#trafficking mention
eversincedeath · 9 months
I cannot express in words how frustrated and angry I get when I hear people say that child trafficking is a myth. What absolutely shocks me, is how ignorant these people can be, with no interest in developing any knowledge or understanding around the complexities of this devastating global issue.
It’s time for people to wake up and accept the fact that child trafficking is a serious crime that’s happening all around the world, in plain sight - right next to them. The sheer number of children taken away from their families, held in captivity, and exploited for labor and sex is absolutely harrowing. To think that people won’t accept the reality of this rampant and abhorrent form of exploitation is simply disgusting. No child should have to suffer such injustice, yet this sickening and violent practice continues to affect millions of innocent children every year. Just because there isn’t an easy solution for this crisis doesn’t make it a “myth”. Poor law enforcement, lack of awareness, and corrupt mechanisms all play a complex role in allowing this crime to continue. If people can’t see that widespread child trafficking is a real problem and it needs to be acted upon, then I simply don’t know what else to say. It’s time to stop ignoring the truth and do something about it.
We need to make sure that this global crisis is pushed to the top of the agenda - because it deserves urgent attention and developments in legislation and action. It’s time to shine a light on this horrifying reality and do something to help those innocent children who are suffering right under our noses. It’s time to stand up and not turn a blind eye on child trafficking any longer.
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night-wyld-system · 8 months
SAS/JAS/Dude's Ableism, Abuse, and Fakeclaiming
Since I originally didn't have my name behind this I think some people didn't realize or see this post and how awful it was... sysmedsaresexist aka justanothersyscourse aka Dude fakeclaimed my human trafficking and cultic abuse, spread slanderous lies about me with the knowledge they were lies, and engaged in ableist attacks against me back on September 8th- this person still gets recognition. I still have to unfollow accounts reposting from one of my abusers- and one who attacked me publicly. @awiltedroseconfession was me.
You can see the entire post where they attacked me with an ableist word that are currently under debate if it is considered slur or not- as well as the areas in which they lied about me to my own face HERE.
I am not addressing 1/4 of SAS's attack on me because it's them discussing a separate situation I was not part of merely someone who pushed forward another person's allegations on. This I am now uncertain of who is telling the truth. So I won't be pushing them forward here.
Yellow highlight = ableist slur/insults/ableism Red highlight = fakeclaiming Blue highlight = lies
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Let's start with this first image. Immediately a lie off the back. IIRC every single mod told me they were NOT a RAMCOA survivor and they still have never said otherwise- you are just a fucking dick who wants to punch down and lie about me while larping as if you're more oppressed than you are- which is funny considering how often you project the idea of "larping oppression" onto others.
You are not well versed in this topic and that is fucking clear from you literally lying about the contents of the screenshot WHICH YOU SHARED. This is from Allison Miller's book Healing The Unimaginable. It does not in fact claim you can get false memories- it claims the opposite. Hearing from fellow survivors makes survivors wrongfully think they are experiencing false memories if they remember similar because RAMCOA survivors often are so in denial they'll cling onto anything. Like I currently won't accept I was trafficked up until 2020 because "well I was fat then so obviously it didn't happen checkmate so it ended in 2013/14" which my therapist laughed at because it's such a delusional way to engage in denial and an alter without the denial told her about it. (This is also aided by people like you who make them believe that any memories similar to others mean they're making it up because "well I heard about it before". Which fun fact you did to us- you have permanently fucked us up and traumatized us we have to take time away from recovery from being trafficked to be able to recover from your abuse to be capable of healing because you manipulated me into thinking my flashbacks were me making it up for attention).
