illmamnim · 1 year
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Going to my first ever collage party, I hope I don't miss 3rd Life season 4
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A desperate attempt at a final propaganda for the @original-character-championship - an ask blog for me to talk about the world, the characters, the story, and maybe show some progress as a gather motivation during college.
Here's a summary:
The world
Inspired by many cartoons and stories I grew up on from the 2000's to the 2010's, this world has people like you and me, only they have abilities we don't. Those abilities are nature to them, evolved with humanity and changed the way society ran. From the spiritual nomads in the North to the rooted empires of the east; from enchanting voices of the South, to the colors of the west. There are many cultures to be explored, but our story is set in the united lands of the farmers, in what could be the 90's of our world, where 3 teens have decided to embark on a journey together to help their parents.
I'll make another post about the heros, the people they meet along the way, the places they're exploring, and the environment they're surrounded by. I'll also give some details about the history, religion and cultures of the different continents.
You can ask anything from "what's the deal with this guy?" To "how did this event come to be?" And even "do they double tie their shoes?"
Hope to see you in the ask box!
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illmamnim-spamming · 1 year
*the "no u" uno card* now YOU do Yellow. he's so babygirl
I want him as a plushy toy and to squish!!!
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kenohbee · 10 years
got matched with a really cute girl on tinder wow
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ff+ ((omfg do Tony and Pete I'll probably cry it'll be so funny))
It was late Monday night when Tony received an email from an unknown sender. It was odd since it was sent to his private account. Even Fury didn’t know about this account. After JARVIS did a background scan assuring The email was virus free, Tony picked up one of his many portable screens and went down do his garage to read it.
From the looks of it, it was just a small story about him, Tony’s favorite subject. Until it got to the third paragraph…
'It was midnight, the rooms within the skyscraper were pitch black. The only light let in was from the city streets far below. In the spider came, seeing the billionaire in his bed with his back turned to him. Crawling along the ceiling before lowering himself to the bed, watching the other sleep. But the mechanic knew better, for he only acted like he had fallen asleep. Turning to see Spider-Man next to him, he smiled. “You kept me waiting.” He said caressing the other's cheek before moving his hand to unzip the Spider's suit. The two moved closer together, inches apart and began to-”
Tony Threw the screen across the room. “NOPE.” Dumm-E thus decided it must’ve been on fire because it sprayed the fire extinguisher on it. Tony turned to the opposite wall and gripped his head.
"That’s enough internet for today…or the rest of my life… JARVIS, IM GONNA NEED SOME BRAIN BLEACH!!"
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illmamnim · 28 days
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They look just like Buddy Holly
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illmamnim · 2 years
Let's play a game of Who's That Mcyt!
This is a guy with a big turtleneck sweater and glasses who flies around.
You say Wilbur? WRONG it's grian
This is a small, blond character associated with the color red, pulling pranks, and sometimes wings.
You say Tommy? WRONG it's Grian again!
This is a powerful, maybe non mortal, bird-like person, associated with gods.
You say Philza? Guess what? IT'S GRIAN AGAIN
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illmamnim · 11 months
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This one's for the Drawfee mcyt fans
They were right
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illmamnim · 11 months
I don't want romance, i want whatever Grian, Mumbo and Scar have
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illmamnim · 1 year
5 reasons you should read All That's Left In The World By Erik J. Brown
1. Good queer representation
Without giving much away, the development of relationship and character in the book is well built and darling. As someone who doesn't invest in romance as much, I very much still enjoyed seeing the two characters come to terms with their emotions and grow together. It's a found family as much as it is a romance.
2. Character/World balance at it's finest
I don't want to drag other books, and I certainly won't point them out, but I've seen quite a few YA stories that avoid heavy personal events for the sakes of keeping things in the realm of a "light hearted read", and it always takes away from the gravity of the story. All That's Left In The World is a post apocalyptic romantic story that doesn't favour one or the other. There's harmony in both the truma the characters been through and the prose that keeps it relatable, engaging, and touching. Giving us adorable banter all the while never taking away from the fact that the world truly did end, and actions have serious consequences.
I could go on because I truly love their characterization but we have more points to make.
3. Excellent world building (yes, it is different from reason 2)
This is an American story, full of American references, places, beliefs and more. However, as a non American, no nod or reference disturbed my immersion or felt out of place. The references and jokes aren't put just to fill up space, they genuinely deliver a small level of exposition and a look into who the characters were before the start of the story. As a non American, I can still get a sense of how the world each of them lived in shaped them to who they were when they met.
4. Morality in a changing world
Like I said, the world building is well thought out, and the question of right and wrong is a fundamental part of our heros' journey. The world has ended, people are left to fend for themselves, how do you know what's morally wrong when you're counting down each can of mushrooms? How do you change years of learning to be a good person because suddenly it's you against the world?
Morality, politics and identity are all reoccurring thoughts that our heros' deal with, on their own and together, and try to make the right choices when so much of the world is wrong.
5. Not a coming of age story (and why it works)
Coming of age are some of my favourite stories, both because I relate to them as well as it being a fun light read. But this story, in a sense, tricked me into thinking it is a coming of age, when it deals a little differently. The characters don't grow up because they're learning things about life, but rather are forced to grow because... Well, the world ended. Suddenly having to take care of themselves, their mistakes aren't stepping stones, they are a literal matter of life and death (but no pressure).
If they break out of their shell it's because they need to survive. If they have a hard choise to make- it can but their lives on the line. They still grow and learn about themselves, still question who they are, but the story doesn't conclud with their identity, because the goal isn't who they are- it's others.
Again, I could go on, because this is the tip of the iceberg for me spreading the ATLITW propaganda, but I'll leave you with this for now.
And, hey, maybe in the future I'll do a small analysis with actual spoilers, who knows.
(bonus reason: the Audiobook is REALLY good!)
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illmamnim · 1 year
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illmamnim · 2 years
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My friend got me to finally finish The Magnus Archives but I'm still hyperfixating on mcyts
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illmamnim · 8 days
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(via Cubism cartoon - John Sloan - Google Arts & Culture)
A 1917 POEM ABOUT MINECRAFT!? (Real) (Not Clickbait)
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illmamnim · 9 months
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This thing has 3 floors. Why am I doing this to myself
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illmamnim · 1 year
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This is how I want to be perceived btw. Need me some she/her indifferent anime boy fr
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illmamnim · 1 year
[finishes reading Skip To Loafer] it happened again. Another aromantic boy with childhood trauma who's really confused about emotions.
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