#tiku at work
bolontiku · 4 months
I cant... 🤣🤣 baking at a different cafe.
Work things under the cut
I knew people really didn't like me at work. Bahaha I didn't know it was this bad.
My Lil sister has been baking at a Cafe thats been shit to her, my other trainee was there and I got the Lil sis hired to do pan up (prep) work so she wouldn't have a hard time. Fast forward a few months that trainee went to another store (for better pay, a little suggestion to my boss). But this left the Lil sister alone, management promised to get her help.
A year later she is doing triple the work I do by herself with empty promises of help. So I talk to my Cafe GM about getting her transferred over to our Cafe as a retail employee. A step down but she wont be doing a job as stressful alone, it evens out. Everything is in the works and the baker in training decides to quit. They had pushed her transfer date back a month to train the new one. Getting closer to transfer date and the acting GM at her Cafe is coming up with excuses to not transfer her.
He will do it tomorrow. Oh, he's never done one. Doesn't know how to do it. He's busy in meetings. Promise... promise... promise...
My sister has been sick, legit vomiting on account of how stressed she has become.
I talk to my GM again, this time with the proposal of them and us switching for her last week. My GM is as bullhead as I am and literally sat there texting back and forth until the other agreed. He kept coming up with excuses "she's become unreliable" "calls off" "don't want to send you a bad worker-" I tell her that I have to hold my sisters hair back while she pukes out of anxiety. I tell her "imagine your brother coming home everyday vomiting out of stress at a job he hates". My GM is not happy.
We talk cause he is hesitant having me bake at his Cafe "cause he knows I am not the one to mess with, he's afraid cause he knows he's treated her like shit and I won't put up with it" my GM agrees. She has worked that Cafe before and knows how draining and horrible it is. How lazy and u supportive the management is.
She laughing cause he says "he doesn't want you to fuck him over" now. Why would that be the case? If he didn't screw others over he wouldn't project that onto others or expect the same shitty treatment.
I promise to be as professional as I have always been. She knows I am good for it.
Yesterday (saturday) was the first day there. He is literally scrambling to not speak to me. The other manager is asking me about my sister and why she didn't want to be there anymore. Stress from the workload. Everybody knows this. She has been vocal about it and every manager knows that a bake of 2.5k requires two people. Being told her work is crap when she has 1yr of experience and is being compared to veteran bakers of 8+yrs and being lied to about receiving help.
They stutter about not having help themselves. I deadass look at him and let him know that is their failure. You interview people, lie to them about what they will be doing and then in turn treat them like crap when they come in. Nurture and help your employees grow, train them properly, schedule them the hours you promised and be there for them. Both my trainees roughed it out at that store out of loyalty to ME. Because I trained them. How many times did I get calls from them crying because they were stressed?
The manager shook his head and dropped it. Couldn't look me in the eyes. They've fucked up. I managed to get both of them back into my Market and into cafes where they won't be as stressed.
But I get to work. The management ends up scrambling to get me the numbers they need for their catering and add-ons. Once I bake a product I won't go back to re-bake more. The staff that don't know me come over to gossip, how they've tried to help the baker but they don't know what they are doing. If she could just do her job--
I smile, "imagine coming in and having to run the dining area on top of cashiering, oh and there's no help so on top of cashiering you need to run batista and stock, oh and don't forget we need help making sandwiches and salads too."
The woman looks stressed.
"Now after working your ass off you're told what a disappointment you are and you should have done better."
"But I cannot do all of that at once!!!" She stresses.
"But you expect this baby baker to do all of it without help?" I laugh as she stands there flabbergasted and the management team stays quiet. "This store is fucking pathetic, I wouldn't put up with it. MY management team knows how to handle their catering and numbers, not only that they support me and have no problems taking over. If you treat your people good they will return the favor, yes? Fair is fair right?"
She nods and shuts her fucking mouth. Walking away quietly.
One of the boys that already knows me is giggling and I see him, scream his name and we hug. Nobody else speaks to me.
Get my sisters name out your fucking mouth trash.
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stcverogers · 1 year
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fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over the month of march
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F + A: a date by @delaber you get asked out on a date. as your best friend, bucky should be happy for you, right?
F: gift for you by @sstan-hoe it's valentine's day and you have a special gift for bucky
F + A: ignite your bones by @sunriserose1023 you and bucky barnes did not get along, why then did he care for you so much?
F + A: lost and found by @dolcezzasfantasy 𖥻 you're arrested for disrupting the sacred timeline.
F + A: mr hollywood by @buckybabybaby 𖥻 bucky, you closest friend and teaching assistant, finally gets his big break and given the oppurtunity of pursuing his dreams. sadly, hollywood changes people and your friendship is on the rocks.
F + A: i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart) by @lunarbuck 𖥻 as a princess, it is your duty to pursure the best interests of your kingdom. even if it meant being arranged to men you cannot love, not when your heart belongs to another.
F + A: assured by dreams by @sergeantxrogers 𖥻 a knight should not ever fall in love with a princess, especially not one who he has been given the honour to protect.
F + A: i want to hold your hand by @thismustbefakeme 𖥻 if sam had to sit and watch you and bucky pine over each other for one more moment, he just might lose it.