You blatantly lied about being able to trick people into believing they're victims as that never happens. You have a delusional episode isn't false memories- me not being dead does not equal me oppressing you because your disorder is capable of making you have delusional beliefs. I have psychotic episodes and breaks but you don't see me using them as "well I can get false memories of x" because I'm a normal fucking adult and not someone who thinks they should never be held accountable. Because ya know... you lied about the screenshots contents which is provable by anyone who reads the damn thing you yourself showed. Nice trying to weaponize an activist who speaks out against the harm caused by the narrative of false memories' words against me though cause uhhhh that made it so fucking easy to debunk you. I thought you cared about misinfo but guess that was another larp huh.
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The first line highlighted is also a lie. it was not banned in the rules but every-time someone talked about it you and others told them to in not so colorful language as I use- to shut the fuck up.
That is a lie- I was not in a bad place. I was away from my abusers- I was in college in a dorm and doing better than I had ever been before. Other mods of survivors network later went on to peddle this false narrative. This individual KNOWS for a fact this was the case they are lying to everyone and they know it. I am literally the person in question, who are you going to believe- me who has proof of my dorm residency or fuck face over here pretending I lived with my abusers?
Wow someone with a more severe presentation of DID, PTSD, and C-PTSD gets triggered daily when that's actually really fucking normal for that disorder and severity? That means I'm evil right? It surely isn't ableist to try and make me out to be a bad person for uhhhhh being disabled (sarcasm). Or can only you be disabled now?
You did no such thing you did not gently try to tell me shit and you know it. You're a weasley little liar dude /ref. You knew I was enrolled in therapy at that time- I was in treatment. You all told me I was either wrong or to shut the fuck up. The only reason it came up in the syscourse channel the one time is because SOMEBODY ELSE started the conversation but of course you want to make me look bad... and for what? To save your own hide? People who matter haven't budged an inch. My partners won't cave to you and neither will my friends.
"You became more and more unhinged by the DAY" holy fuck my guy... ableism from sysmedsaresexist/justanothersyscourse color me surprised. Nah we all knew you had it in you. But considering words like crazy/unhinged/deranged/psychotic/etc are currently being discussed on whether or not they're considered slurs you seem WAY to ready to call me that. You wanna call me the r slur so bad. OOOooooo. But really though this is just demonstrating how vile this person is.
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I was raised in a cult and this person even if they hadn't read any of my posts was iirc directly told that by me and acknowledges that somewhat in past parts of the post. I know what lovebombing is and I consider this to be fakeclaiming my trauma.
LMFAO you mean bullying, dogpiling, silencing, and berrating me when I didn't cave into your "expert opinion uwu"? Because that was what y'all fuckers did. It's not reasonable to claim you ever fucking helped me be pro-endo. No I'm pro-endo in spite of you
And there we go just calling what I was public about on that account turned out to be a cult that trafficked me a "conspiracy theory" which is ya know one of the most vial things.
Same person has been defending an endo system getting sent a death threat (like an actual threat of genuine violence) because the endo system "reacted the wrong way" to it and somehow wanting people who threaten to kill others to be isolated is awful but telling someone their trauma that also intersects with several other survivor's never happened because "well tehe I know more about you than you uwu" is fine.
Oh and one last sidenote--
The reason I kept crawling back to syscourse is cause of what I said in the post this fucker reblogged to attack me on. The envoirment made it so I would lose my (at the time) only system friends if I stopped being involved, hope this helps.
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chaoslynx · 1 year
Next coworker who makes a "nooo don't walk home you look like a kid you'll get kidnapped and trafficked as a child" joke about me is getting "been there done that" thrown in their face
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Also just another day where I see people saying "DID doesnt work like that! You cant have that communication with parts that is FAKING or [insert arm chair diagnosis]" and like, since we moved in with our fiance and out of both school environment and our parents, we usually have 2-3 parts up here like half the time and at times have just had like 5-8 parts at once in actual stable not-brain-hurty co-con / co-front as well as pretty open fluid switching and fronting between almost all of our "main fronters" especially when out of the house or in the car.
Like uh huh.
