#there were copies of fma too
jothemouse · 2 months
not art, but i got the equivalent of flashbanged this morning by my boyfriends work finds
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i guess some hardcore hetalian finally kicked it 🫡
no but seriously he said there was like 70+ manga, all in japanese, donated today. so i'm guessing someone made a BIG life decision lmaooo
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pornoes · 2 years
I’m trying to get back into manga, but I really only know about good series from the 2000s. Recommend me stuff please?
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lantur · 21 days
I haven't updated in a while!
Megan Thee Stallion concert on Tuesday night was incredible. She's a great performer and dancer. My favorite moment of the whole night was singing along to Savage as the closer - the song I played on repeat in winter 2020 while writing my royai fanfics ❤️ that song has a really special place in my heart because it was one of my first two Meg songs and I'm SO happy I got to enjoy it live!
Work this week was much better than work last week. I made progress on two projects I enjoy!
Things have been going really well at the gym. 4-mile runs feel easy, and I've upped my pace. I've gone up on all my lower body lifts too. Getting serious about strength training and building muscle for functional fitness purposes is absolutely the best thing I've done for myself physically, and the mental benefits are so real. There are so many times I wake up feeling off and my mind is totally cleared and my mood is so much better after the gym.
I finished reading the Dungeon Meshi manga this week, and I'm obsessed. I like it even more than FMA, and that's saying something! I'm also watching the anime with David. I can't get enough of Laios's party and all the characters and that whole dungeon.
I'm all caught up with season three of Abbott Elementary and I can't wait for the season three finale next week 👀
Book stuff has been exciting! My mother-in-law and my cousin-in-law both finished the novel and they were so kind and posted it on their IG pages. ❤️ I'm so happy they enjoyed it. Getting feedback has sparked so much joy. I'm also up to 44 paperback copies sold, which is so incredible. I never expected that. I won't have any idea about my April ebook sales until the first week of June unfortunately, thanks to IngramSpark's ebook sales reporting structure.
I enjoyed celebrating Mother's Day with my mother-in-law last weekend and emailing the moms in my work department, my friends' moms, and my sisters-in-law to wish them a happy day. I used to have such complicated and negative feelings about Mother's Day because of my own family issues, but I've really come around to seeing Mother's Day as a way of celebrating the people who do (and have done) the amazing and difficult work of raising the next generation (and our current generation). I perceive the holiday now as not just about my mom on an individual level of "celebrating my mom for Mother's Day", but about recognizing mothers on a societal level and I really appreciate that.
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treasureplcnet · 4 months
do you have any drawing tips? i'm just starting out and your style inspires me to keep going fr!!
HIYA !!! thank you that is so kind of you, i would say to keep drawing with references and do studies!! typically art studies (in like art school lol) are of old masters (da vinci, etc) but doing studies of styles that you like, like trying to copy a certain artist you like, also helps you develop skills !!
for example, lots of people (especially fanartists lol) do studies of artists like leyendecker while making the models their favorite characters/ocs, so it helps to make studies fun. literally look up leyendecker study on tumblr dot com and you will see hundreds.
(gets a bit long and rambly so i've thrown it under the cut :')
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style studies can be anything! above was done while watching wolfwalkers, just loose sketches that copied the style as the movie went along. i love the design and style in that film, wanted to incorporate it in my character design work, so i tried it out myself! it let me know the kinds of shapes used in the construction, the way it moves (wrt to animation) and silhouettes. by copying something, you learn how to do it on the way (so the kinds of colors used, what works best with shading, etc) it's like. reverse engineering
even very loosely copying something to identify what you like about the style helps! these were modelled after the way slimsense on ig paints (her work is 2nd + 4th examples below, my attempts at 'paint' 1st and 3rd lol), but doesn't really look like her work. i'm not necessarily trying to make perfect copies. i liked that her paint didn't blend perfectly, was blocky, and the additional lineart over the painting, so i brought that into my own art. i tried to create a painting style that was 'my own' off of lots of trial and error, and seeing what stuck!
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also find brushes you like! adobe has a bunch on their page (if you have photoshop, but i know there's some for procreate and other programs) and if you want the adobe brush files, lmk. i will send a drive link to you LOL (sketches of the same characters, using different brushes below. the two i used the most often, one being a solid inker and the other being a paintbrush)
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generally doing figure drawing is good too. i've heard advice about art where you can only start breaking the rules after you understand them, and a good grasp on anatomy, proportions, etc is definitely a good place to start! good sites to use for this are line of action for poses, and the morpho books (if you need pdfs of this let me know, though you should be able to find them if you look lol) !
i would also say learn perspective early on. i have no tips for you here i am so sorry. i didn't and now it bites me in the ass, but there has to be a youtube tutorial for this out there that can help you AND me. same goes for color theory. quickly dropping my favorite van gogh quote of all time:
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(quote is from a letter to his brother) just everyone needs the fundamentals first. don't worry about a personal style: that just comes naturally as you develop as an artist, and i was certainly inspired by a lot of the things i watched/consumed and artists i admired which absolutely shows in my work i think (manet. western comics. fma. avatar. pjo fanart. there are tells. you know how it is.)
