#total drama 2023 rewrite
boosmidnighthour · 6 months
TDI 2023 Season 2 Spoilers
Poll for the rewrite is here, but if you haven't watched season 2 up to episode 7 and 8, you'll be spoiled.
They would be used sparingly, but if season 2 can bring in past contestants, I wouldn't mind doing so myself.
I have one in mind for DJ, but I'm not gonna spoil it here, in case y'all want the cameos. I also headcanon a few of the characters to either be related to or somehow connected to previous competitors. (Chris will torture all generations.)
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therealgeofftd · 9 days
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deimosbreakfrost · 5 months
Boyfriend by hot freaks is actually really good like??
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That music Is surely the unic sans comfort music that I have because the others are
Talking about being addicted to Novacaine
Being you worse enemy
Being tired of everything and everyone all the time
And other silly music's☺️
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ripper-fanclub · 4 months
Instagram girls be like:
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predict485 · 2 months
A scene from the reboot rewrite... @fraudulent-cheese
[ Cut to the campfire area, where all the campers are sitting on the horizontal logs around the fire pit. ]
Topher: This is where you’ll have your campfire ceremonies. Every three days, you’ll all compete in a challenge and the losing team will come here that night to eliminate a player. Clear?
Chase: Can we pick where we sleep? Because I want a bed next to Emma.
Emma: No! I want a bed away from Chase! Please, Topher?
Damien: …Please don’t tell me wherever we sleep is gonna be co-ed, right?
[Scary Girl laughs from behind him.]
Wayne: Are we gonna be sleeping in cabins? Awesome! I’ll get to be in a camping cabin with Rajie!
Raj: We’ll be in cabins?! Awesome, I’ve never slept in a cabin before!
Zee: Can we sleep in tents? Because there are some really cool ducks out here, man.
Topher: Ah, about that. But just know it’s not gonna be co-ed, Damien. 
Now, for your sleeping arrangements, you will be sleeping in cabins near the main camp. 
[He’s met with wide grins for the hockey bros. Emma looks worried and on edge.]
Topher: Now, for the most important part of the show: I’ll split you into two teams and your sleeping arrangements will be based on that. 
Let’s get started. If I call your name, go stand over there. 
Priya, Millie, Julia, MK, Emma, Damien, Zee, Wayne. 
Wayne: Huh? But- but what about Raj?
Topher (ignoring him): You will be known as… the Killer Krakens!
[He tosses them an orange banner with an emblem of a giant tentacle stitched onto it, which Wayne catches and holds up.]
Topher: And everyone else… that being, Axel, Nichelle, Scary Girl, Chase, Bowie, Ripper, Raj and Caleb, you will now be known as the Screaming Sharks!
[He tosses them a blue banner with an emblem of a shark with its mouth open stitched onto it, which Raj catches and holds up.]
Topher: In these teams, you’ll compete against each other to win challenges and the losing team has to send someone home.
Confessional: Topher
“In case you need to vent your feelings or let the audience know your dastardly schemes, you can take a break and let it all out in the port-a-john confessional!”
Confessional: Emma
“So… so far this is looking more dangerous than I was expecting, I wanted to stay away from stunts! At least I’m not in the same team as Chase, eurgh.”
Confessional: Julia
“Hey hey guys! This is my first confessional, probably of many, and I just know I’m going to win this thing. After all, I have nature’s spirits on my side, especially after attending that recluse in India. I don’t know how I’m gonna last without my phone though… hopefully this will be a good stand-in!”
Confessional: Zee
[ He looks at a duck standing on the toilet seat next to him. ]
“Hold on, this guy has something important to say.”
[ The duck quacks. ]
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pinheadbella · 3 months
Total Drama Island: Hard Reboot (Update 2)
It’s been a while since I posted huh? Well I’ve been super busy with school and other irl stuff so I haven’t had the time to draw. BUT I have managed to do some drafting for the rewrite!
