#this took me hours to photoshop😭
fleshdyke · 5 months
my friend couldn't find a good poster for the green butchers bc honestly all of them are either shit or 280p so he just made one in like half an hour ??
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cowboyhorsegirl · 10 months
I want Steve’s capwolf transformation to be like a barbie transformation with glitter and sparkles
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hwichanis · 2 years
I really hope you all like my last ATEEZ countdown gif set. I feel like I’m dying in photoshop right now.
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ndoandou · 8 months
Ikevamp bois playing modern games part 2
Vincent is way into.. gartic phone
Qnd perhaps skribble.io
Like way into it
He would sit down 12 hours in front of the computer and guess what HES BEEN PLAYING GARTIC PHONE AND SKRIBBLE.IO IN A LOBBY OF RANDOMS
Hed obv speedrun a drawing in a short period of time and manage to make it look *chefs kiss*
Imagine if skribble.io had a vc feature tho
No no, like imagine if people were actually toxic in this goofy ahh game
They would yell down vincent down the mic telling him to go play with photoshop
Randoms are salty that vincent can draw and portray even the most ridicilous prompts which results him with the highest score always
Not to mention hes really good at guessing even the shittiest drawimgs from other ppl
"Broer how- that persons drawing looks ridicilous, even arthur's dog could draw that"
"Don't be mean theo! I could guess the drawing from the emotional connection i felt from it"
Jean has a shitty brick nokia phone
And he really loves playing snake II
No im serious
Well i suppose momte doesnt trust him with any other phones than that
the last time he was given a smartphone he downloaded some hack and slash game
took the word slash literally and then proceeded to cut the phone into two
comte was too stunned to speak
momte didn’t want his kids to miss out on gadgets but he cant have jean destroying his smartphone
BINGO! a nokia 3310 it is! 
jean didnt know how to react at first, but he found it easier to navigate and thats when he found out baout snake II
found it a bit pointless at first but despite saying that, he doesnt realize that thats the only thing he does besids fencing
snake II is his pre workout
the only thing he will be doing before his fencing practice
before meals
and before bed
‘‘jean are you sure you haven’t had enough of snake II..?’‘ comte asked causiously as he never know how his son Jean would react
jean looked at comte and stayed silent for a hot minute
its official
He plays league of legends
Napoleon is deffo a jungle/top main
Jungle preferabbly
Bros actually cracked coz hed turn any non meta champs into an absolute beast
I see him being especially good with pantheon jungle
Hed play league with jean tbh
And jean would be a dedicated top
But i dont see jean being the best player..
No, like imagine napoleon defending jean from "top troll" and getting spammed "?" On his lane
Napo would literally go to that persons lane just to steal their minion last hits
If hes feeling extra hed even use pantheons ult to yeet over to that player to ks all the minions on that person's lane 😭
"Jgl troll gg"
Ok napo is actually not toxic and is rly nice to play with
Hed even supp for you if ur learning a new champ
Hes only toxic to people who are toxic to his buddies
Ill be honest
Comte looks like someone who would download all games from every ad pop up he gets
And im talking about anything gacha related
He does not care whether the game is explicit or not as long as he can collect pretty characters
Is he interested in the gameplay??? Probably not.
"For what reason did you spend $$$$$$ on xxx game???" Leonardo asked as he scrolled through comte's in game billings, cocking an eyebrow
"Hm? Well i simply wanted to collect all of these lovely looking characters."
"Without leveling up your characters?"
"Do you understand how to play this game?"
Comte only looked at him with his unwavering smile
"honestly this is the most ridicilous spending ive witness from you, heh" Leo snorted
"Much appreciated, but i dont recal asking for any input, old friend" comte retorted
Leo looked at him and sighed
"Honestly at this point i shouldn't be surprised"
This took me forever to upload because i coulndn't figure what type of game comte would play then one day i was like AHAAAAA
Also i didn't proof read as always so pls dont chop my head off :"))
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heybaetae · 8 months
maybe 5, 6 and 21?
5. What do you dislike most about making graphics / gifs?
not knowing when/if my photoshop OR laptop will crash in the middle of making something before i’ve made any saves to it. i got a new laptop last christmas but there’s something that makes it crash suddenly at least once a day and it has happened plenty of times while ps is running. luckily, the program manages to recover the unsaved file when i reopen it but it’s very annoying when i’m concentrated lol. other than that, i hate when i’m trying my best to color something and i simply have to give up. or the quality of something is so bad that i can’t make it look good. after you’ve gone through screencapping and waiting for the files to load and convert to frames, some decent time has gone by and it suuuucks to just be like…nevermind. it happens often.