also flip your canvas !!! like see below ... frankly this marcille is so lopsided (her entire face should shift to the left) LOL !! flipping horizontally makes the anatomy mistakes obvious, and shows you you what you need to fix. i should never have posted this as is but sometimes it works for humor and an artist is lazy </3
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AND ALWAYS USE REFERENCES WHEN YOU CAN!! i should use more references tbh!!! it helps with posing, getting anatomy correct, etc, and my friends use pinterest a lot, though i tend to just google when i need to LOLLL
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also draw what you like. there is genuinely nothing that is better for your art than getting into something REALLY BAD and then non stop drawing it. time + practice will lead to improvement no matter what the subject is!
i hope this was not too much information all at once !!! and some of it is helpful!!! it's a lot of basic improvement tips that i try to practice and use when i can :) so sorry that this got so long!!!!
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the-pen-pot · 1 year
If you want to answer....
If you were trapped on an island for a year and could only take 5 fanfics that you've written yourself, which ones would they be and why? 😊
And if you have 5 fanfics by other authors that you would take with you on an island, I would love to know too
PS; I'm sorry some of the people that read your fics are idiots.
Have a good day!
Ohhhhhh, hmmm okay.
Sorcerer's Bane - because it's my Merthur baby and I'm proud of it.
Hiraeth - mostly because it's a wip and I'll finish it by writing on coconut husks with charcoal sticks if I have to.
Riven Crown - because Bagginshield cures all ills (and it's meaty. I could probably use it as a bludgeon if I took the bound copy)
Saffron Soul, which will always be my fave FMA fic I wrote
The Stars move Still - because magical realism and Sherlock is still my jam.
As for five fics by other authors? These are all merthur because of I live there now.
The Loaded March series, by Footloose The Book of Merthur, by Horsecrazy For Want Of A Nail by @0hheytherebigbadwolf Bad Choice Of Words For My Alibi by @queerofthedagger Dower The Stars by RurouniHime Thanks for the questions, lovely! And for the solidarity 😁
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haro-hawayu · 9 months
One Piece Live Action
I started One Piece LA thinking that I'll just take 2-3 days to watch it.
I binged the entire series in one day... XD
More semi-organized but mostly unorganized thoughts below~
Prior to watching, I had like medium/medium-high expectations for the LA because the trailers looked quite promising and was reading in various places that Oda praised it too. I still had that little part of me thinking that if it flops, then it's okay because surely it can't be worse than uhh... FMA live action (never saw Netflix Death Note which I heard was really bad so never checked it out)??
First episode exceeded my expectations!! I think by episode 4 I was still convinced I wouldn't finish the entire season and still have some to watch the next day, but before I knew it, I was on the second to last episode already LOL. Epic fail on my end for underestimating both the series and my ability to binge.
Cast: I think the cast is amazing!! Going into the series, I wasn't 100% sure about characters like Nami or Sanji, but wow, they were so great. I loved how the actors took in like the "essence" of the characters and kinda made it into their own instead of going for carbon-copy same-exact-thing as their anime counterparts. I think that would have led to more exaggerated/awkward acting which might have been not so good. Like imagine if Sanji was the same exact version as LA, I think I would've been kinda uncomfortable to watch cuz if the actor failed to pull it off, he might've turned Sanji into kinda sleezy/creepy skirt-chaser (works in anime cuz it's funny but in LA, maybe not so much). I found the amount of "comedic" interactions just perfect for the series. The chemistry between the cast was really great too, especially Luffy-Zoro-Nami, the very first members of Straw Hat crew. There were some minor-ish characters that grew on me really quick too even though initially I was kinda meh about them (i.e. Koby and Helmeppo). Oh, another example of a character that was kinda changed/adapted for the series instead of being mainly comedy relief would be Buggy. I really love how Buggy's portrayed in the LA, I would prob say he's my fave villain in S1 lol.
Story: Story-wise, I found the pacing to be just right, esp for S1 with the initial crew and each of their backstories. The amount of plot they covered felt just right imo, esp with first ep of Luffy wanting to set out while he's on his little raft, meeting Koby and sharing about how he wants to his own wanted poster etc, and then we wrap it up with the final episode of the season where Koby sees Luffy off with his Wanted Poster, and Luffy setting out with his crew on his own boat.
Music: I love the music! I loved that one motif that keeps replaying throughout the episodes. I thought it was the same theme, but I listened to the OST after and noticed a bunch of different tracks with that motif playing. It's quite catchy. I loved the moments where they included "We Are"--I legit teared up hearing it when they were setting off with Merry and the music was playing. I never thought I'd get this emotional over a live action adaptation, but here we are.
CG: The CG was also better than expected. Not over the top. I think I was most concerned about Luffy's abilities, but they were done well. I think things to worry about in the future is how they handle other Devil Fruit users' abilities.
