#trainee a fluff
jalapenokpoppers · 2 years
Dating Trainee A’s JJ.
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Warnings: None?
Gn!Reader x JJ!Trainee A
800< words.
Song rec: Crazy For Love, Mondays, Lucy.
JJ | 제이제이 
•He’s clingy.
•Yeah I think that sums him up well.
•Just going to start out with the fact that I think his main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
•Like, he always has to be touching you.
•But in a different way than Leo.
•Leo does it because he likes to show that you’re his, JJ does it because he believes he’ll actually, physically combust if he doesn’t have contact with you 25/8.
•Always sits next to you, shoulder to shoulder, and possibly holding your hand.
•If you’re sitting across from him at a table, he’s playing footsie with you.
•Loves giving you piggy back rides.
•Will jokingly drop you onto the nearest soft surface.
•Kiss his cheek while he’s carrying you.
•He’ll get so so flustered.
•Just keeps walking and turns so red.
•Hyper baby.
•Good luck with him, he can’t sit still.
•He wants to dance with you.
•And not just his usual freestyle vibe but actual slow dancing.
•Hands on your waist, your head on his chest kind of slow dancing.
•Specifically to Jimin’s Serendipity.
•You make him so flustered and he can’t decide if he hates it or loves it.
•He’ll FaceTime you at like, 2 am.
•When you ask why, all you get is a:
•”I just wanted to hear your voice🥺.”
•*Cue James mocking him in the background.*
•He’ll apologize profusely for waking you up though, and proceeds to tell you stories until you fall back asleep.
•The type of bf who screenshots pictures of you sleeping on FaceTime.
•Sends them to you in the morning with a, “Good morning sleepyhead 🥰” text.
•JJ teaching you to skateboard.
•Weird subject change I know.
•Holding your hands while he slowly pulls you along on the board.
•Jokingly pulls you a little too fast so you’ll stumble.
•He’ll feel so bad if you actually fall though. 😭
•Kisses your scraped knee to make it better.
•He doesn’t really like you around the others members because 1. He gets a little insecure about himself, and is worried you’ll fall for one of them instead, and 2. Because he wants to protect you from all the teasing as much as he can.
•He probably doesn’t even tell them about you for a while.
•They can tell something is up though.
•He’s not very subtle.
•Our INFPs Yorch, Jihoon, and Sangwon notice first.
•Sangwon notices how much he keeps smiling at his phone.
•Jihoon notices him quickly leaving the dorm before anyone could ask where he’s going.
•Yorch notices he smells like a perfume/cologne that isn’t any of theirs.
•Jihoon eventually goes up to JJ with the whole:
•”I may be young, but I’m not stupid. You’re obviously hiding something.”
•JJ threatens the poor boy that he better keep it secret or he’ll never see the light of day again.
•Obviously Jihoon tells Yorch.
•Before long all the boys know, and are begging to meet you.
•JJ practically strangles Jihoon.
•JJ finally caves, (after a lot of whining) and brings you over to the dorm for a movie night.
•They’re all like: 
•”sO tHiS iS whO jJ kEepS geTtIng AlL flUStErEd oVer.” -James probably.
•At this point JJ is just that meme of that baby chicken with the knife.
•JJ slowly starts bringing you over to the dorm more as he gets to used to you being around the boys.
•But it takes a while.
•And if you even so much and sit next to JJ they’re all like: 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
•Yorch and Leo make him keep the door open when you two are alone in a room though. 💀
•(If you understand that reference you’re amazing.)
•Anyway I spent a lot of time on that subject.
•He does like to play video games with you without the other members.
•It’s his private time that he gets to spend with his S/O.
•If you don’t know how to play, he’ll place his hands over yours on the keyboard/controller and help you.
•If you do know how, he’ll want to play against you.
•Let’s you win all the time.
•He seems like someone that would swear a lot while playing games.
•But when he’s playing with you he tries his best to keep that under control.
•Also wants to play calm games with you.
•Your minecraft farm is probably amazing.
•He also let’s you pick his animal crossing character’s clothes for him.
•His favorite thing to do is just snuggle up on the couch with you, his switch, and some snacks, with you laying back on his chest while you watch him/he watches you play games.
•If you’re playing he might fall asleep.💀
•Wakes up to you still playing, all snuggled in his arms.
•”Baby our farm is twice the size now, how long was I asleep for?”
•Loves taking you for cafe dates.
•Buys you each a coffee and a pastry to share and talks with you for hours.
•The cafe worker is just like: 🧍
•He takes so many pictures of you playing with the puppies.
•Overall a super fun and cute boyfriend.
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tzuk1wii · 2 years
hello Kristi!!! (i love your name, it's so pretty!!) may i request trainee a JJ as your boyfriend?? tysm, have a lovely day <3
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☆ ft. takagi justin jay / jj
☆ cw/tw. none!
☆ a/n. Ty!! Here you go <3
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- He’s so sweet, like one of the sweetest boys ever and hands down one of the best boyfriends out there
- He isn’t very experienced with dating, only having probably 2 girlfriends in his lifetime, but truly do those middle school relationships count?
- I think it’s safe to say jj gets shy and awkward around girls so just imagine how he acts around you, his girlfriend.
- You’re always on his mind..no kidding
- The amount of times he’s brought you up in the middle of a conversation with the other members is shocking
- He checks up on you a lot, FaceTiming you and texting you things like ‘hey, how are you feeling? :)’ or ‘have you eaten today?’
- jj is a golden retriever boyfriend!!
- he follows you around like a puppy and he’s clingy like one too
- now..when I say clingy I don’t mean excessively clingy to the point where he’s with you every day, all day, that’s just not him; but he is clingy when he is around you
- sitting on the couch watching a movie with him? He’s cuddling you
- on the bed watching YouTube videos on your phone? He’s jumping beside you and watching with you
- just normal golden retriever boy things :)
- you know those cute couple posts on Pinterest that make you jealous and wish you had what they have?? Yeah that’s you guys..
- exhibit A.. exhibit B.. exhibit C..
- speaking of those pictures his camera roll has a lot of pictures of not only both of you, but also your selfies
- he’s so cute..he looks at them when he misses you and kisses the screen even when around the other guys
- while hugs and hand holding are daily ritual for you guys, kissing is a more intimate thing to him so kissing only happens in private
- I think we’ve come to the conclusion jj is the best boyfriend <3
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© TZUK1WII DARK & MATURE CONTENT ☆ do not plagiarise, modify, or repost my works, and do not copy my theme.
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kalliyen · 1 year
Can you write a JJ story where reader meets his parents or JJ meets readers parents?
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Pairing: Justin Jay Takagi (JJ) x GN!Reader
Featuring: JJ (Trainee A)
Genre: Fluff !
Reader’s Pronouns: They/Them
Warning: a tiny tiny bit of angst if you squint really hard
A/N: ofc ! sorry this took so long i was bc with school, i hope you enjoy anon !
Disclaimer: ⚠️ ONLY A WORK OF FICTION!
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This was it. This was the day that you were going to meet your boyfriend’s parents.
After having a wonderful vacation with your boyfriend in his homeland, Japan, he thought it was the right time for you to meet the people who raised him to be the amazing person he is.
And so here you were, currently loosing your mind over what you were going to wear to meet said parents. We’re you going to go with ‘cute and sweet’ or ‘serious and nonchalant’. You just couldn’t decide! There were too many choices!
When in doubt, call JJ. Which is exactly what you did.
Frantically explaining to him that you wanted to look presentable for his parents, he just laughed and said, “They haven’t meet you and they already love you! It doesn’t matter what you wear honey!”
Rolling your eyes, you finally make a decision. Yes, this outfit will do perfectly.
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The walk to his house was both exciting and exhilarating. Preoccupied with your half nervousness half excitement, you didn’t even realize you were already at his residence, until he tugged at your shirt.
