#to take an illegal dragon from his eleven(?) year old brother
pocketedxoxo · 1 month
im still so mad that charlie weasley didn’t ride into the battle of hogwarts on a fucking dragon with his friends
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alistonjdrake · 3 years
Part Two: The Council’s Dragon
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Prince Leonides an’Frederick Harver Born: Year 1750 after the fall of the Saints. Mother: Queen Isolde ana’Juliano Rios No spouse
Leonides an’Emilio Barraza was executed in the hanging courtyard at Alda stronghold, the procedure was watched over by King Frederick and Queen Isolde as well as by a large party of courtiers in order to discourage further talks of rebellion and dissent from the Barraza house. While there were no strong ties that  Leonides an’Emilio Barraza himself was a Harver critic or a rebel besides his supposed relationship with the queen, him being chosen as the scapegoat likely falls on two things. 1. The first being that he was one of the only Barrazas left in Graza as most had left the capital in protest after King Frederick’s coronation. 2. It was likely a decision owed in part to Lady Helena who had uncovered the plot to begin with and was deeply concerned with cleaning up the budding family’s reputation.
All of this is relevant because after Queen Isolde’s dedicated period of mourning she was reintroduced to court briefly to announce her pregnancy to a child she would eventually name after the boyfriend her husband killed.
Despite the tumultuous surroundings of Prince Leonides’ early life, his childhood was not irregular for an Escana prince. He was too young to remember much of Queen Isolde when she died, but as she had more or less confined herself away from court with him until her untimely end, she left behind letters and a journal for him to read so he could posthumously form a relationship with her. 
He also got the benefit of Lady Helena’s attentive educational practices and as the boy grew to have a shirking resemblance to King Frederick, was even perhaps doted on more than his elder brother. 
Prince Leonides took a keen interest in studying history and languages. Although he never gained the deep appreciation or focus for foreign affairs and cultures like his grandmother and older brother, he became very knowledgeable about them. And he was a talented child, a strong reader, and became efficiently fluent in several languages by the time he was twelve. 
Although Prince Leonides was not given an education any different than Prince Cidro’s he seemingly came out of it, to some reports, “more mature” and “wiser”. At a young age he was able to hold compelling conversation with adults. At ten, he was studying law with his uncle and by eleven had begun to show a keen interest in court politics. 
Perhaps what helped him garner respect about his elders so quickly is that Prince Leonides also hit a growth spurt rather young with some estimating that he stood around 5′7 (170 cm) at the age of thirteen, towering above his older brother and able to look much of Graza’s adults in the eye.
Prince Sebastian, his uncle, especially took an interest in Prince Leonides’ early education and expanded his lessons on law and politics until they reached a sort of “trial run” where Prince Leonides would often help his uncle with his day to day tasks in the privy council which would eventually lead to Prince Leonides being appointed to the council at the age of fourteen. The youngest member ever to be a part of the governing branch, and while that is impressive, it should also be noted he started his career as an assistant-secretary and mostly handled paperwork, calculations, and translations until he was older.
Leonides would quickly build a reputation in the council and would be considered one of its most influential members. By his twenties, it was no secret that bills or proposals without his support would never reach the king and that Leonides always found a way to enact the things he wanted. Outside of the council, he became known for his calculating nature or was dubbed the “eyes and ears” of Graza Palace as there was little that ever avoided his attention. 
It was no secret that Prince Leonides could be fiery and passionate about politics but evidently little else excited him.
Perhaps guided by Prince Sebastian, Leonides made it his duty to know things. When his uncle retired, he would be the one who took up the supposed mantle of masking his father’s scandals and private affairs and many would say he would go on to do the same for his siblings and cousin, keeping their private and public lives in check. 
More than his intelligence and prowess in the council, however, many gossips in Graza Palace were drawn to him simply because of how distant he was from his peers. Prince Leonides never engaged much in the social culture and while he was considered handsome and accomplished with no short supply of potential suitors, he made no romantic endeavors besides brief attempts at required arranged courtships as a prince looking to push the Escana agenda forward. There were rumors that, at the age of eighteen, Prince Leonides had a dalliance with a political writer and famous monarchy critic Valera de Martí during his stay in the empire, but no such things have ever been corroborated by Prince Leonides although he is the one who formally exiled the activist and signed the order to have his books burned. 
