#theodore || the philosopher
You hear shouting from far away. "Hey! How are you doing?! It has been a while!" - @ask-idv-philosopher
"AWUH-?!" Immediately the woman jumped up, startled by the sudden shouting. Upon realizing who it was, Cairo placed a hand on her chest to calm down; waving at her friend who was a good distance away.
"Theo! You erm.. really scared me there.. it has been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve been good.. I think! What about you?" Cairo shouted back.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
The Lifeaters (I.9)
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IX. Exams
Chapter Summary: Closing in the semester and your first year
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, 
Wordcount: 1.5 k
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“Come on!”, mocked Matthew, “it couldn’t be that bad!”, but what happened in the forest had you and Draco on a chokehold, you barely spoke.
You didn't even know what to say, you didn’t even believe what you saw, centaurs? something so dark that could kill unicorns? the most magical and beautiful creature on the earth? Draco was traumatized, he saw a hooded figure actually drinking the blood directly from the unicorn
Was it a vampire? You wanted to ask Hagrid, but you didn’t dare, he was Potter’s friend…
“It was bad”, you said shortly, looking down at your plate
But luckily, now that you can sleep comfortably… your fear of headless trolls being eliminated… you had something else in your mind…
The last match of the season
Against Hufflepuff, you had lost against Gryffindor and won against Ravenclaw, so this could be the definitive, if Gryffindor lost against Ravenclaw, you could still win the Quidditch cup
Also Ravenclaw won against Hufflepuff, and Hufflepuff lost against both, so… 
“WE SLITHER! WE WIN! WE ARE SLYTHERIN!”, the boxes chanted with all their might and jumped so hard the woods trembled
You all knew what was at stake and half the stadium was supporting Slytherin, and the other half for Hufflepluff
There was no sign of blue or red anywhere, and you were thankful for it
“WE’LL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES! WE ARE SNAKES!”, the students of House Slytherin had came out with creative chants for the match, and you really were vibrating with the competition
The players felt it too, it was a clean, quick game, the quaffle passed from player to player, and it was stealed and recuperated just as easily
Slytherin had met their match in the Hufflepuffs and it showed 
Every goal from both teams was celebrated even with fireworks, and you could tell the end of the second semester was being rubbed on everyone, letting out steam as it were.
“Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!”
Even from afar you could tell that Marcus Flint was getting frustrated, it had been an amazing game, but very stressful, you looked up and Terrence Higgs and a Hufflepuff boy were floating idle, moving occasionally, but the snitch hadn't made its presence know yet, that used to happen, and seekers preferred to keep their position. That sneaky golden ball was known to be a bit temperamental, but it also liked to taunt.
You were already forty five minutes into the game, 60 and 70 points, Slytherin ahead, when the Seekers started moving
The boxes started chanting even more, when they realized it, everyone clapping and cheering
They both moved in sync, at some point, they pushed one another, both reaching for the golden snitch, flying like none other, seekers were truly amazing!
Marcus Flint led the chasers in a straight line, beaters on the flanks, quaffle in hand and they scored, giving them a 20 points advantage.
“The last resort”, is the play you had help him conceive
Alright, so, if you win, even if Gryffindor catched the snitch in minutes, they will have a hard time collecting the points.
Both seekers were chasing the snitch until the intensity of the game came to a breaking point as Hufflepuff fought back for the quaffle…
And then…
The seekers separated from one another, the HUfflepuff swerving on the inside of the field, but Terence followed through, and grabbed the snitch!
“SLYTHERIN CATCHES THE SNITCH!”, resounded the voice of the narrator, “SLYTHERIN WINS!”
The chants resounded in your head from the pitch to the common room, everywhere you looked was green and silver!
. . .
Soon the exams were over you, and you had a hard time. Daphne, MIlicent, Blaise, Draco and you were the only ones in the big group that actually seemed to care, which was very disappointing because of course you had to share your notes with your friends the day before the exam itself.
As you had a box of buttons you were practicing with Pansy, trying to teach her the spell to turn it into a beetle 
Your wand, when you first had it, seemed like it was like dead, it had gray tones in the wood and looked like it could break, but now that your first year at school was coming to an end, and you had learned many spells, it was turning brown, like the wood had come back to life, every time you did magic, it seemed like it move and came alive!
You loved your wand
You got distracted, and the beetle turned only half, finding it hard to push the other plastic side of itself and it fell down the table.
“bugger!”, you cursed, making pansy giggle, and then you tried again
“When they are beetles we can feed them to my owl”, muttered Pansy
All exams had their written part and then their practical counterparts, first came a whole week of all the written parts and the week before you had your face buried in books and parchments, alongside your stellar study group
Like you had said, Draco had this thing where he read something once and he could remember it perfectly fine. And he was usually the first one to get bored and leave
Between the five of you, you managed to gather all the notes and you were sure you would have good grades, it was only before the Transfiguration exam that you were joined by the rest, Pansy, Matthew, and Theo.