6. Your favourite graphic and or gif creators
my current fave thing on this whole site is this comp @kimtaegis made me for my bday a few weeks ago 😭 annie is in my list of fave gif makers obviously. i also have a huuuge soft spot for @jiniekook’s work!!! @bladesrunner makes some of my favorite tv/film gifs and i recognize her coloring every single time. @userjiminie is incredibly talented and makes some of the coolest conceptual sets i’ve ever seen! @userjungkook97 pours so much love into her gifsets and i get really excited whenever she posts something new. @userarmyhope literally never disappoints with crisp, clean gifs and perfect coloring. of course @jung-koook for her dedication to churning out massive sets almost daily. this is not even close to everyone whose work i adore, but it’s off the top of my head at the moment. <3
21. How much time do you spend on a single graphic / gif?
depends on what it is! a more elaborate comp can take me up to a couple days or more, especially if i have to search for and download a lot of footage. for example, my recent jungkook bday set took me about four days to finish, but i started it early enough that i was just taking my time and i used easily accessible content from youtube. if i need something from a dvd or a concert, that can take me a while to locate. i’ve spent ages reverse image searching very questionable screencaps just to find the origin of something for a tiny gif in a compilation set lol. but a basic gifset can take me a half hour to an hour or longer depending on how many gifs i’m including and how big they are, since bigger gifs take longer for my actions to process.
Ask a graphic / gif maker
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javierpena-inatacvest · 6 months
for your celebration,
i’d love to know 11 & 12 for personal questions!!
(also, i’m sorry that teaching has been rough for you and so many others lately. you don’t deserve to be treated poorly by anyone, whether it’s students, parents, or administrators. and you deserve like a million dollars for being an educator because god knows the politicians who decide teachers’ salaries could not survive a class of third graders for more than like an hour)
also, i have something naughty to say for NTL #8 🫣
which is premature ejaculation and then javi trying to make up for it
(someone send me to horny jail pls, i deserve it)
Non, you are gonna make me cry, thank you so much for saying that, I appreciate you so much 😭🥹 I LOVE YOU!!!! 💕
11. What other jobs did I consider before teaching?
Graphic design!! I consider myself to be pretty artsy/creative and took a few photoshop classes in high school (unfortunately which all of those skills no longer live in my brain) but my self doubt was enough to convince me I wasn’t talented to actually go anywhere with it 🥴 I’ve always wanted to be a teacher though, every elementary school worksheet I ever filled out when asked “what do you want to be when you grow up!” Always had teacher as the answer! I did theatre from the time I was really young until senior year of high school which I loved, but I knew there was no way I was making it as an actor so that dream also lived and died quickly 😂
12. What other things do I do for fun?
At this point in the school year, it’s pretty much walk the dog, eat and go to bed at 8pm 😂 on weekends and later on in the year when I have my life together I love to go to concerts (I’m going to the 1975 on Halloween which I am VERY excited about!!), Michigan makes for distinct summers and winters so I snowboard and wakesurf (I used to also wakeboard but fun fact about me is I’ve had 5 concussions so I don’t do that anymore LOL), I’ll doodle and draw on my iPad, take my dog out on walks/Hikes, and this one I know is so weird but I LOVE cleaning 😂 it’s such a stress relief for me, I’ve been like this since I was a kid, I stg I vacuum our house every day hahahahhaha
8. Smut you haven’t seen yet
UM EXCUSE ME?!? Why has this thot never occurred to me?!?! Bc you KNOW Osita would think it’s so hot that he fell apart so quickly and you KNOW Javi would do anything to make it up to her 🥴😩 I need to go lie down for a moment 🫠
Come join me, I’m serving life in Javi horny jail anyways 🤪
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nexility-sims · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are having a great day! I just happened across your story, and I was absolutely blown away by the detailing and just everything (OMG it was so perfect) If you don't mind, can you please tell me how long it took you to set up and shoot scene 14? From the building to the posing and then editing?
