asagirisfavoritepen · 1 month
Wait. So, you know how according to Fyodor and Fitzgerald Sushi is the only one that knows where THE BOOK is, right?
And at some point (in season 2 episode 8), Sushi quotes a book he's read at the Orphanage and it turned out that irl Atsushi Nakajima wrote.
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So at the Orphanage Atsushi had access to something from the real world.
And I think that THE BOOK is at the orphanage. I think it's there and that Atsushi knows where it is, but he doesn't realize it.
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greensirencanary · 3 months
V-day Multifandom edit
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my hot take is that reputation TV will have no vault tracks because taylor’s reputation never changes. In this essay i will
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Pluton theory
Pluton is not a ship! it's this guy.
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It was created over 900 years ago, right before the void century, and still works to this day. The government really wanted it destroyed. They would have known it was the ancient weapon because
When Franky was flipping through the Pluton blueprints at Enis Lobby, Kaku and Lucci both immediately recognized it at a distance. This is important because even if it was a ship, most ships would have similar shapes and thus blueprints. But a giant mecha and a ship look nothing alike!
Plus, going with the theory that the ancient weapons are sea, sky, and land based; we already have a sea weapon with Posidon. How is a ship supposed to help on dry land?
Which means that all the hints we've been getting that Franky has been building Pluton are correct, but it's not the Sunny that is Pluton. IT'S GENERAL FRANKY!!
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We'll probably get confirmation of this soon, as Frankey would Definitely recognize the robot when it gets out of the scrap heap.
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morgenjackson · 8 months
Fan theory: Demon slayer
Shinobu is a strong hashira
alright some of you are going to find me crazy but Shinobu is proven to be weak since she can’t decapitate demons. She can kill lower class demons and paralyze upper moons depending on the ranks. BUT THATS NOT WHAT IM SPEAKING OF TODAY.
We all know Shinobu is the smartest hashira thats proven but what if i told you that her poison can kill other people?
now if we think Wisteria poison is deadly to demons only but truth is Wisteria is VERY deadly to humans to.
“All parts of the wisteria plant are considered toxic, especially the pods and seeds” Sorce: SienceDirect
Shinobu could inject wisteria poison into her teammates if she wanted to. and you might think that tengen is the fastest hashira. while that might be true but here is the thing.
(slight spoilers) Doma stated that he lost track of her at some point during his battle with shinobu. SHE OUT MATCHED HIM AT ONE POINT AND DOMA IS UPPER MOON TWO. Now that is saying something. tengen couldn’t.
1. she could easily kill somebody with her poison with a blow
2. hitting the right spot can kill a human.
this was short but yeaaaa
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cap360 · 9 months
I don’t know why but I have a feeling that the Hermits would commit war crimes for something shiny.
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durusiudex · 11 months
Before you read this, keep in mind that it was written at 5 am with no sleep. It's a little rambly and all over the place but none the less, please read it.
If I'm going to be honest I don't think I'm ok. I sleep less, reality is still becoming less real. Most days I feel as if I may not be alive to see Arizona. More over, I can't shake the feeling that something is coming.
I eat less everyday. Hardly a day ever goes by where i don't feel sick. Maybe I'm going insane. Maybe I have some sickness. Maybe I'm delusional and imagining things.
I know I'm depressed, I know I'm not mentally healthy. By all appearances I look healthy than I have in years. I lost massive amounts of weight, but its not healthy weight loss.
It's a storm in my head. No silence ever, it's like I'm reaching for something thats just not there. I don't feel... anything. Love, happy, sad, angry. Not really. I've gotten good at faking it, practiced making the right expressions at the right time. I've almost convinced every one I'm normal, that everything's fine. Not even Dylan knows the whole truth of it though.
I'm so desperate for God to contact me. Tell me... anything. I keep searching for a purpose. A reason for all this suffering... but I don't think there is one. I've contemplated suicide. I don't think there's any place for me in a meaningless world.
Everyone is so fake... they talk about the new show they're watching, things they've done in a game. Brag about promotions at work or how they just bought a house.  They don't see the meaningless of all that, they don't see the universe and God. They don't see what was before God. They don't care.
