#trying out how to do their noses
toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 9 months
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It’ll be fine
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wasyago · 4 months
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traybornes · 8 months
The episode where abed is going on a date with 2 girls (s4e8) is weird because hes kind of blowing off troy in the beginning like troy wants him to help him with brittas dance but he says No im going on 2 dates yay wacky hijinks and then he meets Rachel who is now the the girl he Actually liked that was under his nose the whole time Trope . LIKE in my opinion rachel here is a stand-in for troy.. troy was the actual one under abeds nose the whole time who wanted to do hijinks with him and then abed meets this random girl who Also likes movie tropes and hijinks and abed Also blows off like.. also crazy how abed never talks to rachel again until After troy leaves. LIKE OKK
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butwhatifidothis · 9 days
Still baffled that Hopes so blatantly wrote Claude as the typical Evil Vaguely Middle Eastern Man set on destroying the Good White Nation for his Evil Vaguely Middle Eastern Nation that is often seen in fantasy settings - complete with him being seen as worse than a white woman who does many of the same evil deeds he does in-verse, even by his friends (should it be the bad ending route of SB) - and so many in the fandom were so eager to gobble that shit up. INSIST that "Clearly A Racist Stereotype" is LEAGUES better than "Subversion Of A Racist Stereotype" even. Like I don't think I'll ever get over how supremely fucked that is
#clyde discourse#anti clyde#like if you ever want a reminder that CIaude plays second fiddle to the other two lords in the fandom's mind here it is this is it#Hopes couldn't be more blatant in how much it wanted CIaude to be EdeIgard's fall guy in two out of three routes#with how they play switcheroo with their character traits#CIaude becomes the imperialistic violent invader who's willing to sacrifice innocents lives for his own gain#and who doesn't give a shit to recognize information that contradicts his beliefs#and EdeIgard becomes the one who always strives for the most peaceful means to resolve conflicts#(just ignore how she's the one who started the conflict like how what everyone in Hopes does - she has her reasons don'cha know!)#like i swear to god hearing all of these people try to sell the dumbass one-note Boss Bozo that is Hopes!CIaude#as ''more interesting'' than his 3H iteration will make my brain leak out of my nose#''what if our first POC lord was a violent evil invader who tricks everyone into thinking he's a good guy''#is not the fucking win you think it is.#like y'all this is PEAK racism. this shit isn't interesting it's brazenly disrespectful#''b-but he's not a bad guy in Hopes!'' THE SHIT HE PULLED WITH SRENG MAKES HIM OBJECTIVELY EVIL LIKE OH MY GOD SHUT UP#there's shit all ''gray and nuanced'' about him needlessly worsening foreign relations WHEN HIS WHOLE SHIT#IS ABOUT BE T T E R I N G FOREIGN RELATIONS. it is clear that in Hopes he either is too braindead to realize the contradiction#or it's just not what he gives a shit about in actuality and he's just saying it is to come across better#with recent reblogs thought i'd post this draft because WOW do people just. not give a shit#''uhm calling something racist is racist ackchually 🤓'' get your dumbass outta here
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Not to keep beating dead horses like I so much love to do but I am still completely Flabbergasted and Astonished at how you (Merle Ambrose) could discover the most terrifying fact that a child that is essentially under your care has been indoctrinated into a cult (which, by the way, a process that has taken over the course of years) ((by an agent that has been stationed in a direct position to make it easier to access and manipulate children, that has easily escaped your notice for such a long time)) that worships a nihilistic entity whose ultimate goal is the absolute and total destruction of Everything and Everyone around you, and your one, single, simple-sentenced response to that is to say "Oh, that's a shame. He (Duncan) always was pretty terrible. Hope he gets better someday." And then to move on from those extremely worrying and dangerous bundle of issues permanently without taking any sort of action to protect the vulnerable and make sure nothing like this ever happens again
#i love ambrose as a character but the things he does makes me clench my fists so hard blood circulation gets cut off#the absolute.... lack of care ambrose has for certain things literally render me speechless#and like okay in his uh. in his uh “defense”. there was like. other stuff going on at the time. i get that#like the end of the world for the 7th time yeah there were other things on ambrose's plate#but i dont know how many different ways to put “your children are being manipulated and kidnapped into a cult that means them harm under-#-your nose and it can absolutely happen again“ and make that stick#you... i#that is a horrifying fact to learn and the response is dismissive at BEST#like im not saying ambrose should adopt all 800 children that go to his school or whatever#but like... DO SOMETHING#you have COMPLETE AND UTTER INFLUENCE OVER THE NATIONAL GUARD. