#tmb arthur
team-mythic-beasts · 2 months
Team Mythic Beasts: Let’s Talk Designs!
Also Included: (Updated) Birthdays, Ages, MBTI, Heights
(Note: Special thanks to @levijonescc, creator of the Aveyond 4 x Hetalia mod, for inspiring this project; without you we may not be here today. Btw I suck at drawing humanoid characters so I used this base)
It took me almost seven years to finalize the boys’ designs, but here they are!
Besides the pictures, I’ve also invited them here to explain the thought process behind their outfits. They will go in order of color, so this time we’re starting off with… Jones!
❤️ The Wolf- Jones Fitzgerald
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(Apr 25 ♉️ | 29 y/o | INTJ | 177cm / 5’9”)
It’s only fair that the best-looking guy in the bunch gets the first word… so why does Luke keep getting all the spotlight? I’m supposed to be the main character!
Anyways, hope you aren’t too scared from all the spikes and flame patterns that I wear. Intimidation is a huge factor in designing a villain outfit, and I take great pride in being called scary. The flames are for another reason too— I’m a fire mage, and those who cross me shall beware the heat.
The cape was a reward from a quest I took up long ago. I saved a village from a demonic wolf, and they gave me some of her fur to wear as a trophy. In a way, it’s a reminder not to let my beloved Hiro go down the same path as his mother… but I do look quite big with the cape, don’t you think?
Even without my armor, cape, and giant coat, I still look like I’m onto some villain-y business, with the vest and jewel… Wait, what do you mean “yeehaw,” Makoto?! I’m not a cowboy!
🧡 The Dragon- Ludovic Brant
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(He forgot 😢 | 70+ y/o (physically 25) | ISTJ | 200cm / 6’6”)
… Hello there. I did not expect such a quick debut.
As you can likely tell from my hardened look, my story is about battling demons. I was promised greater progress by the others in Team Mythic Beasts, and they have been of great help in my quest.
I made my armor from various monsters that I have slain in battle, but the helmet, specifically, is from an a assassin sent by my former captor. It put up a tough fight, that’s for sure, but nothing beats the fury of a dragon.
Underneath my armor is a simple outfit I put together in Moriad, where I have lived as a refugee for quite a few decades now. I asked my dwarf neighbors if they could make me custom wear, but it was too much for them. Therefore, every piece is made by hand, by myself.
… Yes. That is all.
💛 The Lion- Mikkel Anderson
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(Dec 5 ♐️ | 19 y/o | ISFJ | 183cm / 6’0”)
Evil beware, the Lion of Team Mythic Beasts is here!
When I was a young lad, I’d be carrying heavy stuff everywhere to build up strength for all this armor that I wear now. That means I have to eat a lot of food every day, too! But underneath all this steel, I’m just a humble little guy from the city outskirts.
Oh, this medal? I got it from Lord Kristan! He’s the legendary founder of my hometown, Alphica, and he’s been watching over me and my nan since I was born.
So… that should cover everything about my outfit. You can probably tell I’m not as flashy as my friends; they’ll have a lot more to talk about than I do, I’m sure!
💚 The Weasel- Arthur Blackwood
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(Oct 23 ♏️ | 36 y/o | ESTJ | 175cm / 5’8”)
Ha ha ha ha ha!!! If trouble is what you’d expect at the sight of a witch like me, then you’d be right— but you’ve got to be a total numbskull to get on my bad side. My long, sharp nails aren’t the only things you should worry about.
Not a fan of heavy clothes, since potions is my specialty; a simple coat, protective armwear, and a ragged cape does the job for me. As for the bird skull on my shoulder, one of the Raven Lord’s “beloved children” decided it was a good idea to get in the way of my curses— (MAKOTO’S NOTE: THIS DID NOT HAPPEN.)
Purple and cyan? Meh. Black, green, and silver? Classic. No idea what the witchcraft school I went to was thinking when they designed our uniforms, but I’ve done a better job than they ever will. It’s a shame my brothers don’t think the same.
That’s all you need to hear from me. Now get lost before I turn you into a frog!
🩵 The Eagle- Finn Dentrad (né Teryekol)
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(Aug 28 ♍️ | 24 y/o | INTP | 162cm / 5’3”)
Looks like my days as an adventurer are not over yet!
My outfit used to be a lot lighter. Shorts, summer jacket, loafers… they’re comfy, no doubt, but I needed something to reflect the things I’m actually good at— engineering and mechanics. So I decided to switch them out for some heavy duty wear.
Now, I’m fully covered up from the neck down, because building stuff, especially gadgets, isn’t really a safe activity. My coat is long enough for protection, but not too long as to get caught in the middle of moving gears. Yikes! Just thinking about that frightens me.
My eyes are just as important for my talent, so I’ve switched out my hat for a pair of goggles. Combine that with my new coat and waist pockets… don’t I look a lot more reliable now?
Oh, one more thing… I’ve had so many people tell me how heavy my backpack is. Is it really? The only stuff in there are bigger mechanical parts and my robot dog Hanatamago, that’s all…
💙 The Bear- Fra’ser Du’randt
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(Jun 26 ♋️ | 39 y/o | ENFJ | 175cm / 5’8”)
*yawns* … Oh, hey there. Sorry, I was busy… looking into other people’s dreams.
