#renn tag < 3
ecstarry · 2 months
tell me all of your thoughts on james potter's oral fixation
Here's the ask about reg's oral fixation
James BEGS everysinglefuckingtime for Reg to RIDE HIS FACE. EVERYSINGLETIME THEY DO ANYTHING JAMES IS BEGGING AND BEGGING and Reg just waits until James is so so close to finishing before he actually starts doing it
He takes his TIME before parting reg's lips with his tongue and even LONGER before using his fingers. He waits until Reg is fucking SHAKING before using a single finger
he will do it ANYTIME ANYDAY!!! family funcion???? movie theater??? in the car????? in the foyer minutes before guests arrives?? YES YES YES TO ALL
he ALWAYS kisses reg's thighs softly after eating him out, ALWAYS, and if he senses even a LITTLE that Reg can take it again he will go full force.
He ABSOLUTELY ADORES 69 with Reg on top because of the view he gets from Reg's ass
He's OBSESSED with also doing it from the back with Reg's back all arched
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starchaserwrites · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic / march 1: rugby / word count: 365
Too many videos, adverts and search suggestions about rugby have been appearing on all of Regulus' platforms to be coincidence. It only took a brief mention of the sport in a conversation with Barty and Evan while they were at work for it to flood every digital space Regulus owns. The funny thing is that of all the players out there, the one who is most reluctant to leave his phone is the one called Potter, who is apparently an eminence in the sport. 
Regulus knows only the basics about rugby, preferring soccer to be honest, but over the last few days he has found himself in the spare time he has between flights, looking up more information and watching the games this James guy plays in. 
All of this makes him feel a little foolish for succumbing to the insistent advertising, but a couple of days later it proves extremely useful when he sees a silhouette Regulus has become quite familiar with boarding the plane, and it leaves him gaping in surprise. When James Potter greets the cabin crew, which almost no one does genuinely, Regulus chokes with his own saliva, earning amused looks from his two friends and leaving him blushing as he helps the Gryffindor flanker find his seat in first class. 
Despite the initial surprise, the flight goes off without a hitch, save for Barty making crude gestures at him from the back of the aisle every time it is Regulus' turn to attend to a particular passenger. A passenger who appears to be nervous, as Regulus has seen him catch rugby balls at several miles per hour, but seems to have lost all motor skills when he drops the blanket he is trying to hand him twice.
At the end of the flight, despite being at the front of the plane, James decides to be the last to get up to disembark, but not before giving Regulus his number.
Some time later, all of Regulus' platforms are flooded with James Potter again, but for slightly different reasons. And well, probably now somewhere in the world someone else is complaining because he's the one accompanying the player in almost every picture.
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sixlane · 4 days
wine tour
jegulus microfic | idk not very many words | straight from the notes app to your dash <3
“I think I’m getting notes of…” James swirls his glass pensively, “wine.”
Regulus raises a brow. “Well, yes. I would hope so.”
Today has been a long one for Regulus, as summers tend to go, with tourists in and out of wine tastings all day. He usually feels like he has a good grasp on hospitality, a perfect combination of informative and casually funny, but something about this group has been throwing him off. Namely the tall, tanned man with glasses and a million-dollar smile that stretches across his face any time Regulus looks his way.
“Perhaps notes of grape as well?” James asks, shoving his nose past the mouth of the glass and inhaling deeply.
Regulus finds himself giggling just a bit, bringing his hand to his mouth to conceal his slip up. James tracks the moment.
Of course, it isn’t the first time he’s heard jokes like this, and it certainly won’t be the last. He doesn’t even think it’s all that funny, but something about James…
Maybe it’s the charming confidence or the way he squints in the sun despite wearing a backwards baseball cap, but Regulus can’t help the way talking to him makes him feel like a teenager again. Giddy and shy.
“Oh shit, Regulus cracks a smile,” James says, leaning back in his chair. “Been looking for that all day.”
“Yes, well your jokes have been rather subpar,” Regulus fires back, the corner of his mouth upturned.
“But ‘notes of grape’ did it for you?”
Regulus shrugs, running his eyes over the man in front of him and taking a sip of wine, “yes, something like that.”
