#trail of lightning review
beckysbook5 · 29 days
Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse - Book Review!
Looking for your next dystopian/urban fantasy read? Interested in Native American mythology? Like books with complicated characters? Then be sure to pick up #TrialofLightning by Rebecca Roanhorse out now! #BookReview #NetgalleyReview
While most of the world has drowned beneath the sudden rising waters of a climate apocalypse, Dinétah (formerly the Navajo reservation) has been reborn. The gods and heroes of legend walk the land, but so do monsters. Maggie Hoskie is a Dinétah monster hunter, a supernaturally gifted killer. When a small town needs help finding a missing girl, Maggie is their last—and best—hope. But what Maggie…
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esevik · 1 year
Book review: Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse
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My liveblog of reading it.
Short review:
The book is good but didn't quite click with me.
Long review:
The book is about the monster slayer Maggie who is chasing down some new type of monsters that have started to show up. She is joined in her quest by Kai who appears to be her oposite in almost every way.
The plot is fairly simple but works. While there is a mystery about who is creating these new monsters and a few twists it still felt like the monster plot fell in the background to the chacter drama. The character drama is not bad but tends to overshadow the monster plot which sometimes makes the treath of monsters killing people not feel that urgent. There's quite a bit of stuff that's happening in the story but the pacing felt a bit uneven. The first half of the book felt a bit slow while the ending was intense and at points almost rushed. I think it might have worked a bit better if the monster plot got fleshed out a bit more or have the characters focus on it more instead of only whenever they happened to stumble into it. B
The characters are fleshed out, are believable and work well together. A-
The world is interesting with an intruiging concept. It is also introduced fairly naturally through the characters (who all are used to it). I wish there was a bit more exploration of how the world works. B
The writing works well for the most part with my only real nitpick being the fight scenes. The fight scenes were described in detail of how the characters moved but because they for the most part were put in a single paragraph it could get a bit confusing to read. I think it might have worked better if the action was divided up into a few more paragraphs? A-
Rating: B+
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magicwhiskers29 · 2 months
I guess I'm doing another review-type post? So, I recently finished a neat little 2D platformer named Shu, and whilst a bunch of my friends have it and have played it/are playing it, I think we might actually make up like 50% of the Shu playerbase at this point.
So... Shu! It's about this lil' owl(?) guy called Shu, who is trying to outrun the end of the world, or, in this case, this... creature, heralding the end of the world.
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Shu is trying to save all the villagers in their village from this monster, which I believe is known as the storm. (Side note, me and the gang have been calling it 'Chris' for... You know, I'm not even sure why, but if say 'Chris', I mean this guy.)
It's a platformer, where your main two moves are jump, and glide. Sounds simple enough, and it is, but this gets expanded by the main gimick of each set of levels: the villagers.
Each area (usually three levels per area, with the exception of the final area, and the post-game area) will get you two villagers by the end of it, each giving a unique extra ability. For example, in the first area, you're aided by a villager that gives you a ground-pound (Sending you to the ground quicker and allowing you to destroy certain obstacles), and another that controls the growth of certain flower obstacles to either build a path or removes walls.
It's a game with a simple premise, but fun execution! The game is good at coming up with unique ways to implement its mechanics, such as changing water level puzzles for a villager who lets you skate on water for a limited time. It's simple, but effective!
Additionally, everyone's favourite nightmare-inducer Chris (the storm) will chase you at certain points, giving you timed escapes à la Ori and the Blind Forest/ Will of the Wisps with some often pretty cool set pieces! The "Run" that pops up whenever Chris my beloathed shows up never fails to make me jump, what with the thunder sound that hits, as well as the lightning flash, when it appears. (Side note, lighting and thunder at the same time is a great way of showing how close the storm is.) These are often decently challenging, especially to get through first try, and add a good sense of pressure to the game.
There's also a lot to do for completion -- inside each level will be six babbies (little colourful bird thingies who I was calling 'Flickies' for the longest time lol), a relic piece which creates a stone carving per area when you collect all that area's pieces (these are usually much better hidden than the babbies, expecting you to walk through secret exits or follow secret trails of wind) denoted as nearby by the music quietening and a 'glowing' sound effect beginning, as well as a number of glowing butterflies along the path that you'll be graded on completion of at the end of the level (bronze, silver, or gold), a Goo Shu race available to do on level replays to speedrun it, and a stamp for beating the level deathless.
The visuals are stunning, and the animation's beautiful. Shu's (the character's) movements look super charming, and they have a cute design! The area's all have a unique aesthetic, ranging from a gloomy jungle, to a barren desert, to a graveyard! My favourite area, design-wise, is definitely the last one; the City of Eagles is beatiful to look at, with a very interesting sense of architecture and design -- the shattered glass look especially looks lovely.
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The music's great too! It's often simple, but the storm's (Chris's) theme is intimidating, most of the overworld themes are quite beautiful, the main theme is wonderful, and the main theme remix for the final level made me really excited to listen to! It's not stand-out brilliant, but it's nice, and I do like it.
Overall, I mostly had a blast collecting everything in all the levels -- the babbies are usually hidden in such a good way to be out the way so you have to search for them, but also not so hidden that it gets annoying. (Except for in one instance, where I swear you just can't even see them... It also involves looping back on yourself whilst being chased, which probably adds to that.) I loved listening for the sound cues for the mural pieces (relics, I think I called them earlier), and it felt good to save all the babbies!
I'm not going to talk about each level individually, because this is mostly just an overview post, but I do want to give special focus to the final level, The Tower, for reasons I hope will become clear.
Conceptually, it's a near-perfect finale. It requires you to re-use all the villagers from all previous area whilst being chased by the eyeless monster way scarier than HK's No Eyes, Chris. The music, as I have said, is stellar, the environment looks beautiful, and it's a good, genuinely challenging test of your skills. I like the way it forces you to alternate playing with villagers and without, but I think that also highlights my main issue with it -- it's kinda difficult to remember the controls of villagers you haven't used in hours of in-game time, especially when you're expected to do so on the fly, whilst fleeing Chris "help he knocked me off the platform with his tentacles" the Storm.
You're very liable to die because you don't remember which two buttons activate which villagers under which circumstances, an issue increased by the fact that you always have two villagers with you at once in this level. This can be incredibly frustrating when this level is by far the longest in the game, and some of the length between checkpoints can be brutal, and if you lose all five lives, you reset to the beginning of the level. I'm not mad that it's challenging, more so that it can feel unfairly so in this level specifically.
But... It still felt fantastic to beat, and I was thrilled with the ending cutscene and cute pieces of concept art used in the credits.
In general, the game is pretty cheap, and frequently on sale, so if you feel like giving it a chance, I would highly recommend! If you like Ori BF/WotW, you'll probably enjoy Shu! (Though, I would note that the Switch version sometimes crashes -- both me and a friend have issues with the game crashing between levels -- it really doesn't seem to like it if you spam the restart option too much. I can't comment on the other versions of the game, though.)
