#this fic is very lengthy but i'm hoping to get it done in the next few days (of queueing this)
So I'm Writing a (Somewhat) MCU-Compliant Loki/Sigyn Fanfic
And it's possible that by the time this post goes up, I will have completed and published the fic. (I'm really hoping this does not cause me to procrastinate.) I desperately want to talk about it, but I also don't want to risk talking about stuff that ends up getting cut when I revise, and like I said, the more I draw attention to it publicly, to more my brain historically likes to shy away from actually finishing it.
So instead I'm both queueing this for hopefully a date after it's already been published or close to publication, and instead of talking about it, I'm going to post my playlist for it. This is pretty strictly fic vibes, so it's not necessarily 100% relevant to the plot and many songs likely don't sync up to the more widely fandom-accepted headcanons for the ship.
Sleeping Sickness, by City and Colour: This is the song I was listening to when I conceived of the fic idea (which is pretty incredible, because I haven't been able to listen to City and Colour for like a decade, so I usually skip it when it comes on. (Bad break-up+inability to remember which C&C song really fucks me up = 10 years of skipping all C&C songs.) I was distracted by Loki/Sigyn posts and let the song play.) So the working plan is the fic title is going to come from one of the lyrics, but I haven't decided which lyric yet.
Forget Me Not, by The Civil Wars
Devil In Your Eye, by Mumford & Sons
Wait for Me, from Hadestown
Cherry Wine, by Hozier
Work Song, by Hozier
Stuck, by Imagine Dragons
Would That I, by Hozier
Let Me Dream a While, by Passenger
And I Love Her, by Passenger
All the Stars, by The Wailin' Jennys
That's all the songs I have on the playlist so far. Have fun trying to guess the fic plot from these songs, I guess? Some hints (unless I edit these out, I suppose), if you want them, because I can't help myself:
Current progression of the fic begins just after Thor: The Dark World and ends roughly after Thor: Love and Thunder.
Odin is probably at his worst in this, out of all my portrayals of him.
Loki the tv show does not come into play, but the fic closes a plot hole I've noticed around Loki's abilities in Loki versus Ragnarok.
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sassypossumm · 3 months
Tentacles and Desire
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You discover some very... interesting fictions floating around the internet about your boyfriend... and naturally get sucked into them...
Just imagining opening your laptop to innocently scroll through tumblr, only to find some kinky crack fic about your man... and trying to hide the new obsession you've got with it
TW: probably the most crack fic smut I've ever cooked up, Minors Do Not Engage, lots of tentacles, breeding kink, aphrodisiacs
Word Count: 2,886
It had started innocently enough... truly it had. You'd been mindlessly scrolling one night, pausing occasionally to 'heart' one of the countless fan interpretations or recreations of your boyfriend, the same man who sat next to you in bed, glasses perched on his nose as he studied some anomaly or another.
Yes, you'd started out mindlessly scrolling... but that was until you ran across it. Monster fucking... featuring your sweet Migs. Your face heated as you read, and rubbed your thighs together subtly, hoping he wouldn't notice.
Glancing over at him, you saw him looking at you with a raised brow. Crap, of course he'd noticed. Clearing your throat, you turned off your phone and laid it on the nightstand.
"You alright?" Taking off his glasses, Miguel set his gizmo on his nightstand and cupped your jaw with his hand.
"I'm fine, Migs." You smiled, too brightly and shifted away from his hand, but not before he caught your chin between his fingers and leaned closer, narrowing his eyes.
"You're flushed, your pupils are dilated, and your breathing is shallow." He said neutrally, turning your face a little to study you.
"Maybe it's just,"
"You're aroused." He cut you off with a low rumble in his chest. His deep rich voice seeped straight into your blood stream and flowed directly to your pulsing clit. Your heart shuddered and you nodded dumbly.
Miguel hummed and leaned closer, sealing his lips over yours. You weren't sure who parted their lips first, but the second his tongue touched yours, you were done for, and Miguel was sufficiently too distracted for the rest of the night to inquire any more about what had flustered you.
One bullet dodged.
Unfortunately, that one fic had been your gateway drug down the rabbit hole of torrid smut fics featuring your beloved boyfriend. It was getting harder and harder to keep your new habit a secret. And part of all your subterfuge and dodging involved finding... unorthodox places to indulge in your latest addiction.
Which explained why Miguel found you in the back of your coat closet, buried behind a rack of, well, coats.
You jumped when you heard his low voice in the closet, and dropped your phone. The overhanging light flicked on, and Miguel looked down at you in confusion, hunched in the corner, looking terribly guilty.
"Miggy, hi!" You said much too brightly, fumbling with your hands before clasping them around your knees. Miguel raised a brow and folded his arms.
"Why are you sitting in our coat closet... in the dark?" He leaned against the door frame. He noticed how you stiffened and that your eyes flit nervously to your phone. You tensed as his eyes narrowed in on you like a hunter, and you slowly inched your hand towards the phone.
"Oh, you know, I was just..." Miguel was quicker than you and he pounced, grabbing the phone. "Migs, no!" You scrambled to your feet as he raised a brow and looked down at your phone... at your unlocked phone. At the rather pornographic depiction of him with a tentacled torso and a lengthy smut fic under it.
His eyes flicked back up to yours, and a sly grin crept over his face.
"Oh?" His grin widened at your horrified expression, and he scrolled to read.
"Aw, Miguel, come on, give it back!" You moaned, jumping and grabbing for the phone, but ultimately knowing that it was futile given his incredible height advantage over you. All you could do was melt into a puddle of embarrassment as his brows rose the longer, he read.
Do you know why I'm here?" My bedroom door slammed open, jolting me out of my sleep. Quite frankly I was pissed.
It didn't matter that the stranger in my doorway was crazy tall and built like a greek statue, he'd woken me from one of the best dreams I'd had in a long time. Rubbing my eyes, I bolted up in my bed and bunched the blankets up to cover my chest. 
"Why you're here?! Dude, I don't even know who you are!" The man stepped into my room and closed the door behind him, when he locked it though, alarm bells started going off in my head. He didn't lock the door with a hand, he locked the door with a tentacle. Covering my mouth with my hand I backed against the headboard and watched him in horror. He was mostly tentacle.
His face was human though he sported a pair of fangs which were honestly a little too freaky for my taste, but that torso, and those shoulders. It really ought to be illegal for anyone to be that insanely built. That shoulder to waist ratio had my blood humming. Think like... like a centaur, but instead of horse legs... tentacles. My eyes drifted from his insanely chiseled chest back to his face. I was trying to ignore the tentacles. 
"I'm here," he slithered further into the room and reached out a tentacle towards me. When I shied away from the appendage, he gripped my chin roughly and jerked my head back, so I was staring into his eyes.
His stormy dark eyes. "Look at me!" He roared. Tentacles flared and wiggled about his body as he inflected. Flinching, I squirmed at his touch and shuddered. 
"I'd rather not if it's all the same to you." That's it, play it cool. Only I totally wasn't playing it cool, all that pulsing flesh just dangling around this chiseled Adonis was having an unwarranted effect on my body. I was dripping and this jerk knew it, but he didn't have to know that I knew that he knew. Lowering his brows, he leaned forward so his... (human?) face was directly in front of my human face. 
"You'll get used to me, conejita." He'd brought forth another tentacle to slowly massage my shoulder while he spoke. Gritting my jaw, I fought back the overwhelming urge to dry heave directly into his face. His stupidly hot face. Seriously, I mean, this guy had the most chiseled jawline I'd ever seen. "I've been observing you." 
"Of course, you have." I don't know where I got the courage from, but I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. Buff tentacle man clearly didn't like that. Or he did. Honestly it was hard to tell, either way, I quickly found myself pinned against the wall, tentacle man held me suspended with nothing but his buff, taught torso keeping me from hitting the floor.
Tentacles came forth to wind around my wrists and keep them pinned above my head. Fire licked straight towards my core at the feel of the pulsing flesh throbbing against my fluttering pulse points. Swallowing a moan, I looked down from my wrists to see him staring at me like I was a breakfast burrito from taco bell. 
"Since you don't want to hear the long story, I'll cut to the chase." 
"Please do." I huffed like I had better things to be doing. Raising a brow, he chose to ignore my sarcasm, and instead pressed his body tighter against mine, if that was even possible. 
"You need protection, conejita." His grip on my wrists tightened and he paused to close his eyes and lick his lips. I'd like to see what else that tongue can do. Whoa! Where did that come from?! 
"And what do you need?" Against my better judgement I opened my mouth. Buff guys eyes sprang open and he gave me a perverted grin before leaning forward to lick my ear. 
"Your womb, my dear ." He whispered, slowly rubbing my stomach with yet another pulsing tentacle. 
"Hm, kinky." I raised a brow, hoping I was playing this thing cool. If he thought for one minute that I wanted to be his... walking incubator, this guy had another thing coming to him, buff sexy bod or not! 
"No more games!" The tentacles above my head shook my wrists rather violently. Shaking my head, I struggled to refocus on his face. 
"I didn't realize we were playing games." I knew that if this went on for much longer, I was going to lose my ever loving mind. Clenching my thighs together, I tried to focus on anything but the way his hold on me was triggering my body. Unfortunately, it seemed that buff guy picked up on this little fun fact. 
"Your body seems to like me more than you care to admit." He purred, rubbing a tentacle across my cheek. A shudder went through my body, and I fought back a moan. He sucked and nibbled a path down my neck towards my collarbone, somehow managing to continue with his little speech. "You may not know this, but I have a heightened sense of smell, conejita." 
"Y-yeah?" I was panting at this point, and my thighs were shaking from the strain of trying to keep them clenched. 
"Hm." He dragged his nose up over the trail of marks until he nuzzled my pulse point. "Your pheromones are divine." My eyes crossed as he began to massage my fluttering pulse with his tongue. 
"I-it's all for you, daddy." His tongue froze and he tilted his head back to look at me. We stared at each other for a long moment, my eyes going wide in horror and his going wide in amusement. 
"Daddy?" He practically purred the word, looking down to stare at my neck. Leaning forward again, he latched onto my neck, and I gasped at the feel of incisors piercing my skin. The most delicious sensation flowed through my body with the suction of his mouth on my neck, and the lathing of his tongue across the skin he'd bitten. I take back everything I said about the fangs.
"Woah! W-what's that?" Those pleasant sensations were beginning to thrum through my bloodstream, and was it just me or was the room getting hotter and hotter? I thrashed and bucked against his hold on me. "What did you do to me?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes. 
"An aphrodisiac, my dear." He said, and might I say that the clinical nature of his tone sent even more shivers down my spine. "It should heighten the bonding experience."
I was so gone on the endorphins rushing through my system that I could only manage a weak nod. "Look at you," He chuckled, sending another tentacle slithering up my leg and towards my aching core. "I've barely started and you're already dumbstruck." He shook his head, eyes full of contempt. If his tentacles hadn't been doing such delightfully sinful things to my body, I might have been more offended. 
"Please," his constant massaging had me rutting against his tentacle. Pausing he pulled back the appendage currently soaking my panties. 
"What do you need?" I boiled at the way his eyes lit with amusement, amusement at my expense. Oh, heck, who am I kidding. As long as he puts those tentacles back where they belonged, he could say or do anything to me. I was at his mercy, and we both knew it. 
"Need it, need you, too many clothes," I wasn't even sure what I was asking for, but looking up into his eyes. Oh, his eyes. How had I missed that beautiful ruby hue shining down on me? Anyhow, looking up into his eyes, I knew that he knew what I wanted. 
"I know, I know." He cooed, rubbing over my clothed core in slow sensual circles. My eyes fluttered shut, and I did nothing to hide the moan that flowed from my lips. "Do you like that?" He chuckled darkly, easily sliding my panties down my legs, and flinging them into some dark corner of my room. The same tentacle cupped my heat, and my oh my, if those teasing knocks against my devil's doorbell weren't absolutely sinful.
 I shifted towards the pulsing appendage at my nether doors, whining and drooling for any kind of relief at this point. Shaking his head, sadistic sexy man gave my friend a final tap before pulling his tentacle away. 
A sob wracked my body. Was this his great masterplan? To pump me full of aphrodisiac and then stimulate me only to leave me high and dry. Narrowing my eyes, I glared up at him. Not today sexy sadist, not today. 
With what strength I could manage, I swung my legs, and rather gracefully might I add, hooked my ankles around his torso and pulled him flush against me, locking my legs tightly around his waist. A groan fell off his lips, and his forehead came to rest against mine. 
"Now, you listen to me, Mr. Tentacles," 
"Miguel." He whispered against my skin.
