#they r important to me...they r so weird kids and they gotta stick together..
viveela · 6 months
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Playing together as real friends
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Gorillaz: Humanz
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SHere it is, the comeback tour! I was so excited for this album, I sucked all the singles that came out before I could download the album. This album basically reminded me of the reasons I love Gorillaz. All of them. One particular reason a little too well...
Okay, let's get the elephant out of the room. This album is a bit controversial among the community for playing a little too hard to one of Gorillaz' strengths: showcasing cool artists. There are more than a few tracks where Damon doesn't even show up. Hell, my favorite track doesn't even have it on him. Me, I honestly don't care about that as long as I get to hear good music but for the rest of you die hard Gorillaz fans? Just think of this as a compilation album like NOW That's What I Call Alternative/Indie Hip-Hop/R&B/Electronica/Pop.
See? Rolls off the tongue. Now let's get started.
1. Intro: I Switched My Robot Off
Nice. Real ominous. Gorillaz really know how to build up a presentation. Feels like you're walking through the doors of the doors to the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Anybody remember Legends of the Hidden Temple? Were there doors on that stage? Anyway, awesome.
2. Ascension
Holy hell, Vince really knocks it out of the park on this one. Different beat, nice flow, social commentary...He was not fucking around on this track. Damon's barely on the track but Vince makes up for it with his existential rhymes and chorus back-up. Man, Gorillaz has gotta take advantage of gospel more often.
3. Strobelite
That didn't take long, did it? Anyway, this is my favorite song on the album. Peven has an incredible voice, the music psychically compels you to dance and...that's it. Sometimes, well usually with me, you just need to go with Simple Yet Awesome. Have a good voice and a good beat. This song has both and I'm pretty sure that one day, a scientist will hear this song and will be inspired by it to cure diabetes.
4. Saturn Barz
Ah, the lead single from the album. Remember the 360 house, everyone? Yeah, you remember. Glad to have Gorillaz welcome back Reggae into their line-up with Popcaan manning the helms. He and Damon tag-team the eardrums with the power of dread as the instrumentation makes you feel like you're in a haunted house. Welcome back, guys.
5. Momentz
WELCOME BACK, GUYS! De La Soul returns to say some real shit about time and how you should, respect and stuff. Seriously, awesome track. Kicks so much ass and you can even dance to it as you wonder if this MOMENT will be one of the last times when you feel really happy. Nice...
6. Interlude: The Non-Conformist Oath
Hey, Steve Martin! I like to imagine a bunch of assholes listening to this and...just not getting it. Not us though. We get it. We're smart. Smarter than those guys...
7. Submission
This song had to grow on me but years after I got the album and after I learned to appreciate Danny Brown a little more like all humans should, this song became one of my favorites off the album. Don't worry Kelela, he doesn't carry the whole song. Her voice is so beautiful that it can calm a charging rhino or a coked-up Connor McGregor. These make the song a lot classier than it had any right being.
8. Charger
She's beauty, she's Grace...she's also Jones. Man, I haven't heard from this woman since Corporate Cannibal and she has clearly been keeping up practice. God, how can a woman's laughter both scare and arouse me? Damon's no slouch on this track either, singing about the monster that keeps us all tethered: the charger. I kid, I kid. Hey, did Damon really get a boner on stage when he sung this or are you guys messing with me? Message me if you know.
9. Interlude: Elevator Going Up
On a recent trip, I tried to go up the elevator but it was card-activated so a desk lady had to help me. That's it.
10. Andromeda
Damon has to do the heavy lifting here and his muscles have not completely wasted away from lack of use. He tells us to take in our heart and you know what? I did. I took this song directly in my heart...and my playlist.
11. Busted And Blue
Yeah, this song is a bummer. A good bummer. It's Broken's younger brother who joined the army to make his parents proud after he couldn't get into university like his older brother who managed to form a separate family with his squad and began to think that maybe he was good enough after all before his squad gets bombed and, as he lies legless dying painfully on the ground, a blue butterfly land directly on his outstretched busted hand...
Directed by Mervyn LeRoy
12. Interlude: Talk Radio
You ever wonder how we get voices in machines? I know you think it's a complicated process but I know a dude who picked up the radio in his electric fan once. Think about it.
13. Carnival
Again, this song had to grow on me but one day, while I was thinking about Gamzee for a godforsaken reason, I thought "Geez, he talks about the Dark Carnival and the Dark Carnival isn't even some of ICP's best days. What's a good song about a carnival?" Anyway, Anthony can spin a person's mind and mind around just by singing. He's wild.
14. Let Me Out
Hey, wouldn't it be funny if Mavis was Vince's mother? She's not but that would be funny as well as cool. Her and Pusha T bang on the walls of this track as they rant about the politics at the time of this song. Yeah, they're talking about Trump. That car horn can't protect you forever, you orange bastard.
15. Interlude: Penthouse
Dear Penthouse: Hi. Does anyone check in on you, just you? I'm here to say I think you're important and you provide a necessary outlet for men to brag about being perverts. At least before the Youtube comment section existed.
Thanks for everything,
16. Sex Murder Party
Ooooo, this track puts me in a funky mood. Like, there's a part but there's sex there...and MURDER. So you know it's an awesome party. Kick-ass, right? I know it's kick-ass. Keep dancing, people.
17. She's My Collar
Pretty sexy song. Gotta love people vauging about being used in a song. That's why we love Offspring, that's why we love Damon on his knees onstage. Hey, there was a post that said Noodle wrote this song about her girlfriend. That was an excellent post. Well done.
18. Interlude: The Elephant
19. Hallelujah Money
Ah, the technical first single. Remember when they said that they weren't going to put this song on the album? Anyway, this is exactly the song we needed after The Incident occurred. Benjamin manages to calm down an entire populace while Damon just fearfully wonders what our future will be like...and he's in the UK. This song is one long terrifying lullaby to an entire country...until the end, anyway.
20. We Got The Power
A great way to remind listeners that no matter what's happening, no matter who's in charge, we have the power change everything. An excellent message for people who were still recovering from The Incident.
21. Interlude: New World
Okay, the bonus tracks. Should be nothing special here, right? Just some B-sides and I've never shown favoritism towards B-sides, right?
22. The Apprentice
A nice song from the same Rag n' Bone Man who brought us "Human". Zebra manages to lay down some nice rhymes as Ray BLK backs them both up with the force of her voice. These guys should form a team with how well they work together. Oh, they should make a virtual band! All they need to do is find an artist...
23. Halfway To The Halfway House
A very nice song if a bit overshadowed by the others on the album. Still, Peven can't be beat when it comes to crooning and he raises a song from a solid C to a B.
24. Out of Body
This song had to grow on me also but when it did...lord, this song is weird. Hypnotic suggestions, telephone tones, the song starts then Zebra jumps in to help then who is this person?! Why are people applauding?! Who are you people?! Why are there so many crows gathering outside my house?!
25. Ticker Tape
Well well well, look who's back. Damon returns with his old friend Kali to join the accuser of the vain Carly Simon to beg us to stay on the album. Sorry Damon, but I got places to do and people to go. There's nothing you can do to convince me to stick around after how long this album already is.
26. Circle of Friendz
Huh. Seems like a riot is going on. Weird for Gorillaz to get this real. What, this guy is just going to keep saying Circle of Friendz again and again? Is this supposed to affect me? Get real. It'll take a lot more than a nice voice and implications to...
...Maybe I should listen to the album again.
Album score: 25/10
Damn, that took a while. Shouldn't be the case next week when we cover The Now Now. See you then!
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Why Are We Still Waiting? - Prologue
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Romance (It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment universe, just over one year after the epilogue)
Word Count: ~5500
Rating: R (language only)
Summary: As Riley prepares for a new chapter in her life, she’s forced to reflect on a time when things felt much less certain.
Author’s Note: Well, the sequel’s here... and I feel like it’s gonna not be what any of you all are expecting, but hopefully you will enjoy the journey still. We are so far from canon at this point, given the diverging plots, so no point comparing this timeline to that timeline. This prologue is set 13 months after the epilogue of It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment, but it does feature a flashback (in italics) to an event that happened about 4 months after that epilogue. The subsequent chapters will pick up about 8 months down the road from this prologue, or 21 months after the ICWAM epilogue.
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Riley rifled through her purse, trying to find her keys, eventually finding them shoved beneath her phone, three tubes of lip gloss, and her flashcards that had scattered everywhere when the rubber band broke. Flashcards that were now sticky with lip gloss, she realized as her hand came out with tacky coral streaks across her knuckles. Oh well. Nothing was going to kill her good mood today.
She had just finished her last final exam of the spring semester. And provided she passed, which she was pretty confident she had, she would be a college graduate. It was crazy to think about. After her mother’s death, she assumed her degree would just sit unfinished, those last two semesters of credits seemingly unattainable. But now, she had probably just completed her last requirement for her BA in Communication Studies and Resources. Combine that with the fact that she had a likely job offer pending from the director of a PR firm who had led her Race and Media seminar and that she was getting married in four weeks, and she was riding high.
Hana had told her she was crazy when Riley had told her the wedding was going to be a month after her courses ended, but honestly, it hadn’t been too bad. Sure, Riley probably should have checked the academic calendar before she and Drake set the date, but they only had 23 people coming down to Texas, and that included Maxwell who was officiating. And an outdoor, casual wedding on a ranch involved a lot fewer details than the ritzy London soiree Hana and Catherine were currently putting together. At this point, all that was really left was trying on her dress one last time so Hana could see if she needed to make any last alterations, and that was happening next week when Hana was coming to New York for both business and the bachelorette party.
Climbing the steps, Riley knew she had to be basically grinning. She could smell something delicious coming from their apartment. She’d suspected Drake was going to make something special for dinner tonight, and the aroma that was wafting down the hallway confirmed that she was in for a treat. He could hear his voice muffled through the door as she turned the key, meaning he was probably on the phone. Knowing that he liked to keep the phone on speaker when he was cooking, she kept quiet as she opened the door and entered their apartment, not wanting to interrupt his conversation.
“Savannah, you gotta slow down,” Drake said towards his phone which was sitting on the counter as he held a knife over a cutting board.
Savannah’s sobs could be heard through the speaker phone, slightly distorted and off. “I just feel like… such… an idiot. And Drake, I don’t know what to do.”
Drake glanced up as Anderson trotted over to greet Riley, but she raised her hand and shook her head. If his sister was having some sort of crisis, that came before celebrating the end of finals.
“It’s bad enough that I’m the… unwed Baby Mama at court, but to get knocked up... again? Drake, I can’t let them know. They barely accept me being with Bertie as it is.”
Riley’s eyebrows shot up as she quietly hung her purse up on the hooks Drake had installed by the door and sat down at the table. Maybe she should feel bad about essentially eavesdropping, but Drake was going to tell her everything Savannah said anyway. Particularly something as massive as this.
“Who cares what they think?” Drake asked as he set the knife down and rubbed the back of his neck in frustration.
“I care!”
Drake let out a little sigh and shook his head. “What does Bertrand think about all of this?”
“He was a little shell shocked at first, but then he marched into his office and pulled a ring box out of a desk drawer. Apparently, he’d been planning on proposing for a while.”
Riley glanced down at the heirloom ring on her left ring finger. Savannah’s story was eerily familiar, and suddenly found herself thinking back on an afternoon last August.
