#this is so long-winded sorry. im thinking
pariskim · 3 months
thinking so hard about charlies character in frank shoots every member of the gang. its like after his breakdown in s15 finale he's kind of putting pieces together in his head and letting himself acknowledge that his family is fucked up and their lives being tied together in the destructive way they are is dangerous, the end scene in the bar, he says i cant hold onto it. he's already lost his dad, and i keep looping back in my head the scene with bonnie where hurts herself as a sort of repentance to going behind charlies back. she tries so hard to keep up this image of herself as a perfect mother that she repeatedly hurts charlie in the process by not treating him like an actual person. he gets pissed and sure hes gotten mad at his mom in the show before, but the slamming of the phone and macs reaction makes me sooo. like it paints such a picture of his childhood home and continuous cycle of anger and violence to apologize for things nobody can fix. he takes his sisters vase, the ones who still call him dirtgrub like thats all he'll ever be, a way he can make his own 'family legacy'. the first thing he does is ask mac to contribute. mac is the only one who was there for him, genuinely, in times of need throughout his life and he says he should be charlies legacy. frank shoots the vase as he enters, a literal and figurative shattering of what couldve been charlies future. hes getting older and they're going to be in this bar for the rest of their life together and charlies jokes fall away. hes the straightman in these last few episodes and theres no laugh when dennis says their legacy is getting wasted in their stupid alcoholic business, just a sort of resigned look of halfhearted acceptance and a broken family heirloom on the floor
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difeisheng · 5 months
alright, so there's one outfit of li xiangyi's that i have questions about and which stands out to me, and it's his robes in the flashback with zhan yunfei.
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(bear with my screenshots, sorry. things in this scene move very fast and it was more difficult to get decent captures)
in the vast majority of his flashbacks, li xiangyi is in his red or white robes, which we generally associate with his status as leader of sigumen. they're the robes he's immortalized in in his portrait as baichuanyuan, the ones he wears at donghai, in his memories with qiao wanmian, etc. those outfits have a common silhouette, with the long, draping sleeves that fall open from the shoulders (apologies, i don't know the technical term). i don't have to post them here; we all know what they look like.
these robes are an exception to that. they're less elaborate, in different colours/accents plus in a different style, and it makes me wonder if his time with zhan yunfei took place before. before sigumen, before becoming 天下第一, when he was more of a wandering xia still building up a reputation for himself. not li xiangyi the legend but just a disciple, come down from his master's mountain to do his best for the jianghu. it would make sense, i think; no one else is in that clearing aside from zhan yunfei, himself, and the man they were trying to capture. there's no power of a sect involved here, and li lianhua doesn't mention working with one (just that "zhan yunfei teamed up with others") as he retells the story to fang duobing. this outfit certainly gives him more of a boyish feeling, less so a sense of being a leader or a representative hero of the jianghu. which brings me to my other point.
you know whose image li xiangyi is very closely evoking in this memory?
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that styling in the zhan yunfei flashback specifically is the closest that li xiangyi and fang duobing have ever visually mirrored one another (beyond fang duobing generally wearing his hair like li xiangyi, which other people have brought up before). i chose these outfits of fang duobing's from the yucheng and yipin tomb arcs for comparison, as li xiangyi's outfit has the most direct resemblance to them down to smaller details like the belt ties, but fang duobing wears robes cut like this (with varying embellishments) a lot. this show is very deliberate about characters' distinct silhouettes, something i've mentioned before. i very sincerely doubt this similarity wasn't intentional.
why dress li xiangyi like this in this memory specifically? i don't know. perhaps it's because li xiangyi and zhan yunfei, too, are linked by an upheld promise over ten years the way fang duobing is to li xiangyi. perhaps it's to situate li xiangyi's age, remembering that he, too, was once at the same point of his life as fang xiaobao is now, earnest and still working his way to the top in the jianghu, however short and/or since forgotten that time was. perhaps it's simply that li lianhua, given that this flashback is told from his point of view, truly has come to see fang duobing in his younger self gone by. regardless of the reason, i think it's a fascinating parallel, and i once again wish we had more context for the past and period of time spent with li xiangyi and zhan yunfei together.
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starqueensthings · 1 year
So I’ve been stewing on this…
(It’s really long because I have no control over my feelings 🙃)
Echo has always shouldered the roll of “rally man” for the emerging rebellion. At first, I thought it was simply because he had only ever known life as a solider, and operating as a paid mercenary for a stranger with increasingly questionable ideals (Cid), just didn’t sit right with him. A conversation between him and Hunter on Bracca reinforced that theory: 👇🏼
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Then I wondered if it was maybe just deeply engrained loyalty, and an intense devotion to his former captain that fuelled his desire to join the cause. After all, Rex was the one that put the plan in place to rescue him from the Techno Union. Maybe he felt as if he owed his captain a ‘life-debt’ of sorts. It’s even possible, when he was first rescued, that he felt the same sort of debt towards the Bad Batch, and that may have been a driving factor in his decision to go with them.
