#there's still 20 open spots in this pack if anyone wants to request additional ones btw!
carnabybeat · 1 year
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HEY If you're a fan of Blackadder and use the Telegram app (there must be at least one other person out there)...
I've made a pack of 100 stickers of characters from Blackadder Goes Forth!!!
Download: https://t.me/addstickers/BlackadderS4
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sourmarmales · 5 years
Found — Tokoyami x Reader
Words: 2000+
Summary: You spent a large chunk of your life not knowing if your soulmate was even alive. Your tattoo never darkening, leaving you in a dark spot until the day you found him.
You lived in a world where everyone had a tattoo like marking just like their supposed other half, their ‘soulmate’. No other pair had the same marking. It became darker the closer your soulmate was to you, or lighter the farther away they get.
Around the age of 11 is when yours appeared on the back of your left hand, a pair of birds joined together with a crescent moon shape above it. You waited for the day it’d become the dark black you desired, but it was always a white or light grey.
You were currently 23 and it never even got close to a dark grey. It stayed a pale white. A lonely, ghostly white.
When you were 20, it had caused you to move from your family home and begin to isolate yourself whenever possible not being able to see the pitying eyes any longer.
Jealousy raged through you like a thick fog during this time but there was nothing you could do but wait.
But you soon enough you had found some happiness in your roommates.
You lived with your new friend Amiki and her soulmate Naoko, all of you just barely able to pay off your two-bedroom apartment together. They both had quirks, Naoko himself worked for a hero agency as a sidekick when possible.
You on the other hand…
You were quirk-less. You worked full time for the ‘Community Center’, only earning three dollars more than minimum wage. You did anything for them, being as that you weren’t the best at saying no. You were almost there pack mule of the company.
You stood up from the office chair and sucked in a breath as you stretch your arms high into the air, your back making a loud crack before you let your arms drop. You grabbed your jacket and purse, letting them lazily sit in your arms as you reach for all the paperwork on your desk, a few slid underneath and you decided to just pick them up tomorrow.
You stepped out of the small, almost closet-sized, room. The lights already off in the building, you slumped your shoulders and walked along the wall towards the exit, you straightened up once you heard laughing voices. You could see two figures standing in the lobby, the only part still lit up in the building.
“(Y/N)! There you are! I was looking everywhere for you!” Your supervisor called, you just stood in front of him, quirking an eyebrow. He and your shift lead snickered, bumping each other with their arms like they were both in on a secret joke.
“Why…?” You were hesitant to ask, you just wanted to go home, and knowing him for a while you already knew he needed you to do something that could have been done by anyone.
“I need you to go to the upper floor and set it up for seating around the table for fifty and around the wall for one hundred and fifty.”
“But I’m off for the night?” You mumbled in question and glanced at your shift lead who had a tentacle arm quirk. He could indisputably do the job in 30 minutes where it’d take you to triple that.
“I knew I could count on you. See you at eight tomorrow!” He shouted, choosing to ignore you. He brought his hand down on your back, hard, in what they would call a ‘friendly gesture’. The items you had flew out of your arms, scattering all over the ground. They just laughed as they walked out of the entrance, leaving you in the building alone.
You wondered why you didn’t quit but then it all came rushing to you, you couldn’t afford it.
‘You just have to be patient.’ You thought to yourself as you looked at your pale tattoo. ‘The day will come eventually.’
You slowly gathered the discarded belongings from the cold stone floor. You straightened your skirt and walked towards the elevator so you could just rush in and leave.
You headed to the upper floor, what was called the ‘Skyline Meeting Room’. It was only for big company meetings but there hadn’t been one scheduled for tomorrow so you thought the whole thing was a waste of your time.
You half-assed the setup and by the time you finally got to the apartment the time had already hit one in the morning. You forgot to lock the door as you headed straight to your room, not even managing to take off the business required black pencil skirt, dark blue button-up, and black two-inch heels, you fell into an uncomfortable slumber aided by your exhaustion.
Your dreams were filled with strange creatures of many colors and variety, a normal dream that you wouldn’t remember when you woke up.