Riley laid on the floor of the kitchen, trying to slow her mind down. It was a technique she’d been trying at her therapist’s suggestion for the past few months any time she found herself about to dive into a massive decision without giving it any thought. Apparently, her life experiences during her childhood and adolescence had created a habit of her rushing through major choices so that she wouldn’t have to think about possible negative outcomes. An avoidant coping mechanism was what he called it. Riley thought it was a little absurd that he needed a term for everything, and she didn’t think it took a genius to figure out that her absent father, her addict mother, and the endless string of foster homes messed her up in some ways, but he was relaxed and easy to talk to, which she supposed was what really mattered.
“Just find a way to ground yourself in the moment. Connect yourself to the physical environment, and let your thoughts settle. Give it a try, okay?” he’d requested, so she’d done it a few times since then, like when she was signing up for courses for the semester or when she and Drake had decided on this apartment. Laying down and closing her eyes usually worked pretty well. It helped clear her mind as her body adjusted to the position and the feel of the floor. But today, she couldn’t slow things down. Probably because her mind was racing thinking about the feel of her body, trying to determine if she felt any different. She knew that was stupid, but she just couldn’t help it.
Her phone buzzed on the floor next to her, but she didn’t want to pick it up. Because if she picked it up, she would have to look at her calendar again, the thing that was the source of her current panic and that she had killed the screen to avoid. 
It was really the phone’s fault, her current predicament. She and Drake had upgraded their phones about 6 weeks earlier, and it seemed like her calendar notification settings hadn’t imported over. Apparently, she hadn’t really used the calendar at all over that time. Until today, that is, when she had downloaded the syllabi for her course load and gone to add key dates for the semester. That was when she had realized she had missed her window for her depo injection by just over three weeks.
This was bad. She was too old to be this careless about birth control. She had just paid her tuition for this semester’s classes. She’d cut back to part time at the bar. Drake’s job paid okay, but this was absolutely not a good time for them. But she also felt weird even thinking about ending a pregnancy when she and Drake had recently had the “kid talk” and said they want children in the future. He wasn’t some random one-night stand. She wasn’t seventeen anymore. Their relationship was in a good spot. Things felt stable. Why did she have to go and fuck all that up?
She didn’t know what to do, what to think, how to feel. Kids with Drake was a someday thing. A down the road a bit thing. Not a now thing. They hadn’t even been together a year, and she might be pregnant. All because she forgot to go in for her depo. They’d been essentially trying for three weeks without even knowing. And because she hadn’t had a period for the past few months on the depo, she didn’t even know how to judge if she was late or anything.
Trying to calm herself down, she sat up, leaning forward and hugging her knees. Even in her panic, she was able to recognize that part of her dread came from the fear of the unknown. That much, at least, she could take care of. So she grabbed her purse and marched down the stairs, outside and over to the little drug store a block over. She grabbed the first pregnancy test she saw, paid for it, and went back home, ready to do what needed to be done. But she couldn’t. She just stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself, trying to will herself to just pee on the goddamn stick. But she felt locked and frozen, unable to take that final step.
She didn’t know how long she stood in the bathroom, but eventually, she heard the front door unlock and Anderson’s tags jangling as his little feet pattered across the floor. Drake was home. And she should probably tell him what was going on.
“Hey, Liu!” he called out, “What do you want for dinner? I was thinking maybe…” but he trailed off when he saw the look on her face as she walked down the hallway and joined him in the kitchen. “What’s wrong?”
“Drake, I…” she paused, taking a deep breath before she continued, “I forgot to schedule an appointment with my OBGYN.”
“For my depo injection.”
“Oh.” Drake nodded slowly, like doing so would help him process the information.
“And I was supposed to get one over three weeks ago.”
Drake kept nodding slowly. “Okay… so you’re saying that?”
“That I very well could be pregnant, Drake. And it’s freaking me out.”
Drake just kept nodding, like he was a fucking bobblehead doll or something. It was annoying the shit out of her.
“Don’t you have any thoughts on this?” she ground out, frustrated at… well basically everything. Drake. Herself. That they were even having to deal with this at all.
“I think… you should take a pregnancy test before we do anything else. Do you want me to go pick one up?” His voice was calm and steady, but it felt like he hadn’t really processed, almost as if he had no reaction to the fact that she could be pregnant with his kid.
Riley wanted to scream and shake his shoulders. It was like she’d told a robot she could be pregnant. “I already went and bought one.”
“Okay, well then I think you should take it.”
“How are you so fucking calm about this?”
Drake just stood there for a second before giving her a little shrug. “I don’t know. I mean, it could be worse, right?”
“How could it be worse? We live in a one bedroom apartment in a mad expensive city where we just paid a bunch of money for my tuition and you work as a temp and I’m a fucking bartender and-”
“Shhhh, Riley. Come here,” Drake said, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around her. “First of all, we don’t even know if you’re pregnant. Second of all, I guess I don’t see it as that big-”
“Oh, that’s easy for you to say! It’s not you that might be pregnant!”
“Yeah, but this would be our kid. I guess I just feel like we could handle it, you know?”
“A kid is a huge fucking deal, Drake! Pregnancy is a huge fucking deal before the kid even gets here! And I get that for the guy it doesn’t seem like it. And you can act like it’s no big deal and we’ll just figure it out, but that’s because you aren’t facing the reality that you might have a baby growing inside you that you were not planning on. So, don’t you dare try and minimize this, Drake Walker.”
Part of her knew she wasn’t being fair to Drake. She’d been processing this possibility all afternoon. She’d just unloaded on him and expected him to react the same way she did. But a big part of her was just frustrated that he didn’t seem as worried or scared as her. Regardless of her storm of emotions though, her little rant somehow focused her. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and headed back toward the bathroom. She might as well get this over with.
“Riley, wait! Can’t we talk about this?” Drake called out. She spun to face him, throwing her hands in the air.
“I have to go pee on a fucking stick. And according to you, there’s nothing to discuss until I do that.”
Marching into the bathroom and slamming the door, she let out a deep breath as she scanned the instructions on the little purple box she’d left on the counter. It made it sound so fucking simple, like this wasn’t mad terrifying. She popped open the box, and pulled out a thin piece of white plastic. How could something so tiny be so fucking intimidating?
Somehow, she kept her hand steady as she did what she needed to do, setting the little stick on the side of the sink before she washed her hands. She let out one last sigh before opening the door and leaving the bathroom, setting the timer on her phone for five minutes as she walked back towards their kitchen and living room. She found Drake sitting at the table, hands lightly tapping in his lap as he glanced around the room. When he noticed her approaching, he seemed to hold his breath for just a moment. Eventually, he broke the silence as she sat down in her usual chair.
“So, did you…?”
“Pee correctly? Yes, Drake. I managed to do that.”
He didn’t acknowledge her sarcasm, instead he just nodded twice before he asked, “How long do we have to wait?”
“Five minutes,” Riley responded, waving her phone in the air before setting it down on the table.
“Look, I’m sorry, Riley. I didn’t mean to make you think this isn’t a big deal to me. Because it is. All I was trying to say is that I think we can get through whatever happens here together.”
Riley nodded, but didn’t say anything. Deep down, she knew that was what he’d been trying to convey. But at the same time, she was freaking out. An unplanned pregnancy was just different for her, the person whose body would have to go through all the changes, than for him. “I know, Drake. And I know I just kind of dumped all my stress onto you and didn’t really give you any time to think or react.”
They were both silent for a few moments before Drake leaned over towards her. “No matter what it shows, you know I’m not going anywhere, don’t you?” he asked, reaching for her hand across the table. “We’ll be alright. We’ll figure it out. I can get a second job on nights and weekends if we need more money. And we probably won’t need a bigger place for a year or two. We can just shove this table against the wall by the kitchen, and then we can fit in a crib and a changing table, so we’d be set there for a while, and I know next semester might not be doable for you, depending when you’re due, but we’ll just have to see, right?”
“Drake…” Riley said, but he was just rambling off plans now, seemingly oblivious to her interruption.
“I know it’s a little earlier than expected, but this was always the plan, right? I mean, we talked a while back, and you said you saw us getting married and having kids. So what if it’s a little quicker than we thought? It’ll be fine. And I know there’s a lot to think about, but I figure we can still have a nice, little wedding. Unless you want some big, fancy wedding. If you do, that’s fine, we are just gonna have to start-”
“Woah, what the fuck are you talking about?” Riley finally said, squeezing his wrist tightly to interrupt his ramble.
“I’m just trying to figure some stuff out for us, you know?”
“Like our wedding?”
A faint blush crept onto Drake’s cheeks, but it didn’t stop him. “Well… yeah? I mean, obviously I want you to-”
“Drake, are you kidding me?”
“No, I’m serious. We can get married and-”
“No!” she called out, cutting him off before he could start rambling again.
“Well, for one, you haven’t asked me yet!”
Drake winced at that but nodded and let out a little sigh, “You’re right. Sorry… just, lots of thoughts… but I should’ve… Shit, what I mean is… Riley, will you marry me?”
Riley was sure her eyes had never been wider than they were as she stared across the table. After a few seconds, she finally felt able to speak. “You did not just propose to me because I might be pregnant.”
“It’s not just because you might be pregnant,” Drake muttered, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck.
“Bullshit, Drake! Are you telling me that you planned on asking me to marry you when you got off work today?”
“No, of course not, but-”
“Then this,” she said, gesturing her hand back and forth between the two of them, “is all because you feel fucking obligated to propose. And I may not be big on over the top romance, Drake, but the thought of a man asking me to marry him out of a sense of duty is so not okay. I am not some fucking burden to be dealt with.”
“Hey! I never said that-”
“Drake, simply proposing because you feel like you are supposed to is mad insulting. Proposals should come when someone is sure they’re ready to commit to the rest of their lives with that one person. Not because they feel bad they might have knocked someone up.”
Drake swallowed roughly, and nodded at that. He didn’t say anything for a few tense moments, but then he stood up abruptly, shoving his chair back and stalking down the little hallway.
“Drake?” Riley called out, but all she got in response was a muffled “Just gimme a minute” from the bedroom. She glanced down at her phone, checking the timer.
“We only have a minute,” she muttered, shifting around in her chair. But a few moments later, Drake was striding back out towards her, one hand dragging through his hair, the other clutching something tightly in his fist.
“I didn’t ask you to marry me because I felt like I had to,” he growled out, dropping down on one knee next to her chair, “And I didn’t ask you because you might be pregnant. I asked you because I love you and I can’t picture my life without your teasing or swearing or jokes. Because I love that everything is a competition with you, and that you are a crazy sore loser and even worse winner. Because I love the way your eyes always show what you’re really thinking, whether you’re angry or protective or caring, not that they need to, because you have no problem telling me exactly what you think. And because for some strange reason, you seem to get me, and that makes me so fucking lucky.
“It’s not that I thought, ‘Oh, if she’s pregnant, I guess we better get married,’ but that I thought, ‘Why aren’t we married?’ Because whether it happens tomorrow or ten years from now, I know I want you to be the mother of my children. So yeah, maybe the timing is shit, and I know I’ve done this all wrong, but you were wrong too. Because I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you. I’ve been committed to that for a long time. And right now, I realized there is no good reason to wait. I don’t want to wait. So that’s why I asked you.”
He let out a couple of heavy breaths, just staring at her expectantly. Riley reached forward and grabbed his hand with both of hers, giving it a little squeeze as she found her voice. “Drake…”
“Shit,” he said as he tugged his hand out of her grasp, uncurling his fist and revealing a green, satin box, “I was probably supposed to show this to you earlier, too.” And with that he flipped the box open, revealing a beautiful, vintage, diamond ring.
