fatalezr · 6 months
The Final Takeover - Part Ten (a finale)
Helen felt the tears falling down her face and put her hands over her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. The sound of Tommy gun fire was deafening and she saw a pool of red. Her father’s blank eyes stared at her from across the room. ‘Stay hidden’ she told herself, ‘stay hidden’.
Her mother was shrieking, crying and begging the three men in the room. She could glimpse the scene from her place of sanctuary under the stairs that she had been ushered into. “What do you want to do Al?” one of the men asked, grabbing her mother by her hair.
“Waste her” the lieutenant said coldly and the two men fired, the sounds of their weapons making Helen shake. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She wanted to shout, to cry out for her mother and father but did not do so.
“Hehe, fucking broads” Al had said as he walked from the scene, “no broad was ever worth more than nothing in this world”. His two lackeys had laughed as they walked away.
Helen stayed in her hiding place for an hour, petrified to move, unable to do anything except stare at the dead bodies of her parents. She dwelt on her mother’s teachings, her father’s business. The words of Al Capone as he walked away. “No broad was ever worth more than nothing in this world”. They seemed to echo around her head.
Years later…
The words of Capone that night spun around Helen Monroe’s head as she descended the stairs from the trapdoor in the church. She was not about to let him get away. She needed to prove his allies wrong, prove the country wrong, prove the world wrong. She was the stronger one and her gang would beat the mob at their own game. Capone represented everything she despised about her enemies, and his destruction was the only conclusion she needed.
She stepped into the dimly-lit underground tunnel and began hurrying along the muddy ground, keeping her Tommy gun ready to strike. Behind her came her most faithful lieutenants, Annie and Ruth, who she had known since the very beginning, Nellie, her old childhood friend and Suzy, the woman who had turned from being a gangster’s wife to now being one of the most feared killers on the planet. They followed close behind her.
The tunnel soon became brighter and Helen saw a ladder at the end. It seemed to lead towards daylight and she hurried towards it, stopping suddenly as she heard a click and then something metallic bouncing down. “BACK!” she cried to her lieutenants and she threw herself to the ground, trying to cover Suzy and Annie with her hands as BOOOOOM!!!!, a grenade exploded, splintering the ladder, its heat on her feet feeling ferocious.
She inhaled some smoke and coughed it out before feeling arms pulling her up. “Boss! Boss!” Nellie called, helping her up. Helen stood and took a moment to breath cleanly. She looked around. She was OK, as were the other women. They had reacted in time.
“I’m fine” she said, calming the others, “I’m fine”. She looked towards the ladder. It was cracked and useless but the opening to the world above was available. “Hoist me up” she said to Annie and Ruth, and the two women held out her hands for her shoes. She stepped into them and they pushed her upwards where Helen could use her strength to grab the outsides of the hole and pull herself out with a grunt.
She heard tires squeal and saw a black car pulling away from outside the churchyard where she emerged and knew it was Capone. She reached down into the hole with her arm and Nellie helped Suzy vault up, Helen grabbing her arm and helping to pull her from the pit. Together they got the remaining women out before dusting themselves off from the dirt. Helen noticed a few cuts in her suit but did not care. “Quickly, get in the cars” she said. “Ruth, you and Annie go together. Suzy, drive me and Nellie”.
They sprinted for their own cars that were parked nearby, starting them quickly. Suzy sped off after Capone’s car, trying to find it in the city. “Where do you think he’ll head to boss?” Suzy asked.
“He’ll be off to his hometown I expect” Helen said. “Grand Heron, on the side of Lake Michigan”. It had always been his refuge, ever since the days when her father worked in the small town, operating his own tailors independently. He refused to give into the mob and it was ultimately this that led to the then-lieutenant Capone dispatching him and his family.
The town had become run-down since those days, filled only with a few sycophants to Capone and a local sheriff who basically worked for Capone’s mob on the taxpayers dime. But Helen knew that when desperate, it would be his final place to make a stand. Suzy guided the car towards the town, followed by Ruth and Annie. They finally caught a glimpse of Capone on the highway as he sped past two cop cars that now tried to form a roadblock.