Much of his young adulthood was served in his father’s shadow and helping him with the business of running an empire as well as managing much of the domestic publics and affairs in Graza. And there have been those who have been critical about this and assumptive about Prince Leonides’ ambitions. 
While Prince Cidro married and traveled, Prince Leonides stayed in Graza or went wherever King Frederick ordered. He has remained busy, whether it be with council work or cleaning up a family member’s mess. 
At times he has been described as a bit of a bully if not someone who at times can have a cruel or at least a pitiless streak. Leonides has been known to be especially harsh when it comes to those he has disagreements with and has been cutthroat about his council work, some say he often resorts to blackmail and extortion if he must. The low end of his accused crimes being intimidation and the high end being murder conspiracy. In fact, the Order of the Knights reportedly have opened several cases into possible illegal conduct on his part but have always had their investigations shut down.
in 1782, Prince Leonides is thirty-two years old and has solidified his position as both King Frederick’s most trusted adviser and the best speaker in the council. He remains single and wholly focused on his work, only taking breaks to occasionally torment his younger siblings. 
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zcldrizes-a · 5 years
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“  𝐢 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮. ”  ⋰ harry potter verse.
Firstly, let it be known that again, this verse contains triggers for abuse, and for violence and mature themes. This is largely drawn from a character I had on other platforms for the past three/four years. This verse can span timewise over the period within Hogwarts, the Battle of Hogwarts, or after. I was in HP Verse for about ten years of my roleplay life as my main verse, so I am happy to rely on book or movie headcanon, but this blog will never acknowledge Cursed Child.
Within this verse, Daenerys was born into a Pureblood family, centric to European areas. Distantly related to the Malfoys ( and by default the Blacks and Lestranges ). The Targaryen bloodline has been omitted from the majority of history books as a result of the atrocities committed during the original Wizarding War, and her father’s crimes. They held a large amount of wealth and prestige within the magical world, and were considered high within the class system.
The Targaryens had owned and operated the dragon sanctuary in Romania for centuries, breeding and conserving various endangered species of dragon, and ensuring that the dragon population remained high and unharmed by those who would seek to destroy it. During the rise of Voldemort, Aerys Targaryen was discovered smuggling dragon eggs into illegal trade, for the use of Voldemort’s forces in taking control of the Wizarding World.
Upon further investigation, the Ministry discovered Aerys had committed much worse atrocities - he had been attempting to alter dragon eggs in order to create enhanced breeds of dragons. Such cross contamination of species was illegal as per rules written by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and has been condemned as one of the worst crimes within the field. His licence was revoked immediately, and upon attempts of Hitwizards to extract him from the Sanctuary, he unleashed several dragons in his defence, resulting in most of the Aurors and Hitwizards being burned alive. Both he and his wife, and their oldest son, were killed in the subsequent conflict, leaving only his second son and his baby daughter alive to be taken in to foster care and to be raised by other families.
Initially raised by Muggles, Daenerys and her brother Viserys were not exposed to magic again until Viserys reached the age of eleven, and was offered a place at Hogwarts. Believing he was sent to boarding school, Daenerys remained raised by Muggles without knowledge of where he truly was (whom she adored) and could never understand why her older brother was so cruel to them. By the time she reached the age of eleven, her brother was old enough to take her into his custody, and due to the cruel nature of his friends, he had a tendency to treat her with the same ruthless manner at times. Because he believed their bloodline too good for Muggle association, he obliviated their fosterparents so that she would have no contact with them in the future, ensuring their interactions ended there.
Sorted into Slytherin in her time at Hogwarts, Daenerys for the most part kept to herself. Her wand is ebony wood, with a dragon heartstring core, 12 inches, and with supple flexibility. She excelled in Care of Magical Creatures, and Defence Against The Dark Arts. Her worst subjects included Transfigurations and Divination. When eventually able to produce a patronus, it was a dragon. During the Battle of Hogwarts, her empathy for Muggles ensured she fought alongside those who opposed Voldemort’s reign. Responsible for the death of her brother in the final battle, who had since chosen to side with the Death Eaters, she was left alone.
As remedies for her actions during the Battle of Hogwarts, the Ministry restored her claim to the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary that her family had owned. Working alongside Charlie Weasley, Daenerys actively studies dragonology in the hopes of better understanding the creatures, and ensuring their kind continue.
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akingslayerx-blog · 5 years
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V E R S E S   part 2
WESTEROS; A world power divided into SEVEN kingdoms, divided in turmoil.