The smell of burnt toast and the sound of shuffling in the apartment disturbed your rest. You rolled off the bed figuring it was time to wake up anyways. Cringing at the uncomfortably twisted clothes, you busted out of your room and straight into the bathroom, looking at the small clock hanging on the wall.
You eyes narrowing to focus past your sleepy daze, you could see the small hand on 6 and the big hand near the bottom. You decided it was around 6:30 in the morning and decided you would just rush your routine. You jumped in the shower, being quick to wash up before almost slipping out of the shower. Before standing in the mirror and brushing your hair and teeth before running across the hall to your room to put on some clothes.
You walked into the kitchen wearing a fresh new skirt and blouse, not wanting to put the agonizing heels on just yet. You bounced on your toes as you looked at the cereal selection in the cabinet.
A loud gasp followed by shatter made you whip around in shock. Your roommate stood staring at you with wide eyes her, her shoulder tense and her hands still in the original form when she was holding the now destroyed plate.
“Amiki what’s wrong?” You snapped out, your heart racing from the sudden loud noises.
“Your tattoo!” She screamed, her arm flying up, her other hand covering her mouth. You quickly brought your arm up seeing the marking an almost black. The breath caught in your throat, as you just stared at it.
“Oh my god!” You yelled out and she shoved you in pure excitement, you stumbling before catching yourself on the counter, holding onto it like it was your life support.
“You gotta go find him!” She yelled, a wide smile resting on her face.
You had the same look as you stared at your hand until the realization set in and your smile faded, your thumb rubbing over the marking.  “I have work I can’t-”
“Fuck work! Call in sick!” She placed her hands on her hips, eyebrows quirked in an angry look.
“Ami I… I can’t. I just have to hope he finds me.”
“Your work better be glad to have someone as dedicated as you.” She sighed, seeing the sad look that adorned your face. You both quietly continuing your morning routine with a few additional glances at your hand.
Once you got to work, you shoved past the large body of people in front of your work building, you held up your badge for the security at the door and they let you through with a grunt.
“Hey, what’s going on?” You asked the front desk assistant, she cocked her eyebrow, seeming irritated with your simple question.
“You’re joking right?” She almost snapped, you quickly shook your head and she brought her hand up, rubbing her temples before speaking quickly. “We’re hosting the annual pro hero meeting. I thought you would have known, seeing as that you have more clearance with these things than I do. Is that good?”
“Yes, thank you.” You quickly said, moving away from her station you headed up towards your ‘office’. You saw a small typed note on your door and yanked it off.
‘(Y/N), Come up to the Skyline Meeting Room and stand out in front of the doors. There is a cart of refreshments for our distinguished guests that will need to be distributed during the 15-minute break. Just stay put and wait for my instructions. -HK’
Your shoulders slumped as you dropped your belongings into your office before fast walking to the elevator. You walked up to the doors and stood next to one of the guards. You stood straight up and held your hands together, covering your tattoo in the process.
You watched as a few pro heroes walked into the room, but only one caught your eye. You watched as the jet-black pro walked past. He seemed stressed as he walked into the room, his eyes moved everywhere almost seeming to be searching the ground for answers.
You felt a small vibration a few minutes later and pulled out your phone, a message.
‘Bring me tea now.’
You grabbed the tea from the cart and slipped into the room, bringing in the tea for your boss as requested. You had your head down as you headed over to him on the sidelines. The meeting had already started. You handed him the tea and promptly walked out, standing outside the door, waiting for further instructions. Unknown to you of the eyes that followed you around inside.
As time went by you felt another buzz and quickly looked down to your phone, ‘A simple, ‘Bring in the carts’ popped up and you grabbed onto one of the carts, quickly pushing it towards the door, one of the security guards held the doors open as you moved the cart of refreshments. You nodded to him as you pushed it in. There was a large amount of what seemed like friendly chatter. You put on a fake smile as you walked around. You offered the drinks around, and handed them to people with your left hand hiding your marking for no real reason.
They all were super friendly, answering with pleases and thank you’s. All but two, Ground Zero who already had his reputation and Tsukuyomi who still seemed frazzled as he intently starred as you walked around the table.