(tw brief trafficking mention)
We - at the very least - are a system that experienced some level programming, CSA, since-birth physical abuse, and literally didn't have a single not shit person regularly in our life until we were like 19 thus resulting in our polyfragmented DID that we've seen and been diagnosed by a professional who literally worked with a sector of the FBI that worked with human trafficking as one of their main therapists - must definitely be miss diagnosed and/or faking because we *checks notes* went through extensive therapy with a really skilled and experienced dedicated specialist of a professional for 5 years and 3+ years with a really skilled not-dedicated specialist and actually are *checks notes* recovering?
*checks notes* Yeah apparently signs of healing and recovery means we are misdiagnosed or faking got it.
Interesting take but ok lol
Really gotta love how the same people who say that shit are the ones that are always touting about how people are "anti-recovery" or whatever for posting not completely chronically negative content and actually having a relationship with their parts and THEN go to be like "final fusion and functional multiplicity are great" like.... like dude, you can't be saying that having lowered dissociative barriers and communication issues is "fake and signs of a misdiagnosis" and then say that its healing
Pick one my dude 😂
It's my favorite thing to clown on cause ok sure I guess we've been misdiagnosed three times and are certainly faking cause we *check notes* are actually healing.
Like I know where it comes from, but how about yall focus on your healing and recovery that is probably making you so miserable that you cant stand to see people being okay with their life and the same disorder rather than you know, judging how people have learned to be happy.
Just a ya know thought.
Or TLDR: Cope.
(BTW nothing came up to trigger this, I just have an attitude driven love for complaining and bitch about things and its a hobby that I moderate but really felt like bitching about this common thing casue its just really that fucking funny to me. I'm not at all "actually mad" I just, do this.)
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The best part about Taylor out-selling the Super Bowl is that she’s gunna do it like 50 times and the Super Bowl only happens once. The other best thing is that she donates enough money to likely feed entire homelessness populations ay every stop. The other best thing is that there is not an increase in domestic violence and human trafficking when she comes to town!
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loverboybreakdowns · 1 year
see part of why i stopped being into cm so much is because youll look for a moreid hurt/comfort fic and scroll through pages upon pages of aus where reid is like a sex trafficking victim or an sa victim or like hes fucking 15 or like being stalked and just. can yall stop torturing this man for 2 fucking seconds? god. just like. have him get shot or something omfg why do yall hate him
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samsqueerpolycule · 2 years
There’s a campaign ad here in Illinois that’s been pissing me off so much lately. It’s this woman who says she was trafficked and assaulted as a child and had multiple abortions and the ad ends with her saying that parents need to know about if their daughters are having abortions so don’t re-elect the current pro abortion governor and it’s like how did we get from this horrible thing happened to you to we should force other girls to give birth against their will? Do you think young girls who as assaulted and trafficked should be having their abusers babies? Also how is telling the parents involved? Please stop with the logical fallacies!!!
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chapst1ckmcdyke · 1 year
If u ever post anything that mentions human trafficking in the form of a joke and without tagging it i will block you
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prettyswellaus · 2 years
Persona 5 AU
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Genres: Action, Adventure, Slice-Of-Life(ish)
Also Known As: Personaworld AU
Warning: As this AU is a Persona 5 AU, heavy topics will be mentioned and present in the AU's story. Including, but not limited to: Death in the case of Jon, child abuse (mentioned mental/emotional, mentioned physical, and metaphorical sexual abuse in Marty’s palace (the last one does not actually happen in the AU's IRL world but it shows up in the Metaverse.), and human trafficking. This AU, and those behind it, do NOT condone or glorify any of these things.
If you or a loved one are suffering through child abuse or human trafficking please seek help in whatever way you can.
Oh and also blood and violence will be present, that too.
After a tragedy struck the household of Edd Goldberg and his friends, they are awakened to a special power, tasked with assembling a group of phantom thieves to change the hearts of the corrupted. And that's just the beginning, as they soon must team up with the people they least expected…and end up unraveling an even greater plot.