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malchai · 2 months
pandorcas microfic | 1115 words | NSFW
for my darling euge @ecstarry, inspired by this post cw: knife play
Dorcas closes the door and collapses against it as the last of her guests leave the apartment. While she loves hosting, she can’t help but look forward to the moment when it’s just her and Pandora again. She sighs and lets her eyes slip close for a moment. The lights are still dimmed and the background music thrums through her. Her eyes finally crack open to see Pandora leaving the kitchen, holding a small cake out in front of her. 
“Dora, what’s this?” Dorcas asks. She wasn’t expecting anything more after the party Pandora had just thrown her.
“Oh, just a little something for the birthday girl,” Pandora says. Up close, Dorcas can see the cake has dark red frosting with a white trim and three white candles on top. Pandora’s eyes shine from the light of the flames. Pandora walks up to her and holds out the cake.
“Make a wish, darling,” Pandora says, with a smirk. Dorcas catches the wild glint in her eyes. The edge of danger, the moment before the drop. Pandora’s pupils are eating away at the blue of her irises. Dorcas feels breathless.
She maintains eye contact as she leans in, puckers her lips, and blows out the candles one at a time. Pandora hums happy birthday and places the cake on her side table where a carving knife lays. She picks it up and cuts a small slice, balancing it on the side of the blade.
“Want a taste?” She holds up the knife to Dorcas’ mouth. A challenge, a dare. But that’s how it’s felt ever since they started this. Even before it, if she’s honest. Precariously teetering on the edge of a blade. And who is Dorcas to back down from it. Dorcas parts her lips and accepts. The tip of the knife slips in. The sweet taste of the icing hits her tongue. The cake is delicious. Soft and spongy. Dorcas swallows.
“How is it?”
“It’s perfect.”
“Really? Let me try some.” Pandora holds up the knife, and licks along the side in one long stripe. Dorcas can’t tear her eyes away from the dark red icing staining her pink mouth. “Mm, that is good. Let me try some more.”
Pandora skims some frosting off the top of the cake before turning towards Dorcas. “I know you’ve been watching me all night, Cas.” 
With the clean edge of the knife she flicks a braid over Dorcas’ shoulder before dragging the tip of the blade across Dorcas’ left collarbone, the blade biting the skin but not breaking it. Dorcas feels her heart speed up, her palms start to sweat. Pandora smears the icing in the hollow of her throat, and Dorcas almost chokes when the coolness of the knife is replaced by Pandora’s hot tongue cleaning up the mess.
“But you’ve been such a good girl. So patient and sweet. So attentive with your guests even though it’s your day.” It’s getting harder and harder for Dorcas to formulate coherent thoughts. The knife is back, tracing up her neck before hitting her pulse point. Pandora presses in and Dorcas moans at the sensation, pulse fluttering under the blade. Pandora scrapes the icing on the underside of Dorcas’ jaw, before once again Pandora's mouth is on her. Pandora sucks hard, and Dorcas’ back arches off the door, pushing their chests together but Pandora keeps her hips angled away. She licks a stripe from Dorcas’ jaw line to behind her ear, nips at her earlobe.
“Now, I’ve got the birthday girl all to myself. Whatever shall I do with you?” Pandora murmurs, lips brushing the shell of Dorcas’ ear.
She leans back slightly, so that Dorcas can see her whole face. Pandora looks giddy. She slides the knife across Dorcas’ cheek and follows the movement with her eyes. It’s almost a tender caress, until the blade presses into the skin of her cheekbone drawing blood. Dorcas’ breath stutters, her chest heaving in a futile attempt to draw in air. She feels high off the adrenaline.
“You’re so pretty, baby,” Pandora says, awestruck, as if Dorcas is something special. A fragile piece of art. Or a specimen under the glass. Pandora grabs Dorcas by the chin in a tight grip. She leans in and collects the icing from Dorcas’ cheek with her tongue, lapping up the trickle of blood but avoiding the split skin. 
As soon as her grip slackens, Dorcas turns her head to crash their mouths together, and the tension ignites. Pandora presses Dorcas into the door, thigh sliding between her legs. Dorcas moans into her mouth at instant relief after being on the edge for so long. The kiss is all tongue and teeth, a battle from the start. The sweetness of the icing, mixing with metallic taste of iron, and something uniquely Pandora is a heady combination. Dorcas can’t get close enough.
“Need more,” Dorcas gasps into Pandora’s mouth. 
