#this is something i've encountered in every fandom i've been in so far
emahriel · 6 months
as my good friend and i like to remind each other:
don't yuck people's yum. if you do so, at least keep it in the dms. no point in making people feel absolutely miserable for liking a certain thing, for having an oc you don't like - whatever it is. people constantly hating just for the sake of hating truly sour the fandom experience on social medias. there's a problem if the only way you feel better is by making others feel like crap.
and you, who shares the things you love online, who creates original characters and talks about their ships - know that you will never be able to please everyone and that's okay. don't let it stop you from sharing what you love, if it brings you happiness then keep doing it. you don't owe anyone anything, if what you like somehow upsets people, they can very easily just block you and move on. it's really that simple!
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melonthesprigatito · 4 months
Look, I'm not interested in playing Palworld and I've been actively avoiding the drama/controversy so I'd be perfectly happy with forgetting it's existence and moving on with my life if it weren't for just how obsessively UNHINGED the Palworld fandom is, barging in on EVERY. SINGLE. recent Pokémon post on multiple platforms just to pick fights and shill the hell out of their game to (most of the time) confused Pokémon fans who are wondering what Palworld is and where these people came from.
I saw this wonderful art of the Kamado battle in Legends Arceus and the Champion battle in Sun and Moon on Instagram and I shit you not, a good 70% of the comments are entirely Palworld people just ranting and yelling about how Pokémon sucks, Palworld is going to kill Pokémon, anybody who likes Pokémon is a bootlicker and are riding Pokémon's 🍆, how anyone who complains about Palworld is a (and I quote) """"saviourf*g""" for Nintendo etc
Like, I just wanted to share my nostalgia about Sun and Moon and so did a lot of other people considering that there were still people talking about it, but it was hard to find those comments because they were drowned out by the Pals Vs Pokémon warzone.
And the second someone says something a Pal fan doesn't like, it eventually devolves into the Pal fans throwing homophobic slurs around and calling the Pokémon fans neckbeards, and shills and basement dwellers and such.
I'm sure there's probably sane fans who are just happy going about and making their Pals break rocks or whatever, but a majority of the Palworld fans I've encountered so far are like edgy screaming 4Chan people. Like, holy shit I wish they would just go to their own Palworld fan pages instead of invading Pokémon and turning every comment section into the embodiment of this meme.
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(And I just want to address the whole "Pokémon Company is posting a lot more often recently because they're obviously scared of Palworld, lmaoooo why else would they suddenly start actively posting after months of radio silence 😎" argument that I've seen dozens of times.
First of all, the Pokémon channel/profile is always posting random game/anime/art screenshots. There hasn't been a sudden drastic increase of posts.
Second of all, it's A MONTH UNTIL POKÉMON DAY. THEY DO THIS EVERY YEAR. The influx of Snorlax posts is a promotional thing for Pokémon Sleep. Pokémon's just carrying on with their regularly scheduled hype building/ promotional stuff and the Palworld fans think it has something to do with them.(
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beautifulpersonpeach · 4 months
Hello BPP,
I've been a BTS addict for more than a year now, and I'm trying to find the reason why me (a happily married and a mother of a wonderful teenage boy) became so obsessed with a boy group. Before my encounter with these young korean lads, I only bought albums from 5 artists: Enya (all of her albums, I 💖 her since 1995), Michael Jackson (some), Backstreet boys (sue me those were my teenage years), ABBA & QUEEN greatest hits. That's not much isn'it? But since 2023, I try to buy at least one BTS album every 6 months, and that in itself is HUGE for me. Why do I do that ? What do they do, more than others, to make me want to spend money on them?
I've never been interested in fan voting before and now, I try to vote everytime I can. Even I find myself insane, but I can't help it. I want to support them all the way... 🤯
At first my husband thought my obsession was temporary, but after a year, despite of making fun of me, he's trying to find BTS albums or else for me (what a sweetheart 🥰). He supports me but doesn't understand it either.
So a simple question : what make BTS so addictive?
Their stage presence, charisma, uniqueness, talent ?
For a few weeks I tried to come up with a clear answer but I can't formulate it... daeng...
According to you, what distinguesh them from others groups or artists ?
Bisous et heureuse de vous lire!
You have no idea how happy it made me to read you love Enya as well. That woman is a timeless treasure. And yeah she's one of the few artists aside from BTS whose music I've invested time and money into collecting.
Part of what you're asking is: what makes us spend money, time, resources, emotional labour, and more, on seven men halfway (maybe?) across the ocean from us?
"Even I find myself insane, but I can't help it. I want to support them all the way..."
Maybe we are insane. What's so wrong with that? Maybe we're kinda nuts to be so taken by these seven guys. So what?
Or maybe we're just suckers for good marketing. I know I am. Of course, other things matter as well but good marketing is something that BTS has down pat. It's kinda easy for them too because the guys are as authentic as they come around these parts. They're solid. There's no other group that could withstand the kind of scrutiny they're under without bucking. Not one. And incidentally BTS' musical talent is peerless.
So, yeah, the marketing. :)
Or maybe it's the fandom... That's the thing about fandoms - the reason fandoms exist is not for the idol, but for other fans. 90% of what people do here is discuss what other fans are doing. Not the music, not the performance, not even the idol themselves, but other fans doing fuck all. I'm not saying this to indict you. My point is that there is constant covert persuasion within the fandom to act like the rest of the group a.k.a. ARMYs. I keep saying fandom is a pressure cooker environment, and one way that shows up is covertly forming behaviours in people within the shared space/group, and if you haven't experienced being in big fandoms before it will be overwhelming. If you constantly see people who express their love for BTS by buying albums routinely, then it's easy to see how you might want to try it for yourself.
Because you do love BTS. At the end of the day, that's what it comes down to. I don't care to try to explain why. At least not for me. It might be their "stage presence, charisma, uniqueness, talent" as you said, or maybe they're just worth the love by being themselves and giving us the music and experiences they have so far.
I still get fever dreams remembering Agust D on tour last year, you know. I still remember what it felt like to hear his music live and see him perform. He was a beast. Buying his music sounds like a no brainer lol. And he's just one of seven similarly talented men together in one group. Their music is worthy of every award it ever gets. And their performances...
(There isn't a single group active today that has surpassed this video)
I've said before I followed BTS for years before calling myself an ARMY. Sometimes when I think about it, I'd been buying their albums regularly since 2015 - three years before I started calling myself a fan of BTS. Their music was just so good I couldn't ignore it. And this is when for most groups I'm so picky with buying albums.
I have to commend you for critically assessing (sort of) your desire to spend on BTS though. If we're indeed insane as we said above, it's better to be self-aware of the fact. So again, kudos for attempting to dissect what's really happening here. But, not to be preachy, I think it's important to also just let yourself enjoy things. If spending on BTS is coming ahead of meeting your basic needs and responsibilities, then listen to your gut and pull back. Go cold turkey if you need to and spend on nothing at all. But if that's not your experience, (and I don't think it is), then just let yourself enjoy loving them. In that case, it's enough to know BTS are phenomenal artists and good people who make us happy, and some of us have the desire, means and time to support them, and that's okay.
Isn't it enough that you enjoy BTS for whatever reason and want to sustain this thing you enjoy by investing into it? So long as you're prudent and resourceful? Or maybe... not? Nobody else's opinion matters anyway. It's your money and your time and you know best how to use it.
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morgana96 · 2 years
Trying to Debunk Things the FFXIV Fandom Keeps Making Up About Lyse Hext
(Warning: Stormblood MSQ Spoilers Under the Cut)
I’ve been playing FFXIV for a few years now. It was my first time every playing a Final Fantasy game, and I was nervous I wouldn’t be any good at it. But FFXIV has been a huge comfort and highlight in my life. It’s gotten me through some very tough times and has really inspired me creatively. Not to mention I've met some really great people through the game, and that the community has so many nice and talented people.
But just like any other fandom, things are far from always perfect. There are fans who engage in offensive and gross behavior, fans who are toxic about how to best play - there are plenty of issues this fandom has that most of us are already aware of. But one thing that I think about a lot - although it's far from the only thing - is the strange amount of malice certain fans display when talking about the character Lyse Hext.
I couldn't understand for the longest time why some players hated Lyse so much. Personally, I enjoyed Stormblood, and I like her character. I enjoyed seeing her learn to step out of her sister's shadow and start to become her own person, and I consider her to be one of many characters who my WoL happily considers a good friend.
So it baffled me that people hated her so intensely. I get that not every character clicks with everyone, and that people have varied tastes. But the absolute vitriol some people treat her with has always confused me. That is, until I eventually realized what part of the problem is.
You see, I'm convinced that a good number of Lyse haters weren’t paying thorough attention to Stormblood’s plot. That, or they’ve simply forgotten certain details with time. Because most of the things they accuse her of or site as reasons for their hatred LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED IN THE GAME.
There are so many accusations I've seen thrown around about her, and nearly all of them are something taken out of context, misremembered, or just straight up made up.
So what I want to do is go over some of the biggest accusations this fandom has perpetuated about Lyse and debunk those that are untrue or based on misunderstanding.
People who've followed me for a while probably know I used to do this all the time back in my Naruto fandom days. I’ve seen some really wild takes from that fandom, and still do occasionally even though the original manga ended nearly a decade ago.
But while I had to wade through a lot of nonsense back then, I really enjoy breaking down stories and characters in order to prove my perspectives. So I’d like to get back into it (especially since I’ve been struggling with focus issues, and this gives me interesting subjects to focus on!)
So let's get started:
“Yda was better than Lyse.”
Let's get something straight right of the bat. The “Yda” these players claim is “better”? That person's not real.
In the game’s timeline, the original 1.0 takes place in 1572, and the true Yda died in 1571. In other words, the “Yda” with Papalymo in 1.0 is Lyse. Apparently, legacy WoLs do encounter the real Yda via Echo visions from before 1.0, but the “Yda” they are with during 1.0 and beyond has always been Lyse. (I am not a legacy/1.0 player, so I'm using resources like the lore books and short stories to get this information.)
So what this means is that unless you are a legacy WoL, you never even knew or saw anything of the real Yda. It was always Lyse.
Everyone in the Circle of Knowing already knew this. Remember, it was Papalymo who asked them not to say anything; he recognized it as a coping mechanism for Yda's death, and he wanted Lyse to figure out for herself that she should not hide herself in her sister's shadow and legacy.
And deep down, Lyse had a feeling the others knew. She just didn't voice this, which is described as her “deciding not to know” that they knew. She even admits that she wasn't trying to truly “become” Yda, so it’s unlikely that she was really changing her personality all that much from what it usually is.
So I can't help but be annoyed when people insist they “liked Yda better”. Not only because I don't think Lyse's personality changed much from when she was “Yda”, but also because people who make this claim fail to see how ridiculous they sound.
The lie was a better character?
You see Lyse’s grief response to losing her older sister as a better character?
You hate that Lyse finally chose to let Yda go and try to become her own person? And preferred the lie?
What a weird hill to die on.
“Lyse didn’t do anything for the Resistance before my WoL showed up”
This is what I’m talking about when I say there are definitely players who just weren’t paying attention and instead make up whatever best fits their own biases.
Lyse and Papalymo were working with the Ala Mhigan Resistance since the end of A Realm Reborn. With a great deal of effort, Conrad managed to get them to Rhalgr’s Reach after the events of the Bloody Banquet, and the two of them pretty much spend the whole time after that working directly with Conrad’s faction of the Resistance until you finally manage to find them again towards the end of Heavensward and right before Stormblood begins
Lyse is not some stranger to them by the time your WoL crosses Baelsar’s Wall. By the time you get there, she’s already become close with Conrad, M’naago, and Meffrid. She’s already gone on countless dangerous missions with the Resistance and engaged directly in conflicts with imperials on their behalf. All of this is made clear in both the MSQ and the extra stories online.
I get so frustrated when blatant misinformation like this gets passed off as canon. How are you going to accurately criticize a character when you don’t even remember major parts of the story you’re criticizing? It makes no sense.
