#tmb luke
team-mythic-beasts · 1 month
The next god will be revealed tomorrow, but today I’d like to make an announcement… (to the 2 ppl that follow this blog lol, love you guys 💕)
Mikel has an official second outfit! 🎉
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[Off Duty]
Unlike Ludi, who already wears his casual clothes under his gear, Mikel switches out his tunic for a “fresher” look.
He’s not one to be too mindful of his looks, but as a city boy, he understands the importance of appearing at least presentable when going outside.
However, his simple aesthetic only captivates his partner even more… 🤭
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a-chess-lesson · 3 months
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"well, Sticky, this reminds me of a simply wonderful puzzle!"
my life has been utterly taken over by professor layton, so i decided to draw reynie cosplaying as luke, my favorite character! (listen i know the "this reminds me of a puzzle" is a layton quote, not a luke quote, but shhhhh)
more details + alt version under the cut :)
i draw reynie and luke very similarly, especially in the eyebrows and nose shape. my favorite character design quirk is to give people the round, thick shiba inu eyebrows- you can always tell who my favorite character is because i always gave them those!
version without text:
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
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Forsaking All for Jesus
They forsook all and followed Him. — Luke 5:11b | Third Millennium Bible (TMB) Third Millennium Bible, New Authorized Version, Copyright 1998 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Cross References: Matthew 4:20; Matthew 4:22; Matthew 19:29; Mark 1:8; Mark 1:20; Luke 5:28; Luke 18:28
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myfairkatiecat · 7 days
TMBS but Luke and Leia are Curtain and Mr. Benedict
Ahskuddsh Leia is Curtain and Luke is Mr. Benedict
Evil Leia + redemption?? YES!!!!
Also luke is sooo sunshine just like Mr. Benedict
Also they’d be older at this point so the sequel gang would probably be the society. Like Rey as Reynie actually slaps. And Poe as Kate. Finn as Sticky then I suppose
Uhhh would Ben be Martina or SQ
I’m thinking show verse rn because I want Luke to have show verse Benedict energy
@nobodysdaydreams get over here I need you
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skyartworkzzz · 8 months
Duas coisinhas.
Você poderia dar um spoiler sobre a relação dos personagens ?
Você tem alguma dica para alguém que tá querendo criar uma história/hq?
Opa, eaí! Imagino q os personagens em questão sejam de Cães de Caça certo? xD (Cães de Caça é a minha adaptação de Street Dogs em PTBR)
Se sim, oq eu posso dizer sobre os que apresentei até agr é que: - Danika e Luke são primos maternos, ambos cresceram juntos como irmãos e estudaram na mesma escola desde o ensino fundamental - Danika e Caíque tmb são amigos desde o fundamental, e naturalmente Luke acabou entrando na dupla pra formar o trio de amigos que são hoje. Mesmo depois da Danika mudar de escola, eles continuam próximos e saindo juntos - Danika e Jade (pronuncia Já-de em PTBR) virão a ser melhores amigas no decorrer da história - Rachel (pronuncia Rá-quel em PTBR) é a irmã mais nova de Matt. Ambos tem uma relação meio complicada; eles se amam mas nem sempre se dão bem devido ao temperamento e atitude de Rachel - Rachel ODEIA Jade, as duas serão arqui-inimigas por maior parte da história - Anna e Kim são irmãs, Anna sendo a mais nova e Kim já estando nos seus 20 e trabalhando
ENQUANTO AS DICAS, antes só vou lembrar q eu n sou profissional, mas estas sao as coisas q aprendi ao longo dos anos em q fiz quadrinhos e de conversas q tive com amigos e conhecidos q tmb gostam de trabalhar com isso:
1- Mantenha os designs simples o suficiente. Quadrinhos é um tipo de desenho onde vc vai ter q fazer os mesmos personagens varias e varias vezes, ent dependendo do tanto de detalhe q vc quiser q uma historia tenha, tente manter tudo na simplicidade para n ser algo mais cansativo do q legal de fazer. Sim! Vc deve ser criativo noq faz, mas n se esqueça da praticidade
2- Seja paciente consigo mesmo. Faça oq está ao seu alcance. Muitos quadrinistas começam a trabalhar sozinhos antes de ganharem popularidade, ou eles simplesmente n tem como pagar algm para ajudar. Dito isso, se for um artista independente sem ngm pra te ajudar a fazer suas histórias, tenha em mente q vc vai estar fazendo o trabalho de uma EQUIPE INTEIRA sozinho. É cansativo ter q escrever o roteiro, desenvolver personagens, fazer os designs, construir o mundo q eles vivem etc. São muitas coisas pra UMA pessoa só fazer, ent é Totalmente Normal vc demorar pra produzir uma página. Não desista por conta da sua "velocidade" ou "produtividade"!!
