#tormenting my fav with the horrors
annqer · 1 month
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my contrition is like ashes, help me in my final condition
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myersesque · 2 months
i should buy some water cube trap strahm shaker charms and attach earring hooks where the keychains used to be. that'd be pretty sexy of me i think
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tinyspringtrap · 2 years
god its time again, I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Bernkastel needs more merch. She deserves it. I’m tired of stupid fanservice-y merch of the higurashi cast give the umineko babes some merch give Bernkastel merch you COWARDS!!!
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chibi-celesti · 1 month
Infelious Rhaplanca (May my Love Reach You Someday)
Pairing: Your TW fav x Reader. (For this story, they are the role of Prefect.) Gender neutral pronouns used for Reader.
Synopsis: You chose to save those you love by ending it all.
(To end the Overblot pandemic, one live is forsakened for the survival of many.)
A/N: Rhaplanca and Maoh are mythological Gods in the lore of Ar Tonelico(specifically AT II: Melodies of Metafalss), but you can perceive Maoh as another way of Reader referring their love as Maoh in this case as they(Reader) are the Rhaplanca of this tragedy.
This is based on the song of the same title of Ar Tonelico III Soundtrack. The translation was from AbstracGarden, one of many channels that have translations of Ar Tonelico and Ar Nosurge songs.
~Infelious Rhaplanca~
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Everyone… I'm so sorry.
I don't want to leave you all, but if I don't do this then you all the rest of the world will suffer.
There is hardly any semblance of life left. The black iquor spreading like wildfire to many realms, transforming-no corrupting-everyone, magical and magicless. Relishing in tormenting so many people of this beautiful world. 
That's why…!
The Prefect of Ramshackle ran as fast they could to the highest point of their destination, the Tower of the Great Sorcerer. While it is leagues away from everyone else fighting for their lives against the Blot in each of the Seven Realms they've seen during their time in Twisted Wonderland, they knew it was the best choice for what they had planned. 
They looked down to their hands at the eight blot stones, knowing the ritual needed them plus one more energy source to expunge the malicious darkness once and for all. Looking back at everything they've experienced in the last year and a half in this world, it was hard to hold back their tears. It wasn't long before the dam finally broke. I don't want to leave you, but I don't want you to die either. Please forgive me, and may my love reach you and others.
They thought back of their friends, the highs and lows they experienced with them. The chaos of challenging each Overblot born from years of concealed anger and sorrow. And lastly, their thoughts drifted to him. That one person who made a difference in their lives. The person they loved so much, one who they wanted to share their future with. Live on for my sake, please?
Once they felt like they had nothing left to shed, they proceeded with the ritual. Placing the stones around them in a circle, they rose to their feet and began the rite of (METAFALICA) to save the world.
~Rrha ki ra chs longherna mea sos juelicc yor etealune,
En wearquewie yorr iehaw anw plargamera der zayea pauwel.~
~Presia, rrha quel ra shyfac rre Lasnatine chs weareqye oz plargmera.~
~En rre murfanare oz mea,
Meycray tes inferiare terrma, Maoh.~
[I call upon the creation of the new World, METAFALICA.]
With each word recited, they felt parts of their body deteriorate. They thought it would hurt more than this; however, that wasn’t the case. It was painless, freeing almost. And the more they sang the rite for crafting a better world, the lighter they felt. The tears fell from their cheeks again, wishing they saw their beloved once more and hoping that he is not angry at their decision to do this.
“Prefect!!” They heard someone shout at them in the tower. They looked as best they could in their current state-
And saw the one they love, battered but still alive. With horror written all over their face. “What are you- STOP!! PLEASE!!” He rushed to their side, begging them not to leave him. He grabbed at them, or as much of them that is left. “Why?! Why would you do this?!”
“I…wanted…to save you… and everyone.” They were beginning to feel tired. “Saving everyone…is more important…than a magicless human’s.”
They shook their head. “No…never…you all…,” they’re having trouble speaking and their eyelids were getting heavy as more of their body faded up to their upper chest. “I love you all…so much…” One more tear slipped from their eyes as they felt their lover leaving them a kiss on their lips one last time.