“Lyse stole the credit for saving Ala Mhigo from my WoL!!”
Yeah, no. She didn’t.
I’m not even going to pretend to humor this one. It doesn’t deserve it. It’s a lie. A straight up lie. It literally never happened.
But you know what the most annoying and sad thing about it is? This stupid claim is the exact opposite of how Lyse actually behaves throughout the game.
Lyse is seen regularly talking about how much she looks up to the WoL. She talks so much about how they inspire her, whether directly to them or to others when they’re not around. One of the biggest parts of her arc is getting over her fear of not living up to “true heroes”, including her family and the WoL. Hell, when people rightfully thank her for her efforts, she downplays it as simply doing the right thing and not something anyone needs to thank her for.
And when the WoL finally beats Zenos and Ala Mhigo finally becomes free, do you know what she says?
“You beat [Zenos], after all. You’re the real hero of this story. So run along and take your plaudits!”
How media illiterate does someone have to be to think that THIS is a character who’s “stealing credit”?
So no, Lyse Hext did not “steal credit” from your WoL. In fact, your WoL honestly just sounds like a delusional, self-important prick.
“Lyse didn't earn being the leader of Ala Mhigo/ the Resistance! It should have been Raubahn or M'naago!”
There are quite a few big issues with this one:
1 - Lyse is NOT the leader of Ala Mhigo, nor is she the leader of the entire Resistance.
Raubahn is.
Raubahn is Ala Mhigo's acting head of state. He's the one who is now the main head of the Resistance, which is the city-state's official military now that the Empire has lost control there.
I can’t even count how many people I’ve seen shouting about how “Raubahn should have been in charge!”, when he already IS in charge. And basically almost NO ONE ever fact checks anyone else on this.
These players are literally accusing Lyse of stealing a position she doesn’t have from a man who is, in fact, already in said position.
It’s wild.
2 - Lyse is currently the commander of the Resistance troops at Rhalgr’s Reach in the Fringes. That’s it.
The story makes it very clear that the Resistance was originally not headed by any one leader. There were multiple factions with different leaders, and they didn’t always get along and often had different perspectives on how best to free Ala Mhigo.
For instance, it was the Griffin specific faction of the Resistance, led by Ilberd, that attacked Baelsar's Wall. This branch of the Resistance was not affiliated with Conrad, and in fact, some of Conrad's group and fighters from other groups went to join the Griffin after being taken in by his words.
And because of the slaughter Ilberd purposely led those people into to summon Shinryu, many Ala Mhigans became wary of all factions of the Resistance for a time, even though they weren't necessarily affiliated with the Griffin’s faction.
The Resistance only recently began transitioning into an official military unit, rather that countless factions doing their own thing. Lyse is specifically in command of the group at Rhalgr’s Reach, because that was Conrad’s group. She’s NOT in charge of anyone else’s faction.
My guess as to the current chain of command is that the other factions are still being led by their respective leaders, and that since Raubahn now leads them as a whole, they (including Lyse) fall under his command and answer to him.
And as I said before, The Rhalgr’s Reach Resistance are not strangers to her, nor is she a stranger to them; she’s been working with and helping them since the end of ARR. It’s only because so many people refuse to acknowledge this that they’re convinced she’d done “nothing”, or that they somehow would see her as unfit.
3 - There are few things as universally annoying in fandom spaces than fans pitting women who are canon friends against each other. And unfortunately, this is exactly what I see happen most of the time with Lyse and M’naago.
Now unlike some of the other things I talk about in this post, I can at least understand some of the frustration regarding these two. After all, M’naago has been with the Resistance for a longer time.
But once again, this ends up tainted by people’s weird obsession with outright vilifying Lyse and everything she does. She’s not some evil schemer trying to usurp M’naago, and M’naago isn’t her bitter rival or victim. They are clearly very close - Lyse referring to her as “Naago” is a big deal in Seeker culture - and their stories on the lodestone makes it pretty clear to me that they care far more about each other and working to save their homeland than titles and mantles of leadership.
Honestly, I think a lot of people like to forget how much Lyse tried to reject becoming a leader. She was constantly comparing herself to others, and as a result, she considered herself unworthy of such a role and convinced herself it was something you needed a natural talent for. She was the one who insisted that being related to Curtis and Yda wasn’t enough to make her a good leader. It was only when she accepted her own limitations and imperfections that she finally accepted that role. She had to sort her own personal feelings out before she was ready to take on that responsibility.
One of the things I love about Lyse is that she’s a wonderfully flawed character; she has a lot of doubts, but she is trying her best to improve herself, instead of constantly wondering if she’s living up to someone else’s legacy. She’s not a Warrior of Light, or a decorated Archon. But she’s passionate, determined, and always willing to learn from others while she tries to become who she wants to be. In my eyes, that’s what Conrad’s talking about when he tells her she can become a leader. And regardless of what anyone else says, I enjoyed watching her start to come into her own.
“Lyse is a White Savior.”
This issue is much more complex than the other things I’ve brought up here. So I want to start out by making some things clear from the start.
As a black woman, I think one of the only well-founded criticisms regarding Lyse is her pale completion compared to her father Curtis, whose skin is much darker. Colorism is a serious and ongoing issue in entertainment media industries. It’s my belief that Lyse’s character design is a perfect example of that issue. And we as a fandom should absolutely acknowledge and criticize it.
However, I also disagree strongly with anyone who refers to Lyse as “a white savior”.
To provide some background information, “white savior” is a term connected to the long history of white people colonizing, oppressing, and denying agency to non-white people. Its concept originates from the racist ideology known as “The White Man's Burden” (named after a pro-imperialism poem), which falsely claims that white people are morally obligated to "save" people of color from themselves and their "savagery", thus justifying their colonization and cultural genocide. It’s also recognized as a common trope in media, where a white person - usually a white man displaced from white society - is made into the leader or liberator of a group of people of color, thus making said white person the focus of a story that doesn’t actually affect them the way it affects the marginalized.
There are two main reasons why I disagree with calling Lyse a white savior:
1 - Like I’ve already said, I 100% think Lyse’s character design is flawed. But something that’s very important to note here is that Ala Mhigo/Gyr Abania is not a homogeneous society some players seem to think it is.
Like a lot of the other regions in Eorzea, Gyr Abania has a diverse mixture of the world's fantasy races, including Hellsguard Roes, Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te, and both Highlander and Midlander Hyurs. But Gyr Abania is also not homogeneous when it comes to skin color. There are characters and NPCs throughout the Gyr Albania areas with varying skin tones. Some are fair, some are dark, and some are somewhere in between.
The problem with Lyse’s character design is that she’s suspiciously fair skinned despite being the daughter of a clearly dark-skinned man.
But what I tend to see people turn that into is “Lyse is too fair skinned to be Ala Mhigan”.
Fordola is fair skinned. M’hahtoa, M’naago’s mother, and several other members of the M Tribe are fair skinned. There are multiple NPCs across the Gyr Abanian maps that have fairer skin (some are named/can be spoken to, while others are unnamed/background NPCs).
I don’t think I’ve ever seen these characters brought up when people start talking about Ala Mhigan ethnicities. Maybe someone out there has and I simply missed it. But as far as I can remember, I’ve only seen Ala Mhigan skin tones brought up when someone is calling Lyse, and no one else, “too pale to be Ala Mhigan”. It doesn’t work to make this claim because Ala Mhigan is not a race; it's a nationality which is made up of multiple races, and those races seem to have varied skin tones based on what we see in the actual game.
Now remember, this is in no way a recant of my stance. I think Lyse should be closer in skin tone to her father. But the white savior label doesn’t work in this context because despite the problems with her design, Lyse is an Ala Mhigan refugee; not some random foreigner coming into Gyr Abania with no understanding of their history and plight. It’s not enough to claim she’s “too pale to be Ala Mhigan”, because Ala Mhigo/Gyr Abania isn’t homogeneous like that.
2 - When it comes to white saviorism, there’s a very specific privilege and ignorance that comes with it. The reason why it’s offensive is because it makes a white person the focus of a situation that they can’t and don’t truly understand. A story’s white savior - whether consciously or unconsciously - symbolizes white ego and narcissism. And frankly, I do not think that was ever the intention of Lyse’s story.
There’s a big difference between a white savior’s intrusion into a foreign country and a refugee returning to their homeland after many years. While only Lyse’s early years were spent in Ala Mhigo, she is not completely removed from it like people seem to think she is. It’s very clear she remembers her time there, and has clear memories of life with her father and sister.
She was only five when Yda got her out - right at the start of the Garlean occupation - and because of this, she initially doesn’t know how to convince other Ala Mhigans that the fight for their home is still worth it. Her love and hope for a better Ala Mhigo is mistaken for ignorance, because many have been so worn down by the loss and bloodshed that it’s considered suicide to fight back anymore.
Stormblood does a great job of showing how imperialism wears down its victims. The hopelessness felt by many in Ala Mhigo and Doma is the result of years of violence, abuse, and cruelty, and that’s exactly the imperials’ intention; an oppressor wants to break the will and spirit of the oppressed as much as they can, conditioning them to normalize their mistreatment in order to diminish threats to their control.
Characters like Fordola also help show how imperialists manipulate the oppressed to work against their own best interests. All of Fordola’s actions are driven by the misguided idea that working with the Empire would “free” Ala Mhigo. She was convinced that as long as she fought and killed for them, she’d eventually prove that Ala Mhigans are worthy of the Garleans’ respect. But that was never going to happen. It was a tactic to indoctrinate young Ala Mhigans and maintain the imperial status quo. And sadly, Fordola fell deep into that trap.
This is the real cause for Lyse’s initial disconnect. It’s not because of privilege or bias, or a lack of personal connection to Ala Mhigo. It’s founded on the fact that she simply hasn’t experienced the Empire’s relentless tyrannical tactics the same way those who remained in Gyr Abania have.
But this doesn’t mean she hasn’t dealt with loss and fear. Both her father and sister were killed by the Garleans. She’s experienced displacement and having to flee from your home to survive. She’s lost comrades and close friends while with the Scions. This isn’t some naive little girl who doesn’t know the pain that comes with battles and war.
The biggest challenge for the main cast of Stormblood wasn’t just physically fighting the Garleans. It was about a shared sense of pain and loss, and trying to break through the hopelessness the people of Ala Mhigo and Doma were feeling.
Lyse, the WoL, and the other characters aren’t doing what they do for glory. They’re not claiming to know better than the Ala Mhigans and Domans. They’re not trying to take their agency away. They’re trying to convince them to take back their own agency and futures from the Garleans. It’s about understanding their pain, their loss, and their fear, and trying to help them rediscover the strength to keep fighting for themselves. At least that’s what it was to me.
And speaking of the Garleans, it’s wild how I don’t see more people bring up their similarities to white saviorism.
So many Garleans refer to non-Garleans as “savages” and treat them as second class citizens in the provinces.
They insist that their societies and faiths are “primitive”, and that this justifies their invasions and conquests.
They outlaw cultural and religious practices and force their own practices in their place, all under the guise of “civilizing” conquered people and saving them from themselves.
They propagandize themselves as selfless heroes, and people like the WoL as the monstrous villains. “We’re simply trying to rescue these poor, deluded “savages” from themselves and their eikons. Why are you mad?”
And when people fight back and reject them, the Empire plays victim. Take Varis for instance; during that meeting with the Alliance, he targets the very valid issues the Eorzean nations have. But that’s not because he actually cares about fixing those problems; he’s literally just gaslighting them and trying to justify Garlemald’s false sense of supremacy.
It’s all right there. It’s literally a perfect fictional example of the racism, narcissism, and backwards logic of imperialism.
Yet somehow, I’ve see Lyse, an Ala Mhigan refugee, called a “white savior” more often than Garlean imperials.
It’s frustrating, to say the least.
Well, these are pretty much all the main accusations I’ve seen thrown at Lyse since I’ve started the game. If I think of anything else, or if someone gives me something else to look at, I will add on to this.