"Okay," I shrugged, while it was nice to have a name to go with the face, I was more concerned with what that body did to mine at the moment. "Now, you listen to me, Miguel." I squeezed my legs tighter around his waist for emphasis, and if the hiss that I was gifted was any indication, I had his full attention.
Leaning forward I ran my tongue over the shell of his ear. "I'm here, trussed up with nowhere to go. Dripping and aching." Slowly I ground my hips into his and nipped at his neck. "And whose fault is that?" Pride bloomed in my chest at his visible shiver. Oh how the tables have turned. 
"Mine." He moaned, rolling his hips roughly into mine. My eyes crossed and I could taste the telltale copper of blood on my tongue from where I'd bitten it. Who am I kidding, he has me right where he wants me. Still, before I surrendered entirely, I wanted to push one more button. Turning my head, I ran my tongue down his cheekbone. 
"Then why don't you do something about it." The words had barely left my mouth, when he latched onto my neck again with his fangs and began sucking. I groaned. I writhed. This was heaven. 
And then he buried himself to the hilt in my velvety heat. We moaned together. I lied; this was heaven. Two tentacles slithered behind him to lash my legs against his hips. Pulling back, Miguel hummed appreciatively at the now four puncture marks on my neck before running a tentacle across my jaw. 
"Is this what you wanted, conejita?" His voice was strained as my walls held him captive in their vice like grip. 
"Hm." I was too blissed out to respond. It was like everything in my life had been leading me to this point, and I wanted to savor every sensation. Miguel thrusted shallowly, testing my sensitivity and stamina. 
"I wanted to bring you pleasures no mere man could offer." Thrust. "Bring you to release over and over." Thrust. "You'd have been begging for my cock by the time I was done with you."
I gasped as he pulled out until his tip was barely inside of me before slamming back into me, my back thumping against the wall in the process. "But you couldn't wait, could you?" He growled in my ear. Miguel thrusted languidly, probably to my utter irritation. 
Two can play at that game. Smirking to myself, I pulled myself up to meet his thrusts and nibbled along his jaw. "I-it's pathetic really," I smiled against his skin at how reedy his voice had become. Using the last of my willpower, I hoisted myself closer, impossibly arching my back away from the wall and nuzzled his ear. 
"Shut up and fill me." He roared, a positively feral sound, and it was divine. Becoming a man unrestrained, Miguel slammed my wrists against the wall and drove into me at an inhuman pace.
This might be the day I die, but I'll die satisfied and on fire. 
Looking up from your phone, Miguel's lips curled into a wicked grin.
"Conejita?" He raised a brow and looked down at your mortified face with amusement. Swallowing hard, you took a step back and squirmed under his intense gaze.
"Now... now, Migs." You tried weakly, casting about for some way to distract him, but no dice. He was a hunter on the prowl, and you were the prey he was zeroed in on. Tossing your phone aside, he easily pinned you against the wall and pressed his weight into you to keep you from darting away.
"Conejita?" He repeated again, lower this time, and lowered his face to nuzzle your ear with his nose. Your eyes fluttered shut at his nearness, and a shudder ran through you at the feel of his hard body pressed against yours.
"I never realized how... dirty my girlfriend was." You opened your mouth to protest when his hand slid down to grip your thigh. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, conejita?" He growled, nipping at your neck.
You moaned softly as he rolled his hips into yours and bit your lip. Miguel grinned into the crook of your neck and brought his other hand to cup your jaw and turned your face until your noses brushed.
"Don't worry, mi conejita," He purred, "I'll set you on fire without the threat of death."
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madlori · 8 days
The Claw is our master.
I've had a few folks in DMs ask me how/why/when my shipping did such a completey 180. It's a fair question. I am, after all, someone who spent the last 2 years fervently Buddie shipping, writing fic for them, doing the same hoping/analyzing/searching etc that everyone else (well...not exactly the same, I've always been skeptical of most of the theories and such because I don't believe in a production's ability to be that sneaky, covert or mischievous).
And yet, here I am. I can't really even pretend I'm still a Buddie shipper anymore. Initially I said sure, I still hope for it. I...can't in all honesty say that now. I've firmly decamped for BuckTommy Land. Is this a recipe for heartbreak if they eventually breakup? Sure, but that's always a risk. No more than shipping a non-canon pairing, anyway.
And there's nothing wrong with shipping a non-canon pairing. People do it every day. Hell, it's practically the backbone of fandom. Obsessing about ships being canon is a one-way ticket to dissatisfaction and sometimes total unraveling. I've seen it happen more times than I can count over 30 years in online fandoms.
But if that's the case, why didn't I stay on Team Buddie? Why did I defect so thoroughly that I'm at the point now where not only do I not think Buddie will ever happen, I don't want it to, because I now want to see something different from those two characters, something I believe we will actually get from the writers.
The answer to that question is: I have no idea.
People ask this like I'm somehow in control of it. I'm not. The Fandom Brain is like The Claw in Toy Story. The Claw is our Master. The Claw decided who will go and who will stay.
Fandom Brain is my master. It decides what I'm going to ship, what I'm going to be fannish about and what I'm not, and when I'm going to stop feeling fannish about something. I have zero say in the matter, I'm just along for the ride. At some point in every fandom I have ever been in, my Fandom Brain has, usually with no provocation, decided "Ok we're done with this fandom now." And nothing I can do will make that not true. I can't force it. I can't cajole it. It just is.
Similarly, Fandom Brain has decided "Welp, we're done with this pairing now. We like THIS pairing now. Proceed." Are there reasons? I'm sure there are.
Is it just that it's a canon pairing? Possibly. There is something very seductive about a canon pairing after so long of looking for crumbs and tiny hints where there (mostly) none to find. But I've shipped plenty of non-canon pairings before.
Is it that I prefer Tommy/Lou to Eddie/Ryan? Absolutely not. I love Eddie, always have. I admit to being slightly more of a Buck girlie, but that doesn't mean Eddie means nothing to me.
Is it the immediate gratification? Maybe. Is it just how the relationship's being written? Possibly. Is it just a mental adjustment for my belief that Buddie will never happen, and Eddie will always be straight? Likely. But that doesn't change the outcome.
So here I sit, just...yep. Sometimes it just be like that. I didn't choose this, it's just what my brain decided was going to work for me going forward. If this goes up in smoke, my brain will choose something else, whether it's to run back to Buddie, or be done with 9-1-1 entirely, or who knows what else?
The good news for any of you who follow my writing is that I'm still working on the next Husbros installment. That universe is removed enough from the canon that it almost feels separate to me now, and I'm still feeling connected to it. Yes, I've written a few short BT fics, but so far I've not had any lengthy or involved plot bunnies for it.
So there you have it. I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me. I don't know if I'd have chosen this if I could, but tbh I'm having a pretty good time with it so far, so. That's probably a big part of the reason.
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redux-iterum · 8 months
OOOOH STARCLAN!!! This chapter was absolutely wonderful! Really gave a sense of dread the entire time! Tigerclaw's entire monologue I was like "oh fuck Firepaw, your dad's a fascist"
His motivations re rational only on a surface level, he dreams of a mystical past and, like a previous ask said, can't see that Thunderclan is actually harsh and strong. The other clans do respect them and outsiders do fear them, I don't think Thunder has had to deal with a predator like a fox, badger or even a dog this entire series so far. But that doesn't matter, Tiger won't be happy until they can uproot trees.
With how interwoven the clan is, it really shows what Tigerclaw is capable of. He murdered his own apprentice's father as well as his mate's brother! For what? His ideology? His nostalgia for a past that doesn't exist, that doesn't include his own son?
Idk if you got my last ask cause tumblr went a bit weird when I sent it but one more thing! I really like the progression of threat you managed between Tigerclaw and Brokenstar, in canon they were very similar to me and when starting to look at warrior cats in English (first read them translated to my native tongue) I used to get them confused all the time, but in the fic they seem pretty distinct. They are both authoritarian but Broken is a spoiled brat who demands power and only got it because daddy abused the system for him and the code is heavily flawed. Tiger, meanwhile, is terrifyingly competent as well as respected, he is the pinnacle of what a Thunderclan warrior should be and he will kill for what he thinks should be. Absolutely loving this fic
I am really loving the Tigerclaw discussion and analysis this ask and others previous have been giving me. I really, really wish I could contribute without spoilers, but, well, you know how it is. Once we get the epilogue out I'm going to be spilling everything, I can promise you that.
Apologies for not being able to respond with a lengthy, more satisfying post! I'm very glad you've liked the progression of the antagonists, and I really hope you'll like the progression to the next problems in the third book! Brokenstar, for me, was not done to my complete satisfaction, leading to me having to qualify a lot outside of the fic. Tigerclaw seems to be doing a lot better, thank god.
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jeongyunhoed · 1 month
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As seen on my FF.net
Following the events of fifth year, a new adventure awaits for Norah Lee. Boys, exams, school events, common room parties, and old foes outside of Hogwarts. Even battling pensieve guardians was easier than this.
Main Pair: OC/? Genre: Adventure/Angst/Fluff (it's a little of everything, tbh)
KEEP IN MIND: Characters are aged up (even if the story's got them in sixth year) to make it more appropriate. Time period is leaning towards the modern day so in case you might find anachronisms in the dialogue or references, this is why. This may also be quite a lengthy fic too.
BE WARNED: Social anxiety, mentions of blood and injury, grief, drinking, kissing but nothing more than that, death (this is Hogwarts Legacy, after all)
P.P.S: Sorry if the previous chapters seemed unformatted. I literally copy-pasted everything from my FF.net to here.
Chapter 5
"Does it get any more cozy than Hogsmeade?" Norah muttered to herself when she stepped inside the archway that marked the entrance of the village. Ernie Lark was once again conducting the enchanted musical instruments in front of one other shop, already getting a whiff of the sweet smells of pastries and treats emanated from its windows all the way from Honeydukes. There were more people than usual, perhaps lining up near Sprintwitches for broom upgrades after its shopkeeper Albie Weekes promoted posters for it. Dropping a few coins into the hat, she walked ahead, stopping by Steepley & Sons to see if she could probably stop for tea.
She wouldn't dare to go inside Madam Puddifoot's tea shop just yet, knowing that the place was full of couples on dates. The sickly sweet pink decor definitely provided a sappy couple setting for its patrons. Maybe one day, she'll go there on a date. Just maybe. Perhaps with the one she felt strongly for.
Norah turned her thoughts back to one big reason why she was in Hogsmeade during her free period. She was planning to see if of ' Potions needed any deliveries made. It was a way for her to follow on the lead Sebastian gave her the other evening, all the while making a few galleons along the way.
As she walked on, she said hello to several others who noticed her. That included Betty Bugbrooke, whose unicorn Hazel she was now taking care of. Norah informed her that Hazel has been thriving inside the vivarium with the other beasts, even handing her a sample of unicorn hair she got from brushing her.
"Oh, thank you, I miss Hazel every day, but I'm happy to know that she's doing so well, that stubborn girl," Betty smiled, holding the vial close. "You're very kind for remembering me for this."
Norah smiled. "It's no trouble at all. You found Hazel first, I thought you'd want to know how she's doing now."
Norah bid her goodbye and continued walking on, noticing Garreth Weasley about to go inside Honeydukes when he saw her as well. He approached her, his expression somewhat softening. "Hello Norah," He said.
"Hi Garreth. Still looking for billywig stings?" She teased.
A pink tinge appeared on his cheeks. "Just a few more and my brew will be done...again," He muttered. "It'll be done in time for the party next weekend. I hope you'll come."
"You do realize you're entering through the front and not the back, right?"
Garreth grinned. "I've managed to make a deal anyways. A few of those stings in exchange for a few errands at the back. He's surprisingly supportive once I told him what I planned on doing. Think Sirona might give my brew a go?"
"It's worth a try, you'll never know," Norah nodded.
"Thanks. I'll do just that. What brings you here?" He asked curiously.
"Oh, well, just looking around. I might help out again since he asked me to do a delivery for him last time," She shrugged. She wasn't sure how he'd react if she told him she was following a lead to Keenbridge. She needed a reason to go there after all.
Her reply seemed to convince the red-headed male. "Alright then. I'll see you back at the castle, yeah?" He said. "Oh, uh, would you be doing anything when you get back?"
"I...don't know, I'm wondering that myself," Norah said. "You need help with Transfiguration?" She teased.
A slight tinge of pink appeared on Garreth's cheeks. "Perhaps. You know my aunt. She's doubling down on me lately because I passed her subject."
Norah chuckled. "Well, if you think I can help you, just let me know, hmm?"
"I will, I will. I'll hold you to that, sure," He said.