“I’ll take care of you, babygirl.” Pandora bites Dorcas’ bottom lip hard, then soothes the sting with her tongue as her hand sneaks between them to undo Dorcas’ jeans. Pandora slips her hand into Dorcas’ pants, and without warning presses a finger into her. Pandora greedily swallows the noises falling from her mouth.
“Fuck.” In retaliation, Dorcas nips at her neck and sucks a bruise into her pulse point. Dorcas already knows she’s dripping, has been since the moment this started, so after a few moments, a second finger easily joins the first. Pandora’s thumb circles her clit, and Dorcas chokes out a sob, hiding her face in Pandora’s neck as Pandora starts to fuck her in earnest.
Dorcas’ hips jerk forward as Pandora’s thumb presses into her clit. Her fingers pump into her harder, faster, bringing Dorcas to the edge too quickly. But when she feels the tip of the knife press into the hinge of her jaw, Dorcas knows she’s done for.
“Look at me. I want to see you as you come for me,” Pandora says. Dorcas’ eyes meet Pandora’s as she moves the knife to press into the front of Dorcas’ throat. Dorcas takes in her flushed cheeks, kiss-swollen lips, and the dark eyes pinning her in place. Pandora Rosier looks like sin incarnate. “There you are.”
Dorcas’ vision black out. She throws her head back with a cry, and Pandora uses the opportunity to lavish her neck, still working her through her orgasm. It takes Dorcas a few moments to return to herself.
“Definitely one of the best birthday presents I’ve ever received,” Dorcas tells her, laughing in disbelief.
“Oh angel, the night’s just getting started,” Pandora coos. Her face breaks out into a mocking grin. “You better hold on.”
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mothbart · 27 days
12 days of kolowv: day 7
my baby @theapocryphaofantares's birthday is in seven (!!!) days, and because i love him with all my heart he gets a small microfic every day until he gets his big present on his actual birthday.
prompt: scorch | bartylily | words: 2,312 | explicit
The bludgeoning, bright sun is too much for Barty. He’s overheating, his hair is sticking to his face, and he wants nothing more than to dunk himself in a pool of ice water—maybe drown himself, too, while he’s at it.
It’s the annual neighborhood block party, something that Barty absolutely loathes. He doesn’t care about seeing his neighbors, let alone socializing with them. White plastic tables are littered with red, solo cups, and multicolored plastic chairs are scattered along the street. Aggravating, repetitive pop songs are being played from the large speaker that sits in the Vance’s yard, and the culmination of that along with roars of laughter and yelling makes his head want to explode. He’s tried going back inside the house multiple times, but each time his dad catches him, and an empty threat is thrown at him. So he’s sitting here in an old camping chair outside his yard, slinking down in his chair, miserable.
He’s staring at all of the people who are hanging out in the middle of the street, and he just doesn’t understand the appeal of pretending to like these people just so they can have an excuse to get publicly drunk. He’s itching for a cigarette, and the pack in his pocket is practically teasing him at this point. He looks around to try and find his dad, and when he does, he sees that he’s standing in a circle with a couple of other adults, chattering away. As he gets up from the uncomfortable, ripped-up camping chair, he feels his other pockets to make sure that he has his lighter with him, too. He makes his way through the crowd, trying to get out of the way of the running children with water guns and moms holding trays of lemonade.
However, he doesn’t do a very good job of being careful because he bumps into someone.
And that someone just so happens to be his neighbor, Lily Evans.
“Barty?” She asks, looking up and smiling at him. “What are you doing here?”
Barty takes a good look at the girl in front of him, and it takes everything in him not to start fucking drooling when he sees that Lily is wearing a tight, yellow sundress. Freckles sprinkled across her sun-kissed skin and her long, red hair is pulled into a high ponytail, and Barty wants to trace his fingers along her skin and tangle them in her hair.
“What are you doing here?” Barty asks her, not really wanting to answer her question.
“I’m back for the summer,” she says. “You know, summer break and all of that.”
“How’s college?” He asks, and he feels silly doing small talk but he doesn’t know what else to do. His brain is short-circuiting and it’s almost like he forgot how to form words and questions. There is only one person who has ever made him feel this way, and of course it’s Lily fucking Evans.