How is that possible? Well, not long after I came to this world, the Lord of Dreams made me his assistant. He gave me the power to access the dreams of other individuals at any given time, whether I’m awake or in the process of dreaming. Dispelling nightmares is my job, as well as my specialty.
My Lord designed and created my entire outfit. Blue and purple are the colors of dreams in this world, so it’s only natural that he would choose such hues. The sleeves of my coat are styled just like his, and my base wear resembles the uniform I had at my last job. I do miss my friends back there, but I’m happy to be able to serve my Lord. He is truly a kind deity.
Of course, fighting night terrors is a dangerous job, so the cape and armbands serve as protection. My downwards moon earring also acts as a talisman. All in all, it warms my heart that my Lord had considered so much when he made me this costume.
💜 The Fox- Lucas Reynard
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(May 6 ♉️ | 110 y/o (physically 20) | INFP | 178cm / 5’10”)
Oh wow, I’m finally last for once. You probably know me well enough by now, as I’m all over this blog as well as Makoto’s Instagram page, if that’s how you found us here.
Every single item you see on me is a gift. Most are from my sisters, but gods have asked of my favor as well. I have no idea what they saw in me, but… alright. Pretty cool, I guess. If you want to know from whom is which, do let me know. By the way, if you look very closely at my choker, it has my initials on it.
Somehow, training with my family had helped me grow a pair of wings, fox ears, and a tail. No, this doesn’t make my hearing any better, nor can I fly... These parts are made of mist, and depending on my mood or energy level, can sometimes appear translucent or not show up at all.
The face markings... I got them while learning how to shapeshift under the God of Colors. He told me that every shapeshifter, whether born with the talent or learned it later in life, has a unique mark, or a combination of them. It’s not evident in my main form, but when I turn into a fox, the canine facial structure reveals the full shape of my marks— four diamonds.
Oh, sorry, I spoke too much… Well, if you want to know more about our outfits, feel free to ask. For now, have this— our very own mascot collection, Team MiniB. It was my idea, by the way.
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myfairkatiecat · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @fanfictasia!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
51 under my current account, though floating around AO3 are the fics I left up when I deleted my old account in a fit of rage (don’t ask 😅). So, 51 plus twenty or so under no name.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’m in a lot more fandoms than I’ve published writing for so I actually had to check AO3 to remind myself what I actually write fics for 😂 I have the most fics for Star Wars, though I currently mainly write for The Mysterious Benedict Society and BBC Merlin. I also had a brief Miraculous phase and a few scattered fics from random fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Rebel Pilot (Star Wars) - Anakin Skywalker finds himself suddenly and inexplicably in a cell with Princess Leia Organa on the first Death Star. When he realizes he’s in the future, chaos ensues, revelations are made, and Luke is the ray of sunshine that keeps them all together. (Oh, and there’s a Skywalker family road trip to kill the emperor and save the galaxy)
2. Viral (Star Wars) - thirteen-year-old Anakin runs a Space Tik Tok account in which he films Obi-Wan doing random things and posts it. Obi-Wan has no idea who is running this horrible fan account.
3. This Part Was Not Foretold (Merlin) - Upon seeing Merlin doing magic, Arthur comes to the conclusion that his friend has been possessed by an evil sorcerer who must be stopped.
4. Jealousy, Jealousy (Miraculous) - Adrien, in an attempt to make Lila as jealous as Marinette as possible, blurts out that they are dating. They are not dating. (But maybe they soon will be 👀) (also SERIOUSLY there’s a miraculous fic in my top five? That was like. My most embarrassing hyperfixation ever. Can we just forget that happened??)
5. Pen Pals Across Time (Star Wars) - Ahsoka convinces Anakin and Obi-Wan to write letters to their future selves. You know, as an exercise. But then the Force sends the letters. Chaos ensues.
Well, this was a real reminder that I did not always peacefully exist within the quaint, whimsical, slightly chaotic fandom that is The Mysterious Benedict Society. For this game, I have ventured beyond the secure perimeter. But as an honorable mention, this is my most popular TMBS fic by kudos:
The Two Mr. Benedicts - Constance uses naming confusion regarding Mr. Benedict and his redeemed twin brother to be a chaotic little gremlin.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I want them to know I appreciate that they took the time to let me know they enjoyed my work, as this motivates me to write more in the future. Sometimes I may take a slight while, but I always do it!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I almost ALWAYS give my angst happy endings. I was only able to find a SINGULAR FIC with an angsty ending out of all my fics! Our Forgotten Bond is a Star Wars fic about Anakin being brainwashed into attacking Ahsoka and only remembering who he is after he killed her. Yeah. Ouch. I only wrote it because of Angstpril that year okay 😭
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? Even my angst tends to end happy. Half my fics are just crack so whether the ending is happy is irrelevant. Most of my fics have satisfying endings 😅 I can’t pick one!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
People used to give me annoyingly critical analyses on my Merlin fics, which I deleted bc they weren’t worth my time. But especially since I’ve been mainly in the TMBS fandom, everyone’s been super supportive!
