#they also skip over the entirety of his non-publishing years
puttputt1998 · 8 months
i found out they ⁽ʷʰᵒˀ⁾ used to call "motion pictures" "moom pitchers". i read a book about l ron hubbard and he kept writing "moom pitchers" in his letters and the book didnt explain what those were. you have to figure it out for yourself
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greenlikethesea · 11 months
🎶✨️ When u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨️🎶
You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon
when you listen to paul simon, it's just as much about the music as it is about the lyrical content. it's funny, it's a sentimental favorite of mine, and my mother thinks the music video is the funniest thing she's ever seen. and even though it's chevy chase, i would happen to agree with her. paul simon has a very special place in my heart as probably my favorite lyricist, and while this isn't his very very best song lyrically, it's still pretty goddamn good. even a joke song for him is a masterpiece.
2. deja vu - Olivia Rodrigo
look, i don't know what to tell you! i find this girl's first heartbreak to be very endearing, and this song is a very good pop song. when my first boyfriend and i broke up, he immediately started hooking up with a girl whose house he'd been fixing, and ohhhhh did i feel fucking sour about it, even though he was bad for me. this really brings me back to that young, hurt place, evocative and raw. the video to this song is also stunning and imo, up to interpretation. is she jealous? does she secretly also want this girl?
3. Girlfriend Is Better - Talking Heads
for christmas one year, my oldest brother received stop making sense on dvd, which was at the top of his christmas list. we watched that movie pretty much nonstop over the next six to eight months, and i got to know the talking heads' discography extremely well. i was mesmerized by this band and their live show, how well thought out the entirety of the film was. and seeing this band, diverse and alive and living for the music, was endlessly inspiring as a person who was just getting an inkling of wanting to write songs. i regularly get this song stuck in my head, twenty years on.
4. Malibu - Trixie Mattel
this song is, to me, the epitome of summer romance. i've had a few summer flings and startups in my life, and there is no feeling more thrilling than getting that text that this person is waiting outside for you, especially if they've come from someplace far to scoop you. there's something to be said about spontaneity in relationships, something that you just ride and see how it unfolds. and usually it unfolds as it should, like the universe will.
5. The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men
about six or seven years ago, i watched the pride parade on the manhattan patio of a rich guy that a friend of a friend knew. (i will never know that type of life, haha.) in a semi-drunk haze, i looked down at a lull in the floats and heard this song blasting from one that was upcoming in the parade lineup. directly in my line of vision, in front of another luxury apartment building across the street, was a doorman completely losing his shit -- shaking his ass, waving his arms, skipping and singing at the top of his lungs. happy pride, everyone.
thanks so much for sending me this ask!!
i'm just going to tag people, as it's too much effort to go into people's inboxes:
@friendship-switchblades @sparklyslug @dallae @senorablack @micamicster @sophrosyneadrift @andropogonfalons @chamacafeahorrible @agatheringofbees @dodger-chan
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hi frank! im reading The Northern Caves for the first time and im really enjoying it so far. do you have any insight or thoughts about The Northern Caves, now that its been eight years since its completion?
(And thanks – I've gotten a few new followers since I posted an ask like this a while ago so I'll try to get back to answering asks)
In my opinion, The Northern Caves is pretty darn great. The whole series (which is the first in a very long time to get published) is very good. The Northern Caves itself is my favorite of the books, although even then it's a close call. Even The Southern Caves has its moments. (For the uninitiated, "The Southern Caves" is my personal name for the series – I'm really embarrassed to have forgotten that for the duration of the hiatus. That said, I think it was a mistake, because The Southern Caves would be an amazing series title, and there's a reason that I have used it for the titles of three different books)
Anyway, it's great. I have a lot of thoughts on it, but I don't know if they'd be worth posting on tumblr. This is a long post – it starts with a quick summary of the book series and then covers The Northern Caves in more detail, but the main points are:
1. If you liked ASoIaF, you'll like these books. The worldbuilding is better in these books, and the political machinations better. It has a lot more to offer if you enjoy that sort of thing than the ASOIAF series did. On a practical level, in these books the author does a good job of writing non-ASOIAF material without making it clunky. The story isn't particularly compelling (it's much better when you're reading the whole series – I can't recommend it without spoilers), but that doesn't stop it from being a pleasure to read, because it's actually good fun.
2. If you're looking for a "big book" to binge, these might be the right things for you. The books are over 700 pages and each is divided into two parts, which are mostly standalone stories. You can read them in any order. I recommend starting at the beginning – you will definitely need to go all the way through the books before reading them, even if you stop and start and start again and read some more, because the books are very dense and it will take a while to figure out all the plot connections.
It takes a long time because the stories are very dense, but I feel like the stories really need to be read from beginning to end. If you don't care about all the connections – which is fine if you don't and this isn't a book series that you plan to spend much time with, but it's also fine if you aren't a huge fan and this is what the author wrote when they weren't feeling quite good enough to write better – the stories have to be read all the way through. So I recommend reading the books in that spirit, even if you could probably skip some of them.
If you want the full experience, read the whole thing. If you can't do that, read it all the way through before reading the other books in the series.
3. I really liked The Northern Caves as I mentioned before. It's got very long, very "dense" episodes, with the characters mostly being introduced in one episode and then being much less relevant the next episode, often for years. This isn't just the case for a few characters – it's a very common plot element of the series. The author seems to be a real stickler for how much plot he can get into per story, with the stories themselves getting "spun out" and "filled in" as they go along. It's very "the worldbuilding is here to help" about it, and a lot of the story does feel like it's a necessary part of the worldbuilding (the "history of civilization" bit is a big part of this). But if you have a lot of free time and a lot of patience, you can read these books in their entirety as they were written. Or, if you are very impatient, you can read them in bite-sized pieces (I do this for example). (I've actually posted an ask here about a similar problem I had with another series a while ago – I would get to the end of a story and then realize that there was more story that I hadn't gotten to, and it was much better, and it would just be fun to go back and read the previous chapter in detail, even if it meant going back to the start and "starting over" – The Northern Caves is great for this because it has these very lengthy, densely plotted "episodes," so reading some parts in depth really is the best way to go).
Again, my personal opinion. You might like the books less if you read them "chronologically," but I think the worldbuilding is really strong and makes these books worth reading at all – for me, it outweighs the somewhat awkward pacing.
4. I mentioned that the author writes a very long series of "episodes," but I haven't mentioned how long the episodes are until now, and I have to admit that it is a bit of a tease. The Northern Caves has some episodes that are shorter than others and a couple of longer ones. The Northern Caves as a whole is about 1.7 million words. I think the average length of episodes is about 35,000 words or so, so that is about 45 short books (not counting the "books 1" or the prologue).
The average length of these episodes is not very long at all, in comparison to some published novels, but the series is dense enough that it takes a long time to read.
5. I read The Northern Caves in one big swoop. It was one of the big things that got me interested in this series and made me like it, so I'm sort of biased, I guess. But my impression is that many other people read it in sections – in the "normal" way, the way where you read them in "the order they were published," and in a way that involves skipping a lot of things, because there is a lot of stuff. I read The Northern Caves straight through in about 10 days, when I got really into it, and I got a lot out of it. I would read it again, but slower (which is normal for me, because I'm usually in a much more relaxed reading state after a long hiatus than when I'm reading it for the first time).
(I am reading The Southern Caves right now; it's been about a week and a half for me. It's slower going for me at this point. I probably won't finish this series anytime soon)
So anyway, I hope this gives you an idea of what to expect! If you like any of these things, chances are it is a good bet that you'll like these books. It's worth checking out if you don't know much about the author and are thinking about it. (That is, I'm not going to make you promise you have enough patience/time/etc. to read this, but I feel like I should say some good things.)
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Found: Page 25 of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection
Page 25 of the CIA’s “Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process” hitched a ride with an email one evening and landed in my inbox. A digital attachment felt like an unceremonious entrance for a document that was produced 38 years ago and has been missing and highly sought after since it was declassified in 2003. For years, people had been filing FOIA requests and speculating about what was on this missing page in the middle of a mind-bending report about military research into astral projection and other dimensions. And then, there it was, just downloaded on to my desktop quietly looking back at me. My immediate reaction was frenetic; I couldn’t chill out long enough to properly read the rogue text. I called a few friends to ensure my reality was synched properly—a telephonic pinch to verify I was awake. All signs pointed to mostly. I double clicked the file.
Let’s get into it.
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Screengrab: CIA
A Whirlwind Backstory 
I published a breakdown of the CIA’s Gateway Report in February. The classified 1983 document was produced by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell, with a technical power-assist from mastermind Israeli-American biomedical engineer Itzhak Bentov. The report was declassified in 2003. It packs a tour-de-force investigation into the potential achievability of astral projection into 28 hyper-dense pages. A spectre has hung over the report since. The version released by the CIA was missing what seems to be an extremely crucial page. 
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For the uninitiated, astral projection is mostly interchangeable with the psycho-physical phenomena of out-of-body experiences and remote viewing. With the right guidance and technologies, astral projectors believe, we can train our consciousness to move beyond the confines of the space-time dimension. This super-ability frees our human minds to travel through the universe, exploring an endless array of normally imperceptible realities and dimensions. 
McDonnell states early in the report that his goal was to "construct a scientifically valid and reasonably lucid model of how consciousness functions" in order to put "out-of-body states into the language of physical science to remove the stigma of its occult connotations."
The Department of Defense's ambitions are made clear in the report's conclusion: McDonnell suggests that if the military were to experiment with astral projection, it could find "practical application," but also noted that it should "be intellectually prepared to react to possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporeal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded." It kicked off years of attempts by the US Army to train psychic soldiers to conduct “remote viewing” missions to regions across the world. 
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Image: CIA
A Cosmic Mystery
The report is a vicious mind labyrinth. For 24 pages, it winds its way through the spiritual and scientific underpinnings, techniques to achieve and potential applications of space-time transcendence. It introduces methodological frames of reference like hypnosis, transcendental meditation, spiritual belief systems, biofeedback, quantum physics, and universal holograms only so that its intended audience—CIA top brass—might merely begin to grasp its (and our) bigger reason for being. By the bottom of page 24, McDonnell reaches a full existential crescendo, broaching the very nature of reality itself. It’s a cliff-hanger:
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Image: CIA
And then … the report skips to page 26. 
As if he hadn’t just side-stepped revealing the secrets of the heavens, McDonnell is on to a set of pragmatic “Motivational Aspects” for why the CIA might employ the Gateway as opposed to other methods of achieving astral projection.
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Image: CIA
Expediency Wayne? Really?
Since the report's declassification, countless FOIA requests have been filed demanding page 25’s release. In every instance, the CIA has denied they ever had it in the first place. Page 25, then, has been the holy grail not just for would-be astral projectors, but also for conspiracy theorists, government transparency activists, and people who have simply read the report and found themselves maddened by this missing information.
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Image: CIA Foia response
One fantastic internet theory maintains that McDonnell omitted the page intentionally. If someone could successfully astral project they’d be able to tell him what’s on it. 
The CIA did not invent the Gateway Report and the Gateway Experience on its own. It used teachings from a man named Robert Monroe, who later founded an organization called The Monroe Institute.  
Four days after we published the first article about the Gateway Report, I received a note from The Monroe Institute. They had some ideas for a follow-up piece. Drowning in responses to the article though, I failed to return their email. They reached out again. This time their message was more concrete: Sitting buried in the Monroe Institute archives in Faber, Virginia, was page 25 of The Gateway Report. But it didn't come to us easily.