this is so incredibly sweet !!!! thank you for taking the time to send such a kind note. 💓💓💓💓💓💓 like, i know people read it, but 😭 i’m touched ! anyway, it’s impossible for me to answer questions with simplicity, so ... i apologize for the wall of text: 
this scene was a little different than the usual. i built the room a long time ago (like last year), since it’s essentially fernando’s work office, and i’ve used it for another scene. however, i would say decorating a room like this one probably takes me ... half an hour? maybe an hour, if i have to close the game and go download more clutter for it. i’ve mentioned before, but most of my sets are box rooms, not actually part of a larger cohesive structure. this one, actually, is part of a building ! i didn’t build it, tho; it was a lot i got from the gallery. y’all will never see the exterior of it because ... it’s not the exterior i use for nakawe palace, lmao. i don’t think building sets for stories has to be as complicated as i make it, but this is what i’ve chosen !!!!! 
for the posing, i can’t totally recall ... i want to say in the ballpark of 15 minutes? i rarely make my own poses, so that saves a ton of time. the more heated arguing is from a single pose pack; everything else is the result of me clicking through random poses and using the tool mod to make it look right. i honestly spend the most time rotating sims back and forth by 5-10-15 degree increments to get the correct visual effect sdjkfksgs
editing ! once i’ve adjusted the in-game lighting to my liking, reshade (now gshade) does the heavy lifting for me. in photoshop, i have an action set that i like to use—it just makes everything richer and more dramatic. i slap on a black and white filter because the preset i use is slightly more sepia, then another layer to brighten things up. this takes ... <15 minutes, since the most time consuming part is clicking through screenshots.
i actually let this post sit in my drafts for a few weeks before i went back to write the dialogue and such. i was a little afraid of it, lmao, because this is a pivotal scene and also a shouting argument (which is, for me, harder to write). the dialogue probably took like 20 minutes? including revising? the two paragraphs i attached took perhaps ... 15 minutes when i drafted it the other week, then another 15 minutes when i edited yesterday. i have to budget 5 minutes for the absolute misery of rereading my rough drafts dfjkldfhdkg 
TLDR; SO LIKE THE ANSWER IS ... perhaps an hour and a half, spread across several weeks? i usually do my scenes in one go, but not the ones i’m posting as of late. 
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princemick-archive · 1 year
how do u manage to open 4k videos in photoshop 😭 do u keep them in mp4 or is there a way to use mkv in photoshop……..
I in fact, dont record in 4k akjsbd, that would kill my photoshop, I've done it before and it took like half an hour to import and takes like an hour to expor. I record in 60 fps, 1080 x 1920 though and the answer to how I run that is having a good laptop and have heavy sharpening settings for my gifs.
thats such a shit answer but I invested a lot of money into a good computer and beraly save anything on my laptop (I use a 1TB external hardrive to save all my work) I don't want to be creatively limited to the money is a lot but its worth it for me.
also yeah I record everything on mp4.
obs and sharpening settings bellow the tab if u want them:
my obs output settings:
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my obs video settings:
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the two sharpening presets I use:
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ajokeformur-ray · 2 years
A few hours ago while I was scrolling through the Joker tag your blog showed up, and for a second when my eyes fell on the pics during my scrolling I thought that those white hearts over Joker were two cute ears put on his hair and Joker looked like a puppy 💀💀💀 it took me a instant to realize that it was the same pic you've been keeping for a while but still. 😂💀 It was too cute though 😭
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OMG FLA WHEN I READ THIS I WAS GIGGLING BECAUSE AS I READ IT, I PICTURED WHAT YOU SAID AND I WAS LOSING MY MIND😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😍😍😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖💖💖 he is already so so cute and you made him even CUTER somehow???😭😭😭😭
And then I got this ask -
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AND IM DYING ALL OVER AGAIN OMG LOOK AT HIIIIIIIIIIIM😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺😍😍😍 hhhhh Fla your photoshop and editing skills are so good!! Not silly or dumb but cute and worthwhile and adorableeeee ~ 😍💖 this really is so damn cute omlllll 😭💗
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seokmatthewz · 9 months
omg so much matchou and hanbini gifs today 😭😭 how long do u spend on making these like you have so much patience I can never