Matthew seated by your side, surrounding your shoulders with his arm and leaning close
“Como on Basilik, give me the notes please”
“You won’t even copy them from me”, you said, already bored, “you want me to give them to you”
“Come on, don’t be mean”, you didn't want to be mean, but it wasn’t fair, but you felt pressured
“Copy them then”, you said tiredly, and gave him your notes which he with a smirk shared with the rest.
The weather was getting hot, especially in the classrooms, the sun burned through the windows as you tried to focus on the paper in front of you. You made the special quill dance in your hand, it had an anti cheating spell on it
It was sweltering hot, especially in the large classroom where they did their written papers. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an AntiCheating spell.
You did well… mainly…
There were long weeks 
And then, the very next week, you had the practical exams
Professor Flitwick called you one by one, and you, weirdly, felt relieved, because you did well in spells.
“Very well miss, I want you to make this pineapple dance across the desk!”, he said happily, you swallowed thickly, taking out your wand. You knew the spell, but the pineapple didn’t have any legs, so you turned it around to the professor’s surprise, and then bewitched the thick green leaves as the feet
“Tarantallegra!”, you casted the spell and there it was, the pineapple danced across the desk to the amazement of Professor Flitwick 
“That is a new approach, congratulations Miss”, he said happily, and he let you go through another door so you wouldn’t snitch to your friends about what the test was about.
Then it was transfigurations, and you were almost sure it was going to be about the buttons, sadly it wasn’t! it was about turning a mouse into a snuff box… 
Oh gods… you doubted, you looked up to Professor McGonnaggal and she was looking right back at you raising one of her eyebrows, and you wondered if she would help students from her own house
You didn't want to speculate
“Think! Basilik, think!”, you thought about a emerald and silver snuff box, very clearly in your mind, and then you casted the spell, the rat squeaked but it did tun into the small decorative box, and just when you thought you were going to pass with all the points, there they were, two whiskers
“Almost”, she said, somewhat pleased, “you get 8 over 10”, she said decisively
“Thank you”, and you walked away quickly
The tricky part was… Potions
It was not the making of the potion itself, it was that he liked to breathe down your neck while you made it, which for you personally made your hands tremble. And your mind second guess
He would whisper words in Neville’s ear like… “are you sure about that amount of nutmeg Longbottom?”, and he would get all nervous, then he walked by Sheamus, did something similar, he dropped the entire small jar inside the cauldron, and the thing exploded like he tended to do.
But when he walked past you, he only hummed and kept walking, allowing you to continue without second guess, and only because the potion didn’t acquire the color it should, he gave you a 8/10
You passed, not with excellence, but pretty close, that added you to Slytherin points and even despite your little mishap in the forest… according to the huge count on the Hall
Slytherin was going to get both cups this year! It was going to be the best one ever!
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starkeylover · 2 months
i need someone to write a fanfic based on So American by Olivia Rodrigo about an american singer who comes to hogwarts after already blowing up across the world who falls in love with theodore nott and then writes So American about him PLEASE
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As someone who believes in the concept of a soul (and reincarnation), Ai’s question here is an interesting one. AIs are a human creation, a string of programming following their rules. But the Ignis aren’t just regular AIs, they had a certain something more that gives them free will and in a way, life. They’re more alive than just a typical AI. They’re not bound by programming and while free will is one of those vague unanswerable questions in philosophy, Ignis from what we’ve seen are on the same level of decision making that humans are. Thus whether or not you think humans do or don’t have free will, the same would apply to the Ignis.
Honestly, I just really want to answer this question with a “yes.” The Ignis are alive in almost every sense of the word. They have emotions, they form bonds, they have dreams and desires, they fear death. If the Ignis were real, I would consider them as alive as any other creature on this Earth and I believe all living creatures have a soul that endlessly reincarnates. But... a human can’t create a soul. Even by magical YGO logic, I refuse to believe Dr. Kogami could will souls into existence for these Ignis.
Despite that, I still think the Ignis all have souls. How? Well... the humans these Ignis are based on are constantly referred to as their partners. Yusaku even refers to Earth as a part of Spectre, despite the two of them never meeting:
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Which implies this logic applies to each Ignis and their partner, including Yusaku and Ai. Deny it all you want Yusaku but you said yourself he’s a part of you. So... yeah, split souls is a silly idea too but it’s one I’m more willing to believe that willing souls into existence. I can believe these kids lost part of their souls to trauma. And that these parts were what the Ignis were made from.
I’d also like to point out that Soulburner sees some form of Flame during his duel with Revolver:
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While this could be just a memory or Soulburner’s imagination, as no one else sees it, it’s also possible this is his spirit encouraging Soulburner. It’s never really made clear so it could go either way.
So I feel it’s at least implied the Ignis have some form of a soul in this universe and thus, have an afterlife. But that’s just me. I’d honestly like to hear other people’s thoughts on this, because it is an interesting question to me.
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theaskywalker · 2 years
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Imagine attending the Halloween feast on Hogwarts with Draco and his gang
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jessicaonepiece · 2 years
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Day 1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
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snapbackdad · 1 year
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pepsichrry · 3 months
Theo Nott Headcannons/Information
•Theo was mentioned in the Harry Potter books (The Philosopher’s Stone, Order of the Phoenix).