Norah bid goodbye and turned to leave, stopping by the vendor selling copies of the Daily Prophet. Harlow was still last spotted in Keenbridge, the photo only showing the terrified witnesses. She quickened her steps further into the village, stopping when she arrived at the potions shop. As she had expected, the proprietor himself was hunched over the cauldrons at the back, all of which were brewing several different colors of potions.
"Oh hello, good to see you again. What'll it be?" He asked. "I've just finished a batch of pepperup potions if you need to cure a cold. Memory potions too if you want to retain whatever you'll learn in class."
"Actually, I've come to ask if you'd need any deliveries done. I was on my way to-" Norah didn't want to reveal where she planned to go just yet. If she did, he might have sensed that she was going to face off against Harlow again and word would get out. "Feldcroft to check in on someone."
"Well, that would be nice. I've got two bottles of cough potion to bring to a family in Aranshire and if you can, I've got three vials of the dreamless sleep potion for a lady in Brocburrow," He took out the vials and handed them over to her. "The delivery fee will all be yours if you do. I still have to keep an eye on these other potions I'm brewing."
"Got it. I'll deliver all of these today," Norah agreed, keeping the bottles into her small satchel.
Norah made a mental note to write to Anne before leaving Hogsmeade, just to let her know that if she was asked, she was coming to visit her. She went down the same route again, thinking that to fly would be better than to simply apparate straight to the hamlet. She had all day anyway. She also hoped Anne wouldn't tell Sebastian what she planned to do just yet.
She missed the feeling of flying long distances. As much as she appreciated the speed that floo flames took her, there was still something calming about taking the scenic route to wherever she planned to go. Yes, even if it meant dealing with goblin loyalists or poachers or even evil beasts along the way. Perhaps there were still hidden ancient magic spots for her to tap into.
As Norah took to the air, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, wanting to savor the moment before leaning forward in her flight towards Aranshire. Hopefully the owl would come to Anne in time before Sebastian or anyone else asked.
It wasn't long before she arrived in Aranshire, being greeted by its residents, including Crispin Dunne, who often had business in the hamlet.
"The absconder assassin! How are you?" Edgar Adley greeted her the moment she was spotted. "What brings you here to our hamlet?"
Norah smiled and took out the bottles of cough potion. "Just here on an errand for . Two cough potions bound for Aranshire," She immediately spotted the woman who needed it, having been waving at her when she was informed that the potions would be arriving soon. She immediately thanked the woman who handed her a few hundred coins.
"I hope you're doing well, protecting yourself too," Edgar pointed out after noticing the exchange. "With Harlow on the loose and all."
"Don't worry, Mr. Adley, I'll be fine. I'm not afraid at all," Norah shook her head. She knew it. If Harlow wanted her, all he needed to do was come to her.
"You know, for someone as young as you, to have to do that already, I wouldn't be surprised if you became an auror now. I'll hold you to that," Edgar pointed out as she placed her broom into her satchel. "In fact, I'll bet you a butterbeer you become an auror when you leave Hogwarts."
"You have a deal," Norah smiled. "Best be on my way, it was nice seeing you and Mr. Dunne again," She said.
The sound of a whip cracking later and she apparated into Brocburrow.
Sebastian, after having managed to go through his detention period that day, rushed back to his friend in the common room. Once again, Ominis had taken it upon himself to trick the first-years into waiting for mermaids. "Alright, alright, that's enough you all, go and have fun elsewhere," Sebastian shooed away the hopeful looking students from the window. "You really need new hobbies other than get their hopes up."
"At least what I'm doing doesn't get me in detention often," Ominis pointed out. "But I don't know whether you sound either excited or worried."
"Both," Sebastian said, holding up a piece of parchment. "Anne said Norah was coming to see her."
"And? Isn't that nice?" Ominis said. "Although it does seem unlike her to suddenly want to visit Anne. She only goes if we're going-"
"If you're thinking what I'm thinking, then we'll need to head to Keenbridge before she gets herself into any trouble," Sebastian said, and the two of them rushed into their rooms to change into more casual wear.
It was in a situation like this that Sebastian and Ominis learned (again) how stubborn she could get. And they had once or twice expressed their annoyance at how she always felt like she had to go at something like this alone. Of course they understood her reasons, but if their adventure into the Scriptorium and the catacombs meant anything, it was that they worked better all together. Even with Natty, Poppy, and Amit.
Even Anne understood this side of Norah from the time they spent together, and privately expressed her worries to them. It took spending more time with her for Anne to even start to forgive Sebastian.
The two boys fled the common room, with Ominis quickly letting his wand guide him to where Sebastian was going. "Where are we going exactly?" The blonde asked, trying to keep up with him.
"Keenbridge. I suspect Norah's in Brocburrow now," Sebastian held up the letter again, having never let it go while they made their way to the central hall. "Anne said she was doing potion deliveries for on her way. At least she told Anne she was on her way."
Ominis cursed under his breath as they walked past several girls who immediately giggled upon seeing them. "I told her last year, there is such a thing as trying too hard."
"Yeah, and look what happened, she's the hero of Hogwarts," Sebastian said, once they were finally in the grounds. He too, didn't take notice of how several groups of girls were eyeing him as well as Ominis.
"Hey, what's gotten you two in a rush?" They bumped into Imelda, proudly clad in their house quidditch uniform. Naturally, Imelda served as the new team captain of their house team. "If you're looking for Norah, we spotted her going into Hogsmeade."
"Yes, we know," Ominis replied as the two of them approached the floo flame.
"If you see her, tell her we'll still need a chaser," Imelda reminded them. "She's got a spot on the team."
"Keenbridge," Sebastian muttered, and one by one, the two of them disappeared.
They soon appeared at the entrance of the hamlet, next to the floo flame, the two of them looking around for a sign of Norah. "Merlin, this girl's going to be the death of me," Ominis muttered, his wand guiding him and following Sebastian, who was trying to spot signs of the girl.
"Merlin, she's going to drive me mad," Sebastian frowned as they approached the nearest merchant, Fatimah Lawang. "She's going to drive us mad."
Even with the concern, Sebastian was trying not to be so excited about this pursuit, his heart racing with excitement at what they were going to do. But it wasn't the only reason why he got so excited.
He first came to terms with his feelings a little after the House Cup in fifth year. Sebastian Sallow long accepted the fact that what he felt about Norah had crossed beyond friendship and into romantic territory. But after everything they've been through, from accidentally killing Solomon, to going through the catacombs and fighting trolls, how could he not care for her so intensely?
As much as Sebastian wanted to tell Norah how he felt about her, he knew their friendship was much too valuable to cross the line. Even when he felt the green-eyed beast of jealousy whenever other guys would go near her, he always tried to remind himself that she was his friend. Even if he told her how he felt, Sebastian knew that there was always a chance that she would only see him as a friend too.
What Sebastian didn't know was, Ominis had also fancied Norah. She was the reason why he often slipped away in the common rooms and wrote to Anne. He wanted her advice on how to approach her. Ominis was aware of his and his family's reputation. Anne, as he read, was incredibly supportive. Not wanting to tell Sebastian, he confided in Anne about his growing feelings. Anne, however, would continuously tell him to pluck up the courage to do so, or at the very least, attempt to ask her to the Yule Ball.
Ominis knew the risks if he were to confess his affection for her. Knowing full well the reputation his family held in the entire wizarding community, Norah would be incredibly out of his league. It would be even worse if his family found out. They would absolutely despise her even more than they already do. It already didn't help that there were some people in Hogwarts who thought she deserved to be with someone just as accomplished, or at the very least, not from a wizarding family known for the dark arts.
It was a pedestal Ominis thought was too high for him to reach.
"Hello, I was wondering if you have seen Norah? She's got brown hair down to her shoulders, possibly coming here on a broomstick?" Sebastian asked. "Or maybe on a hippogriff? Or even, possibly...a graphorn?"
Fatimah looked at the brunette boy incredulously. "No graphorns and hippogriffs have come here. And no, I haven't seen Norah come here. How is she, by the way?"
"She's doing very well. Drowning in our NEWT exams like the rest of us," Ominis spoke.
"Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes an auror. Or a curse-breaker even," She said. "Well, I've got potion ingredients for you if you are in need of any."
The blonde seemed to catch Sebastian off-guard when he asked Fatimah about the headlines on the news. "I don't suppose you have heard about Harlow? He was last seen here, according to the Daily Prophet."
Fatimah leaned toward them, keeping her voice low. "Oh yes, he was last seen here not too long ago. It was a dreadful sight. He looked all...ghastly, but he's still as dangerous as ever. I was about to clear up the stand for the day when there were explosions everywhere. He's managed to gather a few more ashwinders, fugitives now, to his cause. Even pilfered some barrels of drink and nearly cursed the barkeep."
"So you think there'll be more of them?" Sebastian asked this time.
"I wouldn't be surprised. They're still so desperate for their cause, those fiends. Even after Victor Rookwood's death, he plans to take power," Fatimah frowned. "The beasts are in danger once again."
"I take it he's able to cast wandless magic," Ominis said.
"Which makes him just as dangerous as ever," Fatimah said with a sigh. "If you two know what's best for you, you'll be sure to keep away from places where those poachers and ashwinders are near. I'd advise that we leave this to the authorities, but if Norah had to intervene, they wouldn't be doing any good, would they?"
Just then, they saw Norah dismount from her broomstick and tuck it away in her satchel. She stopped in her tracks upon seeing the two boys. "Oi!" She called out to them, brow raised, making them turn around.
Sebastian crossed his arms while Ominis tilted to face her. "That's not very ladylike, isn't it?" He teased, and Norah slapped his arm. "What brings you to Keenbridge?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing," Norah pointed out. "I was on my way to visit Anne. I just needed her opinion on something rather personal. Hello, Ms. Lawang," She greeted the potioneer behind them.
"Hello Norah, these two asked for you earlier, wondering if you came here on a hippogriff or graphorn," Fatimah chuckled.
Norah smiled. "Ah, well, Highwing and his Lordship are currently resting from playing with other beasts in my vivariums," She said, with Fatimah's eyes widening at her explanation. "They love playing with others, especially the diricrawl offsprings. Fwoopers love playing with Highwing."
Fatimah looked impressed. Sebastian couldn't help but look proud, and a slight smirk played across Ominis' features. "Back to the question, why'd you stop here if you were going to visit Anne?"
"Can't I stop here?" Norah asked. "What are you two doing here anyway? I thought you were in detention and Ominis...was just there," She said.
"Norah, we know why you're here," Ominis said bluntly. "And Harlow's not here anymore."
Norah's shoulders dropped. She turned back to the potioneer. "Ms. Lawang, would you have an idea of where he might have gone?"
"I'm afraid I don't. I barely managed to leave the hamlet with everything intact at the time."
She sighed and thanked the woman, opening her satchel once again to take out her broomstick as she turned to looked over across the river, where Keenbridge tower was located. It gave her an idea. But before she could take out her broomstick, Sebastian caught her wrist.
"I suppose you two were also looking for Harlow," Norah glanced at him and at Ominis.
"We just had a feeling we knew where to find you. You really ought to let us help you this time, you know," Sebastian replied.
Norah stared at them. "I would let you help if I was sure none of you would get hurt."
The naturally stoic expression Ominis had began to soften. Sebastian's expression also softened. Norah raised a brow at them, anticipating what they would say next. But both of them knew to make some assurance.
"I would help knowing that you wouldn't get hurt," Ominis spoke, taking a step forward. "You can't just throw yourself into this without knowing that there are people who will help you. You once told me when we looked for the Scriptorium that I had the same thoughts as my aunt Noctua, and that when she never made it there alone, we could do it together and we did."
It was Sebastian's turn to speak. "You've helped everyone around you, no matter how silly it might have been. At least let us return the favor. I'm pretty sure Fig would've wanted you to do that."
The thing was, Fig never got to tell her anything else. Norah put her broom back into her satchel. "If I let you help me in this, you will see why I want to keep all of you out of it and safe," She said, her voice low, making her way toward the bridge to cross it. Ominis and Sebastian followed her closely, agreeing amongst themselves that they needed to be prepared.
They approached the ruins of the abandoned Keenbridge tower. Norah cast revelio a few times, as if trying to check for anything suspicious until she found a set of footprints. Multiple sets of footprints. One particular set seemed to stagger. "Harlow," Sebastian muttered upon seeing it. "He went in here," He pointed to the broken down entrance. "But it's quiet."
"Too quiet," Ominis added, taking a step closer toward the ruins as if to let his wand pick up any presence. "I don't think there's anyone in there. I can't hear anything else at least."
"Alright, but we should still check to make sure it's clear," Norah said. She had some idea of how Harlow, Rookwood, and their empire moved. Perhaps it wasn't so different this time. She led the way, wand at the ready. She was trying to assure herself not to worry about Sebastian and Ominis tagging along. Norah knew they could handle themselves, with Sebastian being an especially skilled duellist. Still, they were her friends and she cared about them, the last thing she wanted was to see any of them get hurt.