( The North , The Riverlands, The Westerlands, The Erie, The Reach, The Stormlands,&& Dorne, )
The Monarchy is dying, the King little more than a figure head. A KING would sit on the throne (no longer IRON), a seat once held by a Tyrannical Targaryen. EVEN with a king, never again would the people allow ALL of the power to rest with one individual. AND SO, a COUNCIL of SEVEN was formed. A seat for every ‘KINGDOM’. Along with the council, there would be an official ELECTED by the people of Westeros, the Hand. The title taken from a time now over, the HAND would no longer serve the KING but THE PEOPLE INSTEAD.
Westeros is a striving country with all of the modern conveniences. The people no longer fear the wars of kings and liege lords. Robert Baratheon rules as the current King, Cersei Lannister as his Queen, both figure heads more or less. In the position of Hand, the people have elected Jamie Lannister, twin brother of the Queen and the eldest son of one of the most prominent families in Westeros. A representative from every ‘KINGDOM’ sits one the council. In the coming months, the SEVEN ‘Kingdoms’ may soon become eight when the people of WESTEROS vote to either elect THE IRON ISLANDS as a kingdom of it’s own or to leave the island as a part of the NORTH.
On the surface, Westeros is a forward moving country. Technology is advancing everyday, health care and the happiness are the government’s biggest CONCERN. Overall, it is more than a pleasant place to live.
But there are whispers to the North, of a nameless fear, of the dark night, of the dead rising beyond the Wall. But the Northerners are superstitious bunch, && the south only see these whispers as SUPERSTITION. AND to the East another threat grows, an ancient MAGIC, a girl with Targaryen white hair and DRAGON FIRE.
Jaime is in his SECOND year as the Hand, with his father guiding him, he will continue to lead WESTEROS into a bright future. BUT a rebellion threatens the peace Jaime has fought so hard to maintain. Rebels in HIS borders concerned with that nameless evil have begun to cause panic in the streets of WINTERFELL, and have plans to move SOUTH. .
Tywin Lannister is a well like member of parliment and owner of Lannister Communication Systems. The entire Lannister family are in the publice eye, not only because of Tywin's noterity and wealth but because of Cersei's marriage to the reknown Robert Baretheon, Britan's Hero. Jaime was groomed to take his father's place, maybe not politically but definetly in the role of CEO. Jaime on the other hand had other plans. After college, and a promising career as an Equestrian, Jaime joined the military. (to be developed) .
The Lannister family prided themselves on their pureblood. When a man appeared that called himself Voldemort appeared, Tywin Lannister was intelligent enough to keep his distance. Even as other pureblood families joined what they called the 'cause', the Lannister family remained neutral. From an early age it was clear how easily magic would come to Jaime. When he was eleven years old Jaime began his first year at Hogwarts, where he was sorted into house Gryffindor. Sorting did not go as the boy planned, only because his sister had been sorted into Slytherin house. His years at Hogwarts were spent fighting rumors about is family and hiding his relationship with his sister. Despite it all Jaime made it through Hogwarts with the highest marks. He played on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and even lead the school's Dueling Club. Jaime made it through his OWLs easily, a career as an Auror waited for him. (To Be Continued)
Jaime Lannister is a R E C E N T transplant to the sleepy town of Riverdale from London. Why exactly the Lannister family is moving the United States, to Riverdale, of all places isn’t exactly known, except for the occasional ‘ FOR A FRESH START ’ line from Tywin Lannister and every servant the family brought with them. Suspiciously enough, Jaime’s twin sister was shipped of to the best ALL GIRL’S school in New York.
But rumors follow the Lannisters like a bad smell. Rumors of inappropriate relations, murder, and of course scheming.
How will this lacrosse playing Brit take to sleepy Riverdale? Wait && See.
FC Taron Egerton.
After Winter came and the dead followed, Westeros was lost. Soon after Westeros, the dead continued to move south, and the east, consuming the known world. Jaime and a small group of survivors made it past the known world, to a place call Middle Earth. ( To be developed more)
AU  ;    M A R V E L
Jaime Lannister was born into a wealthy family in Great Britain, his father a member of Parliament and the CEO of the Lannister Corporation. He attended the best schools, the best university. But the life of a CEO, of a politician did not seem the least bit fulfilling for Jaime. During his second year at University, Jaime joined the Royal Marines without the blessing of his father. It was there that he found his true talent. It was clear from the very beginning that he was born to hold a gun, his marksmanship being astoundingly excellent. Jaime spent his twenties making his way through the ranks of the Royal Marines, until he was recruited into the SBS. (Special Forces of the Royal Marines.) In the SBS, Jaime did many morally questionable things. Some of those things haunted him.