•He is only referred to as ‘Nott’ during the sorting ceremony in book 1.
•He isn’t mentioned until book 5 as one of the only three students in the Care of Magical Creatures class who are able to see Thestrals, meaning that he had witnessed somebody die. He supposedly found it unpleasant as he watched one eat and he wasn’t fond of the creatures.
•His appearances in the books are described as ‘weedy’ and ‘stringy’ meaning that he is likely canonically tall and thinly built.
•It is unclear when he is born, but it is said that his father was an older or elderly man who had been previously involved with the Deatheater Army during the First Wizarding War.
•Theodore was mentioned by Hermione in 1996 as one of the group of Slytherin boys whose fathers had been outed as Deatheaters by the magazine ‘The Quibbler’. His reaction seemed to differ from his friends as his reaction was the only one which was not specifically threatening or negative, suggesting indifference.
•At the end of his Fifth Year, Theodore Nott Sr. was captured in the Department of Mysteries as a member of Deatheater forces who participated in a raid of the Department and was exposed as an escaped Deatheater.
•With his father in Azkaban and his mother seemingly dead, it is unspecified who cared for Theodore during the summer holidays.
•In sixth year, Theodore was not asked to attend the Slug Club due to his fathers involvement with the Dark Lord, this is because of Professor Slughorns inquiry about Theo’s family from Blaine Zabini, who was later invited to the Club.
•Theodore was one of the few students who progressed to N.E.W.T level Potions. They seemed to poke fun of Hermiones Blood-Status and were skeptical of the effects of Amorentia.
•He attended his Seventh year at Hogwarts and was treated well due to his Blood Status.
•At the Battle of Hogwarts, it is unclear whether he joined Voldemorts side or Evacuated, but since he is not shown or mentioned defecting to the Deatheaters before the Battle, we can assume that he didn’t end up fighting with the Deatheaters.
•It is also mentioned that he was later taken into custody for owning illegal Timeturners. We can infer from this that he could possibly have made them with dark magic, or he bought them for a hefty price. (Said in TCC, so possibly not Canon).
•Theo is mentioned to be very intelligent, but more of a Loner, since he didn’t participate in many groups like the one led by Draco Malfoy.
•Theodore watched his mother die when he was young, leaving him in the sole care of his father, who was a cold and bitter man.
•Theo didn’t have many friends when he was younger except for Draco Malfoy, but he opened up slightly more at Hogwarts, though he still liked his alone time.
•He had a set path for him created by his father. He was supposed to work in the ministry and provide for a family, but Theo wanted to be a Potioneer like his uncle and much of his other family on his mother’s side.
•Theo’s mother left all of her belongings to him, and made sure that his father wouldn’t be able to take possession of any of it. In his inheritance, he gained a large portion of money and an estate in rural Italy.
•His mother was from Florence, Italy and was married to his father through an arranged marriage, where she suffered abuse from Theodore Nott Sr. She died slowly due to a failed suicide attempt.
•Theodore had trouble connecting with people because of his parent’s relationship and the things that he’d witnessed in his childhood. He feared becoming his father more than anything, so he did all that he could to prevent it from happening.
•He’d never had a real relationship and never would despite how many girls he’d slept with. He didn’t want a commitment.
•Despite how quiet he was, Theo was a very funny person and to his friends, he was often the life of the party
•Theo was prone to addiction and often used unhealthy coping mechanisms like smoking, drinking and drug use, though he only took drugs at parties.
•Much like Draco, Theo took the Dark Mark as a punishment for his father’s mistakes, not out of willingness. He received it a week after his fifteenth birthday and struggled to adjust.
•He was 6’2” feet tall
•He tanned very nicely in the summer, leaving him with smooth, olive skin just like his mother’s.
•During the Battle of Hogwarts, Theo ran away with Blaise Zabini, purely because he wanted to avoid fighting people that he’d previously called friends.
•As his life went on, Theo learned from his mistakes and prejudices and slowly but surely became a better person. He was clean by the time he was 20.
•As a request from the Dark Lord, Theo created a Timeturner for him. But since he’d learned how to do it, he created more and gifted one to the Malfoy Family and kept one for himself. He didn’t use it to change the past, but he’d travel back to his old house to watch his past, specifically, to watch his mother, trying to piece together parts of her life and his. It was the only way of truly knowing and remembering her because he was so young when she died.
•Theo died before he turned 30, ending the Nott family line. He’d died alone after taking his own life to avoid being sent to Azkaban for his possession of illegal Timeturners.
•He lived a life of longing for love without receiving it. Secretly, he wished for a loving relationship and a family, but he didn’t want to repeat the cycle of abuse that he was trapped in. He felt that his family line didn’t deserve to be continued, he felt that he was atoning for their sins by ending it.
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
how about slytherin boys tarot headcanons? like a reading for each of them?
thanks for requesting!! I have to admit I don't know a lot about tarot, so I decided to do some reseach and assigned them each one card, hope that's okay, also they are pretty short, sorry 💕including Matty, Theo, Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Pansy and Tom.
