#they literally were sleeping in hostels
tomatoland · 8 months
I don't think Top putting Mew to bed in EP 8 is overly sexual
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Top is not a saint, he is making the most of this moment, but it’s still above board. This is not as sexual as people think. He keeps his arms around Mew's arms, they are not around Mew's waist. The taking off of the pants is a bit iffy granted but I also know that they've slept together (just sleep) multiple times and Top does know how Mew likes to be dressed for bed and what would probably make him most comfortable.
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I would say that Sand & Ray also know how each other like to be dressed for bed. And notice that after Ray throws up in EP 1 at Sand's place, Sand also strips down Ray before putting him to bed.
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Top usually sleeps shirtless, but he actually stays in his Top Gun costume.
Top knows that unlike him and Ray, Mew is new to coke, he doesn't know how much Mew's had or were it came from and Mew also has alcohol in his system and who knows what else. He also witnessed Mew throwing up, so Mew potentially asphyxiating on his own vomit is a real risk. Remember the first aid skills, Top displayed in EP 2, it doesn’t seem like a logical leap that he would know what to do in this instance too.
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Top wants to make sure Mew stays on his side and he's gonna ensure it but being Mew's backpack and holding him in place with his arms just make sure that if Top falls asleep, Mew can't roll away from safety. It could also be a comforting gesture so if Mew feels unsteady while tripping, he'll feel Top's arms and not be scared OR it could be protective for himself because Top knows when Mew wakes up, he's gonna have a SPITTING HELLCAT on his hands.
It could be a combination of all three.
Mew is like this baby bobcat. Looks so cute and unassuming, but could literally rip your face off.
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I think Top's trying to make up for not being there for Mew after the last party, the Infamous Pool Party TM at the hostel in EP 3. Remember these famous last words.
“I can take care of Mew.”
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This precise moment can be pinpointed to where everything went wrong for Top. When he left drunk Mew by himself and meet up with Boston at a FREAKING second location nonetheless!!! (Coulda told you right there, Top. DO NOT GO to a second location.)
Anywho, Top's stopped fronting that he's the only one who can take care of Mew, but he's going to do it anyway. He feels responsible for the sudden change in Mew, so wouldn't it be even a greater sin if something happened to Mew because of those changes?
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There is also Top’s anxious relationship with sleep which I wrote about here and Top’s crippling fear of dying alone.
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This is Top's penance, to serve as night's watch over Mew, regardless of the consequences he might suffer.
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artemis32 · 1 year
Yandere Eli Jang?
Yandere Eli Jang I
He's so pretty, almost as pretty as Johan
Also we're going to ignore the fact that this has been sitting in my drafts for literally nearly a year - I said I was cleaning out my drafts and that's exactly what I'm doing
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art's 21st birthday celebration masterlist
Lookism Masterlist
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Firstly anon, you have wonderful taste, Eli is gorgeous. 
Secondly, yandere Eli Jang?? Big brain.
Right off the bat I can say that he definitely wouldn’t have met you when he first met Warren, Sally and the rest of Hostel. You would have come into his life at a later stage, when he first started at Jae Won high.
Like I said previously, you would have been part of the Baking department, meaning that the two of you would have met in somewhat unusual circumstances - unusual meaning it likely never should have happened.
The reason you first caught his attention was because you were extremely nice, but not just to him - to everyone. It was a refreshing change of pace to be completely honest. 
He was used to the girls in the Beauty department and other classes fawning over him and giving him special treatment just because they found him attractive. While he tried to remain kind to them, it irked him that they acted so superficially. He was certain that if he wasn’t as good-looking as he was, people would never treat him as well as they did.
When the two of you first interacted, he truly thought you were acting kindly just because of his looks, something that had caused him to act quite callously towards you in the moment. It could have been blamed on many things, namely his bad mood and lack of sleep, but all that would have been is a cheap excuse.
You weren’t really phased by his lack of decency towards you, quickly moving on and not sparing him a second glance.
He brushed it off in the moment, too preoccupied with other things to think about some small interaction for too long.
Two months later, he bumped into you again. Literally.
You were carrying a stack of boxes towards the baking department, walking briskly despite not being able to see where you were going. To be honest, the collision was all his fault - not that anyone said it wasn’t.
He’d been staring down at his phone, standing in the middle of the hallway while talking to the daycare about picking Yena up a bit later than usual. He had started walking while his attention was still on his phone. 
Exhaustion had a strange way of making people unaware.
Safe to say, his walk had been cut short. And your supplies had acted as collateral.
The two of you stood there for a moment, neither of you speaking, neither of you moving to clear up the mess of utensils and ingredients. Eli hardly dared to breathe. After all, it was all his fault. You had every right to be mad at him.
Only, you weren’t mad. 
You heaved a sigh, one deep and disappointed, before crouching down and picking up what you could, placing it gently into the boxes that remained intact. 
Eli remained frozen, staring down at you, waiting for the inevitable explosion of anger. Or perhaps he was waiting for you to turn sickly sweet - for you to tell him not so subtly that he owed you a favour - perhaps a date to make up for the inconvenience?
After what might have been ten minutes, you stood up, remaining boxes in hand, before turning to face him.
You seemed tired, but still gave him a small, tight smile.
“Sorry about that.”
Then you were gone.
His brain caught up a moment later as he stared down at the bits of flour and broken utensils that remained.
You apologised? Why?
Why did you apologise?
With a start, he realised that you had apologised to him.
By the time he realised what had happened, by the time his exhausted brain had caught up with him, you were long gone. 
As they say, third times the charm.
The third time Eli saw you, nothing went wrong. Everything went perfectly.
It was three weeks after he'd walked into you.
This time, he was prepared. Or rather, he was in a good mood.
He was out with Yena, taking her on a shopping trip for a new pair of shoes.
Meeting you, especially outside of school, could be chalked up to luck - that’s all it really was. There was no other way the two of you would cross paths, so there must have been a deity looking out for Eli, giving him this opportunity.
It was a few hours after lunch, and Eli had decided that he would treat himself and Yena to something sweet. After all, things were finally looking up, that in itself was cause enough for celebration.
Eli’s grades were improving, he’d finally found a job that paid him decently, Warren and Sally had come back into his life and they’d talked through all their past problems, and now he had more help taking care of Yena. 
Truly, he hadn’t felt this optimistic in a long time.
He decided to go to a bakery closer to home, not wanting to linger in such a busy area for longer than he had to.
That’s how he landed up in a small bakery about fifteen minutes away from his apartment. It was quaint, half hidden down a side alley. But for all its less than appealing characteristics, it was pretty nice inside. 
The lighting was soft and the interior smelt of coffee and cinnamon, and there was an assortment of mismatched chairs scattered throughout the cozy seating area.
His attention was split between listening to Yena’s adorable babbling and glossing over the menu, so much so that he nearly missed the barista calling him forward.
Stepping forward, eyes still on the menu, he greeted the person behind the counter, bobbing Yena on his hip.
“Can I get a minute to decide? There are so many options.” Eli said with a light laugh.
“Sure, take your time.”
Finally having made up his mind, he looked toward the barista who was waiting expectantly, and froze.
For weeks he’d mulled over ways to apologise when he finally saw you again, ways to ask why you had apologised when it was so clearly his fault. He’d thought up a multitude of excuses, reasons to explain away his bad mood and rude tone. He’d played through different scenarios of how exactly it would play out.
Except, now that he’s stood here, staring at you as you looked at him with such a blank stare, he had nothing. Nothing to say, nothing to do - absolutely nothing.
So he did the only thing he could think of.
He ordered.
“Let me read it back to you just to clarify. One black coffee, two iced lattes, two iced Americanos, one kiddie sized hot chocolate, twelve croissants; six chocolate and six plain. Is that right?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
You nod before telling him his total and his waiting time.
He waited at a table in the corner with Yena.
Instead of worrying about what to say to you, he busied himself with his phone, aimlessly switching through the same three apps while he waited.
"Here you go," you say with a smile, one he feels he doesn't deserve.
"I'm sorry," he blurts out, mind blank, wiped of every thought but your smile.
"...Huh? What for?"
You don't remember him.
"Oh, um, I bumped into you a while ago. At school, I mean. I just wanted to apologise."
You give him another one of your blinding, too-kind smiles, and wave him off.
"No, that's not a problem, don't even worry about it."
He stares at you, though you're distracted from the conversation a moment later.
"Oh, I have to go, but here," you say, handing him his order.
"I snuck in an extra cupcake for your sister," you whisper with a secretive wink.
Eli feels his throat constrict as he stares up at you.
"Sister-? Oh, no- um, Yena is my daughter."
You stand there for a moment before shrugging. "Well, either way, she's adorable."
Bidding him goodbye, you rush back to the counter to deal with the ever-growing line of customers.
