fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I will always be a Loki apologist. It doesn’t matter what my little brother did, no one’s allowed to say anything bad about him. He’s just going through a lot okay, he’ll come around /hj -Thor (MCU)
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ackcrabbit · 2 months
Baby looooove designing and constructing little creaturres
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umbylievable · 11 months
T and Z
T is for Therin, lord of the bear demons. Having inherited the position from his father, Therin is a staunch traditionalist. He hates all of Umbre's newfangled ideas and especially their pacifism. He takes a very "might makes right" approach to life. He's also a notorious gambler and once had to win back his kingdom in a card game.
Z is for Zweihander, my werewolf boy. He's a reformed gang member and devoted father of nine (yes, 9). He's much beloved by his in-laws and spends more time with them than his birth family. Zwei was turned into a werewolf as a homeless teen and recruited into a violent street gang where he was used basically as an attack dog. He's also a domestic abuse survivor and he relies a lot on his partners to help keep him stable and on his path to recovery. He loves big salads, playing with his kids, and going for runs.
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Lore post one: the first king of almania
In the Westlands, the grand Kingdom of Almaina was founded 1,000 years ago in the dawn of the First Era. In fact, the birth of the first King of Almaina, King Theodoric the Goldhammer, marked the beginning of the First Era. King Theodoric was born to the High Chieftain of the Fanghammer tribe. On the day of his birth, the moon, sun, and planets aligned. He was also blessed with the holy sign of the Dragon King, which only happens once every 1,000 years. At a young age, Theodoric learned to fight and was able to defeat most adults in one-on-one duels. At 5 years old, he was able to lift the Claw of the Dawn, the hammer made from the claw of the Great Wyrm that was killed by the Sun God. This hammer has been passed down in his family ever since it was gifted to them. He was also known for his golden eyes and his divine aura. At the age of 25, he slew the red dragon named the Father of Hellfire and took his head as a trophy. At age 30, he saved the High King of the Dwarves, High King Thorkin Ironfist, from a horde of orcs at the Battle of Hellgrave. Using only the Claw of Dawn and an oakwood shield, he killed the Warboss of the Blood Skull orcs with only one blow. He also killed the Warmage and a quarter of the army on his own. Due to his saving of the High King of the Dwarves, the Almanian people and the Dwarves have been friends ever since. And at age 55, after he founded the Kingdom of Almaina, he disappeared, leaving only his hammer and his son behind. 
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alphareleasemedia · 11 months
Daily Drabble Project Jun 16-21
6/16/23 Zuba nudged her dog with her foot, yet the beast still refused to move. Yuma had sprawled out in the middle of the hallway and was quite content to lie there while Zuba tried to move between her room and the laundry room. Just now Zuba was holding a laundry basket overflowing with bedsheets and a big fluffy comforter, making navigation around the dog difficult to say the least. Unable to convince Yuma to get up and move out of the way, Zuba was forced to step over the creature while balancing her precarious load. Yuma, of course, remained unfazed.
6/17/23 Ridi counted the marshmallows left in her bowl of cereal. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. And a... half? Not quite. There was a little nub of marshmallow that had broken off and was also floating around in the milk. Ridi counted the cereal bits left in her bowl. There were seventeen of those. Not counting the fragments. There were eight fragments which Ridi felt were equal to three pieces of cereal. So twenty total and then the marshmallows made twenty-five. Ish. It was all very imprecise but Ridi couldn't bring herself to care too much at five in the morning.
6/18/23 Kabit needed to get up early the next morning cuz it was gonna be real hot and he wanted to get on the hiking trail before the heat got bad. He was gonna do just a short little hike, but like still a hike, you know? Not a walk because he was going mostly uphill. Cuz hiking has more to do with terrain than duration so you could have a hike that was shorter than a walk, so maybe Kabit was going for more like a moderate hike. So he wanted to do that before the sun got real hot.
6/19/23 Seefa was painting some miniatures at the kitchen table. Osvo sneezed loudly, causing Seefa to jump and spill paint on herself. Osvo didn't notice. He was reading a book in the other room. Seefa glared at the back of his head, but Osvo didn't notice that either. Seefa stood up and stomped across the room to get some paper towels. Osvo continued to remain oblivious. He turned the page in the book he was reading. Seefa stomped back to the table and sat down grumpily, scarping the chair loudly on the linoleum as she scooted in. Osvo huffed in annoyance.
6/20/23 Thorkin belched loudly. He'd had a carbonated beverage with dinner and had been burping all evening. Rikala shook her head with disgust every time Thorkin burped. She had had water with her meal and hadn't needed to burp once since the evening had started. Personally, Thorkin didn't understand what her problem was. His belches were only the expulsion of excess air that had built up in his stomach. Hardly anything to be upset about, let alone remarked upon. Unlike coughing which was both annoying and unsanitary. Rikala had been having coughing fits all evening. She started coughing again. Thorkin burped.
6/21/23 Lupi smacked himself in the face. The words on the page were starting to blur together and he was having a harder and harder time deciphering what the text even meant. Lupi shook his head and tried to reread the paragraph for the twelfth time. He sighed heavily as he struggled through sentence after sentence. None of it was sinking in. Lupi massaged the bridge of his nose and then slammed the book shut. It was no use. Even if he could force his way to the end of the chapter, he'd never remember any of it in the morning.