“We’re here honey! Come on in!” JJ exclaimed happily, he was so excited for you to meet his parents.
Which is exactly why you were hyperventilating right now. You didn’t want to show it, but you were sure you looked like you were going to shit your pants and vomit all over the place.
JJ sensed how tense you were, and you reassured you not to worry, everything was going to go smoothly, trust!
That made you feel a bit better, because you calmed down a bit. How could you not, while your boyfriend had the largest smile on his face?
Enough dilly dally, you finally enter his home, and he leads you to their kitchen, where he knew his parents were, and they surely were.
“Mom, Dad, this is my partner, Y/N!” he exclaimed, like a happy little puppy.
His parents turn around, startled by the noise, but quickly turn their face of confusion into one of pure and utter joy.
“Jay! they’re beautiful!” his mother exclaims, “Our son surely knows how to pick the best!” his father adds on, side-hugging his wife, with a big smile on both their faces.
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You eat dinner with the Takagi’s, and you all clicked together like puzzle pieces. It felt really right to be talking to his family, and all the nervousness and fear from earlier had dissipated into a puddle of nothing.
After dinner, they insisted that you slept over at their house, in JJ’s old room, and of course you couldn’t decline. They had the same sweet irresistible smile their son had.
Lying in bed, holding hands, looking at the ceiling, comfortable silence filled the air.
“That went well, didn’t it?” JJ starts. “It did…it really did. Thank you JJ.” you finish, “Mhm.” is all JJ could respond, and after a few moments, you both feel to sleep, while hugging each other.
(His mother went into his room and took pictures, the young couple found out in the morning.)
You really saw a future with him and his family.
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
Can u do Trainee A's reaction when they want to hold your hand but you keep refusing it?
Ok soooo idk if this what you expected?😅 you didn’t gave me more details if you wanted as bf or friend version and it’s also my fault for not asking you😩so if didn’t come out as expected I’m sorry!! I can make a new version just for you!! However I hope you like this one!
Paired: YOU X TA member
Genre: fluff and sadness
Warning: nun
Tags: if you want to be tag just tell me!
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• You two were in the movie theater. He watch you grab popcorn and laughed at the movie.
• He try to hold your hand for the first time but stopped. So he try for the second time.
• When both of your hands were inside the bucket of popcorn, Yorch hold your hand. You immediately pulled away.
• " Why you did that?!". You said out loud giving him a weird funny look.
• Yorch look at you with big eyes as if he was scared of you. "Umm...because I....I like-".
• "Yorch, I have to go...." You said grabbing your purse and running off the movie theater.
• Yorch just watched you run. His entire body froze.
• "What just happened?.....I shouldn't have said anything..." he mumbled to himself as he sat back down in the seat feeling stressed.
•Leo sat in a chair drinking a water bottle. The 20 year old women walked towards him ready to fix his makeup for the photo shoot.
• "Leo, after your fans see those photos they're gonna faint ". You joked with your friend.
• Leo let out a shy laugh and he look down at his lap. The fact that his crush said that made him feel butterflies in his stomach.
• You two are fiends since high school and are very comfortable with each other. As you were too focus in making him look pretty, you put a hand on his thigh.
You didn't do it on purpose it was just natural for you to do it towards anyone you're close too.
• Leo look at his lap again. Without thinking he put his hand on yours.
• You quickly pull your hand away. "oh sorry Leo, did that made you uncomfortable-".
• "not at all....." Leo saddened a little even though he knows why you pull it away. Still it hurt him a little that you might not feel the same about him.
• He was practicing boxing. You were amazed on how fast he is with his hands.
• "you're doing great!" You yelled. Sangwon grin and run his fingers through his wet hair. "Thank you!" He said.
• He leaned against the wall feeling tired of all the activities he did for the day.
• You decided to help your tired friend by giving him a cold water in a bottle. You put the bottle in his mouth watching him drink.
• Suddenly he put a hand over yours that clutched the water bottle. You felt a tingly feeling in your stomach and even heart so you let go of the bottle.
• The bottle almost fall on his chest but he was able to catch it with the other hand. He looked at you in shock.
• "imma go ahead and help the others!" You forced a smile and run away from him.
• Sangwon nodded slowly as he look down at the floor. He felt really sad that you suddenly got scared just by him touching your hand. He felt like crying but hold it in.
• "Hey Y/n let's have lunch together! I'm bringing my friends too!". Woochan said as he walk beside you in the hallway. You nodded with a smile. "Sure!".
• Then James run towards you two. "Hey tomorrow is the school's carnival! Are y'all going?". He asked.
• You said yes and so did Woochan.
• " I've heard the food and snacks this year are going to be delicious!". Woochan was so excited about food.
• Since you two were walking towards the cafeteria, and by each other, your hands would rush together until.....
• You immediately look up at him with big eyes. You let go of Woochan making him look down at you.
• "uh I'm going to the restroom, I'll meet a y'all over there.....". You said walking off.
• Woochan slowly stop smiling for a while. He look at James and forced a smile as he "listen" to him but his mind was just thinking of you. 'She didn't like it.....'. He thought. The sad mood overtaking him.
• Fiel trip day in School.
• Your group of friends and you gather in the grass to eat lunch. Y'all sat above a soft blanket that had your lunches on it.
• You two talk about anything, stupid stuff they've done, gossiping and all that good stuff.
• You notice how your friend James would take it glances at you. So you were wondering if you had something on your face.
• Finally y'all were finish and ready to throw everything away. James suddenly grab your hand and look at it.
• "you have something-...". You didn't let him finish because you pull your away from him.
• You swear to god you felt something nice inside your stomach. You never felt that before and it scared you feo some reason.
• James look at you weirdly. " You had an ant on your hand....". James said sounding real sad and hurt. The way you pulled your hand away was just rude and you felt bad for it.
•"s-sorry, I'm going to the restroom...." You said quietly.
• James huffed and signed.
• You two were in art class. There was a project that you two had to work together.
• Jay had a crush on you. He hasn't told anyone about it  and of course he hasn't told you either.
• He is trying to find the way to confess to you without ruining the friendship if you don't like him back. Since he's not sure if you like him, he's gonna try to find out if you do.
• So he thought in trying to get a little close to you....maybe hold your hand can work?
• The sides of your bodies were almost pressed together comfortably since you two were trying to put something on the volcano.
• You positing your hand in the desk. Jay saw that and took the opportunity to put his hand on top of yours.
• You pulled away your hand. You look at him in shock.
• Jay got nervous. "I'm sorry I didn't saw your hand there...". He chuckled nervously.
• "it's okay JayJay, I felt your hand pressed on mine so it was hurting". You smiled kindly and went back to the project.
• Jay mentally slap himself. 'yeah.....she definitely does not like me....'. He thought smiling sadly to himself.
• The Fair Night.
• Jihoon and his group of friends including you were trying the Ferris wheel for the first time.
• Jihoon, two friends, and you sat in one capsule. You sat next to Jihoon. The other two friends sat on the other side.
• The Ferris wheel started to move up slowly. Everyone was excited to feel the rush of air hit their faces once the wheel goes faster.
• Jihoon was even more happier because he was riding the wheel beside you.....the person he always loved since middle school.
• The wheel started moving fast, faster, and even more faster. Now everyone was screaming.
• You slide next to Jihoon, your long hair all over your face and also hittimg Jihoon's face. Jihoon immediately grab your hand to keep you secure in a way?
• Once the ride was done, everyone looked at each other while laughing.
• You were laughing until you saw your hand holding his. You look up to see Jihoon smiling at you.
• You let go and shy away from him. "Let's get some ice cream..." you avoid looking at his eyes.