Norah, Sebastian, and Ominis climbed up the porch, seeing the doors somewhat broken down. If it wasn't because of her having busted it open, it was likely because of something else. They heard a little rumble, as if of feet. They moved a little closer, Norah's arms a little outstretched, as if posed to shield the two boys behind her. "Protego" Sebastian whispered, his wand-bearing arm out from over her shoulder, shielding all three of them instead.
"If it isn't the hero of Hogwarts herself."
From the shadows behind the broken down four-poster bed emerged the man himself. Theophilus Harlow unsurprisingly, looked the way they suspected he would. His tall, stocky frame was replaced by an almost frail looking stature. He looked gaunt, as if a lot of years had been taken out of him, yet now, it seemed like he was gathering strength.
"Harlow," She said.
"Seems like you brought friends with you," A grin slowly appeared on his face. "I knew we'd meet again sooner or later," He coughed. "Didn't think it'd be a lot sooner."
"You managed to escape those dementors, you must be desperate," Norah tilted her head, her tone almost mocking. "Face it. Your business empire is no more. Horntail hall's dissolved. The authorities are all on the lookout for you."
Harlow forced a cackle that mostly came out as a cough. "That's what you think. Much like how I expected you to come here. You're just itching to play the hero again, aren't you?"
Ominis swallowed hard. "We're surrounded aren't we?" He said.
Soon enough, they heard loud cackles coming in from all directions as several masked poachers and ashwinders apparated. "I'm going to enjoy this," They heard one of the female ashwinders, a duellist in their bright red coat and top hat, say.
Norah leaned back. "When I say 'go,' we go, okay?" She whispered.
"Okay," Sebastian muttered.
Once the shields were down, Norah struck a few with several rounds of banishing charms. Ominis was able to hold his own, levitating several while Sebastian sliced through them. Norah had a knack for the depulso charm, something both boys seemed to notice. It was only since discovering Herodiana Byrne's depulso training rooms that she gained an appreciation for the spell.
Norah was quick to shield Ominis from another crimson-clad duellist, suddenly retaliating with the spell they had tried to use all too often on her for the very first time. "Expulso!" She yelled, sending blue jets of light in the duellist's direction and then towards the taller, broader man, who was preparing to electrocute the three of them.
She banished them again, followed with a successful attempt at casting bombarda non-verbally, defeating the last of the Ashwinders that tried to corner them. Ominis let out a loud sigh of relief. "For a moment, I thought we wouldn't make it out of here alive," He said.
Norah sighed as well as she and Sebastian looked around. "Bloody hell, Harlow's disapparated," He said.
"We're back to square one, he's certain to come back for us," Norah frowned.
"We can fight him again another day," Ominis advised. "We can either go to Feldcroft or go back to the castle. I'm sure Anne will understand."
"Understand? She'll have it in for me if she finds out what we just tried to do," Sebastian groaned. "Merlin, she'll kill me."
"We should go back to the castle," Norah agreed. "I just remembered Garreth might need my help with Transfiguration."
The mention of the Gryffindor's name made Sebastian and Ominis turn to her, both of whom looked incredulous. "Weasley? You're meeting with Weasley?" Sebastian questioned as they walked out of the castle, the three of them nearly falling over in surprise when the wooden beams inside crashed behind them.
"Yeah, I ran into him when I went into Hogsmeade. Butterbeers? My treat," Norah offered, pointing to the pub by the entrance of the hamlet, non-verbally blasting the spider eggs nearby.
Merlin, she really was going to drive them crazy. But the two boys didn't mind one bit.
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eccentric-nucleus · 25 days
okay, hi, it's the Ao3 anon who leaves all those lengthy comments at the end of chapters (YESS). haven't done that for the last few bc i wanted to let them build up, so now i get to read like, eight new chapters at once. gonna get around to that in a bit but before I do, I wanted to read the author's commentary and. idk. say something??
dude. i've been here since like, chapter nine. this is so surreal for me. i graduated highschool and started college in between bbtss updates! I feel like I've been following this story for ages!! and like-- i hate endings. I will purposefully not watch the final episode of TV shows or read the last few pages of books. endings scare me.
I feel like I'm not doing your fic justice if I don't finish the story completely, though? just from the author's commentary, it seems like it's not gonna be a very happy ending-- but I'm still trying to hold out hope. I dont even know if I WANT a happy ending. I need to read the epilogue and everything but I'm super scared atm lol, it feels too final. i really hope mike and red got a modicum of peace.
idk where im going with this, i just really love the story you wrote. i'll probably be crying in the comments for the next few days, so that'll be embarrassing, but for now, thanks for writing. it was epic to follow along with the world you build. Genuinely probably my favorite tmnt fic to date??? every time i got the update notification, i would get that mix of anxiety/apprehension/excitement that makes you nauseous. I'd stay up wayyy too late reading new chapters. I'm disappointed that it's ending, but like, the story has SO much reread value that I'm sure I'll be coming back to it again and again anyway. you really wrote something special. I'm never gonna get this fic out of my head lol
ok my emotions are a little incomprehensible at the moment but like. I had an awesome time. if you end up writing anything else for this universe (or just tmnt in general), I will 100% be there.
thanks for writing :)
oh, hi!
yknow, i'm trying to build up a reading backlog for one of the wips i'm reading and it's been a struggle to not instantly dig in even when there's only the one chapter. i just do not have the patience for letting big backlogs build up
anyway, well, it's all there now! there's... an ending. iirc you asked a while back if there was a happy or tragic ending and i kind of equivocated. there is definitely an ending. nothing really horrible happens to the major characters. but... well, you can read it and figure out whether it's a happy ending or not, yourself, now, i guess. i hope reading the rest of it isn't too stressful :V
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baroquebucky · 2 years
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when peter is forgotten, you remember the things that truly make him. // inspired by this tweet
word count: 3,400 
a/n: hi hi friends !! here is a somewhat lengthy Peter fic ,, let me know what you guys think ! hope you’re all doing well <3 bold italics are memories !
You first met Peter while he carried four too many baguettes in his backpack and you had five too many books in hand and three too many bouquets of flowers in your tote bag. 
In a feeble attempt to stop a man from crushing your flowers you backed up too quickly and crushed every single one of Peter’s baguettes, the impact causing you to drop your books on the floor. 
“oh my god, im so sorry!” you spoke quickly, turning around to apologize to whoever you bumped into. You looked up at the other person, a boy around your age and very attractive. “I should've paid more attention, i’m sorry” you continued, your palms growing sweaty before you looked away from him and bent down to pick up your books. 
After a second he bent down next to you, grabbing the rest of your books and handing them to you with a smile, “don't worry about it” he said. The pink on your cheeks could've been blamed on the summer sun, but Peter hoped he was the cause. 
“but your bread” you frowned, Peter looked down at the now flat carbs, before looking at you and shrugging. 
“I like my sandwiches squished flat, no harm done” he assured you with a shy smile. “your books are okay right?” he asked after a second and you nodded, eyes going wide before realized your flowers were in absolute misery. 
“my flowers are fucked though” you spoke with a breathy laugh, the sound making Peters smile widen. 
“I'll buy you new ones” he replied, catching himself after the fact and blushing, “If you want of course! I don't wanna seem pushy y’know because that'd be weird and we just met and uh” he cut himself off, “yeah” he finished, clearing his throat and looking at you. 
You felt your heart contracting in your chest. How can someone so hot be this adorable? “only if its not a bother” you replied, a grin on your face as his face lit up. 
“course not!” he spoke, staring to turn on his heel and motioning for you to follow him. 
The second time you met Peter was the first day of fall semester in your Guitar heroes course. You were taking it for a cultural discussion credit and it was the highest rated professor you could find. Settling into your desk near the back you looked around, everyone had sat near the front or in the middle, it wasn't too packed and you were glad. Hopefully no one sat next to you and the semester would just smoothly sail by, for this class at least. 
A minute before class started you heard the door open, not bothering to look up from your phone as you scrolled through your instagram feed. Peter immediately recognized you, how could he not when he hadn't stopped thinking of you? 
After he'd bought you flowers he had received an alert from Karen that sam and Bucky needed his help with something and made some half assed excuse before leaving you alone with the most beautiful flowers you'd ever seen. Only after he finished did he realize he didn't get your name, let alone your number. And he’d left his baguettes at the compound. 
He didn't know what got into him as he walked up to you and sat in the seat next to you, waiting a second before speaking up. 
“flower girl?” he asked, watching as your ears perked up and you tore your vision away from your phone. 
“baguette boy?” you smiled widely, “oh my god hi!” Peters heart raced as you smiled brightly at him. “did you find your dog?” you asked, concern evident in your voice. 
The confusion on Peters face must've been obvious since you continued to explain, “your dog, bucky? you said you had to leave because he ran away.” 
Peter then realized how bad of a liar he was and just how sweet and caring you were. 
“oh bucky! yeah we found him he's fine now” he assured you, his gaze softening as your eyes crinkled with a smile, “I'm glad” you whispered as the professor began to talk. 
neither of you talked much during lecture, only when you had both finished packing your things in your backpacks did you speak up. 
“do you have a class after this one?” you asked and Peter shook his head, “you?” the shaking of your head made Peter grow giddy. 
“I still owe you for the baguettes” you stated after a moment of silence as you walked out of the classroom. Peter looked at you, a grin on his face as he began to protest. “I know this great sandwich place and they make them real flat! you'll love it!” you fought back. 
Peter didn’t know if it was the warm summer wind or the fact that you had remembered such an off handed comment about him that caused his chest to feel warm. He couldn’t fight the smile on his face even if he tried, so he didn’t.
For the first time in months, Peter Parker was letting himself indulge in the idea of moving forward.
It became almost routine for the two of you to grab a late lunch after your guitar heroes class, heading to whatever cafe was just off campus or the sandwich shop you had first taken him to which he absolutely loved but he was not going to tell you that. You would make small talk while walking there, light laughter filling the open air as the two of you discussed the previous day. After a couple hours the two of you would part ways, getting on different buses and texting each other when you were both home safely. Which inevitably led to texting each other all afternoon and all night until one of you fell asleep.
“oh i found this really nice cafe a couple blocks down, you wanna head there?” you asked, eyes focused on placing your folder into your backpack, zipping it up before looking up at peter who was already standing.
“how many blocks is a couple? last time you had us walk almost 40 minutes” peter grumbled, making you smile as you stood up, slinging the backpack over your shoulder and walking out of the row.
“it’s a 15 minute walk” you replied, both of you walking together down the steps and out of the lecture hall, “i know you said you had an internship thing later today so i won’t keep you for long.”
Peter’s eyes went wide, you remembered that? He had brought it up two weeks ago and hadn’t mentioned it since and you actually remembered?
“o-oh yeah, i thought you didn’t remember that” he spoke, pink dusting his cheeks as he looked at you before quickly glancing away.
“‘course i remember! and also- never mind you’ll see when we get there” you smiled, picking up your pace and urging peter to follow quickly.
“when’s your birthday by the way?” You asked, peter answered easily, “august 10th, already passed” he didn’t miss the frown that formed on your face.
“what we’re you gonna bake me a cake?” he teased and you blushed, shoving him softly. Peter noticed the way you held onto his shirt as you shoved him, careful to not let him fall over or into the street.
“no! i was gonna buy you a cake, big difference I’ll have you know” a huff leaving your nose before breaking out into a small grin. Peter couldn’t help but smile along with you, taking in every moment with you in case it was his last.
“okay here it is!” You spoke up after a couple minutes, walking in with peter in tow and telling him to grab a booth for the two of you.
Peter slid into the booth and scrolled through social media, the temptation to check his old friends feed itched at his thumbs.
No one remembered him. No cared about him anymore. The feeling of isolation loomed over peter as his thoughts began to consume him. This was a mistake, getting closer to you was a bad idea. He almost got up to leave when your voice pulled him out of his haze.
“ta-da! cherry pie!” you exclaimed brightly, smiling ear to ear as you placed the slice of warm pie infront of your now gloomy friend.
“cherry pie?” Peter looked at you quizzically, “you were excited about some cherry pie?” his comment made you roll your eyes.
“oh no, i personally hate cherry pie, apply pie is much better” you began, fighting the smile the played on your lips as you took in peters offended expression.
“however! you told me the other day you missed your aunt Mays cherry pie so i stayed up last night finding out the best place to get cherry pie near campus and here we are!”
Peter almost broke down into tears when you finished talking. You remembered such small things about him, it always made him feel so loved and cared for.