The Slytherin Boys as tarot cards headcanons
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Mattheo - The Emperor;
♢ Mattheo's presence commands respect, much like the Emperor card in the tarot deck, representing authority, stability, and control. His demeanor is often cool and calculated, with a strategic mind that is always several steps ahead of his peers.
♢ Mattheo's ambition knows no bounds, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it means playing a ruthless game of manipulation and power politics.
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Theo - The Hermit;
♢ Theo is a solitary figure, often found lost in thought or quietly observing the world around him, much like the Hermit card in the tarot deck. He is introspective and deeply philosophical, seeking wisdom and understanding in the solitude of his own mind.
♢ Theo's intellect is sharp, and his insights are often profound, though he keeps them close to his chest, revealing them only to those he trusts implicitly. Despite his preference for solitude, Theodore is a loyal friend to those who earn his trust, offering guidance and support when it is needed most.
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Enzo - The Magician;
♢ Enzo possesses a natural charm and charisma that draws people to him, much like the Magician card in the tarot deck. He's resourceful, adaptable, and has a knack for turning his ideas into reality. Whether he's casting spells or weaving intricate schemes, Lorenzo embodies the transformative energy of the Magician.
♢ Enzo is a quick thinker, always ready with a clever solution to any problem that arises. However, beneath his charming exterior lies a cunning mind capable of weaving intricate webs of deceit and manipulation if needed.
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Blaise - The Lovers;
♢ Blaise is a creature of passion and desire, much like the figures in the Lovers card in the tarot deck, representing attraction, intimacy, and choice. He exudes an aura of sensuality and charm, drawing others to him like moths to a flame.
♢ Blaise is a romantic at heart, prone to falling deeply and passionately in love with those who capture his attention. However, his affections can be fickle, and he is not afraid to pursue his desires with reckless abandon, regardless of the consequences. Despite his hedonistic tendencies, Blaise's loyalty to those he cares about runs deep, making him a fiercely protective friend and ally.
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Draco - The Tower;
♢ Draco's life is a series of upheavals and dramatic changes, much like the Tower card in the tarot deck, representing chaos, destruction, and revelation. He is constantly grappling with the expectations placed upon him by his family and society, struggling to find his place in a world that seems determined to tear him down.
♢ Despite his privileged upbringing, Draco is plagued by feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, constantly seeking validation from those around him. His journey is one of transformation and self-discovery, as he navigates the turbulent waters of adolescence and learns to forge his own path in a world torn apart by war and conflict.
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Pansy - The Empress;
♢ Pansy embodies the qualities of the Empress card in the tarot deck, representing nurturing, abundance, and fertility. She is fiercely protective of her loved ones, with a maternal instinct that runs deep. Pansy is often the glue that holds her friend group together, offering comfort and support in times of need.
♢ Despite her sometimes brash exterior, Pansy has a heart of gold, and her loyalty to those she cares about knows no bounds. She is a natural leader, with a magnetic charisma that draws others to her side, making her a beloved figure in the social circles of Hogwarts.
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Tom - The Devil;
♢ Tom is a master of manipulation and deception, much like the Devil card in the tarot deck, representing bondage, materialism, and destructive impulses. He is charming and charismatic, with a magnetic presence that draws others into his orbit. However, beneath his charming facade lies a darkness that is as alluring as it is terrifying.
♢ Tom is driven by a desire for power and control, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, regardless of the cost. His influence is far-reaching, with a network of followers who are willing to blindly follow him down the darkest of paths. Tom's legacy is one of fear and destruction, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake as he seeks to reshape the world in his image.
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thatswhywelovegermany · 2 months
Ich fürchte mich nicht vor der Rückkehr der Faschisten in der Maske der Faschisten, sondern vor der Rückkehr der Faschisten in der Maske der Demokraten.
I am not afraid of the return of the fascists in the guise of fascists, but of the return of the fascists in the guise of democrats.
Theodor W. Adorno (1903 – 1969), German philosopher, sociologist, musicologist, and composer
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How do you know the Philosopher? What are your thoughts on them?
"O..Oh! Theo? I actually ran into him before coming to the manor. Ah well.. it’s more of he came across me on one of his little.. erm world understanding adventures. We also both happened to be participating in the same manor game. He’s one of those leader types, a real nice person! A bit eccentric and very curious but.. he’s also very helpful! ..Much more helpful than I am…"
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
The Lifeaters (I.7)
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VII. Matches
Chapter Summary: You resumed the semester at Hogwarts
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, other things, pretty tame so far, might miss some warning but I think you know what this is about… 
Wordcount: 1.9 k 
Notes: I'm already writing thongs for the fourth year and what’s to come, I’m excited for you all to read it! jeje anyways these are like filler chapters
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You had mixed feelings when you found yourself back in the hallways of Hogwarts, on one side, it was a school, there were classes and assignments, but on the other, it was Hogwarts! It was amazing! 
