#things are looking up
nauti-little-bee · 7 days
Beautiful ass by the way!
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🍑 Thanks! 🥰
#me nauti-little-bee 🐝
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thetriumphantpanda · 8 months
it's been a GOOD Friday because I just got offered an interview for a job I REALLY wanted 🥹 pls send me all your manifesting good vibes because I might die if I get this.
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spookietrex · 2 months
I got new compression gloves and ankle sleeves and I actually slept through the night for the first time in months.
My mobility aids now include:
- a purple foldable cane
-a blue walker with a glow in the dark dinosaur basket I made (2 wheels in front)
- a blue rollator (4 wheels)
- a blue wheelchair
Hell yeah! I can leave my house. I got a disability lawyer. My PCP confirmed she understands I can't work and is willing to help me get disability.
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thesmegalodon · 10 months
pov: you’re a piece of shredded cheddar cheese under my fridge and it’s cleaning day
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dragonsaltartales · 3 months
Man…tax return came in early (used some of it to buy more grumpus charms for my store 💕)
I heard back from a children’s book publisher on Sunday
And today got a call for a job interview for a job I’ve been wanting for years
Things can and will get better ❤️
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oliviridian · 1 day
been healing a lot of old wounds lately. reconnected with a friend I thought I had lost forever. feeling more connected to my body. less shame, less fear, less denial. Feeling more secure with my friends again. I'm better at showing compassion and gentleness, I'm helping people I care about and I'm learning to assert my own boundaries without being hurtful. it's a really nice feeling.
Finally settling for now, I hope.
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Good news: my wrist has healed so that I’m able to (carefully) cross stitch and I’m feeling a lot less sick than I have the past 2 days!
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likesdoodling · 10 months
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This is colouring practice take two-
I really wanted to try out this skin tutorial I found, along with some hair shading too.
If you're wondering why she's crying?
Feel free to come up with whatever reason you feel like.
I was just feeling very... Tired today. I managed to forget that I had a headache while drawing this, but yeah... My inspiration tends to lean towards however I'm feeling at the time so make of that what you will.
Though a good sleep should deal with my headache.
What better way to vent your frustrations than through art?
On a totally unrelated note, I discovered- the day before I had to leave for camp two weeks ago- that stress is wonderful fuel for disturbingly morbid inspiration!
And before I stop, I just want to say that I am SO proud of this thing-
Like. It turned out almost exactly how I wanted it to!
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ofduskanddreams · 3 months
little life update below :)
(TL;DR finally some good news)
After idk how many months, I FINALLY have a date for my sinus surgery 🥳
I cannot even describe just how ready I am to be healthy again y’all. It’s been a time.
My sinuses are getting remodeled on April 25th and after a few weeks recovery I should be getting back to my old self—perfect timing for Azris Week 2024 (the first full week in June, follow us @azrisweek)
I’m so excited to get some energy back along with my health. This fandom means so much to me and I hate that I haven’t had the capacity to be active here. I miss writing so much and I am so hyped to have the mental space to create again!
Thank you to everyone who has reached out and wished me well, your kind words and the reminder that I have a community here have been a bright spot during a very overcast period of my life. Now there is a sliver of sunlight on my horizon as I eagerly await the dawn <3
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thefemmegem · 1 month
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Been a while since I posted a selfie. How is everyone???
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ryxxer · 3 days
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cherrysnax · 6 months
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thebisexualwreckoning · 5 months
heyyy how are you!
first of all im sooooo sorry this took so long!!! I had to write a paper that's 50% of my econ grade but I'm finally done with it and I'm free!!! but honestly speaking I hadn't had this much fun writing a paper since I was in middle school so that was great
Anyway to answer your question we just moved from India to Australia so we've been swamped with work getting the new place set up and making it feel like home. I also introduced my mother to target and she's now obsessed with them for some reason.
also started retaking my meds which has been really good for the ADHD and my productivity. I've also been experimenting with my gender a bit more recently, figuring out what feels right and not so that's been that. all I've discovered is i wanna be femboy instead of my current state being, a.k.a tired
but still, life is good surprisingly enough and *redacted* has the best public transport system I've ever seen meaning I can go wherever I want without worrying but it is slightly annoying everything closed by 6
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Beyond the Lights AU, Pt 6
Content warning: suicide attempt, hospitalization
After leaving the hospital, Kara doesn't expect to hear from Lena or her team again. She does her best to ignore the reporters outside her home, and studiously avoids the tabloids that cling to the story of Lena's latest attempt to end her life. This time, there is no way to spin the aftermath, no excuse that can be given that wouldn't be worse than the truth.