So.... Nobody' played Shu, or even heard of it, it would seem, but thank you to a sweet little game for giving me a fun time :)
Now, just for fun, me and @sirspears put together a tier list of all the Shu villagers + the diabolical and disasterous Chris. If anyone has played this game, feel free to ask about the placements lol
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recycledraccoon · 18 days
reviews from this movie:
1. I was absolutely right about the most obvious plot twist in the world about the giant wooden rabbit being the dad. I felt too vindicated about this compared to any actual investment in the movie essentially going on in the background
2. The Dad just looks like arin hanson to me. Peak, honestly.
3. It was actually pretty dope to see the final move being "trail these papers I've been using to do lightning magic behind me as I fall to my death holding the villain and then activate them all in one chain reaction in a lightning strike to kill us both" kinda king shit ngl
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crazygriffinlord · 3 months
[The scene transitions back to Radiator Springs, where morning light filters through the windows of the schoolroom. Sally and Lightning sit together, the air filled with a sense of quiet anticipation. Lightning holds a letter in his wheels, his focus intent as he reads its contents. Luigi waits patiently nearby, his expression curious.]
Lightning McQueen: [Reading aloud] "Dear Lightning, I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude for your kind words about 'The Garage of Rust-eze.' Your support means the world to me. Best regards, Mater."
[As Lightning finishes reading, he carefully folds the letter and tucks it into the pages of "The Garage of Rust-eze," Mater's book, which sits prominently on the table before him. Sheets of notes, meticulously taken by Lightning for his upcoming review, are scattered across the tabletop.]
Sally Carrera: [Observing] Mater's book seems to hold a special place in your heart.
Lightning McQueen: [Nodding] Yeah, Mater's always had a unique way with words. It's the least I can do to show my support.
As Sally races laps around the training track, her wheels spin with determination, but she encounters some difficulty navigating the twists and turns. Lightning watches from the sidelines, concern furrowing his grille as he observes her struggle.
Sally Carrera: [Panting] Lightning, I need to talk to you.
Lightning McQueen: [Approaching] What's wrong, Sally? You seem off your game today.
Sally Carrera: [Sighs] It's Flo. I saw her with Leland in the garage, laughing together. I think she's in love with him.
[Lightning's tires skid slightly at Sally's revelation, his expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty.]
Lightning McQueen: [Defensive] Sally, you know that's not true. Flo's been our friend for years. She wouldn't...
Sally Carrera: [Interrupting] Don't play dumb, Lightning. I see the way you look at her. You're jealous of Leland.
[Lightning's grille tenses with frustration as Sally's accusations hit home. He tries to refocus the conversation on Sally's race training results, but her emotions are already running high.]
Lightning McQueen: Sally, let's talk about your training results. I've...
Sally Carrera: [Interrupting, her voice rising] Training results? You gave me an "Alpha minus"! You think my races are just for ego-stroking, don't you?
[The tension between them escalates as Sally expresses her desire for races that spread love and happiness, rather than mere competition.]
Sally Carrera: I want races that make every car happy, not just the winner!
[Lightning tries to redirect the conversation to the history of great female racecars, but Sally's frustration boils over, her words dripping with resentment.]
Sally Carrera: [Voice trembling] I hate those great female racecars! They gave away everything out of love and weakness!
[As emotions reach a breaking point, Lightning decides to prove Sally wrong, timing the laps she struggled with and finding them perfect. But Sally, overwhelmed by her emotions, accuses Lightning of cheating before fleeing the room in tears, leaving Lightning alone with his thoughts.]
Doc Hudson strides into the room, his presence commanding attention, with Mater trailing behind him. Mater, ever the stickler for protocol, insists that Lightning address Doc directly when Mater wants to speak.
Mater: Lightning, when I want to talk to ya, ya talk to Doc. Got it?
[Lightning, caught off guard by Mater's directive, hesitates before complying, addressing Doc as if he were Mater.]
Lightning McQueen: Alright, Mater. What's on your mind?
[Doc, perplexed by Lightning's sudden change in behavior, furrows his grille in confusion. Mater's patience wears thin as Lightning continues to address Doc as if he were Mater, a misunderstanding that only serves to exacerbate tensions.]
Doc Hudson: Lightning, I ain't Mater. What in tarnation are ya goin' on about?
[Mater's frustration reaches a boiling point, his voice tinged with irritation as he demands Lightning's attention.]
Mater: I told ya, Lightning! Address Doc when ya wanna talk to me!
[Before Lightning can respond, Flo enters the room, her presence a welcome distraction from the mounting tension. She delivers a message to Mater, her tone cheerful despite the underlying tension in the room.]
Flo: Mater, Leland would like a copy of his book. He's been asking for it.
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The Thief of your Heart - Chapter Seven.
Huge thanks to everyone for your reads and beautiful reviews! You make the hard work I put into writing this very much worth it :)
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six
Tag list - In the comments, please reply below to be added/removed
Words - 3,605
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“I’ve said it before, princess, many, many times, but Christ, you look so fuckin’ gorgeous with my cock in your mouth.” Chibs groaned, standing at the foot of the bed, a stoned high meeting the buzz of alcohol, his cock like steel in the hot suck of her mouth. She paused, kissing the tip of his hardness, running her tongue in a slow slide up the underside of his shaft, mouthing ‘love you’ at him before once again, he was swallowed whole.  
The salty, yet sweet tang of precum bathed her tongue, Abi running her nails in a soft glide up and down his hard, shuddering thighs, maintaining eye contact with him, her soft moan reverberating along his shaft as she tightened her lips, eliciting a hiss from him as he closed his eyes tightly, hands fisted in her blonde waves.
Her mouth, just as he remembered, sent him to the edges of heaven, but he couldn’t let himself enjoy it for too long, save her sucking him straight into the divinity he wanted to be sent to while his cock was buried within a different hole on her body. Pulling back, he grinned at her, Abi finishing her beer before he grasped her waist and lifted her, her legs gripping his waist as he moved to pin her against the wall beside the window, dropping her down on the hardness she’d evoked.  
His hands clutched the underside of her thighs as he began to fuck up into her, this time the pace less voracious, more sensually slow and rolling. Their foreheads pressed together, her hands stroking his chest as she moaned softly, those little mewls muted somewhat by the kisses she received, her cunt sore from the pounding of his cock and fingers she’d received in the time preceding this, but god, she wasn’t about to call a halt to it.  
He was the only sex she’d ever experienced where love and lust matched one hundred percent with each other, the combination magmatic and powerful, fervid bliss and adoration combined, no more so than then, being railed against the wall, dirty and slow, his mouth buried at her neck, his fingers digging into the undersides of her thighs as he held her spread.  
“As much as I love buffing the wall with my arse, you need to put me down so I can ride you into the bed.” She snorted with laughter at the look he gave her, the spread of a devilish, wide grin, carrying her back to the bed and lying back, knitting his fingers beneath his head.  
