#this isn't a particularly violent post but i'm being safe
of-beasts-and-blood · 2 years
Location: Laure’s humble abode Present: Devereaux & René & Laure (@lauredeschamps & @childish-omens​)
Devereaux was running on pure adrenaline at this point. Keeping himself alive was one thing. He was quick. Good at making himself scarce. He’d shot spells, sure, but nothing fatal. He was here out of obligation, not passion. He would not have someone’s blood on his hands. 
Keeping René alive was a whole different beast. René moved unpredictably, without rhyme or reason. He didn’t watch his surroundings. Had it not been for Devereaux slashing panicked stunning spells through the air, René could’ve been dead several times over. That was how the battle progressed - until Devereaux had lost sight of his target. 
He’d been too slow. By the time the battle was over and he’d combed through corpse after corpse, fearing the worst, René had gotten hurt. Miraculously, they found each other. The soot-stained hands of an artist clutched the bloodied face of a musician as the former let out a string of chastisements. But he was alive. René was hurt, but alive. 
They couldn’t go to St Mungo’s. The Marks on their arms would earn them little sympathy in that moment. There was only one place that Dev could think of that would be safe for them both. He hooked René’s arm over his shoulders, both boys leaning heavily on each other as they stumbled through the broken streets until they found a safe place for Dev to apparate them away. When their feet hit the ground again, Dev slumped forward against the doorframe. The sound of their arrival was enough to alert the occupant. Seconds later, Laure’s face appeared. Relief spread through his tensed muscles. “Your brother is the biggest idiot I’ve ever met. Can we come in?”
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
This morning, 15 minutes after the break in fighting was supposed to begin, Hamas fired two rocket barrages into southern Israel. This is what we mean when we say that Hamas has broken every ceasefire ever. The only reason why this didn't lead to the hostage deal falling apart, is because Israel chose to "contain" Hamas' violent rocket attack. But remember this when we explain why we can't accept Hamas' existence anymore.
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Israel confirmed that the 13 hostages being released have arrived in Egypt, and there are already Israelis there, taking care of them. IDK when we'll get their names, and images of them safe back in Israel, but as you can imagine, everyone here is holding its breath for that. Still, their well being comes first, they're being taken to a hospital first, to see their families, and only then (and based on whatever they prefer) will there be anything more public. There will not be interviews, however, 'coz something they say might risk the other groups of hostages meant to be released in the upcoming days.
Hamas is also releasing some of the Thai nationals they've kidnapped (I heard 12 of the 23 taken hostage), which are being let go of unconditionally. Before anyone tries to make out this shows Hamas is humane, I'll just point out that Hamas terrorists murdered at least 33 Thais on Oct 7.
Some of my fave commentators recently on what's going on here since Hamas' massacre aren't Jewish, or even Israeli. Here's a few of their tweets:
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Regarding the last one, I just wanna say that most Israelis will continue to trust most Arabs. That's just how we have always lived, despite the on going terror attacks. The day after Oct 7, I mentioned that I went to my hospital treatment. The guard there is an Arab guy. He carries a gun. I couldn't help but think about it. And then I did what I always do, I thanked him for his work (being a guard is difficult), and wished him a good day. He smiled big and wished me the same. He's lovely. What Hamas did on Oct 7 is not his fault. But the mistrust of survivors, and some of those who care about them, is also very human and understandable, as much as I'll continue to call on everyone not to generalize about Arabs, or any group.
Especially when some of Hamas' victims are themselves Arabs. Here's a young Israeli Muslim Bedouin woman, who has been speaking up on behalf of her friend, 17 years old Aisha al Ziadna, who was kidnapped by Hamas on Oct 7.
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A Sky News reporter was particularly shameful the other day. She tried to use Israel's willingness to release 3 convicted terrorist per just 1 innocent civilian hostage to vilify Israel. Here's the reply she got:
Just a reminder, once again, that when you listen to western media, which is supposed to be objective, these are often their info sources on this conflict:
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Speaking of lack of objectivity, an Israeli newspaper found out that the International Criminal Court has appointed a Danish lawyer to investigate the Israel-Hamas war, and it's a man (I'm not sure I'm transcribing his name from Hebrew correctly, but it should be something like Andreas Laursen) who has worked in the past for a Palestinian "human rights organization" which has been outlawed in 2021 for having ties to terrorist organizations, who was involved in 2018 in trying to make the case that Israel had committed war crimes, who has lived in the Palestinian city of Ramallah, and who is married to a Palestinian woman. This Israeli newspaper has contacted the ICC, asking why the person appointed to this investigation isn't someone who would at least appear to be unbiased. The answer was (I'm translating from the Hebrew article): "We maintain confidentiality about anything that pertains to specific subjects that are related to our employees. Every personal decision made by the head prosecutor fits the policy and relevant procedures that oversee the court's human resources matters."
Because there are still people denying the Hamas rapes:
I've spoken before about Liel, and how long it took to identify her body, but this tweet kind of broke me all over again.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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ddollfface · 3 months
The actual meaning of being a girl is being torn between LoveSick!Athlete and LoveSick!Artist because while children are adorable they are annoying asf. Also, LoveSick!Bimbo? She's like, growing on me. How would the characters be with a darling who doesn't want kids? (Particularly referring to Athlete and Knight, since they seem to be the ones who want kids the most.)
- 💗 (Also, remember to drink water and take a deep breath. <333)
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬?
𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠!𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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Trigger Warnings; bad writing, obsessive behaviors, baby trapping, peer pressure, reader can get pregnant, lesbians, poking holes in condoms, hiding birth control, and just yandere behaviors ig If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Thank you for your kind words 💗!Nonny! I'm really happy that more of my characters are appealing))) It makes me happy that you're enjoying my writing!
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Awwww, I'm so glad that my other characters are growing on you! I seems that LoveSick!Athlete is still the fan favorite, though I'm hoping that will change 'cause LoveSick!Bimbo is so cute (in my opinion)!!!
Anyway, I feel that for the majority of the LoveSick!Characters, wouldn't mind not having children with their darling, especially when reader doesn't want to have them. Half of them don't want kids or just don't care too much about them. LoveSick!Friend and LoveSick!Bimbo falls under this line of not wanting children, and I think they'd be content with just being aunties or just having you.
I feel like we have to keep in mind that they are yandere, meaning that they are obsessed with you. Like, literally, they love you no matter what, and they don't mind keeping you for themselves for the rest of your lives.
Now, for characters like LoveSick!Poet, I think that he'd be a little heartbroken, not because he wanted children, but because he feels as if he pressured you with his trauma. LoveSick!Poet did not have a good childhood, and it caused him to develop a poor self-image. And in return, he doesn't want children, in fear of becoming his father, so when you confess that you don't want children, he thinks that he's projected his personal feelings onto you.