“thanks y/n, i- honestly i really needed this, you’re the best” he smiled, wether you saw his glassy eyes or not, he was glad you only smiled brightly and urged him to eat.
After the first month of classes you and Peter surpassed hanging out only after class and began to meet even on days you didn’t have class together. Meeting up with each other on campus and studying together in the library study rooms, exploring new places off campus and sometimes heading to each others apartments. It was small moments between the two of you that he cherished most. 
“right twix is just better! I don’t know how they do it” peter remarked and you scoffed. “the propaganda has gotten to you parker, didn’t think you’d fall so easily” your head shook in shame as he flicked your bicep.
The bag of Twix sat on Peter’s nightstand, in bold red letters on the packaging, ‘RIGHT TWIX ONLY BAG.’ Tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“i think i like this flavor better, what is it again?” peter asked, savoring every gulp of the bubble tea you’d bought him before class. “taro! figured you’d like it, guess i really do know you best” you smirked, dusting your shoulders off and causing peter to roll his eyes.
It was those small moments that brought Peter to reality when he was letting out broken sobs at 3 in the morning. When memories of his past came to taunt him, when he felt as if nothing could fill the hole that had come to be the present.
The next morning you put down the cup of hot liquid in front of Peter, smiling quietly as you sat across from him in the garden area you two would frequent. It was on the west side of campus and no one ever paid much attention to it besides the agriculture students, meaning you and peter didn’t have to spend ten minutes looking for seats and you could be as loud as you wanted when either of you made a stupid joke.
“what’s this for?” he asked, voice quieter than usual.
“you seemed a bit off when you texted me this morning” was all you said, “it’s hot chocolate by the way, i asked for extra whipped cream.” Another detail he’d mentioned to you over text.
“when I’m stressed out i like to drink hot chocolate with unhealthy amounts of whip cream” Peter spoke to you over the phone, glancing at you and giving you a small smile. 
“dunno if that’ll really help me peter, I feel like im gonna drown in this work and die” you mumbled, eliciting a chuckle from the brunette on the other end of the FaceTime call. 
“chem right?” he asked, you nodded your head, “ill be over in ten minutes to help, sound good?” flashing you a charming smile, a grin spreading on your face. 
“thanks baguette boy”
“peter” you spoke, looking at him with those kind eyes he’d grown fond of. “you know I’m here for you, right? No matter what’s going on, i want you to know you can talk to me” you assured him.
He knew you were just trying to be nice, that there was no way you could truly grasp what he was going through.
“I’m fine, y/n, just exams are stressing me out is all” he replied with a tight lipped smile and you shook your head, frustration painting your features.
“but it’s not!” you groaned out, “i know you well enough to know that it isn’t! don’t try to tough things out by yourself when you have someone who cares about you” the shakiness in your voice made you even more upset. You didn’t want to cry out of anger, especially not infront of peter.
“drop it y/n” peter replied, his voice lower than your ever heard it and his muscles flexing under his black t shirt. You’d never thought of peter as intimidating until now, but you weren’t backing down.
“no!” You argued, brows pulled together and hands gesturing wildly, “I’m not gonna just drop it, you’re hurting and you won’t even let me help you!” Peter knew you meant well, but in the heat of things his anger got the best of him, making him stand quickly and grab his backpack.
“don’t walk away from me parker” you spoke, grabbing his wrist and standing toe to toe with him. Peter looked scary, his jaw clenched, biceps on full display and chest puffed out. He was only taller than you by a bit so at least he didn’t tower over you.
“You don’t know shit about me y/n” peter spoke, venom in his words as he tested you. “All we do is study together and get lunch, that’s it.”
It took a lot to piss you off, and it seemed your patience was thin today.
“you know what? fine you’re right, all we do is get lunch and study together” you replied, “but it’s not like we do it in fucking silence you moron!”
Peter rolled his eyes, shifting his weight onto one of his legs as he debated leaving you here or listening to whatever you had to say. “you don’t know what I’ve been through, you don’t know anything about me” he argued, turning on his heel and beginning to walk away.
“You think i don’t know anything about you peter parker?” You called out, voice wavering, “have these two months meant nothing to you?”
Peter stopped in his tracks. His heart shattering as the words left your mouth.
“i know you love your sandwiches flat, and your coffee so sweet no one else could possibly tolerate it. I know you fell in love with taro bubble tea after the first time i got some for you. I know you prefer vanilla cake over chocolate but prefer chocolate ice cream over vanilla.That you love cherry pie more than anything in the world because it reminds you of home. And warm hot chocolate makes your worries melt away even during the toughest nights. I know you love rainy weather and you have songs you reserve for solely those days. That you have a secret boy band collection under your bed and you collect Lego sets.” You wiped furiously at your tears.
“I know that you’re one of the most selfless people I’ve ever met and you’re too stubborn to let others help you, but you’re right maybe i don’t know anything about you.”
Without another word you picked your backpack up from the floor, swinging it over your shoulder and walking away. You weren’t expecting peter to call out for you or follow you considering the venom in his words earlier.
But maybe you really didn’t know Peter Parker, because before you could take another step you were being pulled back by your backpack and spun around , colliding into the brunettes solid chest. He wasted no time wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his face into your neck.
You lifted your arms to shove him off you, but the hot tears landing on your neck washed away your anger and brought in a wave of concern. Peter was mumbling incoherently against your neck, your arms wrapping around him tightly. 
“it’s okay, i got you” you assured him softly, rubbing his back with one hand and with the other playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Neither of you knew how long you’d stayed in the others embrace by the time you pulled away, your hand lingering in peters larger, more calloused one.
“I’m sorry” he whispered and you squeezed his hand.
“let’s go home for right now, yeah?” Peter nodded his head and you were thankful you had driven to campus today, neither of you wanting to get on the bus with puffy red eyes.
“do you wanna get dropped off or come over to mine?” you asked softly, scared if you raised your voice too much he’d break.
“can i go to yours?” he mumbled, receiving a nod from you as you squeezed his hand in reassurance.
The parking lot wasn't far from where you two studied, walking in silence before reaching your car and letting the music from your studying playlist fill the air. The drive was rather quick and you unlocked the door to your apartment, letting Peter in before closing the door behind you.
“I have some extra clothes if you wanna change, it should fit you” peter nodded, taking in the details of your room to calm himself down. It smelled like roses and vanilla, like you. He took the clothes from your hand and headed to the restroom to change and wash his face.
When he returned to your room, you’d changed as well, and smiled softly at peter, “hey baguette boy” a nervous laugh leaving your mouth.
“hi flower girl” he replied, a small grin on his face. It quickly faded as he spoke up, “y/n i didn’t mean it” he sighed, “everything I said, i didn’t mean it. You know me better than anyone else in the world. You know me better than i know myself sometimes and it’s scary.”
Peter looked at you before continuing, “there isn’t much i can tell you- not yet at least- but all i have is you and it’s terrifying to me” his eyes burned with tears and he frowned, “i don’t want to lose another person i love, not when I’ve lost so much already.”
When peter broke down this time, you were there to pick up the pieces and mend him together. You put him back with soft hands and mended him with glue in the form of love, comfort and all his favorite sweets. You filled him up with warmth and kindness he hadn’t known in so long and warm cherry pie you’d perfected after two months of baking mishaps.
Peter thought he didn’t give much away about himself. He thought he had hidden his true self away and that he was gone forever, forgotten along with his friends cherished memories of him. No one remembered Peter Parker.
Except you.
You who remembered the most minuscule of details he had mentioned. You who remembered his favorite off brand cereal and told him which grocery store had it in stock. You who remembered peter had wanted to try a certain cuisine and made it your mission to find a restaurant within walking distance for your lunch date the next day. You’d remembered how peter kept his ac lower than usual because he loved the comfort of wearing hoodies, so you’d turn your ac down when he came to visit. You’d remembered how he preferred blue highlighters over yellow ones so you gave him yours without question when you got a new pack.
You, who had remembered all of his likes and dislikes, his loves and hates and all of his quirks. You had remembered every detail that made him peter parker, even when no one else did.
Even when the world had forgotten peter parker, you took the time to remember him and fall in love with him. And soon enough, he had fallen for you.
After months and months of despair and pain, although the world only knew spider-man, you knew Peter Parker.
That alone was enough for him.
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dietraumerei · 6 months
Weekly Writing and Reading Update
Hello I had vaguely planned to Do Things today and instead I'm on my sofa playing Stardew Valley and honestly I'm not mad about it. I fret a bit because sometimes that's a harbinger of depression but tbh I think I'm just enjoying endless free time (and Ginger Island). Tomorrow is back to work but fingers crossed for a quiet close to the year...
(also my cat scratch is feeling much better today which is a relief!)
Oh, funny thing I did that maybe I should not have done for my own mental health -- I looked up all my recent bookmarks. It was a surprise how many were for my ancient Captain America fics! Like, regularly, people still bookmark those, maybe even at the same rate my GO fics get bookmarked? Remarkable. Anyway I also found a slightly mean comment in one of the Cap fics and I am far enough away from it now that I'm not bothered but it remains a good reminder to a) not read bookmarks and b) GO fandom seems to be a lot nicer to me than Marvel fandom, where I've orphaned a couple series because I got tired of getting rare but regular nasty comments. (Like, I assume my extremely niche GO fics aren't for everyone, but people are more willing/able to just back button out...)
anyway, writing-wise:
A Little Autumn Break Surprise Bike Girls story!!
Beginnings Up to chapter 4 posted now; I had a bit of writer's block with this but it's trickling back. I think the end of this story is in sight and tbh I feel like I'll have a lot more passion for other stories in this AU, but they did need to get together, bless.
magic enemies-to-lovers: set in the AU of this story, I think this will be a nice, spicy, fun contrast to the very sweet and fluffy Found Family series.
at the back of the holy temple, a duet for two voices I'm FINALLY re-watching S02 and much calmer and loving it this time, and it's FINALLY nudging me to keep chipping away at the next chapter to this.
I finished Lolly Willowes which tbh I didn't love as much as I hoped I would, but is a very excellent book with some mind-blowingly relatable bits and I enjoyed it immensely. I love Sylvia Townsend Warner but just need to go in without expectations and enjoy the rather lengthy ride. (For such a short book, it takes awhile for anything to happen.)
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secretaryunpaid · 2 years
19. any new fics to start next year?
I am always hoping to write something new, but as of right now, I have no new series planned. I am hoping to get my head back in Becoming Mrs. Dalton to finally get it concluded. It has become a rather run on series because I keep losing my focus... although that could be my subconscious telling me that it isn't ready for it to end.
I had started writing a Sophia Russo fic on Wattpad, which has been unpublished along with my Robin Flores fics... I may get back to that... I was supposed to brush up on my Perfect Match knowledge to continue it, but dropped the series after switching the real Sophia Russo with a Perfect Match version...
My daughter liked that one over all of the others, so just maybe I will give another go... I will attach the stories below the page break below ... They would have followed The Jilted Bride found on the Love Fettish Masterlist…
Rating: explicit 🍋🍋🍋
Scornful Revenge...
Word Count: 3071
Rating: Very Mature Adult.
Characters: Sofia Russo, Selene D'Torte, Roeden West, Donatello (Sofia's bodyguard), Sol Lutíon, Harley
A/N: Voldemort has requested a meeting with Sofia. She has to give her bodyguard the slip, because no one can learn of her involvement with him. She enlists the help of her dear friend Selene D'Torte. But things take an unexpected turn, and public humiliation becomes the least of Sofia's worries. How will she handle this new turn of events?
After contacting Selene to come up with a ploy to give her bodyguard the slip, the two would meet at Selene's in order for her to seduce Donatello, giving Sofia time to make her meeting. Slipping a sexual stimulant into Donatello's glass of chilled water that Selena offers him as they chat idly, Sofia begins taking the food container's out of the warming bag, setting them on the dinette.
They begin to reminisce over their University days, as Donatello slowly takes in Selene's frame, from her voluptuous lips, down her neck to her large perky breasts adorned with her favorite necklace. He follows the trail of her hand as she coyly takes hold of the golden chain, slowly running a single finger against it as she laughs just as the S-shaped charm falls between her bouncing breasts. She notices his hard swallow, and softly asks, "Donatello, where did you receive your bodyguard training, I'm in des-perate need of {clears throat}... you know body services, and I hear that you 'get the job done thoroughly '... could you ... help me out?
As the lengthy bulge he has formed almost exposing his growing lust, he excuses himself momentarily. Selene and Sofia giggle amongst themselves. He returns moments later, attempting to regain his composure enough to formulate an answer. Selene then pretends to notice Sofia getting sick, and she quickly takes her cue and mimics almost vomiting. She rushes to the bathroom, faking gag noises while flushing. When she returns, she asks Selene if she minds her resting in her guest room until she feels better. "Of course, without question! Donatello and I can discuss body services as I show him the property. That way, he can better suggest services best suited to my... needs."