Jaime’s squadron, squadron X, found it’s self in Nigeria, providing back up to local forces in hopes to stop the illegal transpiration of Ivory and Vibranium. While the confiscation of the black market items went on without a hitch, transporting the Ivory and Vibranium turned to be more problematic.The convoy was hit with a series of bombs, leaving the majority of Squadron X dead, and Ulysses Klaue now with the Vibranium and Ivory in hand. Klaue knew who Jaime Lannister was, he knew the price Tywin Lannister would pay to have his son returned to him, even if his son were maimed.
To no surprise Tywin did pay the ransom, but the man who returned home was not the man had left for the jungle. Thirty percent of Jaime’s body was burned, his right hand, his trigger hand was completely gone and due to a head injury Jaime was left in a coma and unresponsive.
Fast forward three years : Tywin has spent a fortune in healing his son’s brain injury, to no avail. Until he stumbles upon an abandoned American military project called Weapon X. Jaime was injected with a serum meant to bring out any latent mutant abilities. The process was insanely painful, but it did bring Jaime from his coma. The process made Jaime more than a little unstable, his memories more or less gone. The mutation that manifested included heightened senses, agility, strength. His ability to heal is quicker than an average human but no where near that of Wolverine or Sabertooth. It also includes a more than perfect aim, Jaime never misses his mark even with a bionic hand.
Jaime would end up leaving his family and making himself a name as a mercenary known as the Kingslayer. .
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
Must Reads Part 14
This week we have a monster-slaying family, a floating city, a pet black hole, and more!
--Before She Ignites by Jodi Meadows “Before Mira Minkoba is the Hopebearer. Since the day she was born, she’s been told she’s special. Important. Perfect. She’s known across the Fallen Isles not just for her beauty, but for the Mira Treaty named after her, a peace agreement which united the seven islands against their enemies on the mainland. But Mira has never felt as perfect as everyone says. She counts compulsively. She struggles with crippling anxiety. And she’s far too interested in dragons for a girl of her station. After Then Mira discovers an explosive secret that challenges everything she and the Treaty stand for. Betrayed by the very people she spent her life serving, Mira is sentenced to the Pit - the deadliest prison in the Fallen Isles. There, a cruel guard would do anything to discover the secret she would die to protect. No longer beholden to those who betrayed her, Mira must learn to survive on her own and unearth the dark truths about the Fallen Isles - and herself - before her very world begins to collapse.”
The preview on Goodreads first shows Mira as she address the citizens of her home island about a recent earthquake and then she goes off to a walled area where dragons come and go as they please. The next chapters then cuts to her being lead into the Pit. As of this moment we do not know what she discovered that caused someone(s) to betray her. But I have heard there is something to do with some illegal dragon trafficking. Which sounds amazing for a few reasons. What small look we did get at the dragons in the first chapter is that there are a lot of different types and they don’t speak; unlike most other fantasy stories. I can really get behind a giant dragon rescue mission. It sounds promising but I have also heard that it time hopes quite a bit so there is some worry it could get confusing. But as long as they explain it at the top of the chapter, then it should be fine. And saw on some of the reviews that how Mira does her counting and how anxiety gets to her is portrayed in a real way in the book.
--The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole by Michelle Cuevas “A girl’s friendship with a lonely black hole leads her to face her own sadness. When eleven-year-old Stella Rodriguez shows up at NASA to request that her recording be included in Carl Sagan’s Golden Record, something unexpected happens: A black hole follows her home, and sets out to live in her house as a pet. The black hole swallows everything he touches, which is challenging to say the least - but also turns out to be a convenient way to get rid of those items that Stella doesn’t want around. Soon the ugly sweaters her aunt has made for her all disappear within the black hole, as does the smelly class hamster she’s taking care of, and most important, all the reminders of her dead father that are just too painful to have around. It’s not until Stella, her younger brother, Cosmo, the family puppy, and even the bathroom tub all get swallowed up by the black hole that Stella comes to realize she has been letting her own grief consume her. And that’s not the only thing she realizes as she attempts to get back home.”
