#to be clear it's all in good fun i love reading you guys' interpretations even if i don't always agree šŸ„ŗ
epiphainie Ā· 3 days
I completely agree with you in that there are many bad faith interpretations of tommy and buck and tommyā€™s relationship. I donā€™t know if this one Iā€™m about to share would necessarily be a bad faith interpretation but Iā€™d like your take on it. In the scene where buck comes out to eddie, eddie says to buck ā€œthis changes nothing between usā€ and buck responds with something along the lines of ā€œuh good, thatā€™s a reliefā€. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people interpret buckā€™s facial expressions as not showing just relief but relief mixed disappointment because a part of buck wanted things to change between them, in the romantic sense, he just doesnā€™t realize it. I do agree that buckā€™s expression as he says the words is interesting but I donā€™t personally think it has anything to do with him harbouring romantic feelings for eddie. for me it felt like one of those moments where you dread the reaction for so long, that when you finally face the thing and open up, even if the other personā€™s reaction is positive, it takes a minute for you to really internalise it and let yourself believe it.
Another moment that people often talk about from this scene is reaction to buck saying he canā€™t stop thinking about tommy. People often say eddieā€™s facial expression shows some sort of disappointment but again, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s it? again, it is an interesting expression so I get why people would pause and focus for a minute but to me, it reads as eddie searching for a moment to give his honest advice to buck in the scenario.
Anyway, Iā€™d love your thoughts on those particular moments and how you see them. Again, Iā€™m not saying that the interpretations people are making of that scene in relation to buddie are necessarily in bad faith. I know itā€™s fun to analyze and interpret scenes in ways that you enjoy and Iā€™d never want people to stop doing that. I just feel like Oliver and Tim have been very clear in that they do not want to tell a story where a guy comes out and is in love with his best friend and if buck was truly disappointed in hearing eddie say nothingā€™s going to change between them post buckā€™s coming out, that would be a quite bold contradiction.
Hi anon!
I'm not sure if you actually meant to send this to me because I'm kind of the exact opposite of a person who engages in the practice of reverse-engineering actors' faces to find deep secret meanings that doesn't actually exist in the script. I think it's a slippery slop of a fan practice where if you go "haha he looks jealous here" and want to make it gay in your fantasy world and are capable of compartmentalizing that from the actual text, it's great! If you look at it like it's subtext that is meant to one day come to surface, as some sort of proof that this is not the actual story, you're either too deep in your world that you treat these characters like they have agencies and thoughts and feelings and are not, yknow, fictional - or that actors are making the conscious choice to layer their performances with breadcrumbs for a plot that doesn't exist at the time.
I've seen all these arguments with almost every scene this season. Eddie's face when Tommy enters the bachelor party. Buck's face when Bobby says Tommy is good for him. Bobby's face when he says Tommy is good for Buck. Eddie's smile when they enter the hospital room. Most of these are insignificant and the others have in-text explanation (Yeah, Bobby smiles weirdly in that scene. Guess what, he's kind of planning to kill himself). And like I said, if people want to read these in a pro-Buddie sense and go do fandom stuff with it, that's great. But we all know this fandom is taken over by the question of "will Buck and Eddie happen?" so everyone who's not even doing this in bad faith (I don't think all do) are looking at it in "does this support canon romantic Buddie?" lenses. So much of shipping Buddie is about speculating for the next episode, next season, next whatever that I think it's so easy to find yourself on that slippery slop where you fit every shot, face, editing choice to your interpretation. There's also the sunk cost fallacy at play here - once you do it for so long, it's hard to give up on the belief that it'll happen.
I think both Oliver and Ryan great actors - and that scene is one of my favorites in the season - but no, I don't think there's more to their faces than what they're given to play. Which is as all of them mentioned a billion times, a scene of a guy nervously coming out as queer to his best friend and receiving support. If I'm wrong and the rest of this fandom is right and the production/writers/showrunners are actually fully married to the idea of canon romantic Buddie but The Powers That Be are keeping gay Eddie in the closet as if he's a real person and they're the evil step-mother, and come S10 Buck realizes he's been in love with his bff all along, then yeah in-text, that would recontextualize all their performances. It still wouldn't change what the writers' intention has been with the text as it exists today or be proof that Oliver and Ryan are making acting choices for a hypothetical future SL.
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soubiapologist Ā· 3 months
loveless meta is really a game of who can project the hardest onto their sicko of choice and jump through three billion hoops to get people to sympathize with them while also walking the extremely thin tightrope of not creating straight up apologia for them
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lilacstro Ā· 8 days
Astro observations pt 1
Hey y'all this is my very first post :) Please take it with a grain of salt. These are just my interpretations and observations and a placement could mean million different things on how its being viewed and understood and nothing is sure on how it manifests for you in your chart.
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Jupiter in 8th house can mean many things, one of them being your spouse would bring transformative experiences into your life.
2. Scorpio mercuries may have a tendency to over analyze what is being said or always wanting to read between the lines
3. I have seen Pluto in 5th house of all the people who's mothers were dominated. Though this can mean the other way around too, and could be that the mother was dominating.
4. I think other than most people saying Pluto 1st housers go a massive change in appearance, I think it could actually mean that their personality and persona goes a massive change at some point in their life, or its constantly being evolved through learning experiences
5. Venus in 1st house people, are extremely beautiful.
6. Check Asteroid fama (408) and industria(389) if any of these positively aspect your venus, you could get fame for your beauty or work within the beauty industry.
7. Most women with major scorpio/capricorn placements appear intimidating even though it might not be so...but they indeed hold themselves to high regards mostly
8. Having an earth rising in your SR can indicate having a calmer and a predictable year. Nothing chaotic or major. I had Taurus Rising in my SR and I had lost a lot of toxic/chaotic people in my life and things were stable and peaceful throughout. I was on a gap year so I did not make friends either hahaha
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9. Having sun/moon in 10th house synastry or 10th house stellium could mean you both together are quite talked about or people are aware towards your feelings towards one another visibly. Sometimes it could also mean, you two's business isnt as private as you think lmao and people are aware on whats happening.
10. Having moon in 10th house in SR can indicate your emotions being extremely visible to everyone, even if you tend to hide them.
11. Libra mars people, might not come off as too masculine but rather a little more in tune with their feminine side (thats cool imo)
12. I think Moon in Gemini people often tend to say "I never said that" when they absolutely said that or "What do you mean" even when its clear what is being talked about lmao.
13. Leo women are usually very outgoing, charismatic and fun imo. Leo anywhere in the big 3 can mean that this side exists to the native though it might be overshadowed by other aspects in the chart. The types to dance at the empty dance floor and then suddenly everyone wants to dance lol
14. I was watching Nat Geo a long time ago and saw how lioness protect their children from the Lions and often go hunting. I think all mothers are protective of their children but for Leo women, its on another level lol. Also, they might like taking pride in their children and providing for their children. Not as in boasting, but just genuinely taking pride.
15. Cancer men and the love for their mothers. NEVER met a single cancer guy who did not have a lot of love for their mother.
16. Sag placements usually Sun and risings usually have a very comforting presence. Even it maybe like you met them for the first time, they can make you feel grounded and comfortable. Very non judgmental too.
17.If you have Saturn in 6th house, please try having a routine even if you might dread it lol
18. Capricorn moon men usually have very traditional or maybe orthodox beliefs about how women should be. I have seen that a lot.
20. Taurus Mars may like slow recreational activities like cooking.
21. Wanna know how you would react during a break up? See your moon+8th house sign. Example, a Leo moon with 8th house in cancer would be extremely emotional and everybody would know.
22. Girls with Libra Sun, Rising or MC may really like makeup and have good fashion sense.
23. Having your moon sign same like your mothers sun sign may indicate some kind of special connection between two of you. It could be that you understand her much better or could be that you don't get along at all too? idk there is something much special about it.
24. Sun in 10th house could mean your dad had a status in society. Could also mean, your birth could bring him luck in his career.
25. Jupiter in second house people usually come from wealth or hold potential to create generational wealth.
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That's it :) I hope it resonated with you all :)
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skz-streamer Ā· 8 months
Coming love
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Simptober Small Things You Do M-list
Pairing: Lee Know (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: just brain rot fluff :)
Notes: His arms, that's all I gotta say :)))
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Word count - 853;)
The evening had started with excitement and anticipation as you prepared for a night out with your friends. You had spent what felt like hours picking out the perfect outfit, settling on something cute and slightly revealing but not too much. It was a balance that made you feel confident and ready for a fun night.
As you stood in front of the bathroom mirror, you couldn't help but admire your reflection. Your hair was styled just right, your makeup was flawless, and that dress hugged your curves in all the right places. You knew you looked good, but what really mattered was how you felt. And tonight, you felt fantastic.
Finally satisfied with your appearance, you walked out of the bathroom, your heart racing with excitement. As your eyes met Lee Know's, you couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled with admiration. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on you as you entered the room.
"You look absolutely stunning," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. He stood up and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. You could feel the warmth of his body, and it sent shivers down your spine.
"Thanks babe," you replied with a smile. "I'm ready to head out now. See you later."
With a quick kiss and a whispered "bye," you left the room, leaving Lee Know behind, still captivated by your beauty. He watched you go with a loving smile, knowing that you were going to have a great time with your friends.
Out at the bar, the night was in full swing. You and your friends were laughing, smoking, and enjoying some drinks. The atmosphere was lively, and the music filled the air. However, as the night progressed, a few guys started to approach your group, attempting to strike up conversations and hit on you.
You were polite but firm in your rejection, making it clear that you were taken. The words "I have a boyfriend" became your mantra, a shield against unwanted advances. Despite the alcohol in your system, you remained steadfast in your loyalty to Lee Know.
As the night wore on, you found yourself getting increasingly high, the world around you spinning. Your friends were in various states of inebriation as well, but your most sober friend realized that you had reached your limit. Concerned for your well-being, she took your phone and called Lee Know to pick you up.
You managed to steal the phone away for a moment, your words slurring as you called out, "Hey... can you pick me uppp..."
On the other end of the line, Lee Know's voice was filled with concern and love as he replied, "Coming, love."
You waited outside the bar, the world a dizzying blur, until you saw him enter. You felt a rush of relief and affection as he thanked your friend for calling him. He looked incredibly hot in a simple tank top and sweatpants, an effortless kind of attractiveness that made your heart race even more.
Lee Know wasted no time. He gently placed his hand around your waist and guided you out of the bar. The cool night air hit your face, momentarily clearing your mind as you focused on him. His jawline was chiseled, his eyes were beautiful, and his arms looked insanely hot in that tank top.
He noticed your lingering glance and looked at you questioningly. "Am I just too hot for you?" he teased, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You managed to stammer out, "Hey, I have a boyfriend," still slurring your words. Lee Know chuckled and leaned in to give you a gentle, loving kiss before helping you into the car.
The drive home was a bit of a blur for you, the world outside whizzing by as you focused on him. His presence was comforting, and you couldn't help but admire him. His hands on the steering wheel, his strong arms, the way his hair looked tousled but perfectā€”it all made you feel incredibly lucky to have him.
When you finally reached your house, you were barely conscious. Lee Know carefully lifted you out of the car and supported you as you walked to the front door. He laid you down on the bed, gently removing your shoes and wiping off your makeup as best as he could.
You were peacefully sleeping, and as much as he wanted to sleep beside you, Lee Know knew he couldn't. He gave you one last tender kiss and brushed a strand of hair away from your face. Then, he turned off all the lights, leaving you in peaceful darkness.
He settled on the couch, laptop open in front of him, but his mind was far from work. It was focused entirely on you, his love, and how lucky he was to have you in his life. As he worked, he couldn't help but steal glances at your sleeping form, his heart full of love and warmth for the incredible woman who had stolen his heart.
Tags: Ā @eee5533Ā @mixtape-rachaĀ @cherry-edibles @ren0325Ā @felixvspĀ @hwangrimiĀ @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee @sungiesoonie @slvtty4channieeĀ @revelaffee @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28 @turtledove824 @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @backintomykpopphaseagain @minhos4thkitty @fiqire
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ganondoodle Ā· 10 months
i was so happy that ganondorf was a character in totk when it was announced but now i am just sad about it honestly, i get that the older games had the trio as a good kids VS evil old guy thing, but i sincerely hoped that how much botw revolutionized(?) about the zelda principle in terms of gameplay they would now have the chance to do so, at least a little bit, in totk with the story
and then, as much as i like his design, hes again just an already very old evil guy that appeared out of nowhere for all we know that needs to be stopped by some kids/really young people and all the crumbs of personality or well ... not even crumbs but pure idea of a backstory we have to interpret into it all from things like manner of speech, animation and design elements bc all he does is some evil monologing that doesnt even serve well for interpretation
like, he was already so old when we first see him, what did he do all his life?? like even if he only turned aggressive once rauru founded this version of hyrule he had to have lived idk 50 years before that, was he just a regular leader of his people before that?? was he just .. some dude?? all we actually know is ... old evil guy shows up and attacks the perfect and good kingdom (tm) dont we? maybe some vague, arbitrary you denied me *generic villain thing like power, rule etc* line but thats it?