There has been a slight change in the elimination order! Just swapped two people is all. I talked to some friends about my original elimination order. We realized that one contestant could stay a little longer than another in order for an alliance’s arc to make more sense
I have decided that all canon ships in the reboot will be present here in some way, shape, or form. Will any of these relationships fall apart? Will any new ships be formed? You’ll have to read and find out
I have expanded the chapter/episode count! There will now be 15 chapters for TDI:HR. In-universe, there will still be 13 standard episodes. The two bonus episodes will make more sense when the story reaches that point
I still don’t have a release date for Episode 1. However, since I’ve been making you guys wait for a while, I think you deserve a sneak peek. And this will show just how I’ll be rewriting season 2 of the reboot without straying too far from what I actually liked about it…
“Chicks, am I right?” Chase laughs off Emma’s outburst, expecting Bowie of all people to have his back.
“You’re never right,” Bowie doesn’t even turn to look at the guy he’s roasting. He walks right to Emma. “Soooo, how long have you two been apart? Seems more permanent than usual.”
Emma opens her eyes to look at Bowie for a split second. One quick glare later and she picks up the pace.
“Wha-” Bowie is gagged.
“No,” Emma curtly shakes her head, “I’m not ignoring Bowie because I love Chase still. I’m ignoring him because I don’t want to be allies again. If he’s fine with splitting up Priya and Millie so he could make a quick million, then what does that say about our ‘friendship,’ huh??” She clenches her fists. Of course she’s still upset at Bowie. Even if she knows that Chase was a horrible partner, the way Bowie went about keeping them apart didn’t exactly make Emma feel good. But she calms down, opens her fists, and brushes a lock of hair back behind her ear. “I am NOT risking that. This season, I have to ally with someone I can actually trust.”
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td-tbbg-official · 4 months
So, we know Zeke is dead, and Dakota seems like she's doing at least fine, so how's Dave? Is he dead? Did you ever go back for him?
i’ll be honest with you, i literally just finished TDPI and i’m trying to figure out what to do with it in the fic. maybe i’ll throw in a couple of guests, but i don’t have much of the lore figured out yet. either i’ll get back to you on that or you’ll just have to wait and see ;)
coming soon to an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
!!! reblogs > likes !!!
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marrfixated · 6 months
you inspired me to rewatch episode 4 through the priyemma lens and oh my god they totally butchered them.
like Priya wasn’t a good person to her, AND they screwed over Emma + her character. after they had actually started to bond!
I can’t even begin to explain how terrible it was to watch. I am so, so sorry. you’re truly total drama’s strongest soldier.
I will never get over it. Until I rewrite the season. Or at least that episode.
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tdfanficawards · 6 months
ABMT: Alejandro gets stuck in a time loop unbeknownst to everyone, starting right before I See London after passing away in the robot suit. He goes through A LOT.
Famous: Geoff and Gwen, Courtney and Duncan, and Heather and Alejandro are all trying to navigate a life of fame. Their encounters with the paparazzi and each other causes many problems though.
Death Cast: An IOTs rewrite. Dives deep into everyone’s emotions, both dead and alive, and it’s sad man.
Concrete Slab: A oneshot, Noah has been kidnapped but at least he has company of good old Alejandro.
Muddy Canvas: Post TD Gwen fic. Gwen tries to right the wrongs of her past, and her overall regret of ever going on Total Drama.
RITD: An one shot of Noah’s death and his thoughts in the IOTS AU. Noco centered.
EDITORS CHOICE: WNBTK: I love this one so much: An IOTS AU where Duncan saves Courtney from dying, so she gets to live past the island! She never gets to live in anything.
I tried not to spoil anything so I’m sorry if the descriptions are too short 😭.
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boosmidnighthour · 6 months
For more information about this rewrite, please look at this post.
Read more about some of my thoughts on previous finalists below.
With previous finalists, it felt like there was more of a theme. Total Drama Island had the introvert (Gwen) VS. the extrovert (Owen). Action had the book smart (Beth) VS. the street smart (Duncan). World Tour had the "lesser evil" (Heather) VS. the "greater evil" (Alejandro). Revenge of the Island had the nerd (Cameron) VS. the jock (Lightning).
All Stars kinda just went with a couple (Mike and Zoey) and called it good (I didn't personally like this season, and it kinda had no theme I think). I don't really think that Pahkitew Island had specific winners, either. They went with a nut job (Shawn) VS. some girl (Sky). (As you can see, I'm pretending to know what I'm talking about. I did not watch Pahkitew Island enough to know these characters as much as the other seasons'.)