But this obviously isn't true, you just don't want children. That's the thing with LoveSick!Poet though. He is hyperaware and is constantly overthinking, so no matter what you say he'll go on and on about how it's your decision, and that he doesn't want to force anything onto you.
And for LoveSick!Artist, I don't think I have to get to him because he, himself, doesn't want children, so he'd be pleased that you're on the same page. It would be difficult for him if his darling wanted children, seeing as he doesn't, like at all. Overall, I think it wouldn't even be a topic for LoveSick!Artist.
Now, moving onto the menaces, LoveSick!Athlete is far more puppy-like than LoveSick!Knight, who's quite violent and overly aggressive toward everyone.
I've kind of touched on LoveSick!Athlete and pregnancy in this post. Overall, I think that you didn't want children, then, at first, LoveSick!Athlete would accept it, telling you that it's all good, babe, we're so young after all.
But that's at the beginning of your relationship, where he's censoring himself so that you'll be more comfortable with him, not wanting to scare you off so quickly. He'll hide his need from you, ignoring the burning desire in the pit of his stomach whenever he sees you hold a little babe. He'll smile throughout it all, only giving you subtle hints, ones that you won't realize until it's far too late. But as the months go pass and as soon as your relationship gets physical, he's on you.
Now, the two of you are having arguments on whether or not he can go raw. You say no; he says yes. You'll practically give him a whole biology lesson, going on about how it's not safe, even though you're on the pill, but he'll just repudiate it. After all, don't you trust me, babe? I've always pulled out, I can do it again, don't worry. You just have to trust me.
If you're still persistent, he'll just poke holes in the condom, small little pricks will do the trick. A little hole won't do anything, right? You'll notice, obviously, because who wouldn't notice the warm rush you get in your stomach? You'll look up at him, eyes widened in worry and panic. Your mind will begin to spin, flooding with thoughts of all kinds.
You'll pat LoveSick!Athlete's shoulder, trying to get him to pull out, and he'll just tilt his head to the side, furrowing his brows. Of course, he knows what you're panicking about, but he feigns innocence, saying that it must've broke, sweets! Shit, it's okay, I'm sure nothing will happen...
And all you can do is trust him, hoping that what he's saying is true. After all, it's not like he'd ever do anything like that, right? He would never cross that boundary... right?
It'll be like that for months, constant broken condoms, and missing birth control. You'll begin to panic, doubting yourself because how the hell is you're the whole package of pills gone? As for the condoms, you'll begin to buy some yourself, thinking that LoveSick!Athlete must just be buying some crappy brand or something, little do you know that that was never the case.
Moving onto LoveSick!Knight, he'll be a lot less sneaky, not fearing pushing your boundaries whatsoever. He has full control over you, and he knows this full well. He has your father, the king, wrapped around his finger, besides, wouldn't the queen be glad to know that she's expecting grandbabies soon? Yes, she would.
If you don't want children, you don't really have a choice in the matter. Though it would take a long while before he'd ever physically force himself onto you, the peer pressure would settle in far quicker. The whole nation is expecting a child from your marriage. Your father, mama, siblings, lady-in-waiting, everyone is waiting for the announcement.
It keeps you awake at night, pondering over whether or not there's something wrong with you. It's your duty as the next queen, and current princess, to provide an heir to the throne. How could you deprive your people of that right? How could you keep the right of fatherhood from LoveSick!Knight?
Now, if you magically push through the pressure to have a child (you must be some type of superhuman), then you'll be subjected to LoveSick!Knight and his cruel actions. I have no doubt that he'd babytrap you, wanting to lock you with him forever.
Seeing as there's no such thing as condoms or birth control, you have no way of preventing a pregnancy, rather than celibacy. Obviously, LoveSick!Knight won't let you keep your body from him, pressuring you to succumb to your "wifely duties." It's only a matter of time before you get pregnant, seeing as LoveSick!Knight isn't holding back whatsoever, stuffing you full of him, him, him.
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johannestevans · 6 months
That native news post saying all jews are white and are siding with our opressors is Antisemitic and as a Jewish fan of your work I'm heartbroken that you would blindly attack Jews in what you acknowledge to be a time of rising antisemitism. I'm begging you to do research into what Antisemitism is and look for perspectives from actual jews of color who get to be both thrown under the bus by gentiles of color for being jewish and thrown under the bus by white Jews who suffer the most when you reblog and condone shit lile that. I want to believe you're capable of being a better person who isn't Antisemitic and hateful.
That post doesn't say all Jews are white, in fact, and I would advise you read it again.
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"The rise in antisemitism isn't rising alone, it rises with hate for Queer, Muslims, Arabs, indigenous and Black people, immigrants, leftists, the disabled, and women."
Antisemitism is inherently linked to all other forms of bigotry under imperial white supremacist movements, because the goal is to flatten outside forms of culture underneath that yoke, and engage others to copy and further that violence. Rafael is saying that these forms of bigotry are linked in themselves to and are fed by antisemitism - all forms of bigotry like this feed into one another.
"Yet it's my fellow Jews and women using it to say we should leave our allies to join oppressors.
Why? White supremacy."
Rafael Shimunov is also Jewish - and? Same?
The movement of white Jews to join in apartheid and colonial projects, such as in the violent creation of the state of Israel in Palestine and also in other acts of white supremacy throughout the world, such as in the US or the UK - specifically in taking part in aspects of white imperial society that allow us greater acceptability or whatever is like. Evil.
Israel has long engaged in a very careful and stringent selection of which Jewish people to permit under the Law of Return. Reform Jews, patrilineal Jews, Jews of the wrong colour or culture, etc. One could note particularly that Palestinians are denied a passport as a matter of course, that once they leave the confines of the occupied borders, they cannot return. Is this right? Even were we to accept this cruelty and ugliness of apartheid - what of Palestinian Jews? Is their Jewishness meaningless, because they are also Palestinian?
If your desire is to be an oppressor, to cling onto whiteness more than other precepts of your belief (such as in justice and equality) then, yes. It would appear so.
The movements of oppressed peoples to attempt assimilating into those colonial powers out of trauma and fear, out of a desire to be safe, is an understandable instinct - and an instinct that is misplaced.
It is not just not antisemitic to criticise these acts of evil and dismantle the systems that allow for them, to stand up for those who are most violently hurt and oppressed by them - it is our duty.
You have misread the post - perhaps you did so unintentionally and struggle with your reading comprehension, in which case I'd advise you to read through the post and mine a few more times, slowly. It can be frightening to be challenged on things we have previously considered to be true and ideologies that ultimately do not serve us, and I appreciate that. Give yourself time to digest and consider, and remember that you can always change and dismantle beliefs of yours that do not line up as they should with your moral and ethical standpoints.