A short children’s book, a little under 200 pages. It sounds pretty cute and silly as various items are sucked into the black hole (I wonder what she’ll name it?). I did read the preview on Goodreads but half of it a list of all the chapters and such do I didn’t get to see much of it. It starts with Stella trying to get into NASA to see Carl Sagan when alarms start to go off. She leaves but as she does has a feeling like something is watching her. It ends with her getting back on a bus to go home and as she passes people on the bus, something of theirs goes missing. Mainly wallets. Aside from a cute story it sounds like a good reflection of how one deals with grief and depression and how that impacts you and everything around you.
--Children of the Whales Volume 1 by Abi Umeda (11/21/17) “In this post-apocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, most dying young from the very powers that sustain them. Chakuro is the Archivist for the Mud Whale, diligently chronicling the lives and deaths of his people. As one of the saimia wielders, whose life spans are cut short by their own magic, he knows his time is limited and is determined to leave a better record than his predecessors. But the steady pace of their isolated existence on the Mud Whale is abruptly shattered when a young girl who seems to know more about their home than they do...”
I heard about this manga earlier this year when it was picked up by Viz. I didn’t know much about it till now. I really want to try this series out. I like the look of the artwork on the cover and the story sounds really interesting. An anime based off the series is being made (is finished?) and will be on Netflix in the US in 2018.
--Confessions of an Imaginary Friend: A Memoir by Jacques Papier by Michelle Cuevas “Jacques Papier has the sneaking suspicion that everyone except his sister Fleur hates him. Teachers ignore him when his hand is raised in class, he is never chosen for sports teams, and his parents often need to be reminded to set a place for him at the dinner table. But he is shocked when he finally learns the truth: He is Fleur’s imaginary friend! When he convinces Fleur to set him free, he begins a surprising and touching, and always funny quest to find himself - to figure out who Jacques Papier truly is, and where he belongs.”
Actually came across this title while re-looking up the description to The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole. It sounds really cute and also a bit sad. Who can’t relate to feeling a little invisible now and again? Jacques won’t be the only imaginary friend in the story, it is another imaginary friend that lets him in on the truth. 
--Odd & True by Cat Winters “Trudchen grew up hearing Odette’s stories of their monster-slaying mother and a magician’s curse. But now that Tru’s older, she’s starting to wonder if her older sister’s tales were just comforting lies, especially because there’s nothing fantastic about her own life - permanently disabled and in constant pain from childhood polio. In 1909, after a two-year absence, Od reappears with a suitcase supposedly full of weapons and a promise to rescue Tru from the monsters on their way to attack her. But it’s Od who seems haunted by something. And when the sisters’ search for their mother leads them to a face-off with the Leeds Devil, a nightmarish beast that’s wreaking havoc in the Mid-Atlantic states, Tru discovers the peculiar possibility that she and her sister - despite their dark pasts and ordinary appearances - might indeed, have magic after all.”
So we have a monster-slaying family in 1909 that used to live in a castle, monster-slaying mother might have disappeared or been captured, a father who definitely has disappeared because of the magician, evil magician is their uncle (not a spoiler, it was in the first chapter on the preview), and a heroine who is going to have do most of her fighting with a cane or while she’s in a wheelchair. Sounds like a good time. And I wasn’t going to mention it at first but I changed my mind: It sounds like a time and gender-bent version of Supernatural. I would like to try it out.
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lavellenchanted · 7 years
Hogwarts Reread Chapters 14-17
Let’s finish this!
extra thought from chapter 13 I forget yesterday: they’re studying treatments for werewolf bites. does that mean werewolf bites can be treated? is it like a timing thing, that if you get to them within a certain timeframe you can prevent the condition taking hold? is this a recent development? did remus lupin have to sit through classes about how he could have been cured if only things had gone a bit differently? does he have to teach classes about how he could have been cured if things had gone a bit differently?
why is remus lupin’s life filled with so much suffering?