This Kara knows, and so she throws herself into work. Her colleagues, at least, know better than to tease this time. Kara feels like a vice has tightened around her chest, pressing tight and ready to burst at the slightest provacation. At home, more than one glass meets its end thrown against a wall or cabinet, but anywhere else, she remains collected, barely.
All she can think about is Lena, dreading that her friend-- if that's what they even are-- has been thrown right back to the wolves. So it comes as a surprise when she comes home to a message on her answering machine from the psychiatric unit of National City Regional Hospital.
"Kara, hi--" Lena sounds hesitant, nervous. "I know you probably don't want to hear from me, but I was hoping... I'm at-- well, I've... been getting some help, and I was hoping you'd come and see me. I-- there's something I want you to know, but not over the phone."
Lena pauses, taking a breath that Kara can hear shaking, even over the line.
"I hope you'll come, but... I understand if you don't."
Another beat.
The message clicks its end. Kara stares at the machine, shocked at what she's heard. In the end, she's helpless to resist the pull that tugs her back to the hospital. The nurses don't seem to care that she's there for Lena, for which Kara is grateful-- treating Lena like any other patient could only be good for her.
When she's shown to the visitation room, Lena is already there, seated at a table with a small stack of marble composition books in front of her, gripped in both hands. When Lena looks up at her, it's with a mix of hope and trepidation. Kara doesn't know how to react, so she simply takes a seat opposite her.
"Thank you for coming," Lena says softly. She swallows audibly. "I-- I wasn't sure you would."
"I wasn't sure either," Kara admits. "But I guess I have something to say too." She takes a breath. "I'm sorry, for the way I left things. The way I left you. I just-- I can't--"
"No, no. Stop. Please. That's what I wanted to tell you." Lena meets her gaze. "I want to tell you that I understand."
Kara holds her gaze, waiting.
"Ever since we met, you've been the reason I held off as long as I did. I was a bomb waiting to go off-- Edge only sped a fuse that was already lit. But allowing you to be the my reason for living wasn't fair to you, or-- or to myself."
A tear slips from the corner of Lena's eye, quickly wiped away by long fingers. Kara notices that the bandages on her wrists are gone, leaving the sutures of her injuries plain to see. Seeing them drops the bottom of Kara's stomach out from under her.
"I'm sorry," Lena whispers. "I'm sorry I put you in that position, and I'm sorry I let myself get so lost from myself that I couldn't see the worth of living-- for myself."
Kara wipes away her own tears. She nods, accepting the apology as graciously as she can without breaking down. In a bid to divert attention from her, she nods towards the notebooks.
"What are those?"
Lena blinks, surprised as though she had forgotten they were in her hands. She glances down, then inhales deeply, gathering courage.
"The other reason I asked you here." She slides the books across the table towards Kara. When she nods, Kara takes the top one and opens it. Inside, she finds every page filled to brimming with words, inscribed in graceful, looping script.
Upon a cursory read, they seem to be poems, but as Kara looks closer, the words seem to take on new shape.
"Is this--?" Excitement fills Kara for the first time in weeks.
"Lyrics," Lena confirms with a nod, a small smile on her lips. "The first few days I was here, I slept. Part of it was the meds, and-- what happened. But, once I woke up..."
Lena looks around her, and in the light coming through the windows she seems... at peace.
"Time passes slowly here, now that my days are my own. And every moment of them, words have been coming to me, in a way they haven't before. In a way they couldn't. I was pulled in so many directions, with every piece of me claimed by someone else, I had nothing left to give to my music. But now... they fill every part of me."
Kara stares at her, stunned. In that moment, Kara knows she's finally meeting the real Lena. The one with magic inside her.
"I'm--" Kara's voice cracks. "I'm so happy for you, Lena. Truly."
Lena's sweet smile grows. "Thank you." She clears her throat. "But I have one last favor to ask of you."
Kara nods, her heart all but ready to grant anything Lena asks of her.
"Take them."
"Please. My mother-- she's already thinking about how to come back from this, to get back to how things were. And I-- I don't want that. Until I figure out what I do want, I'm afraid-- if Mother finds them, I don't--"
Kara nods, already pulling the books close. "Okay," she promises. "I'll keep them safe. Until you're ready."
This, this she can do. She can keep Lena's secrets just a little while longer.
"But not forever," Kara caveats. She raises an expectant eyebrow.
Lena's features warm into a smile once more.
"Not forever," she vows. "Very, very soon. I promise."
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unknownths · 5 days
i won the boothill 50/50 and snagged fu xuan's lightcone so i'm very pleased
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beatheprincess · 12 days
Practicing on being less sensitive while also maintaining your peace but you have severe anxiety issues and paranoia..🤡
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