He never forgot the night when he gave Lily her first kiss on her sixteenth birthday, and if he’s going to be honest, he still thinks about it almost daily. They never really saw each other after that. Sure, they saw each other in the hallways here and there, but it was back to how it was—Lily ignoring him and Barty pretending that Lily Evans never existed despite him constantly thinking about her. Lily had given James another chance after he left her hanging that night, and Barty wanted to tell her that she deserved better than that.
But it’s not like he was able to give her anything better than what James offered.
“College is good,” she replies. “Is college good for you?”
“Yeah,” Barty says. He looks around, trying to find any excuse to get out of there. The more that he’s standing in front of Lily, the more he keeps thinking about her soft lips and the way that she tasted like strawberry lip gloss and it’s something that he wouldn’t mind tasting again. “Anyway, I’m going to go—”
“Where are you going?” She asks.
“I was going to go for a smoke—”
“Come with me,” Lily says, grabbing Barty’s hand. “You can help me make more lemonade.”
Before Barty can decline, Lily’s already dragging him to her house. He doesn’t miss the way that Lily’s dad glares at Barty when they walk past him in the yard, but he doesn’t give two fucks. He remembers that Lily told him a couple of years ago that her parents warned her that Barty was a bad influence, and ever since then, he couldn’t care less about what her dad thinks.
When they walk inside the house, it looks exactly like how it did when they were kids. The foyer is full of carefully placed family photos, tacky floral print wallpaper, and shoes neatly lined up on the shoe rack. Lily kicks off her sandals and doesn’t bother placing them with the others, so Barty follows what she does and takes off his shoes.
The music can still be heard from outside, and when Barty walks further into the house, it’s a little more quiet. Lily is standing in the kitchen, and she looks so beautiful here. There’s something with the way that her bare feet patter along the hardwood laminate floors while she’s grabbing the glass pitcher that makes Barty want to see her like this all the time.
“Petunia is supposed to be on lemonade duty, but somehow I got stuck with it,” Lily explains while she’s grabbing a bag of lemons. “Did you see her new boyfriend?”
“I haven’t seen her at all,” Barty answers. He walks over to where Lily is, stands right next to her, and leans against the counter. He’s watching her intently as she pulls out the cutting board from the dishwasher and places a few lemons on them. “How’d they meet?”
“They’re in some club together in college,” Lily replies, shrugging. “He’s okay. His name is Vernon.”
Barty snorts. “What kind of name is Vernon?”
“Same could be said for Bartemius,” Lily teases.
“Whatever,” Barty mutters. Lily lets out a giggle and starts to cut the lemons, she’s just cutting them in half and placing them carelessly on the counter—some of them hit the cutting board, and some kind of fall right near it. Lily is humming to herself as she’s focusing.
“Can you go grab the pitcher and fill it with water?” She asks, turning her head towards him. “I meant to do that earlier but spaced it.”
Barty nods his head, taking the pitcher that’s still full of ice and fills it up to the brim with water from the sink. When he carefully tries to walk closer to Lily to bring her the pitcher, she must not realize that he’s standing right behind her.
Because she walks straight back into him, and water backsplashes on Barty and some gets on the back of Lily’s dress. It takes everything in Barty not to drop the glass that’s in his hands, but his shirt is soaking wet and the crotch of his pants is wet, too.
Lily quickly turns around, looking at him in horror as she sees that his shirt is sticking to his skin.
“Barty, I’m so sorry!” She says loudly, grabbing the rag that was hanging from the oven. She frantically starts to dab the rag on his torso, as if that was going to do anything. “Shit, I didn’t realize that you were right behind me—”
“Lily, it’s fine,” he says, his voice calm. “I can just run home and get changed.”
“No, no, I think I have some clothes that might fit you,” she says, still dabbing the towel on him. She’s so close to him, and his heart is pounding. He grabs her hand, stopping her from trying to dry something that more than a rag will do. “Okay, yeah, sorry, just follow me upstairs.”
She tosses the towel on the counter and starts to make her way down the hallway and up the stairs, Barty following right behind her while also trying to minimize much movement considering everything that he’s wearing is fucking wet and cold.
When he said that he wanted to dunk himself in a pool of ice water, he didn’t mean it. He’d rather get burned from the sun than have cold water on his skin like this. Lily walks into the bedroom that’s on the left at the end of the hallway, and when she opens the door, her room looks different.
