#tighnari x reader oneshot
alatusprinz · 1 year
our prelude and beyond .
pairing : tighnari x f!reader
genre : cotton candy fluff, slowburn, mutual pining.
trigger warning word count smh: 9.5k
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summary : [ moments between you and your lover, based on tighnari's voice lines. from the moment when you first met to the future of your connection. ]
"to the silly encounter of fate that brought us together, forest watcher."
"to face perpetuity with you, young scholar" 
1 . " Hello . "
"archons above, what is up with this forest?" you couldn't believe you were lost inside an endless maze-like lush forest no longer than an hour after arriving at the gates of a new nation. so much for the sky-high expectations for a new experience. 
from left to right, up and down wherever you turned your sight, no sign leading to the place you were headed to was visible- not even a faint trace that looked anything similar to trails from people walking. you meddled with the wrinkled piece of note your mentor gave before you left at least ten times for the past hour. you scoffed at the tiny size and how it's almost ripped in half from how long it took for you to travel to this... still and unchanging forest seemingly in the middle of nowhere. besides, who writes "Gandharva Ville" on a piece of paper you could lose in less than a minute if you took your attention off it for one moment while traveling from one nation to another? clearly, your mentor didn't give a single crap regarding your journey to the actual research place you are supposed to stay at despite nagging your ear off about the etiquettes and reputation you were meant to uphold since you were “representing your entire nation”- her words, not yours. 
while you were staring at the paper in your hand like it was supposed to transform into a seelie and guide your pathway, you suddenly realized twilight would fall soon. you'd have no one around, no source of direction, no light and perhaps worse. when you heard sounds of unknown animals squeaking and creaking somewhere to your right, you were reminded that this was a foreign nation and even more unfamiliar forest. definitely worse out there.
you've been wandering around for hours now, it was a miracle how you haven't seen a single wandering soul around, not even enemies. it all felt eerily unfamiliar, lost somewhere in a foreign forest. and so with more anxiety flooding your thoughts than the proper, logical measures you’d need to find your way through, you walked around for what felt like another few hours.
amidst the endless wandering, you finally saw something that could be a place of significance, maybe a landmark- a sight of a giant tree towering over everything around it. 
in the light of the setting sun, the entire place looked marvelous, wildlife and plants prospering in harmony. when the sunray gently illuminated your skin, you finally had a moment for yourself to properly open your eyes and take in the beauty of your surroundings. dusk had painted the sky orange, scarlet and pink, even the clear air and gentle breeze looked like it was shimmering with the hues of sunset. a few verdant crystalflies fluttered around you, swiftly passing by and soaring to the skies- you had never seen such pretty green hued ones before. so this really was the land of dendro- you quietly pondered the obvious. lastly, traces and non-threatening (for now) sounds of wildlife brought quiet comfort to your anxious mind. hey, at least you weren’t wholly alone here. 
you returned your attention to the huge tree from a cliff above, wondering which route you should take to check out the surroundings. maybe it was the halo-effect of the prettiest sunset you had ever seen, but when you focused on the tree longer, you realized it looked faintly similar to a fairytale book you used to read when you were a child. 
"the tree of souls, a giant willow tree connected to all living beings around." you recited the familiar line under your breath, admiring how mighty the tree looked from above. was this the kind of giant willow tree the author was envisioning while writing the story? if so, you thought you could finally see the reason why everyone in the story seemed enchanted with its divinity and beauty. 
maybe a prayer could work, like it does in that little book you used to read? as silly as that sounded, you closed your eyes, brought your hands together and spoke out loud.
"dear mighty tree of souls, please aid me in finding the "Gandhara Ville" today safely. i'm not sure how many wishes you offer to faraway-land visitors, but for today, just me finding my way would more than suffice. thank you." a warm forest breeze swept past you, pleasantly caressing your skin as it whirled away.
"on a second thought, maybe add a loving boyfriend too while you're at it." you thought to yourself, slightly giggling at the additional childish wish. after all, you used to pray day and night for a lover you'd share your life with. not that Tsaritsa ever provided you with that, though. ironic and slightly unfair, seeing how your god was technically the archon of love. 
you were reminded of the need for you to move fast, so you intended on finding a way to at least make your way to the tree and climb up to see any sign of that mystery of a place you were to find. 
well, until a small piece of... something dropped right on top of your head painfully with a loud thud.
you immediately clutched your head and groaned from the contact- what the hell? you glared at the tree next to you, trying to see where it came from. since it fell right on top of your head, it was probably from the branch above- you came close to cursing out, but you held back and sighed. so much for your luck in praying to your childhood fairytale tree. 
"now what is this...?" what are the odds of a sturdy glass bottle labeled "dhayl oil" just dropping on your head out of nowhere? you picked it up and spun the small brown bottle around. nothing else was written on the sleek surface, the frosted glass body obscuring your vision to look clearly on what exactly was inside of it.
"what in the archons is dhayl, anyways?" you complained to yourself as you contemplated throwing the bottle down the cliff. 
"that would mean "tail", indicating that the bottle you're holding right now is the oil i use on my tail." right after you raised your arm to toss the bottle down the cliff, a voice suddenly broke the silence. your eyes widened at the voice and turned around at the unexpected presence of another... person. he was shadowed behind the tree a bit, it was hard to see just what his... species were. you were quick to realize that this person had to be a hybrid though, from his mention of a tail of his own. 
"plant-based oils are pretty complex to make, i'd appreciate it if you didn't throw my hard work off the cliff." when he approached you a bit, you finally confirmed your thought- this person in front of you was definitely a hybrid. you had never seen someone quite like him before, so you tried your best to examine his appearance as respectfully as possible without making it clear that you were gawking. 
two large ears stood tall on his head, and a bushy tail behind that he mentioned. you narrowed your eyes a bit and tried your best to silence your thoughts but- holy crap this man was pretty. were all hybrids this pretty? though you didn’t remember reading anything about the mere identity of a hybrid enhancing your physical features. 
"sorry, i didn't think it belonged to someone. it dropped onto my head above from the sky, i thought maybe it was a retribution from celestia." you managed to reply as normal while resisting the urge to roll your eyes. you remembered the thud sound it made when the hard glass bottle made contact with your skull. it still hurt, you managed to soothe the ache by rubbing it softly.
to your surprise, the man laughed lightheartedly at you. if he was keeping his distance from you first, maybe he had come to the conclusion that you weren't a threat. he came closer, standing right in front of you.
"you have a pretty big traveling bag. would you happen to be a part of the group of exchange scholars coming from different nations to sumeru?" ah, so he was aware of the program you came for. which means there was high possibly that-
"indeed, i am. are you a forest ranger, by any chance?" you finally felt relieved, running into someone local. maybe he knew the way to where you were supposed to have arrived approximately 5 hours ago.
"technically yes, a forest watcher to be precise." you narrowed your eyes in confusion, you admit you weren't an expert in sumeru's scholar titles and those who work for the Akademiya yet.
"it doesn't matter, i am a part of the crew, yes. you are correct on that." sensing your confusion, the man replied shortly. glancing at you up and down, he took out a small piece of note from his pouch.
"let's see, we have scholars to go to the Akademiya in branches researching the Akasha, the canned knowledge, historical runes and records, elemental incantation based charms, and elemental energy. which one of those are you assigned in? i'll find the location and find a forest ranger to accompany you safely there." the man checked his list again, then looked at you, expecting an answer.
"but i'm not here for the Akademiya." an awkward silence was shared for a few seconds before his ears perked up in realization. 
"ah, so you're that one... peculiar person who majors in a different field, yet applied to train for botany." during your conversation, you barely managed to divert your attention away from his fluffy ears, unsure if it would be offensive to stare. you wanted to touch them so bad for some reason. you’d blame it on the fact that you had never seen a hybrid before but you had a feeling that wasn’t the only reason, it was just to reassure yourself that you weren’t the odd one here.
"you don't get scholars to botany often?" you held up the conversation despite your mind being flooded with his ears. were these fox ears? you wanted to ask. it had to be, it didn't look like cat or dog's. then again, you really weren’t familiar with manners regarding hybrids- the last thing you wanted to do was somehow offend your only chances of finding your way. 
"botany, it does get an impressive number of students. it's just that most scholars choose Akademiya, not our base inside a foreign forest. they usually choose the safer option, unlike someone. highly peculiar indeed." you weren't clear if he was subtly making fun of your choice distinct from your major field, but his latter statement caught your attention.
"our base?" you tilted your head.
"you're headed to Gandharva Ville to experience first-hand botany and the forest ecosystem, correct? that is where we forest rangers live and work." your eyes lit up, finally with the realization that your small wish to that giant tree did come true after all. not to mention, with the help of this ... small bottle in your hand.
amidst your conversation, a memory of your mentor shouting at you about formalities of self introduction and its importance shot through your mind. wait, come to think of it-
"oh, now that i’m reminded... okay. hi, i'm (name), as you know i came here to study botany in relation to my field. i'm sorry for the late introduction." you finished your self introduction awkwardly . you thought of shaking his hand, but refrained once again due to not knowing the etiquette in a new nation and settling for a slight bow-down. perhaps they didn't shake hands here upon first encounter, judging from the way he isn't exactly offering you his hand either. he giggled a bit though, while you were unsure why.
"from the top, i see. hi there. i'm Tighnari, Forest Watcher of the Avidya Forest. my duty is to preserve both the rainforest's ecosystem and the safety of its visitors... that would include you as well, newbie scholar." he tilted his head a bit, looking at you straight in the eye with an amused glint in his amber eyes. wait- were they amber? you could’ve sworn you saw hints of green too. 
"could i please ask you to escort me to your base? i've been lost for a while now, as you see..." you reached out to him to hand him the bottle of his "tail oil", whatever the purpose of that was. the forest watcher gratefully accepted his oil back and slipped it in his pocket securely with murmurs of thanks. his somewhat amused look never left his face, even though it was faint.
"that would technically be my duty, newbie scholar. can i help you with your bags?"
2. Mistakes and… Leafmark?
time passed by quickly ever since you came to the forest rangers' basement. every day you would get up, spend time revising and learning about the ecosystem in Avidya forest, sometimes go experience it first hand with the forest rangers in training, then report to Tighnari by briefing on what you learnt that day. it was somehow rigid of a routine but it never got too dull. forest life surprisingly fit well in your living preferences despite the slight hesitation you had before coming here. 
tighnari surprised you in a way. you expected him to be a bit... different than he turned out to be. for starters, he didn't demand for you to submit a paper like your mentor did back home. it was trickier, he claimed that it was easier, and just that you had to simply visit him and prove to him through "civil, organized discussion" sessions that you've spent the day productively and learnt under his watch. unfortunately, tighnari himself is like a walking encyclopedia of every single plant, animals and who knows what more- known to teyvat. you were sure he didn't mean to be that condescending, but holy hell, was it intimidating at times when you failed to answer his questions. perhaps he was never aware, but he asked ridiculously precise questions often and would spend a long time bombarding you with information on the subject at hand. it was interesting, you admit but it turns out he was much, much more brilliant than you in somehow magically absorbing every ounce of facts he happens to encounter. 
of course, you never exactly outright avoided his discussion sessions. but you had to admit that after a month and half being here, some of what you learnt would get mixed or carried on misunderstood until the forest watcher corrects you or somehow tricks you into answering incorrectly or doubting your answer until you're sure enough to not fall for his word-mazes. the worst part was when tighnari suddenly brings up a random mushroom you discussed 2 weeks ago for approximately a minute, then asks what environment it grows well in, what herbs it's best mixed with, and your own personal insight on how you intended to use it in connection to your field if he’s feeling particularly tricky that day. 
it distressed you to no ends when you couldn't remember it as well as expected even if he has never, not even once discouraged or expressed disappointment in you. if anything, tighnari was an extraordinary mentor, always ready for questions, discussions and hands-on examination if you appeared interested enough. when you failed to answer correctly, he’d always nod with a soft hum, and explain from the top to ensure your correct perception on the topic. tighnari also always reassured you when you looked disappointed when you weren’t sure of the answer, claiming that mistakes are the key to success and that you should never be distressed or scared of him of answering incorrectly. 
though you adore him, it still stresses you out when you fail to answer his questions to your capacity. you reminded yourself again, tighnari isn't doing this to spite you- he merely wants to make sure you spent a worthwhile period of learning under him. he has enough work on his hands to begin with, why would he bother to tease you? he awoke well hours before you do, then always remains in his office after you two's little sessions, goes through tons of paperwork, research and whatever else his duty calls for until ungodly hours. come to think of it, you've never seen him sleep before- one time you caught him still doing paperwork at 4am and when you asked if he wasn’t tired, he merely responded with a “fennec foxes tend to focus better during night hours”. in other words, he didn’t exactly deny being exhausted. 
you were really concerned about him overworking himself, but you were frankly unsure if you were someone who could ask such things. sure, you two spent time together alone often, but most times, it was for academic purposes or obligatory meetings. (there were sometimes moments that existed outside of "most times", though.) so, there just wasn't any convincing reason as to why someone who barely has time to sleep would dedicate time for you. 
except, maybe you were wrong- you thought today.
"less with the reciting, (name). dictionary definition-style precise answers are your expertise, i know by now. give me an example on what difference it makes if you squeeze the juice out of Rukkhashava Mushrooms in comparison to pressing it into powder for making first degree burn ointment." your eyes nearly fell out of your socket when you heard the mention of that specific type of mushroom- Rukkhashava? not because you barely remembered any academically beneficial facts about it, but because of a faint memory of you reading it was viewed as an important symbol connected to the Dendro Archon that struck your mind. you opened your mouth to declare that people couldn't possibly make ointments with those almost-celestial mushrooms, but then you hesitated.
your memory wasn't clear enough. what if you answered and if you were wrong? tighnari worded the question clearly, specifying the procedure and even mentioning what purpose ointment it was used for. perhaps you were wrong? why would he ask acutely like that if it wasn't even truly used in the medical field?
before you could mumble that you didn't know, the forest watcher sighed and lightly poked your forehead gently with a book. then poked you again. and again.
"what-" as soon as you opened your mouth to complain, he answered it before it even left your mouth.`
"you're going to end up with wrinkles, you know? i asked you a question about botany, not philosophy. no need to look so distraught as though finding path through afterlife." tighnari really tried to help you be comfortable with him and not view him as an absolute superior, but you often had trouble doing it his way. it wasn't how you learnt it back at home, after all. old habits die hard.
just like that, you were unknowingly furrowing your brows again. your forehead was met with the book again, tighnari gently pushing it as if to straighten your eyebrows and possibly prevent you from getting wrinkles or something of the sort.
"see, that's the face. i keep on telling you over and over to just relax in front of me. tell me what you were thinking of, i know you had something in mind just now." you're on the right track most of the times, anyways. he wanted to say, but held his tongue.
"i... seem to remember that those mushrooms you mentioned weren't exactly the normal species." you analyzed his face to see if there were any hints of positive or negative reaction. maybe he'd look pleased if you were right. except, his face remained completely blank as always, only gesturing you to continue. he was exceptional at keeping his poker face during these discussions, you had to give him that. 
“go on.”
"...you know, with relation to the Dendro Archon and all? i seem to remember that it was a holy crystallization of the dendro god's legacy." you finally finished, slightly worried if your answer was correct. you distinctly remembered something along the lines, you were sure of it. and yet you couldn’t seem to be able to conceal the slight hesitation especially when you couldn’t grasp if you were right or not. 
to your relief, tighnari retracted the book from your face softly, then smiled slightly.
"good job. i could tell you knew." your eyes widened in pleasant surprise, struggling not to beam at him in happiness.
"that's probably the biggest problem i want to help you fix, (name). you're never fully sure of yourself unless you are able to carbon-copy book definitions on a piece of paper. you have exquisite memory, excellent interpretation skills and everything a scholar needs to continue their path, but you lack confidence in your own self." tighnari crossed his arms, still maintaining unwavering eye contact with you. he was being serious about this, and you couldn't deny his words either.
"i- sorry, it's just... a habit. i'll try to avoid it from now on." you awkwardly meddled with your fingers from the sudden memory of tighnari complimenting your learning skills and wit just a minute ago. his praise wasn't something you heard often, it made you feel... content. happy, if you may.
"don't be afraid to make mistakes. it's all part of the learning process. i'll be by your side to help you out if you need." if you were feeling happy before, you'd say you were over the moon now.
"from now on, i want to give you a small assignment." your eyes snapped open and stared at your mentor. already? you had just finished an encouragement talk just now and he's already thinking of your next move. except, what he suggested was very different from what you expected.
"avoid using ambiguous words like "i seem to remember", "i think", and "i guess, i believe" when talking from now on. in front of me, for starters. that's your first assignment from me personally."
"that's... a rather curious assignment, mentor."
"pay no attention to the academic aspect. even in your daily life, you're to practice it until you're comfortable expressing your ideas without outright bringing voice of doubt to yourself." at the mention of this not being a purely academic program, your confusion doubled. tighnari crossed his arms and spoke again.
"i'll explain to you later if you want to know why it's important. but for now, let it remain a mundane assignment you just have to complete. is that clear?" you nodded as confidently as you could muster. at least that was a start.
"alright, you're dismissed for today. but before you leave," he paused for a while, then skimmed through his book as if searching for something.
"ah, here it is." he mumbled and brought the book towards you.
"i remembered that you were talking to collei about not having enough bookmark to use on the parts you found insightful. you see, if you press a leaf between dry sheets of paper, you can make an attractive and handy bookmark. i can't guarantee how sturdy it would be, but it's very pretty isn't it? i call them leafmarks." on the book page he showed you, was a beautiful fresh hue of light green, swirled with brown colored leaf-bookmark as he mentioned. it reminded you of his own unique eye color, almost identical in color palette.  there wasn't just one, he had many of those 'leafmarks' in various colors. you had the slight question if it was intentional that he seemingly picked out a specific one resembling his orbs, but decided not to get too ahead of yourself. 
"you're giving them all to me?" you managed to ask, then took the hardcover book from his soft, warm hands. you barely even reacted to your skin touching his, too busy admiring how pretty the leafmarks all were. you even spotted a pink leafmark, you were positive you had never seen such mystic color of leaf before. although you didn’t seem to notice, tighnari’s hand softly shivered when they came in contact with your skin, seemingly lingering for no more than a second as his eyes softened at the pleasant sensation. 