Once you finished your rounds you walked towards the exit. You could faintly hear past the loud talking a chair squeal as it was pushed from somewhere with force, quick footsteps approached before your right wrist was ripped from the cart. The pro hero Tsukuyomi was staring at your marking intently.
“I’m sorry, but could you let go?” You whispered in shock, you paled a bit seeing the whole room was staring at you two, cameras pointed in your direction. It was more of his unexpected behavior that had everyone quiet.
You watched as the feathers on his head puffed up. He held onto your wrist, his thumb ran over your marking a few times before his hand slipped into yours in a smooth motion. The other moved to push his cape away from his arm, he twisted it towards you, his eyes never leaving yours. You could see the dark black tattoo on his forearm.
It matched yours perfectly.
You stared for a few more seconds before your head snapped up to look at him, he released your hands as he scooped you up in a tight hug. It didn’t take you any time to wrap your arms around his neck in pure bliss. He’s what you’ve been waiting for all this time.
Your eyes flooded with happy tears as he spun you around. As he set you down, his hands slid back into yours as he bumped his forehead against yours. Your eyes shut as you sat there for a minute, a wide smile on your face.
“Tsukuyomi! Tsukuyomi!” The press called at him.
He ignored them as he leaned into your ear, “I’m Fumikage Tokoyami.”
You whispered back yours, still dazed from the fast and unanticipated meeting of your soulmate.
A bombardment of questions flowed out like a dam breaking, the camera flashes were almost blinding.
“Is that your soulmate?” “Did you know she was here?” “Are you just meeting?” “What’s her name?” “What are you going to do now?”
He just stood blocking most of the camera’s from your view as his cape covered your side.
“Those questions will all be answered eventually. As of now no comment.” He said before pulling you around and pushing you out the door before they shut.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” You supervisor called, you stopped and looked over your shoulder before turning around to face him. His face was red with anger. “And where do you think you are going?” He snapped and you looked at the ground.
“I was just-”
“You planned this didn’t you?” He growled steam pouring from his ears in anger. “You can’t just leave now!” “Yes, sir.” You mumbled, your hand covering your tattoo in instinct. Your body was then abruptly tugged to the side, you looked up to see a cloudy blackbird hovering over Tokoyami’s form
“She will no longer be working here. Effective immediately.”
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obisanyas · 5 years
hello meredith! your winona ryder gif pack was gorgeous, and it made me wonder if you would ever be willing to do a giffing tutorial? i'm trying to learn how to make my own resources, and i would love to be able to make gifs in the same high quality/gif pack style you do them in! hope you're doing well, and thank you for taking the time to read through this message!
thank you so much !!! i did .... not really think any of my gifs were good enough to illicit a request for a tutorial ASJDKF but what i do is fairly simple, i’ve included steps under the cut. i don’t know how well versed you or anyone else is in ps and making gifs, so this is a very comprehensive tutorial that goes through each painstaking step. 
first i make sure my download is in 720/1080p, preferably the latter as it just makes for better gifs. usually i use download (mega) links from logoless accounts, but sometimes use piratebay, and those are pretty much a guarantee for good quality video. if i’m downloading from youtube, i use 4k video downloader as an app on my computer. 
i then open imovie, or whatever the equivalent would be for a windows computer, and begin clipping. usually my clips are around ~20-40 secs of just my faceclaim to keep it simple when im importing. don’t worry if you get a pop up that tells you it will take a long time, but make it smaller if you get the one telling you frames will be limited to 500. 
then, i open photoshop and select import > video frames to layers > my file ... after that, i use the little sliders that show up to bring in a part of the clip, it should look like this when you open it if you have the essentials & timeline as part of your ps
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then, i resize my gif. if there’s black bars around your video, crop it down to whatever section of the actual video you want in the ratio of 16:9. if there are no black bars, chances are your video is already in that ratio. in that case, resize it! i personally use 245x138, but you can use whatever suits your fancy. 
then i retime my gif, by clicking on the three white bars over in the corner of the timeline. once you click on that, select ‘ select all frames ’ now, all of your frames should be selected. then you can click on any one of those frames ( specifically, the little drop down area by what would read 0.04 ) and your screen should now look like this 
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change that 0.04 to 0.07, and then click the leftmost corner of the timeline box. it looks like this. 
