#tmnt prompts
dysfunctional-doodle · 6 months
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For the prompt: “the different Leo flavours”.
Ignore the very late upload schedule, oops -
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Hi. I'm having troubles for a Rise! Turtles fic I'm working on. If you have the time, how do you think they'd bond or approach an introvert shy kid that doesn't enjoy physical contact with strangers (barely hold hands when meeting for the first time)?
Hiiii!!! So I’m assuming they know that this kid is introverted and shy already, and also know that they don’t enjoy physical contact, that would make things easier bc I don’t see any of the bros being blatantly rude or disrespectful but them not knowing is a completely different thing~! So here’s two sides I guess?!
🧡If Mikey knows he’ll greet with a big bright grin, very enthusiastic waving of the hand maybe even both hands to contain his excitement for meeting a new person! If he doesn’t know he may not clue into the fact that shy!kid doesn’t like touch because Mikey’s too excited to notice the telltale signs of uncomfort, though I bet he’s quick to realize the stiffness and unreciprocated touch so he’ll be apologizing and asking for forgiveness, he’s basically the opposite of shy!kid, overly affectionate, overly extroverted! But make no mistake he won’t push those boundaries again🐢
❤️If Raph knows he’s flashing a snaggle tooth grin, and giving a short one-handed wave. He’s excited to meet a new person too of course but he can contain himself much better than his little brother. Plus he would hate to scare them, so no sudden movements, and if any movement at all, it shall be short and small. He knows he’s a big guy, so he tries not to intimidate. If Raph doesn’t know, he’s not the type to lunge forward anyways, he’s polite though so he shall offer his hand for a handshake. But if they don’t reach out he doesn’t take it personally and he’ll fill up the awkwardness by quickly moving past proper protocol first-meeting handshakes by introducing himself and asking them easy questions! 🐢
💜Now Donnie’s a different type of greeter entirely. If he knows their reservations against physical touch he’ll think kindly upon it because he feels the same way. He’ll give a nod of acknowledgment but much more than that kind of messes with his whole bad boy persona. His phone is up and ready to take the place of his gaze after properly acknowledging them. Though on a good day when he isn’t thinking too hard about that persona maybe he’ll offer a robo hand instead from his battleshell. It’s pretty much the same reaction even if he didn’t know, though he may clue in on their anxious fidgeting. Verbal acknowledgement, a slight nod, back to his device! He’s a simple turtle in that regard! 🐢
💙And then there’s Leo, the wildcard. Honestly so many options! If he knows he could give a flirtatious/egotistical wink while greeting them for the first time. Still being a little shit because he knows how shy they are but not being so overboard as to go over and get in their space. Though, he may be so cheeky if inclined, to waltz over and carefully make sure to never touch! Just going the extra mile by getting all up and close and introducing himself with added flare that only Leo seems to pull off. If he doesn’t know, oh lord, it can go an equally large amount of ways as well. Maybe he approaches but notices their body language so switches gears and offers his hand but quickly pulls it back (like a little shit). Or maybe he doesn’t notice and lazily throws an arm over their shoulder, once he feels them tense he’ll play it off by explaining they had something on their shoulder! Quick on his feet like Raph to make excuses and get away from the awkward and onto his fabulous introduction, he’s the Face Man, ya know? 🐢
I hope these some how, some way help xD, happy writing!!! Wishing you all the best heheh <3333
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monalisamartian · 1 year
Story title "Dibs"
Short lil thing I wrote about the turtles being immature. (Nothing serious so no tags just idiots being idiots)
In the lair of the Ninja Turtles, the brothers were getting ready for a road trip. They were all excited to be going together, but there was one problem - they were all arguing over who got to sit next to Mona Lisa in the Turtle Truck.
The Turtle Truck was spacious, but it was no secret that the seats closest to Mona Lisa were always the warmest. She was always so warm to the touch, and the brothers found themselves gravitating towards her whenever they could.
Leonardo, always trying to be the peacemaker, suggested that they pick numbers to decide who got to sit next to Mona. But that only seemed to make things worse, as each brother tried to pick a number that would give them the highest chance of winning arguing over their number choices like children.
Raphael, the most competitive of the bunch, refused to take part in the number choosing game. "This is ridiculous," he growled. "I'm gonna sit wherever I want."
Donatello, who was always the mediator, tried to calm things down. "Come on, guys," he said. "We're all going to enjoy the trip together. It doesn't matter who sits where." he smiled "buuutt since I fixed the truck I think it's only fair she sits next to me"
Leo wrinkled his brow letting out a huff before rubbing his snout ridge "why don't we ask Mona who she wants to sit next to?"