"indeed i am, young scholar. you clearly are enamored and need it more than i do." you smiled at your mentor's kindness, and bowed respectfully.
"thank you, thank you!" tighnari's eyes widened, then made a conflicted face- almost bordering an offended look at your rigid etiquette even when you were alone with him. 
"i'd also appreciate it if you started treating me a bit normally."
"normally?" you questioned.
"i don't want to be regarded as your mentor back home. you and i are both equal scholars here." your eyes couldn't leave tighnari's face as he explained to you in detail.
"i just happen to have lived in sumeru all my life and my expertise is botany. that's the only reason why i know more than you for now. you came from a different nation, and on top of that you haven't even studied botany prior. you don't need to treat me like a superior, it’s unfair for you." the more time you spent with tighnari, you admired how down-to-earth he was. he was humble and warm, kind and responsible. he practically was the main guardian of the forest, yet remained the least arrogant person you've probably ever met. it was so... endearing in a sense, to see.
"...okay. thanks, tighnari. good night." you smiled, and left his office. tighnari, despite his best efforts to hide it, his ears perked up at the mention of his name. you pretended not to notice how happily his ears jumped and how he looked like he was fighting a small smile. 
that was the first time you called him by his name, not titles.
3. about Tighnari - under his care
"are you acclimating to the rainforest? I suggest that you keep your eyes and ears open. take care of yourself, and if anything happens, just flag down a Forest Ranger." the unexpected question took you by slight surprise.
"asking if i'm getting used to the forest after 4 months is a bit too late, no?" you tilted your head in confusion.
"it never hurts to make sure. the forest isn't a playground and i'd hate for you to get hurt." ah, so he was merely concerned about you.
"by forest ranger, would that include you as well, mister forest watcher? i could call you chief watcher, even." you jokingly stated, teasing him as you do often.
"of course i'm included. i'm always willing to take care of you whenever you need me. just a call and i'll be there." he said these words in such a casual tone despite your slight playfulness, yet it brought immense comfort with a wave of warmth blooming in your chest. you were certain that he held no deeper meanings, his duty was to ensure the safety of the people and the ecosystem. still, it brought a smile on your face. maybe, a small corner of your heart wished that just maybe you wished it was more than that. 
'whenever i need him, huh' you thought with a bashful smile you tried not to show.
"that's very assuring to hear, tighnari. thanks." you glanced outside to slyly hide the uncontrollable, giddy smile. 
little did you notice the small dust of rose hue on the forest watcher's cheek, his ear hanging a little lower than normal. he couldn't take his eyes off you, even when you averted his gaze and stared out the window. he had gotten so used to having you in his office, it felt empty and cold the moment you left. and tighnari was no fool, he had a hunch on why exactly he seemed to have difficulty tearing his eyes off you, why he suddenly grooms his tail even more than before, why he hurries to finish his paperwork so he could have more time with you without worrying about them. he knows, but he chose to cast them aside for now.
for now, tighnari opted to just cough, and then avoid your eye contact for the rest of your conversation.
4. mornings with tighnari.
you signed up for this yourself, you bitterly mumbled. you did this to yourself when you deliberately found tighnari and offered your assistance first on your own free will, for the morning patrols. you barely even thought it over, or found no necessity to. it was so that you could see first-hand which plants were which instead of burying your head in the books to no end. on top of that, tighnari was possibly the most knowledgeable person in the area to educate you more if you had trouble with anything. he never looked irritated when you asked questions, and explained in great depth within the best of his capabilities. again, he was an excellent mentor, you were grateful you applied for the Avidya forest section, after all.
but despite your blatant admiration towards your mentor, morning patrols were not a part of your duties as an exchange scholar. it was your thirst for knowledge and perhaps, the slight warmth in your chest when you realized you could spend time alone with your mentor that brought you to your conclusion, of course. you tried hard to dismiss the second half of your reason though, even to yourself. you conveniently concealed your lingering thoughts and acclaimed it to be mere curiosity and fascination with the ecosystem. 
unfortunately, you just weren’t expecting the forest to be this deep, with possibly millions of passages and places he was supposed to check. Avidya forest was big and vast, and circling it around to no corner unturned was certainly not written on your academic program before you left your hometown, neither did tighnari warn you about the insane amount of stamina necessity- not even half an hour and you were already struggling to keep up. you attempted to pretend like you weren’t on the edge of passing out behind tighnari, the desperate attempt at grasping your last shred of pride but you could’ve sworn he noticed your wobbly legs a while ago. 
"we already went over this place, right?" you tried your best to sound like you weren't on the edge of collapsing out of breath, but of course nothing escaped tighnari's abnormally huge ears.
“revising the area. you’re that exhausted already? do you need time to catch your breath?” you weren’t sure if you had the leisure to comprehend his playful, teasing tone.
“just a moment… just a moment is all I ask.” you finally swallowed your pride and stopped in your tracks. you held onto a tree next to you, slightly crouching to catch your breath. but just before you plopped onto the incredibly soft-looking soil below, tighnari gestured you to wait for a while and went through his belongings in search of something.
after a short moment, he pulled out a mat. a thick, warm-looking one at that.
“sit on this, the ground is still moist from the morning dew. can’t have you catching cold now under my watch, can we, newbie scholar?” you slightly frowned at his peculiar choice of nickname even after several months, but you still opted to quietly accept the mat.
“isn’t this too small for the both of us?” you mumbled after setting it down on the ground.
“indeed it is. because it’s for you.” he stated like it was the most obvious truth in the world. 
you suddenly found yourself conscious of your movements. is this even good manners, to receive your mentor’s mat and then proceed to sit on it alone? then again, you recalled the conversation back at his office. he said it himself clearly, he didn’t like unnecessary formalities between the two of you. you were sure tighnari would sigh and flick your forehead if you put up the formalities again. 
well in that case…
“thank you so much, tighnari” you smiled and gratefully accepted his offer. when you finally relaxed on the ground, you sighed in relief. the mat he brought was as cozy as it looked, you loved how warm it was. Tighnari on the other hand, looked extremely pleased that you accepted his help without the frigid manners you seem to carry. 
“it’s so warm, do you carry this with you every day when you patrol? must be heavy.” you noticed how thick the material was as you ran your fingers over the material.
“…not quite.” i only brought it because you were joining today- he held his tongue from adding unnecessary remarks. you hummed in acknowledgment and enjoyed the small break.
out of the blue, tighnari crouched down to your level, silently reaching out next to your sitting figure to straighten the wrinkled part of the mat below - when you hadn’t even realized it was wrinkled and messy. his sudden actions left you unintentionally staring in awe at his unfairly pretty face and kind gesture. when he suddenly leaned in to finally finish pulling the mat to be as comfortable as possible for you to sit on, he looked directly at you.
you prepared yourself for the playful snarky remark he always shot after correcting your mistakes, but this time he didn’t. when he finished fixing the mat for you, he just smiled at you warmly and stared at you without moving away. you mind seemed to freeze when you noticed how he still kept crouching to your level, his body in a slight close proximity.  
suddenly, you were more nervous than you could’ve imagined from mere eye contact. after all, you weren’t sure if you’ve ever seen his face this up close before. his sunkissed healthy skin, brown eyes with prominent green hue swirling deep near his iris, and long lashes to compliment them. his hair seemed to be naturally straight, you'd never seen him prepare any oil of the sort like he grooms his tail. you huffed internally when you noticed how faintly pink his lips were, how was he this ethereal without trying? it really is unfair.
little did you know, he was having the exact same thoughts about you. his eyes seemed to silently observe the details on your face, pupils dilating slightly from the sight. the two of you looked into each other’s eyes one more time, then noticed on both ends, how heavy-tension the atmosphere was. 
almost at the same time, you two looked away, your head dropping low to stare at the ground as tighnari swiftly averted his gaze sidewards. 
thankfully, tighnari was the first to break the awkward silence, still crouched down to your level. something about him maintaining his stance was endearing, like he wanted to be closer to you despite his uncomfortable position- and who knows, maybe that was the truth. you silently hoped it was.
“listen! that’s the sound of morning dew dripping upon the leaves.” you blinked at the random remark he made. judging from his expression, he looked like he wasn’t making jokes, so you focused on hearing the oddly specific sound he mentioned out of the blue- of course to no avail.
"i don't have extraordinary hearing skills like someone, remember?" you squinted and tried your best to focus on the sound, whatever you could hear. unfortunately, all that graced your ears was the sound of leaves rustling from the calm breeze, and maybe the sound of sunrise if such thing even existed. it was no use, you had never heard dew droplets on the leaves before and was fairly positive that you never would be able to within capabilities of a human ear.
“i keep forgetting how unfortunately small your ears are. must be hard, unable to pick up pretty noises like these, hmm?” he diverted his attention to your ears, tilting his head and leaning in even closer to observe how different yours were in comparison to his own. your brows furrowed and you shot back playfully.
“excuse me, I seem to remember that you are a fennec fox, biologically programmed to have significantly higher sense of hearing. and my ears function normally as a human’s do anyways.” tighnari laughed, he always enjoyed getting on your nerves to an appropriate extent.
amidst your lively conversation, both of you noticed life slowly grow brighter inside Avidya forest. you couldn’t help but notice tighnari’s normally sharp eyes mellow at the sight of an ethereal sunrise. you stared at the rosy hue cast across the eternal sky, shining in its glory unapologetically. amidst the depth of Avidya forest, life awoke alongside the first shreds of sunlight. the strings of liveliness spread vastly from birds chirping giddily, some of the flower petals blooming as if awakening from slumber and curious sounds of the forest embraced the two of you.
and on top of that, you were equally busy admiring how endearing tighnari looked right now, his expression similar to a little boy who’s gotten a good night’s kiss on the forehead after his mother read his favorite bedtime story. the forest watcher looked peaceful, basking in the first rays of the day next to you. it was curious in a sense, surely he must enjoy this breathtaking view every day on patrol. yet, he looked as though he was the happiest one in teyvat at this very moment, like it was his first time experiencing such magnificent scenery. 
an adoring smile made its way on your lips as you rested your chin on your hand. quietly, you continued to admire the side of tighnari you’d never seen before.
perhaps, under the glassy orange skies and glory of sunlight pouring on his skin, was your favorite sight of him thus far.
5. afternoons with tighnari.
“catching the chief watcher slack off, today must be my lucky day.” tighnari’s ears did a small twitch at the sound of your familiar voice. 
“i’ll have you know i’m on my lunch break. there isn’t anything i’m slacking off on, young scholar.” tighnari replied as composed as ever despite the way his ears kept excitedly twitching even after he was long aware of your welcome presence. 
“besides, during lunch breaks, I like to sit in a tree and admire the sunlight streaming through the canopy. though if I'm not careful, I'll fall asleep…” his unexpectedly cute concern and habit of admiring the forest like he doesn’t live here permanently tickled at your heartstrings. you bit back a smile when he immediately moved to make space next to himself while looking at your approaching figure with an expectant gaze. a small hummingbird flew past you two, making tighnari’s ears twitch again. no matter how many times you saw that, his ears and the twitches, reactions were quite endearing. 
“you were already half asleep when i saw you, chief watcher” you giggled when he rolled his eyes at your accusation. 
“well, since you’re sensitive to sounds, you could be a light sleeper to begin with, right? maybe resting for a while during lunchtime isn’t so bad.” you continued lightheartedly, your concerns over his health and overworking tendencies showing in your tone.
tighnari seemed to pick up on your caring tone when his brows raised slightly in pleasant surprise. to tighnari, someone taking care of him and not the vice versa was uncommon. he was known to be pretty much the foundation of the forest watchers, chief in almost every branches of what happens in Avidya forest- there was nothing going on in this forest where he wasn’t aware. and maybe because of his “status of authority” he so-badly despised, most people knew better than to pry on their superior’s personal life even if it was mere concern. for tighnari, the way you treated him and regarded him brought warmth and gratitude. and his feelings were clearly evident in his gaze directed to you, if you had the determination to open up your eyes. 
“it’s amazing, really. seeing how much you care for the forest and ecosystem.” you mumbled absentmindedly while making your way next to him and sat down. almost immediately, you realized what he meant by the specific description of “sunlight streaming through the canopy.” it truly did look divine, Avidya forest always did. 
tighnari wanted to answer with a sassy comeback to your words until he realized you were being serious and was currently looking at the tree and the sunlight with a big smile on your face. he didn’t even have the leisure to wonder how close you two were right now, you looked so peaceful, so… beautiful. he felt warmth spread in his chest as he looked at you being so comfortable around him, he quietly wished he could help you release your tension.
“it’s… expected for a forest watcher.” he barely managed to reply, keeping his gaze on you as discreetly as possible. 
“except, it really isn’t. it takes a lot to appreciate the small things in life. you’re quite humble and down-to-earth, it’s refreshing really” you continued as you suddenly felt the urge to let him know just how wonderful company he was. 
tighnari wasn’t one to blush and hide his face at compliments, especially from scholars under his care. well, let’s just say that you were an exception with the way he awkwardly coughed and pretended like he was wiping his mouth as his cheeks flushed rosy red. 
6. a very good evening with tighnari.
“good evening! I'm preparing to go observe bioluminescent flora. want to come?” you jumped a bit from the unexpected voice coming from your door.
“tighnari!” you snapped your head to the direction, finally realizing that the intruder happened to be your mentor.
“did I startle you? I apologize, your door was open so I assumed.” tighnari mentioned. sure, your door was open but your original thought was to let fresh air in your room, not invite visitors. you admit that he wasn’t exactly unwelcome, though. tighnari was… different. 
“are you in the mood for a stroll, young scholar?” your ears perked in interest as you met his eyes glinting with evident joy. 
“bioluminescent flora glows every night, but their light is different this time of the year. the color changes, and they shine in an iridescent glow, almost. it’s very attractive for sightseeing.” his idea sounded absolutely beautiful, you nodded quickly in enthusiasm. besides, your mentor himself also looked unusually excited, he must be looking forward to looking at the floras probably even more than you were. his excitement brought a smile to your lips- his giddiness was highly contagious, it seems.     
“oh, I’ll just quickly grab my memo. I expect today will be another day of extended learning from our chief watcher.” you giggled and quickly went through your desk in search of that one small memo you keep visible in case.
except, your search was hindered when you felt tighnari reach out and place his hand on yours softly and slightly hesitantly. your eyes widened at the featherlight soft touch slowly turning firmer until his fingers gently laced around yours. your mouth gaped slightly, then heat flushed your cheeks in realization and the possible implications of his intimate touch- your stare fixated on your linked hands.
one thing that unexpectedly calms your nerves down was when you realized his own hand was shaking slightly, indicating his nervousness. you were no exception, your breath hitched the moment you felt his skin on yours. it was made even worse when he turned your other hand around and proceeded to slip his fingers through yours, entwining them together, now both hands in his. the reassuring squeeze didn't help your racing heart one bit.
you remained positively speechless, unsure how you should even reciprocate, squeeze his hand? speak?
thankfully, he spoke first.
“it’s not… academic, (name). no memo-taking or learning. just… a stroll with me. is that okay?” tighnari couldn’t tear his eyes off you, he had never seen you look this endearing before even when he always found himself admiring you in silence discreetly to you. perhaps he enjoyed your stiff body language out of nervousness and your wandering eyes traveling everywhere but him far more than he assumed. who knew you could look this adorable flustered. 
you finally realized his intentions clearly, still unable to take your eyes off your connected hands because you had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to look straight into his eyes without your heart threatening to leap out of your chest. you couldn’t deny the warmth you felt not only from his hand holding yours but also from how he keeps glancing at you for the slightest concern in case of your discomfort. his grip on your hand was nowhere near forceful, if anything it was tender and comforting, the way his hands wrapped around yours. you could easily pull away if you wanted, but you fought back a small smile as you squeezed his hand softly in response. 
tighnari’s ears twitched in excitement. 
so all along, you weren’t imagining his tenderness towards you. he felt warm and welcoming, you couldn't help but squeeze his hands again gently in response, biting the inside of your cheek in an attempt to control the growing smile. 
"of course. should we go?" you mumbled, gaze still lingering on your hands in his.
neither of you spoke about your still-connected hand when you left your room, and it stayed that way throughout the entirety of the "stroll". 
both of you quietly hoped that the linked hands would become a regular occurrence from now on. 
7. home.
surely enough, holding hands had become a more regular occurrence after your small date observing the nocturnal flowers and bioluminescent flora that one warm evening. you also decided you would accompany tighnari every morning for patrol even though you barely manage to drag yourself out of bed when the sun wasn’t even out yet, but it was all worth it every time tighnari picked you up with a gentle smile on his face and sometimes tucked a small flower he grew himself in your hair. it had become an unspoken habit to patrol with your hand in his, basking in your warmth as well as make sure you didn’t stray too far. perhaps it was his inner protectiveness, perhaps it was his monogamous nature speaking but he silently knew he felt uneasy when you remained out of his sight for an extended amount of time. tighnari knew how deep his feelings had grown, and he found himself more and more infatuated with you as he spent time with you. the feeling was highly mutual, and you two felt more comfort in each other’s company in the comforting depths of Avidya forest. 
come to think of it, your time in sumeru was limited from the moment you set foot into the lands. now, there wasn’t anyone on your trails that would kick you out of the borders should you extend your journey, and you were glad you hadn’t caused any trouble in sumeru as it would possibly make you the unfortunate candidate of general mahamatra cyno’s watch. tighnari seemed to be close friends with him, but from the way he not-so-subtly quizzed you of your intentions and studies you pursued like an interview, the awkward conversation intensified by his stone cold face with absolutely no hint of anything besides blankness. you couldn’t help but be reminded of how intimidated you were on your first encounter with him when you absentmindedly mentioned the occasion. tighnari had assured you with a quiet laugh that he was merely curious, and it made you quietly wonder how to not draw attention to yourself from now on. you couldn’t help but remember his awkward jokes he slipped in to potentially ease your tension but it might’ve had just the opposite effects. tighnari seemed pleasantly surprised and happy you and cyno seemed to be getting along as one of the two dearest people he held in his heart. you couldn’t help the slight hesitation if you actually were “getting along” but at least the general mahamatra seemed to care not to intimidate you too much. you suppose time would tell.  
your mind returned to the peaceful silence you two shared at present, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand as he kept a soft hold on them. you deeply enjoyed spending time with tighnari like this, but you couldn’t help but be reminded of your soon-to-leave plans every time at moments like right now. time was flowing fast especially now that you had found something- someone worth pursuing here in a foreign land. both of you were silently aware of the fact, and neither of you had the heart to bring it up just yet especially when the fresh start of a new relationship was so, so comforting and full of life. 
you were resting your head on tighnari’s shoulder, sitting on the branch as you looked at the willow tree you two met under. you couldn’t believe how peaceful and right the world felt when you were with him, you never knew your life could be like… this. amidst the comforting atmosphere, tighnari softly broke the silence. 