• Jihoon stop smiling as he watch you quickly walk away from the Ferris wheel. " did I scared her?....maybe she felt uncomfortable....I'm so stupid, I should've ask her for permission.... even on the Ferris wheel...." He grasp onto his hair feeling frustrated.
@enhacolor @justamochi @neyrensazii
(Also in wattpad and instagram)
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!!
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hoonvrs · 2 months
TRAINEES — l. heeseung smau
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PAIRING heeseung × fmr
SYNOPSIS heeseung wasn’t known as ‘the ace’ for nothing, constantly ranking number one after every monthly evaluation. then suddenly a new name takentakes over first place — baek ‘Rin’, and heeseung doesn’t take lightly to competition.
GENRE smau, fluff, crack, more to be added
FEATURING ( enha ) all, ( fromis9 ) chaeyoung, jiheon, ( txt ) yeonjun, ( newjeans ) minji
WARNINGS swearing, kys/kms jokes, friendly bullying, sex jokes, loser heeseung ( more will be added if necessary )
STATUS ongoing
S. NOTE new smau and as the queen of loser!enha that means loser heeseung agenda dun dun dunnn ( let’s completely ignore timelines cause if i keep switching between new and old pics don’t clock me.. )
noot hee you will always be famous
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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flower boys | hybestars
01 bang sihyuk count your days.
02 ain’t that ur rank
04 i purple you heh
05 she gagged you omg
06 meeeeee :3
07 u pack of slags
08 Woah, calm down jamal
09 rupaulations 4:20
10 is somebody gonna match my freak
11 isn’t she so dreamy ( + 0.1k wc )
12 Donatella VERSACE
13 go train with your other bitch then
14 yare yare heeseung kohai
...more to be added
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copyright © hoonvrs 2024 all rights reserved
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wonielvr · 10 months
[00:24] - shen ricky
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"you know, you are my first at everything, right? my first kiss, first boyfriend, first date, i gave my virginity to you," you said proudly, and you should've, because ricky was an amazing partner at every step of your relationship.
"hey, what's with the sudden mood change?" you asked when ricky's hug suddenly got much tighter. you didn't expect and actual answer to your questions, maybe a giggle, or ever a quiet laugh, but you certainly didn't expect a shaky breath from him.
"I just really appreciate how you said 'gave you my virginity instead of 'you took my virginity', it makes me feel loved."
"first of all, you are very loved, and you know that quite well, and second, it's because 'took' sounds forced, like you decided by yourself to grab my virginity and throw it out the window, but it's not true. you were the absolute best at everything that happened then, and I'll forever be grateful for you."
that's when he actually started to cry. you were never a very verbal person, usually just showed affection with long hugs, cuddling, making food or buying presents, which made your words much more meaningful to him.
it's true, he was the best boyfriend anyone could ever wish for, and he did anything he could to take thing in your pace, but he never knew how much you appreciated it until now.
"those are probably the sweetest words anyone has ever said to me. i love you so much, bun." he smiled with every word he said. the treasuring was audible in his sweet tone.
"i love you too."
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
ZB1 reactions to their s/o not saying 'i love you' back (requested)
zb1 x gn!reader
genre : fluff, a bit angsty for matthew
warning : mention of a picnic with gyuvin but i don't mention food ‼️
note : this was supposed to include all of the members....... but bro they are 9 how do i come with 9 different ideas with everyone 💔 so i made it about jiwoong, hao, matthew, gyuvin, taerae !! i don't write with yujin, and i'll do something else with gunwook, ricky, and hanbin next time 🫶🏼 thanks to the anon who requested this i hope youll like it dear
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• jiwoong
"i should be back at 8"
jiwoong put his jacket on while you were sitting on the couch, your laptop in front of you as you were working on something. you were really focused and that's why you simply hummed when he talked to you. the dark-haired man took his key and was now finally ready to go.
"have a nice day, love you."
jiwoong opened the door and went out, and he even walked a few step towards his car before realizing you didn't say it back. he squinted, wondering if he did anything wrong. maybe it's because you were busy? yeah, it was probably because of that. jiwoong took a look at his watch, and when he saw he had enough time to tease you a bit, he turned around to go back into the house.
you heard the door open, and you turned to look at it, frowning. who would enter? jiwoong just got out, it couldn't be him. at least, you thought, because your boyfriend was now leaning against the wall, arms crossed against his chest.
"what?" you asked, confused. "you forgot something?"
"i don't know... did you?"
a silence settled as you were staring at him in confusion, while his eyes were squinted, trying to intimidate you. when jiwoong saw you didn't understand what he was referring to, he decided to say it himself.
"i said i love you."
"did you really just come back to repeat it?"
"and you didn't say it back."
"...you're kidding me, right?" you said, tilting your head. you didn't expect him to come back for that.
"i will do it again and i'm counting on you to say it back this time." you scoffed. you found his demeanor funny and cute.
"why are you so attached to me saying i love you back?" you asked.
"what if i go out and then, i don't know, i get hit by a car or aliens attack me and i never come home. you wouldn't want me to die without hearing 'i love you' one last time, right?"
you sighed, faking annoyance, but jiwoong knew it was just an act and soon a cheeky smile was plastered to his face.
"i love you too, now go if you don't want to be late." your eyes went back to your laptop's screen, so you didn't see him come to kiss your cheek before finally leaving.
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• hao
i don't see hao as someone who says i love you a lot. he shows his love through physical touch and acts of service, so him saying it is rare. it was never a problem for you two, because it made these words much more precious then if they were just a regular sentence.
that night, you were hanging out with zhang hao at his place for a movie marathon. you haven't seen each other for a while, and the movies were soon forgotten as zhang hao's hands started to roam on your body, missing the way your skin felt on his. hours passed as you were basking in each other warmth, passionate kisses exchanged, trying to pull the other closer to you.
it was getting more late as you started to feel tired. facing your back, zhang hao wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer before adjusting the cover on you. he kissed your temple and your eyes fluttered shut, ready to sleep. he confessed his love to you in a whisper, letting his head rest behind yours. you didn't reply because you were falling asleep. hao would have no particular reaction to the lack of answer, because even if it was a special thing for him to do, he never did it to hear it back. it was just because he needed to say it. you two just ended up sleeping like this.
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• matthew
it was pissing you off. overall, matthew was a good boyfriend. he made sure to see you often, and he'd take you to your favorite places. he never forgets when you say you like something, so he can go and buy for you as a surprise, or make it for you himself. there were so many things you liked about matthew, but one was really getting on your nerves. it was nothing really bad, it's just the way he would never wash the dishes after he ate or drank something. if he drinks something, he just leaves the glass in the sink and tell himself he will wash it later. spoiler : he never does.
you told him many times about it, and he always said he understood and he will start doing it. and he never did. sure, it was nothing, but the problem wasn't the dishes anymore, it was the fact he wouldn't listen to you. after a tiring day, you kinda lost it when you saw the dishes in the sink, so you guys got into an argument over this.
"babe, i think you had a bad day, maybe we should let you rest first and then we'll talk about it later?" he proposed. you realized you've been taking out your bad mood on him and you sighed, feeling ever worse now. matthew could clearly tell you were going throught something, and he didn't want to make you feel stressed out about it.
"i love you", he said to reassure you, but you opened your mouth at the same time to say :
"i'll be in our room"
and then you left him here, in the kitchen. you didn't answer to his "i love you" because you just didn't hear him. but it got to his head: why didn't they respond? are they that angry? guilt started to build up in him, as he was sitting alone in the living room. it's true he should have listen to you in the first place... you might feel like he didn't care about what you disliked and he doesn't want to be better for you. and the fact you didn't say i love you back...
there it goes, matthew was overthinking everything now. what if you break up with him? should he go and talk to you?
hours passed, and you didn't come out of the room. it's not that you were still pissed, far from it, you was just ashamed of the fact you let your anger out on him for nothing and you were just too tired you couldn't come out of bed. matthew decided it was time for him to talk to you.
you heard the door open, not looking at who came in the door, because you knew it was him. he sat next to you on the bed where you were laying.