The Reboot's original finalists didn't have the first four season's thing, and chose a character that was basically born to play this game (Priya) VS. the series' first openly gay character (Bowie). If I was to choose the finalists while keeping one of these original finalists, it would have been Priya VS. Damien (because Damien has no idea what this game is about while Priya definitely does) or maybe Bowie VS. Zee (because Bowie is supposed to be really competitive and Zee definitely is not that).
I could easily be overthinking this, of course. But I can honestly work with whatever. I love [almost] all of these characters and I'm willing to give any of them a better shot at the million.
☆ ☆ ☆
(Off Topic: The wiki has Bowie's label listed as the "Lovable Party Boy", but I don't remember him being particularly interested in partying. I believe it was to be less offensive, since being labeled the "Gay One" is kinda rude, but the label just doesn't work. Actually, a few of the new contestants' labels don't really work. Like, what is "The Gorgeous with a Side of Substance" (Nichelle) supposed to mean? "The Bad Boy" (Ripper) doesn't really work either. I'm not giving fault to the Wiki runners; I don't blame them for this, because it's not their fault. I'm just complaining.)
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deimosbreakfrost · 4 months
Do you wanna be my boyfriend?
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We'll walk the cemetery and I'll kiss you again
And make our dead friends blush, oh-whoa
We'll be getting married right there on the scene
(Fanart de dia dos namorados com Chipper pq eu amo me iludir 😍♥️♥️♥️)
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A Gwourtney centric rewrite of Moon Madness in script format. Written for Gwourtney Week 2023 (Day Three: Movies).
my brain decided that movies = script format = this fic?? go check it out!
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Currently, I’m planning to rewrite all of the first 3 seasons of Total Drama but with the 2023 Reboot cast rather than the original. I’m mostly stuck on the relationships and who I should put with who.
Currently, Chase x Emma, Scary Girl x Anyone and Ripper x Chase are completely out of the running.
The ships I’m planning on using is Bowie x Raj, Axel x Ripper (though handled differently) and MK x Julia. If there are any other ideas, I’d be happy to hear them :)
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radiowrites · 5 months
2023 Writer Year-In-Review
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Hi, I’m RaisedonRadio & FortressofmyPast on AO3 and FF.net. This is an on-going tradition since 2015. Check out my past year-end posts: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015.
Tagging a few, but if you come across this, consider it an open tag! You’re welcome to tag me back, I’d love to read it!
@writercorianarose @shesailsships @talesofsorrowandofruin @azdesertwillow @goneahead @littlemissfandomworld @dreams-of-kalopsia @halleyuhm
Big change for me compared to last year—in addition to NaNoWriMo, I actually posted fanfics! I tried to add some new questions to this year’s edition, I hope they might even move out of my tiny circle.
Total Word Counts: 51,920 for 2023 NaNoWriMo 15,570 on 2022 NaNoWriMo project 19,193 for July 2023 Camp NaNoWriMo (mostly fanfics) 28,310 in published fanfics (this number is overlapping with camp nano, I wasn’t paying attention, so I’m not going to add everything together)
Total Number Of Completed Works: 10 Total Number of WIPS worked on this year: 10 or so How Many WIPs do you still have: 23
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I wrote way more than expected! I seriously didn’t think I would do NaNoWriMo again. And I published ten fics! That’s ten more than last year!
Did you take any writing risks this year? The NaNoWriMo project was definitely a risk for me. I basically had an idea and no outline. It was quite a challenge to my perfectionism issues—I had to basically never reread anything and just keep going, fully aware that I can better foreshadow the ideas that came up halfway through in the next rewrite.
Biggest Surprise: I wrote for NaNoWriMo again, which I was pretty sure wouldn't happen lol, and hit the word count, all through discovery writing, and having very little idea where I was going with it.
Biggest Disappointment: I dropped that above mentioned project the moment November ended! I can tell it has potential, hidden in there. I will definitely return to it.
Do you have any writing goals for the new year? I’d love to at least finish the first draft of the 2023 NaNoWriMo project, bringing it to a tentative end so I can actually reread it and go from there. And keep writing fanfic, and maybe even work on the 2022 nanowrimo project…
Fanfiction Questions Below! (if you don’t write fanfiction feel free to skip or rework the questions for your original works.)