Raph laughed "grate idea! oh leader of ours, she's gonna choose me no questions"
"actually I'm pretty sure she likes sitting at the front...which would mean she would choose Donnie" Leo smirked almost pointedly at Raph
"then I call dibs" Raph shrugged looking proud of himself like a teen who just stuck into his teacher.
"Raph you cant call dibs on Mona"
"uh yeah I can, she's MY woman" Raph scowled jabbing a finger into Leo's chest
"uhhh no, Mikey already called dibs yesterday and I said no...if I let you call it then technically Mikey beat you to it..."
Michelangelo loved to tease his brothers, couldn't resist stirring the pot. "I heard that whoever sits next to Mona gets to nap on her lava core," he quipped. "No wonder you're all fighting over it but I already calls dibs"
Raphael gave a stern look to his youngest brother "you can't call dibs on my girlfriend Mikey"
Mikey gave Raph a confused look almost about to retort but was lost for words at the hyprocracy spilling from his brother's mouth.
As they continued to argue, Mona Lisa watched from a distance, amused by their antics. She knew they were all just acting out because the trip was going to be cold and sitting next to her had become something of a competition between them.
Donny pipes up trying come to a conclusion "We'll take turns sitting next to each other. That way, everyone gets a turn to sit next to everyone else, and we won't have to argue over it."
"what a good idea Donatello" master splinter walked in with Mona the two had just been discussing the trip over tea, before over hearing the turtles argument "but I already called dibs"
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sunnyyyteaaa · 28 days
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🌺 combined days 4 n 5 in order to catch up 🤞 it's 2012 leo babysitting the turtle tots 😊
challenge prompts under the cut!
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
Could you draw Mikey using his brothers as a jungle gym? They are all surfaces for his perching and climbing
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the Mikey Perching On Leo Chronicles
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sariphantom · 2 months
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Rise April 2024 Days 1, 2, and 3: Trick, Fashion, and Crossover
Technically... Usagi counts as crossover, considering he's from a different show.
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kytiit0o · 4 months
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a lil follow up to this
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andva-ri · 5 months
C2 or A2 for the outfit meme?
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☆ Hot Soup ☆
Lou Jitsu fashion week
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abbeyofcyn · 7 months
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I made this for @pickledcarrotsandradish for the @rottmnt-secret-gifting event
I hope you like it and thanks to everyone involved in organising the event 💜🧡
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Separated AU
Because there’s gonna be a looooong time before we have any cute Donnie April bonding moments, and I feel bad about that 🤣
So here’s a goofy comic, based off a little scene from Friends that was on in the background while I was working on the next pages.
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tervaneula · 3 months
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These peepaws GAY
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dysfunctional-doodle · 6 months
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For an anon who wanted to see some post-movie rottmnt Mikey designs!
After radio silence for a stupidly long time, I give you: bean.
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Headcanons below the cut!
After the invasion, Mikey sustained permanent damage to his arms so they tremor all the time (worse under mystic strain). This means that Mikey does less fine art and more messy spray paint art instead as he can no longer do steady lines (hence his mask).
Started getting more spots! My chat fic (Too Many Turtles) takes place a year after the invasion for them and in that time he’s developed more spots on his face and arms.
The compression gloves were made by Donnie, and he usually has to wash them a lot due to paint stains. Otherwise he sticks stickers on them.
As mentioned in my chat fic, he suffers mystic overloads (no cure) in the form of seizures. Similar to seizures they can trigger more likely if he is under stress (physically or mentally) or if he over uses his mystic powers. Forcing himself to release all his power, rather than grow into it as you are supposed to, has caused irreversible damage as his body can’t cope with the strain and needs an outlet for when it builds up too much.
Anyway rambles over -
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Friendly reminder of the day:
You are ALLOWED to stim freely! 💜
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I'm currently de-compressing after a mission in my lab, which means spinning in my chair, watching Jupiter Jim & listen to my favourite song on repeat.
Your needs are VALID.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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boxfullaturtles · 4 months
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And Donnie didn’t let him go. He kept holding Mikey. He hissed at the rest of the family to go away when they came running at the sound of Mikey’s loud crying. He rubbed Mikey’s shell and leaned his cheek against the top of Mikey’s head. He held Mikey until Mikey had exhausted all his tears and was gasping and hiccuping and taking shuddering little breaths.
Little scene from the end of Another Man's Poison.
I've been struggling with digital art recently; just haven't been able to finish anything I start and I'm not happy with anything I work on. It's been kind of frustrating... But the traditional art's been fine. Scratches the itch. So I've been making do.
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sunnyyyteaaa · 7 months
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
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team sunset!🌇
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