But then there was this: 👇🏼
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And suddenly, my previous theory didn’t seem accurate. His continued pleads, each time eliciting a larger and larger emotional response from him: 👇🏼
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It no longer seemed like simple devout loyalty to his captain that was fuelling his desperation. It seemed deeper than that, as if there was a deeply emotional, yet unspoken reason why his top priority had shifted to helping the rebellion. And it was a strong enough pull for him to upheave himself from the comfort of the squad that had whole-heartedly accepted him. Enough to send him into the clutches of unknown imminent danger, with few allies and fewer resources. And then we got this: 👇🏼
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This exchange could easily just be rolled off the shoulders, and it rolled off of mine the first time I saw it. But there was something about Hunter’s comment about “being enough” that sat kinda odd in me, and I started to wonder. Maybe Echo’s persistent urge to aid in the bigger cause had nothing to do with loyalty to Freedom, his captain, or his brothers… Maybe it had everything to do with guilt. Maybe he struggles to get through his days, thinking about all the brothers had been forced to betray while his mind was under the control of the Techno Union. Maybe the weight of knowing how many brothers were lost on his account, rendered him completely submerged in shame, and this is how he was trying to make up for it.
And then I remembered Hunter saying to him when he left: “Wherever you end up, remember what I said.” Had Echo had conversations with his Sergeant about his feelings before? Had Hunter tried numerous times in the past to rid the ARC of the guilt that he walked around with on his shoulders?
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mid-nightowl · 7 months
for the ask game: dickjay in reincarnated character + immortal au pls!!
hi waffle!! you literally gave me an au i've never thought about writing in my entire life lmaoooo
so *cracks knuckles* let's get into itttttttt
Dick is the immortal of the two. But like, not in a very voluntary way? For this AU, I would imagine Dick is the original Talon for the Court in the 1600s. Obviously his body would deteriorate over time or just be too butchered in fights to be salvageable, so they stick him on ice and switch his “mind and soul” over to another (a blood relative and maybe later on clones when the technology is established, but he always refers to himself as Dick or Talon). We’ll say the Court can do this via magical god shenanigans. Jason is the reincarnation. So, every third generation the Gunn family somehow gives birth to a boy (aka Jason) but otherwise only have girls. (Short note: we’re going to make Catherine the Gunn relative instead of Willis for this AU). 
Jason and Dick grew up together, either same age or close in age. Played together as kids, caused trouble together as teenagers, and fell in love as young adults. And then Dick disappears, forcibly becoming the court’s Talon because it’s his “familial duty.” Jason tears Gotham apart looking for his lost love, uncovering corruption and capturing criminals in the process of digging up evidence of the Court, and he becomes somewhat of a folk hero as time passes. 
Unfortunately, the Court knows Dick is too attached to Jason and Jason’s on a mission, he won’t stop until he finds Dick and stops them. Not sure how we’d get to the next point but basically, Dick is forced to kill Jason for the Court and Jason vows on his dying breath he’ll free Dick from them because Dick was the only one who cared about Jason, who loved Jason despite his flaws and his bad blood. I imagine the Court had captured Jason and brought him to their secret lair or wherever they keep their god, and because Jason made that vow with his last breath, his blood and Dick's tears staining the stone entombing a god, an entity of magic and promises, it gave Jason (and Dick's unspoken hope) his wish. But with a twist. 
Henceforth, every three generations the Gunn family has a son. A son who is almost always baptized as Jason. The Court tries often to kill him as a child, especially once they realize Jason as an adult always digs his claws into the Court and tries to drag them into the light. What the Court doesn’t realize, is that Jason only reincarnates if Dick, if Talon, kills him. This could go either way: only Jason knows Dick has to kill him to be reincarnated and try again, and has to orchestrate his plans and strategies around either winning or having Dick kill him OR only Dick knows and he has to make sure the Court sends him to kill Jason, knowing Jason will only come back if Dick’s the one who does the deed, Dick who can never truly help the man he loves free him from the Court. 