Helen did not even need to give the order to Nellie. Her friend had already put her Tommy gun out of the window and together the two of them shot up the makeshift roadblock, wasting the coppers and ripping them to pieces. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. “Oh yeah” Nellie said, enjoying the thrill of the kill as they added four more men to their body count for the day. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM.
Suzy slowed the car and Annie pulled up alongside them as they drove into the town. It was small, with only two main streets, the majority of the population having deserted or gone to Cicero itself as it grew. Helen looked at the once-familiar streets. It was the middle of the day and the town was deserted.
BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She and the other women ducked behind their cars as a hail of Tommy gun fire came towards them. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Helen glanced to see ten members of the town’s police and a few gangsters running for cover behind bins and cars along the main street whilst the Sheriff ushered the short and fat but unmistakable Al Capone into the local station.
She sheltered for a few moments as the men wasted their bullets against the armoured cars that her and her lieutenants drove. When they paused, she leaned out of the window and began to return fire. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She gunned down two coppers. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. A gangster in a suit caught a slew of bullets in his stomach. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. A copper was blown backwards by her volley and smashed into a shop window. She felt like a woman possessed.
Helen looked down the street and her eyes widened. Coming towards them was a series of about two dozen cars, all filled with men in suits, all of them armed with Thompson submachine guns. It was a huge number of men, as if Capone had armed every lowlife he could get his hands on with every last bullet. “Take cover!” she instructed her lieutenants.
“No broad was ever worth more than nothing in this world” she heard Capone’s voice saying in her head. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. The men fired from their vehicles at an impressive rate and Helen wondered whether the armour on the cars would hold up. For the first time since her takeovers had begun, she had doubts.
“Boss, look!” Suzy said, and pointed behind them. Helen looked out of the car back window and smiled.
“Of course” she said. Dozens of cars she recognised as her own were flooding from Cicero towards Grand Heron and Helen remembered that she was not a child anymore. She was a proud woman, standing at the head of more proud women who moved as one unit and stuck together.
The cars flooded past her and Annie’s own and screeched to a halt in front, forming their own defensive line, women already firing from the windows at the men. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM.
“Come on!” Helen said to Suzy and Nellie, and together they got out of their car, Ruth and Annie joining them, taking shelter behind the new line of armoured vehicles and joining in with the shooting. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Helen finished her magazine and reloaded. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. The crescendo of Tommy gun fire was like nothing she had experienced before. It was everywhere, and now it was joined by the screams of the men as her army began shooting them all, pummelling them with bullets and turning them into a bloody mess.
BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Helen picked her shots and hosed each target she could find. No matter who the man was, he was killed. There was a BOOOM! Sound as one of the men’s cars exploded and she heard them screaming, crying out in pain and fear.
“WOO!” The women around her were shouting and celebrating. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. They fired a final volley into the last survivors before stopping and reloading.
The door of the Sheriff's precinct opened and a white flag was waved by the Sheriff as he ran outside. “Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!” he cried. “We surrender!”
Helen smirked. “What did you say?” she called over to him, as her gang began to walk towards his offices.
“We surrender! We surrender! You win! You win! You win! We surrender!” he cried out, his hat flying off his head. “It…it wasn’t my fault, it was Capone! He’s the enemy, not me! Not me! I surrender!!” He fell to his knees and bowed down.
“Ladies,” Helen said calmly, “do we accept his surrender?”
Her gang responded by all chambering rounds into their Tommy guns. Her soldiers stood in a semi-circle around the man and pulled their triggers. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Each woman emptied a magazine each into the Sheriff, reducing him to little more than blood and gore within seconds.
Helen smiled and reached into her pocket for a cigar but found she had none left. She let it be and walked up towards the station doors. “Dah, FUCK IT!” she heard the voice of Capone shout. Helen dodged out of the way of the door as BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM! The wood splintered as Capone emptied a pistol into it. BAM, BAM, Click, Click. She heard the sound of his magazine going dry and kicked in the door.