Entranced by Selene's insinuations, he tells Sofia that he won't be away from her long. He's pretty sure she's secured away from paparazzi... that is, if she is okay with him viewing the 'grounds', all the while fixated on the seductive look on Selene's face. I doubt you could do much about how I'm feeling right now. Please do me a favor and discard the food. That's the last time I place an order for take-out, we'll dine in from now on. I'm so sorry for ruining our girl time, forgive me while I take a rest."
After escorting Sofia to the guest room, Selene takes Donatello to her bedroom, to make sure it's ...burglar proof. As he finishes checking the windows and balcony doors, he turns to see her pouring glasses of champagne. "Please, don't make me drink alone. Sofia told me you were quite the gentleman. Mind if I test her words?, she asks, handing him the glass she poured for him, "From the way it sounded earlier, she will be out for a while. Whatever shall we do with ourselves?" She bats her lashes and presses herself against his muscular frame, downing her champagne.
As soon as she lowers her glass, Donatello takes her chin, gently angling her lips to meet his. Closing the distance, rising up on her tiptoes, she kisses him hungrily, shoving his jacket off his shoulders, quickly undoing buttons. His hands tangling in her hair, he tugs firmly, exposing her neck to him as he licks from her pulse point over her chin, thrusting his tongue against hers. He takes both glasses, easily discarding them, then eagerly removes her top, as she lets her skirt fall to the floor. Savoring the view momentarily, he easily lifts her, placing her atop of the dresser. He pushes her back against the mirror, angling her body for his access. He licks along the curves of her breasts protruding out from her lacy bra. Then licks down her center, reaching her navel teasing it with the tip of his tongue. The gentle spirals elicit moans from Selene, as she tousled his lustrous hair.
He looks up to make sure she has smiles of pleasure on her face as he moves lower, easing her legs apart... the heat from his closeness causing her to arch towards him, pleading for his touch. Teasing her sensitivity to build her desire for him more, he asks in a sultry tone, "May I service your body properly? You know ... show you just how well trained I am?," just as he licks her bikini line.
Inhaling deeply, she guides him lower. "Make sure to keep your eyes locked on mine, first rule." He slides the soft lace to the side, then gently strokes her center with two fingers. She can't help but to move into each stroke, until he slides them between her folds, causing her arousal to pool along them. Never breaking eye contact, he moves his tongue against her clit with a circulating pressure that causes her thighs to clench. Gently easing one leg into a bend, he strokes her at an increasing pace, licking away the juices pouring from her center. Once her breathing reaches a quick panting, her eyes struggling to focus, he raises, quickly removing his belt, allowing his pants to fall to his ankles, aligning himself to her entrance.
He grabs her ass and pulls her forward, holding her knee in place. "No tapping out, second rule." His veiny erection aimed to perfection, he entered her slowly, stretching out her walls, drenching his length, as he kissed her passionately. Once buried deep within her, not an inch left exposed, he slanted grinding pounding her most sensitive spots. He pulls her forward, telling her to suck her sweetness from his tongue... To taste what will have him coming for her repeatedly. His husky words cause her release, as she struggles for control.
The thrill he sends pulsing through her as he moves from a slow grind, to a near punishing thrust, pushes her into stuttered screams of enjoyment, heavily breathing out his name. Refusing to let her finish her orgasmic climb atop the dresser, he lifts her without breaking their connection. "Never give less than your best, third rule."
Walking over to the chaise, lowering her against its back, he straddles it... steadying himself against the head of the lounger. Adjusting her body's angle by lifting and cupping her ass cheek in his gripped palm, his strokes start out a slow hammer that rapidly builds, pulling her into the thrust, until they both cry out guttural moans of release. Falling limp, he lies against her as they both struggle to catch their breaths. "If she sleeps long enough, maybe we can cover rules four and five... but you'll need to have your strength up for those," he teases, as she wraps him in her arm, gently running her hand through his hair.
On to meet Valdemort, might as well face the music now rather than later... Sofia has slipped out unnoticed while Selene happily distracted her bodyguard. She borrows Selene's Benz AMG GT 63 S 4-door Coupe, and quickly heads to her destination.
Checking her surroundings to make sure she remains unseen, she slips into the usual meeting place. The small but sophisticated establishment was situated just an alleyway behind the former Eros Incorporated building. The coffee shop seems different today, maybe it's because her world has been completely upended. Making her way up to the barista, placing the usual coded order. The barista gives Sofia an approving nod upon handing over the hot brew, pointing to the side door. Entering through the door, and following the hallway down to the office where these meetings are usually held, she takes a steadying breath. Here we go...
There he is, Voldemort in the flesh (so to speak).... none other than Rowan West - former head of the highly exposed company Eros. The original and very human Rowan West did in fact meet his demise after falling from a roof. The man was egotistical, delusional, and psychotic. He was most definitely paranoid, as he modeled matches in his own image to be stationed at his multiple facilities.
This version of Rowan West was the most ruthless and evolved, surpassing the persona that once was his creator. He had mastered the ability to discern emotion in artwork, which was the tell all for their inhumanity. As each new and improved version changed in personality, their names did as well. He chose to go by the name Roeden West. (Roeden unscrambled is redone, so he felt the name suited him perfectly.)
As she entered, Roeden immediately moved to greet Sofia, leading her to the couch. He truly missed Sofia, her icy persona being a major turn on to his equally matched nature. She shuddered at his touch, the involuntary scowl forming on her face although she tried to mask it.
"Ahh, Sofia. I see you made it with time to spare," he begins as he kisses the nook of your neck. "Can we skip the small talk Roeden, and get this meeting over with? I truly don't have very long before Donatello realizes that I've gone missing. Selene can only keep him occupied for a brief time."
His sudden grip on her chin startles Sofia, as he forces her to look into his eyes, "Sof, let's not forget who is actually controlling things ... although I do so love to see your attempts to be forceful. Why don't you ever allow me the respect of letting me woo you first and then discuss business? Tell me, beautiful..." Sneering at his words, she snatches away from him, moving to the bar to fix herself a drink. "Pardon my manners Roeden, but I tried to stress to you that this has not been an ideal time for me. I will try to refrain from unpleasantries."
Sof, we are going on a trip... before you wrinkle that gorgeous face, I already have the solution on how to deal with Paolo. She will also handle your Dalton and Flores issues as well. "She?" Now Roeden has gained Sofia's full attention, peaking her curious nature. If she knew him as well as she thought, this was not going to be just some fluff and pampering, it could be potentially deadly. "Yes, 'she'... and when you're done pouting, I can have her join us."
"Roe... are... are you replacing me?... But I've done everything as you've wanted me to... The thing with Robin, is that what this is about? What could she possibly offer? I have been at this for years, and now... now that's just it?" Sofia's temper and scowl quickly flared... hasn't she gone through enough... God damn you Voldemort!! Her thoughts come erratically, she throws her glass, just nearly missing him shattering on the wall behind ... Before she can spiral any further, Roeden sends a quick text as he moves toward his ice Princess.
"Now then, since you can't curb that temper of yours, I WILL!" Roeden bawled out at Sofia, snatching her by the throat with a tight grip, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, almost gagging her, kissing with fierce desire and aggression. He takes her hand, forcibly gliding her palm against his meaty arousal. He pulls away, pressing his mouth in her ear. "Shall I teach you a lesson Sof? I have REPEATEDLY expressed to you how much handling business first over your TANTRUMS means to me..."
Without waiting for a reply, he presses her against the bar, grinding against her as he runs his hand inside the slit of her skirt, tightly tracing her inner thigh. As his fingers walk upward towards the place she dreads his touch the most, he commands her, "CONSENT!" He presses his tongue against her pulse point just above her collarbone's center, judging her level of fear, before raking it up her throat, over her chin, and back into his torturous kiss.
Sofia trembles, eyes struck with fear, beginning to well with tears she is determined will not fall. He won't break her, she's held strong this long...She tries to gain her composure, but his grip on her throat tightens almost cutting her breath. With a firm thrust, he shakes her, as if to her senses, giving an aggravated growling last attempt, "CONSENT, SOF... or be FORCED to SUBMIT!!"
Legs giving way from her wrecked composure, she barks out, "TAKE ME, ROE !", with a deep exhale. The demand barely falls from her lips, as he rips her lingerie without effort, lowering himself to her quivering center. His tongue thrusts are eager, deep, rough, and relentless... a painful pleasure...
He means to give punishing pleasure to this woman that defies him so easily... who forgets the danger he poses... who simply refuses to be his possession. He won't give into her tantrums or feminine wiles ... not until she learns to dominate him. Tantrums only earn Sofia one thing, sexual torment, but this is a character flaw she has yet to master. Truth be told, Sofia enjoys this aggressive role play with Roeden.
As Roeden takes her wetness, savoring the taste of her forbidden fruit, he forces her to ride his tongue, gripping her ass cheeks, rocking her steadily against it with hostility. No matter how much she resists, the thrilling touch of his tongue against her, the adrenaline stealing pressure of his nose circling her clit, takes over causing her to ejaculate harder with forced moans of pleasure, her pupils darkening to a pinpoint from the high. "Ro-o-oe!," she breathes convulsively. Feeling her release, Roeden gently licks in long strokes as her flow comes, then kisses her clit as if in reward as it subsides.
As if showing compassion, he takes an ice cube from the ice bucket and traces her soreness, occasionally inserting it inside her. He kisses her peckingly, forcing the taste of her body from his mouth and tongue onto hers. Holding her tightly against him, he whispers, "Can't you taste my weakness? You always cum hard for me Sof..." Sofia remains silent in her euphoric emotional state... violated, satisfied, and strangely enough... safe. He would never penetrate her with himself unless she truly wanted him to, even in his animalistic nature.
He picks up her discarded lingerie, touches it to her center, then sniffs her scent. I'll discard these later, and have new ones on the way. He fixes her another drink, gently placing a kiss on her forehead before handing it to her. "Compose yourself, we have guests arriving."
She moves into the private bathroom, the sway in her walk now dramatized. Once inside, she views herself in the floor length mirror. The reflection isn't of herself, but the shattered remains of an unsupported daughter, a discarded fiancée, and a woman interrupted... Who has she become? How could she have found so much pleasure in his torment?
Realizing delay will only lead to infuriating Roeden, she moves to the sink to freshen up her eyes. Her fingers clenched tightly against the basin, she allows a few tear drops to fall before gathering herself. "Robin..." is her last thought as she makes her way back to Roeden's side.
As she takes a deep steadying breath, the door opens with the entry of his guests. Harley greets Roeden as Sophia looks on, unable to blink, totally aghast, as the second guest approaches her. Unable to fathom the reality of the person she is staring at face to face, she turns away to silently seek explanation from Roeden.
Unable to fathom the reality of the person she is staring at face to face, she turns away to silently seek explanation from Roeden
"Well, Sol? Aren't you going to introduce yourself? Don't leave the lady speechless."
"Sofia Russo, meet your stand-in, Sol Lutíon, well, my technical name is Solution. I'm the Siren replica of you. It's so great to finally meet the woman behind my persona... The woman with so much power and perfection that I have to update multiple times a week to replicate flawlessly. Oh, and thanks, I guess, for visiting Eros' Perfect Match office years ago. You know... kinda wouldn't have been here if you hadn't..."
Sofia immediately fears Roeden has decided to completely end her existence. "Roe? Please elaborate on ... 'Sol' and the trip you mentioned earlier... please Roe-, Roeden."
He leads her to the loveseat, motioning for Sol to place the Louis Vuitton travel bag on the cocktail table, giving a head nod towards Harley. I know that you have a lot of questions, and I plan to answer them all. Briefly, she's who Dahlia walked in on with Robin at the rehearsal dinner, the one who went Gala shopping with her while you were doubled over with food poisoning, the one who helped your little "revenge tell all" go off without a flaw... oh, almost forgot to mention that she replaced you at the engagement party after I called you... you came out to meet with me, she went in causing a minor scene... she even went home with your 'beloved Sam'." Right now, she's the woman delivering your new lingerie. Later, she will be who Donatello returns home after Selene's done with him... or shall we call her Sydney?..."
"Wait, Sydney...why? Why would 'we' call her that?... You didn't?"
"Selene is fine, off in rehab after breaking down when Dalton-Russo stock crashed, along with her investment. We just send in Sydney when she has these moments, or when interacting with Dalton Enterprises... can't have your 'friend' jeopardizing our years of hard work, can we?"