“Aye, I’m good with watching those pretty tits bounce.” She let him feel them softly brush his chest first, leaning to kiss him, Chibs moving his hands to squeeze her bum as they shared hot, syrupy kisses, her nails trailing his neck, her mouth following, reminding him of the first neck kisses he’d ever received from her, there in the abandoned church, attempting to fight against the attraction he felt for her, and ultimately failing. It felt like another life.  
Sitting up, she sank back onto his remaining inches, loving the wide split of her cunt around him, her walls twitching in appreciation of the most perfect cock they’d ever had part them, riding him with the kind of thorough rolling of her hips that had him exclaiming muttered curses. “Nobody does it quite like me, do they?”
“Oh no, they fuckin’ don’t.” he confirmed, winking at her, groaning at the drag of her nails over his chest and down his arms, her hands squeezing his as she began rutting against him a little faster, tingles of ebullience skittering through her. He moved beneath her, matching her rhythm, fingers digging into the plush of her hips, each thick inch of his cock dragging her walls as she grinded against him, desperate for as much pressure as she could attain.  
Her body quivered as she found it, lightning beginning to bounce at the base of her spine, fizzing through her muscles, pulsing through to her marrow. She rode that feeling of electric judders and hot, soaking clenches around him with gusto, the addition of his thumb as her slick little clit making her cry out, driving warmth through her like a forest fire being propelled by an unrelenting gale, the heat rising until it burned her veins and sparked her spine, shattering for him with a string of expletives, trails of sweat merging from her body to his as she leaned down to kiss him, mouth sliding down his neck, biting at his throat, his grumble of lust rumbling against her lips.
“Stay right there.” He slid his cock from her with a gloopy pop, moving beneath her body, kissing her everywhere she quivered until he was level with her apex, tongue laving at her folds, the caress heavenly in the wake of her undoing. “Jesus fucking Christ, you are so damned wet.” he then continued, sucking her bud, groaning around her, that rumble sending vibrations through her hot, puffy sex. Of course, she was soaking. It was him returned to her, the best sex of her life. Some men saw making a woman aroused as a chore, but not Filip Telford. Oh no. The more turned on a woman got for him, the more he utterly thrived on it.  
Each roll of his tongue sent sharp-edged pleasure soaring through her, nerves sizzling beneath her skin as her forehead rested to her wrists, her hands clutching bundles of bedclothes, gripping, feeling herself fall away a little as her heart thundered with rapidity. The sharp, sudden smack of his hand against her bum brought her back, a hot tingle flourishing, her moan almost helpless. She felt him smile against her folds, tongue cutting through her dew, the suck upon her clit tight, his hand spanking her again, harder, driving a cry from her throat.  
He felt her thighs quaking as she panted harder, pushing two fingers into the sopping mess of her cunt, chuckling to himself. “That’s it, beautiful. Cum all over my tongue, there’s a good girl.” Two more hard spanks, his fingers rotating with more skill than he should have legally been allowed to possess and the flat whirl of his tongue over her bud had her there, a shrieking mess of a woman, gritting her teeth and groaning as it charged through her like a thousand lightning bolts. She was still fluttering when he emerged, moving behind her, sinking his cock deep into her quivering heat.  
The thick of him seared into her, the swollen head nudging spots that had her mewling softly, his big hands gliding up her spine, one curling to grip her shoulder, the other weaving through her hair, wrapping it around the fist that clenched and pulled, gradually increasing the pressure until her neck was curved, head tipped back. Sparks glimmered through her as he plunged deep, each drag back out a slow trawl, speed behind him when he pushed forward, grinning as he watched her back become flecked with goosebumps, the chosen delivery of his cock sending her soaring.  
It still kept shocking him, making his heart skip a beat, thinking, ‘I’m back with my baby again’, hand releasing her shoulder and stroking down her spine, fingertips edging across the cluster of lilies tattooed on her lower back, the inking he’d taken great delight in referring to as a tramp stamp when he’d paid for her to have it done for her eighteenth birthday. Her reaction had been all piss and vinegar, as he’d expected, his mouth curling into a smile as he remembered her ire while lying on the table, vexing at him as he’d teased her the entire way through having the tattoo.  
“You’re laughing at my tattoo, aren’t you?” His quiet chuckles turned louder, Abi turning to look over her shoulder, eyeing him with a frown. “Fifteen years and nothing fuckin’ changes. Bastard.”  
Still, his laughter continued. “Stop laughing and fuck me!”
“Oh, but I am still fucking you, darlin’. See, there’s my big dick, sliding back and forth, while I laugh my balls off at the wee tramp stamp.”  
He was the only man she’d ever been with who was capable of giving her acerbically hot sex, and making her giggle while he was doing it at times, just as she was, finally succumbing to humour of the moment, even if it was at her expense. Those giggles gave way to ragged pants in the end, though, the more he began to speed up, his hips driven forward by need for greater friction, her walls clutching around him in response as she moved back against each of his thrusts determinedly.  
“Oh, fuck! Fuck me!” Her wail drove him on, arrowing her like a piston, their flesh smacking together as they chased the hot, sweet culmination, both tumbling through warm wells of bliss, the pleasure capsizing, swallowing them whole into a throbbing abyss of release. They were boneless and breathless in the aftermath, Chibs withdrawing from her, resting down, Abi reaching for the joint they’d only half smoked and lighting it up.  
“That fuckin’ tramp stamp. It don’t half light my fire, lass.”  
Her exclamation had him in fits, Abi kneeing him in the thigh, taking another drag of the joint before passing it to him. “It’s weird, you know. Hearing someone call me by my actual name.”
“Yeah, since you go by Chibs now,” she observed, combing her fingers through her sweat slicked hair.  
“Aye. Except for Juice, when I have him bent over something, giving him the full nine inches. He calls me Filip then.” She cackled loudly at that, composing herself as she took the joint back, reaching to trail one of his scars with her fingertips.  
“You don’t even know how many times I’ve wanted to kill him for what he did to you. It would have been too obvious to have come from me, though, and I couldn’t have that, knowing I’d die and leave me ma all alone. I might have lost you, but then she’d lose everything if I was reckless. I want you to know I’ve never stopped hating him, though,” she suddenly spoke, Chibs frowning slightly with a smile.  
“That’s what I worried about a lot in the months that followed being parted from you. I knew it’d eat you up inside, not being able to manifest your rage and go at him with both barrels blazing. God, that time. It was shite. So fucking shite, being without you.”  
“You got used to it, though, like I did. It always still hurt me, if I thought about you too much. I couldn’t even look at a photograph of you until about six months after you’d left, you know. It just cut me too deep, rendered me a hysterical, crying mess.”
He laughed softly through his nose, taking the joint back from her, Abi reaching for her box to roll them another. “I tortured myself, by looking at yours every night. That picture Liam took of us in the clubhouse, after I’d carried you out of a riot, remember it?”
“No, show me.” He got up, leaving the room, returning a few moments later with his arms full of their clothes, dropping them down and taking his wallet out, pulling the precious picture from within. “I looked at that every night before I went to sleep.”  