“I love you, too.” His voice broke as he saw the remnants of his beloved disappear in his arms.
Soon, the ground beneath his feet began to glow, blinding and swallowing him in a warm light. The light continued to spread all over Twisted Wonderland from the Queendom of Roses, Briar Valley and the Far East, to the depths of the Coral Sea and Isle of Woes. Monsters and Phantoms of Blot, and people close to succumbing to the darkness were engulfed in the light. The beasts dissolved away into the light mercifully, and those close to death were healed and rescued from its clutches. The nature of the planet was reforming itself, cleansing away the Blot from its veins.
The Prefect’s last wish to save those they cared about was fulfilled.
Hope you enjoyed this bucket full of angst. The sad feels hit me like a truck and this came out from it.
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
yooo lock from one gamer to another, any recs for the steam summer sale? i've got most horror jrpgs down like misao, ib, and witch's house
ANON FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i was thinking about this ask for a few days and. ahem. in that time, the steam summer sale ended. 😦 just keep this in mind for the next sale perhaps?? alas. here are some of my favorite games on steam .
disco elysium
one of my favorite games of all time. i replayed it recently and have a newfound appreciation for every element of it. the extensive worldbuilding can be overwhelming at first, but i personally enjoyed how fleshed out the world is. the writing is sublime and i've never experienced anything like it across any medium. also it's the only game to have kim kitsuragi so that automatically makes it a 10/10
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divinity original sin 2
this game is another favorite of mine. there were multiple times when i was playing it where i went 'huh, i wonder if i can do so and so' and i could. i killed a giant ogre with like 10k HP by sneaking an invisible character into its vicinity and teleporting it into lava. before leaving an area i killed a character who i bought tons of equipment from and got all my money back. it's just a really entertaining game. you can also play it with friends so that's fun. the game can be as dynamic as you want it to be. i like spending hours researching the most optimal builds but you don't have to be a nerd to make it through the content. or you can be like me and spend thirty minutes setting up explosives and perfectly placing each party member before every combat encounter because i've never felt the touch of a woman
fast paced, fluid combat, greek mythology, killer soundtrack, pretty graphics, and bisexuality. what more can i say. i got such an adrenaline rush after beating the final boss that i almost collapsed onto the ground and rolled around like a pill bug. very very fun and addicting
hyper light drifter
HNGNNGN PRTTY and the soundtrack also slaps here too. the color palette is so gorgeous. once you get into the rhythm of the combat you feel like a god among men. zooming all over the place. nyooooooom.
this game took my heart, ripped it out of my chest, stomped on it, slapped it back into place, then closed my open ribcage with a hello kitty bandaid. i cannot praise it enough. it's charming, the psychological horror is one of a kind; it's a game that seeps under your skin and stays there. if you haven't played it yet and you're comfortable with the dark themes it explores i'd recommend it 100%. go on without any spoilers.
pillars of eternity
i uh. i like CRPGs. pillars of eternity has a special place in my heart because it went onto influence how i do worldbuilding. the game has one of my favorite stories from a CRPG, it's overflowing with creativity that's explored to the fullest. it's also made by the folks who created fallout new vegas so that's a bonus. the combat isn't my absolute favorite when compared to something like divinity original sin 2, but i still found it enjoyable overall. interacting with the characters and the fleshed out world was what i had the most fun with.
planescape torment
this game's combat is scuffed but the story is one of the best across any medium. play on easy i'm not joking the combat does not matter. but the world, the characters, the factions, how it dabbles into philosophy, the story that leaves you with more questions than answers as you progress,, it's just so good. when it's on sale it's ridiculously cheap and so worth the price of admission. there's lots of reading but if you're into the type of stuff you'll love this game. also there's a floating talking skull
va-11 hall-a: cyberpunk bartender action
ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVS THE VIBES ARE IMMACULATE THE WRITING IS IMMACULATE THE ART IS IMMACULATE THE SOUNDTRACK WOULD MAKE BEEHTOVEN JEALOUS and there's also bisexuality here too. this game is an example of the writing i wanted to aspire towards after i played it for the first time. it influenced me heavily.