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it might take a while to load, but that’s okay. now you’re in timeline mode, and this is where things get more creative. first, select all your layers on the side of the screen. these formerly were your frames.  
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with either the first or last layer selected, command + shift + select the opposite of whatever the layer you had selected was — ex. if you had the first layer selected, then choose the last one, and vise versa. now all your layers should be selected. 
right click with all layers still selected, and choose the label that says ‘ convert to smart object ’
now it’s time to sharpen. you can either use actions ( here’s a tutorial for that, an old one but it all still works the same, and feel free to im me if you need additional help! ) or you can choose to sharpen yourself by going to filter > sharpen > smart sharpen. another good thing to use is filter > blur > gaussian blur. now, i don’t really have good ideas or settings for these because this isn’t how i make gifs. if you want the action i personally use, come to me off anon and i’d be more than happy to give it to you. if you don’t care and want any good actions, i recommend just hunting through the tags on blogs like yeahps or itsphotoshop. 
now comes the fun part ... and the tricky part. coloring. first, i always adjust the levels of my gif. i do this by doing layer > new adjustment layer > levels. when that pops up, pick the dropper icon that has the white coloring. then, select the spot on your gif you want to be white. in my case, it’s the white on winona’s shirt, but it could be brightness from a window, a particularly shiny spot on a forehead, snow ... whatever. 
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that brings you from the first gif to the second gif. better, but still not pretty. now, experiment with all the other types of adjustment layers that there are. i can’t really adequately explain what a specific gif needs unless i .... see it, so if you ever need help coloring a specific scene, feel free to message and and i’d be more than happy to help you out, though i am ... far from an expert. with all the adjustment layers added, my gif goes from this 
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and there you have your gif ! to get it to be that length instead of the entirety of what you imported, drag the grey bars of your timeline over to shorten the gif. only whatever is between them shows up as the gif. so, instead of mine spanning the entire thing, when i exported, it looked like this 
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after that, go to file > export > save for web. make sure your gif is under 3mb, because that’s the limit for tumblr. 
and that’s that! if you need anything else, lmk!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
NBA 2K21 Review: Not Really an Upgrade
Every game in the decades-old NBA 2K series has hit consoles between September and November in time for the leadup to the next NBA season. Makes sense, right? But what happens when, come early September, the pros are still trying to complete the previous campaign because of, oh, I don’t know, a global pandemic that has disrupted just about everything in the world in one way or another? You get NBA 2K21, a game that feels too much like last year’s model.
The game actually makes for a great metaphor for the 2019-20 NBA season. The on-court action is as good as ever, both in the league’s bubble at Disney’s Wide World of Sports in Orlando, Florida and in 2K21. The virtual basketball is just as smooth as the real thing. Quality simulation gameplay has always been the hallmark of the franchise, and that’s no different this year.
But that metaphor works two ways because, just like the real thing, NBA 2K21 is stuck in last season. With no NBA Draft to bring in an influx of new, young talent, there are no rookies. Offseason player movement hasn’t occurred yet, either. Nobody can accuse NBA 2K21 of being just a roster update from the previous game, because it isn’t even that.
The fact that there are no rookies yet created an embarrassing situation when I dipped into MyLeague, the almost completely ignored — from an upgrade standpoint — suite of modes. Playing through MyGM, I guided the Toronto Raptors through a fantastic 2020-21 regular season, having upgraded my lineup with an early-season trade for perennial All-Star Blake Griffin and locking up the best record in the NBA. Upon completion of the 82-game campaign, I looked through some of the awards honorees to find that none of the players on my 68-win team were honored as either All-NBA or All-Defensive selections. Okay, sure, that can happen I guess. Unusual, but not bizarre.
Here’s where it gets strange. I had skipped past the Rookie of the Year winner because I didn’t have any rookies. Turns out that the other teams didn’t have any either. In fact, the options for one of the NBA’s more notable postseason awards were so low that the Cleveland Cavaliers’ Dylan Windler took home the trophy. Windler, a second-round pick in the 2019 NBA Draft who missed this season due to injury, remained a rookie because he didn’t appear in any games, unlike real-life winner Ja Morant or No. 1 overall pick Zion Williamson. What makes Windler such a strange award winner are his season averages: 0.0 points, 0.3 rebounds, 0.0 assists, 0.0 steals, 0.0 blocks. 
