#this one was very heavily inspired by the url i will be changing to on my main 'f*ggotsonic'
chaosspear · 1 year
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guys i think world hero sonic the hedgehog might be um... 🏳️‍🌈?
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corruptedforce · 2 months
𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓!
alias / name : Tanya
zodiac sign : Taurus. Raise your hand if you're shocked.
height : 5'2 3/4"
hobbies : Writing, Math for Elementary Teachers (It's not a good hobby), messing with Photoshop since my graphics person isn't doing many atm, baseball season is starting, decluttering my bedroom
favorite color : Cubbie Blue
current book: Honestly, unless it's for school, I don't have time to read. But, I have picked up my Sons of Anarchy: The Official Collector's Edition book, of late.
last song : Never my Love by Audra Mae and the Forest Rangers from the Season 7 Premiere of Sons of Anarchy
last film/show : Sons of Anarchy. We're trying Mayans, but it's hard, because I am so hardcore Sons of Anarchy. I think I watched One Tree Hill last night too.
inspiration : I used pretend I was Vader instead of Leia, as a kid. I grew to love Anakin in the prequels and last year finally said, I'm going to do a thing. He is very very important to me, and I will never change who he is, at any point in his life.
story behind url : corrupted force. Anakin and Vader. He plays a part in both sides. That simple. I'll give you the one behind my multi URL too. It was originally a SOA and Vikings multi only and Come Join the Murder is the final song, and murder is a group of crows, which is heavily implied So, crowsandmurder.
tagged by : @petitsdieu
tagging : @mayxthexforce, @writtenxbeginnings, @taliaromanova, @story1ines, @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx, @mcnsieur, @cagedpotential, @astrancva, @bchemianrhapscdy
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catchingbigfish · 1 year
writer q&a tag game
thank you for the tag, @words-after-midnight!! reading your answers after beta reading libaw is wild, i understand so much now lmao
i'm going to leave this as an open tag for anyone who wants to join!!
1. What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you've ever had?
so it goes, for sure.
2. Is there a question you've been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
this is a weird answer, but an undergrad professor asked if a short story i turned in was the first chapter to a novel. it wasn't, and i tried for years to turn it into one, but he was wrong the whole time -- it was definitely not meant to be a novel. i think about that now because it reminds me that sometimes a story is meant to be a story, or a novel is meant to be a novel, and i don't have to try to shoehorn a story into an inappropriate format. (i have to keep re-learning this lesson, btw. i recently tried *again* to make that thing a novel.)
3. What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
i absolutely love the way writing is an exorcism for me. even my found footage inspired short story helped me excavate and get rid of certain feelings, but on its surface it just seems like a fun horror movie treatment. my favorite part of the process is the language -- i love words and i love rearranging them until they sing off the page. i also find it so much easier to communicate in writing and love how it gives me the chance to connect with people.
the most difficult part of writing for me is not getting lost playing around in the story i've created. keeping a plot moving at a steady pace is my biggest difficulty. i still enjoy the challenge, but if i could just ghostwrite for people with better plots, i might consider it! also, what nico said about the state of publishing is why i stopped writing after college for such a long stretch.
4. What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
it's like scratching an itch for me, honestly. i don't know why i need to write, but i've done it since i was a kid, and it's always been there with me.
5. What is the best piece of advice you've ever read or been given as a writer?
my url is a reference to Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch, my favorite filmmaker. he talks about creativity in it, and full disclosure he is *heavily* into the transcendental meditation cult and credits that as his biggest source of creativity, buuuut what it really did for me was remind me that our imaginations are infinite and incredibly powerful at what it does.
6. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
along the same theme as my previous answers: i wish i knew my imagination was enough and i don't have to compare my ideas to others', and that i can trust my own intuition about a story. (repeat after me: elle, that story is a short story, not a fucking novel)
7. What is your favorite story you've written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you'd like and can!
answering so it goes feels like cheating because i don't feel like it's actually complete, but my backup answer is a poem.
8. What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
i really like this line from the very first draft of so it goes: "She made her way back out to the street where the sun hadn’t risen and nothing had changed at all."
9. Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
right now, Rosalyn from conversion is my most interesting character because of this. Rosalyn -- and the rest of the primary characters -- use feminist theory to justify what is essentially health fraud and dangerous alternative medicine beliefs. i don't agree with them, but i fully understand how they got to this perspective, which is why i'm so interested in the topic and am writing it in the first place!
10. If you when you first started writing met you now, what would younger you think?
i don't mean to brag, but my younger self would think my current self rocks so fucking hard lol. to be fair, i had a *very* limited idea of what life could be like, so having cleared that bar she set wouldn't be a challenge to most people! the fact that i still write would be enough for them to fawn over me, i think.
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This or That
tagged by the lovely @queenslayerbee :)
Historical or Futuristic?
DEFINITELY historical. Nearly all my WIPs are heavily inspired by historical events, if not directly set in them.
Opening or Closing Chapter?
Both can be great, but I'll say opening chapter for now, since the best of them can do a wonderful job hooking you into a wider story.
Light and Fluffy or Dark and Gritty?
Dark and gritty all the way. Just look at my URL. I'm not a huge fan of the little grimdark I've read, but I'll take it over a sugar-sweet rom-com or slice of life almost any day (no shade against rom-coms or slice of life stories, there are some I like, they're just not my favorite.)
Hard or Soft Magic System?
Hm, depends on the story. Hard magic systems can be incredibly fun, but I tend to prefer stories where magic is a bit rarer and thus more mysterious. So soft magic system it is, but that's an opinion easily subject to change.
Stand-Alone or Series?
Stand-alones, probably. There are just too many series out there that feel disjointed and easily could have been a much stronger stand-alone. I think the challenges that stand-alones present force authors to write more concise and fulfilling plots. That said, I do want to dip my toes into writing a series some day. I have a couple of ideas in that realm 👀 
One Project at a Time or Always Juggling 2+?
I'm definitely more of a WIP monogamist myself. I worked on Blood of Gods and nothing else for over two years. However, now that I've moved towards the more nitty-gritty phase of editing, I've found that having another project to draft balances out well. But I don't think I could do more than what I'm doing at the moment.
One Award Winner or One Bestseller?
One bestseller, though I'm not the proudest to admit that. What can I say, money is nice.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi?
Fantasy for sure. Sci-fi's great to read/watch, but I don't plan on writing it any time soon.
Character or Setting Description?
Deeeefinitely character description. Both as a reader and a writer, I'm far more interested in a character's complexities than what their environment looks like. That said, both are very important and it would be hard to write a good book without setting description.
First or Final Draft?
Uh, well, considering I've never made it to a final draft yet, I'm not sure I can give a good answer here.
Love Triangle in Everything or No Romantic Arcs?
This question feels worded like both are bad things, but I actually love both. More books starring women need to have less, or zero, focus on romance, and I hope to write something like that sometime soon.
I feel the need to defend my affection for love triangles, as until recently that wasn't the case. The love triangles we hate are the ones included for cheap drama, but there's so much more than that. One great trope is when the love triangle exists to highlight a choice between idealogies, like Peeta/Katniss/Gale in The Hunger Games. Another great version of the love triangle (and my favorite rendition of the trope) is when everyone involved is a little bit polyamorous and bisexual and in love with each other, but due to circumstance all of them ending up happily together is impossible. (My favorite examples of this are Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot from The Once and Future King and Ammar/Jehan/Rodrigo from The Lions of Al-Rassan.)
So... considering how much I've rambled on about them, I guess I'm going with love triangle in everything.
Constant Sandstorm or Rainstorm?
@jacquesfindswritingandadvice @muddshadow @oh-no-another-idea @thepixiediaries @lockejhaven and anyone else who wants to answer.