“(name)” his voice sounded quiet and somewhat unsure, a tone you scarcely ever heard him use. you looked at him in attention. 
“i…” he spent a few seconds pondering on just how he could bring this up. just from his hesitance, you knew what he was thinking about, and it was perhaps the time to discuss the elephant in the room and hopefully get the slightly hefty conversation over with. 
with a single sigh, tighnari stabilized his voice and looked at you. 
“i think we need to discuss your time left here in your curriculum.” you bit the inside of your cheek at the expected, yet conflicting topic. it wasn’t as though you hadn’t thought about it before, it just demanded both of you to be present and willing to open your heart and opinions for you to come to a conclusion together. this tension perhaps was the reason why you seem to have been unconsciously avoiding this moment. with a soft sigh, you nodded softly in response.  
“less than a month left, yes” you softly replied, your eyes still focused on the willow tree you met him under. in a way, the tree had granted both of your wish. but you don’t seem to remember asking for a loving boyfriend “forever” or anything of the sort. a boyfriend, yes. but the duration… maybe you should’ve added the time while you were at it. 
before you could organize your thoughts and answer what your stance was, tighnari softly rested his head on your shoulder, gently wrapping his arms around your waist to draw your figure closer, to silence the slight hesitancy and worry of potentially being let down if you weren’t on the same page. 
“i can’t ask you to leave behind your life at snezhnaya and accompany me at a foreign land… but at the same time, (name)...” tighnari laced his fingers with you close, the warmth of his hand radiating in your palm as his other arm was holding you tightly in his embrace, his breath softly hitting your neck. 
“i… can’t just bid farewell and thank you for the memories. i didn’t start this relationship with you for lighthearted fun or for some teenage dream.” maybe you could have made a playful joke about neither of you being teenagers at his statement, but tighnari’s proximity, his protective embrace and his mellow voice echoing at the back of your mind, you couldn’t help but softly pat his head as he hugged you tight. 
“i’m not with you just for the thrill, dear.” you replied quietly, resting your cheek on the top of his head. tighnari seemed to let out a slightly shaky breath, an indication of relaxation when he finally got the confirmation he desperately needed from you. that he wasn’t the only one completely infatuated with you. 
“are you aware… of what we are? what we would become, and if you’re ready, if you’re sure?”
“I-” you opened your mouth to respond, then closed it to give him time to express his worries. 
“fennec foxes mate for life, (name). our kind is highly monogamous and i… have to warn you about it before our relationship progresses more than it already has. we aren’t as flexible as some humans prefer.” his soft voice cooed, his somewhat stern tone silently reminding you to listen carefully and give this matter a serious thought. you blinked and finally realized the reason why he was unusually clingy and vulnerable than usual, so he truly couldn’t let you go. 
a small, loving smile appeared on your lips as you snuggled closer to him, still running your fingers through his hair and sometimes gently playing with his ears, making him sigh in comfort. 
“what i mean to say is… you need to have your mind set. i take you very seriously, much more than you may think at this early stage of our bond.”
“... dear…” you softly whispered and held his cheeks with both your hands, carefully lifting him up from your shoulder to meet his gaze. he truly looked lovestruck, his eyes glistened with tender care, devotion and affection all directed to you, and the sight made your chest warm up in overflowing love. 
“tighnari, i don’t regard our relationship in a light manner. i don’t see you as someone less than my partner for life. i take us… very seriously too.” tighnari could’ve sworn he fell in love with you all over again, finally getting your final answer he desperately needed to hear. he loved you, loved you too much to let you go, loved you too much not to cling onto you tight and keep you with him, to care for you. yet, he always had the voice nagging to him about how humans weren’t like him, that you could walk away any time, that humans weren’t as devoted as his kind. and just like that, all of his worries seem to melt away at your soothing, promising words that you whispered. 
“you wouldn’t be asking me to leave behind my life at snezhnaya because i won’t. i’m a scholar here and a scholar back home, and sumeru is the land of wisdom, no?’ tighnari’s ears twitched and perked up beyond control at your positive implication of words. 
“you mean…”
“i wouldn’t be throwing away anything to start with, tighnari. i’ll just be moving onto a new lifestyle. change to my environment. you aren’t asking me to abandon anything, please don’t worry. i’m choosing…” you suddenly halted mid-sentence at your cheesy words, looking away from his eyes to seem as normal as possible.
“i’m choosing… you. on my own will. you aren’t making me do anything.” and with that final confirmation, tighnari all but leapt to embrace you tightly. his hand wrapped around your shoulders, holding the back of your head as he pressed your face into his shoulder. he held you like you meant the world to him, pressing soft kisses on your forehead as he happily caressed the back of your head comfortingly. 
“thank you, thank you… thank you, love…” your face heated up from how he repeated the words, pressing loving kisses all over your face after he pulled away. your lips connected softly, his hands gently holding your face like you were the light of his world, the reason for his existence. you were, from now on to him- his one and only. you smiled into the gentle kiss, placing your hands on his shoulder, tilting your head to move your lips in sync to his sugarsweet kiss. tighnari’s hold on your face was so, so tender, his thumb caressed your cheek ever so softly as your kiss prolonged, the warm rays of the evening sun wrapping you both in its cozy heat. 
you pulled away, smiling at tighnari as he still held your cheeks. you couldn’t help but lean into his hand, placing your own over his. 
“i love you… i love you so much” tighnari couldn’t take his eyes off of you, you looked perfect right now, the golden sun pouring on your skin, your cheeks heating up in his palm from fluster, and the relaxed smile on your lips- the enchanted, lovestruck glint in your gaze as you two looked into each other’s eyes. you were always beautiful to him, but you truly did look absolutely breathtaking when you were in his arms, just where you belong. 
with another soft gentle kiss to your forehead and your soft laughter echoing through Avidya forest, even the sunsets seemed to embrace the young couple hopelessly in love, letting them bask in its ethereal glow. 
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bl33df0rm3 · 1 year
18+ MDNI
Needy!men Are the type of guys to be brimming with attraction for you, to beg for your attention just a touch, a kiss, a stroke had them begging for more. They want- No they require all of you, when you embrace them in a hug it takes every cell in their body, to ground them back to reality understanding this is a public place.
Needy!men Who trail their hands along your thigh under the table while occasionally give you side glances just waiting for you to stir, as their friends continue to indulge in conversation with the both of you. Needy!men That even why they're balls deep in you keep telling you how much they need you, as if the merciless pounding wasn't proof enough. The way he pinned you down into the mattress with his body to feel close along with intimate with.
Needy!men That take you on any surface when you get home, holding you up, pinning you down or helping you balance. Letting out a mix between a whine along with a groan as he finished deep inside, filling you to the very brim. "You can go for another round, yes?"
¡! ❞ Itto, Tighnari, Cyno, Gorou, Kaeya, Childe/ Tartaglia, Xiao, Zhongli
-‘๑’-Note; Next drabble coming soon….,If you have any characters you want me to cover in my next post(Or any request/ prompt for that matter) please lmk via question bar (Renamed Q&R), Comments or my Inbox
Please excuse me for taking a slight hiatus and not doing a part 2(yet) to romance in the bedroom. I literally gave birth so.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 8 months
oh could you, maybe. possibly. expand on the ghost reader with tighnari and gorou?
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Pairings: Tighnari, Gorou x reader (separately)
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, ghost!reader, sub/bottom characters, teasing, public play, handjob, breeding, heat cycles
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshots
Author's Note: I hope this is to your liking, anon! I couldn't think of another way to expand on this idea except some scenarios like this 😅
Check out the original headcannons if you haven't yet!
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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Tighnari's gloved hands dig into the large tree trunk as he leans against it, panting and bucking his hips into a touch that seems human-like though its source remains invisible. He swallows dryly, a chill crawling up his spine while the fur on his tail and ears sticks up, alerting him to some strange presence in the area
It was bad enough that it was the beginning of his heat cycle, but now he had to deal with these phantom touches again! Always drifting down to his most sensitive places and working him up until he came at least once
Transparent fingers curled around Tighnari's cock as you jerked him off roughly with schlick schlick noises filling the air. The only thing that could possibly drown out the lewd sounds were the fox boy's moans, grunts, and groans while you pulled his first orgasm out of him. Cum painted the bark on the tree as Tighnari's hips jerked, chasing the tightness of your hand wrapped around his dick
He knew this wasn't over though. It never was. After he took a few minutes to catch his breath, he knew that he would be pushed or pulled into another position and, if you were needy enough, something big would be inserted into his ass or mouth, depending on your mood
Today was definitely a day where you were needy enough. As you pushed Tighnari onto the ground, you ripped his pants off and tossed the cloth aside. His sweet ass was now on full display for you and anyone else who happened to pass by this part of the jungle. And, as luck would have it, a group of several forest rangers were about to head over to this exact area to check on the air pressure and nearby flora for any drastic changes
The poor man could only groan as you inserted a finger into his ass, using the cum and slick from his cock as lube to push into him a bit easier. His hole was gradually stretched open while you fingered him, keeping his hips high in the air and his head firmly pressed against the grass
Tighnari tensed up when the tip of your cock prodded at his entrance, slowly pushing past his ring of muscles and pulling slutty moans from the lewd fox as every inhibition left his brain. Tighnari in heat was a complete whore. Once you had him in a position to take dick, he'd quickly accept his situation and let his hormones run rampant. Moaning without a care in the world and thrusting his hips like an obedient slut
By the time the group of forest rangers arrived and peeked around the tree, Tighnari was too far gone to notice or care. Their confused, wide-eyed stares focused on the man's hole that was seemingly gaping around nothing, stretching rhythmically as if something was being inserted over and over. His arms were limp on the ground, his tongue had lolled out of his mouth and created a puddle of drool on the ground, and obscene noises fell from his lips nonstop while he clenched around nothing
His hips were pushing back against something that none of them could perceive as he craved the thick object penetrating his ass. Chanting “Moremoremoremore” and “Harder! Fill me, breed my little holes– Ooooohhh yeeeaahh—!! ” while you pounded him so brutally that he wouldn't be able to sit down for a few days
“A-aahh!! H-hey...it's you ag-gain...” The startled puppy said, his eyes adjusting to the darkness inside of his tent. The sensation of gentle hands caressing his chest made him feel a bit nervous, seeing as they usually didn't stop at gliding along Gorou's skin...
Invisible fingers played with Gorou's sensitive nipples until he became a whining, squirming mess on top of his blankets, rolling his hips without even realizing it
Sure enough, your touch trailed down his soft tummy, brushing your fingers through his little happy trail, until they dipped underneath the hem of his pants. Curling your digits around the cloth, you slowly remove it from Gorou's body and throw it down next to his bed somewhere. The puppy now laid bare naked, to anyone else it would appear as though he was alone, but both you and Gorou knew that that wasn't true
Wanting to take things a little slower than usual tonight, you refrained from touching the puppy boy's dick yet, opting to tease him by holding onto his hips and waist and maybe pressing against his hole just enough to rile him up. Gorou's heat had already affected him throughout the whole day and he had tried hard to suppress it, but after so many hours spent holding back...he was more than ready to let go and give in to the pleasant affection
Your erection rested heavily on top of Gorou's stomach, rubbing against his own hardening member with every shallow thrust of your hips as you became more excited. Eagerly licking your lips as your fingers pried the puppy's mouth open and forced their way inside, poking around while he whined in embarrassment
Fingerfucking his mouth was something you loved to do. He just looked so cute every time... What with his lips stretched around your invisible digits, his tongue licking at them as he coated them in his spit, the way his pretty eyes closed halfway from lust. The way Gorou didn't even try to push you off or squirm away no matter how rough you were with him. He could be gagging and choking on your fingers loudly, while you fucked his tight throat until his eyes rolled back, and your cute puppy would still arch into your touch and accept your ministrations with little complaint
Tonight though, you wanted to be a bit more gentle. So you simply thrust your fingers into his wet cavern long enough to lube them up, pulling out of Gorou's mouth and prepping his ass so that you wouldn't hurt him when you inevitably slid your dick inside
Gorou's whines turned into adorable whimpers as your cock fucked him open, slowly at first, since you were pretty big. Though he quickly begged for more, succumbing to his heat in the safety of the tent. And you weren't about to deny his simple request, so you pushed in another inch, then another, and another, until you just rammed the rest in and bottomed out
Cum from Gorou's dick pooled on his pale chest as another orgasm tore through his body, shrill moans echoing within the tent all the while. The little puppy's hips never stopped bucking as he begged to be filled more, begged for whatever phantom that was currently balls deep within him to breed him full of their kids. Gorou in heat only had one thought filling that pretty little head; breed me! Breed me! Cum in me! Fill me! I'll do anything for you, just pump your seed into my womb and don't let any spill out~ 🧡
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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bohbee · 1 year
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Genshin characters when someone's creeping you out
Part 1
Part 2
Summary: a creepy guy keeps bothering you, so you run to the character, and they handle it the best they can.
Characters: Al-Haitham, Cyno, Tighnari, Childe, Wanderer (Kuni)
Warnings: Creepy guy, stalker [childe], sexual comments [tighnari, Al-Haitham?], manhandled [Al-Haitham, cyno], violence [wanderer] implied gore? [Childe], dude gets tossed [cyno], making out [kaveh]
Notes: this could be very triggering so please read with caution <3
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"C'mon babe, I will give you so much more attention than that mediocre scribe" the creepy male had said yet again, he had been bothering you for around a week now, but today got particularly worse. Al-Haitham hadn't been with you for the week due to complications at the Akademiya, so you just had to suck it up for now. You attempted multiple times to decline him. However, he just wouldn't end his bugging.
You shook your head and walked past the male again. He was much larger than you, which struck fear in you. He obviously had dark intent.
'What do I do, I could go grab Kaveh... he'd save me.... no, he's at the house... I can't lead him to the house.' You huffed to yourself, your thoughts not giving you a clear plan. Walking into town, you decided to go to the Grand Baazar, hopefully Nilou was there.
The male followed you. Once you walked into the tunnel, he slammed you against the wall. "Don't you know it's rude to ignore a person?" his hand placed itself over your mouth, fear building into your chest. "haithem" you mumbled desperately, making the male holding you down laugh.
"Don't you know not to touch another man's lover?" Your eyes flashed towards your savior, Al-Haitham was livid, his eyebrows furrowed as he grabbed the man's arm with heavy strength. "If I even see you in the same place as them, I will not be so forgiving. Got that?" His tone was dark, causing the older male to shiver and nod. He ran away, however, was quickly stopped by Cyno, who took care of him.
Al-Haithams eyes scanned your body, his lips frowning looking at the marks the man left on your body. "Come on, let's go get you into the shower, we can talk about it at home... alright, love?" He said softly, trying to make sure you were alright. You nodded softly and walked with him to your home...
After a long shower with him and a small talk, the two of you had walked down to make dinner, informing Kaveh on the events. Kavehs reaction being slightly more frightening than your boyfriends. Gaining a chuckle out of you. You were safe.
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Childe (Tartaglia, Ajax)
Dating Childe meant that you were consistently in harms way. You have been safe from all the dangers. However, as of recently, there has been a person following you everywhere you go. You didn't notice at first, but today, everything was added together. Someone was following you...
Snow crunched under your feet as you picked up your pace, rushing to your home. The dark-haired stalker followed you swiftly, your heart beated faster as his body got closer.
You quickly swung the door open and locked it, running upstairs and hiding in the hiding spot, Childe made you in case of emergencies. The doorknob to the front door rattled heavily. You held your breath as tears made their way down your cheeks. 'Childe, please hurry up,' you thought to yourself as you curled into a ball. The rattling of the doorknob got worse until the door swung open. Unfamiliar steps make their way in the house. You stopped all movement as you heard the footsteps start going upstairs.
The soft clicking of boots entered your bedroom, "I know you're here." the deep creepy voice said, sending shivers down your spine. His footsteps got closer to where you were hidden but was suddenly stopped. More footsteps could be heard at the front door, his footsteps.
"Doll? Why is the door open?" Childes voice was urgent as he looked around downstairs. The intruder opened the bedroom window and booked his sorry ass out the house. The commotion caught Childes attention, his heavy footsteps charged into the room.
He knelt down to the hiding spot and opened it only to find you curled into a ball silently sobbing "ajax." He crawled in, hugging you tightly. "Shh, I'm here. I'm here, stay here for now, I'll take care of him, okay?" He placed his coat over your body, you nodded as he closed the hiding spot.
It had only been a few minutes, and your beloved boyfriend came back, "Don't come out yet," you stayed put, waiting for him to open the hidden door. Ruffling noises were heard and then his ginger hair peaked through the door, pulling you out. His clothes were changed, he placed you on your bed and hugged you tightly "You're safe with me... always."
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(Takes place after the whole fucking fight)
It was creepy how loyal some of the matras were to their leaders. As a leader yourself, you knew this, but certain followers did too much. Especially those following Cynos commands. People were envious of him, his position, his vision, his life. However, one person in particular was determined to have his exact lifestyle. They dressed like him, joked like him, and he even wore Cynos same cologne. But the worst thing was he was trying to get to you.
Of course, the hazel eyed male was aware of his colleagues' plan, so he gave him a heavy warning. This stopped the male, however, a few months after it struck up again, after Cyno had gotten on one knee. Making you his fiance. It was like a drug to the matra.
You and Cyno had been commissioned together to go to the desert to find more details on some missing artifacts. A handful of matras had joined you, one of them being the scarily obsessed male. The group had walked into an abandoned building to rest. You decided to take watch as everyone slept. It wasn't smart for two leaders to watch at the same time so Cyno couldn't be with you.