9. Do you write smut?
Nope. G and T ratings only around here!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes, but all of mine are WIPs right now with varyingly recent updates 😅
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, someone offered to translate Revel Pilot into a language. I cannot remember what language and when I look at its name in the characters of the original I can’t read it and I don’t want to guess and be wrong and offensive so. A Language
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I used to do writing circles on discord where we’d take turns writing portions of the story, so if that counts, then yes! You can tell which ones they are on AO3 because they have a ton of authors lol.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Yikes. Anidala, I believe. Or perhaps Percabeth. Huge sokeefe shipper. Jorgen/Spensa heals me. This question hurts me.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Anidala cutting edge AU. I just wish someone else would write it 😭 I love it but cannot create it right now or possibly ever.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, and when I put thought into it, prose. I’m good at character introspection and understanding of their relationships. Also, humor—I can make fics hilarious way easier than I can make them touching. (Yes, I think I’m funny. No, I don’t care if you disagree 😂)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes and planning of long plot lines. Also, keeping a serious fic from devolving into crack.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’m comfortable doing it in Spanish bc I know it, I feel anxious when using google translate for other languages, and as far as fictional languages go (such as Mando’a in SW fics or the language of the Old Religion in Merlin fics) I just copy and paste things from the internet!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bet you think the answer is going to be Star Wars, huh? Nope. Keeper of the Lost Cities. When I was ten. On Wattpad. Don’t go looking for it.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
AH NO DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE. I’m a particular fan of Rewriting Destiny (my Star Wars/Merlin crossover), Things my heart still needs to know (my Newsies/Anastasia crossover), and Holding On to You (one of my many TMBS Benedict Twins fics!)
This was fun! No pressure tagging: @nobodysdaydreams @sophieswundergarten @phtalogreenpoison @heyitsthatonesmolgay @any avid fic writer who wants to jump on in!
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dolceminerva97 · 5 days
últimamente me salen muchas noticias de lo que esta pasando con la monarquia en Inglaterra (Lo de kate, Carlos, Harry, etc...) y yo no puedo parar de pensar en como esta tu Arthur😆
Yo tmb siempre lo pienso porque Arturo es un bicho que pulula en mi cerebro ininterrumpidamente desde el 2010 /coughs pero bueno, cuando veo cosas sobre los dramas de la realeza inglesa a lo largo de los siglos, generaciones y dinastías, me imagino que ya está acostumbrado y... Curado de espanto? Jasjsj su monarquía son su telenovela irl personal
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year
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I posted 3,636 times in 2022
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#the mysterious benedict society - 404 posts
#nicholas benedict - 291 posts
#tmbs - 243 posts
#mbs spoilers - 227 posts
#askbox - 224 posts
#mbs - 193 posts
#gertspeak - 179 posts
#mysteriousfisherman - 169 posts
#mr. benedict - 154 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
sometimes i think about like. that brief period after linus got the letter from DICOMY about “the truth” about arthur and like... the doubt he felt, the shame and insecurity of was it a lie all this time? how could you have ever believed they’d really like you, want you, LOVE you? the idea that he was being used, that he’d slowly grown to trust them and care about them despite his efforts to remain professional but that they were using him the whole time, lying to him, and he had literally never considered it, but for the first time he thinks what if they’re only being kind to me to manipulate me, what if i was foolish for ever thinking i could belong, that i wasn’t meant to be lonely? can i even blame arthur, if he thinks he’s protecting the children?
he imagines arthur saying no, no, children, we don’t need to kill him--we just need to make him care about us. make him love us. make him feel like he belongs. and then of course, he’d run along back and say exactly what they want and never come back to bother them. he imagines that he’d finally let his guard down for nothing, that arthur--arthur who he’s only just realizing he’d truly grown to trust and like--lied to him
and even as he doubts his doubt (what if it’s DICOMY who’s lying?) it’s not just the idea that his bosses wouldn’t lie to him that pushes back (because he considers it, for the first time ever he considers they’re wrong, and he does that for arthur’s sake, for the childrens’ sake, because he trusted them and he wants to believe them so badly) but it’s that he doubts his own judgement--not them, not DICOMY, but himself. is he really worthy of their kindness? their acceptance? their love? why would they really like him--plain, boring him (”i’m just me,” he says helplessly, just me) if there wasn’t an ulterior reason? why didn’t he question that from the start? because he’d known, he’d always known, that he meant to be alone. that he’d simply always be lonely. he’d been resigned to it for so long he barely even felt it anymore. and how had he let them push his buttons, let them make him feel wanted, without even once being suspicious? didn’t he know he just wasn’t the type of person to get that? handsome, mysterious men didn’t smile at him like that, people didn’t practically adopt him into their family like that--and didn’t it make perfect sense? if there’d been a reason? if he was useful?