Listen to this song, maybe, and consider the final verses.
I think it's potentially likely you thought that this message would somehow make me panic at potential criticism and back down from my long-standing moral views on the evils of our unjust society, regardless of who enforces them, as if I'm some sort of coward. You can see why I'm obviously more likely to believe the former.
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
Hello Pinnie, I hope you're doing well! I wish you a week full of many bagels! ❤
How would Nebul react if his usually well behaved, and sociable pearl were to bite or perhaps shove one of his clients out of fear? Maybe a particularly rude monster decided it would be funny to intimidate and prod at his poor pet, and human instinct kicked in. Would he be upset about the misbehaviour? I think you mentioned something about clients not being able to touch his Pearl at all in the past? On the off chance a monster decided to be foolish though, I'm quite curious!
[Hellow and thank ye! :y]
Nebul usually has you well shielded from clientele, especially in the beginning stages of your "relationship". Though, the more time passes and the more agreeable you become, the less he'll be preoccupied with you pulling silly stunts if left to wander the shop.
When people are around however, you've been warned to remain in his line of sight at all times. More people means you have to stick closer to him. Although Nebul was initially extremely apprehensive about clientele interacting with you socially, you've proven to be able to handle yourself in simple chit-chat, always redirecting clients to him when things get awkward or when they ask about products. He's become a little lenient, allowing regulars to greet you and occasionally -Very rarely- Pet you on the head.
He's usually good with keeping an eye on you. In fact, attentive to people's energies as wraiths tend to be, Nebul can usually clock who's there to fuck around and keep them in line. He would need to be distracted to miss a monster getting violent or handsy with you.
Aside from biting them, you were probably smart enough to scream for you Master. Because, even if you're not sure what will unfurl of this situation, it's better to be possibly punished by him than mauled by a rowdy client.
It's always hard to tell when Nebul's angry.
But when his hood flies down and his mist spreads like a toxin across the room, one can safely assume they fucked up royally. The first thing he does is immediately incapacitate the stranger, invading their mind forcefully, and put in simple terminology, eating it. In plain sight. Nebul's claws hold the fallen monster's neck in place, head surrounded by swirling, mistifying hues that, although pretty, are leaving nothing but emptiness and destruction in their wake. The good, the bad, memories, traits, identities, all swallowed into the abyss of the undead's head, making him crackle with energy.
The monster lies catatonic on the ground, eyes blank, drooling. They're not dead physically, but considering there's nothing but wind going through that head, they may as well be a corpse.
Next, you're silently examined for damage, which he'll take care of post-haste, as you're his most important asset. Your nervousness doesn't escape the undead, and he assures you didn't step out of line. When you know that screaming for him isn't an option, you should fight indeed. But, now that he thinks about what happened, you might be taking a step back from the frontlines of his shop...
It's for your own good.
He wouldn't know what to do if something happened to his precious pearl.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
One thing I love about the sciles dynamic is that Stiles is never afraid of Scott. Maybe in s1, when the werewolf thing was new, but not after. Stiles is 100% sure Scott won't hurt him and he's RIGHT
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I once made a post here talking about Stiles's relationship with Peter Hale, only to realize, after I received your question, that I can make a similar statement about Stiles when it comes to Scott: Stiles's need for Scott is only exceeded by Stile's love for Scott and this fact remains unchanged throughout the seasons.
The most important person in Stile's life during the series, the one he would do anything for, is without question, his father. But the relationship between fathers and sons, particularly this one, has certain land mines, even at the start of the series, that Stiles and his dad have to navigate carefully around, mostly arising from the traumatic circumstances of Claudia. There are things they don't talk about and badly healed wounds, as the audience can tell by the scene in Co-Captain (1x10), Party Guessed (2x09), and The Girl Who Knew Too Much (3x09).
At the beginning of the show, that complexity didn't exist between Stiles and Scott. Stiles had no boundaries with Scott. He doesn't think twice about showing up in the middle of the night with an impulsive decision to go looking for a dead body in the woods, calling Scott a dumbass, mocking his dreams of being first line, all with perfect confidence that Scott not only wouldn't reject him but there is a very good chance, he'll follow right along.
For a person who endured the violent rejection of his own mother and her tragic death, a friendship seemingly without limitations is something to be treasured. It's something to be fought for. Please, as if something like the threat of bodily harm could deter Stiles from keeping the person he needs and loves safe. Derek scares him because he doesn't care about Derek; the danger Jackson finds himself in is "his own fault."
I know I've talked in negative terms about Stiles's demands on Scott in Heart Monitor (1x06) and going behind Scott's back in Formality (1x11) but those don't contradict this thesis. These actions may not be ethical -- in fact I'm absolutely sure they're not -- but they're designed to protect Scott, both physically and in terms of their relationship. Stiles wants and needs Scott whole but also unchanged, still the only person that Stiles can tease unmercifully or mess up badly with and yet still will ditch his girlfriend to come pick him up. That's why Stiles will insist that Scott do the right thing, no matter what, because that's part of who Scott is. Stiles will throw firebombs at serial killers and endure beatings from a geriatric sociopath in silence so Scott can remain Scott.
Every major relationship crisis between Scott and Stiles comes not from Scott disappointing Stiles but from the idea that Scott's new life and responsibilities will force Scott to stop valuing Stiles the way Stiles values Scott. That's the message behind "You still got me" in Master Plan (2x12): Stiles is stating that no matter how much this werewolf crap changes Scott, he doesn't have to worry about this -- about them. The fear and loss in Stiles's eyes during The Overlooked (3x10) isn't about Scott betraying him but about the realization that the forces of darkness may have finally changed Scott into someone who doesn't need him the way Stiles needs him. The nogitsune torments Stiles in Letharia Vulpina (3x19) by presenting a perverted image of their friendship -- the fox in Stiles's body manipulates Scott into doing the right thing (taking pain) torments Scott (with the ninja-to) and then takes what he needs from the relationship. Stiles puts himself in Eichen House rather than allow himself to hurt Scott that way again in Echo House (3x20) and hides his own pain in The Divine Move (3x21). He'd rather die than let the nogitsune get between them.
Season 5A, of course, is Stiles's greatest fear made real -- that he will go too far, that his own nature will end up destroying this love he values so much and that this friendship that he needs to cope with his life will be gone. There's a reason for that scene with the Jeep in the rain. Stiles could never possibly fear Scott's claws and fangs; the only thing that could make Stiles break down is Scott's indifference.
That's why, in both Motel California (3x06) and Riders of the Storm (6x10) Stiles's ultimate words are always "I need you." For Stiles, Scott could never hurt him as long as he's there.