You sat on the top of the building, watching the stars twinkle in the deep sky. Soft footsteps caught your attention, 'dammnit' you thought to yourself. "U-Uh, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd join you." The male said, a weird smile spreading across his face.
You mumbled an alright and sat uncomfortably as the male shifted awfully close to you. "So uh, you're getting married to the General, huh?" He said, his voice had a distasteful twinge to it. You let out a hum nod, nodding at his question.
He grabbed your left hand, and you quickly went to pull back, but his hand was tight. "I just wanna see the ring... calm down, sweetie." his creepy nickname caused you to shiver. You pulled your hand away harshly. "Do not put your hands on me...." you said with a serious tone. "Now it would be in your best interest to go back downstairs." Your eyes glared into his shocked irises. "I just simply want to talk, you know make friends I-"
His sentence was cut off by a hand grabbing his neck roughly. "They said go. Now, since you didn't listen to the leader in charge, you are dismissed." Cynos voice was stern, rage boiling through his blood. "S-sir please I-" Cyno clicked his tongue and tossed the person off the roof. A yelp emitting from the obsessive guys throat. His body plopped in the sand heavily, Cyno still glaring at him. Causing the male to scatter and run out of sight.
Cyno then turned to you. He grabbed your head and laid it on his lap. "You rest here, alright? I'll keep watch. " he kissed your ring. "We mind as well toss the commission out if you can't get any rest." He said with a straight face. "Cyno, that wasn't even funny," you said, holding in a giggle "Love, you know it was"
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You sat at a table at Lambads Tavern, waiting for your architect boyfriend to join you. He wasn't late. You just liked being early to things. You sipped your drink as you opened your book, reading from where you last left off. The seat in front of you slid, a body sitting in it. Assuming it was your beloved, you spoke aloud. "Hey Kaveh, how was the new project?" You asked, closing your book, looking up only to be met with unfamiliar eyes. The man in front of you was clearly drunk, his friends cheering him on in the background.
"I don't know who that Kaveh is, but I'd gladly be it for you." He smirked... 'That wasn't even clever,' you thought to yourself. Forcing a smile, you shook your head "Actually I'm waiting for my boyfriend to join me." A heavy frown painting the guys face, he shook his head. "Well, he isn't here, so let a guy buy a hottie like you a drink"
You grumbled once again, declining his offer. He went to go say something again. However, a loud slam on the table startled you both. Your boyfriend stood their, an angry blush covering his face. He then looked at you, grabbed your face, and kissed you passionately. Causing the dudes friends to all gasp. "Mine." He said after he pulled away from your delicate lips. The drunk guy grumbled and hobbled away, Kaveh got a new chair and sat down. "Next time, punch him." he said to you. "Better yet, I'll get you a ring to place on your finger." his words caused a heavy blush to appear on your face. He smirked and kissed your hand. "I'm serious though, both parts."
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(Starts off platonic)
"Ugh, could you please leave me alone, I am not interested." You groaned at the male 'artist'. You continued to walk the path towards Gandharva Ville. He followed behind you, "I am just trying to teach you the arts of which none other than the Lesser Lord taught me." he said, attempting to defend himself. He had been trying to get into bed with you all afternoon, and it was quite annoying. He was one of the bed pickpockets. He would wait till you'd sleep and rob you clean.
You shook your head again, as the village finally came in sight. "I said no" your stern voice raised a little, hoping that someone was near enough to hear. You walked on the bridge leading to your place of staying, the dude still following you.
The familiar forest watcher, your best friend walked out, his eyes flickering towards you. His ears had picked up the commotion, and he walked over to you, pulling you aside. "Uh, excuse me, I am with them." The artist said his words gained a grumble from Tighnari.
"Yeah, right, go before I feed you to the withering zones." The artist looked at him shocked but then soon scurried off. Tighnari pulled you into his room, "you okay?" He asked. You nodded, still slightly annoyed at the situation. "Good, y'know you could always come to me whenever that happens." His words were sweet and sincere. "Yeah, but that'd be a bother, haha." you said as you sat down on a chair.
His face got close to yours, both of your eyes flickered to eachothers lips. The two of you slowly closed the gap, kissing very delicately. He pulled away, his tail swaying happily. "Now you gotta come to me."
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Wanderer [Kuni]
You walked into your house, locking the door quickly. Your swift actions caught the attention of your boyfriend. Your face was ridden with fear. He stumbled up from his spot and walked towards you, "What happened?" He asked, his voice was stern, yet laced with fear that his past came to catch him.
"Some guy keeps following me, Kuni." Your voice was soft. It was creepy, and you thought that The Fatui had come to end you. He grumbled, a large grimace present on his face. "Stay here." He said lowly, grabbing his hat, he rushed out the door.
You walked towards the couch and settled in. You knew what he was going to do. This has happened a couple of times before, but no one has ever followed you home. Whoever was stalking you was going to pay, Kuni would make sure of that. You grabbed his cape and hugged it waiting for him to come back home.....
The signature knock was played on the door, letting you know that your boyfriend was there. He unlocked the door, closed it and locked it again. His clothes were clean but his hands were bloody. "Pathetic, wasn't even a Fatui, just some weak excuse of life"
After he washed his hands he stood infront of you, he wasn't one to ask for cuddles so he would wait for you to ask. It was your little thing, you opened your arms "Lay with me?" You asked, a very faint smile was placed on his lips "if you insist."
This was surely something. Part two will be up soon :)
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mayullla · 4 months
Yandere Tighnari 🌺🦋
Title: A Little Chocolate Test
Character(s): Tighnari (Genshin Impact) Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, Fem!reader, dubious consent, dubious/non con use of aphrodisiacs, yandere themes, yan Tighnari, 1k words
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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You didn't remember clearly how you got here. There was a heat in your stomach as you looked lovingly at the man in front of you. You had always had a crush on this person for a long time. His cool hand gently held your face as you leaned towards him, in a daze. If he did not hold you in his arms, you feared you would have already slumped to the dirt floor, lacking energy to move, unable to make clear, solid thoughts.
"One more." Something touched your mouth. A familiar smell of chocolate, somewhat melted, left marks on the gloves of the man that you liked while also leaving some on your lips. "Come on, open up your mouth. You can do it."
It was difficult to do, yet you followed, weak to his words. Your face was already hot, not from the humidity, but because of the boiling that you felt within you, worsened under his stare as he looked down at you. His eyes looked at you like you were something to be studied, examining you made you feel like you were naked under him. You felt exposed, embarrassment seeping into your veins, wanting no more than to hide.
"Hmmm, so this is what happens when you eat those chocolates. I must say you are quite knowledgeable with your work. Where did you find out that this plant had aphrodisiac properties?" He asked you, mumbling half of the time. You groaned, head unable to concentrate on his words, yet your body was still so sensitive to his voice.
"Hmmm, I guess it would be hard to get an answer right now," Tighnari mumbled to himself, moving your hair away from your face. Both of you were on a fallen tree in the middle of the forest. In the middle of nowhere, you barely remembered that Tighnari had sent the other forest rangers away, but you could not remember the reason.
You didn't know when they would come back, as your attention was still on him. He was the one you had a crush on for the longest time. You were once both students in the same Darshan Amurta. You always had an interest in biology, unique plants, and fungus, and you wanted to learn and know more when you saw him.
For the longest time, it had always been an innocent crush. It was difficult to get closer to him when everyone always crowded around him, wanting to get his opinion on something or learn a little more. Even if you had a chance, your tongue was tied, and it was difficult to hold a conversation with him long enough for something to happen.
When he graduated, you could only watch from afar, smiling with a little sadness in your heart as he left. You thought that was the end, as you watched him leave from afar, thinking it was the last time you would ever have the chance to grow closer to him.
Your mind was too muddled to continue thinking, and you were too drugged to remember anything as he helped you push the next chocolate into your mouth, muttering to himself that he was curious about something. How did you end up in his arms? How did this happen?
"You know, I wasn't surprised when I smelled the chocolates on you when you arrived. I heard that you had been curious about the concept of chocolate being a natural aphrodisiac." You were having a difficult time breathing, feverish, yet just for a moment, you were lucid enough to realize that you were leaning on your crush's arms. When did he move you closer to him?
"Ah- No, no. Don't do that. You are too dazed right now; you will fall and hurt yourself." Tighnari huffed a sigh as he brought you closer to him while pushing another small bit of chocolate past your lips when you somehow finished the last one. You groaned again, moaning in suffering of this craving of lust. The light touches of Tighnari sent chills down your spine, yet at the same time, a torment for you who wanted more, yet as drool fell from your lips, unable to coherently make words except grunts, too dazed to form sentences.
"You have always been a romantic, even when we went to the academy. I sometimes caught you daydreaming and in a daze. It was quite cute, to be honest with you." None of his words were registering in your mind; you were too limp in his arms. "I was always curious as to what you were thinking; imagine my surprise when I heard you guys talking about me." He chuckled as if reminded by something, probably something that was supposed to be meant for only you and your friend. "It was disappointing to leave the academy, I must say, when I know that you were still there. But what to do, I was needed somewhere else... I guess you would not hear me now."
You moaned in complaint when he tried to move you again, unable to move as much as you tried to run away from his hands that you thought were trying to pull you away from him. His laughter as he told you that it was okay, his tail moving to curl around you. "Hmmm, you are quite cute like this too." His voice so close made you flustered, yet instead of recognizing your pain and lust, he laughed his hand stroking your back making it even more unbearable for you.
He was teasing you.
"I was curious as to how much you have done with your research on this chocolate. Seems like it is still a work in progress… but I actually quite prefer this outcome." You didn't realize your hand was held by him, fingers interlocked with each other, yours too weak to move anymore as he brought your hand near his lips. You didn't see the chocolate mark near his lips as he kissed the back of your hand. "Don't worry, I will take care of you."
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mondaymelon · 1 year
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when you ask to touch their ears... ♡ (tighnari and gorou x gn!reader)
warnings! fluff ig?
(a/n) @iamdedinside come and get your tighnari ♡♡
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tighnari ♡
he doesn't think he's heard you right the first time.
"you... want to touch my ears?" there's a look of utter confusion on its face, as he just blinks at you, wordless, with round eyes. the look of absolute shock takes you by surprise, was it really that preposterous of a proposition that he'd be acting this way...?
"well... i mean, if you'd be okay with that..." you grin sheepishly, wondering if you've crossed the line. sure, "i mean- uhm... nevermind..." you know him well, but it's also common knowledge that forest watcher tighnari doesn't like people touching him - especially his animalistic features.
but what surprises you is the embarrassed glance he gives you, face bright red, before his fluffy ears droop awkwardly before he mumbles to you, so quietly you almost can't hear it, "i'd... i'd be okay with it."
and that's what brought you to this situation.
you're sitting on a couch, tighnari's head resting in your lap, eyes closed as you gently rub his ears, marveling at how soft they are. they're silky smooth, and it's obvious that the male takes great care in them. the dark fur runs under your touch with ease, and you smile softly. tighnari's strangely silent, flushed face hidden in his gloved hands, but you can tell he's actually enjoying this from the way his ear's twitch at your touch and his fluffy fox tail waves back and forth against your side constantly.
"mhmm..." the sound of a contented hum escape's tighnari's mouth before he can muffle it. instantly, his ears are pressed flat against his head as he turns up to look at you, face burning red.
"hehe, you're cute, tighnari."
"...d-don't say that."
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gorou ♡
he's embarrassed that you have to see this side of him.
gorou has his fair share of rumor going on about him, the most popular one being, "if you want top dog gorou's victorious luck, give his pointy ears a rub." it's caused him quite a few troubles, and since then he's just about prohibited anyone from rubbing his ears for his so-called good luck.
so when you ask him if you can touch them, he's quite startled. but his shocked expression isn't enough to mask the rosy blush that instantly creeps onto his face.
"you... want to-!? is this... about the rumor that's been going around?? i didn't think you would be roped into this too...!" gorou sighs, face flushed, as he shakes his head. "but... if you really want to..." his blush only deepens.
"i-i... i wouldn't mind. if it's you." hesitantly, he scoots closer to you before laying his head in your lap slowly. "just... be gentle, okay?"
as you take the hazel fur in your fingers, astounded by how smooth and velvety it is, gorou makes a muffled whine from where he's buried his face in his hands, clearly embarrassed beyond belief. "s-sorry," he mumbles quietly, not moving from where he is. "just... ignore any sounds i might make. my ears and tail are really sensitive to touch." he grumbles softly, and you can clearly tell he's embarrassed just by his voice.
but it's hard to ignore it when he's whimpering and yelps quietly whenever you even slightly brush his ears. you persist anyway, lightly petting and stroking his twitching ears that flick back and forth restlessly. still, you continue, because you can see the way his fluffy chestnut tail whips back and forth excitedly.
as you pull away your fingers, just about satisfied, gorou turns to look at you with his teal eyes, looking slightly... upset...?
"oh... are you done?"
"just about." you smile, giving the male a little headpat. he flushes at the action, pausing for a long moment.
"if y-you want to... i'd be okay with you touching my ears from now on." his face burns, he doesn't look at you, he can't, not with you watching him so diligently.
your eyes widen. "wah- really?"
masterlist ✩
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theamberfist · 2 months
How I Met Her Mother | Tighnari x Reader
Romantic: Tighnari x Collei's Parent! Reader
(Notes: none) (gender neutral reader) (reader is Collei's adoptive parent)
When Paimon and the traveler discover Tighnari's ties with Collei's adoptive parent, he begins to reminisce about their past together.
Tighnari watched from outside his hut as you walked with Collei on the path below, smiling and chatting comfortably in the afternoon light. He took note of how your eyes seemed to sparkle, and how genuinely relaxed you seemed.
The sight, which was becoming more and more rare by the day, made his lips curve up into a soft smile. For as long as he'd known you, he'd found that seeing you happy happened to be his favorite thing, and now was no exception to that.
He recalled the letters you'd sent to him in Gandharva Ville just a few months prior, wincing at how anxious and worried you had seemed back them. Of course, there were plenty of reasons to feel that way in Sumeru these days, but something about seeing you that way had always gotten to him in ways that other people's fears never had. He didn't want you to have to worry, even if the feeling was very much warranted.
That was why he had ultimately suggested you move to Gandharva Ville, hoping it would at least ease your worries a little. Luckily, it seemed to be helping so far. If nothing else, it meant you could be closer to Collei all the time, which made you feel a lot better.
"Tighnari, hello?" A high pitched voice startled him out of his wandering thoughts, and he turned to see Paimon floating out of his hut with the traveler following behind her.
"What is it, Paimon?" He sighed, crossing his arms and glancing back towards where you and Collei had stopped walking to take a seat on a couple of rocks next to the river below.
"Paimon was just going to tell you we're ready to head out, but you seem distracted." The pixie replied, floating closer and following his gaze to where you and the green haired girl were sitting. "Who is that?" She pointed at you, and Tighnari quickly looked away, both to hide the hint of pink in his face and to prevent himself from continuing to stare. Once he felt he'd recovered, he turned back to the pair calmly and pushed himself to stand up from the wall he'd been leaning against.
"Oh, they're Collei's adoptive parent," he explained, "They recently moved to Gandharva Ville to be closer to her and help with her Eleazar."
"Her adoptive parent?" Paimon repeated, "But they don't look any older than you!" He chuckled at this, knowing you got that a lot. You always had the best responses when people commented on how young you looked for someone who was the parent of a teenager. Usually it was something like 'yeah, I moisturize' or 'then it seems my sacrifices for eternal youth have been working.' Unfortunately, Tighnari wasn't quite as creative as you.
"They aren't," He replied simply, "But when Cyno brought her back from Mondstat after she was freed from Dottore, Y/n was the one that stepped up to help her, despite being fairly young themselves. They've been caring for her ever since."
"They seem very kind," Aether smiled, "I hope we get to meet them soon."
"I'm sure you will," Tighnari replied simply, "But we should get going now. Those withering zones aren't going to destroy themselves." With that, he headed down the wooden bridge and began leading the way towards their target area, happy to have been able to change the subject.
Although he didn't mind talking about you and especially the kind things you'd done for Collei and everyone else in Gandharva Ville, it was also a blatant reminder that he still had yet to tell you the truth about his feelings, something he preferred to avoid thinking about.
Unfortunately, it seemed Paimon's curiosity about the topic of you still had yet to be satiated as the three of them made their way to the first withering zone.
"You seem to know Collei's parent pretty well Tighnari!" She chirped, completely ignorant to his embarrassment when it came to talking about you, "How did you two meet, anyway?"
"How did we meet?" He repeated, a warm feeling enveloping him as the old memories surfaced. "It's a long story, but I suppose I could tell it. We have time now, after all." With that, he took in a breath before starting at the beginning.
You and Tighnari had both been students of the Amurta Darshan of the Akademiya. You had one or two classes together, but ended up interacting very little since his studies focused more on plants and nature while yours revolved around medicine.
But that all changed one day when he had been injured while doing some field research for a project. He was brought into the infirmary and you, who had been participating in a work-study under the nurse there, were the one to treat him.
Though Tighnari couldn't remember the details of his visit very well anymore, he still vividly recalled how kind you had been to him. Even though he had very obviously been injured due to his own stubbornness and refusal to wait to finish the assignment, you had been very patient while helping him heal. When he looked at you, there had been no judgement in your eyes, only a strong desire to help.
"I'm Y/n." You'd introduced yourself upon entering the room, "I don't care how you ended dup here; what matters is that you get better now. I'm still an apprentice, but I'll do my best to help you."
Since the Akademiya's environment tended to be so hostile, that was the kindest anyone had been to him since his arrival, and it really stuck out to him.
Even after he was able to leave the infirmary, the two of you had decided to keep in touch. Since you were part of the same Darshan, it wasn't difficult, either. You often studied together, ran into one another in the halls, or attended the same school events. The more time you two spent together, the more you found yourselves getting along, and the more time he wanted to spend with you.
He could vividly remember graduating with you and Cyno, and how bittersweet that day had been.
Yes, it was everything you'd worked for over the last years spent at the Akademiya. But it also meant you'd all be going your separate ways, and that he might not get to see you again for a while.