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anderson-residence · 2 years
A-Z Getting to know the blog/muse
repost. Fill out with your answers. Cross out/ skip anything that might not apply to your character.
Character: Lana Curtis
A. What was the inspiration for your character? At first, in her orginal verse, she was lightly inspired by a character from a show I saw. A girl that turned out to be an alien robot but lived her first 8 years thinking she was human. From that idea as a base I took it and changed it around to a girl on the run knowing what she was but not wanting to hurt humans. Then she moved to a fully human kind of story for a more flexible main verse (after a stent of a human built android) all those verses and more are still available
B. How/why did you pick the name that you did for your character? I don't remember I think I just heard it/found it and it stuck.
C. How/why did you pick the birthday for your character? Almost all my muses I just roll randomly for their birthday so I put 1-12 into a list randomizer and from there whatever month it gives me I run it again with the number of days for that given month. Lana's rolls landed on 5-24. May 24th.
D. What is your character’s full name? Lana Margaret Curtis
E. When is your character’s birthday? What is their zodiac sign? How old is your character?
May 24th. Verse dependent: 2014. She is 7 by default. She is a Gemini.
F. What is the meaning behind your URL? What was your inspiration for the name? A lot of the characters here are members of the Anderson family. Hence this blog is their home. It's the Anderson residence.
G. Was this your first pick for a URL? Technically, yes. For this multimuse but a few muses came from other single blogs if you want to count that?
H. Have your change your URL? Would you ever change your URL?
No to both.
I. How tall is your character?
Lana is a very small little thing at only 3ft 6in!
J. How much does your character weigh? 43 pounds
K. Does your character like their name?
Her first name, yeah. But her middle and last name reminds her of Sarah. She doesn't like Sarah.
L. Does your character go by any nicknames?
She was called Lana-Banana in two different verses by teo different dads! It's a good one. She likes it enough. Makes her giggle. Lan is another option.
M. What is the highest level of education your character has officially received?
She's a child, only in elementary. She is in 3rd currently.
N. What is your character’s current job? What is your character’s dream job?
Currently that would be none or elementary student depending how you look at it. Dream job if you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up is "a baby doctor that pulls babies out of mamas"
O. What is your character’s favorite color?
She loves anything purple but can go for a good pink too.
P. What is your character’s favorite number/lucky number?
12 don't ask her why she doesn't know. She just likes it.
Q. What are some hobbies your character has?
Playing in the dirt and mud, drawing, coloring, crafting, dress up, pretend. I roleplay someone roleplaying
R. Where does your character live? And with who?
Detroit. It varies by verse. Main/default is my other muse Sarah. But she also has verses where she lives with Hank or Niles. And of course the verses with my friends ya'lls muses all are ready to adopt her or already have so she lives with her adoptive parents too.
S. Where is your character from?
Heavily verse depending. Ranges from Michigan, Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland. A little bit of all over she was seemingly born. But she was raised in Detroit mostly.
T. Does your character have a face claim? if so who? How/why did you pick this face claim?
Alana Mansour. No the fc name did not affect the muse name lol it just worked out that way. And I was just looking through a face claim index when I came across her at it just fit for the age/gender I was planning for this muse. There wasn't a lot of options with icons ready. I wanted at least some for myself but didn't want to make them all at the time.
U.Does your character have a voice claim? if so who? Is it the same or different than their face claim? How/why did your pick their voice claim? Describe their voice.
It is difficult from her face claim because of where her fc was born and raised she has a lovely accent that Lana wouldn't have been from where she is. Alexa Swanson is Lana's voice claim. I was watching a show with her in it and it just clicked with me, it was what I already had heard for her when writing Lana.
V. If your character was real what would they be doing right now?
I would hope Lana would be in bed. It's 11:20 pm rn as I write this. Too late for a little kid.
W. What time does your character go to bed?
8:30 pm about, that is when Niles sends her to bed. Sarah doesn't give her one per se but will demand her to go away at some point yikes. I'm sure the answer would be different for all her adoptive parents too.
X. What is your character’s bedtime routine?
She doesn't have any solid routine when she was with Sarah, its usually a mad rush to get out of sight. But otherwise she's the type to brush hair and teeth and bathe all before bed. She likes to do a little prayer even though she wasn't raised, in any verse, for any religious upbringing but she saw kids do it in books and on tv. It feels right. It helps her feel better sometimes. She doesn't know what she's doing or what to say but she gets to her knees, folds her little hands, closes her eyes and asks God if she can meet an angel to protect her from Sarah.
Y. What time does your character wake up?
Depending on the time of year and if it's a school day or not she generally is up too early for her age but she needs to get ready for school early and doesn't like to be late.
Z. What is your character’s morning routine?
Similarly, to her bedtime routine she brushes her teeth and hair, changes outfits, and gives a small prayer for the day.
Tagged by: shhh myself
Tagging: @wxnted @lavishbylaw @itsagraywcrld @godccmplex @wynterlanding @creation-is-chaos @facxted @brokenlittlesweetheart @exploratorymuses (muse of choice) @anthologyoflucas (Ilia)
I mentioned a few of you in Lana's information but did not want to tag you up there as I knew I'd be tagging you here and I didn't want tumblr to do anything stupid. It can only handle so much. But you know who you are when you see it uwu
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Hello, you wonderful and amazing humans! 
This title I picked seems very dramatic, but it has the energy I’d like to convey about how much I love Critical Role. So, let’s get started with this disclaimer post!
Critical Role’s third campaign is starting on October 21! If you have followed me over the hiatus, even if you followed me for Critical Role content, you may not be ready. So, I would like to attempt to prepare you for what I’m like when Critical Role is on the air.
For anyone who doesn’t know, Critical Role is a show where a group of voice actors plays Dungeons and Dragons. The show airs on Twitch and YouTube on Thursdays at 7:00pm PT and typically runs for about four hours. It is occasionally longer, but those are special occasions. I liveblog Critical Role for the entire time every Thursday, because that is how I show my love for things. My posts are very rarely coherent on the night of the episode. A lot of times, I’m just yelling about stuff in all caps if I get extra excited. I do have a very consistent tagging system, so you can feel free to block tags where you need to. I also create a reminder post that I will reblog every Thursday about 30 - 60 minutes before the episode starts as a warning. Or to get you hyped up. However you want to see it is fine by me.
Anyway, let’s talk about this tagging system!
Basic tags during liveblogs:
critical role, cr spoilers, cr lb, cr3e# (obviously the number will change each episode, cr3e1, cr3e2, etc.)
I tag for spoilers until Tuesday following the episode. 
Also, until we have a group name, I’ll be utilizing the tag campaign 3 to keep the new campaign in one place on my blog. I’ll change that after they get a group name and may or may not change old posts. It’ll depend on how lazy/inspired I’m feeling.
And finally, I WILL have favorites. And I WILL end up shipping ships. Obviously, I’m not psychic, so I can’t tell you how that’s going to go in advance, but if you’ve been around for a while, I tend to lean pretty hard into shipping things and I tend to heavily favor one or two characters. I’ll let you know once I’ve adopted ships and favorites and come up with brotp tags as it happens. 
I may or may not be changing my URL. Most of you know how much I love Jester, though, so that might be a pretty hard sell. I do want to stay current... but I love Jester. We’ll see!
And that’s it! I’ll reblog this post a few times over the next couple weeks. I’m excited to get back to liveblogging and occasionally staying up until 5am giffing again. I hope you’re all excited, too!
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bornspellcaster · 2 years
Important Rules Addition
These will be in addition to my normal rules page, but they’re important enough that quite a few especially I need seen as their very own post, so this will be pinned for a while. I apologize for its length, but due to such terrible experiences on this platform for the past several years and since I’ve been on tumblr in general actually, I need to set some firmer boundaries and have people be aware of some things. So please like this if you read so I know who read these rules. Some are rules, and some are just important things to keep in mind!
