#therapy carpool
carpooltherapy · 9 months
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In all due time.
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ask-alterwolf-curseko · 6 months
Session 88 (K-0 debut session and ?????)
[It's many weeks later since the incident and frightening KX encounter. KO has long been ungrounded since then. He doesn't have his patches on, but they're currently inside the backpack he has on him.]
Last week at the city got both confusing and too much... [He sighs.]
Let's see if we'll have a nice day back at the office this week...
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pretty sure that's just an average day of therapy...
We weren't even in the therapy building/office at all today—!
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ask-beast-o-tonicko · 8 months
Session 88 (K-0 debut session)
"Ugh, geez. Last week at that city where Neon and that creepy, awful shape-shifting monster attacked everyone was just ridiculous. This week better be actually decent in the office or else I'm walking out... see ya..."
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ask-mutant-ko-n-tko · 2 years
Session 67
"Well, break's over... I guess. I'll be back later!"
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What's up?
We were all at this big city to watch this cool light show and then things took a bad, horrible turn...
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Session 87
Imma go to another week of therapy today. It better feel like it... bye, guys.
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ask-alterwolf-curseko · 9 months
oh man
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I-I-I-I said I was sorry!! [He whines, and jumps over the group, then races to bolt out the office door, but it disappears once he touches the doorknob, fading into a severely cracked wall.]
AAAH! No! Nonononononononononono--!! [The infernal looking KOs and TKOs start to slowly advance towards him, as they start relentlessly and viciously saying every kind of slander to him. The "you're a heartless monster" kind of slander.
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[He screams with that particular anon but it's of immense terror. The rest of the walls around him form even more cracks, and they all stretch before his very eyes.]
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ask-alterwolf-curseko · 11 months
(unaffected) Yes it's obvious you're obsessed with yourself and struggle with anyone or anything outside of your little control box.
[It snarls and snatches up freepaperdetective, in the process of trying to reduce them to useless pixels in its grip in the form of squeezing.]
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[it doesn't work on them] say sike rn.
[It growls and tries again.]
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you got electrocuted.
Oh... Aw, damn...
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Yeah, yeah... I... think I already got that...
Guess you could say that must've been quite a shock, wasn't it...?
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I dunno... if I can promise that... [He slowly and carefully, gets on his feet, face still obscure by both his hands.]
Agh... s***..... [They move to rub his eyes. Once he finally opens them to full awareness, he stares at a strange environment he ended up in.]
Wh... What.......?
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[And look around he does.]
If I didn't die, then... where am I...?
[It basically appears to be a very dark, very ominous, void-like area. There doesn't seem to be much there besides the emptiness of it and the creepy, ambient wind noises.]
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you can always take a break from therapy. this is always a thing you can do.
“I know... I know I could...”
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Session 76 (Second trial– Mercury and Atlas)
[A week goes by, and an alarm goes off on his phone, prompting him to check it.]
Oh shoot— It's me and Merc's trial today!
Don't you start again, Lupus. It's with me and him, whether you like it or not. So ZIP. IT.
[He clears his throat, and tries to take in deep calming breaths. Once that's done, Carol gives her kid a hug and kiss, saying their byes as she lets him go out to the train.] Later, mom!
[As he steps on, he speaks quietly to himself.]
It's gonna be okay, right? It better go okay... Hope we do a good job...
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*summons Street Fighter, Streets of Rage, Sonic Fighters and Sonic Unleashed (which is half beat em up, also werehog relatibility)* got some sonic games for ya too. ...i can put the last one away if you want but I thought knowing Sonic himself had his own werehog form might be a bit comforting.
[He blinks at the last game mention, but then remembers once the anons bring up the topic of the Werehog.] Oh... yeah. You mean that one adventure Sonic had. Dunno if it's something he doesn't like thinking of or talking about...
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oh no not sparko!
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[Yes... Sparko. Alas, I hate to write out the death of a minor OK KO character that I love.]
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[KO does exactly that, as he turns the volume up to the absolute MAX.]
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[Hooray for anonymous assistance!]