“Holy shit,” Riley whispered, trying to keep up with everything that was unfolding, “You have a ring.”
“Yeah, I have a ring. Riley, I have known you were it for me for so long. So, let me-”
“Yes, I’ll marry you.” And with that, Riley leaned forward, sliding her hands around his neck and kissing him deeply. He responded passionately, tangling his fingers into her hair, but after a few seconds, a beeping noise interrupted them. Her phone alarm was chirping.
She turned slightly to silence her phone before facing Drake again, watching as he took her left hand off her lap and tugged it forward. She glanced up and found him staring at her, eyebrows raised, so she smiled and nodded. He grinned back at her before he slid the ring onto her finger. She felt like they had so many things to talk about, so many questions that needed to be asked and answered, but right now, there was one very pressing question with an answer waiting for them in the bathroom.
“Come on, Liu,” Drake said as he stood, tugging her to her feet with him, “It’ll be okay, no matter what. I promise.” So they walked hand in hand into the bathroom and looked at the piece of white plastic she’d left on the side of the sink. The piece of plastic that would shape their future.
“Two lines… does that mean…”
Riley shook her head, staring at the box. “No, that one is just the control. It’s only one line.”
“So, you’re not…”
“I’m not pregnant,” she said, feeling a rush of relief wash over her as she tugged Drake into a hug, “Thank God!”
It was like sheets of stress and panic were falling off her by the second, and she even let out a little chuckle of relief as she clung to Drake’s shoulders. Drake didn’t say anything, just loosely looping his arms around her waist to return the hug. When she pulled back after a moment, she saw just a hint of regret and sadness in his eyes.
“Drake, what is it?”
He just shook his head, “I don’t know. It’s just… a lot, I guess.”
She nodded, sliding her right hand forward to cup his cheek as she waved her left in front of his face. “Not second guessing this, I hope?”
He smiled warmly at her at that, clasping her hand against his cheek and tugging her hips flush against his, “No fucking way, Liu.”
“Good,” was all she said, before his lips were on hers.
Riley had always wished she could find something in common with Savannah. She knew Drake wished that they were great friends, but the truth was they just were very different women. It’s not that Riley disliked Savannah, not really at least, but they almost never had anything to talk about. But now it seemed like they both had proposals triggered by pregnancy scares. It was a weird ass thing to share.
Except, they really weren’t all that similar. Savannah was not only actually pregnant, but she lived a life where the optics of it were far from ideal. If Riley had been pregnant back then, it would have been a lot to handle, but at the end of the day, Drake had been right. It would not have been a big deal. No one in New York would care if she and Drake, a committed couple who lived together, had a baby out of wedlock.
But for Savannah, it was different. Dukes weren’t supposed to live in sin. They certainly weren’t supposed to knock up the same woman twice, once as a one-night stand, once as a girlfriend. And as stupid as Riley found it, she knew that Savannah’s ramblings did express a very warranted fear. She and Bertrand could easily find themselves on the outside of their social group for this. Or rather, Savannah could. Bertrand might face some snide comments, but at the end of the day he was a man and he was one of them. Savannah had neither of those advantages. And while Riley and Drake had left that whole world behind for a lot of reasons, the fact remained that Savannah didn’t want to have to give that life up. 
Lost in her thoughts, both her memories of her own proposal and her sympathy for Savannah, she was only half-listening to Drake and Savannah’s conversation, but when she heard her name and Drake’s tone turn suddenly angry, she snapped her head over, attempting to figure out what she’d missed.
“...Riley and I are getting married then! That’s our fucking wedding day, Sav. What the actual fuck are-”
“I know, Drake! If there was any other time that-”
“I’m not asking Riley that, Savannah. It’s not happening. You’re the one who wants a last minute wedding, you pick out a different day!”
“The Social Season already has events set for the next two months. The only exception is June 8th.”
“Yeah, because Liam blocked that weekend so he could come to our wedding! You’re just going to have to wait a couple of months.”
“I just want it to be believable that this is a honeymoon baby. People are already going to suspect, Drake. But if we just have a civil ceremony with none of court in attendance, people will know for sure.”
“Again, who the fuck cares?” Drake was clearly agitated now, pacing the kitchen and gesturing wildly.
“Bertrand’s a duke. We have to keep up appearances, at least a little. You don’t have to like it to know it’s true.”
Drake dragged a hand through his hair and let out a massive sigh, “What am I supposed to do here, Savannah? You realized this is an insane ask, right? I’m getting married in four weeks.”
“I know. If I could think of any other solution, I would. Just, talk to Riley about this, please? All I’m asking is that you two talk about it, okay?”
“Fine, Sav. But this is so out of line.”
“I know, I know.”
Drake ended the call without even saying goodbye to his sister. He slapped his hand over his eyes and let out a little growl.
“Soooooo,” started Riley, “Savannah and Bertrand are having another baby?”
He dropped his hand down and looked at her, just shaking his head. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. But you don’t need to worry about it. I’ll figure out how to tell Savannah she can’t just have our wedding weekend. How was your exam?”
“Fine, but Drake, we need to talk about your sister.”
“No, this is your day. You don’t need to worry about her drama. We’re celebrating you being a college graduate, and that’s all we need to do tonight.”
Riley shook her head, “Celebrating can wait a half hour while we figure this out.”
Drake gave her a frown and came to join her at the table. “What’s to figure out?”
“Drake, she’s pregnant, hormonal, and scared that she’s about to become a social pariah.”
“Yeah, but that’s not… I wouldn’t ask you to do what she’s asking. I wouldn’t expect you to postpone the wedding for that.”
She tilted her head forward, reaching out and grabbing his hand before she continued, “If this was just your event, if I wasn’t involved, you would agree wouldn’t you?”
“Well, yeah. But it’s not just my event.”
Riley stared at Drake for a few moments, running things through in her head. “How are you going to enjoy our wedding, knowing that it’s going to strain things between you and Savannah?”
“That’s the thing - it shouldn’t strain things between us. She’s being unreasonable here. We wouldn’t be doing anything wrong to get married as planned.”
“Oh, I completely agree. Savannah never should have called to ask you this. But the fact is that she did. And I don’t think you’re going to be able to just act like she didn’t.”
Drake sagged forward, propping one elbow on the table and catching his head with that hand as he squeezed her hand with his other. “I know I should just tell her ‘Hell no,” so that’s what I’m going to do. It’ll suck for a while, but she’ll get over it.”
Riley looked at Drake, trying so hard to steel himself, bracing to disappoint his baby sister. And a large part of her wanted him to do just that. Draw a clear line in the sand when it came to this. He already let her get away with so much. But a bigger part of her just felt for the woman that was going to be her family soon, who just felt scared and alone and was pregnant when she didn’t expect to be. And the biggest part of her just didn’t want Drake to be in this position, where he felt like he had to choose between her and his sister, even if his sister was mad out of line here.
“Drake, I think we should postpone our wedding.”
His head jerked up at that, fear and anxiety clear across his wrinkled brow and deep frown. Riley stood up and climbed into his lap, wrapping her arms around him and stroking the back of the neck and she worked to undo the worry and fears she knew her statement unleashed.
“And you know this has nothing to do with you or us or the way I feel about you. But you are a protector when it comes to those you love. And right now, you are trying to protect me from seeing how much you wish you could help your sister. And I appreciate that, but I know you, and if we get married on June 8th, I know that you are going to stew and feel guilty the entire time, even if you know you shouldn’t. And that’s not how our wedding should be.”
“Riley, I....” he sighed into her neck as his hands clutched at her waist. He didn’t say anything else, and Riley knew he was trying to find a way to contradict her. But he wasn’t going to be able to do that.
“It’s okay, Drake. I will be thrilled on our wedding day whether it’s in four weeks, four months, or four years. But your sister chose to be a part of a world that will judge her heavily if she gets married in four months or four years. We can help her by giving her the chance to get married in four weeks, and I don’t mind doing that, alright?”
Drake tipped his head back, sliding his hand up to comb through her hair. “I don’t know what to say, Riley.”
She leaned over and kissed his forehead. “Call your sister. Tell her she better start planning a wedding.”
“We’re going to lose a bunch of deposits.”
“I know. We’ll save up again. The benefit of a small, simple wedding is that it isn’t obscenely expensive.”
“I would never ask you to do this, Liu.”
“I know, because you take care of everyone whenever you can. But that mean you also want to take care of your sister, and I love that about you. So, let me take care of you here. This is my call. We are postponing.”
Drake crushed her against his chest as he hugged her tightly. Riley knew he was trying to convey a lot of things with his embrace that he couldn’t quite put into words. It just cemented her decision in her mind as the right call. As much as it would suck to postpone, starting out their marriage by making Drake do something that would hurt his sister was not the way to go about things. It didn’t matter that Savannah’s ask was way out of line. She and Drake could just afford to be flexible in ways that Savannah and Bertrand couldn’t.
“I love you,” Drake muttered into the skin of her shoulder before he loosened his grip on her, leaning back and looking up into her eyes, a clear mix of love, adoration, and regret present in his.
“I know. I love you, too. And I’ll love you whenever our time to get married comes.”
He kissed her gently. “It’ll be our time soon. I promise, Liu.”
Riley smiled, climbing off his lap and tugging him up after her, leading him by the hand into the kitchen, eager to get on with celebrating the end of her exams and to sample some of whatever Drake was in the midst of making. She wasn’t worried. They had a lifetime together. The when of their wedding didn’t matter as much as that fact.
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Permatag:  @walkerswhiskeygirl   @riley--walker​  @bebepac​ @ravenpuff02​ @oofchoices​ @octobereighth​ @drakewalker04​ @kimmiedoo5​  @mfackenthal​  @thequeenofcronuts​  
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir: @ao719​ @mskaneko​ @katedrakeohd​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @axwalker​ @kingliam2019​ @sirbeepsalot​ @texaskitten30​ @princessleac1​ @ladyangel70​ @dcbbw​ @yaushie​
Drake x MC: @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria​  @iplaydrake​ @gibbles82​ @drakewalkerisreal​ @notoriouscs​  @drakesensworld​ @drake-colt-lover-99​​
It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment:   @thequeenchoices​  @sunnyxdazed​​
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You Feel Like Home
I had to write a Danbrey wedding. Takes place in the Mama’s home universe, but could be read as a regular old human AU.  Ao3 link 
Aubrey fidgets with the hem of her skirt, leg bouncing nervously as Jake drives Mama’s truck out to the small botanical gardens between Kepler and Greenbank that her and Dani’s wedding is set to be. She wonders if she’s under dressed. Dani’s wearing a whole dress, she’s going to look so pretty, what if Dani wants to get a divorce because she can’t even dress nice on her wedding day? 
She’d thought her wedding outfit was cute, but maybe it’s not. She didn’t even go with a full suit! Just a black button up and tucked into a black tulle skirt. The most color on her is her tie, which is a nice fiery red, and the sequined cropped jacket that’s definitely way too hot right now, she’s burning alive-- 
“Aubrey. You’re going to be just fine.” 
Aubrey’s head whips up, eyes finding the rear view mirror, and finds Mama looking up at her. Mama’s wearing a suit. Aubrey should’ve worn a suit. 
“I-- I feel so stupid, Mama. What if I-- What if I don’t look good? I know it’s stupid to think about when I’m getting married, it’s not important in the long run, but what if--” 
“Aubrey Little, are you really scared right now? I don’t think I’ve seen you scared in all the years I’ve known you, even in that first year I had you.” 
