#took me a while to write but was so fun to answer! thank u 馃槍
sinkableruby 1 year
So, how did you end up stumbling into Monogatari as a series? And who would you say was your Favorite character before Ougi filled that spot? I'd love to ask more about Ougi but, y'know, personal spoilers and all.
oh oh oh yes i have an answer for this one
actually the answer to both is nadeko!! you are right that ougi is my all time fave but nadeko was acc my fave before them and still holds my second place slot!! talking about it below with spoiler talks of otorimonogatari
similarly to you i stumbled upon it in my teens like a while back. my first impression was like the memes and stuff of course with renai circulation and what not. which led to me seeing a comparison video of renai circulation and mousou express, which is super interesting and cool even without context. and scary for that matter mousou express is kind of terrifying. it leaves an incredibly lasting impression, and it certainly did on me back then. of course it helped that i like the songs too. i also saw a clip of her in medusa form which was intriguing (and also i love the design of it). this on its own though was not enough to get me to watch. actually no wait i think i tried to watch it but the order was so confusing that i started with like nise by accident somehow and i had no idea what was going on so i quit lmao. but i was still curious about the series partly due to nadeko and partly bc it was like one of those big shows that you hear about yk
then fast forward a while, i hear the kizumonogatari movies r comin out so im like fuck it lets watch even tho i have no context. luckily they turned out to be prequel stories and my experience was not totally ruined by this move lol. of course, they were really good, those movies are amazing. so now i was like more invested in the story, but only by a little bit more. the final push i needed to actually try to watch (again) was ultimately because i was so curious about nadeko. tbh she was also the reason why i finished the series in the first place. monogatari on first watch for me was overwhelming and very dense (i mean, its a dense show), and before otori i actually wasn't enjoying it like a LOT, especially not with all the weird bits the series likes to throw at you. not to say that i disliked it, it just wasn't like amazing to me. of course now i feel differently and love the early parts of the series very much too, but first watch was slightly rough at times and took me a while to complete. learning what was gonna happen with nadeko was a big motivating factor for me.
but then when i acc got to otori i was like HOLY SHIT ITS ME lmao. i mean id already liked nadeko the best from the very little id seen of her and the fuzzy spoiler memory of vaguely what was going to happen in her arc. but man otori was so good and resonated with me so much, every single moment of it was so gripping to me. i loved the stark contrast in nadeko's perspective from araragi's (esp noticeable in how she sees her classmates), how it's already set up at the very beginning as a story where she Gets Worse so there's a feeling of profound dread surrounding it, her outburst at school (my jaw actually dropped at the "shut up!" i was so shocked and then hyped lol), just like everything about kuchinawa, the incredible ost (not to mention that op of course). ougi actually did contribute to the enjoyment bc she brought up such interesting ideas at the beginning and is generally such an enigma, but shes not the focus here right now i just cant help but bring up ougi in any situation. but yeah otori hands down one of my favorite arcs, one of the ones i still go back to rewatch frequently for the profound effect it had on me and the comfort it brings
its like what you were talking about with hanekawa. nisioisin truly did an incredible job with his characterization to make so many very true-to-life and nadeko is absolutely no exception, she is very relatable to me. i've got a lot of experience in life being shy, quiet, socially anxious, generally anxious lol (although not anymore!), and as 'the sweetheart who can do no wrong', so it's very much nadeko's specific brand of avoidance and like... 'outward-facing personality management' that resonates with me, if that makes sense. i was completely aligned with her during that whole watchthrough of otori in terms of feeling how she felt. i was seeing myself reflected back at me from the screen lol. of course we have lots of differences too but the similarities were really capturing to me on my first watch through and kinda catapulted me to finish the rest. her later appearances only added onto my appreciation of her too. i'll leave it there though since you don't know so much about that yet. when u get there ill probably have more to talk about. but shes a wonderful character love her very much.
also. ghh. i wish i could say more about ougi. you have no idea. im so curious to see what you will think of them. im practically vibrating with how much i want to talk about them (a constant state of being for me). but i wont say anything yet. i will be Hush...
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chelleztjs18 1 year
Hello you mrs. tiramisu eater, unsweetened iced tea drinker, and music lover lefty eyebag 馃槍
How did you sleep? Feeling any better from the allergies?
Tumblr has been wonky lately. Some other authors that I follow are also having issues 馃
Hm, I started not feeling so good sometime Monday. Didn't think much about it. I usually try to prevent being sick before it gets really bad but I guess it got me this time. And no, I had to call in a few days because I couldn't get out of bed at all. Luckily I had PTO I can use.
I wanna try the golf range too. It looks fun. Have you been to putt putt golf? Also, I just remembered we have this bar that has axe throwing, and I thought about you for some reason haha 馃槄
Yeah, it's bad. When my niece was born, I think I went overboard buying her plushies and clothes. When she was 3, I got her this little food truck thing, so she can play and learn stuff.
I like her. She's funny during interviews. A lot of people will probably like your stories for Flo or Yelena if you decide to write them. Your writing is amazing, so no doubt whatever you decide to do will be great 馃檪
Do you have a favorite fairytale?