I’m well aware that my verses aren’t to everyone’s tastes, and neither are my portrayals, but a lot of what I write is a way to sort through my own trauma. It’s not the most conventional way to cope with abuse I guess, but everyone copes differently. Where most people self project by the way of writing them getting out of an abusive situation/maybe even killing their abuser, I like to write…redemption. I like to write things how I WISH they could play out, as inspired by my own real life experiences. I like to write the abuser changing and the relationship changing, like I wish mine might… I’ve done this through any fandom I’ve been a part of really, and I’ve received backlash and even abuse through every one so far. In one fandom, it got so bad I had a smear campaign against me because of it and lost rl friends and that stops now. I shouldn’t have to out trauma just to be free to cope in the way I need, but I’m also not new to the internet.
That being said, you’re free to ask me to tag anything you don’t wish to see and for the most part I try to tag everything anyway, but I want to make people comfortable. I won’t stifle myself though. I’m not gonna stop writing the verses, and relationships that help me. (Yes they’re all legal)
I will not tolerate being referred to as an abuse apologist or a victim blamer, both things I’ve been called across this platform. As a victim, it is extremely insulting and feels dehumanizing to not have my own experiences considered just because I write a different take on villains, or because I cope in a more unconventional fashion. There is more than one way to cope, and I could honestly go into a 10 page essay about the tunnel vision on this site… It isn’t ‘glorifying’ their actions to write them owning up to it and changing from it or imagining a scenario differently. Mind you, I don’t do this with all characters, but I also don’t write them as one dimensional either. I like to peer into the psyche of what made them the way they are and self project through them sometimes. I recognize that in CANON a lot should get what’s coming to them, I just like writing things playing differently sometimes. And I get that isn’t everyone cup of tea so they’re welcome to not follow. I tag every one of my aus but again, you can ask me specifically about tagging things.
If you want to unfollow me, just do it and let that be the end of it. Don’t vague about me, don’t vague about the reason and my friends. If we were close, I would hope we could talk this out as friends before any rash decisions are made. It’s always best to communicate after all. But I can’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. But once you unfollow, please just softblock and let that be the end of it. Please. I’m heavily, HEAVILY triggered by people vaguing about me due to past abuse on social media.
I will NOT follow anyone that participates in callout culture, or does any of the sort that name drops in a negative light, and that is an instant unfollow for me. To me all it does is just incite harassment. If there is a certain url you want tagged (even though I always try to tag urls) let me know privately. There are of course exceptions to this in serious cases if someone is a known predator or something, but not when it comes to petty discourse.
It might take me a while to follow any new followers I get because I want time to be able to check out people’s blogs, rules, and see if styles mesh with mine. You know, pretty routine stuff.
Please tag the url of who you write with or interact with. This is etiquette not only to make things easy to find on your blog, but to filter. It helps to minimize seeing urls and content that might make people uncomfortable. It’s just good practice overall!
This is a personal preference and I have no will for anyone that does it! I don’t do exclusives. I do mains but I don’t make anyone exclusives. There are certainly people who come to mind when I think of a character, but I like to interact with all sorts of versions of said characters! c: Mains are another thing, I don’t mind that!
I have MEMORY LOSS. Legit memory loss. I have a hard time remembering things: Triggers, threads, and basic info especially. I’m going to forget things about your muse, about your verse. Even about you… I’m not trying to be insulting. It does not retain in my memory, I have a slew of mental and physical disabilities that effect my memory and make me struggle a lot in real life. I get that might be a deal breaker for some people, if I keep forgetting to tag a certain thing that doesn’t usually come to mind. Or forget threads. If you can’t tolerate it and want to unfollow I understand, just…please don’t get angry or think I’m trying to be ignorant. I’m trying here.
I have a hard time being close to people due to trauma. It’s difficult to be comfortable enough to be able to call someone my friend, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love talk and make connections, even if I may take a while in my messages. You’re free to dm me any time, even if we aren’t mutuals! I love talking, just be aware it may take a while. I’m not as forward with my discord either usually, but you’re free to ask if I’m comfortable sharing it yet.
More will probably be implemented but these are the most important additions for now.
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doeantler · 3 years
because of its accompanying personal and spiritual connotations, it seemed appropriate to source this here rather than elsewhere.
"buck" is a term i coined for myself to describe the conjunction and grander picture of my gender and sexuality, and my experience with it. while broader-known terms may be more convenient, yes, they often shoot wide of those whose experiences are just different enough to need explaining if asked, and otherwise, present an image of the person in question that isn't entirely accurate. it's for this reason i call myself a buck, and this can be considered the briefest overview of the full extent of my feelings and associations with this word. what it is to be a buck is reflected heavily in the animals responsible for the inspiration. "buck", in of itself, might be a toned word to some, but to myself it neither has the more masculine potency of a word like "stag", or the inherently feminine connotations of "doe". rather, it seems to sit at the in-between in phonetic context, and that was a detail i found great comfort in. the buck, in initial impression, is portrayed as the youthful and indecisive up-and-comer, whose identity is as free-running as the legs that carry it, and whose malleability is their strength.
to see myself as a buck in terms of my gender, there is a heavily-continued play on this notion. while i find myself at the crossroads with little to no care to speak of in most instances, it is with an immense pull and sudden timing that i often find myself in throes of identity shift, whether preferring roles more reserved and soft, or those more assertive, protective, perhaps even brash. the catch is that neither is well defined for themselves either - a buck without antlers is just as easily mistaken a doe; a doe who grows antlers is just as quickly viewed a buck, and those distinctions themselves are pliable in the wider whole. whether i feel crowned in bone or soft and alight, there is no real difference in essence, there is only what i feel in the moment. i find comfort in femininity as much as i do masculinity, while all the same finding myself at the comfortable median and beyond, and to be able to succinctly describe these feelings in the way of something as easy analogued in nature as the cyclical appearance of one of the animals i hold most dear is a wonderful sense of finality to me; the determination of the change of the season, and great-given care to the direction of my soul.
the same is easily said in my sexuality. in of itself, it is a fleeting thing that would otherwise bring me to believe i might be aspec were it not for the periods it isn't. i experience my attraction in ways not unlike a rut, not for the less than savory connotations, but rather in the spark of the moment, grandiose way it manifests, that it may be of little care initially and make itself attention-centering later on, only to see-saw between. as mspec, it truly does feel like "flashes" of moments where i have a great amount of noticed attraction and recognized attractiveness, though just as easily it may mute itself to a point of disappearance, and the confusion was something i struggled with for a long time. it was enough to bring me to conclude that there was little importance in trying to continue this odd goose chase of my matters of attraction, and that it would be better to listen to myself in those contrasting times with less judgment. the determination of the change of the season, and great-given care to the direction of my soul.
the spiritual aspects may be a bit more obvious, just considering my url here and the main figure i work with. but to be a buck honors both myself and those i draw near in my spirituality by taking on the title. it lessens much of the stress that seems to be pushed nowadays, to find some specific words and hammer them into your core if only for a fraction of the chance to be properly understood in your experience. that thinking never served me, and as i grow to understand and work with myself more, to make this term for myself and come to a proper conception of its indications has been almost freeing. whether i feel like the antlered doe or the menstrual buck, it is all me, the spectrum within, and it is a very personal and fulfilling thing and the happiness it brings me is something i wish for everyone as they come to know themselves as they really are.
disclaimer: while this term and its description may seem similar to your experiences, the full connotations of "buck" are extremely personal to me and thus i don't promote this as a widespread term to be adopted; rather, this is only an explanation of myself and my feelings. thank you for understanding.