(i dont mind having to read between the lines, it can be very fun, but it also depends on if you are reading between lines and theres something intentionally left there or if you are trying really hard to see something but theres nothing actually there for you to find; to be clear, i also like creating your own ideas around stuff, but when you get to know some people from basically birth to their prime time and then theres a guy thats just there to be an endboss and even now in modern games doesnt get anything beyond a neat design and fun bossfight its just ... so flat?sad? i love interpeting but i also wouldnt mind to see something more for once ..)
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notyouraryang0dd3ss Ā· 18 days
There is this YouTuber whose channel is called ā€œswiftologistā€. I find it very puzzling because even though he can be critical of TS (e.g, her billionaire status and how she got it), he is still supporting her financially and seems to genuinely love her as a person. I was curious about his perspectives on her latest album TTPD, especially on So Long, London (SLL) and But Daddy I Love Him (BDILH). But to my surprise, he is completely on board with everything.
For SLL, he has no problem with her airing out a personā€™s metal health information and making it about herself. Calling him a Turkey for being boring and bland. I was really baffled at how much hatred he has for this particular ex-boyfriend (Joe Alwyn) and I thought maybe JA did something bad that I wasnā€™t aware of. Turned out, he really hates JA because he think JA made his Queen suffered from boredom while she could have had so much fun given who she is. In the comment section, her fans are joking about how they expect cooked Turkey (Joe Alwyn) on the menu (TTPD) but they are served cooked Rat (Matty Healy) instead. Itā€™s truly about her personal life (they call it Lore) more than her music to them.
In BDILH, he didnā€™t think it was about him because he didnā€™t call her out when she was dating the guy from 1975. He said OG fans ā€œknowā€ TS, so they knew the relationship wouldnā€™t last because Taylor would soon break up with that guy so they just let her have her funs while it lasted. But the new fans and the general public donā€™t ā€œknowā€ her so they make a big deal out of nothing, and dare to insinuate that a womanā€™s good name can be ruined by a manā€™s actions. First of all, unironically and proudly say you know a celebrity as a person is a clear sign of a parasocial relationship. He and another fan said that only people who ā€œknowā€ TS is capable of appreciate TTPD, very elitist of them in my opinion. Second of all, how can he (swiftologist) think a full-grown adult dating a racist is just a phase or fleeting fun is beyond me.
the first thing i thought of when i finished reading this ask is ā€œis swiftologist white?ā€ and then i checked and heā€™s white LOL
i find people who are like ā€œi can be critical and acknowledge my faveā€™s problematic behavior/identityā€ and then go on to wholeheartedly support them are such clowns. you are only fooling yourself thinking youā€™re exercising critical thinking about your fave when youļæ½ļæ½ļæ½re still going on to support them monetarily.
and it seems like swifties donā€™t even listen to her music for her music but for the ā€œloreā€ (as you called it)? its so weird that they bond over their hatred for HER exes??? swiftdom is actually crazy because they are so deeply convinced they know this woman from her music and her overexposed relationships when people who have a normal detachment from this woman have legitimate critiques they interpret it as attacking their best friend without any plausibility. insanity
idgaf how much a celeb overshares about their life on social media or thru their music or thru interviews 99.9% you will never know them as human beings. you will never actually meet and befriend them and KNOW them. taylor swift has so thoroughly convinced her fanbase they do know her through her intentional lack of boundaries and cultivation of parasocial relationships that they will do anything to defend her.
ā€œsecond of all, how can heā€¦think dating a full blown racist as an adult is just a phase or fleeting fun is beyond me.ā€
itā€™s because heā€™s 1. white and 2. doesnā€™t impact him. this is near universal truth in standom but most ppl will find harm their faves caused to a more marginalized group negligible if the group isnā€™t them. and if youā€™re a swiftie, you still find that shit irrelevant even if it did directly impact you. this is what i mean about swifties being delusional in their politics because there is no way you can unironically yourself a leftist or feminist or ally and be a swiftie when youre simultaneously supporting a woman who is a racist white billionaire who weaponizes white female victimhood to attack people of color.
so yeah. fuck swiftologist and any other swiftie who identifies as anything further left than a moderate/neoliberal when ur supporting a women like taylor swift
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sugar-petals Ā· 2 years
[āœ–ļøŽ sub!Lee Know] ā€ŗ ššœšš–ššžšš ššŠ-šš£
ā‡¢ PAIRING.Ā lino x femdom!readerĀ 
words. 10k šŸ˜ˆ ā€” every letter has a little scenarioĀ 
WARNINGS. āš ļø rated m/mdni, hard kinks, frottage, protected sex, vibrators, so much ass stuff, rimming, oral with toys (lee know receiving), consensual somnophilia, angst, pegging, fisting, fucking machines, finger sucking, restraints,Ā some bits are vanilla
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ā‡¢Ā ā™„ļøŽĀ NOTE | yesss this characterization was so fascinating to explore. pick what you like, this is sort of a drabble collection if you will. have fun reading! a chan version is on its way, out valentineā€™sĀ ā€˜23.Ā 
read it on ao3 | sub!idolĀ masterlistĀ 
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A = Aftercare (what theyā€™re like after sex)
Complete pendulum swing every time, especially on days when he wants to be handled a little more roughly. Lee Know either needs to be left dozing under a blanket, breathing hard for a few minutes without any further body contact ā€” or he is more than eager to have you all over him. Rolling through the sheets together in a big embrace, he secretly loves it. When your boyfriend needs silence and thinking time instead, you will know.
Itā€™s important that you donā€™t interpret it as him sulking `oh, sex wasnā€™t that great todayĀ“. Of course it was. Minho is an all-or-nothing guy in relationships, almost like Hyunjin. Heā€™d never put his lips between your legs if he wasnā€™t already dead sure youā€™d have a good time together. Heā€™d never trust you with his body if he didnā€™t have a clue. And he knows exactly how to distinguish between a good dom and a bad one, trust me.
During aftercare, Minhoā€™s attitude is always something along those linesā€” `Never worry about meĀ“. Just to be sure: He can talk about mistakes. He doesnā€™t gloss things over. Hell, heā€™s Minho. Honesty on two sexy legs. But for the most part, you really canā€™t go wrong, and his exhaustion speaks of your boyfriend giving his all because it was so good and he wanted to contribute his part. Being a good sweet boy, being vocal, showing with his body how much he enjoys the moment until the sweat starts to run.
If he hated you, heā€™d not be out of breath. Someone who knows how to conserve energy like Minho, knocked out on the bed, barely knowing where he is and how and who? Heā€™s literally putting all the effort he can come up with into subbing. Even if heā€™s laying there like a plank after sex and says he doesnā€™t need you attending to him, and he takes care of himself, the case is clear. Minho is super whipped. Heā€™s an acts of service guy, youā€™ll know by the way he makes you popcorn after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partnerā€™s)
Doesnā€™t he have it all. Honey is one perfect allrounder. Cute, sexy, beautiful. A born triple threat. Yes, he knows his big thighs are very great, very juicy right there, and he knows you like them. A glorious sight in black latex pants, I donā€™t need to tell you. But. But! Recently, Lee Know has developed an appreciation for his side profile and eyes. The gentle lashes, his cute bunny teeth, and the innocent doe-eyed blinks have you feeling some type of way. He thinks thatā€™s romantic of you. He will screenshot these texts of you peppering him with compliments. Minho is all gooey on the inside hearing praise and getting face kisses. He almost goes insane from his own shyness. Those glowing cheeks, oh my word.
Also. Letā€™s talk about his body height. This guy. A literal dynastic prince. The finest man on the block. This hot boy summer exemplary. A thank you to his parents is due. You truly got yourself one of the smoothest and most interesting short kings out there. Look at him, his unreal proportions. The way he moves. His way of angling his head. The sexy squint that says look how hot I am. He has such a good outline. Even if he refuses a compliment out of part politeness, part disbelief, you continue telling him heā€™s body goals. The NSFW route does get to his brain, though. You making innuendos turns the whole thing a little more heated and makes him understand why you thirst over him. And no need to censor yourself. Minho likes dirty humor, you can say anything you want.
What he doesnā€™t like as much about himself, the dark circles under his eyes. You are a little on the fence here. To some extent, itā€™s something natural ā€” you would not like his face any other way. Lee Know is Lee Know. Bags under his eyes are part of him, who doesnā€™t like his eye smile. But he should also sleep and not practice choreographies he can already dance perfectly, for goodness sake. Lee Know will only fall asleep when heā€™s in contact with your body, which prompts you to often tell him to just lay his head down onto your boobs. Or better, right in between. Nothing better than Lee Knowā€™s face plus your breasts in any position. You love that contact. He says oh, wait, isnā€™t this rude, isnā€™t that too heavy? You say no, and you have the lightest lilā€™ head in history, put your face here whenever, itā€™s good. There we go, he falls asleep.
And the reverse? Lee Know is consumed by your appearance and said sorry for being superficial a thousand times. Heā€™s infatuated with every feature. Are you a goddess? In an already hyper-affectionate group, you literally picked the guy who is most easily smitten. Listen, his favorite song is ā€ž10 Points out of 10ā€œ by 2 PM. The lyrics are literally about a young man being dumbfounded because he thinks this girl he likes is so attractive. Let me cite the chorus to remind everyone. ā€žHer lips are tasty, her legs are gorgeous, her waving hair, everything from head to toe.ā€œ That sums it up pretty neatly. He could worship it all. He will stare into space for an hour after seeing you undress for the first time.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Knows the effect of a good diet. Will pursue said diet. Any further questions?
As far as playing with your cum goes ā€” Come on. Heā€™s gonna slurp you up like a bowl of ramen. Youā€™re gonna bury your fist in his soft blonde hair and just. Live the moment and sweat it out. Minho is a hundred percent swallower.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Likes getting his hair pulled. Not too much, not too violently, in all directions, out of nowhere ā€” heā€™s uncomfortable with that. His name is not Hwang Hyunjin. It needs to be the right amount of controlled tugging rather than ripping. He wants to be a baddie, not a baldie. One letter difference, big ramifications.
In other words: Minho likes it firm, but not entirely abrasive. The type of pulling that tilts his head back so you can lick across his neck. Lee Know gets such a visceral reaction from that and almost squeals out loud. Which is so unlike him, but it tells you heā€™s been keeping a sweet spot secret from you. No wonder, heā€™s so overwhelmingly sensitive there.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what theyā€™re doing?)
If heā€™s honest. Minho feels like heā€™s been sort of like an aimless playball. Tossed around by random people who thought he was worth one lay out of a brief curiosity. They thought he looked good, sure, but had a character that was too hard to decipher and access. To them, despite his tough personality, he still wasnā€™t `manlyĀ“ enough to really crush on him, or be their sovereign rock in a relationship. Youā€™re telling him that how manly someone is virtually has nothing to do with reliability, but itā€™s not difficult to tell that Minho is on the fence about superficial approaches.
For many secret meet-ups, he wasnā€™t that interesting besides some `surface talentsĀ“ he had, as one person put it. Heā€™d been tricked thinking it could become serious every time and got back up again, only to be left in the mornings the next weekend. Which dismantled an already unsure self-esteem and, in turn, fueled a bitter, biting drive to do better and better with his dates or hook-ups to get any real value and love out of them.
Overdoing it lead to more rejections, and alcohol did the rest. In the end, it wasnā€™t even like ā€šokay let me shoot it into the condom and goā€˜ anymore, he actually couldnā€™t get it up anymore. Personal affection, personal attention, he didnā€™t even know how that even felt back then. Things have been terrible for Minho, and he didnā€™t `know what heā€™s doingĀ“, at all. Searching through half of Seoul has been detrimental to his health and energy. He doesnā€™t consider it a redeemable experience but a chain of constant mistakes heā€™s responsible for and feels utterly dumb. Sleeping around a lot was not really as pleasure-chasing or an easy release as others made it sound like. It was difficult and confusing and strange. Because he cringes at so many memories, Minho doesnā€™t really feel like he got to know things or anything.
After the worst blitz breakup and a double instance of being cheated on, Minho even considered seeing prostitutes to alleviate whatever yearning it was that was coming up. Or, he didnā€™t even know, to have at least /someone/ in his arms who he knew would not do things he didnā€™t want. He thought, the feelings would be in control, the time they spend was in control, money determined the deal, and he could always come back to see her ā€” hopefully.