Al Capone stood before her, fumbling at his pistol, his black tie half off and his suit looking drenched in sweat. America’s Public Enemy Number One was shaking, and dropped a new magazine he had been trying to insert.
Helen looked at her rival, remembering the last time she had seen him this close. It was him who was cowering now, him who was at the mercy of her weapon. She reloaded her Tommy gun, as did the women behind her. “You know Al” she said finally, and he looked up towards her, “I seem to be out of cigars”.
He chuckled and put his gun down. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a solid gold case with his cubans inside. “We could make a deal” he suggested, “these and I walk out?”
Helen laughed and took them from his hands. “Oh Al” she said, “you know, no lowlife man will ever be any more than nothing in this world”.
Capone heard the variation on his own words and realised the game was up. He spread his hands wide and the women fanned out in a semi-circle around him, over a hundred Tommy gun barrels pointing towards him in leather-gloved hands, each woman in their pinstriped suit standing with an order and a discipline of the finest army in the world.
“Ladies” Helen said, putting her hand to her trigger, “let’s finish this”. She squeezed.
Capone’s body was ripped to shreds in a moment as each woman emptied their fresh magazine, the close range of the shots singing his clothes before the bullets tore them into tiny atoms. Capone’s belly emptied of all of its contents, his face was turned to a kind of paste and even his bones succumbed to the rapid fire of the weapons. Helen felt a strange calm as she fired, her face turning into a smile and the sound of Tommy guns like the relaxing sound of waves at a beach.
The firing stopped and the women looked around at one another. Some were in raptures, others stood silent. Helen took a cigar from Capone’s gold case and lit one. Its taste was sweeter than anything she had smoked in the past. She looked around to see women now embracing, hugging, some touching themselves in pleasure, Annie and Ruth engaged in a long passionate kiss. She felt pride and love and admiration for them all.
After a few moments they began to break from their celebrations and look expectantly to her as she smoked. “Ladies” Helen said, “we did it. We are now the most powerful gang in Cicero, in America and in the world!”
There were cheers and shouts before Annie and Suzy began chanting “ALL HAIL QUEEN HELEN! ALL HAIL QUEEN HELEN! ALL HAIL QUEEN HELEN!” She smiled as she walked out of the station, the army behind her hailing her name and looked towards the skyline of Cicero in the distance. It was hers. It was all finally hers.
“Helen” a voice behind her spoke and she turned to see her old friend Nellie, “we’ve won. What do we do now?”.
She turned and smiled at Nellie and the other women, who stopped chanting to hear her answer. She gave a long puff on the cigar before delivering her answer.
“We do what all Queens do” Helen said. “We rule”.
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mybookends · 2 years
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The Takeover | TL Swan | 3.8 ⭐️
So this book is the second in the Miles High series that follows the 4 Miles brothers who are billionaires running Miles Media. This book follows Tristan who is head of acquisitions, he decided which of the failing media companies are worth buying and takes them over (thus the title of the book).
The FMC is Claire who is a widowed single parent of 3 boys who is the CEO of Anderson Media. Her late husband was Wade Anderson and he built that company and it was passed to her when he died. I don’t understand why all the media companies in the book are *insert last name* Media. Like this was how all 3 media companies that were talked about were named.
Anyway, I digress, I do not like parenting tropes like ever. I don’t know why, it’s probably because I hate kids lol and tbh I hated her kids. The youngest Patrick was sweet and the oldest Fletcher was kind of whatever but Harry the middle child was just on my fucking nerves bro. That kid had so many issues that Claire, for some reason, had no idea about because she was actually so self involved. When Tristan basically says that she wants him to be Wade like not be Tristan and live her life with him. She wanted him to just step in as Wade and keep the life she built with Wade and I totally felt that. Like she was using him. She was not necessarily the best mom and Tristan met those kids and stepped into the father role so quickly and I’m like girl you’ve had YEARS to be a good mom and this man is showing you up in a week?? Idk
I loved Tristan. Thought he was hot but I think I just don’t like TL Swans FMC but we will see once I read the 3rd book. The reason I rated it pretty high is because I lived Tristan’s character and his relationship with the boys. He saved this book.
