#trad archery
offthearrowshelf · 30 days
Episode 93 – Applying the archers triangle when coaching
In this episode I explore how the concepts round the archers triangle can be applied to help archers. The archers triangle is a concept I have used for several years to help explain the shooting process and steps. If you are interested feel free to check out the website for more details son how I apply the Archers triangle for helping archers suffering from target panic. In essence the triangle…
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cinisekha · 1 year
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i feel like these would be good references to you artists out there, have at it. would love to see the art if you do use them!!
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essence-of-nightshade · 8 months
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A dozen arrows fresh off the press
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slimylayne · 9 months
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Shark fin and broken arrow next to a gym rat done by my mentor Jamie! On our mate alfie
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courieralyss · 10 months
when you actually tune your bow and everything goes from super crooked to shooting 8-10s every round
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runawaymun · 8 months
Fifteen questions for fifteen mutuals - tagged by @slightnettles - sorry it took me so long to get to this! It's been a crazy past few weeks.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really, unless you count the Biblical character (which was a definite inspiration to my parents, but they were more set on the meaning rather than any namesakes).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh I don't remember honestly. Recently, but not recently enough for me to remember an exact instance. I probably have something pent up in here that I need to get out.
3. Do you have kids?
No. :) just three cats.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Nah /s (though I do use it less than I used to).
5. What sports do you play/have played?
None actually. I have really fucked up joints & my family weren't big on getting any of their girls into sports (boys played basketball). I did a bit of archery and also just the mandatory swim lessons as a kid. These days I do really enjoy outdoor activities like hiking but I don't do it as often as I'd like.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Vibes first, usually how anxious or confident they are.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both! Though I'm less of a horror person and more of a terror person. As for happy endings, I don't have a preference. I only ask that the ending is thematically satisfying.
9. Any special talents?
I make really good pickles.
10. Where were you born?
In hospital. I am capable of killing macbeth & was the smallest baby ever to come home from that particular hospital. Weirdly not early, just a lot of complications.
11. What are you hobbies?
Reading, writing, art, and gaming mostly -- anything with survival mechanics, or RPGs, but also a big fan of certain civ sims like Rimworld or Frostpunk.
12. Do you have pets?
Yes! I have an orange tabby, a grayish tabby, and a ringtail tabby (her tail curls over her back like a husky). I also would like to eventually get some fish.
13. How tall are you?
somewhere around 4'9"-4'10" (144-147cm. can't remember exactly which).
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, easy.
15. Dream job?
Author, eventually. I'd like to go the trad publishing route with some of my work, though maybe not all of it.
No pressure Tagging: @eldritchteletubbie @ellrond @metatomatoes @the-commonplace-book @raointean @lowopacityelrondpussy @eldamaranquendi @niennawept @elentarial @strawberrymeriadoc and whoever else wants to participate.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
4, 33, and 36 for the weird questions for writers? :D
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I've suddenly forgotten every work I know so I'm gonna take someone else's answer and go with writhe. I also love good gothic words, like miasma, sepulchral.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Allegedly I'm an artist, but not a very good one lately. I had to buy a whole new charger for my tablet pen bc I lost mine and just. didn't notice for the last two years the charger I left in the box was actually for a vibrator RIP me. I really like crafting though. The main thing I do right now is journaling, kind of an art-journaling/scrapbooking style? And I knit/crochet all the time!
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
Medical! I've grown up with a medical family, and now I work in the field (Trauma ICU + nursing school!), so all things medical/trauma related, I love. I also know a lot of medical history, as far as old medical practices go, which is part of why I love writing gothic/victorian-era! The medical practices were super fucked up! Aside from that... I know weapons/martial arts? I've done tae kwon do, MMA, krav maga, and now I'm trying to get into Muay Thai, but I just haven't found the time for it. I did archery for years, I'm a certified skilled marksman (handguns), I've been trained in tactical rappel and rescue, and I can rock climb, both sport and trad! Technically I also know how to be a wilderness survivalist (I haven't done it, bc I haven't needed to, but yeah). Side note, I wanted to be a stunt actor when I was 16, which is the reason for a lot of this lol I'm pretty sure I could give a seminar on 18th century trade in Siam/Thailand at this point thanks to my recent hyperfixation...