and like that horrible letter, with such just. blatantly, cruelly manipulative language--the repeated claims of we care about you, you matter to us, mr. baker, shield your heart, mr. baker, we’re worried about you, we’re here for you, when obviously they aren’t. they never were and never have been, and they’re worried about power and control and money, not about his wellbeing. and like, the implications and reminders of if you get attached you are failing the children, and as i’m sure you’re aware it’d be against the rules to develop feelings or care for any of them, and the subtle threat disguised as concern in the psych eval (for your own piece of mind, of course) and like. the direct implication that arthur is attempting to use him, maybe even seduce him--people will say and do anything to appease those in power. it’s a weapon, and one that is wielded quite deftly, and shield your heart, mr. baker, because that is what they go for first, and we may have underestimated how susceptible you might have been to such attentions from someone like mr. parnassus. seeing as you’re unmarried... like. no wonder linus was spiralling!
not to mention the pure fucking audacity of charles werner writing this, implying and accusing arthur of doing what he literally did to arthur years ago. guard your heart, it’s what they’ll go for first--you’d fucking know, huh? like that’s a whole other layer of this--for one, i’d love to see arthur reading this goddamn letter (that is. a fic i’ve half written. kdlfgjdfg) and kinda understanding linus’s mindset in the cellar more, but like, also. when linus says almost helplessly in the cellar you could have been using me, to have me say what you wanted in my reports, and he inhales sharply and says oh. oh, linus. do you really think so little of me? because that’s what charles did, took advantage of him, made him feel happy and in love and then used it against him, manipulated him, and like...
i can imagine part of him is almost angry to be accused of that, upset that linus truly thought he’d be capable of doing what charles did to him, but he’s also just sad, that linus feels the way he felt even if only for a moment, and like--whether he understands then, after his gut-jerk reaction, or later, when they’ve talked, but like. understanding that it was less not trusting arthur (although that was definitely part of it, mostly due to the lies/withholding of truth, however justified, they left him unmoored and uncertain) and more not trusting himself, not believing he could have these nice things...
but like also just! being in that cellar, that horrible, awful cellar, barefoot and vulnerable and watching as someone he’s grown to truly like looks at him like he might cry (far more expressive than he seems to think, which is so very endearing) and he knows that it’s fucking charles that put that expression there but it still feels like it’s his fault, even just a little...
(and like, arthur, leading up to that confrontation, noticing how linus is acting strange, and when he puts a hand on his shoulder he flinches and stiffens instead of leaning into it without realizing like he normally does, and he knows something is wrong, and he thinks he knows what. and while the idea of going down there stings like nettles he knows he has to, and anyway, perhaps its time he confronted it again, hm?)
and linus, in that cellar, that horrible, awful cellar, with the tiny tally marks and soot coating the walls, and he’s overwhelmed--with doubt, and shame, but also with just. a great and deep sadness, for arthur now, for arthur then, for all the little magical children that have suffered and he’s been unable to help, and his eyes keep drifting back to those tally marks and he wants to cry or throw up because who could ever treat a child like that. but he still has all that doubt! and insecurity! and he wants to be angry at arthur because if it had all been a lie linus might just shake apart but part of him is resigned that really, he should have known, and can he even blame arthur for protecting the children, and part of him couldn’t be angry if he tried because he just wants to wrap his coat around arthur’s shoulders because he looks cold and vulnerable and almost small and he’s in this--this stupid goddamn cellar he shouldn’t have to see again (because whether linus realizes it or not, he does trust arthur--if arthur truly were the cunning con man he fears he is, he could easily pull his heartstrings, manipulate the story to bring about pity, to show himself in the best light, as it were, but linus believes that as he confronts arthur, arthur is telling the truth, and he’s right) and like just. the complicated mess of emotions that comes with being already half in love with him but scared, scared that he might have been wrong the whole time, scared that he’ll be alone again and he’ll deserve it, scared that he might have been taken advantage of, scared of rejection, and that comes with all that doubt and all the despair on arthur’s behalf, that protective rage that makes him want to find every piece of shit complicit in making this fucking cell and destroying them, that loneliness and isolation he’s always felt, just like. all of it. you know.
and like after that initial confrontation in the cellar the idea that linus, even if only briefly, genuinely thought arthur might have been using him, that they all might have been trying to manipulate him the whole time, doesn’t really come up again--i think a lot of it, as is mentioned, just wouldn’t hold up under the light of the day, because at night and alone his fears are thriving, like. the kids, i think, he’d pretty easily realize uh yeah no. they aren’t lying, they just aren’t really like. capable of that kind of knowing like. cruelty? in that sort of way? but like. he still has those fears, particularly with arthur, who i mean--to protect the children? if he had to? maybe. maybe. but like. he like. i think he does get over it fast because he does trust them, even if he had that brief moment of just. deep fear. but like still the implications or like. i want them to talk about it like. what it means, how it affects both of them, how it meshes with the whole charles werner mess, etc. like. idk i just. i have a lot of feelings about that brief stretch of time okay.
148 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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205 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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225 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
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279 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ive moved this post to here if you want to reblog it because tumblr refused to mute the notifications and i kept thinking people were actually reblogging my shit 😩 but worry not the ask game still exists it's just. on a sideblog now.
411 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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voyeuristicvixen · 6 months
Foxey's Freebie Tip _FELLAS! Build-A-Mane W Freebies !