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roundbyroundboxing · 2 years
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How does @teofimolopez stack up against the likes of @joshtaylorbox1 @josechonzepeda and @regisprograis 👀 Photo: @4mikeywilliams / Top Rank via Getty #Boxing #Boxeo #RBRBoxing #RoundByRoundByRoundBoxing #TeofimoLopez #TheTakeover #LopezCampa #ESPN #TRBoxing #TopRank #JoshTaylor #RegisPrograis #JoseZepeda https://www.instagram.com/p/ChPkX4Bu5tY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haha762 · 4 months
How to Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days
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View On WordPress
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#Keko gat smthg to say!! 📢 IT'S TIME TO TAKE ACTION. 🚒 #HipHopAfrica #hiphopculture #ugandanhiphop #thetakeover #RapNationEntNews #rapnationentuganda #RapNationEntWorldwide #kekotown #kampala #Entertainment #art #creative #generativeart #Concerts #DyceJNLOfficial (at Rap Nation Entertainment) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEyfj_Ir8i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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latinboxsports · 1 year
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@teofimolopez • WATCH NOW | @youtube YouTube | TakeoverProductions • GORDO 🏆 #Documentary #Boxing #Inspirational #boxing #boxeo #thetakeover A Must See 💻 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTS4FOOiDP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ayangr-blog · 1 year
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Someone's watching The Takeover (2022)
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tomorrowedblog · 1 year
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The Takeover premieres today
The Takeover, the new movie from Annemarie van de Mond, is out today.
Self-proclaimed ethical hacker Mel Bandison’s life is turned upside down when she stops a data breach on a high-tech self-driving bus that also happens to shut down an international criminal network. She then becomes a target and is framed with a deepfake video that “shows” that she murders someone. She goes into hiding with an acquaintance she once met on a blind date and then does all it takes to prove her innocence despite the consequences.
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dearlybeluv · 2 years
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iamaugustsnow · 2 years
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Thanks July Leo's ... we will take it from here ... 🦁 ♌️💎❄️ 8/8 . . . . . . . . . . #leonation #leoszn #leos #augustsnow #augustleo #leogang #lion #king #leozodiac #thetakeover #coldizconfident #heizaugustsnow https://www.instagram.com/p/CgujD3SJjxM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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They Stole The Show #nextup #imnext #karikingbeverly #kaispriestbeverly #karibeverly #kaisbeverly #lachargers #nfl #ncaafootball #wegotnext #thetakeover (at Jack Hammett Sports Complex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgkKVpwJU0v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fatalezr · 8 months
The Final Takeover - Part Three
Nellie looked in the mirror with lights. She could hear the sounds of the fashion show playing from the stage that she was backstage of as she touched up her lipstick and looked over to Suzy.
Her colleague and fellow gang member was smiling and adjusting her pinstriped jacket and her brassiere that was visible underneath it. Nellie checked the clock on the wall. It was close to 8pm.
“It’s almost time, Suzy” she said, “time to begin the festival!”
Suzy chuckled. “Such a pity the city doesn’t know what’s coming, I’m sure they’d have all dressed up”
“At least we have” Nellie said, admiring her tailored pinstriped suit before putting on a long and expensive fur coat while Suzy did the same. They could hear applause and laughter from the front of the stage and the assembled audience as they picked up their Thompson submachine guns and strutted towards the stage itself, their heels clicking on the wooden floor.
They readied themselves by placing their Thompson submachine guns on the inside of their coats. Nellie caught the eye of Laura, their fashion designer, standing to the side of the stage, and winked at her. She had done well in organising the show and inviting many of Cicero’s great and good along. The star guest was the city’s Attorney General himself in the front row but near him was also Rodolfo Garrick, one of Frank Nitti’s most revered lieutenants. He would be sitting with his spectacles on in the front row.