Your utter lack of judgement had to be what solidified Eli's interest in you.
Eli sees you a lot after that. You think it's nothing more than a happy accident, but he knows that he goes out of his way to bump into you.
It's not easy, what with all those women constantly hanging around him. But he manages, catching you as you run between classes, or right after your shift at the bakery, or even as you enjoy a day off, strolling down the street, window shopping as you go.
Of course, seeing him so often, the two of you quickly develop a budding friendship, and he has no qualms about officially introducing you to his daughter, or Warren and Sally, or any of his other family in Hostel.
If you'd questioned it for a moment, you'd realise how convenient it was that you always bumped into him when you had no other obligations, nowhere to run off to. You'd also realise that it wasn't normal - the way your friendship with him progressed so quickly.
He's such a private person, no one knows as much about his personal life as you do.
But you don't question it, thankfully.
Yena loves you.
Understandable, since you bring her treats and gifts whenever you see her. You even overtake the Hostel kitchen on one occasion, consequently making the entire house smell like baked goods.
His entire family loves you after that. And why wouldn't they? You'd baked enough to feed a small army, and you'd presented it to them with a smile.
You truly do bring a sense of warmth to their home.
Which is why none of them question or argue with Eli's strange obsession with you. They understand. They do.
Eli makes sure that you become very selective with your time.
He doesn't quite force you to do anything, it's just that he has a certain air about him - one that makes you feel compelled to spend the majority of your time and attention on him.
Not that you mind - he's wonderful company, doting on you in the best ways possible. He's open with his affection, freely giving you his time and kind words.
He's big on PDA too, quick to grab your hand or sling his arm around your shoulder. If he thinks someone else is eyeing you, he'll wrap you up in a hug, gently kiss your cheeks and temples.
Sometimes he deludes himself into believing that you, Yena and himself are one big, happy family. It's a nice thought, one that warms his heart.
But despite all that, you're still slightly distant, not fully invested with any of them. Maybe it's because you know something is off. Or maybe it's because you're both teenagers and you see this as nothing more than a teenage romance.
Either way, he doesn't plan on letting you slip away.
He deserves peace, he deserves to be happy. He'll do whatever it takes to protect you, even if that means protecting you from yourself.
This is all for your own good.
Beating up creeps who try to follow you home, scaring off people in your class who get too comfortable around you, even forcing you to spend more time with him than you do with your friends or at work - it's all for your own benefit. You'll see that one day, whether that's tomorrow or twenty years in the future.
You'll thank him for his forethought, for how willing he is to get his hands dirty for you.
But don't worry, he won't ask for anything in return.
He does it because he loves you.
And he does love you. In his own twisted view of the world, he believes that what he feels for you is love.
It's self-destructive and it'll cause more problems than it solves, but Eli Jang would rather rip his heart out than lose anyone else, lose you.
If that isn't love, then he doesn't know what is.
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bleachbleachbleach · 21 days
Rukia is in the WHERE now?
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[Bleach 089]
If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that my mental map of the Seireitei is very wrong, and that there is really no helping this at this point. I also realized that when I think about Soul Society, invariably west is always down, east is up, north is left, and south is right--which like, whyyyy would THAT be the way I orient the map?!
Because of Hisagi's dumb bowl drawing in Colorful Bleach, that's why:
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[Colorful Bleach]
Naturally, I was curious about the directions Ikkaku offers here! Rukia is where?
"the barracks of the Thirteen Court Guard companies"
My assumption has always been that each division's barracks are separate from one another, and exist within the rest of the division grounds. We all assume this. We know we are correct about this. Though it WOULD be hilarious is this massive tower prison was just like, the barrack penthouse and the entire Gotei lived in one very flammable tenement. Also, the Gotei version of Rear Window would be magnificent. But anyway. I guess I assumed the rest of Rukia's Tower Complex was also prison, or that it was part of some amalgamated center where the Central 46 and stuff was, rather than barrack.
So what is Ikkaku talking about here?
Specifically, he says, 各隊の詰所 (kakutai no tsumesho), which he then abbreviates to 各隊詰所, each division's station/post (same "station" as in Coordinated Relief Station). In the Edo period, a tsumesho was basically a rest stop for visiting government officials, or people who were traveling to shrines and the like--a place to overnight, or nap, or wait. In modern parlance, it's kind of like a hostel. So I don't think he means like, the barracks barracks, the primary sleeping locations barracks.
Gotei WeWork
The Wiki article on tsumesho also notes that tsumesho can refer to like, shared office space for factory guards, or people who are coming and going, which makes the most sense in our application. So rather than 'every barrack for every division' I feel like the intention here is "Rukia is in the tower part of the shared workspace/staging area, Gotei WeWork." It makes sense to have one, particularly if this is where the library and reports archives live!
Also obsessed with the idea that the The Tower is just like, next to some crappy portable with one table, a wastebasket, a copy machine with zero toner, a cabinet with a shitton of paper and brushes and ink so you can handwrite your own copies, and a mysterious stained futon that literally every shinigami in the entire Gotei has napped on at one point or another.
But also, I feel like Ikkaku could have been a little more descriptive. "That can't-miss imperious white tower by the giant butte smack in the middle of town," maybe? But I guess if that's not how they talk about that place in their working day, then it's not how they talk about that place in their working day!
I'll also note that in this view, north is actually at the top of the image, unlike in Hisagi's drawing:
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[Bleach e384]
In fairness to Hisagi, his drawing was explaining the POV of Ichigo et al having started in West Rukongai. Because they walked up to the West Gate to try to enter the Seireitei, it makes sense that the vanishing point (that which lies beyond the gate; that is, east) would be at the top of the frame. But I prefer to think of Hisagi as someone who would just draw maps like that, because now he's got me doing it, too.
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slayerkitty · 8 months
Only Friends: "Hot Take - Do Not Fuck Your Boss"
Credit to @chalkrevelations for the title, that part of your post made me giggle and pointed out an undercurrent of a theme that's running far in the background of the show.
We actually see this concept in four pairings on the show (sort of).
Starting with Sand and Ray (yeah, they did start as an employee/employer relationship). Ray was paying Sand to hang out with him. He paid Sand to drive him home that one time. Now, since episode two, when they slept together, based on Sand's "If I like you, I'll do it for free" line (paraphrasing), we can assume that Ray is no longer/hasn't paid him since. Essentially though, Sand fucked his boss and now look where he is. Ray still thinks he owns him, that Sand is a possession.
They've explored this with Top and Mew, too. Technically, the Fab Four are/were Top's bosses. They employed him (and are/were presumably paying him) to redesign the hostel for them. Top ends up sleeping with two of his bosses (Mew and Boston). He's actually manipulated into sex by his boss (Boston) and when the news gets out, Mew and Ray essentially fire Top. Boston, as one of the bosses, is loosely exiled from the group but not the project. Top is out of a job and a boyfriend (on the flip of this here, we know this is not Top's only job, he works with his dad at the hotel, but still).
We're also getting ready to see this with Daddy Dan (never calling him anything else, I don't make the rules) and Nick. Nick's been hired on for this project; Daddy Dan is super shifty that whole scene, blatantly coming on to Nick the whole time (whether that translation was supposed to be "Lick my ass" or "Kiss my ass" really doesn't matter, both amount to the same meaning here, lol). We all know this isn't going to end well for Nick. How we get there remains to be seen. Is this going to ruin Nick's chance for a career he wants? Will this fuck up his graduation chances? Will he end up with a sex tape on the internet (ngl, legit worried about this last one)?
The fourth couple this applies to is Yo and Plug. Yeah. So, their relationship has been subtle, playing out in the background and aside from their very pointed break up today, we haven't gotten much detail on them... or have we? In episode three, Plug and Yo talk about Plug being at the bar so much because he's a bartender. In episode 8, Plug says that Yo flirted with him for like a month before they got together. What that says to me is, Yo hired this guy has a bartender, thought he was cute and proceeded to PERSUE HER EMPLOYEE. Now, they're broken up. Does that mean Plug no longer has a job? Is Yo out an employee as well as a boyfriend?
It's an interesting exploration of power dynamics that a lot of shows, even ones that are office/work based BLs, don't quite seem to focus on the bad outcomes of. It's literally saying this is a bad thing, it can mess up your life.
So yes, hot take: do not fuck your boss.
Tagging the Ephemerality Squad: @lurkingshan, @waitmyturtles, @wen-kexing-apologist, @chickenstrangers, @ranchthoughts, @twig-tea, @clara-maybe-ontheroad, @distant-screaming
Apologies to anyone I forgot!
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call-sign-shark · 2 months
Shark in the UK 🦈
Hi everyone,
As you might have noticed I was pretty silent since my arrival in the UK. I must admit that I have been through a lot of stress and changes in a very short amount of time and it's only now that I'm finally getting used to this new situation. Below you'll find a detailed post of my adventures so far, so if you are not interested you can simply ignore this and just keep in mind that I'll be returning to my posting schedule and fan-fictions very soon. For those who are curious, fasten your motherfucking seat-belts.
