briannabug · 10 months
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trist ❦
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fivepebble · 7 months
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chicacrazy0 · 5 days
Aunque estemos rodeados de gente, vivir implica aceptar el desafío de estar solos. Y, más tarde o más temprano, llega un momento en la vida en que esa soledad comienza a llenarse de ausencias o, mejor dicho, de presencias que no dejan de estar.
-Gabriel Rolón
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critterzone13 · 7 months
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Little doctor rabbid Trist! Had an idea for cringetober but then really liked them so they now a critter more facts about them below!!
Bits of lore!!
They were experimented on, first with tranquilizers for rabbids and what would just sedate them, they became immune to them
Later got into cosmetics, which is why they have longer hair and eye lashes, first hated the feminine look and how other rabbids treated them
Was rescued by Collar, gave them a trial and lost but how they were able to treat their wounds made them part of his gang, becoming the doctor
if you call them a “little nurse” they will “forget” to give you any painkillers
Dispute the seriousness of collar’s military base area in an abandoned mall, they just make their own concoctions for medical purposes if they have nothing strong
Has little nurses that help them, they forget often so they tend to overwork
They kept their chopped leg around since they think “ohh
They are one of the few higher members or the collar gang that can roam with collars permission
They made alot of drugs that has carrot juice in it, knowing how it strong to rabbids
Has a little therapy room but since seems rabbids dont need therapy they kinda just tweak on machines or better prosthetics
Most of their equipment is stolen or they made themselves, or fixed machines that people throw out
Many rabbids think they are using the drugs, half right they sometimes use themselves as a lab rat when they make stuff
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themidnightleo · 2 months
Full Circle
DWC- Day 2- Suppress/Pastel
Another day dawned upon Stormwind, and Leo found himself navigating its streets with caution. The past few months had seen him keeping a low profile, laying low and hidden from the limelight, all thanks to a daring heist he had orchestrated against a renowned tavern within the city walls. Now, tentatively stepping onto the cobblestone pathways, he couldn't help but notice the lackluster ambiance that surrounded him, despite the city's usual bustle.
As he wandered through the maze of canals and districts, his journey led him to Lion's Rest, where a familiar figure caught his eye amidst the crowd—a certain ginger-haired dame.
GiGi Fiske.
GiGi had always been more than just a friend to Leo; she was his confidant, the one person with whom he shared his deepest secrets—something he couldn't bring himself to do with anyone else, not even his former partner in crime. Approaching her, Leo was serenaded by the gentle strains of a lute, played skillfully by a magenta-haired elf standing nearby—a sight and sound he had sorely missed.
After exchanging greetings with GiGi, Leo's attention was drawn back to the bard, whom she introduced as Trist'Ayran Ambrosio-Autumnrayne—a name that sparked recognition within him.
Trist'Ayran Ambrosio-Autumnrayne was his name.
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Gif by Kotlass on YCH.Commishes
There was an undeniable allure to the lute player, a stark contrast to Leo's own demeanor. Clad in vibrant teal hues, the elf's attire screamed of brightness, his hair a striking color that caught Leo's eye. Despite the exuberance in his appearance, a somberness hung in the air as the lute's melancholic melody filled the space. Leo stood at a distance, observing the bard with keen interest. He noted the fluid movements, the subtle flicks of wrists and ankles that set the bells adorning Trist into motion, adding depth to the sorrowful tunes. Everything about the bard seemed to radiate sadness to those who paid attention.
Yet, as people passed by, smiles adorned their faces, greetings and compliments showered upon Trist for his masterful performance. It was indeed a captivating display, but they failed to grasp the pain concealed behind his façade.
Approaching the bard, Leo engaged him in conversation, each word tinged with a sense of desolation. The adeptness with which Trist crafted a façade of beauty to mask his inner torment intrigued Leo deeply. He felt compelled to delve further into the enigma that was the bard.
No, he NEEDED to unravel the mysteries veiled beneath Trist's cheerful exterior.
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viatainpasidecuvinte · 6 months
Ce-i viața fără iubire și speranță?
E ca o barca ancorată în pustiu
Atârnând d-un fir de ață
Ști și tu cum și eu știu.
Și facem noduri peste noduri
Crezând că nu cădem în gol
Dar cât sa tina si-o sperantă?
Când ce-i cu noi nu e ușor.
Și batem timpul cu privirea
A ta de-acolo si-a mea aici
Cât să ajungă și răbdarea
Când șansele-s atât de mici.