“Alright folks, let’s bring out our first model” the Master of Ceremonies said in an enthusiastic tone, looking resplendent in his dinner jacket. Nellie and Suzy watched as a woman stepped out from Laura’s side of the stage in a pinstriped shorts and pinstriped waistcoat. She was wearing dark stockings too and there were some admiring wolfwhistles from the crowd for the slender model. “Here’s our Annie look. Slender, sleek, but one wrong look and she’ll gun you down like a dog”. Some members of the crowd laughed as the model pretended to shoot them with an umbrella in her hands.
“Fucking fools” Nellie whispered as the model back along the runway and went off the stage. “How could they be this stupid?”. She guessed that the members of the Cicero crowd in attendance were too arrogant to think that they were in danger attending a ‘female gangster’ runway show that was Laura’s homage to their work on the West Coast.
“Hide in plain sight” Suzy whispered back, “that’s always been my strategy”.
“And now here’s Suzy” the Master of Ceremonies bellowed, introducing the next model. “The ultimate Femme Fatale, she’ll give you all you bargained for and more”. Suzy was grinning as the blonde model impersonating her made her way out to the front in a black pinstriped corset with dark stockings and a short pinstriped skirt. The ‘Suzy’ model held her fingers like guns and pretended to again shoot the crowd as they laughed and cheered.
“And of course” the Master of Ceremonies continued, “the deadliest boss of them all…”. He paused as four women in pinstriped jackets and short skirts rolled a coffin onto the stage, “the Queen of the West Coast, Helen!” The coffin lid opened and a redhead emerged, two umbrellas in her hand and dressed in sleeveless pinstriped jacket and short skirt. She pretended to shoot the crowd like the others and Nellie recognised the homage to the infamous funeral slaughter that Helen had orchestrated in San Merido.
“Seems like these folks like being part of a massacre” Nellie commented.
“Then tonight is their lucky night!” Suzy said, giggling. The thirty or so members of the crowd in the small hall clapped and shouted some more as ‘Helen’ was wheeled off, a mean look in her eye that would be a fitting tribute to their boss.
“Well if you liked that folks, we got a real treat for you” the Master of Ceremonies said, stepping towards the back of the stage as Nellie and Suzy stepped onto it, their long coats over their suits and guns, “we’re going to make the next part of the show all-immersive!”
Some people in the crowd looked round, puzzled. The Attorney General looked up from his seat at the front, a blonde lady next to him that Nellie presumed was his wife.
Nellie raised her voice. “Time to give you the real thing!” she shouted out loud and she flicked her coat off her shoulders, Suzy doing the same and brought her Tommy gun to her waist. Some people had a chance to register what was happening but most were sitting or standing there gormlessly as she pressed the trigger.
BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Her first volley of bullets went straight into the heart of the Attorney General. His body bounced in his chair as his white shirt turned to red. Nellie kept her finger on the trigger. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She swung the gun to her left in a controlled arc, her bullets ripping through the patrons in their seats.
“Oh yeah” Nellie felt the pulsing of the recoil of the gun as she arced back and forth, going up and down to hit everyone in sight. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. The new 100-bullet magazines the group was using were designed for situations like this. They were so effective in a short space of time when you didn’t want to reload. “Oh yeah, oh yeah”. Her soft sounds of pleasure helped her control her shots as she continued to shoot more and more men and women. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Dresses ripped, shirts were punctured and there were cries of pain from the crowd.
BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Her final few bullets returned to where she had started, ripping up the Attorney General’s chest to his face and busting it open in a gory mess.
To her side, she heard Suzy moaning as she finished her massacre of her side of the room. Without speaking, they both reloaded their guns and fired again, Nellie giving more bullets into everyone in the room whilst Suzy stood over Nitti’s lieutenant Garrick and concentrated all her fire on his face. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. They continued shooting and making sure their job was professionally done, Nellie moaning “Oh yeah” every time she saw a body jerk or a woman’s breast explode from one of her bullets.
The freshly-cleaned barrel on her gun was smoking profusely as she finished her 200th bullet and she brought it to her lips to blow the smoke away before reloading and looking at Suzy. They were both in an ecstatic place but knew they had to keep moving to continue their evening.
“Not a bad opening act, eh?” Suzy said gleefully as they walked off the stage.