Anyways, I would give it like a... 9-9.5/10. There were some scenes that kinda made me go ???? but those were minor things I guess. One was whenever Garp & Koby played Go and the way they held the Go stones made me kinda cringe. Another moment was the scene of young Zoro and his sensei at Kuina's funeral and they bowed to each other. Young Zoro's bow was appropriate, but the sensei's bow in return was kinda ??? when you bow, you usually don't tilt your head up look up at the other person cuz it's kinda rude, so seeing the sensei do that, it's like giving off the wrong vibe. Just itty bitty things that threw me off.
S1 finished strong, but time will tell how S2 will go. Especially for characters like Brook or Chopper... I imagine them to be CG'd in so that might affect character interactions, and if they're not CG'd in, well I hope it won't be too distracting...
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royaidaydreams · 11 months
FMA Collection of Keepsakes
I took a walk down memory lane earlier this week while sorting though some boxes and found some special FMA memories over the years.
Now, I try to not collect merchandise because that's a slippery slope I'd easily slide down. But here are some memories from cons and my special-to-me copies of Roy and Riza manga volumes.
I met Colleen Clickenbeard, Riza's English voice actor, at a con that was held on my birthday in 2018. Very special. She was a sweetheart and signed this for me. I was too awestruck and shy to really speak other than to say I liked her work and that Riza was my favorite character. Meanwhile, my husband had an entire conversation about voice work and ADR work on Brootherhood and the 03 series with Mike McFarland (Jean Havoc) right next to us.
Meeting Riza's VA inspired me to make our Roy and Riza cosplays.
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In 2019 we entered our Roy and Riza cosplay in a contest at a local con. It was an amazing experience, and I should honestly do a write up of it. We entered as beginners and, because it was a small con, left as the winners in Best Experienced Craftmanship. Good times!
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Saved the con program and found this gem inside.
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The last of my little collection are two hardcover FMA manga volumes with Roy and Riza on the cover. These are special to me because I bought them when I moved overseas to a Russian speaking country, hence the titles in Russian. These helped me practice Cyrillic and were just super fun to flip through to learn a new language.
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liquidstar · 2 years
i completely missed this but apparently the second season of to your eternity is airing rn, and i dont know if ill watch it because ive actually read the manga passed the point of where the season will probably end off, but it reminds me that i have some thoughts about the series...
first of all i wanna say that i dont think its a BAD show, in fact i liked a lot of it. the premise of an orb that can shapeshift being sent down to earth by god to learn how to be human is already so intriguing. and the first episode is amazing and also a huge emotional gutpunch. it was its most down to earth episode too.
and to some degree i feel like its more fantastical elements (aside from fushi themself) detracted a bit from the story’s message. its supposed to be about what it means to be human, but the way this theme is handled in tandem with the shounen fantasy tropes feels a bit sloppy and makes the series come out somewhat hollow for it, and the more that are introduced the more its quality dwindles.
i DO think this can be done well, of course! im not saying fantastical tropes are bad at conveying the human experience, in fact i believe that they can be used to highlight it brilliantly. mp100 is a great example of a story using psychic powers to convey emotions and connections, fma is a great example of a series using its magic system in tandem with its philosophical themes and commentary, assassination classroom has a frankly batshit premise that actually makes some poignant commentary about the school system...
i dont think things have to be realistic to be human or relatable at all- they still hold value, not in spite of, but BECAUSE of the way the fantasy of their narratives reflect our human experiences. theyre metaphors! theyre fantasy! the whole point is that these fictional stories highlight the realities of our world.
but.... while i feel like to your eternity certainly tries to do this, i feel like a lot of the fantasy shounen elements are... less so thrown in there to highlight the stories message, and more so just added in to spice up the story. and i think thats fine, but after a certain point it feels like these added spices have sort of taken away the flavor that made it appealing to begin with. that and some frankly very weird choices that are trying to be deep but are mostly just kind of strange.
personally i think its a series with a premise that would benefit more from being down to earth. that doesnt mean it cant be a fantasy at all (its premise makes it one by default, technically) but i feel like it doesnt have to do stuff like add monsters and tournament arcs and aliens assimilating with humans and fushi getting knocked up as a turtle to be interesting. also the lolicon step brother shit what the fuck was up with that. i feel like the more elements like this get introduced the less interesting the story became because it was just... literally losing the plot.
and this last thing here really is personal preference but when i first heard what the series was about... i would have loved if it was just. historical fiction? you know, like, a forest-gump style thing but instead of the latter half of the 20th century its just a big chunk of human history. i think i would have loved seeing an orb learn to be human just by watching them go through different eras of humanity, all around the world, just being a small part of history and maybe even sometimes playing a bigger role (for better or worse).