The reality of Roeden acting out a plan he has not privileged her to set in quickly. Sofia would need to indulge in this 'trip' if she's truly going to have a chance to uncover any intel on his plan. After Keegan had gone rogue, exposing Rowan West, Roeden wasn't as open with Sofia as he had been in the past. How was she going to gain intel of this Siren Project to make sure she isn't disposed of, and to recognize when her friend Selene has been replaced by Sydney? She would definitely have to put attempting to make things right with Robin on the back burner...
Becoming Sofia ....
A/N: Parts of this chapter refers to Chapter 10 in Robin Flores, Mr. Underrated (Lies and Betrayal)
Characters: Sofia Russo, Roeden West, Selene D'Torte, Donatello, Paolo Russo
Word Count: 1994
Rating: Mature
Sofia's thoughts were sporadic as she made her way to the airport:
I never would have thought my life could get more complicated, but I was clearly wrong. Here I am on the tarmac, boarding a private charter with Roeden... headed to God knows where, feeling worse off than when Sam left me embarrassed in the cathedral before my father...
I once was a champion at manipulation. It was simple... Sam was business focused and so was I... until they came along... My bastard born sibling, and that young cunt of a nanny... I was the obvious choice over both of them... Yet, here I am... aboard this plane with Roe... I need a stiff drink... or two ... or ten. Sofia, how could you have fallen into such disgrace?
As she prepares for takeoff, Roeden tries to offer comforting words,"I know you don't think so now, Sofia, but I always have your best interest in mind. You'll always hold a special place in my heart. Hey... I have all of the time in the world to wait for you... Maybe, one day you might actually find that I am what you need."
She has never hid her disgust from Voldemort... Roeden, but her body actually craves him. He's her opiate in artificial intelligence form. He's willing to be anything she wants him to be. As mental as it seems, she finds him attractive and her safe haven when she needs an escape. That's how she fell into this bottomless pit in the first place. She found his assertive nature arousing. His presence commanded respect, and he made things happen without delay. What disgusts her isn't his robotic makeup, but his superiority complex. Hell, if she was honest with herself, she was robotic in nature,  just human in form.
As the plane ascended, she reclined the luxury seat, closing her eyes... visions of returning home to her Italian Villa disheveled after a night of secret sex with Robin... hair in disarray, makeup smeared, face and neck flushed... still feeling the effects of his movements into the next morning ... A single tear falls from her eye... How could she have been so power hungry that she couldn't see her future before her eyes? Then it hits her ... she didn't think she could ever fully trust Robin again after... after the car accident... after losing their twins. Not wanting to relive that unbearable pain, she sits up looking for something ... anything to numb her thoughts.
"You know that I am here for you Sofia. You can work out whatever it is on me... however you need to. No pressure." Hearing Roeden's words, she rushes to the bathroom, needing a private moment to think. She soaks a cloth in cold water, dabbing her face, though careful not to flaw her makeup.
As she looks in the mirror, she can see and feel Robin embrace her from behind, both in robes, playfully nudging his arousal against her... kissing the length of her neck ... teasing her breasts through the robe ... waiting for her resolve to falter. "Shit!"  She turns for a brief moment breaking the vision, but the feeling remained. Turning back, she only finds her reflection.
Now achingly aroused from memories, she props a heel on the toilet. She starts to mimic her vision, unable to overcome the need to feel his touch. Her hands snake upward from mid thighs, after pulling the slit of her skirt aside, back pressed against the door. Breaths escalating as her fingers separate the lips of her vagina, feeling steam flow over them as she teases her clit... tapping it for arousal while the other grips her inner thigh almost piercingly. Sliding her hand across her folds until her fingers delve inward, stirring her juices as she works circular pleasure around her nub. Her self pleasure climbs in intensity as her hips buck in time with her finger strokes, whispering Robin's name.
Gyrating, thrusting, grinding against her fingers, now three deep, she squeezes her clit. As she reaches her orgasmic cliff, she moves her finger to her mouth, sucking with such force that she crests, and falls into a spasmodic release. She immediately falls to the floor, tears flowing freely. No matter the touch, no matter the vision, it just wasn't Robin... She needed his lips against her body in every way. Still throbbing in her core, she forces herself up, snatches the door open, speed walking through the cabin.
She reaches Roeden, kissing him with such aggression his erection forms immediately. She straddles him, ripping open his shirt, kissing and sucking against his chest as she presses her center against him, her lust craze taking full control. He tears her blouse open, pressing her into a backwards arc, pulling her against his winding hips, kissing and sucking her bosom. She grinds against him as if she will lose life if she can't feel his hardened length.
He reaches between their bodies and frees himself, anxiously lining up with her desperate organ, moving her laced thong aside with his tip, finally thrusting into her. "YES, ROE! YES! Don't stop, I need it rough... Please!" Gripping her shoulders, he stands with her, pressing her back against the window, and pile drives his length the way she desires. Each thrust jolting her body hard against the window, pushing her forcefully up his core as she claws him, searching desperately for his eyes, only finding a clenched expression of enjoyment. Angrily she yells for him to stop. He looks at her puzzled, but pulls away from her... his length giving her a firm salute.
"What did I do wrong?" She remains silent, her tears now flowing so freely her shoulders shiver as she cups her breasts in her self embrace. She can't bring herself to face him. "Oh, it's him... Robin. No problem babe, you know I was practically made for this shit. I can put the voice encryption on for ya, I can give it to ya just like you like it from him. Close your eyes and think of him... Hell, call out his name for fuck's sake. Just don't hold this in, Sofia. That will hurt you more. Let me give you whatever it is you need..." He lifts her chin, kissing her lips tenderly. "What is it you want Robin to give you, babe?"  She continues to silently sob, but doesn't push him away or withdraw.
He presses his wrist and a small keypad is exposed from under his tattoo. A Robin Flores file decryption is entered, as he has stalked Sofia through devices connected to Robin's private network... self pleasuring along with their unintended porn, storing data for future ... needs.  Unsurprised in the least, Sofia awaits Robin's words... his sexual behavior, eyes closed displaying the sex scene before her as Roeden speaks against her ear in Robin's voice. "Sof, let me take care of you... tell me what you need, and it's yours..." Coming undone at his words, she gently says, "Taste me, Robin... you know just what my tears call for..."
****** Sofia's visualizations ******
Robin lowers her to the cabin floor, first to her knees, then to all fours. He squeezes her ass,  jiggling her cheeks before giving a stimulating slap. He moves behind her, gently stroking the length of her back, teasingly separating her legs as he slowly glides her skirt up her thighs. Lowering himself between her legs, he gently suctions kisses down her ass, making his way to her center until... "Yes, Robin... just like that..." As she breathes out sighs of pleasure, he swirls his tongue going deeper with each spiral until he is nose deep. He flicks his tongue at hummingbird speed, gliding forward and back as his thumb stimulates her clit.
Slowing his pace to long strokes, pulling out enough to lick up to her clit, gently sucking, moving back to slurp her juices, kissing her ass while groping her wantonly. His animalistic devouring of her center brings her creamy release flooding over his tongue as he laps her doggedly, thrusting her crotch against his face for intensity. She moans, "Robin, finish me, please."
He mounts her ass, giving her rocking thrusts, his scrotum spanking her pleasurable. His downward thrusts cause gushy acoustics and she ejaculates against his engulfed rod. A melody that excites him, not so silently telling that he is doing his job properly. Nearing his expulsion, he pulls upright, back to chest, arching backwards, stabilizing them with one hand on the floor. His plummeting strokes provide a massage that drives her near hyperventilation, as she begs him to move harder... faster. Supporting her breasts with an arm across her chest, gripping her right tit, she reaches back pulling his mouth to hers for a searing kiss, edging them both into a heated eruption. He unloads as her flow rushes over him, groaning the words, "I miss you Sof... I will always love you."
Her reply, eyes now open... "Thank you ... I owe you a derby later. I promise to give it to you without tears, without ... Robin." She gives him one last tender kiss, before they separate. He carries her into the bedroom, and they lay together. Him spooning her ... stroking her hair until she drifts off from exhaustion. Roeden watches her protectively, silently loving the feel of her body against his. With hours left still of their flight, he lays staring, listening to the easy hum of the jet engines.
****** Sol's time to enter as Sofia's stand-in ******
Meanwhile, Sol has returned to Selene's, as she parks her Benz, Donatello exits with a look of disapproval. She exits the car, brandishing ginger ale. "I didn't want to disturb your thorough search of her 'property', so I ran to a nearby store for antiemetic sand ale. I came back straight away." He doesn't fuss, she gave him enough time to go over rules four and five. Plus, she actually seems to be in a less hostile mood. "Just let me go in for a bit to thank her, and explain taking her prized possession, the we can head back to PaPa's." He follows her back inside, and a little while later Selene walks them out, kissing Donatello. "Maybe you could come back soon for a refresher, who knows, we could make it through rule ten, she says giving him a knowing wink."
Arriving back at Paolo's, she goes to his office and tells him that she thinks it best if she addresses the public. She can explain both sides, hopefully soothing curiosity and mending family tensions. She also offers potential solutions to prevent from disbanding the merged companies. For the first time, Paolo genuinely takes her suggestions and adds suggestions that he allows her final thoughts on. "Thank you for finally trusting me PaPa. Truly this was all we ever needed to merge with Dalton Enterprises. I partly agree with your motives, but PaPa... I'm in love with Robin."
Paolo falls back into his chair. "Sofia, do you realize the trouble we could have avoided had you just talked to me. I never thought you would pursue happiness, so I pushed you to that cheat... I would never have believed he would behave as he did." She walks around to his chair and leans into a hug. "I love you, PaPa." She returns to the armchair, and opens her laptop. "Now hope for a miracle, I am emailing Sam. Let's hope he is willing to talk ... I'm marking it high priority. If not, we will address the public together Papa. The three of us... I'm going to visit Anthony." Paolo's smile reaches his cheeks, wrinkling his eyes which are welling with tears.
'It may take a bit of time PaPa, but I will save myself in the end. I will make you proud, yet."
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lizacstuff · 5 years
Ho-ho-ho! It's your secret santa again! If you like bed sharing then you'll really like your gift (at least I hope so anyway). I don't blame you about not wanting to read lengthy CS break ups I'm not a fan of them either. My holidays are going really well. I'm on break from nursing school, so I'm trying to write/read as much as possible. How are your holidays going?
Woo Hoo! Love bedsharing. How exciting, it’s so nice of you to put so much thought into it. I appreciate it!  
Nursing school? That’s amazing! Congrats. I think the world of nurses. Glad you’re getting a holiday break and getting to read some fic, I’m hoping to do a bit of that next week after Christmas since I’ll be off work and have time.  
My holidays have been fabulous so far. Very busy, but I’ve done all the things I wanted to do. Today, I head to see my family.  It’s not too far a drive, but far enough that I can’t pop back home if I forget anything so I need to pack up everything I’ll need including presents and food this morning.  Busy!
Happy Holidays to you!
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hazel3017 · 7 years
I was recently listening to "Thunder" by the Imagine Dragons and one of the lyrics was "I was lightning before the thunder" and I'm wondering if that's where you got inspired for the title of the fic you're currently working on? ( also, just curious, when do you think you'll be done? I'm really excited for it!)
Yes, it is! I’d say I’m about halfway done. My plan was to have it finished by today or tomorrow, but then July turned out kinda crazy for me and I didn’t really get the chance to write the way I had planned. So currently it’s delayed by a month, and I’m hoping I’ll be done writing by the end of August so I can edit it before posting. By then I reckon it’ll be somewhere around 60k unless I completely scrap my plans. In the meantime, here is another extract:
Once they’ve finished eating, Mama clears their plates and Evgeni nudges Sidney to his feet. He thanks Mama for the food, and Sidney rushes to add his own thanks, but she just smiles at them and shoos them out of the kitchen, telling Evgeni to get Sidney to bed. It’s late.
Evgeni takes Sidney’s hand in his. “Come on,” he says. They make a brief stop out in the hall to pick up Sidney’s backpack where they’d left it earlier before Evgeni starts herding Sidney towards his bedroom. Theirs now.
“Sorry,” Sidney says again as they are walking up the stairs to the second floor. He must be so tired he’s beyond what little Russian he knows. He says in English, “I wanted to tell you, you know, before. When we talked on the phone.” He glances at Evgeni, smiling shyly. “I wanted to make sure it was okay with you, to come here and play for Metallurg. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. Brisson said I couldn’t, and I didn’t think it’d be a good idea, just in case something happened before we could work out a deal with the team.”
“Of course is okay!” Evgeni exclaims. “You here, Sidka. Is best!”
Sidney smiles at him, pleased, and ducks his head. “Best,” he echoes dreamily. “We’re gonna do great.”