Right now Dec2023 there is a great opportunity to make a easy cheap avi with the latest and greatest!
Use this link to find all the free gifts from this 12 days of christmas shopping event to make your new avi there's stuff there for males, some of the skins do come as fatpack and have other tones too so you can finess a good black male avi!
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[In total only cost me 25 linden (to join PYT group for the skin) otherwise he was made completely FREE] https://www.seraphimsl.com/2023/12/09/lelutkas-12-days-of-christmas-has-arrived-first-class/
Start with collecting all the major parts, you'll need this list has a little bit of everything you need to get going!
> head from the Letluka 12 days shopping event. (be ready for the lag, be patient its worth it!)
>Free legacy body
Theres free ones at the 12 days event look on the link above for the one's you like...
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This skin at PYT is for the new Letluka Kris head the group is only 25Ls to join!
Remember you can always manipulate these shapes to have features you want/like by right clicking your avatar and click >edit shape
These are a couple completely free on MP and also right now there are a bunch at that event so go check it out like this one:
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This Unorthodox gift is up for the 12 days of christmas thingiee https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/XODOHTRONU/184/116/3817
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0 notes
navinh-fm · 6 months
Fm2024: Season 01 - Destaques Individuais
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Liga Bwin
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🏵️Di Maria candidato a jogador do ano (perde pa carequinha)
🏵️Orkun Kokçu candidato a jovem jogador do ano (perde pa Jon Snow)
Jogador do mes
🥇João Mario
🥉Di Maria
🏅João Mario medio do mes
🏅Arthur Cabral avançado do mes
Jogador do mes
🥈João Neves
Jogador do mes
🥇Orkun Kokçu
🥈João Mario
Jovem Jogador do mes
🏅Orkun Kokçu
🏅Bernat defesa do mes
🏅Orkun Kokçu medio do mes
Jogador do mes
🥇João Mario
🏅João Mario medio do mes
Jogador do mes
🥈João Mario
🏅João Mario medio do mes
🏅Trubin Gk do mes
🏅Bernat defesa do mes
Jogador do mes
🥇Orkun Kokçu
Jovem Jogador do mes
🥇Orkun Kokçu
🏅Trubin Gk do mes
🏅Orkun Kokçu medio do mes
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Taça de Portugal
Grandes destaques:
Orkun Kokçu 2⚽️ 4🅰️
Musa 3⚽️ 1🅰️
Morato 1⚽️ 3🅰️
Taça da Liga
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Grandes destaques:
Musa 6⚽️ 2🅰️
João Veloso 6⚽️ 2🅰️
David Neres 3⚽️ 4🅰️
Champions League
Grandes destaques:
Rafa 4⚽️ 2🅰️
João Mario 3⚽️ 3🅰️
Musa 3⚽️
Tmb bons exibisons de Jon Snow fazel ser considerado segundo midjor prodigio de mundo
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Midjor Jogador de Epoca
Keli mi k ta skodji independentemente de kel k fm da ma nes caso eh kel me, visto k Careca fz um epoca brilhante🔥
🎖️João Mario 25⚽️ 15🅰️ 10Motm 📈7.49
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missholson · 3 years
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Red River (1948) dir. Howard Hawks  The Missouri Breaks (1976) dir. Arthur Penn
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Desabafos 04 10/01/2022
Oi, pessoal tudo bem com voces? Eu to levando na verdade, tanta coisa acontecendo no mundo, assim como a pandemia, por incrivel que pareça eu nem gostava de sair de casa, mais com tudo isso de nao poder sair, simplesmte me deu vontade de sair mais , so que nao posso entao estou literalmente entediada.
Contudo, minha irmá ta gravida de 7 meses e foi internada essa semana, tanto ela e meu sobrinho Arthur estão bem graças a Deus, mais como minha mae teve pré-eclampsia nas gestaçoes, eles preferiram internar so por garantia. Tdo isso me assusta bastante, mas eles estao em boa maos.
ou se é meu celular moto g8play que trava , desliga e liga do nada, a mais ou meos 1 ano e meio , so que agora os telefones estao caros ainda e tmb nao encontrei um que eu goste e como preço bom.
Porém ainda tem essas chuvas que estaom destruindo e desabrigando famílias em toda Minas Gerais, oq ao meu ver é o mais preocupante de todos.
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ceticasinicaestoica · 3 years
É boe eu fui egoísta mesmo, pq por mais que eu goste de ceres ela se incomoda com umas coisa muito bestas boe, eu sei que fui egoísta em não me importar como ela se sente, mas ela tmb tá sendo muito egoísta em querer empatar a fodas dos outros eu entendo muito bia ter ficado chateada pq ela já estava ficando com ele, entendo um pouco ela ter ficado chateada com o de Arthur pq ela já tinha ficado, mas entendo um pouco mesmo, pq eu TMB já tinha ficado com Arthur e me incomodei zero com isso, pq eu ein, o que é bom tem que ser provado, o bom seria se todo mundo beijasse e isso aqui virasse um surubao coletivo kdkksjskxnxhdks eu vou lá me importar com beijo e ficada pldd
Agr é foda pq só quem eu não posso pegar kkkkkkkkkkkkkk eu gosto mais de pegar kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk estou incrédula kkkkkkkkkkkkkk toda vida isso
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team-mythic-beasts · 1 month
The next god will be revealed tomorrow, but today I’d like to make an announcement… (to the 2 ppl that follow this blog lol, love you guys 💕)
Mikel has an official second outfit! 🎉
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[Off Duty]
Unlike Ludi, who already wears his casual clothes under his gear, Mikel switches out his tunic for a “fresher” look.