but regardless of that, i just think sometimes... less is more. seeing fushi interact with humans to “become” human is the point, no need to add a grander narrative about copying the entire earth and beating evil monsters- there are plenty of real life historical events to place them in to give stakes! or even fantasy versions of those events! you can tell that thats what they were going for in a lot of arcs but tbh the march and gugu arcs were the only ones that really nailed it. everything would get progressively more and more unhinged from there.
to just see a character that was once an object become moss, become a wolf, become a nameless boy, become a little girl, become their own brother, and learn what all that means... that was already enough. but the story just kind of stopped being about that after that whole prison island arc (which i do think still had interesting commentary about the violent side of humanity too but wasnt really all too elaborated on for fushi’s development). the best episode since that was just the one where they watched their grandma figure die of old age and dementia- that felt genuine again.
the theme of “what it means to be human” was just sort of lost, like, its still there but you have to move aside a lot of contrived nonsense to really still see it, in my opinion. and it doesnt work as well as i would have loved it too. i really really really wish it did! thats why i read like 200 chapters of the manga! but... it didnt refind its footing in my eyes, sadly. i dont think its bad if you like it but i do think it leaves a bit to be desired, for me.
but hidden within there is still an amazing premise. and it doesnt need to be Epic. i think it would have been enough to just watch fushi go through different eras, meet different people, carry them with themself, and move on to the next “lesson in humanity.” it wouldnt have to be part of some grand plan by an alien to copy earth, but just a way for god to learn from his creations (i dont even think god needs to be shown).
and i think the story would have been more impactful too, if it went with a more “nihilistic optimism” route, when asked why humanity matters. whats the point of all this? everyone dies all the time, theres so much pain and suffering, and people struggle for all of history... but people also come together for all of history, make families, friends, art, music, and reasons of their own to keep living. and even though its a blip in the face of eternity its also... something. it also mattered. that the nameless boy, who died without any family alive to remember him, long long in the past, still mattered. not because of something grandiose, but because he just was. and now hes not. but he was. that mattered. i think thats enough.
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mickeymagpie · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @marypsue, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
106 so far!
2. What’s your total word count?
321,819, which is somehow both lower and higher than i expected.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
a whole lot; most recently Rise of the TMNT, my fandom on ao3 with the most works is Rise of the Guardians. lots of rises.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
The Gravity Falls trans dipper one-shot, the FMA Ishvalan!Elrics AU, an into the spiderverse fic, raven cycle pov outsider, and a star wars force awakens one-shot. i give all my fics long song lyric titles so that's all the info yall are getting lmao.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always start out trying to respond to everything when i post a new fic, but then i get overwhelmed pretty quick. lo siento mucho.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually go for angsty endings tbh! I like a lot of angst in the middle, or i go for kind of bittersweet endings.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably that star wars one; force awakens had just come out and i was one of many kylo ren woobifiers who wanted him to have accepted han's invite to come home.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The most hate i've gotten is on a Different star wars fic where i made Luke trans and some people were Not happy. luckily, i have a permit (i can do what I want).
9. Do you write smut?
yeah lol. i don't post a lot of it though; most of the time i just share it with my discord friends.
10. Do you write crossovers?
all the time all the time babey.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yes i've been notified 2 or 3 times that someone copied my stuff onto wattpad or ffnet. i usually go report them but don't care enough to follow up.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? not that I can remember. I've had one or two podficced though iirc.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nnnnot a finished one. my friends and i do a lot of half fic writing and half rp that usually doesn't turn into a polished product (but it's still fun <3).
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ALL TIME FAVORITE FLYNN AND LUCY TIMELESS. i've never written fic for them and the show isn't even GOOD but god the way they look like "she fixed him" bs on the surface but really they're each so perfect to make up for the other's shortcomings. also i always wanted so badly for someone to tell her to get her dog on a leash <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
ahaha,,,, the good omens roleswap fic is burning a hole in my document folder. i have an outline i just have no inspiration/motivation :(
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterization; particularly I've gotten the feedback that i'm good at writing characters in different circumstances from canon while keeping their personalities both Intact and Logically Justifiable.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
ending things, both in the sense that i start a lot of stuff and don't finish it, and the sense that i usually have too many ideas and don't know how/where to cut off a plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
google translate always does me dirty so now i usually just write the dialogue in english and use a dialogue tag like "she said in *insert language*"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
iiiiii think it was Rise of the Guardians! before that i mostly did over-dramatic RP on the cricket magazine forums where i had characters like a half-dragon bounty hunter.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
probably the ishvalan elrics fic! fma is already full of a lot of meaty concepts, and it was fun re-conceptualizing the canon plot and character beats while keeping the arching plot intact. stuff like that is like a puzzle to me, it's very satisfying when i finish one and it gets positive feedback!
tagging anyone who wants to do it, because im. so sleepy rn
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linootte · 2 years
I just found your art through your CR animatic and absolutely fell in love with your style,, what/who are some of your biggest artistic inspirations?
Hi! I received this ask ages ago, idk if you're even still here or alive anon, but I'm going to respond to it!
