#ttte big mickey
fabianvalencia561 · 3 months
I have been a little bit busy, thanks for being patient with me :]
But here's Big Mickey's redesign as an award
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Old design ↓
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He's still taller than Cranky
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steam-beasts · 6 months
Snowy Sea Rescue!
Most of the time, Brendam Docks was quite busy with many dockmen shouting out orders, cargo being lifted and loaded on to ships to and fro, trucks being shunted by Salty as he bantered on with Cranky or even Carly like usual.
But in winter, it was significantly more busy than ever with the Christmas rush, so there are fragile and brittle gifts being held in multiple boxes that are carried out to sea.
Salty's driver's wife had presents which were amongst many gifts that arrived by boat to the docks, and his driver was eagerly anticipating its arrival until today...
"Fourth cargo ship coming up! Get ready lads... and lass!" The Dock manager called out.
The three dock cranes were hard at work, unloading multiple crates of different gifts on to flatbeds. Salty was also hard at work, shunting as many flatbeds as possible to the right places.
Carly groaned "ANOTHER one?! That's the eighth one today!"
"It's the Christmas rush, Carly. It's a normal thing around 'ere..." Cranky creaked "Anyway, why are YOU complaining? Haven't you ever had a Christmas rush back in Southampton?"
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Carly sighed "Yes, but...ugh, I never had to multitask unloading FOUR boats at once! Even a couple years back, it wasn't THIS intense!" She panted, sliding over to another boat. Down on the rails, Salty cackled at the portal crane's groaning "Hahar, sounds like ye are a wee bit rusty in the joints, lassie!" He said.
Big Mickey chuckled quietly "Trust me, you two. Be glad we aren't at Tidmouth Harbour. Over there's probably twice as busy compared to here, since it's the biggest harbour on the island!"
"Couldn't 'ave spoken truer words, me hearty. We'd ALL be tired out if we worked thar. Har....though, t' be truthful, it be takin' it's toll on me as well" Salty admitted a sigh, the work had been a bit straining with Porter away for his big sleep. Cranky and Carly exchanged nervous wide-eyed glances before silently going back to work. They couldn't bear the thought of being at Tidmouth.
Salty's driver poked his head and looked over at one of the ships "Oi, mate! Are there any red crates over there?" He yelled. One of the dockmen securing the crates looked back "Nah, can't say there are any. What about it, pal?"
"It's for me wife!" The driver yelled. Salty's interest peaked when he heard that "Did ye get a present for yer wife, driver?"
His driver smiled "Yep, four rather large ones to be precise. M' hopin' she'll like 'em"
"Oh I'm sure she will" the Dockside diesel chuckled. Just then, a chilly breeze swept through the docks, causing Salty to shiver, his frame rattling. Salty's driver exclaimed and kept a tight grip on the handles "Woah, ol' boy! Easy!"
Salty grunted "I get cold, driver. We diesels don't 'ave fur like the steamies!"
The diesel driver sighed and patted Salty's cab "I know, it's not really your fault. It's the winter! Everythin' around you gets as cold as ice, even the sea!"
Carly shuddered "Couldn't have said it better, Chuck! I took a dip in the water to find fish this morning, and it was freezing! My fins felt really numb and sore!" She said, flapping one of her fins "My operator had to hand-feed me fish"
Everyone murmured in agreement, including the Dock manager who was there to listen. The manager then walked over to Salty's driver with a schedule board "Alright, your crate should be here very soon"
"Hmph! It was supposed to be here yesterday!"
"Sorry. Bad sea conditions were causing the delay, I'm afraid" he shrugged before turning heel and leaving. The driver groaned, shaking his head "This damn weather" He muttered under his breath.
Salty let out a small dog-like whine at hearing his driver's dismay. Christmas Eve would be coming soon, so it made sense why the man was grumpy about it "Don't worry, driver. It will be here soon..."
It was around 2:00 when the workload had thankfully died down, there were less ships coming in to the docks, and Salty had significantly less flatbeds to shunt. So, the cranes were able to get longer breaks and so did Salty, which was a relief! Working was ok, but admittedly a bit harder being one shunting engine short. But other than that, at least they could rest.