The MyLeague modes offer no alternative to starting in the 2020-21 season without any new rookies. Well, it does present an option to “Start In Offseason,” but it is designated as “NOT AVAILABLE” for some reason. That means you can’t opt to do a 2020 NBA Draft to inject new blood with made-up players. For that matter, there’s no free agency period before the season starts, and all upcoming free agents are treated as if they signed one-year deals. My Raptors had just one player still under contract after winning the championship: Pascal Siakam. Every other roster spot was open.
I know MyLeague and MyGM get short shrift every year, but NBA 2K21 highlights how much of an afterthought these modes were. I know plenty of people who love the series but haven’t bought a new edition in years because so little has changed in these modes. I don’t blame them, and I would encourage anyone looking to play these modes in the new game to think twice about buying.
Read more
Madden NFL 21 Review: What Happened to This Football Titan?
By Scott Fontana
Madden NFL 21 User Score Controversy Explained
By Matthew Byrd
All of the non-gameplay development effort went into new ways to interact with the card-collecting, microtransaction-soliciting MyTeam. And, to be fair, those who are all about MyTeam should be pleased with what’s new in NBA 2K21. Dedicated players can chase rewards during new seasons, which seem to last about 40 days or so judging by the initial offering. Those who can earn 150,000 XP before time runs out will be rewarded with a 96-rated Stephen Curry, plus 39 other rewards levels along the way. It’s the kind of tangible loot chase that’s much more tolerable than relying on RNG to deliver something useful from packs purchased with in-game MyTeam currency or Virtual Currency (VC).
VC deserves it’s own paragraph, although it might be more apropos to talk about VC in every paragraph owing to its invasive presence in most modes of play in NBA 2K21. This is not a new complaint about the series, which has never settled for the cash flow that comes from being one of the perennial top sellers in console gaming in terms of units sold. Whether upgrading your MyCareer player or looking to buy a MyTeam pack, VC is in your face. 
I accept microtransactions in the card-collecting modes that take center stage in NBA 2K21 and other sports games. It’s not my thing, but I won’t knock the hustle. By when every time I look to add a few attributes to my MyPlayer feels like a transaction, it sucks me out of what should be a fun experience.
At least the actual basketball is still so sharp that NBA 2K21 isn’t a total bust. Pro Stick modifications have opened up the array of dribbling moves, making for smoother movement around defenders. Sometimes, changes like this don’t register with me as a big deal, but this one is a solid win for us all.
But that change hasn’t received as much attention as the addition of a targeting system for shooting as an option. After holding the Pro Stick down, you’ll enter your shooting motion, but the new mechanic doesn’t require timing. Now, it’s dependent on aligning the stick itself with the center of the bar, or as close to it as possible. For me, the learning curve has been steep, but I do like the idea of it. It’s a great option to include in case it resonates with players, but its success will be determined in how many people care to use it. Timing shots can still be performed with button presses instead of the stick, or by turning the shot meter off altogether in order to use the Pro Stick instead. Personally, I’ve had too many airballs on yellow-meter shots with the targeting system to stick with it. Back to timing shots I go.
That’s the big stuff new to NBA 2K21. There’s also 2K Beach, the new version of Neighborhood that’s about the same as the old one with a different aesthetic. MyCareer’s pre-NBA narrative, called The Long Shadow, was par for the course, although I’m always happy to see Michael K. Williams (The Wire) and Djimon Hounsou (Blood Diamond) in supporting roles. And now we have the option of creating “oversized” 6-foot-8 point guards, thanks to a request from cover athlete Damian Lillard. Sorry if you wanted to make a Magic Johnson-like 6-9 floor general, or match Philadelphia 76ers PG Ben Simmons’ 6-10 frame, because 6-8 is tall enough, evidently. Go figure.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Ultimately, as terrific as the action is on the court, it’s hard for me to give NBA 2K21 a strong recommendation. That’s especially true if you own 2K20. Or at least wait until the 2020-21 NBA season begins, when rookies are in the mix. It’ll be cheaper then, anyway.