"do you..." he started but he couldn't finish. there were so many things matthew wanted to ask and he didn't know with what he should start. "do you feel better?"
"i'm sorry, i was tired, and i know it's no excuse, i shouldn't have let out everything on you."
hearing you apologize, matthew opened his arms for you to come in his embrace. accepting the hug, you snuggled close to him, letting a few tears roll down your eyes. "i love you", you said, and all his worries are gone. "i love you too."
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• taerae
plucking the strings of his guitar, taerae played a new melody he created himself. you two were sitting in the music room of your university. you listened to him, heart eyes as his voice started to sing the lyrics he wrote earlier. your friend taerae always let you hear his songs first. for some reasons, you noticed that nowadays, his lyrics were more and more sweet, always talking about some muse he was crazy in love with. you started to take the hint a few days ago, but you were patiently waiting for the good moment to ask him out.
today's song was once again, a serenade. he was not looking at you, focused on playing his guitar. at least, this is what he was trying to make you think, he was just too shy to look at you. you appreciated the song, and you couldn't tell if it was good or if you liked it just because you were hoping it was about you.
the song was coming to an end, and taerae sang the last words looking at you : i love you. you started clapping for him with a huge smile.
"i love it! it's amazing, your songs are always good, taerae."
as much as he liked the praising, that was not the answer he wanted to hear.
"did you hear the last lyrics?"
"...and what do you think about it?"
"they were cute!"
"should i sing them again?"
you nodded. taerae was wondering if the hint was not obvious enough, but he just started playing the last chorus again, this time looking at you the whole time. when he said "i love you again" with his singing voice, you once again didn't catch it. taerae sighed heavily.
"what's wrong?"
"i said 'i love you'!"
"yeah, that's the lyrics?" you frowned.
"that's a confession!" he blurted out.
the tip of his ears were getting red, and a smile was appearing on your face. he hid his face in his hands, and you took them off to take them in yours. "i love you too" you said, making him even more red.
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• gyuvin
a sheepish smile on his face, a bag full of snack in his hands, gyuvin is looking at you who's sitting on the picnic blanket, arms crossed against your chest.
"hey y/n!"
"you're 15 minutes late."
"how about we say time is a social construction and we forget about that."
shoot. gyuvin knew this wouldn't work, and he'll probably kick gunwook when he go back to the dorms because it was his idea. gyuvin sat next to you on the ground, while you decided to ignore him for coming late on your date.
"come on, i'm sorry, this won't happen again." gyuvin sweetly says, trying to appease you.
"what is the reason behind your lateness?" you ask, a disdainful look on your face.
"i may have forgot we were wednesday..."
mentally, you slapped your forehead because of how much you were tired of him. but, physically, you simply scoffed, arms still crossed. you turned your face the opposite way of where he was sitting, turning your back to him. gyuvin whined.
"i'm a human, i make mistakes!" he complained.
"i don't know if i can forgive you..." you answered, dramatically, and he understood that you were joking around. a sigh of relief left his lips, and he decided to play along.
"and if i say i love you, you'll forgive me?"
"and if i say the feeling is not mutual, what will you do?"
gyuvin's jaw was basically on the floor. how could you go that far! "i can't believe this..." he said in a muffled voice. you mocked him for the face he was doing, and gyuvin playfully hit your arm with no force.
"breaking up with you as we speak" gyuvin said, rolling his eyes.
"you're sure about that?"
"absolut-" gyuvin was cut off by your lips on his, giving him a small peck. he felt his cheeks getting warm and he looked away.
"maybe i'm not breaking up with you anymore."
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kpop-kitkat · 2 years
I Think You're Cute | K
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pairing | k x trainee f!reader
genre/cw | friends-to-lovers, idol au, trainee au, crush, crying, body shaming, mention of physical abuse, featuring &TEAM
wc | 1.6k
notes | none
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Five, six, seven, eight, left, hop, turn around, no! Y/n you’re doing it wrong,” the dance instructor scolded. 
“Sorry Mrs. Yang,” Y/n bowed her head. She glanced around to see that all the other trainees were watching her intently, causing her to flush unintentionally. 
Mrs. Yang sighed deeply. “If you want to debut, you’ll work on the choreography twelve hours a day! Do you hear me?” She crossed her arms.
”Yes, Mrs. Yang. I was busy, I-“
”Your excuses mean nothing to me,” she scoffed. “You either debut with Hybe or you don’t debut at all. I doubt any other entertainment company would train you. You’re not even worth the time.” 
“I’m sorry,” she closed her eyes tightly and bowed her head. She couldn’t even bring herself to look up. “I promise to work harder.”
”You best do so,” she sighed angrily. 
Just then, the clock chimed. It was break time.
”I suppose I’ll see you all tomorrow for your monthly evaluation along with Mr. Won. You’re dismissed,” she said, gesturing them all to leave. 
All of the girls picked up their duffel bags and exited. But Y/n was stopped.
”Y/n,” Mrs. Yang called.
Y/n squeezed her eyes shut before turning around. “Yes?” 
“Start eating less. Your gaining weight, I can see it in your face,” she frowned. “Minyeon and Jinri never had trouble with their diets.”
Oh how Y/n hated being compared to the other girls. Especially regarding weight.
”Yes Mrs. Yang,” she whispered, tears stinging her eyes. 
K smiled to himself when break time came. As a part of the pre-debut group &TEAM, he had a lot on his plate. Breaks were lovely. But he also did a little happy dance on the inside at the thought of seeing his crush, Y/n. The two had known each other for two years, ever since Y/n was street casted. They weren't exactly friends though. Heck, they never really did anything but acknowledge each other's existence. But he saw her around enough to develop feelings for her. She was the brightest, kindest, cutest person he knew. How was he to admit it? Maybe soon. But not just yet.
 "Y/n!" EJ waved Y/n over to sit with his members. 
She shyly brought her lunch over, which consisted of spicy ramen, and sat between EJ and Yuma, the only two she really knew in the group.
 "I should introduce you all. Guys, this is L/n Y/n," Yuma announced, and they all greeted her warmly. "Y/n, this is Fuma, Harua, Jo, Taki, Maki, Yihsiang, and K," he explained.
 "Hi," she waved. 
 "Nice to meet you Y/n. I hope we can be friends," Taki smiled.
The rest of the members said kind things to Y/n, yet K remained silent. In truth, he wanted to officially meet her on his own, not with Yuma's help. It would be a terrible first impression on his crush, at least in his mind.
The clock chimed yet again, signaling it was vocal and rap practice time.
 "See you later," Maki waved at her as he and the guys left to their respective rooms.
Y/n collapsed on her bed in her apartment room and sighed. Her back ached terribly as she stretched. It had been a long day. Sitting up, she glanced at the mirror on the wall. She played with the strands of her messy hair and squished her cheeks, seeing how chubby they really were. And they weren't, at all. It was simply Mrs. Yang scolding Y/n every chance she got. And while Y/n didn't understand her reasons, she had grown used to it by now. Used to being humiliated in front of her trainees. And while known of these rude comments and scoldings were true, they got to her head. "What am I doing wrong," she whispered to herself before breaking down in tears.
It was another night of listening to depressing music as tears streamed down her cheeks.
~~The Next Day~~
 "Bro just tell her! I'm sick of seeing you give her puppy eyes 24/7 and not saying anything!" EJ frowned. "And I'd bet she likes you back. I mean who wouldn't? Look at you," he teased.
 "I'm not completely sure. I really want to tell her. I just don't know how," K admitted.