The Court often gets what they want over the centuries, however, and Jason dies before he can truly stop them or save Dick. Over and over again, throughout the centuries and the bodies, Dick kills Jason and Jason comes back to save him. I think eventually it would end when Jason is adopted by Bruce Wayne aka Batman and together (maybe alongside Commish and a Batgirl), Jason is finally able to stop the Court and save Dick. And Jason and Dick can finally live, love, and grow old together :) 
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waldorfhistoria · 1 year
Man, this wonderful Jenny meta I reblogged has me thinking SO many thoughts, especially about the Dan-Jenny dynamic and this line in particular:
“one scene that stands out to me is when jenny steals the dress in season one and dan goes into talk to her and it’s so clear he’s had to take on somewhat of a parental role with her since their mom has been gone? and i’m sure that’s frustrating for both jenny and for dan. but despite taking on this role of care, he doesn’t treat her condescendingly or with any ire, he tries to be understanding and careful and thoughtful where rufus couldn’t be.” - @buffyspeak
And one of the things that’s so fascinating to me about the relationship dynamic between Dan and Jenny is that they essentially have about four different styles of sibling relationships, all nestled into their one.
At times, especially towards the beginning of the show, Dan and Jenny have a fairly “typical” big brother/little sister dynamic - Jenny is teasing and affectionately annoying towards Dan, Dan is teasing and affectionately exasperated towards Jenny, but they ultimately look out for and try to protect/take care of one another the way that siblings do. But there’s a shift, I think, when Alison leaves - Rufus is suddenly acting as a single father, and Dan is put in the position where he not only needs to look out for Jenny as her big brother, but as a pseudo-mother of sorts - he’s the one who ends up playing mediator between Rufus and Jenny’s growing conflicts, who tries to give her the advice and guidance that she’s not getting from either of her actual parents, and is even the one who Rufus, at times, turns to to talk out the parenting decisions he makes in relation to Jenny. Which brings up another facet of their dynamic that only grows as the show goes on and Jenny starts to struggle more and more - the golden child and the “problem” child.
One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of the Rufus discourse really hinges on whether a fan is paying more attention to Dan as a character or to Jenny, because the Rufus in Dan’s story is often a very different figure than the Rufus in Jenny’s. Dan’s Rufus is a compassionate, loving, fair-minded dad, who affords Dan a level of respect and independence while also upholding strong moral values he expects his son to live up to. Jenny’s Rufus, on the other hand, is a far more controlling and at times almost immature figure, sometimes fighting with Jenny like a peer rather than a parent - a father who fails to offer his daughter the same respect and understanding he affords his son. And while none of this is Dan’s fault, how can Jenny not be a little resentful of it, of him - that Dan is treated like a person while Jenny is often made to feel like more of a project.
And yet, in spite of that, I would argue there’s another dimension of their relationship that probably plays a key role in keeping them close as the series wears on - Dan and Jenny as childhood friends. This is something that I feel doesn’t come up in the show enough but is still interesting in light of the way their dynamic evolves - based on what we know of their upbringing, it doesn’t seem like Dan and Jenny had a lot of other friends coming into the Upper East Side. I mean, we’re told that pretty explicitly with Dan, given that Vanessa seems to be the only other person he’s really close to outside of his family, prior to dating Serena. But it seems like Jenny didn’t really have any other close friends herself - at least no one close enough to stay in touch with after she moves from public school to private. It seems like - especially in the space of time that Vanessa was living in Vermont - Dan and Jenny were likely each other’s two closest friends, and I think considering how enmeshed their later social circles become, that adds an interesting nuance as well. Dan isn’t just Jenny’s big brother, he’s also her sister and sometimes her mother and kind of her rival and always her longtime friend.
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slate021 · 9 months
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Various Poppy doodles ft. her Boys <3
Saturn's Foley (and some of the other featured) - @csavii
Curved Departure - @toxictoxicities
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allyphase · 5 months
Sleep offers little respite against the pains of the waking world. You drift off, and always you feel as though you are being scrutinized, but when you drift back into consciousness, the feeling fades, not unlike the coming and going of the tide.
One restless night, you are at last approached by The Watcher.
"You have a decision to make."
A feast materializes before you. You can smell it, can nearly taste it, you can feel the warmth and care put into every bite.
You already know, whatever the decision ahead, you can only choose one.
O razor's edge, ever sharp,
There is something you can't do without.
Will you starve, or will you suffer to become dull, like a blade run along porous stone?
Standing on your own has only ever hurt you, hasn't it?
A feast lies before you, and your stomach growls at just the thought of food in your mouth. 
Nevermind you know how hard it would be to stomach anything, after so long. Nevermind you’ve starved before, and will probably starve again, once the others are done with you.
Your feet step closer, once, beyond your control. Your body has made it's choice, even if you haven’t yet. Funny, that the body, unthreatened, moves bravely when the mind, with blades pointed at it wherever it looks, hesitates. 