The post NBA 2K21 Review: Not Really an Upgrade appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3kaMkQd
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dydturktek · 5 years
Nem Kurutma | Nem Alma | Rutubet Kurutma | DYD 444 0 719
Animals by using Fraudulent Diplomas Tom is really an all-star.
Animals by using Fraudulent Diplomas Tom is really an all-star. He has provides to attend renowned leadership management meetings and wedding invitations to join instructional honor organizations. Last week, he / she received many anxious emails from universities and colleges reminding the dog that this application was initially due within just days.
In fact , Andrew has actually had component deadlines extensive or waived. And he’s been supplied opportunities to request exclusive scholarships and grants not often open to the public. But his policy all this time has been for you to ignore virtually all appeals.
Due to the fact Tom is known as a cat. Indeed, Tom is definitely talented mouser and a great utterly lovely tabby. This individual does have his or her own email profile, however , that we check repeatedly for your man. Nevertheless, he has been a cat.
Great goal should be to one day make a spot for the Wikipedia set of ‘animals together with fraudulent degrees. ‘
Obviously, Tom is simply not the only cat investigator trying to get a handle on the seamier side associated with online education-related scams. A few of our favorites:
Colby Nolan is a housecat belonging to among Pennsylvania’s mouthpiece attorney generals, who been investigating qualification mills. Colby’s MBA became the source to a law suit with Trinity Northern University.
Henrietta Goldacre secured a diploma throughout nutrition in the American Union of Vitamin Consultants. Although the cat is not with us, his owner preserves her qualification on showcase in a restroom.
Dave Catermanis was awarded a degree throughout communications at York Higher education. According to Wikipedia, the small dark-colored cat (one of a fill of 7 kittens) is currently signed up for medical institution.
Kitty O’Malley (AKA Spanky) worked private for the Florida-based Ledger as well as obtained an increased school diploma from Washington High Middle school. Sadly, the main diploma ended up being insufficient for my child to gain classes to local colleges.
Oreo Collins is actually a ‘tuxedo cat’ whose claim to fame has been her degree from Jefferson High School On the web. The poke was a study initiated with the Central Georgia Better Business Bureau.
Zoe D. Katze obtained numerous ‘well-known’ hypnotherapists certifications and thus was the subject of a document by the American Bar Connection and starred in a current information report by just CBS News.
You can find dogs on the list, but Andrew isn’t since impressed.
Typically the moral on the story is normally be careful related to offers that happen to be too good to be true— quickie entree, scholarships using fees fastened, honors anyone didn’t seriously earn, or even expensive management programs.
And monitor out pertaining to ‘phishing’ trips where internet sites ask for complete personal information to college search or federal loans. You never fully understand where some of this information will end up. At a minimum, you will discover your netmail box filled up with spam. Actually, i know because We read Tom’s mail pertaining to him.
29 Reasons College-Bound Students Will need to Give Thanks in 2011 and probably still in 2012
At year’s end, is actually traditional to allow thanks for all the many blessings received during the previous twelve months and to look forward to the coming year which includes a renewed feel of confidence. The following are fifteen reasons college-bound students should be giving thank you this year:
20. Colleges reducing college tuition nineteen. FAFSA’s new “IRS access tool” 18. Approval to figure on Sophisticated Placement lessons teen. Tuition trade programs 16. Canadian Colleges 15. Grounds tour guides who master the art of walking to the rear two week. Almost 850 ‘test optional’ colleges and universities 13. Organisations with uncomplicated “Score Choice” policies 12. College Navigator 11. The trend toward non-binding early motion policies 10. The liberty to swap ACT lots for SAT’s on the lookout for. Free on-campus visitor parks main. The passing of KOMMET antonym questions— this taken place in year 1994 but you need to continue to be grateful 6. Print overview half a dozen. Net Price Calculators that can be truthful and easy to use 5. Universities with no fiscal some. Applications with NO essay products 3 or more. Colleges necessitating fewer POSED Subject Testing 2 . not Teachers together with guidance expert still prepared write regulations
And most crucial of all:
1 . Family and friends who seem to support in addition to love one!