3- POSTE TUDO Q FIZER SOBRE O SEU QUADRINHO!!! Por muito tempo eu fiquei me cobrando para "aperfeiçoar" o meu universo antes de começar a postar, mas foi esse perfeccionismo q me impediu q eu apresentasse minhas histórias mais cedo Hoje eu percebo q eu n preciso postar uma arte final ou um concept art bunitinho pra poder passar a ideia da história q eu quero contar. Claro, tem q ser visível o suficiente pras pessoas entenderem oq está acontecendo, mas vc n é obrigado a postar SOMENTE artes finais Esboços, ideias, fics, cenas q irao acontecer (dependendo do tanto de spoiler q vc quiser dar), vai fundo! E ISSO, claro, tmb se estende para a historia em si. N espere chegar em uma fase onde ela vai ser "perfeita", pq isso n existe. Suas ideias estao sempre mudando, vc sempre vai voltar pra mudar algma coisa, ent o melhor a se fazer é só começar a postar! Se quiser, vc tem total permissao de mudar algo mais tarde!
4- Foque na história. A parte mais importante dos quadrinhos q realmente prende a atenção do seu público é a HISTÓRIA, independente do estilo em q está sendo contada. Como quer q ela comece e como quer q ela acabe? Tem alguma mensagem q vc queira passar? Quem são os personagens principais? Eles aprenderam algma coisa? Mudaram de vida ou personalidade com tudo q aconteceu com eles? Lembre-se de q o público costuma ter mais empatia com personagens quando eles podem se identificar, ent n tenha medo de caprichar na diversidade! E principalmente nas personalidades e seus desenvolvimentos :D
Lembre-se: vc n é uma maquina, descanse quando necessário, é totalmente normal vc n produzir mais de uma pagina por dia (alias, n se cobre para produzir TODOS os dias OAJSDMKad)
Espero q essas dicas tenham ajudado! Boa sorte com seus projetos! 💜
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sweetsweethate · 6 months
y Annabeth tmb
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual y asexual
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: percabeth
A BROTP I have with said character: me gusta cuando annabeth tiene amistades con las demas chicas asi que podria ser hazel, rahcel, piper o reyna
A NOTP I have with said character: con luke iuck
A random headcanon: tiene un estilo de vestir comodo y practico y usa paletas de colores neutras generalmente, quiero pensar que cuando vino al campament no tenia muchas opciones de ropa y se arreglaba con lo que conseguia (hice un moodboard de su estylo btw)
General Opinion over said character: reinaaaa
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Oceana Matsumoto makes Film Debut in One True Loves
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In this interview, Oceana Matsumoto talks about her debut movie One True Loves, in which she stars along with Phillipa Soo and Simu Liu. Oceana Matsumoto is a child actress. She is best known for her part in the film One True Loves. In this interview, Oceana discusses her experience making One True Loves, which is a unique and emotional movie about relationships, and what she would like to do next. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVs48ZhHFe4&list=PLsD5qP1WqKt5AfUbgA-dOKiPXZtGLZO8Y&index=7 After the Interview make sure you subscribe here: https://tinyurl.com/TMB-subscribe Simu Liu (Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings), Phillipa Soo (Hamilton), and Luke Bracey (Point Break) star in this modern twist on a classic love story from NY Times bestselling author Taylor Jenkins Reid. Emma and Jesse are living the perfect life together until Jesse disappears in a tragic helicopter crash on their first wedding anniversary. Four years later, Emma has found happiness again and is about to marry her best friend when Jesse resurfaces, turning her world upside down and leaving her torn between two great loves. We can often find ourselves through our relationships — who we were, who we are, and who we could be — can be defined by love. For Emma Blair (PHILLIPA SOO, acclaimed for Broadway’s Hamilton — which earned her a Tony nomination for Best Actress in a Musical — as well as Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812 and Amelie, TV’s 'DOPESICK’ and ‘SHINING GIRLS’, and the film of TICK, TICK...BOOM!), the heroine of ONE TRUE LOVES, adapted from New York Times bestselling author TAYLOR JENKINS REID’s hit 2016 novel, that romantic calculation gets a lot more complicated. As Emma is in her family’s