I don’t know if I’m changing any minds with this, or even if anyone even has the time or patience to read through this whole post. But it’s feels good to finally write out a lot of my thoughts on this subject after so long. I’d like to do this on more subjects relating to FFXIV, including ways I think certain parts of story could have been improved.
But that’s or another day. Thanks so much for reading ~
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horse-girl-anthy · 9 months
beneath the cut is an essay I've titled "Ikuhara Fandom, Shoujo Manga, and Eroticism." it discusses potentially upsetting subject matter.
when I first encountered RGU in 2014, I was largely baffled, though I thought the ending was very good. after that, I didn't rewatch more than an episode or two of the show again until 2020. Ikuhara was inaccessible to me as a teenager, but I spent years studying media, so when I returned to RGU, it was like discovering a goldmine. by the end of 2020, I'd watched all of Ikuhara's original shows.
the thing is, I still found Ikuhara challenging. there were things about his works which were seemingly contrary to my value system. I would read interviews of his and he would say things which sounded alarming--to use cliche terminology, he wasn't very politically correct.
if we're being honest, there is a party line in a lot of left-leaning fandom spaces. I used to be a part of that more than I am now; I had rigid ideas of right and wrong. today in the Ikuhara fandom, I often feel like the elephant in the room is that his works aren't the kind of "queer feminist masterpieces" that people portray them as. now, by that, I don't mean that those words don't apply to his works: what I mean is that the way people frame them, the way they discuss their meaning, doesn't bear that much relation to Ikuhara and his oevre.
RGU gets this treatment more than his other works. in fact, certain fans want to claim it as the work which truly aligns with their values, while Penguindrum, YKA, and Sarazanmai actively subvert RGU's message. a lot of other fans just stick with RGU, claiming it as a work without critiquing it. by critique, I don't mean negative criticism: I mean critique as in actual engagement with the text.
I remember that there was a point when I was afraid to engage with more Ikuhara interviews/works, since I thought I would find something out about him that made it so that I couldn't enjoy RGU. after all, when I would hang around in RGU spaces, every so often I'd see someone say that Ikuhara was super problematic. then I realized I was ignoring one of RGU's main themes, facing the truth rather than trying to stay in an idyllic past, so I took the dive. I had my ideas challenged, my values changed, and my entire approach to media shifted by doing so.
it's been strange to be in the English-speaking fandom, where everything is taken very seriously and there's certain universal assumptions about RGU's meaning, when many of the things held as absolutes are simply not so in the Japanese fandom. equally, the creative minds behind RGU are often in conflict with the Western fandom as well. once or twice, I've seen someone point this out and say that RGU is actually problematic/patriarchal, but mostly, it is ignored.
for instance, the character Ruka is massively hated in the western fandom, while as far as I understand, Juri/Ruka is one of the most common Japanese doujin pairings. Mamoru Hosoda, who storyboarded many Juri episodes, claimed that Ruka was in love with Juri. turning to Ikuhara, he often phrases things in a way that could leave you wondering if he's as much of a "feminist ally" as people want to paint him as. of the women's liberation movement, Ikuhara said, "On the one hand you had this social movement, but then in their heads I think almost everyone was thinking: this is lame (laugh), I don't wanna do this (laugh)."
consider this exchange from the same interview for a demonstration of just how differently people in the western fandom approach media compared to Ikuhara and a contemporary of his, art critic Mari Kotani:
Ikuhara: Speaking of sexuality, after Utena I wrote a novel which features lots of hermaphroditic characters. It's a collaborative work, a book called Schell Bullet. Kotani: It is a fantasy world? Ikuhara: It's a future world. Humanity has divided into roughly two groups, Majors and Minors. Because of gene manipulation the Majors are hermaphrodites without male/female sexes, and they have a monopoly on good genetic material. The Minors are humans who have fallen away from the monopolized gene material, they look basically the same are present-day humans, and have two sexes. Kotani: Sounds interesting! Are the Minors kind of like slaves, like in The Human Livestock Yapū?
Ikuhara: The boss is visually female, a Major with a very bold beauty. From the start I wanted the main character's boss to be a hermaphroditic woman. That's because, the way I see it, even the Major women in the real world, that is to say women who are competent workers, seem to have an intense male side. 
what I find most interesting in this exchange is how Kotani casually brings up the idea of sexual slavery as a fun angle for Ikuhara's hermaphrodite novel. it's not to say that this kind of attitude is universal in Japan, just as leftist fandom spaces aren't universal here in America. however, there is obviously a huge difference in values between these two worlds.
so, what world is Ikuhara occupying? where did he come from and what are his influences? exploring these questions is what helped me to come to peace with his works, and in the process, I changed my own thinking.
I'm not really qualified to speak in depth on Japan, its history, culture, or values. however, I have looked into specific trends which I know were influences on Ikuhara specifically, so that's what I'll focus on here.
Ikuhara was born in 1964 and became a teenager in the 1970s. it was a period marked by a lot of social movements. he describes in many interviews feeling completely disillusioned when, rather than change society, the movements were crushed or simply collapsed in on themselves. "oh, maybe there's no way to change the world after all." however, one way or another, he seems to have pulled himself out of that despair. his works are all designed to give modern people a way out of the end of history brought on by the failure of radical change and the onset of the neoliberal global order.
as a young creative, he was into the dramatist/director Shuji Terayama and other artists who were pushing boundaries. in the Kotani interview, he stated:
Ikuhara: Terayama's words are interesting too, but what I find the most kitschy and cool is his theatre. Suddenly a completely naked actress would appear, without even a genital cover, and this was in Kinokuniya Hall! The police might barge in saying "Hey, wait a second". I guess this is why they say it's a fine line between a hero and a criminal (laugh), but until then I had never thought that showing your panties or showing your willy could be anything but shamelessness, and now the Asahi Shimbun was treating it as superb culture. I found that gap extremely mysterious and fascinating, and personally I felt a cultural nuance there.
clearly, the libertine values of 20th century countercultures left their mark on him. more than that, he is interested in the conflict between sexual repression and sexual expression, which has only escalated in Japan and in the West up until today.
turning to the anime/manga sphere, I know that RGU has a reputation as being very triggering, but to be honest, compared to its predecessors, RGU is mild and restrained. J.A. Seazer, a musician who Tereyama collaborated with, wrote songs for both RGU and the the 1992 anime film Midori. the story is old, dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, and it's been adapted as recently as 2016. Midori is an exploitation film: full of child rape, set in a freak show, featuring countless horrors in its 40-minute run. I've watched it and would not recommend it unless you're interested in the ero guro genre.
I bring up Midori as an example of the media landscape Ikuhara began his career in. he was working on Sailor Moon, so obviously, there was less heavy content in the world of anime and manga, but Sailor Moon is represents only one side of shoujo. Ikuhara is more aligned with the Year 24 Group, who revolutionized shoujo in the 1970s. the group produced a wide range of works, many of which had obvious influences on Ikuhara.
I know that Ikuhara is often associated with lesbians, but in fact, I would say that shoujo BL is one of his largest anime/manga influences. the early work Kaze to Ki no Uta is an acknowledged influence on RGU, and Ikuhara did an interview with its mangaka, Takemiya Keiko.
many of the early BL mangaka were inspired by western literature. Demian is not only referenced in RGU but also in Kaze to Ki no Uta. most important for BL is the 1912 German novel Death in Venice, as well as its 1971 film adaptation. for those unfamiliar, the novel is about a man in his 50s stalking a young teenage boy, becoming completely obsessed with him and other underage kids. it is a sexual obsession, but there are other angles to it, and the story has been analyzed in various ways. the fascination seen in shoujo and BL with beautiful young boys, as well as pedophilia, can be in part traced back to this story.
taking inspiration from Death in Venice, shoujo's fundamental character dynamic was established, one that can also be seen in a film such as Midori: innocence versus experience. the ever-present theme is corruption, how abuse and exploitation corrode personalities and create societal damage.
how this is handled can vary from work to work. I understand that grotesque depictions of child abuse or failure to condemn pedophilia hard enough make some people not want to engage with these works at all. I will say, whatever one thinks of Death in Venice, Kaze to Ki no Uta, along with the BL manga of Takemiya's contemporary Moto Hagio, are certainly not child porn. I think there is no excuse for CP, and even if there are things in Kaze to Ki no Uta that I question, it is overall a work of artistic merit, beyond holding interest to me as an early work in the genre.
as I've said, RGU is mild compared to much of what came before it, as well as a contemporary manga like A Cruel God Reigns. however, the core of its character dynamics are in line with shoujo/BL. the twist is that the work focuses on relationships between women.
Kotani: ...Watching it, the relationships between women, including the dialogue, were very sexual, very vivid, right? Ikuhara: But I think what it is expressing is simply yaoi. To do that using shōjo "royal road"-like characters, and with two women, is somewhat rare I think.
Utena and Anthy are easy to compare to BL couples who came before them, like Serge and Gilbert or Ash and Eiji. rather than approach gender issues through projection on to pretty boys, Be-Papas chose to use women, creating their own version of a gendered social system. of course, other Year 24 Group members used lesbians or GNC women to explore similar themes, with Rose of Versailles being another major influence on RGU. however, Ikuhara claiming that RGU is essentially yaoi has fascinated me for years.
Anthy and Akio are experience, knowledge, and corruption, while Utena is innocence, youth, and purity. like many predatory shoujo characters, Akio is obsessed with innocence and purity while also seeking to destroy them. the drama centers on Utena's struggle with corruption, as well as Anthy's conflicted feelings towards her friend's naivety, as she both identifies her past self with Utena and resents her for her ignorance. the story also features intense power dynamics, which, over the course of the narrative, are upset. all of these elements are standard for BL and shoujo.
to dig deeper into the value sense behind these works, here is a passage from the Takemiya/Ikuhara interview:
Takemiya: What I wanted to ask is about “crossing the line” for a girl [implicitly losing one's virginity/sexual purity]. I thought Utena crossed it unexpectedly easily. Ikuhara: Ah, I’m not thinking very deeply, right? Actually, I just wanted to suggest that it doesn’t matter. Because a lot of people seem to get caught up in issues of purity, I wanted to show that it didn’t matter. Takemiya: But doesn’t it seem like more kids these days don’t care about those things? Ikuhara: Yes, and that’s another reason I did it. But I think there are still many people who would try to put it in a box and say purity is important because it is an animation. Takemiya: Actually I think it’s more likely a lot of people will try to use the purity as an index of understanding. I guess you are an adult if you can overcome that. Ikuhara: That’s true, there are a lot of people that want to put a line between justice and absolute evil based on purity. I didn’t want them to do that. Whether manga or anime, I think it can become a motivation for the viewers and the readers in real life. I don’t like when people draw lines, out in society, equating absolute evil with impurity - in an animation which is nothing more than fiction, drawing a line between those that are carnally pure and those that are not.
I think we can all agree that Akio was in the wrong for trying to make Utena feel guilty for sleeping with him in episode 38 of RGU. but going further, Ikuhara and Takemiya say that they want to reject purity as an index of understanding altogether. to me, what this means is not jumping to immediate judgments, not treating issues of sexuality as if they are so deep as to sully the soul.
this is NOT to make some kind of excuse for pedophilia or child porn. I know from my own life how harmful those things are. to close out this discussion, I am going to try to explain what I mean by touching on the use of eroticism in art.
years ago, I was watching Naoki Urasawa's Manben, a show which gives space to mangaka to show off their process. Junji Ito went on it, and I was troubled by the following moment from the episode:
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before I got into Ikuhara, I didn't have a grasp on the erotic. when I watched this, my thought was, why are they talking about a toddler being erotic?
after having gained an appreciation for eros's place in art, I understand what they were saying here. eros is hard to define, but it relates to sensuality: a way of interacting with the world which is beyond the intellect. the erotic is not pornographic: it is evocative, a way to make any work of art touch its audience on a deeper level. it is related to sexuality but is not the same thing as it. for Ito, exaggerating the erotic aspect of this character helps him to create even greater horror. the point is not to make a toddler sexy.
