#Thor kin
findinyourkin · 11 months
Hello! I'm kinsidering Thor from the MCU/thor movies! I would love to talk to anyone really who remembers me, Loki is sort of on thin ice but if any Loki's are willing I wouldn't mind talking. I don't have too many memories, it's more so "feelings" that I am Thor. I'm a minor so 13-17 I guess as an age range. interact with this if you'd like to chat.
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spiritualkincalls · 2 years
Hello! I am Thor primarily from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I'm looking for Loki or any other of my companions. 16+ please, for everyone's happiness. Like this post or reblog with who you are, and I'll check it out. Goodbye! Farewell!
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cabin-7-bitch · 3 months
”are you okay?”
bitch, i kin will solace and magnus chase wtf do you think
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shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty En Dwi Gast aesthetic: i love it when different adaptations of comic characters create a version of the character that the original version would absolutely want to beat to death with a chair
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nostalgia-tblr · 6 months
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how do i preemptively block almost all of the people who voted in this poll
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 3 months
Thor, Shiva, Poseidon, and Hades meeting their child, but they are created by humans using splices of their DNA during battle. Would they kill their child, or surrender the fight for their child?
💜 Anon <3
Thank you for the request! I ate this up like a fucking gourmet meal. I had a bit of a hard time on Hades part deciding, and like you asked in pms I didn't add in Shiva. Thank you for requesting!
Warnings: reader death, gn reader swearing, angst, Poseidon being Poseidon, wounds, ooc characters.
Request: Yes.
Words: 3,064.
Humans were distasteful, obnoxious and utterly shameless creatures. That was known to the gods as soon as they chose to pave their own paths and religions. And destroy the land granted to them by doing so. Ragnarok was a pointless arena full of boisterous clowns who’d assumed they had a chance. Thor was going to shatter those hopes.
The arena was deathly quiet as Thor was introduced as the first God up, Zeus’ plan to crush the hopes and dreams of fellow humans. On the god’s side of the arena, Goddesses, demi-gods, nymphs and others alike cheered at his arrival, despite his silent annoyance. 
Heimdal cleared his throat, speaking into the mic to introduce Thor’s opponent. “And on the human side we have a guest made specifically to mimic the humans creators. Using the DNA of the righteous Thor. A man-made god. Child against Father. Introducing (Y/n)!” 
It was a shushed silence of horror between man and god, a tense silence and a deadly aura. Zeus was shocked, though a look of slight interest was on his face. Aphrodite and Hermes had their hands over their mouths. And as expected Ares was yelling out a string of curses against the humans who dared defile godly presence. 
Brunhilde, ever the calm, had her arms crossed over her chest whilst Goll couldn't even bring herself to speak. A man-made god? It sounded distasteful and shockingly sad. 
The humans all had different reactions as well, Qin was overly interested, Adam was disappointed, Sasaki could only voice his thoughts in bitterness. “Their whole creation.. For a fight? How pitiful.” 
Of course, the norse gods were to be affected the most out of this. The room's atmosphere seemed to darken, Odin’s nails digging into the chair and crumbling it under his strength. Pesky humans, making a child out of Thor’s dna? The thought alone caused his blood to boil, soaking the others in his rage as the aura of the room grew dark. Of course he couldn't leave it to those human pests to play fair, rather to stoop low enough to challenge their pride.
Loki’s smile shaped across his face big enough to threaten to tear the skin at his cheeks, his fingers grasping at his cheeks and dragging them down his face, tongue snaking out as his eyes trend towards that damned Valkyrie. What an interesting specimen indeed. 
Thor had a straight face, though underneath that facade was a brewing storm. How.. Interesting. Facing what would be his child in a battle to the death. A kin he’d never met before, a kin he had no share of memories with. A kin he didn't even know he existed. Mjollnir felt heavier in his grasp for a moment. And he didn't quite understand why. You resemble him quite a bit. But was that something he should be proud of, as a person he’d never known existed. 
Then, why was he so hesitant? Even the birds flying ahead seemed to quiet right down, joining the silence in the stadium. 
“What is your name?”
You had his quiet atmosphere too. How intriguing. Or perhaps you were stripped of those emotions a long while ago? He would have those human heads on a rope after he finished this fight.
“Ready yourself. Show me what a child of thunder can possess.” 
Grabbing his hammer from its place next to him, he readied himself, and the clash between child and father began. You used no weapon, only the condensed electricity you created from fingertips. What an interesting being. No. How interesting his child was. You had complete control of lighting, redirecting his own power and using it back against him. You were quite fast too. Was this a branch of the power you controlled in that tiny body of yours, (Y/n)? 
The insane grin that nabbed at Thor’s face while he fought felt like parental bonding. If only for a fleeting moment. He wondered, did you enjoy fighting as much as he did? The adrenaline, the pain, the excitement? But nothing showed through those unperturbed serious eyes of yours. 
He of course noticed your changes. Your body couldn't handle the surplus of power. You were deteriorating. Such was the curse of a god being produced by a human. Your mortality would be your demise. So why did he want to stop despite all of the emotion of the fight running through his veins like smoldering lava? 
Stopping wasn't a possibility though. In this tournament of power it was kill or be killed, slay or be slain.
Somewhere deep down, Thor knew you knew this was it. The final remnants of battle. Your finishing move skewered the sky apart in a flurry of blinding light, The loud crackle of lightning hitting the ground had everyone but him closing their eyes and turning away as dust blew through the stadium. He felt it though. The pain you felt in your attack. Against your creators, your family, against him. Against the world. The bloodthirsty need for revenge.
As it died down hitched gasps of shock and whispers of sweet ignorance rang through the air. Thor could feel that damned Valkyries eyes cutting through him like razor blades. 
Falling to the ground, You broke apart into gorgeous green crystals that blew through the stadium in a soft wind. Through chill, glazing over eyes you saw Thor standing above you, nodding his head in proud approval. And what a wonderful emotion that was, flooding through your systems. The tears that filled your vision blurred out the world, hand outstretching in a final attempt to reach towards him but falling short. Your body stiffened, deteriorating. 
Maybe in another time, things would have been different. Things would've been happier. Maybe you would've survived. Maybe in a different universe you and him were close, maybe you knew each other. The world was full of unfilled and empty maybes. Like a tapestry of lies. 
“Rest, dear child of mine. I will seek the revenge your soul deserves.” 
This whole thing was an annoyance to Poseidon. A Valkyrie thinks humanity deserves a chance and the gods agreed? What petty foolishness. They should have wiped the floor with those pesky vermin without a second glance. Yet here he stood, with half the stadium full of them and the other half full of slightly smarter idiots.
Only one person here deserved any glaces; and that was his elder brother and Hades alone. 
After giving the obnoxious audience some time to calm down, Heimdal began to speak, “And for our humans side, produced from splices of the sea gods dna himself, I present to you, (Y/n!)”
The stadium went utterly silent. As if everyone was afraid to move a muscle, despite (Y/n) herself, walking up through the water with ease. The aura in the stadium was changing, darkening down in the belly of anger. Loki was ferocious, but amused all the while, hands coming up to cup his face as insane laughter echoed through from his place on one of the other thrones. Were these humans crazy or just stupid? Making a man-made god from one of the most feared to walk the mortal realm and Valhalla itself? Why of course they had to be, no one in their right minds would do such a desperate thing to win. Aphrodite and Shiva were in a silent state of shock and anger, while from a different room, Thor lifted his head in interest.
Brunhilde held a grin that showed her pearly whites, loving the gods' reactions. Did they truly think she wouldn't pull the strings as tight as they could go? “Sis.. That's.. That's terrible!” Goll was in a state of denial shock, looking down at the arena where the two fighters stood. 
 Sasaki’s hand rose to rub his chin in thought. “What matching auras those two have. I wonder, do they have the same mind, or were they carved into indifference differently?” Raiden laughed, one of borderline disbelief. “That poor kid. Made just for the fight huh?” The emotions ranged differently. Tesla wanted to know through what where you produced? How many failures were there before you? Science. 
Zeus’ aura threatened his temper, his muscles bulking up and his hand raising to stroke his beard in interest. Through what thought process did those humans thought they would get away with something like this? Hades was in a silence, deep in thought and emotions indecipherable. Ares was in an uproar and Hermes was sipping tea in amused interest.
Poseidon himself had no thoughts or words despite what he came here to do. It didn’t matter if you were made from his Dna or from his skin alone. Standing in front of him was another being unworthy of his time and his precense. Though, you both did look alike and share the same steely resolve. 
“Insolent pest.” You both shared a mirrored scowl, your head tilting to the side in mocking defiance. 
“Lily-livered snot sniffer.” 
Zeus let out a laugh of pure amusement. eyebrows shooting up, whilst a smirk curled up on Hades face. 
Poseidon faced what seemed to be a mirror image of himself. And that was not something he took kindly to. Especially not your attitude either. With a burst of speed Poseidon was on top of you, Trident already thrusting directly at your face. Although, you weren't his child for no reason at all. 
Poseidon narrowed his eyes ever so slightly as you parried his attack with water. That was his domain. Though it seemed now it ran through the blood relation you both had. How interesting it was, such an inadequate person could control such a sliver of water with a few twitches of fingertips. Blood splattered across the floor or the arena before anyone could muster up a gasp, eyes widening. 
“Th-There seems to have been blood dropped already! (Y/n) has sliced the Great Poseidon straight across the chest!” Heimdal screamed out, much to both of your annoyances. So this, this beast of a man was your father? No wonder you acted like a snob. The both of you disappeared from sight again, after images fleeting across the arena as you both taught toe to toe. Like a dance. Poseidon was almost impressed. But his copy was just a copy and the original was always the better of the options. 
He spun around his Trident, dripping with the blood from your cheek and shot forwards, releasing a barrage of attacks. Amphitrite. Though you weren't so slow not to catch up, even shooting past some of his attacks enough to make him back up. More blood splattered across the floor of the arena. The both of you now suffering wounds. 
You manipulated water with ease, he had picked up on, making weapons out of it and shields. Even waves to try and knock him around. Though you weren't the only one that could control water. Your movements were filled with underlying anger, he'd noted. Anger towards what? He didn't know and he didn't bother to ask either. He didn't come here for a sob story. 
You pierced him through the side with a spear of water, and he did the same to you, the both of you twisting around. You were beginning to get dizzy, blood loss affecting you. He'd noticed the rings on your hands seemed to be your divine weapon. Though you could likely control water just fine without it too. 
The fight ended three minutes after it started, his Trident plowing through your stomach. He let your body slide down towards him, your hands gripping onto the poke of the Trident. “Not bad.” He said bluntly, eyes widening as you raised a hand, severing his arm from his shoulder in a lasting rage before breaking apart into the air in a flurry of green. 
He moved off the arena with silence, leaving you to disperse into the rest of the air. Good enough to be his child, no. But.. A worthy opponent indeed. You'd even managed to take off his arm. 