A: don't say anything by @cumonbucky 𖥻 you're done hiding your feelings and ready to confess them to bucky. your heart is broken when you accidentally walk in on him and natasha.
F + A: perfectly, incandescently by @tikus-library you misinterpret a conversation bucky has with steve and same, leaving you disheartened and hurt.
F + A: fear of falling + taxi + reunited by @onceuponastory you're in love with bucky, a pilot working in the same airline as you. why did loving someone hurt this much?
F + A: the forever third wheels by @witchywithwhiskey with you and bucky being the only single ones in your friend group, the two of you were stuck being the forever third wheels. abandoned at the fair by your friends, you and bucky are left to yourselves.
F + A: bad match by @justreadingfics you finally relent to sharon's persisting and go on a date she's set you up with. the date ends up terrible and you're heartbroken after it.
F + A: accidentally by @pomelo-villano bucky overhears a conversation you have with you daughter and misinterprets your words, thinking you don't love him anymore.
F: little things by @sunshine-on-my-mind it's the little things bucky does that makes life worth living
F + A: warrior/worrier by @delaber bucky returns from a mission, broken and bruised beyond compare, seeking you out for comfort.
F + A: so this is love by @ofstarsandvibranium 𖥻 bucky's known for being kind of a slut but since becoming his roommate, you've accustomed to his conquests.
F + A: the sleepover by @littleredwolf thought you and have bucky have been together for a while, he has yet to spend the night at your place. he's an empty shell of a man that he once was and you're willing to show him the comfort he deserves.
S: see you both next shift + part 2 bucky grows jealous when he sees another customer flirting with you
F: drabble by @itzmich03 baby anthony and bucky argue about who is your favourite
F + A: 27 dresses by @beccaanne814 𖥻 you've been to numerous weddings, 27 to be exact, ranging from crazy to extravagent. when will you finally get to attend your own?
F + A: all this love by @onceuponastory john walker has some choice words to say about bucky and you'll not allow someone to disrespect your boyfriend like that
F + A: you fracture light again by @divine-mistake you have ruined bucky. for he will never love someone else as much as he does you.
F + S: a million summers by @intrepidacious bucky returns home from college and your dyanmic shifts
F: comfort hug by @lives-in-midgard a hug from bucky is enough for you to forget all your stress from the day
F: save me darling, for you are my salvation by @rxgerthatt as bucky learns to grow into the person he can be after the winter soldier, he meets you. you and all your cafe-owning glory.
F: it's been a long, long, time by @dolcezzasfantasy bucky returns the pym particles, rightfully staying in the century he belongs in.
F: two syllables by @coffee-with-bucky bucky's moved to tears when baby ben says his first words
F: happily ever after by @redhoodssweetheart as king, bucky rules with an iron fist. for you, he's different.
F + A: why can't i say that i'm in love? by @buckthegrump princesses don't belong with commoners, let alone the son of a baker
F + A: spilled wine by @sunmoonandeddie you 're nothing more than a woman who warms the king's bed, at least, that's what you felt like you were
F: valentine's day by @classylo it's valentine's day and you're hopelessly in love with bucky
F + A: listen to me, not just my words by @lilacletter stranded in the midst of a storm after a failed mission, you and bucky are left to seek shelter in a safe house. with your friendship already handing by a thread, tension arises.
F + A: drifting by @real-jane 𖥻 in a cabin in the middle of the snow, bucky hides from the demons from his past. he saves an injured woman and struggles to keep her alive while hiding who he is and was from her.
F: there is no right way by @mysecretlittlelibrary 𖥻 lily barnes is a matchmaker first and troublemaker second
F: come home by @sinner-as-saint after a tiring day at work, bucky comes home to his beautiful family
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F + A: lover by @roger-that-cap sam wilson is a certified lover boy
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F: realizations by @writtenbysprout aaron wakes up in the middle of the night to you being gone from the bed. he goes and investigates and comes to a realisation that you are the only one for him.
F: tiebreaker by @persephonewritessometimes you teach aaron a card game you like to play and of course he wins first try.
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tikus-library · 6 months
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One Shot - RPF
Characters: Ethan Hawke
Posted: Dec 29th
WARNINGS: fluff, absolute fluff, gross fluff, tiku doesn't write this kinda fluff but here you go. Smut is hinted at.
A/N: sometime your friend asks for a story and it happens... really hope this is what you wanted @cevans-is-classic
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved. 
**Please Do Not Repost or 'Fix' My Work** 
“Baby, I'm home!” He called a little chuckle curving his lips. It never ceased to amaze him that such a small inside joke would please him so much, he dropped his keys in the dish and toed his boots off, slipping them in place.
He was exhausted, the day of filming had taken longer than he expected and he had kept up well enough with your texts throughout the day, but he had eventually sent you one that explained he wouldn't respond till much later.
You understood of course and he had grinned at the heart and kiss emojis you sent his way. Along with one that saluted him, another inside joke. “Yessir” it was you being sassy, joking that he was older, he knew it was in fondness and he loved it. You. He loved you.
He sighed heavily as he stepped into the darkened living room, scanning his phone for last minute details about work and leaning a hip against the couch, he nearly jumped out of his skin when you shifted on the couch beside him.