Mama’s stern voice is enough to calm Aubrey down, or at least get her to stop word vomiting. She takes a deep breath, actually turns in her seat so she can face Mama. Jake makes a distressed noise, and she feels bad a moment because she knows how paranoid he gets while driving, but he doesn’t argue with her any. 
“I just love her so much, Mama. I don’t want to mess anything up on the first day of the rest of our lives.” She says, and her voice cracks, and no she can’t start crying now, her makeup is already done--
The car pulls to a stop, and Aubrey lifts her head again, confused. They still have a couple miles to go. Jake places a hand on her shoulder, smiling softly. 
“I think you need a bear hug right now. Get in the back, and I’ll start the car up again.” 
“Thanks, Jake.” Aubrey kisses his cheek, leaving a bright red lipstick stain, and clambers in the back of the car without getting out. Mama doesn’t complain, only hugs her tight and tucks her hair back in place. 
“Aubrey, you and Dani are the first I’ve ever been able to see get married. Y’know that?” 
The car starts to move, and Aubrey takes a few deep breaths. They’ll be there in a couple of minutes. 
“You’re the only ones who’ve even made it close. That’s how in love you are. I’ve seen my kids have flings and hookups, but no one -- and I mean no one, not even Barclay -- has stayed together long enough with someone. You and Dani are meant to be, and I mean that with every fiber of my being. Jake and Barclay and I, we all watched you two from the beginning. There ain’t no doubt in my mind that you’re gonna make it through the first day, the next day, and every other day after that.” 
And just like that, Aubrey thinks she might cry again. She sniffles, hugging Mama closer and hiding her face against Mama’s shoulder. “You really mean that?” 
“Of course I do. But this stress ain’t about you lookin’ good, is it?” Mama asks. Aubrey stiffens a bit, before shaking her head. “If you think it’s better for your daddy to walk you down the aisle instead of Ned, that’s fine. I’m sure it won’t cause Ned no hard feelin’s and if it’ll keep your dad from causin’ a fuss...” 
“No, I want it to be Ned. Ned’s been more of a dad in the last few years than my dad has. I just...will you be there with me when I tell him, Mama?” 
Mama smiles, rubbing her back soothingly. “Of course I will. Then I’ll go check up on Dani, and give her the same talk because I’m sure she’s panicking just as much as you. Mama’s gotta take care of her girls today.” 
“Thanks, Mama.” Aubrey laughs a bit, smiling. She sits normally for the last minute of the car ride, and once the car is stopped she hops out and makes a beeline for Ned, who’s standing near the altar talking to the officiant. She knows Jake’ll help Mama out of the car, right now she just needs to talk to Ned. 
“You’re going to be just fine, Dani,” Moira’s almost done curling Dani’s hair, so she can’t do much to comfort Dani but make eye contact through the mirror and use her free hand to pat her shoulder. “Aubrey’s been snapping me all day, and she’s so excited she won’t stop asking about you.” 
“She looks gorgeous, too. Oh, you’re a lucky one.” 
“Hey, that’s my wife,” Dani laughs, tilting her head back, and Moira laughs along as the pushes her head gently back in place. She sighs happily as they settle down. “I’m so lucky. How do you think she’s doing?” 
“Probably equally as nervous. That’s how I know you guys are going to be the best gay wives.” 
Aubrey smiles as her father engulfs her in a hug, hugging back stiffly. “Dad, hi, how are--” 
“I waved when you got out of the car, but you must not have seen it, you ran straight to Edmund over there.” 
“Right. I must not’ve seen.” Aubrey says. Things are still awkward between them, and they don’t see each other often, so of course Aubrey would run to Ned. Right? It’s not weird. 
Aubrey’s father smiles at her, pats her shoulder. “I’m so happy to get to see you get married, baby girl. After-- After everything, I thought you’d never let me back in your life, let alone invite me to your wedding...” 
“We’re doing really great, dad. I wanted you here. Dani makes me really happy.” 
“Good. Good!” Her father pulls her in for another hug, laughing a bit. When he pulls away he has tears in his eyes. “Gosh, you look beautiful Aubrey. I always thought you’d wear a tux. Your mother wanted you to wear a dress. I guess we both got what we wanted, huh?” 
“Yeah, I, uh-- Neither of those felt right, but a little bit of both just...fit.” 
“That meant to be a bi joke there, Little?” 
Aubrey laughs as Duck’s hand finds the place behind her shoulder blades, the park ranger finding her side as Mama stands off to her other side. “Yeah, just a teeny one. Was it that obvious?” 
Aubrey’s father looks a bit uncomfortable-- they never really talked much about Aubrey’s sexuality, let alone joked about it, and so it’s quite odd for him to hear it happen. He smiles nonetheless, offering out a hand to Duck. “I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Aubrey’s father.” 
“Duck Newton, it’s a nickname,” Duck says, and Aubrey snorts. He’s sticking with that introduction, alright. “I was here Aubrey’s first night in Kepler, and I gotta say, she’s grown some even in the last few years. You must be very proud of her.” 
“Oh, the proudest. I can’t believe I’m walking my baby down the aisle tonight.” 
Aubrey sucks air through her teeth, cringing, and her father looks at her confused. 
“Aubrey?..What-- What was that?..” 
Aubrey looks at Duck for help. He squeezes her shoulder. She takes a deep breath. Duck’s right there. Mama’s right there. Jake’s nearby. Dani’s nearby. She can do this. Like a-- Like a bandaid. 
“Dad, you’re...not walking me down the aisle. Ned is.” 
“I’m sorry, wha-- Who’s doing what?” 
“...Ned is wa--” 
“I heard that. I just-- You-- Aubrey, I am your father!” Her father says sternly, and Aubrey flinches. Almost immediately Mama wraps a protective arm around Aubrey’s shoulder and Aubrey leans into her thankfully, tearing up a bit. Fuck, this is so stupid. Maybe she shouldn’t have invited him. “I am your father, Aubrey, and fathers walk their daughters down the aisle--” 
“Now Mr. Little, you ain’t gotta cause a scene.” 
“I quite think I do, Miss Cobb. My own daughter has decided that I’m not enough for her!” 
“That-- That’s not it at all, dad! I just-- Ned-- he--” 
“After everything I’ve done to get you back, Aubrey--” 
“That’s enough,” Duck’s deep drawl calls out over the shouting, and silences them all. Jake had come running up, and now leans against his legs panting. He reaches a hand out and Aubrey takes it, squeezing as she tries to figure out the right words to make him not so angry. Luckily, Duck and Mama have their own words ready apparently. “Mama? Got anythin’ to say to Mr. Little here, or should I?” 
“Oh, boy do I.” Mama hands off her cane to Jake and steps up to Aubrey’s father and for a moment Aubrey thinks she might punch him. “Mr. Little, I highly advise you don’t use any guilt trippin’ on my kids, and yes she’s my kid. You ain’t earned that right back yet. You say you fought to get her back in your life, well you’re fixin’ to lose her again you keep talkin’ like that. I’ve got four ‘r five big fellows around this venue who’d just love to throw you out, myself included, but Aubrey wanted you here. So be grateful you even got the invite.” 
Aubrey and her father both look at Mama in shock, though for two completely different reasons-- Aubrey’s father because no one’s ever spoken to him like that before, and Aubrey because Mama defended her so vehemently. Sure, Mama loves her like her own kid and has said it enough times, but hearing is different than witnessing. 
“Aubrey Little is one of the best people out there, and you’ve caused her a helluva lot of pain. I’d suggest apologizing to her and sittin’ pretty until the reception.” 
Mama returns to Aubrey’s side as Aubrey’s father processes her threat. He clears his throat and swallows thickly. 
“I...I’m sorry, Aubrey. It’s your decision, and I’m sure you have your reasons. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go...find my seat.” 
“Knock knock,” 
“Aubrey Little, don’t you dare, it’s bad luck!” 
“Well I’m sure glad I still sound young to you gals,” Mama teases as she peeks into the storm shelter Dani and Moira have set up shop in. She has a warm smile on her face as she steps all the way in, and she looks like she may cry again. “My, don’t you two look gorgeous. You especially, Dani.” 
“Thanks, Mama.” 
“Y’know, it seems like just yesterday I was lettin’ this scared little eighteen year old into my home, and now here she is at twenty-three and getting married.” 
The look on Mama’s face alone has Dani tearing up, and she fans at her eyes so her mascara doesn’t start to run. “Mama, don’t go making me cry like that! I’m already on an emotional roller coaster right now! How’s Aubrey doing?” 
“She’s just fine. A bit shaken up after tellin’ her father he ain’t walkin’ her down the aisle, but she’s just fine. With Jake and Duck and Ned right now.” 
“I wish I could’ve been there for her when she did that, I know she’s been worried about it...” Dani sighs. “But she’s alright now?” 
“She’s gettin’ taken care of, don’t you worry.” Mama says, moving to sit down, and only then does Dani realize something. 
“Mama, where’s your cane? You know the doctor says you need to use it,” 
“Must’ve left it with Jake after chattin’ with Mr. Little. I’ll get it in a minute.” 
Dani turns to Moira, and she nods, kissing Dani and Mama on the cheek before disappearing to go grab Mama’s cane. That leaves them alone. 
“Is Aubrey really alright? If her dad made her cry, I swear I’ll go out there in my dress and--” 
“Dani, she’s just fine, sunshine. I promise.” Mama says exasperatedly, reaching over and grabbing Dani’s hand. She has the most fond look on her face, and Dani can’t help but smile. “How you doin’? Really?” 
“I’m good. Nervous. But that’s normal for your wedding day, right?” 
“Well, I don’t know from experience, but I think so,” Mama laughs. 
“I’m so happy, Mama. I love Aubrey so much.” 
Mama squeezes Dani’s hand with a soft smile. “Trust me, the feeling’s mutual. You two are one of the most well-rounded couple I’ve seen in a while, and it’s clear you’re crazy about each other. You’re gonna go far, and if you ever feel like you don’t like livin’ in your own place, Mama’s always got room for her favorite girls.” 
Dani laughs brightly, tossing her head back. “I think we wanna live on our own for at least the first year, but we’re both gonna miss you guys.” 
“Well I’m expectin’ you two to come over for dinner at least once a month. It’s gettin’ lonely with Jake spendin’ more time at Hollis and Keith’s.” 
Dani hums and nods. “Definitely. No need to worry about that, Mama.” 
Moira comes back in with Mama’s cane and Mama stands, taking it. 
“I’ll be back in a little while to walk you down the aisle, kiddo. You look gorgeous, you’re gonna do great. Now, I’m off to check on Barclay and make sure he gets here on time.” 
Dani stands, follows Mama to the door. “Thank you, Mama. It means a lot that you’re here.” 
Mama smiles. He puts a hand on Dani’s shoulder, squeezing. 
“You’re gonna do great, kid.” 
Oh god. Oh god, oh god. Aubrey’s heart is beating so fast. Dani looks so fucking beautiful. Oh god. 
One of Moira’s compositions plays from a speaker, and Aubrey bounces nervously at the altar, Jake on her side and Moira on the side Dani’ll be standing on; Ned, from his seat, gives her a quick thumbs up, but she doesn’t see it, she can’t take her eyes off of Dani. 
It looks as if they both decided on nontraditional outfits, because Dani’s dress is a light blush pink and reaches just below her knees, sweetheart neckline, a tasteful amount of sparkle. Her hair is down, long blonde hair pinned away from her face by some sparkly pins that Aubrey is for sure stealing after this, her makeup is impeccable. 