“Not bad at all..”
Hades was here for one reason. To avenge his dear brother. He didn't bat an eye at the disputing differences between humans and the other gods, his eyes held a calmness as he was introduced into the arena. The crowd sounded excited to some extent, he'd noted. Yet again, it wasn't everyday you got to see the god of the underworld come up for a fight. He had business to attend to yes, but this was much a more important matter to handle. 
“Created by humans in the image of Hades, I present to you, (Y/n)! Representing humanity for this round of Ragnarok! Don't let them surprise you, made from Hades Dna, they're expected to pack a punch.” Heimdal introduced you to the field, much to his interest and the gods' anger. 
What did they mean, a human made god? What bullshit. Shiva laughed at the thought of it, hiding a bout of anger under it all. How annoying. Those humans really thought they could create a god of all things. Why, it was just laughable. Buddha's eyebrows shot up in keen interest, a smirk taking up on his lips. “Well well.. Looky here. Brunhilde, you sly Valkyrie, using Hades' love of family against him.” Loki and Aphrodite's mouths were slightly slack as they stared down at you. “Well.. Aren't they just gorgeous?” Aphrodite murmured. 
Brunhilde held a wicked grin as her and Hades shared eye contact, her smile only widening in amusement. Ah, the looks on their faces. It was something she could lounge in for days. 
The humans were filled with interest, Adam sitting up a bit against Eve's lap. “A man made god? But how?” Technology wasn't his thing, suffice to say the least. Qin was quite amused, leaning forwards to view the arena better. And Jack hummed. “I sense quite the amount of anger in that young one's veins.” “Anger?” Adam questioned, frowning. “Why of course, good sir.” Jack poured some tea, “Hoe would you like, being created simply for the purpose of war? A shame it would be, yes?” 
Zeus and Adamas stared down into the arena, eyes wide in utter shock. “What do those filthy pests think they're doing!? Using my brother's DNA to make.. Make a pawn!” Adamas bellowed out, making his anger known to the group. “Calm now, dear brother. Humans can stoop quite low when they feel threatened. I expected no less.” Zeus rasped, clearing his throat. “You're just okay with this!?” Ares choked out, “Why no, I'm quite.. Pissed, Ares.” Zeus responded, steam rolling into the air from his small noodle body. 
Hades held an expression nothing less of surprise, though it calmed almost immediately. So, this could be considered his child? Why, they both did look strikingly similar. From the nose to the eyes down to the tips of their toes. How interesting. He took a step towards, though not a threatening one, holding his weapon with a firm hand. “I am here to avenge my brother. My apologies, little one.” 
“I am here.. Because I have to be.” That didn't seem a reason that involved importance. Rather more than force. But could he really do this? Yes, his brother was family but this.. Spawn was as well. Hades wore he would protect his family to the best of his ability, wasn't that going against his words? 
He launched forwards, and you dodged him with ease, slicing your skin open with the iron claw-like ring you wore on your finger. And the blood transformed. How interesting. He dodged the incoming weapon, made from straight blood and twisted around to stab at your side, catching the skin of your shirt only. Well aren't you just a quick one on your feet?
That was something he could respect. You seemed well trained. Despite the blows dealt between the both of you, Hades could tell there was an underlying rage. Towards humans? He'd wondered. Well, that would make sense. You've been used from the day you were born. How much of that could you take though. 
He sent you flying back into the wall with a timed attack, watching you crawl back to your feet. “Not bad, for someone not trained by a god's hand.” 
“Not bad for a dead man.” Your words were blunt as you charged forwards, and Hades' side stepped, at this point just toying with you a bit. This was a hard decision. And Zeus and Adams were on their toes about what his answer would be. 
The fighting lasted for a good long while, the both of you covered in blood. You staggered forwards after a long while. Honestly, he was impressed. Hades never knew someone could withstand blood loss as long as he could. Perhaps it ran in the genes. His opponents' defenses were open. 
The tip of his bidet tore into your skin, and he watched you prepare through the ending blow. Pulling away his bidet with a drawn out hesitant breath, Hades knelt down, and brushed some hair from your eyes, before extending his hand. 
“Come on, (Y/n). Let's go home.” 
The series of words were weird and (Y/n) wasn't used to them. No, you weren't used to them at all. But his eyes held the gentleness of a warm bath after a long tiring day. He supported your weight as you both stood up, surrendering the fight to the humans. 
“I won't let you fall into their hands again, kid. We have a lot to learn about each other. You are angry. And you deserve to be angry. And you deserve to process.” 
Hades wondered what Poseidon would have thought of this? Would he think of him as a coward? That didn't matter now. He had a child to introduce to the family. His head raised, looking into the wide eyes of a stunned audience as the both of you walked on out of the torn apart stadium. 
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
Elven for Astarion fanfiction
I absolutely love the idea of Astarion using Elven words and phrases
Here are some useful phrases and words you can use for fics. I specifally chose what you might find useful, for more terms you can check the sources.
Source (wiki)
Source (dictionary)
Ai armiel telere maenen hir. - You hold my heart forever.
Aillesel Seldarie - May the Seldarine Save Us.
Al Hond Ebrath, Uol Tath Shantar En Tath Lalala Ol Hond Ebrath – A True Friend, As The Trees And The Water Are True Friends.
Besthunit Nenle – ‘Hurry Up Slowly’ (Eastern Lythari Dialect)
Bwaelan Dro - "It's Good to be Alive", a religious hymn of celebration.
Chu Set – ‘Hold Calm/Calm Down’ (Eastern Lythari Dialect).
Dilit – Be Quiet (Eastern Lythari Dialect).
Es'Caerta – Deeply Emotional Plea Ending A Prayer (like Amen).
Gys Sa Salen – Give Me a Drink/I Need A Drink.
Maethe - maybe.
Ikwe - Get back!
Iorwe - Step aside!
Oloth elgg ssussun - Darkness slays light.
Seldarine! – Gods! (Expression of Exasperation).
Uluvathae (pronounced: /ˈuːluːˈvɔːθeɪ/ Oo-loo-VAW-thay) - "[May your] fortune bring you joy". An informal greeting or parting used amongst individuals which enjoyed each other's company. Used amongst close friends, it was either seen as an insult, or as a warning that a third party was listening.
aethen - "others", modern elven slang for non-elves.
alun - transgender.
amastacia - star flower.
ar - sun.
arael – heart.
aravae - great joy.
ardavanshee – Elven Juvenile Delinquent.
arivae – sunlight.
a’sum -  daughter.
avae - joy.
avae’ess - joy bringer.
arkhlavae - lovemaking.
bhin - young human male (slang).
biir - "garbage", used as an insult against those of half-elven and human heritage.
calann - cup (one’s hands, to hold).
daoin – star.
damia - a term of endearment directed to sweethearts or children.
ebrath - friend.
essraul – enthusiastic Slaying.
e'sum – son.
etriel - noble female elf (in bloodline, character, or both).
evae - love, absence of malice.
filliken – open skirt (Prostitute).
hond ebrath - true friend(s)
immaea - familial love, loyalty to kin and family.
immeeira - act or demonstration of love (deed, testimonial or honour, not lovemaking).
ithlil - lily.
ivaebhin - boy filled with brightness.
kerym - blade (as in blade made of steel), sword.
liyan - homosexual male (slang).
lorkh - Savage Butchers who Lost Their Elven Nature Long Ago Through Such Behavior.
mor - darkness, the true death.
nanta - destiny.
nias – agreement.
nikym – dagger.
nor - love, passion.
N'Tel'Quess - "Not-people". A derogatory term elves use to describe non-elves.
o'si - mother.
o'su - father.
penaal - battlepoet (bard).
piir - treasure.
re - bear.
ru - dream.
rua - star.
saece - crossdresser.
savalir - murderer.
sha'Quessir - elf-friend.
Sildur - "at rest after changing". Referred to an animal, insect, or plant having reached maturity after passing through a life-cycle of changes. Was later borrowed by Common as a term for transgender individuals.
solicallor - warm light of the sun.
srendaen - beautiful, only applied to things of natural beauty not to people.
srinna - One Who Tests Limits and Establishes New Boundaries.
talibund - the veiled one. referring to the creature whose future is unclear and cannot be divined.
taran - gift.
Tel'Quessir - the collective name elves use for their race. translates into common to mean, "The People".
tham - to be close to.
thor - vow, promise.
vaarnar - evil entity or sentient being.
vaendaan-naes - reborn in life's bright struggles.
vaendin-thiil - fatigued by life's dark trials.
veluthe – beautiful.
vyshaan - power-mad (derogatory).
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gettinshiggywithit · 5 months
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Summary: In which you find out loki’s secret and he fears your reaction.
Pairing: loki x reader
Genre: fluff ,maybe a hintt of angst
W/c: 928
A/N: saw someone talking abt jotun loki and my brain went brrrrr.Wrote this at 5/6 in the morning on 0 sleep so apologies in advance!If yall liked it id love to hear your thoughts
Marvel MasterList
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A frost giant.unbelievable.
Loki stood in odin’s vault,hands firmly gripping the handles of the casket. He watched as his skin changed to an icy blue,an equally icy chill running down his spine. The all father had conveniently fallen into the odin-sleep.
“Leaving me when i need him…typical” he said to himself. It wasn’t like he had an audience and with him being the acting ruler,and his mother being in his ‘father’s’ chambers, he needn’t fear intrusion.
The only person aware of his little secret,who was awake anyway, was his mother and he intended to keep it that way.for as long as he could.
Eliminating thor would guarantee him the throne and by destroying jotunheim,he’d garner enough of the public’s love to hopefully keep his throne,should his secret come to light.
‘Does heimdall know?’ He wondered to himself.
‘No matter,He can be dealt with if necessary”
Loki was so lost in thought that he missed the,
“There you are!” You huffed out.
You marched on upto him and noticed he wasnt…himself.
At this sudden revalation, you started taking quieter,more measured steps towards the boyfriend-shaped figure in front of you.
You let out a tentative “loki?” To which he jolted, his hands immediately letting go of the casket and his now-red eyes staring at you with both surprise and slight fear. Not fear of you,but the fear of being discovered.
“Y/n, dont…dont do that.” He said letting out a breath he didn't know he’d been holding in. And when you didn’t reply, instead merely staring at him in bewilderment, he suddenly remembered how he looked. He stumbled backwards, his hands flying to brace himself against the stand of the artefact behind him.
His finger gently brushed against the casket and the fading blue returned once again.
Noticing this, he pulled his hands to his front.clasping them and lookin on at you,awaiting your reaction.
What would you do? Yell at him? Leave him? Threaten to tell the rest of asgard?
All the worst possibilities ran around his head and he began to tear up.
He was broken out of his turbulant thoughts by your hand brushing against his cheek.
He was shocked, to say the least.
Of all the reactions he’d thought up,this wasnt one.