What would it mean, for you to lose your logic? Your one weapon, the only thing you have worth more than the mud on your boots. You’d defended your chessboard with your life until now. Why would this be any different?
Because you may not have a life to defend it with, your mind cries. Your body cries too, at the knowledge that regardless, you will be losing. You have already lost, from the moment you stepped through the tear in reality. 
The feast is getting cold. The tradeoff is barely worth it for warm food. 
You think, for a moment, of all you’d be giving up. You know you’re only kept around for your mind. Without it, they would leave you in a moment. You are not their friend, you are not their companion, you do not matter to them. If it was not you, it would have been someone else. And if you reach forward now, they would find someone else. Someone radiant and smart, who knows to lead with a steady voice instead of a shaking one. Someone who can stand beside their lords, instead of behind them. 
You know, but your hand reaches regardless. 
Because you are starving, and you know that you will be abandoned regardless of your choice. 
You want to live, above all else. You are a coward who bends in the breeze. 
So you glance back, once, like your army is behind you to watch (you are alone, of course. You always end up alone). You turn, and accept. 
“Thank you,” you say, as your sharpened mind begins to grow hazy. “Thank you for the food,” you mumble, as your heavy eyes turn downward, towards the gift offered. 
“Thank you,” you say, and begin to feast.
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fem0ral-artery · 5 months
THANK U for being one of the ONLY borderlands artists that's anti proship... ive seen so many fucking j*ck*thy arts people are excusing bc "they're not real people"... huh????
Thank u for keeping ur blog sane and safe bless ur art
im so happy that my blog can feel safe like truly that means so much to me !!
But yeah it's absolutely wild to me how there's such a lack of non proship artwork floating around (in terms of ship art obviously), and idk I just kind of wish it wasn't that way? I'm not gonna tell people to stop, cause I know it won't change anything, but I want to see more healthy and viable relationships as a person who has been treated as a thing more often than as a partner in my own relationships. It's healing, it's coping, it's whatever, and I don't really jive with proship stuff. It's uncomfortable and sometimes scary even. A couple of certain popular ships that I'm sure I don't need to name just put a pit in my stomach also in like a bad way so 😁
i ramble a bit but my main thing is i specifically want to come off as anti-proship I don't want there to be any question about it I don't care for it!!!
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lesbianpegbar · 5 months
Very excited abt blue exorcist s3!!!-> person who never watched the anime…this will either be vindication or continued annoyance depending on how people treat yukios characters in the season tho(is the anime worth it to watch?)
okay so full disclaimer i haven't touched the anime since i was maybe like. fifteen or something? so my memories of it are a bit fuzzy however Comma, i remember it being pretty good except for when they went anime original in season 1! it adapts the manga faithfully until like s1 ep 15 or somewhere around there, and then the rest of season 1 sucks. bad. BUT for season 2 they just. act like the anime original shit never happened and start to adapt the manga again from where they left off, and from what i remember season 2 was really great i have very very fond memories of the anime impure king arc!! so if you don't want to sit through anime original stuff then you can just skip it it has literally no bearing on season 2 or anything going forward, its a very clean and easy skip. the animations alright (aside from some poor, dated cg lol) and i remember the voice acting being really great! it was very nice to see the characters move around and talk lmao, so with all that in mind yeah i'd recommend it if you're interested at all!
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red-dyed-sarumane · 5 months
love to submit my fave songs to vocaloid tournaments & watch them get decimated
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beacon-lamp · 2 years
now that dsmp season 1 has ended, are you gonna keep watching season 2?
ah i'm pretty sure the other members have more plot/lore/episodes planned before the end of volume 1, it's only wilbur's character's finale that's done. so there's still a bit of content planned for volume 1.
and to be honest, i probably won't keep up with volume 2. at least not in the way that i did for volume 1. regardless of criticisms people have about wilbur's finale, i think the fact that it Exists and was Released gave me the final bit of closure i needed to put the dsmp's content officially behind me. my life looks completely different now than it did two years ago, so i simply don't have the time or intense interest anymore. and i genuinely find it more fun to engage with the fan community we've built and the people i've met along the way than to spend hours and hours watching streams. im just here vibing in the garden i helped grow.
hope that's not too disappointing. tho i'm pretty sure no one here is following me for my dsmp content anyways loll
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montydrawsstuff · 1 year
Hi, how would you write a Movie about Team Chaotix?
Oooh you don't ask easy stuff, haha!