Abandoning her rolling, she set the bag of weed down, taking it from him, her mouth a little agape as she remembered it. It was one of the many instances of her letting her anger overtake her sense, blowing up a police riot van and at least six officers within, prepared to continue even through the deployment of tear gas, Chibs virtually rugby tackling her out of the way of a baton swing, throwing her over his shoulder and continuing to run.  
That night in the clubhouse, it had taken her hours to come down from the high of killing seven coppers and two loyalists. What stood out most, though, looking at that picture, was how happy she’d been in his arms. “You were so hopped up on adrenaline, I had to fuck you on and off until 5am just to get you to calm down again.”
She snorted laughing, looking over at her alarm clock. “You’re getting there tonight too, so you are. It’s half past two, just gone.”
“Sleep is for the weak, hen.” He winked, Abi handing the photo back with a smile, resuming her joint rolling. “Even if my cock decides it ain’t coming back up again, I’m happy just to lie here taking to you. That might be what I missed most of all, you know. I lost my best friend as well as my girlfriend.”
Her smile was soft, moving her smoke box and putting the unlit joint into the ashtray on the floor, shuffling nearer to him, stroking his hair and cheek. “Losing you, Christ, Fil. In some ways, it was worse than losing me da. At least with him, I knew it was coming. With us, you were there, and then you were gone. Those nine days we had, until Jimmy came for you, I got entirely too used to you being there each morning when I woke up. Nothing has ever broken me like when I woke up that first morning without you.”
He pulled her close, taking her hand, kissing her inner wrist, resting his forehead to hers. “Guess where I’m gonna be in the morning?” His whispered words evoked a glow the likes of which shed only ever felt because of him, Abi stroking his neck, kissing him.
“And what the hell do I do when you leave again?” They might have only just been reunited, but it was something that had quietly rolled around in the back of his mind, behind the sheer joy their reunion had sparked.
“There’s nothing stopping you coming with me. As long as you return to deliver the cash from each deal to Jimmy, he can’t tell you where to live any longer. His promise to your father is long fulfilled, it means Fi doesn’t have to endure you either, so truly, there’s nothing stopping you. This might sound rushed, but truly, it isn’t. It’s been fifteen years in the coming. We still feel the way we did all those years ago, and we’ve already lost too much time. This time, when I cross that ocean again, I want you with me, or I at least want the knowledge that you’ll follow.”
Her mouth tilted, Abi cocking her head. “You really want me to?”
He snorted. “And the award for the most stupid question of the night goes to Abigail Louisa-Marie Maguire.”
“Oh, alright! Quit your sarcasm!” she wailed jokingly, lightly smacking his shoulder.  
“Of course, I fucking want ye to. You’re the one. The one for me, and you always fucking have been. A life without you in it has been a hell I’m not fucking prepared to live any longer.”
His words touched her heart, a little tingly throb radiating through her chest to hear that, leaning to kiss him, stroking his face, whispering her love. She then reached for the joint, turning onto her back and lighting it. “I’d love to, baby. I’d need to take it higher than Jimmy, though.”
“The kings?”
She nodded. “True, they can’t really tell me where I can base myself just as long as I keep travelling for collections and contract procurements, but it’s a courtesy, a respect, you know?” He didn’t look thrilled by that, but still, his face was somewhat accepting. “I want to, though. Come with you, that is. Because the thought of you leaving again, being without you...”  
He was taken by surprise then, watching a tear slide down her cheek, wiping it with his thumb, kissing the apple of her cheek atop a silvery scar she had there, his touch feeling a slight bump beneath. “That feels like it was nasty when it was done.” he commented, thumb stroking again. “What happened there?”
“Somebody smacked me with a cosh,” she revealed, watching him wince. He’d taken one to the shins before, but never the face.  
“Fuck me, what did you do to the cunt who was stupid enough to inflict that on you?” Her mouth twitched slightly, an upward tilt, her eyes narrowing. Her silence spoke volumes. “Abi?”
“Enough. I did enough.” Her reply was odd, both in the words she used and the delivery. Usually, she relished in detailing what she dealt in retribution, but the memory of it left her quiet and sullen. He considered pressing it, but if she wanted to talk of the event that had left her with what he highly suspected had been a fractured cheekbone, then she would. Something suddenly went up in him like a flare, though.
“Was it Jimmy?” It wouldn’t have surprised him, had Michael’s instructions included giving Abi a smacking down. Yes, he adored his girls, but Chibs could imagine that the formidable force that was her late father took his daughter’s actions as a disrespect to his standing within the army.  
“No, it wasn’t him.”
His frown deepened. “You promise me, it wasn’t?”
“Aye, Fil. Why are you so fixated on it, anyway? I mean, look at me, I’m littered in scars from the life I’ve led.”  
He stroked her head, softening his expression, kissing her forehead. “Because I never see fear in your eyes, and I just got a little flicker of it. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had.”  
“Nope, don’t worry. Wasn’t him.” He knew she was telling the truth there, accepting it. “Anyway, speaking of scars, I made the reaper look like he’s just been set upon by an agitated tiger,” she snickered, running her finger over the scythe part of his back piece tattoo, biting her lower lip as she grinned.  
“Is there any of it actually left, or do you have most of it beneath your fingernails, you wee savage?” He examined her hand as she giggled, muttering something about going to take a look. “There’s a mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door.” He opened it, turning around and looking over his shoulder.  
“Mother of god, woman!” His exclamation had her in hysterics. “Making up for the fact you could’nae do this to me before?”  
She drew on the joint, holding the smoke deep in her lungs until her head buzzed, exhaling through her nose as she passed it to him with a devilish grin as he re-joined her on the bed. “Well, you did say I could mark you up as mine.”
He winked, kissing her shoulder. “Aye, I brought it on myself.” By the time they finally fell asleep at somewhere close to 4am, he’d brought on the matching set that marked him from his neck, down his chest and over his stomach, too. When she woke up the next morning, it almost didn’t feel real for a few seconds, to know that the warm, lean body behind hers was that of the man whose arms she’d ached for, turning to tuck her head under his chin, his arms tightening around her as she curled up to him, lazily stroking his back, curling her leg over his hip.  
It was that time of the morning where sleepiness prevailed over waking, but investment was given to affection, Chibs weaving his fingers into her hair, stroking the nape of her neck lazily, smiling to himself at the simple pleasure of feeling her breath flutter against his skin. There she was, and he couldn’t help but think their meeting again and effortless resumption of how they’d once been was for a reason, that it wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t meant to be something notable.  
At the same time, though, he was a realist, jaded somewhat by the hand life had dealt him at times. Could it all be so easy, them ending up together? The next few days would tell, he imagined. He went back to dozing, waking properly at just half past ten, Abi no longer in the bed. He turned over sleepily, coughing as he rubbed his face, looking down at his chest with a smirk.  
“Admiring my art?” she asked, appearing in the doorway with a large plate full of toast and mug of coffee, placing the plate on the bed and handing him the coffee before ducking out again, returning soon with her own steaming mug.  