He leaned into your touch,fearing this would be the last time he would feel it,your soft cold hand against his wretched skin.
“What is this loki?” You ask in a whisper,staring at him with not fear,not anger,but wonder and curiosity.
You were now stood quite close to eachother not impossibly so, but quite.
“Were you cursed?”
“In a manner of speaking…y-”
“Does it hurt?”
You knew what he was,you’d seen frost giants before so it wasn’t illiteracy that made you disregard his current state.
You really were asking him if he was okay as he stood before you, a blue monster,kin to those you’d fantasised about killing in your youth…
Was this real?
He needed to know it was,so he spelled it out for you,
“Y/N,im a Frost giant.”
He let out in a voice laden with melancholy,regret and was that fear you heard?
“I know” you merely replied as you traced the patterns on his skin.
At this he pulled your hand away and held it.
“What do you mean you know?! Y/N im a monster! Dont you understand!”
Your expression shifted to one of annoyance,another unforseen reaction.
“I understand quite clearly loki.”
“Then why haven’t you-”
“Why haven’t i run out screaming? Cursing you? Why havent i tried to kill you?”
His silence told you that was exactly what he was about to ask, more or less.
You sighed before stepping towards him and placing his hand on your shoulder,he flinched but didn't move otherwise.
You took this as your go-ahead and wrapped him in a hug.
You stayed there for a good three minutes in silence before saying,
“Loki,i dont give a single ratatosk whisker if you’re a jotun.i love you.”
You pulled away at that to look him in the eyes and saw the tears forming there.
As they fell from his eyes,you caught them with your thumb and placed in on tongue.
Now it was his turn to look at you in confusion.
You waited a beat before saying, “for a jotun you cry asgardian tears.”
He smiled at that,scoffing at your antics.
“You’re ridiculous”
“Yeah well im also yours so get used to it” you said as you went in for another hug and this time he hugged back holding you like you were the most precious thing in all the nine realms,and to him,you were.
“Are you sure?” He whispered out,almost like he hoped you wouldnt hear.
“Always.And never forget it” you said,pressing a soft kiss to his lips which had him chasing yours as you pulled away.
“Why did you come down here anyway?” He asked finally realising it was rather odd for you to have come to the artefacts vault;unless there was a purpose for your visit that is.
“Ah yes, Frigga was calling you.” You said pulling away and pulling him by the arm towards the exit.
“Alright then” he said as he let you drag him out of the chamber that held his secrets. You really were something else,and he’d never been more grateful for anyone in his entire life.
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Tag list(open):- @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Teen!reader get into a detention for this meme:
Teen!Rader: I got detention
RoR characters: What happen?
Teen!Reader: The teacher point at ruler infront of the entire class and said," There is an idiot at the end of this ruler."
RoR:Then the teacher gave you detention?
Teen!Reader:...No, I got into trouble for asking, "Which end?"
How will they react? Cause, I keep imagine this scenario in my head 😅😅
Love this, it's so witty and funny.
-Thor- Couldn’t help the smallest of grins from appearing as he lifted a hand, ruffling your hair, not upset in the slightest at you. However, your teacher was going to learn that they should respect others, especially one his precious kin.
-Lu Bu- His grin was almost instant, a dark chuckle leaving him as he cracked his knuckles, “So where’s this teacher of yours? I’m gonna help get you out of detention since they wanted to disrespect you.”
-Zeus- He stroked his beard, looking amused as he chuckled for a moment before he spoke, “Very clever of you, Y/N, but I think I’m going to go have a word with this teacher. If they’re going to hand out punishments because they made a fool of themselves on their own, I should return the favor.”
-Adam- He ruffled your hair lightly, “You shouldn’t be rude to your teachers, but you’re off the hook with me, since they were rude to you first.”
-Poseidon- You see his lips purse just for a moment, like he’s trying to smile before he tells you to wait outside for him. You learn the next day that he flooded the whole school for the disrespect the faculty gave you.
-Kojiro- He chuckled warmly, patting your head, “Teachers can be harsh, but to be cruel like that, that’s not right. C’mon, I’ll get you some ice cream.”
-Hercules- He’s not smiling. He’s not smiling. He’s not- he’s smiling- a snort of laughter leaving him before he laughs out loud, holding his belly by your clever comeback.
-Jack- Instantly went to confront the teacher, demanding to know if they tried to insult you. Once you were off the hook, her ruffled your head, “Witty smart alack!” which made you giggle.
-Shiva- Oh hell no! Nobody is gonna treat his baby like that and get away from it! Your teacher was quick to learn fear and quick to learn that if they wanted to be rude, there would be consequences. Once you left, he had to pause to sit down after he started laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
-Raiden- Is quickly going to be on the ground, twitching from laughing so hard, hearing how easily you turned the teacher’s words on them.
-Buddha- Twitching on the ground part 2, he is crying from laughing so hard, finding it hysterical before he praised you and gave you a lollipop.
-Hades- Another scary guardian who put the fear of Hades himself into your teacher, getting a quick and harsh lesson in respect but he was proud of you for standing up for yourself.
-Qin Shi Huang- He’s chuckling first, then laughing, then crying, then laughing so hard there is no sound coming out from him until he started to gasp, holding his sides from the pain from laughing so hard.
-Beelzebub- His lips struggle to remain still but you quickly see a smile as he chuckles softly, praising you for you wit and quick response.
-Tesla- Frowns at first when he heard that you had gotten detention, but once he learns what the teacher had said to you, and what you said in response, you were off the hook, your teacher wasn’t so lucky, as he went in, demanding a meeting with the teacher and the principal, showing why, as a genius himself, that education should be treated seriously, and teachers shouldn’t be talking to students like that.
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theanimekid · 1 year
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New Blossoms
Synopsis: Part 2 of Sweet Nectar
Warnings: Pure Fluff, childbirth, Thor getting nervous about being a father, cuddles
A/n: I had to read a headcanon about Thor being a father before writing. If it's not fluffy enough I do apologize.
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The sun rose from the side of the window, shining through the white silk curtains with gold furnishings. Tickling your skin, the sun welcomed you in genuine warmth through the covers of silk window covers, you stirred and stirred again, not wanting to get up from the surfaces of your now shared bed, a heavy pair of arms wrapped around your hips and pulled you close to a well-toned embrace, you sighed at the new comfort snuggling closer to his chest. Thor kissed the top of your head. Your eyes slowly rise, blurry vision at first sight before clearing and seeing your husband. His smile was the gentlest of all. " Mornin', Beloved," he said, tracing his fingers up and down your back, his hammer stood next to the bed in case someone tries to do something unexpected, *cough* Loki. You hummed welcomingly, " Morning, to you as well, Bethrothed." You stood up from your bed and lay on his chest. Hearing the heartbeat, mighty and strong. A new sound of voices listened close by. The sound of small coos and whimpers. You stared at the small crib just a few feet away from your shared bed.
Thor watched as you got up from your comfort zone. Sighing in slight annoyance as your baby boy continued to whimper and make small noises. You reached into his crib and picked him up, the baby now stretching his arms and rubbing his face. Morning scrunch. His eyes revealed a beautiful blue hue, and his skin matched that of a tan silk. He smiled and cooed as he took his thumb in his mouth, sucking as saliva fell onto the thumb. You smiled in awe at just how cute your little baby boy was. You sensed your husband staring behind you, admiring the small interactions between you and his son. And to think he had doubts about being a father and whether or not he would take a risk. When he heard from one of his servants that his deity, his wife will bear his kin, he stood there with shocked eyes. He felt his throat dry up a little, and his heart was racing but he showed no emotion. He just walked away, faster than usual he searched for you. Til he found you in the garden sitting underneath the water fountain. Your face reflected your worried look. You really hope he won't tell you to get rid of it.
He slowly walked in your direction, sat down under the water fountain, he saw his own reflection in the clear waters. Staring intently before turning to you with eyes very rare to him. " Do you think... I'll be a good father?" He asked, you looked at him with perplexed eyes. It's rare for him to ask such personal questions, even regarding family matters. Thor has always been a quiet person so there are times when he keeps things to himself. You stare with gentle eyes and understanding. You placed your hand on top of his and hold it tight. " Yes, I do believe you'll be a good father. You're already an amazing husband and partner, and I've never been happier than to spend an eternity with you by my side and I by yours." Thor's heart swelled in his chest. He felt inspired, in love, and wanted you more now than ever.
Within a month's time, your son was born bearing his red hair but your baby's blue eyes. He'll one day have his father's might and his mother's beauty and compassion. You sat next to him on the bed with your son in your arm. " Thor, will you like to hold your son?" You asked. Giving the child inches away towards him. Thor stiffened a little, adjusting his posture as he sat up, his back on the pillow. He reached his hands out to you, and you gave him the child, the baby shifted a little losing the embrace of his mother. Thor brought the baby boy to his gaze, both having a staring contest and with curiosity. The baby boy reached out tiny arms to him wanting to touch his face, wanting to know about his father. Thor got him closer to his face. The baby boy grabbed a handful of his face and examined his features, the other grabbed fistful of his red hair and yanking it. You couldn't help but laugh at his motives. The interaction between father and son. Thor sat there and allow it to happen, " Hello my son. This your father speaking to you." He said, drawing your son's attention from the red hair to his eyes, he giggled and garbled. " I may not know how to be a father, but I am learning." He continued. Thor brought the little boy to his chest. " But I do know this much, I'll teach you how to fight, be strong against your enemies," He turned to look at you as you laid on his shoulder.
" And your mother will teach you compassion, and good fortune. She'll show you how to love, how to feel emotion, and maybe teach you how to talk to flowers which she keeps only to herself." He finished off with a small joke. You playfully smacked his chest. " And I'll your father how to make better jokes when the time is right," You added comically. The baby boy laughed, drawing the attention of both of you. His first laugh. And it's just like yours.
" I love you, y/n. You're the greatest thing that ever happened to me." Thor said with a loving gaze. His face was soft. " You replied back with a smile, " I love you too, Thor, now I do believe it's time that he meets his grandfather right?"
" I suppose it is time."
A/n: I should've posted this about a month ago.
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findinyourkin · 2 years
hello! i'm thor odinson from the mcu looking for anyone else from my source, especially my brother loki and bruce banner! interact with this and i'll get in contact when i can! i am an adult, mind you, so please be 18+!
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
Would kratos take in modi's kid after his death and finding out how thor treats them or would he leave them be? If he would how would his relationship go with them? How would it go with Mimir and Atreus?
Ooohhhh interesting interesting!
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Headcanon/Preference # 17
Picture NOT mine.
Based off of this set of headcanons. And I included a small snippet of how you meet.
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• You chose to run away and never look back. Your father was dead, and there was nothing you could do now to change that.
• You didn't want to die yourself to the man that killed your uncle Magni and your own father. (Not knowing it was actually his son that killed Modi.)