home celebrating her engagement to her high school friend Sam (SIMU LIU, SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS, TV’s ‘KIM’S CONVENIENCE’), she’s given the news that her first husband, Jesse — who went missing years earlier after a helicopter crash in the Pacific — has been rescued alive. When she’s reunited with Jesse (LUKE BRACEY, ELVIS, HACKSAW RIDGE, POINT BREAK, TV’s ‘LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE’), her feelings for him are still there and made more complex because Emma has worked so hard to move on and begun a wonderful new life with Sam. The three all knew each other in high school. The bonds, and the jealousies, run deep. Emma tells Sam she needs to examine the life she thought had ended years earlier. As even the local news gets curious about what will happen, Emma, who runs the local bookstore with her sister, Marie (MICHAELA CONLIN, TV’s ‘BONES’), faces the chaos in her life head-on and meets with Jesse. But the heart has its own trajectory, and Emma needs to see if who she is can reconcile with who she was. Read the full article
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messymormonmission · 2 years
Jesus, the Ouija Facetime, probably part 1
So this post ended up being about Jesus, and why I have a hard time with him. So if that bugs, feel free to skip.
Also, in some of my posts I have a backtalking TMB (in parenthesis) because it's helpful for me to call out the voice in my head argues the other side sometimes. If you want to read a really good book that uses this tactic, Nation by Terry Pratchett, that's maybe a future post.
I watched my wife's sacrament meeting on Zoom yesterday because one of my kids was in a musical number (which, I can say, is actually not a bad way to go if you want to participate but don't want all the stress that comes with being present. You can sit and play a video game while you listen).
A guy gave a talk about Luke 2. He's someone I know and have hung out with outside of church, gives to his community (even outside of church), good dad, etc. Almost a friend, I guess, if we weren't both older and had kids and little leisure time and having friends in this lifestage wasn't a herculean task. At the end of his talk he encouraged all the young men to plan on a mission, to share the Lord's message.
I haven't been active for about 5 years. I'd forgotten that that's the reason some people go. By all means, if you're Mormon, and you believe in Jesus, and you're good with the Mormon version of Jesus, going on a mission could be a good idea. There is a doctrinal backing for believing Jesus in Mormonism. (That's the whole point, genius, it's the church of Jesus Christ after all, the one he restored), to which I would say, everyone says they're Jesus' church, but Jesus is not as central to the Mormon message as prophets, priesthood, and its other uniqueness are. Topic for another day. But it is there, there absolutely is a doctrinal basis for Jesus in Mormonism. So if that's your thing, great. I think you should have a few other things going on besides that, but that can be an important part of your complete breakfast for going on a mission.
For me, I've always had a hard time with Jesus, I never really had an entry point. He's too big, too perfect. Inaccessible. Also confusing. The trinity is confusing. God is perfect, untouchable. He's the one in charge, the one that runs everything. His son, Jesus, got his feet muddy by being human, so he's able, cosmically, to commune with humans (technically God did too since we'll all be Gods but at some point God got too God-y and can't interact with humans anymore). So Jesus is the messenger. And the Holy Ghost is the way God answers.
So prayer is like a mix of Facetime and Ouija Board, using Jesus, trying to get answers through the Holy Ghost plugin for human spirits. Sort of. The Holy Ghost is also the Ouija Facetime. Jesus is the electricity for it? The analogy breaks down, but it's not a great foundation to start with.
You get the answers from the son, which is why people say they have a relationship with Jesus, but you actually are talking to the father, so technically you'd have a relationship with the father, wouldn't you? Why would I have a relationship with Ouija Facetime? I'm glad it's there, but I really just want to talk to my Sky Daddy. How do people get a relationship with Ouija Facetime?