“Wearing my Abi Maguire original with pride, darlin’,” he grinned, picking up a slice of toast and taking a big bite, his stomach rumbling. “You got any plans today?”
“Yeah, I’m off to see Sarah-Jayne and the kids, then the gym later. You?”
“Aye, protection run with the club. I’ll call you when I’m back, though?”
“Sounds good to me. I can add to my masterpiece.” She reached to his chest, fingertips pattering softly over the fresh scabs, Chibs raising an eyebrow.
“I’d like to have some skin left remaining, Abigail.” She snorted into her coffee cup, shaking her head
“Well,” she began, leaning in close, tickling his earlobe with her tongue, “you might have to pin me down again, or tie me up if you want to stop me.” He looked entirely too pleased at that idea, taking another bite of toast, winking at her.  
“Aye. My belt hasn’t been used for that purpose in a while.” She remembered the last time it had, with her, at least. She could hardly wait until later.  
Except when later finally arrived, that was.  
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flowers-inmyhair · 8 months
The Three Quintessential Laws for Being an Assassin
(Hisoillu Excerpt, POV Illumi)
When I look back, I realize everything started and ended in that room. Our room. Whether it was a suite in Parix or a motel in Madgow didn’t matter.
And for two years, we lived like this – me and Hisoka: lazing around luxury hotels, shooting Father’s assignments down like tin birds in an arcade, and puttering from one tourist city to the next on Hisoka’s motorcycle. They were “prime for people-watching,” he’d say, “and sometimes people-eating.” In the rural, southern town of Clapnard, he took me to a shooting range and challenged me to a competition, sneaking threads of Bungee Gum onto his bullets to ensure his victory, forgetting that I’ve been shooting snipers since the age of six, and that there are no winners if both competitors hit perfect bullseyes 32/32 times. In Plantaya, we stayed up all hours of the night, scarfing down dessert pancakes at neon-signed diners, dressing down for townie dive bars and dressing up for drinks at ritzy rooftops that only bigwig politicians frequented, “all of which were equally slimy,” he later decided.
Overall, Hisoka was a different kind of tourist. When we climbed to the top of the Eyffelle Tower, he was less interested in its height and history, and more interested in how many people had jumped off it, to their deaths. We went from bank heists to shopping sprees, cash to diamonds to expensive parfums. Sometimes, we visited casinos if there were any notable ones nearby, and those trips particularly enthralled Hisoka because he had a comfortability with gambling that bordered on childhood nostalgia, the way he’d count cards, then magically replace them, the way the flashing lights reflected ecstasy in his eyes, the roulette tables swaying like hips when he’d pass by the security cameras, winking. On occasion, (and I suppose to my dismay) we’d solicit adult movie theaters when Hisoka got particularly bloodthirsty, and he’d compare the act of scanning the meat-jerkers in the seats to the way “a hunter reviews footage on his trail camera.” And often, he would secretly grab for my hand under tables, his fingernails always perfectly polished and soon slick with blood, too.
Hisoka knew I generally liked the texture of skin, so he would throw lamb leather jackets over his shirts, and on those particular mornings, I’d sit criss-crossed on the toilet seat, watching him do his makeup left-handed, waiting for him to finish getting ready, and in the evenings, I’d send his pillowcases to dry-cleaning because he was an idiot who never remembered to wash his face at night, and thus, smeared mascara and glitter all over our bedding, everywhere we went. I never slept. I watched him sleep, wondering if he was secretly watching me back. We split desserts and swapped vegetables. We lugged bodies around in body bags, clipping them to Hisoka’s bike with carabiners, laughing when the dead weight was heavy enough to tip his bike over, laughing harder when we’d be forced to pluck a second person off the side of the road to help distribute the weight on the other side, in another body bag.
Only twice did I manage to get truly drunk in Hisoka’s presence. But in those two times, he was very devoted to coaxing the story of my Hatsu from me, the details and intricacies of how it worked. The things that no one else knew. Not you. Not even Father. Even drunk as I was, I remember laughing in his face. I remember his little pout.
I was nineteen when I started seeing Hisoka. And in moments of profound sentimentality, I’ll admit that those two years with him were some of the best of my life. That maybe meeting him was un coup de foudre, a French idiom that translates to a bolt of lightning. But a bolt of lightning persists in the sky for only so long.
To know Hisoka Morrow is to know that you are dispensable. That dispensing is, in fact, his favorite part. It was only a matter of time.
More and more, I found myself watching Hisoka disappear from my life and leave holes behind that nothing else could fill. Boredom. Unimaginable boredom. Lying prone on my bed in the Manor, listening to the ticking of my wristwatch, or the metronome, or any of the hundred sitcoms Milluki cycled through again and again every year. The stretches of time grew longer, and I knew that if I asked questions or held on tighter, I would only be chasing Hisoka further away. I hated it. I hated him. I wanted to have him. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.
All along, I went against my better judgment. I had suspected that being with a person like Hisoka would be like trying to climb a rope slicked with oil.
I knew, in the end, it would be impossible.
Read more here.
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floof-writes · 2 years
A Reflection or a Perversion? + If the others touched Twi's pendant, what would they be?
This is a concept I've been siting on for awhile, but then someone requested that Palace of the Four Sword fic and it got me thinking about it all over again so here it goes!
Zelda lore for the Dark Links, Shadow Links, the Twili-Realm, the Dark World, and Lorule are all so closely intertwined they are near synonymous, but it's those little differences that make them so hard to conceptualize, especially in LU where they all coexist. They're all said to be reflections (Time's Shadow is explicitly a water reflection but not a full person like Four's Shadow or Ravio, you reach the Dark World through a mirror, Midna is from Twili, which is through a mirror, which must be the same for Four's Shadow, etc.).
Sometimes in Zelda, a reflection is fully a perversion: upside down, inside out, one is evil, the other good. Sometimes a reflection is just an opposite, the other side of the same coin. Think Ravio, opposite to Link in every way but not evil. But sometimes in Zelda, a reflection is the same as a literal mirror: providing a perfectly accurate depiction of a person. Like in ALttP's Dark World, the Malice corrupted Sacred Realm. There, your physical form becomes a reflection of your soul.
So there's basically two types of reflections in Zelda: an entity that is a mirror (a complete opposite) of your soul, or a mirror that makes you a painfully accurate symbolic entity of your soul. But both show the truth: one by perverting it and one by revealing it.
In Monument Valley, a video game that still fucks with my head to this day, there's a room where the main character is reflected in a mirror, and sees herself as a winged human creature not unlike the tortured souls already locked in the dungeons of her game. That room has always intrigued me, so I asked myself this question a long time ago, before reading up on the Dark World lore, if Legend is a rabbit, and Twilight is a wolf, what forms would the others see or take on if they looked in a soul mirror, touched Twi's pendant, or entered the Dark World? What do their souls look like?