• And you honestly had hoped to never cross paths with either of them, or any of your own kin for that matter.
• Especially not your grandfather, Thor.
• Perhaps you were destined to cross path with the tattooed man, and perhaps it was only right that his son be the one to convince his father to help you.
• Or perhaps it was a mere coincidence, happenstance perhaps.
• Maybe life isn't as predictable as we might like.
• Whatever the reason, crossing paths with the tattooed man was the last thing you ever wanted.
• You had intended to morn your father's death in solitary, and keep your head low so your kin wouldn't find you.
A branch snapped from the treeline, and Kratos hesitated for a moment, his eyes scanning the area for any potential threats. "What is it?" Atreus wondered, his bow held in his hands, ready for a fight. "Nothing." Kratos dismissed the noise, turning his back to walk away. Now with Mimirs eye cast to the treeline, the decapitated God could observe what Kratos and Atreus would miss. A young woman falling from a tree is truly a surprise, but who she is was far more surprising. "Look brother." Mimir called to Kratos who had heard the commotion, both him and his son turning to confront the stranger. "Who are you?" Atreus asked with confused eyes. "That my boy, is (Y/n) the Goddess of springtime and the art of song, and the only daughter of Modi." Atreus froze when he heard Mimirs words, knowing how wrong he had been to kill her father. "What do you want?" Kratos asked the woman, who was still trying to dust off as much snow from her fur cloak as she could. She froze for a moment upon hearing his voice, then casting her shimmering eyes to him, she straightened up, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "I've been ordered to kill you." She glanced to the boy, then back to Kratos. "Is that so?" He asked boredly. "Threatened by my own grandfather, if I fail and you don't kill me... He will." (Y/n)'s eyes cast to the icy ground for a moment. "You do not seem like you want this fight." Kratos pointed out, making (Y/n) scoff bitterly. "I don't particularly want to die it would seem... I was trying to run away, but I guess the fates have decided otherwise." Her shoulders visibility slumped. "I guess I'll at least be reunited with my father and uncle." She murmured. "Father we can't." Atreus grasped his father's armor, tugging it to grab his attention. "Brother she's only a child still." Mimir piped in, making Kratos note how young the woman really was. "We need to help her." Atreus stated. "I need to make this right." He added in a whisper, making Kratos grunt in acknowledgement. "I will not fight you girl." He grumbled before turning his back to her, intent on walking away. "What?" She frowned in confusion. "Come with us." Atreus encouraged, glancing back to his father for a moment. "Please." He added with distraught eyes, swaying the young Goddesses mind. "O-okay." She stammered softly before lightly jogging to catch up with them.
• Kratos never said much to you, but he made sure you were okay and well fed. Though he'd never admit it, he's glad you joined them.
• Mimir is proud you didn't follow in your kins footsteps, and opted for peace over bloodshed. He always knew there was something special about you.
• And little Atreus can't help but look up to you, over time you feel like a sister to him. So caring and yet so strong.
• Atreus did eventually admit to what he did, and you took the news pretty hard at first, thinking of how your father must suffer in Hel for not dying in battle.
• Until you learn that no one is getting into Valhalla do to Odin's meddling.
• You forgive the young boy, and try to accept the knowledge that the world is changing for the worst, because of your own great grandfather.
• When the dwarfs met you, they had a few choice words in regards to your father and uncle Magni.
• You explain to everyone that they were never like that with you, they had always been caring and kind to you. Unlike the rest of them.
• Through heartbroken tears you explain what your grandfather Thor had done, and threatened to do to you. How mistreated you had been by everyone but Magni and Modi.
• They all sympathize, even if it's silently.
• And in no time you become another member of their unusual family. Adding a touch of light to their dark a dreary days.
• Inevitably the Gods find out, Thor finds out. And boy is he pissed.
• He had assumed you died like his sons, but when he learns of your "betrayal", he's absolutely livid. Because in his mind he cannot fathom why you would abandon your kin.
• He intends on finding you, and he intends on dealing with the tattooed man himself.
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blindtaleteller · 8 months
thank you for previous explain. It was so long and detailed. I had now another question. About lady's life in Asgard. Sigyn x Loki for me. And Sigyn is not warrior, but typical lady. Can you write something about it?
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Honestly if you're looking for an example of that in canon MCU, much of Frigga's character and especially her surroundings as expressed on screen does have quite a few examples.
In fact, we aren't even given the idea she can still fight until she absolutely has to in The Dark World.
And, it's in Dark World (and a little of both Ragnarok [geh] and Endgame if you take both the premise of the Valkyries and the time travel scenes in it seriously) that we are given those examples.
Remember, whether they are fighters themselves or not: if they're Asgardian, they're still raised as a part of that previously mentioned warmongering imperialist society: and that would be (as also told to us in their dialogue about Jane and Sif, and their King Odin's expectations) even more strictly observed by someone like a lady in that kind of royalist/imperialist hierarchy, rather than a warrior.
That is why I say 'much' of Frigga's character and surroundings.. but not all. It's not the fighting you need to look at, though that can help. It's her mannerisms, her rooms (look at TDW including the fight with Malekith), her maids, and more. Frigga is, as Queen and even without the fight or ability itself: the top and more importantly leading example of what to expect of a lady of the royal court: as she should be in that kin of society.
And that's also VERY probably why she doesn't fight in any of THor 2011 on screen: even when Laufey shows up, regardless of her being nearer to the main palace then, than she was in TDW: where she was shown being in a separate side palace at least a few miles away when Algrim/Kurse broke out of the dungeon: all the way up until her life, and Jane's, are in immediate danger after having left that portion of the palace during the attack that Kurse opened the shields to manage.
(Which side note was REEEEALLY questionable at the time with a human housing an infinity stone in tow at the time, but is neither here nor there with other things taken into account... just a very dangerous for Jane choice, given what enemies they did have even without the elves being taken into account.. but eh, it is canon and it does fit the flavors of Asgard's, Odin's, and Frigga's own arrogance and ignorance in regards to Asgard's 'impervious' mindset state, as far as the upper echelons of their society seems to be concerned as portrayed on screen.)
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In a way, it's made pretty clear that while Frigga still retains much of her skills as a fighter and mage/witch (Or the daughter of three witches at least as we also now know through canon dialogue:) the things she does and doesn't do, while also comparing that to someone like Brunhilde (aka Valkyrie) and how they were clearly recieved during and well after their term as an active female-only fighting force, the canon makes it pretty clear that unless they do retain that fighter status, women (perhaps including the queen) either do not tend to hold as much sway or dignity in other pursuits outside the household.
In other words and as an canon example.. even as the other ruler on the throne and his adoptive mother; Frigga is easily able to set aside the throne and any responsibility for doing so even in that situation. Regardless of, the fact that; at that point the situation is that Jotunheim had declared war in response to Thor's treasonous invasion, and regardless of being closest to Loki (we know this through the words of every character in the family: Thor says it repeatedly, Odin goads and attempts to guilt trip him with that close relationship too, and Frigga does the same with her own wierdness during her conversation with him in TDW's dungeon cell scene) knowing full well not only what she was asking of Loki, but also what Loki was going through in having just recently discovered that he wasn't only not of the same species: but on top of that was Laufey's biological son AND Jotunheim's only known of prince. Whom, Odin admitted he had taken to 'forge a permanent peace.'
A peace that, probably wouldn't have happened anyway if he and it had been handled just as poorly as well, it was.
Think about that for a little bit; really think about it: and the fact that she did so, while playing the part and claiming she was closest to him and cared about him the most.
That canonically casts some seriously gross and awkward truths into the realm of how their their relationship actually is versus how Frigga and the rest of them tried to paint it. As well as touching her own guilt evasion there too: and is something that both in the first Thor and the second film both: Frigga absolutely side steps taking any responsibility for, as the mother, the mentor, and the lady who raised him with that lie: regardless of their supposed closeness.
And, why that's important? Is because, under that king, husband and society as it goes: she is not just allowed to do that without complaint from any of the above, their society OR the foster-brother that she raised and lied to right next to him: she's allowed to thrive and remain in her position STILL without that question or any apparent explanation of ANY of those nuances or her part in putting him in charge in taht mental and emotional state; well after the fact and into 2013 two years later.
When she refers to that massive erasure of not just who but WHAT he is? Frigga almost always shifts that blame fully onto Odin in her dialogue; and steers as hard as she can away from words reminding the viewer that, she was Odin's wife and partner: through all of that. Instead, it's always 'your father' or 'he' rather than 'we' or 'he and I.'
Which is very blatantly another portion of Loki's response in this same scene when asked 'And am I not your mother..?' because, he's right in every form of the answer.
It's -possible- that she was being honest about her relationship with Loki, at least later on? But it's -not- very -probable-, or believable at that stage.. and her lack of self awareness and ownership of her part even when alone with him in Thor 2011 (not to mention carrying that on a year later in Dark World) makes that very hard to miss as a thing in truth: especially with the given facts being that this went on for over a thousand years.. and still over all that time she didn't have enough regard, respect, or love for her supposed favorite son, to even hint at any of his origins even after she taught him to shapeshift or cast illusions herself, to change the outcome.
And again.. no one raised a question as to why. Or held her accountable. No one questioned the one person in the royal family who was capable of taking Loki's place on the throne back in 2011 either.
Given how little we see women in honored fighting positions in Asgardian culture, and are given the very blatant information between the films that it's been literal centuries since even since a female fighting force has been a thing, PLUS the literal views we've been given with Sif as the only woman in the training yard in modern eras...?
It's pretty likely that raised-in bit of social ugly is pretty well dug into their society as well.
Again and that said: figuring out how a lady rather than a fighter might run her life, or fit in at those upper tiers without picking up a weapon: has been put on some display.
Asgard has a very wonky, heavy half ren/medieval approach to their upper heirarchy on display, complete with ladies in waiting (which Tony takes a little off jab at in GROUNDED too lol,) and healers especially seeming to be a majorly female profession.
There wasn't a single dude in that scene with Jane that wasn't either royalty or a guard, if you look at it again. Every single one of the healers is a woman.)
That mentioned, another place to look for examples, are again: Frigga's personal surroundings. And Dark World gives us a good look at those.
One thing to note, is that besides the healers: pretty much every Asgardian lady has armor in some portion of their wardrobe. Whether that's a breastplate, vanbraces (wrist/forearm,) gorgets (neck guard, like Loki's) or something else to accompany their dresses.
Vanbraces (Thor 2011)
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Vanbraces and Archer's breastplate (Dark World Dungeon Scene)
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Vanbraces, Pauldron, and partial Chestplate (Dark World, final scene)
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There are moments when we see her and them without armor pieces (or in some scenes with even fewer of them at least, like teh carefully disguised set in the top gif) but for the most part those outfits are reserved for really important parties that are the equivalent of formal-dress parties: in which case we can see that even Sif doesn't escape from the expectation of wearing a literal dress: though even then.. hers is the odd one out of the others shown/on display in the room as far as style:
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Which tells us a couple of things, but first and foremost and something that makes sense in their culture: is that even if they're not mainline fighters, and having been invaded enough to need and upkeep those shields in the first place?