While I'm not an organized person I become one when I have something important planned so I was so well prepared for this journey that I was convinced I was safe from any misadventures... How wrong I was. I was barely done with the security controls at the airport when I realized they literally broke my phone's screen. I don't know if they bumped it or not but they broke it. The same phone in which I had my boarding pass. It obviously happened the only time I didn't print my plane tickets as I usually do. :) Fortunately, my best friend had lent me his old iPhone minutes before "just in case". I managed to airdrop my boarding pass on the second phone and took the plane without trouble despite the flight being delayed by one hour.
Upon my arrival in UK, I took a taxi to the hotel and had a nice time alone. I brought myself to the restaurant and peacefully slept, getting psychologically ready to meet my host family, and oh boy. This is... Something.
When I heard the word "host family" I imagined it to be an actual family, and a bit like when you're an au pair. Retrospectively, it's completely stupid because it was never written but idk my mind went full "ok I'll live with a local family". What a surprise it was when I knocked at the door and was welcomed by one lonely man and the very acrid smell of cigarettes that jumped at my face! While my host dad (@rysko @red-riding-wood @kittenonpluto pimp nickname they said) was extremely nice and welcoming, the more he showed me around the more my face dropped. I wasn't going to spend months in a local family but in an old house more or less laid out like a hostel. A hostel with a strong cigarette smell almost everywhere, five other girls, one dude, and dirt. The differences between my expectations and reality were huge and, as you can imagine, the pill was difficult to swallow. I swear when he opened the door I was this close to run away lmao.
Between my accommodations and the new rhythm of the international school I'm studying in, my mind went completely foggy for a few days. I didn't know what to think or what to feel anymore. Worse, I didn't know if my money was well-spent or if I just got scammed. Now, read what follows before you call me "ungrateful" or "princess-like".
It’s not what I got that made me feel bad, but rather the stupid and nonsensical expectations I had in mind. Then, I slowly realized that it wasn't because I hadn't expected it and that it couldn't be fun. Maybe it had a lot to do with how nice the five other girls and the people at my school are, but I started // I am starting to really enjoy it. The house might be old and not "that clean" (or at least not as clean as I'm used to), but the host dad is lovely, cooks for us every day, we have fast wifi, are close to the school, we have a key and are free to come and go as much as we want without a curfew, and the bedrooms, as well as the toilets, are clean. To be honest, some students have it really worse. I mean, I'm talking about students having to sleep in a room crowded with 7 people, or having to sleep on a mattress on the ground, the host family asking them to buy and cook their own food to the extent of some even locked the kitchen's door at night to avoid the student snacking/stealing food at night. Or students who are on 1 hour of bus-trip long from the school — those conditions I find absolutely disgusting for the extremely expensive price the students have to pay for this language exchange. With everything said, I consider myself lucky despite the cigarette smell and the "clean but not really clean" house.
As I'm writing this, it's Saturday 10 am and I can finally say it: I'm happy to be here, it's a one-life experience and I'm incredibly lucky my parents offered it to me. Unfortunately, I've caught a very bad cold and I've been sick since Wednesday: I think the combination of my emotional rollercoaster, the crazy British weather, my fatigue and half of my classroom being sick have finished me off. Now I can't wait to get better to start attending to a shitton of activities, planning trips around, and going to the pub. Also, I've got my nails done! Look at my freakin' sharp claws teehee.
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Congratulations if you're still there by the way, lmao! Thank you for reading my nonsense. I'll be back very soon, both for writing and commenting, just wait for my cold to get better!
tagging some moots: @zablife @brummiereader @emotionalcadaver @justrainandcoffee @peakyswritings @peakyltd
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zadig-fate · 7 months
Me and my Poland tour bestie (noriko_743 on ig) were reflecting on our insane week following the guys around and realised that we basically did a speedrun on the entire JO fangirl checklist.
It was Nori's first in-person JO gig ever at Warsaw 1 (!!!)
We got barricade for the first time in both our lives
Nori got photos and hugs with ALL the guys
I got a guitar pick in Wrocław!
We sang Umazane Misli with Bojan at Warsaw 2
Bojan actually recognised me in Poznań and Prague and remembered what we'd talked about in Wrocław 🙀
Nori got handwritten lyrics from Bojan for a tattoo
Nori's ig story got reposted by Kris!
We both ended up in Vita's photos on the band's official account
We ran into the guys "in the wild", i.e. out in the city during the day
We got the live debut of a new iconic outfit (all-white Kris)
We saw all (I think all?) the Stožice outfits in person
We saw the Demoni scream and Kris NGVOT in person
I was the numbers person / unofficial "queue manager" for the pre-wristband queue at Warsaw 2 and Poznań
We participated in fan actions that the guys really appreciated (shoutout jokeroutpolska for organising)
I met lots of tumblr mutuals 🥰
I met a bunch of people I have plans to see again in Munich, The Hague and Amsterdam
Like... it's crazy just how much happened in this last week. And there was no one show where we got everything, or nothing. Every single gig had something special to offer. So if you're wondering whether it's "worth" following JO around on tour... it really, really is. The experiences you have and the people you meet are incredible.
Speaking of, here are some other unforgettable tour experiences that will stick with me for a long time to come:
Nori and I only met at the hostel before Warsaw 1, and she wasn't even planning to come to that show, she only had a ticket for Warsaw 2! But I talked her into getting a cheap resale ticket for Warsaw 1, and she queued with me, and she loved it so much she immediately bought tickets for Wrocław and Poznań too, so we booked hotels together for the rest of the tour.
I literally just met Nori last week?? But we spent nearly every minute together between Warsaw 1 and Poznań, dealing with the highest highs and lowest lows of tour life, and it now feels like we've been friends for ages.
After the fucking absurd queue situation at Wrocław (4:45am and #45, WTF????) we decided that after the show, we would wait outside for the boys and then head straight for Poznań in my car. So we literally drove through the night with our new friend Safursey and formed the start of the Poznań queue.
Our hotel in Poznań wasn't ready until 2pm so we literally just took turns queuing and sleeping in my car. Nori and Safursey let me have the first sleeping shift since I drove us overnight.
I think we only slept between 15-20 hours total over 8 days???
I'm actually glad I got to experience a cursed gig (Prague) where everything went wrong. Seeing how professionally the guys reacted and how smoothly things were resolved made me appreciate just how experienced and calm they are.
Nori and I were unknowingly the centre of a major Twitter outrage after Warsaw 2 because someone accused us of stealing the microphone after Umazane Misli. Neither of us are on Twitter so we didn't even know about this controversy, but someone was clearly accusing us (and it was definitely us from the context) of stealing the microphone to sing, even though we had a sign asking to sing UM and Bojan was obviously pointing at us to get the microphone next (which is clear to see in all the videos of that moment).
Our friend Safursey deleted her Twitter account after Prague because people who were not there were spreading all kinds of insane rumours and unfounded accusations about the queue and Bojan's ig stories and refused to be corrected by the people who were actually involved. She got so much hate for explaining what was actually happening on the ground that she left the platform entirely, so that should tell you how toxic Twitter is.
I was feeling like such utter shit after the drama in Prague that I didn't even want to attend the concert anymore, but Safursey and @thisismyobsessionnow (Nori didn't come to Prague) came to comfort me and convinced me to still come to the gig, and I really appreciate that.
Overall an emotional roller coaster, but one I wouldn't give up for anything. We had SO much fun and met SO many people. I would do it again any time.
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aprillikesthings · 9 months
OKay so what I came here to post about is that while ONE trip to another country is just going to that country, now that I've done TWO international trips everyone (including myself) sees me as A Person Who Travels and I keep getting asked where I'm going next
And on the one hand it's a weird question, because both previous trips were just--
Iceland: Icelandair advertised a huge discount on direct flights on my facebook wall and made a thirty-year dream suddenly seem possible
Spain: I saw like an article? somewhere? about the Camino, read one memoir, then suddenly had a new hyperfixation and I proceeded to read fifteen more (barely exaggerated y'all) and watched a bunch of youtube videos and then asked for the time off and started training
So in neither case was it like, "oh where do I want to travel," it was like "the need to go to this specific place is suddenly consuming my life"
But on the other hand, I mean, I'm kinda thinking England a year from now? But those plans are REALLY hazy past like, "lol the British Museum has an Ea Nasir tablet gotta get a selfie with it" and "I hear Durham cathedral is gorgeous" and "Norwich is a short train ride from London and then I can visit sites associated with Julian of Norwich!!--what do you MEAN there's a three-day pilgrimage route to Walsingham??? 👀" (what can I say I'm a sucker for pilgrimages now)
TBH I just want someone else to arrange one of those multi-day bus tours of churches/cathedrals in England but for LGBT+ Anglicans!! Someone get on this!! (Jay Hulme has other things to do or he'd be perfect for it. God knows some of the churches on my list are because of his photos.)