Fandoms I’ve written in this year: I wrote fics for 7 different fandoms! For the following kdramas: Island, Tale of the Nine Tailed, Memorist, Royal Secret Agent, W: Two Worlds, May I Help You?, and a little Korean Web drama called Handmade Love.
Your most popular story of the year? That would be Besides You with 327 hits and 47 kudos. However Superhero got the most comment interaction with 4!
The story that was easiest/or most fun to write: I Think He Knows was fun to write! I do just love brooding with a heart of gold formerly immortal male leads.
Hardest story to write: Rescue Me, Superhero, Restore, and Prayers & Promises were four works that I had left for dead, and came back and found them to be basically finished and just needed proofreading. (So just in case anyone wondered how I turned out three of those in like two days: they were actually done and I was hellbent on getting them out of my WIPs list)
Your sweetest story: That would definitely be Superhero. I altered my normal narrative style to better fit the child’s character, and I was really pleased with how it turned out.
Your saddest scene: I feel like I hit a lot of angst this year, but nothing really sad?
The sexiest moment you’ve written this year? *coughs* I wrote five pieces of smut. (Half of my fanfics were smut this year?!) Umm, I’m torn between Beside You and Don’t Blame Me? But also Never Be the Same and Take On Me???
Your favorite tag: (whether you use it the most or just something witty/perfect for the story) My brother announced to me that he reads all my tags (he was trying to embarrass me about one of my smut pieces) so I did a shout out to him in the next fic. He saw it within the day, I was actually impressed.
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Most unintentionally telling story: (have you accidentally or purposefully exposed a detail about yourself?) Religious guilt seems to be a reoccurring tag this year. In all seriousness, not quite sure why, but yet it kinda makes sense? (its complicated lmao) And for some reason not one, but two fics ended with marriage proposals?! (I’m so single.)
Are any of your fics named after/heavily inspired by music? I’m RaisedonRadio and it would be concerning if—checks list—less than 8 of the 10 fics weren’t named after songs, haha! (I’m actually just really bad at naming fics…)
Good To You and Besides You are both songs by the band Marianas Trench, and are heavily inspired by the songs. Rescue Me is by OneRepublic, one of those more vibes than lyrics inspired. I Think He Knows by Taylor Swift was definitely on repeat for that fic, as well as Don't Blame Me. (Poems), Prayers, and Promises was more a steal the name of the song by John Denver, for some reason I think Cold by Corbyn was on repeat when writing that one. Take On Me was named more for the similarities between the MV and the series! Never Be The Same was for the vibes of the song by Camila Cabello but not really the lyrics.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Maybe it’s cheating but I’m not sure if I can really choose? I know it’s not a common writer sentiment but I really do like them all for different reasons.
Like I churned out Good To You and Besides You within ten days of each other in July, after not writing any fanfic basically for a year and a half.
And then I pulled Rescue Me out of the dead drafts pile and made myself work on more description.
I Think He Knows was my first foray into a brand new fandom.
Don’t Blame Me is one of my rare canon divergence fics.
Restore was another dead draft that I found to be mostly complete, and decide to release into the world even if I knew there was so much more I could have done with it.
Prayers and Promises was not only another new fandom, but for some reason, I decided to write for a side character. It’s still sitting on just 1 hit and that makes it all the better that I really wrote it for myself.
Superhero was out of my comfort zone of writing for a kid’s perspective and I was so happy with how it turned out.
Take On Me was a draft sitting at less than 1k words and I challenged myself to finish it before the new year, and got it done in two days.
And then, to finish it all off with the intense desire to have ten fics under the belt for 2023, I wrote Never Be The Same in less than two days for the last drama I had watched, and the speed that the last two fics were actually finished was a huge change for me.
Fanfiction risks you took this year? I wrote fanfic for not one, but two fandoms that I had to create the first tags for on AO3! Also, as I started to slip into just writing for kdramas this year, I’ve basically become my own proofreader and editor at this point. Any mistakes are my own, lol.
My favorite part of fandom this year: That would be getting two kudos and a comment on I Think He Knows, one of the fics that is the first in its fandom tag. To actually connect with more fans of such a tiny project was so cool!
Thanks for reading and here’s to next year!
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little-peril-stories · 6 months
The Prince of Thieves (new and improved) - looking for readers!