I don't have a very fixed style, so i guess this is a hard question for me to answer, but here are a few artsists that are always in the back of my mind!
First, Stupidoomdoodles. She did a lot of cool DBZ Vegebul comics a few years ago. Her style was quite "simple", but i've yet to find an artist whose expressions made me laugh more that hers. Sadly she has deleted most of her art/blogs so you can only find her art reposted. Whenever you see me drawing big round stupid eyes... that's her legacy.
In the same ballpark, @kebabcito recently is killing me with their expressive and sketchy comics, with top-notch character designs. And that texture mmmmh... I REALLY have an itch to do more comics (the problem being: having time and ideas).
Animation-wise, I obviously am influenced a lot by Ghibli (who isn't), but people like Felix Colgrave (bc I love how disturbing yet coherent and colorful his world is) or Louis Zong (bc this man's content is so funny and i love how much he blends techniques, music, animation, everything together...I WISH I KNEW HOW TO DO THAT DAMN) are also big inspirations.
@ameliecausse is a very dear friend of mine (coucou si tu lis ça :D ). She influenced a lot the way i think about backgrounds, and her digital paintings were so good they pushed me to do more lineless art, and to incorporate already existing textures into some of my drawings. Also I stole a bunch of photoshop brushes from her shhh.
I need to mention FMA: not only is it my favorite manga, i use to copy pages from it, a lot. I think it KIND OFs hows in the way i draw heads??... idk. (i know i never draw anything FMA-related, but you don't "need" to do fanart for a piece of media that is already perfect imo. At least for me, fanart is always born of a mix of excitement and frustration). Recently I've learned to love very colorful art more than ever, like Moebius, or Dominique Ramsey's art. Anyone who draw weird creatures/animals already has my love, but her!!! Wow... What can I say. Just go see her stuff please.
Speaking of colorful art, my lastest illustration shows i think how much @cy-lindric's work had an impact on me. There are hundreds of other artists I would to love to talk about, but this post is already too long. So here is a recent art mindblow of mine to finish this post:
Thank you for that very interesting question!
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mystech-master · 2 years
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Hero Artifact: Ren Amamiya/Joker
See my previous Hero Artifact for Shirou Emiya for details on this series
My idea for an artifact for Joker was a set of gloves that allow for demonic magic. Originally it was just one glove but it expanded to two with the abilities which I will explain later.
I went for the demon thing b/c I wanted to expand on how Satanael uses the 7 Sins in the Sinful Shell, so I wanted to split them up into various powers. The claws were added for more detail but could also be used for lockpicking, the Pentagram on the left hand for the demonic theme, and the zero on the other representing the Fool Arcana. The Smartwatch with the Metanav eye was meant to give reference to that important part of the plot and again, I'll explain later. He also can summon the Wings of Rebellion from Smash and can now fire feathers like knives (think Xayah from League of Legends)
For now, I will go over the Powers that I chose to represent this Sins:
Lust: Pheromone Manipulation, Mostly used for causing Sleep/Confusion. Eventually, this power can evolve into complete Biological Manipulation. This power was slightly difficult to decide b/c most Lust powers seem to be gateways to someone's hentai fic and that isn't what I am trying to do, but given this particular sin I guess it's unavoidable
Gluttony: Joker is a nimble thief and not an overeater, plus most mouth/eating-based powers don't fit a classy phantom thief. When I was looking through examples of Sin powers I came across Pyrokinesis, as Fire is also a consuming element (GLuttony is more than just eating). Plus I could see Joker using the flames to aid in cooking, as the magic within it makes the food taste 10x better.
Greed: Supernatural Theivery. Think like Soft & Wet from JJBA, but WAY more limited at first. In the beginning, he can only steal personality aspects, since the Phantom Thieve's whole M.O. is stealing people's distorted desires. This can be done via touch or through phantasmal chains that he can shoot out from the gloves. The stolen negative aspect then takes the form of a jewel. Of course, since the only thing in this jewel is a negative aspect of someone's personality and in the hands of anyone else it would just corrupt them, it's better to just get rid of it. Once the power evolves though, THEN he can steal powers and place them into gemstones. He has found a way to cheat and gain many other powers through this.
Sloth: Again, Joker isn't lazy or anything like that, so I had to be specific. I went with Telekinesis b/c now he can steal from afar and can manipulate the feather kunai better.
Wrath: Curse Weapon Manifestation. With this power, he can use his Eiha/Curse Element in weapons. This curse feeds on the negativity of the target so a normal/good person will only get a headache and maybe a small cold at worst. He can normally just finger-gun it, but if the opponent is armored/super durable then he'll need the weapons to break through. His main weapon can switch between gun and knife form. Combining this ability with his Greed power can allow for creating new weapons empowered by abilities he's taken (For more detail, Say he was fighting Krillin. If he were to use the Greed power absorption on him directly, he'd gain Ki but not know any of his techniques. If Krillin fires the Destructo Disk at him and he absorbs it as it comes at him, he can then use that technique but ONLY, that technique. If he absorbs the Destructo Disk, then places that jewel into a weapon, like a CHakram, then it is enhanced even further, but with the downside of now it is a physical object that can be taken back as Joker needs physical contact to return the weapon back within his glove's hammerspace).