You resumed your classes with normalcy, but it wasn’t until after the first class of potions that you truly started feeling nervous again, of being caught by Snape even if you weren’t doing anything. It was like when you come face to face with an Auror, you weren’t doing anything, but you felt incredibly nervous regardless, he could grab you and throw you into Azkaban, that is what it felt like to be in classes with Professor Snape.
But you kept enjoying the rest of your lessons, like History of Magic, (that made everyone snooze) and Defense against the dark arts. Weeks went by amazingly fast, and before you even realized it… it was already February, and another very interesting thing was about to happen… 
It was a Ravenclaw VS Slytherin match! the second match of Slytherin and the third in the season! 
Draco, Blaise and you loved to see the matches, but the rest of your group didn’t care much for them. But you still made them attend with you.
The vibe was completely different from the first match against Gryffindor, it was Ravenclaw that they were playing against, and watching them flying in perfect lining was a bit boring, but… the Slytherin played playfully and tauntingly, making the Ravenclaws scratch their heads constantly
When they scored 30 points your throat was raw by the screaming you were procuring, and it didn’t help that you found Terence Higgs to be really cute, making your cheeks feel heated despite the cold. 
“I have my eye out for the captain though”, giggled Pansy, you frowned, Flint was a good player, but he was a bit… unfortunate looking… but you could see the appeal as you saw him flying through the air. The Quidditch uniform certainly added some appeal you thought gleefully 
He searched for you after scoring and waved at you, making Pansy clutch into your arm giggling in your ear
In half time you were winning by 50 points, and Draco wouldn’t shut up about beating Gryffindor for the Quidditch cup, you still had another game with Hufflepuff, you could still win!
The plays you had helped design were actually working! and they started again scoring and scoring, Given, the Ravenclaws also scored a couple of goals, but it was all over anyways when Terence Higgs caught the snitch, making you giggle and smile dumbly.
He was a third year? second year maybe… with blonde hair and big blue eyes. 
There was a party in the common room after the match! all of Slytherin was there, chanting and applauding for our winning team, who of course, were the stars of the celebration
“Next year, those are going to be us”, promised Draco with a smirk, and you couldn’t be more excited, as you jumped and chanted Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin! It was so electric! the atmosphere! 
You were enchanted.
But all good things must come to an end, as that day, and the weeks continued as normal
You hang out in the library with your friends, Daph, Draco, Goyle, and Matthew, working for an assignment for History in Magic, you had to choose a famous Wizard or Witch from the middle ages to do some work in, Daphne and you of course chose Morgan Le Fay. 
The boys though, chose instead to take another book, not even remotely related to the task in hand… it was a small book they found regarding mischievous spells, more than jokes and the sorts
“Look!”, Draco giggled, “the leg-locker spell!” 
“That’s a good one”, laughed Matthew, you thought it was going to end in that, but then, Neville showed up, picking a book probably related to the same assignment
“Don’t”, you warned your best friend, almost reading his mind. But he didn’t listen, he, Matt and Greg followed Longbottom outside of the library where Mrs Pince wouldn’t see them
And they cursed him
Poor Neville had to bunny jump away, scared, as Draco came back to his spot, laughing
You looked at him disapprovingly
“Did you see how he just jumped away?”, Matthew laughed, “a good spell that is!”
“I don’t know why you have Neville so much”, you mumbled, but he didn't answer
“You are so mean”, muttered Daphne, but you both sharing looks decided to keep working in your assignment, it was supposed to be you 5 doing it, but you were doing all the job as they played and mocked
But Draco had a change of heart, and grabbed one of the books you had selected
“I don’t know why we went for Morgan and not Merlin”, he said, bored
“That is what happens when you don’t help in the process”, you warned, and he nodded and shrugged, “please search her date of birth”, you asked, “Daphne and I are searching her best accomplishments”
“Sure”, but Gregory and Matthew kept playing jokes and mocking Ravenclaws passing by.
The very next month, a few weeks later, you were in the Quidditch pitch yet again, but this time, to watch the Gryffindor VS Hufflepuff game, you wanted to make sure Gryffindor lost, or really, you wanted to see it with your own eyes, and the tactics they were going to use, and also the Hufflepuff’s, Slytherin’s last game of the year in three more months.
You could not convince any of your friends except Greg and Vince, and of course Draco was there too.
And to more of your dismay, you got seats in the Gryffindor box, behind Weasley and Longbottom, Potter’s biggest fans. 
Draco couldn’t help it, it came to him naturally. As you tried to focus on the game, he was focus more on the conversation happening in front of him. 
Ron whined in pain as Draco had poked him to get his attention
"Oh, sorry, Weasley, didn't see you there", he teased, you only rolled your eyes at this, trying to focus on the game. "Wonder how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time? Anyone want a bet? What about you, Weasley?"
But Weaslet didn’t answer, he just kept watching the game, and you too, to your surprise, Snape was referring, you had never seen him doing that before, and you guessed that’s why the redhead looked so worried, almost constipated.
Your headteacher hated Harry, even more so than Draco, and everyone could see it, especially in the Potions class you shared with the Gryffindors.
But as you thought about it, he threw a penalty at Gryffindor, after one of the Weasley twins tried to him him with a bludger, but that had been a blatant fault. Granger standing right in front of you, looked worried too, and wouldn’t take her eyes off of the Professor, rather than looking at her friend.
