#they were my fav part of all homestuck
diamandarinas · 1 month
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After 10 years, I drew the Midnight Crew for a HS Collab ♠️♦️♥️♣️
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borzoilover69 · 11 months
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We pick back up after [S] END OF ACT 6 INTERMISSION 1 (page 4390) with a fucking spectacular music number (Infinity mechanism - Thomas ferkol). I'm such a big fan of the beat that comes in when we get to see Jane looking out her window, you have no idea. Also I didn't cover the intermission because i didn't say much. I appreciate and love the beta kids and trolls but I just have more gears turning where the alpha kids are involved because they're not so clear cut and dry emotional wise as the betas. I'm pretty sure greater analysers than me have said all there needs to be said for the beta kids. All I have to add is this piece of dialog from 4359 that I liked:
I really love how clingy Karkat but also accepting of his friends decisions goes. It's one of his great points as a knight of blood, but it also leads to some pretty funny turnabouts as he contradicts himself and fights himself on it.
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4397 (call back to page 4107) Oh wait I've seen this before. That's neat.
4400: Get this shit outta the way. You're a busy bureaucrat. The clock is ticking, and time is dead kids.
Dead kids you say?
4405 Well dead kids it is. These scenes.. when i read these scenes.. with such shitty sketch lines.. in my mind I hear Buy Somethin Will Ya? from the Earthbound OST. Or Hi Hi Hi (Theme of Saturn Valley).
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You should be pleased to know those nuts were super deadly! Though to be fair he doesn't know if he died from the poison, or just choked on a bunch of barely chewed peanut bits. You know what else is super deadly, you say? Knives. Sharp deadly knives you stick in people's soft torsos to make them bleed until they die.
He doesn't have anything to say to that.
Dude i love this guy like deadass him and his whimsical hats and umbrellas and whatnot. I think he's my fav besides DD.
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Lifey thing..
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4419 I really like parallels in homestuck. They make the world go round, you could say, because you read things and dont feel as lost because in a way it's strikingly familiar! Which is what happens here.
4422 Oh hunny.. nobody understands how whimsical. Jane crocker is to me. Look at her. ooo. That's a face. :o. õoô She is the whimsy.
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Nobody takes into account how many batshit things Jane sees and she hits them all with the ,':| ....
You guess you should feel grateful toward him for saving your life, but you know he's just as likely to rescue you from an explosion as he is to randomly teleport you across town, forcing you to call your dad and ask for a ride home, while you spend all day standing in some random field in the pouring rain while you wait hours for your dad to come and pick you up after he gets lost because he plugged the wrong place into google maps.
I really like the small bits of background we get about Jane too. Like this! Its such a nice scene. But it seems.. that uh oh! Guardian jumpscare.
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He tells you to get inside this instant.
Goddamn. Now where have i seen this before.. 4430 referencing 212.
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Except in this case, it's no case of magical happenstance gone awry with a server player losing internet, but a dad being.. a *tad* more serious than given with how you're so totally grounded. No wonder Jane is so stubborn!
As long as you just got done paying the piper, you might as well get busy eating all this goddamn crow. Oh so much of the stuff has gathered on your plate.
Eating the crow:  to admit that one was wrong or accept that one has been defeated.
paying the piper: bear the consequences of an action or activity that one has enjoyed.
These sayings are sooo cool too. Like I've never heard anyone use them but they're really neat!
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cgtg · 2 months
What's your opinion on the leprechauns (I think that's what the green ones r called) and the midnight crew.
If im not mistaken, your favorite leprechaun is Crowbar, right?
Also, have you had any interest in learning leprechaun romance, I've been craving for leprechaun content. I need it to learn everything about those radioactive green guys :-(
*kicks down doore*
yeah i wud say crowbar is my fav kinda just by way of beig the only one that rlly getsz 2 have any character. i also have a big sofd spot for sawbuck&die. i 4ever weep for tidoms & the part 2 that never came, & the lost media of them from the old mspa forums.
i used 2 be rlly big on speculating the differences between leprechaun charmz. im p sure i have sumware a rlly old document where i just kinda rambled abt them a bunch. shit is from lik 2017 maybe.
i rlly. rlly. like those guys. it duznt come oup on this blog much but im rly big on old noir/mob moviez, and i rlly like the intermission cast as kinda a spoof/parodie of that shit. just this self-aware, overly-obtuse clusterfuck ov goofy ass men who take themselves rly seriously. the temporal shit is just amazing. it has rlly good tone & comedy.
i used 2 kinda wish hussie committed to blood spade instead of doing homestuck. maybe it wouldnt have blown up but it wuldve been sick 2 me specifically.
i know these guys were basicly made 2 be thrown by the wayside compared 2 more important characters but i rlly wish they got 2 do more & i wish they all made it to earth c so they could just be on their bullshit forever
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souji-upseta · 4 months
[SHOCKING QUESTION] what are your thoughts on jade harley.
i really love jade. all jades. all of them.
i've known girls like jade, who white knights (usually white men and boys) think is so frail, so in need of protection, who gets infantilized due to characteristics about her life and circumstances, and every time, i have just wanted to be like,
"bitch, you don't think god NERFED her the way he did because he was SCARED of what she could do to him if he didn't?!"
i'm so biased against my favs (striders striders striders) but i still think jadesprite is my favorite depiction of a splinter self interaction*. the voxus dub for her scenes was genuinely so upsetting to me, like, i think i told you, i put the let's read on to fall asleep to, but then i couldn't sleep after that?
it was genuinely moving and i could see all sides and it really spoke to the conflict of jade's character.
it was really uncomfortable in scenes where karkat would have to outright TELL her that she has to ask him before kissing him. i had to read those scenes through my fingers while trying not to groan. that was the point. jade be like that.
people tend to forget how selfish she can be, but i love that about her. there's some level of abstraction to a lot of the characters in candy, but i can def see it as a path she'd go down.
and her just. bumming around the davekat hive for 7 years. leaving her bras strewn everywhere. living her best life despite being a socially maladapted disaster person. leaping ass first into adulthood. getting her yiff on with some chess people. i aspire to that level of doing whatever the fuck i want.
i think she's really relatable in the epilogues because a lot of us just want to get our best lives on after spending so much time pushed to the side. others have pointed out, she was really the only one who seemed happy on earth-c.
and she's definitely relatable in a post-pandemic world. fuck, that girl is so lonely.
her "heroic" end in her pesterquest route hit a little too close to home for me.
the epilogues work very very well as a "failure of community" narrative wrt her character as well. it's really easy for me to see how she became such a shitty person in candy.
and like. well. at least, unlike her meat counterpart and teen retcon!self, she had a chance to be that on her own. so far, at least.
i really loved seeing her fight back against alt!callie in hsbc. i want so badly for her to just stop being a fucking chess piece—and i guess that's also the point of her character, heh.
i feel like ultimate dirk would have treated teen retcon!jade much better lmaooo. his intentions were shitty, but he would have. i could see it set up in every way to be a doc scratch callback and expecting him to be creepy af, and then... nah. that'd have been funny, at least. fuck, i need to stop talking about dirk all the time. gdi.
space players are a special kind of batshit, and require a special kind of nerfing by paradox space.
jade is the reason i have spent at least some part of 10 minutes every day for the past almost two months now hoping i got my player aspect wrong, lol. so much pressure and so much sacrifice, damn. i can't wait to see where things go with her.
believe it or not tho, i feel like i don't know her character that well or spend a lot of time thinking about her, so my interpretations might be off!
*besides ultimate dirk and younger dirk in pesterquest. because i love nothing in all of homestuck more than i love dirk's pesterquest route.