This AU takes place after the events of "The End", so Jon is dead in this AU (though he is able to use a Persona, if Sophia, an AI, can use one, he can too). Red Leader is also present in the AU, but here, he is a clone of Tord and not the real deal.
Information Posts
The Phantom Thieves
(List not in order of awakening)
Edd (aka "Flash")
Tom (aka "Beast")
Matt (aka "Prince")
Tord (aka "Private")
Blaze (OC) (aka "Phoenix")
Dusk (OC) (aka "Comet")
Eduardo (aka "King")
Jon (aka "Specter")
Mark (aka "Vision')
Jordan (aka "Thorn")
Blade (OC) (aka "Brute")
Dawn (OC) (aka “Inferno”)
(List not complete yet, and not in particular order)
Felicity Payne
Darcy Carlson
Sonia Gallagher
Heather Vallejo
Xavier Nilsen
Kevin Williams
Marty Anderson (Dawn's father)
Clone Tord aka "Red Leader"
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heyslutsitswinter · 2 years
Honestly the fact Paimon rented Blitz for a day and Stolas is confused as to why they can't have a normal relationship is telling
A lot of it is upbringing obviously being raised by royalty will affect you in some ways
But the fact he never fully understands how big the power difference is between the two of them, I wouldn't be surprised if neurodivergence is a big factor alongside being extremely spoiled
There are plenty of wealth autistic kids who have life hit them a little too late when it comes to those of lower standing.
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aspenforest732 · 6 months
Mortem ad Wrens Chapter 17: For the Freedom of Those Our Nation Denies
tw: scars, trafficking mention, gang involvement, domestic violence shelter, abuse mention, unhoused, spousal abuse mention, muzzle adjacent device Stain from afar and rescue race
Me: Akira’s never had a stable adult in their life, have they Akira: there’s the gang! Me: eeeeh ‘text’ JSL Text thoughts
As they geared up for the third day’s evening patrol, Akira kept trying to adjust their capture weapon, something causing it to sit askew. After a moment of trying to undo a lump, they directed it to unravel and saw a small lizard napping in it. Grinning, Akira took a picture of it and sent it to their class group chat and Lizzaro once Taishiro happily gave them her number. Akira scooped the lizard off the scarf, being careful to detangle its tiny claws, and set it on their now-empty costume case.
An hour into patrol, everyone’s phone sounded an alarm as Hosu was attacked. Akira blanched and quickly texted the class group chat, “Those in or going to Hosu, stay safe. Don’t do anything illegal.”
Shoto liked their message, but they weren’t expecting Ida to see it for a while. It’s the thought that counts, right?
“Any friends in Hosu?” Taishiro asked gently.
‘Mini Ingenium’s interning there, and it looks like Shoto is heading there with Endeavor,’
“We’re too far out to send people, but the backup evening team will be ready to deploy if they need more people that badly.”
Akira nodded and put their phone away, hoping their classmates would follow protocol for once. Mortis helped a cat down from a tree, letting the poor thing ride in their capture scarf as they carefully climbed back down. Fat Gum discretely took a picture, chuckling at Mortis’ half-hearted glare that was tempered by the cat nuzzling under against the mottled scar across their throat.
“Nejire is also responding in Hosu with Ryukyu,” Suneater said as the group quietly patrolled. Even Fat Gum only tried to lighten the mood a couple times, keeping an eye on the HN for updates.
Half an hour later, Mortis’ phone vibrated. They immediately paused with a roll halfway to their mouth and pulled it out. ‘Deku’s caught up in something, and it looks like mini Ingenium is at the same location.’
Fat Gum sent out a Hero Network alert with what little information they had, two interns either separated from their mentors or with injured mentors in an alleyway. Mortis quickly messaged the group that the alert had been sent to the Hero Network and pinged Shoto in case he hadn’t seen it yet.