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
simblr asks v2
here are my answers! find the questions here.
i wrote soo much ahaha. like however much you think i wrote, i wrote more than that. imo everything i write is gold though
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? no, it looks really nice but i legit never ever buy packs at launch, especially cause this one is a expansion and it will probably go on sale at some point
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately? buy it legitimately 👌
3. what’s your favorite world? brindleton bay, it gives like seaside cottage vibes. willow creek is good but it’s boring. 
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as? 3 or 4. i used to do like 12 lmaoo what even was wrong with me
5. do you watch sims on youtube? yes, i watch mainly malixa, oshinsims, and msgryphi
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator) those sectional couches look good! but honestly im kinda annoyed because now it’s even harder to have all the items filled in when i place lots from the gallery. like i’m just saying like a lot of builds will use that pack probably and if i don’t get it then i can’t really use builds/save files 
7. how many packs/kits do you own? lemme count
expansion: all - 10/10 game: 5/10 stuff: 9/18 kits: none xo
24/38 - 63%
8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url? 🤗 it’s in my title, it’s celeschul. it doesn’t look that nice in my title but i use celeschul in my package files and i’m guessing people search things like, “celeschul penny hair” or something like that in order to find my cc- so i keep it in there so the search results are easier. i do want to change it though..
but no it’s also not the same! well i mean it’s the username i use for cc. my origin id used to be an0nymousghost but i changed it. i wonder if anyone’s taken that one?
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog? main blog ✌️ my old blog @stardze​ is a main blog as well.
my old old simblr was a sideblog but it had like 1 follower and it literally a bot so i don’t think that counts. i have a multifandom sideblog though 
10. do you have a cc finds blog? i wish. i was thinking bout it earlier and that would be sooo neat but sometimes i download stuff that doesn’t have a tumblr post attached to it, and also it’s stressful to keep up with so nah
11. are you wcif friendly? yes sir. in fact i bring the trouble of wcifs onto myself but doing them even when nobody asked.
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims) gonna have to think on this one, honestly 1 sim is really fun and stuff goes by so fast. doing stuff with astrid when she was on her own, it was much more efficient. 
for families, i haven’t done that in a while actually. 5, 2 parents and 3 kids is cute tho. why did i write this this is honestly such a hard question
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets? i feel like i haven’t played with cats and dogs in forever. honestly i just have no paitence. noelle fae was supposed to get a cat (there’s a food bowl + cat bed in her house) but when summer vacation started, the amount of time i spent playing ts4 decreased a lot. (this doesn’t really make sense, i have a lot more time. honestly it just has to do with my recent obsession with a certain anime/manga and some other personal thing)
i did random nightmares in may though and i had pets frequently. g5 didn’t because sofia scarlett lived in an apartment, but g2/3/4 had cici, and g1 had all the cats. but that was back in march so it’s been a while.
14. what lifespan do you use? i really want to do aging off but then i feel like it drags on. but aging legit stresses me out, sometimes i just want to sit down and do some cas stuff but i only have 2 hours in real time and there’s like 4 days left till one of my sims’ birthdays. 
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through? just so everyone is aware this question was made for me
i feel like eps require a specific save made for testing them out, but the only save i’ve ever made for an ep is noelle fae’s get famous save. 
that is literally a lie - i made a save for island living with one of my 100bc kids, maisie acapella. i did actually post it on tumblr BUT then i deleted all the posts BUT i reblogged them on my alt account BUT i privated my alt account so i honestly forgot about it
i have never played through discover university or watched anyone do it on youtube, i’ve read gerbits’ story about it so i think i’m pretty qualified. i’ve always wanted to do one with periwinkle acapella but i never got around to it
another ep i know nothing about is get to work
i tried doing a eco life playthrough but i hadn’t watched any videos and i was like..what is going on. so i quit lolx d ;;;;; i mentioned it but the whimsy stories legacy was the first time i had played with the eco lifestyle features so technically i think i know what im doing
i got outdoor retreat literally on monday of this week so i haven’t played through it yet. 
jungle adventure i still don’t know what’s going on. i remember last year before i bought the pack i was brainstorming, and wanted to do a ja playthrough with luna and cedar, who are a couple who i did a random legacy with and it was all queued to post when i deleted everything (if you’re wondering why, it’s because my queue was literally 200+ posts). except this time i didn’t save them to my sideblog so i lost them. 
i still havent had a restaurant in dine out 
also never did the vet thing from cats and dogs
i have no idea what that rock climbing thing is from snowy escape but i did most of the other stuff because rn g5
city living i did through psc stage 5 and also it was the first pack i bought anyways
the rest of them are either stuff packs or i ended up playing them through casual gameplay (seasons, parenthood)
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music) i listen to music most of the time, or listen to commentary youtube videos because i am an alpha chad. i also used to talk with my friends on voice call but i don’t do that anymore 🥲
17. which sims challenges have you tried? random legacy, whimsy stories, perfect sim challenge, 100 baby, legacy (just the plain get-to-10-gens one), random nightmares, berry zodiac, astrology legacy, apocalypse
i feel like im forgetting some.. honestly most of the stuff i did before simblr was either 100 baby (i love that challenge) or random saves that lasted for 2 seconds. 
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches? nah. 
i do appreciate that most cc hairs have a true (ish) black, thank god! and the fact that the hair update is what inspired me to update and fix a bunch of hairs with different issues is pretty nice. but will i use them? no. 
plus it takes up like 5 gb? depending on how many packs you have.
19. post the latest screenshot you took 📸
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i live in cas
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own? i think that dream home decorator side part hair looks a lot like my hair. honestly i havent see much like my hair but that one is kinda-? close
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story? noelle and alari fae i think! 
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link to post
noelle is blonde and has blue-grey eyes. she wears purple contacts pretty often though (because she wants to 😌)
alari has light brown hair that is kinda curly, and she’s got pretty vibrant blue eyes. 
they’re sisters, alari is 3 years older than noelle. noelle was 19 and alari was 22 when they got spotted
they worked as models when they were young adults. their jobs involved dyeing their hair blue/pink, and they would model like clothes and stuff. anyways, they were pretty successful. like not ultra famous but they had enough money to not work for the rest of their lives. 
their modeling group was made of 4 girls, the others were named paisley autumn and they were green and red, respectively. some things are: 
paisley and alari started dating during this 
autumn was a single mother to a little girl named destiny
noelle dated many people during this but never ended up finding the one <3
when their contract ended after like 6 years, paisley and alari went to go live together and noelle decided to get into acting. so thats when get famous playthrough started!
there’s more but basically they’re like oc’s with sims on the side. xoxo
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items? this is such a good question! i hoard hair very heavily (my folder is 11gb) i so i have like 97% from most of the popular hair creators. 
i think i had legitimately EVERYTHING from simstrouble though, i went through multiple times to check and i also have all of her retired stuff. 
i have everything from ridgeport i think-? because of the fact that she uploaded all her stuff in one big zip. 
i think that’s it.. for a long time i also had everything by clumsyalienn, but then i ended up deleting it and only keeping my faves. 
and looking at my collection, maybe ah00b? i might be missing a couple but i at least have like 99%.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated? dine out, it’s laggy af yes but it’s such a nice thing for my sims to do. 
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies? melons by gerbits always and forever
this question was inspired by this ask anyways so 
25. if you could change one small thing about ts4, what would it be? most of my suggestions are pretty complex but literally just - when you add tray files, they appear at the top. my life would be so much easier
this took me literal hours to answer
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cazimagines · 3 years
Tagged by @silverlambcaptain thank you!