 "It's not like you're getting down on one knee with a diamond ring for heaven's sake! Just find a time when you're both alone with an hour or more to spare," EJ suggested.
 "Okay. Thanks EJ," K fist bumped him before going up to his room. 
 He immediately began surfing the internet using key words: confessing to my crush. And after an hour, he had a long list.
"Okay. Be expressive, be confident, compliment her, and don't bore her. Get straight to the point," he spoke just above a whisper as he kept reading the short list over and over.
It all seemed like a good idea until the time actually came. He stood at the door to Y/n's practice room, unable to open the door.
"Just do it!" EJ shouted from around the corner.
 "I'll kill you if you mess this up for me!" K seethed.
With a newfound confidence, he knocked on the door. But when it opened, a crying Y/n brushed past him and went down the hall. He stood there, confused, dropping his list on accident as well. He decided to follow her for about a minute. And just when he was about to give up, he heard sniffling in his own vocal practice room. He opened the door and saw her, curled up into a ball, leaning against the same wall K had always used for physical support on the bad days. He quietly closed the door behind him and knelt beside her. 
"Hey, you okay?" He asked softly.
 "I'll never be good enough K," she suddenly spoke. "I don't even deserve to be here."
 His gaze softened. "What? Of course you do! You're so talented Y/n."
 "Mrs. Yang she... she," she choked on her own words.
"She what Y/n?" K became curious. 
 "She told me to leave the company, and that I'm not good enough to follow my dreams," she explained.
K could tell she was hiding something still. "What else? Just tell me the truth Y/n, it won't hurt you."
 "She got angry with me so she... hit me. She pushed me to the ground and my wrist is most likely fractured," she cried. 
"What?!" He exclaimed, quickly getting up and running to the other side of the room. He opened a cabinet and brought out a shoulder sling. "Here," he helped her put it on, clasping it behind her back. "Try not to move too much, okay? I need to speak to Mr. Kim."
She nodded in response as he quickly exited the room.
 "Mr. Kim?" K knocked on his studio door.
 "Yes K?" He looked up from his desk with a smile.
 "Mrs. Yang needs to be fired. She pushed one of your trainees, Y/n to the ground and told her to leave the company," he explained, breathing heavily. "She's no good for the company."
 "I'm sorry that has happened. I'll deal with it as soon as I can. Thank you for telling me K," he smiled again before going back to his work.
~~The Next Day~~
Y/n loved having Mrs. Yang gone. She felt much more free. And her replacement, Mrs. Kwon, was an angel. Strict enough to be a good dance instructor, but as sweet and understanding as they come. But she had someone to thank for it.
"K?" Y/n knocked on his apartment door. It soon opened and she smiled at the occupant. "Hey."
 "Hey umm, would you like to come in?" He gestured to his couch area, and she accepted with a nod and a simple "thank you". 
They both took seats next to each other before she spoke. "I just wanted to thank you for yesterday. You have no idea how grateful I am that she's gone now."
"You're welcome. Nobody deserves to be treated the way you were."
"Yeah," she smiled, before falling into silence. It looked like she still had something she wanted to say, and K read her mind.
 "You're probably wondering why I showed up at your practice room yesterday, so I might as well get straight to the point," he took a deep breath. "I think you're cute and I uh... I've had a crush on you for like a year now. I was wondering if you wanted to go out?"
 "Wow, I was going to ask you first," Y/n laughed.
"You were?"
 "Yeah, I guess you were oblivious to my obvious stares in the past year."
 "I guess I was," he chuckled.
Had K not had the bravery to confess, he wouldn't have been where he was right now. Sitting on top of his car, watching the sunset, with his girlfriend's head on his shoulder. "To think, today would've been our second anniversary if I said something right when I knew I liked you," K sighed.
 "At least we have each other now. Better late than never I say," Y/n picked her head up off his shoulder to see his eyes. "And I for one, wouldn't have it any other way."
 "Make it two," he smiled, before planting a short and sweet kiss on her lips.
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daisy7beauty · 1 year
Online friend — Haerin x reader
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summary: Haerin has had an online friend for around two years now. Their first meeting might be coming sooner than she had originally thought.
pairing: Kang Haerin x fem!reader
tags: online friends, trainee, fluff
word count: 869
Haerin has had an online friend for a while now.
When she had begun her life as a trainee, a lot of the pressure that came with it made her feel horrible. Not wanting to seem weak in front of the others, she buried all of her feelings inside.
She felt like she couldn’t talk to anyone about it. Her parents weren't the most supportive ones, so she was afraid that instead of comforting her, they would use it as a “We told you so” moment, insisting that she quit. So she decided to vent her frustrations out on a blog.
It was anonymous, of course, god forbid the company found it and kicked her out, or something. They had very strict rules about social media and a blog isn't that much different.
It didn’t receive much attention, which was fine with her, she just needed a place to complain and rant. But one day, she received a private message. It was from a user under the name ‘raccoon_luvr05’, who was apparently also a trainee and related to Haerin.
They had started to talk on the blog site, eventually exchanging their phone numbers, agreeing to only texting, as they wanted to remain anonymous. Haerin would be lying if she said she was never curious about the person behind the messages. They understood her more than anyone she has ever met, and she didn’t even know their name!
The only thing she knew was that they were a year older than her, they were from Jeju and a three year trainee under Starship Entertainment. It was honestly impressive how little they knew about each other, despite sharing their deepest secrets with each other for around two years.
If she were to be honest, Haerin had developed sort of a crush on them. She didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl, but the way they comforted her and cheered her up during her hardest days when she just wanted to quit, made her heart jump. Just thinking about it made her blush, making Hanni tease her from the other side of the practice room.
Her phone was in her hands, the messages between them open on her screen. Haerin stared at them intensely, mentally hyping herself up to send an already written message. After about two weeks of thinking and mulling everything over, she decided that she wanted to meet them. She knew that it was risky, her school made her watch all those cautionary videos about strangers online, but she just couldn’t help herself.
This particular week made her even more sure in her decision. They weren’t able to text as often as they used to, as her friend was currently moving companies, due to Starship delaying their groups debut once again. Haerin missed them so much that it surprised her. The whole week she spent wondering about how they were doing, and if they were fine. Their separation was the final nail in the coffin that made her realize just how much she liked them.
Just as she was about to send the text containing her question about finally meeting up, someone came into the practice room she was in. All of the members stood up and greeted the manager that stepped inside. Haerin saw a young girl behind him, nervously clutching a bag in her hands.
“All right, as you all know a new trainee is joining us today. She will be one of your group's members from now on. I know it may feel a bit strange, since you haven’t met her before, but please be kind to her. She is very talented and we believe her to be a perfect fit with you guys, so please don’t disappoint us, okay?”
All of them nodded, saying yes, bowing to the manager as he left the room, leaving just the girl behind.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Kim Minji, and I’m the oldest. You can consider me an unofficial leader, so if you have any problems or concerns, come to me.”
Minji smiled at the newcomer, the rest of the girls following her example and introducing themselves as well.
“Nice to meet you all, my name is y/n and I was born in 2005, I hope we can be friends.”
She had a soft voice and her eyes almost never left the ground. Haerin was the same when she just joined, understanding the girl's position. She was sure that y/n would open up soon enough.
They had talked for around an hour, before Minji seemed to remember something.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Could you give me your number, so that I can add you to our group chat?”
Y/n nodded, waiting for Minji to take out her phone, before saying her phone number.
As she started speaking, Haerin paused for a moment. It felt like she had seen that number somewhere already. She quickly opened up her phone, scrolling through her contacts, trying to see if that's where she remembered it from.
She let out quietly, her finger stopping at a very familiar contact profile. It seemed that her wish of meeting her mystery person came true quicker that she had imagined.