The trio waited tensely by the sushi shop as Endeavor and Manual added themselves as responders along with a few of the flame hero’s sidekicks. The minutes ticked by until it was marked as resolved with no casualties but two students moderately injured, one pro and one student severely injured, and Stain severely injured in custody.
Akira sighed in relief and frustration, ‘I’d bet my savings mini Ingenium got there first, and Deku swooped in to help. He wouldn’t have targeted Manual, so Native is probably the injured pro.’
“Native? What makes you say that?” Fat Gum asked.
‘There is a list compiled by people with similar ideologies to Stain of people who need to be taken down in some way. Native is on there for racism, multiple counts of assault, and helping to cover up crimes against indigenous people.’ At Fat Gum’s confusion, Mortis gave their theory on why Ingenium was attacked and not killed.
The three went back to a quiet but tense patrol as it seemed everyone was waiting on news from Hosu. Towards the end of their shift, Fat Gum took the group a little off their patrol route and smiled at Akira’s confused head tilt. “On Wednesdays, I like to check on the battered spouse and community shelters. No matter how much we promote education and therapy for abuse, there are a few who slip through the cracks.”
‘And the community shelters?’ Mortis asked. ‘Are they just a nicer term for unhoused shelters?’
Suneater smiled slightly, “No, anyone from the community or who ends up here can have a place to stay with warm meals, education, and a counselor. The shelters have an emergency foster license they can employ at their discretion, and since we implemented those, we’ve found runaways or abuse victims are more likely to reach out when something’s wrong.”
Fat Gum let one of the intake people take them on a tour of the battered spouse shelter. As they spoke with some of the staff in each wing, a few residents would occasionally approach who had an issue with services. Some were also curious about Akira as his newest, albeit temporary, addition to the agency.
As the tour was wrapping up in the birthing person ward, Akira hesitantly asked, ‘Do you have any protections in place for spouses of pro heroes or villains?’
“Why yes, we have a Tinker on staff who has a support license to help protect the building against most quirk-based attacks. We also have evacuation plans in case the facility is attacked.”
The community shelter left Mortis wishing they had something like it in Musutafu. While the warehouses were protected, a place where you could continue education, not have to worry about your next meal, and start saving money would have made a world of difference when Mortis arrived. They found themself easily talking with the kids, encouraging their dreams and letting them share their interests. The adults still made them a little wary, visually and subtly verbally checking the kids for abuse, but they all seemed to be thriving as best they could in the circumstances.
Eventually heading back to the agency, Mortis signed, ‘Thank you. If U.A. wasn’t so far away, I would wish I stopped here instead of going to Musutafu.’
A few days later, Mortis slipped into base, giving an exhausted smile to Au as they made their way to the back. Most people were making deliveries or deals or sleeping, so Mortis took silent steps until they were just outside Boss’ door, knocking for the first time in ages.
“Mortis, good to have you back. How was the internship?”
‘Good, Fat Gum updated my nutrition plan, and I’m working on a new skill. Unclear yet whether it’ll help on this side of my life, but we’ll see. Also, Fat Gum and Sun Eater are aware of my situation and are willing to help with and recruit for Plan A.’
“Unexpected but noted. Are they aware of us?”
‘Not by name, but they are aware I’m in a gang. With how quickly Fat Gum figured out my bio family, I doubt it’ll take him long to find out which gang I’m in if he decides to look into it.’
“Will they be a problem?” Boss groaned.
‘No, they work with gangs in Esuha, albeit with a tighter leash.’ Akira took a steadying breath, script set in their head. ‘I want to go on security duty. The new nutrition plan is going to take two and a half times what I’m currently making off deliveries. I know we’re still down people since the USJ incident, and I can be the shadow cloak or overwatch. I can intercept Eraser Head and draw off other heroes-’
“Done. Just stay out of the line of fire unless the muscle gives you the signal.”
Akira grinned, ‘Thanks, Boss. If everything goes well for once, you’ll be looking for someone new around October. Also, I’m gonna need to use the kitchen for a couple hours once a week.’