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inkblot22 · 3 months
thank you for your response :D
any thoughts on a reader who kept on getting in trouble with riddle for "breaking the rules" (she didn't but he wanted an excuse for them to be alone in the garden having tea) and in frustration, insults him and tries to escape afterwards but ofc is caught by his loyal dogs (cater and trey) and as punishment she'll be forced to be heartslabyul's fleshlight (forever) u refuse? aww sorry but it seems the tea was spiked w a little smt so ur not even aware ur holes are being abused! :)
for azul...it's more of a mafia boss au ... but it also works for nre bes jade and floyd will be chasing after you and tormenting azul's precious little slut <3 aww u got tricked into a deal by a sleazy octopus? too bad you'll have to deal with the consequences! maybe they'll force you into an embarrassing slutty uniform? or a maid uniform? flipping your skirt (to your horror) any chance they get to tease you and threatening you that if you disobey or act out, they'll offer your pussy to all their loyal customers to sample.,
I really love your epel work by the way! he is soo scary and gives me the chills in this story and I love your writing style! can't wait to read more to be honest, despite epel not being in my list of favourites I loveee the mask he puts on and how reader sees him for who he really is I'm so ready for crap to hit the fan in upcoming chapters.. oshi no ko is a good story that explores the idol world and lies so it suites epel so well
I can hardly wait for future epel to breed mc … pregnancy kinks r my favs as well …
Hello hello! Your feedback is giving me life, and also same. When I first started playing the game in 2020 (I don't know what tf I was doing because I can't read Japanese except for literally one character, but go off, younger me,) I made a tier list and then some family gremlins broke the computer that stored that file, but I know Epel was C tier for me. Time to do another tier list, ig. As for the breeding, it is coming sooner rather than later. The story being painted will not end with the breedening, as it takes a few days to be able to be aware of conception and the aftermath is often the best part.
The two ideas that you've shared here: The first one reminded me of a pair of headcanons(?) made by @/sinfullyrosey. There's a Fem!reader one and a Male!reader one. This is not me saying that I won't do something with these thoughts of yours, but the first one at least reminded me of these.
FOR THE OCTAVINELLE ONE: that idea just so happens happens to have a somewhat similar plot to one of my more personal writings that I have been contemplating editing so I can post it here. My personal writings tend to be self-inserts, and I entirely admit to having a rather distinctive appearance, but it wouldn't take long to either adapt the story or change the details to be less specific. If I do so, I'm going to tell you right now that that fic will have blackmail, bullying, and be Dead Dove, Do Not Eat. Yk, contractural obligations and all that.
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aghostwithnoname · 2 months
Official Fuck Raphael/Hope Appreciation Post
Okay, so this is probably going to upset people but I don't care. I'm real sick of this "Raphael is so hot" BS. Like, firstly, that man is MID at best. Secondly, are we not gonna talk about the fact this man is a certified abuser in every sense of the word? Like, sure he's sweet-talking and clever (most abusers are imo). Newsflash: real monsters are rarely people you find unattractive!!!
What really grinds my gears is that you can stumble on Raphael making a deal with a literal child re: my sweet baby Mol and people are like, "but he's hot though". You can walk through his fucking house filled with all the poor bastards who never stood a chance making a deal with him, stuck forever being punished for their "sins", and people will be like, "Omg, my little cringe man" like??? (Holy god, that whole quest fucked so hard with my religious trauma.)
But if not the BIGGEST fucking red flag for this public adoration of Raphael is how he's treated Hope. It's like to them, she doesn't even exist!! Like, my girl has been stuck in that House of Horrors for gods know how long, still refusing to give into his charms and his sweetly worded promises of power (unlike Korilla, who gladly abuses her sister for Raphael). And Hope helps you because for once, she finally sees a way out. The personal notes kept by Raphael on Hope's torment that you can find throughout the house are difficult to read: he tried to break her in the most insidious of ways. He was physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive to her, purely for his pleasure. Purely for the reason that he finds it amusing that he can literally torment Hope in hell.