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT? USE THAT#send out watch parties! hold stranger danger assemblies! have adults regularly check in with kids! install a curfew! ANY OF THOSE THINGS?#like even if ambrose couldnt single-handedly stop a powerful cult he could at least make an effort.... AN EFFORT#ONE ATTEMPT. TO MAKE SURE ****HIS**** SCHOOL AND STUDENTS ARE SAFE........#and the fact that he says something along the lines of “well duncan was always fucked up” ☹️☹️☹️☹️#this shouldt surprise me fir the man who for 1. some reason refuses to fix the death school#2. does not care about dworgyn or mortis in the least#3. keeps trying to pressure necromancers to change schools#4. kidnapped US from earth and used us.#it really shouldnt but........ but#im gonna say it and idc (/lh) if its unpopular. ambrose should not be in power#he is incompetent at best. he is harmful at worst.#he does NOTHING 99.9% of the time and the one Tuesday where he takes action it makes something worse. he should not be in power#this post is /lh but idk. im a little angry#NOT SERIOUSLY ANGRY BUT CMON MAN. CMON BRO#if the game utilized ambrose's potential more and pointed out how useless/paranoid/rash he can be i would ascend to heaven#i would like literally one person (who isnt a villain) in the game to look at ambrose and say “wow hes kinda fucked up”#THATS THE BARE MINIMUM BUT I WILL ACCEPT THAT I WILL.#kind of unrelated but im kinda mad that the only person to correctly point out how weird ambrose is is morganthe#the murderous tyrant. the person we're not supposed to listen to. because she's evil. she couldnt POSSIBLY be right about Good Guy Ambrose!
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moeblob · 1 month
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I unfortunately picked up Bravely Default 2 again (I bought it back when it released) and then started over since I last played it in June 2021. And. You know what. I like these silly beans. And then I saw concept art for Dag's expressions and I am not the same. Why did they decide to give him huge fangs in it.
(also I'm trying so hard to avoid spoilers less for plot but more for characters so if you know anything that happens to characters shhhhh. also the expression concept is below the read more so you can see what I mean.)
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#bravely default 2#dag rampage#selene noetic#i only just recently reached ch2 in the game and i may have a problem#someone was like wait how have you not gotten farther in 25 hours#and im like im sorry its a problem i have an obsession you dont understand#and then he found out i had three of the four party members with two jobs capped at 12#and then the fourth only had one capped but a bunch high up#and then i told him i was trying to get the gambler asterisk and that meant i had to play a childrens card game#and then i had to do side quests when they popped up#and he was like wait at that point you probably dont need jobs at 12 omg#and im like i know its a problem i cant stop it#so anyway chapter 1 took me forever because i committed to the grind too much#the emotions i feel for silly lil side characters ................ its too real#like even the fact that you beat these two up in the prologue im like teehee funny lil blonde guy#then you dont interact with them in a ch1 quest but they show up again at the same time doing the same quest#and guys i am FEELING EMOTIONS theyre just funny lil mercenaries doin funny lil mercenary things#also please do not tell me anything about the game past ch1 because i want to continue to enjoy experiencing it#which is why i have my ask box closed bc its a game from 2021 and i know im really behind the times#but i managed to not know anything until now and i wanna keep it that way#also i dont really know how to properly draw noses especially when i doodle#but his nose is important and i already struggle with his big jaw so i had to include it somehow#and in the concept art it looks like he has a lil stubble but in game i dont see it so im like ... squinting at he
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Modern au where Steve notices eddie goes to sleep with earbuds even when Steve is staying over. He’s never been able to see what it is Eddie is listening to and Eddie’s never told him either. One night steve just gives up to his inner nosey bitch and leans over a sleeping eddie to unlock his phone and finds YouTube video playing called ‘SUBLIMINAL SLEEP TRACK “I AM A DRAGON” GUARANTEED RESULTS’
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zeb-z · 7 months
most islanders think Foolish is entirely pro Federation, either because he wants the power they give him or because he doesn’t truly understand what he’s doing or what’s at stake, and is just having fun. even to Cucurucho, he’s a bit of a fool - an overambitious one sure, but a fool nonetheless - who’s irritating and asks too many questions, not quite in a concerning way, but in the way a kid might bother you asking for more ice cream. a newbie on the job who wants the world and is trying to find his place in all of this - any digging for information surely isn’t malicious, because he’s obvious and ignorant about it!
it’s always so exciting when they talk about him, when they say such things to his face - it means it’s working. he tells Cellbit that he’s genuinely infiltrating and he’s not believed. Bad straight up says Foolish’s plans to a Federation worker, and if anything it does more to legitimize him further in the eyes of the Federation.