The next day in class, everyone was sharing their internships, and Akira resisted rolling their eyes at the trio saying Endeavor saved them. Riiight, definitely not a cover story. Bakugo seemed pretty happy in his own way with Mirko’s internship, and Kaminari seemed hyped for the alternate way of thinking Present Mic worked on with them. Akira was surprised by his admission of thinking Stain was cool, at least for his drive, and they carefully scanned the room for agreement, only to find disdain towards Kaminari and concern towards Ida. Shinso looked a little disappointed but mostly an emotion Akira couldn’t quite place.
Shinso’s capture scarf was now comfortably settled around his neck, and Akira grinned at the aesthetic choice. ‘Some hell course, huh? You look even more like Eraser now,’ they teased. Shinso just looked smug and nuzzled the fabric, drawing a laugh out of Akira and Koda.
Tokoyami was brooding more than usual, so Akira doodled a few stick figure Hawks getting doused in water and other pranks they’d heard of during homeroom. After passing it to Tokoyami during the break, Akira grinned at his small smile.
As the group made their way to Gym Gamma for rescue training, Akira kept glancing at Shinso’s new addition to his costume. Catching their eye, Akira signed, ‘Are you really okay with that?’
Shinso’s hands ghosted over their half mask as understanding sparked in his eyes. ‘It’s the most effective way to help advance my quirk, and Loud Cockatoo worked with me on the design and structure to avoid triggering. I need a lot of practice with the settings and with mimicking inflections, but yeah. I’m okay.’
Akira nodded hesitantly, worry still gnawing at the back of their mind over the muzzle-like contraption.
After Midoriya’s surprising demonstration of control, Akira went in the second rescue group for heroics with Jiro, Tokoyami, Shoto, and Shinso. Akira immediately heard the sharp tinkling of Shoto’s ice and warped onto the nearest building, surveying the terrain a moment before darting across the pipes. They could just make out Shinso in the distance using their capture weapon and Tokoyami using Dark Shadow’s hover to assist with larger jumps over top. Without an easy way to the canopy, Akira almost felt bad for Jiro being restricted to the ground.
Tokoyami, Akira, and Shoto were neck and neck, steps sure and quirks propelling them forward. Just as the twinkling stopped and Shoto activated his left side to propel the last few meters, Akira tapped All Might on the shoulder as they made their clone lose its footing. They winced as Tokoyami dove to catch them, only to dispel it with the force.
As the others caught up, Shoto bewildered, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow glared at Akira. “Don’t scare us like that! Give a warning next time.”
Akira smirked sheepishly, ‘If I warned you, you could’ve pulled ahead. I’ve been working on continued motion.’
Shinso lit up as they arrived. “You actually got it? That’s great!” But it wasn’t Shinso’s voice. It almost sounded like Tokoyami, but something was distinctly off.
‘That… I see what you’re going for, but you need a little more edge and intone.’
“How long have you been standing here?” All Might asked, handing the sash to Akira.
‘About 30 seconds before I tapped you. I’m still working on clone control.’ Akira signed as Anii interpreted, although they could tell All Might was starting to catch more of their signs in the moment.
Anii added to Akira, ‘You did good, kid.’
Jiro finally jogged up, looking pissed. “Of course, I got paired with aerial people. Who won?”
“I’m not aerial,” Shoto looked mildly confused.
“Yeah, but you might as well be with your ice,” Jiro snapped.
‘To answer your question, I won.’
Jiro scowled and stalked back to the class as the other four shrugged and made their way back, too.
“Are your clones new?” Shoto asked.
‘No, but how they work is. Fat Gum and Sun Eater helped me figure out how to direct them during my internship. Fine motor control and number of clones is still an issue, but that’ll come with time.’