He’s not one to be too mindful of his looks, but as a city boy, he understands the importance of appearing at least presentable when going outside.
However, his simple aesthetic only captivates his partner even more… 🤭
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myfairkatiecat · 9 months
Katie, this Ask is going to be much less organized, so I'm very sorry. If you think I've forgotten something, don't hesitate to correct me. I believe the Ask for Bod's game was"
🥰/😂/😭/❓ And then 🤩 for Merlin because you said you're getting back into that!
😔/😍 And 📖 for "Rewriting Destiny", since I'm still working my way through it
I hope this one works out, and I hope you are doing well, my friend!! Happy Penultimate day of being the year you are <3 <3 <3
Thank you so much for resending this! *glares at tumblr* this app sometimes. Removing people’s blogs, deleting random drafts…
Anyway *ahem* thank you for the ask!
🥰 a fluff WIP snippet
So. I don’t write enough fluff 😅, so I literally searched “TMBS” in my google docs and scanned through old fics and I found this thing I wrote when I was 12 about the books, and it’s surprisingly cute for something I wrote when I was twelve. (Warning: if you want to wear gen-goggles, the opposite of shipping-goggles, go ahead, because little Katie was a HUGE Kaynie shipper.) The characters are 17-18 bc little Katie felt so mature writing older teenagers.
Fun fact: little Katie googled common college application questions to write this fic. And now present Katie is literally answering that exact question for a college application. Time flies 😂
Here’s a snippet!
“Miss Perumal said you’ve been up here all day,” Kate said in the doorway.
Reynie looked up when he heard her voice. “Oh! Yeah. That’s because I’m working on my applications. It’s quiet up here.”
“Oh, I get that,” Kate said, making her way over to his desk. “But… all day?”
“I have to submit them soon if I want to be considered for scholarships!”
“‘Soon’ being November. Which is two months away.” Kate crossed her arms. “You need to relax! It would be good for you.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Reynie sighed in defeat. “I’m not getting anywhere with this anyway. I can’t figure out how to word anything.”
“You have to be kidding!” Kate exclaimed. “You write more eloquently than anyone I know. Your letters are far more interesting than some classics I’ve read.”
“Then you must not have been reading the right classics,” Reynie said with a self deprecating laugh. “Or you just like me better than you like Charles Dickens.”
Kate laughed melodiously. “I do like you better than I like him,” she admitted. “But then again, there’s not many people I like more than you.”
Something about Kate’s smile made Reynie’s cheeks heat up, and he coughed. “That’s… high praise. Especially for someone who can’t figure out what to write about how I ‘contribute’ to society? I don’t have any good contributions.”
Kate blinked. “Are you serious?”
Let me know if you think I should post the whole version. I know this fandom is very gen focused and that fic is very shippy, and also written by a middle schooler, even if that middle schooler was me 😅😅
😂 a funny or crack WIP snippet
“This is what people in the future consider entertainment?”
“It makes me want to vomit,” Constance agreed, having very conflicting feelings about agreeing with Curtain on something.
“Specifically all the pink.” Curtain shuddered.
Constance gasped, affronted. “Take that back.”
Curtain looked over at her, momentarily surprised, before glancing at her outfit, which was in fact a very similar color scheme as the one this “Barbie” character preferred. “No, I don’t think I will.”
Constance narrows her eyes. “Yes, you will.”
Curtain held his ground, crossing his arms and saying, in true four year old fashion, “Or what?”
I put my best angst one on bods’ ask, so check that out for angsty content!! So now onto…
🤩 a WIP snippet about or with dialogue from [Merlin]
So Sophie, I just want to say, I am SO HONORED that despite the fact that you aren’t even in the fandom, you actually like to read my writing for it 🥹🥹
My best Merlin dialogue is actually already published, so I’m bending the rules a little here!
“...Arthur,” he whispered. “You know that I have called you the Once and Future King. That means… more than you realize. More than you possibly can realize. You truly are destined to be the greatest king this land has ever known,” he said quietly, the words Merlin had said so many times before taking on a new meaning. “It has been prophesied. You are the fulfillment of that prophecy.
“But there is another piece. The Once and Future King can not achieve this alone… he needs his other half. The other side of the coin. The greatest and most powerful sorcerer to ever live, who will walk beside the king as his protector. The druids call him Emrys.” Merlin took a deep breath. “But I prefer the name Merlin.”
Silence fell, even nature entirely still as though it sensed the gravity of this revelation. “I’m sorry,” Arthur choked out, “did I just hear you refer to yourself as the ‘greatest and most powerful sorcerer to ever live?’”