because he’s silly, and overeager, he can play dumb and his true intentions fly right over everyone’s heads. they only see him for whatever singular facet of his personality that he chooses to present, and it works so well because he can be all those things, he just overplays it to his benefit. Bad is one of the very few who can see his tricks for what they are, who doesn’t underestimate him - because hes right, Foolish does have this way of slipping past peoples defenses to get the info he wants without them even knowing they needed defenses in the first place.
idk this latest stream was just full of these little moments. acting silly when Etoiles asked him why he’s working for the Feds, and grinning when Etoiles says he’s basically a clapping monkey who doesn’t know what he’s doing, calling him naïve. asking Cucurucho a million questions and overwhelming him, acting suspicious and curious around the black concrete nonsense - allowing him to easily get away with presenting exaggerated, biased, and some even fabricated, evidence for his investigation, controlling the narrative entirely, because that part of the convo was made insignificant. (and through those questions, possibly even getting more bonuses for his office and fellow workers - he’s gotten the break room so far, and coffee machines, and another level for investigations, which has swayed workplace opinion towards him heavily.)
then with the AI, Cucuruchito, engaging in banter, then sharing a secret, which seems like a big deal - but everything he told the AI is just what he himself was told by Cucurucho, it was no secret to the Feds at all. then flirting with it for a long time before leaving - which is a tactic he outright explained to chat. to get what you want, information, loyalty, etc, you have to build a good repoire. if it takes flirting, and charm, if it takes a date or two, he’s more than willing to play the part to get what he wants. he’ll pretend to eat up their bullshit about him being special, and let them think he’s charmed instead of the opposite.
Foolish is good at what he does because he catches more flies with honey than with vinegar, and the flies never realize their caught - he’s patient enough to play the long con. and really, could someone as naïve, as foolish as him, be able to do such a thing?
he isn’t taken seriously. and it won’t be their final mistake, but it will certainly be the one that damns them.
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herearedragons · 5 days
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study of this guy based on his poe1 portrait
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ok4ru · 2 months
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I like the idea of OG Cloud and Remake Cloud looking very different from each other...
OG Cloud on the left and Remake/Rebirth Cloud on the right
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pinklemonslices · 11 months
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this idea has been sitting in my brain for way too long
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this one too :3
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captainsparklefingers · 3 months
Found a really weird cat in the house earlier today... he's got wet feet but once he's dried off I'll see if I can get more pictures.
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boygirlctommy · 7 months
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not to be all 'teehee i got bored and drew this :3' but i was so bored waiting to be free from post limit that i started drawing wilbur
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wellnoe · 2 years
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lady take 2
(id in alt)
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
How The Owl House Dealt with Its Villain: The Retribution of Choosing Yourself
There are many layers to what Belos represents, but I believe his overall reason for being part of this journey is to be the antagonist. Seriously, that's what it is. His role is to be the big bad that the heroes struggle against... except, what does that mean exactly? Because if there's anything to take away from Belos' role in the finale, its that his place is far more deeply rooted than just wanting power and blowing up the Isles; he represents more than just a physical struggle against the protagonists, specifically Luz. What Belos truly is in the story is an internal struggle that Luz has to deal with. One that she must recognize and grow from. And if Belos' death is anything to go by, she most certainly did.
I think its interesting how Belos' death played out. Firstly, the way it physically happened; watching Raine, Eda and King kill him felt downplayed for me since they just kind of stomped him like they were stomping a weed and not a living person, but its Disney so I didn't expect them to get too graphic (bummer for us morbidly fascinated folks). It was all very tame since Belos' blood at that point was more of a muddy sludge, and the camera didn't really show Belos' final moments since his face is obscured entirely. However, the highlight comes with Luz's involvement. Belos is dying to the acid rain and Luz just... watches. Belos reaches out to her, begs her for help, and she steps back and doesn't say a word. She stares with no remorse as the others crush him to death. The scene, despite censoring, was quite dark, and what shocked me the most was not only that a kid's show on Disney actually went through with saying "yeah let's kill the villain straight up" with no redemption/imprisonment/'something else entirely kills them that's not the protagonist' plot twist, but that the one to let him die was Luz. That Luz watched him die while the other protags actually get to kill him directly. So lets talk about why Dana and the crew decided to pull that move, and what it implies for not only the messaging of The Owl House, but for Luz as a character.
Watching and Dreaming held a very central theme of addressing the moral dilemmas around seeking retribution. Often when someone seeks revenge, especially for themselves, they will face backlash. The idea of getting justice for yourself is still greatly debated in fear that it will lead to people taking it too far, or "becoming just as bad" as the one who hurt them. The Owl House took a very bold stance in favor of retribution; specifically, the murder of a tyrant. Yup, a kid's show is openly supporting the idea of murdering dictators. You'd think that this stance wouldn't be so hotly contested, but you'd be surprised with how far 'pacifism by any means' has taken root to support the idea that anyone can be redeemed, thus we should never kill even the worst of people.