Ethan looked up to realize the TV set was not off, but merely in rest mode. If he touched the remote he just knew there would be a documentary on or some true crime shit. Setting his phone on the stand nearby he leaned down to rest his arms on the backside of the couch, one of your legs was uncovered, bright sock sticking out. He tried not to laugh loudly, softening as he took in your sleeping face. He carefully reached out and ran a single finger down your face, smirking as you scrunched your face. He repeated the motion, a memory of you atop him gasping softly as he ran his finger along the curve of your jaw. ‘Beautiful…’
“Beauty..” He hummed softly, he remembered when you had first met.
He had called you sweetheart and you had corrected him, reminding him of your name. “Why?” He had asked.
“Stop that,” you chided him, “nobody calls me those kinds of names. Certainly not someone like you, I'm just here to help. You'll forget about me eventually.”
“Uuughhh!” You moaned, catching his wrist in your hand while simultaneously kicking the large furry soft blanket off you. “Stop that!” You mumbled sleepily.
Ethan dropped his head to the side, he couldn't help but grin, you had that effect on him. He couldn't not smile when you were nearby, just like he couldn't not look at you, even while others spoke to him bright blue eyes slipped to your form, tracking your moves. “Hey there love.” He watched your face color as you sat up and decided he would never tire of it.
You yawned, the shoulder of your oversized shirt slipping off exposing skin, “hOOoow was your day?” You asked around the yawn, legs stretching as you blinked rapidly and rubbed at your eyes with your free hand, the other still locked around his wrist.
You were selfish, he found. Once he stepped into your space, once he made certain you understood you could touch he couldn't keep your hands off him. Simple little things. Your fingers catching his shirt or sleeve, simply bumping into him from behind, fingers slipping into his pocket. He would pull you in under his arm silently, even if he was speaking to another, you hated when he ruffled your hair but stood patiently while he did so.
He was selfish, maybe.
Maybe he loved you too much.
Moving you into his place, within a couple months of dating, but it turned out you had a knack for fixing homes. His bare walls filled up with interesting pictures– “we don't even have a baby… why is this on our walls?”
“It's a conversation starter?” You had answered, “see? Conversation started…”
He laughed, but his items were never thrown out or moved far from their original spot. Blankets were placed on the couch and extra pillows, he didn't understand until he'd gotten in from a long day and fell asleep on said couch, he had been warmed and the pillows soft, before he would wake to an achy body.
To him, you were magic.
You reached up, fingers scratching along his scruffy jaw, making him hum contentedly. “Did you eat?” You asked, swinging your legs over the edge of the couch, losing contact with his face as you stood.
Ethan wrapped his fingers around your hand, watching as you smiled sleepily and followed his direction around the couch and in front of him. “I did eat, what about you? Hiding under large blankets?” He asked, easily slotting his large frame against yours, he needed it, maybe he had become too accustomed to having you touch him. It didn't matter, he needed you touching him.
“I ate,” you hummed as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours softly. You smiled into the kiss, a little dazed at the sudden affection but not complaining.
“Still sleepy?” He asked, breath warm on your lips. You nodded, hands slipping around his slim waist and snuggling closer. “Perfect…” he hummed, walking you towards the bedroom, “I'm going to curl up around you and you cannot deny me.”
“Oh nOoOo! The travesty of it all,” you laughed breathily as you clutched at him to keep your balance.
Ethan didn't turn on a single light, instead patting the soft night light you kept beside the bed.
“It is not a night light!” You protested.
“You use it at night?”
“Well - yes..”
“Is it to brighten the entire room?”
“Tsk, well no–”
“Use it to see just enough?”
You scowled, arms crossing over your chest as you refused to answer.
“It's a night light and I love it, just like I love you,” he had laughed softly, looking back at his book. It took a moment, but he realized he had said it aloud and then sighed softly at the quiet overtaking the space between the two of you. “Baby, it's alright, you don't have to say it back, it's just how I feel” he looked up when he heard a soft noise, panicking when he realized you were in tears, he dumped his book on the floor, the bookmark skidding across clean hardwood floors as he scrambled across the bed to capture your face in his hands, “no, no, what? What is it?!”
“You weren't supposed to say it before me!” You managed. “We just moved in together and everything was so fast… I was going to say it but- but –”
He laughed, magic, you were the magic people talked about in scripts, the magic that made dealing with everything worth it. Magic that made him happy to wake in the morning. “I take it back!” He laughed, swiping at your face, “I take it back” he said softer, pressing a kiss to your lips, “now you say it…”
“I love you,” you said, voice wavering softly as he kissed you, “I love you,” you repeated, more confidently this time, laughing softly against his lips.
“Jus’ a minute,” you whined softly as he directed you to bed, wrapping yourself around him, seeking out his warm body.
“Baby,” he hummed, “I need to change.”
“Okay…” You pouted, untangling yourself and climbing into bed, watching as he undressed and slipped into PJ'S, quickly scooting into him once he was in under the covers. “Ethan..”
He pressed his forehead to yours, thumb gently running along your jaw, “hmm?”
“I'm glad you're home,” you answered softly, eyes closed, already slipping back into the dark realm of dreams as he tangled his legs with yours.
“Me too baby,” he hummed, watching you drift off into sleep.