“Not bad at all” Nellie agreed. Tonight was a special night in Cicero. Helen had dubbed it the “Night of a Thousand Bullets” but all her senior lieutenants had agreed that it was likely to be more akin to a “Night of Ten Thousand Bullets” as they waged their war against their Cicero enemies with a series of sharp, direct hits, at both individuals and larger groups. The FBI would be left in disarray. They had been focussing their efforts on Capone and the Cicero gang but now had to contend with Helen’s gang. After their massacre at the theatre announced their arrival in style, the police and FBI had been focussing manpower on protecting large events, not smaller gatherings or individuals.
Nellie and Suzy got into their car parked around the back of the club and drove off into the city. Night had already fallen and Nellie wondered how the other two-woman death squads were getting on around the city. She remembered a similar night in Pacific City when there had been only two teams going around the city eliminating lieutenants. Now there was half a dozen, each criss-crossing the city, with an instruction to execute their tasks ruthlessly.
Their second stop of the evening was towards the downtown area of Cicero. The boom of the 1920’s had led to the increasing construction of tall skyscrapers and they approached a site where a large pit had been dug to secure the foundations for a new one. A woman in a plain dress walked over to their car as they parked up and Nellie recognised her.
“Are they there?” she asked the woman.
“Yeah, they are” the woman said, smiling at them. “Right on schedule and meeting in the hut”.
“Good work” Nellie said, “now scram, you don’t want to be near here when the cops show up”.
The woman nodded and hurried off. Nellie and Suzy got out of their car and walked over to the site where Eric Ganetti, another Cicero enforcer and the construction manager of the site would be meeting. Ganetti used the sites to recruit men but was also enforcing the protection racket on sites around the city, so much so that some companies had already just ceded control to Capone and his cronies.
Nellie and Suzy hurried across the street, Tommy guns by their side, Suzy drawing a Beretta pistol as she did so. The gate on the site was padlocked but -BAM- she squeezed off a pistol shot into it and crumpled. Nellie burst through the gate, raising her Tommy gun as she did and looked around. She saw a small wooden hut with lights on inside and the shadows of two men in the window. They had evidently not heard the gunshot that broke the lock.
“Let’s waste them inside the building” Suzy said, her eyes growing wide at the idea she could put her gun to use again.
Nellie agreed and they both took up positions near two walls, aiming their guns. Nellie heard a voice inside that sounded like Ganetti saying “Wait, you see that?” to the site manager. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She didn’t wait for anything further, her gloved finger curling on the trigger and sending a volley into the hut’s window whilst Suzy shot from the other side.
The windows smashed. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Nellie concentrated her fire on the two men who were then revealed, both wearing shirts and braces for their trousers. They were being lit up from both sides by the bullets of the two shooters. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Nellie found she had a skill for keeping Ganetti’s body up in the air as she pummelled him with bullets, like he was some kind of poorly-controlled marionette. She smiled and kept saying “Oh yeah” to express her emotions as she ripped him up.
BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. By the time her 100-bullet magazine ran dry, the mobster had been cut in two, his insides and midriff completely obliterated by the hailstorm of bullets from her and Suzy. There was no need to check them. They were both clearly dead.
The two women reloaded and began to walk back to their car. As they exited the site, they saw a cop in his navy blue uniform walking his beat and running towards the site. “What the…” he began to say. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Gunfire from both women cut him off. He shouted in pain before collapsing to the ground.
“Two targets down” Nellie said as they returned to their car and stuffed their pockets in their jackets with more full 100-bullet magazines.
Nellie drove them to their next place for the evening, an underground speakeasy beneath a grocers, one of many that operated in Cicero. However, the women knew from their informers that at least two of Capone’s lieutenants would be in the small bar, along with some other lower members. This would not be a targetted assassination. Helen wanted everyone in the bar dead, a clear message that such establishments would be dangerous for all.
As they approached, Nellie saw there was a large man standing outside, shuffling on his feet and smoking a cigarette. He looked like a security guard that was bored but Nellie knew they would need to take him out quietly.