It was easy to spot Potter, who had spotted the snitch and started pursuit. You cursed yourself for being distracted, you needed to be watching the Hufflepuffs and their strategies, but it was becoming an interesting game
"You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team?", Draco asked you then, you barely looked at him, trying to predict which hoop the Hufflepuff keeper was going to try and protect next.
But Snape blew his whistle again and threw another penalty in favor of the Yellow and Black team, that made you smile, because there was no cause for it.
"It's people they feel sorry for”, he continued after nobody asked him what was on his mind, “see? there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money -- you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains.", Goyle snorted a laugh, even though it was a little mean
But Neville, in front of you, turned around, with a strange determined look on his big green eyes, he turned to Draco
"I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy," he stammered. you opened your mouth, surprised, but you were happy for him, clearly his Gryffindor friends were egging him on and you admired that.
But Draco found it even more entertaining, as he and Crabbe, and Goyle started laughing. Weasley barely paid attention to his friend’s bravado, as he muttered a simple: "You tell him, Neville."
"Longbottom, if brains were gold you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something”, alright, you had to admit you laughed then, Draco’s answers where always so quick, it seemed like he prepared them beforehand 
Ron Weasley, who was watching Potter like a Hawk, turned then, very angry
"I'm warning you, Malfoy… one more word…”, he started his threat
"Ron!" called Granger suddenly. You followed her gaze and Potter went into a quick dive, chasing the snitch, even though you couldn’t see it
The crowd started cheering, everyone standing up and calling for Harry 
Granger stood up too, blocking your view of the…biased-speaking spectacular play that Potter was executing.
He was good, you had to admit… but you wouldn’t, not outloud 
"You're in luck, Weasley, Potter's obviously spotted some money on the ground!" said Malfoy.
That is when the Weasley turned angrily, and before nobody could stop him, he grabbed Draco and threw him against the wood planks in the floor of the box. They started wrestling. Longbottom jumped over the seat to help his friend 
You only took a step back as you wished to keep watching the game, and you were getting tired of Draco bullying everyone 
"Come on, Harry!" Granger screamed, moving so much that you had to do contortions to watch around her
You both remained oblivious to Draco and Weasley, wrestling on the floor. But you did payed attention when Neville whimpered, he had gotten in a scuffle with Goyle and Crabbe. it was a knot of fists and legs, it was almost chemical.
You thanked Merlin that there wasn’t any teacher present, or you would be punished. 
But fortunately they were interrupted, when Snape blowed the whistle, indicating that the snitch had been caught, by none other than Potter
It was the shortest game ever! like ten minutes or so, it must be some sort of record
You saw the black haired boy, his hand clasping the snitch raised up high
He was good alright… 
Everyone cheered for him, the stadium erupted in chants and cheers and applause.
Now, you would admit that you felt a little jealous, you wondered what it would feel like, to be a Quidditch star, and you really wished you could see what it was about, next year if you managed to get into the team.
 leaping onto her seat to watch as Harry sped straight at Snape -- she didn't even notice Malfoy and Ron rolling around under her seat, or the scuffles and yelps coming from the whirl of fists that was Neville, Crabbe, and Goyle.
Draco had lost the squaffle and the Gryffindors had won, so he was not happy at all, as he stood up from the floor and managed to see Potter being raised in the air by his teammates, and you in turn were preparing yourself for another rant about Potter.
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starkeylover · 10 months
theodore nott has officially become my new obsession of the month (i love the fan created version of him i need him in my life PLS)
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*Harry & Ted playing 2 truths and a lie with Tom & Knights of Walpurgis*
Harry: It’s my turn again? Ok Umm…I didn’t learn how to swim until I was eleven, I’ve never been to South America, and I’m an unregistered animagus.
Ignotus Avery (frustrated): Bloody hell! Why are these so difficult?! I believe all of these!
Harry: How are they difficult?
Alyxander Mulciber: After hearing you out raced a dragon on a broomstick anything goes at this point.
Lyra Burke: Oh, I do believe you are an animagus! That would make so much sense, wouldn’t it? How else are you able to slip away so often without being noticed? What’s your form?
Abraxas Malfoy: That’s not part of the game, Lyra.
Lyra: New game! Let’s try and guess Evans’ animagus form, every wrong guess you have to drink but if we get it right Evans has to down the rest of the bottle! And we get to ask you questions!
Harry: Alright, sure.
Lyra: Is it aquatic, amphibious, reptilian, or mammal?
Harry: None of the above. Drink.
Druella Roiser: Avian?
Harry: No, though it can fly. Drink.
Thaddeus Nott: Is it an insect?
*Harry nods*
Theodore (stunned disbelief): It’s a bloody cockroach, isn’t it?
*Harry passes bottle to Theodore*
Harry: Drink up, Ted.