Envy: This one, Greed, and Gluttony can be hard because all 3 share a theme of Absorbing/Copying powers/energy. I went with the simple Shapeshifting like Envy from FMA.
Pride: I don't want to go too BS with this one (I say as I have listed all these abilities for Joker, and that he has more via his Greed power). I went with Intangibility for Pride. I gives me that vibe of "I am above you, you don't deserve to touch me".
I had other ideas for some Sin powers, but those could easily be obtained by the Greed power stealing that power from someone else. SO I am basically cheating, but hey. When do thieves play by the rules?
As for the Metanav app, Joker actually has access to his own little pocket dimension with this power known as "The Underworld" (referencing the Demonic Plane and the Criminal Underworld). It is basically a massive expansion of the Thieve's Den from Royal that he can alter however he likes. Much like the Velvet Room it is between Dream and Reality, so he can access it whenever he likes and can even alter how time flows there. He can even invite his Friends here due to their bonds. There is a cityscape within this dimension sure (forged by Joker's memories of this time in Tokyo and on the road in Strikers), but in the outer areas are where powerful demons can manifest. This is usually used for training and obtaining new powers.
Yeah I went ham with this one sue me.
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quinloki · 7 months
Yes!! You know YuYu Hakusho! You just got cooler in my eyes because I swear to god anyone I talk to about anime looks at me like wtf when I say it’s one of my faves. So good!!
I did a rewatch somewhat recently and it aged really well, I was impressed.
Yu Yu Hakusho got me into anime in the first place.
Poltergeist Report was a movie they had at Blockbuster Waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day xD I didn't even know it was a series at first. Now I have the DVDs, Manga, and a digital copy of the series too. I have, interestingly, everything except for a copy of the movie ^^;
I mean, the set up is fantastic, and the tournament was ground breaking back in the day, but the story arcs AFTER the Dark Tournament were what really blew me away.
Kurama is my BOY. But, Hiei was my first crush XD
YYH stayed my #1 until around 2004/2005 when I learned about Fullmetal Alchemist. And FMA stayed top dog until I finally gave One Piece a chance last year.
And I mean, I enjoy a LOT of animes, but those three are probably going to be in my top 10 for forever at this point. (One Piece squeaked into first place somewhere just before the time skip. I just realized that if I had to pick between the two I'd pick OP and it was a bit of a crisis for me at the time XD <3 )
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kaoarika · 1 year
So, my silly plan about buying manga from now on (until close future) might be something like this:
Each two weeks, as much as my budget allows me.
I will try and give priority series that I had to stop following due to circumstances at the time. Unfortuntely, for the same reason, these series might have "out of print" volumes because they are becoming harder to get by. I would like to say I "could test my luck" online, but, lol. I don't even trust Amazon these days with this weird "false-perceptive inflation" phenomenon they are plagued with. Second hand is my probably 2nd best choice if I don't come with other "official distributor stores".
I am also debating in maybe giving up some other series because I'm not sure if I will be able to complete them at this rate. FMA, for example, is "old" at this point. I could have been able to get copies of it before 2020... and now it seems impossible. I am really betting they are considering in publishing the "Complete" edition from a few years ago, given they recently published the 20th anniversary book, but I guess time will tell.
I will try and follow the few new series that I have just started buying because I couldn't stop tempting myself to get them. Luckily, as of now, I was able to finish three series that I had on "hiatus" since 2018-ish, so, I suppose I could get the chance to start new series (I am also taking into consideration how long they are; completed options are the best).
Was thinking in probably "double dip" stuff like LoveCom or Nana, but I would probably continue them where I left them (since 2008/09!) as priority for obvious budget-ish reasons. LoveCom was recently completed, and I think in September or October? I will attempt to resume Nana, ig...?
There's plenty of stuff I wish I could be able to buy, but their popularity overwhelms me (in the whole "frick, I cannot buy these because they get out of stock pretty quick????" kind of way. So many interesting titles! They get OOS TOO quick if they even get restocked OTL), lol. And some of these are already over my budget (it's not a BAD thing, I think the printing quality SHOWS why they cost what they do... but also D:)... I just wish the publisher was able to restock quicker, OTL.
I have been thinking in those "old good days" where I could simply go to this one official-publishing's distribution store that was in the city where I lived in the late 00s, and I was overjoyed at the time because, it was "easier" to get around stuff that I only could get in places like newspaper stand and (with a strike of luck) in a department store. Sure... I could say "overjoyed" because I don't think there were other animanga-dedicated stores that could sell both manga AND official merch... and now those times seem quite far away now.