I thought Mormonism was big on *not* praying to Jesus, only God? But people talk about the son. There's a mystical, romantic element I've never really experienced around Jesus where people get swoony and fall into it. I haven't. I kind of wish I could, because the people who I've seen get into it seem to act like they're in love all the time and it seems to bring them a lot of joy. Smart, good people who were cynical about religion but then fell into Jesus. Honestly, good for them, as long as they aren't jerks about it.
Jesus to me has always been too good. Same reason I can't really do Superman. I read a book called "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" by Christopher Moore, which is a comedy, but I thought it did a pretty good job of giving Jesus a regular person journey. A lot of people would say it's blasphemous, but they'd say this post is blasphemous, too, so it goes. I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to figure these things out. I never did finish The Last Temptation of Christ, which seems like another take on this.
Buddhism (Buddhism?! Why bring in Buddhism, this is Jesus!) as I understand it, says that we are, in our deepest natures, good. That spiritual progress is about uncluttering the unhealthy things that have us kept us down, that cover up what we really are. That we're basically good, and just need to brush it off. We need to unclutter and clean up.
Christianity, as I understand it, says that we're bad. Our nature is bad, we lean to bad, and we need someone who is perfect and good to get us out of this mess. To change us back to good, at a molecular level. In exchange for that fire bath, we only have to do everything Jesus says. This is a debt-bondage situation: you start in debt, and you can only pay things back to the one person, and you can never pay it all back. (How dare you try and get out of debt, how dare you think that this isn't the way it is! You should just be grateful Jesus did what he did! He didn't have to! We could all be lost! It was that [holds fingers close together] close! We could have all been lost!)
I like Buddism's take better. I don't think we're all inherently bad. I think *I'm* inherently bad, but that's the shame and guilt and garbage I'm working through the things the parenthetical voice tells me. The Buddhism side sounds more like reality - a plan that's a lot of work and can be boring. Christianity sounds rigged. It's the person coming to your door telling you your windows, unbeknownst to you, are actually faulty and thank goodness they showed up, for only $499 they can replace a few of those windows for you, shouldn't you be so grateful to them, only you go to pay them and the price keeps going up. Forever. When really the windows are fine. They might need washed. But they're fine. Well, *your* windows are fine.
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otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
Hola! Gracias a tus dos últimas respuestas hacia el/la anónimo/ma, tengo muchas ganas d bajar el juego y... debo decir q tengo problemas auditivos dsd nacer, escucho algo, no soy sorda, pero... muchas veces... no puedo distinguir si una música suave es instrumental, ya q a veces pasa q el/la cantante canta suave d tal forma q parece instrumental y al final, no lo es. El vídeo q ha puesto el/la anónimo/ma, es instrumental?
Tmb, me gustaría saber si estos 4 vídeos, son realmente instrumentales:
Marius: https://youtu.be/7SJEzIYWekQ
Vyn: https://youtu.be/Vo6eSz20sZE
Artem: https://youtu.be/JyQMtW8WjBU
Luke: https://youtu.be/g2vU6-T-C5E
Debo decir, q no me gustaría estar escuchando estos 4 vídeos como una loca y acto seguido, gente c cara d perro tipo: SOS CHINA?! Q PEDO?! < Realmente, me gustaría evitar estos momentos, es por eso q me gustaría saber si están en instrumental o hay una persona cantando. Saludos!
¡Claro que puedo! El juego tiene algunas escenas con líneas de personajes, pero todas las escenas siempre van acompañadas de líneas escritas, por lo que en ese sentido no debes preocuparte.
De todos modos, el juego solo debería estar disponible por un mes o al final del año, porque en realidad Mihoyo (la compañía del juego) aún no ha publicado una fecha de lanzamiento oficial para el servidor global.
A Mihoyo realmente le gustan estas canciones temáticas que no tienen letra detrás, así que estos cuatro videos que me diste realmente no tienen a nadie cantando en chino detrás de ellos, son solo canciones de fondo que incluso reconozco que estaban en el juego cuando Jugué el papel con algunos de estos personajes (normalmente juego cualquier juego con mi propia lista de reproducción, pero como estaba en la prueba beta recuerdo escuchar estas canciones mientras jugaba la historia principal).
Entonces, estas canciones serían simplemente canciones de fondo mientras leemos la historia.
Oh, y perdón por mi mal español. No sé español, soy brasileño y nuestros idiomas a pesar de tener cosas similares son fundamentalmente diferentes en muchas otras cosas, así que usé el traductor de Google, espero que me hayan entendido.