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koinotame · 6 months
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
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it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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deadtiredghost · 29 days
so i turned a oneshot into a series. and that exploded into a whole thang in my brain but I'm probs not gonna write it any time soon so i am deciding to post some stuff here.
rottmnt Leo centric cause this is all based on a few fics I wrote.
This is just a fun what could happen after the movie outline but darker than I think rottmnt will ever go.
the kraang left Leo with a badly cracked shell and some lasting issues in his left leg - Mikey painted his cane blue
Leo started doing independent research into mystic medic shit after the kraang attack. the team medic headcanon fr and I think CJ would deffo also know medical mystics which spurs Leo on
Leo spends a lot of time with CJ, coparenting fine with Casey after they figure each other out - makeup is the main thing they share in common because Casey has beautiful red eyeliner and Leo has his own beautiful red stripes.
Casey and Raph bff propaganda! they finish off the foot together or smming.
Triceraton arc:
the triceratons are fucking huge in rottmnt, like Leo doesnt come up to their ankle huge, and I see Raph using his hologram things to get bigger to fight, Donnie supporting him like in the kraang fight, Mikey using his super-strength to do damage and Leo initially being all flashy like he usually does but eventually realising that the only way they are going to have any chance is to use his portals to straight up chop the heads off of the triceratons - a CJ and Draxum approved plan.
cue angst and guilt - theyre like, 19, 18 & 17 respectively. they have encountered death before but never actively and intentionally killed anyone.
but like Leo would absolutely live in pain if that meant his family would be safe. and we have seen this time and time again.
#just super soldier problems:
and then the transition from these two alien invasions back to shutting down the run-of-the-mill villain of the week is jarring, and all the bros have a bit of trouble adjusting to non-leathal levels of strength
its good when they're just up against meatsweats or smming cause he got a similar mutation and can take their full force punches while even some yokai just need a gentler touch.
i'm thinking a teenage baxter stockboy is particularly difficult for this chaotic team to deal with because they're loud and violent by nature, while they need to shut off his tech without significantly hurting him
none of them are good at steath apart from Leo and none of them are good at tech apart from Don so to avoid raph eating more metal Leo decides to split the team up, which is met with resitence of course, but Leo is the logical planning guy and Raph and Mikey let emotion cloud their logic more than half the time.
I want Leo to get frustrated at how his family dont quite understand what he is trying to get at - #just ADHD things.
He needs to learn to be better at communicating, but his family also need to understand that he's not trying to procrastinate or goof off, it's kinda hard to explain something, even if its simple, when your brain is going a mile a minute and its so clear in Leo's brain what he wants that he forgets it isn't clear in other's (does that make sense? taking from personal experience here)
I also want Leo to learn in this conflict to stop relying on himself to avoid his siblings being in danger, because while he had told Dr Feelings over and over he got it and he wouldn't - he totally would and still hasnt stopped putting himself down to keep his family afloat.
Don gets an arc! its about being in an unhealthy relationship!
Don dates Kendra for a time. I think canonically Don would have a crush on Kendra, but it's not a healthy relationship and no one in the family likes her, which just allows her to isolate Donnie from their family etc. Kendra doesnt return as a 'villain' just an antagonist for Donnie personally, because the Purple Dragons cant just vanish from the story entirely.
imma give Donnie a Timothy as a friend because I feel bad for hurting them.
Rat King Arc:
like every villain in rottmnt, the Rat King is a significant issue they have to deal with. He is a human who wanted to discover the mysteries of Yokai and went crazy with empyrean use.
Unfortunately he can mind control rats... cue splinter angst as the family need to fight their father who is trying to kill them.
Big Mama makes a deal with the Rat King for Splinter becuase he is profit. Leo has to deal with her one way or another, so he makes a bet.
Unfortunately for Big Mama Splinter has a really bad back and Raph is very aware of his constant complaining, so he takes advantage of that to restrain him in battle, and then Splinter manages to snap out of the mind control because Raph smacks some sense into him (and some magic) - after Raph got mind controlled they all did some mind-protecting-techniques with Draxum for a while.
This whole Rat King arc is particularly hard on Raph :[
they go home happily ever after with some fun new trauma of their dad trying to kill them.
next there is bishop, because Baxter is just a kid, he is barely a threat, and Donnie would just wipe any evidence of them off his tech of course? HAHA, nope. because bishop gets involved.
it takes a hot sec before they take Bishop seriously tbh. it was always a fear but as they had gotten more integrated into the Yokai city they had gotten too relaxed, relied too much on Donnie's tech and gotten too focused on their social/academic lives. so the government snuck up on them.
theyre about 22, 21, 20 at this point in time - they have already met Yuichi Usagi, Jennika and Leatherhead, and Donnie and Mikey are currently attending Yokai Uni.
So theyre all settled and "retired" from ninja stuff when disaster strikes and Leo and Raph get kidnapped by Bishop. Time for the pb&j duo to get them back!
Tigerclaw Arc:
I have more ideas involving tigerclaw but those ideas hindge on the ending of the Bishop idea, cause I have conflicting ideas for how it could end.
japanese assassin sent to kill the last few members of the Usagi clan so Leo gets involved and gets a new villain all to himself. (either Leo looses a leg to tigerclaw or Leo had already lost a leg to Bishop and is adjusting to his prosthetic still while fighting tigerclaw) Mikey, Raph and Don meet Kitsune, Alopex and Venus respectively during their trip to Japan and figuring out who has sent tigerclaw to attack their friend.
Haha. I threw Kitsune in there because she is another interesting villain and I would love to see rottmnt Mikey interact with her and slowly realise she isnt one of the 'good guys' and challenge his worlview that 'everyone who helps him must be nice and a good person' - tho i'm conflicted as to whether or not have her as a villain or just a criminal that fucks off to never be seen again
after all this they go get therapy.
Hope u enjoyed, just my brain has been circling these various scenes in my brain since 2024 started and I'll probs never get them onto paper, digital or otherwise.
if anyone felt inspired to write anything with one of these plot ideas in mind, feel free to! Would absolutely love that!
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cappymightwrite · 3 years
Hi! I loved your blue rose meta. I wanted to ask you that Sansa had sexually assaulted in books and threatened with rape many times. How do you think it gonna be acknowledge in last two books? Will Sansa gonna be safe from rape just like she was in last books?
Thank you! (Meta in question) Sorry for the very late response 😅
This topic isn't generally one I like to speculate on much. I cannot stress how much the s5 storyline upset me, so much so that I really can't read any fics that reference it, or count it as canon, no matter how sensitively written. Likewise, I don't really like to dwell on Jeyne's assaults too much either, though I'm strongly Justice For Jeyne. I just don't like to be in that headspace.
But anyway. I can talk about it a bit for the purposes of this ask.