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What the fuck.
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Daenerys and Arya share the same values. We know based on this:
"All gods have their instruments, men and women who serve them and help to work their will on earth. The slaves were not crying out to a hundred different gods, as it seemed, but to one god with a hundred different faces...and he was that god's instrument. That very night he chose the most wretched of the slaves, the one who had prayed most earnestly for release, and freed him from his bondage. The first gift had been given."
Arya drew back from him. "He killed the slave?" That did not sound right. "He should have killed the masters!" (Arya II, AFfC)
"Unsullied!" Dany galloped before them, her silver-gold braid flying behind her, her bell chiming with every stride. "Slay the Good Masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who wears a tokar or holds a whip, but harm no child under twelve, and strike the chains off every slave you see." She raised the harpy's fingers in the air...and then she flung the scourge aside. "Freedom!" she sang out. "Dracarys! Dracarys!"
"Dracarys!" they shouted back, the sweetest word she'd ever heard. "Dracarys! Dracarys!" And all around them slavers ran and sobbed and begged and died, and the dusty air was filled with spears and fire. (Daenerys III, ASoS)
There are a lot of ways in which these two leading ladies are similar, but this is my favourite example to make. Another thing to note is that both Arya and Daenerys realise that the system is wrong—and go against the grain. They are criticised for it, demonised for it, by both the world they live in and those outside of it -- the fandom itself.
Sansa and Arya do not have a normal sibling relationship—mind you, I have seven siblings. Pretty sure none of them would make me feel lesser or wish that I would have died instead of their pet if I threw an orange at any of them.
"Go ahead, call me all the names you want," Sansa said airily. "You won't dare when I'm married to Joffrey. You'll have to bow to me and call me Your Grace." She shrieked as Arya flung the orange across the table. It caught her in the middle of the forehead with a wet squish and plopped down into her lap. "You have juice on your face, Your Grace," Arya said. It was running down her nose and stinging her eyes. Sansa wiped it away with a napkin. When she saw what the fruit in her lap had done to her beautiful ivory silk dress, she shrieked again. "You're horrible," she screamed at her sister. "They should have killed you instead of Lady!"
I am pretty sure they would not betray me and say that I have "traitor's blood" because they wish to marry someone. Nor would they, I would hope, after believing I had died...that I was entirely unsatisfactory as a sister.
And to note, none of this has anything to do with shipping with Jon, maybe stop trying to insert Jon in a conversation that deals with *only* Arya and Sansa.
Whether or not Arya and Sansa end up as "friends" is dependent on George. He said that they have a lot to work out, and that the only reason why Sansa exists is to serve as a foil to Arya.
Arya was one of the first characters created. Sansa came about as a total opposite b/c too many of the Stark family members were getting along and familes aren't like that. Thus, Sansa was created; he ended by saying they have deep issues to work out.
"Deep issues" does not equal a single heart to heart and everything ends up forgotten and they both are fine. Arya has been bullied and hurt by her older sister and her best friend and made to feel lesser—so much so to the point where she believed that she was a bastard and went to Jon for reassurance. This isn't something that Arya will just get over with a simple apology.
Misogyny is such a bizarre accusation. As far as I know, misogynists would not wish to be with a woman who could take power for themselves by wielding a sword. They prefer trad-femmery. You all consider Arya and Brienne "masculine" for taking part in swordplay, archery, horse-riding, so why exactly would you consider liking Arya—and, by extension, women like Brienne and even Margaery, who loves hawking and horse-riding—an act of misogyny?
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lylilorden · 1 year
12 Questions for 12 Followers
thanks @dreamingthroughthenoise!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope! kind of the opposite, almost. ultrasound technology wasnt.... the best..... around when i was born, so my parents were expecting a boy, and then like twelve hours before i was born my mom had a funny feeling and they started shuffling through name books until they found my names. ha, jokes on them i grew up to be agender anyway
2. When was the last time you cried?
idk, probably no more than two days ago. i never used to cry, and now i cry at everything
3. Do you have kids?
i have my internet hellions @potatoesandsadness and @depressedwetnapkin, and also two baby nieces who i love a lot (but who taught me that yeah i probably dont want my own children. they are exhausting)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
mm, i guess? i try to only do it if its obviously a joke bc i have a hard time telling when other people are sometimes, and i dont want anyone to struggle to interpret what im saying
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
in person, probably height? im pretty short so its a notable feature for me. online, i guess whatever the first handful of posts i see from them have in common?