Even though you promised to keep in touch, he knew your visits would be infrequent now that you were moving to the desert to practice medicine there.
And for a while, he was right.
When Cyno showed up in Gandharva Ville with Collei, it had been during one of the rare occasions where you were visiting.
At first, Tighnari had been a little irritated at the interruption. That was, until you both saw the little girl that the matra had brought with him. He'd never seen a child look so scarred and fearful before, and it must have touched your heart as much as it did his, because then you were pulling Cyno aside and demanding to know what had happened.
He hadn't planned on bringing you into the situation originally, taking Collei to Gandharva Ville to ask Tighnari if he'd be willing to look after her instead. But as soon as you heard everything the girl had gone through, you insisted on being the one to look after her.
Tighnari had always admired how caring you were, and your insistence on being the one to help Collei had only further proved to him how wonderful of a person you were.
You ended up extending your stay in Gandharva Ville after that, which he was so far from being opposed to that it was almost laughable.
As he'd expected, you and Collei bonded a great deal during that time, and within just a few weeks, she seemed to be doing a lot better. She went up and tugged on Cyno's cloak one day, catching his attention when he'd been reading a book.
"What is it, Collei?" He asked softly, bending down to the girl's level.
"C-can I stay with Y/n?" She asked, pointing to where you stood in the distance, bandaging up a wounded forest ranger. Cyno's face softened.
"Of course, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you help them out for the day."
"No," Collei shook her head, trying to find the words to explain her feelings, "I want to stay with them all the time." Now the white haired man understood what she was implying, and he raised an eyebrow.
"You mean you want Y/n to adopt you?" He asked, to which she nodded eagerly. He smiled, standing back up and motioning for her to follow him. "I'm sure they'd be happy to take you in. Come on, let's go ask them."
And the rest was history. You, of course, gladly adopted Collei. For a while, you lived in Gandharva Ville with her because it seemed to be the place that made her the happiest. You even fought with your employer to let you commute to work in Sumeru City if it meant you could raise her there, and they eventually gave in.
Those were the years Tighnari remembered being the happiest; when you were nearby and happy yourself.
Somewhere down the line, he ended up becoming Collei's mentor. She had a love for the forest and the people around her, as well as a thirst for knowledge that he was happy to nurture.
As she got older, you started to feel like you might be stifling her, and eventually moved to Sumeru City in an attempt to both make your own life easier and give her the space she needed to continue growing. You constantly wrote to and visited both her and Tighnari though, and were always checking in as well.
It was only when Collei's Eleazar got worse that you finally moved back to Gandharva Ville to support her, and times had been tough ever since.
Tighnari could tell the stress was taking a huge toll on you, even if you tried not to let her see that. Plus, going back and forth to Sumeru City for work every day to do an already taxing job wasn't easy.
As much as he had wanted to confess all his feelings to you the second you moved back to Gandharva Ville, it wasn't the right time. So instead, he'd kept it inside. He didn't want to stress you out any further; he couldn't do that to you. If it meant saving you even just a little bit of worry, he was willing to keep his feelings inside for as long as it might take.
Now, he returned to his hut in Gandharva Ville, glancing over to Collei's to see you exiting with a smile on your face, presumably having just said goodnight to her. As soon as you turned away though, it fell into a frown as you started the walk back to your own hut.
You spotted Tighnari on the way though, smiling again as you waved at him. He waved back, a melancholy feeling taking over him. Finally, he turned to go back into his own hut.
'I wish I could take all your worries away.'
Part 2
Part 3
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ventiij · 10 months
Hello I have a request that came to my mind. What about the sumeru boys reacting to yn staring at them as the work out. (Are any genshin characters if you like) I wanted to write this but unfortunately I have zero writing skills so if you did it would be great :D
I’ll write this with the characters in my list, yesyes
love this request 😈
watching the sumeru boys work out 
(romantic, separate)
Cyno x reader; Scara x reader (implied that y/n is part of the Adventurers’ Guild); Tighnari x reader
-seeing Cyno work out isn’t that rare, it is part of his job after all.
-ngl, he might even invite you to admire his super skills; let’s just say he doesn’t mind your presence. 
-so make it spear training or just running, lifting weights and all that stuff, you’re always welcome to watch! he’s happy with your presence in general. 
-let’s say he’s doing push-ups: normally, he would do them the classic way, but if you’re there, he might as well use one hand… hell, he might even try with just one finger (he fails)
-“you’re so resistant, you’ve been doing push-ups for the past… uhh..?” “push-ups? love, please, I’m just lifting Teyvat up and down.” pls ignore this ndkwnaml
-when he’s taking a break, he tries to look hot while drinking too
-no but like fr, if you’re just chilling in a corner, sat on a chair, bro will come to you running slowly while breathing heavily, he’ll grab the water bottle and try to make some of it drip all the way down to his abs to then take deep breaths while looking at you. he’ll wipe the liquid off his face and then lean in to steal a kiss, using his hands to cup your face. 
-he drinks really often when you’re around 🤷‍♀️
-he also makes sure to keep close to you
-“what did you think of that?” asks for your opinion after any exercise he does, expecially the hard ones or the cool ones. 
-shows you some tricks he learned after a lot of practice (pls act super surprised, he’ll feel proud of himself)
-you have to be sneaky for this one
-scenario: after finishing your dailies,  you claim the extra rewards, walk around the Sumeru city for a bit when suddenly you hear Scara’s voice (aka his whimpers) and that surely catches your attention, so you decide to peek through a big plant at the entrance of the building you heard it from and see the beautiful sight of your boyfriend lifting weights that might be twice as him. 
-you stare for some time and woah, how does he do that? he looked so small and tiny but now? whole new impression, so there you are, sticking your head between some leaves while looking at shirtless Scara who’s turned the other way.
-well, you do it ‘till you can
-“hey, you! what are you doing?!” a random man yells at you, turns out he thought you were vandalizing the plants and as you both apologize to each other for the misunderstanding, your s/o is already looking your way, chuckling and grabbing his shirt as he walks up to you. 
-“something caught your eye?” he teases you as you’re obviously flustered he found out what you were doing. “how long have you been enjoying the show for?” he smirks, waiting for an anwser. “I was just passing by, when suddenly… oh look, someone’s calling for you inside” he doesn’t turn around after you say that “no, nobody is. now anwser” 
-well good luck getting out of that
-he keeps teasing you for the next 2/3 days but he actually thinks it’s cute how you like him in every shape and form (mutual feeling but he’ll never admit it)
-honestly though, he loves it when you watch him working out, he feels important so he shows off as much as possible, if you praise him he’ll be even happier and you’ll boost his confidence 
-doesn’t work out really often because of work, but when he can, he doesn’t expect anyone to want to spectate
-he’s running some laps in a particular area of the Avidya Forest, he brought his bow and his arrows, he had laid them down on the ground next to some other objects he took along with him
-you arrive later on: you were previously looking for him since you hadn’t seen him in a couple of days, Collei was the one who told you he’d be where he is. 
-he’s so concentrated, looking at his surroundings in the smallest detail, stopping every now and then to observe little plants or creatures, “so cute!” you think as you take a seat next to his belongings and watch as Tighnari proceeds to work out and really just warming up for the rest of the exercises he planned
-when it’s time for him to take his bow, he turns in your direction and his eyes open wide as he sees you. you wave hello and he comes up to you
-“y/n? when did you get here, love?” he asks you as he sits next to you “not long ago, actually. how are you?” “hmm..” he kisses you. “I’m fine. better than before, since you’re here.” 
-you pet his head and ears while talking. the situation takes a gigantic turn and it’s now extra romantic and cute
-you guys cuddle a bit, then he asks you if you wanna join him and work out toghether 
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scaranation · 2 years
ft. Akademiya Dottore (Zandik), Alhaitham, Scaramouche, Cyno, Tighnari
Content: Headcannons, modern high school AU
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Zandik is the type to disrupt class endlessly, being every teacher’s nightmare. His tendencies for violence and manic behaviour are especially present in science classes, wherein he’s been suspended multiple times for executing hazardous experiments.
Around you however, he’s almost a completely different person. The moment you express a hint of discomfort at his actions he’d stop immediately, quietly down and walking over to sit close to you instead. Teachers breathe sighs of relief upon seeing you in the same class as Zandik, knowing there’s at least one person that can manage his erratic mannerisms.
Zandik would also be immediately curious regarding anything you do. Oh, you’re reading in the library? Before you know it, he’ll be crouched in front of you - tearing the book from your hands to have a look at it.
Being the popular one despite his questionable behaviour, Zandik brings you with him to whatever social events he gets invited to - although he abruptly grabs your wrist and leaves most of them the moment you socialise with anyone other than him, muttering about how bored he was getting.
Zandik’s ego is too big to let him confess - rather, he’d either lead you into confessing first or simply forcibly announce that the two of you were dating. He simply can’t entertain the idea of rejection, much less when it came to you.
This man was probably the most insufferable person you knew. He would achieve perfect scores in all his classes and act like the epitome of good faith in front of the teachers, whilst gloating and teasing you the moment they had their backs turned.
Would definitely make fun if you if you don’t understand content in class, although he’s secretly overjoyed to teach you anything.
When he really falls for you, Alhaitham would begin plotting his schedule so that his routine intersected with yours wherever possible - timing when and where he walked down the hallway, coincidentally showing up when the vending machine just so happens to break.
Alhaitham is also the type to figure out all of your interests - your music taste, your hobbies, the books you like to read. He’d study all of them with terrifying depth, just so he could hold a conversation with you about it in the most nonchalant way possible.
Despite being cold and calculating, Alhaitham is also blunt - which is why he generally doesn’t shy away from confessing his attraction to you if he senses that you feel the same. He’s still ignorant of most social cues however, but he’s trying his best.
When the new teacher assigns you a seat next to him, not knowing Scaramouche’s intense hatred towards having a desk partner, the whole class sucked in a breath. But surprisingly, the two of you got along - in a precarious exchange of mutual indifference.
Scaramouche would rarely talk to you, only grumbling out every once in a while out of necessity - asking when the homework was due, or what the time was. You weren’t spared from his insults either, although you paid them little mind.
Despite knowing how prickly he could be, you helped your desk partner wherever you could - bringing him snacks on busy days or sneaking him answers. Scaramouche never failed to sneer at you for it, but your tenacity eventually had him become enamoured with you.
Once he liked you - and was aware of it - Scaramouche would behave completely differently. He’d be the type to sneak physical contact wherever possible. Passing a pencil, or keeping his hand on the back of your chair a moment too long as he craned his neck to look at something.
Don’t try to talk to him when he’s in that state - Scaramouche would likely snap out a hurried profanity and storm off, clamping his hands over his red ears in an attempt to “block out your annoying voice”.
Scaramouche only confesses when he senses you’re slipping away - if you start talking to other people, he’d immediately grow worried. He’s the type to be afraid of regret and betrayal, so he’d tell you about how he felt to make you stay.
Everyone either loves or hates Cyno. He’s the type to remind the teacher about the homework, tell the worst jokes, and shun social contact while he’s engrossed in his card games - but he’s also president of the student council, and is still loved for his behaviour within the campus community.
As his vice president, you often find yourself following Cyno around. Sometimes, on longer afternoons when you’d stay after class to organise whatever school-hosted social event was next, you’d even find yourself laughing at Cyno’s jokes.
Cyno is the type to go home each day and pace around thinking up things to tell you - something funny you might appreciate, or a comedic story. If you are also into card games, he’d be elated to share all his secrets and insights.
Although he’s the kind of person to keep everyone at arm’s length, he prefers to keep you in his arms - Cyno often likes to ‘inconspicuously’ drape his arm over the back of your chair, or lean in a little closer than necessary.
He would confess casually - Cyno wasn’t one for extreme theatrics, and would tell you how he felt on a normal errand the two of you were running together for the council. Although, he’d likely have spent hours thinking about how he’d phrase his admission beforehand.
Ever the pragmatist, when he’s first partnered with you in science, he gets right down to business. What makes him do a double take however is when you match his passion, eagerly participating in ecology field studies.
He’s the type to love it when you answer questions in class or give presentations - using it as an excuse to look at you, tail swaying happily.
At first, he sees his feelings for you as being admiration out of finding someone with the same interests as him. The poor boy doesn’t have a single clue why his face turns embarrassingly red when you’re around, or why his breath seems to catch in his throat.
Tighnari would have a general idea of where you usually went at break times and sit there to wait for you - not caring how many times you never came. To him, it was rewarding enough even to have you sit with him once a week.
He never really confessed outright - rather, Tighnari is the type to do it indirectly, and act indifferent if you seem surprised about his feelings.
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lovelyney · 2 years
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─────────𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒──────
DESC: “Maybe he shouldn’t have hidden his feelings behind harsh words and accusations,” he thought as he stared at your lifeless body.
PAIRINGS: Tighnari x (GN!) Reader
SCENT: angst
WARNINGS: hanahaki, throwing up, blood, tighnari’s a dick, dead dove do not eat.
FLORIST’S NOTE: here it is! finally. also, autosave feature? bless u, tumblr gods.
FLORIST’S NOTE﹙02﹚: uh Fawn here a few months after this was published </3 i'm super flattered you all like this so much; truthfully, i'm very insecure about my ability to write good angst, so it means so much!!
SONG: Secret Garden ― Empath-P
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YOU OBSERVED WITH DEFEATED EYES as Tighnari, yet again, swaddled your hands in gauze. You tried to take out a Withering Zone by yourself, wanting to help clear his schedule. However, despite having a vision of your own, you weren’t very familiar with the process and ended up getting hurt, much to the forest ranger’s dismay. 
Your throat ran dry as you struggled to find the right words to say without upsetting him more. It was clear he was about to snap at any moment, so you chose to stay silent, despite your anxiety eating away at the stillness.
“(NAME) for the last time, stop biting off more than you can chew,” the fox-eared boy berated, his gaze as bitter as the medicine he brews. “What was the point in bothering with something you clearly had no idea how to deal with? were you begging for a death wish?” 
You swallowed thickly, your stomach churning as he awaited your response. “My only intention was to take some of the burdens off your shoulders. . .” You answered feebly.
With an exasperated sigh, he rubbed his temples in frustration. “So you wanted to help me and ended up doing the exact opposite? Yeah, that sounds about right. 
“(NAME) this is what? The fifth time you’ve gotten yourself hurt trying to ‘help?’ Don’t you realize you’re only making things harder for the both of us?” Tighnari crossed his arms against his chest, growing more impatient with you by the minute. “Achons, we’re going to run out of medical supplies if you keep getting into situations like these. Can’t you learn to take a hint?” 
The harsh tone of his voice engulfed you in shame, his words ripping your heart into shreds. “I—I just—” your attempt to defend yourself was met with the burning stare of his multicolored eyes. 
He chastised, “save it, (NAME). You give me the same exact excuse every. single. time. Taking care of you like this again is already a migraine as it is.” With that, he packed the medical supplies into his backpack, not sparing you another glance. 
Tighnari criticizing and reminding you how all you do is pull everyone down had become routine by this point. He never told you directly that burdened everyone, yet he clearly didn’t care about hurting your feelings, so you never understood why he didn’t just give it to you straight.
He never acted so rashly to the other trainees, so it led you to believe that it was personal. That said, you don’t know what you did to make him hate you so much. And to add salt to the wound, you admired Tighnari a lot. Hidden beneath his sarcastic nature, he was diligent and dedicated to his work. You could tell he cared for everyone within the confines of the forest, although you highly doubted that to be your case. 
As you carefully observed him, you not-so-surprisingly developed feelings for him. You find it hard to believe now, but he treated you gently when you first met him. That memory felt so foreign after all he did was suffocate you with his accusations. Since then, you shoveled your feelings into the very back of your mind. 
“Are you even listening, (NAME)?” badgered Tighnari, snapping you out of your depressive reverie. 
Nodding slowly, you chewed the inside of your cheek, feeling your emotions consume you from the inside out. “Y—Yes, of course, Master. . .” 
“Really? Because ever since I got here, you’ve done nothing but stare at the ground helplessly.” He shook his head and sighed in defeat, “whatever. It’s not like you ever heed my advice anyways.
“Collei and I are going to be gone for a few days on an expedition. You are not to leave Gandhara Ville until I return. Do I make myself clear?” he said, his large ears flicking in aggravation.
That immediately grabbed your attention as your eyes shot open. You deflected, “I—I’m sorry?! Tighnari, I get that you’re mad at me and all, but I am not a child! I don’t need supervision!” Your face burned hot with humiliation as tears formed in your eyes. 
Tighnari’s eyes softened briefly at your defeated expression before returning to their normal venomous state. “Then quit giving me a reason to treat you like one, (NAME). Now, I’ll be taking my leave.” Before you could answer, he left your room, leaving you alone in your misery. 
After a few minutes of silence, Collei wandered in, her gaze saddening as she regarded your trembling figure. “Oh, (NAME). . .” She lamented and sat next to you, gingerly wrapping her arms around you. “I’m—I’m sorry. . . I don’t know why he’s been treating you so horribly lately; he’s usually never like this. . .” Muttered the girl as she rubbed circles on your back. “I’ll talk to him, o-okay? Please don’t cry. . .” 
Withdrawing from your friend’s hold, you rubbed away your tears with a forced smile in hopes of comforting her. “Don’t worry about me, Collei. I’ll—I’ll be alright,” you soothed, your weakened voice revealing the truth behind your words. 
Tighnari peeked his head over the opening, swallowing thickly when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks. “Collei, come with me, would you? I need to have a word with you.” He dictated, averting his regard away from you.
The girl perked up, “y—yes, Master!” She stood up and turned to you, carefully bringing your head to her chest once more. “I’ll figure something out, okay? D—Don’t worry,” she assured before bidding you goodbye and following Tighnari out. 
After the two left your line of sight, your throat and chest tightened. Scrambling into the bathroom, you stumbled over, suddenly coughing violently. You wiped the sweat from your temple, sighing in relief when it ceased. “What caused that I wonder?” You questioned and fluttered open your eyes. While staring downward at what appeared to be lotus petals, you suddenly felt overwhelming dizzy. Had it gotten that bad?
