#this simple feeling is forever
frogayyyy · 2 months
spock is holding jim kirk's hand in sickbay in 1979.
he's saying "this simple feeling... is beyond v'gers comprehension."
this feeling, this love is beyond their understanding. but i understand. i still feel it.
and to queer people watching that. when everyone else is telling you that you're wrong. and you're thinking i understand. i tried to purge it. just like spock did. but it was barren, cold, no mystery, no beauty... i thought 'is this all that i am? is there nothing more?'
there is more.
spock is holding jim's hand and telling you he understands. and he's telling you there is more.
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hajihiko · 9 months
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Too hot (hot damn)
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fromxxthexxashes · 20 days
Buck and Eddie have always felt like they were disappointments. For Buck, he’s always been “too much”, and Eddie has always been “not enough”. both of them have torn themselves up to try to be worthy. Buck puts himself in dangerous situations with little to no regard for his own life, because he grew up knowing he was only worthy of his parent’s attention when he was bleeding. As he got older, he took what he learned as a child, and decided his life was only worth the effort it takes to save someone else’s. Eddie tears himself apart in an attempt to fit into this perfect mold of who he’s expected to be, and when he doesn’t get it just right, he breaks. He self-destructs because he feels the need to punish himself for failing at being who he’s expected to be.
Then Buck and Eddie meet and bond, and they don’t look at each other and see failures or disappointments. They looked into each other’s eyes and decided there was nobody in the world they would rather have their backs than each other.
Help was always offered to Eddie under the pretense that he was a failure for needing it. Buck stepped in with Eddie and Chris, and he offered his help and his presence with no judgment and no strings attached. He wanted to make things easier, and maybe he wanted to belong somewhere, with people as amazing and loving as Eddie and Christopher Diaz.
Buck viewed his presence in other people’s lives as fleeting because at some point everyone gets tired of him. Eddie welcomed Buck with open arms and a smile on his face. People looked at Buck and saw someone who was “too irresponsible” and “too immature”, but Eddie looked at Buck and saw someone who he trusted, more than anyone, to protect and love Chris, his child, and the most precious thing in Eddie’s life. Eddie looked at Buck, saw his self-sacrificial tendencies, and told him, right to his face “You think you’re expendable, but you’re wrong”.
No one will ever understand Buck and Eddie the way Buck and Eddie do. They have seen each other at their absolute worst, helped each other through it, and came out stronger than before. The love they have for each other is so strong. It’s built into their very foundations - and it didn’t just happen by accident, they built it themselves. It’s unbreakable. They might tear themselves down, but they could never break what they built with each other. And it all started because they looked at each other and just saw each other for who they were, who they truly were, and they loved each other anyway.
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cannibal-nightmares · 27 days
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let's make trouble in the dream world, we'll hijack heaven with another memory now; i make the most of the turning tide, it just split what's left of the burning silence
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cookkoo · 6 months
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Drawtober 2023 day 25: Dangerous
"You kids are nuts!!!!"
Previous days: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]
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bugaboooooooooo · 1 year
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her <3
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colgatebluemintygel · 5 months
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 days
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Yuma Month: Day 29: Disguise
Yumi would’ve been a cute substitute name 💕
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mattodore · 7 months
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not many people online atm so i figured i’d show off theo’s freshly customized moles :) i'll post a proper close up of his face moles later because i'm obsessed, but for now here’s the full thing.
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also this is how this background looks with the character page (this isn't the pic i'll be using, i was just testing things out). i'll probably alter the code to match the background rather than editing the background’s color, i think.
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reksink · 7 months
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Doodle Scugs 💚
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skunkes · 6 months
just realized why i have such an issue with full colored comms and thats that i usually draw really small!
when i draw for me i draw really small, whether i color the drawing or not. when i do comms i blow up the sketch to line it Bigger, so that i can be more careful with details and color if needed, bc this is Serious Art For Money and I'll Be Put Down If I Mess Up.
but im not used to using any of my brushes in Big. so they all feel so foreign + handle differently and even look kinda different at this scale and it kinda hurts my wrist too LOLLLL
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chilapis · 1 month
I think every moment is eternal in its own right and we hold no authority to deny it that status. Even if it is a forever that will escape our memories, it’ll still exist as a forever in the history of time. In the memories of no-one but the Earth itself. In the records kept and made by no-one, where everything is stored for all time to come. No love is lost and no existence truly unacknowledged.
#even the moment that one may spare to read this post; it’ll be a second dedicated forever in the records of time just to this simple post.#fleeting moments of attention and acknowledgement that aren’t so fleeting at all because they still existed and still do in a way.#it is tragic that we must associate a certain event to a date for it to become a joyous occasion. there’ll never be another 1/5/24.#is that not enough for it to be special itself?#one may argue that they have nothing to remember random days by and that is true.#but not every moment of delight and pleasure is to be remembered I think. to be entirely honest with you I barely hold any memory of#literally anything prior to 2022 perhaps.#but that doesn’t mean that those moments didn’t exist or don’t hold their own importance.#because even if I don’t remember and even if any other parties don’t remember. those moments still exist forever in history in a way.#And even if we don’t remember. The earth surely does; right? The ground must remember the weight and shift of our feet as we walked.#I just think it’s bittersweet that even if ‘forgotten’; nothing truly ceases to exist or be truly forgotten because it still existed.#there is a moment dedicated in this world’s history — into matter how short in duration — dedicated entirely to that event.#whether it be something as simple as just going for a week and appreciating the setting sun.#do you understand or do i sound mad.#i don’t know; i have a feeling it might be because my birthday is approaching soon and i’ve had a-lot on my mind.#neutral things mostly so fret not.#i think i need to go for a walk.#🥀#‘2022’#this is a blatant lie actually I don’t even remember 2023#i am. trying my best to recall my last birthday and nothing seems to be coming up so. do with this what you will.