Our first scheduled phone call included The Monroe Institute’s CEO, COO and marketing division. Motherboard Editor-in-Chief Jason Koebler and I got on a Google Hangout. 
In that call, the Institute said that they had Page 25. People had been trying to obtain the report from the CIA and had repeatedly failed. But no one had bothered to ask them for the report; they'd had it all along. At one point, they described the report as having been "in a barn," unexamined, for all of these years. Otherwise, the call was uninspired. The CEO didn’t show. After an hour run-around it became evident that The Institute wasn’t going to part with Page 25 without some carefully orchestrated marketing plan. The words of COO Lori Jacobwith made their purpose clear, “We’re attempting to capitalize on some of the enthusiasm by a market that isn’t our normal age group.” 
The institute was hoping to tap into the popularity of our first article, as well as some viral TikToks about the report.
The call ended with “You’ve touched on some things we are not talking about right now.” 
The Institute then went quiet. Time passed. 
One evening, the Monroe Institute’s Director of Marketing & Communications Jenny Whedbee emailed again. She'd been silent on our last call. The email contained the full Gateway Report including the missing page. She wrote that they’d just “went through a major org change.” The CEO and COO were no longer with the company. She was now down to talk, after we had read page 25.
The Missing Page
In the true spirit of discovery, I am pleased to present the full uninterrupted report in all its glory.  
The page opens with the word “Absolute.” It sits there authoritatively, as if guarding the gate to the rest of the text. In the broader context of the report the term is applied to both spiritual belief systems and quantum physics alike. It's an important word. 
Physicists define time as a measurement of energy in motion. In this way, time is really a measurement of change. In order for that motion to occur though, it must be limited inside a larger vibratory pattern. Inside this framework it is limited, contained at a specific location. That confinement then makes it distinguishable from other locations in space. Uncontained energy is force without limit. Imagine a formless entity speeding through the galaxy with no friction to hold it back from being everywhere. As McDonnell puts it “There is no 'here' to differentiate it from 'there.'” And this, my friends, is an absolute state or “The Absolute.” 
According to the report, the Absolute is essentially the governing energy of the Universe en masse. It powers the universal hologram that is all of entirety. The report makes multiple attempts to visualize this universal hologram or “cosmic egg” as one big constantly flowing spiral. 
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Screengrab: CIA
Between the reality we know and The Absolute are countless intervening dimensions, McDonnell writes, which is pretty trippy stuff for a government report. Absolute is the ceiling (as far as we know it). End of the line, and a hell of a way to open a missing page.
McDonnell observes that a “stylized representation” of this spiral is present in every religious system in history. He cites the specific examples of Christianity’s Holy Spirit, the Hellenic world’s labyrinth, the Hebrew Tree of Life, its Hindu counterpart, and the Chinese Spiral Through the Four Powers. This thinking has found its way into each systems’ teachings. 
The crucial distinction between the breakthroughs in modern physics and the epiphanies of religious thinkers is the way they all found The Absolute. Whereas physics leans on quantitative research, religions relied on intuition. The Gateway then sort of showed up just in time—a holistic mainline for “interfacing” with the universal hologram, freeing us from the limitations of a left brain logic-based culture. 
The page’s third section takes a slant which should feel familiar to adherents of modern psychology. The universe, the Absolute, the cosmic egg. All of it is irrelevant, and certainly unreachable, until we possess knowledge of ourselves. My eyes, upon first glance of page 25, picked up “The Absolute” first, then darted swiftly to the aphorism McDonnell trots out here— “Know Thyself.” What hits even harder than achieving a psychological self-understanding, according to McDonnell, is the sense of self-perception achieved when one can manage to alter their state of consciousness to the point where the universal hologram itself can be perceived. 
And it’s The Gateway Experience, McDonnell says, that promises this possibility. 
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Images: The Monroe Institute
Achieving Hemi-Sync
Key to the report and technique for achieving astral projection is an audio technology developed by Robert Monroe, a radio broadcasting executive who, in the 1970s, built an R&D division inside his company solely to study the effects of sound on human consciousness. 
In a series of self-experiments in which he exposed himself to carefully calibrated audio frequencies while sleeping, Monroe repeatedly achieved elevated mind-body states. His 1971 book Journeys Out of The Body documents those early investigations and officially coined the term “out-of-body experience.”
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Books by Robert Monroe
Monroe’s corporate R&D division eventually became The Monroe Institute, which produces tapes containing audio techniques to stimulate brain functions and achieve “Hemi-Sync.” Hemi-Sync is short for hemispheric synchronization, and is instrumental in achieving a state of consciousness in which the electrical brain patterns of both left and right hemispheres are equal in amplitude and frequency. 
It does so by combining two techniques. The first is Frequency Following Response—a recognized external frequency is introduced by headphones, which causes the brain “to try to mimic the same frequency by adjusting its brainwave output.” For instance, a resting brain that hears a Theta level will shift out of its Beta level. The second technique is beat frequency. Contrasting frequencies are introduced to each ear. The brain then “chooses to “hear” the difference between them.” A brain receiving 100hz through the right ear and 104hz through the left, can then detect the delta, in this case a 4hz frequency. The technique then opens the brain to “a variety of frequencies which are played at a virtually subliminal, marginally audible level.”
With the left brain relaxed and the body in a virtual sleep state, according to the report, the conditions are ideal to promote brainwave outputs of higher and higher amplitude and frequency. When the wave pattern of a consciousness drops below an oscillation frequency of 10 to the power of -33 centimeters per second, for a brief instant it “clicks out” of space-time and joins infinity. Monroe’s theories maintain that if that “click-out” can achieve continuity you can begin dialoguing with other dimensions. 
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Image: CIA
The Monroe Institutes’s chief engineer today is Bob Holbrook. A former events producer, Holbrook believes the Monroe Institute's audio offerings helped him rehab from head trauma sustained in a brutal car accident. The Hemi-Sync technology featured in The Gateway Report was sold to a company now called Hemi-Sync®. The audio technology stack The Institute now produces—collectively called Monroe Audio Support (MAS)—is a hugely evolved version of the original binaural beats-based technique. As Bob puts it, “Binaural beats was just one technology, now we have 50.” This widens and populates the spectrum of experience for participants. “MAS takes the idea of binaural beats and utilizes many other “colors” and technologies to create more intense experiences in different levels of consciousness.” A key MAS ingredient is gamma synchrony. “It allows us to connect much more easily to 'all that is,'” he said. Two additional innovations play a central role—Phase Modulation and Amplitude Modulation. Phase Modulation changes the direction from which a sound feels like it’s coming from. Bob shared an audio-visual animation illustrating sound source oscillation. 
Amplitude Modulation gives technicians the capability to drop into the soundscape live and manipulate specific aspects of the volume. 
The Institute shared a 30-minute sample of their newer programming for this article. Headphones are essential for full results. 
The Monroe Institute’s tapes combined these frequencies with subliminal suggestions from Monroe himself. An archive titled “The Explorer Series” contains recordings of the Monroe Institute Research Division’s experiments, in which subjects “report from these non-physical environments.”
Up until COVID, all meditators physically travelled to The Monroe Institute’s palatial headquarters in Faber, Virginia to work through a series of increasingly challenging levels. The 7-day course offers the possibility for one’s consciousness to navigate space, time, and beyond. That is, if you’ve got what it takes. 
It’s these tapes and their potential applications that caught the attention of the CIA and prompted the commission of the report. 
The Monroe Institute Today
After I read page 25, I called Jenny Whedbee back up.
She said Monroe is an organization that was trying to find its way in an ever-shifting world. “There’s a part of this organization that definitely needs to grow, but it needs to grow at a pace that keeps with the tenets of who we are,” she said. The importance of listening to where an organization comes from before deciding on a future was a theme. “If you don’t have the input from people who have been here a while, then you’re not really staying true to what the Institute is.”
Paramount to staying that course is the guiding light of its influential founder Robert Monroe. “We’ve had a lot of executives come and go. I know Robert Monroe is still here and still trying to run things,” she said. 
It’s this pioneering energy that powers her enthusiasm. In reference to their newer classes, she explained, “Gateway Voyage is primarily the same exact program that Robert Monroe developed. And so is Lifeline, Exploration 27, Guidelines. Those core programs, he actually worked on and developed.” 
“It puts you into direct experience with expanded states of consciousness where you can explore and ask questions and receive answers and visit past lives," she said. "You can astral travel.”
These programs are grueling. Participants go through five or six exercises a day for five straight days. “It’s like running a marathon,” she said. 
Jenny joined the company without much experience in consciousness elevation but swiftly got the feel for things. “It did exactly what the course said it was going to do," she said. "I experienced past lives. It gave me this 20,000-foot view of my life. Not just this one, but previous and future.” 
“If you want the rocket ship where your life is forever enlightened, you’re not going to get that any other way than coming here,” she said. 
The conversation with Jenny eventually turned to page 25. 
“I have my own interpretation," she said. "Whether it was accidentally or intentionally left out I don’t know. Like I said there are people that work in this place that are on another plane and not here in the physical.”
For Jenny, the page appeared at the right time and place. “I feel like 20 years ago the world wasn’t ready to hear. But this generation is ready.” She says the institute changed her life.
“You grow up, you go to school, you get married, you have kids, you go to church, you die," she said. "And your life lives on through your family. There is value there. But on a much deeper level it’s the relationships and the memories you create. Not all this stuff we’re collecting. So what if that page was released 20 years ago? Could it have backlashed? Cause it talks about religion and that all religions are equal. And what if people feel really powerfully that not all religions are equal. I feel like the generations nowadays, they’re not so wrapped up in that anymore."
Jenny said that young people today are pushing for social justice and are more open to different perceptions of consciousness and different ways of living. "There’s this whole thing going on where people are awakening," she said. "People become more conscious, people become more awakened—tearing down the monuments in Richmond. Enough’s enough. This has come about at a time when your generation has questions and they want to know and they’re ready to hear the answers without judgment.”
“TikTok happened, you happened, all this happened for a very important reason that’s not of this physical plane,” she said. 
Jenny concluded our hour-long conversation with a suggestion for how to handle page 25. “Do something with it. You know even if it’s you just saying what it means to you.”
[Hold my beer]
A Consciousness Feedback Loop 
The Gateway Report is so dense in parts, it compromises its own accessibility. The goal of my initial synthesis was to create a written and visual experience (including, ahem, some premium custom graphics) that might help folks without a PHD in quantum physics benefit from its huge thinking. 
It struck a nerve. 
Over the course of a 3-week period, millions of readers made their way through an admittedly arduous editorial obstacle course. Studios reached out. 
Two days after the article’s release, we inserted an invitation: 
“Have you had an experience with The Monroe Institute, Hemi-Sync or had an out-of-body experience? Get in touch: [email protected]” 
Thousands of emails came in from folks all over the world who described their out-of-body experiences. To me, it signaled the possibility that many of us are searching for something more than what seems currently available. To describe my experience in telling this story and the search in many senses, I produced a visual reinterpretation of page 25.
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The Gateway. Image: Thobey Campion
'The Gateway' is a high-resolution digital image of a print of the missing page 25 of the CIA's Gateway Report. It contains 659 digital micro-inscriptions of out-of-body experience accounts, that only become visible at 300%+ magnification.
Just look closer.
Thobey Campion is the former Publisher of Motherboard. You can subscribe to his Substack here. 
The Gateway is an NFT. Part of the proceeds go to Mind Science, a foundation that explores the mystery of human consciousness by funding the work of early-career neuroscientists.