He imagined the lust and dripping pleasure of having several hot, horny girls swap him around for a ride to leave him a sweaty drugged-up mess on his back, somewhere on a big pink sofa in a big private room. But when he actually went up to a greyed nighttime shop in a hidden district and saw the shifting faces behind the windows, their unstable gazes exchanged without emotion, he felt a knot churning in his belly because the sight burst his bubble.
Reality was far from his inner image. Nobody was waiting for only him. The door personnel said, he canā€™t choose the girl, wait in line, have your cash ready, then get in the ratty showers there. Compared to what he expected, it was like the scenes of a novel that could never be as distinct and beautiful in real life. It was just bland, awkward and fleeting. Because these girls were so similar to him at that moment when he stood there in his parka. Anxious and freezing in their bones, miserable and defensive in their poses mirrored through the glass. The last people who could give him a sincere deep hug or blush about Minho coming back after they saw fifty other clients to survive off the little cut they received. Heā€™d only contribute a speck of dust from his trainee salary to these girls. They wouldnā€™t even know his name and stay locked in there to stand still for the next customer the exact same way. Lee Knowā€™s conscience said that this could not possibly fix his feelings or be the perfect bounce-back.
Sleeping with them out of pity seemed like an oddly heroic act to go for, but still, weird. They looked perfect, sexy, amazing, but without an ounce of life radiating from their lips ā€” even the pregnant girls that the shop offered. They would dance their dance how Lee Know wanted it for a dime, only for the pimp to indifferently kick him out into the cold after a strictly set time. That prospect made him turn on his heel in fear. If he had extra wishes, it would get more than expensive and even stricter, with ways to hook him for years in this cycle.
It would be worse than what he had already gotten himself into with meeting people in shady bars. And even those people, drunk as they were, didnā€™t seem so particularly excited about Lee Know standing there clueless and choppy in his speech to begin with. Any excitement was fake, it was just liquor. Which was Minhoā€™s deepest concern. Being quite mindlessly replaceable and having no one to really love. He was not as confident as his attitude suggested.
Among several hookups, he tried a fair share of impromptu domination. Which was expected of a guy, after all, unquestioned. It satisfied him during the act and he was a convincing top, but it left Minho a strange type of hollow afterward. He got addicted to rough one-night-stands even if he didnā€™t like the feeling of the person trodding out the door so awkwardly. Although he wanted permanence, the heat of the moment persuaded him to give in again. And again. Lee Know didnā€™t research much about dominating nor did he have a philosophy, it was mainly just moves and positions and that was it, but he was never quite sure how he came across and if that was really the right thing.
The price of ā€šexperienceĀ“ was neither increased skill nor extra esteem. The opposite happened, which is why Minho was very disgruntled about people and sitting inside his shell when you kind of scooped him up as a friend. He didnā€™t consider starting as friends with someone back then, to his disadvantage, which he realized. Minho got to enjoy the slower development of a belonging with you. His hormones are slow as hell but they do last. Itā€™s important to Minho that thereā€™s someone whoā€™s magnetically drawn to his ways and body, even a bit obsessed.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
If vanilla is concerned: Any position that looks good but feels bad is taboo. You both agreed on that. Heā€™s always on the lookout, Minho sticks to the classics. Reverse cowgirl, doggy, logically ā€” same view. Doesnā€™t just like being the active partner there, though. Heā€™s gonna mewl and cry when you smack it back onto his hips. Since you are horny for seeing his face though, we got a lilā€™ conflict of interests. Thatā€™s why you often have sex in front of a mirror so you can see him pant into your ear, cheek to cheek.
He looks really cute hugging you from behind, and his dickā€¦ itā€™s just amazing how good it feels. Minhoā€™s sheer presence has you dripping anyways, and the nape kisses he gives you are the ultimate turn-ons. He wonā€™t have any problems gliding in. Also. Have anyone observed Lee Knowā€™s habit of just laying down on somebody whenever he gets the chance, waiting for an embrace? Of course heā€™s the cherry on his top. So missionary is definitely right around the corner for him. Perfect to kiss, he can get his booty moving, his hips, and you again have the vantage point of being one inch away from his godly face. Amazing sensuality.
Now, the world of kink and fetish. Things look a bit different here. Minho being a certified anal slut makes him the perfect candidate for spreading his legs. Supine preferably, because heā€™s stable on his back and can bend his knees up to his shoulders. It makes him feel so vulnerable and exposed, but the promise of stimulation and getting his ass wrecked is too promising. You as the resident doctor roleplay lady can easily run your medications and experiments on him if heā€™s tied and fixated into such an open position, one that allows for an ideal viewing of his reactions. What an attractive patient to examine, would be a shame if he got riled up from a lot of overstimulation and got sore from his doctorā€™s appointment.
And: He sees all you do to him up close. Minho is so obsessed with everything that even remotely goes past his sphincter, giving him a prostate orgasm is the easiest thing in the world. Extra huge vibrators, anything goes (in). Just how much can patient Lee stretch out, god dammit. The juicier it gets, the better. ā€žI feel so dirtyā€¦ but itā€™s so good.ā€œ He has a horny meltdown over getting a full dose of fake cum enemas and canā€™t stop gasping out loud. Look how his jaw will drop and his legs shiver when he sees it oozing right out of him onto a towel on the floor. You tape the whole thing just to be sure. He likes watching himself from your POV as well.
One time, Lee Know left the camera out on his bed table in the dorm and Jeongin picked it up thinking it was Seungminā€™s or something. Turns out the youngest simply wanted to make a vlog outdoors, but guess which risky scene he accidentally clicked on since the thumbnail was Lee Know making a funny-looking face. Well well, it wasnā€™t the meme video he anticipated. Jeongin gave the camera back to you with a big smug grin. Out of all people, you thought he was the one to be the most embarrassed about what he accidentally saw. Lewd maknae alert. Going by his reaction, heā€™s probably seen and done it all, the tape didnā€™t even fluster him in the slightest.
In Stray Kids, the hyungs have the decency and bashfulness while the hard-nosed younger members have a real poker face about sex stuff. Hyunjin, the man, the legend, once watched sub boy hentai so disgusting at a decently loud volume on a big screen (his dang headphones were broken, RIP), not even batting one lash. Changbin barged into the room and stumbled right out again screaming. Hyunjin was not even jerking off, just throwing popcorn in his mouth and doodling on the couch. My poor man Binnie got traumatized for life by peach-pink 3D tentacles and never talked about it again. Meanwhile Hyunjin, ā€žOopsie, sorry! Doesnā€™t Chan have some spare headphones somewhere?ā€œ
But back to cameragate. Lee Know, shocked to the bone, heavily scolded Jeongin for taking any technical equipment from his bedā€™s vicinity without asking. He couldnā€™t stop nagging from being worried about corrupting Jeongin with such explicit, intimate material that nobody should ever, ever see. This is a scandal to him. Lee Know feels like his and your dignity went down the drain, he swears to lock the camera into an iron box ten miles below the earth, but Jeongin keeps the juicy secret with a smile. He doesnā€™t even seem to care that much about having seen Lee Know's ass getting stuffed with all kinds of things. Your boyfriend realizes that Jeongin would not even mildly chuckle if his own dick got broadcasted to the whole world and leaves the seasoned pervert maknae be.
He still gets recurring thoughts about the mishap later on and talks it out with you after a sighing confession. ā€žI donā€™t know how much heā€™s seen of itā€¦ Jeongin didnā€™t say a word!ā€œ You tell Lee Know that he might keep his sex life painstakingly hidden from the group members out of politeness and privacy, but they were well aware that the two of you were pretty active. Much like some of the other members, who could of course tell the signs, so, duh. Of course they werenā€™t losing their mind that Lee Know had a ā€šKing of Anal Debaucheryā€˜-themed sex tape. If anything, that is the most in-character thing ever.
ā€žI mean look at Hyunjin, he has zero pretenses and shame about his schticks. And Jeongin has an opinion like, Lee Know is a grandpa who thinks he invented the wheel.ā€œ That viewpoint gives Lee Know at least some peace of mind, he really couldnā€™t sleep for two days. But he will continue to gripe to Jeongin that he better not gossip, or jack off over the thought of you even if youā€™re not seen as much as Lee Know in that video. And he wants Jeongin to just forget what he saw anyway. Lee Know has his priorities figured out: He likes to be humiliated ā€” but only by you.
Jeongin vows to erase his memory. He insists heā€™s only seen like five seconds before clicking off, knowing itā€™s not his business, and he says Lee Knowā€™s facial expressions were underwhelming so it wasnā€™t even interesting. ā€žWell I hope so,ā€œ Lino grumbles, and continues to put any risquĆ© videos on a hard drive that only the two of you can access with a password. Heā€™s starting to realize that itā€™s really not that much of a big deal to Jeongin who is merely amused, but he learned his lesson in taking care of the camera if he doesnā€™t want his videos to be seen.
The facial expression thing sticks with him though and he tries to up his game there even if you say you donā€™t see a fault in them, I mean he looks fucked out, he looks cute, what more do you need? Lee Know is frustrated about his own confidence dwindling every so often, the cameragate was only another nail in the coffin, so you resort to what a dominant would typically do. Give him a difficult task. Lee Know is your service sub for a week and has to execute the protocol perfectly. It caters to his strength so thereā€™s a solid base, it incorporates enough worship for you to enjoy yourself every waking minute, and he can gain esteem by achieving the big prize, your content and approval, reaffirmed he is not lazy, a mistake, or unworthy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Unintentional screamer moments all the time. And: One random word of his and youā€™re already laughing your ass off. His reaction faces are out of fucking control. Come on, he wonā€™t have sex with his poker face on. Thatā€™s not it. The eye contact yes, but youā€™ll see a lot going on in that gorgeous face of his, with all that gummy smiling. And heā€™s sweet. Lee Know has the kind of energy of where you tell him ā€žStop being so cuteā€¦ Or come be cute in my bed.ā€œ
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
My, is he clean. Clean as fucking fuck. Minho is a routine shaver. And open-minded to your take. In fact, heā€™ll shave himself (or leave his hair alone) however you want it since he has no clear tendency in any style. Then why not groom in a way that you fancy on him. ā€žOh, you like this? Okay ā€” got it.ā€œ He adapts. Itā€™s no inconvenience for him, nor does he have a problem meeting your ideal. Whatever makes you comfortable, heā€™ll pick up the hygiene routine that suits what your eyes and nose find most pleasant. Even if he might shrug about these things, he knows that people can have strong stances or preferences with body hair.
If you want it, not a single hair will disturb your touch except his brows and classic standard Minho bangs. With some peach fuzz here and there, the lightest of the light, but thatā€™s it. I mean, all clean, just how detail-oriented is he. And really. So smooth everywhere, his skin is a dream. Linoā€™s so easy to kiss and cuddle, itā€™s ridiculous. When he grows out a mullet that so cutely sticks out from below a base cap for example, you could pet him for hours.
To step it up a notch: Your inner naughty devil will get excited whenever heā€™s especially sleek-shaven and soaped-down under his pits. You like to lick them with the mere tip of your tongue. When he just used really cold water in particular, not when theyā€™re damp and sweaty. Minho is shocked and turned on in equal measures. You justify yourself saying you like every part of him because itā€™s true. Minho accepts the fact that your lust for him stops at nothing, and he comes to enjoy the ticklish feeling more than he thought.
Not impressed by the sudden boom in ball shaving ads. Lee Know has always taken care of himself according to his own personal aesthetic philosophy. Doesnā€™t have all the time in the world to do so, but pays attention regardless. He spends some extra minutes before seeing you in particular, always ready. You wonā€™t catch him skipping showers. Doesnā€™t have as much body hair to begin with except on the lower legs, and his chest and pubes are quickly shaven. His motto is: Off with that and finished.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Rose-colored glasses alert. Lee Know admires you. He wants to be your exact type, the perfect match. He really works hard on the relationship and any shortcomings. In fact, your boyfriend is a little desperate every now and then. Yes, he knows itā€™s unhealthy if he gets most of his affection and connecting fill out of romance and not somewhat evenly from his social surroundings. But for better or worse, he canā€™t help wanting to safeguard what you have together and enjoy it in the private peace of your home. His desperation comes from more than just touring a lot, this goes deeper.
You think it has to do with his fame and idol status, which in and of itself could never be healthy in various ways. Interactions in the idol world often remain superficial and in the fast lane. Being in a company is a rough job. That unfortunately seeps into the relationship dynamics as a restriction. That is not to say he doesnā€™t feel loved by his fans, his family, and Stray Kids. But itā€™s different when the relationship is romantic and sexual with someone, he feels it has more to offer than even his adrenaline-filled career because it has a certain stability. Thatā€™s also the reason heā€™s paranoid about breakups, cheating, and bad days as a couple.