Suzy must have guessed her thoughts because she was already threading a large bulbous suppressor onto the end of her Thompson submachine gun. Nellie liked this new invention. It would soon wear out during a large massacre but for a quick silent driveby, they worked perfectly.
She slowed the car as they approached the man and Suzy wound her window down, poking the extended barrel of her Tommy gun towards the man as they came parallel to him. Nellie saw his eyes open wide before Suzy pulled the trigger. Pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap. The suppressor smoked but the man was gunned down silently.
Nellie quickly parked by the side of the street and Suzy got out. Pap-pap-pap. She put some quick bullets into the guard’s head before she unscrewed the suppressor quickly. Nellie got out of the car too, picking up her own loaded Tommy gun as she did and hurried down the stairs that led to the underground wooden door. She could already hear the sound of soft music and laughing from the patrons.
She gave a quick nod to Suzy before kicking in the door and entering, already with the gun at her hip. She pressed the trigger the moment she walked in the door, not giving anyone a chance to react. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She arced her fire wildly around the room and Suzy entered beside her and did the same. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Both women twisted their hips and spread the shots over the room.
It was a small space and so it was like shooting fish in a barrel for Nellie and Suzy again. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. “Oh yeah” BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. “Oh yeah”. Nellie breathed deeply as she shot up the barman, some men at a table, a couple of women in dresses next to men in trillby hats, all of them falling to the piercing hot lead from her Tommy gun. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She found a perfect rhythm with the gun, her “Oh yeahs!” becoming louder and louder.
Her first 100 bullets had been fired wildly but she quickly reloaded, Suzy to her side doing the same and they began walking around the room. About 20 bodies were strewn at odd angles, limbs in all directions but all pierced with shots. Some people were dying, others likely already gone. Nellie walked around giving everyone a clinical finishing volley. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. “Oh yeah”. She pierced a woman’s breasts again. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. “Oh yeah”. She moaned as a gangster’s head was blown open. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM “Oh yeah”. She took another man’s shirt and turned it into a deep crimson shade of red.
BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM, BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM, BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Within a minute their work was complete and the gramophone playing music had been destroyed. The barman had spilled liquor on the wooden bar as he had gone down dying and Suzy took a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. She smoked it for a few seconds before flicking it towards the liquor.
It sparked as the cigarette caught it and Nellie and Suzy stepped out of the bar and into their car as the underground place was set on fire. Smoke was already piling out of the door as they drove away, both of them satisfied with their work so far.
They could hear sirens on the streets of Cicero as they drove to their final job of the evening. Evidently the Cicero cops would be running around in a panic trying to stop the night of violence and doubtless several of them would be slain by the ruthless gang as they did so.
Their final appointment was on the Eastern side of the city. They knew that Capone’s protection rackets were an important part of his income in the city, so disrupting them would be key and each group of women was tasked with taking out one of the crews. Nellie and Suzy made sure their pockets were each filled with as many magazines of 100 bullets as they possibly could be, ready to take on the crew.
Capone’s crews worked in groups of five and would all be armed as they walked around the city, but thanks to some diligent intelligence-gathering, the women knew where they would be for an ambush and their powerful weapons and seemingly never-ending supply of bullets would give them an advantage.
Their target, “Fat Lou” Allen and his four apprentices would be touring the industrial areas of the city and so Nellie and Suzy picked a section of factories where they could hide their car and got out, Tommy guns in hand, Nellie taking an extra one so she carried one in each hand. The large factory they were by cast a long shadow and in their pinstriped suits they were almost invisible against the night sky, their faces hid by shadows cast by their pinstriped fedoras.
Nellie flattened herself against the wall of one of the factories and peered round. She could see “Fat Lou” and his round belly walking in the midst of four men, all of whom had small submachine guns.
“You ready?” she said to Suzy quietly.
Suzy nodded. She would be the bait that would set their trap. She came out from their corner position and shouted “Hey assholes, surprise!” at the men. She twisted her hips and fired a quick volley with her Thompson submachine gun. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Nellie heard a man shout in pain before Suzy ran in the same direction she had been going, next to another factory.