6. What's your eye color?
bluegreengrey. they shift color depending on what im wearing and sometimes with my mood
7. Any special talents?
the first time i cook something it always turns out really well, and im good at remembering numerical passcodes and passwords. it took me exactly one time seeing it used to remember the code to the mail room door at my job (and my reward for that is that my boss always sends me over now to check it lmao)
8. What are your hobbies?
i read a lot, trad pub and fanfic (my favorite novel i've read this year is 'a taste of gold and iron' by alex rowland. my ao3 history is between me, myself, and i. god is not invited to this party, not even by implication). allegedly, i also write fic. im not very good at video games but i love playing uno on discord's knock-off uno app with @quack-snail-umbrella. im taking a ceramics class again bc i really enjoy it and that's the best and easiest way to get my hands on the materials. pressing plants for my collection, and occasionally making really stupid memes in a drawing app to inflict on my discord friends about niche things. does collecting books count as a hobby?
9. What sports do you play/have played?
i did gymnastics as a kid, and ice skating. i did archery in my teens, and nothing else since, bc between those three things ive made every single one of my joints permanently angry at me
10. How tall are you?
5' 2" with a lil upwards wiggle room
11. Favorite subiects in school?
art and history in high school, all my applied botany and ecology type classes im taking currently for my AS right now
12. Dream job?
that's kind of a tough one. i guess anything that helps me make a material, positive impact on the world? im not super picky i just want to not hate my job
tagging: everyone i already tagged up in my answers, @doodle-do-wop @displayheartcode @tethysresort @dear-rat-boi @my-insanity-is-an-artform @flaim-ita @sparklecryptid @chili-the-kid @kanafinwe-makalaure and anyone who feels like doing this
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swordwizard · 4 years
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Practicing to sack your town and steal your women
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bit-and-bridles · 4 years
@greystravels replied to your photo “Celebrated May Day with a few hours of shooting ��”
The arrow is on the wrong side.
Thanks for the non-solicited input (I’m assuming since you also “liked” my post that you’re genuinely trying to be helpful, but I don’t know you so not sure why you’d comment something so blunt-- and incorrect). But I’ll take this as an opportunity to explain my style of shooting, in case anyone else out there is confused. 
I shoot historically accurate/Asiatic style, which largely means two things in practice. I use thumb draw style release (also known as “Mongolian release”) instead of the three-fingered (”Mediterranean”) release that is favored in the United States. This also means that I shoot with the arrow on the side of the bow that I draw from. This is referred to as shooting from “inside” the bow. It is certainly favored for horse archery as it allows for more rapid shooting than shooting from “outside” of the bow. It also allows for me to hold more arrows in my hand so I do not have to draw from my quiver during mounted speed events.
Another examples of a fine archer who shoots this way is Semih, or @archerlaserengraving on Instagram (definitely check him out! He’s kind of a badass).You can see in this very popular post that he shoots the same style that I do, and also has a similar Asiatic-style quiver to my own. 
For a good comparison of the major differences, I think this reply is worded well (my emphasis added) :
Western archery does it as described in the previous comment - Arrow is on the outside of the bow. That is usually combined with the Mediterranean grip or in case of a compound, with a release. Others put the arrow on the inside. This is usually combined with the Mongolian grip: You pull the string with the thumb, usually with the help of a thumb ring. The advantage of this is that you can hold multiple arrows in the hand that is drawing the string and nock and shoot extremely fast - more than one arrow / sec. Also, with this style of shooting, you shoot instinctively - without the help of visors or peeps.