1. Why did you choose your url?
For so long on the internet, I had stuck with another username, and I decided with this account I would make a new start. My name is Catherine irl so I kept with the C and I felt the name Cazzy was very snazzy (see what I did there) so I just randomly choose that, then I got imagines simply because I was going to write imagines
2. Any side blogs?
Yep, I recently created @cazzyreblogs and I really need to start using it more
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Coming up to two months I think? I wasn't allowed to when I was younger or I would have heavily been in the superwholock fandom, so it was probably a good thing I was banned from it, but after I saw the 3rd episode of TFAWS I knew I wanted to write about Zemo, Quotev and Wattpad thing I wrote never really got any attention so I thought I would try Tumblr and I'm so glad I did
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Ngl Idk what this is, I'm assuming it's something about if I queue what I post? If it is then only one-shots, my one-shots always do better in the evenings so if I finish before them then I'll queue them to be released around 9PM or 10PM
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Pretty much answered it above on 3 but all down to Zemo
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It was originally my main comfort character Loki but I changed it to an avatar that looks like myself because I knew if I kept it as fictional characters I would be changing it all the time
7. Why did you choose your header?
I was looking through the picture section of my drive and found it, it used to be my screen saver for my Chromebook so I thought I would use it as Doctor who is my main comfort show and the 11th Doctor was my first comfort character/character I loved
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
A Freudian slip! Which is crazy as it was only the second thing I wrote on here and I was still trying to get used to writing in second person
9. How many mutuals do you have?
13 I believe, I'd love to have lots more but social anxiety really gets to me at times
10. How many followers do you have?
745, and I love you all so much 😘
11. How many people do you follow?
34, see I really need to start following more people!
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
(may have just had to look this up) but nope!
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
I come on every few hours, answer messages, post something random, look through all of Daniel's tags then leave again
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Nope, and I hope I never will
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I like spreading awareness of things, things that people need to know about but I don't like when posts are very demanding about it. Still, when I see important stuff about awareness coming up on my dash I try to repost it.
As for those 'repost or...' as a kid, I did because I was very superstitious but after golden Freddie didn't kill me when I didn't repost one I think I'm safe 😁👍
16. Do you like tag games?
When I have enough energy to answer them, yes!
17. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
@therenlover they after all kick-started the Zemo/Daniel fandom with One last night in madripoor which inspired me to start writing Zemo content and I'm sure so many others, plus they are always putting out so many good fics!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nope, but hey never know maybe one day in the future!
20. No pressure tags:
@vincentdepartment @rumblelibrary @arianalilyblack @multiyfandomgirl40
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starthieve · 4 years
mun stuffs .
one / ( alias / name ) :  luna / nix 
two / ( birthday ) : november
three / ( zodiac sign ) : scorpio
four / ( height ) : like , 157 cm lmao . i’m a gremlin
five / ( hobbies ) : doodling , hoarding unhealthy amounts of stickers & plushies , hiking ! ! six / ( favourite colour ) : lavender / pastel pink / maroon 
seven / ( favourite books ) : deep , dark & dangerous / book thief / etc. i can’t think of any off the bat rn , i mainly read webcomics / fanfiction nowadays , snrk.
eight / ( last song listened to ) :  talia / king princess . 
nine / ( last film or show watched ) : tremors 4 , lmao . 
ten / ( inspiration for muse ) : i have like . . . a few here & there , lady amalthea from the last unicorn is v much one of them though aside that i mainly take inspiration from mythological stories from all over the world ; my soraka is interestingly enough , very inspired by a lot of egyptian / grecian mythology & a bit of norse / celtic . her aesthetics rely p heavily on roman looks & monk / bardic d&d stuff . though a lot of her personality is based off movement , if that makes sense ? i like to use music as a tool to craft soraka’s mannerisms & personality depending on the lyrics / instruments as well as the colour the music as a whole shows me. 
instrumentals from games like child of light’s final breath  & hollow knight build a lot of how soraka acts & feels . honestly , if she were an instrument , she’d be a violin / harp / chimes . 
eleven / ( story behind url ) : this blog was originally made when old lore soraka was still around . i had written for soraka originally under the name of illuminatedstardust back in like 2017 but deleted it & decided to call it starthieve for the way soraka derives her power from the heavens regardless of falling from the stars in a disgraceful manner due to her incident with warwick . however , since their lore has changed , i’m kinda sitting here like ❛ there goes that LMAO❜  but i kept it because the url really does have a special place in my heart. 
tagged by: stolen , actually :d tagging: anyone who wants to do this ❤ 
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thenexusofsouls · 4 years
Seven People I’d Like to Know Better
ALIAS/NAME: Silence Leaflin
BIRTHDAY: 11/28/80
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
HEIGHT: 5′3″
HOBBIES: Writing, photography, jewelry making, video gaming, stickering/scrapbooking, reading, and collecting things like dolls, antiques, fossils, and movie creature/weapon replicas.
FAVORITE COLOR: Black, now. About a decade ago, blue or purple. When I was little, red.
FAVORITE BOOK: Ugh, so many. Either Wuthering Heights or  Son of Avonar (The Bridge of D'Arnath, Book 1).
LAST SONG: Vampire the Masquerade by Type O Negative (because it’s getting to be that time of year XD)
LAST FILM/SHOW: The Pet Sematary (2019) remake. 
INSPIRATION: Hmm... different things for different muses. For Michael, it’s the combination of angel mythology, his source movie, and Paul Bettany’s performance as him. I have always been fascinated by angel/demon psychology and how they are portrayed in different religious contexts and fantasy settings. For Veridian, I am just heavily inspired every time I look at the sculpture that originally caused me to make him. His physiology is unlike most merfolk I’ve seen in movies or art and that inspired me to develop his story as to why he looks that way and how it has affected him. For Marie and Martha, it’s the deeply emotional source movies they come from and Elizabeth Olsen’s incredibly moving performances in them that inspire me, as well as the potential for changing or continuing their tragic stories into something better for them (if I can just manage to get them threads, heh). For Tony, it’s largely Iron Man 3, but we also listen to some of the same music, haha, so that always helps get me in the mood to write him. For Natasha, it’s mostly her story, her strength, and all the things she doesn’t say. In other words, I enjoy fleshing out things like downtime and between-missions things with her, the moments we don’t get to see. The Avengers movies are a huge source of inspiration but also some of Scarlett Johansson’s other movies like Under the Skin (2013) and Lucy (2014). And the movie Anna (2019) as well. Her FC wasn’t in that but the story of the protagonist in it was a total Natasha story. For Clint, it’s the Avengers movies but also his relationship with Natasha and others in the MCU world. I enjoy trying to flesh him out more while still maintaining him in within the mesh of friends and family he’s got going in that world. For Marya, it’s Noomi Rapace’s performance in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, that’s what originally inspired me to write the character, but also the endless potential for the exclusively comic character mixing with MCU characters, as she was never in any of the movies.
STORY BEHIND URL: So the word “nexus” and the avatar I use are from a video game called Demon’s Souls, the precursor to the Dark Souls series of games. The Nexus in that game was kindof a starting point for the player because there would be portals you could go through that led you to each of the worlds or levels you had to get through to complete the game. But also, it was a lingering point for wandering, troubled, or lost souls. Whenever you would return to the Nexus, there might be the ghost of a dead knight or lady or whoever that you can talk to, just suspended there in time and thinking about their final moments or regrets they had. Sometimes things they said led to side quests or would help you in your travels. It was like a hub for souls to pass through in that regard, so it seemed like a pretty fitting name for a multimuse blog. This is what the nexus looks like... it’s covered in magical wards, some of which are in my avatar for this blog. It has a Labyrinth (1986) vibe, if you ask me, heh. This is also used as the header image for my blog:
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My OOC tag “{i am the caretaker of souls}” refers to the Maiden in Black, a mysterious character never fully explained in the game but who is always there in the Nexus to guide the player and explain about the various souls one encounters in the Nexus or beyond:
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She would be in a different place each time you returned to the Nexus, sometimes standing in a corner or in the center of the floor, sometimes sitting on the stairs, sometimes letting her legs dangle over the side. It always gave her a feeling in my mind of a wise and unrushed sense of time not mattering, like she had all the time in the world to linger there, or maybe that she was trapped there but didn’t mind so much. And yet she seemed to care about all the souls that passed through the Nexus. That she would move around each time you returned, be in different places, kick her dangled legs playfully, fiddle around with her staff... it evoked such a feeling of her really being alive in this world she lived in. She was blind, her eyes covered up, and yet she was wise and all-knowing as concerned the souls the player would face in the game. She was very much like a caretaker for them, not just explaining about them but also watching over them in a sometimes protective manner. She seemed like a good inspiration for the tag, heh. Aaaand that explained a lot more than just my url but that’s okay, you’re welcome. XD
tagged by: @murder-popsicle​
tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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gasoliya · 4 years
now, before anyone ELSE makes this joke first...