RGU relies heavily on this kind of eroticism for different purposes, both within the series and in the promotional art. whenever I see someone trying to ban a specific kind of fan art, I roll my eyes for this very reason. it's not as if there's any significant numbers of people making RGU exploitation porn or anything; most of it is in line with the show itself. for instance:
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official art of characters all 13 and younger
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Anthy having sex with her brother in the series proper (episode 31)
I have seen RGU called exploitative and fetishized, though not as often as I've seen the same criticism leveled at later Ikuhara works. however, more often than not, the disturbing eroticism of RGU is left uncommented on.
to come full circle, the reason that I now have a lot of admiration for Ikuhara is that I've come to see that the "problematic" aspects of his work help him to tell meaningful stories. all of his anime are designed to spark self-revelation/self-transformation in their audiences. additionally, I now appreciate erotics for what they are, feeling them on the sensual level rather than intellectualizing about them. viewing the above images, various readings can be drawn, arguments made about the impact of their eroticism on the themes they express. however, there is a more primal appeal to them, something which draws the eye. that aesthetic quality, by itself, deserves to be defended. those who dislike it should probably not engage with Ikuhara works. from RGU commentary, episode 38:
Hideki Mori: Are you always trying to work in this type of erotic undertone? Ikuhara: Yes, well... if it doesn't have that kind of stuff... it's not very interesting! Either I'm doing it to make it interesting or maybe I just wanted to see that.
I will finish with two final points. firstly, I think that letting go of one's automatic response of moral judgment is essential when approaching Ikuhara anime. this is not the same thing as advocating for a laissez-faire, anything-goes approach; it is simply saying, before applying preconcieved notions, let the work's textual, aesthetic, erotic, and sensual levels wash over you. if you give the work time and find some aspect of it offensive, that's one thing, but I am glad that I didn't let my kneejerk reactions turn me off of Ikuhara. along with that, don't immediately apply some kind of feminist, queer, or leftist lens to explain everything either. just let the work breathe.
lastly, I want to share Ikuhara's words on what affect he thought RGU had on its audience:
Ikuhara: I didn’t want 'Utena' to become a nice story. A story can be pretty, but it feels like a lie. From the beginning, the story was going to be about saving a friend, so in that sense that was the goal, but it can easily become a nice story, so to break away from that I made sure that it was a foolish story. I think it’s this foolishness that makes ‘Utena’ so popular with adults. Not in a sexual way, but more that watching it at that point makes it more relatable. 
to re-emphasize, my point with this discussion was that much of Ikuhara's artistry is ignored because his approach and influences are considered problematic. that being said, it was never his intention to make a work about "sexy teenagers" who adult viewers can masturbate over. none of his works are that: they feature students because anime often features students, and because he has an interest in the threshold between childhood and adulthood. although I am now 26, I can see myself in all of his casts, and the eroticization of the art makes me more invested in the story and themes, not titillated.
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luwritesomething · 1 year
can you do dating headcanons for stu? its fine if not 🫶🏻
Stu Macher Heacanons: Meeting and later Dating Stu Macher.
Warnings: Swearing lol, probably typos or bad constructed english
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Dating Stu headcanons!!
Author's note: STU i love stu. i've never written for him without it being a poly relationship with billy, so let's see how these turn out. hope you like them!!! i added the meeting him part because it's the way i like to read them. also, have this great song.
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas.
in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, chad martin-meeks, mindy martin-meeks, tara carpenter, anika kayoko, laura crane
i was gonna say you probably met him in high school (like, the building) BUT NOPE
you know how he's always listening to music with his silly little headphones? well, he has to get his music from somewhere.
lets say you work the afternoon shift in one of woodsboro's music stores!
there's probably not a lot of them, anyways, given how woodsboro is supposed to be rather small.
so, even though you had been years together in the same school and all, the first time you guys talked was at the music store.
let's face it, stu's charismatic. i would even go as far as to say he's even more liked than billy. billy looks menancing, and although popular --- bc of his good looks and that misterious aura he has that WE love ---, stu is more easy going.
like, the dude's so fun to be around with. and he's also funny. i would befriend him so fast, honestly.
he goes a lot to that specific music store after some casual convos with you, and you can BET it's because he likes you.
he strats calling you "my music dealer". it's funny. laugh.
you actually start getting excited whenever he crosses the door --- peak moments of your day, to be honest. and luckily for you, he always comes alone, so all his attention is reserved to you and your conversation.
after the first times you talk and begin getting along, you start seeing him everywhere.
i mean, it's normal that, after you've met someone, you start noticing them more.
but this is because he forced it. he's lowkey enough to make these encounters look like casualties, so it seems normal.
and soon, you start to talk at school too. not much, though because his friend group is big and requires his attention and it's not like you don't have to go to classes or anything.
the first time he's very obvious about wanting to be with you, though, it's one day in the biology class you guys share. stu comes into the classroom and he just steals the seat by your side.
his smile leaves you too dumbfounded to even do anything else other than smile.
i don't know how outgoing you are, but he's definetely asking you out first. and it doesn't even have a romantic undertone, but you two end up kissing for the first time then and well....
boom, dating!
he's big on petnames. like, the most annoying and corney petnames to make you embarassed. i won't elaborate.
he's a very chill boyfriend, i think. i'd like him to be my boyfriend.
he's the kind that loves to spend time with you, as long as you guys are doing something. the boy can't sit still, have you seen him?
his love language is quality time and physical touch. also he gossips a lot, for some reason, and stu likes sharing what he's heard with you, even if you don't care.
if you don't like scary movies, he won't force you to watch them too often. stu rathers watch something that will guarantee you two have a good time, and that includes clueless.
playing video games with him !
listen to me. BAKING with stu. that'd be such a ride (want me to elaborate? hit that req button!!!)
he's goofy. so, goofy boyfriend.
staining your nose with his ice cream. every. damn. time.
stu's nervous when you finally meet the others, especially billy. he needs you to like his friends, especially billy.
luckily enough, you all get along.
staying for the night at his house !!! a lot. since his parents are out so much, he feels lonely and always invites you.
not gonna lie, the first time he meets you family it's probably a disaster. the boy's a sweetheart, but also hella nervous.
since he lives on the outsides, he probably drives to school. i'm guessing he uses that bigass truck --- although i can see him walking to school, occasionally.
he probably insists on taking you to school. unless you live really close to it, he probably convinced you to let him take you to school.
very loving boyfriend. have you seen him with tatum? stu's cute as hell.
he's probably jealous. won't intervene unless you actually call him, but he gets jealous as hell.
stu distracts you a lot in the classes you share. he gets bored and tries to talk to you or throw you little notes if you don't sit together --- it's a miracle you're still passing your exams.
staying by his side during his parties, especially if you're not an extrovert. he always makes sure you're comfortable, and never forgets to give you attention.
i think stu would be a great boyfriend. with his flaws (& the murder tendencies & the homoerotic relationship with billy & the crazy amount of misoginy) but still a good one.
he'd probably run away from arguments, and he's bad at taking things seriously.
and never forget, stu is as manipulative as billy is. he won't hesitate to manipulate you if he must.
well. that took a dark turn (pls never fall for someone like stu or billy in real life. this is just cute fiction! it should stay that way)
lots of cuddles.
he's the best cuddler!!!
bear hugs, and he won't let go if you ask him not to. he's the best if you're feeling down-
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theanimekid · 2 years
Blood and Gold
“Gold is forever. It is beautiful, useful, and never wears out. Small wonder that gold has been prized over all else, in all ages, as a store of value that will survive the travails of life and the ravages of time.” — James Blakeley
“And now, born from the ashes, she’s a warrior in bloodied black.” ― Amie Kaufman
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TW: Blood, angst, mild cursing
Pairing: Samuel Seo X Thicc Reader
A/n: I am pretty sure no one in the lookism fandom thought about a chubby reader, good thing I came along
Overview: Being the adopted daughter of a household of men, a server at your father's club, and a bouncer, and encountering your boss all in one night.
Chapter 1: The bloody club
A bit of Background information:
You didn't live in a remarkably regular home. Your parents were constantly arguing every day for what seemed like forever. Your father was a drunkard, and your mother tried her best to put food on the table. But when you heard them argue time and time again, You couldn't take it anymore, so you ran.
As far away as you can, away from it all. But the conflict was born in humanity, and it is impossible to escape it. You lived on the streets. And finding food, home, money, and clothing. But it wasn't easy, only leaving home at 5 years old, it was something you must acclimate to. For months, you lived in harsh conditions, stealing food from stores and taking clothes from any nearby neighbors, it became a daily routine for you.
Everything changed within one instant.
You run down a busy street with food in hand, barefooted and with a ragged hoddie and pants while the shopkeeper was pursuing you from behind. " Get back here, you little brat!!!" The storekeeper blurted angrily. As he was just about to seize you by the shoulder, but you were a fast one. Making a sharp turn into the closed street corner, the storekeeper fell into one of the trashcans. Injuring himself as you thought you got away from that guy. Someone pulled you from almost killing yourself because a car nearly hit you on impact. You looked behind at your rescuer, the elder man wearing a suit and tie along with a long black coat and suitcase. You stared at him for a second before the streetlight turned green and people started walking. The old gentleman tugged you along with him as you were struggling to break free. " I've been looking for you for quite some while," The old man spoke calmly, his voice sturdy and firm, "My men told me they had some trouble with a small lassie. So, I considered I attend to the matter myself, but it seems fate got us together. Heh… How peculiar." He chuckled as the two of you walked to the other side of the avenue.
" So... 'm in trouble or something Mr.?" You emitted quietly as he barely let go of your hand. He got on one knee and gazed into your eyes, gentleness and forthright. He shook his head, " No, you're not. as of matter of fact, I want to take you home with me."
Has he gone mad? why would he take in a street rat like you... let alone a chubby one
Even after all the trouble you caused... What's going on in this old man's head?
Before you could get away from the man, a limousine pulled up in front of him. " Ah, look like our ride Is here." He clamored merrily as the driver opened the door for him. He got in before turning to you, "well, you coming in or what, my adopted grandchild?"
And that's how you were adopted by an old man, became a server and bouncer at your grandfather's party joint: The Bloody Club. It has gotten the name because of the fighting that had happened there, and possibly you being in the middle of it. As a bouncer, if they start something, you gotta break it up, or otherwise, it'll escalate.
As you were serving some people on the lower floor with one of your younger brothers, the music was blasting, and lights flashed throughout the party. People were dancing, drinking, and talking loud as hell. You did a slight mini hop as the DJ played your favorite song. " Heyy, your favorite song's on." Your brother yelled as he served the beverages to the women in a facade of him, plainly trying to get in bed with him. He is attractive, after all. All the men in your family are, and you are too.
Clamoring started to draw your attention to the dance floor. Two intoxicated males with tattoos are about to start a brawl. You sighed as you went down into your skirt sack and grabbed your Golden knuckle braces, with your full nickname spelled on them: Bloody Baroness. You went from behind the counter and to the dance floor.
" Go raise hell, Baby Baroness." Your Younger brother hollered. As he was going to cover your shift.
You moved some of the people to the side as you went into the conversation, " Oi, How about you two take this outside? Don't make it a scene." You reasoned as the two men stared at you with malicious intent and fever drunkness. " And doe a little girl like you gonna do about it?" He said soberly as he reached in his pocket. " I'll have to use force and kick out." You forewarned.
He yelled as he got the blade out of his pocket and attempted to swing, but you ceased at mid-mark, crushing his wrist as he screamed," Don't provoke it further. I'll get messy." You stared into his eyes with the intent to knock his sorry ass out.
Until he knew what happened, you threw him across the entrance door as he ranged flying in the air. The audience gasped and mumbled, how the hell, did you do that?!