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kikiskramz · 5 months
Trist (2003-2012)
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Not skramz but DSBM
Trist was a Depressive Suicidal Black Metal (DSBM) band from Olomouc, Czech Republic, formed in 2003, went on hold from 2007 to 2009, and disbanded in 2012. Led by one-man multi-instrumentalist Jan Šincl, the band featured PestKrist, Vincek (2007-2011), with Julius.K (2007-2008) on drums. Tragically, Julius.K committed suicide in 2021. RIP. Koronas (2007) and Kim Carlsson (2010-2011) were vocalists. DSBM, a sub-genre of Black Metal, focuses on suicide, anti-humanity, self-mutilation, nihilism, and emotional imbalance, characterized by slow tempos, distorted riffs, and raw production.
Trist once expressed, "I am more focused on the nocturnal melancholic city, hidden under a lamp or in seclusion, observing as someone passes by from time to time without noticing me. I convince myself that I am just a shadow."
Trist produced 4 albums, 6 demos, 7 splits, and 2 EPs, gaining recognition for Stíny (2006), Sebevražední andělé (2007), Slunce v snovém kraji, rozplývání, echa… (2007), Zrcadlení melancholie (2007). Their last show was in Germany in October 2011.
The reasons behind Trist's decision to halt the project remain unknown. Kim mentioned that Trist shared a similar outlook on life, stating, "when the time is right." Trist also mentioned that alcohol is his life now and will take him. Despite the nature of the DSBM genre, many mistakenly thought Trist had taken his own life, but he is still alive and expresses a desire to start a proper black metal project with the right equipment.
A random fact: when Trist was producing Snění (7 December 2007), he shared on Facebook on 3 June 2017, "It was supposed to be about daydreaming, a time to relax from all the misery, kind of. I don't know what was going through my mind; it was in 2006, and I was 17 or 18, a teenager."
You can still listen to them on Spotify and Last.fm.
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autodiscipline · 4 months
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vincent666v · 3 months
I feel like this song forever and always. if you open my head and look inside you will just see this
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kneipe · 6 months
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bern 2023
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nebunulcusentimente · 10 months
Ca lumea să râdă, clown-ul trebuie să fie trist.
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fivepebble · 8 months
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trist has a new ref now. yippee
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tigerlillywashere · 2 months
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Well look at that, it's time for my once every couple of months Tumblr post lol. Anyways, here's a Trist doodle
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critterzone13 · 6 months
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finally doodles of this guy will make his ref soon
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themidnightleo · 5 months
After Dark
The latest After Dark soirée, hosted by the enigmatic Succulent Tarts, unfolded tonight. Leo effortlessly slipped into his sleek black leather thigh-high boots, paired with shorts and a tantalizing corset vest. His face adorned with alluringly dark makeup, accentuating his amethyst eyes. Accompanied by his ever-present husband, they embarked to the event.
Securing front-row seats among the eager crowd, Leo and Trist anticipated a night made even more special by the impending performance of their lover, Anzhin. The copper-haired half-elf's sensual showcase drew not only Leo and Trist's attention but also others who shared an intimate connection with him.
The diverse array of performers presented a series of erotic spectacles, each leaving an indelible impression on Leo and his husband, who sat together, suggesting a promise of enjoyment.
"If you behave tonight, you might just get what you desire," Leo stated with a seriousness that conveyed the depth of his intent.
As the performances concluded, the after-party unfolded. Trist took to the dance floor with Anzhin, while Leo opted for a refreshing beverage to quench his lingering thirst.
Rather than joining the dance, Leo positioned himself on the periphery, a silent spectator to the unfolding festivities. The duo on the dance floor reveled in the joy of each other's company, while Trist, not content with just the dance, engaged in short conversation with Dice. The pair, noticing Leo's more reserved stance, playfully nudged him toward a conversation with Ryland. Leo, making the best of the moment, attempted to catch Ryland's eye with a subtle gesture from across the dance floor. When it went unnoticed, he gracefully redirected his focus, particularly fixating on Trist, who now moved with a captivating flair, dancing not just for the room but with an undeniable intention to captivate Leo's undivided attention.
Without uttering a word, Leo became a silent observer, his eyes fixed on Trist, the predator studying its prey. Even as others approached, inviting Leo to join the dance, nothing could divert his attention from his captivating husband.
As the night wore on, the crowd dwindled, and Leo's patience wore thin. "I'm tired. How about you?" he asked Trist.
"Exhausted," came Trist's immediate response, his voice tinged with a deadpan stance.
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Leo sighed, casually hooking a finger at Trist's collar to draw him close. "Then I suppose it's time for us to depart, don't you think?"
Trist nodded as Leo, still holding the collar, led them out of the event.
Once outside, in the quiet of the night, Trist muttered, "Ruin me..."
Mentions: @tristayranambrosio @tristayran @dicenne @anzhin-the-starman @radioactivechina @rylandfalkov
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tristallyn · 1 year
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i had a vision
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