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For the last few months, I've been working on editing The Prince of Thieves, a story novel which was originally published on Tumblr and ao3 between October 2022 and June 2023. As I work through the last few chapters and prepare to write the new opening, I thought I'd put out some feelers...
By the end of this month (hopefully), I'll be seeking feedback on this manuscript!
I would love to connect with folks who are:
okay with whump (I would never call my writing gory, but there is LOTS of angst, captivity and restraints, hopelessness, torture, illness and bodily injury)
comfortable giving honest feedback on the characters and story
willing to point out any particularly egregious typos once in a while if/when you spot them
fine with it being pretty. uh. long. let's ballpark 150k? will give a final word count when it's done.
able to use Google Docs or Microsoft Word
able to provide feedback by ***February 29, 2024
***If I take too long to finish editing, this date will get moved back, of course. :)
✨ express your interest here. ✨
Details below the read more!
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Here's the silly tongue-in-cheek blurb:
guy and gal get arrested and tormented by super cool, totally normal constable while pals on the outside freak out and make bad decisions; fun 1800s prison vibes with a side helping of angst and chosen family
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Below is a more blurb-y blurb:
The goal of Iustitia aecum, the notorious thieving gang, is to steal from the rich and give to the poor. For a few years, that’s exactly what Jamie, Will, Colette, and Geoff (as the gang’s inner circle) do; they slip through the fingers of the law time and time again.
One day, everything goes wrong.
Will, by a stroke of fateful misfortune, falls into a trap meant for Jamie, the real leader of IA, and ends up in prison—in the custody of Constable Baden Hatchett, an officer who is willing to do whatever it takes to get Will to crack so he can bust IA and bring all its members to justice.
With execution—his brother’s and his own—hanging over his head, Will resolves to take his secrets to the grave, swearing not to betray the only family he has left.
Bree Cooper is one of IA’s runners, privy to no secrets save for one she learned by chance…that she was never supposed to know. When she, too, falls into the hands of the constabulary, she is forced to reckon with her past (a complicated history with Constable Hatchett himself) and her future (the gallows).
Will and Bree’s lives were already intertwined, and when they find each other again behind bars, they will rewrite the stories fate has planned for them—together.
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Genre: drama, historical/period piece, whump / POV: 1st-person most of the time, 3rd-person for flashbacks / Narrators: multiple (5 of 'em)
sneak peek to see if the style is for you:
It’s cold up here on the roof of the boarding house—that’s why no one else is up here, probably—but there’s something delightfully bracing about the wind scrubbing the day’s dust from my skin while the stars gaze down. It’s delicious, almost wicked, to peer into the city streets from so high. Up here, no one else can see me. Up here, no one can say a damn thing when I pull up my sleeves. There’s no one to gasp or gawk as I reveal the soft, scandalous flesh of my arms and trace my fingers along, throwing into sharp relief what must remain invisible at all other times: black-as-night ink painted on the canvas of my skin. It’s a shame the tattoo would send me to prison if the constables saw it, because it’s beautiful. Sometimes I just stare down at the details—the leaves bursting from a tree in full bloom, the ring around its swirling, entwined roots. Would anyone else, other than my fellow runners or the constabulary, know what it means if they caught a glimpse? I’m not so sure, but they’d certainly be confused if they saw it on my arm. Silas Cooper’s daughter, tattooed like a common criminal? A gentlewoman like her? How? Why? What happened? I scowl into the night. Breanna Cooper died with Silas, or at least I like to think she did. When I think back on the girl who stumbled, dry-eyed, away from her father’s deathbed and then ran from the man she was supposed to marry, out into a chilly autumn night much like the one I’m gazing into now, I don’t recognize her—don’t recognize myself. That girl ran into a life of nothing, yes. But isn’t that also what she ran away from?
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✨ express your interest here. ✨
Friends who have already read TPOT, you are welcome to do a reread if you want, but there's never any pressure, ever. 💕
Thanks for your time!
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Soo, I'm rewriting the entirety of the total drama seasons (still thinking abt island 2023 though. I still need s2 to be fully out).
I haven't published anything yet, which is why I have anon on, but I'm obsessed with a fully fleshed out villainous Tyler arc, so I'm including him (ive already written parts of his story). Just thought I'd let y'all know :D
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