He was in love.
Too far in it to escape, not that he wanted to. No, he had been wrong, you weren't the selfish one. He was.
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wilkgames-bn · 1 year
Making a new boss: a frog in a baju kurung, with a fan as her weapon of choice. Isn't she a graceful lady? I've some ideas for her abilities and I'm looking forward to how they look and work once they're implemented!
Wishlists very much appreciated 🙏.
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kazifatagar · 8 days
Death of Pyanhabib: PMX, Fahmi extends condolences to poet's family
“Receive the sad news that the poet and artist Pyanhabib or Osman Tikus has returned to God’s grace. I send my condolences to the family and pray for the soul of the deceased to be placed among those who believe and do righteous deeds,” says PMX Anwar Ibrahim, who adds he will remember the local actor-poet’s work. Social Media Links Follow us…
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24hrsallnews · 20 days
The first look posters for "Love in Vietnam" were revealed at the Cannes Film Festival
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We will read about, "The first look posters for "Love in Vietnam" were revealed at the Cannes Film Festival." There is a lot of buzz, craze and excitement among the fans regarding the Love in Vietnam movie update. The first look of Love in Vietnam has been launched at Cannes 2024. A fresh love story is about to unfold as India and Vietnam join forces for the very first time.  
First look posters for "Love in Vietnam"
Love in Vietnam will feature Avneet Kaur, the actress from Tiku Weds Sheru, along with Shantanu Maheshwari and the renowned Vietnamese actress Kha Ngan. The first poster of Love in Vietnam has been launched at the 77th edition of Cannes. With this film, production companies from Vietnam and India have collaborated on a feature film for the first time. Love in Vietnam is directed by Rahat Shah Kazmi.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Avneet Kaur (@avneetkaur_13) The initial movie poster is highly appealing and captivating, based on the bestseller Madonna in a Fur Coat. The film is supported by Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Consulate General of Vietnam in Mumbai and Vietnam Airlines. The film is produced by Omung Kumar, Captain Rahul Bali, Rahhat Shah Kazmi and Abhishek Ankur, Co-produced by Tariq Khan, Zeba Sajid and Samten Hills, Dalat. Shantanu Maheshwari's last film is playing the role of Afsan Razak in the 2022 blockbuster Gangubai Kathiawadi. Avneet Kaur and Shantanu Maheshwari have worked on many web series, television shows and music videos. Now both of them are going to come together in a "Love in Vietnam" film. Image Credit: @shantanum07 Avneet Kaur's last film was "Tiku Weds Sheru", which is released on Amazon Prime Video. Avneet Kaur has worked in "Mardaani", "Mardaani 2", Dost (short film), "Chidiakhana", she is going to be seen in Luv Ki Arranged Marriage. Prepare yourself for an immersive cinematic journey featuring incredible partnerships between international and domestic.   Read More - The new look of Pratik Gandhi and Patralekhaa starrer Phule has been released. - The film Luv You Shankar, starring Shreyas Tanisha Mukherjee, has officially released. - The ultimate guide to Tillu Square: A must-watch film for romantic crime comedy fanatics - Psychological thriller Kartam Bhugtam is set to hit the big screen on May 17, 2024, showcasing the concept of karma and its repercussions. - Jr NTR Birthday: NTR and Prashanth Neel have disclosed the filming timetable for their forthcoming movie. - Sai Pallavi and Vijay Deverakonda have been cast together in an upcoming movie - Bilingual 'Man of Steel: Sardaar' motion poster released - Hari Hara Veera Mallu: Part 1 – Sword vs Spirit Teaser Out Now - Chaitanya Akkineni has posted a photo from the filming location of Thandel. - The arrival of 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' in India is scheduled for tomorrow - Ajay Devgn and Jackie Shroff are currently filming a scene for the movie Singham Again Read the full article
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madeedam · 3 months
Letter for My Past : The 20s
It's my last 20s.
And I feel old - ancient to be honest.
I start to resonance the struggle that adults feel & think right now. All of the problems in one plate. Finances, house, job & career, friends and of course, spouse.
For this moment, I want to let go the present problems and go back to the past. What did I do for the past 10 years.
2014 (20) - My second year in Jogja.
I remember there was a volcano eruption back then, which disable almost all transportation type. My plane even got canceled and should go with the train. College life was good and full of drama with my circles. It was like having a 2nd family in Jogja with my circles back then, until some of us ruin with by falling in love with each other. True story
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2015 (21) - My Third Year in Jogja.
My best friend fell in love my best friend which create drama and awkwardness between us. Things were never been the same. But the silver lining, I got free motorcycle to use since this couple stick with each other almost every second.
I also fell in love with a Javanese girl - never want to fall into the trap of 'different religion' again but yes I was a donkey back then. Spent community service in Bali - watch Calon Arang live with all of the odd things happen (i.e: a random spirit got inside in random people and start to each a chicken. One fckin chicken - and you know I am not talking about McD & KFC here).
2016 (22) - My Fourth Year in Jogja
Me & best friend go to Manado, for exact, Lahendong, where a geothermal site in place. We were having an intern there. Watch a lot of turbines move by the stream produce by earth to generate some electricity. Nature really pamper us. I used to an engineer back then for God sake.