Had to include Arthur’s reaction! It’s from my fic “you wouldn’t know a good liar if you saw one (that is, after all, the point)” (hyperlinks are FAILING ME)
And now for the ones MEANT for published works!
😔 published lines or section of a fic that was super sad, angsty or difficult to write?
Mhm. This is from a fic I wrote for a prompt from @mvshortcut’s ask game a while back, for @nobody33333333!!!
“Who hurt you, Nathaniel, so that you would isolate yourself like this? Turn your back on the entire world, caring about it only to control it?” Nicholas said, so quietly it could have been a whisper, but here in this blindingly white room it echoed so loudly it could have been spoken into a microphone.
“I make my own choices, Nicky,” and oh he wishes he could reach out into the air and take the nickname back like it was something tangible, but he knew he couldn’t. He blamed Nicholas for calling him by his old name, calling him Nathaniel, a reminder of the child he once had been and had finally and gloriously escaped being.
“I know you do, Nathaniel, but I knew you. You made me presents on my birthday, and caught me whenever I had narcoleptic episodes and quietly punished the kid who knocked me out on Easter a few springs before we were separated and I look at you now and I know that someone else had to have done something because you didn’t get here on your own!”
From “dont you ever wonder if I’m ok (after all you put me through)”!!!
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
YES YES YES so I loved writing “SQ Comes Home” and this was my favorite part to write!!!
“Now aren’t you glad I didn’t let you drive,” Rhonda was saying.
“If you hadn’t been there, none of this would have happened.”
“It sounds like none of this would have happened if you didn’t try to brainwash the world,” the boy muttered.
Rhonda and Nathaniel both turned to him in stunned silence. “I like you,” Rhonda said eventually, a smirk on her face.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize, it was very sassy and I loved it.”
“I didn’t,” Nathaniel muttered.
“Sorry,” he said again.
“Besides, even if you managed to avoid mentioning your villainous schemes, at some point you were going to have to tell your son you had narcolepsy,” Rhonda said to Nathaniel.
Your son.
Your son.
Your son.
And finally!
📖 a published snippet from [rewriting destiny]
Again, I CANNOT BELIEVE you like my writing so much that you care about my fics from fandoms you aren’t even in??? Star Wars AND Merlin! Do you know how happy that makes me?? IMMENSELY happy. I love you so much Sophie!!!
I didn’t want to spoil major plot points that are specific to the fic, so even though this is a major moment it’s the one thing you can always count on happening in ALL of my Merlin fics at some point or other: a magic reveal!
“Ic þé wiþdrífe!” Anakin heard Merlin’s voice shout, and Ahsoka suddenly lost her balance before flying into a wall. Anakin looked up to see the golden glow still fading from Merlin’s eyes as he ran over to him. “Are you alright?’
“I’m fine,” Anakin said as he moved to his feet. He retrieved his lightsaber from where it laid on the ground a few feet away.
“I’m not going to lie, that was kind of epic,” Merlin said, almost apologetically. “I’ve just never seen you actually fight with your… your light-saber before.”
Anakin smiled. “It’s okay. I just…” he looked over at Ahsoka. “I wish it hadn’t been necessary,” he said softly.
Pity was in Merlin’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, Anakin,” he said quietly, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you for using your magic,” Anakin said gratefully. “You saved me from getting killed by my own apprentice.”
A loud voice cleared his throat. Anakin and Merlin both turned to see the cause of the interruption - the distraction that had given Ahsoka an advantage. The people who had burst into the room.
“You,” Arthur declared, pointing at Merlin, “and you,” he added, his finger shifting over to point at Anakin, “have a whole hell of a lot of explaining to do.”
Thank you so so much for the ask, and then for sending it AGAIN when tumblr made my life difficult. You’re the best!!!
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mari-xs-blog · 7 years
Apenas adeus
Apenas tento fazer te feliz ... e se isso não for suficiente ? E se acordar um dia e tu já não estás.. ? Diz me o que é que eu faço nesse momento ? Levanto me da cama e disfarço que nada aconteceu. Meus pais não notam diferença está tudo bem. Como um dia normal de escola. Vou pra escola e lá.. la tmb não notam nada . Meus amigos estão mais preocupados com outras coisas do que me preguntar se está tudo bem. Apenas vem que eu estou bem .. ou mais bem dito aparento estar.. O dia acabou e agr? Agr eu vou para casa... e nem sequer consigo estudar.. pois o meu coração está cheio de dor e eu só penso em que chegue a madrugada para o meu coração não doer mais.. Ponho os fones até casa , vou toda a viagem a ouvir "impossible" de James Arthur.. essa música me fazia lembrar do nosso amor porque achava que o nosso amor era impossível e realmente foi mesmo ... prometes te que ficarias cmg pra lem da distância não foi assim.. e agr no meio disto tudo de tanta promesa donde estas tu ? Chego a casa e janto.. último jantar.. Vou pro meu quarto e minha mãe preguntou como correu o dia.. eu respondo igual que sempre " correu bem" com um sorriso na cara a disfarçar a dor que levo dentro de mim.. Tinha montes de mensagens de minhas amigas mas nesse momento.. o único mensagem que queria receber era um " amo te" ou um " tnh saudades tuas" esperei que meus pais fossem pra cama e ai pus a música de imposible de novo... ouvi ela umas 10 veces.. e depois abri meu armário.. e debaixo da roupa havia umas lâminas .. peguei nelas e pus elas em cima da cama.. fechei a porta e deitei me com os fones no ouvido ouvindo a música de imposible me suicidei.. cortei meus pulsos e senti meu último suspiro até meu coração parar de doer por todo o sempre..