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scaredgirlsilly · 8 months
Homestuck character who doesn't get enough love?
i have been stalking this ask, formulating my plan of attack, jumping from branch to branch of the canopy of trees, waiting for the perfect moment.
and that moment has finally come
spoilers for homestuck (merp. if you read this ill explode you with my mind im sorry im doing this but it has spoilers for all of homestuck so you arent allowed to read this JDKSKFJSH)
my answer is jade. am i biased?? absolutely!! but thats A Whole Thing so im gonna give some runner ups first before i get into all that
jake prob like idk whenever i see him in stuff its always either with dirk (and usually focuses on dirk kr their relationship) or its a family photo of john, jade, jane, and jake. but like. idk i dont think many people *get* what hes about (me included) but hes a great character and literally soooo aro coded its not even funny. i really should rotate jake in my brain more hes a very cool character
jane too theres some love for jane but i think the epilogues kinda fucked her
the dancestors too, but idk im not a huge dancestor fan cause they are all kinda assholes and the scene with cronus and mituna just makes my skin crawl
i think there are different aspects (most of them probably unrelated to what you untended for the question) that she doesnt get enough love, but lets start with what you were probably talking about, which is
how jade is treated by the fans
i think jade gets a fair amount of fan love. i mean just look at her!! who couldnt love her?? my main problem comes from how she compares to dave, specifically the fact that fans seem to apply an absolutely monstrous depth to daves character that isnt necessarily there in homestuck (like specificallyin regards to angst readings of his character. this is about fanfiction i should say that this is just my grievances when it comes to finding good jade fics). THATS NOT A BAD THING!! i fuckin love it actually and im not raggin on dave with this. its just that i think jade could do that as good if not better!! her life is fuckin dogshit if you treat it seriously, much like people do with daves life, and considering the fact that nearly every single fuckin dave fic i read touches on that topic, it sucks that jade fics like that are so hard to come by. she also doesnt have as many like prominent ships. theres some obv ones, like davepetasprite, or dave/karkat in a throuple (we will fucking get to that later), but yk some of the other characters even uf they dont have canon relationships, they have like. obvious ones yk. like john/vriska or john/terezi or june/rose or john/dave (fuckin j egbert gettin around kfhskshdh) or like jake/dirk or roxy/callie yk ships like those. whether you agree with em is one thing but they are obvious yk you dont gotta do alot of convincing to see them at least try it out.
but with jade, it feels like you gotta stretch it a little to get her with anyone. jade/rose is great (especially jade/rose/kanaya) but. i mean jade and rose barely talk in homestuck proper (we will GET TO IT) so its kinda a hard sell. and does jade like interact with any of the trolls alot?? like idk its been a while but im p sure most of her interactions with the trolls were negative. so that just leaves jade/davepeta which is a pretty good ship i will say, and of course, jade/dave ( + karkat sometimes) and it kinda sucks. like one of my fav ships, jade/vriska, literally started out as a joke!! but it grew on me when i started thinking out it, but it is already such a stretch that theres no fuckin way most people will see what i see (thats a whole seperate rant jdhsjdjsj this is already long enough and we have 3 other parts to get to)
next part, prob the easiest,
jades treatment in the epilogues
do i even need to say anything??
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this post is long enough ill try to speed through the other sections
how she is treated in homestuck proper in the text (what literally happens to her)
literally lonliest girl alive has one day with her friends (that day is filled with horrible shit and thats the understatement of the century) before getting on a ship for 3 years, and like a week in having her brother and other friend die. she then lives in this ship in the middle of space, no contact to any of her other friends, no update on whats actually going on, just the company of the consorts and nanna sprite. she finally gets to the new session, meets god tier calliope who explains that that was all supposed to happen and john actually fixed everything, and also space players are just lonely thats just apart of the aspect :/
she then gets put to sleep so the condesce doesnt control her, where she misses all of the socialization that the other people have on the platform before the final fight.
she then has a convo with davepeta while she is dreaming where davepeta says "actually in the other timeline we dated and that stuff still happened to you cause of this thing called an Ultimate Self, a thing thats totally real and not at all bullshit. anyways bye!! *muah*"
she wakes up, chases a few god dogs around, gets puched in the face, and the end happily ever after!!!!!!!!
now obv this was an extremely bitter retelling and i actually cant seperate the 2 sections so this is also...
how jade is treated in homestuck proper, by andrew hussie
now. jade got ROYALLY fucked over. she started out as a mysterious figure that knows more than anyone, but extremely quickly she goes to the person who knows the least out of literally anyone. she barely talks to rose, seemingly one of her 4 childhood friends, throughout the whole comic (jade and rose say about 2700 words to each other over 5 conversations, one of them being a repeat from the others perspective. their longest convo is 571 words. for reference, this convo between dave karkat and john has 2100 words. almost 1500 words more than their longest convo and almost as much words as rose and jades entire convo history. heres a link to da sourse i used cause no way im counting that shit jdjsgsjshs tho they are doing it cause they dont like jade/rose or sumn?? idk i dont fucking care about that. anyways side tangent over!!)
then, during the session idk shes cool i dont remember it much cause the beta kids session is a surprisingly short part of the comic jdkshdjshs but she has some cool moments and i love her ^u^
then the yellow yard. god. just fucking left there alone. why?? the entire point of johnfix is that the session could be changed for the better without worry of a doomed timeline. couldnt have even made john give her a heads up as to why her john and davesprite just fucking die randomly?? (before you say that john couldnt have cause he didnt know, motherfucker andrew hussie knew!!!!!!!! he could have just made some fuckin reason for john to know its not that hard)
then during the session she just gets ranted to about how actually its all apart of the plan and this was supposed to be this way and she just goes ":P okie dokie" and moves on like that wouldnt FUCKING KILL HER THAT SHE HAD TO BE ROYALLY FUCKED OVER FOR EVERYTHING TO GO RIGHT.
now obv theres an explanation why her role in the final fight is so passive. shes too op. she combined with bec and is a space player (and is shown using those powers to do some pretty bad ass stuff jfjsgsjdhd). thats fair i guess. im just salty that the way to solve that was to literally put her to sleep for most of it, then go fly around with some dogs and get punched in the face.
now. the rant is kinda over. jade i think is the most slept on character, but specifically she is slept on by one person. andrew hussie. i think that andrew hussie did not explore jades character like he did with other characters. i do not know why. im going to try to not act like i know why he did it (god its so hard HDKSKDHAGDJ). this rsnt is pure salt, pure fuckin cope, i am aware. this is not meant to be objective i just really like and relate to jade and wish she got more love in the work itself. but instead, i must dine on the scraps she gets on fuckin ao3 (did you know there are almost as many davekat fics as there are fics where jade is in it at all?? and thats not even including the fact that alot of the jade fics, shes not the main person. im not mad 🙃🙃)
anyways uhhhh sorry this probably wasnt what you were expecting 😭😭😭😭 i just have alot of incoherent thoughts when it comes to jade and homestuck in general. so uhhhh. THANKS FOR THE ASK!!!!!!!!
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faeriescorpio · 4 months
Top 5 MarckCU characters and why along with ur fav series so far? :000
The Host - I just think he's neat. We don't have much of him personality wise that isnt fanon rather than canon but I adore him anyway. I've done wayyy too much self-shipping when it comes to the Host. I think we would hate each other but sometimes its fun to be black for someone, to use the homestuck terminology. Kinda guy who I would get into a fistfight with and then we would sit down and watch a movie together.