Sure, there was a monopoly of sort with manga publishing, they were far deep into debt (? probably licensing debt), and they overstocked their series like there was no tomorrow. Much of their stuff I mostly got them because they were already making discounts (half the price of what used to cost around 45-75 pesos from almost 20 years ago) until they were doing clearance sales to get rid of them.
Times surely have changed, sure. But I wish my circumstances were a little more better than... what? A few years ago... and I seriously wish they did more reprint runs or more frequent restocking (that and I seriously wish other specialized stores were closer to me than they are these days: a trip to downtown, to the closer by mall(s), or, well, right next to the most traffic-busy area of the city.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
hellooooo aine ive been binge reading your blog smh and recently ive been into black clover and full metal alchemist and i fell in love with fuegoleon, nozel and william theyre just so gorgeus😩🌷 can i pls request them with an s/o who is an alchemist and can use any type of magic and they can copy their magic and theyre the niece of the wizard king and is close to mereoleona. Thank you stay safe and healthy🌷😊🌟👑
Hello lovely bby!! I'm very sure I have a handful of mutuals who think the same as you hehe, (¬‿¬ ) Fuego, Noz and Wil are definitely favourites from the number of request I always receive hehe!
Also I'm sorry Anony but I didn't watch FMA, but I know it's a lit anime, but I should add it to the long list of anime I want to watch, lmao. So please forgive me if the reader is nothing like the characters of FMA haha.
In case anyone is wondering, alchemist is someone like a chemist x astrology, more like in the olden days, aha! I hope my explanation is okay haha!
Fuegoleon | Nozel | William x f! reader
Fuegoleon Vermillion
He initially didn't have feelings for you and thought of you like a sister, since you and his sister were so close, and you were always over at his place.
Moreover, you were his boss' niece, so he didn't even have any romantic thoughts about you. Until you and him went on a mission together.
He saw how you were actually different from his sister, how you were gentle and caring, how worried you were for him when he was injured, how you took care of him, he wondered why didn't he realise all these from before.
So he kept finding excuses to get Mereo to ask you to come over, from holding parties to dinners, not to mention the countless of times he needed some potion or elixir or some random kind of potion, just so he could see you.
Mereo catches on it one day and she teases her brother relentlessly for it, but when it was just you and Mereo, she would help her poor brother out a little.
She would drop hints and ask you how you felt about Fuego. When she realises the potential you both have, she would try to matchmake the both of you, because what's more better than being bestie sisters was to make you her real sister.
He finally confessed one day, after much pushing from Mereo. You were overjoyed of course. Fuego confessed that he was a little nervous that your uncle was actually the wizard king himself, but you assured him that he would be happy for the both of you too.
Julius was surprised but he thought that the both of you were just so cute together.
Fue would learn a little about alchemy with you and he picked it up quickly too, since he was such a smart man. He was able to do simple alchemy like turning some chemicals into basic potions. Using his magic to cook and boil the chemicals for you? Yes yes yes.
Nozel Silva
Found you intimidating and hard to get close to at first, because well, you were the niece of the wizard king PLUS your bestie was loud and crazy af.
But he has a major crush on you, he couldn't help it. To Nozel Silva you were just this cute, sexy and beautiful angel ever to walk on the face of Earth.
His face always dawned a hint of pink when he saw you, and he couldn't really find the right words to start the conversation with you.
Lady luck and cupid probably pitied this man at this point so one day you bumped into Nozel when you were out buying some of your alchemist stuff.
Also to make sure that this royal would definitely have the chance to speak to you, you had no money on you and you had to embarrassingly ask him if he had any money you could borrow.
This man proceeds to throw out all his money on the counter, it was WAY more than enough, he was not trying to flex, he was just so nervous and he prayed that he had enough on him to be able to pay for you.
Of course he wouldn't want you to pay him back, and he offers to carry your stuff and send you to where ever you were going to. (he totally forgot about why he was at the store in the first place)
And that was the start of you always talking to him whenever you guys met. He was somehow always "coincidentally" bumping into you more often.
You were also surprised that he knew a little about Alchemy too, well he was dead smart so you have no idea what doesn't he know. He could even help you write formulas and create simple elixirs.
He eventually man-ed up and confessed his feelings for you. And you know Nozel Silva, he does not care about who your bestie or uncle was when he was crazily in love with you.
William Vangeance
He was acquainted with you because you were Julius' niece in the first place. You don't know about him, but it was love at first sight for you. He was such a well mannered and gentle man. You've never saw such a pair of gorgeous eyes in your life.
"We have the same colour eyes, y/n!" your uncle would fake some tears to you.
"Have you seen his eyes, uncle Ju? They say the eyes are the window to the soul of a person, he has a beautiful soul."
Anyway, William was often at the wizard king's office so you both spent quite a good amount of time together.
Well, unless your bestie Mereo came along. This bestie of yours does not see why you like this man. Well, they were kind of the exact opposite in character so you could kinda understand why too.
She always tried to pull you away from William and tried to match make you with her brother, Fuego, instead.