ive been making gifs for just over 4 years now so it doesnt take me too long now tht ive like gotten into a rhythm with it????? its kinda therapeutic when im not fighting w my photoshop BDJDK usually the longest part is getting stage gifs encoded thru vapoursynth but for that hanbin set its just one long cut tht i split up in photoshop so it wasnt too bad!! i also have an undying need to make. Too Many gifs and also whenever i gif one of my biases i usually feel the need to gif all of them its just a series of little dominoes that culminates in me staring down my laptop like a madwoman . all that being said i think those 3 sets took like an hour and a half total???? maybe less?? they tend to take longer not bc they take a while to make but bc i get distracted by my phone a lot fnfkfm
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hachiapologist · 11 months
omg the posts for my ig resell / archive page take SO SO LONG... because i have to
1. take photos
2. edit the background out photoshop
3. edit them onto the background i use for every post
4. write captions for them and arrange the photos for my feed
am i doing it for the aesthetic? yes and it looks really nice but DAMN i did 6 pieces just now and that entire process took me 3 and a half hours 😭😭😭
tbf the 1st 12 took me 10 hours so i'm cutting down on time! BUT STILL cuz i want to start my depop, but i cannot be putting in this same effort for the random thrifted clothes i don't wear
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suuho · 3 years
I was tagged by @soonwnu to list my 5 favorite creations that I have posted! thank you, my other half, i shall proceed on your orders. 💌
1. sehun’s debut album after midnight. right now, this is probably the edit i am most proudest of. everything worked out so well here, it was my first time mocking up something this coherent and huge, and my friend ana helped out with the tracks and titles, which was just so much fun. their mind is, like, the coolest place ever and our visions just aligned. the colors turned out beautifully, and i put so much work into it. someone said in the tags that sm should hire me to do their concepts, and 😭���😭 that is truly the highest honor. i think, this is what i would love to do for a living.
2. kino’s solo release Everything Else Has Failed! Don’t You Think It’s Time For Love? yes, this is another mockup. yes, i also do not care about that much. this was inspired by a flyer from a moma exhibition, that i saw on my dashboard. i just love this visually. everything came together exactly the way i wanted, even though the first panel was a happy accident. i wanted it to be inspired by art, because hyunggu is a painter and artist, and the concept behind it is him as a modern orpheus, basically. that this love story is wrapped up and told in epics, with a modern twist. the live showcase would only be attended via an invitation, etcetera. 
3. pentagon’s 5 year anniversary post. i actually made this on the day of the anniversary and it took me from 12.00 to 17.30., 5.5 hours. for mystical photoshop reasons, this didn’t turn out exactly the way i wanted it to, but i am still very proud of it. my favorite part is the picture in the middle, connecting the panels. this whole thing is huge, too. nothing could ever quite put my love for pentagon into words, so i just tried my best to show it here.
4. sehun at the berluti winter show 2020. first gifset! i tried a new coloring here and it came out just .... so stunningly. i was surprised myself, and i loved it so much, that i made it my header too. also, have you ever seen a man look this fine? i am truly just serving him, here. he made it ridiculously easy.
5. kibum’s single discography. I made this on the heels of the hate that... release and it just .... is one of my favorite things i have ever done. i even went back and added a bad love panel, after it was released. achieving these gifs was a little trickier than i expected and it took me a while, but i think it came out really well! i just love him so much, so this was fun.
honorary mention:  hui + various fashion moments, because the coloring and the concept worked so well here! unirevival was truly so much fun, and it really tickled me creatively. hui is a fashion icon.  pentagon + love. i remember the second week prompt being favorite concept, and i thought it would be exciting to think somewhat out of the box. (: this was my first time working with this kind of typography, and i am especially fond of the first panel and the shine gif.
tagging: @kimtaegis, @yananswife, @delhyun, @spookyhyunggu, @ohoshi, and whoever wants to do this!
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michaelwheelers · 3 years
omg your sneak peek gif was gorgeous!!! i have a handful of questions, hope you don't mind:
1. what fonts did you use?
2. how did you get the pretty, colourful borders?
3. approximately how long did it take to make the full set?
aaaaaaaand 4. what inspired you to make this gifset? how do you come up with these amazing ideas?
sorry if i'm being too nosy! i'm just curious skdjhfskfhjs
Ahh thank you so much, omg !! 😭 And that's fine, I don't mind - you're not being nosy haha ! I'll answer all of these under the cut and I'll include a mini tutorial for the 2nd question. Thanks for the ask, btw!
Edit: I've just finished answering the first two questions and this answer is so long - I'm so sorry 😭
I'm going to answer questions 1, 3 and 4 first, and leave the tutorial for question 2 at the end so you can just scroll down there and find it easily!