Your hands clutched your chest as bile burned your esophagus. You weakly shoved yourself up and flushed the toilet. You knew that hanahaki was life-threatening if not treated immediately. However, confessing seemed impossible given the circumstances of your relationship and who you’re in love with. Your other option was to have it surgically removed, but that also meant removing your capability to feel emotions. Nevertheless, you wanted to be a forest ranger like Tighnari and help people, so you’d much rather die of the flower that bloomed in your chest than be an empty husk and not feel anything. 
Laying on your bed, you watched Tighnari and Collei converse—probably about your probation if you were to be completely honest. You let out a meek laugh and closed your eyes, allowing your body and mind some well-deserved rest.
“Maybe if this disease takes me, I won’t burden him anymore. . .”
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The following morning was horrible. Following your wake-up, you had to race to the bathroom to throw up again; your lungs and chest burned from how fierce the fits were. Making matters worse, you got far from enough sleep because of the feeling of lotuses climbing your throat.
“(NAME)? It’s Collei! I just wanted to check on you before Master and I head out!”
Your eyes flew open at your friend’s voice. Shit. She wouldn’t take this well at all. Quickly flushing the toilet, you grabbed a towel and patted your face dry, hoping your tiredness wasn’t evident. 
“(NAME)? Are—are you alright?” She worried and walked into your bedroom. Her expression dimmed upon taking in your condition. “You look so tired! Did you not get enough sleep?” Fuck.
You compelled a weak smile, “I—I’m fine! Don’t worry about me, I’m just a little—” Your sentence stopped midway as you covered your mouth, hacking up more bloodied petals. Your hanahaki did not seem to appreciate you lying about your feelings for the sake of others. 
Collei paled immensely, her hand going to mimic your own. “(NAME). . . You—you’re. . .” Tears welled in her rose-colored eyes as she watched you recover. “We have to tell—”
“NO!” you interjected sharply. Sighing, you let out a quiet apology. “I—I’m sorry. . . I didn’t mean to yell like that. I just. . . please don’t tell Tighnari.” You muttered, voice enfeebled from your lack of sleep.
“B—But, (NAME). . . If y-you don’t get help. . .” 
“I know. But I don’t think I can take any more of his disdains. especially when he’s—” You, or rather the hanahaki, cut you off as more petals emerged from your throat and onto your shaking hands.  
Seeing the connection, her eyes softened. She lamented, “oh, (NAME). . . You like him, don’t you?” Her arms circled around you, “please, I—I don’t want to lose you. I promise I’ll talk him into apologizing! You don’t deserve this. . .”
Shaking your head, you gently patted the girl’s hair, her heartfelt words shattering your heart furthermore. “Collei, I—I’m not sure I can promise anything at this rate. . .” You imparted. “I’m not sure if Tighnari is someone you can reason with, as well. . .” 
“Collei? It’s time to go,” Tighnari announced from outside. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. . .
The green-haired girl pulled away from you, looking at your (COLOR) eyes with her own pleading ones. “Everything will be alright, okay? I promise. . .” She sniffled.
You nodded despite your views contradicting hers. Watching her leave, your gaze, hopeless and cold, flickered to Tighnari. You couldn’t help but wonder what occupied his mind; has he even thought of you and how you felt once? Probably not. 
The fox-eared ranger caught a glimpse of your eyes and shivered; that’s right, shivered. The way they looked so dull put a pit in his stomach, and he couldn’t tell why at the time. He looked at his student curiously, “what were you two talking about?”
Collei sighed, “i-it was nothing, Master. . .” 
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The realization that you didn’t have much time left dawned on you as you gazed in the mirror. Your once bright and lively eyes were now dulled and impassive, almost as if you’d already gotten the surgery. You heeded Tighnari’s words, staying locked inside your hut and not bothering anybody. After all, that’s what he wanted, right?
Your condition worsened faster than you initially hoped. Every day and night, you retched at least five blood-covered lotuses, leaving you more weakened than the last. You couldn’t even estimate how much blood you had lost by now. With each passing second, your life slipped from your fingers like grains of sand. It seemed to tease you with the thought of death, never actually finishing you off—until now. In most cases, people have at least a few weeks to make the choice; you, unfortunately, did not with how fast your feelings developed. 
Reaching up, you wiped the blood from your lips, leaving a metallic taste in your mouth. Normally you would be grossed out by it, but it was almost comforting by now because it signaled you didn’t have to endure this pain much longer.
You staggered to your desk and pulled out a few things: an envelope, a piece of paper, and a quill. Your fingers trembled as you dipped the feather in ink and scrawled the name ‘Tighnari’ on the envelope. He’d admonish you for the handwriting, but when you’re on death’s doorstep, you can’t really expect perfect writing, can you?
With an unstable breath, you began composing the letter with all the energy you could gather.
“Dear, Master Tighnari. . .”
Tighnari took a deep breath as the faint outline of Gandhara Ville came into his field of vision. Ever since had and Collei finished the expedition, this dreadful feeling like something horrible happened stuck to him like a leech. And no matter what he did, it continued to suck the energy out of him. In retrospect, he’s had this feeling since he left. Worse part about it? He couldn’t figure out why; it’s like he could sense an anomaly but couldn’t see it. 
Collei quickly picked on her teacher’s anxiety and flashed a smile, hoping to comfort him. “M—Master, I’m sure everything will be fine! You know how nice (NAME) is! I’m—I’m sure they’ll forgive you! they’re normally so sweet no matter the circumstances!” She encouraged, though, deep within her mind, she was scared herself. She knew how much his words impacted you.
Tighnari dragged out a sigh, his fingers going through his dark hair. “That’s. . . That’s the problem, Collei. I. . . I treated them so fucking awful, and all they did was sit there and take it they didn’t dare speak up,” he seethed, wincing as he recalled the look in your eyes before they departed. “Archons, who knows if they’ll find it in their heart to even forgive me? I treated them like a toddler when I really meant to protect them. God, my delivery was fucking horrid, wasn’t it? I really messed this up.” He looked at Collei with defeated eyes, “That’s what you were talking to them about, wasn’t it? How vile I treated them. That’s why they were crying the other day.”  
The trainee harshly bit her lip, knowing that’s exactly what happened. She knew that he treated you like a weed in a garden full of lotuses when in reality, you were the flowers themself. And now, with your hanahaki, Celestia knows how much pain you must be in—both physically and emotionally. 
Only then did she remember that you had gotten hanahaki the day they left, and her heart sank. She swallowed hard, feeling her heart weigh heavy in her chest as it pounded against her ribcage. “Um, M—Master Tighnari. . .” she quavered.
He glanced her way, the pit in his stomach swallowing him whole when he regarded how horrified she appeared to be.  “Hm? What’s the matter, Collei?” Inquired the boy, his ears flickering in nervous anticipation. Oh god, did something actually happen to you? 
“I—I normally wouldn’t ask of you something like this, but please, when we get back, g-go check on them? They’re. . . they’re not well. . . ” She uttered aside, her voice wobbling as if she was on the brink of tears.
Her words confirmed Tighnari’s initial thoughts; there was something wrong. “Collei. . . what happened?” he spoke curtly. Hearing no answer, his chest tightened, and he could hear his breathing pick up. “Collei. Tell me now. I need to know if they’re in danger.” His voice rattled as he communicated, his anxiety clawing at his every thought. 
Collei’s shoulders shook with small sobs, “(NAME). . . They—they have Hanahaki. They didn’t want me to tell you because t-they hic knew you’d yell at them in some sort of way. . . A-and they’ve had it for a few days now and—”
“—Collei, I need you to be honest with me. Does (NAME) have romantic feelings for me?”
Glancing up at her teacher with a pitiful expression, she wiped her eyes with her sleeves. “Yes, Master, t—they do. . . I believe they have for a while,” she sniveled.
“Fuck.” He muttered and sprinted towards the ville, leaving poor Collei behind. However, at that time, I don’t think she minded; she recognized that he needed to find you as soon as possible—to save you. 
Pushing past everyone in the village, he shoved himself inside your hut. “(N-NAME)?! Are—are you here? We—we need to talk!” He called out, his voice breaking from breathing so heavily. “(NAME). . .?”
“Shit, shit! (NAME), where—where did you go now. . .” fretted Tighnari, his mind racing with every outcome possible. His eyes caught onto a wax-sealed envelope that sat neatly on your dresser. He picked it up and felt an overwhelming sense of dread wash over him as he stared at it. “It’s addressed to me. . .”
“ Dear Master Tighnari, 
As much as it hurts to me say this, but by the time you’ve finished reading this, I’ll have passed away. I don’t quite know what to put in this letter. . . Even as I’m writing this, my mind is blanking. I feel like there’s so much I have to say, but unfortunately, I don’t have much time before this disease takes its final toll on me.
I’m sure Collei’s told you by now of my hanahaki. I don’t blame her; the poor girl looked like she would pass out when she found me puking flowers. I know what you’re thinking, “(NAME), you lummox. So you’d rather just sit and watch yourself die than confess?” Well, Tighnari, would YOU confess to someone who’s admitted you’re nothing but a thorn in their side? If you haven’t figured it out by now, it’s you who I’m in love with. Have been for a while now. 
I must apologize for plaguing both you and everyone in Gandhara Ville. That was never my intention; I only wanted to repay the kindness everyone gave me, no matter if it cost my life or not. But, unfortunately, as you said, I ended up doing the entire opposite. And for that, I sincerely apologize. I wish I could take it all back. 
I hope you know that despite everything, I don’t harbor any negative feelings toward you. And maybe, in a different reality, things wouldn’t have turned out like this. 
Did you know that I’ve admired you from day one? And I’ll continue to do so in the afterlife. You’re genuinely incredible in my eyes; you’re diligent and passionate, everything I wished I was. You’re incredibly dedicated to the forest, which is admirable. And I supposed that’s why I fell so incredibly hard for you. Maybe you knew I loved you; maybe you didn’t. It’s all meaningless now that I lay on my deathbed made out of my own flowers. It’s strangely comforting, even though I’ve lived far from a fulfilling life. 
I honestly didn’t think my feelings had gotten this bad; I thought I had successfully pushed them away for the greater good. But, with how fast the hanahaki materialized, it seems I unestimated myself. That proves just how much I truly adored you. Never doubt your capabilities, alright? You’re truly unique, Tighnari.
This is where we part, my dear fox friend. My strength is running out, and so is the ink. Once more, I’m truly sorry for all the pain I’ve caused; I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. Please take care of Collei for me? Tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t make it; Celestia knows I tried to push through for her.
I love you, Tighnari. My love will continue to bloom for you in the form of lotus flowers. So, whenever you see one, I hope you think of me and how much I admired you. (: 
Yours Truly, (NAME). ”
The words blurred together as tears muddied Tighnari’s vision. Every written word cut deeper and deeper, but he forced himself to read it all. At first, he thought it was staged or a joke of some sort, and a part of him wished it was, but he could recognize your handwriting from a mile away. “No, no. . . this cannot be happening. . . They can’t be—” he thought to himself as he pocketed the note. He seethed, “FUCK! Where could they have gone?!” He pulled his hair stressfully as he wracked his brain for answers.
“My love will continue to bloom for you in the form of lotus flowers.”
His eyes snapped open when it clicked—the river not too far from here was known for the lotuses that bloomed in it. You couldn’t have gone far either, not in your condition, at least. 
Tighnari hurriedly sped out of the ville, ignoring everyone’s worried stares. “Please don’t be too late please be alive.” He prayed silently. He halted and surveyed the familiar spot, spotting a figure lying near the river’s shallows. he uttered, “(N—NAME). . .?”
Stumbling over, his pretty eyes drowned in tears the second he laid eyes on you. You were sprawled out, bloodied flowers sticking to your lifeless body. Blood smeared on your lips and fingers, and thank the Archons, your eyes were closed, or else Tighnari would’ve gone into cardiac arrest from crying so hard.
He collapsed at your side, cradling your face in his hands; the warmth of his palms contrasted with the chill of your skin. Shaking his head in denial, he thumbed at your face hoping to find some kind of reaction that proved you were still alive. “No, no, NO! Come on, (NAME)! W—wake up! You c-can’t. . .” He hiccuped. 
Tighnari gathered you in his arms, concealing his face in the crook of your neck to hide how hard he sobbed. “I. . . I’m so sorry, flower. T—This is all my fault. . . I-If I would’ve just told you how I felt instead of being a moron, then none of this would’ve happened—you wouldn’t have. . .” A sob strangled his throat and cut off his words.
“I—I thought I was protecting you from yourself. . . B-but I somehow did the exact opposite. I was the cause of your pain, and because of how shitty I treated you, you feared telling me how you felt. I. . . I’m so sorry, (NAME). Y-you didn’t deserve to go through so much pain alone.”   
“Master, I heard—o-oh my god.” 
Collei’s eyes rounded in horror, her figure starting to tremble as the situation settled in her head. “(N-NAME). . .” she croaked and dropped next to Tighnari, her hands shakily finding yours. Like her mentor, she was quick to shake her head in denial. “N—no. . . They can’t be. . . How—how did it—” bewailed the girl as her hand squeezed your fragile one. She turned to Tighnari, who looked to be on the verge of passing out from crying so hard. “M—Master, they’re. . . they’re not, r-right? They can’t be. . .”
The ranger shakily pulled out the letter and handed it to her, watching as the girl sobbed harder at its contents. “T—They found comfort in their death because of how much pain they were in. . .” He murmured weakly. As he pressed a kiss to your hair, he noticed that your fingers grasped something.  
Tighnari gingerly grabbed your hand and unraveled your fingers from what you held. A singular clean lotus. He smiled, weak and faint, plucking the lotus from your grip and tucking it in his hair—a memento of your love for him and his love for you. 
“My love for you will continue to blossom in life and in death. . . N—no matter where you are, you will be the first and last my heart is occupied with. There’s no room left for anyone else, flower. . . There never was in the beginning.
“I will look at each and every flower and think of how selfless and caring you were. Your love and dedication will continue to burn bright in Gandhara Ville. I will make sure of it. . .” 
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bunny-bear-blogs · 7 months
Purr-Plexed Feelings
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Synopsis: You and the Wanderer were sent out by Nahida on a commission to deliver confidential information to Tighnari. On the way, your map fell into a river, leaving the both of you without directions. While looking for a way too, you both ran into an indigo fur cat in need of a home. You, being the saint you are, decided to adopt it, noting its close resemblance to the boy next to you. Also known as the boy you had been pining for, for months. However, as time goes on, the boy becomes jealous of the amount of attention you’ve been giving the feline instead of him. I mean, the real Wanderer is right here. So why not show attention to him instead? Maybe even tell him you love him?
A/N: Pretend the cat in the image looks like Scarameow pls :>
Word Count: 2243
It’s been a few months since Nahida decided to take you under her wing. She and the Wanderer were walking around Ardravi Valley when Nahida spotted you unconscious and flowing down a river heading straight to a waterfall. Before you could fall down the waterflow, she had the Wanderer fly down to save you. After a few minutes, you woke up, with amnesia not remembering a thing. Nahida tried her best to bring back your memories; however, no matter what she tried they wouldn't come back. She thought it was suspicious and decided to have you under her wing because of this amnesia. Additionally, she thought having you near her would give the Wanderer an option to make a friend. Around the second month, something finally clicked and you got your memories back. However, your past memories weren't pleasant and you made the decision with everyone's agreement to stay in Sumeru and continue helping Nahida. This help consisted of going on little missions for Nahida with the Wanderer. Due to this, you and the Wanderer have gotten closer and see each other a lot. You two have become friends well with you hoping it would turn into something more. 
Today’s little mission consisted of delivering a special document filled with confidential information to Tighnari. You were carrying a backpack with the document inside and the map of the Avidya Forest. While the Wanderer, as he said it, was carrying “moral support” for you both. Getting confused on directions, you took out the map to get a better sense of where you were going. You guys took many lefts and rights but still had no luck getting to the rendezvous point Nahida and Tighnari agreed on. “Are you sure you're reading that right? Or did you lose the ability to read?” “Of course, I’m reading the map right.” You said that and then placed the map closer to your face, making you lose awareness of the environment around you. Suddenly, you fell. Knowing you were going down, you shut your eyes and braced for impact with the ground, but it never came. You didn’t feel the ground; instead, you felt something warm. You then slowly opened your eyes to see that the indigo-haired boy was holding you. When you were heading for the ground, he was able to use his anemo vision to push you back, making you land against his chest with his arms wrapped around you. “You saved me?” You said puzzled and still trying to make sense of what just happened. He then turned in the other direction to hide his light pink face. “I-I wasn't going to let you fall. Mortals are fragile, so I didn't want you to break.” He was warm; being wrapped around his arms was warm; hearing his heartbeat was warm; just being near him made you feel warm. A few seconds of silence then passed until he spoke once again. “Where's the map?” You then in panic made your way out of his grasp to check the surrounding area. There was no luck; the map was gone. “Hahaha, hat guy, did you see the map go off?” “Don’t call me that, and it probably got blown away by the wind when you almost fell.” “If it got blown away by the wind, how are we going to make it to the rendezvous point?” You said with clear panic setting in. "Well, luckily for you, I remember where the rendezvous point is.” He was prideful of his assertion, placing his hands on his hips. “You do?” He then turned around to face the other way, as if hiding himself from your gaze. “Well, I know where it is, just not how to get there.” “So we’re basically lost, then?” He then swiftly turned around, pointing an accusatory finger in your direction. “Hey, you were the one whose job was guiding us. Mine was moral support.” “Left or right.” "What?” “I said left or right hat guy." "Left.” “We’ll head left then; let's go.” Just like that, you led the indigo hair boy to the left, hoping it would get you to the rendezvous point. Boy, were you wrong.