Until one day, Mereo half joked to William, "eh Captain Gold, are you purposely sticking around y/n so much? Are you trying to hit on her?"
"Yes, if I didn't make it obvious enough," William smiled warmly at Mereo, showing none of the frustration that he hid inside him. "I do believe that I like y/n."
That was enough to keep Mereo speechless and you a stuttering mess. The rest was history.
Your favourite dates are you and him creating some special elixir or potion for plants. Also, you both on the battlefield are a deadly combi.
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the-pen-pot · 2 years
Fanfic Info
Ohhh, saw @logicalheartsoul do this. Very cool. Thought I'd give it a go! I'm Beautifulfiction on AO3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 118
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 3,162,767
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? On AO3? 6. Sherlock, Merlin, The Hobbit, Good Omens, Witcher, Fullmetal Alchemist. Pre-AO£ there were a few more, and I have a Teen Wolf WiP, too
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All Sherlock ones Gilded Cage - 10,116 Elkectric Pink Hand Grenade - 9063 Midnight Blue Serenity - 7560 To Light Another's Path - 6020 Bloody But Unbowed - 5736
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I'm a happily ever after person, so none of them, really. I do angst along the way, and then make it all better.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Probably Sorcerer's Bane in the Merlin fandom
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written? No. I tend to write AUs though.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Moslty m/m these days
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes, absolutely. If people took the time to read and comment the least they deserve is a bit of thanks!
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yeah. Some people don't know what the back button is for.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. Normally someone thinks they can copy and paste something from AO3 into wattpad and say its theirs. Thankfully they get ttaken down pretty quick when reported. 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I am very fortunate that people have translated some of the monsterously long things I've written ♥
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not for years!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? It changes, but at the moment Merthur has stolen my heart.
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I have several. I'd love to find the time to finish a couple of FMA ones, like Counterpoint and No Smoke WIthout Fire, but I'm not sure I'll get the time.
16. What are your writing strengths? Descriptions, or so I've been told. Also, consistency? I do normally manage to finish most of my fics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Hmmm, keeping to constraints. I'm not very good at being concise.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? It's something I would attempt if the character demanded it, but I would try and find a native speaker to help so I didn't make a mess of it.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince because I hated something that happened and it had to be re-written on my mum's typewriter. I cannot recall how old I was. Actual stuff I posted on the internet? It was either extreme ghostbusters or digimon, and is thankfully lost forever.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hmmmmmmm, it's a toss up between The Riven Crown (Hobbit) and Sorcerer's Bane (Merlin.) So far, anyway.
Tagging: Whoever sees this and fancies it ♥
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oneisallallisone · 2 years
Do you have fma ocs that you would love to talk about? 👀💖
Oh boy do I!!!💜
Rory (they/them)
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Rory is a state alchemist who comes from a military family, although they hardly have any family left. They’re known as the Silent Alchemist, which is odd because their entrance is usually preceded by some kind of explosion. They were given their title due to the fact that they cannot speak verbally. To communicate they use ASL (Amestrian Sign Language. Lol) No one in the military knows this, but the reason Rory can’t speak is because they tried to use human transmutation to bring their late alchemy teacher back to life. The Truth took their tongue as payment.
Corinne (she/her)
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Corinne is a librarian at the National Central Library. She used to work at the First Branch (where she knew Sheska quite well!) but ever since that building burned down she’s been working at the Second Branch. Corinne was at the First Branch the night it was burned, though. She was working the closing shift and had just locked up for the night when Lust and Gluttony snuck in to burn it down. Corinne knows the fire couldn’t have started by itself, and she’s determined to figure out the truth behind who did it.
Echo (she/they)
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Echo is a homunculus created by the Drachman government. She was sent to lay waste to Fort Briggs, but quickly decided that she didn’t want to be their weapon. A war between Drachma and Amestris would only bring suffering to both sides. So Echo made their way south, all the while pursued by the authorities who wanted to take them back to Drachma. Eventually she stumbled into Dublith and was offered sanctuary at The Devil’s Nest. Greed was intrigued at the prospect of homunculi existing outside of his, uh, “family.” As a homunculus, Echo has the ability to create a copy of herself. Though the copy is only an illusion, it retains all of Echo’s intelligence and proficiency with weaponry.
And I guess there’s also The Koldun, who doesn’t reeeaaally count as an oc but also kind of does! Their backstory is complicated enough for it lol (but not all of it has been revealed yet so shhhhh). The Koldun is the main character of my (y/n) fmab fic, and though they are not an alchemist, they do possess a very powerful set of skills. Their home country of Drachma would call them “koldun,” and only word in Amestris to describe what they might be is “sorcerer.” They’re not sure why they can perform magic when the world seemingly relies on alchemy/alkahestry, but they’re determined to find out. There is no picrew for them because they’re a (y/n) character, so they look however the reader wants them to look!!
I’m sorry if this was waaaaayyy too detailed for what you were expecting. Thank you for asking me though, this was so fun to talk about!!
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