Essentially, this means, I draw with my right hand, therefore, the arrow goes on the right side of the bow. This is not “the wrong side” it’s just a different side for a different stye of shooting. The debate over what is the “correct” way to shoot has been going on for as long as there has been East vs West archery, to the point that it’s A Thing at my local Ren Faire and the people who own the other archery shop are fuckin pricks to us because we shoot Asiatic and I’m honestly fucking sick of having this debate.
For what it’s worth to all y’all in the tumblr-verse, I’m always down to answer questions about my style of shooting--especially since it’s not common at all in the US! But, that being said, please don’t make assumptions and come on my posts telling me I’m “wrong” when I don’t know you, and you know nothing about me or my training. End of the day, you shoot your way, and I’ll shoot my way. Because honestly, it doesn’t matter to me how you shoot, so long as you’re having fun!
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offthearrowshelf · 8 months
Episode 81 – When target panic hit me at a local tournament
No surprise that the subject of this episode is target panic. In it I talk about how it made me feel when it hit me at a local field archery tournament a few days ago. This is partly a personal reflection but also I am hoping it will give some confidence to those who like myself struggle with anxiety at times. I also go through how I used a few techniques to settle my nerves throughout the…
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gif-saya · 4 years
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obissquasoit · 5 years
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Less than 3 weeks until Obissquasoit Bowmen’s 𝟛𝔻 𝔻𝔼𝔼ℝ 𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕆𝕋 weekend, 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟐𝟕𝐭𝐡 & 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟐𝟖𝐭𝐡! RSVP: Link In Profile 🏹This shoot features 30 3D Delta McKenzie Targets & Rinehart Targets Deer Targets to help you tune up for the Hunting Season. So, c’mon out! 𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙮! ・・・ 🗓 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗗𝗔𝗬, July 27th 📋Registration is 9am - NOON ・・・ 🗓 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗔𝗬, July 28th 📋Registration is 7am - 10am ・・・ 👤Adults 18yrs+ $16 👥Youth 12-17yrs $8 🐻Cubs 11yrs & under FREE 🍽Kitchen will be open for Breakfast & Lunch 🏹Compound & Traditional Bows Only 🚫Sorry, No Crossbows ・・・ #3Dshoot #3Darchery #bow #archery #archeryclub #traditionalarchery #trad #compoundbow #longbow #recurvebow #obissquasoit #obissquasoitbowmen #obiss #tanj #tradnj #bowmen #tcaa #mckenzietargets #rineharttargets #tricountyarchery #allowaynj #salemcounty #southjersey #southjerseyoutdoors #njbowhunter #FallBow #NJFallBow #BowSeason #NJBowHunting (at Obissquasoit Bowmen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzo6gqnlHCm/?igshid=1hx0tzvz67c6k
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junicai · 3 years
- get to know me tag game !!
tagged by: @ggukkiedae <3 thank u lovie !
tagging: @h0neyjaehyun @nct-nari @nct-lian @cotccotc @seek-peace @bigbrainenergytingz and anyone else who'd like to participate 🤍
favourite colour? yellow 💛
lucky number? 13 ! (yes i know it's a contradiction shush)
do you have any pets? i have a dog! her name is lily
how tall are you? 165cm 😭 i used to think i was tall but apparently i'm still short
how many pairs of shoes do you own? uh, maybe 5 or 6? most of them are just runners, a pair of heels/boots and then i'm not counting the dance shoes fjsj
favourite song? it changes all the time, but currently it's the belll by olllam !
favourite movie? hm, probably atlantis? i don't really watch a whole lot of movies, so atlantis is just the one i watched most as a child lmao
who would be your ideal partner? someone who will sit with me and listen as i tell them everything i've learnt from my last 4 hour wikipedia deep dive
do you want children? no.
have you gotten in trouble with the law? nearly sjdj i was at a party on a spanish exchange and someone called the police on us 💀
bath or shower? shower for actual cleaning, bath for when ur going through shit and need to Process
what colour socks are you wearing? black !