it’s easy to feel exasperated because we know that Quirrell’s actually the one behind everything, but my heart melts at how pure Ron and Harry are, trying to be supportive and look out for Quirrell 
I’m willing to bet that everyone doesn’t know that dragon breeding was outlawed in 1709, but that Ron’s picked it up from Charlie always telling the family lots of fun dragon facts
I do wonder what Hagrid was planning on doing with Norbert if the trio hadn’t intervened - maybe keep him wherever he keeps Fluffy who, I just realised, completely vanishes after this book
while I fully understand the need to steamline things for the film, the fact that Malfoy just happens to be around to follow the trio out at night and see the dragon always bugs me
also it means we miss out on Charlie’s friends happily smuggling an illegal dragon into Romania which is a travesty
moment of appreciation for Charlie Weasley, who just decides to roll with it when his eleven-year-old brother writes to ask him to take Hagrid’s illegal dragon away from Hogwarts, you deserved to be in the films Charlie
another moment of appreciation for eleven-year-old Neville getting up in the middle of night and trying to find his way through the castle alone in the dark to warn his friends about Malfoy
McGongall takes 150 points from Gryffindor but only 20 from Slytherin for Malfoy, that is harsh
okay look I get people being upset about losing points, but the fact that they’re turned into total social pariahs for it is just really cruel
also I’m extremely disappointed in the Weasley twins assuming they, like the rest of the team, stop talking to Harry entirely 
other that plot reasons I still don’t understand why this detention happens in the forest with only Hagrid to supervise
literally none of the other detentions Harry gets in all seven books involves anything this level of life-threatening
the centaurs are so much better in the book
moment of appreciation for Firenze, the only person to tell Harry literally anything resembling the truth
so ... is Harry’s scar hurting because Voldemort’s growing in power thanks to the unicorn blood? because presumably it’s not just a proximity thing or it would have hurt before now
because I like to cause pain: do you think McGonagall visited Harry in the hospital wing after everything and blamed herself for not taking him more seriously? I honestly can’t remember another incident where she dismisses him so readily and I wonder if this is why
Snape’s such a dick
every time someone talks about the Dark Side I think of Star Wars and laugh
again I understand streamlining things for film but I hate the way the Devil’s Snare scene was done - this is such a great demonstration of all their different ways of thinking, and both how Hermione panics under pressure (as already seen with the troll), and how despite how talented she is this is still not a world she’s become completely accustomed too because she automatically looks for a muggle solution instead of a magical one
two questions: one, if doors can be charmed so alohomora doesn’t work why not charm the door to Fluffy that way? two, why not charm all those keys but not include the one that actually opens the door, like at this point this is just a giant obstacle course rather than effective protection
the chess game is such a fantastic moment for Ron, I will never not be furious on his behalf about how Steve Kloves destroyed his character
how was the troll even surviving down there?
why even include potions to get through the fire!? why give anyone the chance to get at the goddamn stone
I’m thinking too much about this
eleven year old Harry is braver than I will ever be
I still remember my utter shock the first time I read this and it was Quirrell
basically what I get from this is that if Harry hadn’t decided to go after him, he would never have got the stone out of the mirror anyway and this whole thing would really have been moot
the illustration by Jim Kay of Quirrell unwrapping his turban is honestly terrifying
the school is so fickle like Harry lost points so they all stop talking to him, but hey he nearly died so he’s cool again let’s send some sweets
this is honestly one of my favourite Dumbledore scenes
“to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever” and I’m crying
Albus “I will tell you the truth unless I have a good reason but I won’t lie” Dumbledore lying about why Snape was protecting Harry
Hagrid sorting out the photo album ... I’m crying again
okay I know everyone bitches about Dumbledore waiting until the last minute to dole out the points, but re-reading I wonder if he decided to do it publically because he knows how hard a time Harry, Hermione and Neville have been getting from the rest of the school, especially since he gives Neville’s points last to just tip them over the edge
also they do deserve it, let’s be real
as touching as the film scene with Harry and Hagrid is, it’s a lot better to me that it’s his own idea to screw with the Dursleys by not telling him he’s not allowed to do magic
it’s over and I’m emotional, time to reread the rest of the series
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Science Fiction and Fantasy New Releases: 1 August, 2020
Discover interstellar cops, cyberpunk agents, and vengeance-driven chi cultivators in this week’s new releases.
Alliance Rising (The Star Guild Saga #3) – Brandon Ellis
The aliens want her dead. Easier said than done.
Ali, archaeologist and expert at cuneiform translation, knows about the long-departed Anunnaki slavers, not just because of the ancient writings she has found in Mesopotamia, but because she has their blood running through her veins.
Now Ali’s found a terrifying truth:
The Anunnaki are coming back.
The powers afforded by Ali’s dangerous mixed blood make it just conceivable she can stop them… once she hooks up with the Space Templars.
Oh, and they have to fix a little problem: the Anunnaki left behind portals all around the Earth through which they can pour millions of troops in a matter of minutes.
So the race is on:
Can Ali kill the portals before the Anunnaki kill her?