It seems like it’s the only place in the house that changed since Barty was here when he was a kid. Her pink walls were now white. The posters of popular boy bands were long gone, replaced by multiple cork bulletin boards that are covered of photos of Lily and her friends. Her bright pink, twin-sized bed was replaced by a queen bed with regular white sheets; her room just didn’t feel like Lily anymore.
She must have sensed that because after Barty walked inside, she shut the door behind him.
“My parents slowly are re-doing my room,” she explains. “Feels weird, huh?”
“Yeah,” Barty murmurs, walking up to one of the bulletin boards. He looks at the photos and it’s just Lily with some people he doesn’t even recognize. Some were people they’ve known since high school, but the others? They must be from college.
His attention gets drawn to Lily when she starts going through her closet and pulls out an over-sized t-shirt and a pair of old gym shorts. She hands them over to him, and he takes them with a confused look.
“Where the fuck did these shorts come from?” He asks, holding them up to show her.
“They’re from high school for gym class, see?” She points at the logo at the bottom left of them. “Anyway, I’ll turn around.”
“No need,” Barty says, as he tosses the dry clothes on the edge of her bed. Lily doesn’t move. In fact, she stares at him as he strips off his soaked shirt and tosses it on the floor. He can feel her eyes gazing at his chest, and he smirks. “Hey, Lily, eyes up here.”
She snaps back into reality and blinks a few times, looking at him. Her face starts to turn pink, and she bites her lip.
“Sorry,” she says. She takes a couple of steps forward, and Barty sucks in his breath when Lily starts to softly trace the tattoos that are on his chest. “These are new.”
Barty doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t know what to really say to her—so instead, he allows her to touch him, caressing her fingers along the black lines that are embedded on his skin.
He’s not sure what happens.
Because the next thing he knows, Lily is looking up at him like he’s a constellation in the sky—in awe and amazement and admiration. She goes on her tippy toes and her lips are ghosting over his and he’s having a hard time remembering to breathe.
“Can I?” She whispers, her eyes fluttering closed.
He doesn’t say anything, because he’s already beaten her to it. His lips are on hers, and it’s like everything has fallen right into place. Her lips still taste like the strawberry lip gloss from the first time they kissed, and it’s moments like these where he’s thanking whatever fucking deity exists that he gets to have another chance to kiss Lily.
It goes from soft, tender kisses to desperation and eagerness. It’s more frantic, and Lily shivers under his touch when he slides the straps of her dress off her shoulders. He kisses along her jawline, peppering them down her neck and to her shoulder. She tilts her neck, giving him more room to work with and he wants to leave a mark—wants Lily to have something to remind her of him.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, he brings his lips back onto hers, and she starts walking him towards the bed, their lips never leaving each other. She pushes him down on the bed, and before he can sit up, Lily is already straddling his lap.
He runs his hands up her thighs, and she gasps against his mouth and he takes that opportunity to slide his tongue over her teeth. Lily is sweet and tart and everything in between.
They take their time unraveling each other, finding ways to make each other gasp and beg and whimper. It’s roaming hands, flicking tongues, quivering thighs, sticky sheets, and Barty feels on fucking cloud nine. Lily’s soft moans and panting on repeat in his ear as she tells him to move faster, stay right there, keep going.
It’s pure ecstasy, the way that Lily’s tight around him, and the way that their movements are messy and urgent. It’s the way that Lily comes, the way that she shudders and the way that she says his name like she’s worshipping and praising him.
Lily Evans makes him feel on fire—with every touch, she’s burning him and creating her own mark on him—visible or not. His skin feels like it’s littered with scorch marks and when he tucks some of her fallen hair out of her face, he can’t help but want more.
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honeybcj · 1 month
hi han!! you have excellent taste so i am here to ask for a book recommendation
hi renn! giggling because you think i have good taste, so here’s what i have for you: “ace of spades” by faridah àbíké-íyímídé! it’s a story of a teenage boy navigating his queer identity while also being black. he grew up in a lower-income community, and managed to get a scholarship to a private school based on his grades. at the school, while still navigating his identity, he also faces racial inequality and classist behavior. an anonymous bully begins targeting the boy, along with the only other black person in the school. together, they team up to solve the puzzle, only to unravel the gruesome history in which the school stands. (hope this one sounds good <3)
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mo-ok · 1 year
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My Favourite Episode Of:
Engine Sentai Go-Onger Grand Prix 25 ~ Goodbye Mother
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regscupid · 2 months
some more ships for your consideration: regulily, dorlily, reg/evan, james/remus/reg
regulily (i’m sorry):
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dorlily (i need to know more about the dynamic. but they should fuck raw):
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james/remus/reg (jaremulus?):
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ecstarry · 2 months
"Ten Years" a microfic for the increidble and lovely @malchai
Regulus Black had been married to James Potter for almost ten years. They had dated five more years before that. So, now, fifteen years in, he considered himself an expert in anything related to his husband, especially: grand gestures. 