I have to keep reminding myself that Spain is a huge outlier in Europe for being so inexpensive on a daily basis, plus being a pilgrim means my daily costs were literally food/bed in a hostel/a few euro for church donation boxes.
And I get that Iceland is well-known to be on the opposite end of that scale, but it still boggles the mind to compare them (all approximate):
Iceland for eight days
Flight: $500 Guesthouse room: $700 A few bus day tours + Blue Lagoon + bus to and from airport: uhhhh I think like $400 added up? Daily expenses of food/museums/souvenirs for eight days: $50/day on average, so another $400?
Total: $2,000
Flight (into Paris, out of Lisbon) + insurance: $800 Daily cost, including hostels, food, souvenirs, sightseeing: averaged about $50 a day for 42 days total, so about $2100 Add another $100 for train/bus tickets (...I think it was more than that)
Total: $3,000
NINE DAYS in Iceland versus FORTY TWO days in (mostly) Spain.
(Okay, this is admittedly ignoring the fact that 1. I had to buy things I didn't already own for my Camino, like a backpacking backpack and a summer weight sleeping bag and TWO pairs of pricey hiking boots; OR 2. that I absolutely spent like $1,000 on physical therapy while training for the trip.)
They are just such wildly different countries. Museums in Iceland were all (US) $15-25. The cathedral's museum in Santiago (where I spent at least as much time as any of the museums in Iceland) was normally €7 but I got a discount for being a pilgrim. I think I paid €4, which is like $4.30.
Anyway none of this is about whether or not England is expensive, but I do assume it's closer to the Iceland end of things.
Especially since it's one thing to stay in hostels the whole time when you're on pilgrimage and everyone else at the hostel is too and everyone is in bed by 10pm because you're all exhausted. (Also because that's when they all lock their doors. No, really.) It's another thing to stay in a hostel in like...London. But the alternatives escalate in cost rather rapidly, especially when you're traveling alone. Oof.
ANYWAY ALSO the fact that I can afford to travel AT ALL is like 90% due to my having cheap-ass rent, no car, no kids, no student loans, and all my healthcare issues being relatively inexpensive. I've worked the same meh-paying job long enough for my hourly wage to double and to have fuck-tons of PTO. I'm 43 and I live in a run-down townhouse with three other adults and most of my furniture is all ten-year-old Ikea and I don't eat at restaurants hardly ever.
Any one part of my life could change and I would never be able to afford to do this kind of shit again.
Which is why I'm doing it now.
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Okay we know you love Ghost but can you see ghosts? 👀
WELL. I can't see ghosts, but I can feel and hear them, if that makes sense. But I'm not afraid nor scared of them, like they just be doing their stuff it's their business, I just don't bother them LMAO.
Here's a list of ghost stories that I've encountered in my life (LET'S GO SPOOKY STORY TIME) :
(disclaimer I swear I'm not lying on any of this. Me and my fam are quite religious yes, and Indonesia is also known for the ghosts and myths, so buckle up)
I can feel a lot of ghosts in different churches. One time I saw one is at night I saw a white figure on top of the church roof. Everything else was dark, but that figure was shining bright. Super bright. Usually ghosts are pitch black figure/shadow figure, but this one is shining bright. Probably an angel idk.
I know there's a spirit that resides in my house (my house is in front of a cemetery). My dog likes to bark at a tree and that's like the telltale. One of the housekeeper that used to work for my mum (that can see ghost) said that the ghost is a kid and not harmful.
I sleep in the second floor, but the first floor is open to see from me and my sister's room. One night around 2-3 AM, me and my sis got woken up by the sound of a crowd. Yeah. A crowd, like in a party from the first floor. Sounds of people conversing and stuff but fr there's literally no one. My mum said the spirits are gathering and just having a party downstairs lol.
In me and my sis' room (the lights were turned off), I saw a 'grey' woman dressed in a mukena (Muslim women's praying garment. Usually white in color) doing her prayer literally ON our bed. I couldn't see the face, but she had glowing eyes. We still sleep on that exact bed to this day HAH (Girl that's MY bed. Go get a sajjada or smth).
We have hollow metal fences, so if you hit it, it would sound like a baseball bat, if you get what I'm saying. Some nights at 2 AM I would hear someone hitting our metal fence super hard that I can't sleep. Me and my dad are very sensitive to sounds. Any sound at all and we BOTH would wake up. But my dad apparently CANNOT hear this person hitting the fence and didn't wake up. So I assume I might be the only one to hear it. Probably the kid ghost that I mentioned above.
This is quite scary, and I sincerely am afraid of and HATE this trait of mine. Whenever I can't sleep until 3 AM, (I easily fall asleep. I'm very tired during the day, and I always sleep easy. I don't have insomnia), whenever that happens, someone I know/in my family dies. The most recent ones are on January 4th 2022 (My uncle) and on November 22nd 2022 (my grandmother). I fucking hate this trait cuz I fear it could be my parents or siblings. But yea, gotta live with that.
There're many more ghost stories in museums, churches, and stuff. Fortunately in my hostel there's no activity at all so I can relax and shit.
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forcebookish · 9 months
I don't care what anyone says I hope topmew is endgame and top takes mew away from that nasty friend group 🙏 I know some people like to victimize certain characters but let's be real here they are all shitty friends that constantly overstep his boundaries and I'm sure we don't need to get into all of Boston's atrocities. I guess the thing that gets me is people act like mew always has to carry the baggage of his friends and be the bigger person no matter what but somehow top is the one that is irredeemable and should not be forgiven under any circumstances?? If he wasn't cornered, manipulated, and coerced I would agree but that is definitely not the case here. Anyway this was longer than I expected and I'm not the best with words so I hope this at least makes some sense lol.
you're making perfect sense, anon!
i've seen folks try to say that boston is the "real victim" in his "relationship" with top...?????????? someone made a whole thread on twitter. if i had to say "no one owes anyone sex" once, i'd have said it too many times - but i've had to say it MULTIPLE times!!! what did top even do to boston? tell him he doesn't want to sleep with him?? tell him "stop?" nearly cry (twice) when boston told him that mew might be cheating on him? push him away when he wouldn't let go? wow, such abuse, so victim🙄 top out here literally just trying to stay in his own lane, date a guy, and work on the hostel while boston can't keep his creepy hands to himself😒 but i guess it's boston's god-given right to touch people who don't wanna be touched, apparently😒😒
and people got mad at mew for being "mean" to ray when he was frustrated about ray calling him drunk in the middle of the night. he even says, "i'm not picking you up again." again. he has had to help him out of these situations he puts himself into before. pathetic little meow meow or not, that is a huge burden to put on your friends time and time again. the drama already established that ray tells his friends he loves them when he's drunk, mew had no reason to think that ray was going through a crisis until he actually heard he was crying. AND THEN CAME RUNNING TO HIM!
re: mew's shitty friends (hey, cheum you can stay!), what's cool about the relationships in this drama is how many characters mirror each other, not being the same but being flipped and on opposite ends of the spectrum. the most obvious example is top and mew: top being sexually active, open to new experiences, and LOUD during sex, while mew is celibate, likes to stick to books, and hardly even breathes during sex. and for topmew, i personally think that's a strength!
but ray and boston are also mirrors to each other: ray looking up to/loving mew and boston hating/looking down on mew. and they both kinda ruin his life about it lol
and yeah, i really, really want endgame topmew. honestly, they seem to have the strongest relationship (at least among the boys and including the friendships) in the drama. i can't, and absolutely don't want to, see mew reconcile with boston. maybe ray, depending on how things go down - but i'm so not into the idea of mewray, because it smacks of "wearing him down." he held that torch for years.
i would never say that what ray has done is as bad as boston, but it's another case of not respecting someone's boundaries when they have firmly rejected them. (it's not just because it's not a forcebook ship!!! i promise!!! ...i mean, it is a little bit, of course😅)
and i find it very ugly that it wasn't until top and mew had someone serious in their lives that ray and boston couldn't deal. i've been saying this before the drama aired, but i really think that top and mew would have just had a normal, you meet, you date, you fall in love relationship (even with the drug use, it's not impossible to work through that as a couple), if it weren't for ray and boston actively trying to sabotage their relationship - if they were actually good friends. and the drama seems to be delivering on that theory. seems to be the point, actually.
thanks for popping in, anon! prayer circle for endgame topmew 🙏🕯️🙏🕯️🙏🕯️🙏🕯️🙏🕯️
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akirayuri · 1 year
Lookism || OC Bio
㋛︎ Name: Ryu Nakamura
㋛︎ Age: 15
㋛︎ Gender: biologically female/ non binory
㋛︎ Hair colour: natural white
㋛︎ Eye colour: Caribbean Blue
㋛︎ Sexuality: Bisexual
㋛︎ Nationality: Japanese
㋛︎ Pronoun: They/them, He/his, She/her
㋛︎ Department: comics and animation
㋛︎ Crew: unofficial member of HOSTEL. Later joined Daniel's allied Crew
㋛︎ Nickname / Allies : ' 白龍' which literally reads as "white dragon". They symbolises death. 'Godfather' of HOSTEL.