Head Engineer Mark - I am an insecure hopeless romantic so when we got a guy who would die a million times for us and never think a bad thought about us I adored him immediately. Then he DID turn on us and I was soooo distraught. Then he realized it was all his fault and when back to practically worshipping us. The Captain could've turned EVIL and KILLED EVERYONE at the end of ISWM 2 and our head engineer would never stray from our side. He is Obsessed. I should continue my fic where the Captain goes insane but Mark sticks by our side.
Darkiplier - Imagine a guy(?) who is obsessed with us. Yes, yes, head engineer Mark, I know. Now imagine the OTHER guy. When ADWM first came out I watched it and my first ending was the chocolate ice cream. i was genuinely afraid of darkiplier. like i had nightmares. WKM definitely changed my attitude about this guy.
Yancy - Arguably one of the top 4 most emotionally aware egos. I need more of him. I would stay in prison for him but I would also break him OUT of prison. He dances AND he sings.
those four were EASY choices for me but oohhhh who would I add to this list? Jim? Last year I would've said Google or Yandere. If it's MarkCU in general I'd say Mack. I hate Mack. I love Mack. I want to bite him. I want him to become increasingly concerned for my well-being.
WAIT OMG How could I have forgotten. Stan the Water Man. Stan is my number five no shot. I loved those videos but since he's in Space he's part of the MarkCU so Stan the Water Man. I was about to say Jim but Stan is a lot like Jim I can't explain it.
Fav series: I cannot deny the effort and beauty put into ISWM 1 and 2, or the emotional pull of WKM. The superb acting of WMLW. The fun of ADWM. I think I was most hype for ISWM, I watch WKM the most, but my favorite series was A Heist With Markiplier. My first ending was on Caveman Mat's island, and I about burst into tears when Mark pulled us out of the ocean after the storm. I really love choose-you-own-adventures, and ISWM's all-choices-lead-to-the-same-ending kind of takes a bit of fun out of it. So Heist is my favorite.
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luckyashesart · 26 days
Do you have any OCs other than your Splatoon ones? I'd love to learn about them!
WAAA ‼️‼️ I do actually !! Though I have . quite a lot of them 💀💀
Other than Splatoon OCs I got uhh-- primarily D&D OCs/Characters, Homestuck OCs, and a few actual original characters JDHSFSD some of which I've doodled and posted about before !
I'll stick a few of em down in the read more so the post isn't immediately unbearably long 🗣️‼️
Hmm let's start off with some original characters
Evix (they/them) is one that I've actually been working a lot more on lately !! They're kinda like an undead creature and live on essentially a post-apocalyptic Earth centuries later (might make a whole separate post on all that eventually because they're a part of an original species I wanna make)
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Uhh then some original humans (w/ powers ofc) would include Anthony (he/him, one of my oldest OCs creation wise, in short a traumatized young adult with horrible anxiety and is struggling to get thru life 🗣️), Raymond and his niece Raven ( he/him & she/her, victims of loss of a brother and father (respectively), and they live in a world where ppl have elemental-based abilities !), and uhh Kacey (they/she/he, specifically with a c-- they're a cyborg (lost an arm) with no recollection of who they were (calls themself Kacey because of initials "K.C" branded on their robo arm (it stands for their actual name, Katya Cameron)))💥
[unfortunately not gonna doodle any of my other OCs so Evix can have special treatment LMAO]
Next up we got uhh some D&D characters !! [Who actually I have Hero Forge figures of so I'll add those]
Starting off with the first legit D&D character I've made, Glow of the Sun (aka "Sun" - she/her) 😼 Tabaxi Druid (Circle of the Shepard)!! After escaping the massacre of her tribe in the forest, Sun was taken in and mentored by a human druid named Sage (they/them)
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Another one I got would be Gale (he/they), who's more-so inspired by my first attempt at a D&D character (who then got scrapped). But basically he's an Air Genasi Warlock (Pact of the Tome) that was raised only by his father until he managed to contact his mother (who was a djinn (an air genie) !! so yea, his patron's his mom LMAO [His Hero Forge is outdated so please keep that in mind ☹️ ]
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Lets see ermm I also got !! A Dragonborn Artificer (Battle Smith) named Kai (real name Kazys) Tempest (she/her). Paralyzed from the waist down upon . hatching? She was left to be raised by her mother, which left the little dragonborn spiteful to show that she isn't useless. So she learned and became someone who creates things like prosthetics and kinds of aids to help others who may need it :D
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I'll then drop off a last D&D character for now (cuz I rlly do have a lot), but this one's a personal favorite !! Meet Bone (she/he/they/it [does not care]), my funny lil Goblin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) !! Abandoned by her tribe and miraculously raised by a pack of wolves, this feral lil goblin spends her days living a free and wild life while causing problems for adventurers and the like who cross her path :3
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Anddd onto the final stretch, we got some Homestuck OCs !! [Which btw I have models made by Xamag's Fantroll Creator (which I also edited a lil) so ermm]
Starting off with my personal fav, here's Arvenii Traket (she/her, Sign: Gemun, Derse + Breath). Goldblood with telekinetic psiionics, this smart(-ish) lil gamer is a hot-headed, anti-social introvert that enjoys things like cosplaying and programming 💥💥
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Obviously then gotta follow up with her moirail, Teikai Dregut (he/him, Sign: Lenius, Prospit + Hope) !? A very idiotic yet excitable Oliveblood that loves to run, talk, play tricks, and hang out with his bestie (they tend to take care of each other otherwise they'd constantly not do things like eat or shower 💀)
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What else uuuhhhh . How 'bout I drop Raiiko Ekneer (she/her, Sign: Scoriborn, Derse + Rage) !? A laidback, prideful brute of a Ceruleanbloodthat enjoys FLARPing and taking people's treasure/valuables 💥💥 Fun fact tho !! She used to FLARP with Teikai back in the day (he doesn't play anymore). Anyway she doesn't really have many braincells yet she managed to score a kismesis and moirail LMAO
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And then I think I'll drop off her kismesis cuz ngl I rlly wanted to show them together 😩but meet Valeri Krovet (she/her, Sign: Sagigo, Prospit + Space) !! This Indigoblood is yet another blue business woman who specializes and takes pride in creating custom weapons of high quality. Can be a little snappy, mainly due to agitation of being on high alert 24/7 (had a gnarly, violent experience when she was younger), but yea :3
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What if I was also silly tho and dropped the rest of my main HS OCs' lil models (i would talk abt all of them in more detail but thats A LOT of text ,) 🥴🥴
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I do also wanna mention that I have. Ancestors and Dancestors for these guys as well . AS WELL AS OCS THAT ARENT APART OF THE MAIN 12-- Thats a whole other thing tho
This took so long to type LMAO but I enjoyed it !!
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kyowuin · 3 months
for the ask game ... them all !! ^_^ tell me ur answers for all of tuem
gonna answer this more like smt general since i couldn't pick one kin for this
cw: i focus on my fictionkins since is a fictionkin ask game LOL
content under cut since this is LOONG.
⏳ - How long have you known about this kin?
my most old kin is mark heatcliff, basically from the beginning of 2022, it's been two years with this kin, wowz
my most recent kin is dave strider ! homestuck swag
❔ - How did you figure out you kinned this character?
smt more general for this one, i normally try to draw myself as the character, call myself the character, triying to interact more on the media if i really id with them, meditate sometimes
and other times is just like, i get a gut feeling about this character, and when i accept im that character, i finally can understand many things
❤️ - What's your favorite memory from this kin?
my fav memorie between all my kins is genuinely this memorie where i'm having a chocolate cup with cesar, talking about school, and having a cozy day on the couch while it was raining out... it makes me so happy
💔 - What's your least favorite memory from this kin?
my lest favourite memorie between all my kins is, well... that scene with sal on wadanohara on watgbs, yeah
🤝 - What's your relationship with this kintype (ie spiritual, psychological, etc)?