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yawnzzznnn · 11 months
♡︎Kpop Boys ♡︎ pt.1 ♡︎ pt.2 ♡︎ pt.3 ♡
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♡︎Trainee A♡︎ ♡︎8Turn♡︎
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♡︎Xikers♡︎ ♡︎Stray Kids♡︎
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♡︎Enhypen♡︎ ♡︎TxT♡︎
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♡︎SF9♡︎ ♡︎BTOB♡︎
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jalapenokpoppers · 2 years
How Trainee A would kiss.
Warnings: Just fluff and kisses.
Gn!Reader x ot7 Trainee A
400> words
Song rec: 2002, Anne-Marie.
Yorch | 요치 
•Super gentle at first, but gets a bit more rough the more you two kiss.
•Actually, it’s not quite rough.
•Just more? Passionate. I guess? 
•Loves to just give you lots of little pecks while you’re cuddling.
•Cups your face in his hands.
Leo | 리오
•He's such a tease.
•Leans in like he's going to kiss you then pulls away at the last second.
•Laughs when you get mad and kisses the corner of your lips
•Likes to have you on his lap when he kisses you.
•His hands are in your hair or resting on your hips.
Sangwon | 상원
•Loves giving you little pecks all over your face.
•He thinks lip kisses are overrated and that the rest of you needs attention too.
•Saves lip kisses for when he’s saying goodbye/goodnight and special moments.
•Sometimes he’ll surprise you with a random kiss on the lips though.
•But mostly sticks with kissing you cheek and head.
•Ask for a kiss though and he’ll give you one immediately, no matter what he’s doing.
•One hand cupping your face and the other on your hip.
•Loves when you have your hand in his hair.
Woochan | 우찬
•Kisses you really firmly.
•Maybe a little too firmly at first.
•He’s just excited to kiss you.
•Relaxes a little as your kisses start to get longer.
•Hands holding your neck.
•Kisses you once and then gives you at least one more for good measure.
James | 제임스 
•One of his absolute favorite ways to show affection.
•Eskimo kisses with James.
•Just brushes his nose against yours before giving you a peck on the lips.
•I dunno his kisses seem like they would be kind of wet to me.
•Not necessarily in a gross way though.
•Just like he wets his lips beforehand a little too much.
•His hands are either on your waist, or holding your face in his hands.
JJ | 제이제이
•He’s so random.
•Just kisses you out of the blue.
•Prefers if you kiss him first though.
•Actually he expects you to kiss him first.
•Puckers his lips and waits for you to kiss him.
•Gets so pouty if you don’t.
•Alexa play Despacito.
•Will literally give you the silent the treatment until you kiss him.
•Then he’s all smiles again
•Please kiss him it makes him sad when you don’t.
Jihoon | 지훈
•Aw he’s so gentle.
•Just barely brushes his lips against yours.
•It’ll take him a little while before he feels comfortable enough to kiss you fully.
•When he does though he loves holding your hand.
•Not just a little bit either, he wants your hands firmly entwined together.
•It’s such a contrast to how softly his lips touch yours.
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mirisss · 8 months
My Bad-boy
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Park Hanbin x afab!reader
Wordcount ≈ 900
Warnings: Mentions of food, mentions stereotypical bad-boy hobbies (smoking, fighting, etc), actually really fluffy, 
Please reblog! Requests are open!
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Third person POV
(Y/n) sat with one of her close friends, Lee Jeonghyeon, as they ate lunch in the school cafeteria. The two were having an argument over which one of them was most likely to pass a test without studying for it, a somewhat normal argument between the two as they often tried to compete against one another. All friendly though. Outsiders watching them would probably assume that they were dating because of the way they acted, those outsiders would be very wrong though. (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon were good friends, best friends even, but they weren’t dating and probably never would. Nope. (Y/n) was dating someone else. 
Suddenly, the doors to the cafeteria flew open, and in walked Park Hanbin. A boy that most girls and some boys had a crush on. Most people assumed that Hanbin was a bad boy, the kind of bad boy who smokes, drives a motorcycle, skips class, fights, and whatnot. It was the way he dressed and the way he walked that created these rumors. Hanbin often showed up with bruises on his arms and sometimes even on his face, and thus the rumors of him fighting people were born. 
As Hanbin walked into the cafeteria, he was pouting, his eyes scrunched into a glare as he scanned the room, looking for a certain person. Everyone in the cafeteria froze, wondering who the bad boy was looking for. Just who had made Hanbin so angry? Once he had found his victim he walked over with hasty steps. His biceps clearly showed in his black tank top, making the people around him swoon. The violet bruises on his arms add to his charm, his black and red dyed hair really played into the bad boy visual. 
The onlookers in the cafeteria gasped as they saw who Hanbin had stopped by. (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon both turned to Hanbin with smiles on their faces. “Hi, Binnie,” (Y/n) said with a cheery tone. “What’s up, Hanbin?” Jeonghyeon said as he stood up and moved to the other side of the table so that Hanbin could sit down beside (Y/n). Hanbin sat down the second Jeonghyeon had moved from (Y/n)’s side. “Mmm, I wanna go home,” Hanbin whispered as he leaned against (Y/n). 
“Bin, we still have two more classes to go through before we can leave,” “Mmm, I’m tired, and I just wanna cuddle,” “Can you hold on for one more class? I can work on my project for History at home so I don’t mind missing that class for today,” “I love you, you’re the best,” 
Only Jeonghyeon could hear the couple’s interaction leaving the audience in the cafeteria wondering what the so-called bad boy was doing leaning on and talking with (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon in such an intimate way. 
“Why are people staring at us?” Hanbin asked as he stopped leaning on his girlfriend, looking towards his friend on the other side of the table. Even though pretty much the entire school knew of the rumors concerning Hanbin, Hanbin himself, did not. “They’re staring because they can’t wrap their heads around why the notorious bad boy is being lovey-dovey with Miss Sunshine (Y/n) over here,” “Huh? Bad boy? Is that you or?” “Hanbin, you are so oblivious, the so-called bad boy is you. And, right, people might also be confused cause most people assume (Y/n) and I are dating,” “WHAT?” At Hanbin’s outburst, the attention of everyone in the cafeteria was brought back to him and the table he was sitting at. 
“People think I am a bad boy? Why?” “Because of the way you dress, the fact that you show up with bruises almost every single day, you’re often seen skipping class, you dye your hair often, this to them all equals to you being a bad boy,” (Y/n) explained to her boyfriend. “Oohh, I get that. Don’t they know I am an idol trainee? Wouldn’t that be more reasonable?” “Probably, but how should they know that the bruises are from dancing? And that the constant skipping class is for your other schedules,” Hanbin laughed it off until he remembered another detail that Jeonghyeon mentioned. 
“Wait, why do people think the two of you are dating?” “Probably because we spend a lot of time together and people assume boys and girls can’t be just friends,” Jeonghyeon said as he shrugged his shoulders. Hanbin nodded his head to show his understanding of the situation. Hanbin turned his head toward (Y/n), as their eyes met, he gave her a mischievous smile. He leaned in closer to her and kissed her on the lips, to prove that (Y/n) was dating him and not Jeonghyeon. After the kiss was over, Hanbin had a cocky smirk on his face as he glanced around the room, making all others feel slightly intimidated, resulting in them removing their attention from him and his girlfriend. 
“Oohh, my bad-boy, what would I do without you?” (Y/n) said in a teasing tone as she, Hanbin, and Jeonghyeon all laughed. Hanbin might look like the stereotypical bad boy all dressed up in his idol persona, but really he is the embodiment of a golden retriever boyfriend. 