Lee Know often puts up a closed and uncaring front on camera so people wouldnā€™t want to get into his business or have him worry over said pet peeves: He depends on peopleā€™s loyalty. The resting face, itā€™s his way of not letting others hit on him, cause him discomfort, or draw his time and energy. Especially the latter, because he reserves giving the prime fanservice to you exclusively. Since he already exhausts himself daily to be a great artist, he doesnā€™t have much to put out for a random acquaintance. He strives for your attention and canā€™t help it. Lee Know already doesnā€™t allow the members to coo over him, he only reacts when you tickle his chin or slap his butt in passing.
The members are surprised how many extra miles he will go to buy you bouquets and snacks even if heā€™s already staying up late for dancing. Lee Know always brings you food since itā€™s his way of intimacy and connection. Eating is intimate, what someone puts inside their body is intimate, Lee Know thinks, how does no one else seem to realize that. A meal for your girlfriend can say a thousand words if you prepare it with a caring eye.
Having desserts for sex? Nothing more fitting for him. Sweet food and sexuality always go together. Heā€™s turned on by you biting into an ice cream cake, he feeds on your enjoyment of good taste. Watching Lee Know treat himself to chocolate cookies or just plain noodle soup? The cute crunchy or slurping noises are more satisfying and noticeable when itā€™s someone you love. You never knew chewing could be so elegant, but no surprise, with a pretty face like that.
Baby bunā€™s occasional awkwardness makes sex ten times better. How boring would it be to just fuck likeā€¦ Machine Man Minho with the robot thrusts. Heā€™s far from that, more like a stoic prince with a soft core. And hell, you can just do your thing, he likes whatever way you sleep with him. Being open to ideas is Minhoā€™s key forte, in fact, you just have to bring it up at the right moments. If itā€™s romantic, if itā€™s freaky, no difference, heā€™s excited about your input.
The majority of being intimate comes from long whispered conversations, though. Usually in the evening. Breakfast is too chill. Minho talks to you about sexual topics as much as he would mention daily life. He has this sweet smile when heā€™s face to face with you, and heā€™s a shy talker.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Your guy, as restrained as he seems, definitely knows whatā€™s up. Minho, ever the enthusiast of all things full and soft, likes to sensually grind his hips against a big round pillow rather than jackhammer his life away with a death grip. He personally takes care of washing the pillow, too, no worries. No stains to be found. Clean and ironed. This guy is truly a perfect match for any germaphobe.
The whole thing, heā€¦ he masturbates in such an unobtrusive way. Minho is very gentle with himself, which you admire and try to replicate ā€” although sometimes, oh well. You just wanna put his dick in your fist and make him scream and cry out loud. But thatā€™s for a different kind of day and mood. Most of the time, things are very subdued here, and fluffy.
Heā€™s not afraid of his cum ā€” obviously not, itā€™s too nice ā€” and wipes it carefully instead of going yikes, away with you. He really takes his time. He pampers himself. He doesnā€™t need to watch disturbing material (ahem, Hyunjin) to get himself going. Lee Know just lays there and lets his fingers slowly graze up and down individually, as if he played a guitar. He drinks a lot of water, doesnā€™t push himself, and he wonā€™t self-flagellate if things donā€™t go as planned. You commend him, and Bangchan would be proud of Minho for respecting himself so much alright.
Has a love-hate relationship with his hands, but you encourage him to think from your perspective. They are soft and small and warm and broad so them holding you feels greatā€¦ and he is ambidextrous. What a nice advantage. Minho applying his gentle skills on you is not just softly warming, but the best way to do something very consistent with his fingers. Heā€™s great at getting you off in a way that neither feels boring nor hurried.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He can call you mommy, sure. In a joking way, sometimes. But with Minho ā€” it seriously needs something more intense. According to the grapevine, Scorpios are some of the most dedicated and hopeless kinksters youā€™ll find out there. They want to be fucked brainless. And as the great Lizzo told us: All the rumors are true, yeah! Any power dynamic tingles their finest horniest senses. Getting pinned down and tortured might not seem like itā€™s right up Lee Knowā€™s alley, like, heā€™d be too sensitive, too phlegmatic, too cute, too stern, too this, too that. But the submissive hiding inside of him will get worked up once you put your fingers in his eager open mouth. To put it mildly, he loves them so much. He might as well go with the pinning, which excites him. Once it comes to anal play, heā€™s toast anyway. Hook him up to one of those relentless drilling machines and Lee Know will cry his heart and stress out. With your thumb on the speed button, you can determine if heā€™s gonna dance especially legs-apart tomorrow or not.
Most people wouldnā€™t immediately associate ā€žoh, of course, fucking machines!ā€œ with submissive Lino, but thatā€™s what it turns out to be. Although he could afford more machines of that kind (and these are expensive as hell), he doesnā€™t like the spitroast DP version. Heā€™s afraid he might get his teeth bashed in by accident and he is right, heā€™s still a beginner. One side stuffed will suffice completely. Minho likely wonā€™t do a DAP ā€” even if it looks tempting. He wants it bad but his body is getting in the way by being smol. Obviously, height isnā€™t a general guideline. Han can stretch himself out like itā€™s nothing. I mean. Point the biggest strap in existence right in his direction. And Hyunjin, heā€™s dying from tightness. He could not accommodate one little fist with ten tons of lube. Height literally says nothing at all. Lee Know is definitely having an easier time there.
On the other hand: Yes. Heā€™s getting the hang of it and tolerates a punishing speed, mentally on top of just physically, because Lee Know has a sub endurance thatā€™s sturdy as steel when it comes to getting split in half. No whining. He will clench his jaw and take it with a few tears. Because oh man, he loves that feeling of his guts being put in a blender, ā€žso deepā€¦ā€œ is his favorite exclamation. This guy has a great ole time, Iā€™m telling you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
As for your house: Not in the car. Too easy to mess up, too exposed. Not the kitchen either (only kisses there). Not the bathroom. Living room, only when itā€™s nice and cozy and the window is shielded somehow. Your bed, always. Day and night. A random chair, meh. A table, worse. A shower, too unsafe. A bath, neither, heā€™s kind of undecided there. Minho is so damn selective ā€” as you quickly figured, going by two criteria. How comfortable the surface is, and: How sanitary things are. But mostly, a larger steady underground with decently elastic cushioning is the number one green flag. Lee Know is a bon vivant within healthy environments, not an adventurer or fucking for clout.
Heā€™s not conservative with those things, he just wants something robust but nicely shaped that wonā€™t hurt either of you. Since swimming and Minho is a delicate topic, the two of you will stay away from making out in a pool or sea unlike other couples. Water? Only in condensed form. Minho would totally kiss you lots in a sauna, but it needs to be very gently warmed instead of piping hot. And the whole area needs to be 100% devoid of people. The same goes for a cinema which is technically a nice idea to him, but in practice, underwhelming. Sticky floors, nacho cheese in the air, aircon blowing in your necks, stuffy seats. No thanks. Your home sofa is preferred.
At his parentsā€™ house: Not a chance. Especially not with the cats climbing around everywhere and begging for food every 10 minutes. Making out briefly is okay, but nothing further than that.
As for the dorm: Never. Never ever. Not once. But you already know, anyway. Heā€™s so protective, heā€™d never let the other members hear either of your moans or the bed creaking. No suspicious activity at any time of the day, even when nobody else is there. Only cuddles in bed. Cuddles, cuddles, more cuddles. He also wakes up earlier than you. Why? Any morning boners he will quickly rub out into a then disposed towel. Without getting much profound pleasure, he just takes care of it and returns to you in his bed. Where, as a habit, you wrap your arms around him in your sleep, which he likes and needs. His dick poking into your back or stomach, he insists heā€™s not gonna ā€žannoy you like that, itā€™s offensive!ā€œ
Where you would fuck the shit out of his morning wood? At your own place, until heā€™s breaking a sweat, the dorm is the literal church. You might play video games there, read, dance around, cook together. But nothing physically erotic. He will take some whispered sexy words from you, but gnawingly. The hyungs will coo how sweet and innocent you are as a clingy couple. Thatā€™s all they ever get to see.
Lee Know doesnā€™t want to share one bit of his intimacy with you with anyone else. It makes him super cranky when people get into his and especially your business. Minho will glare should they be asking about what you do with him sexually, or how youā€™re like in the sheets, and if he did this or that already, or if heā€™s having fun. ā€žNever ask again!ā€œ Warning taken. Minhoā€™s sense of privacy is a diamond vault.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Eye contact. Boom. This is so important to him. It spurs Minho into extra-long rounds more often than not. Who doesnā€™t want to stare right back when heā€™s doing his soft little kitty gaze. Also ā€” A very distinct type of lingering eye contact is the primary way you tell him you want sex. He can read your expressions well and comes running. Minho considers sex a way of looking into each otherā€™s soul. As for you: Looking at this lilā€™ dainty face of utmost beauty surely isnā€™t a bad way to spend your time. Minhoā€™s fucking pretty and he smells so good, hell, even the mint gum he loves to chew and his laundry and hair and everything. You admit your addiction to his scent and he definitely takes note of that.
N = No (something they wouldnā€™t do, turn-offs)
Heā€™d probably hate and isolate himself for ages if you started to cry from something he did. Naturally, Minho touches you with invisible satin gloves, in a positive way. Lack of respect and gentleness towards a beloved is a big pet peeve, as is making you afraid.
Heā€™s allergic to porn and society telling him he should be hands-on because itā€™s supposedly sexy. Slapping you would be a big turn-off. He couldnā€™t hurt and bruise you, or yell at you, or make you flinch somehow, intimidating you in general. Lee Know has enough sore areas on either leg from dancing to know how much even the little painful spots hurt. A dancer will always be aware how delicate and mortal a body really is.
Also doesnā€™t like anything that has to do with breath play. Minho doesnā€™t want to be choked out, nor would he choke you either. Heā€™s really uneasy about it and knows how dangerous it is. Heā€™d rather place his hands on your waist and likes your hands flat on his chest, shoulders, or stomach. When it comes to you pegging him prone, his shoulder blades.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He can only eat someone out or get a blowjob when heā€™s really in love. Nothing casual will do. Under your eyes, his glaring uncertainty is immediately telling. Heā€™s done it three, four times at best. Minhoā€™s actually avoided it so much in the past because of some very mediocre trial-and-error encounters that had either party disappointed. Itā€™s a shame, of course he wants to be unbiased, but he does carry it with him, so you have to be patient with Lee Know.
Minho thinks itā€™s too intimate to ever do on a first date. To him, a personā€™s lips, including his, are, to a degree, extremely sacred. Not anyone can suck his dick out of nowhere, even if they are jaw-droppingly good-looking. Heā€™s stingy. Even if his dick would be hard, heā€™d just feel strange how that person is so close to him and justā€¦ slobbers all over his dick so unceremoniously. The established feeling between him and his partner is more important. He wants to know the person inside out and wants to have looked at them and listened to them talking for many hours. Trusting them is so crucial.
When he prepares for pleasing you with his tongue, heā€™s eyeing what heā€™s about to do with a lot of respect. He wants his dick treated with equal care, too, even if an eager mouth is always appreciated and melts his brain. Minho likes a good balance. Brain melt and kindness. Being impersonal wouldnā€™t meet his benchmark and frustrate Minho.
It needs the right setting, too. Minho thinks heā€™s a complete pain in the ass obsessing over the minutiae and making a giant deal out of oral sex. You donā€™t think his diligence is a problem to himself. His anguish is. But thereā€™s an easy fix, which he appreciates. Minho needs to be told things like how to sit on his knees, where to put his hands, how to improve his breathing pattern, what to do with his bottom lip, where to put his tongue. His domme might need a 200-page-long instruction handbook and it may seem ridiculous to an outsider how much he needs to know from her, but the thing isā€¦ Lee Know has excellent kinetic memory. Do with that information what you need. In no time, you can name the most romantic and dedicated pussy eater your very boyfriend.
He thinks you really have to love his body scent, and he has to like yours. Minho needs to be with a partner whose sweaters he can lean into all day with his nose, and he can take them in that way. If heā€™s in love with your scent, better believe heā€™ll go crazy. Once your pants are down, heā€™s getting the party started. Heā€™ll lick himself stupid. Minhoā€™s tongue is going all over the place. Oh my god is he to the point. He doesnā€™t really need to take a breathing break, either. This guy is eating like itā€™s the best meal ever right in front of him. Hence the reason why heā€™s a human block of wood during aftercare. Never forget that this guy is a chef. He just looked after his favorite dessert.