MIXED, but, it's in a big part psychological
✔️ - What details about this kin, if any, line up really close with canon?
my most canon close kin if wadanohara! i remember many stuff that happened to her, also happened to me in my kin experience!
✖️ - What details about this kin, if any, are really different from canon?
my most canon divergent kin is stanley from the stanley parable, is mostly a weird combo of getting out of the parable and the time on the parable the narrator had more freedom
✨ - What did you look like?
UHM, hard to answer as a general thing, so i will choose sunny from omori!
i had bangers, short and not cared hair, yellow teeth, i had a mole on my cheek and also eyebags!
👕 - What sort of clothing do you associate with this kin?
another one hard to answer in general
i associate ties and those working pants that any average officer has, i also have a grey pair of jeans for him
🎶 - What music / songs do you associate with your kin?
UHAKDNSMDNSNND. i will do a playlist in the future, but i associate we grew up so well with most of them
🖼️ - What sort of aesthetics do you associate with your kin?
sunny : oddcore
wadanohara : cleancore
stanley : liminality
dave strider : some weird red violent shit
mark heatcliff : comfy aesthetic ( and also weirdcore )
🎂 - Are there any foods / flavors you associate with this kin?
pizza, that's it that's the answer
🫂 - Who were you closest with in your canon?
sunny : kel
mark heatcliff : cesar and sarah
wadanohara : idate and dolphi
dave strider : dirk, john, jake & jade
stanley : the narrator (obvs)
💥 - What skills or abilities did this kin have, if any, that you can't do now but wish you could? (ie superpowers, languages you don't speak, skills you don't currently have, etc)
sunny (me) were really good at baseball and i'm shitty in it actually, dave (me) were SO at handling weapons, and i'm so BAD at it, lil mention of omari!kel kin, were really good at sports, and i'm generally so bad that i ashame myself everytime i play any
🐦 - Is there anything you miss about this kin's body that you don't currently have? (ie basic appearance traits, tails, wings, etc)
i miss the straight hair of sunny, i mostly miss the hairs of everyone LOL, but i also miss the height of mark heatcliff (i was. so tall, like a lot)
🌌 - Do you ever experience astral limb sensations with this kin? (IE feeling your wings, tail, something your kintype has that your current body does not)
i sometimes feel the braces of heatcliff and other times feel the patch of sunnys missing eye
🔮 - Have you ever predicted something about your source material before it happened based on kin feelings? (For example, having a kin memory that lines up with something that happens in your source before you ever knew about it)
sadly not :(
👥 - Do you have any canonmates for this kin, and/or are you interested in finding canonmates?
i wish i had ones... but i'm too awkard to actually make a call somewhere
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weaselishmcdiesel · 6 months
In my defense, the accidental lie has been going on for 4 years and each time I run into HS content I send it to this guy... which probably has worsened the lie, so like at this point I might as well go out with a bang
Also please please do give me more info on other characters you feel comfortable with, cuz we weren't sure what we were gonna play so we are doing 3 one-shots (Im DMing all 3, pain) before setting on one, so it might be a bit extra suspicious if only 1 homestuck npc shows up and I don't know enough about Nepeta to confidently make her show up 3 times and make it seem like she's my fav and I know all about her
This shit is so funny hshfjfjgjgj I do hope you manage to sneak by undetected if only so you can say you did such a good job pretending that you fooled a real fan XD and hopefully your friends a good sport
And sure! Maybe I can help strengthen those characters you say you know? They’re the more popular ones so I sorta know more about them than others.
I WROTE THIS IN MY NOTES APP THIS IS SUPER LONG ACTUALLY AND IM SO SORRY TRY TO SKIM IT <- was asked to talk about homestuck and thought was be able to keep it brief. Wasn’t.
Karkat - I was obsessed with him then and I’m obsessed with him now he’s a loud whining piece of shit with a pretty bad attitude. Mainly a character based on him would yell as their normal speaking volume, swear a LOT and also creatively, but is also hiding an insecurity. The thing about him is he has a mutant blood color that would get him killed on his planet- so he can’t let anyone find out, he can’t accidentally bleed or cry (tears are their blood color) in front of anyone. So maybe your character is also hiding something super important? He gets along best with people who don’t really take his bitching to heart since his bitching is his way of showing real concern- he does actually care about his friends no matter how many times he calls them idiots. Also is really interested in romance as a concept and likes romcoms. He uses dual sickles as a weapon- I figure you may want this information since they’re dnd characters.
Dave - Cool kid, sunglasses he never takes off, he raps and makes beats on his turntables. He’s obsessed with irony and sorta doesn’t know how to enjoy anything without being ironic about it? Enjoys frustrating people WITH his irony. I struggle with characterizing him bc I’ve consumed a lot of fanon, but maybe that will make your presentation of him more authentic XD? A safe bet is to make your character kinda deadpan in tone but still be able to crack jokes and act pretty silly. If given the opportunity to be the hero he will not take it, he rejects the idea that he should be anyone important. He fights with swords and has a tendency to break them- but still uses them anyway. He gets the power to time travel later on, and can stop a person in time too, dunno how you’d implement that tho.
Vriska - … very very tough for me to summarize her… but I can say that a character based off her has killed one friend, paralyzed one friend, and blinded one friend, but then feel little to no remorse about any of it because they believe they’re the main character and nothing bad will happen to them since it’s all part of their story (though, she blinded that one person because that person blew up her left arm and left eye BECAUSE vriska killed that one friend). Ahem. Got carried away. Your character just did some pretty bad shit that makes them seem untrustworthy. She’s very lucky tho- it’s part of her powers- so your character should be too. She has a spider motif but it only really manifests in her adoration for spiders and her way of typing, so you may not have to worry about that. She’s popularly called the “huge 8itch” if that helps. She fights by rolling die? And depending on how they land they’ll do more or less damage. I don’t really know the specifics? But her luck powers enable her to roll exactly what she wants every time
Rose - rose is also tough for me… she’s a writer and can use a lot of big words and constructs sorta needlessly complicated sentences but she’s got a lot of wit and loves being sarcastic. She’s.. gothy? Has an interest in the occult and occult myths and she’s also pretty fascinated by wizards but I think tries to be lowkey about it? She’s a very smart and clever person too- so much so that in fanon people tend to forget she’s also kinda silly. Sorry that’s all I can say ^^; she fights using a pair of knitting needles- eventually they can also conduct magic and do damage that way. The power she gets later on is- sorta like knowing the future? She can only know the GOOD outcome but she knows specifics so that she can tell her team how they can end up getting the good outcome- she’s the strategist of the group
John - the leader of the kids! suuuper cheery and has the ability to pretty much make friends with anyone. He ends up being naive tho and may not realize when someone is trying to take control of him. He’s very interested in pranks and overall being a silly goofster ✨ if it ever comes up under no circumstances will he eat baked confections. No cakes especially. He loooves Nicolas cage and ghostbusters and some other older movies I can’t remember- other characters just tend to say he likes bad movies but he adamantly believes they’re very good. So maybe your character can also defend something that may objectively be kinda bad? His iconic weapon class is hammers 💪💪 but he also gets wind powers later- he can summon tornados or even fade into air to travel in the wind and appear somewhere else
It may be helpful to point out for nepeta- she has a best friend who’s very concerned about her well-being, equius. He even so much as controls what she can and can’t do (kinda only about certain things that are super dangerous). I don’t really like him as a character, but your npc might be hesitant to do something before asking their best friend for permission. He’s a stickler and very no-nonsense and will likely deny anything too dangerous? But also he’s incredibly terrifyingly physically strong- so your pcs wouldn’t win a fair fight with him. He also sucks up to any royalty. If any pc is royalty he’ll do anything they say. A trademark of his is that he gets very sweaty very easily and also very much likes horses. Also he likes milk. Idk. Nepeta’s weapons are these retractable claw glove things- and equius WOULD use a bow and arrow but breaks every single bow he picks up because he can’t control his strength. Instead, he fights with his fists 👍
Very quick rundown of the main characters I haven’t mentioned yet-
(they’re all kinda friends but I point out their most important relationships, ones your pcs may ask about, they’re also ordered from lowest to highest class) kept these summaries vague so you can insert your npcs in their place?