Obviously, the threat of assault is certainly always there throughout Sansa's narrative, as mentioned by @butterflies-dragons, notably in the use of songs. But as butterflies-dragons concludes, and as stated by @agentrouka-blog, I tend to agree that "I do not think that Sansa is going to suffer any assault worse than she already has." Because what purpose does it serve at this point? It wouldn't be subversive in any way to have the most romantically inclined girl r*ped at this point in the narrative, in fact it would be pretty redundant thematically because Sansa has already had the rug pulled out from under her in terms of her disillusionment arc. She's already been assaulted, several times in fact, and is currently being assaulted and groomed by Littlefinger. Furthermore, the reader has also had the point hammered home through the horrific Jeyne Poole storyline. It's unnecessary, quite frankly. It would be a waste of a word count to emphasise a point — that no one, particularly young, naive girls, are safe from violence, including sexual violence — that has already been very firmly asserted from multiple perspectives and POVs.
So, while I think TWOW will certainly take us to darker places than ever before, I think it would be a grave and gratuitous misstep if GRRM chose to include an escalation of the kind of assaults Sansa has already suffered. Look, I'm sure TWOW (and ADOS) won't be entirely devoid of sexual assault, but at least for both Stark girls (I did worry a bit after reading Arya's Winds chapter), I don't think it needs to be escalated. And that's not just me projecting my own wants for their respective arcs, objectively speaking, I don't think it's needed. I don't think it adds anything that we don't already know.
But back to Sansa specifically. Do I think those previous moments of abuse will be addressed/referred to? I think in order for Sansa to heal... yes. I think they will certainly be addressed in the sense that, when they inevitably reunite, Jon and his behaviour (in general and towards Sansa) will be presented to us (and Sansa) as a clear contrast. Being presented with contrasting, non-abusive behaviour will be key to having that reflection on past events expressed, I think.
This fits in to Jon and Sansa being the true subversion of the beauty and the beast trope. And subversion is the key word, because a note for note copy of that trope is not healthy, it's not without abuse. The difference with Jon as the beast, compared with pretty much all other iterations of the trope, compared with the Hound as well, is that Jon hasn't had, and will not have, this problematic character development from cruel and violent to supposedly tamed by love into something more "gentle." Thanks to Jon's pov, we know exactly who he is, and while I do expect post-warg/resurrection Jon to go through some angsty cosmic alienation and to become fully steeped in Byronic traits... he's not going to be cruel to Sansa only to be gentled by her virginal influence, because like I said, contrasts are going to be key. Jon needs to be presented as a contrast to all the awful men prior to him in Sansa's arc in order for us and her to have the tools for some solid reflection/realisation, not as contrast to his earlier untamed behaviour, if that makes sense?
So really, this is why Jonsa is so crucial to Sansa's arc, her healing process, and her reclaimation of self. And vice versa. We know that Sansa suppressed and romanticises her trauma in order to cope, and I think it will be painful for her to have to confront the reality of certain traumatic moments, e.g. that the Hound really did intend to r*pe her that night on the Blackwater, that Tyrion wasn't just "as frightened as [she was]" on their wedding night, he was the adult in that situation and he wanted to r*pe her too and did also assault her. Those are going to be painful truths to face, a headspace and recollections she will understandably not want to be in or have, as evidenced through her avoidance of the reality of these events thus far in the series. But they are necessary to address and crucially she won't be without support. Because Jon as a contrast to these men isn't a passive, inactive thing, he isn't a contrast to their behaviour soley through what he doesn't do, but also through what he does.
In ADWD, Davos IV, Wyman Manderly comments that "not every man has it in him to be Prince Aemon the Dragonknight or Symeon Star-Eyes, and not every woman can be as brave as my Wylla and her sister Wynafryd," which is true, but that doesn't exclude the possibility of a person like that appearing all together, does it 😉😏
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"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me." – AGOT, Sansa III
Thanks for the ask! Again, apologies for the delay 😅
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(art commission by the lovely and talented @curious-menace)
It is a time where I would like to see what my followers think about various concepts I have in mind pertaining to alternate versions of one my fics. It may take some time to write out any alternate versions since I've been busy and stressed out so much lately, but I am very curious as to what others would find intriguing to read.
But first, some backstory so be patient. We'll get to the voting at the end of this post.
I've been having a lot of bad days lately, and my mood has plummeted to a major low. This includes my self-esteem, which has always been in the dumps but is now basically a dumpster fire.
However, I don't want to be entirely cruel to myself. I deserve some sort of happiness, some sort of reprieve, and writing can be a good coping mechanism. I put a lot of my own thoughts, emotions, struggles, opinions, etc. into my works, as they serve as a way for me to get things off my chest. Sometimes, it's just cute and funny stuff, other times angsty but eventually fluffy stuff, and other times it's quite depressing and dark.
One fic, in particular, stands out, and that is the Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, "Volunteer," (trigger warnings: mentions psychological torture and suicide...more about this fic in a bit for those who would rather not read it because of those triggers) which features Arkham Knight Edward Nigma and Jonathan Crane, as well as a lady friend for Edward named Sara. It also features Erron Black and Cassie Cage from Mortal Kombat (Cassie is only mentioned in the story a few times).
If you read the blog intro/self-introduction post pinned at the top of my Tumblr, you know very well how I feel about Cassie Cage (particularly in MK11) and the Erron Black x Cassie Cage (BlackCage) pairing. Those negative feelings are mostly due to a very bad experience with a pushy BlackCage fan who just wouldn't relent one bit on their stance and it was emotionally and mentally draining to try and talk to them, including providing counter-arguments.
I've come up with alternate versions for "Volunteer" recently due to the spike in stress, depression, anxiety, and insecurities I've been dealing with as of late. This is where my followers come in!
I would like people to vote on which alternate take on "Volunteer" they would be interested in reading. Now, I can't guarantee when I'd get to it because, as I mentioned already, I've got a lot going on. However, I really want to try and write at least one alternate version of that fic, just to get some insecurities and negative thoughts off my chest.
Now, for those who are wary of reading "Volunteer" because of the trigger warnings, here's my advice: Just read the first chapter, if you want to. Chapter 2 deals directly with the sensitive subject matter, although, you can probably guess what happens anyway just by reading Chapter 1 and if you know anything about Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow...well, he likes to mess with people...mentally. To put it very mildly.
Now it's time for the voting. I have three different scenarios I've come up with that are variations/alternate versions of the current "Volunteer" fic's concept/storyline. I'd like followers to select 1 (one) alternate telling of the fic. I will open anonymous asks again, so if you are shy or just want your vote to remain a secret for some other reason, then that's fine by me. Otherwise, you can reply to this post with your choice.
Edit: if you are turned off by the idea of a Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, I get it. I don't read crossover fics myself, and that's usually because the crossovers either make no sense or do make sense but the ideas are poorly executed.