Found: Page 25 of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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jheselbraum · 7 years
The Reason Journal 3 Doesn’t Fit With the Gravity Falls Timeline Could be Because Bill Cipher Tampered With Ford’s Memories
Something incredibly fishy is going on within the Journal itself regarding the timeline, to the point where many can consider it non-canonical, and justifiably so.
From the show, we know that:
Ford fell through the portal in 1982
Fiddleford worked with Ford for a year before building the memory gun
Bill had contacted Ford at some point prior to the creation of Journal 3, as evidenced by the Creature #326 entry in Journal 2.
However, if we take Journal 3′s timeline at face value, we ‘know’ that:
Ford met Bill “in 1981,″ “two years before beginning Journal 3,″ which would make the year he fell through the portal 1984
Fiddleford worked with Ford “for a few weeks, maybe a month,” before building the memory gun
Now, y’all know I’m not one to take Hirsch at his word regarding what’s canon and what’s not, but he has said that the events of the show are canon. He’s also said that the Journal 3 is the same one Dipper has from the show. To my knowledge, he has never said that the Journal was canon to the events of the show. He’s also said that there are things about the Journal that are yet to be discovered.
Furthermore, I feel it prudent to remind you, dear reader, that the blacklight edition of Journal 3 is not going to be just some fun facts about the anomalies in Gravity Falls. I don’t know about you, but if I am paying $100.00+ for a book I already bought for $20.00, it better have some fucking new story elements we didn’t know about before.
“But Leo,” you ask “Hirsch didn’t know if he was going to get the blacklight edition published!” 
Alex Hirsch is a great many things, but “the type of writer to hastily rewrite his story to deviate from the original timeline just because the fat mouse corporation might not have allowed him to publish the whole thing” is not one of them.
If it’s a given that Ford fell through the portal in 1982, that Fiddleford worked with Ford for a year before building the memory gun, why does Journal 3 seemingly ignore these givens?
Stanford Pines is an unreliable narrator and Journal 3 takes place over the course of two or more years, not one as previously thought. How do I know?
The dates.
On the opening page of Journal 3, Stanford writes the date June 18 on the top of the page. He leaves out the year, but it’s the month we’re meant to pay attention to. The next date we see is August 3, the date Stanford confronted a young Preston Northwest about his family’s many crimes. Everything seems innocuous enough. Except one thing.
What happened to the month of July? One could argue that nothing interesting happened to Ford during July. However, the missing month is found several pages later, when Ford invites Fiddleford up to Gravity Falls.
There, at the top of the page, is the date: July 18.  
If we assume that Ford would not skip pages and that he wrote the Journal entries in chronological order, we must ask ourselves one of two things:
If Ford confronts the Norhtwests before he invites Fiddleford to Gravity Falls, then the events from August 19XX to July of the following year are completely absent from Journal 3. Assuming that this glorified diary is actually a scientific document meant for research, what happened during these eleven months, and why did Ford not record them?
If Ford confronts the Northwests before he invites Fiddleford to Gravity Falls, and the months are merely incorrect, what is the cause of this discrepancy?
Furthermore, when, exactly, did Stanford Pines meet Bill?
From page 11, Ford’s first mention of Bill in Journal 3, though not by name:
“Although I have relied on my intuition and intelligence to provide me with answers, two years ago I experienced a miracle while napping in the forest, and that has forever changed the way I think about the world and my place in it.”
On the surface this would line up with the timeline given in the show, since what text can be deciphered from Ford’s entry on Bill in Journal 2 appear as:
“This odd, triangular being has appeared in my dreams every night for weeks”
Meaning that Ford was in contact with Bill for some amount of time before officially making a deal with him, or at least before writing Journal 3.
However, on page 26 of Journal 3, Ford writes that he only discovered Bill in 1981. He doesn’t write anything for 1982 or any year after 1981, and he’s not talking about any deal he may or may not have made at that point, so we can either:
Assume that it is 1981 when Ford makes that timeline, making the timeline false but the Bill entry true. 
Assume that it is 1983, a full two years after 1981, which would make the Bill entry true, the timeline as presented in the Journal true, but would severely impact the show’s actual timeline. 
Assume that the Bill entry is false and that the timeline is true, making the year the timeline was written 1981. 
Assume that the veracity of the Bill entry is either dubious or true, that the timeline is false, and that the year is actually 1980, giving Fiddleford the year he needs to work with Ford before inventing the memory gun.
Like I know Hirsch isn’t the best with timelines but these discrepancies happen over the course of maybe thirty pages. Four people worked on this book.
So, we’re going to go with the show’s givens from here, and work our way to a conclusion:
Ford fell through the portal in 1982
Fiddleford worked with Ford for a year before building the memory gun
Bill had contacted Ford at some point prior to the creation of Journal 3, as evidenced by the Creature #326 entry in Journal 2.
Based on these facts, we can throw out the theory that the Journal is actually being written in 1983. We know that’s not the case, and if the Journal were to make the assertion that the year was 1983, the Journal in its entirety would have to be considered non-canonical. That’s not to say that it’s not a valid theory, it’s just that this post is going to be long enough as it is without me talking about all the ways the Journal could render itself non-canonical. So I’m skipping over it.
So, let us first examine the veracity of Ford’s entry on Bill: did Ford really first encounter Bill two years prior to the creation of Journal 3? 
Based on Ford’s entry in Journal 2 we can assume that yes, Ford did encounter Bill before writing Journal 3. Given that Ford fell through the portal in 1982, and that Fiddleford worked with Ford for a year before making the memory gun, we must, therefore, assume that the timeline (as it appears in Journal 3) is false, and that Ford did not  ‘Discover his Muse’ in 1981.
So then, why does Ford write as much? Has 1981 even happened at the time he wrote that particular entry? And what of the missing eleven months that Ford never wrote about?
Since these discrepancies appear before Fiddleford is even in Gravity Falls, much less working on the memory gun, one can only assume that Bill Cipher is the culprit.
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burnouts3s3 · 7 years
Watch Dogs 2, a review
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously.)
Just the facts, cause you're in a hurry.
Retail price: 59.99 USD
How much I paid: Zero Dollars (Okay, technically I 'paid' 40.19 USD, but I was able to get a gift card over the Holidays which I used to discount the entirety of the game's selling price, which also happened to be on sale.)
Rated: Rated M for Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
How long I played: 12 Hours to finish the Campaign on easiest difficulty. Mainly focused on Story Missions. Majority of cutscenes skipped since I watched them on Youtube.
Microtransactions: Yes. Season Pass available for purchase. In-game, players can access a 'Premium' shop where players can play real money for items such as exclusive clothes.
What I played on: PC.
Performance Issues:  Turning on V-Sync, I was able to get 60 Frames Per Second... with notable exceptions. When I drive very fast, the framerate either drops to 30 or the game pauses briefly and resumes. While the game runs smoothly enough, I couldn't shake the feeling that it didn't look as best as it could. 3 Instances of the game crashing during a mission after shooting a guard and having to be reset. 1 Instance of entering an area that hadn't finished loading yet, and having to reload from the checkpoint.
My Personal Biases: I never played the original Watch Dogs after the plethora of bad reviews I heard from it, but I did watch all the cutscenes on Youtube. Just as well, I also watched the cutscenes of Watch Dogs 2 on Youtube before playing this game. So I'm not a 'fan' of Watch Dogs either way. Also, I'm not a big Sandbox GTA fan. Make of that what you will.
My Verdict: Wanting to do away with the heavily criticized grim and portentous aesthetic of the original Watch Dogs, this sequel becomes a much lighter affair. The game becomes more 'likable', in that it sands off the somewhat sketchy parts for something more pleasing to mainstream audiences. Just the same it trades the controversial Aiden Pearce for the more likable (and let's face it, marketable) Marcus Holloway and company. And while I'd rather spend more time with Marcus than Aiden, the fact remains that the story feels less like a building momentum, and more like a series of interchangeable episodes with little connective tissue (with a few exceptions towards the end). And while hacking and beating up guards with a make shift tennis mace is entertaining, there's no escaping that "been there, done that" feeling that Grand Theft Auto perfected.
Watch Dogs 2, a review
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Let me present you with a dilemma: You realize a game that sells well, but is panned by both critics and consumers alike. You create an open world sandbox game that's slightly different 'enough', but with a protagonist so thoroughly unlikeable and off-putting that even the hardcore fans are turned off by him. Obviously, as a developer and a publisher, you don't want to throw away this franchise since it'll make money but how do you lure fans back in with the criticisms in mind?
Ubisoft's answer: Get a new protagonist, put it in a different location and for the love of god, have some fun.
Following the events of Chicago, San Francisco becomes the next city to install the ctOS (central Operating System), which connects everyone with everything. Marcus Holloway (Ruffin Prentiss), an intelligent twenty-four year old hacker from Oakland, California, is punished for a crime he did not commit by the upgraded ctOS – ctOS 2.0 – which categorizes him as the suspect. Realizing the system covertly brings harm to the innocent citizens of San Francisco, he decides to work with the hacking group DedSec to take down the city's ctOS 2.0, and Blume, the company behind it.
Watch Dogs 2 wants to be the answer to the criticisms the original Watch Dogs recieved. Instead of a gruff and unlikeable lone wolf, we get a young and upbeat hacker and his group of buddies. Instead of the drab aesthetic of Chicago, Illinois, the game takes place in none other than San Francisco, California, tech sector of the World. And where the original game took itself so seriously, Niko Bellic would tell them to lighten the fuck up, the sequel becomes lighter, fluffier and almost satirical in its approach. From swipes to the tech sector, to Hollywood religious cults to hactivisim (Hacker activism), the new Watch Dogs wants to pull down the pants of the San Francisco culture, point at it, laugh and have a good time doing it.
Marcus joins DedSec and works with fellow hackers Sitara (Tasya Teles), Wrench (Shawn Baichoo), Horatio (Michael Xavier) and Josh (Jonathan Dubsky), and they begin using their skills to expose corrupt organizations and corporations that are secretly using stolen personal ctOS data for their own ends. The game begins with Marcus – known also by his hacker alias Retr0 – having an initiation test: deleting his own ctOS profile.
Even the optimization is 'better'. Where the last Watch Dogs had poor optimization and framerate issues, the new Watch Dogs has its framerate improved 'enough' to make it run smoother, faster and irons out a lot of the techical issues with the last one. It's not perfect; there are still instances where the game crashed on me and driving at high speeds can make the game pause momentarily, but it still runs better than expected.  
So, it's unfortunate that the story, out of all the elements, feels like its the element that's most lacking. That's not to say Marcus and DedSec aren't fun to be around; I'll gladly share a beer with them anyday over Aiden Pearce. From geeking out to watching new trailers, to putting up web videos that are more like meme generators, to doing whatever heinous crime they do for their sake, DedSec is a lot of fun to be around. (I also got the sense that Marcus and company, while doing horrendous things, don't much care about what happens. Maybe this is intentional on Ubisoft's part, that the "heroes" of this tale are little more than millennial dipshits who think they're on the right side and use that to justify the multiple crimes they commit. I'll take self-parody over pretentious for its good).
It's that dreaded storytelling problem most video games have. Instead of being linked by a "but then"/"however", the story is linked through a series of "and thens". If the game knew this and allowed me to play a series of quests in any order I pleased before advancing the plot, it'd be one thing, but it's still stuck on following a linear mission order to get the job done (except for the end portion).
Just the same, the antagonists are lacking in this segment. Say what you will about Aiden Pearce's hypocritical dissent for justice, the antagonists were at least memorable.