1. What Fonts Did You Use?
In the first gif I used the font Colors of Autumn for the big yellow text, and Modena Script for the mini text. In the second gif I used Caramel Sweets for the "chrissy" text and AlexandriaFLF for the font above that one. In the third gif, I'm not 100% sure but I think I used the Womby font. For the fourth gif, I used the Big John font. Just a warning: If the download links aren't from dafont.com, then it means I don't know the original source I downloaded the font from, so I can't exactly say that the sites are 100% secure. Just wanted to let you know so you can make the decision on whether or not you want to continue downloading them. :D
3. Approximately How Long Did it Take to Make the Full Set?
I checked my posting times for that day and there's this random gap from 10 am to 1pm LMAO, so I was gonna say about 4 hours since I didn't post the gifset till 2pm, but it could even be 2-3 hours since I took lots of breaks and I also spent a while holding off on posting it because I thought it was trash 💀
4. What Inspired You to Make This Gifset? How do You Come Up With These Amazing Ideas?
When it comes to the sneak peek gifset, I was definitely inspired by that clip of Chrissy. I just - I was obsessed with it and I wanted to gif it sooo badly, so I randomly made that gif of her that's in my sneak peek gifset, and then the rest of the gifs just escalated from there. My ultimate inspiration is @ amandaseyfried, though! dfsdkadsf thank you for calling them amazing 😭 I've been sitting here staring at my screen trying to figure out what to say, but I truly have no idea 💀 I'll honestly just throw stuff in photoshop and start putting it together. Sometimes I'll maybe use things I tag as "insp" to give me ideas, but most of my "ideas" are just random urges haha.
Border Tutorial:
2. How Did You Get the Pretty, Colourful borders?
For the colorful borders, the first thing I'm gonna explain is how I made the border, and then I'll show you how to do the coloring thing:
Ok so firstly, make a new layer so all of this is on...a new layer lol. My gif size is 540x540px, so I'm gonna select the rectangular marquee tool (the little square with the dotted lines):
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Then go to the top of photoshop and make sure that this area says "fixed size", and I'll normally make the sizes maybe 20-30 px less than my actual gif's size:
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I made the width and height 510px for both parts since my gif has that 1x1 ratio.
Now just click anywhere so the selection thing comes up on your gif - basically a bunch of mini ants moving in a square pop up:
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Now right click anywhere ON the gif, and select "stroke", and adjust your settings however you want. These are the settings I am using:
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To make the border centered in your gif, go to the top of photoshop and go to "Select > All", and THEN go to "Layers > Align Layers to Selection", and click the ones that say "Vertical centers" and "Horizontal centers":
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Now your border should be centered!
To Color the Border:
I'd explain how I did my coloring, but I don't have enough space here for pictures, so I'll just link the fx settings I use and you can download them, import them, and adjust them to your liking!
Sneak Peek text effect download link
After downloading that, if you want to import the settings just go to the top of photoshop and click "Window > Styles", and when the little "Styles" box opens up, click the little square made out of 4 little lines in the corner, and click "import styles..." and import the one i linked above this mini paragraph:
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Now you can just select the layer that has your border you just made, and then click the layer style you downloaded and it should be added to your border. You can mess around with the colors by changing the gradients in the top two gradient overlay settings.
Sorry for my long answers! Idk if you're gonna read all of this since it's just...so much, but if you do read it: I REALLY hope I somewhat answered your questions and I hope I didn't confuse you lol. Thank you for the ask!
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katherine-mcnamara · 3 years
you are honestly so wonderful and nice!!! two things. 1) do you have a tutorial for your gif making process? you make packs so fast and i feel like the 4 times i've tried making gifs, it took 100 years to upload the caps to photoshop! 2) some suggestions! amandla stenberg in the eddy and corey hawkins in in the heights! i don't think either of them have pack from those projects and i'd love to see them!!!
Hi there! I'm just jasdfkakjfd ty so much for the nice words! I appreciate them and glad I come across nice because honestly I'm just bad at talking and showing my feelings but I really appreciate every message and dm and suggestion a LOT!!!
For a gif tutorial uhh kind of? and by that I mean I'm bad at words but I went through and linked everything I use and do and the tutorials here!