Seriously. Why do Stray Kids all have the most fuckable faces and a tongue fixation.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Look. Heā€™s not Changbin. And heā€™s not Lee `Oh my god, Iā€™m your ragdollĀ“ Felix. Minho wants to take it a little easier and doesnā€™t like exhausting you. He can move those fucking hips, and he can adhere to a decent rhythm when heā€™s thrusting himself onto a strapā€” but yes. An overall relaxed mood prevails right here, nobodyā€™s burning the house down. Lee Know conserves his energy well to draw it out. But: The atmosphere is still deeply heated and wide awake in the moment. Make no mistake. Heā€™s not boring. Minho is very keen and gifted in the way he moves. If anything: Heā€™s excellent.
When youā€™re asking for a dick appointment, Minho does something very properly. He makes sure to go in all the way. And pulls out 95%, not too slowly, and not too fast. And then goes in all the way again. Which means youā€™re naturally gonna suck him back in when he moves away, and grow to want more and more of him. Which he gladly obliges to, you got this guy in your pocket. This only works in certain positions, but you figure those out with time. By the way: He doesnā€™t refer to it as fucking or penetrating, though, but hugging his dick.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Blowing off a bit of steam, making it passionate, being a little stealthy? Why not. Minho knows all the introvert spots in any building heā€™s familiar with. The nooks and crannies, any silent corner. You know, like any cat would ā€” itā€™s only logical. Heā€™s the type to secure that no one will ever catch you, not even Nosy Line aka Chan, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin. He seems to carry condoms and wipes in every pocket and is perfectly prepared in general. Lee Know knows exactly when to shower so he meets you fresh and lovely, and of course: A bit nervous.
If heā€™s not careful, Minho cums in a heartbeat with your ass bouncing off his thighs. It feels so soft and sounds so amazing, this absolutely blows his mind no matter how often you do quickies. This is not just you being lucky youā€™re with him, Minho is also glad he got you and that your desire for each other is extremely strong. Heā€™s just gonna let go and release. He canā€™t help it. Those quickies have Minho wearing rose-colored glasses while at the same time having him admire your body. He thinks this must be heaven, he has such an innocent excitement. All his brain says in that moment is a stream of yes, oh god, wow, oh shit, oh fuck, sheā€™s doing it!
Youā€™re having tons of fun andā€¦ that Minho feels great inside of you is an understatement. You need this as often as he can, you enjoy it to the maximum. One round is never enough, you want him again and again. As much as youā€™re riding his dick, Lee Know is extremely preoccupied that you wonā€™t be getting off at the same time, though ā€” keeping it one-sided is unfair to him. Doing an improv-69 with maximum stimulation, in a random place on top of that? Feels too uneasy to him. Thatā€™s why his thighs and kitten tongue licks are your clitā€™s best friend. He offers them or his hands in one go without further ado.
He has no intents of breaking your back and bending you around to force his own climax in one minute either. This man is concussion-safe. Minho just listens to whatever your nasty idea is, and thatā€™s usually a finger fest, only to simply go with the flow. He doesnā€™t say anything, he just nods and pulls out two hand wipes and off you go a second later. Hygiene first. Handjob second. Well, not really. After pulling off his shirt, he likes it when you just palm him, he lets his dick peek out the top of his sweats, and he spurts all over his stomach.
Just you putting your hands down his boxers is too damn dry for a quickie, he doesnā€™t like it. Gentle touch from the outside of the fabric is enough to make him peak as long as youā€™re leaning in for a lengthy, gentle kiss on the lips. For five minutes, itā€™s okay with him. Still thinks itā€™s a little loveless though, to just go back to whatever you were doing afterwards. The chaos and buckwild coordination he can handle, but not the lack of focus, focus of feeling. He wants the purity of ā€šyou and meā€˜ and especially some afterglow, and recharge time, sleep. So, quickies only go down whenever the two of you have some extra energy on that day.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Bit of risk? Hell yeah. Just to be cheeky together. But real risk? Nope. He always chickens out. Say, doing something like wax play would turn him off. His expression always tells you what Lino will shy away from, and you take good care of him. Should that situation ever arise, and so far it hasnā€™t, something that would put you in harmā€™s way is an exceeding reason for Minho to firmly say no, letā€™s not do this, letā€™s do something else instead. On the other hand, his submissive side can handle any forfeit until exhaustion. Itā€™s ironic. Minho is prone to say okay, so to speak, Iā€™m gonna give up my body for this, I give you that power over me and the responsibility. Thatā€™s pretty trusting towards you, and you respect him for his found confidence.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Good endurance. Lee Know says he can be your lilā€™ plaything however you want it, and he knows why. Dance practice pays off. This is the guy who wrote `DRIVEĀ“. Which is about going all night. Ā Well maybe not eight hours straight but you get the gist. Whatā€™s ever straight with Lee Know anyways. Long story short: He can give you what you need.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Okay, so, aside from the myriad of cute wearable animal ear varieties he owns? Cats, bunnies, puppy ears, everything? The image of Minho handling a bunch of strangely-shaped colorful items might be weird, but he does enjoy a little help from a silicone friend. First, he likes his tender back furiously blown out by a very specific strap thatā€™s really pointy, smoothly textured, and jet black, curved upwards for that matter. Itā€™s on the weekly to-do list. Minho likes to be pegged from behind with your arms wrapped underneath his chest, all until his legs give out. Shake. Him. Up.
Next, Minho has an almost compulsive habit of collecting vibrators almost as thick as your arm to shove down his throat on the regular. Minho puts up a camera to monitor his inch count progress. The bigger the shaft, the more wide-eyed the grimace. You always get new videos on your phone of him just gagging the shit out of himself with the latest grass green fucking dildo. Heā€™s choking out rivers of spit while gargling a straight-upā€¦ 11-inch cob of corn. No pain, no gain. Until his own spit comes dripping out of his nose.
If there are no concerts or recordings coming up, he likes to deliberately train himself that way. If you come home to your hoarse boyfriend with swollen eyes, right out of the shower, you know what went down. New twenty-minute video available only for you. Todayā€™s menu, vanilla cream popsicles with chocolate or strawberry filling that melts across his bottom lip, little by little. Heā€™s creative, huh. Just enjoying himself doing his favorite thing and sharing it with you. It comes naturally. Minho doesnā€™t think much about it. He just likes to show you sexy oral stuff with toys, thatā€™s all.
Lee Know gets even wilder when his object of desire is strongly vibrating. He does all kinds of things like twisting his head in a circle or letting it poke in his cheek. This guy has the craziest deepthroat skills ever. Only Felix surpasses him in terms of enthusiasm with endless depth, and nothing is as drooling as whatever Hyunjin is probably doing right now ā€” but Minho is a high-speed master. He can ram it down until his Adamā€™s apple and continue thrusting it in. Everything caught on camera in decent lighting. Heā€™s insane for this.
The ā€žhm, mh, agh, gh, chhā€”ā€œ noises itself are worth the watch already, like wow Minho is choking the alphabet for you how nice of him, and you do have to look for a safe place to check out his voice mails and very r-rated `attached filesĀ“. Heā€™s always in tears or coughing a couple times when heā€™s finished, but damn this guy can keep his teeth apart and throw his head into it. Minho is so impressive and talented. What to even say. Legendary behavior.
Also, he buys anything that might make your ass feel good. Nothing huge, just nice little stimulation aids. Meanwhile, a classic hitachiā€¦ not his taste. Not handy enough, too large, that cable, the colors. Totally not his thing. The smaller versions also donā€™t look aesthetic to him, he thinks theyā€™re so tacky. Instead, Minho buys you all kinds of vibrating eggs that he can hold against your clit. Elongated ones that fit his palm, in pastel or dark colors that look elegant and classy. For Valentineā€™s Day, Christmas, and Birthdays. He always thinks heā€™s doing the most risquĆ© thing ever and almost panics on the inside when giving you the present, but his intuition is always right. You donā€™t like these presents: You love `em.
Nothing better than Minho kissing you lovingly, and a nice continuous buzz between your other lips. He loves to massage these kinds of eggs into your clit using small circles or very controlled back-and-forth rubs. This guy watches with an eagle eye how youā€™re feeling and what you need. Higher or lower vibration speed, a bit of spreading around of your wetness or some mid-buzz wiping down, a closer embrace or a minute without touch, the list goes on. Pleaser Minhoā€¦ is a very sexy sight. What boyfriend material he is. Telling him youā€™re using his gifts to masturbate all the time and thinking of his body, no shit, it makes him shy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A balance of mutual teasing is just right. He likes to be put in his place, thatā€™s the real deal: Teaching Minho a lesson about greed. Initially, heā€™s excited when your words and tone become suddenly explicit, graphic, and expose exactly what he was wishing for. ā€žMinhoā€¦ havenā€™t you picked pants a little too tight? You wanna be groped, do you. Not happening until we get home from date night. Itā€™s another four hours in those slutty jeans. Iā€™ll love looking at you from across the restaurant tableā€œ. Plus, you have some other punishments up your sleeve that hit bullā€™s eye without a fault. Who can guess what? Hint: It has to do with a strong fixation of his. Another hint: It all revolves around depriving him of it. No, itā€™s not orgasm denial. He can handle that. Itā€™s a lot more specific. What ifā€¦ butt hunter Minho gets deprived of ass! Oh yes. If you provoke, I revoke. Time to suffer, this one hits where it really hurts.
Handcuffing him to the bed frame so he canā€™t touch your ass all the way? Boss move, hundred percent effective. Heā€™ll cry for your leniency. It will make him so drained and frustrated. Blindfolds, to make it worse? Not a single peak? Minhoā€™s caving in. Heā€™ll do anything you want. Or: No body contact at all, just a riding crop? Just say you want to wreck him and go. Heā€™ll acknowledge: You know him well. In fact? Youā€™ve out-teased Lino with the simplest tools and tricks. He could never. His obsession makes him so easy to control and destroy, itā€™s ridiculous. Itā€™s such kryptonite to him, his schtick makes him look stupid. Your boyfriend is bound to his desire, so itā€™s no effort to bind him in return. Literally: This guy can get ready for some extra-accurate bondage work around his arms. Those wonā€™t move around a single inch anytime soon. Whole-arm bondage is so underrated, by the way. Itā€™s perfect for him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
ā€žLet me hear youā€œ might as well be your favorite thing to say. Heavenly moans combined with his stumbling voice that tells you just how much it gets to him. The more sadistic his dominant, the more of a box of surprises he becomes. If Minhoā€™s dick hurts from all that it has to endure, and oh heā€™s loving it, the mix of little whimpers and ā€žahā€”!ā€œ noises become a dulcet melody: As fitting for someone who sings so sweetly. He winds his torso left and right, the ache is so terrible, so good, so shocking. He canā€™t go without a little pain and spanking, he wants to be hit, he wants to hump your thighs while clothed so itā€™s extra frustrating: Itā€™s what makes sex memorable to him. Lee Know is never at the top of his range, but his sounds are as passionate and genuine as they come. ā€žPleaseā€¦ just slap my ass again, please!ā€œ
Minho, however, is not the type who wants to be pushed beyond a breaking point where heā€™s mindlessly screaming. Thatā€™s what Hyunjin and Han are for. The messy, destruction-craving subs incarnate. These two want to get absolutely demolished. Lino is set in place about his physical limit and wouldnā€™t want to transgress any of it like that. His mental threshold, however, heā€™s willing to explore and stretch in a way thatā€™s healthy, positively nervous, and exciting. Exactly because Lee Know is a tough, cheeky nut to crack, you like him. His brattiness is sexy, especially since it dissolves into emotional surrender once your fingers hit the right spot in his prostate. Because he has that initial wall up, itā€™s all the more rewarding to see him submit totally and be weak.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Frequently wears long sleeves because you are so wild about biting his soft and juicy upper arms. He doesnā€™t know why youā€™re so fixated on doing that, but heā€™s starting to enjoy how pervy and vampire-like you are. Bangchan is kind of wondering, why is our dance legend covered in so much sweat, why does he cover up like that. Dear Chan, you innocent soulā€¦ There are some green and lilac marks on Lee Knowā€™s body that the world should never see.
Heā€™d rather sweat than show his twenty-four thigh hickeys or get his sleeves wet while scrubbing the dishes or washing his hair in front of the maknaes. Not his fault that you canā€™t stop marking him up, okay. Heā€™s just a little guy from Gimpo trying to make a living with dancing in a group. Lee Know did no wrong. Except maybe simp over your ass a little too much, which is adequately punished. His obsession might as well be the reason why you bite back and see this brat whining over teeth marks on his legs and arms and waist. Taste of his own medicine ā€” serves him well. And you get wet from hearing him moan when you bite him, so.