Other than fancy events/celebrations and or coronations? The armor pieces are definitely as much local every day cultural fashion thing, as they are functional in some cases.
It's pretty likely that even the ladies of the court at least know and are expected to upkeep at least minor skills in self defense, if not the defense of their own homes: and are probably taught to do so from a very young age. They're not going to be as good at it outside of their own personal territory, or a territory they know well like say the Valkyrie were supposed to be, as the equivalent of a special forces military task unit: but they probably are expected.
Another side note..? This above, is ultimately; also among the forgiving reasons I don't question why Frigga went to the main palace outside of her taking Jane with her when she went. As Queen and lady of the house under that form of society, it absolutely passes without Jane in tow. However.. without Jane in tow, there's also the bit she couldn't have known at the time; that the writers did of course .. the fact that any of the elves were even alive and kicking. [And gee; thanks for that again Bor, lol! like father like son, I guess? Bor, his son, and said son's wife DO seem to have a habit of -not- telling their kids about world and universe ending enemies being alive after the fact, don't they? coughcoughHELAcoughcough.. XD]
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There is one other bit, besides that: that we do get about the society from all that too though. At least about the surviving upper echelons of the ruling class: and that is?
That Odin had a really tight reign on the upper royals and his fighting forces surviving the Great Wars as King.. lips and all: unless amongst the entirety of their armies, council, other generals (besides Hela, which HOO is that a whole conversation unto itself Loki and Laufey related when you look at that timeline with Hela in it omg..) and pretty much every lady in waiting, servants .. or just other lords and ladies? Just didn't notice a surprise baby that the Queen -didn't- give birth to, was randomly being presented as a new baby prince to the Asgardian Empire. Which.. is next to impossible; especially when you take into account that this wasn't another country he took this kid from, or a society unfamiliar with magic: he took Loki from an entirely differing species and PLANET elsewhere in the universe in the middle of the last battle of one of the largest and bloodiest wars in their generation: and forced passing him off as his own.
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Even if, he did manage that; maybe sequestering his wife and passing Loki off as a twin or some shizz? Someone if not a whole lot of someones probably knew.. but especially the healer or healers who would have treated any wounds throughout Loki's lifetime.
We could, almost say that they could have presented him as an adopted Asgardian kid.. and maybe he and Frigga did, to some of them on the sly to help keep it under wraps.. but that doesn't fit how their relationship is depicted, shown or talked about prior to or even after the reveal of his species and bloodline at all, either.
And that still wouldn't pass the first time this kid hurt himself, or was injured in battle under the scrutiny of an uninformed healer's ability in that society, with magic and high tech and more very much at their fingertips and in their alliances and enemies too, to be recognized.
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Meaning, at least a portion of the populace closest to the crown, and especially those types old enough to have taken part in the last of the Great Wars or tending Loki as he grew and fought and more as a captive prince: were either just as complacent or, shut up by either if not both portions of the crown house really damned fast and really efficiently likely through threat, exile or worse. Keep in mind, the Great Wars and especially that one was still freshly finished, and they made a great show of making sure we knew there would be problems having the future ruler of the enemy they had been killing for an un-foretold length of time next to the crown in how even mention of Jotnar was allowed to form in Asgardian society: through Loki's words, through Thor's reactions and words, through Odin and through Frigga too.
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The hate was strong enough even a thousand years plus of Odin's rule with Loki as prince later, that Thor thought it was A-Okay to go ahead and invade the planet and restart that war, against the literal warnings not just from every single person around him before he did it: and not just warned but told outright by his father and the King 'don't you fuckin' dare' well before even that.
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That.. is the kind of society and expectations, an Asgardian Lady would have been raised into and led by along with the rest.
All that said, this is getting long; and there are metas rather than canon they come from that I could mention regarding Vanaheim as the most prevalent colony of Asgardians/partial Asgardians too, but.. we don't get a whole lot of them or their off world society other than to know that Odin doesn't care about them NEARLY as much: or at least not enough to even provide them defensive cannons or other defenses that Asgard otherwise VERY clearly has and has had for literal ages as put on display in the Dark World.
Being a woman in that society would probably be a very, well...
Probably, brainwashed to accept a lowered expectation of self worth over all, without the ability to fight on a greater tier than just home and self defense. And those who don't fall into those already asserted social standards would definitely be outliers if not outcasts. We have Loki himself and how Frigga's skills are viewed and worded even by her own family, as example of that.
So.. that's a lot to keep in mind but.. yeah. It is there, and more that; I probably haven't touched or missed while in the process of going on and explaining that.
For Sigyn though, for me: I do have some planned for her but as she doesn't exist in the MCU and adapting her would for me have to take all of that in mind: that is being approached very back burner for late Vestibule 2 (after Mixology) and Vestibule 3 as what ultimately boils down to an OC version of her. In part because I like that character in real life lore, and Skadi's character: and when I do write for them both.. I want to try and convert them to fit into the MCU base in a way that feels right to me.
Which is going to be rough when getting into more detailed versions of stuff like the very brief mentions of Skadi's tale and others I've already done in fics like Simon Says/Bail: given the MCU is twice removed from actual Norse Mythos; being Asgard in the MCU is more loose in being based off of Marvel, which in turn is then just as loose in the comics' basing their characters from that Norse Mythos.
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Also, am tired .. is eleven PM lol sorry for not continuing, and getting extra rambly. But will add more pretty pictures to make up for it a lil bit? lol
If you have more questions or want some elaboration on anything, by all means feel free to send me asks just like this one.
I generally try to answer pretty quickly when I see them lol.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Conference Room A :Clandestine F*cks [Avenger!Loki x Female Reader] 18+
Part of the Clandestine F*cks Collection [link] A link to my Masterlist is HERE
Relationship: Avenger!Loki x Female Reader Summary: (2) Loki's first time leading a post-mission debrief has a spicy ending. Let's hope the door's locked. (w/c 2.2k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. Oral Sex [M Receiving]. Detailed smut. Established/Secret relationship. Language. Mischievous Loki.
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“Hey man, aren’t you listening?” Clint hissed under his breath, an unnecessary elbow to the ribs accompanying the question.
Loki’s gaze re-centred from the cleavage teasing through your blouse, one button more than necessary undone. He turned to face the head of the table with a practised smile; head tilted.
“The floor is yours, Laufeyson.” Steve repeated, as Loki rose to his feet and strode to the wooden podium. A clicker appeared in his hand with a flick of his wrist as he turned with a flourish to face the group.
He cleared his throat, mindful not to meet your eyes. He could feel his cock throbbing beneath his suit, threatening to rise. The memory of your wanton display of desire for him last night threatening to derail him. How you had crept into his bedroom wearing only your flimsy nightdress. You just couldn’t wait one more day for him.
Thoughts of his tongue buried deep inside your needy pussy flooded his mind. How you squirmed on top of him. Clawing the wall like an animal as he rocked your insatiable cunt against his face; releasing your endless cum against his tongue.
“Laufeyson?” Steve quipped impatiently, crossing his legs and leaning back in the chair. A dozen pairs of eyes stared at the god standing mute at the podium, in a world of his own.
“Right.” Loki said, remembering where he was. He turned to the screen behind him, an aerial image of the Hydra lab they had successfully raided after weeks of planning awaiting his commentary. He inhaled deeply, the first card of many for his inaugural debrief clutched in his hand.
“Agent Barton received intel that an enemy manufacturing base had been established in West Virginia producing mutants of extreme threat levels” he began, growing more confident with each passing word. He cleared his throat again “due to its location and integration within the community, it was necessary to establish a temporary on-site base for observation…”
Scanning the crowd of faces before him, you were unavoidable. Sitting there so brazenly in that tight pencil skirt you knew drove him feral with desire. You were a cruel woman to tease him thus after a week without any of your carnal attention layered on his desperate cock. Loki groaned inwardly as you bit your lip, his brow creasing as he turned back to the screen; clicking to the next slide with a stoic roll of his shoulders.
“That was great, Laufeyson. Good job.” Natasha said encouragingly, patting his arm as she passed. Loki nodded in silent acknowledgement, shuffling the note cards in front of him as he waited impatiently for the room to empty.
You were mirroring his efforts, placing files back in their relevant binders with painstaking precision. He nodded again as Thor tipped him a salute and sauntered to the door. The blonde god’s eyes flickered quickly back to him with a hint of suspicion just as you dropped a pile of papers on the floor, making Loki grimace. He watched with his brow furrowed as you bent over to pick up the sheets. Legs straight; arse up.
“Brother?” Thor muttered beside him, making Loki jump.
“Norns, brother...you scared me half to death.”
“What!? What are you talking about?!” Thor scoffed, “Brother I have noticed that you have been most distracted all morning. Are you quite well?”
Loki’s eyes narrowed at his oafish kin hovering at the other side of the podium, blocking his view of your incredible arse displayed in all it’s tantalising glory. He pressed his crotch tightly against the flat back of the podium, attempting to conceal his stiff erection from Thor’s searching gaze.
“I’m fine.” Loki snapped, “Aside from your incessant cosseting.”
Thor shook his head. “I know not what is clouding your mind in recent weeks Loki, but I shall get to the bottom of it. This I swear...” he mumbled ominously, backing away from his dark-haired brother with an attempt at theatrical gravitas.
Loki rolled his eyes, making the notecards in front of him disappear with a wipe of his hand. You and he were all who remained in Conference Room A. Finally.
“You missed one.” he said casually, the knowledge of exactly how turned on he was etched across your face as you turned. Loki’s hand steadied himself as you spun on your heels, bending seductively to pick up the final sheet of paper from your feet; your eyes never leaving his. His arousal strained against its prison as the material of your skirt stretched tight across your perfect curves. A low groan, held for far too long, escaped his lips.
You rose slowly from your calculated pose, leaning to perch back against the conference table as you beckoned to the god before you. Loki pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed at the sultriness of your stare.
In three strides, the god was upon you. His body enveloped yours against the flat of the table; his hands coveting greedily across the landscape of your endless curves. “Darling you have been driving me absolutely senseless with desire…” he murmured as his hands wound in your hair, “but I think you know that…”
You smiled beneath him, enjoying his rampant neediness. The pillar of hard flesh beneath his suit pressed tight against your thigh, thrusting against you as he sought friction.
“Mmmm, I did get that impression when you spaced out on everyone for the third time in five minutes” you purred, as he buried his face in your neck.
“Let’s go to my chambers” he muttered dirtily in your ear, sounding more like a command than a suggestion. You shook your head.
“The celebration brunch starts in ten minutes, don’t you think they’ll wonder where we are?”