The other man went to whack you with his left hook, but you avoided it. He sent numerous punches as you kept dodging each one of them. As if you can glimpse the moves before he strikes them. In his last strike, you grabbed his arm and gave a couple hits of your own to the face and stomach as the gold braces put an indent into his body. He collapsed and puked up the liquor he had. " So, how was your trip to Punch city?" You asked as you walked around him.
" No-N-No way, I Ain- Urghh" He stopped mid-sentence as you kicked him in the face. " I'm sorry to say this..." You snarkily replied. As each blow went to finish him off. " You. Are. Already. Finished!" You grunted as you sent the final blow to his gut as he collapsed to the floor with bruises and blood on his body.
You looked around to see that before you intervened, they'd broken a couple of things before you came over here. You looked at the currently; unconscious man's gold watch and a couple of rings, one of them being a diamond ring. You grabbed the man's expensive watch from his wrist. And the rings on his fingers, "I'll consider this as payment for the repairs." You smiled as you told the guards to get him out of here. While the guards went to remove the man from the premises, you walked backward until you bumped into someone. " And here I thought you might need some help. looks like I'm not needed." He chuckled. You turned around to see who you were going to apologize to see the elevated muscular man who was littered with tattoos. Possibly from head to toe, He wore a black shirt that was buttoned up to his chest, showing more of his tattooed chest, sleeves rolled up to his elbow, and puffing out a cigarette from his mouth.
You scoffed, " As if I need any help from a stranger. Also, I live with a family of boys at home. I've never seen you around here before. You new?" You questioned.
He inhaled the cigarette from his lips and puffed a wave of smoke from his lips. " The name's Samuel, baby girl." He reached out his other hand to shake hers. " Y/n L/n."
You walked back to your bar with your brother, wrapping up his shift and yours. The people from the club began to head out of the building. " Should I tell gramps about getting repairs, or should you?" Your brother asked as you stood cleaning up the broken glass off the floor. " Nah, I'll do it."
As you were about to wrap things up, you grabbed your phone from out of your pocket, till a clattering noise echoed below you. You looked down to see a business card wrapped in a small sheet of paper. You quatted down to reach it and unwrapped the sheet of paper:
" Your grandfather told me that you were thinking about studying for business, so I requested him that you should work under me. I'll see you tomorrow."
Number: ****-*****-*****
A/n: Part 2 might come around in September of next weekend
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cursedvibes · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @voxofthevoid
Thank you! And congratulations to the 2 mil words 🥳
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Jujutsu Kaisen so far. And I published an original fic anonymously. I also have some ideas for Naruto (or more like the Sannin), Houseki no Kuni and Monster fics, but I'm not getting there any time soon.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
People really seem to like the more or less wholesome Itadori family stuff
Call Me A Familiar Stranger (Kenjaku & Yuuji) - I really didn't expect this one to be so popular, since it was essentially just a scrapped idea for another chapter of Chance Encounter.
Chance Encounter (Kenjaku & Yuuji)
Familial Units (Kenjaku & Yuuji, Jin/Kenjaku)
Stitches Across the Eye (Jin/Kenjaku) - my long term project that I will hopefully finish next year...
First Time (Jin/Kenjaku) - My #1 smut fic. It's really surprising to see it this high because it didn't do that well in the beginning, but recently I've been getting a lot of notifications for it.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, but it might take weeks 😬 It's always in the back of my head though and especially with the longer ones I feel bad for not responding quickly. Usually, I feel really stupid with the stuff I say in response, but I hope that doesn't shine through. I really appreciate every single one. I have a whole folder of screenshotted comments, bookmark descriptions and tumblr tags, asks and mentions.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh boy, that's a tough pick. I'd say either Midnight Tea or In the Quiet of the Cold because they both end with Jin's corpse rotting on the floor and a deeply traumatized Yuuji.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think First Time is my most wholesome fic so far. Lots of vivid descriptions of Kenjaku's brain, but Jin is actually really happy about how touching his wife's organs can be a bonding experience. It's how he copes with Kaori's temporal death uwu. Even Kenjaku catches some feelings.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not really. There was that comment recently saying I should tag First Time dead dove, but that was more weird, not hateful. Some people also have some strong emotions about Kenjaku surgically removing Gojo's eye in Familial Units, but they always end in "I didn't read the tags/didn't take them seriously, my bad".
9. Do you write smut?
I try to...it's one of the writing things I struggle with the most. I have a couple of smut WIPs, but most I don't think are good enough to be published.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. I don't read many crossovers either. Just doesn't interest me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I actually got asked just yesterday by someone if they could translate Don't Think About The Past into Spanish. It's a first for me, I feel really honoured.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Depending on the idea I wouldn't be opposed to it tho.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't think I have something like that. There aren't that many ships I'm really crazy about anyway. TenKen and JinKen are definitely my favourite to write about tho.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Feel The Life Unmade. I just don't feel that satisfied about the set-up and the characters I included in there. The topic and time period is really interesting though and I want to write more about the Death Painting experiment, but not here. I decided that I will write a little bit more of chapter 3 until I get to a specific cut-off point (around 1k more words than I already have in my draft of ch3), then throw it on AO3 and incorporate the rest of my ideas in other fics. The first chapter of Haunting Past is how I wanted to end Life Unmade and some other ideas will be included in the WIP I'm currently writing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Atmosphere I would say, particularly writing unsettling and creepy scenes. I've also been told by people that they really like my characterizations. Recently, someone commented that I manage to write Kenjaku in a way that you feel their old age, but also connection to current society and culture, which made me really happy because that's a balance I try to pay close attention to.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. And I really mean smut, not sex. I can write sex, but making it hot and appealing is where I struggle. It always feels so hollow and silly when I reread it. Gross, anxiety inducing sex scenes I can do, but making sex sexy is hard for me. Guess that's the reason I have an easier time with MahiKen smut. It's nastier. Action scenes are hard too, but I haven't really encountered many scenarios where I would really need them, so I just don't have much practice in writing them. I also tend to focus more on a character's inner world and actions scenes don't lend themselves well to that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine I guess? I don't think I ever had to incorporate that in a fic (if we're talking about an exchange of multiple sentences and not just short phrases) and I would only include it if the POV character doesn't understand the language. I'd also only use it if it's a language I am confident I can represent properly. I suffered through a lot of broken German, I know how it is to have supposed native speakers not know basic grammar (or in TV pronunciation...it's one thing to have an accent, but German in American shows/movies is often just unintelligible).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Tanz der Vampire, when I was 14 or 15, but I didn't publish any of it. Wouldn't know where I would've done that anyway. Besides that, JJK is the first fandom I decided to invest a lot of time in to write and publish fanfics for.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Picking Up The Pieces. I threw in a lot of my Heian TenKen hcs and it allowed me to explore a more manipulative side of Tengen. Also, it is very fun to have Kenjaku in such a vulnerable position, that doesn't happen very often.
I don't know 20 fic writers :') (or not well enough to dare to tag them) No pressure to do this or respond of course. Also, if anyone else sees this and wants to do it, feel free to take this as your tag
@hxhhasmysoul @perelka-l @urostakako @kaitakushi @frankenjoly @kenjakusbrainstem
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skaruresonic · 11 months
I don't really think seniority matters as much as the willingness to research and play the games. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable calling myself a "veteran" fan, because while I technically have played a lot of Sonic games, my knowledge base doesn't feel comprehensive enough outside of the general range of the early Adventure games to warrant discussion. Can't talk about TSR or Riders, for instance, because racing games bore me and so I never finished them. Or '06, which I refuse to finish on the basis of it being an utter soul-suck of a game. I've been a Sonic fan since 2002, though sometimes I forget that fact because I go through "gap years" in which I feel distant from the series for some reason or another. Back in 2006-2010 it was the inability to play new releases because broke. In 2014, it was Boom, which everyone was sort of... weird... about. Nowadays it's the alienation I feel for the utter hype surrounding IDW, Prime, and Frontiers. This ride is for life, but it's not always a smooth one.
In addition, real life needs attending to, my knowledge of the games tends to become hazy and vague after a while, and I don't necessarily have the time to play and refresh my memory. There are also details about the games that I've overlooked the first time around, such as the fact that Sonic and Shahra both call the antagonist "the" Erazor Djinn multiple times throughout SatSR, implying his name is a title, as opposed to fandom which simply refers to him as "Erazor Djinn," implying it is a name.
I've been in the privileged position of growing up with my preferred era of games. During my childhood, a new Sonic game would come out roughly every year. These days it's harder to access that era of games because some of them, like Shuffle or Battle, are abandonware.
While these roadblocks are real and valid, on the other hand... In this age of having practically any information you want to know available at your fingertips, it's no excuse to just Say Whatever you want about those games. There's the inability to access the game, and then there's the refusal to meet it halfway. Far too often you encounter the latter over the former.
Certainly, I won't pretend to know about every single Sonic game there is. That's why I don't talk about them. I talk instead about the handful of games I do know about. Hopefully, I might say something interesting about them every once in a while. hello yes can I gush about those semi-transparent reflections in SA2 DC I promise I'm normal about it
The other day @woodchipp and I were talking about how modern fandom seems to base their impressions of a game on "vibes" rather than playing the games for themselves. This is how you get wild takes divorced from reality, when folks value aesthetics over accuracy. In any case, my stance has always been that you don't necessarily have to know every single little detail about any given game; you just need to know what you're talking about in a general overarching sense. I'll know you haven't played the game when you neglect basic, unmissable plot points.
For example: "Tails found Emerl on the beach in Battle" tells me you haven't played Battle, because Sonic finding Emerl on the beach is what kickstarts the entire game. "SA2 never shows us where Shadow stole the Chaos Emerald from" tells me you haven't played SA2, because the game specifies that detail twice - once in recap, once during a cutscene - and you would have known that had you been paying attention.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thank you for the tags @suspendingtime, @colettebronte and @fayes-fics 💙 Following Faye's lead and answering while inebriated 😅 Saturday night fam...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
24 thus far. I should toss LMBYA on there - I think it may be well received.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Bridgerton. It's the only thing that has stirred my soul to write for since I was a teenager...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
On AO3:
Love to Spare  135
Young at Heart 128
Touch 126
A Brother's Love 122
Willow Bark 98
Tumblr notes:
Still Going 1730
Touch (my next top 5 are the Touch series at 3777 cumulatively)
Locked Out 417
Gala 395
Young At Heart 300
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely. Every single comment gets a response because that level of engagement from readers deserves celebration and recognition. It makes my heart soar.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
LOL HAVE YOU MET ME? I have something of a reputation... But if I had to pick, I'd say Number Ten and I'll Be Seeing You rank as my top angstiest endings for A & B Bridgerton respectively.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm. Young At Heart was for sure the fluffiest thing I've ever written. But I have a soft spot for the tooth-rotting sweetness of Two Lines and A Special Day.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately no. I haven't encountered any negativity for my fics yet. The Bridgerton fan community has been lovely.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I don't feel that it's my strong suit. It started just for Benophie but I have branched into x Reader. I don't think I'm great at it. I prefer to write whump and angst.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, no real crossovers. I enjoy AUs that dip into vampire/zombie/apocalypse territory though. My friend suggested I combine my fixations and have the Bridgertons discover a portal to Middle Earth in their hedgerow 😅 Let the madness begin...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so. I granted permission for a fic to be translated into French.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not officially, but I have had such fun brainstorming and workshopping fic ideas with my mutuals. I wouldn't have written half as much as I have if it weren't for them.💙
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Benophie is my OTP, obvi.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
WOOF. I have 17 WIPs. I'd say the most at risk is a concept for Anthony on each of his siblings' wedding days. I have to read all the Bridgerton novels to finish this one, and that's a tall ask.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm aight at conveying emotion. Feels are kinda my game - good and bad.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing TOO much about feelings 😜 I skew verbose and can get wordy as fuck because I'm trying so hard to paint a very precise picture. I always have to remind myself to reel it in so readers aren't bogged down.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have sprinkled some French for Benophie and Tamil for Kanthony into my stories. Just little phrases that I always research thoroughly.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First ever? X-Men 😋 I was 12. The first film came out. I was a goner for Wolverine...
