of the Book of Tobit is attracted to Sarah, Raguel’s daughter, and is not willing to let any husband possess her; hence he slays seven successive husbands on their wedding nights, thus impeding the sexual consummation of the marriages.“ (from the villains wiki page for Asmodeus (demonology)) Today’s theme was “Asmo and MC”. I just wanted to do some yandere!Asmo but I guess this counts? So here he is, presenting you with a lovely bouquet of roses and severed arms from your dead lovers! How romantic! It’s like being proposed to seven times! Stop crying! @milas-imaginarium is the organizer of Asmo Appreciation Week, an excellent idea that’s been a lot of fun so far!
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famia-of-87 · 4 years
I could've done better than this cuz he deserves it. Man, maybe I rushed this a bit too fast. Also I forgot to put in advanced, cuz I made this a bit too early.
Anyways, advanced Happy birthday to our lustful boi Asmodeus 💗
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P. S. I like the eyes tho
Thanks to @milas-imaginarium for hosting Asmo's week. It's very much appreciated💖
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Asmo fake dating scenario I just love these. Never sick of them.
So I hope you won’t mind but I decided to do a “Pretend to be your boyfriend” Headcanon like I did for Levi and Simeon a while ago (here) it’s not exactly fake dating but still quite close ❤️
(it’s super bad tho 😭)
I also started with one of your request since you sent so many for this week I just had to give you some appreciation as well !
Tagging @milas-imaginarium of course since they’re the one who started the Asmo Week 💕
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It was quite a normal day for Asmo, he just arrived at R.A.D and met with Solomon before class as he usually did.
In the middle of  their discussion, Solomon, who was facing the corridor, seemed to notice something happening in the back.
You were standing against a wall, a demon standing extremely close to you. So close indeed that you were beginning to look quite uncomfortable. 
Nudging Asmo, Solomon pointed at the end of the corridor where you were standing and barely noticing that lesser demon, Asmo just screamed out your name happily.
Being a human your name was quite well known around R.A.D and it was just enough for both yours and the demon’s heads to whip up towards the Avatar of Lust.
Taking the sudden opportunity, you slipped under the arm the demon used to block you against the wall mumbling something that Asmodeus nor Solomon could hear and you immediately ran towards an oblivious and beaming Asmodeus and a slightly more aware Solomon.
Not thinking for a second you hooked your arm with the closest boy which coincidentally happened to be Asmo and pushed your body against his trying to act as close to him as can be.
That made Asmo giggle, did you finally decided you wanted your share of him? Well finally, took you long enough!
But weirdly enough. He didn’t seem to smell any lust emanating from you. And the way you kept looking back and forth towards the end of the corridor told him something was wrong.
Looking back he saw the demon that was with you just now, grinning almost animally and walking directly towards the three of you.
Looking absolutely terrified your grip onto Asmo only grew stronger and looking pleadingly at him you whispered:
“Please I told them you were my boyfriend”
Oh? You did? Well he was now positively beaming right now !
Asmo naturally passed an arm around your waist, his hand coming on your leg caressing it so softly for a second there it actually made you shiver.
He was a natural.
The demon finally catching up to you smiled at your two friends and immediately reached out for you.
“Can I help you love?” Asmo asked them.
The demon laughed : “I just wanted to continue our discussion but they ran away”
“Did they now? Well I am better company after all aren’t I MC?” Asmodeus asked you.
A bit reassured by his presence you nodded.
“Of course!” Asmo exclaimed giggling “I mean how could you hope my dear MC would be interested in you when they can have me!” He added still giggling happily.
Deflating a little the demon that had been harassing you was not taking the blow to his pride really well. Desperately he tired to reach out to you, but Asmo shifted forcing the lesser demon to grab onto the air.
“Please stop harassing my lover ! Or I’ll have to punish you hehe” Asmo said happily, but you could see that the demon was now slowly coming out of his shell “My punishment are normally quite sweet” he said his voice full of innuendos “but I’ll guess I’ll have to make an exception just for you, since you decided to try and steal my lover”
The threat looked like nothing but the dark aura building behind your fake lover made the demon decide that a human was not worth the trouble and they finally decided to walk away, scoffing and trying to act like they hadn’t been scared by a threat from the prettiest and most-inoffensive looking person around.
You thanked Asmodeus profusely and try to get away from his embrace thinking it was enough now but his hug only grew tighter keeping you in place.
“Where are you going MC?” He asked happily “We are lovers aren’t we now?”
Were you now? Well guess you could settle with that.