So without further ado, I present some concepts for peer review:
Sky, Avian. Loftwings are considered their other half, Skyloftians considered creatures of the sky as much as any bird or dragon. Sky's soul has wings, and in the Dark World, he does too, and eyes that crackle with lightning. He's a God-Killer, after all.
Four, As Expected. Four looks in a soul mirror and sees his reflection echoing back to the fourth power, could sit there and watch each of the colors emote as clearly as if they were split right now. His soul is permanently in pieces, never to be one again. He steps into the dark realm and splits immediately, only a Moon Pearl would allow him to merge while there, and even then it's uncomfortable.
Wild, Zora Fins in Ghostly Teal. Nobody is really sure what the state of Wild's soul is- is he 117 or 2 or simply 17? Water in BoTW represents resurrection. Zora fins made of teal ghost fire trail down his arms, gills burn on his neck. His soul has spent time in oblivion, which is much closer to the trees and the sun and the dirt than most people think it is, much closer to the wild than is comfortable, and then he came back, swimming against the current.
Time, Little One. At the beginning of his journey, Time had to reach above his head to turn doorknobs. In the Dark World, he has to so again. In his soul there is a child, locked in there forever by a sword who made his body too big for his mind, and then later his mind too old for his skin.
Hyrule, Stag. On the outside he seems more fit for a fawn, but the horns protruding from his head make no mistake: Hyrule is gentle by choice. He spent a life as prey until he fought back, and survived the wilds by force of will. And if his fairy genes added a little sparkles and strands of nectar-rich flowers? Well, generosity is his greatest strength.
Wind, Seagull. The absence of fish in the great sea stumped me for some time, and I briefly considered red lion. But in essence Wind is about freedom, it was his choice, perhaps more than any other Link, to save the world, to demand the triforce, and defeat Ganon. He looks in his reflection and sees for a moment the creature that stole his sister, that self-hatred and blame still having yet to fade. But a moment later he realizes he is something that makes Legend force back tears, the thieving pirate of the beach.
Warriors, Elephant. Warriors, more than any other Link, depends on the people around him to be the person he is. What is a leader without followers, a strategist without companions to direct? Betrayal and love wove through the events of his journey in a tapestry of horror and tragedy, but he stood strong. He became someone his soldiers could trust, and look up to. Warriors is larger than life, in a way, and in the Dark World, he really is. Elephants mourn their dead, form deep bonds with each other, historically they've marched into war and are some of the most intelligent animals on the planet. He looks in the mirror and expects to see a merciless monster, and instead sees the epitome of perseverance.
What do you guys think? Any suggestions? Art? Has this already been done?
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bookclub4m · 7 months
Episode 183 - One Book One Podcast: Upright Women Wanted
This episode it’s time for One Book One Podcast as we discuss the novel Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey. We talk about spoilers, horse operas, spoilers, relationships, spoilers, queer coming-of-age stories, and spoilers. Plus: Spoilers!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
The Book We Read
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Other Media We Mentioned
River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey
The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Wikipedia)
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Wikipedia)
The Walking Dead (TV series) (Wikipedia)
Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse
The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells
Links, Articles, and Things
Horse Opera
Episode 029 - Westerns
Smart Bitches Trashy Books review of Upright Women Wanted
Between the Coats: A Sensitivity Read Changed my Life by Sarah Gailey
Jam’s Upright Women Wanted film cast comprised of internet tabletop roleplayers:
Esther: Becca Scott
Cye: Erika Ishii
Bet: Krystina Arielle
Leda: Ashley Johnson
Amity: Aabria Iyengar
12+ International Noir Books by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Easy Motion Tourist by Leye Adenle
The Blue Bar by Damyanti Biswas
The Old Woman with the Knife by Gu Byeong-mo, translated by Chi-Young Kim
The Carnivorous City by Toni Kan
Real World by Natsuo Kirino, translated by Philip Gabriel
Stolen by Ann-Helén Laestadius, translated by Rachel Willson-Broyles
A Death in Denmark by Amulya Malladi
Nothing Is Lost by Cloé Mehdi, translated by Howard Curtis
Velvet Was the Night by Silvia Morena-Garcia
My Annihilation by Fuminori Nakamura, translated by Sam Bett
I Do Not Come to You by Chance by Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani
The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo, translated by Louise Heal Kawai
Plus many in the Akashic Books noir series, including:
Kingston Noir edited by Colin Channer
Haiti Noir edited by Edwidge Danticat
Manila Noir edited by Jessica Hagedorn
Nairobi Noir edited by Peter Kimani
Baghdad Noir edited by Samuel Shimon
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, October 3rd get ready for Halloween because we’ll be talking about the genre of Horror!
Then on Tuesday, November 7th we’ll be discussing the non-fiction genre of Crafts and Crafting!
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FFXIVWrite2022 Prompt #2: Bolt
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CW: Guns and machinists and violence to walls, oh my.
It was almost impossible to focus. Almost was generous. She couldn’t focus. There was just no way. Not with Hilda, Stephanivien and Joye standing so close. Mostly Hilda. A little Stephanivien. Mostly Hilda. Still, she had to try. She could do this. She could pass this test. 
Inhale, deeply, the scent of machine oil and saltpeter tickling her nose. Exhale, slowly, and hold with empty lungs. Close one eye and sight down the barrel, along the smooth bore of the rifle toward the target. Settle the shoulder, make sure the butt is steady against the cleft of the shoulder. Another slow breath, in, out, finger on the trigger now, steady, check the aim again, squeeze to just before the point of activation, last of the breath out, fire. Bullet like a bolt of lightning, to the target, free hand up, slide the bolt, spent cartridge out, breech open, new cartridge in, bolt forward, breech closed, check aim, pull trigger. Fire, again, cartridge out, bolt-action, move, fire. Smooth, just like practice, only with the muffled retort of the rifle now, drumming against the skull despite the earplugs they all wore, despite the mufflers in place. Exhale, feel the slide of smooth metal, well oiled, well built, feel not hear the click of an empty chamber. Weapon down, breech open, stand away, well away, wait for the rest of the trainees to finish. It’s snowing. She should have noticed the scent in the air before now, but it’s hard to do so with the scent of powder and flash and fire. The last bark of one of Stephanivien’s guns, and the air is empty of sound, little blue trails of smoke tracing off into the upper reaches, carried past the High Houses and the Brume with the same concern for either. She shouldn’t care, doesn’t think she does, watching the smoke filter away. She should be like the smoke, nonchalant, not waiting with baited breath for the results. Half her attention on Hilda, half on Stephanivien. She should care about Joye’s bullets, little alchemical wonders, cartridges with paint in them, that allow them to have this display in the city proper. She can already tell a few of her fellows have failed - there’s splatters of blue and red and pink on the Manufactory walls.  No purple though. She’s managed to hit her target, at least. So she waits, biting a fingernail to keep herself from bolting from the courtyard, waiting for Hilda. Hilda and Joye and Stephanivien to review the trainees targets and decide who has made the cut, who can stay and train at Skysteel and who will have to trot along and find some other job. They don’t look impressed. Still, she’s done better than those she can see. It should be enough. She hopes it’s enough. She just wants to stay. To earn her keep, to learn. 