I get that we don't have to morally approve of every character we like! For comparison on liking "bad" characters, say what you want about Astarion -- He's not a great guy! He's done some pretty bad shit! BUT he was FORCED to do all of those things by Cazador. (Also, kindly fuck the Cazador apologists, seriously.) Astarion's jaded selfishness is not who he really is, which is slowly revealed when you show respect for his personal autonomy and literally the smallest amount of kindness, whether or not you romance him. Raphael, on the other hand, wants to hurt people because it feeds into his "Daddy Mephistopheles didn't give me enough attention" superiority complex -- and tbh, that's just fucking pathetic.
The REAL OG who you all should be praising is Hope.
She has been tormented for centuries. She has been victimized by her own flesh and blood for her abuser. She has been shattered and ground down into her smallest pieces until there's almost nothing left… and yet, she hopes. She hopes for freedom. She hopes that her sister will return to being the person she so fondly remembers from her childhood. She hopes she can trust you, in spite of everything she's been through. Not to mention, when you do free her, Hope is literally one of the most badass companions you can have to help you win that fight! (For all these reasons and more, she reminds me a bit of my other fav girl Karlach.)
The reason Raphael delights in torturing Hope is because hope is a dangerous thing to have when all seems lost -- and that's the entire fucking point. This scared shitless little man sought to bend Hope to his will because her persistence/resistance threatened him, and by the gods, she is my favorite NPC because of that.
As someone who has been abused, by other people, by insidious ideologies, I can never ever, ever side with someone who so clearly mimics the very things that tried to break me and kill what remained of my hope. I see myself in Hope. Her indecision, her fear, as she dares to believe freedom is a possibility. The way her dialogue is delivered (much kudos to her voice actor) directly mimics that same scared voice in my head that second guesses myself, that worries I am not enough, that my abusers were right, that I wasn't ever deserving of happiness or being alive -- and then that same scared voice cuts through it all and screams to survive out of spite, to live happily as the best form of revenge.
Again, I get that we don't have to morally approve of every character we like! I totally understand it -- but I also want you all to expend some critical thinking as to perhaps WHY so many people are fawning over a man who is so clearly is a thinly veiled piece of shit over a woman who dared to challenge him, suffered for it, and emerged victorious.
Hope is fucking amazing. She is a gods-damned survivor. She is fury and vengeance and sorrow and joy all at once. She stays in hell to help the other souls tormented and abused by Raphael. She asks that you visit her some time. She strives to create a home of out the house that was her prison… and truly, I hope every day to be more like her.
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“if anyone gave a fuck about my ocs” as if my ears aren’t open and waiting 🙄 your oc content is my fav content (avra counts)
oh tyyyy you little flirt (/j /platonic)
uau :)
Avra, to start off with, if she counts, is so forest animal to me. any forest animal. deer, bear, wolf, rabbit. any and all. The forests have not forgotten her since she was born in them, they are as much a part of her as she is of them and it is no coincidence that trees seem to clear to lead her down paths to where she needs to be. The forest will watch her as she crosses through to ensure that she is safe, it is her mother as much as it is her child.
(Any pronouns, not A girl but still THE girl. Romantically indiscriminate)
Then there's the GK oc crew that i love and hate so much.
Val, who will always feel guilty for being the only one of his siblings to survive, who was a child who had to try and carry the corpses of his brothers as far as he could from his father's reach and yet it was still not far enough, who has nothing left to prove he was not the only one but the pain and torment that plagues his dreams. Who let grief consume him and fester into anger, into rage, until it was no longer about justice and instead became more about something all too similar to resentment. Who killed and killed to try and be strong enough to stop the man who hurt his family, and all those lives were lost for nothing.
(he/him, gay)
Nat, who you could not say survived, who died as much as the rest of their siblings did, though they walk and talk and have a heart that pumps ichor through their veins. They're not sure what they are, but they are not what they once were and not what they one day will be. They are exactly what their father made them to be and everything their father resented. They inflict so much pain and horrors hoping that maybe someone out there would feel it and be able to understand it as Nat understands their own trauma.