Over the years he had gotten the most beautiful gifts paired with an enchanting letter. Notebooks, paintings, holidays, James had given him everything. When Regulus arrived mere hours before the clock marked the start of their anniversary, he could feel his heart leaping out in anticipation. He felt seventeen again.
As he opened the door he was overwhelmed with tenderness as he saw James wearing a sweater Regulus’ had knitted him last winter. He was simply waiting, as if Regulus couldn’t instinctively find his way to James with his eyes closed. There had never been a day where the sight of his husband didn't melt him instantly. Like magnets, they reached for each other, James placed a chast kiss on Regulus’ forehead and guided him closer to the next room. 
“You bought me a piano?” Regulus’ voice cracked as the beautiful grand instrument filled their living room. 
“Actually, I bought us a piano,” James smiled and Regulus was full. “I took lessons, love, we can now play together. Have our own little private concerts.” 
His husband. His sun. His James. His love. His life. 
“I would love that, baby,” as the last word left his lips he settled next to the warmth of James. Before he could play a single note, Regulus carefully removed James' hands from the keys and kissed him. Senselessly. Lovingly. Devotedly.
all of my microfics with your prompts are here
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starchaserwrites · 14 days
this has been (clearly) a long time in my drafts but it's finally finished! neil's birthday was a while ago but posting this now has a better purpose.
this is for my dearest @malchai who is one of the most wonderful people i'll ever meet and is the reason this illustration happened in the first place <3 i hope everyone has a renn in their lives.
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find me on ig as @presentimiento.len
details and different lighting under the cut
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sixlane · 6 days
hiii lane, 🔪📚🥑 for the ask game please <3
renn. my love. <33
what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
mmmm i was researching 17th century midwifery the other day. specifically practices regarding breech births
what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
this microfic is just posted!
you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
you, of course. also probably layla @rottin6 because i just feel like she would take care of it
fic writer asks
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drowninginthoughts27 · 2 months
hi em!! for sleepover saturday, what are the top 3 songs that remind you of jeggy?
Hi Renn <33
Ok top 3 songs here we go:
1. Right Where You Left Me // Taylor Swift
2. Alley Rose // Conan Gray
3. Baby I’m Yours // Arctic Monkeys
💕Saturday Sleepover💕
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maraudersmonstermash · 2 months
hello friends, just popping in to say i love you very much and you guys are killing it with this fest set up! the blog looks stunning and i am very very excited to get started <3
Renn we all love and adore you and are so so glad you joined! We are so excited to see what you write. This message made the whole mod team really really happy and we appreciate it deeply!
-Kit, Kolowv, and Echo
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mothbart · 2 months
hi babe!! for the sleepover, fmk neil/andrew/kevin, gojo/geto/nanamin, and james/regulus/barty
hi buttercup 💕
i hate this already but here we go
for aftg i would kill kevin, marry neil, fuck andrew
for jjk THIS ONE IS SOOO HARD 😭 but i think i would fuck geto, kill gojo, and marry nanamin
and the MARAUDERS OHHH MY GOD. i thought about this long and hard. i would kill regulus, fuck barty (i just feel like the sex would be so fun), and marry james
thank u for listening 🫡
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hi eesha how r u doing... here's a picture of a puppy
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HI RENN!! i am doing okay ! i have a week off school and i am taking that time to catch up on my…schoolwork AND a bunch of stuff but not today ! bc i have work and also a bunch of other things BUT i get to go to the library which is extremely fun ! WBU how is everything !?
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honeybcj · 3 days
hi mustard, raspberry, and cider <3
renn :’) i would love to be ur friend, of course. you are genuinely one of the sweetest. MWAH <3
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