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Guh, they are all like children to me. But my heart is drawn to my multichapter character stories. Let Me Be Your Anchor is the first Bridgerton fic I started writing and the only one I ever intended to. It's novel length and will be my greatest accomplishment. A Brother's Love was the first fic I actually finished and has the most soul in it IMO. Then I see Willow Bark as my most clever 'fix it' story - if the show could adopt my ideas on that one I think we'd all win 😉
Everyone I know has already been tagged so - just here to share 💙
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ghostboyjules · 2 years
It appears the last two (2)….times I’ve tried creating this post, tumblr thought I was too wordy, so I’m going to attempt to get in and get out before it eats itself again
this playlist (a Dream of the Endless™ character examination via my silly brain and sad ass music) took me entirely too long and I'm going to throw my laptop out of the window if I have to look at it any longer so pls pls take it and I hope that if you listen or even read the lyrics that you find something new, or hear something you like.
This absolutely would not have ever seen the light of tunglr.hell if not for the beautiful souls of the Sandman fandom, and a few of my new friends and mutuals. So special internet cookies and hugs to these inspirational, encouraging, and beyond talented individuals; @wordsinhaled , @weirdfishy , @wizardofgoodfortune , and @xx-vergil-xx - i love y'all dearly and I hope this is even HALF of what you would have expected, or a quarter of the amazing content y'all have bestowed upon my lil eyeballs. Now Onward! to words that personally injure me!
Florence + The Machine -Too Much Is Never Enough
And the crown, it weighs heavy 'Til it's banging on my eyelids Retreating in covers and closing the curtains One thing's for certain, oh A year like this passes so strangely Somewhere between sorrow and bliss
Oh, who decides from where up high? I couldn't say "I need more time" Oh, grant that I can stay the night Or one more day inside this life
~I first encountered this song in it's source material FFXV, and there it destroyed me. Now, wearing my dumb lil blorbo glasses yet again, it is back with vengeance..goth royalty sad wet cat flavored (gross), vengeance. "too much is never enough" .... oh sweeties...
VIRA - God Complex
God, I could try To be the one To be the one I'll tear down the sky What do you want? I'll do it all for life My love, my alibi Tonight, tonight I'll try to do it for you
I'm gonna be where you are Doesn't matter how far Because we are meant to be I'm gonna be what you need Darling, please worship me Unless you prefer to plead
~pretty sure this is the angriest sounding song on this thing? but it is fitting.. and desperate.. and wanting and... painful. when she grits out 'try' and 'sky' the way she does.. god the emotion. this just brought to mind Dream and falling for someone hard enough to the point of destructive devotion...
AJJ - Body Terror Song
It will betray you Be used against you Then it will fail on you, my dear But before that, you'll be a doormat For every vicious narcissist in the world Oh, how they'll screw you all up and over Then feed you silence for dessert
~ I love seeing people explore the idea of Dream just...not vibing with being fully corporeal. At least not in the way he is while in the Waking.. what a mood, and especially after the fishbowl...whew.
Philip Wesley - Lamentations of the Heart
~I wanted to include a few instrumental tracks in here and this one felt apt because I used to fall asleep to this album all the time. Like it was one of the only ones I could fall asleep to with any certainty. The feeling and title for this one tho struck me with Dream specifically so I went with it. The rest of the album is so nice though, highly rec.
Iris Lune - Paper Mache
Save me from myself I've been in the dark too long Paper mache love Make me believe that I can change Make me believe that I'm not strange At all
~ this song!! it sounds so so ethereal and her voice is GORGEOUS but the lyrics!! have mercy the lyrics! big ole owwie! "save me from myself" , "make me believe that I can change, make me believe that I'm not strange" hhhh (also if y'all couldn't tell, this will be dreamling flavored, I think I'll tag them too jic but. yes...)
Penny and Sparrow - A Kind of Hunger
tremble, recognize the distance Go try and murder every preference I’ll keep hangin' ‘round for reference come care about me come care about me
changing, watching you with wonder you’re less and getting even younger dying is just a kind of hunger come care about Me come care about Me
~this is... such a heavy song. hadn't heard it before starting this playlist but found it and immediately had to add it.. just. come care about me. changing, watching you with wonder. Dying is just a kind of hunger. that line specifically. -lays on the floor for 3hrs-
Carly Rae Jepsen - Gimme Love
Gimmie love (Oh) It's the way we are together (Oh) Wanna feel like this forever, forever (Oh) It's the way we are together And I never thought I'd ever say forever
~originally was gonna be a joke song to lighten the mood but haha! nope! I mean it is lighthearted but it still absolutely, in my mind, fits Morpheus. beautiful babygirl of the endless...smooch
Jon Bellion - Stupid Deep (Acoustic)
What if who I hoped to be was always me? And the love I fought to feel was always free? What if all the things I've done Were just attempts at earning love? Yeah 'Cause the hole inside my heart is stupid deep, oh, stupid deep
~this song fucks me up! 😀 for real though, I highly suggest watching the acoustic performance of this that he has on youtube cause the vibe is so.. intimate and dreamy and gorgeous.. and the lyrics.. jon bellion, sir.. smh.. the ending..
Marika Hackman - Undone, Undress
They heard my heart for miles The air inside Was seeping out In silent shouts It crumpled in my chest
~this is definitely... a nightmarish..creeping kind of song, and the lyrics are, according to the Genius annotations, rather distressing but I don't really see them the same way. I can't really explain it but hopefully y'all will see what I mean. love this one specifically "Load me heavy, I can't bend. Break me better, so I won't mend" break me better.... hhhhhh
DBMK - Switchblade
Did you hear I coughed my heart out? It never fit me so I'm likely to drown My body yearns for something real now Suggesting kitchen counters, can openers, and close encounters to hold me down Ain’t no one's boyfriend, wow I'm busy up in my brain but they don't see anything, yeah
I open up too easily, look at me Single sided blade of insecurities, yeah I open up too easily, speak to me Cutting through my comfort like its misery, sad
~this. SONG. he just like me fr 😔 azdcafs nah, honestly idk if this is projecting, but to MEE I like to think about Dream being so ready for a partner, and he gives so so much of himself to them and loves so passionately but he also has just... so many issues. just ugh this song..
Blegh - His Hands
He feels handcrafted just for you But he's a little bit too far away and You can't, you can't His hands are on you And you know you'll be gone by the morning but you know he loves you And you know you like his strong hands, strong hands
You're too real for me You should go to something better I'll give you to someone better I have friends that'll be on earth for longer I have friends that won't feel like monsters
~another song that I was not prepared for before hand that ruined me so viciously, that I had to scream at multiple ppl about it, most of which were mentioned in this post, but Verg's reaction was very memorable because I believe she told me she was on public transportation and the way she phrased it had me rolling around on the floor. but yeah y'all just gotta hear this fuckin,... bear mace of a song (with your Dreamling Glasses™ on pls, as i believe it is meant to be asxacsgdcvc)
Agent Fresco - Wait for Me
I can’t see clear The rage of rivers roam every tear They all fall through vague and vast tunnels With hurts of hatred came blinding years Will they disappear?
I’m far away, treading a path I’ve made and it’s laid with stones of fallen love I need to feel and to make atonement before coming home
~-motions to song- I mean... c'mon... this alone? nah nah nah..I gotta lay down.
Talos - Endgame
I’m drawn across An empty space This dreamland now A tired waste O it’s the endgame
A blackout heart A seething truth There’s nothing in me Left for you We’re lies
~ Talos...Talos Talos Talos... y'all. if you don't know him, but like indie-ish electronic music with beautiful angelic Irishman vocals? pls... he makes me insane. He also just gives me Morpheus vibes in general, I'm not exactly sure why, but... I also think the cover art on his first two albums are very Morpheus energy, could just be me tho
Emma Ruth Rundle - Savage Saint
I held him, his whole life In my hands, in my heart
Don't be ever forgotten, Savage Saint Never draw blood in the garden, faint Don't be the name that's drawing shame and Never let your heart harden, little flame
~I knew I had to have Emma Ruth in here somewhere, but it took me a second to find the perfect song.. and I was torn between a few, but I saw this one and. Immediately my heart was out of my body. Thinking about Orpheus.. and Dream thinking about Orpheus.. draw blood in the garden,,, I held him his whole life.. in my hands in my heart.. little flame.. it seems I am upsetti spaghetti.
Sleeping at Last - Neptune
Stitch by stitch, I tear apart If brokenness is a form of art I must be a poster child prodigy Thread by thread, I come apart If brokenness is a work of art Surely this must be my masterpiece
I'm only honest when it rains If I time it right, the thunder breaks When I open my mouth I wanna tell you, but I don't know how I'm only honest when it rains An open book with a torn out page And my ink's run out I wanna love you, but I don't know how
~Sleeping at Last my beloved <3 ... if I could snort 'atlas pt 1 the album' I fuckin would. also there's a song on there for literally any blorbo. i could bet my life on that. somewhere on there! "if brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece" ah hah.. hahaha..
Sea Power - Want To Be Free
Now we're under the stars Smoking cigars On top of a motorcar Hanging out Like some kind of nebula We
Want to be free Want to be free It will last forever Eternally
~this one was more for vibes and because it's beautiful, but also if I think too hard about Morpheus and how he just wants to be normal and rest for a little while, then I will have to go eat a whole bag of chocolate chips and cry myself to sleep.
Clem Turner - Divine Loser
"Connect yet stay opaque," I cannot have it both ways Please do not tell the time I can't be trusted with the date
My god, you break the skin But may I be thy heaven? Will you take my sickness While I deprive you of your health?
~haha Divine Loser..defo Morpheus (jk. or am I) that second part I included.. I keep having to re-read those lyrics, cause.. my goodness. there's a part later that says "baby just let me bleed in peace" like... whoof. Clem Turner is the only person on here twice, mostly cause these two songs are just so phenomenal I had to and the lyrics... SHMACK.. and Clem's VOICE?? pardon me?
Clem Turner - Honeywell
Get it through your pretty head Take me with you instead Forget her, she's gone So, tell me, dear stranger What's got you distraught?
Mm, here I am to bring Psychosomatic freedom to your head May I be of service, newlywed? See me as a host to all your greatest dreams And then some change As long as your compassion stays the same
~"So tell me, Dear Stranger, what's got you so distraught?" Um..is that in a dreamling fic, cause... 👀 and then "see me as a host to all your greatest dreams and then some change, as long as your compassion stays the same." running in circles, sobbing, hopping out my window, running into the woods...etc
Mustapha Kamel - Can You Feel Me
~ this song just makes me -lays face down in the carpet for 2+ hrs- and the cello is gahdamn gorgeous..
The New Basement Tapes - When I Get My Hands On You
When I come home to you Gonna take you down to the riverside When I come home to you Hold you in my arms all night
And now you know Everywhere on earth you go You're gonna have me as your man
~ Mushy Dream Rights!!! let this inconceivable being be a sap!! I love seeing him clingy and sweet and so so in love and just AAAHHH I could literally weep, I love this weird scrungly man.
Glass Animals - JDNT
I'm all armored up I've got my old helmet on Keeping out an eye Puffing all my feathers up One more little blow One more tap and I collapse
~heehee another nightmarish song. not only is this a fuckin BANGER, but Glass Animals has such a.. Sound. that's dreamlike most of the time, but sometimes can be so.. tense and creepy, and the lyrics can be violent and just downright odd. mostly from the zaba album, but regardless. I could talk about Dream + Glass Animals for hours, as proven with N (@wordsinhaled) because we have done exactly that, I think twice now lolololol (also I thought the line abt the helmet was.. hehe funny)
ABRA - Pride
Palms up, no crown You wanna mess around I wanna hold you down It's not okay I need you everyday
I lost all the pride That I thought I could keep Can you see me Say you feel me It's a big world But I fall at your feet Reach out and touch me
~ this was originally an entirely different song! but I switched it out last minute and I am v happy that I did because this song..this song fucks severely, but also it lets me put a facet of Dream on this playlist that I love seeing, which is the needy and seductive lil bastard that he can be. i think i could make a whole other playlist dedicated to that aspect tbh azcacdfavcg
Purity Ring - Asido
Oh, the madness in weakness Doubled o'er on the plate Fill an ocean with weaponry Hurricanes of our grace
Feel as lonely as I do, as I do Feel as lonely as I do, I do Feel as lonely as I do
~I wanted some Purity Ring on here because I know their genre is sometimes described as dream pop or witch house, and their lyricism has this... poetically visceral aspect to it sometimes that I adore while also being very ethereal. Love them. also tho, feel as lonely as I do?? of course it had to be in here.