However, the peace and quiet was disrupted by a loud ear-splitting BANG!
Salty's whole body arched upwards like a frightened cat, and he even shrieked like one. Cranky, Carly and Big Mickey all nearly screamed at the loud noise, their poor sensitive ears!
"Flare spotted!" Big Mickey's operator yelled, pointing out into the ocean. Everyone immediately looked to where he pointed, and they all gasped in horror – it was a sinking cargo barge, and its crew were waving frantically for help and shouting.
"They're sinking!! Call the bloomin' Search & Rescue centre! Anyone!" The Dock manager barked from his megaphone. A workman spoke up "We can't! It'll be half an hour until they get 'ere in THIS weather! Those men will be down under by that time!"
The Dock manager was silent for a moment before looking up at the cranes "Do you think one of you three could get over there?"
"We would, chuck! But we're all sensitive to icy water! I got all numb and sore from a swim this morning! I was only in for a few seconds too!"
"Well, we need to get those men out of there somehow !"
Everyone murmured uncontrollably, no one knew what to do...except Salty.
Salty hummed thoughtfully to himself "Hmm...it be dangerous" He thought. Even if it was dangerous, SOMEONE has to risk it! Those crew members' lives were on the line. That's it. He MUST do something.
Salty's driver was on the diesel's footplate, nervously squeezing his handle bars when Salty suddenly jerked him off "Wha–?! Salty!" He exclaimed, landing on the ground with an oof.
Everyone watched with surprise as Salty jumped off the rails and went into his beast form. The monster diesel snarled and darted towards the ocean before jumping off the edge with a big SPLASH!
"Salty?!" Cranky and the diesel's driver gasped, the cranes spinned around to see him swimming towards the sinking boat. Salty wheezed and shivered as he paddled through the water, he was going to save those men no matter what!
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His three pairs of limbs ached and clawed at the water, his finned tail giving him a boost. The crew on the sinking barge noticed the engine swimming towards them and all cheered and waved for his attention. Salty grunted and growled, trying to shake off the exhaustion as he reached the barge and its crew.
"Climb aboard, mateys!" He shouted hoarsely, the cold water had seeped into his vents. The crew didn't need to be told twice! They all crawled on top of Salty and held on tight as he bobbed about. Once he made sure everyone was one, Salty was about to leave until something caught his eye – something red.
It was the red crate his driver spoke about, floating on a single, small wooden platform. Conveniently, it was right next to him. Salty's eyes widened and without word, he quickly pulled it towards his buffers and pushed it along as he paddled towards the harbour.
Everyone from the docks watched in amazement as the diesel shunter rescued the whole crew "Salty's doing it!" Big Mickey cheered, and everyone followed suit. Salty's driver smiled "Go on, ol' boy". Despite how things looked from their perspective Salty panted tiredly, his body was numb and aching from all the paddling and the workers' small, but added weight along with pushing the crate was not helping.
Finally, the dockside diesel reached the harbour and found a ladder for the crew to climb. As soon as they all got off, Salty was wheezing and straining his breath, the cold was NOT good for him. Black spots were clouding his vision, along with a mild dizzy sensation, the struggle to breathe properly worsened from the water getting through his vents. It was then he soon realised it – this may be the end.
But he didn't fret, he instead smiled and chuckled wearily "Well, at least I did somethin' brave afore I go... har"" then in a flash, everything went black. The muffled yells from above silenced, and everything went numb...
He hoped everyone was safe.
The darkness seemed it would go on forever. The silence was nearly deafening. But Salty wasn't afraid.
"Do...do you think he'll wake up, Sir?" Someone piped up. They sounded worried
"I can't say for certain, I'm afraid. We'll just have to wait" someone sighed. They sounded a little anxious, but they were also trying to remain calm.
The darkness then got brighter, big and small blobs taking form. Salty winced and watched as the smallest blobs were shuffling about, their shapes soon gathering more detail as the minutes went on.
"Wait...I think he's waking up..!" One voice exclaimed.