[TKO doesn't react to the now blaring head music very well as his top hands are now slammed over his ears. He's screaming in incredible agony. The bottom two pairs of arms are spazzing out of control and his three tails whips around wildly.]
"Now, if you lose your focus, those scary feelings start to grow."
[His feet land on the ground as he comes face to face with the only people left alive-- AND-- the most closest to him: Rad, Enid, Mr. Gar and even his own mom.]
"But with a little focus pocus, you can get back in control. Just breathe in and out."
[TKO, with his eyes once shut, cracks them open to look at their scared faces. Carol's has the one with the most fear, so he focused on that. Unfortunately, it doesn't help that once they do open, his distorted perspective once again changes their appearances. Rad and Mr. Gar look like Mercury, Enid and Carol look like DK. Then alternate back to normal. Then back to them again. They flash back and forth between who's real and who isn't with a glitch-like visual effect.]
"Remember, nothing lasts forever."
[He blinks out of his moment of interference and hesitation as he begins to charge one more energy beam with a yell. Carol's hope that her son just might spared her now crumbles away into pieces. Tears stream down her face, crying, the realization hitting her and the others. The foursome get ready to prepare for the worst as they huddle into each other tightly, quietly whispering to each other their goodbyes.]
[KO is now holding up the tape recorder. Even though knowing it's his own worst fear realized to reality, having come true, he tries bearing it through shutting his eyes so he won't watch his loved ones perish.]
"Even the worst feelings can always get better."
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greetings, big pinky.
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L̶o̸n̵e̷l̴y̶.̷ ̸W̸h̸a̵t̵ ̵d̷o̷ ̸y̸o̶u̵ ̷t̷h̵i̸n̵k̵,̸ ̵d̸u̴m̶m̸y̶.̵
[KO shakes his head in disbelief.]
It... it can't... it can't be you... I-I-I didn't even--
W̴e̴l̶l̶,̵ ̷b̴e̷l̷i̶e̷v̷e̵ ̵i̶t̴.̶
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L̷e̴m̶m̸e̵ ̷p̷u̵t̷ ̷i̸t̶ ̴t̴h̵i̷s̴ ̴w̷a̷y̴.̷ ̷Y̶o̸u̷ ̸k̴n̶o̷w̸ ̶t̶h̷o̸s̵e̶.̴.̴.̷ ̶t̷h̶o̴u̶g̴h̷t̶s̵ ̵t̷h̸a̶t̶ ̸K̷O̶ ̵a̵n̴d̷ ̵T̴K̴O̸ ̸h̵a̸v̶e̴ ̷b̸e̵e̵n̴ ̷b̴e̶i̷n̷g̶ ̶t̷o̷t̴a̴l̸ ̷w̸i̶m̵p̴s̵ ̵a̸t̵ ̵d̵e̸a̴l̷i̶n̵g̸ ̸w̷i̸t̸h̴ ̷l̴a̸t̷e̸l̵y̴ ̷a̸n̷d̶ ̸h̵o̶w̶ ̶I̶ ̶t̴r̶i̶e̵d̷ ̸t̴o̴ ̵g̵i̸v̶e̴ ̷t̵h̵e̸m̶ ̴a̵ ̷p̶u̶s̶h̷ ̶i̶n̷ ̸t̴h̸e̵ ̷r̷i̶g̶h̴t̸ ̶d̴i̷r̵e̶c̷t̷i̸o̴n̶?̴ ̷Y̴'̸k̵n̴o̷w̶.̴.̵.̴ ̵a̴l̴l̶ ̵o̵f̶ ̷t̶h̸a̴t̷ ̶s̴t̶u̷f̸f̴ ̷r̵e̷l̷a̷t̵e̸d̴ ̶t̸o̷ ̵t̵h̵a̸t̷ ̴h̵e̷a̴r̶t̷l̶e̶s̸s̵ ̶p̶a̶r̸a̷s̴i̶t̴e̶ ̶c̷r̴i̴m̸e̸ ̵d̴u̸o̶?̴ ̵
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