We were also experiencing Bunaken with budget-cost. And what were the odds, they are having a 'festival panen' on the day we visit. So we sleep free in one of the house, rent a boat and go for snorkeling on Bunaken and drink lot of alcohol (me of course) to respect the local. From Cap Tikus to pure Gin. In the morning, everyone get wasted in the street. Good old days.
We miss our circles graduation (yes they graduate in August), while we back to Jogja in early September. And I become lab assistant for a process simulation software - while waiting for graduate in November.
2017 (23) - Say Goodbye to Jogja & Back to Jakarta
On Feb, I should say goodbye to Jakarta and my Jojga's girlfriend back then. A lot of tears back then, since I left my heart on both of them. Little did I know lot of drama occurs later on because of the Long Distance Relationship. Double the damage since in my case it was also a Love Different Religion.
Meanwhile I was starting to feel like a burden in my family back then. Struggling to get a job due to my abnormality with eyes. One of the hardest moment in my life. I compare myself with all friends a lot, where they already got a stable-high-paying job. Lowest point.
Turns out the path pave me to get a Master Degree first in one of Jakarta's business school - fortunately with scholarship. Bought me another 1,5 years of study life, which was super-easy compare to the engineering material.
I won some, I lose some. Breakup with my Jogja's girl and should move on with my life here. With some swipes right, I met a girl which turns out become my wife now. I met TIka. I even my cringe line,
"Ini Gusti nya Gusti orang Jawa atau orang Bali ya?" I said. "Orang Bali nihh" She said. "Akhirnyaa. What are the odds akhirnya bisa ketemu orang Bali di T-stuff ini haha."
Yes, technology was sucks and breaching all the privacy but hey it helped me to find my wife. Thanks T-stuff.
2018 (24) - Graduate, Investment Bank & Consulting Work.
Focusing my major in Finances and brought myself to the stock market. I thought I will start-off my career there with one ambition: earn as much money as I can. I was late 2-years in the job market, I need to have a head-start on mine.
Met lot of crazy guy on the stock market. Some parts were 'fishy' and it was crazy how money flew in & flew out in a big & fast manner. Ever see the Wolf of Wall Street? Not that extreme but I manage to witness some if it. Deep in my heart, I ask myself, is this what I want for the rest of my life?
Due to scholarship, I need to work as consultant as part of the deal. Low-paid consultant as we speak. Those experiences with State-Owned Enterprises, Ministry and some of the Non-Profit Organization feel like more suitable with me. I know the stuff will be lot of paperwork and deck. Sometimes financial modeling. But it least it feel more 'clean' & 'healthy' than the Investment Bank side.
Things were good with family & my relationship with Tika. Things went super smoothly - except my finances lol.
2019 (25) - End of Consulting & Being Hijacked to SoE
Things were good in consulting. Working late sometimes but got a gym on my workplaces. Start a new healthy habit.
I know workplace was also a drama place. Start to recognizing & observing how things were going in the office beyond the visible one. Look on which part was the strong one and the weak one.
One of the biggest project I take was about Risk Management. Back then i know a mentor on my consulting project, resign and create his own. Out of sudden he contact me and ask whether am I available for another company.
One of SoE was looking for a Risk Manager for National Strategic Project and he would like to recommend me to that job. Network & Words of Mouth were everything right? That was a big leap for me. I even ask myself, did I really qualify for the job? But I let them to score & evaluate me.
Long-story short, i got the job. It was a good decision to take that leap. Even though the landing was not that smooth...
2020 (26) - Construction Company & 'Energy' Project
First time manager was always an important experience. I was the youngest one back then. Other managers do nothing but stare me with full of doubt. I did everything to adapt and get their trust. Only time will tell. I prove that I am worth something in three months.
Covid happens.
Everything feels harder than it should. Company going slow. Stock market crash. Construction stuck.
My brother got married. Sentimental moment for me since I slept with him in the same room for the last 2-years. Lot of ideas & chat occurs randomly in the night back then.
Back to work, remember I was looking for something healthy & clean? This workplace was not the answer. Construction was a 'wet' sector where the works were more than a physical & intelligence works. Negotiation, lobbying, political. One of the darkest years of my life.
The Universe gave me sign. In one occasion, one of my direct report was asking whether I want a long-term career in this sector. I said, I feel like did not belong here. Then she told about how the life goes for her, as a daughter of someone who work in this particular sector.
She was crying as she told the story how his dad was never be part of her life. Miss the big moments. Less quality time with her. Lot of money she admit, but lot of missing parts of a family life. I thought that's it.
At the end of my 1-year, I resign - without a backup plan. Just rely on my savings and re-start my career in other sector. At the same time, things were getting serious with Tika. We were planning for another stage of our life, with all of my weakness at the moment.
2021 (27) - ERP Project & Retailers
I was unemployed for three-months. I remember how I do a freelance for my friend who work in the stock market. I help my ex-boss to create his own boutique Investment Bank (which didn't work until now I guess).
I got interview in one of my 'dream' brand back when I was a teenager. Even better, I got the job. The start of everything. It was an ERP Project which taught me more than I expect. Meet lot of bright people here, where I could absorb the way they think and express professionally.