Aradia - she’s dead don’t worry about her, if asked she was into roleplay, archaeology, and adventuring. friends with Terezi, dated sollux, killed by vriska if you need to know
Tavros - he’s the one who’s paralyzed from the waist down, he has no confidence whatsoever, likes the troll equivalent of Pokémon, has a bull motif, has lots of conflicting feelings about vriska (is constantly manipulated by her), and is friends with Gamzee. Attacks with a jousting spear
Sollux - likes coding and computers, has a red and blue and duality motif, speaks with a lisp, also likes bees a lot. Will not eat honey if asked tho, friends with karkat and hates Eridan. Dates Aradia and feferi. Attacks with his very strong telepathic powers, could kill him if he’s over exerted
Karkat - friends with sollux, kanaya, Jade, has a crush on Terezi but is normal about being friends with her, and is sorta chill with Gamzee and Eridan. Dates Dave but really really hated him to begin with so be careful, may say he hates Dave if asked- they date late into homestuck… would say he hates everyone if asked. Except kanaya
Nepeta - BEST friends with equius, kinda friends with Terezi? Roleplayed with her sometimes but terezi’s a little mean about it cant tell
Kanaya - she’s a very reliable friend, but fears she’s too meddlesome. interested in fashion and is also a vampire 👍 very good friends friends with karkat and dates rose (do not separate) Hates Gamzee and Eridan if asked. Attacks with a chainsaw that can also transform into lipstick
Terezi - LAWFUL whatever your character is theyre lawful. Loves dragons and she’s blind but she can smell/taste colors to the point where she can kinda see? She has something very complicated going on with vriska (she’s the one vriska blinded, but still sorta loves her as a friend). Attacks with a blade concealed in her walking stick
Vriska - she lost her left arm and eye but she gets a robot arm. Has something complicated with Tavros (kinda crushes on him kinda hates him) and Terezi, turned down a confession from Eridan (but he asks out everyone so it’s not that big a deal) but they were friends in the past
Equius - ehhhh I don’t like him idk he has a crush on Aradia and it’s weird, big thing about him is he makes robots idk. Brutally protective of nepeta- they’re best friends
Gamzee - stoner who’s (and I mean this literally) religiously devoted to clowns- wears face paint all the time and has clown horns everywhere for him to honk. Friends with tavros and karkat but everyone (but tavros) sorta treats him like a useless stoner when he’s just trying to be friendly (ahem. Until some crazy story stuff goes down but i won’t spoil it in case you read) should not be without his substance for too long or people will die not exaggerating. Attacks with clubs.
Eridan - classist royalty, fish guy pirate, interested in war and strategy, makes fish puns I think. Has a crush on Feferi but they’re supposed to be best friends. Used to be friends with vriska but confessed to her. Hates Sollux bc when Feferi stopped being best friends with Eridan, she went on to date Sollux. He’s rizzless. Completely rizzless. Attacks with a cool harpoon gun. Doesn’t believe in magic if asked.
Feferi - THE empress like she’s as royal as you can get, but she’s in waiting for when the current empress passes. she’s also a fish but she’s not classist- she cares a lot for people and animals and would abolish the ableist classist regime of the planet they live on if she had the power, until then she tends to aquatic animals n stuff (not afraid to kill people if necessary tho, she knows how to survive). Friends with Eridan but only to keep him from killing people, stops being friends him when there are no more people TO kill around. Dates Sollux later. Also makes fish puns. Attacks with a two pronged trident.
Wow this is getting so long I’m so sorry
I won’t go into the alpha kids or the other set of 12 trolls bc I’m very rough with them and also they’re not as important?
Dave - raised by his older brother who taught him sword fighting but was also super neglectful as a gaurdian and traumatized him with puppets and constant sword training and pranks. All the kids are very good friends with each other so nothing of note there but he goes on to date karkat- if asked tho he canonically was kinda struggling with finding out he was gay, though if your PCs don’t want to deal with that then do what fanon does and ignore that (I also ignore it). He’s also technically siblings with rose but doesn’t share the mom TECHNICALLY. If asked he doesn’t have a mom unless you want me to go into the alpha kids OTL
John - has just a dad who cares about him very much. And if asked regards his late grandmother very fondly. He doesn’t go on to date anyone but he does kinda hate Terezi? Troll romance is complicated I shouldn’t explain it. He’s technically siblings..? With Jade? But they don’t share the grandparents or the dad.
Rose - dates kanaya I’m serious do not separate them. She has a mom who’s an alcoholic but has a pretty humorous oneupmanship going on between them. She’s technically siblings with Dave but doesn’t share the brother
Jade - ok. So. She was raised by an omnipotent dog. Her grandpa died when she was very young and her dog (bec) took care of her. She’s very cheery - even cheerier and sweeter than John but she will not take any shit she’s not naive like him. She’s interested in science and robots and botany she’s very good at growing plants but she lived all alone on an island for most of her life. She always had visions of the future growing up but was never creeped out by them, always staying optimistic. Her main weapon is a rifle- not sure how that translates in dnd? She later gets the power to manipulate space itself- make things massive or very tiny, she gets telepathy and can move objects around at near the speed of light, and can teleport. She also becomes part dog later. I’d say she’s lawful good? Probably easy bet. She’s friends with karkat, kinda friends with Feferi, in one universe she dated an alternate version of Dave- not the Dave your PCs would meet, so if asked I dont think she exactly had a crush on him- I believe they both said their feelings are complicated. Technically siblings with John but like I said don’t share the parents
Forever apologizing for the wall of text. I’m hoping that, having been a dm once myself, you were expecting a lot of info..? No matter what tho I didn’t write as much reading all of homestuck is worth XD
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marzbar20 · 7 months
haii :3 i have no idea how to work tumblr so i'm very excited
this is my lil intro thing since i've never made an actual post on here before. i only really reblog stuff 😭 (please interact i need more friends)
my name is marz, but on here im mostly using my other names so call me jeff or tord and. i use it/he, (preference for it) and i'm veryyy much taken. i have a lovely partner who i hope never finds my tumblr but if he does then it's fine probably 😭 i'm also pansexual and homoromantic. (if you're confused it basically means i fuck all genders and date non-women).
umm... so like i very emo. i like genuinely almost every genre, including minimal country. i can rock with whatever!! but currently my hyperfixation songs are Daylily by Movements and Crucified / Witch Image by Ghost. i dress in mostly black jeans and band/rick and morty tees and my partners hoodies. i have the 2008 emo sideswept hair. i luv makeup tbh
i'm a stoner hehe i smoke to help with my issues. helps me genuinely function and deal with my misdirected anger so it keeps me a better person. not a nicotine guy tho. i luv my weed and just my weed fr.
i'm auDHD as well as having several mental illnesses. but mostly my symptoms reflect my BPD, PTSD and Autism the most. i have symptoms of illnesses caused by my bpd and autism- for example OCD and depression/anxiety/panic.
i don't have very many PTSD triggers if any.
now the fun part!! if you were wondering what flavor of autism i have, i like to write fanfic :3 i draw sometimes but i'm not as good at that so i stick mostly to writing. honestly if i figure out how to work tumblr better i will start taking requests related to my hyperfixatioms teehehe..
some of my special interests :
- Psychology (i'll pick your brain apart :3)
- Creepypasta
- FNAF (big favorite)
- My Hero Academia (specifically Bakugo)
- Homestuck
- Band :3 (band kid..)