㋛︎ Jobs/Source Of Income: Has a YouTube channel on art, video editing and animation related content and manga and anime review. Has a side channel were she dose crime storytelling. ( No one knows she is a Youtubers, besides Eli cause they basically lived together before shifting together with the HOSTEL gang and Daniel, as a form of exchanging secrets she knows about Daniel's second body. and she will take this secret down to grave if needed. ) Does part time job time to time. Popular on Instagram as an artist and animation student. Which only increased after Mary Kim posted some of her and fashion department student's photo together as a prank.
㋛︎ Crush/lover: She was crushing on her best friend and eventually confessed to her, but some bad situation led to her best friend in coma after a failed suicide attempt [ more in the backstory ], she will develop a liking towards Zoe after some interaction. High-key has sexual tention with Mary Kim. Has a affectionate bond will Eli, had a crush on him before he confessed to Heather. But, low-key protective towards Daniel and Eli. After hearing about the stalker arc and what happened in the fight with Gun, she becomes very overprotective.
Does not have a lover.
㋛︎ Likes: dark chocolates, Manga and Anime related content, anything art and animation related, swords, Katana to be specific, her guitar, a good sleep, slacking off or just lazing around, a good smoke after work, surprisingly reading novels, leather products (like eye patch, buckle boots, gloves etc), spicy food, lemons, music ( especially 90's Indie, rock and metal ), having good fight where she can freely break skulls lol, obsession with spooky, mysterious things, thriller and mystery genre, etc
㋛︎ Dislikes: People might mistake her for a bully because of her foul language and intimidating aura but she hates bullying, "Why the fuck would I establish dominance by smacking a bunch of kids?? I would rather fight someone stronger than me." That's something among the of what she will say. Getting her bike destroyed, much less touched by someone other than herself. Distraction when she is working or studying. Overly sweet things, salty foods. Ironically, she hates sun light. People messing with something that's her, be it her friends, crush or her things. Art block, losing in a fight. Someone insulting her department and friends etc.
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㋛︎ Appearance: Ryuu Nakamura is a teen with paper pale skin, stark white mid back length straight hair and paired with Caribbean Blue eyes. If you see her for the first time, the only thing you will notice is her white hair and black leather eye patch on her right eye that almost cover half of her face.
𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫: her hair is often tied in a messily done braids or ponytail. She sometimes she keeps her hair lose or in a half bun. Her hair always manages to stays a mess weather it's tied or lose but still is incredibly soft and silky according to Zoe. Her bangs reaches past her eyes just above her nose. Her lengthy bangs are lightly parted unorganisedly in three sections, above her left eye and right eye. Though her bangs mostly covers her right eye and eye patch, but you will catch glimpses of them time to time.
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐨𝐧: Her white hair and pale skin almost seems to bland. Because of her eye catching hair colour and eye patch contrasting with her pale skin and hair, people tend to overlook her facial features.
𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞: She has considerably attractive features with her long straight nose and high nose bridge, pink slightly chapped lips that are not too plum nor too thin and a sharp jawline. She has strong visual appeal due to her distinct facial bone structures, high cheekbones, prominent jawline and everything.
𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬: Her most noticeable feature is her eyes, icy shade of blue, wide, sharp and lidded, framed with long white lashes. Even her eyebrows are white.
𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬 ( 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑠 / 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑒 / 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘 / 𝑒𝑡𝑐): She has heavy dark circles that seems to be even more prominent against her pale skin, due to lack of sleep and pulling all nighters. Her features are sharp, giving her a intimidating but unique look. She has a long, jagged scar on her left eye, this is the reason she wears eye patch. Doesn't have a 'H' despite being a unofficial member of HOSTEL because, 1, she left the group before the tattoo incident and 2, because she thinks she is not worthy of the honour because she couldn't do anything to help them when they needed it then
𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞: Ryuu is very tall for a woman, standing 181 inches, two inches taller then Big Daniel. She has lean and athletic but elegant build. Her shoulders are board and her hips and waist are slight, which gave her upper body a triangle shape. She has long and toned legs. Her body is littered with scars. She has a long neck and prominent collar bone. She tends to bind her cheat with binders or a long strap of clothe. Though her chest is not much noticeable even without binds, they're medium. Because of her frim and tall body and flattened chest, there are very few people that knows that she is actually 'she'. She doesn't even bothers to correct them. She doesn't mind he/him/his pronouns either. .
㋛︎ Personality: Ryuu Nakamura is a some what laid back person. Always Blanding into crowd and out of reach. Someone you will notice time to time as the weird quite kid. Dispite her tendency to by invisible, her presence can be very overwhelming if she wants. One of the many reasons why people are unable to approach her. It's quite hard to approach her because of the going rumours that she was a sadistic bully in her previous schools and tried to kill the girl she liked. And her foul mouth and intimidating aura dose not helps. If it's her who approaches you first it might seem like a bulling tactic or threat but that's when it becomes easier to talk to her. Though, in her department many students did approach her because of her drawing and storytelling skills, they all will say the same thing, "He is really easy to talk if you get to know him a little." Or "Ryuu-san is very helpful and cool". When asked about the rumours, they said, "Huh? We are more or less invisible to this school anyways. We couldn't care less about what other people says." Let's just say, she is very popular in her department. The rumours do get to her time to time and caused her many problems such as becoming an enemy of 'Burn Knuckles' and other individuals, but she stays indifferent to them. Eli once tried to confront some students about it but she stopped him saying, "Don't, it will fuel ther crap even more." Daniel activity avoided her at first. But when she asked him to become her model for, he couldn't say no. That's when they started hanging out.Though scared out of his mind, he becomes so comfortable that when he found himself tangled in any mess, calling her became the most reasonable thing to do. But most of the time Ryuu arrives uninvited, unexpected."I don't know how the hell she tracks me down....but she has killer timing. Oh! And a tendency to came with a 'BANG!', literally." Is what Daniel says. As Daniel predicted, after she started interacting more with people, the rumours died down. She ended up haveing a pretty impressive number of admirers. Often getting called out as an otaku kid. [Vin Jin lol]
She is laid back, but not quite. If you see anything crazy going on with the gang and you're expecting Ryuu to be sane one, you're mistaken a BIG time. She will probably fuel things then watch from sideline with a popcorn pack. She is more chaotic then then the group combined.
As laid back and lazy as she can be, if gets serious she can do anything. Pretty hard working on the things she likes. She won't stand and watch other students getting bullied. Warping up situations with quick and effective moves, if not in the mood to fight or the opponent is too weak. She ends the ending things quickly. But can low-key be a sadistic. Dragging the fight and destroying the opponent with ruthless abandon is her thing. The ruthless use of weapons, techniques and her own genre of martial arts; thing get way more messy and dirty then needed to be.
Safe to say that she is very observant. So much so that she was the first one to catch on Daniel's secret about the double bodies before he could even tell her about it.
She is calculative and wity. One of the many reasons that makes her such a terrific opponent and a hard person to ambush.
Surprisingly, emotional intelligence is her most valuable point. Being the first to be able to pinpoint the real reason behind Olly Wang's jealousy. But doesn't know what to do with the information. She tried to warn Eli about the double standards he was unconsciously playing and Olly Wang, but it end up back firing so hard she left the group before everything went to hell.
The "one to recognise Eli's dampen moods ( while he is not the most emotionally open person ) and Daniel's distress over the things he gets himself roped with ( Ryuu : I swear to god he has a fucking magnet for trouble and creepy ass guys who are constantly at his ass )
While she can read people, she herself is very complicated to read at. At times bottle up things and burst out in the forms a bloody mess. Tries to be peaceful.
Has an urge to dominate. It's intimate and Carmel. But something that brings her a undeniable high.
She is, tad bit unhinged. And it shows time to time. An trigger happy MF if you ask Zack Lee.
Actually, she is a soft boy. Someone who care and it shows. Go ask Eli for a change.
㋛︎ Fighting style and tactics: As said above, she is some quick to end things but will drag them more then necessary if she's in the mood. Aikido and taekwondo are her go to martial arts.
✨ L E G S ✨ she kicks hard. And won't hesitate to destroy you only via legs alone.
You see her with her Katana ( even the wooden one ), run.