It feels like Dani will never reach her-- Aubrey almost runs down the aisle to meet her in the middle, but she does’t, she sits patiently until Dani is in front of her, Mama giving them both a kiss on the cheek before she finds her seat in the front row next to Ned. Aubrey tears up a bit, and she eagerly takes Dani’s hand. 
“You look beautiful,” She whispers, and Dani giggles. 
“You too, babe. Love the jacket.” 
Aubrey grins as the officiant clears his throat and begins the ceremony. 
It’s officially the start of the beginning of the rest of their lives. 
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Sarazanmai - Thoughts
I’ve been hearing so much hype about the ending, and I just watched the end. I’m just going to voice some candid thoughts. That’s why I call it “thoughts”; it isn’t a proper review or anything.
Long story short: 
It was a pretty good series! It wasn’t amazing or anything, but it was fun to watch for the most part. I couldn’t take it seriously at times, but I still found myself invested in it at some points. The art was nice, the music was great, and the voice acting was pretty good too! I would recommend this series to people who like kappas, drama, and butts.
Kunihiko Ikuhara is credited with directing many masterpieces (that I haven’t watched) including Revolutionary Girl Utena (which he also created), Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, Mawaru Penguindrum, and more. His work is praised by a lot of people in the anime community, and he does have a lot of talent. He incorporates themes that aren’t usually seen in anime which is fully present in Utena where childhood idealism, illusions, ambition, adulthood, sexuality, abuse, and identity are all prominent themes. Many regular tropes are known to be deconstructed. When people heard he was making Sarazanmai, a lot of people were excited! A stacked cast, Ikuhara himself, and the MAPPA production team? It was already set up for greatness.
But after all that hype, what’s left? I found myself a little disappointed after getting myself a little too excited. It wasn’t like other series where I went in with no expectations or other series where I actually did go in with high expectations that were delivered. I went in with these expectations, it delivered somewhat, and now I find myself with a slightly unsatisfied feeling.
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Three boys accidentally break a statue then are tasked with becoming kappas and fighting zombies. They do this to return to their human form. At first, these three seem unconnected, but over time, secrets are revealed. They eventually accept the risks to collect dishes which can grant a wish. This is the sarcastic fantasy of three boys who don't feel connected to their important ones, getting to realize the real meaning of bonds.
[Paraphrased from MAL]
It came off as being completely weird and bizarre, and it stays that way. In a way, it’s quirkiness was its strong-suit, but it finally got down to the drama and conflict in the story, I found myself not finding it seriously. The writing itself wasn’t bad, but with its art style and with its already outlandish plot, it ultimately made me feel a bit confused. When they had scenes that were supposed to evoke emotions, I couldn’t quite feel it right.
Especially when there’s a kappa in the frame. I kind of thought, “How am I supposed to feel when there’s this staring at me?”
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I found that the only emotional scenes that even slightly hit the mark were the ones where all characters were in human form. Yeah, that’s right. I just said kappas ruin the mood. 
Character: No! Don’t die! Me: *chuckles* he’s a fricking kappa.
Everything towards the end felt a little melodramatic. Don’t get me wrong, I can be down for melodrama. I’m that person who enjoyed Kiznaiver. I just felt like this series was episodic for the most part with a bit of sprinkling of the main story, and I couldn’t have done it any differently. I just felt like something was missing. Reo and Mabu’s storyline was only riveting towards the end. For the majority of the series, they are shrouded in mystery then we get a wham of backstory and stuff over the last few episodes before the climax with Hosoya and Mamo hit.
Speaking of voice acting, they kept Kouki Uchiyama to play the kid version of his character, and I didn’t mind that. The main trio was okay! Shun Horie, Ayumu Murase, and Kouki Uchiyama did great jobs! Ayumu does a great job voicing the darker and lighter moments (as expected since watching 5 episodes of Devilman). I feel like Ayumu and Kouki didn’t really do a role that was that much out of their zone. Kouki plays another edgy “cinnamon roll” while Ayumu plays another energetic boy (like Hinata from Haikyuu). I don’t know what Horie did in other anime though.
Mamo and Hosoya surprised me towards the end, but surprisingly, I would’ve directed one of Mamo’s lines differently during episode 10. I won’t say which one, but I felt like the character didn’t portray emotion properly. Besides that, those two have acted in so much together. The music they provided was great (even though there were only two songs).
The art was okay! It was very out-there, new, and fresh, but it wasn’t stand out enough that when I watched it, I went, “HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE”. It was nice, fluid, and it was definitely... sexual. I haven’t seen so much butt and a**s (b-hole) stuff.
The music was really catchy! I know Yukari Hashimoto for composing the music for Toradora, 3-Gatsu no Lion, Gekkan Shoujo, and a few other things. While I can’t always say that her music sticks like glue, I can say that there are certain tracks that still resonate with me. I gotta admit, the quality of the overall series affects how much I like an OST. This one was repetitive enough (with its episodic nature) to be catchy.
Oh yeah, the ED by the Peggies was better (for me) than Kimi no Sei from Seishun Buta Yarou (which I didn’t really like... please don’t kill me). The opening was so much fun. I really liked it. It ranks up there with that Naruto OP. I can feel its significance growing, and I listened to it more than once (which is rare for me)
Anyways, I can’t be the only one who had a hard time really getting with the drama of this series. It was pretty good... it wasn’t great, but I still enjoyed watching this. Unlike most anime series, this ends on a good note.
I would rate this a 7.5/10 (rounding it up to an 8 on MAL)
Spoiler Part:
Toi went to a juvenile detention centre for three years but for which crime? If you murder someone and tried as an adult, that’s an automatic 20+ years. If it was truly self-defence, he would’ve been pardoned. So, what was he exactly charged for?
Reo and Mabu were great, and I didn’t realize their greatness until the end because their side plot was put off until the end. Mamo mostly did a good job. Hosoya’s role wasn’t as tasking as maybe some of his other ones. I’m just glad to see Hosoya singing and working together with Mamo. I think we all wanted to see that.
I still can’t take kappas seriously. Have we learned anything from Arakawa Under the Bridge?
The ending was great though. I found that saved its rating because some anime end so badly that it goes from a 9 to a 4 real fast (nothing beats reading what happened in Usagi Drop which continues to be a scar on my mind that bursts out bleeding whenever remembered)
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ariesbilly · 6 years
how would season 2 of riverdale look like if you were writing it? (also please don't hold back on the word count for this ask)
everyones gay. the end.
no ok i will try and go for a realistic version of what i think season 2 could have been. i mean personally i think its realistic to have all the parents be gay but whatever. (*edit from future briana. lol i aint make this shit realistic everybody G A Y) also this is probably gonna be all over the place cuz i have a lot of problems with a lot of characters story arcs so just...we’ll see what happens. also also this is obviously focusing on the parents im sure the kids will get mentioned at some point in regards to certain storylines but for the most part i dont watch them so i dont know what the fuck theyre doing unless it pertains to an adult. ok here we go (i hope you know what you asked for by saying dont hold back on word count...)
like from season 1 i had this vision of how i wanted s2 to play out
fp was gonna find out fred was shot, alice was gonna go visit him in jail about it or theyd meet up when he got out and they were gonna team up to avenge fred. thats what shouldve happened ok fight me. THE ONLY APPROPRIATE F*LICE INTERACTION
and then fp was gonna take care of fred. they were gonna work on their relationship. shit was gonna get dramatic but it was gonna be beautiful because ultimately they would realize theyre both the best friends each other ever had and they were better together than apart. 
and thats how the whole black hood thing would be dealt with and we never had to hear about it again
and then with the introduction of hiram and everything going down with the lodges buying freds company + fps dealings with hiram and hermione in the past and the bad blood there that was just...completely dropped... fred and fp were gonna come up with this master plan to screw over hiram and get the company back and then theyd go back to working construction together and happy days would be on the horizon. 
with that being said.... hiram and hermiones storyline this season is honestly the only interesting worthwhile thing. im not mad at it
im a little mad at archie joining the mafia like for one, anyone who knows anything about mob culture, you dont let outsiders in. and if you do, its not that fucking easy. its like “run some errands for me let me put you through some tests. ok youre family” no. i mean i get we’re on the cw but this was really the ...not even pg13 this was some g rated mob shit on archies part but whatever
lets hop on over to the coopers
i called from the beginning that chic was gonna be up to some bullshit and the narrative thats going right now with hal being painted as the bad guy and running off to penelope and alice running into fps arms is absolute utter Garbage™
what SHOULDVE happened (and granted the story is still playing out but lochlyns got a new show and thats very sus to me so... im expecting the worst) is chic comes in all innocent at first and maybe hals still put off, reasonably so, but this clearly means a lot to alice so he sticks it out. and as chic lets his freak out and the family has to deal with this, they grow closer and become more bonded and alice and hal become stronger as a couple and when all is said and done they eventually decide to go to couples counseling or family counseling and everybody works out their bullshit and they all start their journey to becoming a stable fucking family unit
ok now penelope. she’s another one that im actually for the most part enjoying her story but this whole hal business?? unrealistic
what they needed to do was just let her have her ho business and live her life
and also tell cheryl to stop running her mouth
like i really dont need them to have a great relationship personally like fine if they did whatever but cheryl kinda annoys me so penelope telling her whats up is no skin off my back
oh and this whole homophobic business? NOT IN MY SEASON 2
or if they really wanted to keep this contrived ass heather story to give cheryl some depth or whatever, then the least that could happen is it be revealed that penelope is gay herself and was scorned by an ex lover (alice) and was taking it out on her daughter
and then that could come to light and they talk about it and penelope eventually accepts she’s gay and she can be open about it now and she goes on to get herself a beautiful rich powerful girlfriend and my girl pen is set bitch !!! (i will also only accept alice and hal breaking up if alice too comes out and ends up with penelope)
somebody was coming out of my version of s2 gay i mean listen i could also write you a thing about how fp and fred could still get together ...
fps been spending all this time around fred nursing him back to health after the shooting
and theyve been able to work out all their unresolved bullshit
plus them teaming up to take hiram down
theyve been spending many a cold winter night together
old flames are rekindling 
they both notice they each keep finding little reasons to touch one another
theyre stealing glances when they think the other one isnt paying attention
they start to notice how fucking happy theyve been together theyve both become so playful and intimate with one another
theyre at pops one night having milkshakes
fred has whipped cream on his face
fps trying to tell him where but fred keeps missing it
theyre both laughing
fp reaches over and swipes his thumb softly over the corner of freds mouth
their laughter starts to die down as they both realize theres still this spark of electricity between them
its been sitting there under the surface this whole time waiting to blow up
next thing they know fps leaning over the table to kiss fred 
its soft and sweet and gentle but filled with such passion and urning its been so long since anyones touched them like this and god all the memories of their secret high school hookups come flooding back its like no time at all has passed they just fit together so well
ANYWAY now that fps with fred and this whole north v south thing is going on its creating a whole bunch of tension and like imagine all the drama that would come from the leader of the serpents dating riverdale mayor fred andrews oh my god ??? sign me the absolute fuck up where is THAT iconic storyline
speaking of fred
where the fuck is that pill addiction huh??? we gotta throw that in for drama ok i NEED. IT.
and then mary gets called into town and fp mary and archie are coming together to get fred through this. holding a fucking INTERVENTION ??? 