Loki sighed in frustration, “Hel, I forgot about that. Why can’t you mortals celebrate like normal beings? With copious amounts of wine and debauched sex– not this ridiculous brunch foolishness...” he grumbled, placing wet kisses down the nape of your neck; edging beneath your blouse collar.
“It won’t take long” you purred, “just a few hours...and then we can celebrate our victory properly.”
Loki pulled away, looking down on your with concern etched across his brow. “I don’t mean to be dramatic darling” he said, dramatically; “but I don’t think I can wait that long. I have rather a situation, and I fear that blasted pencil skirt has irrevocably hardened my body’s resolve for relief from your absent touch.”
You smiled knowingly, sliding your palm firmly across his cock; enjoying the needy whine that followed. “Lock the door?” you whispered, immediately followed by a whip-quick flourish of Loki’s hand; the door audibly sealing shut.
You pressed your hand to his chest, grasping his shirt in your clutches as you switched positions. Determined hands pressed the god down on the wide expanse of the table as he ran his eyes across your face, down your body; trying to decipher your intent. He raised his hand as green seidr glowed between his fingers, but you shook your head.
Loki smiled, “As much as I adore it pet, I’m not sure even I can manoeuvre myself beneath that tight garment without a little help…” he murmured, his eyebrows raising as you lowered his hand.
“There’s no need.” you quipped before kissing him deeply; your tongues ravishing against each other in a twisted mess of lust. “I want to taste you, Loki” you murmured, your hands wandering across his thighs. His breath hitched as you sank to your knees, unzipping his fly as you went.
Your hand slid inside his trousers, drawing his manhood free. A low moan filled the air as the tip grazed against the fabric, his face contorting in desperation as you smiled below him. “You’ll need to be quiet though...” you said coyly, echoing his words from the night before, “they’ll hear you. I know what you can be like, Laufeyson.” He was a screamer.
You could feel his gaze burning as your lips swallowed his tip, a sharp exhale as his jaw slackened with relief. You still weren’t used to the utter magnificence of his cock; thick and long with traces of velvet across the pale column of hard flesh that always smelt so heavily of him. It was perfection. You sucked him gently, fastening your hands to his taunt hips as you knelt between his open thighs.
He thrust softly against you, willing you to increase the intensity of your attentions. One of your hands grasped the base of his length, tightening your fingers around the girth as he leant back on his elbows. “Goddddds darling” he groaned under his breath, the timber of his voice vibrating through the thighs pressed to your shoulders.
Your cheeks hollowed as you ran your tongue against his cock, a vacuum of need designed to blow his mind. He juddered, throwing his head back in a silent cry of pleasure as his legs twitched. He really was desperate.
Loki could feel the coil in his groin tightening. The sinful feeling of your lips wrapped tightly around his neglected girth was valhalla; bifrost soaring in his veins. He clapped a hand to his mouth to stifle the heavy moans rising in his throat as you sucked him mercilessly; your name a primal roar behind his teeth.
He made a thick fist, biting down on white knuckles as he felt the flex of your jaw engulfing his needy cock with finesse. You did it so well. Your knowing eyes flickered to meet his, a wave of pleasure hitting him in the gut as you licked the underside of his head.
Loki’s lips were parted; breathy pants and tempered whines escaping them as dark hair fell untucked from behind his ears. His fingers reached to trace the side of your mouth, feeling the meet of your soft skin against the firm pillar of godly flesh that relented so willingly to your mortal touch. You were making him a mess beneath you. If only you knew the power you held between your lips; the sight was becoming too much for him to bear.
The rumble of multiple sets of footsteps echoed in the hallway, treading heavily. They drew closer as Loki’s pants quickened under your increasing pace. You felt the urgency of his approaching climax straining tight inside your mouth, his short gasps timed with every targeted swirl of your tongue.
His hand slid to wind in your hair, grasping against you as he released a growl of your name. Dangerous, Loki, you thought; as you pressed your lips down hard around the edges his cock. The footsteps thundered behind the door as Loki bit down on his fist again. A low moan rumbled from his chest, his eyes rolling back; hair flowing over his broad shoulders. A chatter of voices rose and fell away as they passed, concealed by shuttered blinds as Loki released his fist from his mouth with a spluttering sigh.
“By all the gods, don’t stop…” he murmured through pained breaths, face still angled to the ceiling; eyes shut. The muscles in his neck were straining against hushed groans, his climax building under the duress of secrecy. You managed a whisper of a smile despite your mouth full of his thick manhood, close to releasing its delicious load down your throat. You had no intention of stopping.
The fingertips of the hand not wrapped around his length dug in to the side of his thigh, scratching down the luxurious fabric of his suit as he released a tight hiss above you. “Are you ready, pet?” he managed to stutter between broken breaths.
A short nod and moan of approval was all your could manage before his hot cum spilled inside your mouth, filling the small gaps not occupied by his hard flesh. A primal exhale rolled from his throat; the effort of holding back the thundering cry of his orgasm making his body shake beneath you.
You released his cock reluctantly from your lips, sucking the last drops from the tip as Loki steadied his breaths on the table. He leant forward to cup your face in his hands, kissing you intensely as you knelt between his widened thighs.
“You are incredible, Y/N…” he muttered, licking his cum which clung to your lips. Loki re-zipped his trousers before offering his hand to raise you to your feet. Those wide palms slid over the curves of your hips, straightening the creases in your tight skirt as a smirk curled at the corner of his mouth.
“How long did you say brunch will last again?” he asked, a lingering observation hanging behind his gaze. You shrugged, running your hands back through his curls to push them behind his ears once more. “A few hours, nothing more I expect.”
He nodded thoughtfully, the glint in his eyes returning now his lust was temporarily satisfied by your attentions. “Do you think the carpet burn on those pretty knees of yours will have faded by then, darling?” he quipped, as he rose to his feet.
“I do hope none of our esteemed colleagues notice...” he added with a wink.
Tags @lady-rose-moon @lokischambermaid @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @mochie85 @xorpsbane @ozymdias @sititran @peaches1958 @thedistractedagglomeration @ravenwings73 @november-rayne @amethyst-reblogs @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokis-little-love @mischief2sarawr @dustychinchilla74 @dead069ssworld @lokiprompts @holymultiplefandomsbatman @theaudacitytowrite @lyn-soso @lokisninerealms @animnerd @imalovernotahater @kats72 @gigglingtigger @wheredafandomat @lokis-tigress @mcufan72 @yelkmelk @brokenthelovely @itsybitchylittlewitchy @demoiseller @moonlightreader649
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eclecticqueennerd · 9 months
Forge of the Heart
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You were sent, along with your older brothers Thor and Loki, to the Council of Elrond on your father, King Odin’s, behalf. While at the Council, you were met with odd stares, especially by the men of Gondor. You took the interaction as one of curiosity, not many have seen an Asgardian, let alone an Asgardian woman. That was until you heard whispers of how a woman was accepted into the discussion chambers and how it may ‘scar your fragile mind”. Before you could speak out on your behalf, Aragorn, a Ranger you had met a handful of times in your travels, spoke,
“That is y/n Odinsdottir. She deserves respect as much as you would show her kin.” You turn your head to Aragorn and give him a nod, he nods back. You take your seat and wait for the meeting to begin. Elrond took his seat and started the meeting. It was about a matter of great importance, what to do with the One Ring. Many shared their opinions, a few of which came from your eldest brother Thor.
“I agree with you Thor Odinson. The ring must be destroyed.” Elrond proclaimed. You looked around the chamber, collections of elves, dwarves, and men all looked around at each other undecided about what to do next. Suddenly, a dwarf with auburn hair and beads in his beard leaps up out of his seat and reaches for his battle axe.
“Then what are we waiting for?” The dwarf, you’d come to know later as Gimli, wields his axe above his head and drives it onto the pedestal on which the ring lay. His weapon shatters as he himself goes flying backward. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the young hobbit, Frodo, keel over and grasp his head.
“The ring cannot be destroyed Gimli, son of Gloin, by any craft we here possess. The ring was forged in the fires of Mount Doom, only there it can be unmade.” Elrond spoke eloquently. An uproar began in the chamber of who would be the one to take the ring to Mordor. Men, you thought as you rolled your eyes, they always bicker and never come to a resolution. Even your brother Thor joined in on the squabble while you and Loki watched.
“I will take it!” a small voice echoed out. Everyone in the chamber continued quarreling but it caught your attention. The voice became louder as the one who spoke stood up and approached Elrond’s chair. “I will take the ring to Mordor!” Frodo. Those around quieted down and began staring at the halfling. “Though, I do not know the way.” Then, one by one members of the council offered their services to escort the hobbit to his destination. Your brothers, Thor and Loki, watched as the brave members stood in an assembly line next to the halfling while you were waiting for one of your kin to offer their support. But it never came. Fed up with the lack of incentive to help, you stood up from your chair and approached Frodo,
“I will serve you as best I can Master Baggins.” Standing next to the wizard named Gandalf, you glanced and saw Thors eyes, he was displeased.
“Oi! We’re coming too!” Two more hobbits came out from behind the pillars of the chamber. Merry and Pippin were their names.
“Besides you need someone of intelligence on this sort of mission… quest… thing!” You snickered quietly.
“Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.”
“Sister, do you understand the gravity of the mission you have signed up for?” Thor's voice boomed through the stone halls as the three of you went to your assigned shared bed chambers.
“I understand there are risks brother.” You sigh, readying your belongings for travel.
“Then perhaps you should rethink this. Come back home instead.”
“And break my vow to Frodo? My honor will not allow it! Besides, neither of you offered your aid, someone from Asgard had to represent.”
“Father will be furious. He told us to only observe.”
“Really Thor, must you always do what Father tells you?”
“As the eldest and next in line for the throne, yes I will do what our king tells us.”
“Even when it’s against your beliefs?” You face your brother, hands on your hips giving him a defiant stare. Loki chortles as he watches from the sidelines. When it came to personality, you were a mix of the two brothers. You are loyal to those you care about, headstrong, and always up for creating mischief. Being the youngest of King Odin's three children, your brothers always teased you were father's favorite and claimed you got away with a lot. Thor, married to Lady Jane, next in line for the throne, had to uphold the responsibility that came with that title. Loki married his longtime friend, Sylvie, you’d swear they were the same person with how similar in personality they were. You? You either declined or ran off every suitor that came calling. Your mother and Queen, Frigga, always badgering you about making your debut in high Asgardian society, you were repulsed by the idea. You would not be caught dead with any pompous dukes that could not spar worth a damn. Nor would you change for any man, they would either accept you for who you were or they were sent packing.