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karmaaf · 4 years
Am i a writer? Hell no. Do I love Asmo? Hell yes! So this is my contribution to  Asmo appreciation week. Thanks to @milas-imaginarium for introducing the idea and to @lord-diavolo-is-watching for encouraging me to put this on the Internet.
Enjoy reading! (And please don’t yell at me, I’m really not great at writing in English)
It was just an ordinary day for Asmo. That was, until Mc came to his room and asked for his help.
- Please, Asmo, I need your help, right now! – she was visibly stressed and it made Asmo stressed nad we all know it’s not good for skin condition.
- What happened, honey? – he asked, looking at her
- Well, the thing is, I like a boy. And I wanted to ask him out, but I have no idea where to take him, what to wear, I know nothing! – she said throwing herself on Asmo’s bed.
Oh. She was going on the date. That’s… fantastic! Yeah, absolutely fantastic! It’s not like Asmo has a crush on her for a long time and was trying to get her attention by flirting by her, but she always thought about him as a friend regardless! Not at all!
- You came to the right person! I will make your date unforgettable! – he said, not showing how much he would like to be the one going on the date with her – But tell me, who is that lucky man? – asked Asmo. At least he wanted to know who did he lose to.
- I won’t tell you, until he agree to date me! – said Mc, smiling softly
- Oh, come on! Do I know him? – he just must know that!
- I’m pretty sure you do – answer Mc – But I won’t tell you anything more!
“Is this one of them?” thought Asmo, picturing his brothers. She was very close with all of them, when he thought about it now.
- How am I supposed to make the best date ever, if I don’t even know who is going to be there! – frown Asmo
- Just… do it as if you were going with me. If you’re gonna like it, he’ll love it too – Mc simply answered.
And Asmo smiled, pushing this ugly feeling of jealousy, so not suiting him, away.
- I didn’t know this restaurant – said Mc, looking around the place
- Well it is quite new, although I think it’s adorable! – answered Asmo. He was there once before and really liked it. – I’m pretty sure Solomon will like it too
Mc looked at him and sighted
- I’m still not telling you who’s my date, Asmo
- Well, it was worth a try – smiled Asmo – Shell we move on to choosing dishes. Do you know if Simeon has any food allergies?
- Asmo!
They spent whole day running around, choosing food, then her dress (that took awhile) and in the end Asmo made her make-up.
- You look magnificent, darling! – said Asmo, looking at her. He was trying to guess who was her date all day, but in the end, he knew nothing. Well, at least it kept his mind busy.
But now, when she was standing in front of him, looking so perfect, he couldn’t help but feel sad. Sad, that he won’t be the one next to her today. Sad, that she never took his flirt seriously. Sad, that she didn’t love him back.
- Thank you, Asmo! If it weren’t for you, I would never be ready for my date. Well, at least not that well -  Mc smiled at him, and Asmo felt week in his knees
- Would you tell me, who is the guy lucky enough to be your date? – asked Asmo, not being sure if he could take the answer
- Maybe you want to find out yourself? – she asked – We’re supposed to meet at the restaurant you and I picked
- Sure! I’d love to see that – he said feeling as if he was punched in the guts. But she could never know about it. If he can’t be her love, then he wish to stay her friend.
- So, we’re here, where is he? – asked Asmo, looking around - Don’t tell me he stood you up
That would be straight up rude. Someone out there gave up on a girl that beautiful, smart and kind as MC. The only girl Asmo has ever loved.
- Well I hope not, can you please tell me? – she asked, looking him in the eyes.
- Why do you ask me? – Asmo was at least confused. How was he supposed to know if her date loved her enough to come?
- Oh my god Asmo, for someone so experienced you act so stupid – sighted MC – I will ask directly than: Will you go on a date with me? I’ve been dying to ask you out for months now!
His heart stopped for a second. This couldn’t have been truth. He just was getting used to the thought of her with someone else and now she’s asking him out. This must have been a dream.
But her glowing eyes, waiting for his answer were real.
- Of course, babe! – he smiled to her. This was the first real smile since the beginning of this day.
Because she loved him back.
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Asmo with alternative hairstyle? For @sassmodeus since it’s her idea! Tried my best to make it look as natural as his normal hairstyle.
Also, could be my input into Asmo’s Week started by @milas-imaginarium
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gamelovers-posts · 4 years
Heres my post for #asmosweek @milas-imaginarium I hope you like it
Asmodeus, the scorpion
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This was so much fun to do. I'm really loving all the appreciation posts for Asmo they all are amazing! Well done everyone!! 💕💕💕
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