alice can show up too why not
bring hal
hermione maybe? like i know in her heart she probably cares but maybe dont have your ex gf who is also a mob boss show up at your intervention....
although that would make for a good fp x hermione showdown
hermiones invited
what else do we need....
i need alice and hermione
i dont know in what capacity i just know i need it
we definitely need a moms night out episode which would be hilarious because it just ends with alice and penelope making out and hermione and mary making out and sierra is facetiming tom like “please come pick me up”
speaking of sierra i dont mind this storyline with tom i just wish we could..actually see it...
god i just want fp and fred having date night down at the whyte wyrm and tonis pestering them about sharing stories from high school and how they fell in love and she wants to hear all the hot gossip and jugheads like “no gross i dont want to hear this”but joaquin an fangs and sweet pea are ENTHRALLED like they wanna hear everything too they wanna know about all the stupid shit fred and fp used to do to land in detention
i told yall this shit was gonna be all over the place
hell maybe even gladys played by neve campbell would show up at one point so fp can see his fucking daughter thatd be neat
and gladys and fp decide to end things for good and go through with the divorce but its amicable and theyre friends. she could move back to riverdale but then im thinking of jellybean having to be taken out of school... so maybe they stay in toledo but gladys and fp come up with a plan for holidays and summer vacation and its all just very pleasant ok. 
if we want to go with the tragic heterosexual version of riverdale, i fully support gladys and fp getting back together btw its what god wants
but so long as we’re living in my lala fantasy land.... fp ends up with fred and gladys and fp call truce
alice and fp would be F R I E N D S
no ones hiding no dead bodies
no ones making weird inappropriate comments about leaving spouses
alice is not going serpent!alice on everyone
get out of my face
theyre friends and they banter a lot but theres still a deep PLATONIC love there for each other
ok i think i covered everything i wanted.....
am i delusional?
but is my version more fun?
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somekind0fmagic · 4 years
Chapter 6. Happy New Year
I do not own Harry Potter or the characters created by Rowling
So, I know in the first chapter I said that Anneliese has black hair, I actually meant to change that before I posted it, but I can be really forgetful. She actually had her hair dyed a reddish brown and by the beginning of Christmas break her hair was down to her shoulders and flipped out, kinda like Tracy’s hair from Hairspray (the 2007 version), and the hair dye had faded out into her natural light brown hair.
Plus, I wanted there to be a little bit of stuff from others POV, I was mostly doing a 3rd person with Albus, but I’m throwing some other people in there. It will be important for later dates
( Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 )
Chapter 6. Happy New Year
Albus sat on the couch in the living room. It was the 31st and he was waiting for Scorpius and Anneliese to arrive. He sighed as he flipped through the pages of the comic his aunt had gotten him. She tried to talk to him about Rose when she gave it to him, but he got out of the talk by claiming he was needed somewhere else. 
He heard the roar of the fireplace and he looked up, he saw the dirty blonde hair of his friend appear. Albus sat the book down and stood up, “Hey Scorp!”
Scorpius smiled and stepped out of the fire, “Hey Al, how’re you doing?”
“Good, you?”
“Same, so are we just waiting for A?”
“No, no you are not.”
“Oh my god.” Albus gaped at Anneliese. “Your hair!”
Her hand instinctively raised up to her hair. “Oh, yeah, asked my aunt to cut and dye it. You don’t like it do you?” The smile on her face fell slowly.
“No, I like it, it’s cute. It’s...you!” She smiled again, “Honestly, not many people can rock half shaved hair, but you look good with it.”
Scorpius nodded, “He’s right, it suits you.”
“Good because I like it.” She looked around, “What room are we in?”
“Our living room, c’mon, let me show you my room.” They followed Albus out of the room and up the stairs. He stopped when he reached the door. “So, my sister, Lily, will be home in, maybe an hour or two. That’s her room, she said that you can stay in there if you feel more comfortable, mum also said you guys can stay in the extra rooms as well.” He opened the door and let them in, “It’s not much, but it’s comfortable.”
“I like it, but it’s just so….” Scorpius started, but he couldn’t seem to find the right word.
“Gryffindor.” Anneliese stated easily, “So not you.”
Albus shrugged, “It’s been like this my whole life, I never really noticed or cared. Maybe I'll ask mum and dad if I can repaint it over the summer”
“It's up to you, and I'm not surprised that you never noticed, you never notice anything.” She walked over to his desk and picked up the radio, “I have one of these.” She turned back to Albus, “My mum always has been interested in Muggle things, anything that can play music she has fallen in love with. I have one in my room.”
Albus nodded, “There’s more muggle technology downstairs if you’d like to see.” They walked out of his room and back down the stairs. \
“I don’t understand muggle sports.”
“I don’t understand sports in general so I beat you. Well, that is unless you count dancing, gymnastics, ice skating, or ice skating a sport, then I understand it.”
Albus shook his head at his two friends, “Of course that’s all you understand L.”
She shrugged, “They’re less dangerous and make more sense then Quidditch, Futball, Soccer, Tennis, and other sports.”
Everyone jumped when they heard the front door slam. “Lily?! Is it you?!”
Soon later Lily came into the room, her face was red from running in the cold, tear marks stained her face. She ran over to Albus and he instinctively wrapped his arms around her. “I hate her.”
“Who Lils?”
“What happened?”
She sniffed, “She made fun of the fact that you and James go to Hogwarts, but since she believes it’s just a fancy private school, she said that it’s probably a centre for troubled youth and called you strange and then called me weird!”
“Oh Lily,” He murmured.
“Then she told me I look horrible and then said things about daddy’s scar and I wanted to tell her why he had it but she wouldn’t stop talking and making fun of me!”
“Lily, I’m so sorry that she did that to you...well, if it’ll make you feel any better, you can hang out with me and my friends. I’m sure they’ll be okay with it,” He looked over at his two friends, “Won’t you?”
Scorpius just nodded and Anneliese spoke, “Of course! Now I won’t feel alone as being a female!” Making everyone laugh, she walked over to Lily, “Us girls gotta stick together,” She held her hand out to Lily, “I’m Anneliese.”
Lily smiled, “I’m Lily!”
“What a pretty name.”
“I was named after my grandmother! Hey, do you know the muggle movie Barbie: Princess and the Pauper?”
“Of course! I babysit some of the little kids in the town near where I live and I’ve seen it about a dozen times! Wanna hear something cool?” Lily nodded, “My middle name is Erika. The movie came out the year before I was born and my mom has joked about saying that was why she named me that when in actuality she named me after her grandmother, my great-grandmother, and her brother, my uncle, his name was Erik.”
“Wow! That’s so cool!”
She nodded softly, Scorpius walked over to Lily, “I’m Scorpius.”
Lily shyly smiled, the blush that came to her face was only noticed by Anneliese. “Hi.”
Anneliese smirked and held back a small laugh. Little Lily had a crush and it was painfully obvious to the elder girl.
Everyone was getting their pajamas on before they were walking downstairs to watch the countdown for the next year. Albus and Scorpius were sharing Albus’s room while Lily and Anneliese were sharing Lily’s room (mostly because Lily begged for Anneliese to be with her). Anneliese was slipping a shirt on while Lily was reading a magazine. “Anneliese?” The other girl looked at her, “How...how is Albus doing?”
“What do you mean?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know, I just overheard my family talking on Christmas Eve night. Uncle Ron was saying things about Al being in Slytherin. I don’t get why he hates them so much, what did they do wrong?”
The black haired girl sat across from the small redhead. “How much do you know about the Wizarding Wars?”
“I know that many died and that it was a terrible event, why is that important?”
“Just wait, do you know what Voldemort’s followers were called?”
She nodded and Anneliese motioned for her to say, “Death Eaters.”
“Good, well, the majority of them were from Slytherin house. It’s a stereotype that all Slytherins are evil. I bet he’s upset because Al befriended a Malfoy, the Malfoy’s were big Voldemort supporters. Lucius Malfoy went to jail because of it. Draco Malfoy was tasked to kill Dumbledore, but he didn’t. But, Narcissa Malfoy, she saved your dads’ life. She lied to Voldemort and said he was dead, just because he told her that her son, Draco, was alive and okay.”
“But just because they were like that then doesn’t mean they still are.”
“I know, but some people can’t see past that.”
She sighed, “I’m happy that Al met you two, he seems happier than he was before he left.” 
Anneliese smiled softly, “I know, even on the train, he seemed miserable.” Then she sighed, “Has he always had a bad relationship with James?”
She nodded, “Yeah, they always fought. Never did it physical like it does now though. When mum and dad were talking about it when they started to happen-”
“Wait, physically? I just knew of their verbal fights, never did I know they got physical.”
Lily nodded, “Yeah, a few weeks ago James broke Albus’s nose even, apparently, according to James, that was because Albus ‘attacked’ Rose. I know she attacked him first, he was only defending himself.”
Anneliese let out a breath, “Huh, I never knew, Al just said that he ran into a wall in the dungeons, which isn’t surprising because well, it’s Al.”
Lily laughed, “Omg, we have a treehouse in the backyard and when we were little he fell out of it while trying to climb out and broke his arm. He also broke his leg from falling down the stairs.”
Anneliese began to laugh, “Why can I see that happening?”
Lily just shrugged her shoulders and died her laughing down. “What time is it?”
Looking at her watch she immediately bolted up, “11:58!”
Lily’s eyes widened and they both ran out of her room. They ran down the stairs, almost tripping on the way down. Making it into the room just as the 30 second countdown started. “You guys almost missed it.”
They rolled their eyes and Anneliese swatted at Albus’ arm. The 10 second countdown started and they all counted down. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1, Harry and Ginny shared a kissed, along with Victoire and Teddy, who decided to come over a few hours back. “A year closer to going to Hogwarts.” Anneliese heard Lily say softly while she heard Albus and Scorpius mutter, “A year closer to graduating.” She just rolled her eyes and the boys and gave Lily a side hug.
It was the next morning. Albus was laying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Reflecting on his last year. Getting accepted into Hogwarts, meeting the two best people, being put in Slytherin, his family hating him just because of his house. Sure, not all of it was fun, but the majority of it was.
There was a knock at his door and then it opened, “Albus? Are you and Scorpius up?” He sat up when Ginny asked the question, “Okay, well, if Scorpius isn’t up, then maybe wake him up in about 30 minutes. I’m making breakfast. Lily and Anneliese are downstairs playing Wizards Chess and James left about an hour ago.”
“What time is it?”
“It’s 10 am sweetheart.” Albus nodded and she left the room. He crawled over his bed and shook Scorpius’ shoulder.
“Dude, wake up, moms making breakfast.”
Scorpius shot up, “Food?”
Albus laughed at his friend. His dirty blonde hair was sticking out everywhere. “Yes, food. It’s 10 am. Apparently James left and the girls are downstairs.”
Scorpius scratched the back of his head, “We probably should get down there then, should we?”
Albus shrugged, “It’s up to you man.”
He got up and off the blow-up mattress, “Then let’s go.”
It had been two hours since his friends left. He and Lily were playing a muggle game called Go Fish. That was until James’ voice appeared, “Are you done investing the house with snakes?”
Albus rolled his eyes, “Are you done being a dumbass?”
“Y’know, mum and dad are fighting with our family because of you. Did you know that? I overheard mum and Aunt Hermione complaining about dad and Uncle Ron fighting over your house.”
“Well at least I don’t pick fights with people who don’t do anything. 3s?”
“Go fish. 7s?”
“Are you just going to ignore me?”
“Actually, I’m being factual, something you don’t understand. Here.”