"Thank the lord for that..." another sighed, sounding relieved.
"Well? Step back, all of you! Give Salty some space!" The same voice from before boomed. Finally, Salty's vision fully returned, he could finally see where he was;
Salty was in the Dieselworks! A dim light shine over him. Surrounding him were the employees, and in front of him were none other than his driver and Sir Topham Hatt. Both were relieved to see him awake, as it seemed.
"Salty, ol' boy! Thank God you're awake!" His driver cried as he jogged over. Salty smiled "Ahoy, driver..." he replied tiredly, his driver then scratched under the dockside diesel's chin. Salty purred in response and leaned into the affection, his tail softly thumping against the ground. As soon as that was over, Salty asked "So, uh...wha' happened t' me?"
Sir Topham Hatt then stepped forward "You were a really brave and useful engine, Salty. You fainted right after getting those men back on land! Luckily, you were escorted to the Dieselworks as soon as Carly pulled you out, and the employees here spent 3 hours trying to clear out the water from your insides"
Salty's eyes widened "Well, blimey..." he then looked to his driver, and it was then he remembered the red crate. He didn't remember it being pulled up before he lost consciousness "But...I didn' save me driver's crate o' presents fer his wife..." he said in a quiet, guilty voice. Sir Topham Hatt's gaze softened and he looked to Salty's driver, who said "But you did"
"After you were taken here, Cranky fished out the crate. I can't thank you enough for getting it..." he explained with soft smile. In return, Salty smiled back.
"Salty...." The Fat Controller began "For your bravery, you will be repainted into a colour of your own choice!"
"Oh, thank ye sir!" Salty said happily.
A day later, Salty returned to the docks in a clean new red livery that would definitely get James feeling jealous. His buffers still had their oil weathering, but he didn't mind at all.
The cranes and dock men welcomed him back, and all congratulated him on rescuing the crew men.
Salty was very glad that day that he saved the crew, and his driver's crate of gifts. But asides from that, he was just happy to be by the sea, no matter how chilly it could get.
"Ooooh.... don't take me away from the sea, boys! Oooh....doooon't take me away from the sea! Harharhar!!"
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Isle of Engines part 17
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𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤:
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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤:
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(𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝙶𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚜. 𝚂𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜)
(𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚜. 𝙽𝚎𝚘𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚍-)
𝙰𝚄 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚘: @steam-beasts <3
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Oooh, I shall give you pat *Lil pat*
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unpopularvivian · 7 months
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 28:
Carly: Hey guys, what romance movie are your favorites?
Salty: Arrggghhh! Titanic!
Porter: Princess Bride!
Big Mickey: Yeah, Princess Bride.
Cranky: Don't have any. What's yours?
Carly: *Breathes* Shrek.
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paisley177 · 9 months
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Brendam dock crew
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agustinserrano62 · 1 year
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Big Mickey and Ferdinand's Face Reference Sheet (2002)
Inspired by @TheRealTrampy
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bigmickeyfan · 30 days
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Book 15- The Twin Engines - Break van
My entire for #RWScollab2024! I had to recreate the van basically being murder skjdjsjsjsj
also I know haven’t post on here in forever had a lot of trouble coming up with drawing idea of Thomas and Tugs XD! Hopefully that will change
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How is Big Mickey in your AU?
Currently he’s fine. He’s been working with his little brother (Cranky) and little Sister (Carly) at Brendam Docks. He’s also very happy that the tugs are on Sodor so this meant to him that they are safe from Burke and Blair.
At first; He did work at Bigg City Port for many years. Helping the Stars and Zeds; falling in love with a old Star Tug and giving out the best advice he could to the Tugs (Despite him liking the Star tugs more than the Z-Stacks). However after the Munitions accident sent him crashing into the sea in an attempt to make sure everyone was safe by tipping in the opposite direction, He ended up washing up on the beaches of Sodor looking like a wounded mess and was out cold.
Sir Topham couldn’t let someone like Big Mickey lie on the beach to die or have someone find him and abuse him in some way; so He sent Big Mickey to the works to get repaired and hopefully get something out of him when he woke.