A ella le gusta la gasolina ! Dame más gasolina !
i am very much aware that my url is one letter from being gasolina, thank you very much, but the alternative would have been soliyaga and that didn’t sound too hot either, so...*gasolina by daddy yankee plays in the bg*
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so anyways, let’s get on with this intro (fair warning i talk A LOT but it’s cause i’m excited!):
hi hi everyone!!  i’m aza (i’ve also gone by wren) and a few of you may know me as i used to frequent indie krp and closed krp sporadically over the past few years!
super psyched to be accepted and want to dive FULL FORCE into plotting with as many people as i can! i’ve already got a mind for a second air nation muse, so if nothing works out between liya and your muse(s) to start, don’t fret!
me, aza, helping repopulate the air nation like aang and katara
sooooo this is her full bio, and it’s bullet format and relatively short (i think?) BUT if you want the quick and dirty, here it is:
31 years old, airbender. first born daughter of council member rinzen (torma family!).
fc is sonoya mizuno and she’s literally the perfect fc because she’s a dancer and there’s a shit ton of pics with her in motion! would have made her a waterbender, but also - the air nation needed some loving!
her family calls her “liya” as the a is an easy way to draw out her name as a term of endearment, close friends will probably also call her liya or soli! otherwise, she also goes by “soli” or “so” to acquaintances...otherwise, assume full name of “soliya” 
inspiration for her actually came during a rando conversation with my roommate, we talked a little bit about sarira, which is basically...“although the term sarira comes from the sanskrit word for “body” (शरीर), and can be used for relics like teeth or parts of buddha’s skull, it typically refers to the crystalline traces that remain after a respected buddhist’s corpse is burnt...in some cases, sarira are said to grow from the bodies of living people, usually at the culmination of a religious experience.“ we then talked about how in her family’s case, her mother used to tell her that buddhist monks would carry all their rage and pent up feelings and it would be pressed into these little ‘remnants’ and after cremation, you could see just how much they suffered and how much their self-discipline kicked in, by seeing how many of these sarira remnants remained. (this is more clear if you read my bio)
soooo yes! wild child, cocky as hell, confident and just...like, she’d be someone you’d want to party with.
literally the most stubborn child/teenager you could ever have met. people on air temple island were convinced that she was swapped at birth with another baby, and thought that she may be better suited as a fire or earth bender. but she had a natural affinity for airbending which shut them up for a while!
traveled around a LOT to the other nations and the north, east, south, and west air temples with her father!
LOVES HER SIBLINGS TO DEATH AND BACK! would probably kill for them (esp during her wild child days)
but really seriously injured one of her younger siblings (looking for this muse/plot aye) at the age of 16, and like - so much guilt
self isolated for about 4 months in guilt after, then went on a soul search at the other air temples for about another month. meditated - a lot, started to practice self-discipline
went into hardcore airbending training for about another 4 months, so total of 8 months of only air temple interactions and turned 17 during this self journey (aka went off the grid to anyone else in the 3 other nations)
disposition changed HEAVILY, went from wild child to very calm, relaxed, placid (still friendly though!) so anyone who knew her before is probably like ???? tf ???
but from like 17-28 was still a continuous journey of self-control as she travels around with her father on diplomatic visits and then more so on her own as she gets older, but by now she’s pretty good at keeping her outward emotions/outburts all inside.
doesn’t mean her control and discipline is perfect though!
damn, not as quick and dirty as originally planned, but what ELSE is new? a MASSIVE plots page is incoming soon! and to anyone who has written with me before/knows me...vouch for me that i’m a good time, aye
let’s write together!!! 💖 
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spcllbounded · 4 years
TAGGED BY: @froginvader​ made me do it because I got more than three characters in my url gweuibewgrre (JK Goo ily)
TAGGING:  I order you to do this...only if you want to!
7 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER. rules:  fill this up and then tag 8 people you’d like to know better !
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one / ( alias / name ): Joy
two / ( date of birth ):  JULY 9TH
three / ( zodiac sign ):  Cancer
four / ( height ): 5′8″
five / ( hobbies ):  Drawing, Writing, Playing Video Games, Watching Cartoons, Taking Walks and Collecting and Making Jewelry!
six / ( favorite color ): Blue, Green and Black. I think they’re kinda neat ;v;
seven / ( favorite books ): I hardly do any reading, but I love the Bones graphic novel series a ton! Huge inspiration for a lot of things~
eight / ( last song listened to ):  Ótroðinn - by Adrian von Zielger. This music is something I come back to listening to a lot!
nine / ( last film or show watched ): My brothers and I are rewatching Transformers Animated! Makes me big happy. I grew up on the Transformers series as a whole with my brothers and this is my favorite thing to come from the series~.
ten / ( story behind url ):  One of the many names in a pool of ideas for my multimuse! I was in the mindset of picking out a name based on a fantasy genre and one that is heavily focused on magic since a good majority of my starting muses come from those kind of worlds! I know I have some muses that definitely do not seem so fantasy like, but h...it’s my favorite kind of theme ;;;
eleven / ( inspiration for muse ): It’s been a couple months since I started off my time in the RPC with Bandana Dee (whom I love dearly. Orb child.). I thought after enough time went by, I wanted to branch out and try some new muses with different characters, settings, and everything else that made them who they were! Originally, I was going to make separate blogs for Clank from Ratchet and Clank, Daroach from the Kirby series, Cappy from Super Mario Odyssey, and Rayman from his respective series. I did end up making blogs for the first two, but aside from Bandana Dee, I never stick with one character and I always shift my interests way too much. So, I made a multimuse blog! That way I wouldn’t have to worry about keeping track of so many blogs nor would I have to worry about leaving this blog! My availability in muses may change from time to time, but I don’t have to worry about leaving my multi blog because I still got lots to work with!
Another thing really got me started on making a multimuse blog was the result of me replaying the games in the Rayman series ever since my brother recovered them from my old computer! It’s a series that has been a part of my life for the longest time aside from Mario, Sonic, SSB, and LoZ, and is a huge inspiration to the things I do like writing and drawing (In fact, it’s one of the things that led me to start writing two original stories that I am still working on!). Some of the things I love about one of the Rayman games is story telling, setting, and cast of characters. It really reminded me of my old days of writing and roleplaying years ago. I knew I had improved greatly since then, so I thought “why not give a multimuse a shot?” This ended up being a really great way for me to not only communicate and express my inspiration and love for the different series I have muses for, but to meet and interact with others as well! I had a ton of insecurities behind making this blog, but I am very glad to have overcome them because I do not regret my decision of joining this community at all. <3
Aaaaah this ended up being long and gushy. Sorry ;;; But that’s my lil muse story!
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julius-scaeva · 5 years
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A couple of days ago I made this point on main. As you can see, it didn’t become very popular, BUT it’s still something I feel very strongly about (and yes, I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe I’m biased), so I decided that I had something to say. (Obviously: HUGE spoilers for Darkdawn). Also, bring with you pop-corns, you’re here for a ride (there’s a tiny TL;DR at the end btw). 