Has a keen interest for various types of weapons, especially Katana since it's the first weapon of her Choice.
Her style in welding Katana is a starck difference from her actual, physical fights.
Clean, precise and elegant. Like a dragon as people call it.
But her physical fighting however, is brutal. She gets her hand on any and everything.
Learnt from Eli, use of objects are a ugly thing.
Instead of being ashamed, she basked at the shocked look on her opponents faces.
If her use of weapons are ugly then her physical fighting style with martial art are bizzare.
technicians thrown into blander, resulting in unpredictable attacks that are so fascinating it's beautiful. Her kicks especially, high, precise and killable. Something only demons can archive.
Sometimes, she fights to protect, Sometimes she fights on default, something she fights to kill.
[ still under work lmao. You guy might notice some style change and typos. The first half was written like YEARS before then the second. This will be edited cause I can't stand looking at my old writing lol ]
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Sick As a Dog | Corinthian x m!reader
@king-trash-cryptid asked: Can i request Corinthian with a reader who is sick as shit (literally i feel like im death rn)
summary: Corinthian has never dealt with human sickness before, and isn't entirely sure what to do, but he's still going to at least try to look after you.
tws: sickness/illness
Oh, it was awful. Sounds of coughing and sneezing and groaning echoing throughout the flat; tissues littered the bed and the floor, empty packets of painkillers piled up on the bedside table along with empty dishes that smelled of lemon flavoured ice cream and empty glasses that stank of flat lemonade. Corinthian would usually never let his flat get this dirty and unkempt and untidy, but he couldn't help it right now; his boyfriend was sick, and every time he checked in on you, he dreaded the thought that you were getting worse. The cough and the sneezing were one thing, but the sore throat, sore ribs, sore throat and fever were even worse than he was prepared for; you were sick as a dog and even though he knew a fair bit about human anatomy and even though he had a good grasp on biology, dealing with sickness was not something he had ever dreamed of coming across.
Still, he tried to look after you; he stocked up the freezer with lemon flavoured ice cream, made sure to get the sugar free lemonade because you complained that the normal one was too sugary and sweet, he stocked up on painkillers and antiinflammatories, he made sure that you had packets upon packets upon packets of tissues that were at your disposal. Corinthian even made sure that the duvet was frequently changed due to the amount of snot that you got on it, and he made sure that the pillowcases and sheets were given the same treatment. He wasn't so much worried about the mess, and he wasn't so much worried about getting sick himself - as far as he knew, nightmares couldn't get human diseases - but he was actually worried that you wouldn't get better.
So much misery, so much agony and anguish that he could smell it on your skin, Corinthian frowned as he sat next to you; 'Hostel' playing on the television, he didn't take long to notice how focused and keen on the film you were, and he dared to smile, running his hand up and down your bicep as he let you lean into him. He wasn't worried about snot getting on his clothes, it could be washed off; but he dared to perk up a little at the scream that came from the television.
"Hey, close the door! You watch, you pay!"
You chuckled, although it came out broken and missing the usual musical beauty to it that made Corinthian want to hear it over and over and over and over again; it was rattling, croaking, and it was hard to hear. Hard to stomach. "Can you, uh... can you pass me my drink?"
Corinthian nodded, shushing you quietly as he leaned over and grabbed the glass from the bedside table, holding it for you as you eagerly drained it; he wasn't worried about it spilling, but he didn't want you to choke. Least of all on flat lemonade. "Do you think you'll be able to eat later?"
You shook your head, cuddling into him a little closer as you groaned softly at how your head was pounding and stinging all at once; your stomach felt like it was full of spoiled milk, and you could feel the sharp burn of vomit rise in your throat. You were dizzy, wanting to sleep but hardly able to breathe enough to do so; your nose was clogged with thick snot that dribbled out a bit at a time, and your throat was stuffed with slimy mucous that made you gag and retch at the feeling of it. You were hot and cold and you were itchy and sweaty and no matter what you did, you felt like you could not settle for love nor money at all.
"Aren't you... aren't you worried about getting sick?"
"No," Corinthian told you with a shake of his head. "If I get sick, I've got the best boyfriend to look after me."
It was a partial lie, that much was true; sure, he would have had you to look after him if he did ever come down with something or other, but at the same time, he was certain that a nightmare could never contract a human disease. Getting sick was hardly something to even think about.
"And what if you get sick while I'm still sick?"
"I wouldn't worry," Corinthian shrugged. "I'm sure we'd work something out, puppy... just get your rest. Don't worry about anything else, just get your rest. I'll get you some more ice cream and lemonade in a minute."
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taliskermortem · 8 months
i have lots to say about this episode appartently so we're gonna stick it in one post under the cut
okay five minutes into episode 8 and i already want to cry; 'you might even be happier' like you both know thats a lie right, look at their faces; 'let me go already' sand why do you have to hurt me
no no no jennie must be happy at all times what is this take it back i dont want it
straight up not the first time mew has tried a cigarette i dont care what he wants everyone else to believe; its quite nice my ass
is this fucker really trying to get sand to do his community service; wow really you're gonna pull out the orphan card what is wrong with you; sand for the love of all that is holy please grow a backbone if ray says naaaa one more time im gonna flip a table
cheum my girl, firstly fascinated by the fact that at the beginning she was only worried about mew, like does anyone actually like anyone else in that friend group, because if i knew one of my friends had been in love with another one for years and then they got together because the other one was very obviously having a bit of a spiral i would sure as hell be worried about both of them - like it's so obvious that ray is being used and is going to have his heart crushed and just straight up no one seems to care
okay now she's shitting on her other supposed friend; i love her girlfriend but she was definitely lying when she said people were lucky to have cheum as their friend i see very little evidence of that
wow we're really talking about licking ass
but glad to see nick hasn't totally fallen apart and is going after opportunities yadda yadda even if the trailer shows us that this will probably also get messy, at least my boy's trying
boston what the fuck dont make me cry my poor lonley boy why is no one, literally no one in his corner i know he's a shit but being that alone breaks my heart, everyone else is a shit too and they all at least got someone
quite frankly mew, i am also bored of you
im sorry but why would you invite boston and top? okay maybe boston i get because he's part of the hostel they're hosting it at maybe but top? that's just asking for trouble. unless it's like an open invite? but then why did they get notifications? (edit: so apparently cheum invited him but still, what the hell)
i feel like this was a missed opportunity to put mew in some sluttier clothing tbh
alrighty we're doing coke off the table lads
he didn't pick you ray, you idiot, you are literally the definition of a rebound; someone i should love wow what a dick
i love you mew... awkward silence
there are too many lights on at this party
the drink in the face i did not see that coming im cackling, top if i were you i would run from this train wreck
oh wow you really rejected his attempt at a kiss in private but you're literally straight up using him in front of top boy i dont care how broken your heart is dont use other people that way; ray you're an idiot if you dont pick up on this
cheum there is a time and a place and this probably aint it; my mother is dead - jerk, wow what a lovely friendship they have
oh dear i hope this isn't going to turn into a controlling situation for nick but i wont hold my breath, just give the kid nice things for once
didnt we agree to moving on together why is this a conversation i didnt witness, i need this you dont understand
moving on in a circle why is he so funny
boston my guy you have some serious balls turning up to this party but i kinda love you for it
who are you to judge me you know what this is a very valid point, boston being the voice of reason on this show they've all done shitty things to each other and i really cant blame him for being cold to nick, that shit was pretty fucked up
freddie's bi, you're bi, i'm bi, let's make out - honestly most iconic part of the whole episode i think
why didnt you come to me ray im gonna hit you, he's not your property, he's not accountable to you
ray threesome agenda continues i see
fake freddie the only one with any brains what so ever
thank you sand. finally.
ray that was fucked up. like manipulative, controlling, red flag fucked up.
oh shit its cheum's little brother so my god boston you absolutely wrecking ball of a human being
top buddy why dont you just go home, you are clearly not having a good time
honestly boston, walking away is most definitely the right option
how is it that top has pouty eyebrows
oh shit police
top going for the bribery route i see, this will either make him look like a right idiot or make him look like the hero
cheum what the fuck is wrong with you; you're right they dont care about you but quite frankly do you actually care about them? mew yes but the other two you have always treated a bit like shit tbh
this groups needs to fall apart
okay the taking care of the passed out guy is nice but the stroking of the pass out guy is getting a little weird top
so the bribe worked? alright top there to save the day that's going to make things nice and awkward isnt it, at least ray can pay him back so he doesn't have a financial hold over him i guess
sand going through all that shit and he's still the one doing the comforting for nick, their friendship is so good, even after what sand did they're still there for each other
boston my boy, my lonely boy
too much drama he says so i'll sleep with my friends little brother he thinks, god i love this absolute disaster of a human, he tried for a split second there, he really did
slutty boston is back im so glad he didn't get any dick in this episode and that just seemed wrong tbh
mew flirting with randomer in a bar? what about ray? for real - yeah he's taken top, but not currently by you
ooh involving the family (or at least i assume those are mew's mums), personally not a fan, leave families alone dont use them for manipulation
again ray, he's not your property fuck off
i've never been so yielding to anyone in my life well at least you're self aware i guess
yaaa that shot of boston at the end there? lonley and leaning on the bar? breaking my heart right now
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gimyung · 1 year
fuck the actual birthdays im here for the agenda of eli-warren friendship being capricorn-virgo friendship dynamics !!