Before James could continue Ginny walked in, “Is everything alright?” She looked at Lily, “Lily?”
“Oh, James was just saying some stuff to Albus, but yeah, everything's fine.” Ginny nodded and left the room. “Y’know James, would it hurt you to be nice for once in your life?”
“Would it hurt you to take my side for once?”
“I take the side of those who are right and don’t deserve to get shit said to them.” Instead of continuing to argue, he stormed out of the room. “Baby.” Lily looked up at Albus, “You okay?”
He nodded, scared to use his words. Scared that if he did, he would cry.
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kazbrekkerrs-remade · 6 years
tlj review no one asked for lol
tumblr is a hellsite so I had to rewrite a good chink of this yikes not spoiler-free so here’s a cut
So overall I liked the film? I found the Kylo/Rey shit a bit weird, not because I’m that petty (I can actually swallow my pride on occasion, contrary to popular belief), but because it was too sudden, rushed, and a tad OOC, for Rey at least. I also felt like there was this “there’s no good or bad, it’s all war” agenda they were pushing, which I would agree with in certain cases, such as a fight for land or power, but in my mostly humble opinion, any fighting that rises in retaliation to oppression is justified. I also hated how they cashed in on the Rey parentage theory, and then they were like “lol they were just drunkards”, which honestly sucks to me because they exaggerated it so much and it was so anti-climactic, and it also made no sense, it’s?? the Skywalker saga?? There were so many parallel’s between Rey and Luke?? Rey and Han connected pretty much instantly?? and seeing as how Rey is really really strong with the force, it just doesn’t make much sense to me that she’s not related to any prominent force-sensitive character that we already know. Overall I’d give it 4/5 out of ten because though I have issues with it, it was still a very enjoyable experience, especially towards the end.
So anyway now here’s me talking about individual things and also screaming (and a lot less formal that paragraph over there)
The movie opens with Poe making a fool out of Hux I’m knjhbvgcfc
“Finn naked leaking running” ghjngffffffh
I remember ages ago seeing a post around the lines of “Imagine if Rey gives Luke the lightsaber and he just tosses it off the cliff like ‘It’s time for the Jedi to end YEET’ and I can’t find it (if you can please send me a link) and that’s EXACTLY what went down I’d think that person leaked something if it wasn’t quite frankly a bit predictable, still funny tho
When Luke says “Reach out” and Rey sticks out her hand shjgfgg she’s so cute
YES so getting to the Rey/Kylo shit, the transition from hating him to sympathy and whatever else came into play just...wasn’t smooth. It was faarrr too sudden, and while Rey is a good person, she’s not Luke. In TFA she had a lot of anger underneath and for her to just be so *shruggie* with Kyle just did not make any sense to me. 
Also what the fuck was the shirtless Kyle scene 
Why were his pants so high jhgfcdgh
It gets infinitely weirder when you think about how Snoke apparently was controlling this? Yikes we gotta kinkshame Snoke now
Rose is so cute I hate how she was sidelined in the promotional material but she did play an important role and if they kill her I’m suing Lucasfilm
Rey really did That
The cinammon topography....I love all the red
The Luke wanting to kill Kyle thing was very OOC to me but also not? Like it wasn’t at all Luke as we know him but I guess no one is perfect damn (it’s still OOC)
That whole scene through the casino, the Fathiers (or whatever) and escaping was so beautiful 
Y’all could bring back Yoda bu not Hayden Anakin...
That whole thing IMO would just be better with Anakin? Like first of all you expect me to believe old, traditional, head-up-his-ass Yoda supported burning down the books
Anakin talking to Luke about how the Jedi order was indeed fucked up and maybe seeing how he feels about Kylo...that would be the Good Shit
The big ass cruiser ship cutting through the First Order ship....amazing
Ok I’ll admit before the film I could Not stand Kyle at all but during it I was like “Ok maybe I can warm up to him” and then he’s like “Let go, we can rule the galaxy together” YEET never mind he’s still a liar and a bitch
I will admit however I liked Kylo killing Snoke 
jhgfdg so Rey and Kylo against the the guards together thingy objectively looks good but also off because as a wise woman (Daisy Ridley) once said “She [Rey] is so strong and he [Kylo] is so weak”
huhhooolllyy shit that bit where Rey drops the lightsaber then catches it with her other hand...I lost my shit right there and then
Lowkey upset because I wanted a sick ass duel between Rey and Kylo (In which Rey, predictably, kicks his ass) that I could bust a nut to like I did in TFA but ahh well maybe ep IX, for now I have Finn/Phasma 
((give Finn a lightsaber again you cowards)) 
SO back to the Rey/Kylo shit
KYLE: Let go, join me, and we can rule the galaxy together
ME: I’m so sorry Rey sweetie...someone should’ve told you...all men do is lie
Yikes only looking back do I realize how fucked up that was “You come from nothing and no one cares about except me so this is why you should rule with me” ugly
“The girl killed Snoke” You’re a bitch Kyle!! A bitch and a coward!!
Darth Vader I am so sorry;
Did I mention how amazing Finn kicking Phasma’s ass was
Poe is learning...he gon’ be a leader one day..Leia’s rightful Heir
I can’t believe I had to watch Luke die...at least he’s at peace..
the kiss between Finnrose was super cute too!!! ((me personally I found it lowkey one-sided, like Rose was into him, he wasn’t into her, which is maybe how it was written?))
I really loved that Poe and Rey have officially met now jhgfdhfggh I’m so unbelievably happy about that
I don’t want a Poe/Rey romantic thing tho but I’ve always felt like they’ll get along great....the dream team...sister from another mister/brother from another mother IDK I always thought they could have a really great friendship
“I’m Rey” “I know” is it because Finn gushes about her
starving us on stormpilot isn’t gonna solve shit m’dudes, the public has it’s mind made up!!
That kid with the resistance symbol thing better be in IX otherwise it’s bad writing!!
((this uuuhhh whole film was bad writing but shshhhhh i enjoyed it ok it’s the r*verdale of star wars I guess if r*verdale was redeemable in any timeline jhjgfsd))
And some short end notes:
I don’t think I heard the Imperial March even once???? I could be wrong but ohh my god I’ll be so mad if it isn’t in there what do you think that you’re too good for the imperial march? that it’s not iconic or something?? That shit goes so hard “da da da dadada da da da dadada DA DA DA DA DADAAA DA DADAAA
hmmm does kyle deserve that tho lol
Not making Rey related by blood to Anakin was a huge mistake ((predictable but!! sometimes shit just has to go like that??))
I read somewhere that rian johnson didn’t want this film to follow the ‘star wars pattern’ whatever the fuck that is but...this was so damn similar to ESB kjnhbgfcg
And I think that’s it?
If you read this whole thing thank you
being like “oh Rey’s parents were drunks” is such a lazy move....this is not get out of jail free card I don’t know who told you this
let luke and leia grieve for han you assholes
can IX redeem this shitshow stay tuned
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hiya! i notice you tag a lot of your posts with 'nora, sloane, etc.' i understand these are characters for a story you're doing. i'm curious: what's the story about?
ok ! well @turnandchasethewind (olivia) & i have been working on the sketches for this show for like. a Long time lmao it has as most projects do grown & changed & become something entirely its own & i think it’s really awesome & lovely & am rly rly jazzed for it to move forward one day
anyway the working title for it is called views, & it basically follows sloane & nora, best friends who live & work in toronto. they met when they were 18/19 at a catering gig (terrible) & theyre the kind of love that is this epic soft quiet fun powerful love between female friends. they’re young & they’re a little lost always, & the world hurts, but like. they’re Good. the current storyline begins when they’re in their early/mid-twenties & nora meets ridley, who becomes her girlfriend. ridley is rly rly lovely & beautiful & whip smart & v kind & sloane hates her which is altogether mostly funny but a little sad
sloane ideally would be played by maia mitchell just for a visual but like. a grungier cooler hot mess version of maia bc like. sloane is a trash kid she’s our absolute fav she has tons of stick n pokes & her hair is a mess or buzzed (or both) & she will wear vans until they r literally falling off. she shops mostly at black market & she got this bike off kijiji that’s like 800% terrifying. she was diagnosed with bipolar I when she was 18 & shes on meds but its obviously still smth she deals with every day. shes from vancouver & she dropped out of mcgill after An Episode but mostly bc she hated it & she moved to toronto a few months after that (which is p much immediately when she met nora). shes like our token white character shes funny everyone drags her constantly abt so many things but they Love sloane. she eats Shit food unless nora’s parents buy her groceries & she drinks a lot & sometimes she has lil spirals but she has a dog named carly rae who helps a lot. she also has a big brother named whit he’s trans & he lives in brooklyn & she Adores him. shes a tremendously talented musician but ofc being a musician is v difficult so she also works a bunch of weird jobs between music gigs. she lives in a funky apartment in kensington w like six rotating roommates. she plays sets at the beaver all the time. if sloane was gonna write a song it would be ‘young’ by vallis alps but if sloane had a themesong its a tie between i wanna get better by bleachers & control by halsey & buzzcut season by lorde & then a rly rly sad cover of i rly like you by carly rae
nora is laura harrier bc like Hot & also biracial so thats dope. shes a baker & she works at a rly cute lil bakery on queen west & she always looks so pretty & put together & she rides this beautiful linus bike everywhere w a fucking basket & everything she wears so much birds of north america & oak + fort & rly just anything from victoire & she has like 12 pairs of blundstones. shes from etobicoke & her parents are both immigrants so nora is first generation canadian shes v v invested in how that all interacts shes a smart cool kid. she’s bisexual she came out when she was 16 bc she Literally got drunk in a closet & she has a history of dating Truly shitty ppl so sloane is like v v Hesitant when she falls for ridley. she has some beautiful tattoos & some silly stick n pokes, mostly w sloane. she has a rly cool little sister named kennedy who goes to ryerson & nora went to george brown. shes rly passionate abt intersectional feminism & she volunteers w a few different organizations around the city that help lgbtq+ youth shes like. a Good person & also sloane ADORES her & nora is in a v real kinda love w sloane theyre the v best pals. also girl can Drink. once a month regardless of how cold it is she & sloane make rly good pot brownies & go to trinity bellwoods & eat them & they end up Laughing a lot. nora also fosters w save our scruff bc she & sloane adopted carly rae together but carly rae is like an emotional support animal for sloane so she spends most of her time at sloane’s apartment so bc of that nora likes to foster dogs its rly cute. she has a beautiful lil tiny studio off euclid & queen. if nora had a themesong its like some dope gay (bi) ass mix of company by tinashe & feelin myself by nicki but then she meets ridley so shes like all night by bey
pls know that nora & sloane sometimes get Rly drunk at the greenroom in the annex mostly bc they love smoking in the lil alleyway its like. their trash special place. & their songs r like. california by grimes & love gang by whethan ft charli xcx & ribs by lorde 
ok in our heads ridley is played by aj but mostly bc its hot & we love her lol, ideally ridley is quebecois metis. she has a degree in physics but her parents just both died so shes kinda taking a break from everything & rn shes a florist in the shop next to noras bakery on queen west. shes from montreal but she went to school in the states & she has a longtime ex named ash. theyre non binary & ridley & ash are still rly good friends which sloane is like Suspicious abt but nora is like sloane jfc. ridley is rly smart she wears a Lot of stay home club & j brands & she & nora have a lot of shoes n boots that look almost identical. shes queer & shes kinda just been queer forever? her parents were scientists so it was always a v inclusive educated lil home she grew up in. she was named after ridley scott & everyone always jokes that she was conceived during alien lol & honestly she probably was. shes rly funny & she has beautiful tattoos & pretty pretty eyes & nora falls for her rly fast. she has a lil quebecois accent & sometimes she forgets words in english when shes drunk or tired. she & nora first kiss outside of the beaver in the snow theyre in the alley behind the gladstone w rly beautiful street art they were smoking cigarettes & its just. soft. so queer. ridleys lil songs r hold by vera blue & 21 moon water by bon iver & Mostly corbeau by coeur de pirate
sloane has a plot twist & falls in love w jack who is half-japanese & hes rly good friends w ridley which is the plot twist part a little but the BIG plot twist part is that she falls in love at all bc she is Convinced no one can handle her & she isnt stable enough for romantic love etc etc. but jack is so good hes so smart & hes a music therapist for kids on the spectrum its like Absurd how good a person he is. hes trans & hes abt to have top surgery like a few months after he meets sloane & she goes for a while & is like blah blah im not in love w him whatever its just sex but then shes So worried abt him being ok during & after surgery & she cares abt him so much & she gets Rly drunk & cries abt it to nora its funny. one day sloane is having a rly rly bad lil depressive episode & nora has been outta town all weekend w her parents & kennedy at their cottage in muskoka & so nora texts jack like. yo sloane has bipolar i she shouldve told u this but like i gotta tell u now bc shes havin a meltdown so pls go over & bring her food from fresh get the falafel tacos & like all the pressed juice ill venmo you & Pls make her shower if she buzzed her hair try to find the scalp treatment i got her from lush its in her dresser top drawer. also shes gonna wanna drink just let her do that & make sure she takes her meds she’ll be ok itll take a day or two & hes like ok. a lot but ok. & he goes & he brings sloane food & a tshirt of his & he gets her into the shower & out to the couch & puts on superstore & she curls up into him on one side & carly rae on the other & she cries a little but honestly its not so bad & like. hes so in love w her its wild she never thought that would happen its a fun plot twist even olivia & i didnt plan on
so anyway the whole show is kinda an ode to toronto & an ode to being young & in love w your friends in a rly profound way & also what its like to fall in love w ppl u might wanna spend ur life with, a kinda love thats v new. its abt queerness & gender & race in a way thats v much present but all of the main characters r rly informed & rly like passionate abt intersectional feminism & thats a cool aspect we r both v excited abt. also sloane deals v realistically w a balance between being stable w bipolar I & also being v creative & v connected to making music which is smth thats v important to me esp. nora was sexually assaulted before she met ridley (HATE!) but we delve into that as well. 