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beckysbook5 · 8 days
Storm of Locusts by Rebecca Roanhorse - Book Review!
Kai and Caleb Goodacre have been kidnapped just as rumours of a cult sweeping across the reservation leads Maggie and Hastiin to investigate an outpost, and what they find there will challenge everything they’ve come to know in this action-packed sequel to Trail of Lightning. When the Goodacre twins show up at Maggie’s door with the news that Kai and the youngest Goodacre, Caleb, have fallen in…
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prameethsd · 1 month
Mastering the Ride: 5 Key Precautions for Launching Your Bike Rental Business
Are you gearing up to venture into the bike rental business? The bike rental industry stands out as a promising mobility business with the potential for a high return on investment from the outset. As you embark on this exciting journey, here are crucial precautions and considerations to ensure a successful launch and sustained growth.
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Check for Geographical Suitability: The success of your bike rental business hinges on selecting a geographically favorable location. Launching in an area with bike-friendly infrastructure, such as well-maintained roads and cycle trails, is crucial. Ensure that your chosen location complements the essence of bike riding to guarantee sustained business viability.
Price Responsibly: Avoid the pitfall of failing to capture your audience’s attention due to pricing discrepancies. Many startups falter by not aligning their pricing structure with market expectations. Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy to remain competitive without overpricing your services.
Stay Updated with Technology: Integrate advanced technology into your bike rental business operations. Embrace tech solutions that enhance control, execution, and management. To stand out and cater to modern consumers, prioritize customer-centric technologies that set your business apart from competitors. Explore bike rental software options to streamline operations and provide a seamless experience for your customers.
Monitor Inventory Effectively: Given the significant investment in purchasing assets for your bike rental business, maintaining a vigilant inventory check is imperative. Utilize bike rental software, such as our Bike Rental Software, to monitor inventory closely, ensuring genuine purchases and prompt identification of wear and tear for timely maintenance.
Ensure Hardware-Software Integration: Opt for a seamless hardware-software integration to streamline your operations. Choose a company that offers precision in both hardware and software integration, ensuring a hassle-free experience and avoiding complications down the line.
In conclusion, as you embark on the exciting journey of launching your bike rental business, remember that success lies in careful planning and strategic decisions. By incorporating these precautions and considerations, alongside leveraging advanced solutions like our Bike Rental Software, you are poised for success in the dynamic and competitive bike rental market.
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shereen1 · 5 months
Dominate the SERPs: You’re Ultimate Guide to Ecommerce SEO in the UK
Dominate the SERPs: You’re Ultimate Guide to Ecommerce SEO in the UK
Conquering the UK's vibrant online marketplace requires more than just captivating product listings. It's about mastering the dance of search engine optimization (SEO) and becoming a Google darling. But with the ever-evolving world of ecommerce SEO, knowing where to start can feel like navigating a digital labyrinth.
Fear not, intrepid merchant! This comprehensive guide is your trusty map, offering actionable insights and strategies to catapult your online store to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) in the UK. So, grab your SEO compass and let's embark on this journey to keyword conquest!
Keyword Alchemy: Finding Your Search Gold
First things first: you need to understand the language your potential customers speak. This begins with meticulous keyword research. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrens can unlock a treasure trove of relevant search terms used by UK shoppers. But don't just focus on high-volume keywords; consider long-tail keywords ("vegan running shoes for women") that offer targeted potential for conversion.
On-Page Optimization: Weaving SEO Spells
Once you've identified your keyword champions, weave them into the very fabric of your website. This includes:
Product Page Potions: Infuse your product titles, descriptions, and Meta descriptions with relevant keywords, but prioritize natural language for a seamless user experience.
Content Conjuring: Create blog posts, guides, and reviews that answer your target audience's burning questions (think "best hiking boots for UK trails"). Optimize headings, subheadings, and images with relevant keywords for maximum SEO potency.
Technical Tweaks: Ensure your website's loading speed is lightning-fast (mobile-friendliness is crucial!). Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to help search engines crawl and index your pages efficiently.
Backlink Brew: Building Authority
Think of backlinks as votes of confidence from other websites. The more high-quality backlinks you have pointing to your site, the higher your authority in the eyes of search engines, and the closer you get to the coveted top SERP spots. Here's how to brew a potent backlink potion:
Guest Blogging: Offer your expertise to relevant websites and blogs in your niche. Craft valuable content that naturally incorporates backlinks to your own products or blog posts.
Collaborations: Partner with other UK businesses for cross-promotions or product reviews. This can be a mutually beneficial way to build backlinks and reach new audiences.
Local SEO Mastery: Claim your Google My Business listing and optimize it with your address, phone number, and relevant keywords. Encourage positive reviews and engage with the local community online.
Social Signals: Joining the Conversation
Don't underestimate the power of social media in your SEO endeavors. Actively engage with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Integra, and Twitter. Share your blog content, showcase new products, and participate in relevant conversations. Remember, the more people talking about your brand, the better your chances of attracting the attention of search engines.
Track & Adapt: The SEO Tango
SEO is a journey, not a destination. Regularly monitor your website's performance using Google Analytics and other SEO tools. Track your keyword rankings, website traffic, and conversion rates. Analyze what's working and what's not, and adapt your strategy accordingly. Stay updated on the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes to keep your dance steps with Google nimble and effective.
Bonus Tips for UK Ecommerce SEO:
Target long-tail keywords specific to UK searches and trends.
Optimize for voice search, considering how UK users might phrase their queries.
Embrace video content, a popular format for UK online shoppers.
Utilize localized product descriptions and pricing when targeting specific regions within the UK.
Consider paid advertising platforms like Google Ads to boost your visibility in highly competitive niches.
By following these strategies and staying nimble, you can transform your UK ecommerce website into an SEO powerhouse. Remember, mastering the art of search engine optimization is a continuous process, but with dedication and the right tools, you can conquer the UK's online marketplace and watch your sales soar!
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elenajohansenreads · 9 months
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Books I Read in 2023
#84 - Trail of Lightning, by Rebecca Roanhorse
Rating: 3.25/5 stars
I'm not going to engage in this review with the accuracy of Diné representation within this book; when it was first released, the hype around it definitely showcased that aspect of it as a selling point, but in the years since, many believe Roanhorse did not stay in her lane while writing this, while others argue that it's racist to criticize her for claiming/reclaiming connection and heritage, whether she executed it poorly or not.
I'm far too white for my opinion to matter, nobody cares what I think about it.
But I can and do have an opinion about whether it was a good story, and that opinion is sort of.
As a debut novel, it was stronger than I'm used to seeing. It had good flow from one scene to the next, even if the motivations of the characters seemed to wander as much as their physical bodies did through the landscape. Most of the characters were engaging, and while I often dislike the Super Traumatized and Bitter Female Heroine, Maggie was less obnoxious than most examples of that archetype.