Who am I? I don't mean what physical details and personality traits. I mean on a soul deep level, who am I on the cosmic scale of reality. Am I really some animal that evolved on a rock in the middle of nothing? Am I a being made by another? When I die is it all black or is it just the next step in this journey.
Who is God? Is God the science and rules of the universe? Is God a sentient force? Would he be able to respond if I talked to him face to face?
I had a vision where I met him. He told my the story of nothing becoming something, but even he does not know what's outside of him, he doesn't know where he came from or why. He just is.
Am I just the creation of a creation? Do I hold no power in this reality or am I just a few thoughts and epiphanies away from becoming God myself? Am i God? Did I make all of this? If so, why?
I've said before I know I'm not mentally healthy, I ponder things a healthy human wouldn't. I imagine myself as God, a savior, Jesus. I know I can't be, I know in reality I'm just some sad ape on a rock in space like every other person. But then why can't I relate to anyone?
When I look down, deep inside myself... it's a dark void. Nothing. Empty. I'm nothing.
I fantasize about technology that could ever possibly exist. I imagine myself as the creator of it. I imagine a great, terrible war between me and... something, someone. Yet it's all just in my head. I don't see this world like others, I don't want to get a good job and make lots of money, I don't even like money. I wanna work but I want to work doing something I love.
No one sees me... not the actual me. Maybe my masks are too good, maybe no one cares. I'm not a good person yet people insist I am and it's actually upsetting at times.
If God exists, if there's a greater purpose, then I can manage in this world. If I can gain some small amount of control in this world that's based on money or fear or hate, I could be happy. But if there's nothing? If we just accidentlyed into existence, if there's nothing after death...
I sit or lay on the couch day and night if I'm not working or walking and I just think and contemplate existence, reality and even what's outside of reality. I challenge myself to think of something new, not a new arrangement of atoms and colors, not a new kind of thing, but something that doesn't exist in any sense of existence. Something that does not have any base in what we see as reality. And what do I have to gain for my efforts? Nothing. I have not made any meaningful break throughs, I haven't uncovered any secrets of the universe, i haven't learned about God or existence. I just have theories that I can't even start to prove.
I don't even think we're sentient. I think our inability to create something entirely new, with no context to what we know, is the evidence to support that. I think we are attempting to advance the wrong way, I don't think there's anything out there in the stars. I think continuing to strive for technological growth will only put us in more misery. Well destroy the planet, kill the beautiful life on this planet and ultimately choke ourselves out of existence. All for what? What do we stand to gain? It's futile.
I think I have an overactive imagination... I tell myself I'm forming a set of beliefs but really it's just me trying to prove to myself that what I don't belive in exist. I want there to be more but I don't think there is.
It's all so pointless.
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kimjimagery · 1 year
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Here's an interesting theory: 
Since Ted was born in Valladolid I wondered how long he was there before his family moved him to America. 
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Also, would this mean one of his parents might be Spanish like the mom or the Dad cuz that would end up meaning that Tad’s part Spanish right?
Like his mom or grandma would try to teach him a little bit of Spanish but we don't see Ted use it cuz he's probably not very good at it or something.
But then again in the deleted storyboard Tad did mention of his dad saying that his birth was unexpected,  so could this mean that his parents made a trip to Valladolid not knowing that the mother would go into labor?
Just a thought.
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marune2 · 1 year
Black clover Spoiler
Wo I see the extra pages whit yami and he’s father again I began too thinking abaut the head crushing whit Asta ore trow Asta ore some aggressive little parts he Have if he treated other
I thinking the Abuse Yami sukehiro sees and fell from he’s Father this he take some parts over as self protect from other Yami Sukehiro whas not treat well in clover so He use the aggressiv and problematic personality there he see this as parts what whas scary from he’s father what give Yami fear so he use some parts of it to protect him self
After the tush I thinking it’s really sad what wuld sukehiro‘s personality whit out he’s Father abuse🤔
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themasteroffan · 1 year
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My opinion of The Loud House
© Paramount Global owns Loud House
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cogentranting · 2 years
Laurel to Thea: You are lucky. And hopefully CNRI will show you that. 