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
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having thoughts.
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team-mythic-beasts · 1 month
Seven Years of TMB, Part 2: The Masked Lord and the Aspiring Dreamers
By Mikkel Anderson (feat. Fra'ser Du'randt & Alphix)
(Read series introduction here!)
Fra’ser landed a job as an archivist at the Library of Alphica recently. As a local and fellow disciple of the Lord of Dreams, I naturally offered him help. I even got him to borrow some of my favorite author’s books while we were at it!
However, he still doesn’t have his house in Alphica yet, so I let him stay at my nan’s place for the night. From what I heard, she treated him nicely— with lots of food, of course! Bert (my cat) was happy to have him around, too.
But what makes this day even more special was the dream we both dreamed. Usually, we’d find ourselves in some random corner of the Dream Realm; but both of us woke up in a library.
And it wasn’t just any library, mind you… but the private archives of Lord Kristan.
“Has the waking world been treating you well, lads?”
Come to think of it, that was our first time visiting Lord Kristan in the same session, wasn't it? Huh… maybe he does have control over where we wake up there.
Anyways, we gave him a quick rundown on everything that happened since Team Mythic Beasts parted ways— Finny is back with his family, Master Ludi got an assistant to help with his crafts, and of course… Fra’ser’s new profession. Not sure about Jones or Arthur, though… haven’t heard from them for a while now.
I was gonna bring up Lukey’s newest project, but Fra’ser beat me to it— a three-part book series about our legendary quest! I had the honor to be in charge of illustrations, and I promised Lord Kristan that he’ll get signed copies of all three books before their public release— free of charge.
“The next big thing since The Golden Lady? Well, I sure can’t wait.”
One may say we’ve been doing our best to make his job as our new continental guardian an easy one. Judging from the soft smile he gave us after our recap, I suppose he must feel the same. This is the thanks he deserves for founding the prosperous nation of Alphica, a glimmering gem amongst the nations of Phantasmia.
I can’t really recall what happened after that, but the words Lord Kristan gave me as he sent us back to the waking world have been stuck in my head for quite a while:
“You have nothing left to prove, Mikkel. I am glad to have chosen you as my champion, and it pleases me to know that my people are in safe hands.”
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Previous: Jones + Diadema
Next: Finny + Photia
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team-mythic-beasts · 1 month
Seven Years of TMB, Part 1: The Blind Prophet and the “Reformed” Villain
by Jones Fitzgerald (feat. Diadema)
(Read series introduction here!)
Most people already know that I am in… not very good terms with the Prophet. It’s even worse when she tells me, reluctantly, that I’ll become a hero one day. Source? Her silly little “predictions” that she sees in that wicked mirror of hers.
And those do-gooders from Luftstadt call me a heartless psychopath. This woman doesn’t have a heart or conscience at all! The only thing she ever does is look at her precious little mirror and believe everything it shows her. She never takes responsibility, ever. What a sorry excuse of a deity.
Sadly, being one of her biggest haters isn’t going to stop me from having to see her face again.
None of her daughters in sight, I stepped into her temple to find the woman had already set up a table in her usual spot. She didn't even turn her head towards me or give me the usual temple greeting; pretending not to notice me, she kept sipping her tea. It wasn’t until I pulled my chair back and sat myself down... did she finally make her first remark.
"So... you have saved a continent from certain doom and earned the favor of my children. I have feared this would happen."
Pfft, haha! Who would’ve thought a goddess would be afraid of a miserable prick like me? Next time Arthur tells me off for bragging, I’m passing on those exact words to him. My amusement didn’t last long, though… As the old woman revealed to me the truth of my family… and why her “precious baby son” decided to look for me in the first place.
A ring she wiped with a tiny piece of cloth, golden and decorated with a foggy white gemstone. She claims to have obtained it from my old man, who’s missed me dearly since my mother whisked me and my older brother away to Phantasmia. Seems to me that she thinks I’m ready to take his place as king… What madness!
“Should you never return to Einlon, your family’s reign will surely end with your father. I dare not think of what will happen if the kingdom falls in the hands of other nobles once again.”
There she went again… Always guilttripping her subjects into heavy, life-ruining decisions. I’m doing good enough in my new home with a giant stone demon upon my roof, I told her— but I doubt she even heard me.
Below were the words she left me as I got up to leave, finding this conversation a waste of time.
“I know your ancestors well, Jones Fitzgerald. Or should I say… Alfred Lycardia II. The choices they faced then… you soon shall, too.”
Why did I agree to this meeting again?
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Next: Mikel & Fra’ser + Alphix
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