Hozier - It Will Come Back
Don't let me in with no intention to keep me Jesus Christ, don't be kind to me Honey, don't feed me, I will come back
It can't be unlearned I've known the warmth of your doorways Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you Oh, please, give me mercy no more That's a kindness you can't afford I warn you, baby, each night, as sure as you're born You'll hear me howling outside your door
~ okay look, I know everybody and their mother who has made a playlist like this has put Mr. Andrew Hozier-Byrne on it, but like - come on.. look at those lyrics. He just Gets It™ and the music slaps ass! I have like, an actual Dreamling playlist in the works as well, which I'm sure will be... longer. but hopefully I'll have the foresight to work on it a bit at a time, and PERHAPS prepare a word document, since I cannot seem to help rambling at any chance I get 💀
Son Lux - Labor
I will break with you For your body to be freed and pleased Take the weight of you For your gravity to be erased
Come to life, my hungry arms are begging you But what more can you do?
Labor reveal before our eyes Into our ears Unfurl with light The stars around us disappear Just what is torn What comes alive inside of us
~ I wanted.. something big on here. I don't necessarily have a desired order for this to be played in, but this was the last one I added, if that tells you anything. The opening of this song is a little jarring, but the piano is so. beautiful. Son Lux has such a way of composing their music that just leaves me breathless and astounded at the feelings music can bring forward in me, and speaking in Dream terms, I feel like that would be the kind of song he really appreciates. I'm not gonna end this with rambling about the complexity of human emotion, because I don't believe tumblr could handle me doing that - operation-wise, i feel like it's abt to stab me as is- It's also not why I'm here lol. "I will break with you. For your body to be freed and pleased. Take the weight of you, for your gravity to be erased." the rest of that line literally mentions a phantom muse.. I think, viewing this in terms of Morpheus' marriage, and maybe even how he thinks about marriage as a concept is interesting. On Genius they mention that on a Son Lux insta story they talked about the first half of the song being about helping a friend die, and the second half about the birth of Ryan Lott's son. Looking at in that framing is also,,, WHEW.. okay this paragraph has been long enough lmao
WELL GEEZE.. looks like I've finally made it to the bottom without tumblr shitting itself again, so I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets the chance to. HAH.
If anyone has bothered to read this far; I cannot thank you enough nor can I tell you how much I appreciate you reading my inane mangling of the English language to be overly emo about music and a spindly nightmare of a man, but REGARDLESS. Thank you, I love you, and I would absolutely take a stab wound for you and make you cookies. 💕🖤💕🖤✨
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
I keep encountering antis in the wild so far my favorite one has been the one who was frothing over Jaytim shippers. "Just because they're not technically brothers"!
Friend they're not technically nor non-technically brothers. They weren't raised together. They don't have a brother dynamic.
"It's different from DickBabs and TimSteph!" Not really! You're just cherrypicking!
90% of antis use anti rhetoric to justify why their ship is better/more valid than another, not because they really care about things they deem immoral or whatever, and I think a lot of Fandom Discourse tends to miss that by a long shot.
Like more often than not it's just bitches digging for reasons why their OTP is the only ship that can be shipped, therefore if you ship something else You're Wrong and the ship you ship shouldn't even exist. They use arguments on morality and such because they're hard to argue with - lots of folks don't know what to say when they're faced with "don't ship X and Y cause it's harmful and abusive!", "you're hurting victims of SA and grooming by shipping X and Y!" - and what happens is that they get scared out of the ships/topics they like and stop engaging actively with fanworks. Sometimes they rationally or subconsciously realize that it works, so they end up even adopting the same rhetoric as it's really fucking convenient: being on the moral high horse is delicious because people feel like it automatically puts them in the category of the good guys, therefore everyone else is a bad guy and they can harass them and send them death threats, even if it's just about shipping fictional characters.
I've seen this happen in basically every single fandom I've been in since I was 12 (and I am Not Young™), and I've seen the most unexpected people use anti rhetoric while not being antis themselves, or even labeling themselves as proshippers, but they would still use anti arguments to "legitimize" their ship and claim how and why it was better than others in the same fandom. Instead of just... saying that one ship in particular is not for them. Tbh lately I'm only trusting multi-shippers not to pull anti bullshit out of their ass, and this niche of the DC fandom is really a safe haven. But I digress.
One of the things that really pisses me off the most is the rampant homophobia. Going by generic anti logic Jaydick is incest, but Dickbabs isn't. Jaytim is incest, Timsteph isn't. Brudick, Brujay, Brutim are all incestuous ships - except Bruce and Barbara isn't. The het ship is fine would you look at that. Childhood friends to lovers is alright with pop culture as long as it's a man and a woman, because if it's two men they'll immediately scream incest and abuse (lumping them together too, while they're also not the same thing ffs). Because hiding behind anti mentality and purity culture there's the big bad monster of queerphobia, which shows its ugly face the moment you take a peek below the surface.
And since I feel like this isn't being said enough. Dick and Jason ARE NOT BROTHERS. Neither are Dick and Tim, or Dick and Damian, Jason and Damian, Jason and Tim, I could go on. These people are not related, not by blood or legally, not in any way that matters and would make it incest. They're a legacy of characters who wear the same cowl for narrative reasons, and THAT'S IT.
Calling Jaydick "incest" irks me to no freaking end because I LOVE incest ships, I am DOWN BAD for them, and this one ain't it chief. They're not related. They didn't grow up together. They don't share any brotherly bond except a vague "brothers in arms" kinda thing. People decided this at some point in order to have an argument why their plastic prepackaged het ships were better than the Bad Abusive (gay) ones, because they're fucking homophobes, and that is about it.
And that's what I really want to say to all the young, queer antis that parrot the terfs and homophobes that pushed them in that direction. They are taking away a space that is YOURS TOO. They fucking HATE YOU. They hate you because you're queer, gay, bi, pan, ace, trans, nonbinary, a woman, even just a teen. Purity culture and anti mentality is how they keep you under control, tied to their morality leash and making life miserable to every other queer person that refuses to conform and refuses to shut up and to stop enjoying fiction for the harmless, but also valuable thing that it is.
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iwonderwh0 · 8 months
The only example of disinformation I encountered that I can think of when thinking of tiktok is the type of videos with "interesting facts" with some eerie music on the background and some dude basically re-telling some years old "facts" from reddit, but that's my side of this platform, I'm sure there is a huge deal of some far more harmful examples.
I do however keep seeing a lot of hateful nationalistic propaganda on tiktok when it shows me something from my region, and this radicalising shit that creates this "Us vs Them" mentality is indeed scary and is far more dangerous imo than what I described above. But It's just a tiktok alternative to echo chambers that are a common phenomenon on every other major platform like facebook, Instagram, twitter, reddit and yeah, Tumblr too. Especially Tumblr, but with a slightly different flavour. Tumblr culture is honestly insane and it surprises me how people keep denying that it may as well be toxic and harmful and deceptive to your perception of the world. Like people in here be witch haunting and accusing each other in some bizzare bullshit assuming absolute worst things about each-other based on something ridiculous, and here on this platform it's considered to be just part of the culture that the majority of those who has been here for a while don't even recognize anymore as bizzare. Have everyone forgotten how tumblr Steven Universe fandom bullied fan-artist into attempting a suicide after being relentlessly bullied for drawing Rose thinner than she's canonically? Is this not a wild example of how Tumblr culture can desensitize people into being absolutely insane all while justifying it by some right cause of "attacking the enemy"?
I keep seeing accounts on this platform who wish people to kill themselves in case they support some fandom take/ship/whatever minor thing that in real world isn't at all such a big deal to get this agressive. Am I only seeing this shit because I've been here for less than a year and haven't yet got used to it?
It's just fucking annoying to see people turning a blind eye on tumblr having the same kind of problems as tiktok and facebook and all the other major apps that people here criticize so much.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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mareenavee · 10 months
15, 17, and 20!
HI TOPSY!!! AHH. Thank you for taking the time to ask these! I appreciate it!
Fandom Positivity asks from this game here.
15. A topic you never get tired of discussing.
Oh I feel like you knew what I was going to say. I mean there's A LOT about TES that I'd happily chatter over but let's focus on my favorite first.
✨ Weird Magic Shit ✨
To prevent myself from absolutely rambling about this, because I absolutely will given the time and space, I will simply outline what I mean when I say this. There have been a number of ways spells have changed for the series over time. So in fic, we are really free to change the perception of spellcraft and magic in whatever ways we see fit, pulling from lore sources or the game mechanics, or whatever we want. I spend a lot of time thinking -- well, what if a spell could work differently? Is it too far out of canon compliance to make sense? If so, why? And how do we tie it back in a specific way that allows the reader to suspend their disbelief just for a bit? How can a caster's skill affect how they perceive magic or make use of it? What cultural aspects affect how magic is learned or utilized? How does magic and language connect? Are they one and the same? etc, etc.
All of it comes back to the fact that magic is inherently weird and also a huge, huge part of TES. So I'm happy to twist it and warp it out of shape, because it seems there's so much not told in the source material. Early on I did also write a smol post with some super basic ideas on it, and not every aspect of what I am working with is on that post -- but it's there. :> And I'm always happy to discuss weird magic things.
Actually, messing with magic starts pretty early on with World and continues throughout, like, every fic I write. It's a big deal. I'm always here for talking about how I work with it and how others headcanon weird magic shit. (:
17. Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think?
Hm! Well this is interesting because I am very transparent with the kind of fandom participation I work with LOL I don't really generally worry per se what others will think of my taste in fanfic or fanart because at the end of the day, people can scroll past me if they don't prefer to engage with what I'm yelling about. I've been lucky in this regard that most of my mutuals will also yell about similar things.
I'm trying to think of things recently I've read and loved that I would worry about discussing --
Oh! I know. One thing which is really more of an unpopular opinion than anything. I love to dunk on the Nerevoryn ship, but the ✨Morrowind Fic Writers✨ who lean heavily into this give me pause sometimes with how adamant their commentary can be LOL. So I'm not about to write out my unpopular opinions. Because it's very much not like that for me with fandom. Like I want to have a discussion about the merits of the writing or story, not cause chaos in the comments section by posting "lol okay then, you do you" right lol. I find it to be sort of a waste of time to be negative toward others on the internet and I don't want to invite others to waste their time being negative to me because of how funny I find this ship generally speaking. (Please know most of the humor comes with me hearing Voryn/Dagoth Ur's voice as it was in Morrowind while I'm reading. It is a thing I cannot help.) I suppose sometimes in general I'll read this ship for funsies? To be perfectly fair, I don't mind the ship. I just haven't encountered much content for it that isn't absolutely absurd to my eye. (And sometimes even if it is absurd, it's in the best possible way.) Perhaps it's not that I worry about what others will think. It's more that I just don't have a lot of opinions that aren't jokes I think. LOL (For the record, smut/pwp also has this effect. It'll be funny to me most of the time, unless it's well written then I'm just like good for ya'll and move on.) I am simply not the intended audience for that, or, unfortunately, the majority of Nerevoryn ship content. And that's totally okay.