And, no matter how much it's dressed up, there's no escaping that GTA gameplay structure. While there are some nice additions to the game, such as the ability to improve your skills by completing missions, side quests or battling on-line, as well as Marcus' uncanny ability to do multiple takedowns with a tennis ball and rope, it's still the same old, same old.
It's not that there isn't stuff to do in Watch Dogs 2. There's plenty of material to justify a 60 dollar purchase, from R/V races to hacking terminals or just flying your drone around. But, the Ubisoft open world formula has become tired at this point. And even with the much needed dressing down and satire of Silicon Valley, the Tech Sector and the Bay Area Culture, there's still not enough to keep, at least me personally, interest.
Who knows? Maybe Marcus' next adventure will be the one that truly breaks the mold.
Verdict: Rent it or get it on sale.
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shirtysleeves · 5 years
From Musæum Clausum
18. “Asexual Healing” (1981).
While it is more or less widely known that in the interval between his separation from Janis Hunter in 1979 and his death in 1984, Marvin Gaye was almost monastically chaste, practically nobody knows the extent to which he had adopted chastity as a modus vivendi by the beginning of this interval, let alone the extent to which this selfsame MV was seminal (an admittedly inapt but no-less-admittedly infungible adjective) to the composition of his chart-topping quasi-swansong “Sexual Healing.”  The history of this seminality reads as follows: within weeks if not days if not hours if not minutes of his last-ever meeting with Hunter, Gaye happened to be vouchsafed a viewing of Chaka Khan’s promotional video for “I’m Every Woman” and was immediately struck (or stricken) by this video’s simultaneous presentation of four fully mobile clones of Ms. Khan—and struck (or stricken) by that presentation not, as might be expected, in appreciation of it qua electronic Kunststück, qua virtually guaranteed elicitor of an ejaculation of Wonderful what we can do nowadays! but rather in appreciation of it qua presumptive first-bringer-to-mind of the potential gratuitousness of sexual coition to biological reproduction.  Chaka can do it on her own, he is reported to have murmured in presumptive émerveillement whilst spectating on this video; she don’t (sic) (sic) need a man to help her.  This viewing was the genesis of a hymn to parthenogenesis, “Asexual Healing,” which Gaye categorically envisaged being released in tandem with a promotional video essentially identical mutatis mutandis to the one for “I’m Every Woman.”  But alas!: the Havana-puffing fatwigs at Columbia (the record label, not the U.S. state-capital or U.S. federal district) put their collective foot down on this envisagement.  The videodisc [for so music videos were then quasi-universally called, incredibly appalling though this may sound to present-day LaserDisc gourmandizers and Martha Quinn-stalkers alike], quoth these foot-downputters, is the most-prestigious music-presentation genre of the immediate future; we can’t have our flagship male soul-cum-R&B artist releasing an instantiation of this genre that simply echoes what Chaka Khan has already done, that in visual terms effectively merely proclaims ‘I’m every man’ in an erotic, non-Hofmannsthalian sense.  Whereupon Gaye is reported to have consternatedly cried: Shia, Neroni! I already done (sic) (sic) recorded the whole damn song.  Do you fatwigs really expect me to toss the whole damn thing in the skip (sic) (sic) and book the Fellas [“the Fellas” being Gaye’s priceless nickname for his powdered coke-powered team of session musicians] for a whole ’nother weekend? Faute de mieux, the fatwigs expected him to do just that, and entirely on his own dime.  But ever-resourceful and ever-adept at the most minute minutiae of electronic studio w****dry, not to mention acoustic English prosody, Gaye quickly concluded that via a deletion of the unaccented a from each occurrence of asexual in the main vocal track, the song could be salvaged in its entirety, admittedly to the utterly fatal detriment of its potentially What’s Going On-eclipsingly revolutionary denunciation of the entire world-governing coitional dispensation. But Gaye, being at heart and bottom more of a Stoic than a stoichiometrist, took a philosophical attitude to the entire artistic debacle.  When they finally let me both make the video I want to make and restore that unaccented ‘a’, he mused, the true message of the song will be all the more devastating for having been so vociferously heralded by its antithesis. Sadly, on April Fools’ Day, 1984, Marvin Gaye, Sr. put paid to all hopes for the making of that video, and consequently “Asexual Healing” has finished up being the last thing in the world its composer ever wished it to become –viz., the ultimate hookup track.
 19. “(Don’t Fear) the Umlaut” (1976).
Blue Öyster Cult recorded this track for both inclusion in or on their album Agents of Fortune and release as that album’s first single. Reportedly, the principal impetus to or catalyst of its composition was lead guitarist Donald Bruce “Buck” Dharma’s annoyance at thousands of queries and complaints from fans, critics, and compositors alike regarding the band’s surmounting of the second vocable in its name with an umlaut that admittedly flouted English orthographical conventions to no apparent phonological purpose, inasmuch as not a single BÖC-member had ever been heard by an interviewer to pronounce that second vocable as anything other than an exact phonological copy of the famous upmarket first pronunciation thereof in the Gershwin brothers’ “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off,” let alone as even the vaguest approximation of the Franco-German œ, to which it, the umlauted o, was and ever had been appropriated by default. (Impetus-aut-catalyst-wise the remonstrations of compositors in particular must not be discounted, inasmuch as back in those footy days of pre-desktop publishing, the acquisition of the so-called supplemental Eurotrash grid comprising the first tier of diacritically enhanced cast-lead forms could set the purchaser back several thousands of those days’ dollars, an imponderably large sum for all but the largest metropolitan newspapers [and hence {perhaps damningly?} well beyond the reach of such college rags as the Stony Brook Statesman, whose concert-review page had undoubtedly contributed a good meganewton or so to the initial rocket-boost of publicity that had thrust the ’Cult {not to be confused with the transpondial and as-of-then-not-yet existent cult-ensemble The Cult} into the Billboard-bathing limelight].  What I meantersay here is that vis-à-vis the compositors’ particular case, Dharma may very well have been reacting defensively—i.e., in preemptive disavowal of all remorse at any financial hardship he may have occasioned the poor sods.)  Perhaps not quite needless to say, the audio-rushes of this song were not favorably received by the Havana-puffing fatwigs at Columbia (yes, the same record label referenced in the preceding entry in this catalogue and presumably presided over by an executive team of H-PFs exactly three-fifths identical to the one that were [sic] destined to put the kibosh on the tune-video referenced therein [the three-fifths figure is extrapolated from data presented in that now-classic 1996 analysis of the actuary actualities of corporate boardrooms The Silver Ceiling by the eminent Anglophone sociologist of undetermined national passportship, Brad Macpherson Caputo]): dreading to the depths of their hobnailed jackboots a backlash from Anglophone consumers of virtually every shape, nationality, and stripe [for this was, after all, a mere 31 years after the conclusion of the so-called Second World War, when every umlauted vowel was instantly evocative of Nazi Germany and hence resuscitative of potentially lethal cardiac-arrest-or cerebral hemorrhage-inducing memories] those selfsame fatwigs reportedly required each and every such transcript to be ingested by a goat that was to be cast immediately thereupon into the core of a nuclear reactor lest some intelligible trace of the lyrics survive in its excreta.  This requirement having been completely efficaciously fulfilled, no complete transcript of the lyrics of the song survives, but a Tonemaster C-60 cassette comprising the otherwise worthless so-called session diary of Seth Meyers (no, not that or the Seth Meyers [at least I think not that Seth Meyers, but who the heck can be arsed to check]), the Agents of Fortune sessions’ coffee-gopher, affords us the following tantalizing glimpse of but a few of the presumably umpteen-trillion glories contained in the Liedertext of “Don’t Fear the Umlaut”: Nietzsche and Strindberg / Are united in eternity / Ninety million people every day / Like the Germans both East and West / Not to mention the Swedish / (Albeit not the Danish) / All use the umlaut / We can be like them.  Inasmuch as here in contrast to the otherwise consubstantial case of “Sexual Healing,” the crux of the fatwigs’ beef hinged on the lyrics of the song, and especially on a portion of those lyrics that contained an accented syllable, any circumvention of the fatwigs’ fiat by studio w******y was absolutely out of the question, and even if it had not been, the band were [sic] then so inured to being led about by the nose-ring by their producer, David Lucas (so Bob Sedule, music critic of the abovementioned Statesman), himself a notorious fat- wig chattel, that they would not have lifted a finger, let alone fingered a lift, in demurral at the fiat.  And so Dharma dutifully penned what he only-decades-afterwards, and only after much Jello-shot-fueled plying, described as a “dull-as-dishwater knock-off of a Black Sabbath death ode,” an ode to whose poetic and prosodic niceties he reportedly (i.e., via the reportage of the above Jello shot-plyer, who must remain anonymous) devoted so little attention that he managed to Bic or Biro “the f**king execrable scrap of doggerel” out in its entirety with his left foot onto a discarded square of toilet paper while employing his right-cum-writing (albeit cum-non-onanizing) hand exclusively in a game of darts, a game in which he solidly won via a hat-trick of bull’s eyes despite reportedly (i.e., via the reportage of the abovementioned Mr. Sedule) being the worst darts player west of East Hampton-cum-east of Westport.  In the light of all o’ the above, it will readily and correctly be inferred that the notorious once-per-beat cowbell-clunking of “Don’t Fear the Reaper” was also part of the soundscape of “Don’t Fear the Umlaut”; and in the light thereof it will perhaps at least be queried whether the  notorious prominence of the cowbell vis-à-vis the first song enjoyed some rationale in “Don’t Fear the Umlaut” that it lost in being recast as “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” The answer to this query is an unqualified if ultimately disappointingly prosaic Yes.  You see, the abovementioned David Lucas, having enjoyed a holiday in the prevailingly Germanophone Bavarian-cum-Swiss-cum-Austrian Alps, and almost exactly contemporaneously purchased and listened to Karajan’s recording of Mahler’s Sixth Symphony, concluded that there was something inalienably Alpine and consequently umlautine about the cowbell and thereupon insisted upon that instrument’s accentuation in the instrumental mix.  And as they say the rest is [far too abominable a(n) SOA to be denoted by mere farting noises].
20.  The Pope of Greenwich Village (1984).  Not to be confused with a certain film of the same name shot on the same location in the same year by the same production crew with the same cast.  The scene is the eponymous Village in ca. 1950.  Lex (Mickey Rourke) is a struggling garret-dwelling poet who obdurately insists on composing exclusively in metrically unimpeachable heroic couplets as if it were still ca. 1699.  Dick (Eric Roberts), an unmistakable if corporeally unlikely stand-in for Allen Ginsberg (although he reportedly gained 96 pounds and had 98 percent of his head hair transferred to his face for the role, the results of this exercise in De Niro-esque hyperMethodism are ultimately unconvincing), is an unstruggling ground floor-dwelling poet who prosodically (not to mention extra-prosidically) lets everything hang out to resounding critical and financial success.  The all-too-memorable climax of the film centers on Lex’s disruption of Dick’s reading of his epoch-making narrative-cum-epic poem Ouch! at the GV Brentano’s, as follows: “Though as self-styled King you may rob and pillage / I’m the only proper Pope of Greenwich Village” (to which Roberts all-too-deflatingly retorts: “Yes, you are indeed the only Pope of Greenwich Village, inasmuch as you are the Village’s only avowed imitator of Alexander Pope.  But what of that?  Can I get on with my reading?” and Rourke counter-retorts in abashed Pindaric non-numbers, “Yes, by all means. / Please do continue.”). Geraldine Page garnered a second best supporting actress Oscar nomination for her portrayal of Djuna Barnes, the Queen of Patchin Place, in a grand total of thirty seconds of screen time spent haggling mutually unintelligibly over the price of a shorty of Southern Comfort with a Basque liquor-store proprietor, portrayed by an impeccably vocal-coached Bill Macy (not to be confused with William H. Macy, then still a struggling garret-dwelling stage actor).  Although the film postdates the nascence of so-called rap or hip-hop by a full half-decade, it has been name-checked, as they say, at least once by every so-called rap or hip-hop so-called artist who has since emerged into provincial, let alone national or international, prominence, owing to its implicit promulgation of metrical monotony and copularly sequestered rhyme as prosodic norms.  For example, in 1993 the self-styled Dr. D** ejaculatively opined, That bitch, what’s his name, played by what’shisgoddamnmuddahfuckin’name—brother o’ that bitchess Hotlips Julia [here he is obviously confusing Roberts’s performance with Rourke’s]—the one that played that high-class ho opposite Richard Gere back in nineteen-naughty-ought…well, anyway, never mind that goddam bitch’s name: the point is, I done learnt everything I know about rhyme-hemorrhaging from that muddafuckin bitch, from the way he hemorrhaged rhymes in that movie from way back in the first Reagan administration…Shiah…what’s it called? etc.  The circle of influence came full circle in the most appalling fashion in 2015 with the unkenneling of the unspeakable hip-hop pseudo-musical Hamilton, wherein brutalized sub-sub-sub-approximations of heroic couplets were placed in the mouth of a near-contemporary of Alexander Pope whom the latter presumably would have smothered in his crib like the Heraclean serpent (had chronology permitted) on account of his manifestly Whiggish political orientation.