That idea is exactly what Belos tries using against Luz. He claims that letting him die, which can be an indirect form of killing, would make Luz a murderer just as bad as him, as any other monster who takes lives. Luz even questions herself when she's in the presence of King's father, asking if she's truly in the right for fighting Belos and secretly hoping the Collector would kill him during the battle. That's when we have this key piece of dialogue from the Titan; the only dialogue to outright give a response to the questions around retribution. The Titan tells Luz, "hey, I can relate. I was willing to do anything to keep my kid safe, but I attacked the wrong person; dragged the Collector down here for nothing…". He's aware that Luz is afraid of making a mistake, of making the wrong move, and he assures her that he understands her urge to want someone dead to protect her loved ones, while also revealing his own mistakes in life so she knows that a good person is capable of having such thoughts and fumbling through such choices. After all, if an all power god like the Titan can make mistakes and still come out good, surely someone like Luz can. He states Belos' motivations, and how wicked they are in comparison to what Luz is doing. He even laughs when Luz asks if she's as bad as Belos, because the idea is so absurd to him.
"You assume Belos' goal comes from a genuine place."
Belos' doesn't, but Luz's does. And that's the difference. Actions are caused by motivations, and whereas some rash decisions made with well intentions can result in negative outcomes, your well intent makes you capable of growing from it and becoming better. Luz worried about being a hero, but what she needed to focus on was allowing herself to be a person. Belos wasn't deserving of her forgiveness, nor that of the Boiling Isles. A hero would have saved him, sure, because maybe there was a chance he could have been redeemed, but that was not Luz's responsibility to ensure. And she is not a villain for that, she's just a person.
Once we see the true meaning behind Luz's and the Titan's conversation, her actions in the final part of the fight no longer feel so sudden, but are now made crystal clear. As Belos lays dying, he desperately tries to appeal to Luz; "we're human; we're better than this!" And Luz says nothing. She doesn't cower away, but she doesn't help him; she simply watches in silence, not giving him anything more than she already has. This action sent a very powerful message, that letting him die did not make her the same as him; she can be better in the way she chooses, not in the way she's been taught by her environment to be. Eda's response of "well we ain't!" also feels very pointed. Eda is acknowledging that a better person would help Belos, that being compassionate in that way isn't a bad thing, but its also not bad to not accept that path and help the one who hurt you. What this scene conveys is that if someone becomes deplorable in their actions, you're not a bad person for doing what they've pushed you to do (the Boiling Isles folks killing Belos as a result of him terrorizing them). By seeking that sort of justice towards those who could be considered genuinely evil, you're not as good as you could be, but you're not evil like they are; you just are. The Owl House pushed very hard for this idea of moral greyness and I'm very impressed that yet again a kid's show is going to such lengths when it could've just jailed the villain and called it a day.
As for Luz's personal development, her helping Belos like she's tried doing for so many people is the turning point in her no longer grappling with her identity, but accepting that she has changed. She accepts that Belos is a life she is not willing to save, and I feel like that works very well for her character as showing a consequence of the mental health struggles she suffered from caused by Belos, particularly her feelings on having accidentally helped him get to where he was. Luz sort of casts aside this attitude of pure optimism that she had in the beginning as she comes to understand that's just not how the world work sometimes, and she's been through too much to try and uphold it. Its very depressing to watch from our little ball of energy and sunshine, but it shows a grounded realism from Luz that signifies the turning point in her learning to accept what has happened and who she has become.
Resorting to similar methods as bad people doesn't automatically make you as bad as them, especially when considering why you're using those methods versus why they are. This is the point that Dana is making; Luz wasn't willing to save Belos, and she had every justifiable reason for doing so. Eda, Raine and King killed him without hesitation, with their actions being painted as far more justified than Belos' because the motive does matter. Luz and the people of the Isles fought for themselves, their families and homes to take down the systematic oppressor who ruined their lives for so long. Belos hurt and killed innocent people because of his own prejudice and need to feel like some kind of god. The two are not the same, and the show makes it very clear that while pacifism and redemption are good things to want and fight for, you are not a villain for choosing otherwise. By choosing yourself, by drawing a hard line between when to be forgiving and when to seek retribution, by knowing what you're fighting for and why, you can never truly be evil. A hero, maybe not. But not everyone has to be.
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ftcatv · 8 months
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oh man this was LONG overdue but heres my fallout 4 OC!!
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