literally earth sign 1 & earth sign 2 teaming up to protect a home!!
long ass astrology brainrot incoming and maybe yall not up for that so im cutting
both of them were alarmed (?) when they noticed sally was struggling to keep their family afloat, and both of them wanting to make bread to maintain a sense of security and longevity in hostel was 🤌
(yall know what panels im talking bout 😪 im abt to sleep fr so i'll attach them when i wake up if i find them)
eli gives off capricorn/saturn influence w how he dealt w all that has happened in his life. while upbringing's got a lot to do w it (obv), him keeping it all in and trying to solve things on his own is so saturnian imo.
him agreeing to do dirty work for workers alone (he didn't plan for warren to tag along) for the sake of hostel says a lot. arguably eugene put him in a really tight spot, but him choosing the most pragmatic, self-sacrificial option is just 🗣 capricorn king things.
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warren, completely empathizes w this, but remains more logical for eli. virgo energies w how he's practical yet flexible. like if eli's up for that workers shit to protect a home then he can play the role too while still keeping the principles he has.
when fighting jerry during hunt for big deal, he hoped jerry would one day help hostel too – giving us hope that while eli's tunnel vision is to side with the devil to give the runaway fams a great future, we have warren who just endures all that's happening now WHILE looking forward to being free from this sad as fuck situation they're in.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Hidden Desires Ch 15
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Past Alex Cabot x reader Warnings: language, mentions of alcoholism/alcohol abuse, some hurt/comfort.
Over the next couple of weeks you started to feel more comfortable having Casey around at the office. True, she did stick to working in her own office, and usually kept to herself, but she knew she at least had a work acquaintance in you and wasn’t as shy coming to you with questions anymore. You did your best to keep her on the easier cases, at least the more emotionally easy ones, but she quietly assured you one night in your office that she could handle it, and that maybe you should be the one taking a little break from ones like that. She’d hesitated of course, ready for you to launch into it about how you were fine, but instead you simply sighed, giving her a weak smile and saying she was right.
She knew she was officially in the clear of being hated by you when she started to get into it with Benson and Stabler over a case at the precinct, only to be interrupted by a loud ‘hey!’ from you. Before you tore a literal strip off the two of them, reminding them that they needed to do their jobs before either of you could do yours. Casey was honestly impressed with how quickly they backed down, specifically Stabler, God he even actually apologized to you before you went off to your own interrogation room. She overheard you on your way out warning Cragen that if he didn’t want another phone call from Donnelly that he’d keep his squad in line and she couldn’t help the small smile. It was nice knowing at least someone had her back, even if they didn’t totally trust her yet.
You were finally starting to feel like maybe you were about back to being yourself again. Truthfully, you’d never be the same self you were when Alex was around, you grew and changed with life experience, but you were starting to feel somewhat normal again. Not that waves of grief didn’t find you, especially on those cold late nights when sleep seemed to be avoiding you like no tomorrow. You’d gone to a couple of therapy sessions, and now on those late nights you found yourself usually writing, either journaling or letters to Alex, as if she was on vacation and would eventually return.
Today, you were packing up early for an extended lunch, you’d done an arriagnment already that morning, and had mentioned to Cragen to forward any cases to Novak for the rest of the afternoon, but if anything came up overnight you’d take it.
You let out a shaky breath, rocking on your heels outside Garden Heights. Sonya hadn’t been allowed any contact with anyone outside for the first month, appointments had to be set up now for visiting hours, and you were honestly terrified at how she might react, only knowing she had a visitor and not who it was. (Though honestly, she knew it was you, at this point who else could it be?) Finally biting the bullet you jogged up the stairs and checked in, locking your belongings in a provided locker before you were escorted to the visiting room. You let out a breath when you took it in, the common area looked similar to a backpacking hostel, colourful, lived in, and welcoming, not like a goddamn jail like you’d worried.
“Knew it had to be you.” Sonya smiled, standing from the table.
“You’re..not mad?” You nearly cringed, she let out a small laugh,
“Not anymore…no. Get over here.” You practically sunk into her arms, feeling a rush of emotions that you weren’t expecting as her arms wrapped around you. You couldn’t remember the last time Sonya had hugged you, God it was probably your first year working with her, your first loss in the courtroom. You waited for her to take the lead before you retreated, dropping into the cushy chair at the table.
“How are you?”
“A hell of a lot better than I thought I’d be.” She replied, a soft smile on her cheeks, “I…need to thank you, I hope you know that.”
“You sure about that?” You winced.
“Yeah.” She huffed, “a lot of the people in here, there a hell of a lot worse off than I was. Things could’ve been a lot worse if I’d kept drinking.”
“Who are you and what’ve you done with Sonya Paxton?” You teased, pulling a laugh from her.
“I know, I know, out of character. But part of the whole…rehabilitation thing is the whole, forgiving and apologizing crap, so…I thank you for saving my ass, I only hope my reputation isn’t completely ruined and I can come back to work when this is done.”
“Well..considering the office thinks you’re in Florida taking care of a sick Aunt, I think you’re in the clear.”
“She’s kinda given the department a bit of slack all things considered…”
“You doin’ okay?” Sonya hadn’t necessarily wanted to bring it up, knowing how hard it was on both of you, but she also knew that you always tried to be the strongest person, and that if you were pushed too hard, you’d break even harder than everyone around you. And the last thing she wanted was you falling victim to something worse than she did.
“Uh…yeah…” you let out a heavy breath, “I mean…every day is a challenge, but…I’ll get through it. I miss her..a fucking hell of a lot, but..she’s gone. And I need to accept that. I think it’s kinda helping that they finally got a new A.D.A, having someone else in the department, not to mention the workload..”
“How’re they doing?”  Sonya’s question pulled a laugh from you.
“Well her first day she referred to Alex as ‘some dead girl’ and I proceeded to yell at her and tell her to go fuck herself..so..there’s your drama update.”
“You’re kidding me?!” She nearly howled with laughter, “I bet Donnelly loved that.” You grimaced,
“I would’ve been in a lot more trouble if I wasn’t the only prosecutor she had. But honestly, Novak and I were both on short fuses, we’d both had shitty days and said things neither of us should’ve said.”
“So what, you’re best friends now?” You laughed,
“No. But she’s not bad. She’s trying, she’s been good at her job so far, seems to be settling in pretty well.” You pulled a hand up from the chair, sliding a notebook across the table, “besides, enough about actual work! This is full of all the gossip in the office since you’ve been gone..and you better fucking appreciate it cause it’s hand written.” Sonya laughed, flipping through a couple of pages.
“This is amazing, thank you.”
“Yeah well…I was gonna bring you your oh so loved chickory coffee but I figured they wouldn’t let me bring any food or drink in here.”
“You’re right on that.” The older woman smiled, pausing slightly as she looked across at you, “you sure you’re okay? You look exhausted.” You rolled your eyes,
“Sleeping’s hard…” you admitted, “I kinda wish we’d never lived together, would make being at home easier. I’ve just been working a lot.”
“Well take some time for yourself kid…you deserve it. You need it. I know how much Alex meant to you, how much you meant to her, the two of you were the happiest I’d ever seen either of you the entire time you knew each other.”
“Yeah…” you picked at the hem of your blazer to distract yourself.
“But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to be happy again, you realize that right?”
“They really are pumping you full of therapy here aren’t they?” You joked. Sonya snorted, smacking your arm with the notebook.
“It’s for the better. But I mean it. Alex was one of your big loves, but there’s another one out there for you, trust me.” Her hand squeezed at yours, “don’t be afraid to go searching for it, and don’t be afraid to let yourself fall again. Alex would only want you to be happy, that’s all she ever wanted, I heard enough of it to know.”
“Please.” You laughed watery.
“I mean it, even if it was the jealousy talking, she always said she was happy you were getting out there on all those dates. And that goofy smile she got everytime she talked about you once you two idiots finally got together? She loved you more than anything, and someone like that isn’t going to want you sulking over her forever, she’s going to want you to get back out there and find someone to make you as happy as you made her.”
“I’m starting to feel like sober Sonya is Ghandi or something.” You laughed and she smacked your arm again.