X = X-ray (letā€™s see whatā€™s going on under those clothes)
He got something for you. We all know Stray Kids have some of the finest guys with the finest bodies ever. Minho being a shower rather than a grower tends to be somewhat satisfied with his equipment. It curves out well from the side through his pants which has you teasing him a lot. That subtle arch you love.
Granted, heā€™s not walking around sized like Hyunjin who struggles with the lack of practicality resulting from that big ole thing he has to drag around 24/7. Lee Know is at home in the ubiquitous midrange. That helps, heā€™s really handy. Not too much girth to handle, and not too much prep needed.
He sure knows how to have it feel profound, still. While at the same time not making it weird with the angles, having his balls doing awkward stuff. He has that under control and youā€™ll feel amazing. The genius trick is, heā€™s gonna wear those type of pants where you can just leave your balls tucked inside except the rest. That keeps everything neat.
Although you donā€™t care, Minho is not a fan of his two contemporaries and likes to ignore them. Balls are too icky and unpredictable to him, Minhoā€™s like why do they have to be designed like this, so heā€™d rather fuck with half of his clothes on. Which makes him the prime candidate for having sex at night when your bedroom cools down and especially in winter. Like a true Scorpio, duh, itā€™s his season.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Always looks towards you because heā€™s too shy and reserved to figure it all out. Heā€™s really observant, almost to a fault. Over time, heā€™s getting better and better at reading you in word and body language. Vice versa, you train yourself to judge if Minho will come home too exhausted after practice just by keeping your watch in mind, past 1-2 AM he will collapse into the pillows as soon as he walks into the bedroom. Heā€™s too physically drained. Itā€™s better to have a go at it in the morning, itā€™s much more smooth-sailing than your boyfriend trying to force himself.
As a rule of thumb, Minho will say ā€špleaseā€˜ only once, but retreats in a visibly anxious manner if he ever happens to wildly misjudge your mood, which makes him guilty for asking to begin with. Taking this seriously is one of his most defining character traits. He likes asking you for a bit of making out on your bed sometimes, but apologizes with a bow in case you donā€™t want to or planned to do something else and he was unaware. ā€žSorry for bothering you. Sorry. Itā€™s my bad.ā€œ
At the beginning of your relationship, he doesnā€™t know where to go and what to say or do afterward in case you said `no Iā€™m busy,Ā“ but youā€™re quick to engage him in a leg massage for you instead. You encourage him to place kisses everywhere on you, and you can continue to read what youā€™re reading, scroll through a feed, or type or fix something. Lee Know is quite like the cat that lays down on the ownerā€™s lap when theyā€™re working on something, itā€™s that kind of scene. Half an hour later, finishing with a cuddle, and sleep. No problem.
During other occasions, Minho wakes up to you clenching around him all soaking wet, moving about, panting, pushing back. At your house, heā€™s okay with you undressing him in his sleep and putting on a condom. Heā€™s on board with you getting on top of him like that as well, although the sight of you like this has him so overwhelmed when he wakes up, he just canā€™t believe it. Minho feels like even casual wake-up sex is special and hot. He doesnā€™t think of it as performing a chore ā€” ā€žItā€™s just funā€œ. When you start the day like that, Minho feels an instant urge to coil into your nape with his face and start kissing your spine like crazy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Enters the dreamland after a vidid ten-minute talk. It all turns into a discussion of half an hour recently since thereā€™s a lot on his mind and talking to himself half-dizzy is the way to go. Youā€™re dozing off next to him, exhausted yourself, but undisturbed. Actually, soothed. Minho has a lot of positive things to say about his girlfriend and a nice voice to fall asleep to. Heā€™s blabbering hilarious random things, too, like ā€žI aspire to grow my butt as much as I canā€œ or ā€žthe makeup staff will think Iā€™m a little weirdo when they see this bite mark tomorrow, uh-ohā€œ.
Lee Know sleeps on his belly but seemingly shifts closer and closer to you as the minutes pass. A tiny attempt to have you big-spooning him, though he doesnā€™t fully roll himself up sideways like a baby shrimp. Still, you understand him intuitively, your body does, and Lee Know winds up with his purple hair all up in your face in the morning. Heā€™s so nice and warm, heā€™s your pretty boy. If he needs an extra pillow, Minho winds up putting his plushies in a bundle and laying down on it which you find so cute.
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read lee know a-z on ao3
final note. thank you for reading!
sub!skz orgasm faces
skz sub trainingĀ 
sub!hyunjin oneshotĀ 
sub!felix oneshot
Ā© 2017-2023 sugar-petals. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed. all depictions are fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
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goodluckdetective Ā· 11 months
An update post season 2 release: Iā€™VE BEEN WRONG BEFORE. Iā€™d delete this post but:
1. I was wrong and I should admit it.
2. This post actually explains what queerbaiting is pretty well: itā€™s this kind of marketing except unlike Good Omens, there is 0 payoff. Cus shows marketed like this before with 0 payoff which is why I was so worried.
Anyway, glad to be terribly wrong on main. I accept my position as clown.
A Good Omens hot take on ā€œqueerbaitingā€ below. No spoilers, but lord knows people have talked this to death, so Iā€™m sorry in advance:
As a queer person, I didnā€™t think the first season was queerbaiting. I know some folks did and thatā€™s fine, Iā€™m not here to change your mind and I respect your opinion. But to me, while it was somewhat ambiguous, it was very obvious the two loved each other, that it was a love story and regardless if it was platonic, romantic or ā€œwhatever these two got going onā€, the text was clear that all of those perspectives were valid. Especially since it was a close adaptation of the book. Never did I get the feeling that the show was mocking me for thinking it could be romantic, or just playing around: it felt like the show respected that read.
Now, as season 2 comes up, I think the show has set itself up to fall into queerbait if they keep things ambiguous. This mostly has to do with regards the marketing. The marketing has been pretty damn romantic in a way season 1 wasnā€™t: Amazon Prime clips on youtube label the pair as a couple. Like this ainā€™t subtle:
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The playlists being full of love songs (Take Me to Church? Really?). The Twitter ship teasing quite a bit. Outside of marketing, Neil describing the season as romantic. Having a romantic couple (Maggie and Nina) mirror the main pair (the lesbians are not queerbait of course, itā€™s the mirroring that can be an issue: Supernatural pulled this multiple times). This is pretty classic queerbaiting should this be left ambiguous. It is one thing to have a relationship be open to interpretation but have the narrative respect each interpretation equally. Itā€™s another to imply a specifically romantic relationship and then never actually follow through.
ā€œBut Iz-ā€œ You say. ā€œTheyā€™re supernatural beings, they arenā€™t interested in sex-ā€œ I never said there had to be sex. Hell, there doesnā€™t even have to be kissing. Holding hands or a love confession I think would be entirely acceptable for me (not for everyone, this is just me personally). I think you can have them be supernatural beings and still denote a relationship as queer without a huge make out scene. My concern here is that we get something so ambiguous that the build up feels deeply dishonest. Where you constantly hype up something as a romance and then when the curtain is about to fall, go ā€œbut itā€™s all up to the viewer, why would you guys think it HAS to be a romance, you can if you want but thatā€™s just your read!ā€ Like yes, it is just my read, but youā€™re the one who has been advertising this as a romance for months, not as a ā€œodd couple who can be romantic if you want!ā€ Thereā€™s a difference there to me. The second feels like making fun, and in a way thatā€™s kind of mean.
I am of course, one lesbian, so donā€™t take my word as gay gospel. Just my thoughts.
(And donā€™t @ Neil or anything. The show isnā€™t out yet and even if it was and my concerns prove valid, I donā€™t need to staple my critique to his internet door)
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thewayuarent Ā· 9 months
So, the Mew thing
Spoilers: heā€™s fine
Mew by far is the character people theorize the most about. And while for other characters theories lay more in a ā€œwhy he is the way he isā€ field with Mew we have a bit different narrative. Summarizing - there is something deeply wrong with him. And while I do love the theories - they are always fun to read - and will never criticize people for making them, I cannot stop thinking about why. What in Mew makes people feel so uncomfortable?
Iā€™ll start from observing some points and then make my conclusions. Itā€™s gonna be a really long one.
Mew and Sand as ā€œnormal onesā€. From the very beginning these two were commonly read as being pretty normal compare to others. And it makes sense - they both seems way more self-conscious, well-communicated and generally adequate dudes who trapped in the middle of chaos. They are very different but share some similarities in their approach to life. But while with Sand we are quite comfortable - he is this way and itā€™s fine - with Mew we have some struggles. The wildest take on Sand is him being baseball bat psycho and even with that most people see him having some anger management issues. Mew is, well. He is manipulator. He is mastermind behind every shit happens in the show. He is unpredictable. He is dangerous. We donā€™t trust him.
Very different approach to characters from the same field, isnā€™t it?
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The ā€œunreliable narratorā€ trope. The first episode uses the voiceover as a narration device so we meet our main characters (except for Nick) through Mewā€™s perspective. He is the one calling names, he is our introduction to everyone (except for Nick), including himself. Then the story shifts to more ā€œobjectiveā€ perspective - we are shown, not told, so we can make our own consumptions based on characters behavior. But the episode starts and ends with Mew. And that fact makes a lot of people to assume him being unreliable narrator. And, well, he is. So as Ray in episode 4, where we see the same device used the same way.
They are both unreliable. But that doesnā€™t mean they are intentionally lying to us, or lying at all - that means that they are subjective by their nature (they are, you know, humans). The unreliable narrator trope is widely used in media and can take different forms depending on genre and storyteller intentions. And while it technically is a possibility that Mew is a madman or liar, I would argue that it wouldnā€™t work in such narrative. Only Friends is not a detective or thriller, itā€™s a story about 20-something years old boys navigating their lives. Please go read this post if you haven't yet, it explains everything well.
But the thing is, such as with Sand not being questioned by most people, Ray is not too (and thatā€™s good, really, no complaints about it). We believe him - we see him struggling, of course, and we have no reason thinking that something isnā€™t clear about his story. But why donā€™t we trust Mew the same way?
And I know that Rayā€™s story takes place in the past while Mewā€™s is in present, but we see Mewā€™s story such as we see Rayā€™s - we are here watching how itā€™s actively happening.
We donā€™t know a lot about Mew. Yes, true. His past and his motivations are unclear, and that gives us a space for interpretation as well as a sense of distrust - while we can assume things about him, we donā€™t know the truth yet. But we also donā€™t know anything about Sand. Or Nick. Or Boston. We do know some parts of Top history and partially explored Rayā€™s, and thatā€™s all by now.
But with any other character it doesnā€™t bother us as much as with Mew. And, again, why? Is there no reasonable explanations for him being the way he is? Or is the most reasonable explanation - that he is pretty normal a bit fucked up guy who makes some questionable decisions - feels boring? I wouldnā€™t say so. Again, we are fine with the same type of explanation for Sand.
And now we arrived to the most interesting point that I call
The ā€œheā€™s not that simpleā€ thing. That statement stands out as the beginning of so many Mew theories. And the thing I honestly donā€™t understand is: at what point of the story Mew was presented as ā€œsimpleā€? We meet him in episode 1, he is the first person we know, and the show gives us a lot of information about him during that one episode.
He is smart enough. Heā€™s observant type of person but he is also very outspoken. He knows his boundaries and heā€™s great at setting them. He is quiet, but not shy. He is calm, but not humble. He is also hypocritical and a bit arrogant. He is confident in himself and - am I forgetting something?
Ah, yes. He is a virgin. And I do think thatā€™s what all of that about.
The audience being Boston. For legal reasons: please, donā€™t speak on me with this one, I truly believe most people arenā€™t Bostons, itā€™s a metaphor. Itā€™s fascinating how in the show that was so criticized about being too sexual the vast majority of interest is prone to one characterā€™s virginity. The big problem for some people is not Mew being just a virgin but him being a virgin by choice. He has no problems with it. He is comfortable being a virgin. While other characters - Top, Boston, Cheum - are invested in his virginity, I would say, even more than Mew himself. Top sees it as some prize or whatever. Cheum pushes Mew to ā€œlose itā€. Boston has a lot of difficult feelings about it - from supremacy to irritation. He doesnā€™t understand how Mew can be fine with it. And the audience, well, the audience kind of doing the same thing. I like to call it the ā€œconfident virginā€ dissonance.
The whole ā€œheā€™s not that innocentā€ argument is exactly the thing Boston successfully used with Top.
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Top buys it due to his insecurities, sure. But also due to his biases. He believes Mew being a virgin but heā€™s very quick to question it. And so as audience.