I thought this was only my stepping stone. Turns out the definition of Retail is detail, where the devil is in the details were right. The universe pave me to this path, a company that work for a good one.
2022 (28) - Fresh Start in a New Function
My mentor move to new position in the company, where he offer me a position to help him there. Supply chain.
I never thought I would end-up have a career in this function to be honest. Start as a transformation role, who helps everyone to leverage tech on their work. Things were happen and I was trusted to be a Planner at the end of the year.
This year was the toughest year of my life since I should build the backbone of supply chain while at the same time, preparing a next-step life with Tika. I glad this year finish with a smile.
2023 (29) - Into an Even Larger Responsibility
I have wife. Wow.
We moved out into a random apartment in BSD. Start to know each other better, the real one. Lot of arguments. I love her cook but I hate when it comes to cleaning up lol. While at the same time, we are looking for a house.
A house. A nest. I did not know if I was ready for it. Financially and mentally. Somehow I still want to wander all over the Indonesia, and the world. I did not want to settle down this fast.
Until again, the Universe pave me a way to the house that I currently live in. It was Instagram Ads! Once again, tech save my life.
While on works, I got more responsibility. More team members to lead on. Learn a lot on the process, especially on the leadership part. It was purely a process of observation, trial & error, sharpen the instinct and reflection to the heart & brain.
The workload were super big but the team warms my heart. Together we went into the darkness to solve the unknown problems (which I felt like getting more and more everyday). But along the process, we were in the 'zone', we still able to laugh and share different taste of music.
What a blessing.
2024 - Now!
Would like to express my gratitude of my 20s. After have a moment of flash back, I learn a lot. Some of them by doing it the hard way, some of it from the observation and some part by listen to the others.
I realize, I was always surrounded by good people, which the universe set to taught me something. To help me pave another way to live.
It was never only my effort that brings me into the current situation.
It was combination of a mother's love (I got two now), friends & colleagues (who never force me to sign an insurance lol) and my spouse who act as a best-friend & enemy at the same time.
Even some random guy and strangers who help me go through the day.
As the years passed by, I realize the one that makes me happy is not a luxury things. A vacation to Maldives sounds nice but I even get happy with the cheap thrills on everyday madness. A laugh with my wife, a meme shared by friends and inside jokes within a family.
I guess I'm ready to get into the 3 now.
Last words, thanks my 20s.
March 17th - 23:59 - Serua, Ciputat
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timokusu · 9 months
About Orbis Fugae
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So a few years ago, I was "prototyping" (as in, I had and have no idea what I actually did) a game idea. That's OF (disclaimer OnlyFans wasn't a thing back then), a LucasArts style Point'n Click with a Escape Room twist.
I created not only a somewhat playable room of the game, and a bunch of art and ideas and documentation for myself, but also a Steam page to see how that's working, and was very hopeful of actually doing something with it.
Then, various private and job related things happened, and it went on hiatus. And more hiatus. And look oops, suddenly a few years passed.
I'm too scared to even check the Steam community page at this point, 'cause people will probably be furious and mad and disappointed. But here's the thing. More job things happened. As in, there is no job anymore, at least for the time being.
So while I'm sitting here not knowing what to do and where the future leads, my mind came back to OF. Maybe I should reboot my work on it, and see if I can really get it done.
I sent out a thing to one of our national Game Dev support funds, which I'm not very hopeful about, because fuck do I know nothing about how to professionally make a game, a business and proper business-like planning. I'm a community manager, not a.. I don't know, a person who buys suits I guess. I literally have no clue about this stuff. But I'm waiting for an answer regardless.
Thing is, even if it's gonna be a big ol' "No", I still wanna hop back into the pirate antics of Anya, unlicensed pirate wannabe adventurer and escape room artist. I have ideas, I have feelings about this game, and I want to finish (or actually, start) it properly.
So, what I'm saying is: Tumblr, if you wanna have me using you as sort of an upcoming gamedev blog, written from a game dev's perspective who has no real idea about game devving, I'll probably do it.
Alright, have a good one!
bye, Tiku
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trendingnewsbite · 1 year
Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Avneet Kaur praised for their performances; viewers call it one-time entertainer [Read Tweets]
One of the big OTT releases of the week is Tiku Weds Sheru. The movie is produced by Kangana Ranaut and has come on Amazon Prime Video. Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Avneet Kaur play the lead roles in the movie. It is about two people from small-town India who get married. They have the same common ambition, they want to work in Bollywood. Tiku Weds Sheru is in the dark comedy genre. The initial…
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bolontiku · 5 months
Work things *siiiiiigh*
Long work shenanigans under cut
Gavin (work child #1) arrives, 5 minutes later... "Hey baker! Tell me if I am wrong, but I would rather suck man dick -"
Me "you are super pretty and I'm fairly certain you could make a lot of money sucking dick... be it man or otherwise."
"Right... right, just saying but go on..."
He sighs, "so... man dick or hairy pussy?"
Me blinking at him, "I'm old school, not like you youngins, I am from the old world where we wooed our women by singing soulful songs whilst splashing in the rain, hairy pussy is for no fool and I would still eat it."
He considers me a second "dick or... gross pussy?"