This crossover I'm talking about, though, isn't a full-on crossover of MK and Batman. There's no world-building, no larger plot, and no other characters in MK even appear or are mentioned except Erron Black and Cassie Cage.
If anything, it's more of a Batman Arkhamverse standard AU with Riddler and a female oc, and Erron and Cassie are the only concrete elements of MK brought in. I mean, yes, the other MK characters exist, I guess, but they have no purpose in this crossover I've written, and won't make any appearances.
So, if you had any concerns about the crossover aspect, I hope this clears things up
Choices below the cut!
A) "Don't You Wish"
This version is inspired by a song from Pink, called, "There You Go." In this alternate telling, Erron manages to survive Scarecrow's fear toxin, and escape (most likely because Erron is out of his mind and panicking, thus not a threat, and he has no one to help him, so Scarecrow doesn't give a damn what happens to the dude). The first thing Erron does is go to Sara's place, having already broken up with Cassie after realizing dating her was a mistake, and Sara means more to him than he thought.
Well, it's been several months since Sara basically pushed Erron out of her life for his poor choice in women, and (Arkham Knight) Edward Nigma has proven to be a much better (and, wiser and more sensible -- yes, I know, but he's not a skirt chaser, Guys) friend to Sara. While Erron ran off with a blonde selfie princess, Edward offered genuine comfort and companionship, and now Sara has been in the process of moving on from Erron even further.
Sara humors Erron and lets him tell her -- while sounding terrified, confused, and conflicted beyond belief thanks to the fear toxin -- what happened to him. Now, Sara doesn't know Edward asked Scarecrow to take care of Erron as a means of getting revenge for her. Doesn't matter anyway. She's unsympathetic towards Erron's plight, feeling as if he didn't even give her a chance to confess her feelings towards him, nor did he even seem to notice how she felt; it was like he was too busy with thinking with his privates to realize he had someone in front of him who would have treated him better.
Sara tells Erron -- in a flat, disinterested tone -- that his situation is tragic and all but wtf is she supposed to do? Why not go to his dumb blonde gf? Oh, they broke up? Well, how predictable. And Crane is also a (sort of) friend to Sara, which shocks Erron and leaves him feeling worse than before.
Sara sends Erron on his way, and he wanders off in a daze, unsure of what to do with his life now.
Sara and Edward meet the next day, and they have a pleasant time, obviously moving towards becoming a couple. She chooses not to mention Erron as she is completely severing the cowboy from her life.
B) "I Don't Even Miss You"
This alternate telling is similar to the previous one, but this time it's inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "WTF Do I Know" (Hey, her Plastic Hearts album is actually fantastic!), and Edward is with Sara when Erron arrives at her place in a distressed state. At first, Sara deals with Erron in the hall of her apartment building, unsympathetic to his plight and basically telling him, "I told you so," and "too bad." Erron is getting more and more upset, even angry at Sara's callous tone, and starts to raise his voice, demanding to know why she is being so cold at a time like this?
Edward overhears Erron raising his voice to Sara, giving her a difficult time, and he gets pissed. Edward steps out into the hall and not only mocks Erron in various ways, but demands that he leave immediately, or what Scarecrow did will seem like a trip to Disney Land. Erron has caused Sara -- who is currently moving on and growing closer to Edward -- enough problems and heartache.
Edward reveals he set up Erron, and while Sara is stunned to find this out, she handles it better than expected. Edward said it was his way of getting revenge for her, and he'd do it again if need be. Erron is sent away feeling so much worse, feeling lost, hopeless, and betrayed.
Sara and Edward talk and she admits she's upset that he did something like this without speaking about it to her first. However, he explains that he genuinely did it for her and he doesn't want her to feel pain at the hands of some "idiotic cowman," who doesn't consider the feelings of others and who behaves like a greedy, violent Neanderthal. (And yes, Edward does care for Sara, and he didn't send Scarecrow after Erron out of jealousy -- maybe a little jealousy but it was mostly rage over Erron causing Sara so much emotional pain)
Sara means more to Edward than he can express, and he may not be the best when it comes to emotions, but he does care about her and wants her to be safe.
Sara forgives Edward, understanding that, through his heartfelt but very nervous and shy confession that he is sincere about his feelings for her, and they make amends. She of course tells him to never do something so extreme without consulting her first, though, because what happened to Erron -- while she doesn't care what happens to him in the slightest -- was a bit too much.
C) "Listen When the Devil's Calling"
Another title inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "Night Crawling," and this alternate telling involves Telltale Riddler and no Scarecrow. Almost a year has passed since Erron went with Cassie and Sara, out of bitterness and heartache, refused to speak or see him. This didn't sit well with him as she was his only friend, and his relationship with Cassie dies within a few months.
He goes looking for Sara, realizing she has moved out of her apartment. It doesn't take him long to find out where she is, and she's with The Riddler, a notorious criminal genius and one of Gotham's elite villains. Erron is worried for Sara and seeks her out.
Turns out, Sara's just fine. This isn't one of those scenarios where the girl is with a guy who just using her and taking advantage of her vulnerability. No, Edward does actually love her and takes good care of her. He finds people like reckless, selfish, and ignorant people like Erron to be a disgrace but also amusing because of how pathetically primitive they are.
Edward also doesn't appreciate how Erron pushed aside a good thing in Sara to pursue a girl who is a social media brat and has more selfies on her phone than brain cells in her, well, brain. It defies all logic to Edward, but he's also not surprised because of how much of a disappointment Erron is as a human being (hey, this is Riddler we're talking about, and he's not one to be sweet and gentle to those he can't stand). Edward doesn't say these things out loud, though, as it's a bit too vulnerable and personal for him to do such a thing with someone he doesn't know or trust.
Sara is upset that Erron has resurfaced and she remembers how heartbroken she was when he went after Cassie Cage. She wants Erron to leave her alone like she asked, so she can move on. She can't trust him anymore, because he's just a skirt chaser in her eyes.
Erron tries to plead his case, tries to apologize to Sara, and expresses how he really feels, but this just distresses her further. Edward steps in and tells Erron he's done enough to Sara, she clearly doesn't want to see him, and he needs to take his leave.
This isn't a request.
Edward pulls Erron aside, telling the cowboy that the only reason he's going to walk away from this alive is that Sara hasn't asked for him to be killed. Should she tell Edward to take care of Erron, well, you all know what Telltale Riddler is like.
And those are the three variations on "Volunteer."
If you could be so kind as to:
leave a comment with your choice or
send an ask (even an anon ask) with your choice or
suggest your take on this story.
I'd appreciate it immensely!
Thank you all so much for supporting me and my writing and being patient with my sluggish publishing schedule!