Edenet (Singularity Sunrise #1) – Kit Sun Cheah
The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence.
Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the fingertips of every user, anywhere in the world. At the heart of Edenet lies a cutting-edge artificial intelligence that regulates all traffic on the network.
And one of its lead scientists has disappeared.
Fearing the worst, Anatol hires psychic contractor James Morgan to track her down. Accompanying him is Eligia Ogrod, the mysterious assistant to Anatol’s CEO. Their investigation takes them through the militarized streets of Warsaw, a corporate fortress in Shenzhen, and the human hives of Hong Kong.
Morgan is no stranger to intrigue. Yet the deeper he digs, the more questions emerge. Who is Eligia Ogrod? What does Anatol want?
And what is the truth behind Edenet?
The Elements (Silver Coin Saga Book 1) – Mark Stallings
Death comes with the Harvest. Salvation lies in the Valley of the Moon, along the path of Martial Magic.
Xan always assumed he would be apprenticed to an herbalist in the sleepy village of Mogu and follow the Path of Peace, just like his father before him. It is the way—has always been the way.
But when his village is sacked by a raiding force of vicious monsters, corrupted by dark Qi, life as Xan knows it is over. Family dead. Villagers slain. His home burnt to ash.
Now, all Xan wants to do is figure out why his people were targeted and get revenge on the merciless creatures sweeping across the continent like a plague of locusts. Spreading their vile corruption. His only hope at salvation and retribution lies in the Valley of the Moon, at the fabled Xing Yi School of Martial Magic. If he is to succeed, he will need to learn to cultivate the energy of the elements, hone his martial and crafting skills, and complete the school’s harsh tests and trials. It will take more than a passing grade at this school, though, and not all that fail survive the experience…
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“They call us Arbiters. We arbitrate conflict to keep the peace.”
In 2853, humanity has established a presence across the solar system. Linked by a network of FTL gateways called Boson Apertures, travel between the 7 colonized worlds and thousands of space colonies takes only hours.
The Sol Federation is the final authority, and the Arbiters travel the system to maintain order.
In 2854, Section 9 uncovers the location of an illegal technology that could unmask a member of The Eleven, their mysterious enemy. Tycho Barrett is grievously wounded during a mission to seize this technology from aboard a ship docked in a remote settlement on Europa, his life saved with cutting-edge cybernetic augmentation.
Tycho and Section 9 must now race against both time and a revenant from the past to recapture the ship and its cargo before the trail vanishes and The Eleven once again return to the shadows.
The Last Voyage (Star Smuggler #1) – T. S. Snow
He’s a criminal. She’s far from it.
Together, they’re Earth’s last hope… they just don’t know it yet.
Sinbad sh’en Singh had everything. A thriving smuggling career, his hologram on wanted posters on eleven planets, and plenty of women. Then she walked into his life.
Andrea Talltrees, member of a backwards cult not believing in space travel or anything else invented after the Twentieth Century.
She wants him to find her husband, a fugitive accused of being an Albegensian spy, the planet currently at war with Earth.
He doesn’t want anything to do with an Earther, but a massive culture clash and a heavy dose of instant attraction get in the way, sending good sense flying out the viewport.
They’ll brave some very unsavory characters, maybe even prevent a second interplanetary war…if they can stop arguing.
  The Pulp Mindset: A NewPub Survival Guide – J. D. Cowan
Out with the Old, in with the NewPub
Nobody reads anymore. In an age where audiences consume more art than ever before, books have remained irrelevant to the ever-changing West. Nothing seems to change this unavoidable reality. The industry is over.
Or is it?
A new frontier has opened where anything goes! We live in a pulp landscape now, a place where the past and present comes together to create a better future. In this book you will learn just what this NewPub world is, how to adapt to it, and change the way you think about everything.
The Rules Have Changed!
You can do anything! The Pulp Mindset will help you adapt to this crazy climate and become the best artist you can be. Read on and join the revolution!
They Call Me Princess (The Fallen World Book 8) – J. P. Chandler
When the Corporate Wars destroyed civilization, the coastal city of Eureka, California, found itself cut off from rest of the world by dangerous radiation zones that killed anyone trying to cross them. In the years following the catastrophe, the community stabilized and found ways to meet its needs—and even thrive—despite the constant challenges.
However, while the radiation zones which created the Eureka Bubble protected the area from the worst ravages of the apocalypse, they also caused severe resource limitations which have become more acute over time and, eventually, the Bubble is going to burst.