Best wants for a healthy and Happy New Year!
this FAFSA Comes Live
Joyful New Year! In case you overlooked the merluzo, the online FAFSA application progressed ‘live’ pretty much the same time the periods Square crystal clear ball hit bottom at midnight regarding January very first. And it’s stored in a spiffy new site featuring a couple additional together with that should make your 2012-13 FAFSA experience the greatest ever.
Like I’ve borne in mind before, Domestic Fruitcake Throw Day likely receives a great deal more attention as opposed to the annual start to the govt financial aid year or so, which starts today.
Even so, it’s enough time to sharpen often the pencils, fit fresh power packs in the finance calculator, dig out taxation assessments, and prepare bank information to take on the single most important form recommended to make yourself qualified to receive millions around federal help.
Therefore , when is the right age to file the main FAFSA? Perfect RIGHT NOW !
With a huge number of families rivalling for money this season, you need to post your application at the earliest opportunity. The earlier the exact FAFSA is received, the earlier it will get hold of processed, as well as better located you will be regarding grants together with scholarships. And so many of this cash is academized legit is first appear, first functioned . Grab the picture?
Alternative organizing those. You need your personal Social Security number, license, income tax return, bank reports, and expenditure of money records.
Next, if you haven’t done so already, obtain our security guard PIN number. The two a parent and also the student should PIN’s in order to sign the exact FAFSA in an electronic file. The application is simple there’s no extended any waiting— a PIN NUMBER can be resulted in on the spot.
Though a document application continues to an option (and can help being a tool meant for drafting results off-line), its highly recommended for you to complete the web-based form and submit electronically just to save time. For those who have no access to the internet at home, libraries have web based connections, along with schools normally will make lodging to support online FAFSA filing. Ask your personal guidance therapist or college/career center specialist for allow if necessary.
And always keep in mind that this can be the FREE Applying it for Federal government Student Guidance. Don’t buy PIN’s or application forms. When in mistrust, ask. FAFSA customer service distributors stand prepared to respond online or simply by phone.
That it is hard to overstate the importance of earlier FAFSA completing. Money will be seldom an infinite resource, plus colleges are usually experiencing financial problems much like the rest of united states. They have deadlines and bureaucratic procedures to check out in the groundwork of assistance packages. And a lot of of these deadlines consider much previous you think .
Moreover, don’t postpone just because you haven’t registered taxes nonetheless. Use survive year’s proceeds and plan to amend in the future. Corrections towards original 2012-13 FAFSA may be submitted demand September twelve, 2013.
Because my mother-in-law says, ‘WIGIG’— when it’s went, it’s absent. So operate the quiet time available for you the rest of the holiday weekend to acquire FAFSA going. Why wait?
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eciov · 7 years
The crowd that came to see Ben Folds at The Ogden Theatre on Tuesday night demonstrated just how much love he still shares with his fans some twenty plus years after his raw voice and violent piano smashing first hit their ear drums. During that time, he’s become one of the industry’s most well-respected musical mavericks that does whatever the hell he wants however the hell he wants to do it. His fans love it. With an unmatched understanding of musical theory and an uncanny ability to evoke emotion through legendary lyricism, Ben Folds graces the stage this fall with his extremely popular Paper Airplane Request Tour. The tour continues all over the US with Tall Heights as the opener between now and mid-November. Check out the dates here.
We were lucky enough to snag a photo pass for the show thanks to Mr. Folds’ management – All Good Factory (thanks, Mike!). I bought tickets for the wife and I — I wouldn’t miss a Ben Folds show even if I didn’t get to cover it as press — but I spent much of the time working my way through the packed crowd to get the best pictures for you. We finished the night together hanging out in the balcony while Ben sifted through paper airplanes. But I’m getting ahead of myself; let’s talk about Tall Heights.