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team-mythic-beasts · 2 months
Meetings in Tumblr, Part 1: Another Me, Another Friend
By Lucas “Luke” Reynard
(feat. @tolyys’ Luke!)
Somehow after Makoto made that first post, we all had tiny paw prints marked on our faces. Most of us got regular ones, but Mikel’s, one of Makoto’s, and mine were bright green. Curious, I took over our blog for the day to see for myself what this was all about.
And then I found… someone.
“You’re finally here! I was wondering when you’d show up.”
That guy looks almost exactly like me, but with cheeks as freckled as Mikel’s and sapphires for eyes. He also wears a lot of fur… I have never been able to put on any kind of fuzzy clothes without melting into a puddle.
How does he do it, though? Maybe it’s got something to do with that minty cyan pendant. Such an intense, cooling aura that bright jewel radiates… one that might turn my fingers to ice if I ever dared touch it.
But my mind quickly turned towards his paw print. Another victim of the A-paw-calypse, perhaps? I quickly asked how he got that mark.
“Some girl stamped it on my face. I think her name was Makoto?”
Ah. So that’s what happened.
After that exchange, he took me on a tour around the platform, and we shared any facts about each other that came to mind. It was then that I became certain— same first name (his is spelled with a K but it works), same birthday, same reason for traveling… this guy is the “other me” Makoto once told me about.
Speaking of Makoto, we had to bring up our designers at some point… I have nothing but the utmost respect for his. Unlike mine, this Ben guy seems to know what he’s doing; nearly seven years have passed since the day this “other me” was placed in his care, and he’s stuck to his original plans to this day! Wow, now I feel lucky to have gotten a green paw print from him.
We soon had to part ways, but he promised to visit me again soon. Before he left, he suggested I call him Prins— Apparently that’s the word for “prince” in his native language. In return, I let him refer to me as Angel.
“Yay! We’re quickly becoming good friends!”
Well, I certainly hope so, Prins.
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(w/o paw prints)
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kantinhododevil · 3 years
Eu n to bem sem vc
qnd vc ficava mal ou tava mal e queria me ver eu fazia de td pra te ver bem e te fzr bem tbm
eu preciso de vc como vc precisou de mim
eu n quero te perder assim como vc tmb n queria me perder e no fundo vc sabe de vdd q vc nunca me perdeu
n me deixa fica sem vc pq eu n vou ficar bem sem vc luke ☹😢💔
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
FBI Arrests Members of Neo-Nazi Cell Whose Plot to Murder Antifa Couple Was Foiled By a Bad Back
Three men in Georgia allegedly associated with the neo-Nazi terror group The Base have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder.
Luke Austin Lane, Micheal Helterbrand, and Jacob Kaderli were arrested on Wednesday over a plot to kill an “Antifa couple” in Georgia. The arrests of the three young man bring the total of Base members arrested this week to six.
The affidavit surrounding the arrests paints a dramatic story in which an undercover agent infiltrated the Georgia cell of the neo-Nazi terror group and learned how the group planned to kill a couple. The affidavit shows Lane, known as TMB (The Militant Buddhist), as the leader of the group, who would organize meetups on his father's property in Silver Lake, Georgia.
According to the affidavit, the undercover officer joined on July 19 and would meet up, create propaganda, and train with them. That changed in October, when the group began discussing murder with a member of The Base who “crossed into the United States illegally.” (This is almost certainly the recently-arrested Patrik Mathews.) The group discussed the best weapons for “a future attack” and hinted at possible assassinations to the undercover officer.
Over time, the undercover officer learned more about the potential murders. It was to be against an Antifa couple not connected to the group, and meant to signify that anti-fascist activities have consequences. The group wanted to have one member guard the door with a rifle while others went inside, shot the victims in the head, and burned down their home. At one point the undercover officer drove two of the men to the house to help them plan a strategy for the killings.
Eventually, according to the affidavit, the plot grew to include the member of The Base who was in the U.S illegally, as well as a member in Maryland who knew of the plot because they knew of the plan and were not considered “competent” or trustworthy for the group. The group was planning on conducting the murders in February and had to push them back several times due to one members' bad back.