I feel you though! Like some days my computer loves me and I can make 100-200 gifs a day and then other days it's like taking nearly an hour to load one stack of caps, 10 gifs takes me a couple hours it's wild! Honestly though I spend like 12+ hours a day making gifs in photoshop so like that's probably also the reason SDFLSLF But omg!!! Both of those are amazing suggestions!! Thank you and I've added both to my list!! And thank you again for loving my gifs and sending this message! 💖💖😭😭
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junkyu is definitely in the bias list, i adore him so much <3
you are so sweet, oh my god 💎💙 seriously.... i've only been giffing for like 8 weeks. a lot of gifmakers that i follow use a software called vapoursynth but for some reason, my laptop gives me an error when i try to run it so i'm only using photoshop right now <3 honestly i cannot wait to have a better laptop/pc, i cannot wait to create more beautiful things <3
studying is so stressful, when i was at school, i had so much anxiety over my exams and i did not do as well as i wanted to in some of my subjects. my teachers always said "you're not studying enough" like bitch, i sleep for like 5 hours bc i'm studying so much :(( i rarely took a break which was probably my worst mistake. breaks are healthy and you should take breaks if you need to <3 caffeine is probably the worst thing to drink as well. drink water, and have a good sleep <3 i wish you the best on ur exams <3 and will support u no matter what :)
thank you, love <3 and don't worry about the mini rant <3
Junkyu~ 🛐✨
Oooh damn i suddenly realized how i don't really have any knowledge on how gif making even works :P yes you're definitely gonna get even better at this, so keep going, yeah? And you're gonna create beautiful things, I believe in you~ xoxo
Studying is bleh. It should be done but if it costs someone their mental health, and makes them feel anxious and depressed, then that's just crappy. I agree, breaks are equally important as studying or learning, because if you overwork yourself it's all pointless </3
Caffeine is terrible. But I can't hold back lmao. My mom lectured me yesterday about it too. That just made it 12 people lecturing me about it I need to stop- she came to me and said "what're you drinking at 9 pm?" "I see you have a caffeine addiction" 🤡🤡😭 but i usually substitute coffee with ice cream or green tea 🛐
I've also been sleeping for 6-7 hours these days, that's quite an achievement ngl :D thank you so much for rooting for me, Heather. I'm pretty sure I'd do good, thank you for the motivation! 🫂❤ I love you so much, cutie! <3
Also, I went thru your carrd and followed your Instagram, you have a lot of cats and they're all so adorable <3
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kimuramasaya · 2 years
i practised with a gif and just messed around with the settings, followed a 3 year old tutorial on youtube and took it from there <3 i won't lie, the very first gif i made, it looked like it'd been dragged through a bush 😂 my crop sizes were all wrong, i'd managed to mess up the quality, it took two hours to make it, it was a mess 😂 but i stuck at it and i've definitely improved a lot. all i use is photoshop rn, my laptop doesn't wanna run vapoursynth for some reason 🙄 it's probably cause it's super old <//3
happy to be here !! it's thanks to eri that i'm here <3 bless her !! 💞💞 i've watched up to ep 42, ep 30 & 31 had me in stitches, it was so so funny to watch 😂 loved their little web drama, i was supposed to be sleeping for work but i was like naaaah, i wanna find out what's going on 👀 i had like 4 hours sleep 😭
tbh i wish the album had more tracks !! they're so so talented!! 💖 i've probably listened to jikjin too many times today 💕
so my bias list isn't quite set yet. i'm REALLY struggling 🥺 i think i have a bias list and then someone else pops up and i'm like OKAY THEN 🥺 but i definitely really, really love junkyu, mashiho, jeongwoo and asahi <3 i love them all but they're my favourite <3 yoshi gives me bias wrecker vibes 💞
oh I def feel that I made a whole mess of practice sets before I started posting them that will never see the light of day lol. I really only use vs to trim and resize like it's rare that I use the sharpening and denoise, but I like being able to preview the gif before I commit to loading it into ps. your gifs are still lovely without vs!
I am also here because of eri 💕 she single-handedly converted about 98% of teumblr at this point. the running man eps are hysterical they never fail to make me laugh. 47 is painfully cute so look forward to that one!
tbh I half expected this mini to be three tracks (a new title track and the two drama osts) because whygee hates us, so I'm pleasantly surprised that we got four plus the two osts, but I always want more treasure music
it's hard to pick figure out your bias line when they're all so lovable! mashi got me immediately, but it took me a while to settle on the rest of rachel line. you're right though at the end of the day they're all my favorites 💕
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