Thea: *instantly gets her purse snatched by her future husband*
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Does anyone not think that there is a possibility that this new record is actually a new My Chem record? Why would Frank release a new album with a brand new band in the middle of a My Chemical Romance tour? It just doesn’t add up for me, and as someone on Reddit pointed out, the band did “cancel” at least one of their shows in favor of The Black Parade playing instead. I think this post could point to not a new band from Frank but an evolution of My Chemical Romance. The themes, the merch, the references— it’s all too much for me to just be for TFOD.
Frank is sneaky and loves to fuck with people. I hope I’m being fucked with.
So happy he’s okay to play, though. This man’s body has been through hell, and he has more drive than any musician I’ve ever seen. I 🖤🤍 him so, so much.
And if it is another Frank Iero and the _______ album, I’ll be fantasticly stoked for that, too: don’t get me wrong. I just think a broken clock is right twice a day.
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witherednonsense · 2 years
i was watching this theory video, and while it is kind of old now, with recent information I think it could be on to something. Primarily the identity of Im. The only thing I could think of while he was explaining was that all of this sounded like King.
What if Im was a Lunarians . If they had their wings taken like Enel did.
This would fit especially well with Oda’s use of mirroring. He did make Luffy into the sun, having the main antagonist be the moon would fit.
Besides some of the physical traits of King and Im fit. Both are large and with red eyes. Plus King’s name. Im is literally the king. It would be a great way to subtly tell us more about Im.
This makes even more sense when you consider that the Lunarians were originally from the Red Line. Where Mary Geoise is now.
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dragonwitch77 · 3 years
Murder Drones is a wed series made by Glitch Productions that came out on October 29, 2021 and has been a big hit as hit over two million views in less than a week.
So far only the pilot has been released and yet I am already loving the show immensely. From the humor sprinkled throughout the episode to the colorful cast of characters, it seems to be a promising series with a high success rate.
But I’m not here to give a review. I’m not to point out a small detail no one seems to be talking about yet. Or, maybe they are and I just haven't found it yet. But I’ve noticed in one screen in the episode that stuck out to me.
Spoilers if you haven’t seen the show yet.
I’m not sure if I’m the only one who’s noticed this or if anyone has made a comment about it yet, but what’s up with Uzi’s eye in this screenshot?
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This symbol appears briefly for a split second on her screen, just moments before J’s bullets hit Uzi. The symbol is quick and brief so many might not notice it right away and miss it.
But this is not the only time it has appeared. It actually pops up again at the end of the pilot.
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See? We get a glimpse of it again when Uzi reveals her plans to kill the rest of the humans on Earth and her eyes change to yellow with a few words flickering before it turns into a triangle with an exclamation point inside. Not sure what it means but I have a small guess it’s related to a popular theory going around that Uzi is going to turn into a Murder Drone, and the battle was showing us that the changes were already taking way.
One because when, right after J manages to get the pen out of her headband and cures the company made durability of said pen (instead of just focusing on the fight and monolingual like a villain), Uzi kicked slammed the pen into J’s screen, the ground beneath them cracked and formed a small crater.
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Not to mention when N stabbed Uzi, she was able to get back up again just fine with no signs of damage or pain, unlike Thad who struggled to get to his feet for a bit and was holding his side where he had been stabbed by V. Now this could just mean Uzi is just more durable or it could be argued that Thad couldn’t recover just as quickly because V stabbed him like three times while N only stabbed Uzi once, so that’s still debatable.
Still, this is an interesting thing I just wanted to point out there. Is this symbol important? Does it mean Uzi is turning into a Murder Drone? Does it mean something else?
Who really knows? We just have to wait for the next episode to see if this means anything and I hope we don’t get disappointed.
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theweekinarrowfic · 3 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, September 12-18, 2021
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Also, I'm looking for volunteers to test out my fic recommender! Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
Will you remember us ? by aphrodite161701 (Oliver/Felicity, 13/13, 2021-09-14) - Following an explosion during a mission, Oliver forgot everything, his role as a vigilante, the team, his love for Felicity. He believes that it is the day of his return after these five years of absence. Will he remember with the help of Felicity ? Where will he stay amnesiac forever. Read on to find out.