Do you have information about far-right extremists and groups including The Base? We’d love to hear from you. You can contact Mack Lamoureux securely on Wire at @mlamoureux, or by email at [email protected]
Lane also was in charge of a sub-group within the Base that was to eventually work as a hit squad. When discussing what the group would do if they encountered children when committing the murders, Helterbrand allegedly responded with, “I mean I have no problem killing a commie kid.”
Josh Fisher-Birch, an analyst for the Counter Extremist Project, told VICE that these arrests show “just how dangerous the Base is.”
“This is a group that has discussed, planned, and trained for acts of murder and terrorism,” said Fisher-Birch. “Not only did their cell host the Georgia training camp that Patrik Mathews attended, but according to law enforcement they were planning to murder two anti-fascist activists in a home invasion to send a message to their opponents. The Base must be prevented from organizing and planning future attacks.”
A press release issued by the Floyd County Police Department states that the Atlanta office of the FBI conducted the “bulk of the preliminary investigation.” You can read a copy of an affidavit supporting the charges against the accused here:
FBI Arrests Members of Neo-Nazi Cell Whose Plot to Murder Antifa Couple Was Foiled By a Bad Back syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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Our Hearts Burned
And they said to one another, "Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the way and while He opened to us the Scriptures?" — Luke 24:32 | Third Millennium Bible (TMB) Third Millennium Bible, New Authorized Version, Copyright 1998 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Cross References: Psalm 39:3; Mark 4:34; Luke 24:45
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ramrodd · 5 years
The Ground Rules Have Changed - Activate the Asset (Acts 11:19-26) | TMB...
The Roman soldiers are the ones who are the first to be touched by the game change, Matt. You just finished a chapter devoted entirely to the Roman soldier who wrote the Gospel of Mark and was in the room with Pilate during the interrogation of Jesus. Good,  bad, or indifferent, Cornelius knew Jesus when He was remanded to Ft. Antonio by the Temple kangaroo court. Jesus had healed Cornelius' servant from a distance, the first instance in the Gospels and Cornelius and his household are the only people anywhere in the Bible who are baptized by the Holy Spirit in the Spirit of the Lord before being baptized in water, yet another demonstration of the justification by faith of Cornelius.
"Not in all of Isreal have I found such faith!" .
Jesus is amazed twice: once,  in Nazareth, by the unbelief of His hometown and once, by the faith of the centurion in Matthew 8 and Luke 7. This centurion is Cornelius.
The whole new deal is the Roman legions. The term "Christian" is an invention of the Roman soldiers in the same way we called the NVA "Chuck" and the British called the Krauts "Huns" during the WWII. Christian got to Rome before anybody at Pentacost and got to Antioch before either Banabas or Saul and Claudius was taking the term to Britain in Latin, which is the language the Roman legions trained, fought and did business in.  
Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse is a book you should review. Narrative/Literature is the infinite game and the dialectical history you embrace for apologetics is a finite game. The Bible can be discerned in terms of an infinite number of infinite games, including history, anthropology, psychology, economics, sociology, philosophy, theology, ontology, philosophy and navigation, among other catagories. Your slavish devotion to the dialectical materialism of the post-modern historical deconstruction characteristic of Solo Scriptura is the only thing standing between you and the experience of the supernatural
In gestalt theory, line is irrational and color is rational. The Resurrection was as purely irrational as a Picasso portrait in light to the Roman soldiers in Jerusalem while the cultural color of Judaism can be perfectly rationalized separate from the ethic of Jesus as merely tradition and habit.
Awake, young Matthew. Epistemology is the infinite game in the Bible and Philosophy is a finite subset. That's what N.T. Wright means by Paul's argument for a "new way of knowing" in Romans. Go thou and do likewise.
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myfairkatiecat · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @fanfictasia!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
51 under my current account, though floating around AO3 are the fics I left up when I deleted my old account in a fit of rage (don’t ask 😅). So, 51 plus twenty or so under no name.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’m in a lot more fandoms than I’ve published writing for so I actually had to check AO3 to remind myself what I actually write fics for 😂 I have the most fics for Star Wars, though I currently mainly write for The Mysterious Benedict Society and BBC Merlin. I also had a brief Miraculous phase and a few scattered fics from random fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Rebel Pilot (Star Wars) - Anakin Skywalker finds himself suddenly and inexplicably in a cell with Princess Leia Organa on the first Death Star. When he realizes he’s in the future, chaos ensues, revelations are made, and Luke is the ray of sunshine that keeps them all together. (Oh, and there’s a Skywalker family road trip to kill the emperor and save the galaxy)
2. Viral (Star Wars) - thirteen-year-old Anakin runs a Space Tik Tok account in which he films Obi-Wan doing random things and posts it. Obi-Wan has no idea who is running this horrible fan account.