Evgeni beams back. He reaches over to ruffle Sidney’s hair, grinning when Sidney scowls at him in annoyance and tries to bat Evgeni’s hands away. Sidney isn’t particularly small, but it feels as if he is when Evgeni is standing next to him, almost a head taller. Evgeni just wants to squeeze him tight.
“Is okay to sleep in my bed tonight?” Evgeni asks him when they reach his room. “I want buy you bed, but Mama say wait for you. Let you try so we know is good bed for you before we buy.”
Sidney flushes. “Oh, no! Anything would have been fine, really! I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you would have to buy a bed; I’ll pay for it myself when we—”
Evgeni snorts and pats Sidney on the shoulder kindly. “I buy,” he stresses, and tries for a severe enough look to keep Sidney from protesting.
Sidney looks mulish, but he keeps his mouth shut. Evgeni takes it as a win.
“So, okay to share tonight?” Evgeni asks again, and Sidney nods hastily.
“Of course,” he says. He’s looking around Evgeni’s room curiously, eyeing the different knick-knacks and the posters on the wall. Evgeni feels jittery, worried Sidney might not like it. The room is going to be his too for the next eight months and Evgeni wants him desperately to feel at home here.
Sidney doesn’t seem put out at all, though. He is smiling at one of the posters, the one of Pavel Datsyuk in a Detroit jersey.
“You like?” Evgeni asks curiously, because mostly when they talk about their favourite players and their favourite teams, Sidney is waxing poetics about the Montreal Canadiens—because of his father, Evgeni knows—or his love affair with Steve Yzerman—partly because Sidney had once seen him play live and had likened it akin to a religious experience, but also because, “He’s just so good, Geno! I want to be just like him.”
Sidney can be very intense sometimes. Evgeni learned this early on into their acquaintance.
“Of course!” Sidney says enthusiastically. “Datsyuk is amazing. He plays with Yzerman.”
Evgeni rolls his eyes, but thinks better of chirping Sidney about his massive crush right now. It’s more important to get Sidney to bed for some sleep; he’s swaying gently on his feet.
“Have shirt to sleep in? Need borrow?”
Sidney blinks at him. He looks helplessly at his backpack before glancing back at Evgeni. He shakes his head. “It was all in my luggage. I don’t even have my toiletries. No toothbrush,” he says mournfully.
Evgeni laughs. “Can borrow mine,” he offers, but Sidney is already wrinkling his nose and shaking his head no.
“I’ll just use my finger. It’s fine. I—” He looks down at the shirt he’s wearing, tugging at the hem and staring at it dubiously. “I wouldn’t mind borrowing a shirt, though.”  
“Is no problem. Want shower first before bed?”
Sidney bites his lip, looking at the bed longingly. A glance back at his shirt has him nodding, though. “Yes, please. I smell like sweat and travel.”
Evgeni laughs but doesn’t disagree. “Okay. I show you shower and find towel and shirt for you.”
“Thank you.” Sidney smiles at him, tired and soft, and when Evgeni smiles back and moves to walk past him, Sidney stops him for a hug. He’s small enough that he has to stand on his toes to wrap his arms around Evgeni’s shoulders.
Evgeni hugs him back, his hands settling on Sidney’s waist. He holds him tight and buries his nose in Sidney’s hair. They’ve known each other for two years, but this is only the second time they get to see each other in person; Evgeni has only gotten to hug Sidney a few times, but it’s quickly becoming one of his favourite things.
Sidney is a good hugger.
“I’m really happy to see you again,” Sidney whispers into Evgeni’s shoulder. “When Pat told me about the Q, all I could think about was that I had to play. Then I thought, well, if I couldn’t play for Rimouski, maybe, maybe I could play with you, in Russia.”
Sidney looks up at Evgeni. His eyes look impossibly big so close. Evgeni can see small specks of gold in between the green; he’s never noticed that before.
“Am happy, Sidka. Happy you come.”
“Me too. I’m so glad Pat made it work. I was worried he couldn’t, or that my parents would say no, or that Metallurg would say no. It’s partly why I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t want to jinx anything.”
Evgeni smiles at that. “Superstitious,” he teases, and that’s a word he only knows because of Sidney, because he’s listened to Sidney explain his lengthy and baffling list of routines several times before.
Evgeni has his own set of routines, but Sidney’s are excessive. Some of them aren’t even hockey related—Sidney won’t talk to him at all if it’s a Friday the thirteenth. He won’t email and he won’t accept Evgeni’s calls. “It’s bad luck, Geno,” he’ll insist, before inevitably go on a tangent about black cats and how unlucky they are and how this is a problem because, “They are just so cute, Geno.”
Next to hockey, superstitious is one of the few words Evgeni thinks of as synonymous with Sidney.
(Stubborn is another.)
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imawriteriwrite · 7 years
I'm currently trying to write my first lengthy fanfic, and I keep getting stuck. I've scrapped my writing so many times because it simply doesn't feel right. Do you have any tips for a beginning author? Specifically pace-wise, I feel like I'm either writing too much about a scene or too little and I can't seem to find the right middle line.
I LOVE being asked for advice, it makes me feel like I at least appear to know what I’m doing. First of all, congrats on working on your first long fic! Whatever you do, DON’T give up on it!
The MOST important thing, in my mind, for a beginning writer is just don’t give up, don’t stop, just keep going. Here’s a secret: there will always be something that doesn’t feel right, there will always be times when you think everything is perfect only to glance at it the next day and think it’s absolute crap. The thing is, you can’t really see what’s good and what’s not good until you’re completely done. That can get complicated with a fic if you’re posting chapter by chapter so whether it’s just finishing the first chapter or the whole entire thing just finish it. Even if it feels like crap, even if you hate every word, just push through, finish that chapter and maybe even the next, just keep writing because eventually, I promise, you’ll hit your groove and then you can go back and see if that really is crap and rewrite it and play with it.
Pacing can be a pain, like I know I was terrible with pacing at first and it’s honestly something I still have to focus a lot on because I have a habit of drawing things out a liiiittle too long. In my original novels, it’s something I fix in revisions, in fics I mostly just let myself ramble because whatever. But the main thing I do to help myself is to OUTLINE. I would not survive without an outline. Usually, chapter by chapter but at least a basic plot outline so I know where I’m going and get an idea of how long it should take to get there, if that makes sense?
So pace-wise… Okay. Let’s say you think you wrote too little about a scene that’s, in my opinion, the easiest to fix. Because, when you read through, you just add to it. After you’ve finished a chapter and you’re reading back through it, I usually find, it’s really obvious where you need to add too. And same with where you’ve rambled on longer than needed, you’ll see that when you read back through it a few times, try to notice if you’ve repeated thoughts or feelings or anything like that, just using different words. You want to spend time on descriptions but you don’t want to ramble too much. With pacing, for me the general rule is: don’t linger so long on something people will get bored but make sure you’re not going so fast that it’s confusing. Some scenes, need a little lingering, I personally like to draw out kiss scenes or emotional scenes but you also want to make sure you aren’t lingering so long that it’s annoying and you’re just restating the same thing again and again. I’m not sure this is helpful? Ugh. And I feel like I’m just repeating myself but again after you’ve forced yourself through a few chapters and gotten into the groove of things and go back and reread it will be easier to see what needs work. Where to cut some. Where to add some.
Also, if it doesn’t feel right maybe try starting it differently. Maybe you’re starting the story too early or too late. Maybe you need to start it from a different characters POV. If something isn’t working, you don’t necessarily need to rewrite the same part again and again, you might need to try something completely different.
A lot of pacing is very instinctual for me at this point but I say that knowing I drag things out too much sometimes and I especially sucked at pace when I first started writing and I’ve been writing for over six years now. Of course, an important piece of advice is making sure the scenes are needed. Having scenes that don’t contribute the plot moving forward or important character development will seem slow and unneeded and just drag the plot down (I’m terrible at doing this) so that’s why I outline! Outlines are my best friend, they help you keep things straight and figure out what needs to happen so it’s much smoother when you’re actually writing (in my opinion). 
And I’m rambling, sorry, I’m tired! SO yeah, outline, WRITE, and don’t scrap things! Try something new if this isn’t working, maybe you’ve already outlined but something isn’t right. Maybe you should attempt outlining or you just need to try starting the story in a different way. 
Those are my top tips. I know it’s hard but things always suck at parts and you always hate bits and pieces. I’ve personally been rewriting my newest chapter of Paparazzi, again and again, I must’ve redone the ending at least a dozen times cause it wasn’t GOOD. So like you just have to write through that and then go back and fix it once the chapter or whatever is done.
I hope this helped some, if you have any other questions I’m willing to do my best to answer and provide advice! Happy writing!  
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Girl, take your time, 'Next In Line' means nothing. 'Tis the season if you're getting that spiel though, right? I'd love to hear that story if you're cool with sharing it! This is very public though, so no pressure. I've witnessed coworkers secretly dating when it's a poorly kept secret, does that count? It feels tropey. That and the flirty barista at my favorite coffee shop. Good news: I started writing your fic yesterday, and I'm having a lot of fun with it! I'm excited to share it. - Santa
Santa, girl, homie, friend, lord baby Jesus have mercy on me right now I AM STRESSED AHHHH!! But everything will be fine (I think). 
First off, that totally counts!!! I love it, it’s even better when it’s done poorly lol! 
I am so excited for my gift, I have a feeling this is going to be the best thing ever!!!!! 
I have no problem sharing my story, however I will put it under the cut for others!
All the love
So, Austin (my partner) and I met when we were sophomores in college in some random class. When I say random I mean like it was for my major, but he randomly just selected the class last minute because he was a transfer. I instantly thought he was cute, and too far out of my league so I barely spoke to him as you do with a crush. But he always made sure to say hi and ask me how I was doing. Anyways, thought it was harmless and nice and honestly I never thought I’d see him again after the class was over. He had different plans, we started chatting over Facebook and texting and we just never lost touch. 
What I didn’t mention is we met back in January of 2015, we didn’t start dating until September of 2017. I have been burned a lot, I have some (A LOT OF) issues I am now even working on, and I was not ready to let someone in. Every time we got close, I would run and I felt guilty but I couldn’t ever commit. As time went on he kept proving to me that he wasn’t going anywhere and that he actually cared about me. Day in day out he made me feel like I was actually worthy of love, and it was so different for me. He never hid his feelings for me, and on the other hand never pressured me. He just wanted me to understand where he stood and how he was really in his for the long haul. 
Sadly, because he transferred in he had an extra semester (which is a normal thing), but I graduated in Spring 2017 without him. He came to see me the day before I graduated and we both kinda thought it was our goodbye, very emotional and honestly shook me a lot because all the sudden I couldn’t think of life without him. But, I was moving over an hour away from him, starting graduate school, and a really big new chapter in my life and I was so overwhelmed by that I could not begin to fathom being in a relationship. 
As the summer went we talked every single day, and I mean from when one of us woke up until one of us fell asleep. I remember on July 4th though we were talking as we did and we were in the midst of another emotional conversation. This one being about how if we didn’t end up together he still of course wants me to be happy and to be loved like I deserve to be. And I meant it when I said the same to him. It wasn’t until later that night I realized…. “WAIT! I don’t want to be loved by anyone else and I only wanna be loved by him…WAIT I LOVE HIM!” 
Needless to say it was a very big grand moment…which was sorta cut short when I realized I was still moving and all that jazz. But I knew, I loved him and I wanted to take that risk with him cause I literally could not imagine being with anyone else but him. The first weekend of the semester I drove to his house to hang out with him for the weekend and also see my friends still at school. I met his parents, which lol first time meeting anyone’s family that I am “seeing”, but not only that I am staying at the house too which was awkward enough.
Friday goes by, we pretty much act like we’re together (assume as you wish what this means PG-13) at his house and in front of my friends. Saturday rolls around and I know I have to leave early Sunday and we’re running out of time to make a move. So Saturday September 9, 2017 at 9:45pm while I had my head in his lap, he is playing with my hair, and we’re watching how the Grinch Stole Christmas I look up at him and I just can’t help it but blurt out, “what are we doing?” He, like the idiot that I love said, “we’re watching a movie.” So I got up and paused the movie and said, “No, I mean us. I like you and I like spending time with you, but I hate introducing you as my friend to my friends when you mean more to me than that.” THEN THE LITTLE ASSHOLE GOES AND SAYS, “What do you wanna call me?” lol he’s a dick for that and we constantly bring up that line, I of course then said my boyfriend like a scared five-year old and he responded by kissing me, so I asked if that was a yes lol. 
What’s sad is this is the SHORT story of us lol but yeah that is the story of Austin and I! I hope it was worth the lengthy read!!! 
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