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itsmeimcathy · 1 year
Also also there's something so sweet and intimate in the fact that Su Su keeps calling him Tantai Jin despite being the one who told him to forget the past and move on -- and you can see his face when she does, his little smile, how his eyes brighten (how his breath caught the first time she did it, in her room, back when they were still toeing the line between truth and pretend) because yes, she hasn't forgotten him!! she still uses the same way and intonation as the past, back when she was calling her husband, and how can he not delight in that?? how many times do you think he has dreamt of her voice saying his name in all kind of manners in the last 500 years, when he was letting himself go through the most horrific torture simply because there was the vaguest hope of her being returned to him----
And so of course he smiles and doesn't correct her, he's always going to be her Tantai Jin just as she's always going to be his Ye Xi Wu, and you can just see that he finally found peace and comfort in that simple truth.
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inga-don-studio · 16 days
Since I pretty much tore the headcrab zombie mask down to just the base yesterday, I'm trying to figure out the best angle & pose for the new rigid forelimbs. I want them to look like they're jabbing into the host's chest while at rest and in an aggressive threat display when raised. I think I finally got it looking about how I want it, at least from the side profile-
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cowboy-robooty · 9 months
another day another divine vision. let me tell you about italys entitlement to love pipeline. so see italy loves to sleep around he loves da ladies da one night stands and most certainly aint about that commitment bullshit. it isnt out of malice or anything its just he cant really see the appeal hes like bruhhhh that is SO not worf it :/ blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... and like holy rome was when he was 7 okay that doesnt really count since when italy was 7 he also used to believe girls couldnt fart a lot of things were different at that time. but see i think italy is able to fall in love with germany despite his commitment issues because he also has a raging sense of entitlement. italy is the opposite and exactly the same as romano. romano is possessive as shit because hes the unloved brother that got nothing so when he gets something he hoards it to himself while italy is entitled as shit because hes the ultra loved by everyone child and always wins out in the end so he feels like he deserves everything at the end of the day. he isnt a bad guy but hes a bit of a spoiled brat to his core because of this since he can easily feel entitled to things after a while. and see italys love for germany hinges upon that entitlement being activated.
because germany is fully devoted to italy hes fucking obsessed with him he will and does do anything for him if italy asks him twice (sometimes thrice). germany will let italy ruin his life every single fucking day and still comes back crawling for more. hell be like italy this is the last fucking straw do NOT EVER fuck up my car again and the italy will destroy it literally the next day and germany will be mad for 30 seconds before sighing and going "well its okay. but im serious this time dont do it EVER aga-" **repeat for the next one million years**. and italy is very aware of this and honestly germanys undying loyalty and shit is why theyre able to stay together. because germany will always accept italy into his arms whenever italy comes running to him even if he also is sticking grenades into his back pockets and wiping his hands on germany's shirt while doing this he will always be like "... come here italy". and i think italy really realizes that germanys always going to take care of him wether hes on the losing side or not and even if hes with germany on the losing side everybody on the winning side likes italy already so theyre not going to really punish him fr so its overall better to lose with germany than win with everyone else since the winning side is going to make him actually do shit. Italys always with germany but if germany actually gave italy consequences depending on how severe these are he would actually leave germany rather than deal with them if he found it too much of a hassle to deal with. And this is how i believe their relationship is like for a very very very long time like for basically the entirity of the anime so far even like italy saw germany about to die and did not even grant him his last wish of smiling for him because he was like errrm! sorry dude but im looking out for me!
but i think this is able to morph into love because over time italy unconciously starts feeling entitled to germany. germany is so loyal and always there for him so hard that italy starts to feel entitled to this treatment because no matter what he does no matter how scum gong or batshit he can be germany will always see him as a perfect angel who could never have ill will (and only kills him out of incompetence) and welcomes him with open arms. italy starts to feel like germany is SUPPOSED to be with him. that it isnt right if germany isnt because italy is entitled to him already obviously and this is why italy starts developing jealousy and is like wtf germany is supposed to like ME most! Its unconcious and he doesnt really think about it too hard but his entitlement slowly grows over time and although it makes him be like GERMANY YOU CANT LIKE RUSSIA MORE THAN ME!!!! it still leaves him being selfish where he leaves germany to die by pictonians lol. the entitlement is able to morph into love though because it becomes so strong that italy one day realizes that hell feel so much intense discomfort if germany isnt by his side. he feels like germany is supposed to be with him hes supposed to like italy best and always pamper and spoil him and be obsessed only with italy and let only italy do special things nobody else can do. and it keeps growing until he realizes what he feels is love. because he realizes that there isnt anything he can think of thats worth more than his relationship with germany. he feels so entitled to germanys life that hes willing to give his own life up to keep their lives intertwined forever. hes willing to give up his freedom in exchange for germanys loyalty since now he cant see himself enjoying his life without it. its become such a common pleasure that its impossible to go on unless he has it. even if not being able to screw as he pleased will make him deeply unhappy, not having germany by his side would make him infinitely more unhappy. he might hate doing shit for people, but he would hate germany being hurt and alone 1000x more than how much he hates getting his ass up and doing him a favor. and THATS how italy realizes that he is so very totally in gays with germany chan forever since hes willing to do anything to keep him in his life and lucky for him he doesnt have to do anything except make their loyalty mutual. hashtag itager babywin!
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lonely--seeker · 1 month
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This commission's been haunting me for awhile, i'm so happy to be done
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