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
When U 2 Hang Out With Each Other In Halloween Night 🕸(short ffs)
S͜͡p͜͡o͜͡o͜͡k͜͡y͜͡ ͜͡M͜͡o͜͡n͜͡t͜͡h͜͡
Pairing: you x ta member
Genre: fluff and Halloween theme 🎃
Warning: one bad word
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"It feels nice laying on the ground and looking at the stars...the fresh air hitting our faces and you beside me-"
"Shhh don't speak and let's kiss"
"Yorch~mmm~" Your boyfriend shut you by a deep kiss. You sat up and hit his arm. "Omg don't surprise me like that! Next time warn me so I can be ready!" You whined. Yorch bit down the bottom of his lip as he stare at your red face. He chuckled. "No I won't warn you, it is fun watching you get fluster. Here have some KitKats" he teased and pass you the chocolate bars. " we got so many candy,  we should have dates like this every Halloween day!" You said admiring how handsome he look in his pirate costume. " I agree my death bride" he smiled.
You two spend the last 20 minutes kissing each other passionately under the light of the moon who seem to be looking at you two like this "🌚". Your dad came out of your house and saw you two. "HEY LEE SANGWON WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY PRINCESS- HEY STOP!" He shriek running towards you two. Sangwon immediately let you go and bowed all the way down. " I'm sorry Mr.LN! I didn't do anything without her permission!" He said seriously. "DAD! Calm down, you know he is my boyfriend! We were just kissing! Oh! And my precious boyfriend got you the snickers you love so much! He thought of you!" You said as you gave your dad a bag full of his favorite chocolates. " OH MY- * coughed* Sangwon, thank you...umm you two can stay one more hour... but I'll be watching!" He said going back to the house. "Ugh! My dad can be so annoying...Wonie~ how about we go to the backyard!" You peck his lips. He blushed and nodded. "Let's go!" He held your hand.
" 1, 2, 3..." you counted how much you got of your favorite candy but you felt like you are missing more of those candy. You saw how suspicious Woochan look as he sat there quietly. " Bae! Are you stealing my candy?!" You yelled. "What? No...pfff why would I steal your candy when I have my own" he proceeds to eat one your missing favorite candy. "Hey! You liar!" You hit him with your witch hat. Woochan laughed as he started to tackle you down on the grass with tickles and small kisses on your face and neck. Everything was going so well until you two started to smell something awful. "Ugh! It is coming from you! Did you farted?" Woochan said as he step back from you holding onto his nose. "Noo! but but..." you gasped when you saw a chunk of your hair covered in poop...dog poop. "WOOCHAN HELP ME! I HATE MY LIFE" You started to cry like a baby. " you're gonna leave me because of this!" You cried harder. " WHAT?! Of course not! I will always be with you in the good days, bad days, and even the days you get poop on your hair" he said kissing your big forehead.
James, you, dressed like clowns and a bunch of little kids walk towards a house to get candy " TRICK OR TREAT!!!" All of you said except that You and James were the ones shouting louder. The kids look up at you two with weird looks. " they're so weird" a little boy dressed as a ghost said. "You're weirdER!" James fought back as he eyed the little ghost. The door open and the old man came out with the basket. "Little kids first..."he said and you laughed. "I can't believe this! We were here before them! We should get the candy first! Right James" you nudge James on his arm. "So Santa Clause is real?" James was in awe as he run his finger through the man's white beard. "But Santa, Christmas is in 2 months after this one, why are you here?" James question raising his eyebrow. The man gave him a dirty look and coughed on purpose. "Here kids, get some candy!" He smiled. " I WILL ACCUSED YOU FOR DISCRIMINATING  AND IGNORING TEENS!" You grabbed James by his arm and walk away.  " what was that about?" James wrap his arm around your neck.  " nothing, I just felt like fighting someone....WHAT ABOUT YOU?! "sO sANtA cLAusE iS ReAl?" You mimicked him. " Babe! I was just clowning like you!" Both of you laughed together. "Now which house should we clowned next?" James asked.
" Justin Jay push meeee!" You yelled. You were sitting on a swing waiting for JayJay to push you from behind. JJ put a candy on his mouth. "Here I go..." he said pulling you against him and after a second he push you hard. "This is fun! JayJay get on one!". Your boyfriend obeyed you as he got on one of the swings and started swinging. "You look so cute in your Spider-Man clothes!" You shouted with a smile. "And you look sexy in that purple emoji costume " JayJay teased you and laughed. "Jay I dare you to jump from the swing!" You joked but it seems that JayJay took that seriously and jumped from the swing in Spider-Man way. "I'm Spider-Man!" He shout. You felt your heart stoped. "JAY!!!!" You immediately stop your swing and run towards him. " JUSTIN JAY I WAS KIDDING I DID NOT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!!" JayJay stand up and laughed. "Baby I'm okay! I knew you were joking, I was already thinking in jumping before you did!" You pouted and hugged him tightly. "Be careful next time!" You cried.
You clapped hard feeling so happy that Jihoon won the small competition him and James made against each other. Both of them were dressed as the scream ghost and wanted to prove the people around them which scream ghost is better at dancing which Jihoon won. You run towards him and peck his cute cheek. "I'm so proud of you my baby!!" Jihoon laughed and hug you tightly. " I'm proud of myself too! Let's go get some candy before James beats us!" Jihoon took your hand and made you two run towards the next house.
" trick or treat b!tch!" You said out loud as you model your devil costume in front of him. "That was unnecessary to say..."he rubbed his temples and gave you a weak smile. " Do you like it? Look it even has a tail..." you smirked. Leo laughed because in his eyes you look silly but of course he won't tell you. " yeah you look very attractive, now....you told me you bought me a costume? Where is it?" He asked. You giggle as you pull out from a bag a 🌮 suit. " ARE YOU FOREALS!" Leo shouted. "Nah nah nah! I'm not putting on that! Why-...YNNNNN!!!" For sure you can hear his scream all the way from your apartment. "I was expecting a Batman or Iron Man or even a vampire-....why a taco?" He asked. "This year you're gonna be the taco man, and you know how much I love tacos...." You bit down your bottom lip. Leo just laid in the couch and laughed and cried? He was thinking of all the decisions he made in his life and met you.
(Also on IG and Wattpad)
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hoonvrs · 24 days
11 isn’t she so dreamy ( + 0.1k wc )
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the sound of clapping hands almost made heeseung jump out of his own skin, turning around to see a girl standing at the door of the practice room, “you’re good, you just need to pace your breath a bit better.”
he felt every muscle in his body lock into place as the new comer smiles at him. usually he wasn’t intimidated by anyone but you was a different case.
maybe staring at you without saying a word wasn’t the way to go, forcing his body to bend forward slightly to bow, “thank you. theres still a few weeks until the eval so hopefully i get it right by then.”
you sent back a quick bow, smile on your face as you walked in slowly.
“i can help teach you?”
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S. NOTES this is so short forgive me😣
SYNOPSIS heeseung wasn’t known as ‘the ace’ for nothing, constantly ranking number one after every monthly evaluation. then suddenly a new name takentakes over first place — baek ‘Rin’, and heeseung doesn’t take lightly to competition.
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TAGLIST ( OPEN ) @dazed-hee @dammit-jjk @jaeyunluvr @faerinini @jlheon @enhaz1 @satsuri3su @bywons @isoobie @massivecrusadephilosopher2 @cy8erpunkz @defnotfertilizedtoesw @junissy @rosas-in-the-garden @seongclb @yeokii @dimplewonie @splat00z @drunkhee @frvrluvrei @lhspeachie @wonibunnii @leaderwon @fakeuwus @saursoob @wonxlvr @hoondiors @deluluriddhi @en-dream @yenqa @strawblvr @arizejkt19 @h4918ymc @hees-gf @ar1suu @heelariously @pkjay @lycxee @boyfiejay @woninluv @tocupid @enharts @xyxlyn @reallyspaghetti @kkamismom12 @eclipse-777 @iselltulips @teddywonss @heeseungspookie @lee03yumin @ashy1um @letmein2urheart @river-demon-slayer @youresolivlie @en-kays @ramenoil
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wonielvr · 8 months
[12:34] - sung hanbin
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It was a lovely sunday morning and the clouds created a beautiful shadow on a big part of the forest right in front of hanbin's house, that including the quiet and relaxing clearing which is right next to a small lake, your favourite place in the world.
you were currently cradled in hanbin's arms and legs, sitting with your back attached to his front, and his back against a tree. "Hey, bun? What's on your mind? I want to listen," he said attentively when he noticed you became awfully quiet and stopped munching on the chocolate chip cookie he hand-made.