mostly like. its just ‘we’re never done w killing time/ can i kill it w you/ i’d like it if you stayed’ 
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literally no one asked for this and i was bored so heres monsta x as a jazz combo under the cut
sax player, brass/winds leader
plays every single saxophone known to man + clarinet, flute, and p much every other wind instrument ?? like how?????
hes amazing thats how
so so so dedicated but like
where kihyun is like …. aggressively dedicated shownu is more relaxed abt it
like kihyun plays more but shownu listens more and analyzes more sort of??
thats why hes the leader
has a very good understanding of different styles and how to break them down
just perceptive musically
also really good at imitating specific styles
always has extra valve oil and grease and strings and sticks in his bag it’s ridiculous the thing probably weighs like 30 pounds
he doesn’t really have a specific music taste?? like hes just not picky
also too compliant for his own good …
minhyuk showed up at rehearsal once like “shownu, lets play death metal!!”  and shownu was just like “ok sounds good”
also doesn’t really like to be super assertive so he’ll usually suggest articulations and phrasings rather than saying “tongue this note and slur that”
everyone listens to him anyways tho because he’s right
not really tonally or rhythmically inclined tbh hes just good all around
hes really flexible stylistically and likes to play in lots of different styles
loves bob florence, john coltrane, ellington, but will listen to everything
likes to challenge himself w rhythms bc hes pretty good at them!!
he gets really anxious before performances tho and it definitely reflects in his playing :(
trumpet!!! lead trumpet!!!!
his sound is really sharp (like cutting? almost) and strong and honestly??? the most beautiful thing uve ever heard
probably a prodigy tbh
he isnt leader tho like just bc he plays the ~visually most important~ instrument doesn’t mean hes in charge lol
always attentive, has like 3 pencils on him at all times, records rehearsals, Model Musician tbh
tonally inclined
eats, drinks, and breathes long tones
can’t sleep?? long tones
hungry?? long tones
bored?? long tones
i.m: hey kihyun whats the answer for question 11?
kihyun: long tones, changkyun. the answer is always long tones
i.m, in the background: im a guitarist????
his range is ridiculous bc of this
loves ballads!!! especially basie ballads like little darling bc he can just … drag out his beautiful sound like theres no tomorrow
probably doesn’t like a lot of contemporary jazz but plays it to challenge himself
also loves thad jones, miles davis, jalc (modern groups playing old jazz make him happy!!) and jazz vocalists - frank sinatra, cecile mclorin savant, etc.
biggest weakness is probably the fact that he doesn’t listen as much as he should so he doesn’t always grasp style well :(
shownu: kihyun listen to this recording!
kihyun: i can’t ,, im playing rn .. ., gotta go fast
hes a trombone player and no one can tell me other wise
this is bc trombones are the worst and so is minhyuk
shownu: alright everyone lets start at measure 39
minhyuk: *slides around on the trombone* how about i solo for 30 measures instead
never fuckingf listens
but hes not a bad player!! hes just .. an unstoppable force of nature .. .,
his sound is really warm and broad but occasionally sounds a little muffled
esp when hes lazy or doesn’t like the piece theyre working on
tbh don’t even expect him to try if he doesnt like the music ur playing
tonally inclined
hates long tones, has never done them in his life probably??
bc of that his range isn’t super big but his sound is really strong and powerful
kihyun works w him on long tones bc ‘minhyuk!!! ur range is holding us back,, please!!’
prefers up tempo funk or latin tunes but doesn’t like super complicated rhythms
loves gordon goodwin and the brecker brothers to bits …
will blast them while showering :)
really impatient as a musician
like he cant focus for super long periods of time and he cant sit through all of those long rehearsals so his playing suffers bc of that
he practices better in small groups than alone bc the other members help him focus better so he gets more done~
hes the only guitarist u will ever meet who shows up on time to rehearsal… amazing
its rlly relaxing to watch him play hes just really confident n comfortable w his style of playing bc hes p flexible and he loves jazz a lot bc its so different and complicated as a genre!!!
has read every single jazz autobiography and watched every single jazz movie known to man
rhythmically inclined
he, hyungwon, and jooheon just .. have rhythm clapping competitions where they see who can clap the most complicated rhythms for the longest amount of time …. theyre a trip
plays clappingmusic on his phone when hes bored and has converted the entire band to it
fuckin loves free jazz and fusion!!!!  and contemporary jazz
he, hyungwon, and jooheon just hang out listening to ornette coleman, charles mingus, chick corea - its a great time
(hyungwon hates ornette coleman but he wont tell changkyun bc he doesn’t want to break his heart :( )
hes a sucker for like .. old romantic sounding jazz
he plays through his real book every couple of days- he really loves the classics too
loves wes montgomery
hes the bands treasure; you make fun of a lick he played?? u wont see the light of day . …
his biggest weakness is he has troubles communicating with the other group members like w eye contact and tempo changes and stuff
also gets lost in the middle of pieces sometimes bc hes a little spacey n he worries :(
pianist, rhythm section leader
naturally bouncy style, very swingy - he’s a natural, also possibly a prodigy?
won a bunch of classical music competitions when he was a kid but then he realized he liked jazz more so he switched over
the biggest jazz history nerd!! just knows a lot of random facts about all the composers
favorite facts include: billy strayhorn was gay and mingus punched his lead bone player in the mouth (hyungwons response ‘youre next minhyuk’ always makes him laugh)
buys food for everyone before rehearsal
always trying to help everyone become more confident and happy with their own musical abilities
helps everyone rehearse by doing 1-on-1 stuff if they need it
probably plays in elderly homes and in orphanages to help the kids
also not really rhythmically/tonally inclined hes just good
rlly likes jazz-inspired classical music and like … jazz movie soundtracks
watches jazz movies with changkyun
also likes ragtime, second line, dixieland … all those old exciting jazz movements bc theyre so fun to play!!!
he isn’t very confident in his playing like he knows hes good but he doubts himself a lot so he lets other people’s preferences control him??
like if someone doesn’t like something abt a solo of his he’ll change to appease them, even if he likes it a lot :(
plays both upright and electric
really smooth long sound on both instruments - his entire style feels very relaxed
honestly was dragged into this by minhyuk without knowing what jazz really was but he really grew to like it!!
loves his role as a bassist bc hes important but like … behind the scenes important >:)
most people don’t think abt the bassist at all in the band but hyungwon Knows that hes important so hes ok w that
definitely doesn’t know how to work his own equipment like
quarter inches?? amp head??? what r those he just doesn’t know
he and jooheon always argue about the best way to do a fill and tempo and anything else under the sun bc theyre both stubborn and think theyre right
wonho is the only one that can make it stop
hyungwon probably shows up late to rehearsal w like … cup ramen and a book someone help him
the book is a jazz autobiography and he discusses it w changkyun after rehearsal over coffee
hes rhythmically inclined and loves to challenge himself w odd meters and weird fingerings
he doesn’t necessarily like that kind of music though?? like hell play it to challenge himself but he won’t always like it and won’t really listen to it
loves every single bassist known to man
esp victor wooten, mingus, esperanza spalding, ron carter
he hates jaco tho bc jaco is an asshole
minhyuk: but mingus was also an asshole??
hyungwon: shhhhhhh mingus was a special kind of asshole so its ok
will honestly just listen to entire bass concerts
loves cool jazz and bebop
hes really … absorbed in his own playing because he throws himself into it and wants his walking to be good and he wants to be in time and all these other things so when hes playing he sometimes ignores the rest of the group bc hes trying so hard to sound good
hes a lil bit of a worrier internally and its gets in the way of the confidence of his playing
also procrastinates on his deadlines like theres no tomorrow lol
carries at least 3 pairs of sticks, brushes, and a practice pad with him at all times
he??? drums in the bath room sometimes????? you’ll just walk by and hear vague slapping noises like ‘oh thats just jooheon! hes working on his rudiments’ :)
one of those 3 pairs of drumsticks is broken and taped together so that it doesn’t fall apart tbh
wants to bring back jazz rap
also rlly likes electroswing and jazz trap
just give him jazz thats influenced by new technologies in music !! he loves it
rhythmically inclined - especially likes playing in odd meters
his fills and hits are always so in-time it’s ridiculous
loves don ellis and buddy rich
his jazz playlist is 50% all of the standard jazz he needs and the other 50% is like thess tracks from single composers that have been dead 20 years w no meter or are in like 17/8 or something
jokes abt having 'perfect click’ all the time like
jooheon: you know perfect pitch??? ive got perfect tempo ;)))
hyungwon: jooheon shut up, you rush all of your fills
sets up pranks w minhyuk before rehearsal starts so that its 'more fun’ because jazz is 'all about rebellion against the status quo’ like ok
he worries a lot bc he feels like he needs to carry the entire band on his shoulders bc he’s a drummer and therefore The Most Important
but then everyone always says “but we’re all drummers!” and he feels a little better abt it
probably cries after every performance
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