Thankfully he did and after a year or two of being in the works recovering and telling Sir Topham all he knew; Big Mickey was sent to work at the Docks as Cranky really needed some help. Let’s just say; Cranky and Big Mickey had a reunion and cried together.
Then when Bigg City Port closed down due to Bankruptcy; The Tugs we’re sold to Sir Topham and Big Mickey had a reunion with everyone, Even the Z-Stacks because even though he hated them, He sure as hell missed them.
When I said he fell in love with an old Star tug, I mean it. He fell in love with OJ; He was just scared to confess his feeling lol, The Poor lad.
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steam-beasts · 9 months
I always wonder? What happens if you put a engine from another country In to sodor? Does the infection spread to them like the plague or something? I mean this world I'd very strange. Also I imagine morterbike having a deer body
Nia actually exists in the au, and since she's all the way from Kenya, her monster body is a mix between a cougar and a jaguar. British locomotive bodies are a mix between a cat and a wolf's.
As for how the infection would work on a non-sudrain engine, the monster engines are in a way, like zombies. So if they see a non-infected engine, they'll instantly be triggered into a wild, mindless state and bite the engine or ram into it.
For other vehicles like Bertie or Harold, buses will gain stubby little hamster legs and a little bob-tail, becoming hamster-buses. Helicopters and planes like Harold and Jeremy will gain more avian features like feathers. Jeremy, as a jetplane would have his landing gear replaced with talons for snatching up whales. Aviation vehicles would be considered a type of large bird.
Cranes like Cranky and Carly (and Big Mickey) have fish-like features, like large fins going down their support beams and on their heads. So now, if Cranky ever thought things were too much to handle, he could just jump off the docks and swim away...he's a giga fish. A Cranefish...
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Isle of Engines Part 9
(Comeon It's gotta do something right?)
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2: Any capsules,net of anything. We need to get him, And quick! Even if it's one of the airy boxes!
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Okay, if anyone has been following me on my main then you'd probably have seen me getting into more teenage mutant ninja turtles than Thomas as of late. So, with me sort of distancing myself from the fandom I don't know if I'll be coming back to this blog. I'll leave it up for people to see and I'll post what I've done of the adventure begins fanfic on Ao3 but for now have these characters I was going to post after I finished the fic.
The next ark in the story was to have Gordon, Duncan, City of Truro, and Gadwall be heading to a hospital on the mainland for magic prosthetics, then the ark after would have been them meeting back up with family like Gordon seeing his family again and the Skarloey guys visiting the Talyllyn railway.
During that time is Henry's change and when Oliver and Toad come to work on the railway. We've now also got James in his black livery, designs of Annie and Clarabel, Big Mickey, and official design for Gadwall, City of Truro, and redesigns of Gordon and Duncan.
This blog had it's highs and lows but I'd overall say it was a good experience. I'll be posting a link to the fanfic once I've posted it. As always, have a great day/night, and stay safe.
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putuponpercy · 2 years
What if like, every vehicle/piece of machinery in the ttteverse is in fact sentient but they can choose whether or not their face is visible to others. Like they can just make the face appear and disappear at will. They can still talk while the face isn't showing, but human ears aren't able to pick it up, only other machines can. It would also give an easy way for the smokebox to be cleaned without having to get a giant toothbrush out (as comical as that is)
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number1spongebobfan · 2 months
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Hello I wanted to show you these old pictures I drew of the Sensational Six plus Clarabel Cow. I am a big Mickey Mouse fangirl. For those who don't know my art style is heavily inspired and taken from 40's cartoons. That's why my TTTE humanizations all wear gloves :3 My art is improving every day anyway hope you like them.
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bruhstation · 8 months
I wonder how Big Mickey would be worked in your AUs, since he exists in both TUGS and TTTE. I'm not asking you to design or make a concept, just I'm curious about your short thought
they're the same character. big mickey was in his late 20s in fortezza bigg city and in his late 80s in casa tidmouth. he moved to sodor after ww2. still fit and very much kicking, though he's considering retiring.
big mickey seldom speaks in casa tidmouth, but his accent has changed considerably after all his years on sodor.
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