“Fucking bitch! After her!” Fat Lou shouted at his men. Nellie kept herself quiet as the men rushed in the direction of Suzy. They came into view, all of them with their backs to her, Fat Lou panting and wheezing from the exercise. There were only three guards now and she guessed one had already been downed by Suzy’s initial volley
Nellie took her chance. She aimed at the men with both of the Tommy guns in her hand, keeping her balance with the two guns as she had practiced. She smiled to herself as she pulled both triggers. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM, BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM.
Both weapons sparked into life, shooting the gangsters in the back. They cried out in pain but it just made Nellie more excited. “Oh yeah, oh yeah” she breathed louder. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM, BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. The weapons continued to roar, spitting shell casings all over the floor.
BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. The noise was now joined by Suzy, who had turned and was now shooting her own gun into the men and Nellie could see the bodies of the gangsters jerking from the impact of the bullets. The younger apprentices started to fall to the ground. “Oh yeah, Oh yeah” she cried out, focussing both of her Tommy guns into the back and the gut of Fat Lou.
The big man was jerking uncontrollably as he was massacred from two sides by three Tommy guns before he fell to the floor and the guns ran dry. Nellie dropped one of her Tommy guns, feeling a great feeling of pleasure and eager to use another magazine. She loaded one before walking over to Fat Lou’s body and pulling the trigger, walking her shots up and down his chest and face. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. She emptied the entire magazine into him, the 100 bullets ripping his face to shreds and turning him into nothing more than a gory mess.
She reloaded again and her and Suzy gave each of the men around him another 50 bullets. BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM, BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM. Suzy was laughing and screaming in pleasure while Nellie continued to moan “Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!” as each man was turned to an unrecognisable stew of body parts and blood.
“Woohoo!” Suzy celebrated as they got back in the car. “That was awesome!”. There were specks of blood on her suit and her chest from where the men had splattered on her and Nellie noticed the same on her own shirt.
“Let’s get back to Helen” Nellie said. She tried to count how many magazines she had used, in the end concluding that she had used almost a thousand bullets herself. If Suzy and the other women had done the same, Helen’s festival would have exceeded all expectations.
As they sipped moonshine in an underground speakeasy that had been newly established, Helen congratulated each woman. All of their targets had been hit, as well as several cops and other bystanders who tried to interfere. Cicero was down several mob lieutenants and enforcers, an Attorney General, a Deputy Mayor, it’s Supreme Court and the remaining half of its City Council who had not attended the theatrical show.
There was an increasing power vacuum developing in Cicero, and Nellie knew that only Helen would have the ability to fill it. The takeover was going perfectly to plan.
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orangekatkustumz · 2 years
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Just chillin. Quick photo shoot pop out for our album droppin in 2028. “Benson’ Blocks”. Only available on compact disc and 8-track!! Stay tuned!! The summer gon be ours!! 🐯🟧🟠🔶🧡 #BeeNNBlockz #purehiphop #2028 #TUP #IYKYK #TheTakeOver #Chitown #Chiraq #drillmusic #realrapnomumble 🔥🔥😹 (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjlIV2rCGJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roundbyroundboxing · 2 years
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What were your thoughts on @teofimolopez debut and victory at 140 pounds? Photo: @4mikeywilliams / Top Rank via Getty #Boxing #Boxeo #RBRBoxing #RoundByRoundByRoundBoxing #TeofimoLopez #TheTakeover #LopezCampa #ESPN #TRBoxing #TopRank https://www.instagram.com/p/ChPjijUO39P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haha762 · 4 months
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karevheritagehiphop · 2 years
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#NJHipHopHistory #TheTakeover presented by #TheFlavaUnit with @queenlatifah in the center of the album cover. If anyone knows anyone that was apart of this project please direct them to @heritagehiphop we have a platform for these artists to tell their story and experience in the game with this project. #NjHipHop #EO #Eastorange #NewarkNJ #Brickcity #IrvingtonNJ #EssexCounty #NewJersey We got a story to tell and @heritagehiphop is the platform to expose our history to the world. https://www.instagram.com/p/CfDUmHkuwiH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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