favourite type of music? hm, r&b city pop kinda? i also listen to a lot of trad fusion though it lowkey slaps 😭
how many pillows do you sleep with? two
what position do you sleep in? i like, curl around a pillow?? if that makes sense
what don't you like when you're sleeping? being too warm :/ i'd much rather be cold lmao
what do you have for breakfast? i very rarely eat breakfast sjfjd i'm either running late or never hungry enough so i just - skip it
have you ever tried archery? yes !! i wasn't terrible at it which is crazy but i haven't tried it since then
favourite fruit? mango 🥭
favourite swear word? any variation of "ah feck" or "ah shite" bc it's normally followed by something extraordinarily comical
are you a good liar? am i? you tell me lmao
your favourite type of girl? my best friend is one of those, very excitable adorable girls i love her very dearly she's so LOVELY
what's your personality type? enfj ! i'm not super extroverted though, i'm more ambivert than anything else
left handed or right handed? left ✨ i'm called a cithóg where i'm from sjfjd
favourite food? too many to attempt to mention 😭
favourite foreign food? i had a croissant, in a french patisserie when i was in paris. it was like, 8 in the morning, i had coffee w it, and it was magical. i still dream of it sometimes
am i clean or messy? i clean when i'm anxious, so i'm p clean yeah :')
most used phrase? uhh probably "ah bless", which kinda means "ah bless their heart" or "ah cute" or smth in the middle? it's a bit difficult to explain sjd
how long does it take you to get ready? 5 minutes to 2+ hours depending on what it's for
do you talk to yourself? yeah 😭
do you sing to yourself? yeah i find it v fun to just sing along to smth in the background when ur alone
are you a good singer? ive trained for a couple years so i'd like to say so!
biggest fear? heights, or disappointing everyone i know
are you a gossip? no, but i do like to keep myself in the know of what's happening. i just don't spread it around
do you like long or short hair? short! i cut my hair into a lil curly bob about two years ago, and i don’t think i’ll ever go back to long hair - short hair on my face just looks so much cuter haha 
favourite school subject? music/chemistry/spanish
extrovert or introvert? i’d say somewhere in the middle? ambivert maybe?
what makes you nervous? big crowds
who was your first real crush? my best friend 🤧 rip, we both had a thing for each other but we never would have worked out well so we just stayed as friends 
how many piercings? two 
how fast can you run? i can sprint pretty fast? but i really don’t like running 😭 so i wouldn’t know exactly how fast 
what colour is your hair? black ! 
what makes you angry? people demanding respect and not giving it in return. (cough, every single teacher i’ve ever had cough)
do you like your name? yes ! i think it suits me :)
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? neither.
what are your strengths? i’m dedicated. if there’s something i want to do, i’m not stopping until i can do it, and i can do it well.
what are your weaknesses? i’m very singularly focused, which sometimes leads me to ignore other problems until they overflow. it’s something im working on lmao 
what is the colour of your bedspread? currently, blue ! 
what is the colour of your room? yellow and white 💛
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What is Frank's Chinese name IN CHINESE, and what does it mean to him?
For a brief analysis on Frank's Chinese name (WARNING: SIMPLIFIED CHARACTERS AHEAD):
'His Chinese name, Fai, is either the Wade–Giles version of "Hui"(辉), which means "brightness", or "Fei" (飞), which means "to fly".'
-Frank Zhang, Riordan Wiki
I personally headcanon it to be the former. "輝" (trad), or "辉" - a fairly common and normal Chinese name, specifically meaning "brilliant", "shining", "glorious", etc. All things to do with light... and to an indirect extent, his curse of the firewood. It subtly alludes to his curse, but also as a Chinese name, proclaims his family's (I'd say, grandmother's) expectations for him - to achieve glory and fame, to shine in his talents. Then of course, it takes a literal turn in The Tyrant’s Tomb, as we all know, he burnt up his stick to vaporize a god-emperor, therefore quite literally going out in a blaze of glory (until he got brought back somehow).
It's also no wonder Frank thought he could have been a son of Apollo prior to his claiming - besides his archery skill, his name itself, though literally speaking (and not figuratively as Chinese names usually do), was a Red Herring when it straightforwardly meant something related to light, when it was in fact referring to his destiny.
EDIT: What makes it even better is that ‘fai’ is the way to pronounce "輝" in Cantonese. I should know, it’s my mother tongue. Double checkmate, with my Zhang Family Origin headcanon in mind.
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