-3 bottles & a half of Fire whiskey later-
Abraxas: -hic-I’m telling’ ya, he’s gotta be a blue morpho-hic- I’m a thousand present positive of it-hic
Walburga Black: Shhh, please! I insist that he’s lying. He’s a liar, Abraxas, he’s been lying about the whole thing tryin’ ta get us-hic-smashed. He’s got it written on his hand 🤚
Lyra: I think-hic- if I was a animagus I’d like to be a butterfly 🦋. It-hic-reminds of the Taoist philosopher Zhuangzi—
Harry (still mostly sober): Are you not going to guess, Riddle?
Tom: Oh, I wouldn’t dare presume.
Harry: That’s no fun. C’mon, don’t be a chicken.
Tom (unable to ignore the challenge): Fine, Evans. Let me think about it… An insect that can fly, it’s blue, is found commonly in gardens, but is not native to the British isles. Is it bigger or smaller than a knut?
Harry: Smaller.
Tom: And what country is it native to?
Harry: Australia.
Tom: What does it eat?
Harry: Mostly aphids.
Tom: Then it’s a pest controller…
Harry: Give up?
Tom: Do you? If I get it right you’ll have to down half a bottle of Fire whiskey in one go, Evans.
Harry: I don’t think you’ll get it right. You’d never guess it.
Tom: How about a wager, Evans, between just you and I? I get it wrong and I’ll write one of your essays for you, any subject, any length…
Harry: I’m listening.
Tom: But if I get it right, I get a kiss. Right here (taps lips)
Harry (laughing): You know what, fine. Sure Riddle. If you think you can guess it without asking another question.
*Tom whispers his answer in Harry’s ear & its right.*
Oh shit!
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morlock-holmes · 9 months
So, that excerpt from Theodor Adorno's Minima Moralia was quite interesting and so I decided I should put Adorno on my list, and I googled best Adorno translation which led me to this reddit thread which contains the following comment from user QuesyCampaign:
If you end up with the Ashton translation of [Negative Dialectics] (the only English translation to have been printed), there are some common terms that are completely mistranslated that you can just mentally adjust for (Jameson mentions a few of these in his Late Marxism): Vermittlung and related words often translated as "transmission", "transmitted", etc. - should be mediation/mediated. As in the disastrous "Transmission is transmitted by what it transmits". Anschauung translated as "vision" instead of the accepted English rendering "intuition" in philosophical contexts. Direct/indirect - if you ever see these, replace with "immediate/mediate". None of this will help with the significant failure to do justice to Adorno's German, nor with those sentences that just don't make sense, but they should help. If you ever work on or need to cite a passage, make sure you consult the German and the other translations first!
Guys, is it possible that a lot of continental philosophy's reputation as obtuse and incomprehensible is just because the people translating it are really bad at their jobs?
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hollowed-theory-hall · 4 months
How many muggleborns actually are there in the UK?
So, I think, the first thing I post here should be what started my HP theorizing journey. Which was an IRL friend asking me how many muggleborns even are there in the Wizarding World to cause this much strife?
So strap on in for a journey of demographic statistics and me documenting every name in the book and their blood status like someone who actually cares (I don't, but I do have some things to say about blood status, inbreeding, and magical genetics, but that's a whole different post)
So, when I started thinking about how to figure out what percentage of muggleborns are in the British Wizarding World, I decided to start simple. Harry's year (according to JKR's notes and Harry Potter and Me) has 40 students. Fewer are mentioned by name in the books, but I created the closest approximation on these 40 students according to book information and notes from JK.
(In general, book canon precedes any other source)
Harry's year is a good start since it gives us a look at all wizards and witches born in the UK in the same year, as it seems all Hogwarts years are similar in size. So this is a good enough rough approximation of blood status across the wizarding world in the UK as a whole (and the one we have the most information about).
Some definitions about blood status and the way it seems to be treated in the books so we'll all be on the same page:
Muggleborn - a wizard with two muggle parents
Pure-Blood - a wizard with two magical parents of which none are muggleborn and at least one is pure blood (i.e a child of a half-blood and a pure blood would be considered a pure blood for this list)
Half-Blood - Only one magical parent who isn't a muggleborn
At least one magical parent - a character we knew for sure isn't muggleborn but do not have further information.
So without further ado, here are the 40 wizards in Harry's year:
In Gryffindor:
Harry Potter - Half-Blood - Book text
Ronald Weasley - Pure-Blood - Book text
Dean Thomas - Half-Blood - Book text
Seamus Finnigan - Half-Blood - Book text
Neville Longbottom - Pure-Blood - Book text
Hermione Granger - Muggleborn - Book text
Praviti Patil - Most Likely Pure Blood - In book 1, Praviti and Pansy Parkinson are shown to be on a first-name basis and familiar from before Hogwarts. I don't see the blood purists Parkinsons being acquainted with who they consider "lesser blood".