- Melanie Martinez
- Markiplier (big favorite)
- Tim Burton films
- The Walking Dead (Game+Show)
- Vocaloid (Oliver my fav)
current hyperfixations!! this very much may change!!
- Gothic Literature
- My partner :)
- School (nerd)
- Band
it depends on what kin it is, but kins with an aterisk * next to their name are no doubles allowed!!!!! raaahhh!! thank u:3 i will later list some kins that are highly encouraged to interact HEHEHE
current kinlist. this may change due to the fact i havent indulged in many shows or games in ages
- Katsuki Bakugo (HIGHEST) *
- Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta) *
- Gamzee (HS)
- Karkat(HS)
- Killua (HxH)
- L (Death Note)
- Karma (Assassination Classroom)
- proshippers
- people who ship any type of incest/proship/weirdness. :P
- people who like watch and enjoy ybc
- basic homophobia / transphobia / racism
- Bakugo, Jeff the Killer, Gamzee and Karkat kinnies (sorry doubles i am just thebonly one allowed)
- offenderman enjoyers
- people who make porn of teenaged characters. no i will not b writing any mha student fanfics sorry guys. (most villains tho? 😋)
- no weird sides of fandoms. each fandom knows what i mean fr.
- age PLAYERS. the kink way
- similar interests
- similar personality style (i know y'all can tell)
- Kirishima, Kaminari, Tavros, Dave, Gon, and Creepypasta kinnies :3
- the less weird part creepypasta fandom
- stoners :3
- age regressors :) (the coping way)
okay that was a lot but i think that's it:) i hope people see this 😭
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greentrickster · 2 years
so are you not into homestuck
No idea where this comes from, but I actually was for awhile - around 2010-2013-ish, I think? That's when I was following it. I checked in when I heard it had ended, just to see what the ending was and make sure my favs were all okay, and I got as obsessed with Classpects as anyone in the fandom (took the official aspects test when it first came out, too, you're talking to a proud Heart player). I also liked Feferi, I thought she was fun and liked that she was how the Pisces troll was done.
When it comes to these days, no, I'm not as into Homestuck anymore - wasn't thrilled about the release of the Meat and Candy post-endings, and I've heard some... stuff about what Hussie's gone on to do with the characters and the universe that I flat-out dislike. As a result of this, I don't really interact with the fandom or its content anymore.
But I'm not ashamed of the fact that I was so invested in Homestuck for so long, and I still have lots of fond memories of it (I was mostly on AO3 and dA in those days, and managed to avoid the more toxic sections of the fandom somehow). It was a wild, edgy kind of comic that got me thinking about various things (and, fun fact, I learned about asexuality from a Homestuck fanfic), and casually used the fuck word, and was fun to theorize and think about! But some fandoms stay with you your whole life, some are just there for a segment, and Homestuck was the latter for me - but it gave me lots of good memories, so I'm glad I got to be a part of it!
Unfortunately it has a (at least partially earned) Reputation and Hussie definitely made some Choices, so I don't really talk about it online for the most part. I'm scared of getting accused of doing stuff I didn't do, and frankly I'm just not here for that, especially for a fandom I haven't been actively engaging with for over half a decade.
Thanks for the ask!
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wait i wanna ask u abt homestuck characters for the bingo but idk anything abt what genre of hs fan u are… u could be a midnight crew stan for all i know. uhhh u don’t have to answer any of these if u don’t want to but rose, kanaya, dave, karkat and/or any other homestuck character u projected onto when u were a teenager
Ok this is gonna be a long one because you asked me for 4 characters and whoever I projected onto and I was a strilonde motherfucker so I've done the four you asked about as well as Dirk and Roxy. I'll start with Roxy
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My friends in middleschool got me into homestuck by assigning me Roxy kin. Which fair enough I am still kinda like that to this day. I didn't project onto her as hard as I did with Dave but I'm love her.
Dirk is my homestuck problematic fav I love him so much I liked it when he mailed his severed head to Jake because he was gay. A respectable flirting method if ever there was one.
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I'll do Karkat next. My emotions on him are uncomplicated. I like him and he's dating my Blorbo so ... king shit. Starred in many a mediocre fanfic authored by baby me.
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Now for Kanaya. I love her so much she's so cool I cosplayed her like not even that long ago I think it was 2 years ago. I freaked out my friend's cat. I like it when she kills people with her chainsaw. I say everyone's wrong about her but me because, and this applies to rose too, but less so because Rose had her whole alcoholism arc, I feel like the fandom portrays her as more competent and put together than she is just because her aesthetic is very poised. Shes a 13 year old disaster lesbian. She just also happens to be the mom friend. You will put respect on her name honestly smh.
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I'm gonna do Dave and Rose together because I have a fun story about them so here's the bingo cards.
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You guys are about to unlock forbidden mentally ill Jamie lore, so buckle up. When I was 13 I came out as a trans boy to my parents and asked to be put on testosterone and was denied. I was already in the throes of puberty, had been for a year and a half at that point. And I finally had the answer for why I felt so shitty about it and I had the solution and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it because I was essentially, as all children are under our current shitty legal model of family, my parents' property. I had no fucking rights and so I couldn't choose what puberty I was going to go through even though I would be much happier now if they had. But anyway point is I was able to understand and articulate what was going on and by all rights I should have transitioned back then, but there was still this barrier. It was the most frustrating thing in the world. Part of my coping strategy for this horrid injustice that was occurring in my life was to put Dave and Rose in a jar and shake them around. I had an ongoing comic that I drew that I think I intended to put online at some point but never did where Dave(FtM) and Rose(MtF) while stuck on the meteor went through the throws of puberty Rose got tall, started growing facial hair at an alarming rate, the whole bit. Dave suffered his binder becoming too small and periods. It was a whole thing. And they spent 3 years trying and failing to alchemize synthetic hormones. Meanwhile they were surrounded by and developing relationships with these trolls who didn't understand human puberty and there were many goofs and gaffs about these trolls, but especially Kanaya and Karkat, just not getting it in the gayest way possible.
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1010lilfoot · 8 days
On a whim I rewatched all the homestuck flashes (nothing to see here folks...) and now I'm unhinged. Anyway the comic ended in 2016 and that's when TDL is set so here's what all my OCs think about it!
Max: Also Unhinged. One of those kids who picked it up around 2011-2013 and was so into the tumblr fandom. (Homestuck turned him trans. /j) He was a bit young to be reading it at the time so many of the jokes and nuances flew over his head but BOY did he have character opinions. Tracked updates till the very end. (HATED Vriska.)
Cathy: Max begged her to read it so she did (not a huge fan but she enjoys his rants). Skipped the first intermission to Max's fury, so she went back and skimmed it. Likes Act 6 for the relationship drama; it's like reality TV. Likes the dancestors for the same reason.