It was getting darker outside than when you initially entered the forest. “We’ve been lost for hours” “Well if someone had done their job.” “I know but besides the rendezvous how are we even going to get out of here.” “It's typical for a mortal like you to be lost.” “I’ll let you know your lost too, hat guy.” “Once again, don't call me that.” This bickering continued for another twenty minutes as you followed the same left direction. It only stopped when the Wanderer heard a meow from the bushes ahead of you. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what? Not all of us have godlike hearing, you know?” “There's an animal in those bushes over there.” He then pointed to the bushes in front of you and you saw them shake a bit. “Do you know what type it is?” “My guess would be a cat, but there's only one way to find out.” He then sheepishly smiled and pushed you in front of the bushes. “Thanks for having my back!” You said and then looked through the bushes. He was correct, it was a cat. The cat had indigo fur that matched its eye color, with a bell around its neck. “It’s so cute!” You exclaimed, holding it up in the air for the Wanderer to also see. “Only a mortal would swoon over a cat.” He said while turning to face the direction opposite of you. You then got the idea to bring the cat closer to him. “Pet the cat” “What?” “Pet this adorable cat. You know you want too.” He reluctantly petted the cat and while doing so his face changed to a tint of pink. “So did you like it?” “Maybe just a bit, but that doesnt fix the problem that we are still lost here.” “You're right, I still have no idea how we’re gonna get out. Maybe the cat knows.” “Why would the cat know, Y/N?” “It never hurts to ask.” You then turned your head towards the cute feline in your arms. “Hey, do you know where we can find Tighnari?” The cat, as if understanding what you were saying nodded and jumped off your arms and ran off. “After that cat!” The Wanderer then grabbed your hand and started running.
You two then both ran after that cat until you found Tighnari. You were out of breath, panting, while saying,“The cat actually led us here?” “I guess so, you were right to ask the cat Y/N.” After you caught your breath, you looked up seeing Tighnari petting the little critter. He spoke gently, but with hints of sass on certain words, “I’m glad to see you both made it. I was going to say, I hope you didn't mind. I was an hour late to the rendezvous since an emergency broke out with some forest rangers. However, it looks like you two were late as well so it all worked out.” “We wouldn’t have been late if Y/N didn't lose the map.” “Well we wouldn't have been late if the Wanderer had picked a direction other than left.” “I don't think Nahida would want to hear of you two fighting.” You and the Wanderer then straightened up both saying apologies to the man. “I should then give you this, Tighnari.” You then opened your backpack to give him the document you were sent to deliver to him from Nahida. The Wanderer then chimed in, “The Dendro Archon sends her regards.” “Thank you, please tell her I said hello. As for this… He then picked up the cat and walked over putting it into your arms. Y/N you should take the cat. He’s looking for a home and has told me he has quite enjoyed your company. Besides, I’m sure you’d make a great pet owner.” “Thank you and I’d love to take this cat in.” Tighnari then looked up and back at you two, “It’s getting dark, you two should make your way back home. He then pulled something out of his bag and placed it into the Wanderer’s map. Here's a map so you both can get home quicker.” “Thank you, Tighnari!” You said, with gleam. After that, your goodbyes were said and you made your way with the Wanderer back to your mutual housing. 
Fast forward a few weeks later, you’ve noticed the Wanderer always has a change of tone when you bring up your cat. You named him Scarameow, named after the Wanderer’s old self mixed with the word meow. This was due to their similar appearance and habits. You both haven't been sent on any missions for a while so you both have been stuck staying in your mutual house. Originally, it was the house the Wanderer was staying in when he wasn't with Nahida, but since she took you under your wing she had you stay in the house too. You both have your own rooms of course, but lately the Wanderer has been barging into yours with always something to go about. Such as: “How come Scarameow gets to sleep in and you wake me up?” “That’s because you're a grown adult and I need help with the dishes.” “How come Scarameow gets to lay wherever?” “That’s because he’s super cute.” In these examples he seems like he doesn’t like Scarameow; however, I’ve noticed in private when he thinks no one is watching he acts loving to the feline. He gives Scarameow pets, treats, affection, love, and belly rubs, but only when he thinks no one is watching. Which begs the question, why doesn't he like Scarameow? Or at least why does he pretend not to like him? You decided to observe the Wanderer, his actions and reactions every time the cat is around. Then after a while, it clicked and you came up with a theory. 
Wanting to put your theory into action, you invited the Wanderer into your room to hang out and play together with Scarameow. He reluctantly agreed, but came and played with Scarameow for a few minutes. You then decided to put your plan into action. You then picked up Scarameow and gave him tons of hugs and kisses, followed by words of praise. Going like, “You're the cutest being in the whole whole whole world, Scarameow! The cutest indigo cat I’ve ever seen.” "Why do you even say those things, Y/N?" “Why not. He's so cute; he looks just like you too.” “That’s why the real thing is right here, so why not just care for me instead?" You froze; did you just hear him, right? I mean, you expected a reaction from him, but not that one. He then spoke, "Listen, you can disregard what I just said; it's fine.” He then turned embarrassed, making his way to the door until you grabbed his wrist and stopped him. “No, you're not leaving. I don’t want you to leave.” “You don't want me to…leave?” “Yeah, I don’t want you to leave.” “Why so?” “Because I want to care for you. You're right, I show this cat tons of affection, but a part of it might be because it reminds me of you. Wanderer, I have feelings for you, as in romantic ones.” The words I’ve been holding on to for so long were said. I was nervous waiting for his response, but then it finally came: “I have feelings for you too, Y/N. I have for a long time. At first, I tried to suppress them, thinking, how can someone like you ever like someone like me. But, when you got Scarameow, just something in me clicked: I wanted to be the one you love and want as a partner.” His face was as red as a lobster, and he seemed flustered by the love confession he just made. “I want you to be my partner too.” You said this as you grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Suddenly, you hear a "meow." “Hat guy, now that you have confessed to me, you must hug Scarameow. Also, please don’t hide your feelings for my cat. I know you like to give him belly rubs and hugs when I’m not looking.” “I-I do not.” He said it with a red expression still on his face. "Yeah, yea, just don’t hide it.” Just like that, you and the Wanderer had become partners with a love that would last for eternity, with Scarameow included as well.
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baxndaid · 2 years
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tighnari x reader (head-cannons)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ! i hate him ur honour!! hes so fucking rude im going to cut off his ears (i kinda like him he kinda ate maybe) sorry if hes a bit ooc , SUMERU LOOKS SO AWESOME LMFAOSO gl on ur pulls x !! sumeru spoilers
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✧ FIRST OFF, you knew the moment you saw him youd hate his ass sm , like how is it your fault he didnt tell you to not touch anything?? right, exactly
✧ whenever you talked to another ranger, theyd tell u the same old story, "hes strict at first, but in due time, he gets progressively more kind and open" like mf yeah RIGHT its been like a year and he still nit-picks at everything you do
✧ he sends you off into the worst tasks like cleaning the statue of the seven when you are clearly helpful in the more dangerous tasks, seeing as you have a vision and all
✧ whenever you protest, hes all like "but the rainforest is dangerous at night 😭😭🚨" YEAH WE KNOW WE'VE BEEN LIVING HERE FOR YEARS YOU FREAK!!
✧ you like to talk to collei about it, since she gets treated the same. though, she does only get treated this way due to her illness, but she still likes to hear you talk about her master, she thinks its funny how oblivious you two are
✧ sometimes, when there isnt enough vision bearing recruits to venture into the withering areas of the forest, you step in
✧ and i mean STEP step in like, you have to force your way into tighnari's radar in order to make him listen to you, like u have no other people besides y/n!!! get used to it freak show!!!
✧ the first few times patrolling the forest with the animal-eared man was so not it 🤨✂ he would continuously poke fun of your archery skills and insist on helping you
✧ he'd stand behind you and put one of his hands on yours and the other laid on your waist, resting his head on your tense shoulders as he guides your bow to aim at a old target plastered on a tree you could feel his ears twitch on your cheek, you made a mental note to tell collei how they feel afterwards
"i know how to shoot an arrow you know,"
"clearly you dont, you missed 3 times."
✧ OKAY damn
✧ though as you two continued to complete the night patrols together more frequently, the tension slowly went away and the small talk soon turned into genuine conversations about family, friends, foods, anything you two could think of
✧ even though you two have definitely gotten closer, he still likes to piss you off and you KNOW he does it on purpose 😩
✧ for starters, he signed you up to a private class that he taught to new recruits, which, by the way, literally nobody but you came to, about how to classify and recognise poisonous mushrooms
✧ the pinnacle of excitement
✧ though, in most of the classes you and tighnari would just yap away, complaining about a certain man who keeps getting food poisoning from said mushrooms
✧ perhaps, due time, you two will learn to just accept that you like each others damn company
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genshin masterlist
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bl33df0rm3 · 11 months
18+ MDNI
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Modern!AU, College!AU
Perverted Professer!Men Who's eyebrows perk up when you say you'll do anything to get your grades up, desire, arousal and anticipation dancing in his Iris.
Perverted Professer!Men That always seems unbothered by your lips latched around him mid lecture, only taking a deep breath in as a sign of him releasing.
Perverted Professer!Men Who relishes in your shaky and desprate breaths as his hands clasp around your mouth, cooing in your ear to stay quiet just a little longer..
Perverted Professer!Men Who playfully laugh giving you a genrous pat on the back as his next cluster of pu pils rush in, waving to you as you head to your next lecture.
Perverted Professer!Men Who flash you what seems like a kind smile to others but a smug smile to you, his eyes focusing on the just smallest drop of his essence you wiped away. "Remember i'm always happy to help L/N"
Tighnari,Zhongli, Ayato, Baizhu, Diluc, Kaeya, Alhaitham, Albedo, Heizou, Kaveh,
-‘๑’-Note; Next drabble coming soon….,If you have any characters you want me to cover in my next post(Or any request/ prompt for that matter) please lmk via question bar (Renamed Q&R), Comments or my Inbox
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bohbee · 1 year
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Genshin x Pregnant Reader
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Characters: Tighnari, Cyno, Al-Haitham, Kaveh
Warnings: throwing up, blood, water breaking, cussing, nausea, pain, kids💀.
Notes: please read! Tighnaris will be a bit longer than the others due to him being part fox! Also water breaking doesn't usually hurt but it will for his!
Anyways not proofread
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You sat in the bathroom the day had just started and you already threw up, Al-Haitham stood behind you softly rubbing your back, as Kaveh made you some remedy food. "Ugh, today's gonna suck." You said with a loud groan, before puking yet again in the porcelain toilet. Your grey hair boyfriend held your hair back "(y/n), I'm going to take you to the hospital." He said, causing you to whip your head towards him.
"Wha- it's just me being sick? You tell me each time that I will be fine how is this different?" You said in shock, his expression stayed the same, slightly worried yet calm. "You're pregnant." He said with a matter-of-fact tone. You went to go say something again however another wave of nausea hit you, making you throw up.... yet again.
~Five months later~
He was right, to say the least. Currently, the two of you walked around Sumeru City, a medium-sized bump on your abdomen. You sighed heavily, the two of you didn't want a kid yet, you guys made the best of the situation but it didn't stop you from feeling bad. "You alright?" His hand grabbed yours, turning you to face him. "I've told you to stop worrying about this." His eyebrows furrowed, and his hand that held yours moved to your stomach. Rubbing the bump softly, "This will be our kid, it isn't a problem." You smiled softly, despite him being based on logic, he was quite aware of your emotions.
"I know Haitham, come on, let's go get some food, they're hungry." He chuckled softly as you pulled him around the city. "Alright crazy, let's go"
~Eight months in the pregnancy~
You looked into Kavehs eyes with shock as the water dripped from your inner region. "Ka-" you went to say his name however his screeching interrupted you, he placed you in the wheelchair he made you last month and rushed to the Hospital.
You sat in the room alone, contractions slamming your body consistently. Kaveh ran to grab Al-Haitham as soon as he dropped you off in the hospital. The nurses informed you that your baby would be premature but that they would most likely be fine.
The hospital room door slammed open, interrupting your conversation with the nurse, Kavehs eyes shot toward you, and your boyfriend's eyes right after his. "Archons." He muttered before pushing past the architect, he slammed the nurse with questions before he interrogated you.
Your birth wasn't as painful as it should've been due to your baby's small size, however, she was completely healthy. Al-Haitham snipped the umbilical cord and walked back to you. "She'll be just fine, alright? Now, how are you?" He asked softly, the back of his hand pressed on your forehead. "Ah forget that, just get some rest okay?" He said before you could answer, he placed a soft kiss on your knuckled. "I'll be right here when you wake."
Al-Haitham was a patient father, always pushing his daughter to the better choices but still allowing her to have fun. Currently, you stood in the kitchen, your daughter strapped to your chest as you made dinner. Al-Haitham walked behind you, hugging you softly, and kissing your kids' forehead. "Smells good what is it?" You went to respond but your kid decided to make a Muffled noise before... "Dada" you whipped your head towards her. "No fair." You groaned...
(Bonus: Kaveh was an amazing uncle, he would often steal your daughter whenever Al-Haitham was at the Akademiya and you needed a nap. He often made her toys and even a playground. The cute baby brought the two roommates quite close to another.)
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Loud shuffles could be heard at the front door of your house, quickly catching your attention. You wobbled to the door of your bedroom, carefully peeking out. "It's just me," your husband said, causing a breath of relief to leave your body. You walked out of the room, his sunset eyes looking at you.
He let out a soft smile, "I got some medicine from Tighnari, it should help with your nausea. He also said it'd be smart to do some aerobic exercises." The white-haired male said softly, his hands softly caressing the bump on your abdomen. "Ugh, I just want to relaaaax." You groaned, a small pout on your face, which caused General Mahamatra to laugh. "Oh well, darling, this will help the birthing process okay?"
The two of you stood in the living room, your husband showing you some pregnancy-friendly stretches. "No no, move your hips out." He said calmly, his calloused hands gripping your waist and patiently showing you how to properly do it. A crack popped through your body, your back releasing pressure it had been carrying due to the child. "That soo nice" you groaned out, gaining an amused hum from Cyno. "See I told you, now go ahead and sit I'll make you some Duel Soul" you nodded softly and waited for him to come back.
~Nine months in the pregnancy~
"Agh!" A loud groan was yet again playing through the hospital room, Cynos hands grabbed onto yours. "Deep breaths remember?" You listened to his advice as another contraction rippled through your body. "Cyno-- ugh! It hurts!" You pressed your head into the pillow, sweat dripping down your forehead. His calloused fingers rubbed your hips softly, washing away a bit of your discomfort. "I know, it'll be over soon. Scream as loud as you need."
And that is exactly what you did. You grabbed his left hand which was rubbing one of your hips and squeezed it, causing his eyes to widen in shock. Not because it hurt, no something that simple couldn't hurt him, it was your immense strength that got him. He sat with you and let you squeeze him as hard as you needed, humming sweet nothings in your ear and praising you through the difficulties.
Cyno had to leave a lot due to his job, but when he was home he was the best father anyone could ask for. He would never fail to make the baby laugh, he finally had the dad joke title. Currently, the two of you stood in Gandharva Ville with your five-year-old messing with some jumping mushrooms. Loud laughter could be heard from each of you, you held your swollen stomach trying to calm the kicking infant in your belly.
"Hey kiddo, what does a bee use to brush its fuzz?" Your husband's voice said to your kid. "Hmmm, I don't know! What Daddy?!" They said with a large giggle "A honeycomb!" He exclaimed before tickling their stomach.
(Bonus: you would often visit Tighnari and Collie, and both of them would gush over your kid. Collie would always hang out with Cyno and your oldest, while Nari would stay back and assist you with your newborn. Each of them was amazing to the kids, your oldest even wanted to work in the forest like they did!)
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His eyes sparkled when you showed up with a gift box in hand, "And what is this my love?~" he said cheerily before rushing you inside the shared house. "Hm.... a gift for the best architect in the world!" You exclaimed happily before kissing his soft cherry-tinted lips, causing the Acting Grand Sage to grimace.
Kaveh set the gift down on the table and carefully unwrapped it, making sure not to damage the gorgeous wrapping. Inside were multiple gifts. A new sketchbook, nail polish, earrings, and a......... a bag of really tiny hair pins. "My love! These are amazing, might I ask though.... what could these tiny bows be for, did you find a hairstyle you'd like me to try?" He asked, you looked down slightly, causing both him and his roommate to look at you in confusion.
"I'm pregnant." You mumbled softly, your eyes focusing on the intricate details on the tiled floor. "You-!" Kaveh exclaimed, dropping the pins and running over to you. "You?!" He said again with a large smile, tears globbing out of his eyes, causing you to giggle a little, nodding. "YES!" He yelled and grabbed whisped you into a heavy embrace. "My baby has a baby!"
~Six months later~
Pregnancy was easy for you, it seems that Kavehs empathic tendencies rubbed off on the newborn. They never really kicked or made you sick, however, they did make you crave food. So you sat with your Fiancé happily eating Rose Custard and a Pita Pocket Kaveh made you. His hand rested comfortably on your abdomen as he told your unborn child fictional tales. "You know Kaveh, you're going to be an amazing father." You said out of the blue, causing his peachy irises to stare at yours in awe. "My rose, you flatter me so much." He said with a large blush painting his face, he got up and smooched your custard-tasting lips. "Stay here my beloved, I'll prepare the bed for a massage. You deserve it after that amazing comment!" He said with a cheeky smile.
~Nine months in the pregnancy~
You huffed out, grabbing the stair railing, catching Al-Haitham’s attention. "(y/n)?" He said with a questioning tone, wet droplets filled his eardrums causing him to shoot up from his spot and grab your body carefully. "Kaveh!" He shouted, "They are in labor!" Your Fiancé shot out of his room and rushed over to the two of you. "Okay okay, let's go honey!" He said urgently, rushing you out the house.
Kaveh was an anxious father, however, he had an immense amount of love. He'd constantly be scared of hurting the child, even with the slightest touch. This quickly disappeared though, you'd often find the two of them asleep together, random pins in your now husband's hair.
You walked into your husband's office to give him some Padisarah Pudding, your irises locked onto a beautiful sight. Your beloved was slouched over on the table, papers sprawled all over the place, your child holding onto a lock of his hair. You sighed softly at the sight and placed down the pudding, carefully grabbing the Kamera. *click* the soft noise filled the room. Now this photo had to of been the best.
(Bonus: Al-Haitham and Kaveh were known as roommates that hated each other, however, this was not true. Al-Haitham was there for a large portion of your pregnancy, hell he even bought most of the stuff for you. He would give you random facts and assist you when it came to your cravings. He wasn't the best with kids, however, when he first met your child a small smile painted his face.)