“Ooh, sticking up for Longbottom?” said Pansy Parkinson, a hard-faced Slytherin girl. “Never thought you’d like fat little crybabies, Parvati.” - Philosopher Stone, page 108
Lavender Brown - Pure-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
In Slytherin:
Millicent Bulstrode - Most Likely Pure Blood - due to the Bulstrode family appearing in the Sacred Twenty-Eight. (I'm aware in JK's notes mentioned in Harry Potter and Me, Millicent is described as a half-blood, but as many of the characters there didn't make it into the book, they are less canon than the book information)
Vincent Crabbe - Pure-Blood - Book text
Tracy Davis - Half-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Gregory Goyle - Pure-Blood - Book text
Daphne Greengrass - Pure-Blood - The Greengrass family appears in the Sacred Twenty-Eight
Draco Malfoy - Pure-Blood - Book text
Theodore Nott - Pure-Blood - The Nott family appears in the Sacred Twenty-Eight (Nott's grandfather/great-grandfather is also the most likely to have written it)
Pansy Parkinson - Pure-Blood - The Parkinson family appears in the Sacred Twenty-Eight
Blaise Zabini - Pure-Blood - Book text
In Hufflepuff:
Hanna Abbott - Pure-Blood - The Abbott family appears in the Sacred Twenty-Eight
Susan Bones - Most Likely Pure Blood - Mentioned to have multiple magical relatives including Amalia Bones (Head of the DMLE) a prominent figure in the incredibly corrupt Ministry of Magic that practically runs on nepotism (a subject fro a different post, probably).
Justin Finch-Fletchley - Muggleborn - Book text
Wayne Hopkins - Half-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Megan Jones - Most Likely Pure Blood - Mentioned to have multiple magical relatives (even if the wiki calls them half-bloods, there are a lot of wizards from this family).
Ernest Macmillan - Pure-Blood - The Macmillan family appears in the Sacred Twenty-Eight
Zacharias Smith - Most Likely Pure Blood - As someone who brags of being a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff and being able to trace magical lineage so far back.
In Ravenclaw:
Terry Boot - At Least One Magical Parent - As he goes to Hogwarts during the 1997-1998 school year when muggleborns were forbidden from doing so.
Mandy Brocklehurst - Half-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Michael Corner - Half-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Stephen Cornfoot - Pure-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Anthony Goldstein - Half-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Sue Li - Half-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Morag MacDougal - Pure-Blood - According to Harry Potter and Me Notes.
Padma Patil - Most Likely Pure Blood - Same as Praviti Patil.
Lisa Turpin - At Least One Magical Parent - Most likely. This is a character nothing is stated about, but I assume that if she was muggleborn it would have been mentioned during the second war.
Unknown House:
Oliver Rivers - At Least One Magical Parent - Same reasoning as Lisa Turpin.
Roger Malone - At Least One Magical Parent - Same reasoning as Lisa Turpin.
Lily Moon - Most Likely Pure Blood - Has other magical relatives of the name Moon across HP media.
Sally-Anne Perks - At Least One Magical Parent - Same reasoning as Lisa Turpin.
Sophie Roper - At Least One Magical Parent - Same reasoning as Lisa Turpin along with other wizards with the same surname.
Runcorn - Most Likely Pure Blood - As she is likely related to Albert Runcorn who worked in the Ministry of Magic under the Death Eaters' rule and worked as an intimidator and blackmailer of alleged muggleborns.
Sally Smith - Most Likely Pure Blood - As she is likely related to Zacharias Smith.
From this we see that we have:
23/40 = 57.5% Pure-Blood and Most Likely Pure Blood
9/40 = 22.5% Half-Blood
6/40 = 15% At Least One Magical Parent
2/40 = 5% Muggleborn
This kind of percentage is one we see among the Order of the Phoenix (another group of wizards who accept muggleborns and we have information about their blood status) as well. So, it's not just Harry's generation that is low on muggleborns, but that muggleborns are a very small percentage of the wizarding population.
At the Order's peak in members during the First War (therefore before most potential mass muggleborn killings) it had 25 members, and I'll make this list shorter:
Pure-Blood: 8/25 = 32%
Alastor Moody, Alice Longbottom, Elphias Doge, Fabian Prewett, Frank Longbottom, Gideon Prewett, James Potter, Sirius Black
Most Likely Pure Blood: 6/25 = 24%
Dedalus Diggle, Edgar Bones, Emmeline Vance, Marlene McKinnon, Peter Pettigrew, Sturgis Podmore
Half-Blood: 6/25 = 15%
Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Mundungus Fletcher, Remus Lupin, Reberus Hagrid, Severus Snape
At Least One Magical Parent: 3/25 = 12%
Benjy Fenwick, Caradoc Dearborn, Dorcas Meadows
Muggleborn: 1/25 = 4%
Lily Potter
Only one of the Order members is a muggleborn - Lily Potter.
The fact that even among a group like the Order of the Phoenix (who fought against Voldemort and blood-purists) we see practically no muggleborns just proves the above statistics in Harry's year are the norm. There is probably one or two muggleborns who arrive every year at Hogwarts and they are, overall, a very small present of the population.
This is kind of interesting to me in terms of how much of an issue their very existence is made to be for some wizards in the books, and I thought I should share it since I never see anyone doing maths to calculate population statistics and demographics for the Wizarding Wolrd.
At some point, I should post about the death rates of the two wars with Voldemort along with other stats and timelines I've calculated.
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