Tall Heights at The Ogden Theatre in Denver, Colorado
I spent most of the day listening to Tall Heights on Spotify to familiarize myself with their music. I’m always curious if an artist’s live performance is similar to their studio album. So let’s briefly talk about their studio sound. While they frequently reference Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes as musical influences, I would add a little bit of Coldplay, early Imagine Dragons, and even some Mumford & Sons. Toss all of that into a musical blender and you’d find yourself with a good mix of chill, pop, indie, and folk music — something Tall Heights likes to call “electrofolk.” That one word says more to me than an entire artist bio. It’s spot on.
Their live sound is decidedly acoustic. I loved their attempt to play a song unplugged, I literally shushed the people around me, but the realities of the venue made it impossible for anyone beyond the pit to hear it. So, regretfully, they plugged back into the sound system and amped it up. Short history: Tim Harrington and Paul Wright got their start as street musicians in Boston. I consider that part of their charm as musicians. After the first song, they worked the crowd by calling a guy in the second tier a scary giant. It got a good laugh, brought the audience into focus, and removed whatever disconnects existed for an unfamiliar opener at a piano rock show.
While they’re technically a duo, I always try to track down and call out any touring musicians I see on stage. Paul Dumas joined the band as their drummer for this tour. He seems like a fun addition based on this YouTube video they produced at the start of the tour. Check out Tall Heights on social media via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Pictures of Tall Heights at The Ogden Theatre in Denver, Colorado
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Ben Folds at The Ogden Theatre in Denver, Colorado
Nothing I could write about Ben Folds would truly do his musical career justice. One does not simply tire of Ben Folds. Whether you first hear his music as Ben Folds Five, solo piano rock, or symphonic orchestrations, you’ll fall in love with his creativity again and again. Every exploration beyond the piano bench has brought new creative musical opportunities for Mr. Folds: movie soundtracks, a cappella, TV, orchestrations, concertos, collaborations with Nick Hornby and yMusic, and an entire tour featuring local symphonies. I saw Mr. Folds at Red Rocks in 2015 with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra; it was the most memorable musical listening experience of my entire life. If you weren’t able to experience that, don’t fret, check out his new live album recorded in Perth, Australia. It takes the magic of Ben Folds music and blends it with the talent of local orchestral arrangers and musicians. I’ve always respected Mr. Folds’ desire to foster and support musical excellence, especially at a local level. I was elated to hear that he was recently named the first Artistic Advisor to the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. He is truly a living legend within the music industry.
But this isn’t a biography; we’re talking about the Paper Airplane Request Tour and why you should go get tickets right this second! Even though I love the overwhelming emotion of an orchestra playing Mr. Folds’ music, there is nothing like a duet between the audience and Mr. Folds accompanied by his bandaged fingers on the piano. While I feel bad for his fingers, I’m certainly selfish enough to ignore my concerns while he plays. His fans know his music so well that he doesn’t even need to ask the crowd to sing the other parts… they just do it. The first half of the show was a well-crafted set list that featured songs from every stage of his career that all die-hard fans know by heart.
The second set is all about the paper airplanes. Audience members are encouraged to write song requests on paper airplanes and throw them on stage for a randomized set list that’s usually full of crowd favorites. Denver ended up with twelve songs instead of the usual ten due to a couple airplane failures. Depending on how mischievous Mr. Folds is feeling, he’ll play exactly what’s written on the paper… even if he has no clue what it means. For the Denver show, that meant we received two different, on-the-spot musical creations. The first, “Respect the Process,” seemed like an answer to the persistent cries of “Rock This Bitch” from the audience. If you’re not familiar with that song, we explained its creation in our 2015 article about the Red Rocks show (there’s even a video of it). The second creation was called “Blank Piece of Paper,” for obvious reasons. It’s always awesome to watch Mr. Folds create music on stage and it’s always good for a laugh.
The evening was another great memory in my adoration of Mr. Folds. I’ll stop writing so you can check out the pictures. Don’t forget to follow Mr. Folds on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Pictures of Ben Folds at The Ogden Theatre in Denver, Colorado
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Ben Folds at The Ogden Theatre with Tall Heights in Denver, Colorado The crowd that came to see Ben Folds at The Ogden Theatre on Tuesday night demonstrated just how much love he still shares with his fans some twenty plus years after his raw voice and violent piano smashing first hit their ear drums.
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