I'm gonna start by saying I am NOT a writer, as one who reads my comic might be able to see- but I gave this a little think when I saw it
What I would personally do is start off kind of slice of life, following along on a particularly droll mission with the boys to establish where we are and the characters and such. Along the way of solving little mysteries here and there showing relationships between characters and the chaotix's bond with each other
There would be some kind of coming together of a lot of small details from each mission that add up to one big event, something that pushes the boys (and their friends!) Some sort of evil plot by eggman, some dark ancient evil... maybe something even inside them?
I'm all about action and character studies so definately defining bonds only to break them in some big nefarious plot sounds good to me...
I get that this is oh so vague but... It's a very open question lol AND A GOOD ONE
Also I feel like I've just vaguely described my comic to some extent... welp, guess that would be how I do it...
But yea, action, bonds, big ass mystery, challenging character- that's what I'd write in such a thing
ALSO PLEASE SHARE IF YOU HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS ANYBODY, this is a fun fun question! Let's have a discuss!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Do you think whenever Kokichi said "It was a lie" or "That's a lie", he was actually trying to tell them that the game/the reality is a lie? Like, he somehow knew that everything was faked, but he couldn't outright say it because he was either being watched and couldn't risk it or he literally couldn't, so he says "It's a lie" around Shuichi since he hopes that he could figure out what he actually means. Being an ultimate detective and all.
And lo and behold, the one who figured out what Kokichi really meant was Kaito
Hmmmm Y'know one of the key parts of my interpretation of Kokichi is that he's kind of just as clueless as everyone else about what's going on from the very beginning. Kokichi's smart, so I think he picked up on the weirdness of the situation quicker than the others (especially since he probably spent a good amount of his time fucking off by himself and exploring with his lock picking abilities) but I feel very strongly that he was only slightly ahead, and never had all the answers.
I kinda dislike it when Kokichi is portrayed as someone who figured everything out quickly and is trying to communicate this knowledge to everyone else in code, cause often times its accompanied with implications that the rest of the cast is stupid or only getting in his way or just frustrating to interact with. That Kokichi is the only threat to the killing game and everyone else is just passively surviving. I Do think Kokichi indirectly tries to get Shuichi and others to pick up on some of the things he's figured out by lying or saying weird shit and then saying that it was a lie. He knows that if he speaks directly about some of the stuff he wants to say, it'll put a target on his back. But I also think sometimes, he's just lying. Because he does genuinely enjoy lying if it makes things more interesting. And Sometimes, he's asserting what he thinks is true, but just straight up got it wrong.
I think his character is so much more interesting if Kokichi is just someone who doesn't have all the answers and is trying his best. I think Kokichi HIGHLY suspected, if he wasn't convinced, that they were being watched starting in ch5. But he didn't know the depth of ultimate real fiction, or that V3 was a TV show, and I feel especially strongly that he wasn't even all that suspicious of Tsumugi wrt being the mastermind.
When Kokichi is just a clever person with layers of issues and repression preventing him from working with others. When he's just an ultimate leader trying to lead* his classmates so he can try to get as many of them out of the killing game as possible while keeping them at arms length not only due to his own repression but so that he can be "pragmatic" and sacrifice pawns he deems necessary for the overall cause. When he genuinely needs other people's help to achieve his goals and for so long doesn't take any but eventually requests the help of someone so different from him (Kaito). I find that way more interesting.
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its-hell · 1 year
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
For the ask game :)
Hi! Thanks for the ask. How are you??
Cactus - right now I'm doing corrections for my chemistry mocks so right now I'm relearning the chemistry I've done in the last 2 years :)) /neg
Papyrus - don't fear the reaper by blue öyster cult. This used to be my fav song for a while I still like it just not as much. I like the repetitive drum and bass? I think it's the bass anyway
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lame-4-u · 11 months
the sky is such a beautiful woman she shines so radiantly and presents such a soft glow in the morning
but sometimes she grows a sickly yellow, tired of the heat… she sweats and puts up with it, breezing gently until she cant help it. she erupts into a torrential downpour of sobs. its okay, she is still beautiful like this. its okay to just let it out, you are no less powerful.
and sometimes she grows cold. she gets this disturbing calmness to her, before smiting us with rage. here too, she lets out a downpour. i get it, sobbing in rage, maybe in relief of allowing her strong madness sweep over the land. reminder she is so strong and wondrous here.
but i find here beautiful in all these moments, in all her colors and dresses. in the light cool bareness of blue, in her brilliant suits of sunsets colors, and even in the sudden appearance of a deep dark night dress.
i love the sky, im so glad ill see her tomorrow too..
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
normal 2 am thots tthat. my mutuals think i am . so weird and yucky and they put up with me i know this is a lie that the early morning demons are telling me but due to being sleepy i am more susceptible to believing lies. casting spells to ward off these monstrous beinsg
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