3. This Part Was Not Foretold (Merlin) - Upon seeing Merlin doing magic, Arthur comes to the conclusion that his friend has been possessed by an evil sorcerer who must be stopped.
4. Jealousy, Jealousy (Miraculous) - Adrien, in an attempt to make Lila as jealous as Marinette as possible, blurts out that they are dating. They are not dating. (But maybe they soon will be 👀) (also SERIOUSLY there’s a miraculous fic in my top five? That was like. My most embarrassing hyperfixation ever. Can we just forget that happened??)
5. Pen Pals Across Time (Star Wars) - Ahsoka convinces Anakin and Obi-Wan to write letters to their future selves. You know, as an exercise. But then the Force sends the letters. Chaos ensues.
Well, this was a real reminder that I did not always peacefully exist within the quaint, whimsical, slightly chaotic fandom that is The Mysterious Benedict Society. For this game, I have ventured beyond the secure perimeter. But as an honorable mention, this is my most popular TMBS fic by kudos:
The Two Mr. Benedicts - Constance uses naming confusion regarding Mr. Benedict and his redeemed twin brother to be a chaotic little gremlin.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I want them to know I appreciate that they took the time to let me know they enjoyed my work, as this motivates me to write more in the future. Sometimes I may take a slight while, but I always do it!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I almost ALWAYS give my angst happy endings. I was only able to find a SINGULAR FIC with an angsty ending out of all my fics! Our Forgotten Bond is a Star Wars fic about Anakin being brainwashed into attacking Ahsoka and only remembering who he is after he killed her. Yeah. Ouch. I only wrote it because of Angstpril that year okay 😭
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? Even my angst tends to end happy. Half my fics are just crack so whether the ending is happy is irrelevant. Most of my fics have satisfying endings 😅 I can’t pick one!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
People used to give me annoyingly critical analyses on my Merlin fics, which I deleted bc they weren’t worth my time. But especially since I’ve been mainly in the TMBS fandom, everyone’s been super supportive!
9. Do you write smut?
Nope. G and T ratings only around here!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes, but all of mine are WIPs right now with varyingly recent updates 😅
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, someone offered to translate Revel Pilot into a language. I cannot remember what language and when I look at its name in the characters of the original I can’t read it and I don’t want to guess and be wrong and offensive so. A Language
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I used to do writing circles on discord where we’d take turns writing portions of the story, so if that counts, then yes! You can tell which ones they are on AO3 because they have a ton of authors lol.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Yikes. Anidala, I believe. Or perhaps Percabeth. Huge sokeefe shipper. Jorgen/Spensa heals me. This question hurts me.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Anidala cutting edge AU. I just wish someone else would write it 😭 I love it but cannot create it right now or possibly ever.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, and when I put thought into it, prose. I’m good at character introspection and understanding of their relationships. Also, humor—I can make fics hilarious way easier than I can make them touching. (Yes, I think I’m funny. No, I don’t care if you disagree 😂)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes and planning of long plot lines. Also, keeping a serious fic from devolving into crack.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’m comfortable doing it in Spanish bc I know it, I feel anxious when using google translate for other languages, and as far as fictional languages go (such as Mando’a in SW fics or the language of the Old Religion in Merlin fics) I just copy and paste things from the internet!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bet you think the answer is going to be Star Wars, huh? Nope. Keeper of the Lost Cities. When I was ten. On Wattpad. Don’t go looking for it.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
AH NO DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE. I’m a particular fan of Rewriting Destiny (my Star Wars/Merlin crossover), Things my heart still needs to know (my Newsies/Anastasia crossover), and Holding On to You (one of my many TMBS Benedict Twins fics!)
This was fun! No pressure tagging: @nobodysdaydreams @sophieswundergarten @phtalogreenpoison @heyitsthatonesmolgay @any avid fic writer who wants to jump on in!
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