#tossing up holding down the pain-induced waves of nausea or going and vomiting for a brief moment of feeling better
mctreeleth · 2 years
It is so nice to know that drinking 4 passionfruit mojitos over the course of 5 hours can still give me such bad indigestion that I lay writhing in pain for 25 minutes, the fiery shooting through my torso, arms and shoulders so intense that, did I not know what was happening, would almost certainly be enough to make me call an ambulance.
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Can I get a short fluffy Drabble with bucky with this prompt?
I just woke up in a stranger’s bed and I’m half naked, I cant remember anything about yesterday besides that the party was great and that I got absolutely wasted AND OH MY GOD THERE IS A HOT PERSON NEXT TO ME IN BED AND THEY ARE NOT WEARING MUCH WHAT DID WE DO YESTERDAY AU
Thank you!! 💗
Okay so this is kind of long for a Drabble because I just loved the plot and couldn't stop writing!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy, nonnie!!
Morgan's Graduation Sleepover!!
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You blink hard against the bright stream of sun poking through the gap in the curtains, groaning as your head throbs in the light.
You let out an audible moan as you attempt to pull the covers over your face. The soft, silky comforter was cool against your skin, and you snuggled tighter against the sheets as you became aware that you were shivering despite the summer heat.
You extend your arm searching for your phone that you kept on the nightstand and frowned when your hand felt nothing. You turn your head slightly, trying to see the floor below where your phone may have fell, catching a glimpse of the bed in the sun for the first time since you opened your eyes. The large queen-sized bed draped with dark grey blankets.
Wait… Grey?
Last time you checked your comforter was a deep purple colour.
You sit up slowly, becoming fully aware of your environment and looking around the dimly lit room. A room that you definitely hadn’t been in before because you would never have a poster of dogs playing poker hanging above your bedroom door.
You groan again as a feeling of nausea overcomes you, the dizziness being caused from your eyes darting around the unfamiliar room. You clasp the palm of your hand against your mouth, attempting to stifle a gag and you taste the acidic bile bubbling in your throat.
“Oh god.” You belch into your hand as it balls into a fist.
You nearly jump out of your skin as a low moan fills the silence of the room and your head whips fast enough to cause another wave of dizziness.
Your eyes widen as you realize… whoever owned this bed was sleeping right next to you, curled up on his side, face buried deep in the pillow.
You startle, getting tangled in the blankets as you jump out of the bed, thanking internally that you still have your underwear on and are not waking up butt-naked next to a stranger during the worst hangover of your life.
Unfortunately, your actions aren’t grateful as your feet become tangled in the sheets and you land with a thump loud enough to vibrate the furniture. You wince as the pain radiates up your ass and into your spine.
Suddenly, a pair of ocean blue eyes are peering over the side of the bed, a concerned look across the man’s face.
“Are you okay?” He asks, jumping out of bed with much more grace than you had shown, and dropping down to his knees by your side.
“I- Yeah.” You stutter, embarrassed and still confused about how exactly you had ended up in this position, not on the floor, but in this situation.
He grips your arm with a strong hand, pulling you up and steadying you as you stagger, the dizziness still not disappearing due to the excessive amount of alcohol you had consumed the night before.
As he helps you stand you notice the sunlight reflecting off the arm of the stranger, the metal left arm that causes your heart to skip a beat and the feeling of a golf-ball sized lump in your throat. You hadn’t recalled any of your past Tinder dates having a prosthetic arm and you panic, realizing that you really had no idea who this man was.
“I-“ You pull away, your eyes darting from his arm to the folded up clothes on the chair in the corner of the room.
The clothes you had worn to the party!
Fragments of the night come flooding back, but still with no memory of this mysterious, handsome man.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He asks, his eyebrows still furrowed in concern.
Wait… Y/N?
“You know me?”
“Yeah! You’re Nat’s roommate! She introduced us at the party last night.”
“Introduced us?” You search your mind for any recollection, finding it surprising that you couldn’t remember this muscular man, with the dark hair and stubble surrounding the most gorgeous lips.
Damn, I bet they taste soft.
“I’m not surprised you don’t remember. You were already 4 drinks in, and you were trying to go shot to shot with me. I tried explaining to you that I have a very high tolerance for alcohol, but you kept going. Basically had to carry you back here.”
“Back… here?” You ask, squinting as your head begins to throb again.
“Yeah. My place.” He turns around, heading into the ensuite bathroom that you hadn’t noticed before. “I was going to bring you back to your house but you lost your keys and I was unable to get a hold of Natasha since she took off for shawarma with my friend Sam.” He shouts from the other room, before returning with a glass of water and a couple of Tylenol.
You accept it gratefully, not caring that you willingly took drugs from a man you still weren’t sure you trusted.
“I’m Bucky, by the way. In case you don’t remember. Bucky Barnes.”
You nod, unsure of what to say next as your mind was still breaking free from the alcohol induced haze. Your eyes trail down towards the pair of plain white boxers Bucky is wearing, and you gasp as you remember that you are also standing there in your underwear.
You dash towards the chair, pulling the tight black dress over your head.
“I- Did we-“ You don’t know how to ask, and you hope he understands your gesture as you motion towards his near-naked body. Seeing him blush 3 different shades of red comforts you slightly, and you smile slightly through the panic.
“No! I would never- You were completely wasted!” He fumbles with his fingers, avoiding eye contact.
Your heart sinks as you realize you offended him, and you try to crack a joke. “There’s not too many other scenarios I can think of that offer a valid reason for waking up in a man’s bed in only my underwear.”
He chuckles, smirking and you almost swoon as you notice his handsome smile for the first time. “Clearly you’ve never met yourself drunk.”
“What do you mean?” You ask, the pain in your head finally dissipating.
“Well, first of all I insisted you sleep in your clothes, but when I went to grab a trash can in case you vomited again-“ You wince as he stresses the word. “And by the time I came back you had already stripped down. And then when I tried to sleep on the floor, you started crying telling me you were afraid you were going to float away like a balloon and you wanted me to, and I quote, keep your string grounded.”
You curse, not bothering to keep it in your head this time, as embarrassment flushed your face. You grab your purse from the chair, sighing in relief as you notice your phone safely inside the front pocket of the bag.
“I mean, I’m not complaining. I just wish the next time I’m in bed with a beautiful women-“ He pauses. “No, God sorry. I’m going to stop talking now, I’m horrible at flirting. This is awkward”
“Flirting?” You’re taken aback.
He’s beaming now, his smile stretching from a smirk and into a full-blown smile. “I don’t save all pretty drunk girls I meet from choking on their own vomit, you know.”
It’s your turn to blush now as you swing your purse over your shoulder. “Well, thank you for being my hero.”
A loud buzz breaks the tension and you pull out your phone to silence it, seeing several missed calls from Natasha.
“Oh wow.” Your eyes widen as you read the new text that pops up on the tiny screen.
Did you fuck him yet?
“What is it?” He asks.
You quickly shove your phone back into your purse as you turn to look at Bucky. “It’s Nat- she’s just worried about me… I should probably go.” You lied.
“Do you need a ride?” He asks, grabbing a pair of jeans slung over the end of the bed.
“Oh- Maybe? I’m not exactly sure where I am.”
“Ah. I don’t live too far from Nat, but it’s too hot out. And heatstroke can make hangovers so much worse.” He holds the bedroom door open for you and you head into the hallway, not noticing as he grabs something from the dresser before he follows you out.
He tosses you a heavy helmet and you almost drop it, not expecting the object to be thrust into your arms.
“What’s this for?” You question.
“For your ride. Just one rule, though. Don’t throw up on my bike, dollface.”
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