"Hobo gross? Yeah no, definitely dick, but grow up and learn that hairy pussy is still good you won't be pretty for the rest of your life" (tbh he's really pretty and likely to only grow prettier unless somebody throws acid or something insane like that)
Sebastian (work child #2) chatting with another coworker "yeah so we-"
Aggie, "Wait, this the same girl?"
Sebastian "naah, I broke up with the other one last month, this is the new gf, yeah, no BRO imma dawg!"
Me sighing heavily as I scrub my focaccia rings, she laughs "baker do you hear this?!
I shake my head as he visibly panics, "my work children out here being such HOES! My poor Victorian heart cannot take it, I feel faint, fetch me my fainting seat! I am disappointed and distraught!"
"Wait... Baker! I- we... were were only dating! It wasn't a real relationship- AND I broke up with her, like really! I didnt ghost her or anything! I did it to her face!"
Aggie laughing as he hurries over to me by the sink. I contain my chuckle, "so, you were a man about it?"
"Yes! TOTALLY! Like you said, I didn't just disappear! I promise!"
Me smil8ng "that's what DATING is, a time period to figure out whether you like the person to the point that you decide that you want to commit, and that's when it turns into a relationship. But that includes the commitment thing- which is gross, be a hoe."
He laughs.
Back to Gavin, he comes up as I'm speaking to a manager, "Baker, how do you tell your gf her mom is like... super hot?"
Me- 😮 manager 🤣🤣🤣
"Well the thing is- we did our workout and she tells me that her mom made us food and I like food-"
Me nodding "understandable"
"Then I walk into her home and her mom is cooking at the stove in like this nightgow thing! And my floor hit the fucking ground cause she is so hot! Like... RIDICULOUSLY HOT, not that my gf ISNT pretty, but her mom is so-"
Manager "waaaaiiiiiit! How old is her mom?!"
Gavin "not sure but she falls in my age range, which is like, 20yo to-" eyeballs the manager "...50...ish"
She laughs and I fistpump the air "I STILL FALL IN YOUR AGE RANGE IN MOT TOO OLD!!!" manager laughs as he smiles at me and nods "but your still too young for me and I'm so old my bones creak, but your valid for wanting the older chick bud, older women pull shit out of the hat that you never knew could be done and they just smirk at you after it's all done"
He nods enthusiastically, "spitting straight facts and I am legal now, 18 is legal"
Manager laughing"oh my gawd! You two are too much!"
Me dying as he stares at me and shoves him over "your legal enough to get in trouble for crimes and arson! Not old enough to drink asshat!" He cackles
Both boys "baker you're so cool"
Me 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I'm too old for this shit. They gonna kill me hahaha
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movie-dhamaka · 1 year
TIKU WEDS SHERU is an avoidable fare.
Tiku Weds Sheru Review {1.5/5} & Review Rating TIKU WEDS SHERU is the story of two crazy characters. Shiraz Khan Afghani aka Sheru (Nawazuddin Siddiqui) lives in Mumbai and works as a junior artist. Alongside, he’s also a pimp, with fellow junior artist Anand (Mukesh Bhatt). He had taken Rs. 10 lakhs loan to make a film from Shahid bhai (Vipin Mishra). He fails to return the money as he never…
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Avneet Kaur opens up about working with Nawazuddin Siddiqui in her upcoming Hindi film Tiku weds Sheru - India Forums
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wilkgames-bn · 1 year
Fast-travel in Tikus Tales involves a map of Brunei. Ngl, this is gonna be a lot of work and I am dreading working on it.
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I hope you are healing with the quickness! are you keeping busy? Wait- you are healing at home right? It drove me crazy to be home so long lol what do you do in that downtime? Hah sorry, anyhow, please take care ❤️❤️
Aww, thanks, Tiku! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I am at home. I'm off for 6 weeks for recovery.
Ha! I've watched WAY too much TV, done a buttload of editing, and been working on my novel. Yesterday, I got to a point where I was like, "I need visual aids!!!!" So I started a map for my fantasy land.
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oomslokop · 1 year
it was a dank arvo at a taco local in kebayoran baru when i met d, t, and a for a catch-up after yonks
i rode my salted egg blue vespa lx that i christened tante sophie after the antiheroine of e. breton de nijs's faded portraits to the meet-up
it was when new vespa matics weren't as common as they are now
but i was living in deep ciledug, across the road from where the old pasar was, so it didn't really matter that i had a shiny new vespa i was still a hillbilly
i was all inspired on fire to spill the tea about my depression what i really felt about this city after seeing the jak the doco about persija jakarta the football club their rabid fans
like the jaks i felt like i had no control over the city in fact the whole concrete edifice was closing in on me crushing me no jalan tikus left to escape its crush-y anvil
d was sympathetic, t was bemused, a was restless, frustrated, too stupid to understand the fineries of whingery
i got so worked up i nearly cried couldn't hear anything around me anymore the world was just a loud ringing in my ears sometimes an explosive deep hum coming from inside of me
i decided to leave after finally catching up to the fact things had got AWKWARD no one really knew what to say or do i was devil's advocating every retort
when i was making my way to the parking lot putting on my black leather gloves with the pretty white stripes that i bought at the deus hq on parramatta rd
i heard a's friend c, who had been eavesdropping to our convos the whole time, said to her, "temenmu nggak bahagia ya."