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Open Heart Surgery: Inside Ethereum's Crucial Replacement of the EVM
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/09/open-heart-surgery-inside-ethereums-crucial-replacement-of-the-evm/
Open Heart Surgery: Inside Ethereum's Crucial Replacement of the EVM
At the heart of ethereum lies a virtual computer.
Stored across tens of thousands of nodes that make up the platform, the ethereum virtual machine, or EVM, is responsible for executing the countless tokens, dapps, DAOs and digital kittens of which the blockchain is comprised of.
It’s an engine on top of which the entirety of ethereum operates, and it speaks in a language named “EVM bytecode” — raw, 256-bit strings of information that can deliver any conceivable equation (providing it falls within the platform’s self-imposed limit, gas).
Sounds powerful and important huh? Something not to be messed with too much?
Yet, that integral part of ethereum’s infrastructure is gearing up for a complete rewrite.
“I would make the case there wasn’t an enormous amount of design thinking put into it at the beginning,” Lane Rettig, an ethereum developer, told CoinDesk about the EVM. “It was kind of like a tool – a swiss army knife is the way I would describe it – it does a bunch of things but not incredibly well.”
As such, the current EVM will be replaced by a new virtual machine called eWASM.
EWASM is just ethereum’s version of the WASM (which stands for WebAssembly) code, created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the team of developers responsible for maintaining and standardizing the web.
“There are many highly paid, very experienced engineers, and many thousands of professional engineer hours that went into the conception of [the WASM] construction set – compared to EVM,” Rettig, who contributes to eWASM development, said.
Indeed, eWASM will allow developers to code in multiple programming languages — not just the ethereum-specific language, Solidity — and is said to come with a host of performance enhancements as well.
And leading credence to the decision, ethereum will join several competitors, including EOS, Tron and Cardano, who have each deployed (or plan to deploy) project-specific virtual machines to handle decentralized computation using the WASM code.
For ethereum, the switch is set to execute alongside a couple other updates now nicknamed “Shasper,” which includes scaling solution sharding and mining rewrite Casper, in the next few years. And while an exact timeline for the switch isn’t fixed, eWASM development is making rapid progress, and is gearing up to the launch of its testnet at Devcon 4, the ethereum developer conference, in Prague in October.
Speaking to the decision to replace the existing machine, Rettig summarized:
“Ethereum is at the point where it’s transitioning from a clunky homebrew custom build job that we’ve been riding around our farm to a real racecar that we can take out on the highway and open up.”
A ‘warty’ way
Underlying the switch is the realization that while the EVM is an innovative technology — for the first time, providing a solution to attack-resistance decentralized computation — it’s not as clean as it could be.
Case in point, most dapps developers program in ethereum’s Solidity, a high-level programming language which automatically compiles into an EVM bytecode compatible form.
Because the EVM relies on “very large, wide instructions,” Rettig said, even the smallest kinds of computations, such as basic arithmetic, would need to be converted into 256-bit strings – a complex process for simple math – for the EVM to process them.
This is just one of several operations built into the system code that Rettig contends shouldn’t be there. Another includes the popular hash function SHA-3.
Because of this, Rettig describes the EVM as “warty.”
And Nick Johnson, an ethereum core developer, agreed, telling CoinDesk that when he joined ethereum, it was immediately obvious to him that the EVM was built by developers with a deep understanding of computer science, but without much experience building broadly useable products.
As a tool, Johnson emphasized, the EVM has been “optimized for theoretical purity, rather than practical use.”
“It has these enormous registers, but they’re all the same, and it’s very internally consistent and so on,” he said, “but it’s not built with real-world implementation in mind.”
‘Closer to the metal’
The WASM code, on the other hand, was built with production in mind.
For one, Rettig said, it’s built “closer to the metal,” meaning that the code it runs is close to actual hardware instructions, so there’s less effort spent on translating different coding logics.
“The instructions very closely mimic actual hardware instructions,” Rettig continued. “These instructions can map one-to-one directly to the instructions the actual devices run, so you can, in theory, get pretty exciting performance improvements.”
For instance, developers building on ethereum will be able to code using multiple languages – whatever they’re most comfortable with – including those with additional security benefits.
Another key advantage — which Rettig said some developers are citing as the “key motivation behind eWASM” — is that it potentially does away with what is called a “precompile.”
Because the EVM is comprised of unwieldy code, certain operations need to be built inside the system — otherwise, the operations would exceed the gas costs associated with them. Called precompiles, to make such operations available on a network, a system-wide upgrade, or hard fork, is required; and such upgrades have proved risky and complicated to orchestrate.
With eWASM, though, developers maintain that operations can simply be written as smart contracts and deployed, skipping the hard fork scenario.
“With eWASM, it’s efficient enough at doing compute stuff that most of those precompiles could be done away with and replaced with just eWASM contracts,” Johnson said.
Broken heart
Still, like any substantial change in a decentralized ecosystem, the push to deprecate the EVM is not without its critics.
For one, ethereum core developer Greg Colvin, who’s been devoted to the EVM’s upkeep for years, is reluctant to let the old code go.
Colvin had been designing a newly improved version of the EVM code himself, named EVM 1.5, which was originally intended to be the future of the ethereum virtual machine. However, without warning, his funding was cut by the non-profit Ethereum Foundation.
“I was pissed,” Colvin, who helped form the Council of Ethereum Magicians, a discussion group devoted to furthering the technical proficiency of ethereum, after the experience, told CoinDesk. “I was like wait a minute, you won’t pay me $8.40 an hour when you’ve already decreased my hours to 20 from 35, so why am I doing this. And then for the rest of the year I could no longer afford to volunteer time.”
Yet, Colvin’s reason for opposing aWASM isn’t only pride.
According to him, there are technical issues with eWASM as well. For example, because eWASM allows multiple language support, the code relies heavily on what is known as “compilers” — something that Colvin maintains could be a single point of failure for attackers.
He’s also unconvinced that eWASM smart contracts could replace the need for precompiles.
Plus, Colvin has further design-orientated critiques that even Rettig agrees with. According to both the developers, for some reason more inefficient tech usually wins out. Take Javascript for example, which is one of the most widely used programming languages, but is known for being particularly ugly.
“There seems to be a pattern in technology and computer science where the best-designed things, not only do they not necessarily win, but they seem to not do very well,” Rettig argued.
Not to mention, according to Colvin, for all the development work behind WASM, the code is still relatively untested in the wild.
Colvin told CoinDesk:
“I didn’t understand why we wanted to be early adopters of an experiment, when we were already early adopters of our own experiment.”
Conflicts aside, eWASM is gaining steam among many ethereum developers.
Indeed, the plan planning is to deploy it as a testnet prior to the ethereum developer conference, Devcon4, in November.
Yet, that doesn’t mean the new virtual machine will get deployed any time soon.
Because eWASM will first be brought out on a shard, or a sidechain, before replacing the EVM itself, the rollout of eWASM is closely bound to the Shasper upgrade. And in terms of timing, that means developers will need to attend to the research that underpins those changes, before moving on to eWASM.
Unfortunately, the progress of such research can be unpredictable.
Indeed, the ambiguity involved with code upgrades of this sort has been a source of confusion for a wide group of ethereum developers building on the platform.
“If you’re in the process of building a new client there’s a lot of confusion: Should I be building eWASM? Should I be building EVM? Should I be building both? Should I be building something else,” Rettig told CoinDesk.
The lack of clarity was one of the key frustrations for Colvin, because when it comes to the current EVM, there are some performance issues that would be easy to improve on, yet those have been side-barred by the sudden shift in the roadmap.
“It’s been a frustration of mine for a while, eWASM was clearly over the horizon, but without too much resources EVM 1.5 was on the near horizon. And now, it’s still doable, but it got pushed, a whole year got wasted,” Colvin told CoinDesk.
The more, the merrier?
Still, both Rettig and Colvin admit that this uncertainty is just a part of contributing to an open-source project without any central leadership.
“The community aspect is so important. If this was a company I’d be long gone,” Colvin told CoinDesk.
Plus, Rettig was quick to argue that when it comes to ethereum improvements, there’s no wasted work.
Indeed, he continued, because of the nature of the sharding upgrade — which splits ethereum up into smaller, more manageable chunks — multiple virtual machines could eventually be supported on ethereum.
On an updated ethereum, Rettig said, “There is no single ethereum, there is no single roadmap, there is no single authority, it’s a community, it’s a family of technologies, and I do not believe that the future is just one chain to rule them all.”
In line with that, eWASM will unlock new levels of interoperability as well. For one, it’s built in a language that has been standardized for the World Wide Web, so adding in-browser support for an ethereum light client would be trivial.
And it could pave the way for undiscovered interoperability between different blockchains as well.
“Maybe you have quadratic sharding over here, and Plasma over here, and maybe they overlap in places, and maybe we have a Dfinity chain talking to an ethereum chain talking to bitcoin through Cosmos and Polkadot,” Rettig said, suggesting:
“We just don’t know, so don’t get so caught up in the official canonical roadmap, whatever that may be.”
Paper heart image via Shutterstock
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/rams-see-bright-future-after-turnaround-season-ends-early/63151/
Rams see bright future after turnaround season ends early
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif/January 07, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) — The Los Angeles Rams exceeded every expectation and stunned the NFL during their surge to an 11-win season and the NFC West title.
That didn’t make the Rams’ opening-round playoff loss to Atlanta any easier to bear — at least not while it’s still fresh for the players and coaches who led the turnaround to get there.
“It’s a good start, a great start,” receiver Robert Woods said Sunday. “But we’ve got to keep building.”
The Rams’ comeback season is over after a 26-13 loss to the defending NFC champion Atlanta Falcons on Saturday night. The players still seemed stunned by the abrupt conclusion to a remarkable turnaround season as they cleaned out their lockers at the team’s training complex.
“It’s hard, because we had a good thing going,” guard Jamon Brown said. “For it to come to a halt and stop like it did, it’s tough. But we learned that we have the guys to do it. It was a matter of having the scheme, having the right coaches, having the right attitude. We’re going to get better.”