"Do you see that big rock a few meters to your left?" you asked. "Yeah, why?" "if you look at the crevice at the bottom you can see a beautiful brown bunny camouflaging with the stone," you said proudly. "hm, you're right. It reminds of you, bun. a beautiful, tiny, loveable one," he said fondly.
"oh shut up!" you said, pushing the little bit of the cookie that's left in your hand into his mouth, hoping it would stop him from saying more giddy things. he chuckled in response, kissing your temple, then your cheek, and finally your neck. "I love you, my little bun."
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
enchanted ㅡ ricky
ricky x gn!reader
genre : fluff, fake dating.
warnings : none <3 shout out to my 🐇 anon and to @mins-fins cuz he seemed excited to read it yesterday 🤭
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"ricky, stand up-"
"i said i would beg! i'm begging"
you sighed heavily. growing up as ricky neighbor, you two ended up being great friends. your parents knew each other so your families often did thing together, such as going to holidays, picnics and these kind of things. it is know to everybody that ricky's family was wealthy, and yours was just as much as your parents became business partners over the year.
"come on, i don't wanna go with them, and you have no one to take you there. if we go together, our parents will let us be!"
rich people problem, i guess... once a year, your parents' business partners organized a ball for their kids. it was not just a little dance for shit and giggles, no, it was just so the kids can meet together, fall in love and make their life with someone from a wealthy family. ricky and you grew up going there every year. when you were younger, your parents never pressured you to have a partner to go there. however, around a certain age, you better have one if you don't want your parents to be the laughing stock of town. ricky and you decided years ago to never go together, otherwise your parents would imagine things and think you're a couple. at that time, you didn't have those hidden feelings you have for each other like you have today.
and now, you guys were eighteen, going nineteen, and you had to take someone with you. the problem is, you were absolutly bitchless, and ricky's parent were forcing him to go with someone he couldn't stand.
"ricky, i would've gone with you if our parents weren't friends. you know damn well they won't stop teasing us with it and think we're in love or something."
"and? is it worse than you not pulling and me being forced to go with that goblin??"
"don't call people goblins, i already told you that's mean!" you choked, hitting his arm
"well i don't care!" ricky whined before letting his head fall on the kitchen table you guys were sitting at.
you were thinking about it, and yes, your parents thinking ricky and you are a thing wasn't a problem for you. at least, it was not worse than seeing someone else at ricky's arm. but you knew you will not be able to stand your parents thinking you guys are in love when you were convinced ricky didn't like you back.
suddenly, ricky got up.
"what if we tell our parents that we are dating, and then we break up after the ball so they leave us alone."
"i mean...that could work."
"so you're fine with it?"
the blonde looked at you with eyes full of hope, waiting for you to say yes. you let yourself a few seconds to think, before sighing.
"screw it, i guess that's a nice plan."
a huge smile on his face, ricky took your hand and dragged you with him to the door.
"mom, i'm taking y/n on a date, i should be back around 6!"
"what?" you said in a choked voice to make sure she couldn't hear it.
"you're dating y/n??" she suddenly appeared, her head peeking out of her room.
"i didn't know how to tell you, but yes, we've been dating for a few weeks now", ricky said confidently as you were turning red.
"oh my god! is it why you didn't want to go with my colleague's daughter?"
she started rambling about how happy she was about the news, and ricky had to cut her off gently for you two to go. he opened the door, not letting go of your hand.
"okay, so what do we do now..."
"we're going on a fake date."
"is it really necessary? our parents are not with us, we don't have to go that far."
"don't worry about that, it's to imbue us with the couple vibes."
and ricky took you on a date. once, and twice, and a third time again before the ball. and it never felt fake, not even once. or maybe you were just delusional? at least, that's what you were thinking, not knowing ricky was having the time of his life pretending to be your lover.
the night of the ball, ricky came to pick you up. you were surprised when you saw his cheeks turn crimson red when he saw you all done-up. it wasn't that hot tonight, why was he like this? (well you're a dense bitch) (i'm sorry) (let me go back to my serious narrator persona wait)
the feeling of taking you to the dance was bittersweet for ricky. you two have planned to fake your 'break up' to your parents after the ball. it means it was the last time he could take your hand, pass his arm around your waist or your shoulder to take you closer to him, look at him with obvious love in his eyes with the excuse of faking it so you won't be unconfortable.
everyone joked about how they knew you two will end up together since you were young, and they congratuled you on finally being a couple. but both of you knew the truth, and it's why it didn't please you as much as they thought it would.
the evening was going smoothly as you both tried to joke around and enjoy the moment.
now, the time has come. the most awaited moment by the people your age that were going to the ball was slowdancing, as cliche as it sounds. you watched the other kids as they got up with excitement with their partner to dance. the song playing on background was enchanted by taylor swift. tugging on a piece of your clothing, ricky tried to have your attention. you turned to face him.
"you're comfortable with doing this? we're not obliged to do it if you don't want to, you seem hesitant about it." fervently, you shook your head to deny his allegations.
"no no! it be weird if we didn't do it, right? and i'm comfortable, since it's you."
ricky tried to restrain his smile as he got up from the seat you two were on. he gave you his hand, waiting for you to take it in yours.
"can i have this dance?"
you laughed at his act.
"i would love to", you admitted, putting your hand in his. he took it to his lips to plant a kiss on it, still in his gentleman act.
and here you were, on the dance floor between all those stupid rich kids, your arms around ricky's neck as he was holding your waist, slowdancing. the blonde haired boy bent a bit to whisper in your ear, pulling you closer.
"can you believe we're breaking up tomorrow?" he mumbled in a teasing tone, making sure no one but you could hear him.
"don't bring this up, i'm your lover for at least... three more hours", you answered in the same volume.
"you know, now that i think about it, our parents are probably gonna freak out when we tell them we broke up."
"that's true, and we're gonna have to tell everybody here that we're not together anymore."
"seems tiring."
you simply nod, and ricky straightened himself up to look at your eyes. there was something special about the way he looked at you, something you couldn't explain. little did you know, that same thing was shining the same in your eyes, and ricky started to think that maybe his feelings were mutual.
"you're making me feel so weird right now." ricky confessed, which made you frown. you hummed in confusion, waiting for him to continue.
"do we really have to break up?"
"i mean, we're not gonna pretend forever... right?"
"it felt right to me. how was it for you?"
"how was what?"
"me being your boyfriend."
it seemed like a joke to you at first, but the more you observed his face, there was not even a pint of playfulness. he was dead serious. you didn't answer because you were taken aback, so ricky continued.
"i loved being your boyfriend, even if it was all an act. i might be wrong, but i feel like it wasn't that bad for you either. please let me take you on a real date at least once and if you don't like it, let's just forget about it."
"i don't think i can forget about it."
was is it a rejection? did he ruin everything by confessing? ricky let his head down in shame, cold sweat running down his back. suddenly, he felt your hand on his cheek, and he looked back up to you. you quickly kissed his lips.
"i would love to date you for real this time", you said, as enchanted was coming to an end. he beamed befofe leaning back to yours lips, and he was now the one kissing you.
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