(they/them, something. Almost Val's sibling)
(theres more im just lazy)
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molqr · 13 days
the psycho nuts for the ask game lalala
YAUY C: i love to think of The Characters!!! X <- ask game link lalala
blorbo - fav character(s) - ouh god how could i not go for sasha and milla. its obviously them. oleander and loboto are great too but ohh those two have permenant residence in my mind. i tend to think about sasha more because he's an off-putting and very autistic green science man but theyre both great. milla makes me want to fall down on my hands and knees thinking about her for too long. no milla your swag is too strong. they'll kill you. they should watch austin powers movies together and smoke a bunt. they come as a set tbh. do not seperate!!
scrunkly - the 'babies', cuteness aggression character - half the games cast are teens/kids and raz is Literally Ten so the baby half of this is answered for!! why are you a child! anyway real answer though? no idea. i hardly see characters as the baby unless its for the bit. i want to comfort the kid versions of the adult characters you see in memory vaults though, does that count? enough horrors, lets go get you guys an oversized lollipop!!!
scrimblo bimblo - underrated/underappreciated fav - i think frazie aquato, raz's older sister, definitely has horrors and things going on and i wouldnt object to seeing her side of things during psychonaut's story. like, shes a psychic too! but she kept it hidden from her family because they hated them! and then thats suddenly flipped on its head and everything she was taught to hate about psychics, and by exstention herself, was just a big contradictory lie?? dude. i'd kill. theres more i could add onto this but the context is some pretty big spoilers so i shall zip my lipz.... i also need to think about cassie o'pia more. the tall bee lady!!! i really like her level in pn2, ive gotta dig my teeth into her story more. also her and compton qpr realness!!!
glup shitto - obscure fav - i cant think of anybody who feels obscure to me tbh! even the campers in psychonauts 1 have their own quick moments. speaking of, i'll probably go for chloe from pn1. shes just a weird alien girl!! sheegor too, she's great. a true obscure one though?
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this thing. god i love the stupid lungfish baby its so stupid. it only shows up for like 5 seconds and its so fucking funny god
poor little meow meow - pathetic fav - i cant think of any favs i have that fall into the controversial category so im going for guys who are just lame. and i think loboto has plenty of those moments, it has to be coach oleander. hes really lame. i think hes just neat. i should rewatch a gameplay of the rhombus of ruin again just for him he has some great moments. sasha, are you holding the talking turtle. we love a short king etc. ...oh and maybe raz's dad just a little bit. nothing wrong with him besides being naturally flawed i just think hes a bit lame in pn2 and thats fun actually. does his wife know if hes single? i mean what. who said that.
horse plinko - character i'd torment for fun - oh theres a guy i have in mind but his entire identity is a spoiler. so, besides him, probably sasha. not because i hate him but rather i just want to throw him at the walls and see what would happen, lovingly. i mean i constantly used raz's psi-powers to attack other characters so i guess i was built for this but definitely sasha. i want to turn him into one of those gooey alien toys and throw him as hard as i can at the ceiling <3
eeby deeby - character i would send to superhell - ford cruller. why did he fucking do that. i'd let him out after a while im sure he'd be fine. also those scary children from the milkman conspiracy level because they were creepyyyy...
ask game complete!!!! thankes for reading, wahoo :3
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iwtvdramacd18 · 10 months
Character thingy - Armand?
Sexuality Headcanon: well we know he likes men. Juries out on anyone else
Gender Headcanon: transmasc though not necessarily a man. Not even necessarily masc.
A ship I have with said character:
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A BROTP I have with said character: If Armand wasn't insane and Claudia wasn't Louis' daughter-sister I have no doubt the two of them would at the very least love tormenting people together
A NOTP I have with said character: Literally if you ship him with M*rius choke
A random headcanon: He doesn't paint anymore but through the years has cycled through many different mediums of art-- including photography. The only thing he's actively avoided is playing instruments
General Opinion over said character: He's my third fav character and yet somehow in every single IWTV fic I've done and I've probably drawn him the most too. Godly casting it's truly made me see the Armand light. I get it now. Also he needs so much more horror material
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jmeldog · 6 months
I think I need to cut myself off the duema 2019 tonight before I go insane.