After episode 3 I said I donā€™t want to see the video Boston took - I want to know the Mew and Ray story from their perspective, not Bostonā€™s. And while I was glad the show did exactly that, I saw a lot of discussions about the video. Even after we saw a kiss, after Mew told Top and us how it ended, after Mew said he and Ray didnā€™t have sex - itā€™s still not enough. The audience donā€™t trust him.
But why itā€™s easier to believe that Mew is some devious manipulator than that he is a confident virgin? Why he is not allowed be simply comfortable with his sexuality and physicality while being inexperienced? Why is it such a problem that the writer of the show has to address this issue to the audience?
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Well, I have a theory.
Virginity and slutshaming. There are some amazing points written about slutshaming and how easility we fall for judging characters (read as: Boston and Top) for being sluts (read as: having active sex life with number of partners) here and here. People tend to judge others for their too active or ā€œmorally wrongā€sex life (non-monogamous, kinky, not vanilla etc). And the same way people tend to question those who donā€™t have a sex life at all. Virginity is something you should hide, something you want to get rid of as soon as opportunity comes. Itā€™s okay if you are virgin but you for sure need to try hard and fix this problem, you know? Especially in the show like this - celebrating and normalizing sex - whatā€™s up with Mew not jumping on it from the start? Too much sex as not enough sex are basically two ends of the same spectrum. Everything whatā€™s not in the middle feels weird and uncomfortable.
And I think, the show wants us to be uncomfortable with Mew being virgin the same way it tricks us into judging Top being fuckboy. It constantly plays with realistic characters framed by our stereotypical expectations. It challenges us to overcome our personal biases. And it does a great job on that.
Because while we already know Mew isnā€™t perfect, him being flawed it still not good enough. He is judgemental, he has some control issues, he uses (absent of)sex as manipulation device and those things are working great with what we know about him so far. But there must be something more, something deeply, almost villainously wrong with him, isnā€™t it? Otherwise we have to do work on ourselves and thatā€™s not the most pleasant thing to do.
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mackmp3 Ā· 8 months
Iā€™d love to hear you talk about PJ Harvey and queerness, if youā€™re so inclined!
OH MY GOD ANON I LOVE YOU reveal yourself so i can kiss you /joking and platonic (unless...)
this is gonna be really long so TL,DR, A Lot of PJ's work can be interpreted to be about a sapphic and/or gender non conforming experience.
PJ Harvey, despite having never actually said she isn't straight, has written some Very Queer music, both in subtext and fully in the lyrics.
a few examples -
Dress could be interpreted to be about feeling the pressure to be a stereotypically girly girl and trying to navigate social situations where it's expected you have a boyfriend -
'Must be a way that I can dress to please him It's hard to walk in the dress, it's not easy [...]
Filthy tight, the dress is filthy I'm falling flat, and my arms are empty Clear the way, better get it out of this room A falling woman in dancing costume'
but failing to do so because it's just not you. feeling uncomfortable in a dress, trying and failing to have normal interactions with guys - which of course cishet girls can feel as well, but hits particularly hard as a queer, gender non conforming, girl adjacent person
O Stella, while the symbolism makes it about a religious idol, could be interpreted to be about idolising an older girl. Oh My Lover is about being totally fine with a partner's hypothetical polyamory.
Man-Size is a big one, before i even knew the term gender envy i was Deeply Aware that that was what man-size is about (in my opinion, at least) - wanting to things that guys do but not being able to cos you're a girl.
'Good Lord I'm big I'm heading on Man-sized got my leather boots on Got my girl and she's a wow [...]
I'm man-sized no need to shout Let it all, let it all hang out / out out out'
fantasising about a reclaiming of power while presenting in a more masculine way - WITH A GIRLFRIEND I MIGHT ADD - before going back to feeling as though that is unattainable -
'Silence my lady head Get girl out of my head Douse hair with gasoline Set it light and set it free'
like, 'get girl out of my head' is a pretty queer thing to say, yknow?
and 50ft Queenie -
'Hey I'm one big queen No one can stop me [...]
Hey I'm the king of the world You ought to hear my song Ah come on measure me I'm twenty inches long'
which is at the same time using male terms - even though the song is called Queenie, and that word is used a lot, she specifically calls herself King of the world, and proceeds to make fun of the perceived importance of a particular male organ, while at the same time saying she's better than them
more songs with gender and lesbian undertones - Yuri G, Catherine, to a degree A Woman A Man Walked By / The Crows Knows Where the Children Go (that one's quite explicit, word of warning if yu haven't heard that one before) - and songs that are covers of songs written by men without any pronoun changing - Shake Your Hips and I Can't Get No Satisfaction are two notable examples of that.
and then there are her songs that are just sapphic without being specifically gendery - My Beautiful Leah, Claudine the Inflatable One - i first thought that Down By the Water was about sneaking out to meet a sapphic lover under the bridge in the dead of night, a doomed romance, but there are lots of better and far more likely interpretations than that.
Polly herself has also said a lot of things that just kinda read queer. Like Patti Smith before her, she has said that she writes her songs from a place 'beyond gender', and just writes them as stories, sometimes from a male perspective. But of course, to a queer audience, you can hear her singing and *know* she's singing from a male perspective, but also can't help but to hear it as queer as well.
bit of a quote to go with that -
You've said that you don't like to think in terms of gender when it comes to music. Why do you think the gender issue, especially the concept of you being a feminist, is constantly mentioned with your work?
'I can only presume that, especially in the early days and early those labels tend to stick, but I know that I really played with gender in my lyrics, and I might sing in the shape of a man or I might sing in the shape of a woman. Or I might be dressing women in a loving way as a man or as a woman, or sometimes as neither. Sometimes more as just an essence, a feeling or an atmosphere. And I think that feels quite natural to me, but I think for some people it's not natural, and that's where the gender issue seems to become quite important.'
she was also adamant that she didn't want to be seen as part of riot grrrl, but rather as part of grunge - grunge was a very very aggressively male genre, and i don't think she thought riot grrrl had the right idea about how to go about empowerment - she took herself more seriously than that i think. she didn't want to be called a feminist, because she didn't want to be called a 'female artist', but rather just an Artist.
her gender presentation, moving from fairly neutral in 1992 (big black leather jacket, black boots etc, to the hyper-feminity of the To Bring You My Love era, 1995, also comes into play - she was showing femininity to be a performance, while also using it to her advantage, she didn't actually dress like that normally, no one wears that much eyeshadow, it was closer to a drag show than an actual outfits, a lot of the stuff she wore on stage. which is another one of those things that makes sense to a cishet girl, but gains more complexity as a queer person.
there's probably a lot more i can say on this, but that's everything off the top of my head! i cannot tell you how excited i was to get this ask, PJ Harvey is so much of how i've explored my own gender and sexuality, i could talk about this for a very long time!
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nerves-nebula Ā· 6 months
Sorry just saw a post saying you do actually DO get taught media literacy and critical thinking in English classes and I was homeschooled until high school, but Ive also been to three different high schools across two states of america- which isnā€™t a lot but is more than most people get (assuming that most people go to one high school for four years instead of switching schools every year) and let me tell you. The English teachers almost always had the same problem. And I generally liked them all! English wasnā€™t a class I super hated!!!
Even my favorite English teachers didnā€™t really end up fostering a love of reading into the material or actually critically thinking about stuff.
What they all liked to do was talk about and lead you into THEIR interpretation to the point of basically dismissing any other readings. At best youā€™d get a ā€œthatā€™s a good point too, but I was thinking of something elseā€ and at worst theyā€™d basically just dismiss it with a clear lack of interest. As if you didnā€™t ā€œget the pointā€ for focusing on something else.
I remember this because there were a lot of times when I was bursting to talk about the parallels id drawn of the assignment to my personal experiences but I was too embarrassed or afraid or annoyed to because the few times i or anyone else tried to speak up the teachers were basically uninterested unless you hit on the specific reading they were obsessed with. At which point theyā€™d talk at length about symbolism and stuff that, while interesting to me, was also hella annoying!!
My English classes made me afraid to get into academia because they all made it seem like there were one or two proper ways to read a story and if you didnā€™t immediately come to one of those conclusions then youā€™d be treated like you were stupid or hadnā€™t actually read the text.
This post also claimed that English classes teach you how to spot misinformation ???? The only thing even close to that would be history classes where we would sometimes discuss propaganda. Most of English class is reading assigned literature and then painfully sitting through the teacher trying to lead us into their interpretation. And sometimes you get to write things.
At MOST youā€™re gonna get the teacher telling you that something an author says is incorrect or a lie or that theyā€™re biased but you donā€™t usually practice how to spot misinformation when youā€™re not prepped to find it.
I gained more critical thinking skills from being annoyed by the teachers readings and tearing them apart in my head than I did from any actual assignments. But thatā€™s because I already cared about stories! So i wouldnā€™t have even had that if I didnā€™t already have some kind of interest in the classes subject matter!
Does all this stuff youā€™re supposedly taught in English class happen before high school?? What schools are you guys going to because from my experienced, American high school English classes (like a lot of classes) donā€™t really teach you shit unless youā€™re already interested in the subject.
I also think itā€™s pretty useless and mean spirited to imply people who didnā€™t learn that stuff were just idiots who didnā€™t pay attention. Itā€™d be way more helpful to encourage people to want to learn stuff after school ends!! Not just because learning is fun but also because I feel like a lot of people see learning as something you can only do in schools & such and donā€™t see all the opportunities for self improvement past that!
Sorry I have no idea why a single one paragraph post bothered me so much, I think itā€™s cuz itā€™s past 10 pm šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so slightly annoying things lead to entire damn rants. I donā€™t even know if they were talking about American education I just was suddenly flooded with a ton of memories and barfed them out here.
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spro-o Ā· 1 month
Heey i have question that has been on my mind for some time now, this question is more what I heard not really my own opinion. But anyways is lancelot x tristan/ban x meliodas even good ship? I seen some many talk about how theos two ships are baf because for Lancelot and Tristan they have no real relationship in canon or what so ever. Coming to ban x meliodas they more like best friends. Is that true?šŸ¤” I very cousfed if it rignt to ship or not.
hello!! okay im gonna ramble a bit cuz i love yapping about this kinda stuff and dont wanna clog up any feeds, so ill add a 'read further' here :3
i feel like its not very surprising that i do think both ships are good (especially melban). i think that for both of them- yes, they can definitely be read as just being friendships and nothing more than that, but i guess the charm of shipping and headcanons is that you can add in your own interpretations and additions which you think feel right :3
a lot of the interactions between mel and ban, for example, i read as being pretty homoerotic/gay. thats mostly because, as a gay/queer guy myself, i find myself relating a lot to the stuff they do together when comparing it to me and my bf, and also because they are my favourite characters and headcanoning them as being the same sexuality (and gender) that i am is like a little golden sticker saying "fav character" (godbless projection onto your blorbos).
in general, i think its pretty common consensus, at least in my circles, that ships dont have to stick 100% to what the canon says/shows, and you can always add in your own ideas or headcanons to create a relationship either between your favourite characters, or one which you think would be interesting to see, or just one which you think would provide a fun/interesting addition to the story. and in my case, its all of those - i really just adore the dynamic meliodas and ban have, and in addition to my gay reading of a lot of their interactions with one another, it just feels right and fun to ship them (this applies to lancetris as well, but to a slightly lesser extent/not exactly the same)
so yeah, thats my stance on it!! i really like lancetris and adore melban, and i think (considering how much reconning has happened on the fandom's part towards nakaba's,,,, decisions,,,,) it doesnt do harm to read certain friendships as having romantic or sexual under- or overtones
i also feel like i should mention that i only really ship lancetris and melban in separate circumstances, if that makes sense - like, i ship melban a lot harder than lancetris, so whenever i do make any ship art of them (lancetris), i think of meliodas' and ban's relationship like more of a qpr than a fully romantic one, just cuz i feel like it makes it better??? more likely??? less weird?? idk if im making much sense here, but yeah, so thats sm (i guess i also just wanted to state that to clear anything up, cuz i do know how having ship art of both lancetris and melban could come off as kinda weird to some, but idk, maybe im overthinking it (ļæ£ā–½ļæ£)")
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dasboligrafo Ā· 8 months
7 Takes on The Double Life of Veronique
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You know the thing where you like the same thing as a terrible person?
I guess even Lear-esque cringey edgelords like great movies and Keith McNally is not wrong about Sexy Beast and definitely definitely not wrong about the Double Life of Veronique, a movie I've now seen 3x, 2 of which ended in helpless tears (the only way I know if something is art).
This movie was a selection by McNally at a Roxy Cinema mini-festival in October 2023. As I told the crew who I invited (tricked?) to see the movie: now it's your turn to think about it for 15 years!