Hello u!
How r u feeling? Any better? How was ur day?
My allergy is so so.. took another medicine.. i just dont feel good with my body. It feels so sore, my husband massaged me last night because i feel pain on my shoulder blade, he end up did a deep tissue massage because i had a bunch of knots on my muscles. N now im all sore n drained.
Oh wow, so u must felt really bad that u had to call out while u work from home. Im sorry i hv to feel that. Being sick is never fun.
Yes i had tried putt putt golf, it's fun n i love it.馃槄
Aaww ur niece is a lucky one,, has an aunt who spoils her. Thats so nice of u.
Yeah she is funny n hot.hahaha. aw thank u for the sweet words. I appreciate it.
Okay before i answer this, fairytailes? As in like disney fairytailes? How about u answer first so i know what u meant..because im a little confused.
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kittywaffles97 2 years
Ok so,just finished "Not your (fucking) friend" and I'm!!!!!!!! SCREAMING!!!
The side character's relationships,the main ship,I can't 馃槶馃槶馃槶 it was so good djjssjjsjs
Jisung throughout the whole fic was so cute sTOP,the scene he was shifted and ate Minho's food/laid his head on his lap PLEASE 馃ズ I was screeching 馃槶 I'm so happy those two talked and figured it out,everyone were so sick of their bs and honestly FELT 馃槀 It was entertaining watching them struggle keep their hands to themselves tho,loved that tension LMAOOOO It build up a perfect mood for the spicy scene and MmmMMmMmmMMmM 馃槍馃槍馃槍
Also I LOVE how the ending goes and Jisung/Chan/Changbin won't have to just let their boyfriends go djjsjdjsjs THEY'RE GOING TO BE ALL TOGETHER 馃槶馃槶馃槶 (AYO what about seungmin and innie tho 馃え馃馃)
Oooooooooooo talking about Jeongin,why was he staring at Minho? I've been trying to figure it out and I guessed he was maybe jealous or something?
Also chan did stare at Minho at one point and stopped bc of Changbin and hmmm I wonder why 馃
Before I end up sending a whole essay tho I'd better stop and thank u for writing and sharing this fic talented bub,I hope u have a nice day 馃挅
Hi anon! Before anything, thank you for reading NyFF and taking time to send something, I appreciate it a lot!
This fic (monster) took me months to get the atmosphere right and to shape the dialogue and the plot correctly, so I'm happy it worked and gave you something to scream about!!! I had a lot of fun writing it and planning it out, and if you had fun reading it, it's all that matters! Lots of scened just happened tho, some were planned, but I wanted the action to be "realistic" while still being fantasy so I kinda created a lot of side-lore to give it more oomph if u kno what I mean 馃馃
You can absolutely write an essay about it tho (I can't stop u) and speculate all you want, BUT I can give some answers!!!..... Which is why this is gonna become an essay, brace yourself,,,,
I'll start with Innie! The short answer is that he's asking himself lots of questions.
The long answer is that he's a fox, and foxes usually are solitary. They're also usually associated with mystery and the supernatural, hence the weird behavior when compared to wolves. Of course, it's not just that, because Innie's part wolf and tries to adapt to people's behavior around him, especially when he wants to fit in. Here, he wants to be liked by Seungmin (he is) and tries to understand his relationship with Minho. You might not have noticed, but Minho appears, to the wolves in the story, to be the dominant of his group of humans. Innie, by observing him and judging his reactions, is trying to understand where he must stand in what he thinks is similar to wolf pack dynamics. He's also the youngest of them all and surprised to see humans and shifters together because he doesn't know much of his own parents who were also different species. By observing Minho (and his courtship with Jisung) he's trying to determine how to approach Seungmin, and to see if Minho would be willing to give his blessing as Seungmin's closest dominant.
Next up is Chan!!! who is just super confused about the signals Minho's giving. I mean, he says he doesn't want a relationship, panics about it, but then he comes back hours later smelling like Jisung, so Chan's kinda like ???????
As for the staring, wolves don't talk much about courtship and stuff cuz they can take hints easily, which humans can't cuz they can't catch scents and the elements of body language necessary to understand what's going on. Chan, on the other hand, is picking up lots of signals and doesn't know what to make of them. As the "dominant" of his group of friends (because he's the eldest son of the pack leader and the oldest of his friends) he's worried about Jisung and worried about Minho who is now part of his pack through Felix. When Changbin intervenes, it's to tell him to relax and let them be, because Bin understands that humans are clueless about lots of stuff and it's stupid to expect them to act like wolves. His thought process is different cuz where Felix knows some of their customs, Hyunjin's clueless af cuz he's a biologist and not a sociologist.
To finish on something less lore-y, Seungmin and Innie will eventually end up together, because Innie isn't really tied up to a place and will eventually leave the village to discover the world and human society.
On that note, thank you so much for giving me feedback, it made my day 馃ズ (and allowed me to ramble which I appreciate 馃槀), and I hope you're having a nice day and that my rambling brought you some explanation! 馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏
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