This sure has been a duema binge. By the last half ep I was gripping my face in anguish the entire time. Sorry for spamming the dash I was just really fucking going through it. With the gay people and my fav getting killed and the little guy tormenting and all.
That was a great (checks notes) 6 episodes, everyone.
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How did they manage to put little man through so many horrors in such a condensed amount of time.
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
For this
Riven? :3c??
Firstly bullying me XD but let's begin
Favourite thing about Riven, hm I really love his complexity he's capable of so much horror brutality hate and torment and yet there's a lot of love in him too even if that love has been twisted be did love and adore his red lady, he's in a way doing what he is for her. Hes complex, despises humanity and yet also tolerates chatting with them. Got dimensions and that makes him scary. Plus hella fun design too I am not immune to third eyes.
Least favourite thing, uhhhhhh...??? I honestly ain't sure I don't really have a least fav thing? I hate that he's lil fucker but I also love him for that XD he's a good character I don't really have anything I dislike about him
Favorite line, making me do my homework for this lmao um I suppose I find the line where he asked if he could let us in on something quite endearing? The fact the text was small like he was whispering how he seemed hesitant like he was really being vulnerable with us, it adds to his complexity really
BROTP: probably like him and mewtwo before mewtwo changes his mind on their original plan they were probably bros with their genocide plots.
OTP: Riven and Clara naturally
nOTP: he doesn't really have any other romantic options so I guess him and Celeste?? Since ya know that's mewtwos girl stop it
Random headcanon: *vaguely gestures at my intrusion au fic* XD will put you in a torture time loop for shits and giggles. But in seriousness idk I think he's vaguely people starved for interactions it's probably why he keeps going back to torment May he low key kind of wants to interact he just lmao can't like a normal two
Unpopular opinion: sexy also low-key I'm just here like let him maim
Song I associate with them: uuh while I've never really listened to a song and gone Riven when I was pondering this I did think of Just a Man from the troy musical because of the part where like it's debating when does it go from something simple to something horrific and destructive because kinda Riven vibes? He goes from kind of innocent to well where he is now, when does the reason become the blame?
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cryptidwritings · 1 year
What You'll Find On My Blog (Fav Tropes and Squicks comprehensive list)
What is Whump? : You know all those scenes in your favorite movie/show/book where the protagonist endures trials and hardship, but it cuts to the b plot just as it's getting graphic? It's that, but you hold a magnifying glass over the suffering bit.
This list is subject to change. All will be tagged if present in fics/one-shots.
Hurt/no comfort (even if it takes a while to get there, all whumpees will have a recovery arc.)
Major character death
Explicit nsfwhump (implied/heavily implied nsfwhump will still be there.)
Extreme gore/vivisection/cannibalism (mild version of these may be present)
Whumper x whumpee romance / Stockholm syndrome leading to anything romantic
Emotional whump (i.e. torment, emotional manipulation, the dark night of the soul moment, paranoia etc.)
Self blame and guilt
Begging for death
Physical whump (i.e. whipping, flogging, use of lethal and non-lethal weapons, beat-downs, choking, branding etc.)
Broken bones
Fevers/body aches/illness
Long-term effects of wounds (I try my best)
Lab whump
Nonhuman whumpee/whumper
Forced to watch
Team whump
Caretaker x whumpee romance (kissing, maybe a bit of sm/ut if I feel like it - always tagged/easily skippable.)
