#this was so adorable i love married jeggy
ecstarry · 3 months
"Ten Years" a microfic for the increidble and lovely @malchai
Regulus Black had been married to James Potter for almost ten years. They had dated five more years before that. So, now, fifteen years in, he considered himself an expert in anything related to his husband, especially: grand gestures. 
Over the years he had gotten the most beautiful gifts paired with an enchanting letter. Notebooks, paintings, holidays, James had given him everything. When Regulus arrived mere hours before the clock marked the start of their anniversary, he could feel his heart leaping out in anticipation. He felt seventeen again.
As he opened the door he was overwhelmed with tenderness as he saw James wearing a sweater Regulus’ had knitted him last winter. He was simply waiting, as if Regulus couldn’t instinctively find his way to James with his eyes closed. There had never been a day where the sight of his husband didn't melt him instantly. Like magnets, they reached for each other, James placed a chast kiss on Regulus’ forehead and guided him closer to the next room. 
“You bought me a piano?” Regulus’ voice cracked as the beautiful grand instrument filled their living room. 
“Actually, I bought us a piano,” James smiled and Regulus was full. “I took lessons, love, we can now play together. Have our own little private concerts.” 
His husband. His sun. His James. His love. His life. 
“I would love that, baby,” as the last word left his lips he settled next to the warmth of James. Before he could play a single note, Regulus carefully removed James' hands from the keys and kissed him. Senselessly. Lovingly. Devotedly.
all of my microfics with your prompts are here
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industrations · 10 months
CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE LOVE LOVE CASSIE SO FREAKING MUCH??? She’s so stinking adorable and she deserves the world 😭 (if y’all aren’t subscribed to indi’s patreon you are in fact missing out)
have you ever considered a jeggy kid? I’m unapologetically hyperfixated on Cassie being like Sirius and Cassie being the MOST overprotective and dedicated cousin in the world 😂🫶🏻 I just know she’d curbstomp a bitch for her fam asdfghk
A jeggy kid hmmm, i think i’d always like the idea of james and lily co-patenting harry. Like they got together and married too young and they still love each other so much but not in that way. And it’s so healthy and loving and they are the BEST parents to harry.
And so jeggy are together and maybe lily is with mary and @imdamagecontrol and i were talking the other day about how lily would reassure regulus that he’s being a good dad to harry. And harry LOVES him
But maybe in the future, who knows i’ll give them a second kid
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itsjaywalkers · 6 months
Regulus would never be able to not blush or swoon every time he is called "Mr. Potter" after marrying James. Sometimes he would even fake not hearing just for the person to repeat it again. His heart hammers like a wild bird and he can't help the blush that drowns him - but he can't be mad because he is just so happy about being Mr. Potter. At first he had mocked James who loved to call Regulus his husband and get incredibly flustered when he returns the favor but Mr. Potter? This is his weakness and he loves it too much to fight it.
NONNIE THIS MADE ME LOWKEY EMOTIONAL🥹 I LOVEEEEE MARRIED JEGGY and even though i’m never sure about where i fall in the ‘would reg take james’ surname or go for a hyphenated one instead’ discussion i adore the regulus potter hc. it makes me SO soft and you’re right, i think he’d love it and be obsessed with it and would never stop reacting to other ppl calling him it, not even years down the line <333
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