Let’s start by saying that I adore backstories in books. It’s my favorite kind of fanfiction to write and to read, I’m always glad when an author decides to give us flashbacks about a minor character, and I adore looking for little hints in a character’s behavior to get to know them better.
The explanation for this is pretty simple: I firmly believe that how we are heavily depends on what experiences we’ve come in contact with. I don’t think that our identity is solely based on experiences, but I also think that backstories are often more important than someone might think when considering a story.
I love when an author gives a minor character a voice because they are taking into account that everyone is the protagonist of their own story, everyone has had their personal character development, and, even though they can’t give a proper place for everyone to shine, they still can make us understand that these characters exist, in some way.
This is one of the reasons why I love the Villains series by V. E. Schwab and this is one of the main reasons why I loved The Nevernight Chronicle: almost (emphasis on almost) every character Mia (and therefore the reader) comes in contact with has a story to tell and Jay Kristoff makes sure we know that. That we know what has brought them to the point they are.
This is especially super important in a story that takes place in a country like Itreya where violence and prevarication seem, most of the time, the only options: if you give me a story that is meant to be super bloody and filled with morally questionable people, but then don’t make sure we understand why those people act in that way I won’t be impressed. I will only be extremely bored.
Itreya is a country that deeply influences people’s decisions simply because they often lack the opportunity to see that there’s another way: think about Furian, and how the meeting with the priest changed his life forever. Or about Ashlinn, about how she only knew vengeance before meeting Mia (and her father, how traumatizing had to be for him being imprisoned and tortured all those months). Or about Leona, who is surely deeply flawed and selfish, but is also scarred from an extremely traumatic experience from her childhood. Or about Jessamine, Hush, Carlotta, Corleone all characters we don’t really follow for a lot of time, but we have a little window opened for us and we get a small look in why they became who they are. (Ps: we don’t know shit about Cassius either and this pisses me off too, especially because we had Eclipse RIGHT THERE but that’s off the point I’m trying to make here. Just... if you ever plan to write something about him, let me know, okay?)
And, this is also essential, it doesn’t work only for the kids: like I’ve already said, characters like Furian, or Leona, or Corleone, or Ashlinn’s father are essential because we’re shown that this systemic use of violence and injustice isn’t something that screwed up only the last generation, but is deeply rooted in the very core of Itreya.
After all, what can you expect from a country born from a father killing his own child?
And then we come to the main antagonists.
Let me say this straight: there are villains, in The Nevernight Chronicles as well as in other stories, that don’t need backstories. Not ever single villain in a story needs to be super well developed or super interesting: there are some people who are just... shitty. And that’s all. Because that’s how the world works. There are people who are violent, who are cruel, simply because they can. Example: we don’t know anything about Leonides or Duomo, we only know how their actions scarred and influenced other characters. There’s nothing spectacular about them, nothing stands out: they are two men using their strength and power to abuse vulnerable people close to them. There’s nothing interesting, nothing even remotely alluring, nothing that captures my interest in a man beating his wife to death in front of his daughter or in an another man using his power to abuse young children to the point of one of them committing suicide. They are meant to be seen as disgusting. They are meant to be seen as monsters. They are meant to be seen as the embodiment of the extreme privilege that touches so few people in the Republic and causes oh so much damage. I don’t want to read about them. I never will. It would be the equivalent of reading about Donald Trump. (You can fight me on this comparison)
And then we come to the actual point of what I’m trying to say: I was extremely disappointed, up until Darkdawn, that we didn’t get any sort of background for the components of the Red Church and I was glad we had little snippets with some information about them (especially, especially Drusilla. She and Mercurio had more chemistry than half of the main couples I’ve encountered in books). We also had some kind of information about Solis too (more or less). But... what about Aalea? Spiderkiller? Mouser? Are we just supposed to believe they appeared out of nowhere, already assassins and murderers and completely corrupted by money and gold?
Are we supposed not to have sympathy for them just because they are villains?
Because, if that’s the case, it pisses me off to no end.
And I wouldn’t even be mad about this, like I said, if it hadn’t been made clear that backstories ARE IMPORTANT to make us understand what’s going on in the Republic. I mean, we know stuff about The Falcons that serves no purpose other than that, right?
But okay, o.k.a.y., Jay Kristoff, there are characters who maybe have too little on-page time to talk about them in depth (even though I’d argue on the fact that there was no time for them to actually have a proper backstory), or, maybe, you here were trying to, once again, like with Leonides and Duomo, make us see how richness and power slowly corrupt and destroy, and if you had given us backstories the message wouldn’t have been as effective as it was.
If I consider those characters to be more symbols than, in fact, characters, then I’m ready to look past their lack of background.
And then we come to Scaeva.
Now, if you haven’t already guessed by the url of my blog, or by its aesthetic, or by my main blog, Julius Scaeva is, by far, my favorite character in the trilogy. Which is saying a lot, because I loved almost everyone there (emphasis on “almost”). What can I say? I love me a great villain.
Up until the end of Godsgrave, I was interested in him, but, his character not being in basically two books, I hadn’t enough material to really consider him (even though his dialogue with Alinne made a lasting impression on me) and I wasn’t really sure how I would feel about him by the end of the series. 
And then, then, the last pages of Godsgrave and the first of Darkdawn happened and I suddenly knew I wasn’t reading about “a villain” like, for example, Leonides or Duomo, or even Spiderkiller: I was reading about a well-rounded character.
What makes the difference, you might ask. Well, apart from the number of pages dedicated to him, Scaeva has a well rounded personality, interesting relationships with other people, especially Mia and Jonnen (please, tell me something about Spiderkiller apart from her liking gold and being good at making poisons) and is, undoubtedly, the most charismatic character in the whole thing. I feel like what really made his character, btw, are the glimpses of the past relationship he had with Alinne (the Nevernight wiki says that it was only sexual but it clearly wasn’t and I’m working on another analysis just to prove my point) and, most of all, the interactions with Jonnen. Especially, ESPECIALLY, the scene with them and Adonai (aka: one of my absolute favorites sequences in the entire trilogy).
Kristoff wants us to feel strong emotions towards Scaeva: negative emotions, of course (he totally failed in that with me, btw), but you can’t help a subtle hint of admiration for what he managed to do. It makes a lot of sense, since I’ve been confirmed that his figure was, as I thought, inspired by Caesar (aka: one of my favorite historical figures of all time, and kind of crush when I was a child)---I have to thank @kavinskhhy​ for telling me that Kristoff actually confirmed he was based off Caesar, which is.
The thing is: for characters that are half as complex as him (because he is a complex character, you can fight me on that too) we are given pages and pages that explain how they became the way they are (*cough cough* Maggot *cough cough*). And then we come to the main antagonist. The man Mia has despised all her life. The man that *shocking* is also her father. The man that alone has brought a State on its metaphorical knees. And we discover that he’s actually a well-defined and alluring figure. And... 
We get absolutely nothing about him.
And when I say nothing, I really do mean nothing.
Before he became consul, we are left in the complete dark.
“He’s probably only another of those characters born in privilege” you might say. “Kristoff doesn’t say anything because there’s nothing to say!”
Had this been the case, him being born as a Darkin in a family of mellowborn and having to come to terms with that would have been pretty interesting to see nonetheless, considering the reputation Darkins have in canon (may I remind you that Alinne, in her madness, was terrified of Mia, telling her that she was not her daughter, just because “He was inside of her”? Like I said. Interesting.). But then, let me ask you: are you sure he was born in absolute privilege?