After 13 consecutive non-winning seasons and 12 straight non-playoff seasons, the Rams (11-6) suddenly had it all under 31-year-old Sean McVay, who became the youngest head coach in league history to reach the playoffs. Los Angeles improved by seven wins on last season’s performance while moving from 32nd in the NFL in scoring in 2016 to first this season, more than doubling last season’s point production. Although McVay said he isn’t sure exactly what to do this week, he hopes his players will understand they’re only as good as what happens next year. After outstanding seasons from Todd Gurley, Jared Goff and Aaron Donald, the Rams have pieces in place to do this again and again, McVay believes. “I think this organization is going in the right direction,” McVay said. “I think we’ve got a good foundation in place that we can build on, but by no means does that mean that you win games automatically next year. While we did win some games this year, you still have to earn everything.” The Rams have several decisions to make in the offseason on the fates of free-agent players including cornerback Trumaine Johnson, receiver Sammy Watkins and linebacker Connor Barwin. But after a season that revitalized a franchise and a fan base, McVay and the Rams appear to be on the way up. Here are more things to watch as the Rams move on: TRU STORY: Six Rams starters will be unrestricted free agents, including three defensive backs: Johnson, Lamarcus Joyner and Nickell Robey-Coleman. Johnson played the last two seasons under the franchise tag, but is likely to get a big contract this offseason as an elite cover cornerback. Los Angeles must navigate potential upheaval in the secondary, perhaps by drafting a cornerback or safety, if it hopes to return with another strong defense. PAY THE MAN: Donald is entering the final year of his rookie contract, and the Rams seem unlikely to force their All-Pro defensive lineman into another holdout — except that also seemed unlikely this season, when Donald skipped the entirety of training camp and didn’t play in the first regular-season game. Donald is the Rams’ defensive cornerstone, and getting a record-setting deal done will be high on general manager Les Snead’s to-do list, just as it was last year. SAMMY’S FUTURE: Watkins occasionally clicked with Goff after arriving during the preseason in a trade with Buffalo, catching 39 passes for 593 yards and eight touchdowns. But Goff clearly had more familiarity with Robert Woods and Cooper Kupp, and it showed. Watkins is a free agent, but could be kept in LA with the franchise tag or the transition tag. Watkins said he would love to stay with the Rams, but added: “I just know it’s a business. Since I got traded from the Bills, it’s like anything can happen. I didn’t see that coming. I think I played pretty hard this year, and I can’t wait to see what my future holds, here or anywhere else.” NEW QBs COACH?: McVay all but confirmed that quarterbacks coach Greg Olson is talking about moving to Oakland to work for new coach Jon Gruden, who happens to be McVay’s mentor. If Olson leaves, Goff will have his third position coach in three seasons. McVay encourages his assistants to move up in the coaching world, but he also hopes to keep the rest of his staff intact, saying he anticipates no changes other than the possible departure of Olson. UNSWEET HOME: The Rams’ playoff loss was their fifth in eight games this season at the Coliseum, where the franchise is just 4-11 since returning home from St. Louis in 2016. The Rams also lost their final three home games this year despite increasingly raucous crowds while their improved play grabbed the attention of LA’s long-abandoned football fans. Linebacker Alec Ogletree believes the Rams had a strong us-against-the-world vibe while going 8-1 away from the Coliseum this season, but nobody is quite sure how to replicate it. With two seasons left in the Coliseum before the opening of their lavish Inglewood palace, McVay said the Rams must figure out how to play better at home.
By GREG BEACHAM by Associated Press, published on STL.NEWS by St. Louis Media, LLC (US)
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alienation2016-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Alienation
New Post has been published on https://alienation.biz/u-s-stocks-dollar-mixed-amid-policy-whirlwind/
U.S. Stocks, Dollar Mixed Amid Policy Whirlwind
Bloomberg) — U.S. stocks and the dollar were little modified after an up-and-down consultation amid a whirlwind of policy information because the Trump management seeks to burnish its record ahead of its one-hundredth day in the workplace.yahoo finance.dollar car sales
The S&P 500 Index eked out a gain to shut close to all-time highs amid a flurry of headlines on everything from Nafta to tax reform, the finances and health care. Power manufacturers tumbled after crude slid to $forty-nine a barrel on difficulty over a supply glut, even as earnings lifted era indexes to sparkling statistics. Amazon.Com Inc. And Alphabet Inc. Climbed after hours as results crowned estimates, while Intel Corp. Slipped. The Mexican peso pared gains and Canada’s dollar became little modified amid mixed signals from the White Residence on the Nafta regional trade agreement. The euro weakened after the European Relevant Bank signaled its commitment to stimulus while the vicinity’s economic system corporations. Gold changed into little changed and emerging marketplace belongings slipped.dollar rent a car
Politics remained in attention this week as the Trump administration unveiled a
Rapidly assembled plan to reduce taxes on Wednesday and gave blended signals on its intentions for the North American change agreement. The machinations left markets uncertain of the coverage route, with masses of debate and few concrete movements on which to exchange. Congress is likewise considering a persevering with a decision to keep away from a central authority shutdown, even as Residence Republicans try to revive law to repeal Obamacare. The U.S. Political turmoil overshadowed the ECB’s brand new policy observation. President Mario Draghi confirmed developing enthusiasm about the state of the euro-area financial system, whilst cautioning that inflation pressures stay too weak to contemplate paying lower back stimulus.
Private Equity Stocks
The use of the words Challenge Capital and private Equity are typically used collectively, but there is most effective one class of personal Equity, and this is Challenge capital. Personal Fairness has unique risks. For example, a few agencies will go through growth modifications extra time and this typically calls for capital in numerous unique quantities. This capital is likewise coming from multiple resources. Each level all through an enterprise’s boom is looked at as a “hazard continuum”. If your corporation is younger and is slightly producing a cash drift, then it comes to be an excessive threat to funding. Normally a corporation, in this case, would be required to obtain capital from own family or pals or angel buyers. As soon as the organization begins producing sales, then the danger will become much much less.
Mission Capital is typically for set up products or services which can be looking to get out into the market. numerous buyers are constantly searching for the newest and finest product that clients will honestly love. Some of the fundamental PC companies have used Assignment capital to fund their operation. This sort of funding is checked out as a Non-public partnership. Task Capitalists will offer the Equity financing this is wished in alternate for a stake. They commonly will play a day after day position for steering so as for the funding to take off within some years. Most of Project investments do no longer make it ways however for the ones that do, they could bring a large return making their usual investment returned after which some.
There are different Non-public Fairness options inclusive of LBOs and Mezzanines.
Those are often used Once the company has grown a few and is a bit extra secured. They may require some debt and Fairness, however, the ordinary hazard is much lower with a low fair charge.
LBO stands for Leveraged Buyouts. They’re one of the Maximum common loans that are used for Personal Fairness. An organization obtains a loan from a Non-public Equity firm that is then secured via cash or corporation assets. Sometimes the LBO is brought in several pieces and any coins this is generated would be used as a down charge for excessive leverages. This form of a system become very large a pair a long time ago but now LBO deals are more focused on buying groups with the rationale to feature cost to the businesses assets instead of having the employer sell portions of their shape.
Mezzanines Financing is just a Non-public loan.
This type of mortgage both comes from a commercial financial institution or a Challenge capital firm that focuses on Mezzanines. They normally include subordinated loans or commonplace shares. While you do not take on a complete Equity position, then a firm that specializes in mezzanine debt can lower its hazard. This is primarily based on capital protection.
A good way to have interaction in a Personal Fairness or Assignment capital partnership, the investor ought to be accepted. On occasion, even the net worth should exceed one million bucks. For investors who’s net well worth is a touch decrease, then they have the option for trade funds. change Traded price range are a Non-public Fairness Index. there’s a list of several publicly traded agencies in order to make investments into Private Equity.
average Private Fairness has several paperwork and Project capital is simply one of those which could help a corporation all through one of a kind increase ranges. It’s all based on how the market is turning and the existing cycles.
The Making of a Multi-Million Dollar Insurance Salesperson
Every income character or income agent fantasizes about turning into a millionaire. This is how one character became a Multi-Million Greenback Coverage Salesperson.
Over half of the Insurance sellers recruited earn less than $50,000 before making a short exist. So how do you are making 1,000,000 bucks, a then greater? In particular whilst your career includes promoting Coverage? For me, it was now not through operating 70 hours every week. No “get wealthy quick” Coverage change mag article or ad inspired me. I don’t ever don’t forget to operate with millionaire clients. In truth, in my case, it would take a ton of guidelines to identical a million bucks top class gathered, let alone fee earned. I by no means even obtained one of the over 90 Coverage designations presently to be had.
My case worried placing collectively a formulation, that you can without problems (with effort) blend to reap comparable or superior outcomes. For me, the components have been composed of 4 components.
Willpower I want to convince myself that I should acquire the Coverage production goals I used to be putting.
To begin, I bought a set of books on advantageous wondering. In them, they emphasize terms like “I will” and “I will”. I repeated those keyword terms again and again in my conscious thoughts and noticed a few exact constant development in my income achievements. True however no longer Desirable enough.
Suddenly I used to be delivered to self-hypnosis and my Coverage profession instantly modified. This becomes no longer a few occult form of hocus-pocus but sheer enrichment that builds and builds. It starts with a customer from England who changed into a professional hypnotist. I was intrigued, and he agreed to train me how the subconscious thoughts routinely override the conscious thoughts. He then graciously taught a way to without problems hypnotize me each time I wanting. I programmed myself for achievement, and fulfillment followed.
income Talents The so known as selling Abilities Coverage groups confirmed me, by no means certainly stepped forward. I fast saw that repetition of a bad habit is dangerous in your profession. Now that my income changed into growing, I introduced another piece of dynamite to reaching income desires faster. If I should double my ultimate ratio, it turned into simple to look my profits doubling.
I invested in the Dale Carnegie course for income human beings.
Throughout this path, I learned the stairs that ought to be protected nicely in case you are going to count on a sale. What I did no longer anticipate was the declaration that passing the course required masking all the factors in a minute or much less presentation. This is after I re-emerged a trait, I used to be not the usage of enough.
Determination I set myself an aim that passed simply passing the course. Although there had been around 25 people taking the direction, I was decided. no longer only became I going to skip, however, my presentation might be voted the quality of my fellow 2 dozen professional income human beings. Pointless to say, it took Self-discipline, income ability, and determination galore. Winning gave me a feeling of floating sky high. After this, I felt I could promote snow to an Eskimo.
Tips for Choosing the Right Insurance Policy
The antique saying “Fitness is Wealth” denotes having accurate Health is lots greater essential that having plenty of wealth. precise Fitness can help you learn effectively and make sure you enjoy an excellent lifestyle. A person with a horrific Health, however, spends the maximum of his cash on remedy and doctor visits. The popular Arabic proverb says, “He, who has Health, has hope; and he, who has the wish, has the entirety”.
For this reason, it’s miles our responsibility to stay covered. Despite all the precautions, it isn’t always usually viable to avoid accidents and infection and As a consequence, one wants to be eventually organized for such tragic incidents. In excessive cases, we are also forced to borrow money from out of doors to keep our treatment.
Safeguarding your Fitness with coverage policy will ensure you’re organized for all varieties of scenarios.