I love the moment after the movie when people are asking helplessly -- but what does the movie mean?!? And I really, really love the moment when people get angry at the end of the movie. These are real emotions! What's the last time a movie made you think anything other than "god, that was 45 minutes too long?" (The Double Life of Veronique is under 100 minutes! yessss)
[I didn't hear it cause I was, like, weeping, but my friend said at the end a guy behind us was angrily griping that the movie was too slow? Huh? Stuff is literally happening every moment of the movie? There is not a single wasted scene, line or frame? What even are these senses whose proofs we can so liberally ignore?]
Since it might be another 15 years until I see it again and I don't have the benefit of just having written a college thesis that was mostly about Lacan via Zizek, I thought I would type out a few thought exercises/interpretative frameworks that I think apply to this movie:
The contingent nature of the universe/the senselessness of existense -- probably the easiest to justify, especially in the context of Kieslowski's complete ouevre, in consideration of his personal history, based on the interviews he's given, etc...
What to do about emotional apocrypha ā€” what do you do with and about feelings that seem to come from nowhere? Feelings are "real" and we know now (i.e. the science is now there to tell us, eg Lisa Feldman Barrets's fascinating work) they're not in any way subservient in value or usefulness to "reason"; like if anything the opposite, emotions are the "why" and reason is the very patched together and incomplete "how" behind what we are and what we do. Worth thinking about why it is Kieslowski's most compelling films have female protagonists given the historical association to the binary genders for emotion vs reason.
The duality and dichotomy of post-war East/West Europe -- I think this one is sorta obvious but not less resonant? There's a good article out there about how the film predicted a lot of the consequences of the EU. Elsewhere I've read that Polish critics pilloried Kieslowski for a traitor to his kind over this theme, which reminded me of the story about how Bach's works were sometimes not well received by the church patrons who got to hear a lot of it first because they thought it was too dour -- imagine you have the greatest musician who will ever live as your church musician and your biggest peeve is his music isn't fun enough for Sunday. In any event this is a major theme in Three Colors, and I'm sure there's no accident that this movie and the Trilogy are connected by the same fake composer (key work = "Song for the Unification of Europe"...)
Return to theory in film (Zizek) -- he wrote a whole book about it. I'm not sure I agree Kieslowski's films make the case for the return to Theory (ie I think you can interpret his movies without it.) But the fact that you can so unbelievably seamlessly integrate his films to a Lacanian framework gives me that feeling of the inevitability of Lacan.
Art Cinema's enduring interest in interrogating the limits of its medium -- which of course is also present in art literature for its own medium, and frequently not only present but foregrounded in theatre. The Puppetmaster is a clear analogue to the filmmaker (and of God, lmao...they can't help themselves), but also all the unbelievably uncomfortable sex scenes in this movie are a masterclass on the male gaze and how you constitute and undermine it...etc.
Space-time Travel (Zizek) -- right away, I'm going to say I don't think this one is all that interesting, but it's what Criterion chose to accompany the 15th year re-release of the movie. So...ok šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I'd say that listening to physics podcasts has convinced me of the value of a literary education (those hermeneutical skills come in so handy), so I see the relevance of thinking of these two together, but I also feel like the fake math is the part of Lacan I always found a little too silly to stand.
The agony of art as vocation -- I'm sorta lazily splitting this out from #5 just because when I originally wrote this post I had 7 points and now I can only remember 6 of them, and I like the resonance of 7....There's a Badiou-esque invocation of the four types of truth procedures at work in this movie that could easily fill the pages of another unread senior thesis: science -- the zizek time travel thing, the way the movie is, actually, concerned with the explanation of what is happening and why, rather than just accepting as a premise that there can be doubles in the world; politics -- the scene where Weronika meets Veronique is at a political rally, the east/west thing mentioned above, etc; art and love, obviously.... But the key to the "plot" of Veronique's life is "Does she keep singing, even if it kills her?"
Random closing thoughts:
I'm still thinking about and cannot resolve the mystery of the subplot about Veronique testifying in her friend's divorce(?) trial. What does it mean?
One thing that always bothered me about Kieslowski is a feeling i have that his movies are slightly (high key???) exploitative of his actresses, which seems like shabby repayment for their taking considerable artistic risks. Maybe I'm just getting this feeling from applying Lacan and Zizek to his movies though (that's two dudes who definitely don't understand about women...). I'd like to think I'm wrong about this, his masterworks are all with women and "about" women. I don't think he doesn't get this, though, see again the Puppetmaster (surely one of the creepiest dudes to ever grace an art film and that's saying a lot).
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ghostflowerhotpotch Ā· 9 months
About canon or not canon
This is time around I am talking about fandom issues, not Miguel's theory, so is okay if you want to scroll past this.
I had mentioned this off-hand before in other post, but I feel is always good to do some reminders, specially since I had gotten past a certain number of followers, and the last time I mentioned this I feel it was awhile ago.
I do not care what about canon or canon ships when is about fandom works.
I feel I need to make this clear because I had seen a few "How people could like X ship?! It doesn't make any sense!"
My answer? It doesn't matter, this is about having fun.
I don't know how many people actually know this but I RARELY ship canon ships, this has been happening more as of recently but for the most part I had shipped niche ships or even crack ones.
I consider that the best fic I had ever done, is for a ship that is so minuscule there is only 4 fics in ao3, and 2 of those are mine. And believe me, it makes perfect sense, those characters work together in my head and few others.
But fandom has zero to do with canon; fun story guy did you know the first type of fandom as we know it, was shipper of Spock x Captain Kirk of Star Trek? They would have zines with fics, they will hold reunions to talk about the characters, draw comics about it; the creators and the actors even KNEW about this!
But that ship was never canon, and even if people saw potential in it; it doesn't matter. Fandom is to have fun, not to try to limit how people create.
By the way, if you think this take is weird for the type of content I make, let me say it this way: I think people writing about X ship or writing a character in Y way is okay; I can understand sometimes it can feel frustrating and I am not saying you have to like it.
Everyone had been frustrated for that one story they read where the character they love is completely out of character and you want to rage quit; and I get it, I had gone to my friends to rant sometimes about things like that.
Because let's remember, did this person write this story for me, or did this person write the story this way because it thought the idea of X character doing something in specific sounds like fun for them?
I think we all know the answer.
So no, I can get being frustrated, and that's fine and natural, but one thing is how you behave with a few friends in private while talking about petty things; vs trying to scream in a public place where people, including that person, can see.
You are entitled to your own opinion, in your own space, specially when it wasn't asked. Is not hard.
"Then why you do stupidly long essays about what is happening in the movie?"
Because there is a different of what I write in my fic vs what is happening in the canon story!
Because canon and fanon aren't the same thing! And is much better that way.
Canon cannot be as weird or corny or dumb at times, because it cannot be everything people want; so is nice to have people going crazy with wild ideas. And fanon shouldn't limit itself because is about being creative and seeing how far the human imagination can go.
I think is important remember what happened in canon because I had seen literal people have interpretations of a character (which is fine and dandy,) and then try to say is canon and people who disagree are haters (NOPE.)
I like discussing what the hell is going down the movie because I love the canon material and exploring those topics is fun for me, and because I want to have a way to say "I believe this is what went down and here is my reasons for it." Maybe is the ADHD or maybe is the trauma but I like to be able to justify my response.
But I also recognize when something is totally not canon and I am just exploring ideas. I also like to talk about how things could had been handle better in canon; (because a teen who is just starting doing fanfics should be as cringe as they want, but when the source material is fucking up a story then this is an entirely different story.) That's fun for me too.
Sorry this got so long, it was suppose to be a short message, but like I say, I like to be able to justify my response.
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theblackinnkeeper Ā· 3 months
Komahina is not better than hinanami a response to @serahne
This is another response post Iā€™m making to respond serahne on her post on why she ships komahina and doesnā€™t like hinanami. I understand everyone is entitled to their opinion however this was so atrocious I couldnā€™t help but respond(begins under the cut)
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Okay first off Nagito didnā€™t try to kill everyone because he was heartbroken (in fact that would make komahina look even more toxic) he killed because he found out the truth that everyone was an ultimate despair except for nanami I canā€™t believe I have to explain that to a komaeda fan now my stance on nagitoā€™s actions still havenā€™t changed but if she makes this mistake weā€™re in for a fun time
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Lady this guy saw his whole desire and still rejected it I donā€™t think itā€™s gonna be that easy
Another thing I hear people like you criticize hinanami saying that having Chiaki encourage hajime makes their relationship dependent and therefore toxic and you have no problem letting nagitoā€™s development depend on hajime
Iā€™m annoyed you donā€™t see the irony here
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Iā€™ve read it it sucks donā€™t bother looking at it but no he is not and everything you use as proof is either taken out of context or twisted to fit your interpretation he may have trouble facing it sometimes but to say he is someone who runs from it all the time is a clear mischaracterization
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Doesnā€™t help that he tried to frame himself as the culprit wait I thought he was supposed to be the hard route
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Yes nagito motivates him to find the truth but thatā€™s because he wants to see hope succeed
Conveniently forgetting memory loss aside hajime doesnā€™t not try and deny heā€™s not an ultimate although it reopens some emotional wounds for hajime
Another thing apparently rejecting a toxic and abusive worldview is escapism and you should just stay in it thatā€™s right let the walking rotting Corpse enforce this toxic worldview while all youā€™re insecurities come and resurface sheesh
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Uh he is scared because we learned just how deranged nagitoā€™s plan was and even then hajime is still left with more questions than answers about nagito after the trial
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Are you being serious right now komaeda never does that the whole message of the hopes peak storyline is that youā€™re talent or past do not define who you are or your path in life and that you can choose your own path nagito is the antithesis of the message he equates talent with worth holds ultimates as the center of the world and views those without talent as expendable he constantly beats it into hajimeā€™s head that he is worthless and expendable Chiaki is the one who helps him accept himself the classmates are the ones who help him accept himself nagito doesnā€™t do that
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1. Nagito made himself look like the killer
2. Doing that would mean falling into monokumaā€™s trap
3. Yes that the whole message of the hopes peak story I guess hajime shouldā€™t even be here then
4. Nanami belives that her talent limits her take her perspective into account
5.hinata isnā€™t depressed he doesnā€™t show any sighs of clinical depression
6. Great so apparently the guy who dictates worth by talent is a better match for a guy who struggles with insecurities of being talentless than a girl who loves and accepts him regardless of being talentless in a story the criticizes the mindset of dictating worth by talent good grief
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itsyourstarboy Ā· 1 year
I did a little analysis of Honey's behavior during the new audio because I will keep listening to it and also I like reading too much into character dialogue and actions
Putting it under the cut cause spoilers
First off, Honey immediately opening the door for Guy upon hearing they had the place to themselves
They are so in love with him
The two of them are literally aware of their mutual crush on each other, but they still don't act on it smh my head.
Why? Well I have a sneaking suspicion that Honey is scared of rejection.
Baby doll who hurt you
They've gone out of their way to get physical affection from Guy before, and he's noticed.
When Guy flusters them, they don't get angry or annoyed. They just don't know how to react, so they playfully hit him. And it's always done with a smile on their face.
I've said before that they can reach Guy levels of mushy (which has been proven in past audios), but now I see they can match Guy's energy in any situation.
They play along with his dramatics sometimes, and they tease him in the same way he does them.
Guy mentions that they've made sexual innuendos in the past. He makes them more often, but they've had their moments.
And their moments are so out of line, that Guy says it could put him to shame.
Honey is emotionally constipated, we all know it, but it has finally been outright said in canon.
Or "emotionally reserved," as it were...
They are so unsure of themself even when Guy is practically pouring his heart out. Poor thing needs straightforward, clear, verbal confirmation on how he feels.
They asked him if he meant it (my heart)
Guy basically says 100 different ways that he meant it. Honey's not saying anything, so he's just repeating himself without echoing his previous statements until they understand šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
He's so nervous he keeps talking god he's so cute
Its not until after Guy says he's willing to date them not as a joke that they finally make a move. They need so much reassurance.
*ahem* sorry.
Okay, the kiss
I knew Guy wouldn't be the one to initiate it, he lets Honey take things at their own pace.
It was so spicy omg Guy was not kidding about the sexual tension
Again, Honey does not understand social cues lmao
They literally asked if him breathlessly saying "fuck" with the dopiest smile on his face was a good thing.
They asked again when he said he was speechless šŸ˜‚
And he reassured them like the sweet boi he is.
Honey felt so vulnerable that when Guy cracked a joke all they could do was hit him. They were feeling so much at once.
Guy was saving that joke for this moment, we all know.
Honey agreeing when Guy says they have more fun ways to shut him up now šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
They either when straight to home base after this, or just made out but I guess that's up to listener interpretation
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