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heartsyhawk · 3 years
Ok so Todays Pokemon Direct breathed some fresh life into my body. So here's an update about what's going on with me in what has been one of the worst months of my whole life.
Content Warnings: tornado damage, homelessness, pet death. I'm trying to cut but it doesn't always work on mobile.
So as I've mentioned, on July 18th a freak tornado hit my apartment building.Its not a common problem in my part of Connecticut (our chaotic weather is usually Noreasters and Blizzards) and none of my neighbors remember there being one here in the past going back about 75 years. And it wasn't a particularly destructive one--the path was less than two miles and it was very narrow and while it did a number on a lot of trees fences and power lines and cars, it only directly hit one house.
Unfortunately it was the one my family lives in. All things told we were pretty lucky. Our belongings and animals were okay and it didn't physically crack open the house. It did pick up and drop part of our roof and tore off huge chunks but the ceiling remained intact.
The building was initially cleared as safe to inhabit until a few hours later when water damage started spreading rapidly in three rooms, an extremely ominous crack appeared in the ceiling of my bedroom with inches of water damage on either side, and water began leaking from two light fixtures and a fire alarm.
Obviously we were displaced by the fire department into the red cross's care as the building was no longer safe to be in. We went to the Red Roof Inn because they would let us have our pets. It was...well it was a cheap motel that allows pets and to call it a nightmare isn't really doing justice. It was hard on all of us, and hell for our animals, 22 20 and 17 year old cats and our 12 year old dog.
A few days later we were able to get back home because the land lady had gotten someone in to secure the roof and shore it up safely. They didn't immediately tell us it was safe, which is a separate post another day, but we were able to get back into our home.
A few days after that we lost my 22 year old cat, Princess. She was old but really doing okay until the stress of living through a tornado and that rat trap hotel room. She's been in my life for roughly 2 thirds of it and losing her the way we did has crushed my soul in a way I never could have predicted. She was genuinely the best cat in the world, so sweet and soft and beautiful and friendly. The fact that she's gone hurts as sure and sharp as if someone had torn my organs from my body. As long as there is a part of me that exists I will miss her.
The other 3 animals are just as gutted as I am. Tobi, the 20 year old, has become cold and violent to me. She is grieving her best friend too, and I know grief is complicated but it seems she blames me for what happened. Dobby is 17 and I'm genuinely positive he is suffering depression. He keeps laying in Princess's bed and howling. He's clingier and more desperate for attention and assurance than he has ever been. The dog is miserable. Princess assumed Suki was just a particularly ugly and stupid kitten after we rescued her and taught her how to be a proper cat. She taught her how to mouse, and where we kept the bread, and which windows were the best to sit on the back of the couch for. Suki still loafs on the back of the couch. But now she does not have her partner in the unholy bread theft alliance. Their hurt is echoing and amplifying my own.
And because we can't catch a break that's not the last of it. There's obviously extensive damage to the building that needs repair. Apparently mold in the ceilings from the water damage and the fact this house was built in the early 1800s. They need to redo the whole roof and all the ceilings and at least one wall. It's gonna be a lengthy process and the building will not be inhabitable for the duration. So we have to find a new place to live.
Now, there's a LOT to say about the land lady and her daughter the property manager who owns the stupid shop downstairs. But the short version is the daughter has wanted us out for a good while and is...not strictly speaking an ethical person or one capable of empathy, sympathy, or most forms of compassion. She started raising a ruckus and being hostile to us the day Trump was declared the loser, for what that tells you. Her mother is a somewhat better person, but she's also filthy rich and lets her daughter act like a tyrant. So ... even though it is the middle of a pandemic ramping up dangerously in this area, and also the housing market is a nightmare, we have to be out by September 30th (it was previously September 10 but begging got an extension).
I've been doing a lot of packing, and crying, and cleaning, and crying, and hunting desperately for an apartment my family can afford that won't make job commutes impossible. It will be a good thing, I know it will...eventually. We need more space and this town is a white supremacy hell in the middle of nowhere. But also it's been home for 7 and a half years and the timing is just awful. And well that's why I have been on Tumblr for only a few minutes at a clip lately and not especially reactive beyond a couple posts a day.
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honeyrites · 4 years
Welcome Home - Feren
(x reader)
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AN: I had planned to post this to Wattpad at first, so the cover/picture might seem a bit strange for tumblr. The reader is Thranduil’s daughter, the princess of Mirkwood. I swear I don’t usually write Feren nearly as submissive as he is here.
WARNINGS: fluff, mentions of war and ptsd
The trees in the woodland realm are constantly changing structure to ward off any intruders; because of this, the elves are forced to frequently remap the landscape. The elites of the Mirkwood military were scheduled to spend two weeks in the forest to accomplish this task. While this shift in paths typically only occurred every few years, a group of dwarves working to reclaim the Kingdom of Erebor were being particularly aggressive this time. The trees were shifting far more frequently, and with the threat of war growing each and every day, the elves needed a reliable way to track the area. They were forced to accomplish this task in the dead of winter, over a much longer period of time than had been hoped, for the woods had grown afraid, and so had the soldiers.
Commander Feren returned with his troops two months after they were expected to arrive, with perfectly designed maps fit to serve their king. While the men did ache to return home, they spared no expense in accomplishing their goal; they knew the next battle would be soon and it relied on them alone.  There was no room for error, and every opportunity for it as well. Despite the fact that they'd met all of Thranduil's relentless and merciless demands, when the commander returned with a positive scouting report and everything that had he asked, all he received was a nod from the king, who accepted his work as adequate. So, the soldiers- tired, frozen, nearly traumatized, and deeply disappointed soldiers- went to drink. Save for old Commander Feren, who was going immediately to bed.
The commander sat close to the fire, staring into the void. He kept a light blanket around his shoulders and his mind clear of any thoughts; the mission was over- he should have been relieved, but still the ellon remained too exhausted to appreciate the moment's sentiment. The room was silent save for all but the crackle of flames, and occasional crunching of snow outside (a sound that would have driven Feren half-mad if he weren't so tired). It was truly a pitiful sight.
The creaking of his bedroom door brought him out his state of half conscious thought. He reacted slowly to the sound, it barely processed in his mind that anyone had entered. Feren turned to look, but he felt the warmth on his face rapidly fleeting, and found he had to turn back to the fire to recover it. A breeze blew in from the recently open door, causing Feren to gasp involuntarily and shake more violently. His mind had completely dismissed the fact that someone had entered, it focused once more on the seemingly impossible task of escaping the cold.
"Starlight?" A soft voice called from the other side of the room. He finally turned to see the princess searching for him. His quick movement caught her eye, she smiled warmly before approaching. Feren saw his love in her usual lilac nightgown, which didn't cover nearly enough skin to keep her warm on such a night. It must be later than I thought... Feren pondered.