“What can I say, my head’s finally clear.” Her watch beeped a few times and she sighed, pushing up from the table, “my time is up.” You followed her lead,
“It was really great to see you Sonya. Honestly, I can’t wait ‘til you’re back at work.”
“Awe kid..you say that now.” She pulled you into another hug, “I know I don’t say this enough, and maybe it’s the rehab talking, but I love you. Take care of yourself.”
“I will.” You murmured, “love you too.”
As you pulled away you gave her a soft smile, a little wave as she left the room. You gave a heavy sigh, she seemed to be doing incredible, and she wanted you to be doing just as amazing, and most importantly she didn’t hate you. You breathed out the negative thoughts you’d walked into today with, giving the receptionist a small smile as she passed you back your things.
Despite it being late fall, the weather wasn’t too bad, and you opted to walk back to the office, it was further than you normally would, but you knew the fresh air and exercise would probably help, even if you were in heels. You were thankful you only had to pick up your work bag and a few files before you could head home, pushing open the door to your office. It was when you noticed a body inside that you jumped,
Casey whipped around, an immediate world of worry written on her face,
“I’m so sorry! I was looking for a law journal..you weren’t answering your phone.”
“It’s fine..” you dropped your stuff onto the couch, “I’m just not used to finding people in my office anymore.”
“Oh…fuck…” she muttered, “I’m sorry…I..should’ve realized—“
“I said it’s fine. Besides, my phone was turned off. I forgot to turn it back on, they made me turn it off.”
“Rikers?” She asked.
“No…I went to see Sonya.”
“Yeah…” you smiled softly, “what’re you looking for?”
“Uh, People v. Rasmussen. 2001?” She asked. You nodded, ducking towards one of the shelves you barely used. You noted the small post it stuck right above where the book should have been, the small heart drawn on it and you let out a groan.
“Fuck..” you muttered.
“Everything okay?” Casey softly asked. You plucked the post it from the shelf as you stood, turning back to her with it on display.
“Alex stole it. It’s either in her office or at the apartment.” You sighed, “she used to do this whenever she took something when I was in court, so I’d know she had it and I wasn’t crazy that it just went missing.”
“Oh. I can-“
“No.” You shook your head, “are you done with actual office stuff for the day?”
“K, grab whatever you need from your office. I’ll check Alex’s for the book, meet me down there?”
“‘Course.” The redhead nodded and both gathered your things, leaving your office.
As it turned out, Alex hadn’t stashed the book anywhere in her office. Casey had let out a weary sigh and you encouraged her that it had to be at your apartment, but if she was going to drag you out of work she was paying for take out, you hadn’t eaten since breakfast and she was cutting into your eating time. She laughed, but agreed, welcoming the fact that you were welcoming her into your life outside of Hogan place.
Your favourite take out place was right across from your apartment and Casey was more than okay with a working dinner. You told her to make herself at home at the kitchen island as you dumped your things into a spare chair. She started to dole out food onto a couple of plates while you darted into the living room, ducking to the shelf Alex usually stashed things from the office. Sure enough, it was lodged between one of her old Harvard textbooks and the case file of your very first conviction. You plucked it from the shelf, sliding it across the island to Casey before you offered her a glass of wine that she gratefully accepted.
You asked about the case as you tucked into the meal and she offered up as much as she could. It was still in the early stages, but she noticed the resemblance to a case she’d read about a few years back but wasn’t sure on the technicalities. Over the next couple of hours you helped her make sense of everything, looking over the detectives notes and forms. You pointed out things here and there that meant they were lacking info, or what exactly the strange short hand meant, and you shot her a few learning style questions that you were pleasantly surprised when she got them right off the bat.
By the end of the evening the vibe was relaxed and both of you were incredibly thankful for it, having feeling like you were finally moving into maybe being able to be friends. Casey started packing up the paperwork when she noticed the time, leading you to pack up the leftover takeout. You offered for her to take some of it but she denied with a small smile, heading to the door. She thanked you for your help and you could tell that she truly meant it. Maybe it was Sonya’s whole repenting attitude from earlier rubbing off on you, but you were beginning to feel like you could after all, get used to a new face in the department, and that maybe you weren’t going to have to automatically hate her, giving her a warm smile and soft good night as she turned down the hallway to the elevator.
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iftitah · 1 year
where are u bb did u sleep all day or catch up with friends and bcg all day or study all day why do i know nothing about your day this is unacceptable and homophobic
you're asking about my day after ages so okay i arr8ved hostel at 8:15 the train was running late it was scheduled for 6:50 and the station was so fucking huge to walk out with our heavy suitcases omg and then we had classes from 9 am so everything was not slow motion love potion actually very opposite then i had 11 to 1 free but i had clothes to wash and this girl called for gossiping and she won't cut off call then i had osteology practicals and the professor is literally so hot you wouldn't believe ive never been attracted to teachers but damn he's so railable yk then we fucking had to shift hostels because we were living in post graduate girls hostel until now so now we had to rush and pack and carry all our stuff to the other hostel for which a bus came in two rounds and then we reached this new room and we arranged it. we as in three of us now in a room it's a little small to accommodate and we hate it as well but okay. then because of shifting we were allowed to roam free in campus late which we can't because hostel timings are 6 pm so we were taking a walk and bcg came and damn im sorry for my language father forgive me for the sins ive wanted to commit and thoughts thunk but he looked so fucking hot like so smexy words aren't enough he has never looked this perfect under nightlights and moon right above him omg omg thank god for the long fucking tiring day because at the end i get to see him and it's enough remedy wow i sound so cringe but obviously im in my cringe girl era what can you do about it and so now we're almost arranged properly in room and im writing this. today felt like two weeks together anyways ive such a busy day tomorrow i won't have enough sleep but let's see also what about you how are you lady twinkle what's up tell me about your day
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obsessedwithdavrick · 2 years
Ten Random Lines
Thanks @goodiecornbread and @demora00 for the tag.
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or three), and share it! Then tag 10 people. 
It's Supposed to be Better Than Fine
“Is that what you wanted Patrick?” David took another step towards him, not losing eye contact, Patrick swallowed and felt his entire body start to heat up.
“I hadn’t really thought about it…. In detail…. I was just… I wanted to make sure……. I was just making sure you were okay.”
“You wanted to make sure I was okay?” David said softly, another step towards him.
Engagement Wine
Patrick rarely asked about the details of David’s past, so when he did David felt like he deserved to hear the longer versions of stories. He felt safe telling him knowing Patrick loved him and didn’t judge him; the proof was glittering on the fingers of his left hand.
Patrick Brewer's Day Off
David’s eyes flicked back to the rear-mirror where he gave Stevie his best look of derision, while she smiled sweetly at him in return. If anyone could convey ‘suck it’ through a smile, it was Stevie.
So Frenchy, So Adorable
David smiles and raises an eyebrow. “Et pourquoi?” (And why?)
“Je veux. C’est tu.” (What he wants to say is ‘I just wanted to. That’s all’, but what he has said is ‘I want. It’s you.’)
Paint on the Colours
Patrick watched David slink into the water. Faarrrk, he thought as he rubbed his face. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to get an erection standing poolside, and that was definitely not a good look for him.
The Way to go Home
He watched David while he chewed, contemplating how little he knew about him. Just his name, that he took sugar in his coffee and what he sounded like when he came. He wanted to know so much more. “So, David. Tell me one thing about yourself? Like… I don’t know… How did you end up in a hostel in Paris?”
Death of a Socialite
“Who are you sleeping with?”
“No one! What?”
“Your face. You were like, all soft dopey smiley,” Alexis screwed up her face with a look of distaste. And then she pouted and put her hand up to her chin, her eyes fluttering in what David knew was her approximation of a wink. “Somebody is literally trying to kill you and you are still smiling, David. Must have been pretty good, is all I’m saying.”
“No! Nothing like that,” Patrick flushed at the thought. “I’m renting the spare room. Well, it’s not spare anymore, but yes, I live here. With David. As roommates.”
Three Dates
But as Patrick put the car in reverse, David heard the dance beat of the theme tune to Alexis’ show come over the speakers.
“No!” David warned. 
Patrick burst out laughing, rolling his eyes before saying, “But it’s such a banger, David!”
Getting what you Want
So that’s how he now found himself with a spreader bar between his legs, and Georgia’s softest leather wrist restraints (one of their truly backroom items) holding him to his headboard, with Jake, Marc, Tao and Will looking on from the couch. As Patrick glanced over to take them all in, he noticed Jake was sucking on Will’s cock. And that was… he breathed out. That was fucking hot.
Tagging @alysiswriting @statueinthestone @mostlyinthemorning @mallpretzles @legalgal421 @wordthieve @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rosedavid @rmd-writes @treluna4
I don't know ho's been tagged, but ten is a lot of people to be tagged so if you have I'm sorry- but enjoy reading ten lines out of context.
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