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givaldizhafran · 1 year
Pulang Woy, Bistrip Mulu
rumah/ru·mah/ n 1 bangunan untuk tempat tinggal; 2 bangunan pada umumnya (seperti gedung)
Rasanya selama tahun 2019 makna rumah sebagai tempat tinggal terasa semu. Bagaimana tidak rata rata mungkin hanya 7 hari dari satu bulan menempati kost atau kontrakan. Secara statistik itu hanya 23.3% ratio menetap. Sisanya kemana? Tidak lain dan tidak bukan: Business Trip atau bahasa kerennya bistrip.
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Tahun itu, saya masih menjabat sebagai offline activation marketing eFishery. Pekerjaan saya sebenarnya sederhana: event organizer. Karena dulu sales team di eFishery belum sebanyak sekarang tepatnya masih 12 orang di seluruh nusantara, inisiatif untuk sarasehan bersama pembudidaya masih belum didesentralisasi ke sales area. Nah karena isu headcount di sales dan marketing serta target yang begitu nikmatnya, mengakibatkan intensitas acara di berbagai kota dengan gap waktu yang sedikit menjadikan bistrip di tahun itu begitu tinggi. Terlebih lagi status saya yang saat itu masih lajang dan jiwa "kuy bro!" yang asal sikat menjadikan saya manusia yang paling bisa disuruh keliling sana sini wara wiri. Begitu parahnya intensitas bistrip yang dijalankan kamar kost sempat terkena invasi dari tikus dan kamar kontrakan juga tidak luput dari invasi jamur. Efeknya lumayan dahsyat, harus ganti lemari 2 kali dan juga laundry segudang baju. Buat saya tahun 2019 sebagian besar dihabiskan di perjalanan, kayanya sesuai dengan tema hari ini pas sekali kalau bercerita tentang tahun yang bisa kita sebut tahun perjalanan.
Ada banyak pengalaman menarik, contohnya waktu saya melakukan perjalanan darat dari Kampar ke Pasaman sekitar 9 jam.
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Setibanya di Pasaman kami diajak rekanan di sana untuk makan ke satu tempat ikan bakar. Tempatnya mirip mirip seperti portal masuk ke dunia lain. Pinggir sungai besar dan kolong jembatan. Pemandangan bukit bukit dan hutan. Apakah ini yang dinamakan tempat setan berpesta pora? Namun kaget bukan main ketika makan ikan bakar yang dihidangkan. Bukan main! Lamak bana! Ikan bakar paling enak yang pernah saya makan. Ini dokumentasi dari tempat dan tampilan ikan bakarnya :
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Atau ketika pergi ke Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat dan singgah di satu satunya hotel di sana seharga 800 ribu dengan foto foto yang mewah dan menarik di platform pemesanan. "Lumayan liburan gratis bisa pesan hotel over budget" pikir kami dalam hati. Realitanya, itu hotel yang benar benar tua dan tidak terawat. Coba bayangkan hotel Savoy Homman Bandung atau Sultan Jakarta tetapi tidak dilakukan perawatan berkala. Kumuh, kusam, lantai 2 jadi sarang burung walet, dan tentu saja horror. Kerajaan hantu! Malamnya kami berenam tidak ada yang selamat dari gangguan. Ada yang dengar lonceng jam 2 pagi, cium bau mawar, dicolek tiba tiba, mimpi ketemu kembaran bermata merah, dan yang paling parah: kecoak di bantal. Berikut penampakan dari hotel tersebut :
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Kalau ada yang bilang bistrip enak bisa jalan jalan, kalian pasti belum pernah merasakan setiap trip berangkat dini hari dari Bandung untuk ke bandara. Menempuh perjalanan darat yang bisa memakan waktu 8 jam. Lalu harus mengerjakan paper work di malam harinya. Dan paling parah realisasi nota nota yang menumpuk pasca trip. Migrain sis. Tapi bohong juga kalau bistrip tidak sepaket dengan kenikmatan di dalamnya. Jalan jalan ke kota baru dan menyicip santapan daerah atau tidak sengaja melihat pemandangan pemandangan yang disuguhkan juga merupakan bonus intangible yang didapatkan dari business trip. Dan tentunya tidak lupa: berikan impact melalui perjalanan dinasmu. Walaupun harus migrain.
Hal paling penting yang bisa saya simpulkan dari perjalanan di 2019 yaitu: Indonesia sangat kaya. Negeri kita ini benar benar kaya. Mulai dari bahasa, budaya, kuliner, dan ragam alam yang disuguhkan begitu dahsyatnya. Merasakan panas Surabaya dan Soto Cak Har. Lalu pergi ke eksotisnya Bali dengan ikan Mak Beng. Atau sesekali berangkat ke Barat mampir di Aceh dengan mie racing yang bikin pusing. Yuk sesekali beranjak dari tempat tinggalmu dan singgah ke tempat tempat baru. Karena menurut leehealth.org :
If you’re able to travel, even if it’s for a few days and nearer to your home than you wish, just the act of planning and getting away—traveling—can lift your spirits, improve your sleep, reduce your stress, and, in short, improve you.
Gih jalan jalan. Tapi jangan lupa pulang woy. Nanti migrain.
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