Sheltered from even the few dangers of life in the Bubble by her over-protective brother Scott, Kelly Ansen grew up with no memory of her parents or the old world. She contented herself with her simple country home, scratching out a quiet and comfortable existence.
But when she learns the truth about her life and how she became a refugee in the little haven, she is faced with an uncertain future. Reviled by some of her neighbors, there’s no way for her life to return to normal. With the Bubble facing the end of its isolation, though, she is given a new opportunity. Can she carve out a fitting role for herself in this Fallen World?
Wizard Watch (Dragon Wars #8) – Craig Halloran
Ousted through space and time, Grey Cloak and Dyphestive quickly learn that the world is in worse shape than when they left it. 
Stranded in the middle of nowhere, Grey Cloak is onset by a sudden and mysterious life-threatening illness. With his brother’s life in his hands, Dyphestive crosses a barren wasteland with blood thirsty nomads hunting him down. He must protect his brother at all costs before time runs out. 
Separated from allies and civilization, the blood brothers must survive at all costs, for a greater evil has swept the world enhancing the omnipotent power of Black Frost and his terrifying minions. 
Science Fiction and Fantasy New Releases: 1 August, 2020 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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zcldrizes-a · 4 years
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“ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 . ” 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄.
There is a trigger warning within this verse, as I plan to respect most forms of canon where Daenerys suffered some forms of abuse at the hand of her brother. This verse can span timewise over the period within Hogwarts, the Battle of Hogwarts, or after. I was in HP Verse for about ten years of my roleplay life as my main verse, so I am happy to rely on book or movie headcanon, but this blog will never acknowledge Cursed Child.
Within this verse, Daenerys was born into a Pureblood family, centric to European areas. Distantly related to the Malfoys ( and by default the Blacks and Lestranges ). The Targaryen bloodline has been omitted from the majority of history books as a result of the atrocities committed during the original Wizarding War, and her father’s crimes. They held a large amount of wealth and prestige within the magical world, and were considered high class.
The Targaryens had owned and operated the dragon sanctuary in Romania for centuries, breeding and conserving various endangered species of dragon, and ensuring that the dragon population remained high and unharmed by those who would seek to destroy it. During the rise of Voldemort, Aerys Targaryen was discovered smuggling dragon eggs into illegal trade, for the use of Voldemort’s forces in taking control of the Wizarding World.
Upon further investigation, the Ministry discovered Aerys had committed much worse atrocities - he had been attempting to alter dragon eggs in order to create enhanced breeds of dragons. Such cross contamination of species was illegal as per rules written by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and has been condemned as one of the worst crimes within the field. His licence was revoked immediately, and upon attempts of Hitwizards to extract him from the Sanctuary, he unleashed several dragons in his defence, resulting in most of the Aurors and Hitwizards being burned alive. Both he and his wife, and their oldest son, were killed in the subsequent conflict, leaving only his second son and his baby daughter alive to be taken in to foster care.
Initially raised by Muggles, Daenerys and her brother Viserys were not exposed to magic again until Viserys reached the age of eleven, and was offered a place at Hogwarts. Believing he was sent to boarding school, Daenerys remained raised by Muggles without knowledge of where he truly was (whom she adored) and could never understand why her older brother was so cruel to them. By the time she reached the age of eleven, her brother was old enough to take her into his custody, and due to the cruel nature of his friends, he had a tendency to treat her with the same ruthless manner at times. Because he believed their bloodline too good for Muggle association, he obliviated their fosterparents so that she would have no contact with them in the future, ensuring their interactions ended there.
Sorted into Slytherin in her time at Hogwarts, Daenerys for the most part kept to herself. Her wand is ebony wood, with a dragon heartstring core, 12 inches, and with supple flexibility. She excelled in Care of Magical Creatures, and Defence Against The Dark Arts. Her worst subjects included Transfigurations and Divination. When eventually able to produce a patronus, it was a dragon. During the Battle of Hogwarts, her empathy for Muggles ensured she fought alongside those who opposed Voldemort’s reign. Responsible for the death of her brother in the final battle, who had since chosen to side with the Death Eaters.
As remedies for her actions during the Battle of Hogwarts, the Ministry restored her claim to the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary that her family had owned. Working alongside Charlie Weasley, Daenerys actively studies Dragonology in the hopes of better understanding the creatures, and ensuring their kind continue.
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