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Hi I'm Thor and I don't respect my dad 🖕
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nosensedit · 6 years
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like or reblog
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levi-lin · 6 years
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kinyouhearme · 6 years
Hey I'm kin with Thor and I'm looking for my brother Loki and my good pal Bruce if that's alright. I don't have much memories but I was pretty close with Loki after loosing Odin and I think I may have had a relationship with Banner ?? I just miss them both so much, yet I'll be down to make friends with other kins, just interact with this post and I'll get back as soon as possible. I'm a minor but I'm comfortable with talking of any age of the sort.
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loki-laufeyson-kin · 6 years
I need him
I miss him so much. I dreamt of Thor again last night. I woke up sobbing, he would have held me. Where are you Thor? Please. I can't take much more of this.
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iconxders · 7 years
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Like se pegou/gostou❤️ se quiserem mais icons/metadinhas ou headers deles é só pedir, eu estou muito apaixonada.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
i'll admit, as a thor with some MCU canons (it's. very complicated. but we'll leave it at that) i really do not want to spend time with other MCU kin. in fact i don't think i've ever sought others out, i just don't care enough to find them - i have my loki, and i've always been content just knowing them.
i guess in my case it's like, the avengers and all that were actually only a very small part of my life. i was over a thousand years old when i fought with them, and i was still very young. i also had other responsibilities to the people of my own world, you know? so yeah, i miss my old teammates, but it's never been a priority of mine to find them again. i mainly remember asgard, and traveling through space, and taking care of my people. the midgard stuff was definitely a good part of my life and i'm glad i fought with the avengers, but i guess i consider it as like... a sabbatical?
i also can't bring myself to ever have big feelings about the "bad guys" you know? i fought to keep people safe but it wasn't my job to be their judge, jury, and executioner. i was just some alien (to them) with lightning powers and a cool hammer.
- thor 🌩
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kinhelping · 7 years
Canon Call: I am Loki Laufeyson. I am hoping to find some canonmates, though I am not opposed to simply chatting with others of the same source (doubles included). My canon follows MCU fairly closely with some bits of comic/mythology. I am primarily looking for Thor as we were close when younger. My current body is 24 so I would prefer to speak to those over 18. Please reblog or like and I will get back, or find me at silverfromthetongue (forgive the bareness, working on it...). Thank you.
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umbylievable · 2 years
OC Masterlist
Umbre Ishnabi - Demon Lord
Kehkna Ishnabi - King of Ishnabi
Yinde Ishnabi - Queen of Ishnabi
Michichi Ishnabi - Son of the Demon Lord
Ashe Ishnabi - Son of the Demon Lord
Meiyana Ishnabi - Daughter of the Demon Lord
Gaja Faebre - Wolf Tribal Leader
Cameron Lakeishi - Lead Diyande Kuum
Christien Trace - Exorcist
Astheron Torquen - King of Cats
Svallan Parciva - Queen of Whales
Hanbe Nyal - Anointed One of Serpents
Nyal Feth - Beloved of Hanbe
Rydanthium Overcourt - High Priestess of the Church of Yzzbet
Therin Thorkin - Lord of Bears
Mikka Daubbin - Lady of Birds
Lycanthe Lycabre - High Howler of Wolves
Morose Konkorda - Queen of Rats
Prier Ayundais - Vashullan Stag
Kith Auchokoven - Queen of Foxes
Manni Rae - Lady of Leporidae
Urdun Forre - Queen of Dragons
Arlethon Baudinia - Lord of Bats
Baeluun Nadinne - Governor of Elephants
Adi La Jonkil - Demon Lord’s Consort
Damien Damifyeno - Smuggler
Matthew Damifyeno - Smuggler
Hargrave Damifyeno - Smuggler
Orchid Damifyeno - Priestess of the Church of Yzzbet
Amnivelle Svellet - Deristian Lord’s Wife
Heil Da Marr - Actress, Activist
Evyrmir Fraun - Actor, Activist
Isze Abrenauven - Inventor
Tuyet (last name expunged)
Briton D’Avershiya - Deristian Lord
La’Sol A’Lavonshi
Krey Thorne
Derek A’Dennia
Isaac L’Avershon
Charlotte L’Shaun
Scott L’Aubren
James L’Dasson
Jackson L’Dasson
Russell L’Jorne
Kendall L’Jorne
Olivia L’Rasson
Alejandro L’Mira
Joseph L’Revlin
William L’Shaun
Marisol L’Naunin
The Drist
Joss Byzantan
Zweihander Austin
BJ Hudson
Jenny Shaffer
Bebe Reese
Ringo Byzantan
Reina Byzantan
Dwayne Austerlitz
Sabel Austerlitz
Gabriella Mason
Brooklyn Byzantan-Austin
Leila Byzantan-Hudson
Zion Byzantan-Austin
Anja Reyes
Theo Reese
Noah Shaffer
Mei White
Yuki White
Sierra Williams
Tiana Williams
Tiara Williams
Lollie Newsome
Dragon Age Fancharacters
Stairs Ashaad
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years
Hello! I'm Thor, specifically from the Marvel movies. I'm looking for anyone, really! Finding my brother would be great, but I'm not picky. Asgardians? Avengers? Villains? Whatever, come talk to me. Like or reblog and I'll come check you out.
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missed-kinnections · 4 years
hey, I'm Loki from the marvel cinematic universe. My memories are pretty canon compliant, except I was much closer with Thor and we made it to Earth after Ragnarok. I am looking for Thor because I miss him a lot. I am 17 so anyone 15-21 is okay, but I would prefer closer to the 17-20 range. Thank you!! Also, I am okay with talking with doubles or other characters from my/similar canon(s). You can message me at my blog @lokikindragon
Good luck, @lokikindragon!
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