But the plot didn't always seem coherent; the villain's plan was convoluted to the point of silliness; and I was dissatisfied by the complete lack of explanation about the hoops, the magical/mystical artifact that seemed so important for the good guys to win, but disappeared for most of the book and showed up again so late (and with so little context) that they were nearly a deus ex machina. (Which might be less of a criticism than usual, since several characters in this were actually gods...)
I intend to read the next book solely based on how much I liked Kai, because that was one thing I actually think was handled well: his "secret" was in fact in plain sight the whole time, thoroughly foreshadowed once you knew what to look for. However, given what the Internet has told me about Trail's critical reception, I'm not surprised to find out that series is on hiatus after the second book, quite possibly never to continue. If I think well of Storm of Locusts, I'll branch out into Roanhorse's other work without being disappointed this series will likely be left unfinished.
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annarellix · 10 months
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Chief Maggie Riley - Book 1 and 2
About the Books:
The Girl Who Lied
Rain hammers the earth and a vicious wind rattles the trees. Then lightning strikes, the flash illuminating a young girl staggering out of the woods, her brown eyes wide with fright, a silent scream on her lips… There’s a storm approaching the tiny Maine town of Coyote Cove when Chief Maggie Riley comes across the body of a man, blood seeping from stab wounds into the damp forest floor. As she desperately struggles to secure the evidence before the rain hits, Heather, a local teenage girl, emerges from the woods, shivering and unable to talk. Maggie, once a high flying big-city detective, lost everything when her four-year-old brother went missing five years ago. Heart-broken, she’s never stopped searching for him: but now she is plunged back into the world she left behind. The victim, Maggie discovers, knew secrets about everyone in isolated Coyote Cove. It seems there are more local suspects in this case than people she can rule out. And with Heather still traumatised, Maggie struggles to unravel her strange appearance at the crime scene. Until, following a faint, bloody trail deep into the forest, she’s horrified to unearth what the terrified girl’s been hiding… But when Heather is kidnapped, the battle to identify the killer becomes a race to save an innocent girl’s life. And with the whole town terrified, Maggie is shocked to uncover that this twisted killer is much closer to home than she’d ever imagined. Battling her own demons and memories of her missing brother, how far will Maggie have to go to save Heather? Or will another innocent young life be lost forever…?
Their Angel’s Cry:
The little dog trembles and whimpers, but refuses to move. Maggie reaches further into the undergrowth, trying to tempt it out. But as she moves closer, she sees something that stops her heart—a tiny, shivering baby, wrapped in a thin, pink blanket, saved only by its loyal protector. There’s a ferocious storm heading toward the isolated town of Coyote Cove when Chief Maggie Riley gets the call every cop dreads. Three bodies have been found on Rattlesnake Mountain, half a day’s hike from civilization. And when Maggie finally reaches the site, exhausted and freezing, she discovers something even more terrifying—a tiny baby girl, kept alive only by the warmth of a small dog who refuses to leave her side. As Maggie races the baby to safety, she wonders, why on earth the family risked hiking the mountain in this weather? Who were they and who could possibly have killed them? A former detective, Maggie may be an experienced investigator, but she’s still an unwelcome newcomer. Battling town prejudice, her fears for the orphaned baby, and the increasingly dangerous weather, Maggie soon discovers the case is far more complicated than she could have imagined. The family is not who they seemed. The mother has never had a baby, there’s no link between them at all. So whose baby is it, and where are they now? With Coyote Cove cut off by the storm, Maggie knows that wherever the killer is, they won’t be able to leave. Stuck in town with a murderer on the loose, Maggie must race to find them before anyone else gets hurt. But she hasn’t counted on the killer taking matters into their own hands, and going after Maggie first…
My Review: This is a common review for the first two books in this series, a series that promises to become a favorite as it's well done, solid and gripping. Let's say that Coyote Cove would not my first choice for a hike or a trekking due to the high probability of finding or becoming a corpse. The murder rate in those woods is higher than those of Chicago during the Twenties. That said I loved what I read as there's a sense of empathy, sorrow and a layer of sadness that matches with the darker side of these story. Maggie is damaged and flawed: you know something happened, you know there's some dark but you cannot help loving her courage and desire to make things better. The small town atmosphere, the cast of characters are well done. The author doesn't sugarcoat anything and delivers solid mysteries that will keep you hooked and guessing. Another intriguing and exciting crime thriller series featuring a strong female detective. Highly recommended. Many thanks to Bookouture for this ARC, all opinions are mine
The Author: With degrees in Crime Scene Technology & Physical Anthropology, Florida author Shannon Hollinger hasn't just seen the dark side of humanity - she's been elbow deep inside of it! She finds writing to be a much cleaner way to spend her time than the autopsy suite. Most days it smells better, too. Her debut novel, the psychological thriller Best Friends Forever, is the first of a five-book deal with publisher Bookouture. Her short fiction has appeared in Suspense Magazine, Mystery Weekly, and The Saturday Evening Post, among a number of other magazines and anthologies, and her story Lady Killer was a finalist for the 2021 Al Blanchard Award sponsored by the New England Crime Bake.
Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thiswritersays Twitter: https://twitter.com/thiswritersays Website: www.ShannonHollinger.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thiswritersays/ Bookouture Email Sign Up: https://www.bookouture.com/shannon-hollinger/
Buy Link(s): The Girl Who Lied | Book 1: https://geni.us/B0BZZHKKQGsocial
Audible: UK: https://ow.ly/5nEX50PavLm US: https://ow.ly/qgEq50PavL1
Listen here:https://ow.ly/3Rn550PavKq
Their Angel’s Cry | Book 2: https://geni.us/B0BZZJLSHNsocial
Audible: UK: https://ow.ly/FUPB50PavSM US: https://ow.ly/FXSQ50PavSP
Listen here: https://ow.ly/XP6p50PavSN
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thebridgehqs · 1 year
Welcome to 1926 – Nora West-Allenn !! I hope you feel right at home here in Sydney. Before you get too comfortable and see what all our city has to offer, be sure to review our CHECKLIST. We’re so glad to have you with us, CC !!
** anubis (mythology) is now reserved for 48 hours!!
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Look who just woke up- is that JESSICA PARKER KENNEDY? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s NORA WEST-ALLEN from THE FLASH. I heard they are TWENTY-FIVE years old and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, he still gives off a A TRAIL OF PURPLE LIGHTNING BEHIND HERSELF; BEING BOTH A SPEEDSTER AND A TIME-TRAVELLER; SHARING THE INTEREST IN SCIENCE AND CRIMINALISTICS WITH HER FATHER; ALWAYS SHOWING EXCITEMENT AND EAGERNESS TO LEARN, SOMETIMES SLIPPING UP AND SAYING THINGS FROM THE FUTURE. But here, they are working as a JOURNALIST. They’re known to be quite BUBBLY & COMPASSIONATE but have a tendency to be FEISTY & RECKLESS on their bad days.(cc here! may I also please reserve Anubis (egyptian mythology)?)
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