“Brother, you know as well as I we cannot change y/n’s mind. She is as stubborn as a mule. We’ve had our fill of adventures and glory, it’s time y/n to have hers as well.” Loki finally speaks, and he sets his hand on your shoulder. “I just hope you know what you’re doing. Promise me you’ll send a raven if you need help.” You smile at the second eldest and out of the corner of your eye, Thor shakes his head. You place your hands on both of his shoulders and say,
“Thor, I know you care. We’ve dueled countless times and you’ve said yourself that you pity the fool who crosses my path. Brunnehilde ensured that she personally trained me to be the best I could be before we left. Behind all the fury in your eyes, I see that you are scared. You have nothing to fear. I can do this.” Thor shifts his feet back and forth and then scoffs after a moment of silence.
“I do not get scared.” A smile spreads on his face and he grips you into a fierce hug, you hug him back with as much strength. While the three of you don’t always see eye to eye, there is no doubt that your brothers love you, and you them.
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hail-brod · 4 months
A Chance and Beyond (6)
Previous chapter: (Chapter 5)
Series Masterlist
Loki x FReader
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A/N: Yes, 2 weeks delay. Again. I guess that's gonna be my new sched if it gets too busy.
Listening to a Norwegian folk song made this even fun to write. Man, I love upbeat folk songs. (edit:) Just figured the song's about a man in love with a woman who's betrothed to another man (note at the end of chap). It fits sm for a certain god here ehem ehem—or just in general lmao. The coincidences in life mah man.
(Ok, this is honestly my fav chap.)
Please enjoy and tell me your thoughts! >&lt;
Warning/s: Light angst, drinking, being alcoholic to a viking level, mead, a bit of self deprecation?, mention of missing body part, nothing else probably (please tell me if I missed something!)
WC: 4.4k
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Just some Viking activities at the edge of a cliff. Or like they say in Midgard, 'Let's parteyyy. Hit it, Freddie!'. In which you spin around like a record baby, right round, round, round.
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When nightfall came, it didn't take long for everyone to start drinking as early as they can.
Instead of the usual drinking horn tankard, metal mugs clinked at each other, along with the merry cheers of wobbly ballads clashing in every chatter. Half an hour in when the sun had set down, there we're already drunk men dancing with their sons and daughters, mothers mingling with their husbands, and people gobbling down roasted meat. And on the center of it all stands the grand lit bonfire that sheltered light to the smiles of every person. You can hear the crackling and bursting flames joining the fun of your kin's roaring laughs, its shadows flickering like a raves' night befitting the dances of the other asgardians.
Just like you remembered when you we're in your early days in Vanaheim and your home-world, bonfire feasts are always a celebration never to be missed.
It almost feels like you've never truly left Asgard...
But of course, what is a night's feast without a pleasant conversation? Because when you sprung your eyes at a certain young prince being entertained by a woman offering him a mead—with a smile that you're consequently aware is intended to be suggestive, you've never felt so pleasant in your whole life.
No, you we're not glaring at the ground. No, you we're not burning a stare at the said woman. No, you we're not sulking on your wooden seat.
No, not at all.
You decided to just let yourself drown in the company of your mead, gulping it for ten straight seconds. That should do it, you think. not enough to do me in though. And in all honesty, you think of the truth. You we're never the first one to fall in in a drunken state; for as much as the people underestimate you at these things, they always lose when they challenge you so.
Maybe it runs in the family since, well, they we're almost as tolerant as you do.
But you honestly wish right now that you weren't.
You can see Loki giving out a pleasant laugh at the woman, mead weighing down on his hand as he mentioned something to her, making her shrug tentatively in a coy manner. You also soon noticed a few women eyeing Loki, both in hesitation and....desire?
Wait, what?
"Oh, mine brother! Finally, a flock of women ogling at him rather than me." Thor's voice pulls you out of your brief bewilderment as he made himself comfortable beside you. "You see, I knew he'd gain recognition amongst our people after that final battle in Asgard. I'm very proud I've proven him right, hah!"
Oh. "That's...good." you comment, trying not to let your displeasure lace out. "Does your people hate him, before all of this?"
"Hate, you say?" he says, eyes shifting to a light grimness. "My brother is many things and thus he makes many...'decisions'. Very various different ones. I wouldn't want to tell you that he was hated but, he had proven to our people that he should be. Alas, he has change their minds." he lifts up his mug over the form of his brother, who's now talking to a different woman, but you do notice his attention is placed on the singing men near the bonfire.
He has indeed.
Though, you let yourself deviate to something else now that you remembered. Some things are left to be asked later, such as, the voice in your room—well, if you ever find the chance, that is. Or if you'd even open up the courage to.
"Did...Did Loki actually vouch for me after the interrogation?" you asked.
Thor widened his eyes followed by a nervous laugh. "W-Whatever do you mean, my lady?"
"It's okay, I'm aware of your little 'spying'."
"Oh." he lets out, eyes darting back and forth between his brother and you. "Well, odd it was, but kind of him I guess. He may act stingy but there's a softness in there, and it seems like he's taken by you."
You raised a brow at that. "I doubt that. He looks rather keen on avoiding me." you say, though, the thought of him being taken by you feels a tad bit nice.
He eyes you in wonder. "Does that irk you?"
"What? Of course not. I'm- merely curious."
"Hmm," he hums, but you can almost mistake it for a scoff. "of course, curious. You know, I never got to ask you if you're somehow well acquainted with my brother in your....universe? Or was it timeline? Either of those."
You freeze, there's a sudden feeling of déjà vu. "What...makes you think that we are?"
"Ah, that my friend, that I can see." he answered. "It may not be my specialty but I can tell if someone is at least taken by someone."
Right, your mind echos. he has a flock of women over him. Your past self is certainly a proof of that.
Well, some things would've been actually different if he had learned your fascination towards him back in your Asgard. Actually, not some but everything. Because if he did, you would never be here. You would have never created that bloody Nexus event. You would have never learned about how much dominance time rules over countless of universes.
"No, because you we're meant to fall for Thor." the imposing judge towering in front of you says after stating your name. "Not his brother, not anyone. The moment you recognized your feelings on the wrong person, god, brother—whatever you call him—is when you're taken out of the equation. Pretty common mistakes of your variants, apparently. Don't force it, miss. It doesn't always end well for both you and..." she reads down on the file and mocked a smile at you. "...the 'Loki Laufeyson.'"
The past TVA made it sure to shove it on your own reality that you we're the problem for falling for the younger prince. Somehow, you're feeling sorry for doing so, for dooming your home. But you also truly don't want to regret it
You won't.
The TVA doesn't have the right to dictate that. Not anymore.
"Are you insinuating that I'm openly swooning over your brother?" you asked, playing along with him.
He laughs. "Bin-gow." you're quite sure its supposed to be 'bingo'. "I've first noticed you we're very tolerant of his antics, which many not do, so I guess I can assume."
"I'm certain I don't swoon when I'm being tolerant."
"Uh-uh. Maybe not, but don't jump just yet, my good lady." he swigs a drink from his mug. "I've never seen someone else so adoringly at eased when at the resoundingly mysterious presence of Loki other than me and- "
He stops.
You can't deny the growing fluster emanating within you when you catch his first few words, but his sudden halt confused you for awhile. His expression fades down, his mirthful smile daring to fall but it fights to keep it up. Though, you somehow feel that you know who he struggles to mention.
"The All-mother." you finish.
He flinched, eyes flying randomly at you and inhales. "Yeah." he sighs out a light chuckle. "You know your thing, my lady."
Your heart cracks.
Seeing him react that way at the subject of his mother, its inevitable to feel dread at what could've possibly happened. Just the absence of his father as the overlooking king is more than a proof of the tragic fates that have doomed Asgard. Queen Frigga was far from a stranger to you and you can proudly say that she became your second mother. Well, if you and Loki we're bound together purely from deeper sentiments, she would have been more of a close mother rather than formally your queen mother.
But you also can't imagine how that would've affected Loki.
You have much to learn in this reality. And, maybe its about time for you to let them know yours.
Even just by bits.
"Yes.... I've actually been quite acquainted with the queen herself." you humbly inform, smile tipping up. "Which I'm very lucky to have been."
"Hold on, so you are well acquainted with Loki. Well, not just him anymore but also the royal family?" he quirks his head to the side. "You're definitely not just a noble. Let me guess, a daughter in court."
You nodded.
At least he knows his princely court lessons.
"Hah! I knew it." he cheers, mug elevated high up. This caught a few eyes from the crowd which was also followed by their own cheers. Some asgardians flew their eyes over to you doing the same as you muster up a pleasant smile, an attempt at matching their jovial attitudes. Your mind wanders back to someone as you try to spot the area where you last saw him. Granted, he was still there, eyes intent on you.
And then immediately looked away with not so much of a reaction.
You certainly have your fill of mesmerizing cerulean eyes all over you today and you can't help but blush. And at the least, he wasn't handsomely giggling anymore with some woman or herds of them.
Beside you, Thor mutters something, and you catch your name. Odd it was how he managed to divert his attention on his own little world so fast."...I've surely heard that name before...where...Asgard...?"
He looks like he's partially drunk, but you know he isn't that easy to bring down. No doubt his random ramblings are just a product of nine or fourteen mugs full of mead; there's much more action than just slurring words when it comes to these gods.
The darkness clocks deeper into the dead of night and you had already downed your third round of mead. Honestly, your usual would be at six or seven before you would start to either cry or be overly social to anyone—of course, you prefer the latter. At this point, all you can feel is the faint pounding of your head and the lightweight of everything.
Feather. you think, describing. Featherful light. How very light.
You decided then and there, this would be the last round. You're very aware that your drunken state is resoundingly unsightly and you don't want that coming to life tonight. Or any night.
So as you downed your mug to the last drop, the distinct sounds of singing started to spread from another man to another. When you looked around, their chants start to gradually get louder, infectious smiles being thrown at anyone as their hands begin to clap along the beats with a bob of their heads. You yourself could not contain the jolliness they emitted as you meekly bounced your head along.
"Han leika med lente, han leika med list,"
This, of course, had awaken the presence beside you.
He jumped on his feet, mug still gripped tightly on his hand as he sang along and his other hand waving around to the tune. Just as the crown prince joined in, this boosted the morale of the other asgardians, adding more people to the high spirited singing. His eyes rest on you and he kept nodding to you, urging you to stand up and do the same.
How could you refuse?
When he had offered you his hand, you took it and stood up, finally letting yourself sing the familiar song.
"Han leika med lente, han leika med gny, Hei fagraste lindelauvi alle"
You clapped and jumped along them and laughed in joy, the pounding of your head replaced with the upbeat tune you clap unto. You also didn't waste a second drifting your eyes to Loki, who was actually gone in his spot.
Had he left? You know he's quite fond of festivities so why...
Only then did you see his form singing and clapping with the said flock of women...and men. You really have to tone your emotions down because he has every right to mingle with anyone. Your own personal feelings on the likeness of him is hardly something you should be bringing about now. Soon enough, your attention gets shifted when Thor took your hand, halting your claps as he leads you near the bonfire. You we're quite baffled, but when you realized a circle of asgardians we're forming around the flame, you know you're going to be very out of breath.