Multiple whumpees
Tiny whump
Pet whump
Yandere whumper
Guard dog whump
Implied past trauma/abuse of a minor
Ideation and talks of self harm
Minor character death
Indentured servitude/repayment of debts
Lady whump
Parent whumper/bad family dynamics
Body horror/horror themes/supernatural horror, including possession and hauntings
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Lewis Fic Recs: Creatures of the Night (Part I)
Vampires, werewolves, and demons, oh my! Celebrate Halloween with these stories that feature shapeshifting and other creatures that go bump in the night—and with a healthy dose of touch-starvation and physical comfort to go along. This list is far from exhaustive so please feel free to add your own favs!
hell or high water by blindbatalex
10,333 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply James gets bitten by a demon. A story of healing, anger, love, and wanting more than you think you can have—which also does a brilliant job combining in-depth world building and the cuddle-or-die trope. The imagery and symbolism surrounding the meaning of a church, and Robbie holding James Pietà-like on his sofa, is incredibly powerful.
One in Wolf-Skin by paperscribe
9,749 Words, James/Robbie, Rated M, No Archive Warnings Apply James grows increasingly worried about his inspector when a dog bite leads to out of character behavior. James and Robbie's mutual protectiveness of each other is heartwarmingly solid in the face of the uglier side of human nature when responding to the things they fear.
Wolf at the Door by greenapricot
12,054 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply The nuances of human-werewolf relations complicate the murder investigation of a prominent lycan historian, and Robbie—in his usual practical manner—discovers something unexpected about his sergeant. James's personality comes through loud and clear even in his wolf form, which is—quite delightfully—far more open to cuddles.
Running Wild by TheMuchTooMerryMaiden
1,251 Words, James & Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply: A Deer Gets Eaten, Brief Mention of Suicidal Thoughts As the moon waxes each month, a tormented James does his best to hide the secret that would surely send Robbie running in horror—until one night, a small misjudgment of timing threatens everything he's worked for. Robbie, of course, is a wonderfully solid presence in the face of James' fear.
In the forests of the night by greenapricot
6,849 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply As Samhain approaches and dusk falls across the Northumberland hillside, an ancient power prickles under Robbie's skin. This lyrical story captures the tyger voice so well, and practically glows with the golden light of their campfire and James' steadfastness. Extra kudos for "I could have gotten us some mutton last night.”
All who suffer from the heart by ComplicatedLight
6,088 Words, James & Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply When one of her detectives is bitten, Innocent calls in a Vampire Transition Consultant. Robbie is the perfect balance of gruff practicality and gentle patience in the face of James' self-loathing and fear. And the added helping of touch starvation certainly doesn't hurt, either!
To Thaw the Frost of Years by ComplicatedLight
12,308 Words, James & Robbie, Rated G, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Recent scientific studies show that physical touch is necessary to a vampire's health and well-being, and James is determined not to let Robbie suffer for the lack of it. This fic mixes touch starvation and interesting world building to give these two the perfect reason to cuddle—and highlights the importance of Platonic physical comfort.
The Beauty of Spring by LyricaXXX
1,095 Words, James/Robbie, Rated M, No Archive Warnings Apply Sensually triumphant. James gloats internally, possessive and jubilant, that he is the only one who's blood Robbie feeds on after the changing—even as old friends avert their gazes.
Hedgehog by paperscribe
3,074 Words, James/Robbie, Rated g, No Archive Warnings Apply By far, the scariest shapeshifter fic out there! ;) As the title suggests, in this adorable story, James makes a surprising discovery: Robbie is a snuffling and curious were-hedgehog (for which we have Morse to thank).
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Am I fast enough to send you ToS before anyone else for the meme? ;)
You are always the one to send me ToS asks, which is why I love getting asks from you! <3
The first character I fell in love with: Probably Sheena
My ultimate favorite character: Kratos
Prettiest character: Definitely Raine, but even as a lesbian, I cannot deny that Kratos is very good-looking.
My most hated character: Kvar, and then Mithos is a character I love to hate because he's so fucked up.
My OTP: ToS is one of my gen fandoms, so I don't really like it for ship purposes. But my favorite ship is probably Kranna, thanks to all the awesome fan content that was made for this ship.
My NOTP: Once again, not too passionate about this one. But I'll go ahead and say Shelos. I DO ship them, but only unrequited Shelos because I think Sheena deserves better (and I want her to have a girlfriend, sue me). I also don't like Raine/Lloyd because I don't believe Raine would fall for him.