The elleth brought a comforter, which was thrown over her forearm and a mug in each hand, one of which she offered to Feren before settling down with him. She straddled his lap, quickly replacing the sad blanket around his shoulders with a thick comforter. She pulled him in for a quick kiss, one of which Feren wished lasted much longer, but was very grateful for her presence nonetheless.
"I missed you," he blurted out, desperate for her attention, despite the fact that he had it in its entirety. YN smiled and pressed their foreheads together.
"I missed you, too." She kissed him softly. "But, before we talk, you must first drink your hot chocolate," she commanded of him. Feren did as told, but cringed at the unexpectedly strong taste of liquor. YN laughed at his reaction and commented, "Galion made this, what were you expecting?". Feren was overwhelmed with joy and he showed it proudly, what a nice surprise it was for an angel to offer him comfort from the cage he'd been trapped in for months. The dark, unforgiving winter that had overtaken Feren's being had become a part of him he thought he could never rid of, but YN chased it away in a matter of seconds.
She set her cup down next to them, "So, tell me about the trip. How did it go?" Her voice was eager and her smile was kind, she wanted to understand his troubles and somehow open up the boy. Feren's small smile fell. He shrugged slightly and looked away, attempting to avoid her gaze, but she quickly followed. He found he didn't have the words to respond to that question, despite his best efforts. Feren opened his mouth to offer an explanation, but closed it again once he felt tears well in his eyes. Feren had kept it together for ten weeks, he'd valiantly led his hopeless soldiers for months on end without wavering (externally). He thought his worries were over when the mission ended. He certainly didn't think the mere mention of the situation would bring him straight to tears, but he was glad it was in front of his lady when it did.
The ellon wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck. "I don't know..." were the only words he could quietly let escape between sobs. He felt the weakest he had in his life, like a child crying to his mother. He wanted desperately to stop breaking down, but YN knew it would only get worse if he fought it. She ran her fingers through his hair slowly and soothingly, gaining control of every nerve in his body as she did so. YN kissed her meleth's forehead, she knew he was ashamed of himself and had no reason to be. "I'm sorry, my angel, I'm sorry you were out there for so long..." she whispered, knowing all the commander needed was somebody to empathize with him. There were no casualties reported or any major incidents; on paper it looked as though all was well, but the princess knew her ellon must have suffered greatly to have returned with such fantastic results. "It's over now, I promise... hey, starlight?" She lifted his chin so she could look him seriously in his eyes. Feren looked back at her like a scared puppy, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. She leaned in close and spoke quietly on his lips, "I love you," while wiping the tears from his eyes. Feren smiled, finally done with feeling lost. "I love you," he whispered, voice breaking slightly.
YN peppered soft, gentle kisses all over the soldier's face. He inhaled a shaky breath, feeling better than he had in ages. He pondered how she could so quickly recover his being, which had been in pain for what seemed like an eternity.
"I can't pretend like I know what it was like to be stuck out there for so long... but, I can say a few things are for certain," she stayed as close as she had before, nose to nose with one arm around Feren's neck and the other still tracing his skull. The male couldn't even blink; he was too lost in the maiden's eyes, voice, and touch. "one, you're here now. With me. Safe from all harm," she pointed to the window, momentarily diverting his attention before continuing, "...two, you see that? That's the world, and it is way - way out there. Far from us," he laughed as she kissed him again.  "...three, I love you. And four, I will always be here when you return." The last affirmation, once again brought the male to tears, but for a very different reason than the last.
She pulled the blanket further up on Feren's shoulders, leaning in for another kiss, when the door opened. It was Legolas. Feren's room was the third largest in the kingdom, the pair couldn't easily be spotted from the doorway. "Feren, I-" the prince began as he entered the grand estate. Luckily, the ellon's ears were sharp, he quickly located the two before interrupting himself. "-will come again at a later date!" With that, he turned on his heel and left as quickly as he had come. The soldier and the princess were both sent into an uncontrollable fit of laughter at the prince's reaction.
YN sighed happily, "At least we no longer have to tell him we're together,". Feren took a sip of hot chocolate before responding "but is this really how we wanted him to find out?"
"Ridiculous question, because he knows now regardless of how we planned to tell him." He wanted to respond with a witty retort, but found himself lost again in his lady's eyes. YN chuckled at Feren's severely submissive state, his attention was completely on her, waiting for her next move. They sat in silence for a few moments before either one spoke up, appreciating sounds and smell of the fire, as well as the other's presence.
"Come on," YN stood up before offering a hand to her meleth. Feren did not want to leave. He was content to go to bed, but his mind resisted any movement that would separate him from the state they were just in. Feren's mind, which had known nothing but peril for too long, was not ready to be moved from the only place it deemed safe. Like an animal born in a cage, he was convinced everything beyond their small space was unsafe. Even if they were going to bed, what if the cold returned? Who's to say the fireside with her isn't the only truly safe place on Middle-Earth? Feren cringed at the delusional thoughts that raced through his head; he knew they were hallucinations.
"Bed?" His voice was much gentler than he had intended it to be. The male cleared his throat to distract from that fact.
"No." YN stated clearly before walking off into the darkness. Feren stood, he could still see her pulling at the hem of her dress, but was only a shadow when the fabric hit the floor. "Bath."
"Let me wash your hair, starlight." YN moved so she sat behind Feren.
"Absolutely not!" He joked, and turned around to look at her. "You have spoiled me enough already, you move."
She smiled sweetly at him, knowing the soldier was more likely to follow her instructions if she did. He was going to do as she said anyway, but YN knew he'd feel less guilty doing so if she proved he was no burden to her. Feren rolled his eyes and reluctantly sunk back in the water. Their breaths were slow and relaxed, both partners perfectly content with where they were. The air smelled of sweet vanilla, as the few candles that surrounded the large bath gave off a dim light. YN ran a hairbrush through the soldier's auburn locks slowly. She was determined to enjoy every minute of their time together. She began to massage his scalp once more, earning a quick response. "Stop that." Feren stated plainly, knowing the playful elleth was determined to pamper him, and his words were powerless against her relentless will. He was right, of course, YN giggled quietly. "You know, commander," he opened his eyes slowly, knowing she'd be peering over his laying body. "Hm?" Feren hummed, challenging her. "I think you forget that I am not one of your soldiers. I am the princess- and unfortunately for everyone- I will continue to do as I please. And if what I please is washing your hair with lavender, then that's just what I'll do, regardless of your pointless protests... and I certainly won't hesitate to point out the fact that you look like you're enjoying yourself thoroughly." All the male could do was smile in response. He was soon too lost in the feeling of her hands in his hair and the warm water to care for anything else.
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