Sam: Also read it bc Max begged her to (in 2016). Skims every long block of text and doesn't get much of the plot because of it. Saw that Vriska was spider themed and likes that; bc she skimmed she doesn't know any of the horrors so Vriska is her fav and Max has never been so mad.
Cameron: Read it bc Max asked him to (in 2016), actually tries to be invested. Not a huge fan but he understands enough. Didn't know how to watch the flash pages so he missed every [S] in the first 3-4 acts (watch how hard I can project) and had to go back and watch them later. Got less invested in Act 6 bc of the relationship drama, but he finishes the whole thing eventually.
Abby: Was told not to read it yet bc she's too young. She started reading anyway on her own (intending to catch up for the finale), but got distracted enjoying the early acts and now she's reading slowly but VERY in-depth.
Ben: Was reading in 2011 at 14 y/o, PRIME TIME! Read it with his sister (the middle child, 10 at the time, too young) and had a lot of fun. Not a super fan but was invested. They both went to one con in cosplay and enjoyed it, to Max's incredible envy. Fell off the wagon during the hiatuses, but both caught back up in 2016 for the ending.
Murmur and Salvo: Both were on board in 2011; when they met in 2013 it was one of the things they bonded over. When it goes on hiatus at the end of the year they get SO involved with theorizing together and have lots of fun for years. Read every update as it came out together and both enjoyed the ending.
Amily: Tried to read it bc Murmur and Salvo liked it but stopped after Act 1. Knows stuff from later on through osmosis.
Sarah: Invested from the beginning in 2009 (computer science nerd, 20 y/o). Stayed interested once it got more character-focused/less CS-jokey. Wrote some big legendary fanfic in 2011-2012 (poured liters of personal emotional upheaval into this thing, yes it was a blackrom, you will see why) that went unfinished. Fell off the train at the megapause due to said emotional upheaval and just skimmed to catch up for the finale in 2016.
Penwood: Has never read it because he thinks it's too long and childish. He would like it SO MUCH if he read it.
Ambre: Doesn't know what it is. Has heard the name before but forgot. Don't even try to recommend it to her, she'd be an even worse reader than Sam.
Jupiter: Due to Max's prompting, has read a bit (also watched parts of the Let's Read on youtube). Knows she'd get hyperfixated if she read it in full so she stopped. Too busy to be that invested.
Aidyn: Stopped before finishing Act 1. Not interested.
Eight: Has read/skimmed up to Act 5. Thinks it's entertaining but is not that invested. Likes the trolls. Says they like Vriska purely to mess with Max.
Fae: Hasn't read it or heard of it.
Big 3
Kilo (Blizzard): Hasn't read it. Heard of it super briefly from Yuma. Thinks she has weird taste.
Yuma (Firestorm): Heard of it briefly thanks to [spoiler]. Knows character/plot details that [spoiler] told her, but has never read it. Likes every red flag character... :(
Coda: Hasn't read it or heard of it.
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booperbeanv3 · 3 months
ok i know this ask game is from Þe Olden Times but.
everything except 1, 2, 7, 8, 30 and 31. covering all the bases
“Homestuck Isn’t Dead” Tag
jesus a full faq here
Well I'm incredibly vain and love talking about myself so here goes
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit? 4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
S/O, no. Best friend, sometimes.
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
I've never taken kinning seriously and never will, but I strongly related to Dave and Karkat thanks to that "born wrong + childhood neglect" flavour. But my friends (SIDE-EYES YOUR URL) have holed me into Jake English, so, y'know, whatever. Not everyone can be davekat, I get it
6. God Tier?
Knight of Light!
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
I haven't been able to do it often thanks to the circumstances. I'm too scared to use dreambubbles.xyz. But if you're interested, my discord is boolean2390 and while I main alphabeta boys (i.e. Dave, John, Jake, Dirk), I have RPed Dave and Karkat before in actual, concrete examples I can show you.
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
I was gonna cosplay Karkat before Omegle shut down.
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
I am not and I have actively avoided this! I'm gonna be real here, I'll never top the current set of kid ask blogs, so I'll just watch from afar. Plus, it's quite a bit of work when my faves are so popular, and therefore will not fill any real niches. (a jake english would be kinda funny even if it already exists tho)
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
Hoesslut server on Discord
13. Favorite character?
you can make a tri venn diagram of all my faves with the headings "waifu", "literally me" and "actually good/interesting character" with some mild overlap
that said
objective best is jade and personal fav is karkat
aradia is super based also. best part of act 5 but utterly forgettable afterwards. served cunt, died, served cunt, revived
14. Least favorite character?
tri venn diagram of "obsessive hatred", "boring" and "annoying"
most of my "least favs" disappoint me from lack of potential being utilised effectively
idfk doc scratch??
15. OTP? 16. NOTP? 17. BROTP?
JANEROXY 4EVER!!!! that's the only consistent one. i can like any ship if given some good enough motivation (even if it's my dick).
that being said i scour johndave and johnkat most often. however i am THE blackrom vantas and johnkat/davekat must be spades ONLY. spades johndave is fun but no one writes it. dude i just love spades
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
No, I just got here!
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
I don't, and I don't care.
20. Tell us how homestuck has affected you in real life?
Locked myself in my room and did nothing but read Homestuck for about 2 weeks to a month. I finished it during this time
Got so high I tripped balls thought I killed my best friend and got stuck on Prospit while Homestuck music was playing in the background. Last summer!
Started laughing uncontrollably in the middle of a psychotherapy appointment since I was being so Davecore
My karkalicious x wannabe remix is on my friend's playlist bc she genuinely enjoys it. This remix also haunted me during an important art project I was doing and singlehandedly cursed the entire thing
Wore sunglasses IRL for a bit. (It does help.) Would keep doing it if I didn't lose my clip-ons
My sister thinks I sell Karkat foot fetish art now. She follows me here
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
IRL? No. Online? Duh
22. Have you left the fandom before?
No, I'm a total newfag
23. How many times have you read through it?
TOTAL newfag. Only once
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
I'd scan over them, but not totally skip. I also read act summaries in full when they were there because I am a baby with goldfish memory
25. Opinions on the fandom?
Depends... I think it's gotten a lot better from my observations, but of course, Twitter is still a cesspit full of retarded babies that shit their diapers. But that could be said about any fandom that's majority kids. Also any stridercester that thinks theyre oppressed for liking shota boy twincest should btfo and jerk off in peace. Which in fairness, most of them do! But to the ones that don't, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY NOTES FAGGOT
Besides those, I think it's great, but I also main Tumblr, so...
26. Opinions on the comic?
Personally I enjoyed it a lot, but I'll get a more rounded impression once I re-read it. All plot shenanigans aside, Homestuck's main selling point has always been its characters, and its method of introducing and developing them is one of my favourites. Also its humour
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
Humans, because I'm a boring fucknut who reads sci-fi for the humans and will put them in an office building and say "imagine if they did IT"
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
beginning of act 6 felt like i nodded off on dope and woke up in the hospital. retcon was kinda mid
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revscarecrow · 3 years
Hey I just found your homestuck streams and im really enjoying them! Homestuck was a huge part of growing up for me to the point that my therapist started reading it because I talked about it so often. Its really nice to see someone talk about hs and not shit on the fans, I know there are some horror stories but I always found the fandom to be really accepting and surprisingly chill considering that we were all 14, and its nice to see someone go into it with an open mind. My fav part of the comic was the world building. As an autistic pre teen the quadrants and classpects and the dream moons and dream bubbles were really good structures that helped me understand life a little bit better, or at least see it through a lense that I could understand. Im almost up to your cascade video so hopefully soon ill catch up enough to watch live!