Favorite episode (moment): Oh my god, definitely Colette becoming an angel and Kratos betraying the party. What a way to raise the stakes and really gut the player. That part still gets to me.
Favorite season (act): I have a hard time choosing between acts 1 and 2. Act 1 is great because you have Kratos and you start to understand the horror of Colette's situation. Plus, I love Kratos and Lloyd's relationship. Act 2 is great because you know more about the world, the stakes are high, you get introduced to the rest of the main cast, and you get to explore Tethe'alla.
Least favorite season (act): Probably Act 3. I do like it, but the pacing gets out of control during the final act. So it is brought down.
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: Forcystus seems somewhat popular with the fandom, and I don't get it. Probably because we don't get enough time with him.
My 'you're a piece of trash, but you're still a fave' fave: Zelos, that's an easy one. Kratos also counts.
My 'beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this' fav: How could I not say Colette for this one? Hey game, can you please stop tormenting Colette FOR FIVE MINUTES?!
My 'they're kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I'm not too invested' ship: Zelloyd. I get it, I really do. But I don't think that I can quite see it playing out. I'm also choosing Kratos, sorry Zelos. :/
Here are my takes that I couldn't fit:
Lloyd and Kratos are my favorite relationship; messy parent-child relationships are super interesting to me.
I'm not insanely passionate about Colloyd, but I do think it's cute. I can't see either of them being with anyone else, and I like the childhood friends-to-lovers angle a lot. They are adorkable all the way.
Sheena/Colette is awesome. People tearing down female characters to "prove" one of them is a better fit for the male lead pisses me off. And these arguments are almost always dripping with misogyny. That's one of the reasons why I ship Sheena and Colette (in addition to thinking they would be so cute together!).
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bitterblackberry · 10 months
so i finished kanato’s route. um. this game is so misogynistic? and you straight up have to go along with kanato’s abusive behaviour to get the good ending thats so? literally both yui and kanato follow textbook abuse behaviours. kanato constantly belittles and physically attacks yui, he even threatens to rape her at one point, but afterwords he often acts like she is overreacting and shouldnt be crying. sometimes he even comforts her immediately after he hurts her. then yui shows very obvious signs of being a victim of abuse, she makes excuses for him all the time, she puts his wellbeing above hers even when he’s the one attacking her (in one scene he is literally choking her and she’s worrying about how he’s upset). she starts off apologizing when she didn’t do anything wrong just to appease him but as time goes on she starts to genuinely believe she is in the wrong, at one point kanato locks yui in a storage room for talking to his brothers and by the end of it she has begun to believe she was wrong and needs to apologize, when they were the ones tormenting her. over the course of the story yui starts to depend on physical affection from kanato, saying she can’t live without sex + kanato drinking her blood, even though the player up to this point is never privy to any sex/blood drinking where yui isn’t crying out in pain for him to stop while kanato tells her how she should be feeling great.
then there’s the misogyny and rape culture in this game. i haven’t even played any routes other than kanato’s but the guys all slut shame and body shame yui basically whenever they see her. on multiple occasions ayato and laito try to rape yui and then kanato stops them, tells them to fuck off then berates yui for “seducing them” and either attacks her or locks her in a storage room for “being unfaithful to him”. he talks about how all women are seductresses ect ect. its genuinely really horrible.
i’m not trying to demean anyone who enjoys this game, but i just couldn’t. the entire time i felt like i was playing a horror game that was telling me i should find the guy who keeps abusing the main character attractive, which i just ugh.
if i can find the energy i’ll try to play a different route because maybe kanato’s was just especially horrible or something and i really want to give this game the benefit of the doubt because i like its style and overly edgy vampire shit from the 2000/10s is like my fav thing but idk
again not tagging because i dont want dialovers fans to see this and ruin their scroll of the tag. let me know if it needs to be tagged for anything else, i’m not sure what tags people blacklist to avoid this kind of content so i’ll try to guess in the tags but if i get it wrong please correct me
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