With thorough studies and assessment, you may identify the high-quality product that fits your necessities. research may be time ingesting and difficult with such a lot of to be had options in the market. There are some important guidelines which you ought to maintain in thoughts at the same time as seeking out the satisfactory coverage covers and they may be as follows:
• Simple Hospitalization Cover: If your pocket does no longer allow you to shop for a complete medical insurance Cowl, you could look for Primary Fitness care plan that pays for the fees incurred from any kinds of illness or accident.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/thief-steals-mobile-phone-runs-right-into-police-station-in-china/
Thief Steals Mobile Phone, Runs Right Into Police Station In China
NEW DELHI: An existence of crime doesn’t pay and it took less than 30 seconds for a thief in China to analyze that lesson. Surveillance photos have emerged showing a man robbing a woman ready to go the street in the city of Shenzhen, in China’s Guangdong province. The now not-so-smart thief grabs the girl’s mobile cell phone, runs thru visitors and directly right into a police station. The courageous female chases after the thief stumble but manage to rise up and maintain chasing him. Upon achieving the police station, she shouts for an assist. A police office promptly rushes out and arrests the man.
Consistent with People’s Daily China, the man becomes arrested
10 seconds after the crime.” He reputedly did now not recognize the vicinity in particular well and changed into unaware he turned into jogging into a police station.
At one point, he reached a dead cease. He bumped into a courtyard no longer knowing it turned into a police station. He turned into arrested right immediately,” China Global Tv Network stated a police officer saying. On social media, many Humans said what took place turned into really an act of karma:
Impact of Mobile Apps in Transforming the Travel Industry
Groups of this cell-pushed international are making terrific efforts to utilize the terrific scope of boosting their ROI by way of having a cell app. Ranging from fashion, amusement, textiles to tour and tourism, nearly every enterprise is making their business cell-centric whilst thinking about the rapidly increasing cell target audience. Over time, the journey and tourism enterprise experienced a constant boom through incorporating the use of mobile apps and reached a wider segment of people.mobile Alabama
Prominence of cell Apps within the journey and Tourism industry The arena has come into the fingertips of cellular users these days and getting any sort of actual time data has to turn out to be nearly all of us’s cup of tea. Apps have become the prime mode for humans on the subject of the venture of flight reserving, motel room booking or some other activity related to their experience.
With the immediate availability of all kind of relevant facts, customers can get any type of details they want while not having to consult any representative and make a consistent flow. at the same time as thinking about the commercial enterprise angle, automating all essential forms of operations along with invoicing, statistics, reserving and billing, in the long run, bring about saving money and time.
Customised services
Apps act as the first-class source for Organizations to hook up with their clients. The travel organizations have provided you with customized offerings for his or her customers to fulfill their actual needs in phrases of lodging, vehicle parking, airline reserving and lots extra. To offer customized services, it’s miles essential to understand what your customers are definitely seeking out. it is essential in an effort to recognize what are the necessities of a traveler whilst making plans a trip and then offer the precise set of capabilities as in keeping with his desire.
Thrilling Offers and Deals
With apps, it has ended up less difficult for travelers to quench their deep-down thirst of wanderlust. Maintaining this in mind, the tour groups have given you Exciting deal applications and special Offers for appealing the extra number of customers to intensify their traveling experience.
Facilitating Robust Connectivity
Mobile apps play a crucial position in bridging the distance between the travel corporations and guests. They host a number of features which, facilitate seamless conversation between them and supply a high-quality-in-magnificence enjoy. Unique activities like looking, making plans, deciding on the package and reserving, the entirety gets achieved under a single platform. For that reason, its consequences in eliminating the hassles worried in the manner.samsung mobile
Very last Word
Every commercial enterprise is attempting to make their commercial enterprise mobile-pushed to attain out to this ever-growing target audience base. Thus, investing in powerful cellular app development practices has come to be vital for the businesses to ensure its proper penetration and ROI era.
How to Ace the Police Sergeant Exam
Police officers with a few years under their belts will usually have their eyes on the next step of their regulation enforcement careers. In most Departments which means testing for the supervisory position of Sergeant. For any Civil Carrier promotion that means taking the Police Sergeant Exam. In case you’re seeking to increase your career in law enforcement this could be one of the maximum vital assessments you ever take. You need to do well!
Promotional assessments for the police department can be hard and plenty of who take them do not skip. In case you don’t skip you may kiss your promotion right through and just ride it slowly until the subsequent Exam rolls round. Doing properly on a promotional Exam is important to advancement and the better your rating the better your probabilities. Once more, you want to do nicely.
The score you earn at the written Exam will maximum in all likelihood be the most heavily weighted portion of the entire manner
To make certain success you will want to rent each benefit available to boom your ranking. To try this you’ll need to have some kind of dependable pre-take a look at examining plan at your disposal so that you’re as prepared as feasible while test day rolls around.
Sites exist on the Internet that is geared toward supporting those seeking to strengthen their law enforcement careers via the promotional trying out process. They provide a leg up in both the written and oral elements of the Exam. They offer the information and training vital to go into a promotional test with the maximum self-assurance that you are organized and prepared to excel. And they work!
The pleasant programs cover the entirety you’ll stumble upon for the duration of the checking out method. To improve within the Police Dept it is no longer sufficient to be a very good officer, you also need to emerge as a terrific take a look at taker. Luckily this can be taught.
Too many officials who’re appropriate at their jobs are stuck where they’re because they in no way discovered a way to take a check well. Maybe their reading comprehension is missing or they are unable to lighten up in front of an oral review board. A nicely designed domestic study path can overcome these shortcomings and more.
A very good Police Supervisor domestic take a look at plan will
Deal with the precise test you’re taking but also impart checking out techniques with a purpose to give you an advantage on whatever kind of Examination you are preparing for. those guides had been developed by means of expert regulation enforcement human beings and are attempted, true and feature lots of glad customers who have succeeded thru their use. They give candidates a marked and particular benefit at some stage in the entire trying out manner.
Taking the police sergeant Examination is a massive step and passing it with flying colors is a large deal. You need to have every benefit legally to be had and you need your call on the top of the listing while it comes out. you could do it and an amazing home examines route can pave the manner. You owe it to yourself to pull out all of the stops on this one. Cross for it!
Do You Have to Know Chinese in the China Market
While you travel to a brand new us of a, occasionally you have got enough time and guidance to get properly-versed in its language and occasionally you don’t. Regularly, human beings make do with symbolic equivalents or interpretation publications to help them through. It’s in spite of everything, pretty much a vacation that you could glide via.
But visiting a new marketplace
Like China, isn’t a vacation. As a minimum not on the initial ranges. What you want is a great Chinese translation provider. If you are introducing your product to a brand new, but a humongous market like China, you can’t forget about the perils of non-translation. Your internet site or app would need to get draped in the cloth of this neighborhood tradition, language, and colloquial alignment. In case you want your product and conversation to work seamlessly, there may be no need to study Chinese language from the scratch.
However, that doesn’t suggest you do not want to localize for the Chinese language marketplace.
You want a professional who knows this market and a bouquet of services which can cope with this challenge with a wealthy stock of translation experts who’re adept in both the languages – the source language of your united states of America and the goal language of the new marketplace.
Store your logo from the dragon heart.
China, especially, is a marketplace in which brands tiptoe with more caution and care. Marketers are wary of incorrect steps around polysemy i.E. phrases that have numerous meanings in addition to synonymy i.E. one-of-a-kind words that have comparable meanings. A few main and global ruling manufacturers have Often paid a huge rate in phrases of emblem equity and resistance on this marketplace due to the fact they jumped the equal taglines, slogans,
And instruction manuals that they had in source market, without ascertaining how they sounded in a Chinese language context. The language here might also have a one-of-a-kind vocabulary and Some words, reputedly harmless or surprising, can sound completely different and risky in a Chinese language translation.
Therefore, brands and communique specialists have a tendency to stroll on eggshells to ward off semantic risks of antonymy, hyponymy or hypernymy as nicely.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Ministry of Health referral programme achieves staggering reach
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/21/ministry-of-health-referral-programme-achieves-staggering-reach/
Ministry of Health referral programme achieves staggering reach
Michael McCormack of Recreation Auckland said they have got had over 900 patient referrals for the program inside the final three months.
A government health program has been mentioned more than half of 1,000,000 New Zealanders seeking a healthier lifestyle.
The Green Prescription (GRx) Programme, a Ministry of health referral-based totally initiative which commenced in 1998, gets health expert to prescribe sufferers with written advice on a way to be physically lively and enhance fitness control.
Due to the fact launching more than 500,000, New Zealanders have been stated the program for instances like pre-diabetes, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, arthritis, mental health and weight issues. 2016 observe by Lincoln and Massey University on the long time effectiveness of the program revealed members that had finished it within the beyond two to a few years mentioned an extra 64 mins of total physical interest in keeping with the week in comparison to folks that had now not finished the program in its entirety. Stuart Rare of Glen Innes lost 90kg at the program and now enjoys going to the fitness center.
In 2017, almost 50,000 adult referrals have been recorded country extensive, 4000 of which had been from Auckland Critical.
Glen Innes resident Stuart Rare, 39, weighed close to 200kg in 2015. Rare, a kind 2 diabetic, started being stated GRx helped him shed ninety kilograms and saved his existence.
Sports Auckland’s fitness and wellness enterprise improvement manager Michael McCormack said there had been a diffusion of reasons someone might obtain an Inexperienced Prescription from their fitness professional. We’ve many clients on the program who do not need to shed pounds but can be at the program to assist their asthma condition or intellectual health condition as an instance.” McCormack said consequences from graduate surveys found out that 81 in step with the cent of participants now felt greater assured doing the bodily hobby and seventy-six according to cent of participants made significant adjustments to their food plan In view that receiving GRx support.
“Across New Zealand, the program is adapted to match the demographic and network that the provider is being delivered in so that content is both applicable and appropriate to carrier users.”
The GRX program now additionally gives physical interest and lifestyle training help programs for families of obese children elderly between 5 to 17 years antique, as a part of the Ministry of fitness’s early life obesity plan.
Health professionals are also on the lookout for kids diagnosed as overweight thru B4 Faculty Exams.
The Ministry of Support
Support – assisting the purpose or policy or pursuits of; assist, assistance, assist, aid – the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an attempt or reason.
Absolutely everyone needs Aid. We aren’t islands unto ourselves. Aid is important to thrive and flow forward in lifestyles. With the proper Guide machine, you may accomplish awesome matters; the wrong Support system can lead you astray.
I have learned from my own enjoy the want for Aid in standard whether or not you are going thru a difficult time in your lifestyles or achieving a dream. As an entrepreneur Aid is important for your business to take off and be successful. Ministry denotes service/assist within the context of this text. When a person is providing you with Assist it’s far that will help you and even serve you with the aid of status with and by means of you.
Support comes in many bureaucracies be it a Help group or man or woman. Jesus spent all night praying about who could be in his inner circle/Support crew to accomplish His cause. If Jesus needed to pray about his Guide gadget then we need to do the same. Sure Judas turned into inside the Assist device but it became part of God’s divine motive for him to be in the group. Recollect no person is perfect and we all have a humanity to cope with.
Luke 6:12-13
12 approximately that point Jesus went off to a mountain to pray, and he spent the entire night time there. thirteen The next morning he called his disciples together and chose twelve of them to be his apostles.
Guide also can be a person’s presence. There’s strength in their presence just being there, it is called the ministry of Presence.
“The Ministry of Presence is the act of assisting a person in need even though without using words.” – Minister Malissa Redmond
Having Support is so crucial. I’m able to certainly attest to the harm lack of Support creates. It made me sincerely have a look at the circle around me. You can’t pour out and not anticipate to be poured returned into. You cannot constantly be the only pouring out it’ll go away you empty and depleted. I’ve discovered to pour returned into myself however we are not created to make that the only method of filling up our soul and spirit. We have been created to be interdependent; that is wherein the proper human beings, Guide group is available in to assist construct you up.