20. Give kudos to someone who is a devoted fan (either of your own works or others’)
MORE KUDOS! I wanted to give a huge shoutout here to @changelingsandothernonsense who has been reading World since the very beginning, version one, challenge mode, me posting every day and cutting content left and right, and also skipping editing phases. She knows SO MUCH about the story upcoming and has been following along with the revision. Not only that, but keyboard smashing with me in my DMs and reading snippets that nobody else has gotten to see so far. AH and it's been such a joy and an inspiration. We chat every day pretty much about fandom things. Thank you for being a fandom bestie and for your enthusiasm. 🫂 I could say so much more LOL. I appreciate all the effort and all the shenanigans. And most of all, I appreciate getting the chance to talk not only about World, but also about Danger!Josh. :>
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itssweetiedarling · 6 months
Yule Ball
Day 5 of @12daysofchristmas - "I'll be your date for that Christmas/holiday party if you don't have one yet."
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
Characters: Sebastian Sallow/Delilah Reeves (OC)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1742
I went up behind Sebastian, “Mr. Sallow, what preparations have you been doing for the last upcoming tasks as a champion?” I run the school’s unofficial weekly newspaper, so I’ve been nagging Seb all year so far to get exciting news about the Triwizard tournament. 
He jumped slightly but turned to me with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.  "Well, you know, just the usual," he replied, running a hand through his dark, tousled hair. "Training, studying the tasks, and trying not to get hexed by my fellow competitors. It's a tough crowd out there."
I couldn't help but notice the bags under his eyes, evidence of the toll the tournament was taking on him. The Yule Ball, a magical event held during the Triwizard Tournament, was approaching fast, and the whole school was buzzing with excitement.
"Come on, Seb, give me something juicy for the paper. The students are dying to know more about what goes on behind the scenes," I pressed, flashing my most persuasive smile.
Sebastian sighed, my smile always gets to him"Alright, alright. I've been practicing dancing," he admitted with a glint of embarrassment in his eyes. 
I nodded eagerly, my quill at the ready to jot down notes. “Oh, planning on dancing with anyone, Sallow?”
Sebastian's cheeks flushed slightly, and he averted his gaze for a moment before meeting my eyes again. "Well, you know how it is. It's tradition to have a dance partner for the Yule Ball. Haven't decided yet, though."
I could sense there was more to the story. As a reporter, I wanted to ask more, but as a friend I let it be. Regardless, the prospect of him stepping out of his comfort zone and onto the dance floor was intriguing.
"Practicing dancing, huh? Is this part of your strategy for the tasks?" I teased, hoping to lighten the mood.
He chuckled, "No, not exactly. But you never know when a well-timed dance move might come in handy, right?"
I nodded, making a mental note to include the unexpected revelation in my article. The mysterious champion, known for his mischievous demeanor, practiced dance for the Yule Ball.
As we chatted, Sebastian shared snippets of his preparations for the upcoming tasks. He spoke about refining his spellcasting techniques and studying the strengths and weaknesses of magical creatures he might encounter. Despite his initial reluctance, it seemed that my persistent questioning had brought out a more talkative side of him.
Before I could dig deeper into the details, a group of students approached, eager to catch a glimpse of the champion. Sebastian excused himself with a polite nod, leaving me with a trove of valuable information for the newspaper.
I chuckled, slightly caught off guard by Sebastian's question. "Well, no secret dancing partner for me. I'm more of an observer, capturing the magic of the moment with my trusty quill."
At dinner that day, I sat next to Ominis and Sebastian.
Seb leaned over to me, “You know, you asked me who I was dancing with but I never asked you. Have a special someone?”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "No one caught your eye, then?"
I shook my head, trying to hide a sheepish smile. "I've been too busy chasing down champions for exclusive interviews. Maybe I'll find time for a dance or two at the ball."
Ominis, who had been listening to our conversation with a grin, chimed in, "Come on, you should enjoy the festivities too. It's not every day we have a Triwizard Tournament and a Yule Ball."
Sebastian nodded in agreement. "He's right. The tournament is intense, but the Yule Ball is a chance to unwind and have some fun. You should take advantage of it." He chuckled to himself, “And who knows, maybe I’ll be your date for the ball if you don’t have one yet.”
I raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Sebastian Sallow, the Hogwarts champion, offering to take the first Hogwarts transfer in generations? That would certainly make headlines."
He looked back at me almost flustered, “Let’s just have some fun, no need to report everything right?”
I haven’t spent a lot of time on this during the school year. I want to leave an impression on Hogwarts before I leave next year. With semester finals coming up as well, I have been pretty stressed recently. Going to a party without looking for clues sounds oddly nice. 
“How about we not make it about work?”
“I’ll think about it.”
It’s been a week since Sebastian asked me to be his partner at the Yule Ball. When I told Poppy, my best friend, she screamed and got all giddy for me. I can always trust Poppy for a good reaction.
I winced but trusted Poppy's judgment. She had an uncanny ability to transform unruly hair into a work of art. As she continued to work her magic, she couldn't help but chatter excitedly about the upcoming Yule Ball.
Now, she is pulling my hair up into a bun. “Ow, Poppy it hurts!”
“Pain is beauty.” She says, brushing my curls back. “Your hair just can’t stay still! But trust me, with the ginger color it will look perfect once I style it.”
"I can't believe you're going with Sebastian Sallow! This is like something out of a romance novel," Poppy gushed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
I chuckled, trying to picture Sebastian as a romantic lead. "It's just a dance, Pop. Nothing too dramatic."
She rolled her eyes. "Just a dance? Do you even realize how many witches in this school would give anything to be in your shoes right now?"
I sighed, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "It's Sebastian. You know I don’t think of him like that. But he did say he wanted it to be fun, not like work."
I did as she requested and walked over to the mirror. I picked out this light blue dress at the beginning of the year when the tournament was announced. The dress flowed gracefully, matching the ethereal atmosphere of the Yule Ball. Poppy was right; the ginger color of my hair complemented the soft blue of the dress. I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence.
Poppy finished with my hair and stepped back to admire her handiwork. "Well, you look absolutely stunning. Go look in the mirror!”
"You've outdone yourself, Poppy. Thanks for helping me get ready," I said, genuinely grateful for her support.
She grinned. "Now, let’s go and have the time of our lives. Dance like no one's watching, and don't forget to savor the moment."
"We're in this together, remember?" Sebastian said with a playful grin as we approached the grand entrance. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the champions and their partners prepared to make their entrance.
The champions of the tournament get their own special entrance at the ball. Of course, their partners have to join them. I tried to drop out of it, but Sebastian reined me back in.
As we stepped into the Great Hall, there was a collective hush that swept through the room. The magical ceiling sparkled with stars, and the enchanted decorations added a touch of elegance to the atmosphere. The champions were met with applause, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
Sebastian guided me to the dance floor, and the music began. The initial awkwardness melted away as we fell into a rhythm. It was clear that Sebastian had put some effort into his dancing, and I found myself thoroughly enjoying the experience. I wasn’t surprised he was good at dancing after all his practice. He can make anything look good… including his outfit. He wore a dark blue tuxedo with white and black accents. Somehow, our ideas for outfits matched.
Throughout the night, we danced to various tunes, occasionally taking breaks to mingle with friends and fellow students. 
At one point, Sebastian and I found ourselves near the refreshment table. He leaned in, his tone soft. "So, what do you think of the ball so far?"
I couldn't help but smile. "It's beyond my expectations. Hogwarts knows how to throw a magical party."
He chuckled. "Glad you're enjoying it. And by the way, you're an excellent dancer."
I blushed, grateful for the dim lighting that might conceal my embarrassment. "Well, you're not so bad yourself, Sallow."
Sebastian's comment caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Well, aren't you the possessive one tonight?"
“Honestly, this isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I get to show you off to the whole school, and they think you’re mine.”
He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just for tonight. After all, I did secure the best dance partner in the room."
We continued to dance and enjoy the magical atmosphere of the Yule Ball. The night flowed seamlessly, each dance more magical than the last. As the Yule Ball approached its end, the final dance was announced. The melody filled the air, and Sebastian extended his hand for the last dance.
"Shall we?" he asked with a charming smile.
I nodded, and we moved gracefully to the center of the dance floor. The music was slow, and the enchanting atmosphere heightened the emotions of the moment. It felt like time slowed down as we swayed to the rhythm.
Sebastian looked down at me with a soft expression. "Thanks for being my partner tonight. I know it was more than you signed up for.”
I smiled, appreciating his sincerity. "It turned out to be better than I expected. And it's not every day one gets to dance with a Triwizard champion."
He chuckled. "True, true. But I'm not just the Triwizard champion tonight. I'm Sebastian, dance partner extraordinaire." 
We both laughed, and the dance continued. As the final notes echoed through the Great Hall, there was a sense of closure, and the Yule Ball concluded on a high note.
Sebastian walked me back to our common room on his arm. We lingered in the quiet hallway, the echoes of the Yule Ball fading away.
"Thanks for a wonderful night, Sebastian," I said, genuinely grateful for the unexpected adventure.
He grinned. "No, thank you. I had a great time, too. Maybe we should do this again sometime when there's not a tournament in the way."
I nodded, feeling a warmth in my chest. "I'd like that. Until then, Mr. Sallow, dance partner extraordinaire."
Sebastian chuckled, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. "You got it. See you around, partner."
Needless to say, there was a lot to discuss with Poppy the next day.
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Miscellaneous Tag Game (pt. ii)
Tysm for tagging me @onehelluvamarine xxx
A band you don’t like that many others do: Uhhh I can't think of anything at the moment. I'm positive there is one but I cannot for the life of me think of one right now
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: So when I was. I want to say like 5? We went on a big family holiday to France and we stayed in this holiday home on a farm, and instead of getting a bedroom I actually slept on this little bed on a semi-landing thing, and I remember being in that bed and falling asleep with the rest of my family still chatting downstairs
Least favorite animal and why: The only thing coming to mind is spiders. Not little ones, they're fine, and not tarantulas either. But big house spiders. Because I have encountered them in too many places they Should Not Be
Hot fandom take: Umm idek. I guess maybe that crossover pairings need to stop being automatically considered crackships? Like, unless you're hitting me with that Impala/TARDIS shit or something, it might just be a regular old crossover rarepair ship imho
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I basically always have a necklace and a ring on, and I love them both but the necklace is definitely my favourite. It's Thor's hammer, and it was a Christmas present
A movie others liked but you didn’t: The Dark Knight. Excellent performances but I just didn't really vibe with the Nolan Batman movies even though I really wanted to because I watched them at the height of my DC phase
Three things you love about yourself: My humour (I'm a pun master to the extent that some of my colleagues still bring up a joke I made when I started about 6 months ago), my hair, and the way I taught myself to paint my own nails and now they basically always look cool and interesting
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: As just a holiday: Crete because it's got some fascinating history. As a place specifically to visit people: if you're reading this and you know, you know >:)
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: If I ever meet Kevin Bacon it is ON SIGHT. I've never seen him in anything but X-Men but he's been in EE ads for so long he's driven me up the wall and I can't look at him any more
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a week off next week! Thank GOD
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: I've said it on this blog before so I'm hoping I'm not going to get mobbed for it but. Sledgefu. As I've said before I get it but I Do Not Vibe. Glad y'all are having a good time though!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? I can't name it because it's tiny and this'll end up somewhere they'll find it. They were entitled and had a whole superiority complex going on. Last I heard they were STILL hung up on something that happened three years ago where they had beef with someone from another related fandom which blew up into a whole thing
List three things you find beautiful about life: My family, I'm so so lucky to have them and they're always so supportive. My friends, and the fact that I can have good friends who are so important in my life when they're so far away from me. And creating things generally, whether I'm doing it or someone else is, and making something that means something in some way
Any dreams for the future? Current, very mundane dream is to get a job that, even if it's not my biggest passion and I love doing it all the time, doesn't make me dread going in every day
How are you really feeling today? Uhh. Worn out. Kinda ill in a very general way. Seasonal depression is kicking my ass. But I managed to do a couple of important chores today so feeling good about that!
Tags: if you feel like it, then @bruin-coll, @noodleblade, @thesunlikehoney, @paperbrds, @hopefulsapphic and @sumquiasum!
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