What’s the purpose of the lizard? None, I just thought it’d be cute. It’ll probably make an appearance in that collection of short stories. I used a random number generator to get the second rescue group based on the seating chart and immediately got three of the four members of Mad Banquet XD Also here's the first fanart I did of Akira! Technically they'd have their yellow contacts in, but I wanted to draw their cool eyes. Akira helping cat Next week things start heating up :D
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smileduponyou · 6 months
puts thy hand on thy shoulder (from supercreig for the hands of intimacy meme)
[ shoulder ]  –  for the sender’s muse to place a hand on the receiver’s shoulder to comfort them, or stop them.
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A hand on his shoulder. That's all it takes for Gregory to freeze in place with only the clench of his teeth being a sign of movement. It had been so tempting to beat this latest target to death: The goal only being in busting the trafficking ring that this scum was co-leader of. Revulsion rolls through the blond at the notion of keeping the bastard alive.
He should die for the pain he has caused. Gregory is no saint and never has he claimed to be one.
".... Dammit!"
One last punch is given to the bastard's jaw, less harsh than the ones that came before it, before he shoves the living garbage away from him and onto the floor. The fucker would live and information would be strung out of him like the guts from a stuck pig.
But Gregory still loathes having to stop.
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winterfurst · 9 months
"Lady Satsuki? You have a visitor."
Hm? Looking up from her computer at her door, she furrowed her brow. Okay... That was strange. She wasn't expecting anyone. Getting up from her desk, she opened the door and followed Soroi down the hall towards the dining room.
"... Aren't you supposed to be in school?"
Oh. That's a voice she hadn't expected to hear...
"I'm taking classes online," came her son's reply.
Coming into the dining room, Satsuki crossed her arms as she stared at the man in the seat next to her son. Blue haired. Glasses. A black hoodie on with it zipped allllll the way up as he quickly tapped on the keys on his laptop.
"You look extremely jetlagged, Houka. What are you even doing here?"
Looking up from said laptop, the man blinked at his Lady. "No 'It's great to see you'? I feel the love, Lady Satsuki."
...She deserved that.
"Is your man home?"
"No? He's in meetings today. Planning meetings about whatever they are going to do with that branch family. Is this visit pertaining-"
"No. The other thing actually. And I came here because... I didn't want to talk about this over anything. I wanted to talk to face to face."
"Oh, come on!"
"Let him stay, Lady Satsuki. Anyway. I was undoctering some photo that became doctored in a supermarket when I noticed someone was in the network with me. Someone that shouldn't be there."
Houka puffed out his chest.
"Naturally... I got into a hacking fight with them. And won. However. That 'them', I discovered, quickly became a 'she'. And that 'she', as I did more digging... Became a Venus Ariti."
"?! What?!"
"Yeah. She's hacking for a group for trafficking purposes. I'm still locating her actual coordinates, but... My theory is that she was originally taken to be trafficked. However, they discovered she was good at what she did and realized they could...Use those skills to their advantage."
Wrinkling her nose, Satsuki glanced at her son to see how pale he went. Good God...
Holding out some papers he had printed to Satsuki, Houka frowned. "I'll stay here to locate her but..."
"I have a meeting to interrupt."
Time to cancel her two o'clock today.
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dominaelumine · 10 months
❛    so that was a lie?    ❜     . • °  @readapt
tandy can feel panic beginning to claw at her throat. the room suddenly feels too small, suffocating- her eyes flick towards the door, then back to bucky. this is bad. it is not often that tandy is caught out in a lie ( despite the amount she has told over her short life ) and she doesn’t know what to do. 
her first instinct is to deny, but bucky will be on to her the moment that she opens her mouth. 
“yes-” to her horror, she finds that she is close to tears when she starts to speak, “bucky- I- I’m sorry. I should have told you that I knew him-” her eyes flick to the photo between them on the table, of the man they’re supposed to be tracking down, “he’s a trafficker. I was one of his victims. I didn’t- I didn’t want you to know-” 
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cowls-moving-hassle · 11 months
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 11 months
How fucking Dare you , California.
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