I worry that people think I was just shutting on it in the beginning but honestly it's been mostly a fun ride. Hussie words and long winded chatlogs aside. I'm glad you like my streams.
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tomatograter · 4 years
Do you have a list anywhere of your favorite hs fics?
I suppose it’s appropriate I make one now! will prolly come back to add on at some point, but as it stands
HERE’S THE FIC RECS: (it is quite long, click the readmore)
Last updated Sept 10 2021 !
Perpetuity => https://archiveofourown.org/works/12835047
Written pre-epilogues, largely about mending damaged bridges after the game. I always mention this fic as what settled me back into hs as a fandom and dirk/jake
A Palate Cleanser  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21642637
The jake eulogy we missed on candy. it’s real good. (now with a podfic version on the second chapter!!!!)
It’s only a canvas sky
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/28718544
Their guardians dead at the hands of the Condesce, growing up in the shadow of her slow takeover of the Skaian Federation, Dirk Strider and Jake English have spent their whole lives alone up until shortly before their twelfth birthdays.
Or: Dirk fixes a transmitter, makes a friend, builds a robot, and tries to communicate affection over distance to the barest possible minimum.
(A good mix of fluff/angst/yearning, captures early & friendship dirkjake REALLY well, a good analogue au to their canon upbringing!!)
Sburgatoria  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/20726822/chapters/49242167
What if we were four lesbians stuck in an uncanny valley real housewives purgatory-esque-suburbia and we bickered then kissed 😳
“Sadstuck for the discerning jakeliker”
Magnesium Ion, Porphyrin Ring  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/21787465/chapters/51988876
Jade + Jake exploration throughout their growing up years, the relationship they had to their guardians and to one another between split realities and time. 
I Know What You Think Of Me  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21516589
You never knew you wanted vriska and jake to be friends but now…. you do! and they’re going to gut a mountain of salmon to get there. Hilariously masterful vrisrezi to boot.
What Happens In-Between =>
i KNOW you aren’t done with jaded fisheries observer vriska just yet and for that i’m thankful to say, we have a sequel, and dirk is in it to her great annoyance
Drive it home with one headlight  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/19281412/chapters/45856705
The Hitchhikers Guide to Your Ex-Boyfriend ==>
EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED!!!! Post-canon fanadventure focusing on jake, brain ghost dirk, and a very concerned third party inhabiting jake’s brain that isn’t all too happy with the current turn of dubiously canon events. Still updating, very fun and smart.
The Four Kings, the God Thief, and the Black Diamond Pirates =>
Sea shanties for Thots (Four kings sequel) =>
jake needs to adjust to his new life and occupation overseas, ft; more songs, more piracy, and schrodinger’s hoe. Extensively jake-introspective, told through his POV.
Song of the Pyre =>
EPIC SCALE vrisrezi space opera ft. hardass legislacerator Terezi & outlaw Vriska being forced to work together after they sort-of-accidentally kill terezi’s shitty clown ex. Feelings are caught, trials are held, there’s a revolution coming. Delightfully written. Reads as pretty solid and complete despite the 19/21 chapters done - ACT 1 counts as a book of its own, ACT 2 is solid.
Pilot Light, Pale rapture (full series)  => https://archiveofourown.org/series/1403233
“They want you on Olympus, they want you on a faraway star watching the planet turn benignly. They want the original Gods in the four corners of the earth, protectors in an invisible palace. “And the Witch sat vigil in her southern eastmost realm, looking down upon her descendants,” they’d say, “and saw that it was good.
You do not have an Olympus. You have a house that smells like burnt toast, because Davepeta did just that only an hour ago.”
Prospit kids + Really Good and Fun earth C shenanigans ensue. Incredible insightful exploration on Jade, her childhood, and mostly what happens after the curtains close and she finally has time to be awake.
After Meat, Aftermath. (full series)  => https://archiveofourown.org/series/1420354
In one universe, college!au Rose lalonde takes barre classes. In another, arguably more relevant one, Rosebot peers into her life. this will lead to inevitable chaos. incredible rose + kanaya + vriska + jake + dirk focus and one of my fav AU’s.
*below are my favorite dirk-focused works:*
Detective Pony
At first I didn’t include this one, having taken for granted that everyone had read it already, but I think as of ‘21 the fandom is a bit different and not many have. Facts being: this is the definitive solo Dirk Strider story; seamless with the detective pony book dirk edits in homestuck-proper, deeply indulgent, funny, and cathartic, one might even say. Also an audiobook and a webseries, if that’s more up to your speed!
A Eulogy for Laplace’s Demon  (After Meat, Aftermath spinoff)  =>
A good jump-in point for AM,A but hugely more focused on dirk arguing with his own demons. Doesn’t pull any punches.
Dualshock Desertbloom =>
Dirk wakes up in a scalding liminal space and splinters his beta self out of his body like an amoeba parting in two. It’s a Predicament. They have to learn how to cohabitate if they want to try to figure out what the fuck is going on, and Dirk can’t help but prod and poke around to learn more about his twisted-funhouse-mirror-self along the way. Really meaty character-study, some of my favorite dirkvoice (and brovoice) passages are definitely all over here.
House of Dirk => https://archiveofourown.org/works/19156126/cha pters/45530146
dirk and caliborn, in a sitcom, holding hands. nothing bad could ever possibly happen
Timaeus, Testified. => https://archiveofourown.org/works/19479223/chapters/46368625
“go crazy go stupid!!!!!!” - dirk strider, metamonster
*Fun / short / thoughtful stories:*
Two idiots at Homoville, N69, TX
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/26130925
Dirk freaks out and goes on r/relationships to try and figure out how to mend the semi-relationship he has with his weird roommate. (hint: his name starts with J)
Light Without Effulgence
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/25986289
Rose is having a writer’s block. Jake is bored in the middle of his family’s own vacation. They sit down to mercilessly pick at each other’s brains, and the results may surprise you (not clickbait)
Interrogating the text from the wrong perspective  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/615521
(Calliope and Rose have fandom wars. Its really funny)
Witching Hour  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/12620732
Eschewal  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/4284384
jake goes ham
Dreamscapers => https://archiveofourown.org/works/22455073/chapters/53653849
Stygian blue =>
Terezi and brain ghost Vriska have a conversation. (illustrated!!!)
Bitter =>
Jaw-dropping JadeRose comic oneshot; meta, jealousy, crushes, and girls being a little off.
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/28100313/chapters/68850048#workskin
Your name is TEREZI PYROPE.
Near the start of her search for Vriska, Terezi is offered a choice.
==> https://mspfa.com/?s=32792&p=2
Centuries in the future, the daughter of jade harley and davepeta pierces together what it is like to grow up knowing your parents and much of your extended family are immortal beings. Incredible art, lots of really really fun cameos and incredible worldbuilding (Not epilogue compliant, barely credits compliant, remains one of my favorite extended pocket universes to this day.)
==> https://mspfa.com/?s=34750&p=1
It’s june egbert’s first night out! From the official TV programme summary; “Starring the one and only JUNE EGBERT! Who knows what shenanigans will ensue… Wild hootenannies? Late night pizza picnics? ROMANCE??? Tune in and find out on FAILURE TO LAUNCH!” this can only ever end well, right?
==> https://mspfa.com/?s=36345&p=3
That’s right, buckos. The lot of you are going to therapy. Turns out after a member of the tight-knit god community (Sollux) decides to seek a little help, more shenanigans were sure to follow.
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