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The soft wind of Gandharva Ville tickled across your face, causing a sigh of contentment to leave your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut as you took in your surroundings, that was until soft twigs snapping caught your attention. You whipped your head to the noise only to find your beloved husband waving slightly "Hello dear." He said softly, walking over and sitting beside you.
A smile painted itself on your face and you placed your head on his shoulder "Welcome back, Nari, how are you feeling?" You mumbled, taking in his scent. "Relaxed now that I'm back, how're you and the kids doing?" His arms pulled you closer to him, your head now resting on his chest. "You make it sound like they're here already! But..... they missed their father I'd say...." You giggled softly, a light blush painting your cheeks. "Oh my! Well I guess I have to spend more times with my little plants now don't I."
~4 months in the pregnancy~
You huffed out and held your large stomach, despite being only four months pregnant your belly was LARGE. Having Tighnaris babies took a large toll on your body. As of recently, any food or food-smelling scent would cause you to throw up. Which made life hell for both you and all of Gandharva Ville. Tighnari would send people on missions to find different plants to ease his lovers seemingly endless nausea, everyday something new but nothing worked.
You sat on the chair after throwing up your old food, Tighnaris ears lowered as he watched your weak stance. "(y/n)?" He whispered, catching your attention, which you hummed in response. "I'm so sorry.." He walked over to you and hugged your frail body, "Just.... whatever you need.. tell me." He said, guilt rushing in his chest. "Nari.... I need to lay with you..." You said with a raspy voice, his ears perked up at your request, "of course."
~8 months in~
You thought four months was bad? No. Currently, you lay on the bed, the same bed you've been laying in for about a week in a half. The pregnancy really took your energy away, in the past you'd be able to join people for small walks, maybe on a good day dinner. But now you could barely get up to use the restroom. Your three children were definitely making themselves at home in your belly.
Tighnari walked over to your laying form and carefully helped you sit up, placing pillows behind you. "Is that comfortable?" He asked softly, causing you to nod. "Good, I've brought you some of the Pita Pockets Collei made, I placed some healing plants to hopefully allow it to stay down." He sat down beside you and unwrapped two of the four Pita Pockets. "Now you tell me which sounds better, Chicken or Shawarma"
~In labor~
A shrieking scream erupted through the village, causing Tighnari and Collei to drop everything they were doing and rush over to his house. Tighari ran into the room only to find your body on the floor in a puddle of blood and fluid. "Fuck" he said. He carefully lifted your body and rushed you to the nursery, placing you on the table. He was going to have to deliver them, you went into labor two weeks earlier than planned.
The birthing process was hell, your screams were loud causing him to get a major headache but he knew you couldn't control it. Luckily though it didn't take too long, with Naris' skills and Colleis assistance in a short 3 hours you were done and you lollied off into a much needed sleep.
You opened your eyes and looked around only to find Tighnaris's body curled into yours. Your movements quickly caused him to rush awake. "(y/n)! How are you? Do you need anything? The kids are in the other room. They're-" his quick speaking was cut off by your small giggle. "You big worry wart, I'm fine Nari, happy to be done with that whole thing.... but-" you stopped yourself, your eyes meeting with his curious earth-tone ones "But?" He repeated a large smile showering your face "I would kill for some of your mushroom soup right now."
Tighnari was a cautious tough loving parent, he would always make sure his three kiddos were safe and if they even dared to eat a suspicious plant oh they would have to face his Wrath. He would often grab the three of them and make flower crowns for you, teaching them different braiding techniques and such. Currently, you sat outside yet again breathing in the natural smell of the Village you called home. Small giggles interrupted you this time, "Hm?" You smiled softly at your three kids, each of them hiding something behind their back. "What's going on now my little devils?" You joked around, and your middle child stepped forward and shoved a small bracelet made of flowers in your hands, your youngest giving you a necklace, and your oldest giving you a crown. "This is beautiful! Oh, you guys are just the cutest aren't you? Help me put them on would you?"
(Bonus: Collei would ALWAYS steal your kids, she was a proud older sister and you never had any arguments against her actions. She would often dance around with them in the forest, always telling them fun stories about Aranaras. And when the green-haired storyteller wasn't there, Uncle Cyno and Aunt Nilou would be. Cyno would always come prepared with fun jokes, causing your youngest to always giggle. Nilou would often dance with Collei and the kids, sometimes even sneaking them some Padisarah Pudding.)
Held this off for a while, hopefully it's alright.
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pppeachyyys · 1 year
'good for me' tighnari
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you always saw something special in tighnari, which also meant you were willing to do anything for him. but what if your desires are reflected right back to you?
tags! praise, desk fucking, penetration, mutual pining, consensual, half clothed sex, self indulgent, my immature self ( i cant take this seriously 💀 ), female reader
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tighnari scanned the papers with narrowed eyes, his mind taking in every word and data written onto the stack of research. you felt your heart beat nervously. 
he smiled. “yep. these look good. thank you for always helping us out, y/n.” 
you felt relief wash over your body as he organized the papers and placed them on his desk. “it’s really nothing, i’ll always be able to be at your assistance sir tighnari.” you said while returning his smile. his eyes soften. “i’m glad to hear that. you may go now.” 
he watches as you left the hut, leaving just him and his thoughts; specifically, the image of your gentle smile followed by your sweet voice saying his name. it made him feel all giddy and sweet inside.
“tighnari…” the forest ranger mumbled out, playing your voice in his head like a broken record. his tail swished around in satisfaction.
i should continue offering these errands for her…
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it was the third time tighnari has asked you to either run a personal request or pair up with him for patrols this week. you watched every step you took towards tighnaris hut with pots of various plants in your arms. you couldn’t help but wonder what caused him to always be searching for you throughout the day.
not that you really minded though. who wouldn’t resist being in the aid of the chief officer of the forest rangers ? he was truly everything good put into a single being. whether it was his intelligence or stern yet caring words that spoke out of his mouth, you always felt your admiration for him grow day by day.
perhaps something stronger than admiration was blooming as well. 
as you knocked the door that led to his home, tighnari promptly opened it with his usual faint smile. you welcomed yourself in and sat on a chair next to him. 
“you know y/n, you’re always doing such a great job with these requests. it’s truly a big help to have you here.” tighnari praised you diligently. he viewed the plants closely, his ears flickering in curiosity. you flushed at his compliment. 
“once again, it’s my pleasure sir.” 
“still, i’m very glad that you are able to volunteer your time for this. after all, you already work so hard as a member of the rangers.” he commented. you felt your cheeks growing hot, did you always feel this way when people praised you ? 
you avert his gaze in hopes that it’ll make your anxiety leave. it simply continues to grow when he gently reaches over to remove something from your face with his gloved fingers. 
“sorry- there was something on your face. it must’ve been from when you were outside.” 
his touch made you feel so vulnerable, you realize. you can’t stop your heartbeat from running a literal marathon or the embarrassing feeling in between your legs.
the plants on the table are placed away to the side, and tighnari neatly shoved the papers away from your view. he seemed distracted, to your relief; just when you thought you were able to hide your nervousness from tighnari, he looks at you with a smile. 
“did you know that most breeds of foxes can hear from 100 feet away ? which means that also applies to me, a human hybrid of a fennec fox. we also have heightened sense of smell-”
there was surely no way tighnari was lecturing you about his own breed while you sat there practically begging him to touch you. he continued his rant, but you were unable to focus. just as you were beginning to space out, tighnari leans closer to whisper something into your ear. 
“which means i can hear your heart beating excessively fast right now…” he mumbles. “... and your scent is all that's filling my brain…”
you swear you're an embarrassed mess by now, his words going straight from your head to your stomach. you gently push him away in fear that you won’t hold yourself back any longer. “sir- you’re teasing me too much.” 
“just call me tighnari from now.”
he’s gentle, but the starved glint glazing his eyes tell you otherwise. his fingers reached to tuck a strand of h/c hair to the back of your ear and he’s inching closer, his hot breath against the nape of your neck.
it was a blessing nobody was watching the scene unfold. the chief of the forest rangers, making such arousing actions towards their own pupil. anticipation is bubbling to the very tip of your chest. 
“be obedient and listen to me, will you ?” he asks smoothly and you nod a little too quick for your own liking. he gestures you to get up, making you face the table. “are you sure you’re okay with this ?” 
“yeah.” you heave out. that’s all the more tighnari needs to place one hand on your hips and the other on your back. he gently pushes you down to the table.
“then allow me…”
you were pressed against the desk, your back facing tighnari. his hands went up and down your clothed back before reaching over to undo your pants, playing with the hem of your underwear. you could feel a hard buldge pressing against the thin fabric that was starting to dampen. 
as he started to suckle on your neck and you unconsciously began to grind your hips against his boner. his sharp canines dug into your skin, eliciting a small whine from your lips.
this felt all too real. your hot boss bending you over while you shamelessly rut yourself into him like it’s the best opportunity ever given to you. he’s growling back sinful moans, attempting to control himself.
“i’ve been watching you, and you’re always doing such a good job for me.” tighnari whispers into your ear. he quickly removes his gloves, fingers slowly stroking your drenched panties. 
“tighnari please…” 
he removes your underwear, the smell of your arousal feeding into his desires. it’s so addicting, he wishes that he could have you all to himself, the way you whined and blushed under his touch.
two fingers are slipped into your hole. in embarrassment, you attempt to hide your pleasured moans, the ranger chuckles in response. “don’t hold back from me. don’t you wanna be a good girl and show me how good it feels ?” he asks while fucking his fingers deep inside of you. “tell me, how long have you been waiting for this ? you always seemed so nervous around me, and it just makes me want you even more.” he confesses. you let out a lewd moan. “since forever- ah, tighnari-” 
he’s awfully good at what he was doing. the way he curved his fingers that hit the spot had you rolling your eyes to the back of your head. his pace is perfect and before you know it, you feel a heat in your stomach reaching its climax.
“ah ! tighnari i’m gonna…” you can’t finish your words." he nibbles on your ears teasingly. “you’re gonna cum ?” you nod quickly before cumming all over his fingers while still being a panting mess. he hums in satisfaction.
“that’s a good girl. don’t worry, i’m not done with you yet.” you can hear him unbuckle his pants. you’re already a sweating mess, and the thought of tighnari ramming his cock into you made you even more flushed. 
he presses his dick against you and you realize how big he was. hell, you didn’t even dare to look back to see if your assumption was true. “tighnari it’s so big. will it even fit ?” you mumble.
“don’t worry, i’m sure you can take it all.” he responds, kissing your neck eagerly. his words were just too sweet to resist, and before you know it, he’s got you twirled around his finger.
you suck in a deep breath as he slowly inserts himself inside your throbbing hole. he was gentle, making sure not to hurt you in any way. inch by inch, he settles inside your gummy walls; and he swears that the image of you looking like this is enough to get him cumming. 
“that’s my pretty girl.” 
the word ‘my’ go through your head, and his praises make you clench around him unconsciously, your walls gripping onto his dick.  he groans, “fuck… you’re making me so close already.” 
the thrusts start off slow and steady. his hands are secured on your hip as he begins to rut into you deeper and faster. you squirm. lewd sounds of his dick fucking you in and out echoes through the room; you swear his desk could break any moment. 
“t-tighnari… it feels so good !” 
he’s panting and moaning into your ear as pleasure vibrates from all over your body. despite the fact that your hips are clothed, you swore his grip would bloom red bruises over your waist. the rolling of his hips into yours made you starstruck. 
his dick reaches the same spot that pleased you the most. your voice gets louder as he continues to fuck you in that soft spot. “ah ! right there !” your legs are shaking and your eyes are rolled back, mouth hung wide open with erotic sounds exiting your vocal chords. 
sticky liquid coats his dick and dribbles down to the wooden ground. the sound is so sticky and the smell of sex is heavy in the room. 
“come on, just a bit more, ‘m close too.” he’s practically begging you as he continues to fuck himself into you. the feeling was addicting, your walls so soft and tight, perfect, just the way he liked. 
tighnari is quick to reach his own climax and pulls out with a wince, cum slicking your back, leaving a shiny finish to your shaking figure. he moves your h/c hair out of the way before placing gentle kisses on your nape. “truly, you’re too good for me.” 
“you really are too good.” 
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
𝑊𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑀𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒
Even the wisest of men are no strangers to the addicting feeling of love. A feeling no darshan can explain, an emotion that can make even geniuses such as them - crumble into irrationality, moronic actions unexplainable, acting like fools pining for love.
Sumeru Men Story Teasers : Cyno x Reader; Tighnari x Reader; Cyno x Reader x Alhaitham; all gender neutral
(Read: teasers for my WIPs that I'm too slow to work on)
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐬
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He should have been stronger.
Cyno was no stranger to prejudice and judgment, but he had the greatest patience and the iron will to not be moved so easily. It came naturally as a desert dweller among the sea of Akademiya scholars, their side glances and hushed whispers in the dark.
The forest never took kindly to those born over the scorching sands, so when you came up to him with innocent excitement and unadulterated passion, he was unprepared by the strength of your heart.
Against his iron walls, they turned into sand dunes easily swept away. He was no stranger to prejudice and judgment, nor to temptations and vices, so easy to whisk him away in your presence so welcoming of him.
He should have been stronger.
He should have been strong enough to resist your warmth. To refuse you despite you accepting him wholeheartedly.
He should have been strong enough to refuse your reckless offer.
He should have been strong enough to keep you safe.
But Cyno is just as human as any other person in Sumeru, he was no iron wall. There in the depths of the ruins his wails echoed with raw emotion as he gripped your motionless body closer, growing colder against his chest.
He freely cried in desperation knowing there were no audience to his vulnerable state, only the constructs that caused both of you to bleed, and the remnants of a spirit you were deadset on knowing. The main reason the both of you had fallen into this place, and soon, the reason you fall.
"Please, someone," the desperation in his hoarse voice felt foreign even to himself. "Save them, please. Anything... I'll do anything, just save them."
Cyno swore to no religion or deity, but that day even a stranger would have owed his life if they were to save the one he loves. Was it a blessing or a curse for his prayer to be answered?
"Your heart is light, worthy to be a vessel." There is a weight on his shoulder and power behind him, stealing the air from his lungs in waiting tension. "I will give you the strength to save them, human, but from then on your heart will be weighed, judged until you are no longer worthy."
Cyno was a man that can't be moved easily in the face of danger and temptation.
Yet when his hand went to cradle your bloodied cheek, he knew from the very beginning that he would move the stars, the moon and the sun to keep your warmth alight and aflame. He seals his promise with a bloodied kiss.
And with a steeled gaze, he lifts his head with voice filled of pure devotion. "Anything."
You offered an inch, he's willing to sacrifice a mile in return.
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At one point he thought to ask, since when did he care so much about anything beyond his darshan? When, oh when did anything beyond plants ever intrigue him like this?
"Box wrench, 8 points," your gloved palm reaching out brought him out of his musings, his own hand scrambling to pick up the tool from the table, hoping that was the right one. "Thank you."
Tighnari never imagined that he would find himself here, inside a workshop devoid of the greenery he'd loved, the scent of grease and rust in the air so foreign to him. Cogs and metal scraping grating in his sensitive ears.
Why was he here? Right, to accompany you on your current project.
Inside your room that became your garage of inventions, it smacked Tighnari on the face just how different you two are.
Kshahrewar and Amurta. Metals and plants.
"That should be it," he watched as you removed your googles, planting it atop your head. It gave way to your wide eyes, practically glowing in contentment. That was always the best part of coming here, watching you in your natural environment, in a place you fit in so easily.
Perhaps this was how you see him when he talked about the successful growth of the flowers assigned to him in Pardis Dhyai.
"Thank you for the help as always, Tighnari." While you worked on removing your gloves, you can't seem to peel your eyes away from looking at him. "There's something on your face."
What? "Here?" The ravenette furrowed his brow in confusion, rubbing at the spot you were eyeing with the sleeve of his robe. A dark spot now stained it.
"Here, let me." Tighnari's eyes widened as you licked your thumb without hesitance before rubbing it on the spot where the grease stain dirtied his light skin. "There we go, much better."
The damp touch had his tail, ears, and the hairs at the back of his neck stand straight. Tighnari was never shy, never quiet. Yet he couldn't stop himself from burying his face in his hands, his embarrassment ever more apparent from the warmth he felt from it.
What is he supposed to do? Especially when he's with you?
𝐄𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐬
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Alhaitham wasn't one to dwell on regrets regarding his decisions, especially not one this long.
But he couldn't help but wonder how things would play out in an alternate timeline where he had chosen differently, where he didn't adhere to his principles and instead taken what he was first offered. A guiltless, unrestrained pursuit of knowledge —
Would he be so willing to give that up just for you? Just for you to look at him again?
At the very least, his choices had lead him here, to not be the victim of your cold, indifferent gaze.
Quietly he followed your line of sight to his companion standing next to him, the General Mahamatra. "Former General Mahamatra." Cyno's grip on his staff tightened like his scowl. "Surrender yourselves right here and now."
From the short time that they had been forced together, the Scribe knew that expression were different from the irritation of stalling culprits, nor rage for the Akademiya minions that recklessly used the lives of the Village Keepers. This was not a bitter look shared between enemies, or those one perceived as enemies.
Then and there the lunatic realized that perhaps the both of them had at least one thing in common.
Clearing the pained expression from his face at the sight of your red Akasha and polearm readying to fight, Cyno (with great reluctance) readied himself for a fight next to Alhaitham, the air holding its breathe as the your gaze continued to size them up. In that moment, the two men shared a look -
Before dispersing their weapons away in favor of their fists and raw strength.
Dispose the Akasha terminal in your ear, quick and painless.
"If I ever see one cut on them," Cyno's voice was borderline murderous. "I'll make sure to give you tenfold of their pain."
"We may be temporary allies right now," Alhaitham's voice was taunting and confident, paired with a smirk that contrasts Cyno's scowl. "But that doesn't mean I'm letting you win."
And the long, dreaded fight started the moment your controlled self triggered your Delusion, forcing them to dodge as you made the first strike.
They'll free you from the vile control of the Akademiya, there is no doubt on that.
It's just a matter of who can do it first.
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Based on my brainrots here and here. I'm quite the sapiophile - ohhh that's a potential title right there. I've changed Cyno's story title too many times and I'm still not satisfied.
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