"I hope you aren't too drunk to do this." Thor grins at you, hands free of his mug and secured his hand on yours much fittingly. You feel your other hand being snatched the same way by one of the asgardians beside you as you all form in a wide circle.
"I'm more than awake and sober than you." you replied, grinning back with the anticipation of the dance, your adrenaline gradually going up.
"For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
Little by little, you all move to your right, letting the circle turn in a loop. Another step and another one, the pace of your steps starts to move faster as you follow the rhythm of the song. The footwork of the certain dance begins to come naturally to you and everyone else, lifting it down and back at the moving steps to the side. One cue in the song indicates a twirl, so you turn and clap, and another clap, and so on.
"Men då steig trolli upp or djupaste sjø,"
You can't seem to think straight anymore as your laughter and giggles along the singing fogs your brain. Then comes a chant, and more clapping, and you don't know anymore.
Everything just started to feel natural.
"Og utvinner krafti av trollenes arm For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
When the other asgardians outside of the circle started to join and slip inside, dancing; you almost didn't catch Thor leaving your side to enter the circle. And as you still moved along the loop, the said god reemerges from the jolly crowd, feet bouncing, and clutched at his side is his confused brother. It only happened in a second before you realized Thor had just threw his brother on his previous spot beside you, Loki's hand securely gripping your own through the revolving circle of people, not daring to let you trip with his sudden intrusion as he got swarmed into joining the loop.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him, and he couldn't even look away from you. As you we're kept being pulled to your sides, it was evident that he was also enjoying himself. He brings up the widest smirk at you and continues to sing with everyone else.
Oh, you we're not going to back down as well.
You squeezed his hand much more affectionately than you intended to, but fortunately he didn't whack it away; he tugs up a teasingly lofty smile and squeezed back.
You don't even know how to react anymore as you just distinctively felt the pulling of your heartstrings. You couldn't fight the widening smile on your lips any longer.
"Og utvinner krafti av trollenes arm For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
The adrenaline of moving around and the constant claps to the beat, lungs catching the words to sing and the twirls between the loop of people, have had you all elevate for boldness as the beats starts to rapidly pace up; one step faster than the other and faster it goes, leaving you all lost in the moment of chanting breaths.
"Hei, hei, hei, hei, hei,
It goes higher and higher, constant and louder and as your voices reach the peak of the song, you're sent flying to Loki's side as soon as the circling loop of people broke off, tumbling to their sides with crazed smiles and cheers.
Though, as you tumbled beside Loki, heart ringing with laughters, his grip on your hand never left. You couldn't care much and your vision is clamped shut from all of the movement so you can't make much of anything. You we're panting hard and you know he is too—the very close distance between you has you hearing his pacing breaths. Suddenly, what made you open your eyes and look up to the said man was the dawning realization of why you feel so warmly secured.
Oh, he was holding you close, one hand snaked around your waist.
And don't even forget about how his other hand is pretty much locked with yours, as if letting you go would result in you being snatched away.
As you slowly wake up from your moment of daze, your eyes would not tear away from his own. His rising chest and yours synced like no other, and how dares he study you so intently with those gentle eyes, almost like a plea. The moment felt too long and too mesmerizing to break as your hand slowly curl further on his own, caressing.
Belonging. your heart screams between breaths. The shared look you had had you reminiscing a lot of things, a mixture of lifts and crashes dawning on your emotions. He himself contorts to a frown, taking in your conflicted demeanor—as well as your longing eyes.
I love you. you wanted to say, but you know that's bound to crush you, so you just reveled in the silence. The thought of not being able to say it clenches your heart, and you feel like tearing up.
But you resist. Contain it, woman. you order yourself. He's not even the Loki you know...
"I..." you start, wanting to get away.
But before you could gather yourself up once more, something catches Loki's eyes as he feels over your hand—he looks down confusingly. You realize his attention is directed on your hand once you felt the shift of his fingers on your own, specifically on a certain finger, one that's been severed and adorned with your golden ring.
You we're so out of it all until he breathes out his words, "You're married."
Your eyes snap to him, heart racing. He didn't waste a second catching your surprised stare. You don't know if the look he's giving you is concern or just curiousness. "N-No, I..." you stutter.
You we're not married yet—but will you ever be? Though, it seems like he believes otherwise.
"Don't." he sternly says. "Don't lie. I know that kind of ring anywhere and looking closely on it, it's a royal one."
You feel a lump in your throat as you try to swallow. It's only a matter of seconds before he's wondering which of the two princes in Asgard you we're bound with. "It is...yes. But no, I'm not married." you weakly say, feeling all of the adrenaline rushing out of you. "We never got to..." you hesitantly shrugged, trying to point out your unspoken words. "You could say I was whisked away by the TVA before it could even.... possibly happen."
You don't know what expression he's wearing but Loki seem to have caught on on your change of demeanor as your defeated form melts between his arm. You felt him stiff when he realized he hasn't distanced himself away from you, so he gently pulled his arm from your waist, leaving you to stand on your accord as you felt his other hand slipping away from yours.
Your heart longs even more.
Somehow, he had trusted his instincts once again to detect any lies as he accepted your words. "Would you have wanted that marriage?"
You fold your brows up to him, surveying his expression. But he's wearing that neutral mask again. You linger your words in your head, debating, lest you risk spilling any unnecessary sentiments. I would have love to. You open your mouth yet it closes again.
You can't do it.
"I don't know." you shake your head, letting your eyes wander away towards the mellow atmosphere that has become of your bonfire feast.
That's all you heard from him before he followed your gaze. You both shared a moment of silence, relishing in in the calmness of the aftermath of the celebration. It felt comforting—somehow.
Each and everyone have settled down on the ground, either sprawled from exhaustion and the mead, or wobbling on their seats, leaning shoulder to shoulder with one another. You don't see Thor anywhere, but when you heard your name slipping out of Loki's lips—which you wish you could hear again—one bulky arm gathers you from behind, pushing you closely next to Loki.
Thor's voice imitates his brother, saying your name.
Honestly, you much prefer the former one saying it.
You realized Thor had also wrapped his brother on his other arm, encapsulating you both in a semihug. "I can't stop thinking how familiar your name is, my lady." he says, both you and Loki stiffing at his pull. But you also felt Loki tensing at his brother's words. "I don't know why. Granted, I've surely never met you before, nor anyone like you. Must have I just forgotten then?" he scrunches his face in thought.
"Given that you are an oaf, there's no doubt your depictions of reality are just nonsense." Loki says, narrowing his eyes on Thor.
"You wound me, brother."
You awkwardly witnessed their banter; though, you can't help but tug up a light smile. "I would be wounded as well if you just bore my name in your mind but not my face."
The God of Thunder chuckled. "My bad, my bad. Although truly, that's no fact. How could I ever not bear a fairly stunning maiden in my mind such as you?"
You we're flattered—though underneath that, you can't help but cringe. You really didn't meant for it to go that way.
And Loki doesn't seem too pleased about it. "Can you not do this in front of me?"
"Do what?" Thor asks.
"Just..." Loki tries to wriggle out of his brother's embrace as he breaks away from the two of you, dusting his shoulder off. He points his brother a glare. "Don't ever bring your flirting in front of me."
"What? I am not flirting. Or maybe, I have barged in on one?" Thor eyes you worryingly and flies it to Loki, cautiously untangling his arm around you.
You we're dumbfounded for a second before it processed in your mind.
"No." you and Loki uttered at the same time, exchanging glances.
"Definitely not."
"Yes, why would we do so?"
"Exactly. Nothing of the sort."
"Alright, alright. Calm down." Thor instructs, amused by your reactions. You we're quite glad he didn't press further. "Although admittedly, your name does ring a bell—and no, I am not drunk. I am rarely drunk." he says to you.
You nod, not doubting him. "But if you say such things about my name, then I guess it's rather possible that...you've probably met a variant of me."
When you think about it, it's weird. It also feels much more awry for you to be here. If there's another you in this universe, then you can certainly feel like you're upholding your self-accusations of being an imposter. You shiver.
"But I've never seen nor recognized you, ever." Thor says.
Even as though it had prickled something in you, you just shrug. "Well, variants don't always look like a duplicate of yourself." you mention, two certain variants come to mind. "In truth, even genders could be altered."
Thor lights up with interest. "My word, that's interesting and it actually makes much more sense."
Loki hasn't said anything. It was quite odd as you noticed he stood rigidly as he listened, hands clamped over in front of him—his stance shielded, almost like he's hiding something.
That's suspicious. you think.
Thor had gone into his mind, trying to recall something, albeit in a forceful manner. He narrowed and glared at a spot before it contorts into a smooth unfolding of realization.
"Actually- "
"Brother, why don't we let the lady tire her exhaustions out for tonight?" Loki cuts him off, letting him deceive you with his composed countenance. "It has been quite the feast."
You tread on his point, concealing your suspicions. "Then, where shall I stay?"
Thor recovers, leaving his unspoken thoughts. "Of course! You can stay on either of our tents tonight," you almost break your neck snapping your eyes on him as he continued. "since I asked not to start on the royal quarters unless our people have gotten their own. So, I hope a tent would suffice?"
"I don't mind a tent but, I would hate to intrude his royal highnesses' abode." you defend, baffled.
You soon noticed even Loki had given his brother an unapproving look. "Hang on, why am I included on that?"
"Oh, come on. Aren't you a prince? Wouldn't hurt to be a gentleman from time to time can it, brother?"
Loki hesitates to speak. "You..."
You try to diffuse. "I'm alright if it's alright for...either of you. Surely, that would also mean I am to sleep separately...?"
"Yes, yes." Thor confirms. "Do not fret, my lady. I will be sleeping somewhere else. Be it a couch or a wooden skiff, I do not mind."
That doesn't make you feel any less guilty for taking a prince's bed.
You we're about to retort but the raven haired god beat you to it. "You are terrible." he mutters, directing it at Thor. He then trails his eyes on you, soft cerulean ones touching your heart. "My tent is open for intrusions. Though, I do not take kindly to people with nosy skittering hands."
"Well, would you look at that." Thor preens. Loki shoots him a stern look.
"O- Of course..." you reply, quite baffled once again. "But, what about you?"
It takes him a while to respond. "You shan't bother knowing." he says, lifting up a feigned smile. "Besides, you won't be staying here long, will you?"
Somehow, you catch his point. And you're once again pierced with the dawning remembrance of your timely task. This will only be a single night of intrusion, nothing to fuss over; you are temporarily existing amongst them. It doesn't matter who you're mending a bond with, you're not supposed to be here.
And it almost sounds like he's intending to shut you out, and that cuts something deeper in you.
"You're right." you agree.
You've been enjoying yourself too much that you forgot you'll be leaving this all behind. Once again, just another memory to be stored in your mind.
You don't belong here.
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Song inspired: 'Villeman Og Magnhild' (Villeman And Magnhild)
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