Leaving the comparison with Caesar (born in a very ancient family, but also... not really wealthy nor powerful, to use an euphemism) aside: are you sure that someone as Leonides and Duomo would have developed an obsession (I don’t feel any other word is fitting, here) with the concept of “will”? Would someone who thinks everything he has is well deserved just because he was born in the right family refer to what he’s doing as “a game”? Would someone who has never had to struggle his whole life care to develop a partial immunity to the Everseeing’s symbol, even thought it must have costed him an immense amount of pain? 
But now you’ve proven yourself my daughter true. Possessed by the same will as I: not only to survive, but to prosper. To carve your name with bloody fingernails into this earth.
Look me in the eye and tell me that this man came from the same background as Duomo and Leonides.
“But maybe Kristoff only wanted us to hate him!”
No, he didn't. Because:
1) a villain you’re able to despise without any second thought isn’t a great villain (and you need a worthy opponent when you create a main character such as Mia): if you’re giving us a story filled with morally gray character, the MAIN villain has to be, in my opinion, as interesting as the others.
2) there are in the story characters you have no problem hating and I’ve analyzed why Scaeva is different from them. 
3) there is a moment (only one moment, that’s true, but it’s enough for me to conclude that Kristoff wanted us to see Scaeva as a well rounded character) where you can’t help feeling the tiniest bit of positive emotion towards him. And that’s where he uses his own body as a shield to protect his son. 
And even if he wanted us to hate him, that would defy one of the main messages of the book: everyone (or almost everyone: see the examples above) is a product of the environment they grew up in. Violence causes violence. And Itreya was literally founded over a murder.
So, to sum up: we know how important backstories are in the Nevernight world, to the point of even side characters getting a couple of flashbacks here and there. We have differentiated between characters seen as “symbols” and characters with their own depth. We’ve come to the conclusion that Scaeva is as (if not more) interesting as the majority of the characters who got their own backstory.
And you’re really really telling me that he is the only one out of them all we don’t get to know better?
Because he’s the villain? (Like I’ve stated up until now, this would make a TERRIBLE excuse)
Because there was no time?
What the hell should I conclude finishing this book? “Oh yes, everyone is a product of society and has therefore a story to tell except that one guy because fuck him, he’s a dick, we don’t care”?
If we take into accounts Spiderkiller, Aalea and Mouser the thing becomes even worse, because it really seems that everyone but the villain has a sad story behind them that makes them act the way they do.
“Oh, shit, something terrible happened to me when I was a child so now I’m a bad person, BUT NOT AS BAD AS THE BAD GUYS, WHO HAVE NO REASON WHATSOEVER TO BE THE WAY THEY ARE. OR MAYBE THEY HAVE, WHO KNOWS? WHO CARES? NOT ME!”
See? SEE? It doesn’t make sense!!!
And maybe you didn’t even notice that, maybe you don’t even care, but since I was little I’ve always took the vilains’ side, analyzed their actions and spent all my time wondering what their side of the picture might be, because almost no one ever cares for backstories of the side characters, let alone the ones of the guys you’re supposed to hate.
And when I come in contact with a story that almost makes mandatory to inform us of every single character’s background, because the author finally acknowledges the importance of what you’ve been through in defining who you are, because if you’ve only seen blood and violence throughout your whole life OF FUCKING COURSE you’re going to believe there’s no other way--when an author does all of this and then systematically leaves out the villains (even the most complex ones) from this mentality
THIS is when I snap.
TL;DR in case you got bored halfway through: if you use backstories in your works to inform us how a violent and cruel environment systematically fucks up everyone, no matter their social status, and then purposefully leave out the antagonists because they are antagonists, I’m not going to take it lightly.
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r1ku · 5 years
@notchy tagged me! 🤗
🎂: May 28 !
Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Height: 5'3
Last Song I listened to: Gurenge - LiSA
I woke up thinking of this song today lol, because I'm still shocked Brendan Urie from Panic! At the Disco sang to it and watches the show lmao
Hobbies: talking to gaming pals on discord, playing mobile games, working on that webtoon recommendation document on Google doc, playing toontown rewritten, day dreaming, always typing down ideas and dreams to write or draw ONE DAY, in Google notes on my phone.
Favorite color: Purple ! 💜
Favorite Book: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Tis the only book I have read a few times for sure. You know, I often thought I'd love to be a bookworm and wholeheartedly have several favorite books, but I'm not. I like the idea of it tho, I haven't read books in a long time. I mainly read manga and webtoons.
Last film I watched: The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson
My friend and I have a lot of movies to check out, mainly horror flicks of korean or japanese films or martial arts films to watch. But that day he dropped this film to watch and I was able to and had never watched before actually. And we enjoyed it, it's very whimsical and comical.
I almost debated putting the last episode of kanata no astra, since it was like an hour long finale and One can watched several hours of 30 min episodes and not think of it as a movie, but when u think of an episode longer than 23 or 27 minutes, it FEELS like a movie lol even if its not 2 hours long. But nah lol
Dream Job: I haven't really, really thought about it. I've seen a few inspirational, thought provoking posts and tweet threads.
About how for some people you shouldn't make your passion your job, cuz you might end up hating your passion.
Or the one post that said they admired the character, Garry Gergich from Parks and Rec, for choosing a job that's decent pay and few but full hours, that allows him to spend time with his family.
Or the one tweet that talked about you should have several passions to look forward to like boxing or some other activity so you can spread out your feels and not be in a pit of negativity.
That said, I find myself to be a jack of all trades kind of person, I adapt well and if taught well, learn quickly to do just about anything right.
If anything, I will not think of the chains of reality and honestly answer this question focusing on dream part of dream job.
And thats to be a CEO of my own company that I made and create an animatiom company that can revolutionize the animation industry and crack the hammer of justice in various places that mistreat and mismanage and poorly pay hardworking animators and give them the lifestyle they deserve and lift people up and support them and not become a gate keeper. Da Drem *drops mic*
Meaning behind my url: I've had various urls, this url came from my bestfriend cat, who wanted the namine url, when i got her into kingdom hearts, but it's in limbo hell, I remember she waited 9 months for its release but its still like unavailable to obtain, idk now tho, that was a year ago.
I forgot what my url was before, maybe it was hong-seol and I finally, after 8 years, moved on from the spiel I had in firmly loving the character Sul, I still and always will even tho I dislike the comic's last season and how heavily the author suddenly gave us flashbacks all at once.
I told cat that KINGDOM HEARTS IS LIFE, I LOVE RIKU SO MUCH and she said "oh i was typing around and found r1ku is available" and i was like WHAT and i typed it and surely enough, it was available to my great surprise. And I am forever grateful for her and her mind. I ain't letting this go, as such its a personal blog and riku appreciation blog, I'll reblog all that I see and like.
I recently updated the mobile look, desktop look is perfect so i wont change that, but i had destiny islands gif from khnyctophiliac and that riku icon, that I have sources for in my about l sadly dont have time to update my about pages.
But I updated the icon to this destiny islands trio that has amano's kh3 manga art since it has riku in it and i love trios, from the khinsider website that posted icons ro choose from.
The bg is Phoenix Ikki from the Netflix Saint Seiya adaptation's ending, I love how dramatic that shot was with the song. I wish it could be longer, but I have no idea how people edit out credits for gif segments. I only used a quick gif making website that requires the video and can make cuts and speeds.
As for my sideblog, pink4walls, I am still, to this day enamored by f(x)'s - 4walls and especially their pink outfits in their live performance. This blog ia dedicated to hopefully making a thorough navigation system to find specific posts that inspire me to create. A creativity blog, if you will with things that caught my eye and references I want to use.
Thank you Notchy! A well deserved break from routine, helped me try to get more reblogs put there from my enormous 22k drafts, and gives people an update of sorts of me.
I tag @antheiafemme @ughliegirl @alfiethesnip
You may if you choose to, and its okay if you don't ! But first three mutuals to tag off the top of my head.
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