#tlou maria
mariatesstruther · 7 months
rutina is just so pretty bro like. wow
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i’m doing a rewatch of the last of us hbo and i’m really realizing how cut and worn down joel gets in episode 6.
one thing right after the other happens to him and it’s honestly insane how long he kept his shit together, so i’m gonna spell it out…
and maybe those of y’all that call joel too emotional or soft in the show for having his breakdown can understand why…
within the first few minutes, joel is told by the couple in the cabin that there is a fairly good likelihood that his brother is dead. that alone would have sent me into a spiral and it does really impact joel like we haven’t seen before. after he and ellie leave the cabin, he has panic attack #1.
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i’m gonna be a little transparent here and say this: i developed anxiety in 2020 that was debilitating for months and although i am in a much better place today, i’m still dealing with anxiety all the time. during the worst of it, i had panic attacks and while my trauma is nowhere near close to joel’s, i know how draining panic attacks are.
but anyways, he has his panic attack and moves on but for the remainder of the trip, until he is reunited with tommy, he is stuck with the thought that his brother may be dead. and all this time spent protecting him and then looking for him was in vain. he couldn’t save him in time. another failure.
between their reunion though, we see joel having nightmares. in the cave, after he falls asleep on watch, its very clear he wakes up from a nightmare. with the way he immediately searches for ellie upon waking, my guess is that his nightmare was about her.
then they are surrounded by jackson’s patrol. and joel has panic attack #2. once again, about ellie, fearing that she is about to be torn up by the dog, but his panic attack won’t allow him to do anything. he freezes.
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there is a brief moment of happiness when he is reunited with tommy but it is quickly snuffed when he realizes tommy’s situation. tommy doesn’t need his help, he hasn’t this whole time, his brother has a wife and later finds out that he is expecting a baby. his brother has been living it up as best as someone can in the apocalypse and never radioed to joel ONCE to tell him he was okay.
at the table, when ellie, joel, tommy and maria are talking, maria very pointedly looks at joel when tommy says “a bad reputation doesn’t mean you’re bad” and maria says “not always, at least”. maria already doesn’t like him because apparently tommy has talked something bad about him. his own brother.
then he has a talk with tommy in the bar. its clear that his trust in tommy is shaky by this point because he lies to tommy about tess and ellie. then he has his fight with him and when he walks out of the bar, he has panic attack #3. let’s add insult to injury because then he sees someone who resembles sarah, his dead daughter. not only that but the lady has a kid of her own, something to resemble what joel never got: grandchildren.
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then he finally has his breakdown. another little insult to injury, tommy gives him brand new boots since he noticed joel was trying to fix his old ones. another reminder that tommy is well off. the things he confesses to tommy are absolutely heartbreaking and its insane that he has been able to keep it all in to that point.
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he is then faced with the choice of giving ellie over to tommy because while ellie feels less afraid with joel, joel feels more afraid with her.
then he has his fight with ellie where ellie uses his daughter against him (and i understand her desperation, i do). that was a really rough fight and once joel is alone in his room, we can see him shed another tear thinking of sarah.
the next day comes, and joel goes back on his choice and takes ellie. he has to say goodbye to his brother again but at least for a while after that, joel gets a break. he has fun and bonds with ellie on their trip.
… until he gets stabbed at the end of the episode.
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so… to anyone that says joel is too soft in the show or too emotional, let’s remember that he is human. game joel is humanized too but its also a game. for the show, they had to really humanize joel which means that he is going to be much more mentally affected than game joel is throughout the story. panic attacks and crying are not soft or emotional, they aren’t weak, this man has been through hell and its a wonder he has made it this far. we only see three panic attacks but if they are that frequent, i can guarantee he has had more that we don’t see.
episode 6 really bashes him, its no wonder he broke down to tommy. pedro did an amazing job. he’s got me cryin’ everytime i watch it.
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My cause is my family now.
Pixel Tommy & Maria 🤍
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stroodlenoodles · 2 years
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These Maria concepts by Hyoung Nam give off so much BDE, I am obsessed
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jadeinretrogrde · 1 year
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one of my fav moments of ep 6
(also i guess i love this meme template now ☠️)
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tlouramblings · 4 months
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rorithinking · 1 year
Ellie : How do Joel and Tommy usually get out of these messes?
Maria : They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out
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cyborgdummy · 1 year
Tlou Incorrect Quotes #2
Maria: Why would Joel let you have a knife?
Ellie: I felt unsafe.
Maria: Well now I feel unsafe!
Ellie: Would you like a knife?
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I've never seen a diva cup in media before, through I've only recently found out about them about. Anyways it's pretty cool to see them. I never realized how they would come in handy during an apocalypse.. I just assumed woman would go back to whatever they used to do before tampons, pads...
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mariatesstruther · 7 months
thinking about rutina wesley getting goddess locs done like guys look
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maria: there’s a whole lot you aren’t telling me…
ellie: …
maria: good. therein lies the point. be careful who you put your faith in. the only people who can betray us, are the ones we trust.
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ellie: swear to me. swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true.
joel: i swear.
ellie: okay.
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stroodledoodles · 2 years
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Maria in a nice comfy poncho cuz I love her
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stroodlenoodles · 2 years
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Tfw your niece tries to sass you and you’re one second away from revoking her horse privileges
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constance2425 · 1 year
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tlouramblings · 9 months
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rorithinking · 1 year
Ellie, talking about Tommy and Maria : They make a cute couple, huh?
Joel : They certainly are standing next to each other
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