Other Arrow Ships
Make A Difference by okoriwadsworth (Laurel/Oliver, 18/18, 2021-09-18) - After two years of fighting on the city's behalf, the Green Arrow and Black Canary have come to the realization that they can't do this alone. The question is: Can anyone pick up where they left off? It's time for others in the city to start making a difference.
Apocalypse of infinite earths by Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen (Barry Allen/Wanda Maximoff, Sara/Oliver among side pairings, 16/16, 2021-09-13) - Final entry in the 'Two Earths' series. As Apocalypse rises to threaten the multiverse, the greatest heroes across the multiverse must stand united to confront him in a battle that will cost them more than they could ever imagine.
head in the clouds (got no weight on my shoulders) by pettigrace (multifandom, ships include Oliver/Felicity and Nyssa/Sara, 58/58, 2021-09-12) - oliverqueer: you know i liked it better when you guys made fun of my hook up with tommy rather than my impending death pipes: we can always go back to that bilance: no, he owns it now, it’s boring; (Follow Central City College's LGBT+ Club into the summer holidays of 2018 where nobody knows what is going to happen, least of all the author.); Takes place July - October 2018.
Interlude: The Perils of Change by ArlyssTolero, Nyame (Laurel/Oliver, 21/21, 2021-09-16) - It has been one year since Oliver Queen was granted a second chance at life, and a moment long-dreaded comes to pass, leaving Team Arrow shattered as Laurel Lance returns from her training trip with Lady Shiva. Oliver Queen focuses his attentions on his relationship with Emiko and recruiting new members for the Justice League, anything to dull the pain. Sara Lance becomes more brutal and only the remembrance of a promise breaks through to her. Tommy Swann engages in self-destructive behavior. Laurel, together with John Diggle, tries to heal the fractured team before things are said and done that can’t be reversed.
Finding Rest by VigilanteArcher (Thea/Roy, 3/3, 2021-09-17) - Roy takes Thea on a date to a magician. Thea does not expect what happens next.
Crimes Of The Heart by Yes_That_Nina (Joker/Harleen Quinzel, Oliver listed as character, 2/2, 2021-09-18) - Set before Suicide Squad in an older Gotham. The Joker heads up the most powerful organized crime network in town. At this point in his life he's known for being a psychotic kingpin with many thriving clubs and side-hustles. Harley vanishes one night and her Puddin tears Gotham apart on the hunt. Before long a mysterious conspiracy hell-bent on usurping the empire he built with Harley rears it's head. Catwoman and Poison Ivy join his cause but betrayal lurks around every corner. This story covers a lot of ground from Gotham to Belle Reve and ends with the Justice League in play. Expect lots of cameos I can't resist them. I was a kid when I started working on this, my writing style matures the further in you get.; Originally posted to FF.net in 2016, I fixed a few glaring mistakes but will mostly leave this story untouched from the OG versio.Non-canonical AU for sure. I pulled inspiration from DC comics, TV, movies and applied my favorite elements to the plot. Will be editing and getting updates posted regularly. If you need the full version right now I went by Ninaxwings on FF.net ;)
Self-Worth doesn’t always come from ones self. by Guest333 (Nyssa/Sara, 2/2, 2021-09-19) - All her life her dark and cold heart had stayed the same way until Sara but then Sara set her heart aflame and broke it, now she hears she has a girlfriend, Nyssa just can’t take the pain anymore.
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rabidpomeranians · 3 years
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[image text: If angered, she could simply express her grievance through communion with her ancient lusus of the deep, and turn its psychic devastation on her multitudes. The class hierarchy played into her hands politically in this respect. Killing off a haphazard swathe of the population, or an entire class, was suitable as a measure of last resort, but mass extermination does not lend itself well to practical governance. Its looming threat however is quite effective, especially while her empire was partitioned neatly into blood castes. end text]
Gl'bgolyb can selectively wipe out a caste? I always thought a glub would start at burgundy and work its way up as it got louder, or was that just popular fannon?
That must be what happened to limebloods then. Why else bring up such a specific example if its not ripped directly from history. Equally, why would the masses believe it if it never happened.
This also gives a practical explanation to why she wanted to develop blood castes in humans post scratch. The clean segregation is what her political power relied on.
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