Can a Health And Fitness App Help You Lose Weight?
On Thursday, House Republicans are slated to vote on the American Health Care Act, the Republican plan to replace Obamacare. House Speaker Paul Ryan can come up with the money for to lose 21 Republican votes if he wants it to pass.
For the reason that House Republicans have long been united by way of their disdain for Obamacare, that would seem easy. But it ain’t be. When the invoice changed into first added on March 6, it drew the complaint from a wide variety of agencies — Fitness enterprise lobbies, conservatives, and mild Republicans all got here out towards the legislation. The Congressional Price range Office anticipated that 24 million human beings could lose insurance if the bill has been enacted. Nevertheless, Ryan changed into able to unexpectedly usher his plan via three committees, every now and then inside the useless of night time.
Over the weekend, Ryan promised in reaction to the ongoing criticism to give you a new edition of the rules in time for the Thursday night vote. It’s not yet clear what, exactly, Ryan’s next version of the yank Health Care Act will alternate. However, those Residence Republicans are the target audience he’ll win over Even supposing Republicans are able to skip the invoice in the Residence, the plan faces many demanding situations transferring ahead. The margin of assist needed for the invoice pass is an awful lot tighter in the Senate, and 12 GOP senators have already expressed complaint. Moreover, because Republicans are looking to bypass their plan via the Price range reconciliation system, which might permit them to keep away from a Democratic filibuster, they may be constrained in what they are able to and might include the regulation. Need to the bill make it to the Senate, Democrats will almost sincerely argue that the plan violates those rules.How Is Getting a Master’s Programme Abroad Beneficial
How Is Getting a Master’s Programme Abroad Beneficial
Have to I pursue a grasp’s program? It’s a question most specialists and newly graduates assume after pondering what to do next with their career. The solution to this query, however, does now not cease with a simple “sure” or a “no”. It bears another query, that’s “in which Ought to I examine, right here or abroad?” In this text, we’re going to assist you to realise that on the subject of getting a master’s program, acquiring it overseas is higher.
People have exclusive reasons for wanting to have a masters program. One may additionally need to spend money on his destiny and pursue his hobbies with greater intensity. Others are deliberating increasing their connections inside the expert enterprise, which might be helpful for future collaborations or initiatives. Whatever your motives are, one factor is sure – you need to look ahead to reaping the benefits of graduate studies.
International exposure and diverse international network. College students who choose a master’s program overseas are maximum probable from special nations and walk of lifestyles; therefore, it’s far your publicity to distinct cultures, People, and beliefs that make distant places training exciting. Furthermore, it is one of the first-class approaches to make connections. it is a valuable and significant revel into gaining contacts and buddies around the arena.
Get admission to scholarships and funding possibilities. There are universities that offer full-lessons scholarships to deserving people. The trap is you need to be a part of an assignment, submit an offer, or look for sponsors. At the same time as you may have earned enough for in addition studies, getting a scholarship is a massive advantage. you can spend your cash on other matters, together with non-public or studies-associated fees.
Shorter programmes. A few nations, which include Australia and Singapore, offer one-year grasp’s programmes. Shall we embrace you decide to get a graduate application in Singapore and also you specialize in Public Control or Public Administration, there are universities that offer graduate programmes for three hundred and sixty-five days. A class is typically composed of 20 to 40 Students. If you have attained mid-stage managerial position in your career, you’re eligible for a grasp in Public Administration. right here, you’ll be given an extensive and interdisciplinary training with the intention to toughen your choice-making and planning talents in addressing Worldwide and countrywide troubles. There also are programmes that run for two years. With only a short period of time, you may have another feather in your cap.
Upgrading your curriculum vitae. most multinational corporations rent employees that are properly experienced and various. When you gift your resume and they see which you have taken your masters programme overseas, this gives them the impact that you had been uncovered to special cultures and flexible to journeying. This increases your risk of landing a process in the corporation.
Learning language abilities. Suitable communication competencies take its roots from being gifted in languages, whether or not It is English or a foreign language. Doing a grasp’s overseas affords you an opportunity to enhance your language or even analyze a brand new one. And knowing or greater languages will really make you stand out from the group.
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Thief Steals Mobile Phone, Runs Right Into Police Station In China
NEW DELHI: An existence of crime doesn’t pay and it took less than 30 seconds for a thief in China to analyze that lesson. Surveillance photos have emerged showing a man robbing a woman ready to go the street in the city of Shenzhen, in China’s Guangdong province. The now not-so-smart thief grabs the girl’s mobile cell phone, runs thru visitors and directly right into a police station. The courageous female chases after the thief stumble but manage to rise up and maintain chasing him. Upon achieving the police station, she shouts for an assist. A police office promptly rushes out and arrests the man.
Consistent with People’s Daily China, the man becomes arrested
10 seconds after the crime.” He reputedly did now not recognize the vicinity in particular well and changed into unaware he turned into jogging into a police station.
At one point, he reached a dead cease. He bumped into a courtyard no longer knowing it turned into a police station. He turned into arrested right immediately,” China Global Tv Network stated a police officer saying. On social media, many Humans said what took place turned into really an act of karma:
Impact of Mobile Apps in Transforming the Travel Industry
Groups of this cell-pushed international are making terrific efforts to utilize the terrific scope of boosting their ROI by way of having a cell app. Ranging from fashion, amusement, textiles to tour and tourism, nearly every enterprise is making their business cell-centric whilst thinking about the rapidly increasing cell target audience. Over time, the journey and tourism enterprise experienced a constant boom through incorporating the use of mobile apps and reached a wider segment of people.mobile Alabama
Prominence of cell Apps within the journey and Tourism industry The arena has come into the fingertips of cellular users these days and getting any sort of actual time data has to turn out to be nearly all of us’s cup of tea. Apps have become the prime mode for humans on the subject of the venture of flight reserving, motel room booking or some other activity related to their experience.
With the immediate availability of all kind of relevant facts, customers can get any type of details they want while not having to consult any representative and make a consistent flow. at the same time as thinking about the commercial enterprise angle, automating all essential forms of operations along with invoicing, statistics, reserving and billing, in the long run, bring about saving money and time.
Customised services
Apps act as the first-class source for Organizations to hook up with their clients. The travel organizations have provided you with customized offerings for his or her customers to fulfill their actual needs in phrases of lodging, vehicle parking, airline reserving and lots extra. To offer customized services, it’s miles essential to understand what your customers are definitely seeking out. it is essential in an effort to recognize what are the necessities of a traveler whilst making plans a trip and then offer the precise set of capabilities as in keeping with his desire.
Thrilling Offers and Deals
With apps, it has ended up less difficult for travelers to quench their deep-down thirst of wanderlust. Maintaining this in mind, the tour groups have given you Exciting deal applications and special Offers for appealing the extra number of customers to intensify their traveling experience.
Facilitating Robust Connectivity
Mobile apps play a crucial position in bridging the distance between the travel corporations and guests. They host a number of features which, facilitate seamless conversation between them and supply a high-quality-in-magnificence enjoy. Unique activities like looking, making plans, deciding on the package and reserving, the entirety gets achieved under a single platform. For that reason, its consequences in eliminating the hassles worried in the manner.samsung mobile
Very last Word
Every commercial enterprise is attempting to make their commercial enterprise mobile-pushed to attain out to this ever-growing target audience base. Thus, investing in powerful cellular app development practices has come to be vital for the businesses to ensure its proper penetration and ROI era.
How to Ace the Police Sergeant Exam
Police officers with a few years under their belts will usually have their eyes on the next step of their regulation enforcement careers. In most Departments which means testing for the supervisory position of Sergeant. For any Civil Carrier promotion that means taking the Police Sergeant Exam. In case you’re seeking to increase your career in law enforcement this could be one of the maximum vital assessments you ever take. You need to do well!
Promotional assessments for the police department can be hard and plenty of who take them do not skip. In case you don’t skip you may kiss your promotion right through and just ride it slowly until the subsequent Exam rolls round. Doing properly on a promotional Exam is important to advancement and the better your rating the better your probabilities. Once more, you want to do nicely.
The score you earn at the written Exam will maximum in all likelihood be the most heavily weighted portion of the entire manner
To make certain success you will want to rent each benefit available to boom your ranking. To try this you’ll need to have some kind of dependable pre-take a look at examining plan at your disposal so that you’re as prepared as feasible while test day rolls around.
Sites exist on the Internet that is geared toward supporting those seeking to strengthen their law enforcement careers via the promotional trying out process. They provide a leg up in both the written and oral elements of the Exam. They offer the information and training vital to go into a promotional test with the maximum self-assurance that you are organized and prepared to excel. And they work!
The pleasant programs cover the entirety you’ll stumble upon for the duration of the checking out method. To improve within the Police Dept it is no longer sufficient to be a very good officer, you also need to emerge as a terrific take a look at taker. Luckily this can be taught.
Too many officials who’re appropriate at their jobs are stuck where they’re because they in no way discovered a way to take a check well. Maybe their reading comprehension is missing or they are unable to lighten up in front of an oral review board. A nicely designed domestic study path can overcome these shortcomings and more.
A very good Police Supervisor domestic take a look at plan will
Deal with the precise test you’re taking but also impart checking out techniques with a purpose to give you an advantage on whatever kind of Examination you are preparing for. those guides had been developed by means of expert regulation enforcement human beings and are attempted, true and feature lots of glad customers who have succeeded thru their use. They give candidates a marked and particular benefit at some stage in the entire trying out manner.
Taking the police sergeant Examination is a massive step and passing it with flying colors is a large deal. You need to have every benefit legally to be had and you need your call on the top of the listing while it comes out. you could do it and an amazing home examines route can pave the manner. You owe it to yourself to pull out all of the stops on this one. Cross for it!
Do You Have to Know Chinese in the China Market
While you travel to a brand new us of a, occasionally you have got enough time and guidance to get properly-versed in its language and occasionally you don’t. Regularly, human beings make do with symbolic equivalents or interpretation publications to help them through. It’s in spite of everything, pretty much a vacation that you could glide via.
But visiting a new marketplace
Like China, isn’t a vacation. As a minimum not on the initial ranges. What you want is a great Chinese translation provider. If you are introducing your product to a brand new, but a humongous market like China, you can’t forget about the perils of non-translation. Your internet site or app would need to get draped in the cloth of this neighborhood tradition, language, and colloquial alignment. In case you want your product and conversation to work seamlessly, there may be no need to study Chinese language from the scratch.
However, that doesn’t suggest you do not want to localize for the Chinese language marketplace.
You want a professional who knows this market and a bouquet of services which can cope with this challenge with a wealthy stock of translation experts who’re adept in both the languages – the source language of your united states of America and the goal language of the new marketplace.
Store your logo from the dragon heart.
China, especially, is a marketplace in which brands tiptoe with more caution and care. Marketers are wary of incorrect steps around polysemy i.E. phrases that have numerous meanings in addition to synonymy i.E. one-of-a-kind words that have comparable meanings. A few main and global ruling manufacturers have Often paid a huge rate in phrases of emblem equity and resistance on this marketplace due to the fact they jumped the equal taglines, slogans,
And instruction manuals that they had in source market, without ascertaining how they sounded in a Chinese language context. The language here might also have a one-of-a-kind vocabulary and Some words, reputedly harmless or surprising, can sound completely different and risky in a Chinese language translation.
Therefore, brands and communique specialists have a tendency to stroll on eggshells to ward off semantic risks of antonymy, hyponymy or hypernymy as nicely.
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